سيرة النبي (ص) الحلقة (35)

الشيخ ياسر عودة

سيرة النبي (ص) 5

سيرة النبي (ص) الحلقة (35)

سيرة النبي (ص) 5

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

الحمد لله رب العالمين

Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.

وصلى الله وسلم على سيدنا محمد

May peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad.

وعلى آله الطيبين والطاهرين

"And upon his good and pure family."

وأصحابه المنتجبين

And his chosen companions.

السلام عليكم أحبتي ورحمة الله وبركاته

Peace be upon you, my beloved ones, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

لازلنا في سيرة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله

We are still in the biography of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family.

والدرس الخامس والثلاثين

And the thirty-fifth lesson.

وأحداث السنة الخامسة للهجرة

Events of the fifth year of Hijra.

وغزوة بين المصطلق التي تحدثنا عن قسم منها سابقا

And the Battle of Banu Mustaliq, of which we talked about part earlier.

وقلنا ووصلنا إلى حادثة عبد الله بن أبي رؤوس

And we said, and we reached the incident of Abdullah ibn Abi Ruwas.

رئيس المناثقين في المدينة

Head of the coordinators in the city.

الذي كان يعد نفسه لأن

who was preparing himself for

يعني يتوجه العرب في المدينة وقبائلها

This means the Arabs are directing towards the city and its tribes.

زعيما عليهم

A leader over them.

وكان قد يعني أظهر إسلامه خوفا من رسول الله

He may have shown his Islam out of fear of the Messenger of Allah.

صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

Peace be upon him and his family.

ولكنه استبطن الشرك والكفر في داخله

But he harbored polytheism and disbelief within himself.

وكان يكيد بين الفترة والأخرى للنبي وللمسلمين

He would scheme against the Prophet and the Muslims from time to time.

على كل حال هو قال في هذه الحادثة في هذه الغزوة

In any case, he mentioned in this incident during this battle.

قال لأن رجعنا إلى المدينة

He said, "Because we returned to the city."

لا يخرجنا الأعز منها الأذل

The honorable does not come out of the dishonorable.

ويقصد بالأعز نفسه والأذل

It means "the most honorable is oneself and the most humiliated."

والعياذ بالله رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله

And seeking refuge with Allah, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family.

ولله العزة ولرسوله وللمؤمنين

"To Allah belongs all honor, and to His Messenger, and to the believers."

ولكن المنافقين لا يعلمون

But the hypocrites do not know.

سمع هذه المقالة منه

He heard this statement from him.

بعد أن رأى تلك الحادثة بين مولى

After he witnessed that incident between the master.

عمر بن الخطاب ورجل بن الأنصار

Omar ibn al-Khattab and a man from the Ansar.

وأراد أن يستغلها

And he wanted to take advantage of it.

هو سمع زيد بن الأرقم

He heard Zaid bin al-Arqam.

أحد الصحابة مقالته هذه

One of the companions said this statement.

وقال له أنت الأذل

He said to him, "You are the most humiliated."

وليس رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

And the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, is not...

ولكن هذا الرجل قال له

But this man said to him.

يعني أنا لم أقل شيئا كأنه قال أنا أمزح

I mean, I didn't say anything as if he said I'm joking.

يعني هكذا قلت مثل هذا الخبر

It means, "That's what I said about such news."

فقال له أنت والله أمزحي

He said to him, "By God, are you joking?"

والله الذليل القليل المبغث في قومك

By God, the humiliating and the little, who is despised among your people.

ومحمد صلى الله عليه وآله في عزم من الرحمن

And Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, is determined by the Most Merciful.

ومودة من المسلمين

And affection from the Muslims.

ثم مشى زيد بن أرقم إلى رسول الله

Then Zaid ibn Arqam walked to the Messenger of Allah.

وأخبره بما سمعه من ذلك الرجل

And he told him what he heard from that man.

بعد فراغه من الغزوة طبعا

After he finished the raid, of course.

فرسول الله أرسل خلف عبد الله فأتى

The Messenger of Allah sent for Abdullah, and he came.

فقال ما هذا الذي بلغني عنك

He said, "What is this that has reached me about you?"

فقال عبد الله والذي أنزل عليك الكتاب

Abdullah said, "By the One who sent down the Book to you."

ما قلت شيئا من ذلك قط

I have never said any of that.

وأن زيدا لكاذب

"And that Zaid is a liar."

نام قومه حذر من حذر من الأنصار

His people slept, warning of the caution from the Ansar.

قالوا يا رسول الله هذا شيخنا وكبيرنا

They said, "O Messenger of Allah, this is our elder and our leader."

لا تصدق عليه كلام غلام من غلمان الأنصار

"Don't believe what a boy from the Ansar says about him."

عسى أن يكون هذا الغلام قد توهم ذلك من حديثه

Perhaps this boy has misunderstood that from his conversation.

فعذره رسول الله ومشى إلى سبيله

So the Messenger of Allah excused him and went on his way.

فسار ولما استقبل رسول الله

So he proceeded, and when he met the Messenger of God.

سار في الطريق راجعا إلى المدينة

He walked along the road, returning to the city.

لقيه أسيد بن الحضير

He met Asid bin al-Hudhayr.

فحياه بتحية النبوة

So, bring her the greeting of prophethood.

ثم قال له رسول الله لقد رحت في ساعة منكرة

Then the Messenger of Allah said to him, "You have gone at an ominous hour."

ما كنت تروح فيها

Where were you going in it?

فقال له رسول الله

The Messenger of God said to him.

أو ما بلغك ما قال صاحبكم

"Or hasn't it reached you what your companion said?"

يعني عن عبد الله بن أبي

It means about Abdullah bin Abi.

رغم أنه إن رجع إلى المدينة أخرج الأعز منها الأذل

Although if he returns to the city, he will bring out the more honorable from among the more humble.

فقال فأنت والله يا رسول الله

He said, "By God, you are indeed the Messenger of God."

تخرجه إن شئت هو والله الذليل وأنت العزيز

If you wish, he is indeed the humble one, and you are the esteemed one.

ثم قال يا رسول الله ارفق به

Then he said, "O Messenger of Allah, be gentle with him."

يعني لا تتحامل عليه كثيرا

It means don't put too much pressure on him.

فوالله لقد جاء الله بك

By God, you have truly come from Him.

وإن قومه لينظمون له الخرز ليتوجوه

"And indeed, his people are arranging the beads for him to crown him."

وإنه ليرى أنك قد استلبته ملكا

"And indeed he sees that you have taken away his kingdom."

على كل حال بلغ عبد الله بن أبي

In any case, inform Abdullah bin Abi.

ما كان من أمر أبيه

What happened to his father.

يعني ابن عبد الله بن أبي أيضا اسمه عبد الله

It means the son of Abdullah bin Abu, whose name is also Abdullah.

بلغه من أمر أبيه

He conveyed to him his father's matter.

وظن بأن رسول الله يريد أن يقتله

And he thought that the Messenger of Allah wanted to kill him.

فأتى رسول الله وقال له

So the Messenger of Allah came and said to him.

أنا أقتله لأنني لا أحب آتيك برأس أبي

I am killing him because I do not like bringing you my father's head.

لأنني لا أحب أن يصبح لأحد لي عليه ثأر

Because I don't like to have anyone hold a grudge against me.

وأنت يا رسول الله أحب إلي من كذا وكذا

"And you, O Messenger of Allah, are more beloved to me than this and that."

يعني من أبي ومن كل قومي وعشيرتي

It means from my father and all my people and my tribe.

المهم النبي لا ما رضي بقتله

The important thing is that the Prophet did not agree to his killing.

بل ترفق به وتحسن صحبته ما بقي معنا

But be kind to him and treat him well as long as he is with us.

فلاحظوا النبي صلى الله عليه وآله

So observe the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family.

من رؤوس المنافقين ويمكر سوءا برسول الله

"From the leaders of the hypocrites and plots evil against the Messenger of Allah."

ومع ذلك لم يرضى بقتله وبقي في المدينة

However, he was not satisfied with killing him and remained in the city.

ونحن جايين نؤمر الناس بالقتل

"We are coming to command people to kill."

ونستخف بالدماء

And we take blood lightly.

ومجرد أن خالفنا في المذهب أو في الرأي

"And as soon as we disagreed in the doctrine or in opinion."

نهدر دمه ودم أطفاله ودم عياله

"We shed his blood and the blood of his children and the blood of his family."

وأنتم ترون سفك الدم أصلا في مدن المسلمين

"And you see the shedding of blood as a norm in the cities of Muslims."

وبلادهم على امتداد الأرض مع الأسف الشديد

And their lands across the earth, unfortunately.

كل ذلك زورا وكذبا لأحاديث مزورة

All of that is falsehood and lies for fabricated narratives.

وضعوها أنه إنما جئتكم بالذبح

"They set it that I only came to you for slaughter."

حاشاه أن يقول كذلك

How could he say such a thing?

إنما جئتكم بالرحمة

"I have only come to you with mercy."

إنما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق

"I was only sent to perfect good character."

عن الرحمة المهداد

About the bestowed mercy.

هذا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

This is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family.

لكن مع الأسف المؤرخون والقصاصون صوروه بهذه الصورة

But unfortunately, historians and storytellers portrayed him in this light.

ومع الأسف الشديد كثير من العلماء فهموا ذلك خطأا

Unfortunately, many scholars misunderstood that.

وكرس ذلك فتواهم في القرآن

And that devoted their fatwa in the Quran.

وفي إهدار دماء الناس لمجرد الاختلاف معهم

"Wasting the blood of people merely for disagreeing with them."

أو لمجرد مباشرة يطبقون عليه حكم الإفساد في الأرض ويقتلونه

Or just for being active, they apply the punishment of corruption on earth and kill him.

وأنه أكثر من عبد الله بن أبي لم يكن مفسدا في المدينة

"And he was more than Abdullah ibn Abi, who was not corrupt in Medina."

ومع ذلك رسول الله ما قتله على الإطلاق

However, the Messenger of God did not kill him at all.

على كل حال ثم عادوا إلى المدينة

In any case, they then returned to the city.

تركه النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, left it.

حتف أنفه بقي فيها فترة ومات حتف أنفه

He died a natural death after staying in it for a while.

قبل أن يدخلوا إلى المدينة

Before they enter the city.

النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

The Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him.

نزل على ماء بالحجاز

"He descended upon water in Hijaz."

قريب من البقيع

Close to Al-Baqi.

يقال له بقعاء فهاجت ريح شديدة آذتهم وتخوفوها

He is called Buqa'a, and a strong wind arose that troubled them and they feared it.

وظلت ناقة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ليلا

The she-camel of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, remained at night.

والنبي قال مات اليوم منافق عظيم النفاق بالمدينة

And the Prophet said, "A great hypocrite has died today in the city."

قيل من هو قال رفع

It was asked, "Who is he?" He said, "Raf'a."

فقال رجل من المنافقين كيف يزعم أنه يعلم الغيب

A man from the hypocrites said, "How can he claim to know the unseen?"

ولا يعلم مكان ناقته

And he does not know the location of his she-camel.

عم يخبرنا أنه مات رجل منافق عظيم في المدينة قبل أن يدخلها

He tells us that a great hypocrite died in the city before entering it.

ولا يعلم أين الناقة قد تاهت في هذا الليل

And he does not know where the she-camel has strayed in this night.

فأتاه جبرائيل عليه السلام

And Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to him.

فأخبره بقول المنافق وبمكان الناقة

So he told him the words of the hypocrite and the location of the she-camel.

وأخبر رسول الله أصحابه أين هي؟

And the Messenger of Allah told his companions where it is.


The she-camel.

فذهبوا وأتوا بها

So they went and brought it back.

وقال ما أزعم أني أعلم الغيب

He said, "I do not claim that I know the unseen."

وما أعلمه

And what I know

ولكن الله تعالى أخبرني بذلك

But Allah Almighty informed me of that.

ولكن الله تعالى أخبرني بقول المنافق وبمكان ناقتي

"But Allah, the Exalted, informed me of the words of the hypocrite and the location of my she-camel."

هي في الشعب كذا وكذا

She is in the public like this and that.

فذهبوا أتوا بالناقة

So they went and brought the she-camel.

ولما دخلوا إلى المدينة

And when they entered the city.

وجدوا هذا المنافق قد قتل

They found this hypocrite had been killed.

وجدوه في المدينة

They found him in the city.

التابوت وهو أحد بني قينقاع

The coffin, which is one of the Banu Qaynuqa.

من رؤوس بني قينقاع

From the leaders of Banu Qaynuqa.

من اليهود الذين كانوا ينكرون

Of the Jews who were denying.

للنبي أيضا ما تحد فأن فيه

The prophet also has what he is challenged with.

فأنا أريد

So, I want.

من هذه الحادثة أن أستفيد

From this incident, I can benefit.

شغلي وحدي وهي أني لا أعلم

"My job alone is that I do not know."

الغيب ولا أعلم إلا ما علمني

The unseen, and I only know what You have taught me.

ربي وهنا يجب أن نقف

My Lord, and here we must pause.

كثيرا عند الروايات

Often in the narratives.

التي تتحدث عن علم

which talks about science

الغيب بالنسبة إلى النبي أو بالنسبة

The unseen in relation to the Prophet or in relation to...

إلى الأئمة عليه السلام أو بالنسبة

To the Imams, peace be upon them, or in relation to.

إلى المحدثين

To the speakers.

الروايات موجودة عند إخواننا

The novels are with our brothers.

السنة بأن عمر كان محدثا

The year that Umar was a narrator.

وبعض الروايات عندنا

And some of the narratives with us.

أن أهل البيت

That the people of the house

كانوا محدثين هذا كله ليس

They were not discussing all of this.

صحيحا على الإطلاق

Absolutely correct.

المحدث من الله كان

The revelation from God was.

محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.

وفقط لا يعلم إلا ما

"And only He knows what..."

علمه الله ذلك من أنباء الغيب

God taught him that from the news of the unseen.

نؤتيه إليك

We present it to you.

الله سبحانه وتعالى

Allah, the Almighty.

هو الذي بيده

He is the one in whose hand.

علم الغيب ومفاتح الغيب

The knowledge of the unseen and the keys to the unseen.

ولا يعلم الغيب إلا هو

"And none knows the unseen but He."

وهو كان يأمره

And he was commanding him.

الله سبحانه وتعالى

Allah, the Exalted and Majestic.

قل لو كنت أعلم الغيب لستكثرت من الخير

Say, "If I had knowledge of the unseen, I would have amassed much good."

وما مسني السوء

"And no harm has touched me."

وما أقول لكم إني ملك ولا أعلم الغيب

And I do not say to you that I am a king, nor do I have knowledge of the unseen.

وهو كثير من الآيات

And there are many verses.

التي نفت علم الغيب عنه

"Which denied knowledge of the unseen from him."

صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

Peace be upon him and his family.

لكن مع الأسف يحلو للبعض

But unfortunately, some people find pleasure in it.

دائما أن يأخذ بهذه روايات

Always take these narratives.

ويجعل الأئمة عليه السلام

"And the Imams, peace be upon them,"

أو يجعلون

Or do they make

بعض الكبار

Some adults

والرموز يجعلونهم يعلمون

And the symbols make them aware.

الغيب كما الله سبحانه وتعالى

The unseen is like Allah, may He be exalted.

يعلم الغيب

He knows the unseen.

وهذا فيه نوع من الضرب من ضروب الشرك

This contains a kind of the many forms of polytheism.

لأن علم الله سبحانه وتعالى

Because of the knowledge of God, the Almighty.

واسع لا حد له

Limitless vastness

وعلم المخلوق محدود

The knowledge of the creature is limited.

هذا أولا وثانيا

This is first, and second.

علم الغيب الموجود عند المخلوقين

The knowledge of the unseen possessed by creatures.

حتى لو كانوا أنبياء

Even if they were prophets.

هو علم من ذي علم

He is a knowledgeable person among the knowledgeable.

علمهم إياه الله سبحانه وتعالى

Allah, Exalted be He, taught them that.

أو عبر جبريل

Or through Gabriel.

جبريل عليه السلام

Gabriel, peace be upon him

ولذلك كان أمير المؤمنين

And therefore, the Commander of the Faithful.

عليه السلام يقول لصاحبه

Peace be upon him says to his companion.

وهو قال

And he said.

هو يتحدث عن بعض الأمور

He is talking about some matters.

قال يا أمير المؤمنين

He said, O Commander of the Faithful.

إنك تتحدث بالغيب

You are speaking about the unseen.

أو تعلم الغيب

Or knowledge of the unseen.

فقال له يا أخا كلب

He said to him, "O brother of a dog."

إنما هو علم من ذي علم

It is only knowledge from the One who has knowledge.

علمني إياه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, taught me it.

أنا لا أعلم الغيب

I do not know the unseen.

فالتفتوا كثيرا عندما تتحدثون

So pay attention when you speak.

عن علم الغيب

About the knowledge of the unseen.

وأن علم الغيب بيد العمة

And the knowledge of the unseen is in the hands of the aunt.

وأن علم الغيب بيد رسول الله

"And the knowledge of the unseen is in the hands of the Messenger of Allah."

أو الأنبياء أو الأولياء

Either the prophets or the saints.

أبدا هذا ليس صحيحا على الإطلاق

This is absolutely not true at all.

ما علمهم الله علموه

What God has not taught them, they have learned.

وما خبرهم الله

And what did God inform them?

خبروه وغير ذلك

Tell him and other than that.

لا يصح أبدا أن ننسب إليهم

It is never right to attribute to them.

مثل هذا

Like this

حتى أن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

Even the Prophet, may peace be upon him and his family.

كان يرفض أن

He refused to

يقال للإنسان أنك من أهل

It is said to a person that you are one of the people of...

الجنة أو من أهل الكذأن

Paradise or among the people of deceit.

هذا أيضا تدخل في شؤون الله

This is also interference in God's affairs.

الذي اختصه لنفسه

What He has reserved for Himself.

وهذا أيضا ضرب من ضروب الغيب

And this is also a kind of the unseen.

ولذلك عندما كان

And therefore, when it was

في جنازة أبي السائب عثمان من مضغوض

At the funeral of Abu al-Sa'ib Uthman from Madghoud.

ومن الصحابة الكبار

And among the great companions.

قالت له زوجته

His wife said to him.

صوروا في الجنازة

They took pictures at the funeral.

قالت له زوجته هنيئا لك الجنة

His wife said to him, "Congratulations, you have paradise."

قال ومن أين علمتي أنه في الجنة

He said, "And how did you know that he is in paradise?"

نحن اليوم نوزع الجنة

Today we are distributing Paradise.

على الصغار والكبار

For the young and the old.

قتلنا في الجنة وقتلهم في النار

We killed in paradise and they were killed in hell.

وهذا بيقول فلان على الجنة

And this one is saying that so-and-so is in paradise.

وذاك بيقول فلان على النار

And that person is saying so-and-so is on fire.

كأن الله سبحانه وتعالى

As if God Almighty

أعطانا مفاتيح الجنة ومفاتيح النار

He gave us the keys to Paradise and the keys to Hell.

وأصبحنا ندخل إليها من نشاء

And we have started to enter it whenever we want.

ونخرج عنها من نشاء

And we bring out from it whomever we wish.

هذا تألي على الله

This is a fabrication against God.

هذا كذب على الله

This is a lie against God.

هذا التعدي على حدود الله

This is a transgression of God's boundaries.

ما لكم؟

What's wrong with you?

كيف تتكلمون لا نخبر مع يعني لا نعرف من هو في الجنة ولا من هو في النار إلا إذا خبرنا بحديث صحيح مثلا اتفقت عليه الأمة أما غير ذلك كيف عشر مبشرين في الجنة وما بعرف شو فلان في الجنة وفلان في الجنة حتى لو قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنا وكافي اليتيم كهتين في الجنة هذا معناه بشرطه وشروطه

How can you speak of who is in paradise and who is in hell, unless we are informed by a sound hadith that the Ummah has agreed upon? Other than that, how can we talk about the ten who are given glad tidings of paradise, while I have no idea if so-and-so is in paradise and so-and-so is in paradise? Even if the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, "I and the one who sponsors an orphan are like this in paradise," this is understood with its conditions and stipulations.

بو أنه والله واحدك فاليتيم ولا يصلي ولا يصوب ويفعل كل المنكرات لا هذا في سياق شرطه وشروطه حتى الولاية التي هي من أعظم الأمور عندنا ولاية أهل البيت عليه السلام الإمام الرضا عليه السلام يقول من قال لا إله إلا الله دخل حصني ومن دخل حصني أمين من عذابي وهو يحدث عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم استبشر الناس كلهم بيقول لا إله إلا الله

"Indeed, by God, if a person does not pray, does not fast, and commits all sorts of sins, this is within the context of his conditions and requirements. Even the guardianship, which is among the greatest matters for us, is the guardianship of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them). Imam al-Ridha (peace be upon him) says: 'Whoever says there is no god but Allah enters my fortress, and whoever enters my fortress is safe from my punishment.' He is narrating this about the Messenger of God (peace be upon him). All people rejoiced in saying there is no god but Allah."

قال أترقى سعادة

He said, "Are you ascending happiness?"

ثم قال ولكن بشرطها وشروطها وأنا ونحن من شروطها شرط وليس كل الشروط نحن شرط من شروط الإيمان بالله سبحانه وتعالى وليس كل الشروط وتمام الشروط فينبغي أن يتدبر الإنسان خصوصا هؤلاء الذين يصعدون المنابر ويبدأون بإدخال الناس إلى الجنة بمقدار جناح بعوضة من الدمعة على أهل البيت عليه السلام أو يدخلون الناس إلى الجنة لأنه من أتباعهم أو يخرجون الناس إلى الجنة

Then he said, "But with its condition and conditions, and we are among its conditions; a condition, and not all the conditions. We are a condition of faith in Allah, the Exalted and Almighty, and not all the conditions, and the complete conditions. Therefore, a person should reflect, especially those who ascend the pulpits and begin to admit people to paradise for a mere mosquito's wing of a tear for the family of the Prophet, peace be upon him, or admit people to paradise because they are among their followers, or expel people from paradise."

من الجنة إلى النار لأنه مثلا تكلم هنا بكلمة فينسفون كل تاريخه وكل إسلامه وكل دينه وكل علمه لمجرد أنه خالفهم في رأي هنا أو في رأي هناك

From heaven to hell because, for example, he spoke here with a word that erases his entire history, all his Islam, his entire religion, and all his knowledge just because he disagreed with them on one opinion here or another opinion there.

ما لكم كيف تحكمون على كل حال هذا ما أردت التأكيد عليه زيد بن أرقم اغتم لأنه كذبه والنبي ما أخذ بكلامه ساعتها اغتم حتى نزلت الآية لأنه زيد بن أرقم كما قلنا سابقا

What is wrong with you? How do you judge? In any case, this is what I wanted to emphasize. Zaid bin Arqam was distressed because he was lied to, and the Prophet did not listen to him at that moment. He felt sad until the verse was revealed, because, as we mentioned earlier, he is Zaid bin Arqam.

سمعه يقول لعبد الله بن أبي لا يخرج جنة الأعز منها الأذل وبعد ذلك اغتم كثيرا وأصبح الناس يشيرون إليه أنه يكذب على زعيمنا يكذب على عبد الله بن أبي وكذا اغتم هذا الصحابي وجلس في بيتي حتى نزلت صورة المنافقون وأظهرت الحق بعد ذلك

He heard him say to Abdullah bin Ubay, "The one who is noble does not emerge from the one who is dishonorable." After that, he became very sad, and people began to point at him, saying that he was lying about our leader, lying about Abdullah bin Ubay. This companion became distressed and stayed in his house until the Surah Al-Munafiqun was revealed, which showed the truth thereafter.

فهذه يعني تقريبا

This means approximately.

ما حدث في أحداث غزوة بن المصطلق وبقي هناك مسألة أنهم أتوا إلى عبد الله بن أبي ليقول ليأتي إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم حتى يتسامح منه لكنه رفض لأنه أساسا هو ليس على الإسلام وإذا قيل لهم تعالوا يستغفر لكم رسول الله

What happened during the events of the Battle of Banu al-Mustaliq is that they went to Abdullah ibn Ubay to tell him to come to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, so that he could seek forgiveness from him, but he refused because he was not truly a believer. And if it was said to them, "Come, the Messenger of Allah will seek forgiveness for you."

يستغفر لكم يعني يطلب الغفران

He seeks forgiveness for you, meaning he asks for absolution.

من الله أو يسامحكم

May God forgive you.

ولذلك هم بدنا نلتفت

And that's why we need to pay attention.

إحنا وقت اللي بنطلب

We are the time when we request.

الاستغفار نطلبه من الله

We seek forgiveness from God.

أو نطلبه من الله بهم

Or we ask Allah for it through them.

لا أن نطلبه منهم

We should not ask it of them.

لأنه ليس بيدهم الاستغفار

Because they do not have the ability to seek forgiveness.

يعني عندنا في الإسلام مو مثل عند

It means that in Islam, it is not like it is with...

إخواننا المسيحيين مثلا

Our Christian brothers, for example.

بيروح لعند الأبونا

He goes to the priest.

فيجلس على

So he sits on

كرس الاعتراف فيغفر له خطايا

The confession is dedicated, and his sins are forgiven.

الذي يغفر الخطايا هو الله

The one who forgives sins is God.

سبحانه وتعالى وحده لا شريك له

Glory be to Him, the Most High, who has no partner.



لا أحد يستطيع أن يغفر الخطايا

No one can forgive sins.

إلا الله سبحانه وتعالى

Except for God, the Almighty.

وإذا قيل لهم تعالوا يستغفر لكم

"And when it is said to them, 'Come, seek forgiveness for you.'"

رسول الله لووا رؤوسهم

The Messenger of God turned their heads.

يعني كأنهم بطريقة

It means as if they are in a way.

استهزائية ورأيتهم

Mockingly, I saw them.

يصدون وهم مستكبرون

They turn away while being arrogant.

سهاء عليهم أستغفرت لهم أم لم تستغفر

Whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them, Allah will not forgive them.

لهم لن يغفر الله لهم

For them, Allah will not forgive them.

إن الله لا يهدي القوم

Indeed, Allah does not guide the people.

الفاسقين هذا ما كان

The wicked ones, this is what it was.

يعني من حالاتهم

It means from their situations.

ثم هناك حادثة

Then there is an incident.

أخرى حدثت

Another event occurred.

في هذه

In this

أو بعد هذه الغزوة

Or after this invasion.

وهي حادثة

It is an incident.


It means.

إن جاءكم فاسق بنبأ

"If a disobedient person comes to you with news."


So verify.

سنتحدث عنها إن شاء الله

We will talk about it, God willing.

في حديث لاحق

In a later conversation.

إذا أبقان الله من الأحياء

If God keeps me among the living.

والحمد لله رب العالمين

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

وصلى الله على محمد وآله الطاهرين

May Allah's blessings be upon Muhammad and his pure family.

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