رعب-Juicy/الحلقة التجريبية

Ro3b Juicy


رعب-Juicy/الحلقة التجريبية


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

ازايكم يا مستمعين اللفابل

How are you, dear listeners?

معاكم انا علي الطليمي

I am with you, I am Ali al-Talimi.

وعرفنا نفسك

And introduce yourself.

معاكم محمد فؤاد

I am Mohamed Fouad.

اول حاجة يعني ايه البودكاست ده

The first thing is, what does this podcast mean?

عشان اكيد الناس هتشوف اسمه

"Because people will definitely see his name."

او مكيك انا اشوف الاسم عادي يعني

Oh, it's normal, I see the name as ordinary.

بس ما يبقوا مش فاهمين مين دول

But they don’t want to understand who these are.

عايزين ايه دول

What do they want?

عايزين مننا ايه

What do you want from us?

جملة الموبايلاتنا امتى وليه

When and why are our phones?

طبعا انت ممكن تقول لهم حاجة كده يعني

Of course, you can tell them something like that.

طبعا دي حلقة تجربية

Of course, this is a trial episode.

التالتة يعني دي حلقة تجربية التالتة

The third one means this is the third trial episode.

فيه واحدة ما نتلايتش

There's one that I haven't been matched with.

وفيه واحدة الصوت ما كانش فيها بس كانت جامدة

And there was one voice that wasn't there, but it was strong.

الصراحة اول واحدة دي كانت جامدة

Honestly, the first one was awesome.

ده حقيقي فعلا

This is really true.

طيب يا محمد

Okay, Mohamed.

محتوى حلقاتنا النهاردة

The content of our episodes today.

هيكون عن ايه

What will it be about?

مبدئيا مبدئيا مبدئيا

Initially, initially, initially.

كي لا ننسى

So that we do not forget.

اسم البودكاست زي ما بيان قدامكم

The name of the podcast is as shown in front of you.

رعب جوسي

Jossy's horror

والاسم قالنا تقريبا

And the name told us almost.

كنا جانين

We were pregnant.

كنا جانين فعلا

We were really pregnant.

كنا جانين

We were pregnant.

يابني احنا دخلنا على المينيو نشوف مطاعم حسنا نجيب الاسم

My son, we went to the menu to see the restaurants so we can get the name.

حقيقي حقيقي دخلنا على ابديكيشن دي معلومة ممكن ممكنش الكل عارفها

Really, really, we entered this application. This is information that maybe not everyone knows.

احنا دخلنا على ابديكيشن فعلا فكرة اشبه فكرة طلبات علشان نلاقي اسم كويس

We have really entered an application idea similar to the concept of requests to find a good name.

يعني الموضوع كان واصل بينا يعني احنا مكناش فطرانين واحنا بنجيب الاسم

It means the matter had reached us, we weren't confused while we were getting the name.

بنحاول نجيب الاسم من هنا من هنا من هنا

We are trying to get the name from here, from here, from here.

فمكناش لسه اكلنا او كده فدخلنا على الابديكيشن نشوف عموما يعني ممكن نستلهم فكرة اسم ولا حاجة من الابديكيشن

We hadn't eaten yet or something, so we went into the application to see in general, I mean, we might take inspiration for a name or something from the application.

فلقينا كلمة جيوسي يعني كلمة نوعا ما ممكن

We encountered the word "Giyosi," which is somewhat possible.

هي مشهورة طبعا يعني اي حد بيتفرج على فوت بلوجر اكيدة عارف قلك البورغير ده جيوسي

She is famous, of course. I mean, anyone who watches a football vlogger definitely knows that the burger is called Jio's.

ومش عارف ايه والجو ده فهو نفس الفكرة البودكاست ده جيوسي كده بيموت معاك في المستماع

I don't know what's going on with this atmosphere; it's the same idea, this podcast is like geography, it dies with you in listening.

بالضبط بالضبط هي دي الفكرة

Exactly, exactly, that's the idea.

المهم يا محمد

The important thing, Mohamed.

انا حاسس فكرة ان احنا نسجل بودكاست مكتبة دي فكرة غير مقلوفة شوية

I feel that the idea of us recording a podcast about the library is a bit unconventional.

خصوصا المكتبة اللي احنا فيها دي يعني الاجواء فيها غريبة شوية

Especially the library we're in, the atmosphere here is a bit strange.

واتكلمنا شوية عن الاجواء

And we talked a little about the atmosphere.

بص يا ابني المكتبة دي اول ما دخلناها قبل من بره كده تلاقيها في نص صحراء وما فيش غيرنا

Look, my son, this library, as soon as we entered it, you find it in the middle of the desert and there's no one else around us.

ما عادنا تقريبا حوالي ربع ساعة نفتح في الباب ونزق فيه كمية زق

We haven't been opening the door for about a quarter of an hour and pushing in a lot of pressure.

انا فاكر انا لليوم ده عشان حد بباب ميتفتح

I remember this day because someone at the door does not open.

اول ما بتخش بقى المكتبة دي بيتلاقيها مليانة كمية طول فوق كتب يا جدع يا لهوي

As soon as you enter this library, you find it filled with a huge amount of books, oh my goodness!

انا فاكر انا فضلنا تقريبا ساعتين نلف بس فيه جواها نكتشف يا دي ايه

I remember we spent almost two hours wandering inside, but what we discovered was unbelievable.

طبعا انت مترايح للركن بتاعك على طول جريت عليه اول ما شفت انت جريت عليه جدع

Of course, you immediately ran to your corner as soon as you saw it; you ran to it, good man.

ده حقيقة

This is a fact.

اه طبعا رحت الركن بس فيه حاجة غريبة في المكتبة انا الحاجة تمشي فاهمها

Oh, of course I went to the corner, but there's something strange in the library; I mean, things move, you know what I mean.

حاجة غريبة فيه فيه تمثال كده غريب مش منطق

There's a strange thing in it, there's this weird statue that doesn't make sense.

بالضبط بالضبط انا انا انا لما شفته من بعيد كده ما عرفتش انا فسر هو ايه هو ايه بالضبط

Exactly, exactly. When I saw him from a distance like that, I couldn't understand what it was, what it exactly was.

انا شبهتها للاول ان شكله طبعا كان غير معلوغ بالاسبانية اللي كان لما قربنا لانه حص SAN

I compared it to the first one, of course its shape was not known in Spanish, which was when we got closer because it was SAN.

و لكن حص SAN لسا بالشكل المعلوق بقى الموم بالجد

But the SAN still hasn't been shaped as it was supposed to be.

حص تشكله غريب كده طبعا

It certainly has a strange shape.

حص س vistaك دي الفكرة دي

This idea is not yours.

ده الفكرة هيل حصانة

This idea has protection.

العما المكتبة او الحطه التمثال ده و جاءبو في المكان ده اظن ما كانش صوة

"The blind library or the statue of the deity was brought to this place; I don't think it was a sound."

ولكن احنا هنكتشف ده هنكتشف ده نشوف

But we will discover this, we will discover this, let's see.

مكتبة فنصة صحراء برضو يعني الموضوع ده غريب ده عاد في مكتبة منعزل عن البشرية فالله فنصة صحراء

The library in the desert is also strange; it is indeed a library isolated from humanity, so it is like a desert.

المهم يا محمد ايه جواء الصيف بالنسبة لك يوميندولي

The important thing, Mohamed, is what the summer atmosphere is like for you in two days.

هو الصيف معروف يعني بطيخ مثلا المانجة تقريبا نزلت ولا لسه

It's summer, which is known for watermelons. For example, has the mango come out yet or not?

مستني نزول المانجة بصراحة

I'm honestly waiting for the mangoes to come out.

ايه انا مش عارف انت المطرود بيبتروح اسماعيلية كتير

Yeah, I don't know why you keep going to Ismailia a lot.

عاد عشان انا من اسماعيلية

He returned because I am from Ismailia.

عشان انا من اسماعيلية

Because I am from Ismailia.

طب عشان انا من اسماعيلية بتنزل واحد ستة كده بداية سبعة لا لسه اول اللي بدأ يعني فاهم

Well, since I'm from Ismailia, it starts around the 1st of June and goes into the beginning of July, but it hasn't really started yet, you know what I mean?

اول اللي بدأ يستوي هتلاقي كلميات اصلا ده يلا يعني لو ممكن تلاقي واحدة حلوة من وسط عشرين واحدة ما تشتاق

The first one that starts to stand out, you'll find is just words. I mean, if you could find one nice one among twenty, it doesn't really matter.

طب طبيعي انواع المانجة طيب اللي انت عارفها محمد بما انك هتا يعني في الموضوع شوية

Natural medicine, types of mangoes, good ones that you know, Mohamed, since you’re going to be involved in this topic a little.

لسه انت عندك كذا واحدة في العويس مثلا دي تواجم ده في واحدة بقى صغيرة كده دي رهوي

You still have a few in Al-Oweis, for example, there’s one that’s small, that’s Rahawi.

دي بتحس ان انت بتكونها باطمة

Do you feel like you are being arrogant?

يعني اصلا مش تحتاجش لسه كيلو ده احيانا. تقريبا. اه المانجة الفاصل. تتقشر كده تحسها اه تقشرها

It means you actually don't need this kilogram sometimes. Almost. Yes, the mango is the difference. You peel it like this and you feel it, yes, peel it.

كده. اه تقريبا احنا محتاجين نعمل يعني نحط البتاع ده تصنيف اكل مش تصنيف

Like this. Yes, we probably need to do something, like categorize this item as food, not as a classification.

خصاص خاص. حقيقي ده حقيقي اه فيه كمان حاجة اه حاسة طلع تريند اليومين دوله بنقبلها كتير في

Special features. This is real, yes, and there's also something else, yes, I feel it's been trending these days, we see it a lot in...

السوشال ميديا اه ومحلية الصيف حقيقي يعني اه اسكليمات عام جمعة او فرايدي. اه. يعني انا

Social media, yes, and summer local events are real, I mean, yes, schedules are for Fridays. Yes. I mean, I...

حقيقي ما ما كنتش ما جربتش ولكن من كلام الناس ان هي يعني يعني زي كنز

Honestly, I haven't tried it, but from what people say, it’s like a treasure.

كده في وسط الحر ووفيه بالتليمين دول حاجة رطة بالقلب كده. مع طبعا

It's like in the middle of the heat, and with these two distractions, there's something weighing on my heart, you know. Of course.

بطيخ المانجة وفرقة السيف. انا عايز اقول لك في واحد صاحبي بيعد على

Watermelon mango and the sword band. I want to tell you about a friend of mine who is passing by.

اربع سوبرماركتات عشان يدقيه وما دقهوش. فضل يلف والله خد يعني

Four supermarkets so he can call them, but they didn't answer. He kept going around, and God knows what he got.

مسافة بتاع عشر دقايق ماشية عشان يلاقيه. مش عارف يلاقيه. اه لا

A distance of about ten minutes walking to find him. He can't find him. Oh no.

واضح احنا في ابحال. اه في بدايتها كانت كده بلده. بس لا ان شاء

It's clear that we are in trouble. Yes, in the beginning it was like this in the country. But no, God willing.

الله دول هيكملوا ما طلقش. يعني انا انا واصف ان هم هيعرفوا يتخطوا

God, they will complete it; he did not divorce. I mean, I am describing that they will know how to overcome it.

الازمة دي وهي طبعا. في انت جاي. الايس كريم غير المشروبات يعني

This crisis, of course, is while you're coming. Ice cream differs from drinks, you know.

فاهم? انت الايس كريم لو لزق مع الناس يعني يفضل بقى معهم. ده

Do you understand? You're like ice cream; if you stick with people, you stay with them.

هي خصوصا في الصيف الجو ده. الصيف ده اه بشكل خاص يعني كان مليان

It's especially like this in the summer. This summer, in particular, has been very full.

موجات حر كده والشمس كانت لازيعة نوعا ما. او انت في صحراء برضو

It was hot waves and the sun was quite blazing. Or are you in the desert as well?

يعني انت قعدت في مكتبة في نصف صحراء برضو. مفيش تندة مفيش اي

So you sat in a library in the middle of the desert as well. There's no shade, nothing at all.

حاجة. او المكتبة اللي احنا فيها بتنطص على طول الشمس. الدنيا هنا

A necessity. Or the library we are in absorbs the sun directly. The atmosphere here.

هي يعني الله يعلم. ده فكرتني بالمكتبة بتاعت كارتون افاتار.

It means God knows. That reminded me of the Avatar cartoon library.

كانت كده برضو في مكتبة في نصف صحراء بس كانت مدفونة بقى تحت.

There was also a library in the middle of the desert, but it was buried underneath.

كان فيها زي بومة كده عندها. طبعا الاحد الثانية رافتارة يبقى

There was something like an owl there. Of course, if it's the second Sunday, it will be...

عارفة. كان فيها بومة كده عندها المعرفة ومش عارف ايه وعلم

I know. There was an owl that had knowledge and something, and science.

بتاولي وكتب بقى فيها كل المعلومات. بس تدفنت تحت الارض

I was thinking and wrote down all the information in it. But it got buried underground.

يعني عشان البومة اتعصبت من البشر فقام اتواخد المكتب ومدفونة

It means that the owl got angry with humans, so it took the desk and buried itself.

بيه. انا انا حقيقي انا اول مرة ساعمل لك الليسة دي يعني. وانا

"I'm really me. It's the first time I'm going to do this list for you, you know."

بقول لك اي حد تفرج على كارتون افاتار ايه بقى عارفة. او افاتار

I'm telling you, anyone who watched Avatar the cartoon—what is it like? Or Avatar.

على حسب اول ما نسمينه ازاي. يعني ما عنديش ما يسمى الاصل

Depending on how we name it first. I mean, I don't have what is called the origin.

بتاعه بصراحة. بس هي مشهورة بومة المعرفة دي مشهورة. مشهورة في

Honestly, it's his. But this knowledge owl is famous. Famous in...

الاساطير والحاجات دي جديدة. بس انا محبش نتكلم على الاساطير.

The myths and those things are new. But I don't like to talk about myths.

الا لو الناس عايزان انا نتكلم عن الاساطير. احنا نتكلم عن الرعب

Unless people want us to talk about legends, we are talking about horror.

اقسامه. ايه الفرق بين مسلا كل قسم. عشان ايه الناس فاكرة كل

What are its sections? What's the difference between each section? Why do people think they are all the same?

الرعب عبارة عن جن. فاهم? انت اي حد تقول له رعب يقول لك. جنه

Horror is a jinn. Do you understand? Anyone you tell horror to will say, 'It’s a jinn.'

عفارير. يا جدعان لا يعني. انت انت في رعب كوميدي. انت ممكن تضحك

You idiots. It doesn't mean anything. You're in a comedy horror. You might laugh.

وانت مرعوب تترعب ومشهد ربعة وثلاثة. بعدين اللي انا بشوفه

"And you are terrified, trembling, and the scene is four and three. Then what I see."

دايما ان كوميديا والرعب وجهان العمره واحده. والاسباب والحبكات

Comedy and horror are always two sides of the same coin, differing in reasons and plots.

برضو. يعني بقول لك اللي بشوفه دايما ان الرعب والكوميديا يعني

Also. I mean, what I always see is that horror and comedy mean...

حاجة واحدة. انت ممكن تتفرج على فيلم كارتون لفرانكنشتاين. وتتفرج

One thing. You can watch a cartoon movie about Frankenstein. And watch it.

على بعده على فيلم رعب لفرانكنشتاين برضو. وهنا بيدحكك

"It's also a horror movie about Frankenstein. And here it makes you laugh."

وهنا بيرعبك. انا نفس الشخصية. وهم الاتنين هي حاجة واحدة. اه

"And here it scares you. I am the same character. The two of them are one thing. Yes."

اه. حدث غير متوقع اما بيخوفك اما بيدحكك. اللي حالتين هو نفس

Ah. An unexpected event that either scares you or makes you laugh. The two situations are the same.

الحاجة. غير طبعا رومانسي يعني. طبعا احنا ناس سينا تجارب

Need. Not of course in a romantic way, I mean. Of course, we are people from Sinai with experiences.

بتحفى مع الرومانسي. اه اه. تجارب مميزة مع الرومانسي. قل لي

You are with the romantic. Ah, ah. Unique experiences with the romantic. Tell me.

علي انت بتكتب اه رومانسي? او كتبت رومانسي ما بده كده? اه

Ali, are you writing something romantic? Or did you write something romantic that doesn't want that? Huh?

رومانسي اه هو ما كترقتش او ما كتبتش مسلا شيء كبير اه لغة

Romantic, yes, I haven't elaborated or written something significant, yes, language.

رومانسية يعني ما كتبتش خصة مسلا ما كتبتش رواية مسلا. ولكن اه

Romance means I didn't write a story, for example, I didn't write a novel, but yes.

الموضوع اقتصر على اظن بعض الخطرات اللي هي بتبقى مسلا عشر

The topic was limited to some thoughts that would be, for example, about ten.

كلمك او عشر كلمة كده. مع نفسي كده يعني اه الموضوع بيبقى له

"I'll talk to you or ten words like that. Just with myself, you know, the topic has its..."

علاقة بالمخيلة اكتر لما مش مش حاجة اعشتها بجد عشان اعرف اكتب

A relationship with the imagination more when it's not something I've truly experienced so that I can write about it.

عني او اعرف اعبر وكده. يعني في ناس متخصصة بتاع اصلا ما كده

About me or I know how to express it and stuff like that. I mean, there are specialized people who actually do that.

هتكون عارفة اتعبر وعارفة تستخدم مصطلحات وحبكة وحاجات كده.

You will know how to express yourself and know how to use terms, plots, and things like that.

متمسكة عن حد دماغه. روعة. دماغه رعب. اه. دماغه رعب احنا

Holding on to the edge of his mind. Wonderful. His mind is terrifying. Ah. His mind is terrifying us.

فاهم. لأ انا انا جربته فعلا مرة بس انا جربته. انا جربته في

I understand. No, I actually tried it once, but I tried it. I tried it in...

شكل تحفة قوي. يا ابني كان عندي رواية. قلت بص انا بقى قمة

A strong masterpiece form. My son, I had a novel. I said, "Now I am at my peak."

الرومانسية انا هسمي البطل امر. ليه بقى? عشان اول ما يشوفها يقول

Romance, I will name the hero Amr. Why? Because the first time he sees her, he says.

لها ايه ده? هو الامر اجنزه على الارض فاهم? يعني كان قمة يعني

What is this? Is the matter foreign on earth, do you understand? I mean it was peak, you know?

الابتزال. جدا جدا. من ساعتها بطلت عرفت ان ده مش كارية. فاهم?

The degradation. Very, very much. Since that time, I stopped knowing that this was not a joke. Do you understand?

للا اكتر ده مش كارية. انا رعب. رعب بقى حزن اي حاجة من الحاجات دي.

No more than that, it's not a loan. I'm terrified. Terrified to the point of sadness, anything from those things.

ليها ليها ادمغة برضو وميكانيزم معين عشان تكتب رومانسية. عشان

It also requires brains and a certain mechanism to write romance. So...

يغزلها مثلا بقى. لا ده ده في اهمية يا ابني يقول لك رومانسية

He spins it, for example. No, this is important, my son, he says romance.

المواقف رومانسية شعارف ايه والنزاية وعفوا حب بعض. يعني لا

The situations are romantic, what does the slogan mean, and excuse me, love each other. I mean, no.

لأ ده حوراء. مش اللي احنا بنقل لها احنا طبعا رعب. ناس بنخوف.

No, that's a Hoor. Not the one we are telling her about; we are obviously terrifying her. People are scaring her.

هنيجي نحبب الناس في بعض. طبعا ده انا هتطرق له بعدين حوالي احنا

We will come to make people love each other. Of course, I will touch on this later about us.

بدأنا المجال ازاي والان احنا كل وقت حالة تجربية بندردش شوية.

How did we start the field, and now we are in a test state all the time, just chatting a little.

بنفهم الناس الدنيا ماشية ازاي والمواضوعات اللي ممكن نتكلم

We understand how people perceive the world and the topics we can discuss.

فيها. انا ممكن نتكلم على الرومانسية على فكرة. انا ممكن

We can talk about romance, by the way. I can.

نعمل حلقة عن الرومانسي. تصنيف الرومانسي. اه ده في رعب

We are working on a segment about romance. The romance genre. Oh, that's scary.

رومانسي. انت متخيل? انت متخيل لي في رعب رومانسي? انا انا الموضوع

Romantic. Can you imagine? Can you imagine me in a romantic horror? I, I am the subject.

ده لما شفته استغربته بصراحة. انا مش عارف. انا حقيقي انا لسه

When I saw him, I was honestly surprised. I don't know. I really... I am still

عارف منك لو قلت لي في حاجة اسمها رعب رومانسي. انا مش فاهم

I know from you if I told you there is something called romantic horror. I don't understand.

يعني هادن ممكن مسلا مساس دي ماهي يحب اه بني ادمة ولا ايه مسلا

It means a truce, maybe for example an infringement that does not affect human beings, or is it an example?

وكده يبقى ده مش رعب رومانسي. حد ستة تصنيف رومانسي في النصف.

So that’s not romantic horror. It's rated six as a romance halfway through.

اه الفيلم الجميلة والوحش او حاجة كده اظن اظن هو هو مش رعب

Oh, it's the beautiful and the beast movie or something like that, I think, I think it's not horror.

بشكل كده ولكن ممكن اول القصة لرعب ان هو عموما القصة بتاعته ان

In this way, but the beginning of the horror story is that, in general, his story is that...

هو كان امير وحصل زي لعنة كده او سحر معين او حاجة حاوله اه لمس

He was a prince and got something like a curse or a specific magic, or something that touched him.

وحب واحدة فا يعني ما ممكن ممكن تجد ده قصة دي تكون اه زي

And the love of one means that you might not find this story to be like...

اساس خصت اه يتكون اه منه رعب رومانسي ولا انت شايف ايه

The essence is that it is made up of romantic horror, or do you see it differently?

فارغ. انا شايف كده برضو ممكن اه لا بس انا مرة قلت قصة بجد

Empty. I see that too, maybe yes, but I once told a true story.

كانت حلوة قوي بس كان مشكلتها ان الكاتب او الكاتبة عايز يحط

It was really sweet, but the problem was that the writer wanted to impose.

رومانسية في اي شكل. عارف انت اللي هو المشهد ما لهوش رومانسية

Romance in any form. You know, that scene has no romance.

انا هاخط رومانسي. هفوش غزل انا اخط غزل. انت انت رواية الكاتبة

I am a romantic line. I will weave romance; I write poetry. You, you are the novel of the author.

حلوة وماشاء الله الرواية كانت كبيرة. هي كانت رواية من الحاجات

Beautiful, and mashallah, the novel was great. It was one of those kinds of novels.

الالكترونية بس رواية كانت كبيرة وفيها كلمات كتير طاقوة

The electronic version was just a big novel and it had a lot of powerful words.

طويلة. ليه ليه اللي رومانسية ما لهاش لازمة? يعني ليه اسه έχلاقي

Long. Why, why is romance unnecessary? I mean, why?

مشهد الف كلمة في رومانسية كتير. آآ الف كلمة ده على فكرة كتير

A scene of a thousand words in a lot of romance. By the way, a thousand words is a lot.

جدا. يعني ممكن لو حدها محسس هو على مشهد او ليلة او ده كتير على

Very much. It means that if someone feels it, it's like a scene or a night, or that's a lot for.

مشهد الف كلمة دي قصة كاملة قصيرة. فبجرى ماشي مش عارف ليه

A scene of a thousand words is a complete short story. I walk running, not knowing why.

ممكن مسلا حد يعمل الف كلمة وبرعان مشهد رومانسي. او مشهد

Can someone write a thousand words and suddenly a romantic scene? Or a scene?

الرومانسية. يعني الرواية الاسن هي عبارة عن حرب بين ناس بين فين

Romance. It means the historical novel is about a war between people.

بقيم حاجة كده فانتازية. انا مسلا مش رومانسية انا مش ضد

I value something like that, it's fantastic. I'm not romantic, I don't oppose it.

الرومانسية بس انا هبقى الفانتازية انا حابب ان انا

Romance, but I will be the fantasy; I love that I...

اسمع اشوف الفانتازية وتشوف الصراع بين الكائنات ومش عارف

Listen, I see the fantasy and you see the struggle between the beings, and I don't know.

ايه. اكتر ان انا شوف الرومانسية. يعني ده ده رأيي

Yes. I prefer to see romance. I mean, that's my opinion.

بصراحة انا شايف ان ممكن لو مETH هلا على الرومانسيه يبقى حل would be

Honestly, I think that if ETH were to be about romance now, it would be a solution.

كتصنيف عموما. بين احنا مل$ الاش فيه اهي يعني هيبقى ممتعة

As a classification in general, between us, what is the enjoyment of it?

جدا الناس هتستمتع جدا بتنين ما رمش في الرومانسي بيتكلموا عن

People will really enjoy the dragon that didn't blink in the romantic context they're talking about.

الرومانسي. اه عموما احنا احنا احنا ممكن كمان اه نشوف كده لو اه

The romantic. Ah, generally we, we, we might also see that if, ah...

لو عرفنا نكتب اه شو الرومانسي عموما بعيدا انا عم نرعب يعني

If we knew how to write, oh, what is romantic in general, away from me being scared, I mean.

ولكن اظن الحوار ده هيحتاج ان احنا نتجوز الاول ده احنا شايف

But I think this conversation will require us to get married first, that's what we see.

ايه بقى? اه انا شايف كده اه. بس لا على فكرة اغلب المسلا بيكتب

What now? Yeah, I see that. But, by the way, most of the examples are written.

لحبيبته اول ما يتجوزها ما بيعرفش يكتب لها حاجة. هي طول ما هي

When he first marries his beloved, he doesn't know how to write her anything. She is always...

بعيدة عنه كده وهو مش صاخ لها ومشاعره فيضة لها عارف يكتب اول

"Far away from him like this, and he is not loud for her, and his feelings overflow for her, he knows how to write first."

ما يتبقى معاه. يعني انا كتير جدا بشوف كتاب يعني مسلا عارفهم

What remains with him. I mean, I often see a book, for example, that I know.

لما هو في اي علاقة ما ما بيكتبوش تاني خلاص. فاهم الكتابة

When he is in any relationship, he doesn’t write anymore. He understands writing.

بتختفي منهم. فاهمش ايه اللي بيحصل. اول ما ينفصل تلاقي كتابات

They disappear from them. I don't understand what's happening. As soon as they separate, you'll find writings.

كتيرة. اوكي اوكي. في مقولة كده بتقول اه ان الحب بيتي بعد

A lot. Okay, okay. There's a saying that goes, yes, that love is my home afterwards.

الجواز. اه انا اؤمن بها جدا. اه فدي ممكن برضو تبقى تسبب من

The passport. Yes, I really believe in it. Yes, that could also be due to...

الاسباب اللي هو اه تخلي كاتب ما مسلا. من بعد ما تجاوز مسلا

The reasons that lead a writer, for example, to not continue after overcoming, for example.

اه لو هيبتدي يكتب في في رومانسية مسلا ولا حاجة. الموضوع

Oh, if he starts writing in romance or something. The topic...

ده يعني يعني اه الحب الحقيقي اللي هيجي له بعد الجواز ده

This means, yes, the true love that will come to him after marriage.

يخليه يكتب اه باسلوب اه يعني يقرب لقلب القارئ اكتر اه يحس

It makes him write in a way that resonates more with the reader's heart, making them feel.

بالمشاعر بالخلطة دي ولا انت شايف ايه برضو? انا متفق معك جدا

With the feelings in this mix, or what do you think? I totally agree with you.

بصراحة. يعني التدام لها غبارة عليك. عزيزي بانشوف حاجة غير

Honestly. I mean, the situation has gotten out of hand for you. My dear, let's look for something else.

رومانسية اشعر ان احس ان احنا يعني بعيدنا قوي مش تابعنا

Romantic feelings make me feel like we are very far apart and not connected.

الحاجات دي. مش برنامج اه اساعة القلبك خالص يعني. بالزبط. اه

These things. It's not a program, it's really not your thing at all. Exactly. Yes.

ممكن اتكلم عن المكتبة مسلا. بس لا دي عايز على حلقة لوحدها

I can talk about the library, for example. But no, I want that to be in a separate episode.

بصراحة. انا شايف ان المكتبة ممكن تبقى مسلا الخلقة التلاتة

Honestly, I think the library could be like the third creation.

وخمسين. نبدأ نتكلم عن المكتبة فيها. حقيقي لان هي فعلا موضوع

And fifty. We start talking about the library in it. It's true because it really is a topic.

اه موضوعها موضوع كبير يعني فعلا. من من بداية دخلنا لها

Oh, its topic is a big one, I mean, really. From the moment we entered it.

واتشفنا لها اصلا. لحد ما

We actually watched it for a while.

اللحظة اللي احنا بنسجل فيها المكتب بالوقت. هقول لك ياما

The moment we are registering the office in time. I will tell you so much.

هيتنفع بعد حلقة تلاتة وخمسين ولا حاجة ما مش دلوقتي走了

Will it be useful after episode fifty-three or not, because it’s not right now?

اه بالزبط بالزبط دي دلوقتي. انتم استنوا تلاتة وخمسين حلقة

Oh exactly, exactly right now. You guys waited for fifty-three episodes.

ان شاء الله هنوصل اول ما نوصل ان حلقة تلاتة وخمسين هنعمل حلقة

If God wills, we will arrive. As soon as we arrive, we will do episode fifty-three.

المكتبة. هتكون على المجان. بذن الله يعني ربنا نكتب لنا طولة

The library will be for free. God willing, it means that God will grant us longevity.

العمر ان شاء الله. ان شاء الله يعني على حسب عدو عقد جاي. اه

Life, God willing. God willing means depending on how many years are left. Ah.

ديا موعد يعني ممكن لو انتم موعد

The meeting means it could be if you have a meeting.

عندكوا صبر تستنوا واحنا معانا صبر برضو يعني. بيستنى احنا كلنا

Do you have patience to wait, and we also have patience, that means. We are all waiting.

كده. اه بالزبط بالزبط. اه بالزبط. طيب اه محمد ممكن اسأل

Like this. Yes exactly exactly. Yes exactly. Okay, can I ask, Muhammad?

شو اريد كده عابر. اه تفضل اكيد طبعا. انت شايف ايه سبب

What do I want, passerby? Oh, please, of course. What do you think is the reason?

الكاست همو من وجهة نظرك. والله انا شايفه من وجهة نظر ان اتنين

The cast is them from your point of view. Honestly, I see it from the perspective of two.

عايزين يعودوا يربوا شوية سوا. فبدل ما بيعودوا يربوا مع بعض

They want to spend some time raising (children) together. Instead of that, they are not spending time raising them together.

قالك خلي الناس تستمع للرغي ده يعني. هو رغي وانت في مواصلات

He said let people listen to this chatter, I mean. It's chatter and you're in public transport.

كده تسمعه. لو انت مش عايز تقراه. يعني انت مش عايز تقراه

This is how you hear it. If you don’t want to read it. It means you don’t want to read it.

مثلا تسمعنا. اه هنبقى وراك وراك. امارة للنهش هتسمعنا هتشوفنا.

For example, you'll hear us. Yes, we'll be right behind you. A sign of biting, you'll hear us and see us.

يعني ان شاء الله بزي مش دلوقتي. دي خطوة متقدمة. يعني دي خطوة

It means, God willing, not right now. This is an advanced step. So this is a step.

لسه قوي يعني. مش دلوقتي. يعني ممكن مسلا سنتين ولا حاجة كده

It's still strong, I mean not now. It could be, for example, in maybe two years or something like that.

تبدأ تشوفنا بقى. مش سنتين برضو يعني. انا ما لدي موعد يعني بص

"You'll start seeing us now. It's not even two years. I don't have an appointment, you see."

يا جد. موعد ما تفشيش متفصلش مستني حاجة. اه يعني موعد بعيدة

Oh grandfather. Don't break the appointment, I'm waiting for something. Yes, I mean the appointment is far away.

بعيدة بايدة قوي. مستمعين الله. بس هو ممكن حد يسألك مسلا يعني

"It's very far away. God is listening. But maybe someone might ask you, for example."

نقرا لكم فيه ما ممكن يبقاش فاهم يعني عارفنا. اه اكيد اللي سمعنا

"We read to you what might not be understood, meaning we know. Yes, of course, what we heard."

عمره يعني اول مرة يسمعنا. يعرفش حوار نقرا لك ولا ايه. فانت

His age means it's the first time he's heard us. He doesn't know if we're reading a dialogue or what. So you...

هتحب تقول لهم ايه في حوار قراية ده. حوار القراية. ممكن ممكن

What would you like to say to them in this reading conversation? The reading dialogue. Possible, possible.

تكلم انت عنه مسلا او. او احنا ممكن نستنى الحلقة الاولى مسلا

You can talk about it, or we might wait for the first episode, for example.

ونعرفها. ايه رأيكم? نستنى الحلقة الاولى ونعرف فيها. لا

And we know it. What do you think? Shall we wait for the first episode and find out? No.

هي هتكون عن بدايتنا في الرابعة في بدايتنا في المجال

It will be about our beginning at four in our field.

الاسهل. يعني احنا ربا استغلال. وما شايفش ان احنا لو استنينا

It's easier. It means we are being exploited. And I don't see that if we wait...

الحلقة الاولى. اه الموضوع اه فينا جمهورنا طبعا هيكون متقبل

Episode one. Yes, the topic, yes, our audience will definitely be accepting.

ده. يعني لان طبعا اي حد مستمع دلوقتي او فضل مستمع لحد اه

This means, of course, anyone listening right now or continuing to listen to someone.

اللحظة اللي انا بتكلم فيها الوقت دي. حد آآ شيك جدا وحد آآ. حد

The moment I'm talking about right now. Someone very chic and someone.

هياخد هوس دي الهدية. او ايا كانت الفلويات الهدية. يوم

He will take this gift. Or whatever the gift is. Day.

المعرض. دي معلومة حصرية في البودكاست بتاعنا بسم الله. لو

The exhibition. This is exclusive information in our podcast, in the name of God. If

انت وصلت الهدية دي. لو انت وصلت الهدية دي فانت الا لو هوس

You received this gift. If you received this gift, then you are either a craze or...

مقاطعة اول ما يكون او لو اكتشفنا انه مقاطعة. يعني لو احنا ما

Boycotting is the first thing that happens or if we discover that it is a boycott. I mean, if we do not...

عندناش المعلومة دي وطلع مقاطعة. فلا احنا بعيد عنه جدا. او ما

We don't have that information, and it turned out to be a misconception. So we are very far from it. Or not.

يطلع كده فلا هنجيب لك آآ حاجة بيتي. عشان البيتي مضمون.

It comes out like this, so we will get you something from home. Because home is guaranteed.

الحلقات البيتي مضمونة جدا. بالمهم انت لو وصلت الهدية دي فانت

The home episodes are very guaranteed. The important thing is if you've received this gift, then you...

اعرف انك شخص مقترم جدا. ويعني اتمنى انك تضيف البودكاست عندك

I know you are a very close person. It means I hope you add the podcast to yours.

وتعرف الناس عليه. ما بيقولوا ايش البودكاست? يعني بص الحاجة

People got to know about it. They don't say what the podcast is? I mean, in short.

اللي هتلاقيها في البودكاست. اه. اه يعني انت الحاجة اللي تلاقيها

You will find it in the podcast. Yes. Yes, I mean the thing you will find.

في البودكاست بيص عليها. احنا معاك. وانا لو لقيت كومنتات يا

In the podcast, it's said about her. We're with you. And if I find comments, yes...

ريت والله تكتب لنا كومنت لطيف كده شبك جميل كده. تقول لنا في

"I wish you would write us a nice comment like that, something beautiful. Tell us about it."

اي حاجة. تقول لنا صباح الخير. انا اقول لك صباح النوم. ولو

Anything. You say good morning to us. I say good morning to you, and that's it.

بليلتوا المساء الخير يعني شان. ايه رأي? حد يجي يقول لك انت

Good evening, it means something. What do you think? Is there anyone who comes and tells you?

قلتولي صباح الخير مرتلي. شوف لازم نبقى ضدكين. اشايف ان كده احنا

You told me good morning, Martly. Look, we need to stay against each other. I see that this way we...

زودنا عليهم قوي محتاجين نختم بمنها حلقة تجربية وغالبا

We provided them with strong support; we need to conclude with a trial episode, and likely...

الحلقات هتبقى اقصر من الحلقة التجربية. فما تلاقوش يعني مش

The episodes will be shorter than the pilot episode. So don't worry about it, it's not a big deal.

تبقى بتطول ده الحلقات التانية. وطبعا يعني احب نختم. كان معاك

The second episodes will take longer. And of course, I would love to conclude. It was with you.

بودكاست رعب جوسي برعاية كتاب جان. هتلاقوه متوفر على اي ريت

Juicy Horror Podcast sponsored by Jan Book. You'll find it available on any rate.

وكتاب جان هتلاقوه متوفرة. والبودكاست ده طبعا برعاية جان.

You will find Jean's book available. And this podcast is, of course, sponsored by Jean.

وحنقول لكم مع السلامة. نشوفكم ان شاء الله قريب في بودكاست رعب

And we will say goodbye to you. We'll see you soon, God willing, in the horror podcast.

جوسي. شكرا.

Joucy. Thank you.

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