من حبك دبك

حياكه رداء

حياكه رداء

من حبك دبك

حياكه رداء



كده شعور الانتماء حلو

This feeling of belonging is nice.

تحس انك منتمي لهذا المكان

You feel like you belong to this place.

متأصل فيك

Ingrained in you.

هذا المكان يقبلك بكل ما فيك

This place accepts you with all that you are.

بعيوب وحسنات

With flaws and virtues.

الانتماء أشكال وأنواع

Belonging has forms and types.

بس أهم انتماء بوجهة نظري

But the most important affiliation in my opinion.

انتماء الشخصي

Personal belonging

لما انت انتمي لشخص

When do you belong to someone?

باختلاف علاقته معك

Depending on his relationship with you.

هل هو زوج زوجة

Is he the husband of the wife?

أب أم

mother or father

أخ أخت

Brother sister

أيا كان علاقته معك

Whatever his relationship with you.



يخليك تلمس الشوكة

It makes you touch the fork.

ويعطيك بداره وردة

And he gives you a rose at his house.

شخص ينتقدك

A person criticizes you.

هو نفسه اللي يثني عليك

He is the same one who praises you.

شخص يقولك أحسنت ورائع

Someone tells you "Well done" and "Wonderful."

نفسه اللي يقولك

The same one who tells you.

ليش سويت كذا انت غلط

Why did you do that? You were wrong.

انسان يحبك

A person loves you.

من الآخر

In short.

كلنا محتاجين هذا الانسان في حياتنا

We all need this person in our lives.

أحيانا يكون قريب مننا

Sometimes he is close to us.

لسنا احنا شايفينه

We are not the ones seeing it.

وأحيانا كل السماء

And sometimes the whole sky.

موجود في حياتنا

Present in our lives.

لازم ندور عليه

We need to look for him.

هذا الانسان

This person.

هو اللي يخليك بكرة تكمل الحياة صح

He is the one who makes you continue life correctly tomorrow.

تعيش حياتك صح

Live your life right.

مهما تسوي من أغلاض

No matter what you do with the things.

انت عارف انه فيه انسان

You know that there is a person.

يثق فيك

He trusts you.



يصلح منك

It suits you.

يحاول يصلح أخطاءك

He is trying to correct your mistakes.


He tries.

يشد من أذرك

It pulls your ear.

في أي مشكلة تقع فيها

In what problem do you find yourself?

انسان سمتك

The person is your trait.


"And your back."



مهما سوت فيك الدنيا

No matter what the world does to you.

تتكي عليه

You rely on it.

هذا الانسان

This person.

هذه الانسانة

This person.

وجوده في حياتنا نعمة

His presence in our lives is a blessing.

لوحده شعور قاتل

Being alone is a deadly feeling.

لما تكون في عالم كثير

When you are in a world of many.

حولك ناس

There are people around you.

بس برضه تحس بالوحده ليه

But you still feel lonely, why?

مافي شعور

There are no feelings.


By belonging

فيه أفكار سلبية

There are negative thoughts.

تجيك حول هدا

It will come to you around this.

وللناس اللي حولك

And for the people around you.

كثير ناس يدخلون

Many people enter.


Your life

ويطلعون منها

"And they come out from it."

بدون أي أثر

Without any trace.

وفيه ناس يدخلون الحياتك

"There are people who enter your life."

ويبعدون فيها

And they are distanced in it.

دائم ابحث عن الصفوة

I always seek the elite.

من من حولك

Who is around you?

هم سنتك بكرة

They will be your habit tomorrow.

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