ازاي تتعامل مع الاكتئاب

Ahmed El Aawar

Aawar Podcast

ازاي تتعامل مع الاكتئاب

Aawar Podcast

ازاي تتعامل مع الاكتئاب لو اصبت باكتئاب

How to cope with depression if you are suffering from it?

ليه بعمل الحلقة دي عشان تفهم ايه طبيعة الاكتئاب ده ايه اللي بيحصل فيه

I'm making this episode so that you can understand what the nature of this depression is and what happens in it.

وازاي تاخد الخطوات المناسبة ان ان شاء الله ربنا يعافيك من عملية الاكتئاب

And how to take the appropriate steps so that, if God wills, He may heal you from the depression process.

لو كنت مصاب بيه

If I were infected with it.

وليه بقولك لو كنت مصاب بيه لان فيه ناس كتيرة بتلخبط ما بين الحزن والاكتئاب

I'm telling you this because if you were affected by it, many people confuse sadness with depression.

والاتنين ما بينهم اعراض متشابهة

And the two have similar symptoms between them.

اعراض واحدة تمام common factors يعني

Common factors mean the same symptoms.

فمش كل واحد حزين نقول عليه مكتئب

Not everyone who is sad can be called depressed.

لان الحزين ممكن ينعزل

Because the sad person might isolate themselves.

يحب ال isolation يلاقي نفسه alienated كده ويحس بغربة وعايز يقعد لوحده

He loves isolation; he finds himself alienated like that and feels estranged and wants to be alone.

وعنده نوع من ال social suicide اللي كنت ذكرتها في حلقة قبل كده

He has a kind of social suicide that I mentioned in a previous episode.

اللي عايز يحضر لا فرح ولا عزة

Whoever wants to attend neither a wedding nor a funeral.

عنده مشاعر فياضة بيحب يعبر عنها بيعيط جامد

He has strong emotions and loves to express them by crying loudly.

عنده فقدان طاقة برضو

He also has a loss of energy.

فكلنا بنمر يا جماعة باللحظات دي

We all go through these moments, everyone.

وبنقول عليها حتى

And we even say about it.

ممكن نسميها مجازا depressive mode

We can call it metaphorically the depressive mode.

مش معنى كده انك انت بتعدي ب depressive mode او زعلان ان انت تبقى depressed

It doesn't mean that you are going through a depressive mode or that you are upset about being depressed.

من الفروق الواضحة جدا ما بين الزعل والحزن والاكتئاب

One of the very clear differences between anger, sadness, and depression.

ان الزعلان لو انت سألته انت زعلان ليه

If you ask the upset person why they are upset.

مش هياخد وقت كتير to figure out ان يقولك انا زعلان بسبب كذا

It won't take long to figure out that he will tell you I'm upset because of this.

انا حسيت ان انا متطهد حسيت ان انا مليش لازمة

I felt that I am oppressed; I felt that I am useless.

حسيت ان انا فاشل حسيت ان انا كذا

I felt that I am a failure, I felt that I am like this.

بيقدر بالفعل يبينت اوت الاسباب اللي بيها او السبب ان هو زعلان

He can indeed express the reasons for why he is upset.

اما ال depressed

As for the depressed.

حيتلخبط حتحس انه مش متاكد

It will get confusing, you'll feel like he is not sure.

ويقولك الدنيا فجأة بقت draining وملهاش معنى

He tells you that suddenly life became draining and meaningless.

وحاسس ان انا مستنزف

And I feel that I am drained.

ومش قادر بالفعل يحط ايده على السبب

And he really can't pinpoint the reason.

ليه بقى لانه بيقولك يعني

"Why? Because it tells you, I mean."

بيقوله من احد التعريفات depression ان هو حزن

One of the definitions of depression is that it is sadness.

نسي سببه

He forgot his reason.

sadness that forgot its reason

sadness that forgot its reason

يعني كأني حصل معايا مشكلة كبيرة قوي

It means as if I encountered a very big problem.

ومن كتر ما كانت مواجهتها عملية صعبة قوي

And because facing it was a very difficult process.

دفنتها في ال unconscious

I buried her in the unconscious.

تاني كده بالراحة

Slow down a bit.

يبقى المكتئب واجه trauma معينة كارثة معينة مصيبة حاجة كبيرة حصلت معايا

The depressed person faces a specific trauma, a particular disaster, a major calamity that has happened to me.

وطبعا العملية هنا نسبية لان مش كل الناس ال immunity system

And of course, the process here is relative because not everyone has the same immunity system.

او psychological immunity بتاعتها المناعة النفسية بتاعتها واحدة

Her psychological immunity is one.

يعني في واحد موقف معين يتعبه جامد قوي

It means there is a specific situation that stresses him a lot.

واحد تاني قابل نفس الموقف بس منعته اقوى شوية فيقدر يتعامل معاه

Someone else faced the same situation, but he was a bit stronger so he was able to handle it.

فيقدر يعمل عملية processing ويتعامل مع الموقف

He can process and handle the situation.

اما شخص ممكن يكون حساس شوية واجه مصيبة فاجعة

"A person who might be a bit sensitive has faced a tragic disaster."

من كتر ما هي كبيرة قوي و devastating دفنها في ال unconscious وكأنها لم تحدث

Because it is so big and devastating, she buried it in the unconscious as if it never happened.

عملها عملية suppression

She had a suppression procedure done.

دفنها وظهرتلو في صورة اكتئاب عشان كده بنقول على الاكتئاب بردو

He buried her, and she appeared to him in a depressed image, that's why we also refer to depression like that.

undigested trauma trauma غير مهضومة unresolved trauma trauma ما تحلتش

undigested trauma unresolved trauma

أو unknown trauma يعني انا صاحب الاكتئاب نفسه واجه trauma هو مش واخد باله منها

Or unknown trauma means that I, the one with depression, faced trauma that I am not aware of.

عشان كده بردو تحديدا الناس اللي بتصاب بالاكتئاب ممكن تبقى محبطة لحبيبهم وصحبه

That's why, specifically, people who suffer from depression may become frustrating for their loved ones and friends.

ممكن تبقى محبطة لحبيبهم وصحبه

It can be frustrating for their loved ones and friends.

صحابهم لان انا النهاردة لو شفت حد عزيز علي زعلان منعزل متدايق

I would feel sorry for them because today if I saw someone dear to me feeling upset and isolated.

واقعد اقول له مالك يقول لك مفيش واحيانا المكتئب من كتر ما هو

I kept telling him what's wrong, and he says nothing, and sometimes the depressed person is just overwhelmed.

مش عارف السبب ممكن ايه يقعد يقول لك قصانا ما بقتش طايق المدرسة

"I don't know what the reason could be; he keeps telling you that he can't stand school anymore."

او ما بقتش طايق الجامعة او انا ما بقتش طايق فلان او علان وبعد

I can't stand the university anymore, or I can't stand so-and-so anymore, and then what?

كده ممكن مشكلة تتحل بعد كده ويرجع يقول لك طب بس انت لسه

This could be a problem that gets resolved later and then he might say to you, "But you are still..."

تعبان لان هو هو بيخمن هو ممكن بالفعل نسي السبب وكأنه قرر في

He's tired because he is guessing he might have actually forgotten the reason, as if he decided it.

اللاوعي ان انا ابقى ديبريست او ابقى مكتئب افضل بكتير بالنسبالي

The unconscious is that I remain depressed or that I stay melancholic, which is much better for me.

ان انا اواجه الترومة دي او اواجه المشكلة اللي ممكن يعني مواجهتها

I am facing this trauma or confronting the problem that I might encounter.

تبقى عملية ثقيلة جدا ومتعبة جدا على النفس واحد الامثلة يعني

It remains a very heavy and exhausting process on the soul, one of the examples means.

لو انا بتكلم على امثلة بيبقى من ضمنها جواز الشخص الخطأ

If I am talking about examples, one of them is marrying the wrong person.

اللي ممكن يترطب عليها حاجة بنقول عليها علاقة سامة تفضل سنين طويلة معها في علاقة سامة مش شرطة تحديدا مع حد وحش ولكن العلاقة نفسها سامة توصيبك بالاكتئاب مشاكل مع الابوين ممكن تحصل عملية اللي هو طبعا انتهاك جنسي او تحرش جنسي بشكل يعني بشع وممكن برضو عملية بولينج يعني يحصل عملية اضطهاد من صغرك كنت ده

What can be described as a toxic relationship can last many years; it doesn't necessarily have to be with a bad person, but the relationship itself is toxic and can lead to depression. Issues with parents can occur, and there might be instances of sexual abuse or harassment in a horrific manner. There could also be bullying, where you experience persecution from a young age.

دايما دايما بتبقى من اصحابك وهكذا وفضلت تتخزن ومواجهتهاش تمام دي من الحاجات اللي برضو من المسببات وفي اسباب كتيرة طبعا طيب الحل الحل النهاردة طبعا الحل له وجهات نظر لان انا يعني في ناس مش مؤمنة اصلا ان هي تروح لدكاترة وتاخد علاج وادوية ويقولك الموضوع فيه شبهة مصلحة ودي عملية اقتصادية

It always happens that you stay among your friends and so on, and you keep storing things up and don't confront them properly. This is one of the things that causes issues, and there are many reasons, of course. So, what's the solution? The solution today, of course, has different perspectives because there are people who don't believe in going to doctors and taking treatment and medication, and they say the matter has a hint of profit and it's an economic process.

وتسويق لادوية معينة واحنا بندمل الادوية وبناخد الادوية وما فيش حاجة بتحصل وبنرجع تاني وفي ناس تقولك لا انا اخدت الادوية والادوية حسستني ان انا كويس الفكرة هنا في ايه اه الاكتئاب الديبريشن بيبقى فيه كاميكل امبالنس لا شك يعني لو اكتئاب قوي يعني up to severe depression مش معال ديبريشن ممكن يسبب كاميكل امبالنس في المخ

And marketing for certain medications, we take the medications and nothing happens, and we come back again, and some people tell you no, I took the medications, and they made me feel good. The idea here is what, yes, severe depression has a chemical imbalance, no doubt. I mean, if it's strong depression, I mean up to severe depression, it's not treated. Depression can cause a chemical imbalance in the brain.

مدرسة السايكوثيرابي من وجهة نظري افضل مدرسة

The school of psychotherapy, in my opinion, is the best school.

حد ياخد ادوية خد بالكوا الادوية لا هي الاستارت ولا هي الاند يعني لا هي البداية ولا هي النهاية ولكن انا barely باخد ادوية تلفت المود شوية ترفع من مودي شوية بحيس اني اقدر اخش في حوار بناء مع السايكوثيرابيست

"Anyone taking medication, be careful, the medications are neither the start nor the end; they are neither the beginning nor the conclusion. However, I barely take medications that shift my mood a little, lifting my mood a bit so that I feel I can engage in a constructive dialogue with the psychotherapist."

والحل هنا سايكوثيرابيست متواضع بيدي مساحة بيخش في conversation امن مع المصاب بالديبريشن لحد ما يوصل معاه للسبب

The solution here is a modest psychotherapist who provides a safe space for the person suffering from depression to engage in conversation until they reach the underlying cause.

لان خدوا بالكوا زي ما قلنا المكتئب نسي السبب او تناسى السبب او دفن السبب واحيانا بتاخد وقت قوي على ما يقدر يربط حالته بالسبب

Because, as we said, the depressed person either forgets the reason or ignores it or buries it, and sometimes it takes a long time for them to be able to connect their condition to the reason.

تمام لدرجة عشان الموضوع ممكن يبقى كومبلكس اكتر هو اصلا مش شايف جدوى الجاب ما بين الانسايت وريالايزيشن

It's fine to the extent that the issue could become more complex; he doesn't actually see the benefit of the gap between insight and realization.

اللي هو انه طب انا لو عرفت يعني هعمل ايه اه احتمال يكون بابايا كان بيتعد علي او مامتي كانت بيتعمل ايه احتمال يكون حد عمل معايا

What I mean is, if I knew what to do, maybe my dad was being disrespectful or my mom was doing something; it's possible that someone did something to me.

وكأنه نظريا برضو مش عايز يخش في الموضوع لانه لو دخل في الموضوع حاسس انه مش هيقدر يتعامل مع الموقف

It's as if, theoretically, he also doesn't want to get involved in the matter because if he does, he feels he won't be able to handle the situation.

عشان كده السايكو ثيرابيس الشاطر يخليه يعرف السبب يوصله للسبب ويديه كل المساحة اللي يقدر عليها من بيقول عليها حاجة اسمها

That's why a good psychotherapist helps him understand the reason, leads him to the cause, and gives him all the space he can handle to talk about something called.

شرعية لما تشعر به يحزن بقى كأنه بيحزن من اول وجديد كأنه الموضوع لسه حصل امبارح

"It's legitimate to feel sad about what you're experiencing, as if you're mourning it all over again, as if it just happened yesterday."

سنين طويلة انتس اوكي ويبقى الخيار الواعي هنا ان انا احزن على الموقف واوجهه بدل ما اكتئب وحس ان حياة ملهاش معنا واكون يأس

For many years, I understood that the conscious choice here is to feel sad about the situation and confront it instead of becoming depressed and feeling that life has no meaning and being hopeless.

اوكي يا جماعة وربنا يعافي الجميع ان شاء الله وشوفكم في حلقة جديدة

Okay guys, and may God grant recovery to everyone, God willing. See you in a new episode.

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