يوم هزمت العرب فيه العجم- موقعة ذي قار
Arbaeah | أربعة
تاريخ على الهامش
يوم هزمت العرب فيه العجم- موقعة ذي قار
أنتم تستمعون إلى شبكة أربعة للبودكاست
You are listening to Network Four for Podcasting.
معكم أينما كنتم
With you wherever you are.
لا ميل ولا كشف
No tilt and no reveal.
لما أمالوا إلى النشا بأيديهم
When they leaned towards the starch with their hands.
ملنا ببيض فظل الهام يختطف
We have an egg, while the imagination kidnaps.
وخيل بكر فما تنفك تطحنهم
"And the horses of Bakr, they do not cease to grind them."
حتى تولوا وكاد اليوم ينتصف
Until they turned away and the day was about to be half over.
لو أن كل معد كان شاركنا
If every metal had joined us.
في يوم ذقار ما أخطاهم الشر
On the day of Dhakar, evil did not miss them.
هايل بياني
My statement is great.
تقالها الشاعر الأعشى
It was said by the poet Al-A'sha.
بيمدح يوم من أيام العرب في الجاهلية
It praises a day from the days of the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era.
واللي دارت بين القبائل العربية وبين الفرس
And what happened between the Arab tribes and the Persians.
وهي معركة ذيقار
It is the Battle of Dhikar.
كانت هاي المعركة من أحداث الجاهلية المهمة
This battle was one of the important events of the pre-Islamic era.
وكانت بداية عهد لتحرير العرب
It was the beginning of an era for the liberation of the Arabs.
من بطش إمبراطورية الفرس
From the tyranny of the Persian Empire.
واللي بتعتبر من أقوى الممالك بهذاك الوقت
And which is considered one of the strongest kingdoms at that time.
حلقتنا اليوم عن موقعة ذيقار
Our episode today is about the Battle of Diycar.
شو أسبابها وأبرز أحداثها
What are its causes and main events?
وأسباب انتصار العرب فيها
"And the reasons for the Arabs' victory in it."
جهزة قهوتك؟
Your coffee machines?
يلا نبدأ
Let's get started.
العرب قبل الإسلام
The Arabs before Islam.
كانوا عبارة عن ممالك
They were kingdoms.
مثل مملكة سبق، حمير، مملكة الحيرة
Like the Kingdom of Saba, Himyar, the Kingdom of Al-Hirah.
أو مملكة المناظرة في العراق
Or the Kingdom of Debate in Iraq.
وهي المملكة في بدايتها كانت تتبع الإمبراطورية الرومانية
In its early days, the kingdom was part of the Roman Empire.
بعدين صارت بتتبع الإمبراطورية الفارسية
Then it became part of the Persian Empire.
وكانت تحت حكمها
And it was under her rule.
المعركة العظيمة دارت بين مملكة الحيرة
The great battle took place between the Kingdom of al-Hirah.
ومملكة الإمبراطورية الفارسية
And the Kingdom of the Persian Empire.
هاي المعركة ما صارت من فراغ
This battle didn't happen out of nowhere.
كان إلها أسباب بعيدة
There were distant reasons.
أثر الفراشة مثل ما بيسموه
The butterfly effect, as they call it.
أنصح التعبير
I advise the expression.
تعالوا نبدأ ونخبركم من الأول
Come, let's start and tell you from the beginning.
بعام 582
In the year 582.
النعمان بن المندر كان هو ملك الحيرة
Al-Nu'man ben al-Mundhir was the king of al-Hirah.
لكن يقال إنه ما تولى الملك
But it is said that he did not assume kingship.
لولا تدخل صديقه مربي عديق بن زيد
If it weren't for the intervention of his friend, the educator Adiq bin Zayd.
اللي كان داهية رجل ساسة محنك
He was a cunning man, a seasoned politician.
وفوق هذا مقرب من كسره
"And above this, it is close to its break."
وأقنعه إنه يخلي النعمان ملك
And he convinced him to make Al-Nu'man the king.
وزي ما بتعرفوا دائما العرش
As you all know, the throne is always...
بيحصل حوالين الزاع كبير
It happens around the big farmer.
وده سائس
This is a groom.
وكان في رجل بيدعى ابن قرينة
There was a man named Ibn Qarneena.
بده الحكم يكون لواحد تاني
He wants the ruling to be for someone else.
من أبناء المندر هو رباه
Among the children of Al-Mandhar is his guardian.
فلما تولى النعمان الحكم
When al-Nu'man assumed power.
غضب وحقد على عدي
Anger and resentment towards Oday.
وتواعد يخرب بينه وبين النعمان
And he promised to ruin the relationship between him and Al-Nu'man.
تقرب من النعمان بالهدايا
Get closer to Al-Nu'man with gifts.
حتى ارتح له النعمان
Until Al-Nu'man felt at ease with him.
وصار يدردش معه
And he started to chat with him.
قال ابن قرينة نعم الرجل
Ibn Quraynah said, "What a good man."
هو في الحقيقة مش كده خالص
He's actually not like that at all.
اتفق ابن قرينة مع مجموعة من أعداء عدي
Ibn Quraynah agreed with a group of Adi's enemies.
وعملوله مكدة خبيثة
And they plotted a malicious scheme for him.
زوروا نص كتاب على لسان عدي
Visit the text of a book attributed to Uday.
ورسله لكسره
And his messengers to Kisra.
وبعدها دسوا يلي جاهم بالكتاب
And then they slipped in what came to them in the book.
وقالوا للنعمان شوفوا هالكتاب يلي جانا
They said to Al-Nu'man, "Look at this book that has come to us."
اطلع عليه ولقى فيه شتم
He looked at it and found insults in it.
وكلام ما بيليق بملكه
And words that are not befitting of his kingship.
غضب النعمان
The wrath of al-Nu'man
وارسل لعدي رسالة يطلب منه يزوره
He sent a message to Oday asking him to visit.
بالفعل زاروا عدي
They indeed visited Adi.
لكن النعمان استقبلوا بالقيود
But Al-Nu'man was received with chains.
والقى وين فكركم
"Where did your thoughts go?"
In prison.
وكان عدي بيستعطف النعمان بالشعر
And Adi was appealing to Al-Nu'man with poetry.
ومن الاشعار يلي قالها
And from the poetry that he recited.
بلغ النعمان عني مالكا
Al-Nu'man informed Malik about me.
انه قد طال حبسي وانتظاري
My imprisonment and waiting have been prolonged.
لو بغير الماء حلقي شرق
If I change the water, my throat will dry out.
كنت كالغصان بالماء اعتصاري
I was like the branches in the water, my essence being squeezed.
وارسل اشعار كتير للنعمان
And he sent many notifications to Nauman.
حتى مل من التضرع والتوسل لالو
He even grew tired of pleading and begging to Allah.
وارسل لاخو ابي
And send to my uncle.
واخلا يطلع هالحالة
And this situation turns out like this.
استغاث ابي بمين بكسره
My father sought help from whom with a break.
فارسل الملك الفارسي الى النعمان
The Persian king sent to Al-Nu'man.
وامروا باطلاق صراح عدي فورا
They ordered the immediate release of Oday.
فدخل النعمان لعدي واتقل لنعمان فورا
Then Al-Nu'man entered, and he immediately spoke to Adi.
واطلقه شرقه
And he launched it to the east.
واخِري هو جثه
"And my last one is a corpse."
اتفقوا بالموت fee
They agreed on death.
وبعد فترة ظهر الحقيقه
And after a while, the truth emerged.
وتبين الامر للنعمان
The matter became clear to Al-Nu'man.
وعري ان كانت مكدة عملت صديقه
"I wonder if it's true that she made a friend."
اللي كن له فض desarrollه
Whoever has an issue, he should develop it.
فندم وحسب الزم
Sir, according to the time.
وقال بكفر عن زمبي وباخد ابنه وبربي
He said I will atone for my sins and take my son and raise him.
فرب زيد ابن عدي أحسن تربية
Indeed, Zaid ibn Adi was well raised.
وما أصر معاه وعامله متل ما بيعامل ولاده
"And he did not insist with him and treated him just like he treats his own children."
كبر زيد وكان مجيد للغة العربية بأدابها وبلاغتها
Zaid grew up and was proficient in the Arabic language with its literature and eloquence.
واللغة الفارسية كمان
And the Persian language as well.
فأرسلوا النعمان للإمبراطورية الفارسية عشان يعمل في قصر كسرة
So they sent Al-Nu'man to the Persian Empire to work in the palace of Khosrow.
وكسرة هو ملك الفرس بهذاك الوقت ويقال إبروزير ابن هرمز
And Kiser is the king of Persia at that time, and it is said that he is Ibruzir, the son of Hormuz.
ومعنى إبروزير المظفر
The meaning of "Ibaruzir Al-Muthaffar"
بسبب كثرة انتصاراته وفتحاته لقب نفسه بالمظفر
Due to his numerous victories and conquests, he dubbed himself Al-Muẓaffar.
مرت الأشهر وزيد بيعمل في قصر كسرة
Months passed, and Zaid is working in the palace of Kusr.
وكان هندو مخططا
And Hindu had a plan.
في راسه وهو كيف ياخذ بطار أبوه
In his head, he wonders how to take his father's cigarette.
اللي قتله النعمان
The one whom Al-Nu'man killed.
صادف يوم من الأيام وزيد جالس في مجلس كسرة
One day, Zayd was sitting in a gathering of broken bread.
وحواليه الجواري والنساء
"And around him are the maidens and women."
فقال كسرة لزيد
Kisra said to Zayd.
يا زيد اختر لي من بين هالجواري الحسنوات أجمل جارية
O Zaid, choose for me among these beautiful maidens the most beautiful one.
هنا زيد لقى فرصة ثمينة وقال
Here, Zaid found a valuable opportunity and said.
أصبر يا النعمان أنا أوريك رح أورطك
"Be patient, Al-Numan, I will show you, I will get you into trouble."
قال زيد لكسرة صحيح كلهم حلوين لكن في أحلى منهم
Zayd said to Ksar: "Everyone is nice, but there are those who are even nicer."
كسرة شايف كل هالجميلات وزيد بيقوله في أجمل منهم
Kasra is seeing all these beautiful girls, and Zeid is telling him there are more beautiful than them.
فقال له وين في أحلى منهم
He said to him, "Where are they sweeter than them?"
فأجاب زيد وقال النعمان عنده بنات من أجمل بنات العرب
Zaid replied, saying that al-Nu'man has daughters who are among the most beautiful girls of the Arabs.
ووصف لهم جمالهم
And he described to them their beauty.
وفوقها اقترح عليه يرسل أحد رسله ويخطب له واحدة من بنات النعمان
And above that, he suggested that he send one of his messengers to propose to one of the daughters of Al-Nu'man.
طبعا كسرة ما صدق
Of course, it's a broken piece that couldn't be believed.
قال من بكرة تروح أنت وأحد الوزراء للنعمان وتخطبولي بنته
He said that tomorrow you and one of the ministers should go to Al-Nu'man and propose to his daughter for me.
وحسب ما قيل البنت المقصودة هند بنت النعمان
According to what was said, the girl in question is Hind bint al-Nu'man.
من أحسن نساء عصرها خلقا وأدبا وفصاحة
One of the best women of her era in morality, education, and eloquence.
وفوق هذا كانت شاعرة يعني كاملة مكملة
"Above that, she was a poet, meaning complete and fulfilling."
وصل زيد والوزير لقصر النعمان ابن المنذر
Zayd and the minister arrived at the palace of Nu'man ibn al-Mundhir.
والنعمان رحب فيهم
And Al-Nu'man welcomed them.
وضيفهم وقعد معهم
He hosted them and sat with them.
كان حاسس جيتهم وراها حاجة خصوصا أنه زيارتهم فجأة
He felt that something was behind their visit, especially since it was sudden.
وما في أي مناسبة بتستدعي حضورهم
And there is no occasion that requires their presence.
سألهم النعمان إن شاء الله خير
Nauman asked them, "God willing, it's good."
إيش وحاجتكم؟
What do you want?
قال زيد للنعمان جينا نخطب بنتك هند لكسرة
Zayd said to Al-Nu'man, "We have come to propose for your daughter Hind for Kisra."
انسعق النعمان من هالخبر وشق عليه فقال لزيد
Al-Nu'man was shocked by this news and found it difficult to bear, so he said to Zaid.
أما في بها السوادي وعيني فارس ما يطلع بيه كسرة حاجته؟
As for the dark place, will my eyes, O Fars, not bring forth a piece of what he needs?
يعني ما لقى كسرة من البقر يلي عنده يقضي فيهم حاجته؟
Doesn't he have a piece of the cows he has to fulfill his needs?
كلام خطير من الآخر
Dangerous words from the other side.
الوزير طلب من زيد يترجم له بالفارسية شو قال النعمان
The minister asked Zaid to translate for him into Persian what Al-Nu'man said.
فترجم زيد اللي قاله
So Zaid translated what he said.
فغضب الوزير جدا لكن ما فعل شيء
The minister was very angry, but he didn't do anything.
وانتظر بس يرجع فارس وينقل الكلام لكسرة
"And just wait for Fares to come back and tell the news to Kسر."
يعني الوزير غضب فما بالكم بكسرة؟
It means the minister was angry, so what about a small break?
المهم طلب النعمان من زيد انه يعتذر لكسرة
The important thing is that Al-Nu'man asked Zayd to apologize to Kisarah.
ويحاول يلطف الجو ويلتمس العذر عشان ما تصير مشاكل بيناتهم
He tries to lighten the atmosphere and look for an excuse so that no problems arise between them.
رجع زيد والوزير لفارس وقالهم كسرة
Zaid and the minister returned to Fars and told them 'a piece'.
ها باش رجبتولي البنت الحلوة؟
Did you guys set me up with the cute girl?
قاله زيد مع الأسف النعمان رفض طلبك
Zaid said, unfortunately, Al-Nu'man rejected your request.
وقال زيد للوزير قول لكسرة شو قال النعمان
Zayd said to the minister, "Tell Kisra what Al-Nu'man said."
طبعا زيد راسم مخطط خبيث وحالف يوقع بين كسرة والنعمان
Of course, Zaid is plotting a sinister scheme and is determined to drive a wedge between Kasra and Al-Nu'man.
أخبر الوزير كسرة كلام النعمان؟
Did the minister tell the tale of Al-Nu'man?
وغضب كتير كيف النعمان يتجرأ يرفض له طلب؟
And he was very angry at how Al-Nu'man dared to reject his request?
وفوقها يقول هالكلام؟
"And on top of that, he says this?"
وفورا أمر بعض الجنود يتوجهوا لمملكة الحيرة
Immediately, he ordered some soldiers to head to the Kingdom of Al-Hirah.
لوين؟ للنعمان ابن المنزر وجيبوه لعنده
Where to? To Al-Nu'man ibn al-Mundhir, bring him to him.
وبالفعل هدول الرسل والجنود راحوا للنعمان وقالوا كسرة بدوياك
Indeed, those messengers and soldiers went to Al-Nu'man and said, "Kisra wants you."
هنا عرف النعمان انه اللي منتظره ما بيبشر بالخير
Here, Al-Nu'man realized that what he was waiting for did not bring good news.
فقال للجنود خلاص؟
He said to the soldiers, "Is it over?"
انتو سبقوني وانا رح ألحاكم
You have preceded me, and I will hold you accountable.
فعلا الجنود سبقوا له فارس
Indeed, the soldiers preceded him to the knight.
واتيقن النعمان انه كسرة ناويله على شر
And Al-Nu'man was certain that the piece of Nawi was on evil.
وغالبا مصيره القتل
And often his fate is death.
وبالرغم من انه النعمان ملك وعنده جنود
Although Al-Nu'man is a king and has soldiers.
لكن عارف الامبراطورية الفارسية وقوتها وجيشها
But I know the Persian empire, its power, and its army.
وانه لا طاقة له بهم
"And he has no power over them."
بدأ النعمان يطوف بين القبائل
Al-Nu'man began to roam among the tribes.
ويطلب المنعة من كسرة
And he seeks protection from a crumb.
وكل قبائل يطوف بين القبائل
"And every tribe circulates among the tribes."
قبيلة كانت ترفض
A tribe that refused.
لانها بتخاف من بطش كسرة
Because she is afraid of the tyranny of the break.
الا انه نزل وين؟
But where did he go down?
في بني شيبان
In Banu Shayban.
فلقى هاني ابن مسعود الشيباني
So Hani ibn Mas'ud al-Shaybani met.
وكان سيد منيع في قوم
And he was a strong master among his people.
فاستجار به
So he sought refuge with him.
وقال له هاني الشيباني وليهمك
Hani Al-Shaibani said to him, "And let it concern you."
انا مستعد احميك
I am ready to protect you.
He said.
انا مانعك مما امنع نفسي واهلي وولدي منه
I am preventing you from what I prevent myself, my family, and my child from.
ما بقي من عشيرة الادنين رجل
There is no man left from the Adnin clan.
وان ذلك غير نفعك لانه مهلكي ومهلكك
"And that does not benefit you because it is my destruction and your destruction."
وقال له عندي رأي
He said to him, "I have an opinion."
النعمان قال له ها اقول شو رأيك احكي
Al-Nu'man said to him, "Hey, I'll tell you, what do you think? Speak."
فنصحه وقال
So he advised him and said.
ما اظن الخرق قد اتسعى على الراقع
I don't think the patch has widened to cover the tear.
وما ينبغي لك اولي
And what should you do first.
ان نهجم هجوما
To launch an attack.
على امر قد يكون فيه
About a matter that may involve it.
هلاكك وهلاك يسودا
Your destruction and the destruction of Yisuda.
وما احبك ان تفهم من هذا
And what I love is for you to understand from this.
انه يحبك ان تفهم من هذا
He loves you, understand this from it.
انني اريد تملصا من رأي ذمانك
I want to evade your opinion, Dhamanak.
على انني رأيتك رجلا مكذوبا عليه
"I saw you as a man who is lied about."
فلو انطلقت الى كسرع
If I had gone to Kسرع.
وحملت اليه الهدايا
And I brought him the gifts.
واخبرته اليقين
And I informed him with certainty.
لكان لك حظ في النجاة مع السلم
You would have a chance of survival with peace.
ولا عدت الى عرشك ملكا
"And I did not return to your throne as a king."
ولا ان ميت
And if I am dead.
فذلك خير لك من ان تعيش مخلوعا
"That is better for you than living in distress."
ساءت بك الحال
Your situation has worsened.
وانقلبت من عز الى ذل
"And I have turned from glory to humiliation."
يعني بالمختصر
In short, it means.
عيش ملك وموت ملك
Live like a king and die like a king.
وانت مخلوقا
And you are a creature.
قبل النعمان نصيحة هاني
Before Al-Nu'man, Hani's advice.
استوضعوا اهله اولاده
He entrusted his family to his children.
امواله وسلاحه
His money and his weapon.
وراح لكسرع
And he went to break it.
لما وصل لقصر كسرع
When he arrived at the palace of Khosrow.
حذركم مين قابل
Who warned you? Who did you meet?
قابل زيد خارج من الاصر
Zaid met outside the fence.
وزيد ابنه عدي
And his son Adi was added.
خلاص نفذ المخطط
The plan has been executed.
وهاي بالنسبة اليه
And this is بالنسبة اليه.
لحظة الانتصار
The moment of victory.
فقال لالنعمان
He said to Al-Nu'man.
انجو منها ما استطعت النجاة
Escape from it as much as you can.
هنا عرف النعمان
Here is where the nymph is known.
انه زيد ورا كل هالقصرات
It is Zaid behind all these complications.
وقال له
And he said to him.
اذا خرجت منها على قيد الحياة
If I come out of it alive.
لأفعلن بك
I will surely do to you.
ما فعلته لابيك
What you did for your father.
يعني اذا طلعت منها رح اقتلك
It means if you get out of it, I will kill you.
واستأذن النعمان بالدخول
Al-Nu'man sought permission to enter.
الى كسرع
To break fast.
لكن قال له كسرع استنى شوية
But he said to him, "Kser, wait a little."
في مهرجان للفيلة
At an elephant festival.
وقالهم خلوني استمتع اكتر
He said, "Let me enjoy more."
قال للجنود قيدوا النعمان
He said to the soldiers, "Bind Al-Nu'man."
ودخلوا عندي الفيلة
And they entered with the elephants.
وبالفعل دخلوا عندي الفيلة
They actually entered the elephants at my place.
فدعست عليه وماتت
So I stepped on it and it died.
في رواية اخرى قيل انه
In another narration, it is said that he
قيدوا ارسلوا للسجن
"Detained, sent to prison."
فظل في السجن حتى وقع
He remained in prison until he fell.
الطعونة فمات فيه
He was stabbed and died from it.
وبعد موت النعمان
And after the death of Al-Nu'man.
طالب كسرع
Student broke quickly.
بتركة النعمان
The blessing of Al-Nu'man.
اللي هي الاسلحة والاموال
Which are the weapons and the money.
فقال له اياس ابن قبيسة
Iyad ibn Qubaysah said to him.
واياس هو الملك اللي حل محل
And Ayas is the king who took his place.
قال اياس لكسرع
Iyas said to Kasra.
انه التركة عند هاني ابن مسعود
It is the inheritance with Hani ibn Mas'ud.
من قبيلة بكر ابن وائل
From the tribe of Bakr ibn Wael.
فامروا كسرع
So, they commanded Khosrow.
يضمها لامواله
He includes her in his wealth.
فارسل اياس
So send Iyas.
الى هاني وقال له رد
To Hani, and he told him to respond.
ودائع النعمان
Deposits of Al-Nu'man
لكن هاني رفض يسلم امانة النعمان
But Hani refused to hand over the trust of Al-Nu'man.
فسمع كسرع
So he heard a sound.
بالخبر وغضب
With the news and anger.
وعازمه على اغارة
"And determined to raid."
بكر ابن وائل
Bakr ibn Wa'il
وتوعد يستأصلهم عن بكرة
"And he vowed to eradicate them entirely."
ابيهم وامر قادة جيوشه
"I want them, and I command the leaders of his armies."
انهم يجهزوا جيش كبير وضخم
They are preparing a large and massive army.
عشان يروحوا
So they can go.
ويقضوا على بكر ابن وائل
And they kill Bakr ibn Wa'il.
ويجيبوا بنات النعمان
And the daughters of Al-Nu'man will respond.
And his money.
وبالفعل جهزوا جيش عظيم
And indeed, they prepared a great army.
الى 8000 محارب
To 8000 warriors.
ومعهم الاساورة
And with them are the bracelets.
اللي هم الرماء المحترفين
Those are the professional shooters.
and the elephants
وان راحوا لهاني الشبان
And if they went to Hani, the young men.
طبعا هاني ابن مسعود
Of course, Hani is the son of Masoud.
كان عارف متوقع انه
Arif was expecting that
ما راح يعد الموضوع على خير
The matter will not end well.
واكيد راح يرسل جيش
And surely he will send an army.
لغزو قبيلته
To invade his tribe.
فراح يجهز القبيلة
So he went to prepare the tribe.
ويجهز الجيش يلي عنده
And the army prepares what it has.
وتوجه لمنطقة فيها بئر
And he headed to an area with a well.
يسمى ديقار
It is called Diqar.
وهو ما لبكر ابن وائل
This is what was said by Bakr ibn Wa'il.
قريب من الكوفة
Near Kufa.
بعد ما وصل هاني ابن مسعود الشيباني
After Hani ibn Mas'ud al-Shaybani arrived.
الى ديقار
To Diqar.
راح يرسل رسله لجميع القبائل
He will send his messengers to all the tribes.
قبائل بكر ابن وائل
The tribes of Bakr ibn Wa'il.
بيطلب فزعتهم في هاي الحرب
He is asking for their assistance in this war.
اهل النخوة والشهامة ما قصروا
The people of nobility and chivalry did not fall short.
مع كل يوم كانت يجي وفود
With each day, delegations would come.
مع قبائل بكر
With the Banu Bakr tribes.
عشان تشارك في المعركة
To participate in the battle.
وبنوا عجل وبعض الحلفاء من سكون
And they built a calf, and some of the allies were from Sukoon.
اجوا كمان يشاركوا
I hope they participate too.
حتى مئتين اسير من بني تميم
Up to two hundred captives from Banu Tamim.
ابدوا رغبتهم بالقتال
They expressed their desire to fight.
باسرار وعناد
With secrets and stubbornness.
وكمان كتير من القبائل العربية
And also many of the Arab tribes.
اللي سمعت بهالخبر وشاركت مع هاني
I heard about this news and shared it with Hani.
وكمان من ضمن الجيش الفارسي
And also among the Persian army.
كان في بعض القبائل
There were some tribes.
العربية المشاركة من ضمنهم
The Arabic language is among them.
بني اياد اللي شاركوا هما مكرهين
The Beniy Iad who participated were forced.
ارسلوا الى بني بكر
Send to Banu Bakr.
وقالوا لهم
And they said to them.
احنا رح نخضر للجيش الفارسي
We will prepare for the Persian army.
وقت المعركة واحنا بصفكم
Time of battle and we are on your side.
طبعا انسحاب مجموعة من الجيش
Of course, the withdrawal of a group from the army.
اسناء المعركة
During the battle.
تعرفوا شو بسبب
Do you know what causes it?
زعزع وخلل في صفوف الجيش
Disruption and disorder in the ranks of the army.
ورح تقل معنوياتهم
"And their morale will decrease."
على كل
In any case.
وصل الجيش الفارسي
The Persian army has arrived.
لمنطقة ذيقار
For the Dhi Qar region
وقفوا الجيشين
The two armies stood still.
على الجهة اليمنى كتيبة بني عجل
On the right side is the Battalion of Banu Ajl.
وقائدهم حنظلة ابن ثعلبة
And their leader is Hanthala ibn Thalabah.
بالمقابل كان في كتيبة
On the other hand, there was a battalion.
للجيش الفارسي
For the Persian army.
واما الجهة اليسرى كانت كتيبة بني شيبان
As for the left side, it was the Battalion of Bani Shayban.
ومقابلها كتيبة الهامرز
And opposite to it is the Hammer Battalion.
اما في منتصف الجيش
As for in the middle of the army.
فيضم جميع قبائل
It includes all tribes.
بكر ابن وائل
Bakr ibn Wa'il
وبعد ما اصطف الجيشين
And after the two armies took their positions.
خرج رجل ضخم
A large man came out.
من الجيش الفارسي
From the Persian army.
وطلب المبارزة
And the challenge for a duel.
لكن الجيش العربي كان متردد
But the Arab army was hesitant.
And afraid.
حتى خرج رجل اسمه
Until a man named came out.
يزيد ابن حارثة
Yazid ibn Haritha
وتبارز معه وقتله
And he fought him and killed him.
دب الحماس في الجيش العربي
The bear of enthusiasm in the Arab army.
وارتفعت معنويات
Morale has risen.
التحمت الجيوش
The armies clashed.
وبدل قتال
And instead of fighting.
واستمرت 3 ايام
It lasted for 3 days.
اليوم الاول كانت الغلبة للفرس
On the first day, the horse was dominant.
اليوم التاني
The second day.
التحمت الجيوش ببعض
The armies clashed with each other.
واستمرت المعركة
The battle continued.
وقاتل الجيش الفارسي
And the Persian army fought.
وبدأ بالانسحاب
And began to withdraw.
فلحقتهم كتيبة من بني عجل
A battalion from Banu Ajl caught up with them.
وكتيبة من بني بكر
And a battalion from Banu Bakr.
وقيل انه بني عجل في اليوم الثاني
It was said that the calf was built on the second day.
قبلوا بلاء حسن
They accepted a good trial.
وقاتلوا بشراسة
And fight fiercely.
وقاتلوا الكثير من الفرس
And they fought many of the Persians.
وايضا خرج بن اياد
Ben Iyad also went out.
ونفذ المخطط اللي اتفقوا عليه
And they executed the plan they agreed upon.
وانقلبوا على الجيش الفارسي
And they turned against the Persian army.
وانتهى اليوم الثاني
And the second day has ended.
وكانت الغلبة للجيش العربي
The victory was for the Arab army.
واجه اليوم الثالث
Face the third day.
واستفقوا على الجيش الفارسي
"And they woke up to the Persian army."
وقاتلوا الجيوش
"And fight against the armies."
وخرج الهامارز قائد الجيش الفارسي
And the commander of the Persian army, Al-Hamaraz, emerged.
وطلب رجل يتبارز معاه
And a man asked to duel with him.
فخرج له الحارث ابن شريك
So Al-Harith ibn Shareek came out to him.
المُلقب بالحوفزان
The one nicknamed Al-Hufzan.
بدأت المبارزة بينهم
The duel between them began.
وقتل الحوفزان الهامارز
And the Hofzan killed the Hamarez.
وانطلق القائد حنظلة
And the leader Hanzala set out.
والتحَم بالجيش الفارسي
And he joined the Persian army.
ومن خلفه
And behind him.
الجيش الفارسي
The Persian army
اجت كتيبة على رأسها
A battalion came headed by...
يزيد ابن حمار السكوني
Yazid ibn Hamar al-Sakuni
واللي اقترح على حنظلة هذا الكمين الأوي
And the one who suggested this strong ambush to Hanthala.
اشتد القتال إلى أن ينهزم الجيش الفارسي
The fighting intensified until the Persian army was defeated.
واللي تبقى منهم ولو بالفرار وتحقق النصر للعرب
"And whoever remains of them, even by fleeing, achieves victory for the Arabs."
بمعركة ديقار انهزم الفرس والعرب انتصروا
In the Battle of Digar, the Persians were defeated and the Arabs were victorious.
بس شو أسباب انتصار العرب وهزيمة الفرس
But what are the reasons for the Arab victory and the defeat of the Persians?
بالرغم من الفرق الشاسع بين الجيش العربي والجيش الفارسي
Despite the vast difference between the Arab army and the Persian army.
وشو العوامل المهمة اللي قدت لهذا الانتصار بعد ربنا سبحانه وتعالى
What are the important factors that led to this victory, after God Almighty?
أول اشي كان فيه تخطيط واستراتيجية حربية فائقة
First of all, there was exceptional planning and military strategy.
قام بها العرب قبل بداية المعركة وأثناءها
The Arabs did it before the battle and during it.
يعني استراتيجية مدروسة
It means a calculated strategy.
صحيح انه الفرس كمان عملوا باستراتيجية وخططوا للمعركة
It's true that the Persians also strategized and planned for the battle.
لكن الجيش العربي تفوق عليهم بمراحل
But the Arab army surpassed them by leaps and bounds.
من ضمن الخطط يلي عملوا عليها توزيع أسلحة النعمان ابن المنذر والاستفادة منها
Among the plans they worked on was the distribution of the weapons of al-Nu'man ibn al-Mundhir and benefiting from them.
أيضا كان فيه خطة انسلاخ قبيلة إياد اللي كانت في الجيش الفارسي
There was also a plan for the secession of the Iyad tribe that was in the Persian army.
لإضافة إلى انهم استسقوا ماء مدة نصف شهر
In addition to the fact that they were in need of water for half a month.
عشان هم عارفين أجواء وطبيعة البيئة اللي عايشين فيها وقلة المية
Because they are aware of the atmosphere and nature of the environment they live in and the scarcity of water.
حتى ما اتأثر على المحاربين
So that it does not affect the warriors.
من الأسباب اللي قدت لهذا الانتصار الصاحق
One of the reasons that led to this overwhelming victory.
انه العرب كانوا أكثر تحملا على المشاق والحرارة
The Arabs were more enduring of hardships and heat.
والصبر على العطش من الفرس
"And patience in the face of thirst is from the horse."
اللي مش متعودين على الطبيعة الصحراوية
Those who are not accustomed to the desert nature.
وأيضا العرب كانوا يقاتلوا في أوطانهم وبين أقوامهم وأهلهم غير التشجيع اللي كان يجيهم من النساء
The Arabs also fought in their homeland and among their tribes and families, apart from the support they received from women.
وعلى ذكر النساء هنا العرب معروفين بغيرتهم على نساءهم
Speaking of women, Arabs are known for their jealousy over their women.
يعني الحافز هنا مش إغراء على قد ما هو حمية للعرض
It means that the incentive here is not so much a temptation as it is a restriction on the offer.
وكمان كانوا يعرفوا مداخل ومخارج ميدان المعركة أكتر من الفرس
They also knew the entrances and exits of the battlefield better than the Persians.
يعني زي ما بنقول المباراة في أرضهم
It means like we say the match is on their turf.
ولا شك
No doubt.
إنه هذا العنصر بلاعب دور مهم في نتيجة المعركة
This element plays an important role in the outcome of the battle.
ولهنا بنكون وصلنا لنهاية حلقة اليوم
And here we have reached the end of today's episode.
بتمنى تكون نالت على إعجابكم
I hope you liked it.
وفي أمان الله
In the protection of God.
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