كن سلفيا صادقا | محاضرة لفضيلة الشيخ أ د أحمد بازمول 128
إذاعة السنة
كن سلفيا صادقا | محاضرة لفضيلة الشيخ أ د أحمد بازمول 128
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره
Indeed, all praise is due to Allah; we praise Him, seek His help, and ask for His forgiveness.
ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا
And we seek refuge with Allah from the evils of ourselves and from the misdeeds of our actions.
من يهده الله فلا مضل له
Whoever Allah guides, there is no one to mislead him.
ومن يضلل فلا هادي له
And whomever He misguides, there is no guide for him.
وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
And I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah alone; He has no partners.
وأشهد أن محمداً عبده ورسوله
And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
ألا وأن أصدق الكلام كلام الله
Indeed, the most truthful speech is the speech of Allah.
وخير الهدى هدى محمد
And the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad.
وشر الأمور محدثاتها
"And the worst of matters are those that are newly introduced."
وكل محدثة بدعة
"Every innovation is a bid'ah."
وكل بدعة ضلالة
And every innovation is misguidance.
وكل ضلالة في النار
"And every misguidance is in the Fire."
أما بعد
فهذه المحاضرة
This lecture
كن سلفياً صادقاً
Be a sincere Salafi.
وكان سبب اختياري هذا الموضوع الأمور التالية
The reasons for choosing this topic were the following.
أولاً أن الله عز وجل
First, that Allah, the Exalted.
We ordered.
فقال عز وجل
And Allah, the Exalted, said.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وكونوا مع الصادقين
O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with the truthful.
قال ابن كثير رحمه الله تعالى
Ibn Kathir, may Allah have mercy on him, said
أي اصدقوا والزموا صدقاً
"Be truthful and adhere to the truth."
تكونوا من أهله
You may be from his people.
وتنجوا من المهالك
And you will be saved from destruction.
ويجعل لكم فرجاً من أموركم ومخرجاً
And He will make for you a way out of your affairs and a relief.
وقال السعدي رحمه الله تعالى
And Al-Saadi, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا
O you who have believed
By God.
وبما أمر الله بالإيمان به
"And what Allah has commanded regarding believing in Him."
قوموا بما يقتضيه الإيمان
Do what belief requires.
وهو القيام بتقوى الله تعالى
It is the act of beingGod-fearing.
باشتناب منه عنه
Avoiding it.
والبعد عنه
And the distance from it.
وكونوا مع الصادقين
And be with the truthful.
في أقوالهم وأفعالهم وأحوالهم
In their words, actions, and states.
الذين أقوالهم صدق
Those whose statements are true.
وأعمالهم وأحوالهم
And their deeds and conditions.
لا تكونوا إلا صدقاً
"Be nothing but truthful."
خالية من الكسل والأحوالهم
Free from laziness and their conditions.
ويجعلهم أحوالهم أحوالهم
And their conditions determine their states.
and the lethargy
سالمة من المقاصد السيئة
Safe from bad intentions.
مجتملة على الإخلاص والنية الصالحة
Inclusive of sincerity and good intentions.
فإن الصدق يهدي إلى البر
Indeed, honesty leads to righteousness.
والبر يهدي إلى الجنة
And righteousness guides to Paradise.
قال تعالى
Allah, the Exalted, said.
هذا يوم ينفع الصادقين صدقهم
This is a day when the truthfulness of the truthful will benefit them.
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
That the Prophet, may peace be upon him.
أمر أيضاً بذلك
He also commanded that.
في الصحيحين
In the two Sahihs.
عن عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه
About Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with him.
عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
About the Prophet, peace be upon him.
أنه قال
He said.
عليكم بالصدق
Adhere to honesty.
فإن الصدق يهدي إلى البر
"Indeed, truthfulness guides to righteousness."
وإن البر يهدي إلى الجنة
"And indeed, righteousness guides to paradise."
وإن الرجل يصدق
And indeed, the man is truthful.
حتى يكتب عند الله صديق
So that it is recorded with Allah as a friend.
And you.
And the lie
فإن الكذب يهدي إلى الفجور
Indeed, lying leads to wickedness.
والفجور يهدي إلى النار
And immorality leads to hell.
وإن الرجل لا يكذب
And indeed, a man does not lie.
حتى يكتب عند الله كذابة
Until it is recorded with Allah as a liar.
قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم
His saying, peace be upon him.
عليكم بالصدق
You should adhere to honesty.
هذا بمعنى
This means
إلزموا وعملوا بالصدق
Stick to and act with honesty.
فهو اسم فعل أمر
It is the name of an imperative verb.
بمعنى إلزموا وعملوا بالصدق
Meaning: Adhere to and act with honesty.
وهذا يدل على وجوب الصدق
This indicates the necessity of truthfulness.
في الأقوال والأفعال والأحوال
In statements, actions, and conditions.
كما سيأتي إن شاء الله
As will come, God willing.
وأيضا أخبرنا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
And the Prophet, peace be upon him, also informed us.
أن الصدق طمأنينة
That honesty is peace of mind.
وأن الكذب ريبة
And that lying is suspicion.
فقد روى الحسن ابن علي
Narrated Al-Hasan ibn Ali.
رضي الله عنهم أجمعين
May Allah be pleased with them all.
قال حفظت من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
He said, "I have memorized from the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him."
قوله دع ما يريبك إلى ما لا يريبك
"Leave what worries you for what does not worry you."
فإن الصدق طمأنينة
For veracity is tranquility.
وإن الكذب ريبة
"Indeed, lying is a suspicion."
أخرجه أحمد والترمذي والنسائي
It was narrated by Ahmad, Al-Tirmidhi, and Al-Nasa'i.
ثالثا أن السلفية هي المنهج الحق
Thirdly, Salafism is the true methodology.
وكل ما خالفها باطل مردود لا يقبل
And everything that contradicts it is false, rejected, and not accepted.
ولا يمكن تطبيق هذا المنهج الحق
And this true approach cannot be applied.
إلا بأن نكون صادقين
Except by being honest.
في أقوالنا وأفعالنا وأحوالنا
In our words, actions, and states.
وهذا ما يبينه الأمر الرابع
This is illustrated by the fourth point.
وهو أن السلفية ليست مجرد دعوة
And that Salafism is not merely a call.
يزعم الإنسان فيها أنه سلفي
A person claims to be Salafi in it.
وأعماله تخالف هذا المنهج الحق
And his actions contradict this true methodology.
بل السلفية تحتاج إلى برهان من العمل
Rather, Salafism needs proof through action.
الموافق للقول
The one that agrees with the saying.
قال الشيخ ربيع المدخل حفظه الله تعالى
Sheikh Rabee' Al-Madkhali, may Allah preserve him, said.
نشأ أو ناس لا يفهمون السلفية
"There are people who do not understand Salafism."
على وجهها
On her face.
يزعم أحدهم أنه سلفي
One claims to be a Salafi.
إلا وهو يقطع أوصال السلفية
"Except that he cuts the ties of Salafism."
لسوء سلوكه وسوء المنهج
Due to his bad behavior and poor method.
فكان لابد أن يذكر بعضنا بعضا
So it was necessary for some of us to remind each other.
أن السلفية الصادقة
That true Salafism.
هي التي تكون على مثل ما كان عليه النبي
She is the one who is like what the Prophet was.
صلى الله عليه وسلم وأصحابه
Peace be upon him and his companions.
قولا وعملا واعتقادا وأحوالا
Words, actions, beliefs, and states.
الأمر الخامس
The fifth matter.
وجود أوناس وهو من أخطر الأمور
The presence of people is one of the most dangerous matters.
وجود أوناس يلبسون لباس السلفية
There are people who wear the attire of Salafism.
وهم في حقيقة أمرهم خصومها
And they are, in fact, its opponents.
And that
إذا قوية شوكة أهل السنة
If the strength of the Sunnah people is strong.
وقوية المنهج السلفي
And strong in the Salafi methodology.
فلا يستطيع خصومها
Her opponents cannot.
أن يضربوها عن بعد
To hit it from a distance.
فيدخلوا بين الصف السلفي
"And they enter among the Salafi ranks."
ويروجون لأفكارهم ومنهجهم الباطل في صورة سلفي وهو في حقيقة أمره بخلاف ذلك
They promote their false ideas and methodology in the guise of being Salafi, whereas in reality it is quite the opposite.
قال الشيخ العلامة ربيع المدخل حفظه الله تعالى
The distinguished scholar Sheikh Rabee' Al-Madkhali, may Allah protect him, said.
كثير من الناس يسمون أنفسهم سلفيين وهم خصوم السلفية
Many people call themselves Salafis while they are opponents of Salafism.
فالعبرة ليست في الألفاظ العبرة بالحقائق والمعاني
The lesson is not in the words, but in the truths and meanings.
أقول إخواني بارك الله فيكم
I say, my brothers, may Allah bless you.
إن هذا الصنف من الناس من أخبث وأخطر ما يكون في زعزعة الصف السلفي
This type of people is among the most wicked and dangerous in shaking the Salafi ranks.
وفي إيجاد الفرقة والاختلاف بين السلفيين
In creating division and disagreement among the Salafis.
إذ أنهم يأتون بمثل هذه الأمور فيفرقون بين السلفيين ويخدعونهم
They come up with such matters that divide the Salafis and mislead them.
ويا للأسف من بعض
And unfortunately from some.
والسادس الذي دعاني لاختيار هذا الموضوع
And the sixth reason that prompted me to choose this topic
أن السلفية الصادق إذا كان صادقا في سلفيته يوفق للحق بإذن الله تعالى
The sincere Salafi, if he is honest in his Salafism, will be guided to the truth by the permission of God Almighty.
قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى في الاستقامة
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said in "Al-Istiqamah".
والمسلم الصادق إذا عبد الله بما شرع
"And the sincere Muslim worships Allah as prescribed."
فتح الله عليه أنوار الهداية في مدة قريبة
May Allah open upon him the lights of guidance in a short time.
يعني في وقت يقصده
It means at a time he intends.
He walks.
وقال شيخنا العلامة
Our esteemed scholar said
ربيع المدخل يحفظه الله تعالى
Rabee' Al-Madkhal, may God protect him.
من قصد الحق
Whoever seeks the truth.
وصل إليه
He reached it.
إن شاء الله
God willing.
فأخلص لله واصدق
So be sincere to God and be truthful.
وسوف تدرك الحق من الباطل
"And you will discern truth from falsehood."
إن شاء الله
God willing.
بعد الأخذ بالأسباب
After taking the necessary steps.
ولعل قائلا يقول قرب لنا
"Perhaps someone will say, 'Bring it closer to us.'"
وبيّل لنا معنى الصدق
And clarify for us the meaning of honesty.
ما هو الصدق
What is honesty?
أقول إن الصدق كما بيّلناه
I say that truth is as we have explained.
أهل العلم
People of knowledge
هو حصول الشيء بتمامه
It is the complete attainment of something.
فإذا قلت
So if I said
أنا سلفي
I am a Salafi.
فصدقك في سلفيتك
"Your truthfulness in your lending."
هو العمل بمقتضى المنهج السلفي
It is working according to the Salafi methodology.
قولا وفعلا
In words and actions.
واعتقادا وسلوكا
And belief and behavior.
قال ابن قيم الجوزية
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah said.
رحمه الله تعالى
May Allah have mercy on him.
الصدق هو حصول الشيء
Truth is the attainment of something.
And its completion.
وكمال قوته
And the perfection of its strength.
واجتماع أجزائه
And the gathering of its parts.
كما يقال عزيمة صادقة
As it is said, a sincere determination.
إذا كانت قوية تامة
If it is strong and complete.
وكذلك محبة صادقة
And also sincere love.
وإرادة صادقة
And a sincere will.
إذا كانت قوية تامة
If it is strong and complete.
ثابتة الحقيقة
The truth is ثابتة.
لم ينقص منها شيء
Nothing was missing from it.
فهذا هو الصدق
This is the truth.
أن تأتي بالشيء على وجهه
To bring something in its rightful place.
تاما كاملا
Totally complete.
ولا تخالفه
And do not oppose him.
ولا تنقصه متعمدا
And do not intentionally reduce it.
And therefore
جاءت كلمات بعض السلف
The words of some of the early generations came.
في تعريف الصدق
In the definition of honesty.
أنهم قالوا في الصدق
They said about honesty.
هو الوفاء لله بالعمل
It is loyalty to God through action.
وقال بعضهم
Some of them said.
هو استواء السر والعلانية
It is the equality of secrecy and openness.
قال ابن القيم
Ibn al-Qayyim said.
يعني أن الكاذب
It means that the liar.
علانيته خير من سريرته
His outward behavior is better than his inner intentions.
Like a hypocrite.
الذي ظاهره خير من باطنه
He whose outward appearance is better than his inner self.
وقال بعضهم
Some of them said.
هو القول بالحق في مواطن الهلكة
It is the statement of truth in moments of peril.
هو القول بالحق
It is the statement of truth.
في مواطن الهلكة
In places of destruction.
قلت وهذا عزيز
I said this is precious.
فإننا نجد بعض الناس
We find some people.
إذا تورط بالكلام
If he gets caught up in the talk.
يداري ويماري
He conceals and argues.
وأخذ يراوغ
And he started to maneuver.
عن الاعتراف بباطله
About the acknowledgment of its invalidity.
أو أخذ
Or take
يراوغ بالاعتراف عن خطأ
He evades admitting his mistake.
شيخه أو خطأ من يحبه
A sheikh or a mistake of those who love him.
فلا يقبل الحق
The truth is not accepted.
ويرد الباطل
And falsehood is repelled.
لذلك كان الصدق
Therefore, honesty was.
هو القول بالحق
It is the assertion of the truth.
في مواطن الهلكة
In places of destruction.
ولكن كما نعلم جميعا
But as we all know
أن الصدق من جاه
Indeed, honesty is from dignity.
فمن صدق في موطن
"Whoever is truthful in a place."
يظن أنه فيه يهلك
He thinks that he will perish in it.
إن كان صادقا
If he is honest.
مع الله عز وجل
With God, the Almighty.
فإنه ينجو بإذن الله تعالى
He will be saved, with the permission of God Almighty.
ويوفق للحق
"And he is guided to the truth."
في الدنيا
In this world
أو يوفق للحق في الآخرة
Or be granted success in the truth in the Hereafter.
صدق من جاه
True is the one who is present.
فإذن هذه بعض
So these are some
كلمات أهل العلم
Words of the people of knowledge.
في بيان الصدق
In the statement of truth
وأما أهمية الصدق
As for the importance of honesty.
فالأدلة السابقة واضحة
The previous evidence is clear.
في بيان أهميته ومنزلته
In a statement of its importance and status.
لنقف قليلا مع الصدق
Let us pause for a moment with honesty.
And its importance.
مما بيّنه لنا
What has been clarified to us.
الإمام ابن قيم الجوزية رحمه الله تعالى
Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, may Allah have mercy on him.
فقال في كلام له
He said in his speech.
منزلة الصدق
The status of truthfulness.
هي منزلة القوم الأعظم
It is the greatest rank of the people.
الذي منه تنشأ جميع منازل السالكين
From which all the abodes of the seekers arise.
والطريق الأقوم
And the straight path.
الذي من لم يسر عليه
The one who has not followed him.
فهو من المنقطعين الهالكين
He is one of the doomed and severed.
وبه تميز أهل النفاق من أهل الإيمان
And it is by this that the people of hypocrisy are distinguished from the people of faith.
وسكان الجنان من أهل النيران
"And the inhabitants of Paradise are from the people of Hell."
والصدق هو سيف الله في أرضه
And truth is God's sword on His earth.
الذي ما وضع على شيء إلا قطعه
"What was not placed on anything but cut it."
ولا واجه باطلا إلا أرداه وصرعه
He did not confront falsehood except to defeat it and bring it down.
من صال به لم ترد صولته
Whoever is supported by him, his assault will not be repelled.
ومن نطق به علت على الخصوم كلمته
"And whoever speaks it, it is a reason for the adversaries against him."
فهو روح الأعمال
He is the spirit of work.
ومحك الأحوال
And the judge of the conditions.
والحامل على اقتحام الأهوال
"And the one who dares to face the dangers."
والباب الذي دخل منه الواصلون
And the door through which the arrivals entered.
إلى الله عز وجل
To Allah, the Exalted and Mighty.
وهو أساس بناء الدين
It is the foundation of building religion.
وعمود في استاصه اليقين
"And a pillar in the foundation of certainty."
إلى أن قال رحمه الله تعالى
Until he said, may God have mercy on him.
والصدق بالأعمال الظاهرة والباطلة
"And sincerity is shown through both apparent and hidden actions."
ه those who believe in him
Those who believe in him.
and thateload with faith
and that load with faith
that truth is the position of Islam and faith
That truth is the position of Islam and faith.
He said, clarifying the types of truth
He said, clarifying the types of truth.
, and the truth in the sayings
, and the truth in the sayings
is like the lisp licking the sayings
is like the lisp licking the sayings
such as licking the самогоla их جعها
such as licking the SAMOGLA of their جعها
and the truth in the works
and the truth in the works
is like the actions they carryid
is like the actions they carried.
about the order and the course of events
عن النظام ومسار الأحداث
واستفراغ الوسع وبذل الطاقة
Exerting effort and giving all one's energy.
ولعل سائلا يقول من الصادق
"And perhaps a questioner will ask, who is the truthful one?"
وما المراد بالصادق
What is meant by the truthful?
فجوابا عليه أقول له كما قال شيخ الإسلام
In response to him, I say as Sheikh Al-Islam said.
ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him.
الصادق يراد به الصادق في إرادته
The truthful one is meant to be the one who is truthful in his intention.
وقصده وطلبه
His intention and request.
وهو الصادق في عمله
And he is truthful in his work.
قال ويريدون الصادق في خبره وكلامه
He said they want the truthful in his news and speech.
والمنافق ضد المؤمن الصادق
The hypocrite is the opposite of the sincere believer.
وهو الذي يكون كاذبا في خبره
And he is the one who would be lying in his report.
أو كاذبا في عمله كالمرائي في عمله
Or a liar in his work, like the show-off in his actions.
قال شيخ الإسلام
The Sheikh of Islam said.
ومما ينبغي أن يعرف
And it should be known
أن الصدق والتصديق
That truth and belief
يكون في الأقوال والأعمال
It is in words and actions.
أن الصدق والتصديق
That truth and belief
يكون في الأقوال والأعمال
It is in words and actions.
كقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
As the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, said.
في الحديث الصحيح
In the authentic hadith
كتب على ابن آدم حظه من الزنا
"Man's share of adultery has been decreed upon him."
فهو مدرك ذلك لا محالة
He is certainly aware of that.
فالعينان تزنيان وزناهما النظر
"The eyes commit adultery, and their adultery is to gaze."
والأذنان تزنيان وزناهما السمع
The ears commit adultery, and their adultery is listening.
واليدان تزنيان وزناهما البطش
The hands commit adultery and their adultery is violence.
والرجلان تزنيان وزناهما المشي
The two men are committing adultery, and their adultery is walking.
والقلب يتمنى ويشتهي
And the heart wishes and desires.
والفرج يصدق ذلك ويكذبه
And the relief affirms that and denies it.
ولعل قائلا يقول
"And perhaps someone may say"
كيف يدخل غير الصادق مع الصادقين
How does the insincere enter among the sincere?
وكيف يختلط الحابل بالنابل
How do the ropes become tangled with the strings?
فالجواب عن ذلك
The answer to that.
ما سبق أن ذكرته لكم
What I have mentioned to you before.
وهو أنه إذا قويت شوكة السلفيين
It is that if the influence of the Salafis becomes strong.
يدخل في صفهم من ليس منهم
Someone who is not one of them enters their ranks.
خوفا وتقيا
Fear and righteousness
وقد أشار إلى ذلك
He pointed that out.
ابن قيم الجوزيين
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
رحمه الله تعالى
May Allah have mercy on him.
حيث قال
Where he said
إن المسلمين لما أظهرهم الله على أعدائهم يوم بدر
When Allah granted the Muslims victory over their enemies on the day of Badr.
وطار لهم الصيط
And their reputation soared.
دخل معهم في الإسلام ظاهرا
He openly entered into Islam with them.
من ليس معهم فيه باطنا
"Whoever is not with them is internally in vain."
فاختضت حكمة الله عز وجل
And thus the wisdom of God Almighty was fulfilled.
أن سبب لعباده
The reason for His worship.
محنة ميزت بين المؤمن والمنافق
A trial that distinguishes between the believer and the hypocrite.
فأطلع المنافقون رؤوسهم في هذه الغزوة
The hypocrites poked their heads out in this battle.
أي غزوة أحد
The Battle of Uhud.
وتكلموا بما كانوا يكتمونه
"And they spoke of what they had been concealing."
وظهرت مخبآتهم
And their hideouts were revealed.
وعاد تلويحهم تصريحا
"And their waving returned explicitly."
فهذا النقل عن ابن القيم الجوزيين
This نقل (narration) is from Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah.
رحمه الله تعالى
May Allah have mercy on him.
يوضح لنا أنه إذا قويت شوكة أهل السنة
It shows us that if the strength of the Sunni community increases.
وإذا قويت شوكة السلفيين
And if the strength of the Salafists increases.
دخل في صفهم ما ليس منهم
Someone who is not one of them has infiltrated their ranks.
ثم تأتي المحن
Then the trials come.
فتميز بين أهل الحق والباطل
So distinguish between the people of truth and falsehood.
كما سيأتينا إن شاء الله
As it will come to us, God willing.
وأيضا قد يكون السبب في ذلك الجهل
And the reason for that may also be ignorance.
فإذا قويت شوكة السلفيين
"When the strength of the Salafists grows."
فيدخل في السلفية من يجهل حالها
"Those who are unaware of its state enter into Salafism."
ويجهل معناها
And he is unaware of its meaning.
فيقع في مثل هذه الأفعال
It occurs in such actions.
وأيضا قد يكون الهوى
And it could also be desire.
الصارف لأهله عن امتثال الحق
"The one who turns his family away from obeying the truth."
فقد يكون الرجل على الجادة
The man may be on the right track.
ولكن لهوى في نفسه يصرف عنها
"But there is a desire in his soul that distracts him from it."
ولذلك كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول
And thus the Prophet, peace be upon him, would say.
يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك
O Turner of hearts, make my heart steadfast in Your religion.
وقد ذكر أهل العلم
The scholars have mentioned.
كيف يمكن أن يتعلمون
How can they learn?
وكيفية معرفة الصادق من الكاذب
And how to distinguish the truthful from the liar.
قال ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
الكذاب في نفس ما يأمر به ويخبر عنه
The liar is the one who speaks contrary to what he commands and informs about.
وما يفعله ما يبين به كذبه
"And what he does shows his lies."
من وجوه كثيرة
In many ways.
والصادق يظهر في نفس ما يأمر به
"The truthful one demonstrates in the same as what he commands."
ويخبر عنه ويفعله
And he tells about it and does it.
ما يظهر به صدقه من وجوه كثيرة
It shows his sincerity in many ways.
بل كل شخصين ادعي أمرا من الأمور
But every two people claim something of matters.
أحدهما صادق
One of them is truthful.
والآخر كاذب
And the other is a liar.
فلابد أن يبين صدق هذا وكذب هذا من وجوه كثيرة
It is necessary to clarify the truth of this and the falsehood of that from many aspects.
إذ الصدق مستلزم للبر
For truthfulness necessitates righteousness.
والكذب مستلزم للفجور
And lying is a prerequisite for immorality.
It’s over.
وقال ابن القيم الجوزية رحمه الله تعالى
Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
علامة الصدق طمأنينة القلب
The sign of truth is the tranquility of the heart.
وعلامة الكذب حصول الريبة
"The sign of a lie is the presence of doubt."
كما في حديث الحسن
As in the hadith of Al-Hasan.
الصدق طمأنينة والكذب ريبة
Truth is reassurance, and lies are suspicion.
إخواني تأمنينا أننا نحن في حدودنا
My brothers, reassure us that we are within our borders.
ونحمل قول ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
And we carry the saying of Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him.
أن الكذاب لا بد أن يظهر ويبان في كلامه وفي أفعاله
A liar must eventually reveal themselves through their words and actions.
ما يدل على كذبه
What indicates his lie.
وأن الصادق يظهر في كلامه وفي نفس ما يأمر به
And that the truthful person is evident in his speech and in what he commands.
ما يدل على صدقه
What indicates his truthfulness.
فعلينا أن نميز بين الصادقين
We must distinguish between the truthful.
الموافقة أقوالهم لأعمالهم
Their statements agree with their actions.
والموافقة أقوالهم وأعمالهم للكتاب والسنة
And the agreement is their statements and actions conforming to the book and the Sunnah.
وبين الكذابين
And among the liars.
The players
الذين كل يوم هم في شأن
Those who are in a constant state of affairs every day.
وفي حال متغير متقلب
In a fluctuating variable case.
والمؤمن الصادق
And the true believer.
والسلفي الصادق
"And the truthful Salafi."
لا يتعرض للفتن
Does not face trials.
بل يجتنبها
But he avoids it.
امتثالا لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
In compliance with the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
لا تمنوا لقاء العدو
Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy.
فإذا لقيتموه فاثبتوا
"So when you meet him, stand firm."
قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
التعرض للفتنة هو من باب الذنوب
Exposure to temptation falls under the category of sins.
فالمؤمن الصادق لا يفعل إلا ما أمر به
The true believer does nothing except what he has been commanded.
فإن ذلك هو عبادة
This is indeed an act of worship.
ولا يستعين إلا بالله
And he only seeks help from God.
and the tribulations
تميز السلفي الصادق
The distinguishing feature of the sincere Salafi.
من الكاذب
Who is the liar?
قال السعدي رحمه الله تعالى
Al-Saadi said, may Allah have mercy on him.
إذا وجدت المحن
If you find hardships
المقصود منها
The intended meaning of it.
المؤمن الصادق
The true believer.
من الكاذب
Who is the liar?
فإنها تمحص المؤمنين
"It tests the believers."
وتظهر صدقهم
And it shows their sincerity.
وذكر ابن القيم الجوزية رحمه الله تعالى أيضا
Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, also mentioned.
أن من حكم الابتلاء بيوم أحد
That the wisdom of the trial on the Day of Uhud.
تمييز المؤمن الصادق من المنافق الكاذب
Distinguishing the sincere believer from the deceitful hypocrite.
كما في زاد المعاد
As in the Provision of the Hereafter.
وذكر في إغاثة اللهفان
And it is mentioned in "The Relief of the Distressed."
كلاما جميلا حيث قال
Beautiful words where he said.
قرن الله سبحانه الفتنة بالصبر هاهنا
Allah Almighty has linked trial with patience here.
وفي قوله
In his saying
ثم إن ربك للذين هاجروا من بعد ما فتنوا
"Indeed, your Lord is for those who emigrated after they were oppressed."
ثم جاهدوا وصبروا
Then strive and be patient.
فليس لمن
So, it is not for whom.
قد فتن بفتنة دواء
He has been captivated by the seduction of medicine.
مثل الصبر
Like patience.
فإن صبر كانت الفتنة
If patience is exercised, then the trial will be.
ممحصة له
A pencil sharpener for him.
ومخلصة من الذنوب
And free from sins.
كما يخلص الكير
As the bellows clear.
خبث الذهب والفضة
The impurities of gold and silver.
فالفتنة كير القلوب
"Indeed, the trial is the key to the hearts."
ومحك الإيمان
And the proof of faith
وبها يتبين الصادق من الكاذب
And through it, the truthful is distinguished from the liar.
قال الله تعالى
Allah, the Exalted, said.
وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ
And indeed, We tested those who were before them.
فَلَيَعْلَمَنَّ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ صَدَقُوا وَلَيَعْلَمَنَّ الْكَاذِبِينَ
So Allah will know those who are truthful, and He will know the liars.
فالفتنة قسمت الناس إلى صادق وكاذب
The trial divided the people into those who are truthful and those who are false.
ومؤمن ومنافق
Believer and hypocrite.
وطيب وخبيث
Good and evil.
فمن صبر عليها كانت رحمة في حقه
Whoever is patient with it, it will be a mercy for him.
ونجى بصبره من فتنة أعظم منها
"And he saved himself from a greater trial with his patience."
ومن لم يصبر عليها وقع في فتنة أشد منها
"And whoever does not have patience with it will fall into a trial that is worse than it."
فالفتنة لا بد منها في الدنيا والآخرة
Indeed, trials are inevitable in this world and the Hereafter.
كما قال تعالى
As He, the Exalted, said.
يَوْمَهُمْ عَلَى النَّارِ يُفْتَنُونَ
On the day they are exposed to the Fire.
ذُوقُوا فِتْنَتَكُمْ هَذَا الَّذِي كُنْتُمْ بِهِ تَسْتَعْجِلُونَ
"Taste your trial; this is what you used to hasten."
فالنار فتنة من لم يصبر عليها انتهى
"Indeed, fire is a trial; whoever does not endure it will perish."
والسلفي الصادق يلزم الكتاب والسنة
The true Salafi adheres to the Book and the Sunnah.
وما كان عليه سلف الأمة
And what was upon the predecessors of the الأمة (nation/community).
كما قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
As the Prophet, peace be upon him, said.
في الفرقة الناجية الطائفة المنصورة
In the saved sect, the victorious group.
ما أنا عليه اليوم وأصليه
What I am today and what I originate from.
And my companions.
ما أنا عليه اليوم وأصحابي
What I am today and my friends.
كما قال عليه الصلاة والسلام
As he said, peace and blessings be upon him.
فعليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين
"Follow my tradition and the tradition of the rightly guided caliphs."
تمسكوا بها وعضوا عليها بالنواجذ
Hold on to it and bite down on it with your molars.
وهذا هو طريق النبوة
And this is the path of Prophethood.
قال شيخ الإسلام بن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
من بنى الكلام في العلم الأصول والفروع
Who built the discourse in the science of principles and branches?
على الكتاب والسنة والآثار المأثورة عن السابقين
"Based on the Book, the Sunnah, and the reports transmitted from the predecessors."
فقد أصاب طريق النبوة
He has struck the path of prophethood.
وكذلك من بنى الإرادة والعبادة والعمل والسماع المتعلق
And likewise, those who built will, worship, work, and the related listening.
بأصول الأعمال وفروعها
With the principles of business and its branches.
من الأحوال القلبية والأعمال البدنية
From heart conditions and physical actions.
على الإيمان والسنة والهدي الذي كان عليه محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وأصحابه
On faith, the Sunnah, and the guidance that Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions were upon.
فقد أصاب طريق النبوة وهذه طريق أئمة الهدى
For the path of prophecy has been attained, and this is the path of the Imams of guidance.
والسلفي الصادق يحفظ السنة ويحافظ عليها
The sincere Salafi preserves the Sunnah and safeguards it.
ولكن كيف يحافظ على السنة
But how does he maintain the Sunnah?
يحافظ على السنة بتعلمها وتعليمها ونشرها للناس
Maintains the Sunnah by learning it, teaching it, and spreading it among the people.
وأيضا يحافظ على السنة بالدفاع عنها
And he also preserves the Sunnah by defending it.
والرد على شبهات أهل البدأ
"And the response to the doubts of the people of innovation."
إن كان متأهلا للرد عليها
If he is qualified to respond to her.
قال الإمام بن عثيمين رحمه الله تعالى
Imam Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
يكون حفظ السنة بالدفاع عنها والرد على شبهات أهل البدأ
The preservation of the Sunnah is through defending it and refuting the doubts of the people of innovation.
يرجع إلى العلماء العاملين ويأخذ بقولهم ويستنير به ويرجع إلى الحجة والبرهان الذي عند العلماء العاملين
He refers to the knowledgeable scholars, follows their opinions, seeks enlightenment from them, and relies on the evidence and proof provided by the knowledgeable scholars.
قال الشيخ العلامة مقبل ابن هادي الوادعي رحمه الله تعالى إن الناس منذ تركوا الرجوع إلى العلماء تخبطوا
The distinguished Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'i, may Allah have mercy on him, said that people have been lost since they abandoned referring to the scholars.
ولكن الرجوع بالعلماء يعني أخذوا ما عندهم من حجة وبرهان والعمل به
But returning to the scholars means taking what they have in terms of evidence and proof and acting upon it.
ولذلك قال بعض أهل العلم
And for this reason, some scholars said.
ليس من منهج السلف التقليد والتعصب بدون دليل
It is not the approach of the predecessors to imitate and be loyal without evidence.
فالمنهج السلفي في الرجوع إلى العلماء هو الرجوع إلى أقوالهم المبنية على الحجج والأدلة
The Salafi methodology in returning to scholars is to refer to their statements based on evidence and proofs.
وليس معنى الرجوع إلى العلماء عند السلفيين هو التعصب للعلماء مطلقا
The meaning of referring to scholars among Salafis is not to be blindly adherent to scholars in general.
فإن هذا ليس من منهج السلف الصالح رضوان الله عليهم
This is not part of the methodology of the righteous predecessors, may Allah be pleased with them.
قال ابن تيمية رحمه الله
Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
من عرف ما أمر الله به وما نهى عنه وعمل بذلك فهو الولي لله
Whoever knows what Allah has commanded and what He has forbidden and acts accordingly is the ally of Allah.
وإن لم يقرأ القرآن كله وإن لم يحسن أن يفتي الناس ويقضي بينهم
And even if he has not read the entire Quran and does not excel in giving fatwas to people and judging between them.
وقال ابن تيمية أيضا رحمه الله تعالى
Ibn Taymiyyah also said, may God have mercy on him.
كل من أراد الله به خيرا فلابد أن يفقهه في الدين
Whoever Allah desires good for, He gives him understanding of the religion.
فمن لم يفقهه في الدين لم يرد به خيرا
"Whoever does not understand the religion, does not wish for good from it."
He said.
وليس كل من فقهه في الدين لم يرد به خيرا
Not everyone who understands religion intends good by it.
بل لا بد مع الفقه في الدين من العمل به
Rather, it is necessary to act according to the understanding of the religion.
فهنا تنبيه من شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
Here is a warning from Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him.
أن العالم لا بد أن يعمل بعلمه
The world must work with its knowledge.
ولذلك العلماء يقولون
And that is why the scholars say.
الذي يرجع إليه ويستفتى
The one who is referred to and consulted.
هو العالم الذي جمع بين العلم والعمل والتقوى والورع
He is the scholar who combined knowledge, action, piety, and abstinence.
هو العالم الذي يجمع بين العلم والعمل والتقوى والورع
He is the scholar who combines knowledge, action, piety, and righteousness.
هو العالم الذي جمع بين العلم بأن تعلم الكتاب والسنة
He is the scholar who combined the knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah.
وما كان عليه سلف الأمة
And what was upon the predecessors of the nation.
والعمل أن يعمل بما تعلم
And the work is to act according to what one has learned.
وأن يطبق ما تعلم
And to apply what he learned.
حتى يكون صادقا في تعلمه
So that he can be honest in his learning.
وأن يجمع أيضا بين التقوى والورع
And to combine piety and abstinence as well.
فيخاف الله عز وجل ويراقبه في أقواله وأعماله
He fears God Almighty and is mindful of Him in his words and deeds.
ولذلك إخواني
And therefore, my brothers.
من الخطأ
It is wrong.
الذي يقع فيه أمامنا
What happens in front of us
وفيه بعض الإخوة
And there are some brothers in it.
هدان الله وإياهم للصواب
May God guide us and them to what is right.
أنه يعمم قاعدة الرجوع للعلماء مطلقا
That he generalizes the rule of referring to scholars absolutely.
ويلزم بقول العالم مطلقا
It is necessary to say the world absolutely.
وهذا ما لا يقوله العلماء أنفسهم
And this is what the scholars themselves do not say.
وإنما العلماء
And indeed, the scholars.
كما قال الإمام أحمد
As Imam Ahmad said.
إمام أهل السنة رحمه الله تعالى
The Imam of Ahl al-Sunnah, may Allah have mercy on him.
ماذا قال لما أرادوا أن يكتبوا أقواله
What did he say when they wanted to write down his statements?
قال لا تأخذوا عني
He said, "Do not take from me."
ولا عن الشافعي
"Nor about Al-Shafi'i."
ولا عن ماله
Nor about his money.
ولا عن أبي حنيفة
"Nor about Abu Hanifa."
وخذوا من حيث أخذنا
"And take from where we have taken."
أي خذوا بالحجة
"Take the argument."
الواردة في الكتاب والسنة
"mentioned in the Book and the Sunnah"
وما كان عليه سلف الأمة
And what was upheld by the predecessors of the ummah.
فالمنهج السلفي
The Salafi method
حين يأمر بالرجوع إلى العلماء الكبار
When he commands to return to the great scholars.
إنما يأمر بالرجوع إلى ما عندهم من حجج
He only commands to refer back to what they have of evidence.
And evidence
وأيضا يأمر بالرجوع إليهم عند الفتن
He also commands returning to them during times of turmoil.
إذا كان هؤلاء العلماء
If these are the scholars
من العلماء القادرين
Among the capable scholars.
على أن يتعلمون
To learn.
تمييز الفتنة من غيرها
Distinguishing discord from others.
وليس مرادهم
And it is not their intention.
الرجوع للعلماء الكبار
Returning to the great scholars.
وأنهم يصيبون في كل شيء
And that they succeed in everything.
فهذا ما لا يقوله أهل العلم
This is what the people of knowledge do not say.
والسلفي الصادق
And the sincere Salafi.
يحذر البدع وأهلها
He warns against innovations and their people.
ويحذر أن يكون حاله
And he warns that his situation may be.
كحال أهل البدع
Like the people of innovations.
قال شيخ الإسلام بن تيمية
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said.
رحمه الله تعالى
May God have mercy on him.
حال أهل البدع يبتدعون بدعة
The state of the people of innovations is that they introduce an innovation.
ويكفرون من خالفهم فيها
And they disbelieve those who oppose them in it.
وأهل السنة
And the people of the Sunnah.
يتبعون الكتاب والسنة
They follow the Book and the Sunnah.
ويطيعون الله ورسوله
And they obey Allah and His Messenger.
فيتبعون الحق
They follow the truth.
ويرحمون الخلق
And they have mercy on the creation.
فاحذر أيها السلفي الصادق
So beware, O true Salafi.
أن تكون كحال أهل البدع
To be like the people of innovations.
أن تبتدع بدعة
To innovate a heresy.
وأن تبتدع منهجا مخالفا
And to innovate a conflicting approach.
وتريد أن تحمل الناس عليه
And you want to impose it on people.
وتريد أن تضلل من خالفك
"And you want to mislead those who oppose you."
ولكن كنوا
But be.
مع أهل السنة السلفيين
With the Sunni Salafists.
ما حالهم
How are they?
قال يتبعون الكتاب والسنة
He said they follow the Book and the Sunnah.
ويطيعون الله ورسوله
And they obey Allah and His Messenger.
فيتبعون الحق
So they follow the truth.
ويرحمون الخلق
And they have mercy on the creation.
ومن صفات أهل السنة
Among the characteristics of the Ahl al-Sunnah (people of the Sunnah)
السلفيين الصادقين
The sincere Salafis.
فباتهم على الحق
And he accused them of the truth.
وعدم تلوونهم
And their lack of color.
And you turn them.
في كل يوم منهج وحال
Each day has its own curriculum and circumstances.
وفي كل ساعة قول
"And in every hour, a saying."
ومسلك جديد
And a new path.
وفي كل يوم منهج وحال
Every day has its own approach and situation.
إن السلفي الصادق
The sincere Salafi
يتميز بالثبات
Characterized by stability
قال حذيفة رضي الله عنه
Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
إن الضلالة
Indeed, misguidance.
كل الضلالة
All misguidance.
أن تعرف ما كنت تنكر
To know what you used to deny.
وأن تنكر ما كنت تعرف
And to deny what you once knew.
كانوا يقولون
They used to say.
إياكم والتلوّن في الدين
Beware of being fickle in your faith.
ما معنى التلوّن
What does "tinting" mean?
معنى التلوّن
The meaning of coloring.
أن لا تثبت على الحق
To not stand firm on the truth.
وإنما ما وافق هواك
"But what conforms to your desires."
وما قلت به
"And what you said about it."
وما وافق حزبك قلت به
"And whatever aligns with your party, I spoke in favor of it."
وما وافق مقاصدك ومآربك قلت به
"And whatever aligns with your objectives and intentions, I support it."
وإن خالف الحق
And if it contradicts the truth.
فتكون كالحرباء
Then you become like a chameleon.
في كل مكان بما يناسبها
Everywhere as it suits her.
وأما السلفي
As for the Salafi.
فإنه يثبت على الحق
For he remains steadfast in the truth.
إلى أن يلقى الله عز وجل
Until he meets Allah, the Almighty.
قال الشيخ ربيع المدخل حفظه الله تعالى
Sheikh Rabi al-Madkhali, may Allah preserve him, said.
إن الثبات على السنة
"Indeed, steadfastness on the Sunnah."
معناه الثبات على الإسلام
It means steadfastness in Islam.
وصوله وصوله
His arrival, his arrival.
And its branches.
عقائده ومناهجه
His doctrines and methods.
نثبت عليه ونتمسك به
We steadfastly hold on to it.
حتى نلقى الله عز وجل
Until we meet Allah, the Almighty.
وكن أيها السلفي الصادق
And be, O sincere Salafi.
كن سنيا
Be Sunni.
لا تتأثر بالأهواء
Do not be swayed by whims.
قال رجل لأبي بكر بن عياش
A man said to Abu Bakr al-Ayyash.
يا أبا بكر
O Abu Bakr
من السني
From the Sunni.
فقال السني
The Sunnis said.
الذي إذا ذكرت الأهواء
The one who, when the desires are mentioned
لم يغضب لشيء منها
He was not angry about anything from her.
يعني لم يتعصب لها
It means he did not fanatically support her.
ولم يدافع عنه
And he did not defend him.
بل يغضب منها
But he is angry with her.
لأنها تخالف الحق
Because it contradicts the truth.
أما السني
As for the Sunni
فإنه يتمسك بالحق
He adheres to the truth.
ويعمل به
And it is implemented.
قال الشيخ العثيمين رحمه الله تعالى
Sheikh Al-Othaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
كل من كان على منهاج الصحابة
Whoever follows the methodology of the Companions.
والتابعين وتابعيهم
"and those who follow them and their followers."
With benevolence.
فهو سلفي
He is a Salafi.
وإن كان في عصرنا هذا
"And if it is in our time."
فكن أيها السلفي
So be, O Salafi.
سنيا صادقا
Sincere morning.
ثابتا على الحق
Steadfast in the truth.
وإياك وترك الحق
Beware of abandoning the truth.
والسلفي الصادق
The sincere Salafi.
يصبر على السنة
He endures the year.
ولا يتلون
And they do not change.
ولا يغير
And does not change.
قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said.
لما ذكر
When it was mentioned.
الفرقة الناجية
The saved sect.
قال ما أنا
He said, "What am I?"
عليه اليوم وأصحابي
"Upon him today and my friends."
ولما ذكر الطائفة المنصورة
And when the victorious group was mentioned.
قال صلى الله عليه وسلم
He said, peace be upon him.
لن تزال طائفة من أمتي
A group of my nation will not cease.
على الأمم
On nations
حق منصورين
The right of the victorious.
لا يضرهم من خالفهم
It does not harm them who oppose them.
ولا من خذلهم
"Nor did anyone forsake them."
فهذا الحديث يفيد أن السني
This hadith indicates that the Sunnah
السلفي الصادق
The sincere Salafi.
يصبر على الحق
He perseveres in the truth.
إلى أن يلقى الله عز وجل
Until he meets Allah, the Exalted.
قال أبو العالية
Abu Aliah said
عليكم بالأمر الأول
You should take the first matter.
الذي كانوا عليه
what they were on
قبل أن يتفرقوا
Before they disperse.
قال عاصم
Asim said.
فحدثت به الحسن
I conveyed it to Al-Hasan.
فقال قد نصحك والله
He said, "Indeed, he has given you good advice."
And he believed you.
وقال الأولياء
And the saints said.
إصبر نفسك على السنة
Be patient with yourself on the Sunnah.
وقف حيث وقف القوم
"Stop where the people stopped."
وقل بما قالوا
"And say what they said."
وكف عما كفوا عنه
"And refrain from what they refrained from."
واسلك سبيل سلفك الصالح
"Follow the path of your righteous predecessors."
فإنه يسعك ما وسعهم
What has encompassed them will also encompass you.
قال السهسواني
Sahsan said.
في صيانة الإنسان
In the maintenance of man.
من وسوسة
From whispering.
ابن دحلان
Ibn Dhahlan
قال وإذا تعين المراد
He said, "And when the intent is determined."
فالقول باتباع جمهور كل عصر
The statement is to follow the majority of each era.
تبين الفساد
Corruption is revealed.
It means.
The truth.
هو ما كان عليه السلف الصالح
It is what the righteous predecessors were upon.
رضوان الله عليهم
The pleasure of Allah be upon them.
كما قال
As he said.
ابن عمر
Ibn Umar
وابن مسعود
And Ibn Mas'ud
رضي الله عنهم أجمعين
May Allah be pleased with them all.
لما قال
When he said
من كان مستنن
Whoever was to follow.
فليستن بمن قد مات
Let him not be like someone who has died.
فإن الحي لا تؤمن عليه الفتنة
For the living, fitna (trial or temptation) cannot be assured against.
ومن جعل الحق في جمهور كل عصر
"And who made the truth in the public of every era."
قال السهسواني
Al-Suhsawani said.
فهذا قوله بين الفساد
This statement is a clear indication of corruption.
إذ أن الحق ليس معلقا بهم
For the truth is not dependent on them.
إنما الحق في الكتاب والسنة
The truth is only in the Book and the Sunnah.
وما كان عليه سلف الأمة
"And what was followed by the predecessors of the nation."
رضوان الله عليهم أجمعين
May God's pleasure be upon them all.
والسلفي الصادق
And the sincere Salafi.
يكون قصده الحق
His intention is the truth.
ويعلق به
And it hangs on it.
وعليه نفسه
And on himself.
قال الشيخ ربيع
Sheikh Rabi' said.
حفظه الله تعالى
May God preserve him.
من قصد الحق وصل إليه
Whoever seeks the truth will reach it.
إن شاء الله
God willing.
فأخلص لله وأصدق
Be sincere to God and be truthful.
وسوف تدرك الحق من الباطل
And you will distinguish الحق (truth) from الباطل (falsehood).
إن شاء الله
If God wills.
بعد الأخذ بالأسباب
After taking the necessary precautions.
وقال الشيخ محمد العنجري
Sheikh Mohammed Al-Angari said.
رضو الله تعالى
The pleasure of Allah, the Exalted.
هناك فرق بين من يريد الحق
There is a difference between those who seek the truth.
وبين من يريد العلو بالحق
And between those who seek to rise with the truth.
وهذا فرق دقيق
And this is a subtle distinction.
فكم من إنسان يدعي أنه يريد الحق
How many people claim that they want the truth?
وهو إنما في حقيقة أمره
And he is, in fact, in his true essence.
إنما يريد أن يعلو بالحق على الناس
He only wants to elevate the truth above the people.
وأن يرفع من نفسه
And to elevate himself.
لا يريد أن يعلو الحق من حيث هو
He does not want the truth to prevail as such.
فالسلفي الصادق
The sincere Salafi.
مقصده وهمه
His intention and ambition.
وعزمه وإرادته
His determination and will.
تكون في قصد الحق والوصول إليه
To be in the intention of truth and reaching it.
إن قصد الحق
If the intention is right.
يعني عدم التعصب للأهواء
It means not being biased to one's desires.
وعدم التعصب للأشخاص
And not being biased towards individuals.
وعدم رد الحق والعمل بالباطل
And not responding to the truth and acting with falsehood.
قال الشيخ ربيع حفظه الله تعالى
Sheikh Rabee' may Allah preserve him said.
على أهل الحق أن يصبروا
People of truth must be patient.
ويزدادوا تمسكا بهذا الدين
And they become more steadfast in this religion.
ويزدادوا تمسكا بهذا الدين الحق
And they become more attached to this true faith.
كلما كثرت الأهواء
The more desires increase.
لازم أن يزدادوا معرفة بالحق
They must increase their knowledge of the truth.
ومن هنا
And from here.
احذر أيها السلفي الصادق
Beware, O sincere Salafi.
أن تترك السنة
To abandon the Sunnah.
فإن من ترك السنة
Whoever abandons the Sunnah
متعمدا يخشى عليه
Intentionally, he fears for him.
أن يزيغ
To deviate.
قال أبو بكر رضي الله عنه
Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said.
لست تاركا شيئا
I am not leaving anything.
كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.
يعمل به
It works with him.
إلا عملت به
Unless you act upon it.
إني أخشى إن تركت شيئا من أمره
I fear that if I leave something of his matter.
أن أزيغه
That I may deviate.
متفق عليه
ومن هنا جاء قول ابن مسعود
And from here came the saying of Ibn Mas'ud.
رضي الله عنه
May Allah be pleased with him.
اتبعوا ولا تبتدعوا
Follow and do not innovate.
فقد كفيتم
You have been relieved.
فالسلفي الصادق يتبع
The sincere Salafi follows.
ولا يبتدع
And does not innovate.
السلفي الصادق يحرص
The sincere Salafi is keen.
على السنة والعمل بها
On the Sunnah and working by it.
قال الفضيل ابن عياض
Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said.
لو أن المبتدع
If the innovator
تواضع لكتاب الله
Humble yourself before the Book of God.
وسنة نبيه
And the Sunnah of His Prophet.
لاتبع ومبتدع
"Not following and innovating."
ولكنه أحرصه
But he is more concerned about it.
أعجب برأيه
I admire his opinion.
أو أعجب برأيه
Or admire his opinion.
فاقتدى بما اخترع
He followed what he invented.
فهذا الذي يتميز به السلفي الصادق
This is what distinguishes the sincere Salafi.
عن غيره ممن
about others than
ليس في سلفيته بصادق
There is no sincerity in his Salafism.
السلفي الصادق
The sincere Salafi.
يتبع ولا يبتدع
Follows but does not innovate.
And follows.
ولا يخترع
And does not invent.
فكما قال ابن مسعود
"As Ibn Mas'ud said."
فقد كفيتم
You have been taken care of.
يعني عندنا من السنة
It means we have from the year.
وعندنا من الحق
"And we have the truth."
ما يكفينا بإذن الله تعالى
What suffices us, by God's permission.
من لزوم الحق
Of the necessity of truth.
وعدم مفارقته
And not parting from it.
فإن هذا الأمر
This matter
من الأمور المهمة
One of the important matters
فإن هذا الأمر
This matter
من الأمور المهمة
One of the important matters
الذي على السلفي الصادق
The one who is on the truthful Salafi.
أن يتنبه له
To pay attention to it.
وأن يحذر
And to be cautious.
من مخالفته
From his opposition.
يحافظ على سلفيته
He maintains his Salafism.
إلى أن يلقى الله عز وجل
Until one meets Allah, the Exalted.
إن السلفي الصادق
The honest Salafi.
لا يلتفت لكثرة المخالفين
Do not pay attention to the multitude of dissenters.
ولا كثرة الهالكين
"Nor the multitude of the doomed."
ولا لقلة السالكين
"Nor for the lack of those who tread the path."
على الحق
On the right.
لأنه يعلم
Because he knows.
أن الحق جماعة
The truth is a community.
وإن كان وحده
And if he is alone.
So the prophets.
يأتون يوم القيامة
They will come on the Day of Judgment.
الأنبياء يأتون يوم القيامة
The prophets will come on the Day of Judgment.
كما أخبرنا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
As the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, informed us.
بعضهم يأتي
Some of them come.
ومعه الرهد
And with him is the rift.
وبعضهم يأتي
And some of them come.
ومعه الرجل والرجلان
And with him the man and the two men.
وبعضهم يأتي
And some of them come.
ولا أحد معه
And no one with him.
قال الألباني رحمه الله تعالى
Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
معلقا على هذا الحديث
Commenting on this conversation.
قال وفي الحديث دليل واضح
He said, "And in the hadith, there is clear evidence."
على أن كثرة الأتباع وقلتهم
Whether the followers are many or few.
ليست معيارا لمعرفة كون الداعية على حق أو باطل
It is not a criterion for determining whether the caller is right or wrong.
فهؤلاء الأنبياء عليهم الصلاة والسلام
So these prophets, peace be upon them.
مع كون دعوتهم واحدة ودينهم واحدا
While their call is one and their religion is one.
فقد اختلفوا من حيث عدد أتباعهم قلة وكثرة
They differ in terms of the number of their followers, whether few or many.
حتى كان فيهم من لم يصدقه إلا رجل واحد
Until there was among them one man who did not believe him.
ومن ليس معه أحد
And whoever is not accompanied by anyone.
ففي ذلك عبرة بالغة للداعية والمدعوين في هذا العصر
There is indeed a profound lesson for the caller and the invited in this era.
فالداعي عليه أن يتذكر هذه الحقيقة
The caller (inviter) must remember this truth.
ويمضي قدما في سبيل الدعوة إلى الله
And he continues on the path of calling to Allah.
ولا يبالي بقلة المستجيبين له
And he does not care about the few who respond to him.
لأنه ليس عليه إلا البلاغ المبين
Because there is only upon him the clear message.
وله أسوة حسنة بالأنبياء
He has a good example in the prophets.
And the predecessors
قال يونس بن عبيد رحمه الله تعالى
Yunus bin Ubaid, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
إن الذي تعرض عليه السنة فيقبلها لغريب
"Whoever is presented with a hadith and accepts it is strange."
وأغرب منه صاحبها أي صاحب السنة
"Stranger than that is its owner, meaning the owner of the Sunnah."
وقال شيخ الإسلام محمد بن عبد الوهاب
Sheikh Al-Islam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab said.
اعلم أن الحق إذا لاحى والتضح
Know that when the truth is clarified and shines through.
لم يضره كثرة المخالفين ولا قلة الموافقين
The abundance of dissenters did not harm him, nor did the scarcity of supporters.
فإذا لا تعلق الحق بالأشخاص
So, the truth does not depend on individuals.
فإذا تعرف الحق تعرف أهله
"When you recognize the truth, you recognize its people."
ومن هنا يظهر خطأ
And from here, an error appears.
من يعلق الحق بالأشخاص
Whoever ties the truth to individuals.
ويقول فلان قال اتبعه
So-and-so says he followed him.
طيب يا أخي بارك الله فيك
Alright, my brother, may Allah bless you.
ما قاله فلان أو فلان من الناس
What so-and-so or so-and-so said.
هل وافق الحق أم خالفه
Did he agree with the truth or oppose it?
إن وافق الحق فخذ به
If it aligns with the truth, then adhere to it.
وإن خالفه
And if he disagrees with him.
فالواجب عليك أن تتركه
So it is obligatory for you to leave it.
وأن تبتعد عنه
And to stay away from him.
لأن العلماء بيّنوا أن من رد الحق
Because scholars have stated that whoever rejects the truth
أبتلي بفساد قلبه وعقله
He is afflicted by the corruption of his heart and mind.
لأن الواجب على المسلم إذا سمع الحق
Because it is the duty of a Muslim when he hears the truth.
أن يعمل به
To act upon it.
قال إبراهيم الحربي
Ibrahim Al-Harbi said.
ينبغي للرجل إذا سمع شيئا من آداب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
A man should act upon what he hears regarding the manners of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
أن يتمسك به
To hold on to it.
وقال العثيمين رحمه الله تعالى
Al-Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
الواجب على المؤمن أن يستسلم للنصيب
It is the duty of the believer to submit to fate.
من حين أن تأتيه
Since you come to him.
كما كان الصحابة رضي الله عنهم
Just as the companions, may Allah be pleased with them.
يفعلون هذا
They do this.
فبمجرد ما يأمر الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام
As soon as the Messenger, may peace be upon him, commands.
بشيء يفعلونه
With something they do.
وبمجرد ما ينهى عن شيء يتركونه
As soon as he prohibits something, they leave it.
فكون الإنسان يتلكأ
"Let the person hesitate."
أول ما يأتيه الحق
The first thing that comes to him is the truth.
خطر عظيم
Great danger
وقال الشيخ العلام ربيع المدخل حفظه الله تعالى
Sheikh Al-Alam Rabi' Al-Madkhali may Allah preserve him said.
من شأن المسلم
It is the duty of a Muslim.
أن يرخي أذنه ويفتح قلبه
To lend an ear and open his heart.
للحق ويتقبله
To the truth and accept it.
ومن هنا قال الشيخ الإسلام بن تيمي رحمه الله تعالى
And from here, Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
المستكبر عن الحق
The arrogant one towards the truth.
يبتلى بالانقياد للباطل
He is afflicted by submission to falsehood.
وقال ابن قيم الجوزية رحمه الله تعالى
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
قيل من عرض عليه حق فرده
It was said, "Whoever is offered a right and rejects it."
فلم يقبله
He did not accept it.
عوقب بفساد قلبه وعقله ورأيه
He was punished with the corruption of his heart, mind, and opinion.
ومن هنا قيل
And from here it was said.
لا رأي لصاحب هوا
The opinion of a person with whims is not valid.
فإن هواه يحمله على رد الحق
His desires drive him to reject the truth.
فيفتح قلبه ورأيه
"So he opens his heart and his mind."
ويفسد الله عليه رأيه وعقله
And God corrupts his opinion and mind.
وكان الإمام أحمد رحمه الله تعالى
And Imam Ahmad, may Allah have mercy on him,
يقول في دعائه
He says in his prayer.
في سجوده
In his prostration.
اللهم من كان من هذه الأمة
O Allah, whoever among this nation
على غير الحق
وهو يظن أنه على الحق
And he thinks he is in the right.
فرده إلى الحق
"Turn him to the truth."
ليكون من أهل الحق
"To be among the people of truth."
فتأملوا قوله رحمه الله تعالى
So reflect on his statement, may Allah have mercy on him.
وهو يظن أنه على الحق
And he believes that he is on the truth.
هذا عذر
This is an excuse.
إذا كان مخطئ
If he is wrong.
لا يعرف الحق
He does not know the truth.
فيدعو له الإمام أحمد
So Imam Ahmad prays for him.
أن يرده الله إلى أهل الحق
That God will return him to the people of truth.
ولا عذر لمن يعرف الحق
There is no excuse for one who knows the truth.
And he resists.
ويصر على الباطل
And insists on falsehood.
ويأتي بالحيل
And he comes with tricks.
ويأتي بالأكاذيب والتأويلات
"And he brings lies and interpretations."
لكي يمرر الباطل
To pass the falsehood.
ويدفع الحق
And the truth prevails.
ولا يقبله
And he does not accept it.
فإنه لا عذر له في ذلك
For there is no excuse for him in that.
لأن من قامت عليه الحجة
Because the proof was established against him.
فإنه مؤاخذ على عمله
He will be held accountable for his actions.
ومن هنا إخواني
And from here, my brothers.
كان السلف الصالح
The righteous predecessors.
يحثون على ملازمة أهل السنة
They encourage sticking with the people of the Sunnah.
The workers
بهذا المنهج الحق
With this true approach
قال أيوب
Job said.
إن من سعادة الحدث والأعجمي
Indeed, the happiness of the event and the foreigner.
أن يوفقهم الله لعالم من أهل السنة
May Allah grant them success to a scholar from the Ahl al-Sunnah.
وقال ابن شوذب
Ibn Shawdhab said.
إن من نعمة الله على الشاب
Indeed, one of God's blessings upon the youth
إذا نسك أي تعبد
If you perform any act of worship.
أو أن يوافق صاحب سنة
Or that it conforms to the Sunnah of the Prophet.
يحمله عليها
He carries it on him.
وقال يوسف بن أصباط
Yusuf bin Asbat said
كان أبي قدريا
My father was a Qadri.
وأخوالي روافض
"And my maternal uncles are Shiites."
فأنقذني الله بسفيان
"God saved me through Sufyan."
أي ثبتني على السنة
"Whoever establishes me upon the Sunnah."
بصحبة هذا العالم السني
In the company of this Sunni scholar.
أيها السلفي الصادق
O truthful Salafi
إن كنت صادقا
If you are sincere.
لا تغضب
Don't be angry.
إذا رد على خطأ شيخك
If he responded to your sheikh's mistake.
ولا تتعصب له
And do not be biased towards him.
إن كنت
If you are
سلفيا صادقا
Sylvia is sincere.
في سلفيتك
In your memory.
فالحق أحب إليك
Indeed, the truth is dearer to you.
من شيخك
Who is your teacher?
ومن الناس أجمعين
And among all the people.
لأن الحق هو الذي جاء به الرسول
Because the truth is what the messenger brought.
صلى الله عليه وسلم
Peace be upon him.
من رب العالمين
Lord of the Worlds
قال الشاطب رحمه الله تعالى
Al-Shatibi, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
لقد زل بسبب الإعراض
He has stumbled due to the avoidance.
عن أصل الدليل
About the origin of the evidence.
والاعتماد على الرجال
And reliance on men.
خرجوا بسبب ذلك
They left because of that.
عن جادة الصحابة والتابعين
About the path of the companions and followers.
رضي الله عنه
May Allah be pleased with him.
عنهم أجمعين
About them all.
واتبعوا أهواءهم بغير علم
And they followed their desires without knowledge.
فظلوا عن سواء السبيل
So they strayed from the right path.
فتأملوا بارك الله فيكم
So reflect, may Allah bless you.
يقول إن بعض الناس
He says that some people.
أعرضوا عن الحق
They turned away from the truth.
عن الدليل
About the evidence.
واعتمدوا على فلان وفلان
They relied on so-and-so and so-and-so.
فخرجوا بسبب ذلك
They left because of that.
يعني انحرفوا
It means they deviated.
عن الصراط المستقيم
About the straight path.
الذي كان عليه الصحابة والتابعون
What was the condition of the companions and the followers.
فاتبعوا أهواءهم
So they followed their desires.
وظلوا السبيل
And they went astray.
وقال الشيخ ربيع المسلمين
Sheikh Rabee' said to the Muslims.
مدخل حفظه الله تعالى
Introduction, may God preserve him.
إذا أخطأ شيخك
If your sheikh makes a mistake.
وانتقده شيخ آخر
Another sheikh criticized him.
والحق مع هذا الشيخ الآخر
The truth is with this other Sheikh.
كن مع هذا الآخر
Be with this other.
وانصح شيخك
And advise your Sheikh.
ولا تتعصب له
And do not be biased towards him.
وقال الشيخ الفوزان
Sheikh Al-Fawzan said.
حفظه الله تعالى
May God preserve him.
نحن إذا رددنا على بعض أهل العلم
If we respond to some of the scholars...
وبعض الفضلاء
And some virtuous people.
ليس معنا هذا أننا
This does not mean that we
نبغضه أو ننتقصه
We despise him or belittle him.
وإنما نبين الصواب
"We only clarify the truth."
ولهذا يقول العلماء
And for this reason, the scholars say
لما أخطأ بعض زملائه
When some of his colleagues made mistakes.
قال فلان حبيب
So-and-so said, "My dear."
ولكن الحق أحب إلينا
But the truth is dearer to us.
هذا هو الطريق الصحيح
This is the right path.
قلت هو يشير إلى ما فعله
I said he refers to what he did.
ابن القيم الجوزية رحمه الله تعالى
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, may Allah have mercy on him.
حين رد على شيخ الإسلام
When he replied to the Sheikh of Islam.
أبي ذر الهروي
Abu Dharr Al-Harawi
فقال ابن قيم الجوزية
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya said.
شيخ الإسلام حبيبنا
Sheikh of Islam, our beloved.
ولكن الحق
But the truth
أحب إلينا منه
Dearer to us than that.
قال الشيخ الهروي
Sheikh Al-Harawi said.
فقال ابن القيم الجوزية
Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah said.
قال ابن رجب
Ibn Rajab said.
رحمه الله تعالى
May Allah have mercy on him.
إن الصحابة رضوان الله عليهم
Indeed, the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them)
رد بعضهم على بعض
They responded to each other.
لإقامة الحق
To establish the truth
فإنهم يحب بعضهم بعضا
For they love one another.
ولكن الحق
But the truth
أحب إليهم
I prefer them.
والحق مقدم
And the truth is paramount.
على أي إنسان
On any person.
ولا تمنع مكانة الإنسان
And do not let a person's status prevent [them].
وتعظيمه في قلوب الغير
And glorifying Him in the hearts of others.
أن يرد
To respond.
The falsehood.
وأن ينصر
And that He may grant victory.
The falsehood.
And the truth.
في كلام هذا معناه
In this statement, it means.
رحمه الله تعالى
May God have mercy on him.
ولكن إخواني
But my brothers
احذروا احذروا بارك الله فيكم
Beware, beware, may God bless you.
في هذه المسألة
In this matter
مسألة رد الخطأ
The issue of correcting the mistake.
أن يكون كما قال
It should be as he said.
شيخنا العلامة ربيع المدخلي
Our Sheikh, the scholar Rabee' Al-Madkhali.
أن يكون فعلا
To be indeed.
هذا الأمر الذي ترده خطأا
This matter that you are referring to is incorrect.
وأن يكون باطلا
And to be invalid.
وأن تكون تناصرا للحق
And to be a support for the truth.
لأننا نجد
Because we find
من بعض الناس
From some people.
The intense.
ينصرون الباطل
They support falsehood.
في صورة نصرة الحق
In the image of supporting the truth.
ويردون الحق
And they want the truth.
في صورة رد الباطل
In the image of the response of falsehood.
قال شيخ الإسلام بن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
الكلام في الناس
Talking about people.
يجب أن يكون
It must be.
بعلم وعدل
With knowledge and justice.
لا بجهل وظلم
No, with ignorance and oppression.
كحال أهل البدأ
Like the people of innovation.
فإننا نقرر
We declare.
أن الحق
The truth.
يعمل به
It is in effect.
ويأخذ به
And he adheres to it.
وأن الباطل
And that falsehood
It responds.
ولكن ينبغي أن يكون
But it should be.
تقريرنا للحق على الحق
"Our report is for the truth about the truth."
وأن يكون ردنا للباطل
And that our response to falsehood.
أن يكون فعلا
To be a real thing.
هو باطل
It is invalid.
فكم من إنسان يدعي
How many people claim
أنه يرد على فلان باطله
He responds to so-and-so with his falsehood.
وفي حقيقة أمره
In truth.
إنما يريد أن يشغب
He just wants to provoke.
ويريد أن يطعن
And he wants to stab.
ويريد أن يتنقص هذا الشيخ
And he wants to belittle this old man.
فإن العبرة بالحجة
The lesson is in the argument.
العبرة بالعلم
The lesson is in knowledge.
And justice
لا بالظلم والجهل
Neither by oppression nor ignorance.
فإن هؤلاء المندسين
For these infiltrators
في وسط الصف السلفي
In the middle of the Salafi class.
قد يأتون لمثل هذه الصورة
They may come for such an image.
ويقولون انصروا الحق
They say, support the truth.
واعمل بالحق
And act with truth.
ورد الباطل
The falsehood has come.
ولا تنصر أهل الباطل
And do not support the people of falsehood.
وهم في حقيقة أمرهم
And in reality, they are.
إنما ينصرون باطلا
They are only supported by falsehood.
ويردون حقا
And they truly respond.
فلا نغتر إخواني بذلك
So let us not be deceived, my brothers, by that.
علينا أن نميز بين الحق والباطل
We must distinguish between right and wrong.
ومن هنا أتت القاعدة
And from here came the rule.
السلفية التي مر ذكرها
The Salafism that has been mentioned.
اعرف الحق تعرف أهله
Know the truth, and you will know its people.
وأيضا أتت القاعدة السلفية
The Salafi principle also came.
the other
التي قالوا فيها
"which they said in it"
استدل ثم اعتقد
Deduce and then believe.
قال الإمام العثيمين رحمه الله تعالى
Imam Al-Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
استدل ثم اعتقد
Infer and then believe.
ولا تعتقد
And do not think.
ثم تستدل
Then you infer.
لأنك إذا اعتقدت ثم استدللت
Because if you believed and then deduced
ربما يحملك اعتقادك
Your belief may carry you.
على أن تحرف النصوص
That texts should be altered.
إلى ما تعتقده انتهى
To what you believe, it has ended.
قلت وأكبر مثال
I said, and the biggest example is...
ما نراه من بعض الإخوان للأسف الشديد
What we see from some of our brothers, unfortunately.
يعتقد بماذا
What is believed?
يعتقد أن هذا العالم من العلماء الكبار
It is believed that this world is of great scholars.
وأن قوله كله حق
"And that His words are all true."
ثم يستدل بهذا المعتقد
Then this belief is used as evidence.
على ردي كل من خالف هذا العالم
To my reply to everyone who disagreed with this world.
دون النظر إلى أن يكون هذا الذي خالفه ذاك العالم
Without considering that this one who disagreed with him is that scholar.
حقا أم باطلا
True or false?
صوابا أم خطأا
Correct or incorrect.
فلا شك أن هذا من الانحراف عن الجادة المستقيمة
There is no doubt that this is a deviation from the straight path.
والسلفي الصادق
And the genuine Salafi.
السلفي الصادق أيضا
The true Salafi also.
يعترف بخطأه
He admits his mistake.
ويرجع عن باطله
And he returns from his falsehood.
ويقول الحق
And the truth says.
ولو كان الحق على نفسه
And if the truth were on His own self.
فعن علي رضي الله عنه مرفوعا
"From Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, reported."
عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
About the Prophet, peace be upon him.
أنه قال
He said.
صل من قفعك
"Whoever cuts you off, connect with them."
وأحسن إلى من أساء إليك
And do good to whoever wrongs you.
وقل الحق ولو على نفسك
And say the truth, even if it is against yourself.
وقال عمر رضي الله عنه
And Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, said.
من خلصت نيته في الحق
Whoever purifies their intention for the truth.
ولو على نفسه
"Even if it is against himself."
كفاه الله ما بينه وبين الناس
May God suffice him for what is between him and the people.
ومن يزين لهم بما ليس في قلبه
"And who decorates for them what is not in their heart."
شانه الله
God is exalted.
فإن الله تبارك وتعالى
Indeed, Allah, Blessed and Exalted.
لا يقبل من العباد إلا ما كان خالصا
Only what is pure is accepted from the servants.
قال ابن القيم رحمه الله تعالى
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
قول عمر
The saying of Omar.
فمن خلصت نيته في الحق ولو على نفسه
"Whoever is sincere in his intention for the truth, even if it is against himself."
إشارة إلى أنه لا يكفي قيامه في الحق لله
It should be noted that it is not enough for him to stand for the truth for the sake of God.
إذا كان على غيره
If it's on someone else.
حتى يكون أول قائم به على نفسه
So that he may be the first to stand up for himself.
فحينئذ يقبل قيامه به على غيره
Then he may accept his standing before others.
وإلا فكيف يقبل الحق ممن أهمل القيام به على نفسه
Otherwise, how can one accept the truth from someone who neglects to uphold it within themselves?
وهذا ملحظ دقيق
This is a precise observation.
فكم من قائل وقائم برد الباطل ونصرة الحق على الغير
How many are those who proclaim and stand against falsehood and support the truth over others?
فإذا جاء الحق
"When the truth comes."
مما يتعلق به
Related to it.
ويتعلق بحزبه
And it pertains to his party.
أو بمحبوبه
Or with his beloved.
من المخلوقين
Of the creations.
رد الحق ولم يعمل به
The truth was established, but it was not acted upon.
فهو يقيم الحق على غيره
He establishes the truth over others.
ولا يقيم الحق على نفسه
"And he does not establish the truth upon himself."
وهذا ملحظ مهم
This is an important observation.
ودقيق جدا
And very precise.
وتأمن تجد
And you will find security.
كم من إنسان
How many people?
يتكلم في فلان وفلان
He talks about so-and-so and so-and-so.
فإذا كان الحق على نفسه أو على قليب له غض طرفه وأخرص لسانه
"If the truth is against himself or against a plea, he turns his gaze away and silences his tongue."
وكأننا كبني إسرائيل ينكرون المنكر على بعض دون بعض
"Like the Children of Israel, some of whom deny wrongdoing while overlooking it in others."
من كان ينصر الحق ينصر الحق على نفسه وعلى أهله وعلى من يحب قبل أن ينصره على غيره
Whoever supports the truth must support it for himself, for his family, and for those he loves before supporting it against others.
ولذلك هذا من دقائق ابن القيم الجوزية التي تحتاج منا إلى نظر وتأمل ورجوع للحق
And therefore, this is one of the subtleties of Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya that requires us to reflect and reconsider the truth.
وأنا أنصح نفسي وإخواني أن يتأملوا هذا الجانب كثيرا وأن يعملوا به
I advise myself and my brothers to reflect on this aspect a lot and to act upon it.
فإنه والله عزيز ونفيس من ابن القيم الجوزية رحمه الله تعالى
Indeed, by God, it is precious and valuable from Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya, may God have mercy on him.
وأيضا إخواني أحذركم من طريقة منحرفة عن مسلك السلف الصالح
And also, my brothers, I warn you against a way that deviates from the path of the righteous predecessors.
وهو أن بعض الناس يتكلموا بالكلام الباطل
Some people speak falsehoods.
فإذا رد عليه قال لم أقصد إنما قصدت حقا ولم أقصد باطلا
If he responds to him, he says, "I did not intend that; I only meant the truth and did not intend falsehood."
طيب يا أخي العبرة باللفظ أما ما في نفسك وفي نيتك ومقصودك الباطني نحن لا نعلم
Okay, my brother, the matter is based on the words; as for what is in your heart, your intention, and your inner purpose, we do not know.
فالخطأ اللفظي ينبغي أن يبين
The verbal error should be clarified.
قال الألباني رحمه الله تعالى لا ينبغي أن تسوغوا أخطاءكم اللفظية بصوابكم القلبي
Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "You should not justify your verbal mistakes by your correct intentions."
هذا لا يسوغ فعلينا إذا تكلمنا بالكلام أن يكون كلامنا مطابقا لحسن قصدنا
This does not justify, so if we speak, our words should align with our good intentions.
وأن لا يكون كلامنا سيئا وقصدنا حسنا بل يجب أن يطابق اللفظ ما في القلب
Our words should not be bad while our intentions are good; rather, our speech should match what is in our hearts.
إخواني إن السلفي الصادق عليه أن يحذر من التنظيمات السرية
My brothers, the sincere Salafi must beware of secret organizations.
ومن الجلسات الخفية ومن الاجتماعات المغلقة
From secret sessions and closed meetings.
التي يحاك بها ويدبر فيها
"Which is woven and plotted therein."
أمور الدعوة بلا رقيب ولا حسيب
Matters of الدعوة (Da'wah) are without a supervisor or accountability.
ولا تنمس لمنهج السلف الصالح
And do not deviate from the methodology of the righteous predecessors.
قال الشيخ محمد بازمون حفظه الله تعالى
Sheikh Muhammad Bazmoon, may Allah protect him, said.
السلفيون ليس لديهم تنظيم سري
Salafis do not have a secret organization.
ولا بيعة داخلية
No internal allegiance.
ولا لقاءات خفية
No secret meetings.
ولا ترتيب باطني أو نحوه
No hidden arrangement or anything of the sort.
ولا يخفون شيئا عن ولاة الأمور
They do not hide anything from the authorities.
أو عن عامة الناس أي مما يتعلق بهم
Or about the general public, meaning anything that pertains to them.
وليس لديهم تنظيم سري
And they do not have a secret organization.
ولا تنظيم هرمي ولا خلايا ولا أجنحة
No hierarchical organization, no cells, no wings.
بل هم معولات الأمر وعموم المسلمين
But they are the authorities of the matter and the general Muslims.
على ما جاء في شرع الله
According to what is stated in the law of God.
بالنصيحة ظاهرا وباطنة
With advice, both apparent and hidden.
قلت صدق حفظه الله
I said, "May God protect him."
فإن الخليفة عمر بن عبد العزيز
For indeed, Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz.
رحمه الله تعالى
May God have mercy on him.
قال ما اجتمع قوم في خفاء
He said, "No group has gathered in secret."
إلا كانوا على تأسيس ضلالة
"Unless they were on the foundation of misguidance."
ومن هنا نجد أن بعض السلفيين
From here we find that some Salafis
وهم قلة بحمد الله
And they are few, thank God.
إذا كانت لهم اجتماعات خفية
If they have secret meetings.
وكانت لهم جلسات سرية
They held secret meetings.
وكان لهم تنظيم معين
And they had a specific organization.
فإنهم يأتون بمناهج تخالف منهج السلف الصالح
They come with methodologies that contradict the methodology of the righteous predecessors.
ويؤذون أنفسهم
And they harm themselves.
ويؤذون السلفيين
And they harm the Salafis.
فإذا رأيت أمثال هؤلاء
"So if you see such examples..."
إذا رأيت أمثالهم فاعلم أنهم غير صادقين في سلفيتهم
If you see people like them, know that they are not sincere in their Salafism.
فإن قلت ما وجه كونهم غير صادقين في سلفيتهم
If you ask what is the reason for their insincerity in their Salafism.
The answer
أنهم لم يتابعوا منهج السلف
That they did not follow the methodology of the predecessors.
هل عهدتم
Have you committed?
وهل سمعتم
And did you hear?
وهل قرأتم
And did you read?
وهل رأيتم
And did you see?
في كتاب
In a book
أو على لسان عالم
Or on the tongue of a scholar.
أو في مكان
Or in a place.
مهما كان هذا المكان
No matter where this place is.
هل رأيتم أن السلف الصالح
Have you seen that the righteous predecessors?
كانت لهم اجتماعات سرية
They had secret meetings.
وأنهم كانوا يخططون ويحيكون الأمور في خفاء
And they were plotting and scheming things in secret.
ليس هذا من السلفية في شيء
This is not part of Salafism at all.
فالسلفيون والسلفية
Salafis and Salafism
بريئة من هذا التنظيم السري
Innocent of this secret organization.
قال شيخ الإسلام بن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
من تعصب لأهل بلدته
Whoever is biased towards the people of their town.
أو مذهبه
Or his doctrine.
أو طريقته
Or his way.
أو قرابته
or his relatives
أو أصدقائه دون غيرهم
or his friends and no one else
كانت فيه شعبة من الجاهلية
There was a faction of ignorance in it.
حتى يكون المؤمنون
So that the believers may be.
كما أمرهم الله تعالى
As Allah Almighty commanded them.
معتصمين بحبله
Holding on to His rope.
And his book.
وسنة رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم
And the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him.
فإن كتابهم واحد
Their book is one.
ودينهم واحد
And their religion is one.
ونبيهم واحد
And their prophet is one.
وربهم إله واحد
And their Lord is one God.
لا إله إلا هو
There is no deity but Him.
له الحمد في الأولى والآخرة
All praise is due to Him in this world and the Hereafter.
وله الحكم وإليه ترجعون
"To Him belongs the judgment, and to Him you will be returned."
فهذه التنظيمات
So these organizations
وهذه الجلسات السرية
And these secret sessions.
ونحن الجماعة الفلانية
We are the aforementioned group.
ونحن طلاب فلان
We are the students of such-and-such.
ولا يدخل على فلان إلا فلان
No one visits so-and-so except so-and-so.
أو من نأذن له بطريقة معينة
Or someone we permit in a specific way.
ليس المقصود منها الترتيب العام
It is not intended to be the general arrangement.
والتنظيم العام للشيخ
The general organization of the Sheikh.
والإحسان إلى الشيخ
And being good to the sheikh.
وإنما المقصود منها
And the intended purpose of it.
خدمة مآربهم ومقاصدهم
The service of their interests and goals.
التي اجتمعوا عليها
that they have agreed upon
لا شك أنها
There is no doubt that it
داخلة في التنظيمات السرية
Involved in secret organizations.
التي حذر منها علماؤنا
Which our scholars warned against.
And our elders.
And our imams.
رحمة الله على من مات منهم
May God's mercy be upon those who have passed away.
وحفظ الله الأحياء
"And may God protect the living."
لماذا هذه التنظيمات
Why these organizations?
ولماذا هذه الاجتماعات
And why these meetings?
ولماذا التفريق بين السلفيين
And why the differentiation among the Salafis?
فالسلفي الصادق
The sincere Salafi
يعلم أنه
He knows that.
أن أهل السنة الصادقين غرباء
That the sincere followers of the Sunnah are strangers.
يعني قلة
It means "lack" or "scarcity."
فلسنا بحاجة إلى
We do not need to
تفريق وتشتيت
Dispersal and scattering
ولسنا بحاجة إلى طعن بعضنا في بعض
We do not need to stab each other in the back.
ونحن منهجنا واحد
And our approach is unified.
ومسلكنا واحد
And our path is the same.
إلا من انحرف عن الحق
Except for those who deviated from the truth.
فوالله ما يضر إلا نفسه
By God, he only harms himself.
قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.
كما في مسلم عن أبي هريرة
As in Sahih Muslim from Abu Huraira.
عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
About the Prophet, peace be upon him.
He said.
That he
بدأ الإسلام غريبا
Islam began as something strange.
وسيعود غريبا كما بدأ
And he will return a stranger as he began.
فطوبى للغرباء
Blessed are the strangers.
بدأ الإسلام غريبا
Islam began as something strange.
وسيعود غريبا كما بدأ
And he will return as a stranger, just as he began.
فطوبى للغرباء
Blessed are the strangers.
قال يونس بن عبيد
Yunus ibn Ubaid said.
أصبح من إذا عرف السنة
"Whoever knows the Sunnah has become."
عرفها غريبا
He recognized her strangely.
وأغرب منه من يعرفها
And stranger than that is the one who knows her.
قال أبو بكر بن عياش
Abu Bakr bin Ayash said.
السنة أعز في الإسلام
The Sunnah is more honorable in Islam.
من الإسلام في سائر الأديان
From Islam in all religions.
وقال يوسف بن أصباط
Yusuf bin Asbat said.
أهل السنة أقل من الكبريت الأحمر
The Sunnis are rarer than red sulfur.
وقال أيوب الشيختيان
And Ayyub the old man said.
إنه ليبلغني موت الرجل من أهل السنة
"It has reached me that the man from the Sunnah has died."
فكأنما سقط عضو من أعضائي
It was as if a part of my body had fallen off.
فأهل السنة غرباء
The people of the Sunnah are strangers.
لسنا بحاجة إلى تفرقة
We do not need division.
ولا إلى إحداث خلافات
Nor to create conflicts.
بين السلفيين
Among the Salafists.
إلا من كان في قلبه هوى
Except for the one whose heart has desire.
فلا يضره الله إلا نفسه
"God does not harm him except himself."
ونسأل الله أن يحفظ السلفيين
And we ask Allah to preserve the Salafis.
وأن يحفظ السلفية من مكرهم
And to protect Salafism from their cunning.
ومن كيدهم
And from their scheming.
ومن تخطيطهم
And from their planning.
ومن تنظيماتهم السرية
And from their secret organizations.
قال العلامة ربيع المدخل
The scholar Rabi' Al-Madkhali said.
يحفظه الله تعالى
May Allah preserve him.
مبينا هذا الأمر
Clarifying this matter.
ومبينا أهمية
And clarifying the importance
الاعتناء به
Taking care of him.
قال حفظه الله تعالى
He said, may God preserve him.
قال احرصوا على المودة
He said, "Be keen on affection."
احرصوا على الأخوة
Be keen on brotherhood.
إذا حصل بينكم شيء من النفرة
If something of aversion happens between you.
فتناسوا الماضي
So they forgot the past.
وأخرجوا صفحاتكم
"Bring out your pages."
بيضاء جديدة
New White
وأنا أقول للإخوان
And I say to my brothers
الذي يقصر ما نسقطه
The one who shortens what we drop.
ما نهلكه
What we destroy.
الذي يخطئ منا
Whoever errs among us.
ما نهلكه بارك الله فيكم
What we destroy, may God bless you.
نعالجه باللطف والحكمة
We treat it with kindness and wisdom.
ونوجه له المحبة والمودة
We direct love and affection to him.
إلى آخره
And so on.
حتى يؤو
Until he returns.
وإن بقي فيه ضعف
"And if there is still weakness in it."
ما نستعجل عليه
What we are in a hurry for.
وإلا والله ما يبقى أحد
"Otherwise, I swear by God, no one will remain."
ما يبقى أحد
No one remains.
وهذا كلام عالم مشفق ناصح
This is the speech of a caring and advising scholar.
عالم بالمنهج السلفي
A scholar of the Salafi methodology.
مشفق على أبنائه
Compassionate towards his children.
ناصح لأمته
AAdvisor to his nation.
ينصح الإخوان السلفيين
The Salafi brothers advise.
الصادقين في سلفيتهم
The truthful in their Salafism.
أن يحرصوا على إخوانهم
To be keen on their brothers.
ما حد يسلم من الخطأ
No one is free from making mistakes.
فإذا وقع أخونا
So, if our brother falls.
أو بعض إخواننا في الخطأ
Or some of our brothers in error.
ما نسقطه
What we drop.
ونجمع أخطاءه في الملفات
We gather his mistakes in the files.
ونتكلم فيما بيننا
And we talk among ourselves.
عن أخطائه
About his mistakes.
ولا ننصحه
And we do not advise him.
ولا نوجه له النصيحة
And we do not offer him advice.
بل نجمع الأخطاء
But we gather the mistakes.
ونقول لا تخبروه بهذه الأخطاء
And we say do not tell him about these mistakes.
طيب ماذا تريد
Okay, what do you want?
ألست أنا وأنت
Aren't you and I?
ألسنا على الحق
Aren't we on the right path?
الواجب أن ينصح بعضنا بعضا
It is essential for us to advise one another.
أما أن تجمع الأخطاء
As for gathering the mistakes.
وتضعها في ملفات لسنوات
"And you put it in files for years."
ثم إذا حدث بينك وبين هذا الشخص عداوة
Then, if enmity occurs between you and this person.
أخرجت عليه هذه الأخطاء
I pointed out these mistakes to him.
لتقول أنت مبتدع ضال
To say you are an innovative misleader.
طيب إذا كان مبتدع ضال عندك
Well, if he is a misguided innovator in your view.
فكان الواجب عليك من زمانك
It was your duty a long time ago.
من زمان أن تضلله وأن تبدعه
It has been a long time since you misled him and innovated him.
ولكنه الانحراف عن الحق
But it is the deviation from the truth.
وتلك الجلسات السرية
And those secret sessions.
والملفات المخبأة
And the hidden files.
The malicious.
التي تجمع على أهل السنة
"Which unites the Ahl al-Sunnah."
Let’s be careful of her.
قال الشيخ ربيع حفظه الله تعالى
Sheikh Rabee' may Allah preserve him said.
قال قد يقصر الواحد مننا
He said one of us may shorten.
لكن ما نسقطه مباشرة
But what we directly omit.
We advise him.
نعالجه بالحكمة
We treat it with wisdom.
نحب له الخير بالمودة
We wish him well with affection.
لعله يؤوب
Perhaps he will return.
لعله يرجع إلى الله عز وجل
Perhaps he will return to Allah, the Exalted.
وإلا كله
Or else everything.
وإلا من وقع في الخطأ أسقطناه
Otherwise, whoever makes a mistake, we will dismiss them.
ما يبقى أحد مننا
No one remains of us.
ونصير شماتة للمخالفين
"And we become a source of mockery for those who oppose."
من الحزبيين والحداديين
From the partisans and the Haddadists.
والمميعين وغيرهم
And the diluters and others.
فالواجب على المسلم
It is incumbent upon the Muslim.
أن ينصح لإخوانه
To advise his brothers.
وأن لا يتعجل بضربهم
And not to rush to strike them.
وأن لا يتعجل بإسقاطهم
And not to rush to eliminate them.
لأن المقصود بالنصيحة المعالجة
Because the intended meaning of advice is treatment.
لكن إن أصر على باطله
But if he insists on his falsehood.
وإن عاند وكابر
"And if he persists and stubbornly opposes."
ولم يرجع إلى الحق
And he did not return to the truth.
بعد النصيحة
After the advice
وبعد زوال العذر عنه
And after the excuse is removed from him.
فإنه يحكم عليه أهل العلم
Then the scholars will judge him.
وطلاب العلم المتاهلين
And the qualified students of knowledge.
بما يناسبه
As appropriate for him.
ولكني إخواني أرجع هنا
But my brothers, I return here.
وألفت النظر إلى نقطة مهمة
I would like to draw attention to an important point.
وهي أن يكون هذا الأمر
And it is that this matter
فعلا ثابت على هذا الشخص
He is indeed ثابت on this person.
أما أن تجمع أخطاءه
As for gathering his mistakes
وهو لم يقع فيها
And he did not fall into it.
وتريد منه أن يتوب
And she wants him to repent.
في أمر لم يخطئ فيه
In a matter he did not err in.
وتريد أن تبدعه
And you want to innovate it.
في أمر لم يقع فيه
In a matter that did not occur in it.
فلا شك أن هذا ظلم
There is no doubt that this is injustice.
وجهل مركب
And compounded ignorance.
كما قال شيخ الإسلام بن تيمية
As Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said.
رحمه الله تعالى
May God have mercy on him.
أن هذا ظلم وجهل
That this is injustice and ignorance.
ظلم لأنك تحكم عليه
It's unfair because you are judging him.
بشيء لم يفعله
With something he did not do.
وجهل مخالف
And ignorance is contrary.
لمنهج السلف الصالح
To the methodology of the righteous predecessors.
فكم نسمع من بعض الناس
How often do we hear from some people?
فلان عليه أن يتوب
So-and-so must repent.
طيب نأتي لفلان ننظر
Okay, let's go to so-and-so and see.
ما العمل الذي يتوب منه
What is the work that one repents from?
هل يتوب من المنهج السلفي
Does one repent from the Salafi methodology?
هل يتوب من رده على أهل الباطل
Does he repent for his response to the people of falsehood?
هل يتوب من السنة
Does he repent from the Sunnah?
هل يتوب من قوله بالحق
Does he repent from speaking the truth?
هل يتوب من الأمر بالمعروف
Does one repent from enjoining what is good?
والنهي عن المنكر
And forbidding what is disreputable.
مما أتوب
What should I repent from?
مما يتوب هذا الرجل
What does this man repent for?
ومما أتوب أنا أو يتوب غيري
"And what I repent for, or someone else repents for."
إن أردت أن تبين أننا منحرفين
If you want to show that we are deviant.
فبين لنا ما وجه الانحراف
So explain to us what the cause of the deviation is.
أما الجرح المجمل
As for the general wound
في وقت يمكن بيانه
At a time that can be stated.
أمام تعديل واضح
In front of a clear amendment.
وأمام عدم ثبوت الجرح
And in light of the lack of evidence of injury.
على الشخص
On the person
فإنه لا يقبل عند العلماء
"It is not accepted by scholars."
فلذلك إخواني
Therefore, my brothers,
بعض هؤلاء المندسين
Some of these infiltrators.
الذين ذكرتهم لكم في أول الكلمة
Those I mentioned to you at the beginning of the speech.
قد يأتون لمثل هذا الأصل
They may come for such a principle.
يأتون لمثل هذا الأصل
They come for such a principle.
ومثل هذه القاعدة السلفية
And such a foundational principle of the Salaf.
فيضربون بها السلفيين
"They strike the Salafists with it."
ويظنون أن السلفيين فيهم حمق
And they think that the Salafis are foolish.
وفيهم جهل لا يميزون
"And among them is ignorance that does not discern."
بل بفضل الله يميزون
But by God's grace, they stand out.
And therefore
هم يطالبون بالحجة والبرهان
They demand evidence and proof.
ويطالبون بالدليل
And they demand evidence.
وليس ممن يغمض أعينه
And he is not one who closes his eyes.
ويصم آذانهم
And it deafens their ears.
ويكمم أفواههم
And he will silence their mouths.
بل يقولون الحق
But they say the truth.
ويعملون به
And they work with it.
ويردون الباطل ولا يؤيدون أهله
"They reject falsehood and do not support its people."
لذلك إخواني
So, my brothers.
أكرر على أمر مهم
I emphasize an important matter.
For myself
And for the Salafis
أن ننشر المنهج السلفي
To spread the Salafi methodology.
وأن لا نستحي منه
And that we should not be ashamed of Him.
فننصر الحق ونرد الباطل
"Let us support the truth and reject falsehood."
فننصر الحق
Let us support the truth.
ونرد الباطل
And we reject falsehood.
فالسلفي يجهر
The Salafi proclaims.
قال الشيخ ربيع حفظه الله تعالى
Sheikh Rabee' may Allah preserve him said.
من كان سلفيا
Whoever is a Salafi.
لو درس مادة الجغرافية
If he studied geography.
أو الحساب
Or the account.
لرأيت المنهج السلفي
I would have seen the Salafi methodology.
ينضح في دروسه وجلساته
He excels in his lessons and sessions.
إخواني بارك الله فيكم
My brothers, may God bless you.
هناك أمور كثيرة
There are many things.
تتعلق بالمنهج السلفي
It relates to the Salafi methodology.
أو ببيان من هو السلفي الصادق
Or by specifying who the true Salafi is.
ولعلي أذكر بعض منها
And I may mention some of them.
على عجالة
In a hurry.
فمن الأمور المهمة
One of the important matters.
مما ذكره النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
What the Prophet, peace be upon him, mentioned.
مما يوافق ما سبق
What agrees with what was mentioned earlier.
قوله عليه الصلاة والسلام
His saying, peace be upon him.
من حسن إسلام المرء
"The good of a person's Islam is his leaving what does not concern him."
تركه ما لا يعنيه
Leave what does not concern you.
فالسلفي الصادق
The sincere Salafi.
لا يخوض في أمر لا يعنيه
He does not get involved in matters that do not concern him.
ولا يخوض في أمر هو للعلماء
"And he does not delve into a matter that is for the scholars."
بل يترك الخوض للعلماء
Rather, it leaves the discussion to the scholars.
ويتابع العلماء
And the scholars continue.
في الحق الذي قالوه
In the truth that they spoke.
وأيضا من علامات
And also from the signs
السلفي الصادق أن يمتثل
The true Salafi is one who adheres.
قول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
The saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
The Muslim
من سلم المسلمون من لسانه
"Whoever the Muslims are safe from his tongue."
And his hand.
فالمسلم من سلم المسلمون من لسانه
A Muslim is one from whom the Muslims are safe from his tongue.
and his hand
فاللسان بأن تكذب عليهم
"So the tongue is to lie to them."
وتفتري عليهم
"And you slander them."
وتقولهم شيئا لم يقولوه
And you tell them something they did not say.
افتراءا وبهتانا
Slander and falsehood.
And they visited.
على إخوانك المسلمين
To your Muslim brothers.
فلا شك أنك قد قصرت
There is no doubt that you have fallen short.
And you have wronged.
فلذلك قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
Therefore, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said.
المسلم من سلم المسلمون
The Muslim is the one from whom the Muslims are safe.
من لسانه ويده
From his tongue and hand.
وقال المسلمون
The Muslims said.
من سلم المسلمون من لسانه ويده
"Whoever the Muslims are safe from his tongue and his hand."
والمؤمن من أمنه الناس
The believer is the one whom people trust.
على دمائهم وأموالهم
On their blood and their money.
وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام
"And he, peace be upon him, said."
المسلم أخ المسلم
A Muslim is a brother to another Muslim.
لا يظلمه ولا يسلمه
He does not wrong him nor deliver him.
ومن كان في حاجة أخيه
And whoever is in need of his brother.
كان الله في حاجته
May God be in his need.
The conversation.
ومن هنا بارك الله فيكم
And from here, may God bless you.
جاء الحديث العظيم
The great الحديث has come.
الذي قال فيه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
"What the Prophet, peace be upon him, said about it."
والذي نفسي بيده
"And by the One in Whose Hand is my soul."
لا يؤمن عبد
A servant does not believe.
حتى يحب لأخيه
He loves for his brother.
ما يحب لنفسه من الخير
What he loves for himself of good.
تأملوا هذا الحديث
Reflect on this hadith.
والذي نفسي بيده
"And by the One in Whose hand is my soul."
لا يؤمن عبد
A servant does not believe.
حتى يحب لأخيه
Until he loves for his brother.
ما يحب لنفسه من الخير
What he loves for himself in good.
فمن منا
So who among us
طبق هذا الحديث
Apply this hadith.
أن يحب لإخوانه الخير
To wish good for his brothers.
الذي يحبه لنفسه
What he loves for himself.
فلا يحب لهم السوء
He does not wish ill for them.
ولا الظلم ولا الأذية
Neither oppression nor harm.
ولا الإسقاط ولا الجرح
Neither the dismissal nor the injury.
ولا ولا كل ما شئت من الأمور
And not everything you desire from matters.
التي لا يحبها الإنسان لنفسه
What a person does not like for themselves.
فلا يحبها لإخوانه
So he does not love her for his brothers.
إلا بالحق
Except with the truth.
فإن قول الحق
For indeed, the saying of the truth
ورد الباطل
The falsehood has been refuted.
أمر واجب
An obligatory matter.
بل كما قال شيخنا
"But as our Sheikh said."
أحمد النجم رحمه الله تعالى
Ahmad Al-Najm, may God have mercy on him.
إن السماوات والأرض
Indeed, the heavens and the earth.
ما قامتا إلا لإحقاق الحق
"They only acted to establish the truth."
ورد الباطل
The falsehood has been refuted.
وإني أختم هذه الكلمة
And I conclude this speech.
ببيان أمر مهم
With a statement of an important matter.
ينبغي أن يكون عليه السلفي الصادق
A truthful Salafi should adhere to this.
وهذا الأمر المهم
And this important matter
هو أن السلفيه
It is that Salafism
الصادق يجب عليه
The truthful one must.
يجب عليه أن يعتني بالعلم
He must take care of knowledge.
يجب عليه أن يعتني
He must take care.
With knowledge
So he learns.
من العلم ما يقيم به
"From knowledge, there is what establishes with it."
His worship.
فإن زاد على ذلك
If it increases beyond that.
فهو حسن
He is good.
ولكن هناك علم فرض عين
But there is knowledge that is compulsory for everyone.
كما قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
As the Prophet, peace be upon him, said.
طلب العلم
Seeking knowledge
فريض على كل مسلم
An obligation upon every Muslim.
فهذا العلم الواجب
This is the required knowledge.
الذي ينبغي على كل مسلم
What every Muslim should do.
And a Muslim woman.
أن يتعلموا من أمور دينهم
To learn about their religion matters.
ما يقيموا به عبادتهم لربهم
What they establish their worship of their Lord with.
ثم إذا علموا
Then when they know
They worked.
كما قال
As he said.
بعض السلف
Some of the predecessors
في كلام معنى
There is meaning in the words.
هتف العلم بالعمل
The call of knowledge is through action.
فإن أجابه وإلا ارتحل
"If he answered him, fine; otherwise, he departed."
العلم إذا لم يعمل به صاحبه
Knowledge, if not acted upon by its owner.
قال العلماء قد يكون وبالا
The scholars said it could be a burden.
Upon him
فإذا علمنا وعملنا
So, if we know and act.
فلندعو ونعلم الناس
Let us call and educate the people.
الذي تعلمناه
What we have learned.
ولنصبر على الأذى
And we will persevere through the harm.
وأن نبين الحق بالحق
And that we clarify the truth with the truth.
وأن نرد الباطل بالحكمة
And that we respond to falsehood with wisdom.
قال الشيخ ربيع حفظه الله تعالى
Sheikh Rabee said, may Allah preserve him.
التحذير من أهل الباطل
Warning against the people of falsehood.
أمر واجب
An obligatory matter.
لكن يكون بالعلم والحكمة
But it should be with knowledge and wisdom.
والحجة والبرهان
The evidence and proof.
لا بالسفاهة والطيش
No, with foolishness and recklessness.
فاحذروا بارك الله فيكم
So be careful, may God bless you.
من السباب
From the insults.
والسفاهة بالكلام والشتم
And the foolishness in speech and insults.
So the believers
ليس بالطاعان
"Not by stabbing."
ولا باللعان
Nor by means of cursing.
ولا بالفاحش البذي
"Nor by the obscene and vulgar."
قال شيخ الإسلام بن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
في رده على من شتمه
In response to those who insulted him.
وعلى من سبه
"And upon whom he insulted."
قال في رده على الإخناء
He said in his response to the outward appearance.
قال الجواب
The answer said.
أن يقال ما في هذا الكلام
What can be said about this speech?
من السب والشتم
From cursing and insults.
ليس هو علما
It is not a science.
يستحق الجواب عليه
It deserves a response.
ويمكن الإنسان أن يقابله
And a person can confront him.
بأضعاف ذلك
By multiples of that.
ويكون صادقا
And he will be truthful.
لا يكون كاذبا مثله
"Do not be a liar like him."
ويتبين أنه من أجهل الناس
It turns out that he is one of the most ignorant people.
وأسوائهم فهما
"And their worst is both of them."
وأقلهم علما
"And the least knowledgeable of them."
إلى آخر كلامه
Until the end of his speech.
لكن تأملوا إخواني
But contemplate, my brothers.
قول شيخ الإسلام
The saying of the Sheikh of Islam.
قال ويمكن الإنسان أن يقابله
He said, and a person can face it.
بأضعاف ذلك
By multiples of that.
أي من السب والشتم
Which is of cursing and insults?
ويكون صادقا لا يكون كاذبا مثله
And he would be truthful, not like a liar.
هذا الكلام من شيخ الإسلام بن تيمية
This statement is from Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.
فيه أدب جم
It has great manners.
وأدب عظيم
And great literature.
وهو أننا من شتمنا
And it is that whoever insults us.
لا نقابله بالشتم
We do not respond to him with insults.
بل نرد عليه بالحجة والبرهان
But we respond to him with argument and proof.
وأما الشتم
As for the insults.
فليس علما يستحق الجواب عليه
It is not a question worthy of a response.
وهذا مصداقا لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
This is in accordance with the saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
ليس المؤمن بالطاعان
"The believer is not one who insults."
ولا باللعان
Nor by the oath of mutual curse.
ولا بالفاحش البذيء
Nor with obscene vulgarity.
وأيضا امتثالا لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
"And also in obedience to the saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him."
ولبيت في ربض الجنة
"And I have a house in the outskirts of Paradise."
لمن ترك الجدال
To whom did the debate leave?
ولو كان محقا
Even if he is right.
ولبيت في ربض الجنة
"And I dwelt in the outskirts of Paradise."
لمن ترك الجدال
To whom did the argument leave?
ولو كان محقا
And if he was right.
فاحرصوا بارك الله فيكم
So be diligent, may God bless you.
على اجتناب هذا الأمر
To avoid this matter.
وعلى نصرة الحق
And in support of the truth.
ودحر الباطل
And vanquishing falsehood.
بالعلم والحجة
With knowledge and evidence.
والبرهان والعدل
The evidence and justice.
واجتنب الظلم والجهل
Avoid injustice and ignorance.
والسبابة والشتمة
And the finger and the insult.
والطيشة في التصرفات
And recklessness in actions.
فإن هذا ليس
This is not
من مسلك السلف
From the approach of the predecessors.
وصاحبه ليس بسلفي
And his companion is not a Salafi.
على الجادة
On the street.
وإنما عنده شيء
But he has something.
من الانحراف
From deviation.
أسأل الله عز وجل أن ينفعني
I ask Allah the Almighty to benefit me.
وإياكم بما سمعنا
"And you as well, with what we have heard."
وأعتذر للإطالة
And I apologize for the delay.
إنما هي نصائح وتوجيهات
They are just advice and guidance.
وأسأل الله عز وجل
And I ask Allah the Almighty.
أن ينفعنا جميعا بها
"May it benefit us all."
صلى الله وسلم
May peace and blessings be upon him.
على نبينا محمد
Upon our Prophet Muhammad.
وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
"And upon his family and companions altogether."
حياكم الله
May God bless you.
طيب كم سؤال
Okay, how many questions?
طيب تفضل
Sure, go ahead.
نعم السؤال
Yes, the question.
كان إذا جرح عالم
It was said that if a scholar is wounded...
شخصا جرحه
A person was injured.
وعدله عالم آخر
"And another world is its reward."
فهل نطبق هنا
So do we apply here?
قاعدة الجرح المفسر
The principle of explaining the criticism.
مقدم على التعديل
In the process of modification.
هكذا السؤال
This is the question.
طيب الجواب بارك الله فيكم
The answer is good, may God bless you.
هذه القاعدة
This rule.
أن الجرح المفسر
That the wound is explained.
مقدم على التعديل
Pending amendment.
قاعدة صحيحة
A correct rule.
قاعدة سلفية صحيحة
A correct Salafi principle.
وليس العيب في القاعدة
The fault is not in the rule.
إنما العيب
The fault lies only in.
في تطبيقها عند بعض الناس
In its application among some people.
And that
أن هذه القاعدة
That this rule
لها شروط
It has conditions.
الشرط الأول
The first condition
أن الجرح المفسر
That the explained wound.
مقدم على التعديل
Submitting for amendment.
It means.
إذا كان الجرح
If the wound
مذكورا وثابتا
Mentioned and established.
على الشخص
On the person.
وثابتا على الشخص
And he is fixed on the person.
ولم يتراجع
And he did not retreat.
عنه الشخص
About the person.
فإن كان كذلك
If so
وكان هناك من يعدله
And there was someone to correct it.
ولم يقل المعدل
And the average was not mentioned.
هو تاب من هذه الأمور
He has repented from these matters.
فإن الجرح المفسر مقدم
The defined wound takes precedence.
على التعديل
On the amendment.
ولكن إخواني
But my brothers
إذا كان الجرح غير مفسر
If the wound is unexplained.
كان تكون الكلمة
The word was to be.
عامة ما هي واضحة
Generally, they are clear.
أو كان الجرح غير ثابت
Or was the wound not stable?
على الشخص
On the person.
مجرد دعوة أن فلان
Just an invitation that so-and-so.
وقع في كذا
It happened in such and such.
طيب هل هذه الدعوة فعلا فلان
Okay, is this invitation really for so-and-so?
يتصف بهذه الصفة
Characterized by this trait.
يعني مثلا لو أن عالما قال
For example, if a scientist said
فلان كذاب
So-and-so is a liar.
وفي حقيقة الأمر أن فلان غير كذاب
In fact, so-and-so is not a liar.
هل هذا الآن يعتبر جرح مفسر
Does this now count as an interpreted injury?
مقدم على التعديل
Pending modification.
لا هذا باطل مقدم على الحق
No, this is false and takes precedence over the truth.
طيب إذا جان عالم وقال
"Okay, if a scholar said..."
فلان ثقة
So-and-so is trustworthy.
وجرح من جرحه
"And he was wounded by his wound."
غير صحيح
Not correct.
فإن التعديل مقدم على الجرح
The modification takes precedence over the criticism.
بل لا يلتفت للجرح أصلا
But it does not pay attention to the wound at all.
لأنه غير ثابت
Because it is not stable.
فبارك الله فيكم قاعدة الجرح المفسر
"May Allah bless you, the principle of justified criticism."
مقدم على التعديل لها شروط
There are conditions for making amendments.
الشرط الأول
The first condition
أن يكون الجرح مفسرا
That the wound is explained.
ومعنى مفسرا
And the meaning is explained.
يتضمن أمرين
It includes two matters.
الأمر الأول
The first matter.
أن يكون ما جرح به
That it be what harmed him.
معتبر جرح عند العلماء
A considered wound among scholars.
الشرط الثاني
The second condition.
لكونه مفسرا
Because it is an interpreter.
أن يكون هذا الجرح ثابت على المجروح
For this wound to be persistent on the wounded.
فإن اختل الشرط الأول
If the first condition is not met
أو الثاني
Or the second.
لا يوصف بكونه جرحا مفسرا
It cannot be described as a clarified wound.
فلو كان الجرح غير ثابت
If the wound was not stable
على المجروح
On the wounded.
ليس جرحا مفسرا
It is not a wound that has been explained.
وكان الجرح الذي جرحه به
And it was the wound that he wounded him with.
غير معتبر عند العلماء
Not معتبر (valid) according to scholars.
أنه جرح لا يلتفت له أصلا
It is a wound that is not taken into consideration at all.
ولا تأتي قاعدة الجرح المفسر
And the rule of the interpreted injury does not apply.
مقدم على التعديل
Proceeding with the modification.
وشرط الجرح المفسر
And the condition of the explained injury.
أن يقبل
To accept
أن لا يقول المعدل
That the evaluator should not say
قد اطلعت على سبب الجرح
I have learned the reason for the injury.
وفلان قد تاب منه وتركه
And so-and-so has repented from it and left it.
فإن نص المعدل
The text of the amendment
على أن فلان تاب منه وتركه
Provided that so-and-so repented from it and abandoned it.
فإن التعديل مقدم على الجرح
The correction takes precedence over the criticism.
وإذا كان الجرح
And if the wound
وإنما بعض الناس يسلك مسلك تقديم الجرح على التعديل مطلقا للطعن في السلفيين
Some people adopt the approach of placing criticism over praise in order to undermine the Salafis.
فاحذروا منهم بارك الله فيكم
So beware of them, may God bless you.
القاعدة مقيدة بالشروط التي ذكرتها لكم
The rule is restricted by the conditions I mentioned to you.
ليست مطلقة أن الجرح المفسر مطلق مقدم على التعديل
It is not absolute that the explained wound takes precedence over the correction.
لا بد من الشروط من مراعاة الشروط
Conditions must be taken into account.
هذه الشروط لم آتي بها أنا من جيبي
I did not bring these terms from my pocket.
إنما هذه الشروط مذكورة في كتب الجرح والتعديل
These conditions are mentioned in the books of criticism and authentication.
ومذكورة في كتب المصطلح
And it is mentioned in the books of terms.
ولكن بعض الناس أخفاها
But some people concealed it.
حتى يمرر تجريح بعض العلماء
Until it passes the disparagement of some scholars.
الذين نحسم بهم الظن
Those with whom we conclude our doubts.
في بعض إخواننا السلفيين
In some of our Salafi brothers.
يقول السائل كيف نعرف من يدخل في السلفية تقية
The questioner asks how we can know who enters into Salafism out of precaution.
And from
وكيف تتم المعاملة معه
And how is the transaction done with him?
القاعدة في هذا الباب
The rule in this regard
في معرفة الناس
In knowing people.
أن نعاملهم على ظاهرهم
To treat them according to their outward appearance.
فإن كان ظاهرهم صلاح
If their outward appearance is righteous.
and stability
And righteousness.
وسلوك المنهج السلفي
And the behavior of the Salafi method.
وكانت أقوالهم حقا وصدقا
And their words were true and sincere.
وما خالف قولهم فعلهم
"What contradicts their saying is their action."
ولا فعلهم قولهم
"And their actions do not match their words."
فإننا على ظاهرهم نأخذهم
We take them at face value.
ولا يجوز لنا أن نطعم في الناس
It is not permissible for us to speak ill of people.
بمجرد الظن
Just a suspicion.
أو بمجرد العداوة
Or just out of hostility.
أو بمجرد المخالفة
Or simply by the violation.
يعني لهون
It means "up to here."
فإن هذا ظلم وجهن
This is oppression and hell.
كما قال شيخ الإسلام بن تيمية
As Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said.
ولكن إن ظهر من الإنسان
"But if it appears from the person"
في فلتات لسانه
In slips of his tongue.
أو ظهر من الإنسان في فعله
"Or it appeared from the person in their actions."
أو في مماشاته
Or in his compliance.
أو في طعنه في السلفيين
Or in his criticism of the Salafis.
أو في سعيه للتفرق بينهم
Or in his effort to sow discord among them.
فها هنا يتبين لنا
Here it becomes clear to us.
أن هذا الشخص ليس صادقا
That this person is not honest.
في سلفيته
In his Salafism.
كيف نتعامل معه؟
How do we deal with him?
نتعامل معه كما قال لنا الشيخ ربيع حفظه الله تعالى
We deal with him as Sheikh Rabi' told us, may Allah preserve him.
نعالجه وننصحه
We treat him and advise him.
ونعالجه وننصحه
And we treat him and advise him.
ونصبر عليه ونوجهه للحق
And we will be patient with him and guide him towards the truth.
ونذكره بالله عز وجل
And we remind him of Allah, the Almighty.
ثم بعد ذلك
Then after that.
يعني بعد مناصحته
It means after advising him.
وتبيان الحق له
And clarifying the truth to him.
إن أصر على
If he insists on
مخالفته للحق ومعاندته
His opposition to the truth and defiance.
وظهر أنه
And it became apparent that
يعني ينتهج هذا المسلك
It means to adopt this approach.
عن انحراف وضلال
About deviation and misguidance.
وكان مثله
And he was like him.
لا يعذر فيما وقع فيه
He will not be excused for what he has done.
فإنه عند أهل العلم يهجر
It is neglected among the scholars.
ولا يصاحب
"And does not accompany."
ويحذر منه الناس حتى لا يضللهم
And people warn against him so that he does not mislead them.
ولا يحرفهم عن الحق
"And may they not be diverted from the truth."
لا يقال
It is not said.
طيب لماذا إلى آخره
Okay, why to the end?
نقول الجواب عن هذا
We say the answer to this.
إن هؤلاء يفسدون بين الناس
These individuals sow discord among people.
And they lie.
انظروا إلى بعض شيوخنا السلفيين
Look at some of our Salafi scholars.
حفظهم الله تعالى
May God protect them.
قد يتكلمون
They may speak.
في بعض إخوانهم السلفيين
In some of their Salafist brothers.
بسبب هؤلاء المفسدين
Because of these corruptors.
ظلما عدوانا
Injustice aggression.
ولو أننا حذرنا منهم قديما
And if we had warned them long ago.
لا استرحنا من شرهم
We have not rested from their evil.
ولكن ما علينا
But what can we do?
إلا المعاملة بالظاهر
Except for dealing with appearances.
ولا يحيق المكر السيء إلا بأهله
And the evil plot does not encompass except its owners.
يسأل عن الحديث
He is asking about the narration.
النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
The Prophet, peace be upon him.
الذي فيه الحس
"That which has sensation."
على أن يأخذ ويأكل ويشرب بيمينه
That he should take, eat, and drink with his right hand.
وأن لا يأخذ ويشرب
And not to take or drink.
ويعطي بشماله
And he gives with his left hand.
لأن الشيطان يأكل بشماله
Because the devil eats with his left hand.
ويعطي بشماله
And he gives with his left hand.
هل هذا يفهم منه التحريم
Does this imply prohibition?
الجواب نعم
The answer is yes.
يفهم من هذا الحديث
This hadith is understood to mean
تحريم استعمال اليد اليسرى
The prohibition of using the left hand.
ويدل على هذا عدة أمور
Several things indicate this.
الأمر الأول
The first matter.
حديث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
The Hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
لما أكل عنده بعضه
When he ate some of it with him.
بعض الناس
Some people
With his left hand
فقال كل بيمينك
He said, "Everyone with your right hand."
فأكل بشماله
So he ate with his left hand.
فقال كل بيمينك لا أستطيع
He said, "Speak with your right hand, I can't."
فقال لا استطعت
He said, "I could not."
فدعا عليه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
So the Prophet, peace be upon him, called down a curse upon him.
وما كان ليدعو عليه في أمر مستحب
"And he would not pray against him in a matter that is recommended."
الأمر الثاني
The second matter
من نفس الحديث
From the same conversation.
فإن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
Indeed, the Prophet, peace be upon him.
علقه بالشيطان
He is attached to the devil.
قال العلماء
The scholars said.
إن تعليق الأمر
The suspension of the matter.
بفعل الشيطاني
By the devil's doing.
علق بالشيطان
"Hang with the devil."
يدل على تحريمه
It indicates its prohibition.
إلا لقرينة
"Except for an indication."
ولا قرينة هنا حسب علمي والله أعلم
There is no evidence here to my knowledge, and God knows best.
He says
نريد منكم نصيحة للإخوة
We would like your advice for the brothers.
أئمة المساجد والخطباء
Imams of mosques and preachers.
وإخوة السلفيين
And the brothers of the Salafis.
نصيحة لنفسي ولهم جميعا بأمور
Advice for myself and for all of them regarding matters.
الأمر الأول بتقوى الله عز وجل
The first command is to fear God, the Almighty.
أن نراقب الله في أقوالنا
To observe God in our words.
And our actions
الأمر الثاني أن نتعلم العلم الشرعي
The second matter is that we learn religious knowledge.
أن نتعلم سنة النبي
To learn the Sunnah of the Prophet.
وما كان عليه صدقه
"And what was upon him was his charity."
وأن نتعلم صحابة رضوان الله عليهم
And to learn from the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them.
وأن نعمل بها
And to act upon it.
الأمر الثالث أن ندعو إلى الكتاب والسنة
The third matter is to call to the Quran and the Sunnah.
وإلى فهم سلف الأمة
"And to the understanding of the predecessors of the nation."
وأن نلزم العلماء الكبار
And to bind the senior scholars.
الذين يعملون بالحق
Those who act with truth.
وإليه يدعون الناس
"And to Him, people are called."
الأمر الرابع
The fourth matter.
أن أتآخى
To be brotherly.
مع إخواني
With my brothers.
وأن ألقي ما بيننا من عداوة
"And to cast aside the enmity between us."
وبغضاء من أمور الدنيا
"And enmity from the matters of this world."
أما العداوة والبغضاء
As for enmity and hatred
في أمور الدين
In matters of religion.
فإنها كما قال
For it is as he said.
وغيره من أهل العلم
And others among the people of knowledge.
قال لو كانت الدنيا لهانت
He said, "If the world were worth anything, it would have been easy."
ولكنه الدين
But it is the religion.
أي الدين العزيز لا يتنازل عنه
Any religion that is dear to him, he does not compromise on.
الأمر الخامس
The fifth matter
أن نحذر من نزغات الشيطان
To beware of the whispers of Satan.
ومن فساد ذات البين
"From the corruption of relationships."
الأمر السابع
The seventh command.
الحرص على هداية الناس
The eagerness to guide people.
وتعليمهم التوحيد
And teaching them monotheism.
وتحذيرهم من الشرك وتعليمهم السنة
And warning them against polytheism and teaching them the Sunnah.
وتنفيرهم من البدعة
And to deter them from innovation.
والأمر بالمعروف
And the command to do good.
والنهي عن المنكر
And the prohibition of wrongdoing.
وأيضا أن نكون قدوة لهم
And also to be a role model for them.
وأن نربيهم
And to raise them.
على صغار المسائل
On minor issues.
قبل كبارها
Before its elders.
لا أنسى ملازمة ذكر الله عز وجل
I do not forget the importance of remembering Allah, the Almighty.
وثلاوة القرآن
And the sweetness of the Quran.
وبر الوالدين
Obedience to parents
أسأل الله عز وجل أن ينفعنا جميعا
I ask Allah, the Mighty and Exalted, to benefit us all.
بما سمعنا
As we heard.
وأن يكون حجة لنا
And that it may be an evidence for us.
لا حجة علينا
There is no argument against us.
آمين وإياكم
Amen and to you as well.
حياكم الله جميعا
May God greet you all.
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you.
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