السفر الصامت وضوضاء الإعلانات

Mics | مايكس

وش السالفة؟

السفر الصامت وضوضاء الإعلانات

وش السالفة؟

أنتم تستمعون إلى شبكة مايكس للبودكاست

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ترجمة نانسي قنقر

Translation of Nancy Qanqar.

الصمت الصمت الصمت

Silence silence silence.

يا أخي اللي يروح بيقولك أنا بصمت سنة كاملة

Oh my brother, the one who goes will tell you, "I have been silent for a whole year."

آه زي المدتاشن

Oh, like meditation.

أشلوب هدوء أني أنا سوف ألتزم الصمت

The calmness is that I will remain silent.

اللي يسافرون مدري فيه جزء

Those who travel, I don't know if there's a part.

بتعرف ناس بتعمل رحلات ويقولك نروح نسكت مع بعض

You know people who take trips and tell you let's go and relax together.

ونسكت مع بعض

And we remain silent together.

تروح تسكت وخلص

Go shut up and finish.

أسكت في غرفة

I am silent in the room.

بيروح يطلعوا قبل وتبليل

They go out before it gets wet.

والنيبال يروح يصمت في النيبال

And the Nepalese go silent in Nepal.

لازم طبعا

Of course necessary.

هو غالبا أنت ما انت عارف لغتهم بس

He probably thinks you don't know their language.

مش كده اختار دولة صعبة لي

"That's not fair, choose a difficult country for me."

لا هو بطبع فكرة أنه

No, it's just the nature of the idea that he...


It means.

إقناع غير مباشر

Indirect persuasion

أنك نانس تدفع معاك فلوس وتطلع

You are someone who pays money and leaves.

برحلة بس ما يعودش بقى يكلمني

He goes on a trip but he doesn't talk to me anymore.

في تفاهات الأمور فأنا أصمت

In trivial matters, I remain silent.

يعني عايز يشتكر حاجة في الرحلة

He wants to complain about something on the trip.

أحنا ده اتفاهنا أنا أصمت من الأول

We agreed that I would be silent from the beginning.

تدرون عاد قد صارت لي هذي

You know this has happened to me before.

أنت سافرت صمت؟

Did you travel quietly?

لا سافرت مع واحد قرر هو أنه بيصمت

I didn't travel with someone who decided to be silent.

في نص الرحلة؟

In the text of the journey?

أول ما وصلنا في المطار

As soon as we arrived at the airport.

يبدو أنه أنا وأنا جالس جنبه بالطيارة

It seems that I am sitting next to him on the plane.

ما أعجبته سؤالي فيه

He didn't like my question about it.

في يوم وصلنا قال لي شف وراني مقطع

"On the day we arrived, he said to me, 'Look, I have a video to show you.'"

من بودكاست واحد كان رايح اليابان

From a podcast called "One Was Going to Japan."

وصام طول الوقت قال لي

And he fasted all the time, he said to me.

يا أخ فكرة رهيبة أنا ترى بطبقها الرحلة

Oh man, that's an amazing idea! I will definitely implement it on the trip.

إذا ودي كانت رحلوة

If my wishes came true.

الرحلة كانت عشر أيام قعدنا يومين مع بعض

The trip was ten days; we spent two days together.

اليوم الثالث قال

The third day said.

اسمع اش رايك كل واحد

Listen, what do you think of each one?

جدول هالحالة ونشوفك المطار

"Set the schedule for this case and we will see you at the airport."

بعد ثمانين أيام

After eighty days

لا دقيقة حتى تعرف تفاصيل أكثر

Just a minute until you know more details.

مارس الصمت

Practice silence.



هذا الصمت العقابي

This punishing silence.

هو كان يعاقبك

He was punishing you.

أنت لهذا الدرجة سيئ في السفر

You are that bad at traveling.

دفاعا عن نفسي

In defense of myself.

كنت بزر عمري 19 سنة

I was 19 years old.

وكنت مسافر مع واحد أكبر

"I was traveling with someone older."

وروني بخمس سنين وما عرفته لقريب

"Show me in five years and I will not know it for a relative."

فما نعرف بعض زين

We don't know each other well.

وين رحتو

Where did you go?



وليل مسافر معاك

And a traveler night with you.

اين لقى معاك الكونتكست

Where did you find the context with you?

كنا كلنا في

We were all in

حسن دخلت حياتك بشكل

Hassan entered your life in a way.




All of us.

لا بس أنا كنت

It's okay, I was...

يعني كان عندي

It means I had.

لا لا

No, no.


I was.

كنت أبحث عن ذاتي هذا الشيء

I was searching for my self, this thing.

وكنت مع الكشافة

I was with the scouts.

وتعرفت عليه يعني ضمن القيادة الكشفية

I met him within the scout leadership.

وكان هو قائد سابق وكذا

He was a former leader as well.

وبعدين قال أني أنا بسافر

And then he said that I am traveling.


I traveled.

نسكن في

We live in



نسكن في

We live in

ما نسمونه

What do we call it?

نسكن في

We live in.

معنا ثمانة شخاص

We have eight people.

سرير فوق بابنا

A bed above our door.

فتكلم معهم كلهم إلا أنت

He spoke to all of them except you.

طب لا استكشفت في رحلة زي دي مثلا

Well, I haven't explored on a trip like this, for example.

والله أول شيء اني اكتشفت

By God, the first thing I discovered...

أني لازم اخترت صديق سفر بعناية

I had to choose a travel companion carefully.

رقم واحد

Number one

تركيا مو بفضل وجهة سياحية للجانب هذا

Turkey is not just a favored tourist destination for this aspect.

وسكن بالهوستل مو بالشكل الرومانسي اللي روجون له

And he stayed at the hostel, not in the romantic way they promote it.

هم دائما روجون فلوا كلكم مع بعض

They always promote, so you all stay together.

لا لا قرف

No, no, gross.

وش الهوستل بس اشرح لنا

What is the hostel? Just explain it to us.

الهوستل هذا سكن رخيص تسكن

This hostel is a cheap accommodation to stay in.

سكن مشترك

Shared accommodation.

سكن مشترك ثمانة شخاص بغرفة واحدة سرير فوق بعض كنك في عنبر سجن

Shared accommodation for eight people in one room with bunk beds, like being in a prison cell.

وعادي يدخل عليك واحد توا طالع من الشوار

"It's normal for someone to come in just as you are coming out of the street."

احسنت ضابط القسم يدخل

Well done, the precinct officer is entering.

لا لا

No, no.

أنا عشت ديو السجن خلاص يعني

I have experienced the prison life, that's it.

انزل ضغطة

Download the pressure.

أبطش الحمام

The pigeon attacked.

ترى حمارس عليك الصمت العقاب

You see, silence is the punishment for you.

ايوة صعب

Yes, it's difficult.

هو اللي بيصوروه رومانسي نوبة بيبقى

He is the one they portray as romantic sometimes.

انه اكشن ومغامرة

It's action and adventure.

او اذا في واحدة حلوة مثلا هناك

Or if there is a nice one, for example, over there.

اي لا

Oh no.

فتبدأ تنطصق

It starts to stick.

ضرب واحدة من المخدات تفهم ازاي

Hit one of the pillows, how do you understand?

فتلاقي يعني لا كان بيك

So you find that there wasn't you.

كان جنبي

He was next to me.

مصيلة عادي جدا من دخل الحمام وشعر وفي كل حتة

It's very normal for someone who entered the bathroom to feel hair everywhere.

والله كان جنبي واحد من جنوب افريقيا جاي يدرس بالجامعة وما عنده فلوس

I swear there was someone next to me from South Africa who came to study at the university and didn't have any money.

عشان كده ساكنت بهوستل لثمان شهور

That's why I stayed in a hostel for eight months.

واكثر كلهم كانوا طلاب وكده

And most of them were students and so on.

ما في احد جاي مغامرة كده

No one is coming for an adventure like this.

احنا جاي ندرس هنا ومطفرين

We came here to study and we're broke.

نشتبي جاي رحلة مغامرة

We want to go on an adventure trip.

لا تستحق الصنط

You do not deserve the thorn.




My friends.

رحلة تستحق الصنط

A journey worth the effort.



والدفاع عنه يعني انا كنت بثر كنت صغير ومرة متحمس واسأل اسئلة كثير

"And defending him means that I was very curious when I was young and asked a lot of questions."


Were you?


I expect.

لا غالبا بعد الموقف كبر بقى

No one wins after the situation gets bigger.



ادركت ادركت

I realized, I realized.

لا لا والنعم فيك ابو سارة

No, no, and yes, you are good, Abu Sarah.

ايه لا تعقبيش

Don't overthink it.


I couldn't find a direct translation for "تعقبيش," as it appears to be a colloquial term or slang. Could you please provide more context or clarify its meaning?




It means.

فاللي يروحون رحلات الصنط هذي

Those who go on these trips to the beach.



لا والمشكلة في مصر في ناس احنا رايحين بهدف الصنط

No, and the problem in Egypt is that there are people we are going for the purpose of the "sunt."

مش مثلا قرر في النص ده ده عارف الناس كده يعني

It's not like he decided in this text that he knows people like that, I mean.



نطلع جابل نصمت عشرة ايام

"We go out and then stay silent for ten days."



فبحس ان في ناس بت يعني ما شاء الله

"I feel that there are people who, Mashallah,"

بجابل في مصر ولا يسافر يسافر بره بعيد يعني

He doesn't travel abroad far; he stays in Egypt.

لا يعني جابل في مصر او حاجة بس برضو في حتة حتة صحراوية يعني وبقى بنقطع عن

It doesn't mean anything about Jabl in Egypt or anything, but it is still a bit of a desert area, and we end up being cut off from it.


The one who seeks refuge.

لا مش المؤطم

No, it's not the event.

بنروح حتة يعني

We're going somewhere, you know.

قرب حدود ليبيا وحاجات كده يعني

Near the borders of Libya and things like that, you know.



اه وبنطلع بقى مش عارف ايه في جبل مش عارف ايه

Oh, and we go out and I don't know what in a mountain, I don't know what.

وبعنا حاجات كامبنج وكده عشان نصمت عشرة ايام ونتأمل حكمته

"We sold camping supplies and things like that to spend ten days in silence and contemplate its wisdom."

بتاع انا اصلا لما بقعد في قطتي خمس دقايق

I mean, when I sit in my room for five minutes.

بعرف الحكمة من دلوقتي يعني

I know the wisdom from now.


Her experience?

لا صراحة بعرفش يعني بصمت كتير بس

I honestly don't know, I mean I keep quiet a lot but...

بحب حواليها الناس بتتكلم يعني بقى بزي

I love when people are around her, it makes it feel like this.

ايه لا لا رحلات التجرد هذي يعني

What do you mean by these trips of detachment?

يعني ما ادري

I don't know.

انا ودي والله ودي

I really want to, I swear I want to.

يا عمي

Oh my uncle!

ودي اجي

I would like to come.

اعرفك والله سافرت معك يا عباد

"I know you, by God, I traveled with you, O servants."


And I

انت اذا مافي صابون في الفندق تقوم الدنيا

If there's no soap in the hotel, it will cause a commotion.

لا ما انا داخل عدى بشي معتب

No, I'm not involved in anything significant.


What is the police?

لا لا انا اقبل انت تتجرد تتجرد من كل شي

No, no, I accept that you strip away everything.

تتجرد حتى من الكلام

Even devoid of words.

انت تتجردش من ملابسك طبعا

You are obviously stripping off your clothes.

انت تتجرد من كل شي فهمك يعني تتجرد من كل حاجة معادلة الملابس يعني

You are stripped of everything; your understanding means you are stripped of everything except for the clothing equation.

ده بس انا يعني الفكرة انه مش يعني ما هي معادلة انه

It's just that I mean the idea is not that it's an equation that...

الصمت لازم كان يعني وصخة ومكان لوى

Silence was supposed to mean dirt and a place of distortion.

لا مو وصخ

No, it's dirty.



يعني يعني تتربى

It means "to be raised" or "to be brought up."

بس بتعيش بالبير مينمم اللي هو اي تاكل قندس مثلا

But you live in the well, at least where you can eat a beaver, for example.

قندس اللي هو

The beaver, which is него.

مش عارف انا بصبروه كده

I don't know how I'm being patient with him like this.

هو يجيك قندس مشوي

It will give you a grilled beaver.

قندس مغوط

Beaver dung

اي مغوط مع الروس

Which idiot is messing with the Russians?

لا انا عاكي زي اللي هو يعني

No, I'm okay, like he is, you know.



دي قندس مشهور ترى اللي دي عروف

This is a famous beaver, you know the one that is well-known.

نفر قندس

A group of beavers.

مملكة القندس

Kingdom of the Beaver

اي لا اللي هو خلاص انا نسيت

No, I mean I've forgotten.

مش مهم

Not important.

مش مهم والله يفعل

It's not important, God will do it.

والله الحياة ابسط من كده

By God, life is simpler than that.

معرس الصمت

The groom of silence.

بتدري لو كلنا نصمت الان

Do you know if we all stay silent now?



هيسألوا ايش الصمت

They will ask what silence is.

انا صدق ما حتسوى بودكاست صمت

I really won't make a podcast about silence.

بس لا اخليكم بودكاست صمت

Just don't leave you in the podcast of silence.

التجارب هذه قاسية في ناس ما يقدروا يكملون

These experiences are tough; some people can't continue.

بعد يومين ثلاثة يام يطلع

In two or three days, it will come out.

ويكتب رسالة اعتبار

And he writes a letter of acknowledgment.

لم استطع

I couldn't.

لم استطع الصمت

I couldn't remain silent.



فاخترتوا الكلام

So you chose the words.



تحسن فيها حكيمة

Hakeema improved in it.



تحسنها تويتر

Twitter improves it.

كابتشون تويتر

Cappuccino Twitter

دويش تفسكي في الاخرى

Do you want me to explain it again?

اي كلب بيقولوا اي حاجة بيقولوا

Any dog, they say anything, they say.

احسن هذا ختام رسالة استقالة

This is a good conclusion for a resignation letter.



لا والله فترة بانهم كذا مرة بي

I swear, there were times when they did this multiple times.

دولتي مثلا على تويتر حياتي كده

My state, for example, on Twitter, is like this.

اشعرف ازا كنت مش عارف ايه فتوجه الى الصلاة

I don't know what to do, so I head to prayer.

في الاخر قلت ليه يكتب نزار قباني

In the end, I told him to write like Nizar Qabbani.

وقلت ليه نزار قباني كان دي اهتماماته في الحياة خالص

And I told him why Nizar Qabbani's interests in life were completely this.

مثلا هو بينصح حاجات ليه علاقة بالصلاة وكانت كل

For example, he advises on things related to prayer, and it was all...

يعني الراجل كان عادي بيحب في المرأة ومشاكل

It means the man was just ordinary, loving the woman and having problems.

في المرأة بشكل عام

In women in general.

حتى مش مرأة معينة

Not even a specific woman.

لا لا اي مرأة فاهم

No, no, which woman understands?

الراجل كان بيحب يدور يعني

The man loved to explore, you know.

الله يرحمه

May God have mercy on him.

في الاخر قلت ليه قلت ليه يا اصلي مش عارف ازا تجهت الى الصلاة

In the end, I asked him why he said, "I don't know if you turned to prayer."

وقلبك سيرتع

And your heart will race.

مش نزار قباني

Not Nizar Qabbani.

ولا دوي ستوفيسكي برضو

And Dostoevsky's glory too.

قلت ليه دي بتديله value يعني فاهم

I told him this gives him value, you know?

المقولة دي له ما لهاش نزار قباني

This quote is not by Nizar Qabbani.

هذا بقى مقولة عادية

This is just a common saying.

او فديها حتة دي

Oh, I would gladly sacrifice for that piece.

محدش بيعد دورانة كده كده

Nobody counts a round like that anyway.

هم اذا مرة انحشروا احمد شجيري

If they ever get stuck, Ahmad Shujairi.

مثلا بس دي الموضة دي خلصت خلاص وانا بدي اروح لحتة تانية اقصد

For example, this trend is completely over, and I want to go to another place, I mean.

لا احنا مش جاري يستهلكوا كثير

No, we are not consuming a lot.

لين طلعوا كده الاجباء انا

I am the one who came out like this.

هو قالهم انا مش كده فا قالوا لي دوستوفيسكي

He told them, "I'm not like that," so they told me Dostoevsky.

وتطلعوا لي بقى

And look at me now.

خليه يتكلم الراجل

Let him talk, man.

ترجم لأسوء كان بكتف بالروسي

Translate to "the worst was on the shoulder" in Russian.

فمش هتعرف تترجم ال

You won't be able to translate it.

يا هلا هلا

Hello, hello!

لا كنت بقولك على اليوتيوب وجفت رحين صناعة محتوى

I wasn’t going to tell you about YouTube and I saw that we are producing content.

يعني بروح وارجع كتير لان انا ما بحبش اعمل محتوى مش عايز اعمله

I mean I go and come back a lot because I don't like to create content that I don't want to make.

مجرد ان انا عايز اظهر وخلاص

I just want to show up and that's it.

فاهم فاحب انو

I understand, so I would like that...

التزام انت عندك مشكلة بالالتزام

You have a problem with commitment.

مش فكرة بغالب لا عندي مشكلة بالالتزام

It's not a matter of overcoming, I don't have a problem with commitment.

بس عزيزي ما يحبش انه يبقى ايه مصدر حلق

But my dear, he doesn't like to be a source of gossip.

او مصدر لا مصدر اكل يعيش او مصدر شغل الاساسي

It is a source, not a source of food, that lives, or a source of primary work.

لانه هيتطرني لانو الحاجات اللي بظهر فيها بشكل شخصي

Because it will force me because the things that appear to me personally.

هتتحرق في يوم من الايام وخلاص يعني اصلي انو الانسان هيروح

It will burn one day, and that's it; I mean that a person will go.

يعني هيبقى ترند فترة وهيروح

It means it will be a trend for a while and then it will go away.

والناس هتزهق منه

People will get bored of him.





في مصر الموضوع مش زي مش مجزي قوي يعني

In Egypt, the situation is not very rewarding, you know.

خوارزميات مختلفة

Different algorithms

لا يعني عندنا مثلا لو هتدفع مثلا كمعلن على اليوتيوب مثلا هتدفع 1000 جنيه

It doesn’t mean for us, for example, if you’re going to pay as an advertiser on YouTube, you’ll pay 1000 pounds.

حاليا 1000 جنيه دي بقت 20 دولار

Currently, 1000 pounds have become 20 dollars.

فهتبقى بالنسبة للعمير اللي بيدفع اعلان ده مبلغ كبير

"So it will be a large amount for the advertiser who is paying for the ad."

في نفس الوقت

At the same time.

بالنسبة لك انت كصالح محتوى

As for you, as a content creator.

وانت بتاخد نسبة اصلا من الانمي

Are you even getting a percentage from the anime?

اه كمان

Oh, also.

فبتبقى موضوع مش مجزي زي ما الناس بتخيل يعني

So it's a topic that is not as rewarding as people imagine.

ومحتاج دلوقتي تعمل كمية كبيرة عشان تكمبيت او تنافس يعني

And now you need to produce a large quantity to compete or complete, I mean.

انا محبش يبدأ مصدر اكل انا حابب اطلع انا

I don't like to start with food sources, I prefer to go out.

وانا حاسس حاجة اقولها اقولها

"I feel like I need to say something, I'll say it."

بس محبش اقول لازم اعمل بقى محتوى لازم اطلعه

I just don't like to say that I have to create content; I need to put it out.

المشاركة انا في اليوتيوب كم 600

The participation of mine on YouTube is 600.

600 الف

600 thousand


Subscribe to you.

اه 600 ومش مهتم بيها يعني

Oh, 600 and not interested in it, I mean.



لو اهتمت بيها تبقى اكتر من كده بسنة يعني

If she cared about me, it would be more than that by a year, you know.


She sells.


How much?

اخبرك الالف كنيبة تبقى 60 دولار دولار

I tell you, the thousand QNYBA will remain 60 dollars.

اكلك المعلومة ده

I give you this information.

لا لا ما بيعش

No, no, I don't sell.

لا انا بحب الكونتنت وبحب الناس اللي بتتابع صراحة

No, I love the content and I really like the people who follow.

وبحب احترمهم يعني بحبش عاملهم محتوى عشان مجرد ان هما انا موجود وخلاص

I love to respect them, meaning I don't want to create content for them just because I am present.



حاسس حاجة

I feel something.

لا بس ما انتظري من كده من 11 سنة

No, but I haven't waited for this for 11 years.

ووووو ماشاء الله

Wow, ma sha' Allah!

من ينكن

Who can?

يعني في القناة هذي اتكلم

It means I'm talking in this channel.

المدينة في كبار

The city is in the elders.

قناة دي فينا فينو تسعة كمان يعني ممكن

The channel "D Vina Vino" is also nine, meaning it could be.



15 سنة بس بدت بوم من 2016 يعني انصت

15 years, but it started in 2016, so listen up.

طيب انا عارف معلومة بس يعني قلت ووووو

Okay, I know information, but I just said, "woooo."

عشان تبين ايه بزبط

To clarify what exactly.

لا لا من

No, no, from.

ايه لا

Oh no.

كانت تصحى

She used to wake up.



اه قص الكفاحة بدأت

Oh, the struggle has begun.

اول مليون

The first million.



طالب ردات الفعل مبالغة فيها أمس كنت في الحلق

The reactions of the students were exaggerated; yesterday I was in the circle.

كان ورائي واحد من النوع اللي استخدم المينيو كامل

There was someone behind me who used the entire menu.

الحلق فيه مينيو؟

Is there a menu in the ring?

الخدمات كلها كل شيء

All services are everything.

وحط القناع الأسود هذا اللي الآن ترندي

"Put on this black mask that is trendy right now."

القناع الأسود هذا أنا موترني

This black mask is stressing me out.

قناع أسود كيف؟

How is a black mask?

هي اللي حط لك ياف باتمان

She is the one who set you up, Batman.

حق لك

It's your right.

ما كانش باتمان يعني بس عادة بيبقى بيض عندنا

It wasn't Batman, I mean, he's usually white with us.

على حسب نوع الماتيريا

Depending on the type of material.

هو شمع

He is wax.

عشان الهلات والمدريش

For the dark circles and I don't know what.

ما أدري هو يشيل جزء من البشرة

I don't know, does it remove a part of the skin?

الجلد ما أدري وش يشيل

The skin, I don’t know what it holds.

هو قابل مينيو خلاص

He approved the menu, that's it.

قل له هات لي المينيو مش مهم

Tell him to bring me the menu, it doesn't matter.

حط وجلس ربع ساعة عشرين دقيقة

He sat down for a quarter of an hour, twenty minutes.

بعدين بدأوا مرحلة

Then they started a phase.

نزع الفتن

Removing strife.


He withdraws.

كان مجهد

He was exhausted.

بعدين أعطاه القطعة في يده

Then he gave him the piece in his hand.

قطعة الوجه اللي نزلت

The piece of the face that fell.




And he held it.

قال واو

He said, "Wow."

واندهش بشكل مباقي

And he was astonished in an unexpected way.


It means.


To amaze.

غالبا دي حاجة في المينيو برضو

It's often something on the menu too.

دي لي بخمسين ريال اندهش

"Give me fifty riyals, I'm amazed."

مول حلق

Mole (or a beauty mark) on the face.

الزبون هو الاندهش

The customer is surprised.

الزبون اندهش

The customer was amazed.

من الأشياء اللي نزلت

One of the things that came down.

ما دي برضو خد بالك دي حتة منه

This is also a part of it, so pay attention.

قصدي دي قطعة

I mean this piece.

تعب فيها

He/she got tired in it.

عملها كأنه

She did it as if...

لا أنا المشكلة أنا كنت تحت الموس

No, the problem is that I was under the beat.

وأنا بموت وأريد أن أشوف موش فيه

I am dying, and I want to see what is not there.

يعني صار عندي فضول

It means I became curious.

فضلعت ايه

What do you prefer?

نتيجة كيه في

The result is K in.

تعرف أكتر حق الحلق

Know more about the ring right.

بدأ منها ايه

Where did it start from?

تقوله ما قصرت

You tell him you didn't fall short.



عشان ما قصرت

So that you didn't fall short.



شوك مصرية شوي

Egyptian thorn slightly.

فإيه ردت فلو

So what did Flo respond?

قلتك أعطى تبوغة زيادة

I told you to give an extra boost.

والله ما قصرت

By God, you did not fall short.

ايه والله قصرت

Yes, I swear I fell short.

طب مكينة

Machine medicine

كنت عجوزني

I was old.

كنت تحت الموس

I was under the razor.



ايه تحت

What is underneath?



تحت الضغط

Under pressure

تحت الضغط تحت الدش

Under pressure under the shower.

تحت الموس

Under the scalpel.



ايه لان

What is it?

الحلق ما

What is the ring?

لحظة مرة

A bitter moment.

في أضعف لحظاتك

In your weakest moments.

لما تكون تحت الموس

When you are under the blade.

تحت الموس

Under the knife.

وينكت لازم تضحك

And you have to laugh.

متى توصل

When will you arrive?

لمحالة الموس

For the razor blade.


The razor.


It means.

مرة في السنوات

Once in the years

لا لا

No no

اكتب لنا متى توصل

Write to us when you arrive.

مرحلة حلق في البيت

Home shaving phase

انا ودي حلق في البيت

I want to get a haircut at home.


That's it.

طلت بوحة حلق

I have a hole in my throat.

وقلت انت

And you said.

يعني حلق النفسي طبعا

It means my psychological state, of course.

مش هتجيب حلق

"You won't get a ring."



ايه صار فيه ناس

What's happened to the people?

اللي يجيبون حلق في البيت

Those who bring earrings at home.



يحلق في البيت

He is flying around the house.

انا ما رحته

I didn't go.

همش قبل كده

He was marginalized before.



ليش انت ضعك انا

Why are you weak, I?

لا عادي

No, it's fine.

والله اللي عايز يحلق

By God, whoever wants to shave.

برحته يحلق

He soars in his space.

يعني كل واحد

It means everyone.

اللي عايز يحلق في حتة

Who wants to shave in a place?


It flies.

انت انا مع احترام حقوق

You are me with respect to rights.


The ring.



بس انا

But I am

انا سعاد مثلا

I am Suad, for example.

ما بحب

I don't love.

يعني شلق خالص

It means "completely naked."

في البيت

At home.



كده يعني

It means "Like this then."

بحس انه

I feel that

الله يفستوي شورت

God is equal to shorts.

ويترجع تطلع

And it appears to rise.


It's normal.

اه هي بتطلع على طول

Oh, she always shows up.

الحمد لله

Praise be to God.

الله يهنيك

May God bring you happiness.

لش الحسد يعني

What does envy mean?

لا لا لا

No no no


On the contrary.

برضه راجل شاف بودرة كتير

He's also a man who saw a lot of powder.

في عياده

In a clinic

لا لا

No, no.

انا من الناس

I am one of the people.


the one

يعني ما بحبش

It means I don't like.

قدي افرط الشعر

The hair may be excessive.


It means.

يا تقعد ساكت

Either sit quietly.

يا شيلك خالص

Oh, I completely support you.



قرارات اقل

Fewer decisions.

خد بالك

Take care.

مشي معا

Walk with me.

متلسق مع فكرة

Sticking to an idea.





بحب امشي على برندين

I love to walk on the sidewalks.





اه بالضبط

Oh exactly.

لا حب

No love.


It means.

والله وجهة نمط

By God, it's a typical look.

يا تصيبه

Oh, you got him.


He constructs it.


By God.



نا يو

We will.


You understand.

لا بدأ يعني

It doesn't mean beginning.

بدأ يصير مبافئ

It started to become a mockery.

انا حب

I love.

العمب الكبير

The big uncle

انا ضعيفة

I am weak.

انا رحب

I am welcoming.

انا اقلت واحدة

I fired one.

وفي ثلاثة

And in three.

روحوا مني

Leave me alone.

ما ادري وش

I don't know what.



فانت لاشتا بيتحلك

"You are not allowed to go home."

في البيت

In the house.

خلاص يا اخي

That's it, my brother.

تروح نتحلك

"Let's go have fun."


And you?


You wait.

وما ادري ايش

And I don't know what.


It makes you

وانت تستحمل بقى نكت وقت

"And you still endure the jokes for a while."



وانت بقى تكلمني قبل ما

And you should talk to me before...



والله حالين احناك انسيتم ايه

By God, right now you all forgot what?

غالبا بين هنود اتراك

Often among Turkish Indians.

انا حالي قدر

I am destined.

وبينكت هندي برضو

"And I will also speak Hindi."

انا فيه سوي

I am completely fine.

بنكت هندي زينا

Indian jokes are great.

مرة انا فيه واحد سوي شغل ما فيه شغل

Once, there was someone who did a job that wasn't a job.

لا والله هندي ما يتكلم

No, by God, the Indian does not speak.

لا اذا بدأ يقوم عليك

No, if he starts to act against you.

لا اذا بدأ ياخذ

No, if he starts taking.

بس انا عندي الخدعة

But I have the trick.

انا اقرأ الاداء

I read the performance.

فانت شوف الوقفات وين

So you see where the stops are.

ومن لغة تعرف اذا هو قاعد ينكت

From the language, you can tell if he is sitting and joking.


So laugh.

اه لغة الجسد

Oh, body language.

انا اصدق كلهم لغتهم واحدة

I believe they all have one language.

ايه بس هي في الاداء

Yes, but it's in the performance.

اصدق كل الاداء وكده يعني

I believe all the performance and stuff like that.

هو كأنه يكلم

It seems like he is talking.



يعني اصدق واحد فين الاداء مختلف

It means the closest one is where the performance is different.

مثلا مع بعضه فيه سوي تكسير

For example, it has some breaking together.

تسوي هذا واحد

You do this one.

انا لعبته اخر مرة

I played it last time.

اخبره الاداء

Tell him the performance.

لا لقيت فيه سلة

No, I found a basket in it.

انا قلت ليه دي لا جد ابدا

I told him that this is not serious at all.

علمت انا ليش اتي راجعت ما قلتها

I learned why you didn't mention it when you came back.

بس انت اصريت انك تسالي

But you insisted on asking.

ان انا قيمتها قبل

I evaluated it before.

لا يعني ايدي من عندك

It doesn't mean hands from you.

عندي عندي

I have, I have.

عندي ادراك

I have awareness.

مهم يعني بسيط بس يعني الحمدلله

It means important, I mean simple, but thank God.




What's wrong?



لا ولك تجارب في الستانداب ولا ماك

No, you have no experience in stand-up or anything.

سفيفة صراحة

Honestly silly.

ما ضرتش حاجه قبل كده اطلع واجلها يعني

It didn't hurt anything before, so why not just postpone it?

انا حببه سبونتينوس

I love spontaneity.

انا مش اسمعيه بالعربي

I don't understand Arabic.

اه تلقائي

Oh, automatic.

تلقائي ايوه

Automatic, yes.

بس ما قررتش اه

But I haven't decided yet.

بس انا اتشجعت اطلع هنا الصراحة

But I got encouraged to come here, honestly.

اي طلع معنا مرة في الكلوز مايك

Who showed up with us once in the closed mic?

اي صح صح

Yeah, right.

في الكلوز مايك مرة اطلعت اه ببساطة

In the close-up, I once appeared, oh simply.

لانو حسيت ما شاء الله الناس هنا تقبلها عالي يعني

Because I felt, Mashallah, that people here are very accepting.

ويجاملوا برضو

And they also flatter.

انا بحب الموضوع اللي ده بالضبط اه

I love this topic exactly, yes.


It means.

هديان كان مرة

Hadyan was once.

كان بيحسوا يعني الناس

They used to feel, you know, the people.

حدش بيتحك معاه يطلعوا وبيتحك

No one laughs with him; they just go out and laugh.

برضو راجد سي يبقى فتحس انه لا تمام

It will still feel like it's fine, so you won't feel like it's okay.

حس الدحكة ليها قيمة يعني

Having a sense of humor has value, you know?

قد يكون من معرفتي بالهديان

It may be from my understanding of guidance.

انه يضحك

He is laughing.

عشان محدش بيتحك علي

So that no one tricks me.

ايه مبسوط انه تريق

Yes, I'm happy that you are joking.

ما يؤمن محدش بيسابورت مش مشكلة خلاص انا تمام

What nobody believes in, I won't bother. It's fine, I'm okay.

اهم شي فيه صوت ضحك

The most important thing is that it has a sound of laughter.

لا والله فيه حكات وبعدين

No, by God, there are stories, and then...

الماتيريال بتاع فكرة انه

The material for the idea that...

واحد مصري كاي السعودية

An Egyptian man is in Saudi Arabia.

بوجهة نظر مصرية بتخلي الموضوع

From an Egyptian perspective, it makes the situation.


In it

لو عاش شخصين في الامارات يعني انت عندك

If two people lived in the UAE, it means you have...

فيه مساحة

There is space.

انا فيه مسلا هنا

I am here for example.

اسامي المحلات مسلا

Store names, for example.

ده نكتة بالنسبة

This is a joke for you.

للمصريين ان هو عندنا

For Egyptians, it is with us.

الناس بتحاول تتفنن في الاسم اوي

People try to get really creative with names.

هنا اول اسم بيجي في دماغك بيه

Here, the first name that comes to your mind is it.

فاهم ممكن مسلا حلق

I understand, maybe an episode.



حلق للشعر


اول اسم بيجي في باريك مفيش بريف

The first name mentioned in the article doesn't have a summary.

مصفي اه

Purifier, oh.

عايزين وعافش ينفع اول برند

We want and if it works, it can be the first brand.

فتحس ان هو

You feel that he is.

وقت اللياقة

Fitness time

خلصنا وقت ممكن خلصت

We ran out of time, it's finished.

اللياقة تعال نشور عصير فا ده

Fitness, come let's drink juice.

وقت العصير

Juice time

يعني مفيش,فاهم

It means there's nothing, do you understand?

في مرة شفت قرنب نط للحيوناتي الاليفة

Once I saw a rabbit jump to the pet animals.

ايي صح

Yes, that's right.

الفكرة جت في دماغك ازاي

How did the idea come to your mind?

انت شفت القرنب نط للحيوانات

Did you see the rabbit jumping for the animals?

وبعدين هل هو نط للحيوناتي الاليفة

And then is it a leap for domestic animals?

ولا هو كان يعني

Nor did he mean it.

طيب أنه ينحب السهل يعني

Okay, it means that the easy one is preferred.

يعن انه كان في حيوانات الاليفة معدية

This means that there were contagious pets.

فما انا شافه امه

I don't see his mother.

هذا قرنب نط للحيوانات الاليفة

This is a jumping crab for pets.

كان قاعد ساكت مع حيوانات المفتارس

He was sitting silently with the predators.

فشاف حالتها ايه فرح نطلق

"So he saw her situation, so he divorced her."

الاسم غريب يعني فاهم

The name Ghareeb means understanding.

عندنا برضو شفت برضو لباس العصر

We also saw the attire of the era.

احنا مش عارف اقول كده

We don't know how to say that.

اللباس عندنا في مصر ده

The clothing here in Egypt is like this.

يعني اللباس الداخلي يعني

It means underwear.

فردنا اسمه لباس العصر

Our team is called "The Clothing of the Age."

ايه ده

What is this?

في العصر فيه حاجة مخصوص يعني

"In the era, there is a specific need, I mean."

ساعته العصرية كانت وقعدت من رحرح

His contemporary watch was very comfortable.

عشان حر

Because it's hot.

اه فانت قعدت باللباس العصر

Oh, so you sat in the afternoon attire.

فبتشوف الاسامي هنا

So you see the names here.



مشوات الدجاج

Chicken walks

فبيه محتوى من

It contains content from.

لا بيزيك او يعني

No basic or meaning.

حياة بسيطة مفروشات

Simple life furnishings

مفروشات البيت

House furnishings.


For example

وبعدين فيه النوع الثاني مدري اذا رحبت

And then there is the second type, I don't know if you welcomed it.

اللي جيك اسم شخص

The one who comes to you is a person's name.

تموينات عبدالله سالم احمد

Abdullah Salem Ahmed Supplies

بس عادي اتفهم

It's just normal to understand.


On the contrary.

تموينات برضو يروح فين يعني

Where would the supplies go, I mean?

يتابع تموينات مكذبش عليك

Supplies are being followed up, I won't lie to you.

اسميها باسم الحي

I name her after the neighborhood.

بس يعني اسمك الرباعي انا ماحتاج اني اشوفك

I mean, I don't need to see your full name.

بحس اه ممكن برضو الناس بدي

I feel like, yes, maybe people also want this.

بتحس انهم تعبوا برضو في

Do you feel that they also got tired in?

افا يبغى انه هذي تمويناتي

What does he want, that this is my supplies?

بزبط انا بس حابب

Exactly, I just want.

بحس انه فيه ماتريال كتير

"I feel that there is a lot of material."

يطلع من وجهة نظر المصري

It emerges from the perspective of the Egyptian.

على الاسماع خاصة

"On the ears specifically."

هلأ الخميس معانا

Now Thursday is with us.

يلا يلا

Let's go, let's go.

خلاص اعتمد

Done, approved.

بس بس

That's enough.

سافر بكرة مصر بس تميز

Travel to Egypt tomorrow, but stand out.

الاستاندب لا

The stand-up no.

انا كت بس اسمها

I am writing, but it's just her name.

انا رجع لنعيد

I have returned to redo it.

انت سئلتنا السعودية اللي حلاجين اشه

You asked us about the Saudi things that are famous.

جنسياتهم غالبا

Their nationalities are often.

اه مصر ايش

Oh Egypt, what?

لا مصر كل اللي فيها مصريين

No, Egypt is all about its Egyptians.

كله مصريين

All are Egyptians.

يعني الحمدلله

It means, "Thank God."

بعد الفترات الاخيرة

After the recent periods.

التبتدأ فيه مسلا السوريين

It begins with the Syrians, for example.

كان شويرما كان قيادة وصراحة السوريين

Shawarma was the leadership and honesty of the Syrians.

ناس محترمة جدا وشغلهم

Very respectable people and their work.

لطيف ونظيف يعني

Nice and clean, it means.

بتبتدأ يبقى في

It starts to be in.

اليمن برضو فيه يمن

Yemen also has Yemen.

اللي هو اللي اشتموه الرز مالرز دخل

What they mean is that the rice of the rice has entered.

اه بس مش كتير برضه في المحجات والماندي. مساء اخر مرة انا

Oh, but not much in the hijabs and the mandi. Last time I was there.

في مصر كده في مطاعم اه ماندي حضراموت. اه. مش فيه. لا الاسم

In Egypt, there are restaurants, yes, Mandi Hadramout. Yes. Isn't there? No, the name.

بس عادي. اه. الاسم حضراموت وفي داخل الاسم حضراموت عنطر عادي.

It's fine. Yes. The name is Hadramaut and inside the name Hadramaut there is an ordinary Antarah.

هو ما فيش هو الاسم حضراموت مبتاز. وتلاقي مسلا الجوهرة

There is nothing; the name Hadramout is excellent. And you might find, for example, the jewel.

الصينية المأكلات وتلاقي الناس اللي جوهر شغالين مصريين عندي

The Chinese dishes and meeting the people who are basically working with me are Egyptians.

جدا. محلات السوري تلاقي فيه مش شيف مصري. لابو العز السوري

Very much. In the Syrian shops, you won't find an Egyptian chef. It's for Abu Al-Izz, the Syrian.

مسلا. تلاقي شغال مباشر حبيبي بتعمل لك ايه? شورمة سوري

For example. A live job meeting, my dear, what can I do for you? Syrian shawarma.

عناية. شورمة سوري? اه وتلاقي مصر اللي بيعملها. لا بس ايش يعني

Attention. Syrian shawarma? Yes, and you find the one in Egypt that makes it. No, but what does it mean?

شورمة سوري. عندنا في شورمة مصري وشورمة سوري. اوكي. شورمة

Syrian shawarma. We have Egyptian shawarma and Syrian shawarma. Okay. Shawarma.

مصري تبقى عارف العيش الكايزر? كرايزر. لا. كايزر دل هو زي

Are you Egyptian? Do you know the Kaiser bread? No. Kaiser bread is like...

بتاع البرجر كده. اه. العيش ده ما عارف يسموه ايه? خبز. ايه?

The burger guy like this. Yeah. What do they call this bread? Bread. What?

خبز بس هو. خبز. العيش اسمه خبز. انا تبقى نسمع بالعيش اسمه

It's just bread. Bread. The bread is called bread. I still hear the bread is called.

خبز. اللي هو خبز برغر. خبز برغر بالزبط. ايه? ده عندنا احنا

Bread. Which is burger bread. Exactly burger bread. What? We have that.

من من من قطع لحمة شورمة بتليها خلطة معينة كده مصري. خلطة معينة

Who cut the shawarma meat with that specific Egyptian mixture? That specific mixture.

لسه تحط معها طحينة. امم. وتحط ده مسلا ده اسمها الشورمة مصري.

You still put tahini with it. Mmm. And you put this, for example, it's called Egyptian shawarma.

غالبا اللحم صح ما تكون دجاج. وفيه دجاج برضو. اه. السوري بتبقى

Usually, the meat is not chicken. And there is chicken too. Yes. It's Syrian.

راب كده طويل. صارو. وتحط عليه تمية اللي هي الفهم يعني. اه. اللي

"That's a long rap. You know. And you add the meaning to it, I mean. Yeah. That."

احنا نعرفها. اللي احنا نعرفها. اه بالزبط. اه. ده لا ما

We know her. What we know. Yes, exactly. Yes. No, that doesn't.

تقلش. ما تقلش الشورمة مصر بتعمل هنا يعني. ما ظنني. لا ما ظن. لا

Don't say that. Don't say the shawarma here is made in Egypt. I don't think so. No, I don't think so. No.

لا. فيه كده مطعم صح. لا فيه واحد فيه. الا لا فيه فيه. شسما

No. There's a restaurant like that. No, there’s one there. Or no, there’s one there. What's its name?

ما تحكي. اه. شلبي. فيه جوحة. شلبي. صح. شلبي. وفيه شسمه مو

What are you saying? Yeah. Shalabi. There's a jam. Shalabi. Right. Shalabi. And what's his name, right?

طابع. شسمه اه فيه شيء زي كده. فيه فيه. نادرة ما تلاقي مصري. نفس

A stamp. What's it called, there's something like that. Yes, yes. It's rare to find an Egyptian. The same.

اللي فهمت عليك انا غالبا. بالزبط. فهذه فرع بين الشورمة. فتلاقي

What I understood from you is that I'm likely. Exactly. So this is a branch of shawarma. So you find.

بتاع السوري بيعملها مصري. فتحس ان الموضوع فيه يعني. والان بدأت

The Syrian's doing it is like an Egyptian. You feel there's something to it. And now it has started.

تنتشر يعني شورمة سورية في مصر. جدا جدا. جدا كتير. والمحلات

Syrian shawarma is spreading a lot in Egypt. Very, very, very much. And the shops.

السورية بتتشر كتير كمان. بتدى يبقى فيه كمان الحاجات السودانية

The Syrian is also very widespread. There are also starting to be Sudanese things.

شوية. وهذا انا بحسها الصراحة. انا بحس انه هذا التنوع شيء

A little. And honestly, I feel it. I feel that this diversity is something.

كويس. جميل. انه يجيك الا عندك. بس اه معظم كل الشغلات عمدنا

Good. Nice. It only comes to you. But yes, most of everything we have.

فيها مصريين. احنا مصريين فيها ايه? يعني. رائع. كله موجود. شوف

There are Egyptians in it. We are Egyptians, so what? I mean, great. Everything is available. Look.

سوالك لي شيء. يلا. وش اكل السعودية المفضلة? اه بسم الله

Your question to me is something. Let's go. What is the favorite food of Saudi Arabia? Ah, in the name of God.

الرحمن الرحيم. لا ما اعرفش. محس انه الاكل كله شبه بعض. انا

The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. No, I don't know. It seems to me that all the food is similar. I am

اسمح. لا عايز عليك. يا نصدي ان هو يعني. الرز ولحم واحد. اه. احس

Allow. No, I don't want it from you. Oh, my friend, it means. Rice and meat together. Yes. I feel.

انه هو. السوئل هو رز ولحم برضو في الاجل. احس انه كله فاهم. لا

It is him. The question is rice and meat as well in the end. I feel like everyone understands it. No.

وين. بس فيه اشت فرق ما بينه. ما يفرق. لا بس يعني الرز لما

Where. But there is a difference between it. It doesn't matter. No, I mean the rice when...

مثلاً جربت المرقوق أو مثلاً الطازيزة

For example, I tried the Margooq or for example the Taziza.

أنا أحب المدفون

I love the buried.

المدفون اللي هو

The buried one, which is.

أنا بقص قودته إزاي

How should I cut his hair?



الله ينور عليك أنت راجل دارس

God enlightens you, you are a learned man.


Dars (lesson)

لو قطعت اللحم

If you cut the meat.


With your tongue.


And a male.

راحت معك

It went with you.

لو دابت يبقى نحل

If it melts, then it's honey.

من النوع اللي تذوب بلسانك

Of the kind that melts in your mouth.

كلها أبي أذوقها

I want to taste all of it, Dad.

أبي أذوق

My father, let me taste.

عبادي وش أكل تلك المصرية المفضلة

What is your favorite Egyptian food, Abadi?

من دنون إدارة حوار

From the management of dialogue.

أنا بيحب

I love.


My servant

أنا رحت مع مصر

I went with Egypt.

لا عبادي

No, my servants.

في مصر

In Egypt


He knows.

يعني سمعني

It means "Listen to me."



عاوزين طبيخ

We want to cook.

خلص الموضوع

The matter is settled.

لا لا كثير أشياء كثير

No, no, there are many things, many.

طبعاً الطواج

Of course, the madness.




With its types.

ايه طبعا كله

Yes, of course, everything.

بس هذي احس مشترك

I just feel this is a shared experience.

مشترك في الكل انك ينسويها

It’s common for you to do it.

ايه بس لا

Yes, but no.

طريقة الفخار والطاج

Pottery and tagine method

اللي ما يجيك مطبوخ

What doesn't come to you cooked.

طب شمال افريقيا مشهور

North African medicine is famous.


He says to you.


The self

حاولت اجيب حاجة زي ضمانات

I tried to get something like guarantees.

طبعا انا

Of course, I am.

في اشياء

In things.

الكوشري في مصر مختلف

Koshari in Egypt is different.

خباسك يا اخي

Your news, my brother.

انت عندك اشي

Do you have something?

اه عنده اشي

Oh, he has something.

لا ما يبقى ايه الحواشي

No, what about the margins?

انا في وجهك انطقها غلط من اول

I am in your face, I said it wrong from the beginning.

احسبها طرب

Calculate it as joy.

بعدين عرفت انها طرب

Later I found out that it was music.

اللي هي المشوي هذا

This is the grilled one.



اجي اللعب علي ابو عيد

Come play with Abu Eid.

ابو عيد هو اللي قايل لي كده

Abu Eid is the one who told me that.

في الطرب

In singing.

رعيس طرب

Rais of music.

هو اللي لعب علي

He's the one who played me.

كل مرة انطقها

Every time I pronounce it.

يضحكون علي

They are laughing at me.

بدين يعلموني اياها

They want to teach me that.


How are you?

ايه اللي قد شافت انها الان هي

What has she seen that she is now?

سبورت دي خصوصا سبحان الله اختراعات المصريين في الاكتر

Sports, especially, glory be to God, the inventions of Egyptians in more.


Joyful music or melody.

حسوا يعني بيجيب اي حاجة في اي حد

They feel like they can bring anything to anyone.

يعني تعرف الطرب ده

It means you know this kind of music.



حتة من دهنة في الحيوان

A piece of fat in the animal.

ايه اللي هي اللحم

What is the meat?

دهنة كده

That’s a bit greasy.

وبتلف فيها اللحم

"And the meat is wrapped in it."

يعني مثلا جبت عيش او جبت حاجة وبتلف فيه اللحم

For example, I brought bread or I brought something and I'm wrapping the meat in it.

هو بقى حتة دهنة كده

He became a bit of a lazybones.



منديل كده بسموه منديل

A handkerchief, they call it a handkerchief.

اللي هو الغشاء حج الكرش

Which is the membrane of the belly fat.

بالضبط حاجة كده ويحط فيه اللحم

Exactly something like that and put the meat in it.



وتحس الانسان المصري قديم يعني كان بيشوف اي حاجة قدامه بيحط فيها رز

You feel that the ancient Egyptian man would see anything in front of him and put rice in it.

اي عين

Which eye?

يعني ورق العينب مثلا

It means grape leaves, for example.

شاب ورق العينب جابها

A young man brought the grape leaves.

شاف حمامة جاب الحمامة حشاها رز برضو

He saw a dove, brought it, and filled it with rice as well.

اي شيء قدامه كان بيحط فيه رز

Whatever was in front of him, he would put rice in it.

الكوسة حط فيها رز

Put rice in the zucchini.

بدنجام حط فيه رز

Put rice in the pot.

كان فيه كمية رز فايفا

There was a quantity of fine rice.

اه بالضبط

Oh exactly.

قالك اي حاجة تشوفها قدامه حط فيها رز

He said, whatever you see in front of you, put rice in it.

لا انا كنت صدقا بسأل عن تعدد المواهب

No, I was honestly just asking about the multiplicity of talents.



ايوة يعني تعزف جيتار بيانو

Yes, so you play guitar and piano?

بتورزة والله

I swear by the Turza.

كمان كمان وكمان

More, more, and more.

لا لا لا حاولت اتعلم كمان بس كنت مزعج اوي في البيت

No, no, no, I tried to learn as well, but I was very annoying at home.

امرأتي كنت هتطلب طلاقة

My wife was going to ask for a divorce.

كنت تتعلم كمان قلوب كمان

You were also learning hearts as well.

اه بالضبط كان الموضوع يعني كان فيه طلاقة

Oh exactly, the matter was that there was fluency.

حلوة الراجل برضو

The man is also sweet.

يعني وصلت

It means "I arrived."

حكلي كتير الصراحة حكلي

Tell me a lot, honestly tell me.

وصلت وصلت

I have arrived, I have arrived.

حكلي حلوة احس

Tell me something sweet, I feel.


It means.

فهم فهم

Understanding is understanding.

خلاص لا بتشرح انت

That's enough, you don't need to explain.

لا لا هو استعدوا بالله اخوان احنا جايين

No, no, he is getting ready, by God, brothers, we are coming.

لا لا

No, no.

نهدي النفوس

We gift the souls.

لا لا هو جيتار وبيانو انا بعزف هنا 3 سنين مثلا

No, no, it's a guitar and piano. I've been playing here for about 3 years.

كنت بحب اقعد اهبل كده

I used to love sitting and being silly like that.


By the eye.

اه بالضبط

Oh exactly.

لا على البيانو

Not on the piano.

طبعا اليوم الجيتار بيجيب يعني مع البنات اكتر

Of course, today the guitar attracts more attention from the girls.

فقلت اتعلم جيتار

I said, do you learn guitar?

بس كانت صبعي كبيرة اوي يعني

But my finger was really big, you know.

صبعي كان بياخذ الوطرين

My finger was taking both strings.

والله فا

By God, so...

بانت اللي اخترعت الكوردات

"She revealed who invented the cords."

لا لا يعني ما اخترعتهاش اوي بس اه

No, it doesn't mean I didn't invent it a lot, but yes.

كنت قلت ان انا مش هينفع اتعلم بقى جيتار

I said that I won't be able to learn guitar.

عشان صبعي كبيرة

Because my finger is big.

يعني تخرج من النات ايه

What does it mean to graduate from the net?

بتاخد وطرين يعني

It means you take two chances.

بعدين اكتشفت واحد اسمه بي بي كينج

Then I discovered someone named B.B. King.

ده ملك البلوز

This is the king of the blues.

صبعه مثلا يعني الصبع الواحد بتاعه يقدي ايدي كلها

For example, his finger can cover my whole hand.

فقلت دي حجة بقى

So I said, "This is a justification then."

واضح ان انا ايه بستعبط

It's clear that I'm just playing around.

فعدت اصر على الموضوع ان انا اتعلم وكده يعني

So I insisted on the topic that I want to learn and all that.

ومشيت صراحة الدنيا

And honestly, I walked through life.

تعلمت كده

I learned like that.



من كم سنة

How many years ago?

والله ما افكر

By God, I don’t think.

يعني عدت احب الكتير كده

It means, "I started to love a lot like this."

ما عرفش متفكر انا بعزل كتير

I don't know if you think I isolate myself a lot.

بعدين اسمعت ليه فيه وش كده

Then I heard why there is something like that.

والناس يعني ودانها بتجيب دم

"And the people, I mean, their ears are bleeding."

بس يعني مع التحسينات والممارسة كده

But I mean, with improvements and some practice like that.

الموضوع بيمشي يعني

The topic is moving forward, I mean.



بس من كم سنة دي ما عرفش

But I don't know how many years ago that was.

بشوف فيديوهات كده بقول يعني ايه الارف ده

I watch videos like that and think, what is this nonsense?



بس بعد اربع سنين مثلا اتنين سنين ايه ده

But after four years, what about two years?

ينفع يكون بيعزف يعني

It can be useful to be playing.

تعرفش دي الفيديو حق الكلب اللي

Do you know this video of the dog that...

ايه اللي منزعج كده

What's bothering you like that?

ده كان انا يعني وانا بعزل كده

That was me, you know, when I was isolating like that.

مبقاش سامع بشوف فيديو يعني

I can’t hear anymore, I’m watching a video.

بس ده بتمشي يعني

But it works, right?

حلو اتقلف كلمات بشكل

It's sweet to arrange words in a certain way.

انا ما بحفظش الكلمات بقى

I don't memorize the words anymore.



عندي مشكلة بحفظ الكلمات

I have a problem with memorizing words.


Ask me.

فتيجي اول كلمة شبه الكلمة التانية فهم برامي على طول اه

So the first word is similar to the second word, you understand it right away.


Ask me.

في احد زعل منك؟

Did someone get upset with you?


A lot

اه صحيح

Oh, really?

كتير يا لهوي وكوبيرايت استرايكس وناس بتشتمني في

Oh my God, a lot, and copyright for Asterix, and people are insulting me.

بس هقولهم انا مش قصدي والله يا اخوان

I will just tell them that I didn't mean it, I swear, my brothers.

لا بس قصدي فنانين

No, I meant artists.

اسمعني في الناس زعلت اه

Listen to me, I got upset with people.

اسمعني في الناس زعلت

Listen to me, people are upset.

لانهم حساسين فنانين وكده

Because they are sensitive artists and that sort of thing.

بجانب اه ببساطة

"Next to oh simply."



وبجانب برضو

And also beside it.

لان يعني

Because it means

عيد ده

This is a feast.

لا لا لا

No, no, no.

بجانب ايه؟

Next to what?

اه ان في اغاني انتشرت بشكل قوي

Oh, there are songs that have spread strongly.



يعني ما اعرفش صحابة زعلة ده بس ازن واقت

I don't really know if this is accurate, but it seems to be an expression of some frustration.

يعني مثلا اغنية انا مش زعلان اصلا انا حيوان دي مثلا

For example, the song "I'm Not Upset, I'm Actually an Animal," for instance.

عشان انتشرت اوردو في السعادية بس اطلت انا مش زعلان

Because Urdu spread in Saadiya, but I took too long, I'm not upset.

والله انا مش زعلان

I swear I am not upset.

اصلا انا حيوان

I am basically an animal.

ده ده اغنية كنت عم تلعب تلعب كرياكشن

This is a song you were playing, playing "Kryaction."

انتشر بقى على اسلام شات وعلى تويتر وعلى تيك توك وكده

It spread on Islam Chat, Twitter, and TikTok, and so on.

فمس اطلعها على يوتيوب اجابت حوالي حشرة مليون

"Then he showed her on YouTube, she answered about a million insects."

فدي اصلا اغنية ترياءة

This is actually a mocking song.

فانا لو ما كان اي حد كرياتور ينزل لي اغنية

If there was no creator to release a song for me.

انا قدش اصدق طبعا انها تنتشر لازم اظهر يعني

I can't believe it's spreading, of course, I have to show up.

بس اصدق ان دي حاجة تدايق

I just believe that this is something annoying.

فانا لو انت مكانها رح تزعل

If I were in her place, I would be upset.

حس انها اغنية انا تعبت فيها وتاولين بيوحد حيوان

I feel it's a song I worked hard on and it's about uniting animals.

يتتلع على اغنية تدايق

It gets annoyed by a song.

ويقول انه حيوان

He says it is an animal.

ويقول انه هو معترف يعني

He says that he is confessing, meaning...

ما لهم حق يزعلون

They have no right to be upset.

اه يعني فاهم فتحس ان هو يعني عمت

Oh, I mean, you understand, so you feel like it's, you know, overall.

بس اتمنى نزل بكون روحة رياضية يعني

I just hope it will be a sports vibe.

ايوة طب الاخراج صح

Yes, the direction is correct.



ايش طيحك على الاخراج كيف تحترق

What brought you down to the directing? How do you burn?

انا كالنفسي اخرق طول الحياة يعني اعلانات يعني

I, like myself, will be clumsy my whole life, which means advertisements, I mean.

انا حسن بقى بيقول

I am Hassan, and I say...

اه لا مش مانديش حاجة في المسألة

Oh no, I don't have anything in the matter.

بس لا اصلي انه اه

But I mean, yes.

كنت عايز اخرق اعلانات يعني طول الحياة

I wanted to break through advertisements, I mean all my life.

ومكانش فيه صور يعني مكانش فيه

"And there were no pictures, meaning there were none."

حاولت اروح لأجنسيس

I tried to go to Genesis.

انا اخرق كولية تجارة عندنا

I am a clumsy business student.

كولية تجارة دي انت لما بتعمل يعني

College of Commerce, what do you mean when you say that?

مع احترامي دي طب انا كولية عظيمة كل حاجة

With all due respect, this is just me; I am a great college in everything.

بس انه ايه

But yes.

بيسموها هنا كولية الشعب

They call it here the people's college.

اللي هو ما عملش حاجة في حياته

He who has done nothing in his life.

ما انجحش في حتة فراحة دخل كولية تجارة

I didn't succeed in anything, so I went to the Faculty of Commerce.

فااا جوة كمية عين شمس بس هو

There is a lot of Ain Shams, but he is.

بس يأذي انه ايه

But it hurts that it is true.

يعني موازلة الناس لو بتلحقش حاجة في حياتها

It means that people's lives are parallel if they miss something in their life.

بتخش عشان تنسيقها عندنا لو موضوعات

You enter to coordinate with us if there are topics.

كل اهم ومواضل يتجار

All important and significant issues are traded.

كم دا كانت في العصر يعني

How much was it in the past, I mean?

مOOش الان دلوقتي الدنيا تحسنت شوية

The situation has improved a bit now.

فاا مOOM فااا

I am MOM.

اللي بيتلعه من كولية تجارة مابيقبلش في اللاجنسيس

"Those who graduate from the Faculty of Commerce are not accepted in the police."

بفروتب الكولية انضف شوية

The college fruits are a bit cleaner.

احنا تبقيين وعنصرين عادي يعني

We remain and we are just ordinary elements.

اه Ok




طب انا كنت رايح اقدم على الاجنسيز ما حدش يقبلني

Well, I was going to apply to the agencies, but no one accepted me.

ليه ما عنديش حاجة تدخلني في حاجة زي كده يعني

Why don't I have anything to get me into something like that?

فطريقة بقى معروف شوية

"So the way became a bit known."

من ناحية الكونتنت

In terms of content.

الكونتنت وبتاعه وكده بدأت الاجنسيز تعرفني

The content and all that started to make the agencies recognize me.

حاولت اقدم تاني برضو مدخلني

I tried to submit again, but they didn't let me in.



كانت في ساعتها الهايب بتاعت الكونتنت كريترز دي كانت حاجة

At its peak, the hype surrounding content creators was something else.

ده مجرد عائلة على النت وبتاعه خلاص

This is just a family on the internet, that's all.

هيقرفنا معاه كده يعني

He will annoy us like that, I mean.

فبدأت انطقت في الاعلانات

"I started to speak in advertisements."

اللي هو ايه

What is it?

بحس ان فيه فلوس كتير ضاعت عطفاض يعني وبتاعه جايبين

I feel like a lot of money has been wasted on nonsense and useless things.

وانا كوميدي

And I am a comedian.

وايز يعني

Wise means

فبدأت الاجنسيز تعيس ان انا شغال مع ايجنسي وبهجمهم وبتاعه

"I started the agencies to feel that I am working with an agency and I confront them and so on."

لا يا اخوانا عادي وبتاعه

No, my brothers, it's fine and whatever.

غدا ما ايه

What is tomorrow?

جي حد قال لي عايزك تطلع معايا في الاعلان

Someone told me they want you to appear with me in the ad.

تطلع في الاعلان كا

The advertisement appears as...

تطلع كاست يعني

What does "cast" mean?

اه كاست كا انفلوينسر يعني

Oh, being an influencer means...

بطل صراحة انا مش من الناس اللي بتقود الناس ان هي

Honestly, I'm not one of those people who leads others to do so.

بتقود استعمل البروموشن او كم دا كله

Use the promotion or how much is all this?

انا مش ما بحبش انا انفلوينسر

I don't like being an influencer.

ان الناس اللي بحب عامل كنتندو فقط

People who love Nintendo are just like that.

لا انا عايزك انت ابتاع

No, I want you specifically.

غدا نصيب الخير كان اسمه احمد رادي

Tomorrow, the fate of goodness was named Ahmed Radi.

كان راجل العظيم يعني كان الماركتنج مانجر ساعتها

He was a great man, meaning he was the marketing manager at that time.

وكان ساعتها كاريج لسه بيفتح في مصر

At that time, Karij was just opening in Egypt.

كان لسه منتشر هو في الكويت

It was still spreading in Kuwait.

وبتاعه كان بيانتقل

And his thing was being transferred.

في الاخر كلهم اتبعت تحت

In the end, they all followed below.

يعني هو كلهم بقوا خلاص بقوا تحت دليفر هيرو اللي هو معاها

It means they all have now become part of the Deliver Hero that she is with.

اعناد كتير دي ماشا

A lot of stubbornness, this is Masha.

دليفر هيرو هي الشركة الامة اللي اشترت كل

Deliver Hero is the parent company that bought everything.

انا وبعد عاملة هذه الشركة العظيمة

I am an employee of this great company.

فكان رادي كان قوي يعني ما شاء الله

"It was strong, I mean, Mashallah."

عنده فيجين ساعتها فقال

He had a vision at that moment, so he said.

قلت له هاخرج الاعلان

I told him I will publish the advertisement.

دا اه مش هطلع بس هاخرج لك عملك فكرة حلو هاخرج اعلان

Yes, I'm not going to go out, but I will make something nice for you. I will put out an advertisement.

اتس ريسكي اون يو وانا مش في ريسكي حاجة

It's risky for you and I'm not in a risky situation.

وراك كاميرا قال لي انا هاخد الرسك

"You have a camera," he told me, "I'm going to take the risk."

واخذ الرسك فعلا

And he really took the risk.

والرسك دا طبع ربنا

"This sustenance is the nature of our Lord."





احب الافجار

I love explosions.

تلاعب بالمفردات


احب الرسك عالله

I love the risk, by God.

تاني اه

Again, yes.

مناسبة المغرب

Moroccan occasion

اولاد رسك

Rask's children

اوكي اصلا

Okay, actually.

فالاعلان ماشاء الله بوم جامد

The advertisement is, God willing, very impressive.

والناس افتكروا المخرج تاني كبير هو اللي عامله

People thought that another big director was behind it.

فاكشفوا اللي اخدناه اللي عامله ايه دا

So reveal what we took and what he did with it.

فتنسوا تصدق انه ايه دا الراجل دا ممكن ينفع

So you can't believe that yes, this man could be useful.

المخرج يعني

The director means.

لما دخلت في المجال

When I entered the field.

انت مثلا معاك الكرو بتاعك

For example, you have your card with you.

هو تقريبا اللي يشغل الشغلان

He is basically the one who manages the work.

يعني مساعد المخرج

It means assistant director.

هو بيعمل كل الـ

He does all the...

كل الحاجات الـ

All the needs الـ

مدير التصوير

Director of Photography

انا اهم حاجة امثل ان انا فاهم

The most important thing for me is to show that I understand.

فقال له مدير التصوير بيقول لك يا عايزين يجيب وش

The cinematographer said to him, "They want to show the face."

قال لي حط عادة سمية يعني

She told me to set a habit of Somaya, meaning...

قلت والله تعال نجرب

I said, "By God, come let's try."

انا عارفة طبعا عادة سمية دا لما بموت فيها

I know, of course, that Samia usually does this to me when I'm very upset.

بس تعال نجرب

But come, let's try.

حاسس ان هو يا اشرف

I feel that it is you, Ashraf.

احط الـ 75

Put the 75.

ماشي كده

That's how it goes.

بتمشيها كده اه بالزبط

You're doing it just like that, yes exactly.

فمساعد المخرج اقول له هاي عندنا ايه بعد كده

So I say to the assistant director, "Hey, what do we have next?"


We will take.

طيب يلا

Okay, let's go.

من كتر ما انا فاهم ما بقولش

Because I understand so much, I don't say anything.

فيبقى ان الراجل دا فاهم

So it remains that this man understands.

الراجل دا مخرج تقيل يعني

This man is a serious director, you know.

واسأل بها انك

"And ask by it that you..."

نعمل ايه هنا

What are we doing here?

انا عارف عشان بعمل كونتين بتاعي

I know because I'm making my content.

انا عارف انا هقطع من هنا واخد الزاوية دي من هنا

I know I'm going to cut from here and take this angle from here.

اشي الـ basic

The basic thing.

دا وهي مضاعميش يعني

This means "And this is not duplicating me."

بس يعني التكنيكاليتس بقى

But I mean the technicalities now.

في النصت مكنتش عارف فاعمل نفسي فيها

I didn't know in the text so I pretended to be involved in it.

ها يلا بينا

Come on, let’s go!

هاي عندنا ايه مورو

Hi, what do we have, Mouro?

مساعد المخرج اطول عندنا ايه مورو اللي بعد كده

The assistant director is taller than us, what is the next thing, Muro?

هناخد بس دا وهناخد مش عارف الواسع ايه

We'll just take this, and I don't know what the wide one is.

يلا بينا

Let's go.

جيب عدسة مية

Get a 100mm lens.

اه هو بقى اللي بدي يغسل احنا نحط ايه يا اساس اشرف

Oh, so he will be the one to wash it. What should we put, Mr. Ashraf?

احط المية احط المية

Put the water, put the water.

تعال نجرب يعني

Come on, let's give it a try.

لا قريبة قوي

Not very close.

تعال نحط الـ 75 تمام

Come on, let's put the 75 right.


Like this.

ما عجبتنيش

I didn't like you.

عندك حاجة اوسع

Do you have something bigger?

طبعا انا بمثل دايما ان انا دمي خفيف في اللوكيش

Of course, I always act like I'm fun on set.

فبس ان انا بحضر

I am just preparing.

بيهزر بقى

He's joking now.

عندك حاجة اوسع

Do you have something wider?

يا علي دا دمي خفيف

Oh Ali, my blood is light.

هموت انا في الأفشار

I will die in the alley.

فيتبنى هو ايه دا بيهزر عشان هو ايه

So he adopts, what is this? He's joking because he is what?

كوميدي يعني مش فعي مبتعب

A comedian means I'm not too tired.

فبتمشي عن الناس

"So you walk away from people."

انت جايبة بلفة على جولتك

You brought a wrap for your tour.

اه بالضبط موديل الانتاج حتى راح للراجل اللي بينتك

Oh exactly, the production model even went to the man who's between you.

بتنصحب يعني

What does it mean to be advised?

مرة يخرج

He goes out once.

قال له والله انا اللي جايبه

He said to him, "I swear by God, I am the one who brought him."

مرة يخرج قال له استحالة دا راجل دا

One time he went out and said to him, "It's impossible, this is a man."

تحسوا يا اخي فاهموا

Feel, my brother, understand.

ندكدك اه بالضبط

We hit you exactly.

فبتمشي الحمدلله وبعد اسأل با كتير

"Thank God, I walk and then I ask a lot."

اي حد دا بيتعامل ازاي

Who is this and how do they deal (with others)?

واسأل مخرجين تانيين صراحة الناس

"And ask other directors frankly about people."

كلها كانت بتساعدني يعني

They were all helping me, I mean.

كل الناس الاساميل الكبيرة ماشاء الله

All the people have big names, mashallah.

بحكم الكونتند وكده كانوا عارفينني

"Due to the content and stuff, they knew me."

واتساعدنا اطلع في حاجات صغيرة

"And it helps us find small things."

فتسألهم صراحة محدش بيخرج عليه

So they ask them frankly, no one goes out against him.

معلومات يعني

Information means.

عادي اسأل سؤال عن الاخراج

It's fine to ask a question about the production.

الحين ماشاء الله مخرج كبير تفضل

Now, mashallah, a great director, please go ahead.

عندي سؤال بس عن الاخراج اللي هو

I have a question but about the direction which is

الحين الافضل باكراوند

Now it's better background.

المخرج يجي من باكراوند كرياتيف

The director comes from a creative background.

ولا من باكراوند تيكنيكال

Nor from a technical background.

اللي كان مصور قبل كان

The one who was filming before was...

يعني هو

It means he.

لان مثلا انت تكلمت عن النقطة

Because, for example, you talked about the point.

انت ما تبقى عارفة اشياء تيكنيكال بس عندك

You only know technical things, but you have...

من ناحية كرياتيف انت فاهم شو بتسوي

From a creative standpoint, you understand what you're doing.

بص الناس اللي كانوا في ايجنسيز

Look at the people who were in agencies.

وكانوا كرياتيف

And they were creative.

بيبقى مر على تجارب كتير

He goes through many experiences.

قوية هو ريدي بيبقى شايف

"Powerful is the one who stays aware."

المخرج وبيحضر البريف بتاعه

The director is preparing his brief.

وبيعمل تيريتمت بتاعته وشايف

And he is doing his treatment and sees.

البروسيس وشايف الحاجة هيبتدبني

The process and I see the thing is going to hit me.

وشايف هو المخرج بيصور ازاي وشايف

"I'm seeing how the director is filming and I'm watching."

ال ادت فا هو الكرياتيف في الاجنسي

The creative one in the agency is Al Addat.

ه عنده فرصة انه يمر

He has a chance to pass.

على تجربة كover-all

On the overall experience.

وشايف البريف

"I see the brief."

بتعمل ازاي وشايف المخرج بتعمل

How are you doing, and what do you think of the director's work?

لك تريتمت ازاي وشايف

How did you end up like this and what do you see?

اللاييند كان بيطلعل بريف ازاي

How was the landed appearing?

بيعملوا في الـ Processing دلوقتي الـ Brief و بيطلعوا من كـ Creative

They are currently working on the processing of the brief and are coming from a creative background.

فهي مر على experience عنيفة جدا عكس مثلا مكون حد شغال في التصوير بس

She has gone through a very violent experience, unlike someone who is just working in photography.

أو حد مثلا يكون شغال مساعد مخرج، أو مساعد مخرج مثلا ده

Or someone, for example, who works as an assistant director, or maybe this assistant director.

شغالانة لوجستيكية بحتة

A purely logistical operation.

اللي هو بيعمل كل شيء تحت التصوير و مش عارف اللي حاجات المطلوبة ايه كده

He is doing everything under the camera and doesn't know what the required things are like this.

يعني still بس اظن الـ Creative بديه فرصة انه يـ experience

It means still, but I think the Creative should have the opportunity to experience it.

معلومات عنيفة عن الـ

Violent information about the الـ

عن المجال

About the field.

المجال كله بالـ بالـ بالتعامل مع الـ Client يعني مثلا

The whole field is about dealing with the client, for example.

في حاجة كتير في مصر ممكن يكون الـ Client بيطلب المخرج ده عشان هو بيعرف يتعامل معاه بشكل مباشر

There are many things in Egypt that the client might request this director for because he knows how to work with him directly.



مش عشان هو مش عشان هو مثلا شطر في الاخراج و كده

Not because he is, for example, good at directing and stuff like that.

دفت بيبقى شطر في الاخراج بس اظن هو

He will be clever in directing, but I think he is.

ان هو ايه هو بيريحني كـ Client

He is what relaxes me as a client.

ان انا عارف ان انا عايز اجيب الـ Logo قد كده في الـ Background هيعرف يجيبه

I know that I want to get the logo this big in the background; it will be able to be displayed.

يعني مثلا خلاص هو ده شخص مريح بالنسبة لي

It means, for example, he's a comfortable person for me.

او مثلا هيعرف يتعامل مع الممثلين الـ Celebrities و الكلام ده كله

Or for example, he will know how to deal with the celebrity actors and all that.

فبتبقى في حاجات كده لـ ايه احنا اتعاملنا معاه مثلا كـ Creative

So there are things like that for what we interacted with, for example, as Creative.

و فيه ناس بيعرف يبيع الـ

"And there are people who know how to sell the..."

اللي هو المشهد يبقى عامل ازاي للـ Client

What the scene will look like for the client.

آه يعرف كيف

Ah, he knows how.

آه لان هو اصلا Background Agent

Oh, because he is basically a Background Agent.

فعشان كده ايه خلاص هو عارفينه فبتبقى

So that's why, you know, it's just how it is.

انا ازي بقى لي المخرجين اللي كانوا Background Creative

How have the directors who were background creatives been doing?

فرصهم احسن في الاعلانات التعريف تحديدا يعني

Their chances are better in advertising specifically.

و انا مثلا كنت بقول انه يا ريتني كنت في Agency او كده

"I was saying, for example, that I wish I was in an agency or something like that."

كنت حاسس انها هتعلم اكتر من دلوقتي

I felt that she would learn more than now.

مثلا انا غدا دلوقتي بحاول بسأل المخرجين احيانا عايز اتعلمها

For example, I'm trying to ask directors right now; sometimes I want to learn it.

بحاول بقى اسأل الناس في الـ Creative كده

"I'm trying to ask people in the Creative field like this."

و يعني ساعات بيساعدون يعني

It means they sometimes help.

و محدود في الاعلانات ولا ممكن تطلع منها يعني تروح

And it's limited in advertisements, and you can't get out of it, meaning you have to stay.

ولا حابت جوه الاعلانات اللي هو

"And I don't like the ads he has."

انا زي ما

I am like what

زي ما اللي سمعت و مقت على كلامك انه

Just like what I heard and I was affected by what you said that...

الصورة تختلف تماما لما تجي تصور الاعلانات

The image is completely different when it comes to photographing advertisements.

حتى في كل حتة في المكان تتغير من فيلم الى مسلسل الى اعلان

Even in every corner of the place, it changes from a movie to a series to an advertisement.

الان الاعلانات بتديك قدرة بقى عنيفة

Now advertisements give you a powerful ability.

اسرف زي ما انت عايز و هات مديري التصوير اللي انت عايزه

Spend as you like and bring the director of photography that you want.

و هات من برا و هات من جوا

"Bring from outside and bring from inside."

و بدي اخذ بصور كام دقيقة مثلا

I want to take pictures for a few minutes, for example.

يعني فاهم

It means "Do you understand?"

و بتجيك الامكانات اللي انت عايزها

And the opportunities you want will come to you.

و تلاقي الـ Client بيسرف بس هو مثلا بتجي دعم فيلم او كده

And the client meets for services, but for example, they receive support for a movie or something like that.

بتلاقي ايه معلش وفر لنا بقى في الـ Budget شوية

What do you find, sorry, but please save us a bit on the budget.

بقى بتاعه و يلمي نفسك و كده يعني

"Stay with it and collect yourself, you know what I mean?"

مثلا ما قررتش الـ Experience ساعة الدراما

For example, I didn't decide on the Experience of the drama hour.

بس كذا مرة اروح اقول لهم عايز اعمل دراما في الرئيس

I just want to go and tell them I want to make a drama about the president.

هات ورق يعني هات حاجة مكتوبة

Bring paper, I mean bring something written.



اه بالضبط هات نص

Oh exactly, give me the text.

طب يا اخواني انا بخرج انا مش كاتب يعني

Okay, my brothers, I'm leaving. I'm not a writer, you know.

لا معاك ورقة تعمل كده

You don't have a paper to do that.

فاللسه ما رحتش في الحتة دي اعني

I haven’t gone to that place yet, I mean.

بس انا يعني بحب اقرف الاعلانات اكتر

But I mean I like to enjoy the advertisements more.

و دماء بيبقى خفيف و بتاعه

And the blood remains light and it's about that.

و كل هالدنيا عايزين نعمل الحدودة كلها في 30 ثانية

And we want to tell the whole story of this world in 30 seconds.

فما لك في الكتابة اصلا يا ايمان

So what do you have in writing, Eman?

و مشروع لك صغير

And a small project for you.

و مشروع بالضبط اسبوعين ثلاثة في الالتزام فغلص يعني

And the project will take exactly two to three weeks to complete, which means...

تمهل اسمها بفلوسك

Her name is delayed by your money.

مش عايز بالضبط

I don't want it exactly.

ما بناخدش فلوسك او يعني

We don't take your money or, I mean...

بنستنى 6 شهور لسنة

We wait for 6 months to a year.

ايه يا شركة مدرسة

Hey, school company.

لا والله 3 اربعة

No, by God, three, four.

عندنا ازمة في موضوع الفلوسة بس يعني

We have a crisis regarding money, but I mean...

انا بأنجويت الصراحة

I am honestly annoyed.

بنجرب كرو مختلف

Let's try a different crew.

بنجرب مكانيات تصوير مختلفة

We are trying out different filming locations.

بنجرب لوكيشانات بقى بنروح مثلا ساعة مرة

We're trying out different locations; for example, we go once an hour.

فكنا مثلا مرة وعبادي صورنا في جورجيا مثلا

For example, we once took a picture in Georgia.

نروحنا واستكشفنا يعني ازمة موضوع

We went and explored, which means a crisis subject.

كان لطيف انك عندك فرصة تكسبيرينس كثير يعني

It was nice that you have the opportunity to gain a lot of experience, I mean.

لا رهيب رهيب انا يعني استمتع بتصوير اعلانات

No, it's amazing! I mean, I enjoy shooting advertisements.

اول 4 ساعات

The first 4 hours.

لو ما صار منحضر فيهم نفطر فيهم

If we don't attend them, we will have breakfast with them.

ايه يلا نفطر وكهوة

Come on, let's have breakfast and coffee.

ممتعين فعلا لغاية ما

They are really enjoyable until now.

بعدين يقلب موضوع قاسية

Then it turns into a harsh subject.

12 ساعة 14 ساعة تصوير

12 hours 14 hours of filming

بتطبق في الست

It is applied in the sixth.

هو بيحبش

He doesn't love.

لا لا حاول ارى

No, no, try to see.

ايوه تطبق في الست فقط

Yes, it only applies to the girl.

تطبق في الست ساعة

It applies in six hours.

تطبق في عبد الحليم برضو

It also applies to Abdel Halim.

ياكي سبحان الله

O you, glory be to God.



مرضى معدي

Infectious patients

داك كلاب

That dog.

ماله في الدوام تدري معلومة عن ابو عمر

What does he know about Abu Omar during work hours?

ماله في الدوام

What’s wrong with him at work?

ما عرفتش ما عرفتش دوام خونس

I didn't know, I didn't know the working hours of Khunus.



انا مطنع من الدوام لله

I am tired from work for God.

غير كده ما مفيد

Other than that, it's not useful.

ونعم بالله هالسيدي بس انه

Yes, by God, this is my master, but...

غير كده ما مفيد خونس مش هنكبر بقى

Otherwise, it's not useful, we won't grow up then.



يعني ما

It means what.

لا يعني انا ممكن في التصوير ممكن انا في 16 ساعة واقف على رجلي عادي

It doesn't mean I can't do photography; I can stand on my feet for 16 hours easily.

اعمل كده بس انا اي حاجة فيها روتين او حاجة بتتكرر ما اقدرش

Just do it like that, but I can't handle anything that involves routine or anything repetitive.

ما اقدرش اعملها

I can't do it.

يعني شاب معتمد على الاخراج

It means a young person relying on the production.

طول عمري ما اعتمدتش على وظيفة ثابتة

I have never relied on a stable job my whole life.

طول عمري على الله كده

All my life has been like this with God.

فهولت مش مشكلة بقى خلاص يعني حاولت اعمل اي حاجة فيها دوام ما

It's no problem, then; I tried to do anything with some continuity in it.

مادرش استعمل خلاص

I don't want to use it anymore.

مش مثلا باملي لا بيجيلي

It's not like I'm filling it, it just comes to me.



حالة تشنجية يعني

It means a convulsive state.



اه حاجة عنيفة يعني

Oh, it's something intense, I mean.

ما عرفتش ما عارفش بقى ده مارض ايه ده ممكن يبقى حاجة كلابي

I don't know what this is, it could be something dog-related.

يعني ممكن عندك فوبيا دوام معروف

It means you might have a well-known phobia of working.

هي كده اه اي حاجة بتتكرر عمتني

It is like this, yes, anything that is repeated has affected me.

يعني حتى برضو في الجيم في الحياة دي كلها لا اي حاجة بتتكرر عن عندي

It means that even in the gym, in this entire life, nothing is repeated for me.

اي روتين

What routine?

انت عندي مشكلة التزام

You have a commitment issue with me.

ايه بالضبط

What exactly?

والله اتجاوزت 9 سنين ما عارفش بقى

By God, it's been over 9 years and I still don't know.

اسس دي تدل ان انا لا ما عنديش مشاكل

These foundations indicate that I have no problems.

عصرا ايه كانت لياك انا يعني عندي لها مشاكل في التزام بس اصلا

I don't know what to say; I have some issues with commitment, but that's it.

مستل برضو

I am also fine.

اه والله

Oh, by God.

اش عارف عندي مشكلة في حاجة بتتكرر عمت

I don't know, I have a problem with something that's repeating.

يعني على التزام انا مثلا في البروجيكس عدى الاخراج متزام جدا متزام من اقصى درجة

It means that I am committed, for example in the projects, except for the direction, I am very committed, to the utmost degree.

انا اول واحد بيجي اللوكيشن اصلا

I am the first one to arrive at the location, actually.

عشان معادي مثلا بيجي المساعدة المقربية بيجي 7 بجي 7 لان الناس كلها ما جتش

Because my appointment is at 7, the nearby assistance comes at 7 because everyone else hasn't arrived.

كلهم بتأخروا

They all arrive late.

انتوا وسامة بس عدى تلجي وسامة موجود غير

You are handsome, but there are other forms of beauty.

عشان يرحل اول اربع ساعات

To leave in the first four hours.

شرحك الفطور

Your explanation of breakfast.

فطور بتلعب بزيادة

Fatoor is playing too much.

وحار لسا

And it's still hot.


My coffee shop.



فلا ملتزم بس يعني

So it’s not a commitment, I mean.

بس دوامه تكون

But its schedule is.

بس التكرار لا

But repetition, no.

ما حبش التكرار

He doesn't like repetition.

طيب من بداية الحلقة كان فيه كذا هياط من عبادي انه يعرف اللهجة المصرية

Well, from the beginning of the episode, there was quite a lot of bragging from Abadi about knowing the Egyptian dialect.

وكان فيه هياط من هشام انه يعرف اللهجة السعودية

Hisham boasted that he knows the Saudi dialect.

انا خارج امامه فسوء ليش

I am outside in front of him, so what's wrong?

فأسامة أنت سألك سألت لا

So Osama, you asked, I asked, no.

لا أسامة بتصير مع عبادي

No, Osama, you will be with Abadi.

بس الحين السؤال بيكون موجه كده وكده

But now the question will be directed this way and that way.

يعني مرة عندك باللهجة السعودية ومرة عندكم باللهجة المصرية

It means sometimes you have it in the Saudi dialect and sometimes you have it in the Egyptian dialect.



لا لا لا مع أسامة وعبادي

No, no, no with Osama and Abadi.

لكن مبدئيا قبل ما نوصل للهجة المصرية

But initially, before we reach the Egyptian dialect.

أنا أعتذر لأن أنا جاهل جدا باللهجة المصرية

I apologize because I am very ignorant about the Egyptian dialect.

فممكن أنا جاهل بأشياء واضحة وغيمة

I may be ignorant of clear and obvious things.

لا لا ما عليك

No, no, it's okay.


The roads



ما زال أش

He is still ash.

خلنا نبدأ عندك سيد إشام

Let’s start with you, Mr. Isham.



كلمة ميدة

The word "ميدة" translates to "table."



شو فيها؟

What's wrong with it?



شو فيها؟

What's wrong?

وش معناها؟

What does it mean?


Give it.

في محاولات

In attempts

يعني عطني سياق يعني عطني جملة فيها

It means give me context, that is, give me a sentence that includes it.

عطى جملة

He gave a sentence.

الله بقلب الله جملة

God in the heart is a phrase.



تتقدرون تساعدوني أني كنت جيبون جملة فيها ميدة

Can you help me by giving me a sentence that includes the word "table"?



قول لي

Tell me.

أنا أنا أنا أنا قايل لك الميدة يدي العصر

I am I am I am I told you the table is my hand in the afternoon.

قايل لك الميدة يدي بكرة

I told you the table is in front of me tomorrow.





الميدة يجي العصر

The table will come in the afternoon.

هذا عطنى جملة ثانية

This gave me another sentence.

طيب عطك جملة ثانية

Okay, give me another sentence.



أبو سارة قال ميت عبادي

Abu Sarah said, "My servant is dead."

تيجي العصر

Come in the afternoon.

تعالي العصر

Come in the afternoon.



المعاد يعني

The meaning is the return.

ما سمعت يوم قال ميدة تعالي العصر

I didn't hear the day Mida said, "Come in the afternoon."

لا والله ما سمعت

I swear by God I haven't heard.

جواب صحيح

Correct answer

ما سمعنا ميدة

We haven't heard about a feast.

طيب يلا هلا هلا

Okay, let's go, hello hello.

حاطني أهبط

"Surrounded me, I am about to fall."

المشكلة مالت

The problem has shifted.

حرم أنا أود يا سعد

I forbid it, I want it, O Saad.

مالت تعريف كده نصي

What does a half textual definition mean?

يعني هي كيف

What does she mean?

شرحها لك

I explained it to you.

هي ضمير

It is a pronoun.

طيب ما خلت يحاول

Okay, let him try.

حلو حلو

Sweet sweet

حلو يحاول طيب

Sweet, trying is good.



الميدا دي اللي هو

The one that is the maida.




I reduced you.

عطني أي شي

Give me anything.

فيها أسئلة

It has questions.

لا مش عارف

No, I don't know.

ميدا هو ضمير لهو

Meda is a pronoun for him.

فأنا قلت ميد عبادي

So I said, "My servant is in my service."

يعني قلت لي عبادي

It means you told me "my servants."

دفعين هي اللهقة

"Paying is the responsibility."



ومنوع في شي من الشمال في شي من الجنوب

"And forbidden is something from the north and something from the south."

أنا أخري جداوي صراحة

I am very straightforward, honestly.

طيب في قانون جديد أضيفه

Okay, there is a new law to be added.


For the competition.

لو أنا سألت سؤال

If I asked a question.

سهل جدا بالمصري

Very easy in Egyptian.

مسموح لك أنك تقترح كلمة بديلة

You are allowed to suggest an alternative word.



بس أنا حاس أن المصري

But I feel that the Egyptian...

صحوحي أنت عندك سورسات كتير بالمصري

You are right, you have a lot of sources in Egyptian.

تعرف تجيب منها

Do you know how to get it?

صدقني أنا يعني

Believe me, I mean it.

أنا جاهل جدا فأخذت السطح

I am very ignorant, so I took the surface.




It means.

أنا طارق الهجات صدق

I am Tarek Alhajat, truly.

أذكرت أبو أيديهم يقول النكتة المصرية

I mentioned Abu Aidi, who says the Egyptian joke.

وكيف يعني

And what does that mean?

عرفت كيف دارجة هنا عندنا

I learned how common it is here for us.

فهذا شي

This is something.

ما دري لو جينا نحن سوين ستاندوف في مصر

I don't know if we came and did stand-up in Egypt.




They understand us.



أعتقد تفهم لو

I think you understand if.

مش يتفهم

Not understood.


They will laugh.

خليك من يتفهم

Stay with those who understand.



بس أنه

But that

هل بيحسوه

Do they feel it?

أم مش

What's the matter?

بيفهمت كسلي

I understand my laziness.

على حسب

As per.

فيه ناس في الستاندوف كوميدي

There are people in stand-up comedy.

بيتحكوا برضو

They are also laughing.

يعني بيناس عايزة تخرجوا خلاص

It means that there are people who want to leave now.

فبيتحكوا على أي

So they laugh at anything.





بيتحكوا لندفع

They are laughing so we pay.



يعني هو فعلا أنا جاي أتبسط

It means I'm really here to have a good time.

أنا هتحك على أي حاجة بيقول دي

I will make fun of anything he says.

فلا تحسب أنك تضحك

So don't think that you are laughing.

لا أنا معرفش

No, I don't know.


For example



أنا بشوف

I see.

في ناس كتير

There are many people.

كالستاندوف كوميدي

Like stand-up comedy.

يعني بيعملوا

It means they are doing.



ما هوش قوي

He's not strong.



والناس بيتحك

And people are laughing.

بس بحس

I just feel.

يمكن للستاندوف عندك عالي جدا

Your stand-up can be very high.



وارد برضو

It is also imported.

أنا حطب ده كاحتمال

I am firewood, like a possibility.



ما قلت أنه

What you said is that it

ممكن أنا شخص بايخ

I might be a boring person.


It means.





معرفش الصراحة

I honestly don't know.

يعني لازم يكون فيه

It means there must be.

مبنية على مصر

Built on Egypt

يعني وزاي

It means "and how."

يعني زي موضوع

It means something like the topic.


For example.

فاكر مرة شاكا في مين

Do you remember the time you were suspicious of whom?

كان بيقول حاجة زي كده

He was saying something like that.

لما فكرة أنه

When I thought that...

عندنا مثلا

For example, we have...

لما بتيجي تدفع حاجة

When you come to pay for something.

أو بتبوش حاجة

Or are you not getting anything?

بتقولك زقاها مثلا

She tells you to push it, for example.

فلما جاي حد يتكلم

"When someone comes to talk."

في خيوله زقاها

In his horses, he nurtured them.

بتلاقي دي كلمة مثلا

You find this word, for example.

متنفعش بالخيول

It doesn't benefit from horses.


Like that.

فده مثلا

For example.

إنسايت قوي

Strong insight

لما يمشي معاك الحالتين

When both situations are with you.


May it remain.



يعني كده

It means like this.

فاصل نوع

Type separator

ماتريال السعودية

Material for Saudi Arabia

لا مظلومش أنه

He is not wronged.

بس العكس يشترى

But the opposite is bought.

العكس يشترى

The opposite is bought.

بقولك أنه

I'm telling you that




The enclosure.

السورس بتاع المصري

The source of the Egyptian.

موجود في الأفلام

Exists in movies.

في المصرحيات

In the declarations.

في الأغاني

In the songs

فتحس أنه

You feel that



تدر تريليت

You are a thriller.



تدر تريليت

Tadr Trilit

بس مثلا

Just for example.

مش ناس كتير

Not many people.

لما بتيجي مثلا

When you come, for example.

ناس كتير

Many people

تسمع أغاني سعودية

Do you listen to Saudi songs?

بس أقولك

Just want to tell you.


The places

عم تالناس في السعودية زائد

Uncle is in Saudi Arabia, plus.

يعني الأماكن

It means the places.

خلاص حفظنا الأماكن كلها

We've memorized all the places.

وعرفنا أنا مشتاق عليك

And I know that I miss you.

بس أعرف

Just know.

ما فكرنا بإيه

What did we think about?

صعب أول حد يسمع أغنية سعودية

It's hard for someone to listen to a Saudi song for the first time.


In it.

يا ابن الأوادم

Oh son of Adam.

ما صح

What is correct?



لسه كنت أقول له

I was just telling him.

مثلا يا ابن الأوادم

For example, O son of humans.

دي لو مين

Who is this?

ناس قديمة يعني

Old people, I mean.


You're forgetting.



قال لي

He said to me.

قد قام معي آدم

Adam has come with me.


So I said.

يا أم

Oh mother



معمش دي حقيقة

This is not true.

ولا بيهبط

"Nor does it descend."

لا لا

No, no.


My human.

بدي هو أصدى آدم واحد

I want him to be a single Adam.



بني آدم

Son of Adam




So you





هو صادق

He is honest.

يعني يا ابن الأوادم

It means "Oh, son of humans."



هو آدم واحد

He is one Adam.

صح يا

Right, yes.

بس لما

But when

لما تعصبها

When you get angry with her.

لحد عندنا بالعامي

Up to us in the colloquial.


This way.

المعنى في بطن الشاعر

The meaning is in the belly of the poet.

مواضح أنه كان تحت شوية

It's obvious that he was a bit under.






In detail.

فتحس أنه السورسيس المصري

You feel that he is the Egyptian source.


In it



وناس كتير عارفة

And many people know.

في هات الأفلام وكلام ده كله

In these movies and all that talk.

فهي قادر يريليت

She is able to see reality.

كمصري هنا مثلا

As an Egyptian here, for example.

وشكل تمشي

And how to walk.

وفي ناس برضو ربط الفكرة المصريين

There are also people who connected the idea to the Egyptians.

عماتاً بالكوميديا

Generally in comedy.

يعني مثلا في تونس مثلا

For example, in Tunisia, for instance.

تروح تتكلم مصري

You go speak Egyptian.


And he says

يا الله العظيم

Oh, great God.



بتقولها إزايك

How do you say "how are you" to her?

مصري خالص

Pure Egyptian



فتحس أنه بيدحق

You feel like it's laughing.


It opens.

عشان كبلك صعب

Because it's hard for you.

شوية المتيرين السعودي

A little of the Saudi mutarreen.

بس ورث التقربة

Just inherited the experience.



مشكلة الحين أنا

The problem is with me now.

أنا كاتبها ونسيت أنا شو هنا

I am the one who wrote it and I forgot what I am doing here.


It drips.

لا لا

No, no.



قول لي وأنا أغشش

Tell me, and I'll give you a hint.

ساعدني ها

Help me, please.

لا لا قول

No, no say.

بس قولك صوت عالي

But I tell you, it's a loud voice.


A term used in some dialects that may refer to a female looking for love or a romantic relationship.


That's correct.



آه هذا اللي في سبونج بوب

Ah, this is the one in SpongeBob.

لا هذا شفشة

No, this is a trick.

دلعش فيه يعني

It means "to joke around with him" or "to tease him."




A small amount or a few.


The slipper.



لا تقرب لهم أصبر

Don't get close to them, be patient.

خليهم يحلو

Let them solve it.

هي أكلة أو ليش

Is it a dish or not?





يا رب أبتع الميدة

O Lord, bring the table.

خلط بقى تعال هنا

Mix it up, now come here.

هي بتع ميدة

She is at the table.






It appears that "شفشة" does not have a direct translation as it could be a colloquial term or a misspelling. Could you please provide more context or check the spelling?

شو رأيك

What do you think?


I am unable to provide a translation for "شفشة" as it could be a colloquial term or slang that may not have a direct equivalent in English. Please provide more context or check the spelling.


My face

شفشة على روحك

"Have a good time with yourself."

كده بحاجة

You're in need of something.

ساونز مش كويسة

The sounds are not good.


It means.

شفشة على روحك

Take care of yourself.

دي تحس أنه عمل حاجة على نفسه

He feels like he has done something for himself.

شفشة على روحك

Take care of yourself.

يعني روح

It means "go."

شفشة تعال روح

Come here, go.

لا أنا بطلت

No, I stopped.

إيه ده

What is this?

أنت عمل شفشة جديدة

You made a new move.

هاي رأيك

Hi, what's your opinion?





أسمح لكم مساعدة بسيطة جدا

I allow you a very simple assistance.

من أساتذة

From the professors

لا لا عطني جملة

No, no, give me a sentence.

أبغى من

I want from

إيه عطنا

Yeah, give us.

سأعمل شفشة في جملة مفيدة

I will work "shafsha" in a useful sentence.

ما صنع كده سهل

What made this easy?

أنا مش زيهم

I'm not like them.

أنا مش وحش زيهم

I'm not a monster like them.

شفشة الليل

The night's riddle.

لا لا

No, no.

وطلع الفجر

And dawn broke.

ودعو صفور شفشة

And they said goodbye to the chirping bird.

لا لا لا

No no no

صفور شفشة

The phrase "صفور شفشة" does not have a direct translation, but it can be interpreted as "a small bird" or "a fuzzy bird" depending on the context.

شيري الشفشة من عهد ترابيزة

Shiri, the slip from the table.



ترابيزة ليش ترابيزة

Why a table?

ما ترابيزة دي الطولة

What a long table this is!



هذا كانت الكلمة الثانية

This was the second word.

ترابيزة أصلا يوناني

The table is originally Greek.

تتعرف كده

You get to know like this.

ترابيزة دي كلمة يونانية أصلا

The word "table" is originally a Greek word.

وإحنا خدناها

And we took it.


We have

كلمة من ده كتير بقى

"That's too much."

يابينو مصري

I am an Egyptian.





أجل ده يمكن الجاية

Yes, it could be the next one.




By God.



آه يعني

Oh, I see.



آه اللي يكل الطاجن

Oh, the one who eats the tagine!

اللي هو شفشة بامية

Which is okra stew.

لا تقرب لا تقرب يا شام

Don't come near, don't come near, O Damascus.



آه اللي لا

Oh, not that!

اللي صبوا فيها

What was poured into it.



الإبريق أو الحاجة اللي تصب منها يعني

The jug or the thing that you pour from.

يلي هو يميش

What is he doing?


Your excuse.


The Jik.

آه الجيك

Oh, the check!

آه خشاف

Oh, how tempting!

الشفشة مية وكده يعني

The shafsha is about a hundred, something like that.

بروست الجيك

Prost the jake.

ما لا تظهر يعني

What is not shown means.



الحين نرجع لك

Now we will get back to you.


For whom?

للجيح كله الأصلي

For the original all-purpose flour.

بروست الجيك

Broast the chicken.



كلمة هذا أتوقع أنك تفهمها

The word "this," I expect you to understand it.

هذا يعني سهلة

This means easy.


Our Lord



صار في كلمة تانية أبيحة غالبا

There is another word that is often permissive.

لا لا لا

No, no, no.



زهب يعني

It means "gold."



لا تقرب

Do not approach.

زهب بس أنا أعيد لي

I went, but I want to return.

لا طبعا

No, of course not.


Give me.

طيب أعطني

Okay, give me.

عادي تعطيني محاولة

It's okay to give me a try.

قبل ما نروح

Before we go.


For the letters.



حط ليها في جملة

Put it in a sentence for me.

هو بيقول لك الجملة

He is telling you the sentence.

هي صحيحة أم لا

Is it correct or not?

أنا حطال

I am an artist.

لا لا

No, no.

مش عارف حتى كريت الجملة

I don't even know how I created the sentence.





هي فعل

It is an action.

زهب دي

Go away.

لو كانك

If you were

يعني عندنا

It means "we have."


You're going to raise it.

يعني عارف

It means "You know."

لو زي

Like this

طفش وكده

Bored and stuff.


It means.

زهب عبادي

My servants have gone.


For example.

لا ما يقدر يزهبني

No, he can't take me away.



شو يزهبني عبادي

What makes me happy, my servant?



زهب أغراضك

Your belongings are gone.



شيل مثلا

For example, remove.




I carry it.







ضب هي

It is a lizard.

الآن عندكم سؤال ثاني

Now you have a second question.

برضو صحح لي

Also correct me.

لو نطق خاطئ

If he spoke incorrectly.



أرزخانة سيدلية

Sydley Drug Store



هذه مرة سهلة

This is an easy time.



طيب فعشان كده نجي

Okay, so that's why we come.

تعطينا كلمة بديلة

It gives us an alternative word.

ده سطحية

This is superficial.

هذه سطحية

This is superficial.

أنا أول مرة قرأتها

This is the first time I've read it.

أنا ممكن أقول لك كلمة

I can tell you a word.

ممكن مصري ما أعرف واش

I might be Egyptian, I don't know what.

لا لا يعني

No, it doesn't mean.

يصلي على النبي

Pray for the Prophet.

بس يستخدم في الحدث اللي هي

It is only used in the event that it is.


The rice house


Your performance.





وهي كلمة في مدار الصعوبة

It is a word in the orbit of difficulty.


The Teltwar.



معروفة شباب

Known, young people.







جبني الثقة

Bring me the trust.


The engine.

هذا السلاح يستخدم في الحرب

This weapon is used in war.





في الوار

In the war

كم وزنه؟

What is its weight?

أما شي

As for something.

هل يمام الأسلاح الثقيلة أو السلاح الثقيلة؟

Is it "heavy weapons" or "the heavy weapon"?

بالطن يعتبر

By the ton, it is considered.



عرشت إزاي؟

How did you get there?





غير صحيح

Not correct.



روح على التل تواري

Go to the hill and hide.

اللي هناك ده

That over there.

اول الشارع

The beginning of the street.


the textual

لا لا لا

No no no.


The balcony.

كاين ولا

Is there or not?


The balcony

تاني دي البراندة

This is the veranda.



براندة البلكونة

Balcony awning

براندة كانت موجودة

The balcony was present.

هل كلمات سهلة مرة

Are the words too easy?

روح عوض على التل تواري

A spirit has replaced on the hill.

اللي هناك

The one over there.

صعبة صراحة

Honestly, it's difficult.



عطنيها جملة ومفيدة

Give it to me in a complete and useful sentence.

روح عوض على التل تواري

The spirit of Awad is hidden on the hill.

المصري البلد العادي

The ordinary Egyptian البلد العادي

مثلا انت ما تقول تل تواري

For example, you don't say "tell me."

تقول حاجة ثانية

You say another thing.

ما هي الثانية تقولها

What do you say a second time?

الثانية دي هي وصفها

This second one is her description.

بس هي بتستخدم

But she uses.

انت في الجيش بتقابل ناس كتير من الرياف كتير

You meet a lot of people from the countryside in the army.

مش كل مصر بتعقبها

Not all of Egypt follows her.



مش عارف بتعقبها

I don't know how to track her.

ايه كذا كذا

Yes, like this, like that.

فتلاقي الصور اللي عليك ده

So you'll find the pictures that are on you.

او العريف اللي عليك ده

Or the sergeant that's on you.

بيقولك التل تواري عطول

He tells you the hill always hides.

يعني اي حد داخل الجيش

It means anyone who joins the army.

بعرف تل تواري دفعك

I know your secret.

اللي هي في الجيش

"Which is in the army."

لا مش شرط

No, not necessarily.

هو يقولك بس عشان يتقابل

He is just telling you that to meet.






The bench.

لا برضو

No, also.

التل تواري اقول خلاص

The hill hides, I say enough.


The trench

لا برضو

No, not really.



تعرفها شكلك عرفها

You know her, it seems you know her.



التل تواري ليه

Why is the hill hiding from me?

التل تواري ده اللو الرصيف

The hill hides the path to the sidewalk.

بس ب

Just ب

برضو يقضي ان هي

She also has to spend it.



كلمة يونانية برضو

Also a Greek word.

لا ممكن تبقى حاجة

It can't be anything.

ايطالية حاجة زي كده

Italian, something like that.

طب البربريز

Barberry medicine

لا هذا خلها السؤال اللي بعد

No, let this be the question for the next one.

عشان برضو سهل لهم شوية

So it’s also easier for them a bit.



فكروا بال

Think about the.


The Barbarians

لان الحين عندها سؤال عن تشام

Because right now she has a question about Cham.



كلكم جاءكم سؤالين

You all have received two questions.

صبروا كلمة دي كانت صعبة

Patience, that word was difficult.

التل تواري

The hill hides.

البربريز دارقة

The barbarians are fierce.

يعني البربريز مش رياف

It means that the Berbers are not rural.

ناس المصريين بالواقع

The people of Egypt in reality.



مرة سهلة يعني فكروا فيها

It was easy, so think about it.

لان يجي دوركم

Now it's your turn.

الحين السؤال

Now the question.

هذي برضو سهلة

This one is also easy.






It means.


Lied down.

صح ولا

Right or not?


to incline



هو شخصية مش عارف

He is a character I don't know.



انسب ايه

Which verse?



بس يعني

But I mean.

انسب as


belong to يعني

"belong to" means



مو بانتسب

"I'm not joining."



لا لا انسب ايه

No, no, what do you mean?

الاتنين مش عارفهم

I don't know them on Monday.



تدعطيك جملة مفيدة

It gives you a useful sentence.

بس بسيطة

Just simple.

مرة سهلة

One time is easy.

بقولها بالانسب

I tell her more appropriately.

انسب الغداء

The lunch is suitable.

لا اديلي جملة حي

I don't have a live sentence.



هذي اكثر جملة

This is the most sentence.

تستعمل فيها انسب

It is used in the best way.

انسب الغداء

Prepare lunch.

انسبتو الغداء

They postponed lunch.

ولا ما انسبتوه

Or what did you attribute it to?

يعني احط افرش على الترابيزة

It means I put a carpet on the table.

اغرف الغداء

Serve the lunch.

احنا بيجيبها طيب

We will bring it, okay?

قال هو في الترابيزة

He said he is at the table.

ان انا محب الترابيزة

I am a fan of the table.

اي حاجة اذا خلطت

Anything if mixed.

ادركتها على طول

I realized it immediately.

والله انا بدي اساعدك

I swear I want to help you.

بس ماشي صراحة

But it's okay, honestly.

المرة قاعد تخذني

You are taking me again.

انا بدي اساعدك

I want to help you.

لا لا

No, no.

هذا وعشر سنين

This and ten years.

لا في الامارات مش هنا

No, in the UAE, not here.

المفروض اني اجيب لكلمات مارثية

I am supposed to bring you marthy words.

اشيل تاني انا ابغى اجيب

I want to bring it again.

يلا لحين عندي ترابيز

Come on, I still have a table.



كم اصلها اي طالبي

What is its origin, oh student?

مناسبة بردو نصحناها

On the occasion, we advised her too.

البوري حق السيارة

The car’s license plate.

اللي هو

which is


Like the sun.

بردو الكالكس كانت الكلمة

The word was also "calx".

انت كل

You are everything.

لا كل كلمة سيارة

No, every word is a car.

بردو اعقدها

"Make it complicated again."

انت بقى انجيتها من روتانا سينيما

You saved it from Rotana Cinema.

تغير مصري سهل

Easy Egyptian change



تغير مصري

Egyptian change

بالنسبة لي كان صعبة صراحة

For me, it was difficult, honestly.



البيربريز معروف

The bilberries are well-known.

طب عدني ايه في جملة معلش بعد انزلك

"Okay, tell me what to say in a sentence, sorry for bringing it up."

البيربريز اتكسر

The umbrella broke.

البيربريز انكسر ايه شباب

The biryani broke, what's up guys?

يعني شيء كدير ممكن تتكسر

It means something that can break easily.

انت ممكن تبعك كدير في الغداء

What are you eating for lunch?

ممكن تاكله ممكن تخلصه ممكن تشحطه

You can eat it, you can finish it, you can scrape it.

يعني هو

It means he.



البربريز اتكسر

The barbarian has been broken.

موجود في البيت

At home.

ما تحاولش ما تقرب

Don't try, don't get close.

مرة عاد

Once again.

هو قالك البيربريز انكسر وما في شيء

He told you the pipe broke and there is nothing.

البيربريز اللي حطوا فيها الفازة يعني

The wallpaper where they placed the vase, I mean.




The brake

لا تمد الشفشة

Don't stretch your mouth.

شفشة صح جانا

Shafsha, we got it right.

البيربريز اتكسر

The umbrella broke.

انكسر يعني حاجة صلبة

"It broke, meaning something solid."

او قزاز يعني

Oh, it's a bottle then.



كل حاجة ممكن تبقى زيز

Everything can be a zigzag.

ممكن الشفشة يبقى زيز

Can the roar be a buzz?

ممكن الطرابيزة تبقى زيز

The table can be a Ziz.

هذه الطرابيزة

This table.

سهلة والله سهلة

Easy, by God, it's easy.



اعرفها معرفة جدا

I know her very well.

عطلنا جملة ثانية طيب

Let's complete another sentence, okay?

صلح البيربريز

The Treaty of Al-Birbarez.

عشان تكسر

To break it.

البيربريز الثاني تكسر

The second al-Birbreeze is broken.


The lamp.

والله معرفة خلاص

By God, knowledge is salvation.


The disk

لو قربتهم بيجيبونها على طول

If you bring them closer, they will get it right away.

طب قرب كده

Come closer then.

في السيارة

In the car.



لا بتي قد تعدد لي

No, my daughter, you may explain to me.

سدام يمين

Saddam is right.



في السيارة

In the car.





يعني أنتم جبتوا

It means you brought.

بكده سهلتها أوي

You made it very easy like that.

أنا مرة سهلتها

I made it easy once.



موش ينكسر السيارة

The car won't break.

مادي والله شيء كثير تنكسر

Materially, by God, it's a lot that breaks.

طب مفيش غيره

Well, there is no one else.





داركسون يكينكسر

Darxson will break.

موش ينكسر في السيارة

It won't break in the car.

موش الشيء الوحيد

Not the only thing.

قزاز الشباك

Window glass

ايه القزاز الامامي

What is the front glass?

بغيت اقول الشيء الوحيد ينكسر في السيارة هو قلب

I wanted to say the only thing that breaks in a car is the heart.

ودخل في دراما

And he entered into drama.

بطلبت شوية

I asked for a little bit.

ساهر يا عميكي

Saher, oh my blind one.

ساهر يعني ينكسر قلبك

Saher means your heart will be broken.

قزاز الوحيد

The only glass.


The Imamiyah

برضو قلت قلنا

I also said we said.

انها قتالية يعني

It means she is combative.

اه نوني قيلها بيربريزا

Oh Noni, it was said by Berberiza.


It means.



بعد عارف الجير اسمه

After knowing the gear, what is its name?

في المصر

In Egypt



فكروا فيها

Think about it.

لا بس تقربت

It's okay, I got closer.

انه مو كذبري.. اسمه ايه

It's not "Kezbari"... what's its name?


Double Rose

هتش حسو

You will feel it.

مطعم حاليا

Currently a restaurant

هاتلي واحد دبلرش

Get me a double.


Double push

حلني السوس على الجنب

The worm has eaten me on the side.

يبقى محلن

Our place remains.

عطنا واحد دولار

Give us one dollar.

لا قبل الجير لحظة قبل ان نروح

No before the dough, a moment before we go.

فكر في الجير لانه وصل

Think about the gear because it has arrived.

طيب هذا يعني من جنوب المملكة

Okay, this means from the south of the kingdom.







كشوار اصلا شل غير؟

Is the shawarma really just a wrap?

شل غير؟

What's wrong?


He succeeded.


Shall we believe it?

يعني مو بقت أفلح

It means I won't succeed anymore.


He succeeded.




He succeeded.



لا لا مش ازرع

No, I'm not planting.




We have succeeded.

يا أخوي وش بقي؟

Hey brother, what remains?

لا قل لها أنا قل لها

No, tell her I said to tell her.

ممكن تسوي إيش

What can you do?

طب حطها لي في قبل

Okay, put it in front of me.

سامة خلاص أفلح

Sama, that's it, you have succeeded.

خل نخلص عشان نفلح

Let's finish so that we can succeed.

عشان نفل يعني

"Because we are going to be done."

يعني أنتم قلتوها

It means you said it.


For transmission.

أنا بقول هذه وأحس أنها سهلة مرة

I'm saying this and I feel it's very easy.

فإذا صارت سهلة طب لا تتحسب

So if it becomes easy, don't be surprised.

نرجع لغير

We go back to others.


The slim one.

الشليمو والله عارفها

"The shalimo, I swear I know it."

لا سهلة

Not easy.

مش مصرية كمان

Not Egyptian either.

ما أدري أنا

I don't know.


The sucker.

برضو ما تحسب

"Don't count it either."

مصرية ومش مصرية

Egyptian and non-Egyptian.






The line.




The line

وش اللي هو الصافة؟

What is the line?

قصافة يعني هي أساسا

"قصافة" means "clipper" basically.

بس ما يقولوها الصافة صح؟

But they don't say it correctly, right?




I describe.



الصافة صح؟

Is it correct?

أيوة أيوة

Yes yes

برضو مش سهلة مرة

It's still not easy at all.

كلمة هي بتقصف نفسها قصف

The word is self-destructing itself.


Do you mean "bombing"?




Hair dryer

لا يعني مص

It does not mean to touch.





وقصة ظافر

And the story of Zafer.

لا تقرب لهم هشام لأنها

Do not approach them, Hisham, because she is...

لا أقرب بس

I’m not coming closer, just that.

هذه مش كلمة

This is not a word.

أصلا ما بيجي لها

It doesn't come to her at all.

هو قبى وردي

It is a pink dress.



مقصة ظافر

The story of Zafer.

بس لا يعني أعترض

But that doesn't mean I object.


You object.

أي قصافة بينما

Any scissors while.

أيوة واضحة

Yes, it's clear.

واضحة نفسها

She is clear herself.

هذه أداءها

This is her performance.

بس أنه إذا قلتها الصافة

But if I said it in the stance.

تحس أنه يعني

You feel that it means.

يعني بربريس دي

It means "what's going on?"

ما حدش يفكر فيها

No one should think about it.





الجيردة مثلا

The gallbladder, for example.

أو ما يعرفوا اسمها

Or they do not know its name.

دلوقتي هينبهروا

Now they will be impressed.

بس عطيني طب واحدة ثانية

Just give me another shot.

غير هذه

Not this one.

هذه سهلة

This is easy.



برضو صحيح لي نطقتها غراب

It is also true if I pronounced it "crow."

أوي أوي

Oh, oh!



ماشي حلوة دي

This one is nice.

حلوة دي

This is nice.



كده صح كاسكتة

That's right, a disguise.

كاسكتة صح

Cap, right?



هذا توقعتها سهلة برضو

I expected this to be easy too.

زي شلمو

Like a garment.



كاسكتة صعبة شوية

A bit of a tough jacket.

باسكلتة يعني

"Bicycle means"





باسكلتة برضو موجودة

The bicycle is also available.

بس هو يعني ده لوبز أديم

But I mean this is an old loops.

حتى بقاش يستخدم أوي دلوقتي

He doesn't use it much now.

بيقولوا الناس الكبيرة

They say the elderly.

شوفت رأى يعني

I saw an opinion, I mean.

في ديب ريسيرش

In deep research.

بصبت بأحسنت

You did well.



طيب في قملة ممكن

Okay, there might be a lice.

أنا لبست الكاسكتة ورحت

I wore the cap and went.

ما صح

What is correct.

الكاب يعني

The cap means.

مرابع خلاص

Meadows of salvation.



والله جابها

By God, it happened.



والله جابها

By God, he brought it.



وأنا أحس أنه قاعد سوي نفسه مجنون

I feel like he is pretending to be crazy.

ما يعرفها من البداية

He doesn't know her from the beginning.


It seems the word "خلبوز" is likely a colloquial or slang term, but it can generally refer to someone who is deceptive, a trickster, or someone who plays pranks.

أنت خلبوز

You are a trickster.

لا عندي عندي

No, I have it.

أنا أنساك

I will forget you.

هذا والصدق يعني عنده

This, and honesty means to him.



بس حدك تجيب القير

Just make sure you bring the gear.

والله أني أعرفها والله

I swear that I know her, I swear.

أنا مرة أنا زعلت

I was upset once.

أنا ما نفتحها بنا الحين

I am not opening it right now.

وهو كلمة إيطالية

It is an Italian word.

بس إحنا قلبناها شوية

But we turned it around a bit.

مصري يعني

It means "Egyptian."

طيب قول أنا الإيطالية

Okay, say I am Italian.

وإحنا نقول مصري

And we say Egyptian.

ما هو الاتنين

What is Monday?

قول مصري

Egyptian saying

وأنا بقولك أشياء تنجال في السيارة

"I'm telling you things that happen in the car."



تنجال في السيارة

You are shining in the car.

ممكن تتقل هنا في الرومانسية برضو

You can also be heavy here in romance.






And like the max.


And a diaprish.

وإيش كمان

And what else?

قولها هاد خلاص

Say it, that's it.

أنا أقولك كلمة تنفع في المصري كده

I'm telling you a word that works in Egyptian like this.

وتنفع هنا في الرومانسية

And it is useful here in romance.

رومانسية مطعم

Restaurant romance








You ask them.


I am a doctor.


A person.

في لحن

In a melody.

في حق تاني

In the second right.



في كنافة

In kunafa.



في تيس

In a goat.

في تيس ده الوقت

It's easy at this time.

طيب روحنا نستطيع تقولهم

Okay, let's go tell them.

عندكم في تيس هنا

Do you have a goat here?

مش عارف أنتم باقي

I don't know if you all are still here.

في تيس

In a goat.

في تيس ولا ما فيه

Is there a goat or not?




We are done.

في سؤال يعني باقي

Is the question still remaining?

باقي كلمة

Remaining word

كلمة سعودية تكمل أبو سعودي

Saudi word that completes Abu Saudi.



آخر واحد

The last one.

طيب هنا روح الشمال

Okay, go to the left.

قالك واحد

Someone said to you.



حتى الشباب مجيبين

Even the youth are responding.

حقا زي

Really, like



إنكسنا لفلان

We were defeated by so-and-so.

يعني زي

It means like.

مش هنا يعني

Not here, I mean.



حتى لا معرف

Until not known.

شارك معه

Share with him.

سحبنا عليه

We withdrew from it.



لن يبقى في جملة

It will not remain in a sentence.

عطنيها في جملة

Give it to me in a sentence.

شلون إنكس

How are you, Enkas?

لنكسنا لفلان

Let us bend to so-and-so.



يعني هذه مرة أنا مصاعب الجملة دي

It means this time I am struggling with this sentence.



يعني شلون

What does that mean?

فلان إنكس

So-and-so was defeated.



أنت استخدمها صدق

You use it, believe me.

لا لا لا

No, no, no.

أنا عارفها

I know her.

لي أصدقها من حاي

"I trust it more than reality."

اللي استعملوها

The ones they used.

نزال أشعرك بسارة

I feel you with Sarah.

لا لا

No, no.

بس نبيلي حلاقة

I just want a haircut.

بس منكس شوية

But it's a bit upside down.

شفتك مخفص كده

I saw you looking down like that.

بس غرفت

I just drowned.

شفتك مخفص كده

I saw you like this.

بس غرفت

I just got tired.

ما بنقولش كده في البرامج

We don't say that in the shows.


For your love.

لي شوية تحتلها

I have a little bit that occupies it.

لا لا حدوها

No, no, do not limit it.

زعج الشعر حرم

The hair annoyed the lady.

طيب ننكس الموضوع

Okay, let's turn the subject.


The basic


We return.

نعودوا إلى

We return to


We return.

بس دي سهلة أوي

But this is really easy.

أصدقهم لها سهلة

I find it easy to be honest with her.

ايه الجملة سهلة جدا

This sentence is very easy.

طيب تبي يعطي كلمة صعبة

Okay, you want to give a difficult word.

الكلون في السيفون

The clown in the toilet.


Our bite

عضنا الحروف

We bite the letters.

عضنا الحروف يا بابا عبدالله

"Let us bite the letters, Papa Abdullah."


The term "مصط" does not have a clear meaning on its own. It might be part of a word or could be a typo. Please provide more context or check the spelling for a more accurate translation.

مصط كتير والله معاكم

I swear I'm very tired with you.



طيب مصط

Good, Mosht.



يعني خلي هو يجيب

It means let him bring it.


I forgot.

ستفنا نتنافس كلنا

We will all compete.

نبغى واحدة مصرية كمان أخير بس

We want one more Egyptian, just one last.





لا دي سكسوكا

No, it is not a snack.





هذا موسيقية

This is musical.

هذا موسيقية سكسفون معروف

This is a famous saxophone musician.

لا لا

No, no.



سكسونيا فنانة استعراضية

Saxony is a performance artist.

هي كانت مهنة وانقرض

It was a profession and has become extinct.

مش يعني مش مهنة هو بيع حاجة

It doesn't mean it's not a profession; he's selling something.

والمص انقرض يعني

"The suckling has become extinct, meaning..."

مع المصانع

With the factories.

لا بيمشي الشارع

The street won't go.

سكافي يعني

A shoemaker means.

سكافي طبعا كانت ده اللي بيمسح الأحزية

The shoemaker, of course, was the one who polished the shoes.

سكسونيا ده كان واحد بيمشي

Saxony was a man who used to walk.

في وسط الشارع

In the middle of the street.

سكسونيا كان بيبيع إيبا

Saxony was selling Eba.


The gyms.

حق الخردة ايش يقول

What does the scrap right say?



ربا بيكيا

Riba Bikia

ربا بيكيا بالله بقيت لها يونان

Riba, oh my dear, did you become like Greece?

يبيع سحلب

He sells sahleb.



يبيع شي يكل

He sells something to eat.



يبيع حاجة من حاجات البيت

He is selling something from the house.

هليت طربيزة

I set up the table.





اسمها ايه اسمها سكسونيا

Her name is Saxonia.





الاسم مش

The name is not.

يبيع الصفات

Sells traits.

صراحة ما عرفش

Honestly, I don't know.

يعني ما عرفش مماريكا من يوم كده بصواب قناة

I don't know what America is, it's been like that since that day on the channel.

يبيع شي من اشياء البيت

He sells some household items.





حاجة صعبة ايه صراحة

It's really difficult, honestly.

حليب مو بحليب

Milk is not milk.

يبيع بربريس

He sells berberis.

حاجة ما تتاكلش

Something that cannot be eaten.

اه ما تتاكل

Oh, how delicious!



يدور معناه انه شي

Its meaning revolves around the idea that it is something.

الناس يشتريه باستمرار

People buy it constantly.

فهو معناه انه يخلص

It means that he is finishing.

ورد استهلاكي

Consumer flower.

ايه يشتري ورد

He buys roses.

شعر ريب

Poetry of Doubt

هو كان يبيع الحاجات البلاستيكس

He was selling plastic items.

زي التشت

Like the mattress.


And the spy

والحاجات دي كلها فاهم

And all these needs, I understand.

يبقى دي بسمك

It remains this in Your name.



حاجات اللي هي علاقة باستخدامات المسيح

Things that relate to the uses of Christ.

المسح يعني

The survey means


and washing

كل ما هو غسيل ومسيح

Everything that is washed and Christ.

يبقى ام زي

It remains like this.

مش اصدق حاجة

I can't believe anything.

يعطيك العافية والله

Thank you, may God grant you health.

والله يا الله

By God, O Allah.

نورتنا حبيبي

You have brightened our lives, my dear.

هو سعداء وكده

He is happy and so on.

احنا اللي يا سعادة

We are the ones, Your Honor.

حبيب قلبي

My beloved heart.

عايزين نفلحه

We want to succeed.

عايزين نفلح

We want to succeed.

نورتنا والله

You have truly honored us.

والله ده نوركم وكان نفس يعني

By God, this is your light and it was meant to be.

انا قاعد وعايزين

I am sitting and we want.

انت منكمل يعني

Are we continuing then?

والله يعني

By God, I mean...

عددكم حلو يعني

Your number is sweet, I mean.

والله احنا وسطين

By God, we are in the middle.

والله احنا يا سعادة

By God, we are, Your Excellency.


We are honored.

الله يخليك

May God keep you safe.


We are honored.

تشرفنا الاخوة

We are honored, brothers.

وراء المقاتلون

Behind the fighters.

وراء الكاميرا

Behind the camera.


Their neighborhood.

الله حيو

God is alive.



استخدمنا صح

We used it correctly.



شكرا لك العافية

Thank you for your health.

شكرا لنسامة ووسامة

Thank you for the kindness and grace.

على الله

Upon God.

شوفكم ان شاء الله

See you, God willing.

اسبوع القادم

Next week

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