سورة طه
قرآن كريم
سورة طه
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
وما تحت الثرى
And what lies beneath the soil.
وإن تجهر بالقول فإنه يعلم السر وأخفى
"And if you speak aloud, then indeed He knows the secret and what is even more hidden."
الله لا إله إلا هو له الأسماء الحسنى
God, there is no deity except Him; to Him belong the best names.
وهل أتاك حديث موسى
"Has the story of Moses reached you?"
إذ رأى نارا فقال لأهلهم كثوا إني آنست نارا
When he saw a fire, he said to his family, "Stay here; indeed, I have perceived a fire."
إني آنست نارا لعلي آتيكم منها بطبس أو أجد على النار هدى
"Indeed, I have perceived a fire; perhaps I can bring you a torch or find guidance at the fire."
فلما أتاها نودي يا موسى
When he came to it, he was called, "O Moses."
إني أنا ربك فاخلعن عليك
"Indeed, I am your Lord; so remove your sandals."
إنك بالوادي
You are in the valley.
المقدس طوا
The sacred is a circle.
وأنا اخترتك فاستمع لما يوحى
"And I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed."
إنني أنا الله لا إله إلا أنا فاعبدني وأقم الصلاة لذكري
Indeed, I am Allah; there is no deity except Me. So worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.
إن الساعة آتية أكاد أخفيها لتجزى كل نفس بما تسعى
Indeed, the Hour is coming; I almost conceal it, so that every soul may be recompensed for what it has earned.
فلا يصدنك عنها أحداً
"Let no one deter you from it."
من لا يؤمن بها
Who does not believe in it.
واتبع هواه فتردى
And he followed his desires, so he fell.
وما تلك بيمينك يا موسى
And what is that in your right hand, O Moses?
قال هي عصايا أتوكأ عليها وأهش بها على غنمي
He said, "This is my staff; I use it to lean on and to gather my sheep."
ولي فيها مآرب أخرى
I have other purposes in it.
قال ألقها يا موسى
He said, "Throw it down, O Moses."
فألقاها فإذا هي عصايا
So he threw it, and behold, it was his staff.
حية تسعى
A snake is crawling.
قال خذها ولا تخف سنعيدها سيرتها الأولى
He said, "Take it and don't be afraid, we will restore it to its original state."
واضم يدك إلى جناحك تخرج بيضاء من غير سوء آية أخرى
"And put your hand into your bosom; it will come out white without any disease. This is another sign."
لنريك من آياتنا الكبرى
To show you some of our greatest signs.
اذهب إلى فرعون إنه طغى
Go to Pharaoh, for he has indeed transgressed.
He said.
رب اشرح لي صدري ويسر لي أمري
My Lord, expand for me my breast and make my task easy for me.
واحل العقدة من لساني يفقه قولي
"Untie the knot from my tongue so they may understand my speech."
وجعل لي وزيراً من أهلي
"And make for me a minister from my family."
هارون أخي
Harun is my brother.
أشدد به أذري
I emphasize it with my hands.
وأشركه في أمري
"And associate him with my affair."
كي نسبحك كثيراً ونذكرك كثيراً
So that we may glorify You abundantly and remember You abundantly.
إنك كنت بنا بصيراً
Indeed, You were All-Seer of us.
قال قد أوتيت سؤلك يا موسى
He said, "You have been given your request, O Moses."
ولقد مننا عليك مرة أخرى
And indeed, We have conferred a favor upon you once again.
إذ أوحينا إلى أمك ما يوحى
"When We revealed to your mother what was revealed."
أن اقذ فيه في التابوت فاقذ فيه في اليم
"Then cast it into the box, so cast it into the sea."
فليلقه اليم بالساحل
"Let the sea throw it to the shore."
يأخذه عدو لي وعدو له
It is taken by an enemy to me and an enemy to him.
وألقيت عليك محبة مني ولتصنع على عيني
"And I have cast upon you a love from Me, and so that you may be raised under My watch."
إذ تمشي أختك فتقول هل أدلكم على من يكفله
"When your sister walks, she says, 'Shall I guide you to someone who will take care of him?'"
فرجعناك إلى أمك كي تقر عينها ولا تحزن
"And We returned you to your mother so that her eye might be comforted and she would not grieve."
وقتلت نفساً وقتلت نفساً وقتلت نفساً
And you killed a soul, and you killed a soul, and you killed a soul.
فنجيناك من الغم وفتناك فتونا
"We rescued you from grief and tested you with trials."
فلبثت سنين في أهل مدينة ثم جئت على قدري يا موسى
"I stayed for years among the people of the city, then I came according to my destiny, O Moses."
واصطنعتك لنفسي
"I have created you for myself."
اذهب أنت وأخوك بآياتي ولا تنيا في ذكري
"Go, you and your brother, with My signs, and do not falter in My remembrance."
وقلت له يا ربنا إننا نخاف أن يفرط علينا أو أن يطغى
And I said, "O our Lord, we fear that he may transgress against us or be oppressive."
فقولا له قولا لينا لعله يتذكر أو يخشى
So speak to him a gentle word, perhaps he may remember or fear (God).
قالا ربنا إننا نخاف أن يفرط علينا أو أن يطغى
They said, "Our Lord, indeed we fear that he may be hasty with us or that he may transgress."
قال لا تخافا إنني معكما أسمع وأرى
He said, "Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I hear and see."
فقولا إنا رسولا ربك فأرسل معنا بني إسرائيل ولا تعذبهم
Say, "We are the messengers of your Lord, so send with us the Children of Israel and do not torment them."
قد جئناك بآية من ربك
We have come to you with a sign from your Lord.
والسلام على من اتبع الهدى
And peace be upon those who follow the guidance.
إنا قد أوحي إلينا
Indeed, we have been inspired.
أن العذاب على من كذب وتولى
Indeed, the punishment is for those who lied and turned away.
قال فمن ربكما يا موسى
He said, "So who is your Lord, O Moses?"
قال ربنا الذي أعطى كل شيء خلقه ثم هدا
Our Lord, who gave everything its form and then guided it.
قال فما بال القرون الأولى
He said, "What about the earlier generations?"
قال علمها عند ربي في كتاب
He said, "Its knowledge is with my Lord in a book."
ولا يضل ربي ولا ينسى
My Lord does not go astray, nor does He forget.
الذي جعل لكم الأرض مهدا وسلك لكم فيها سبلا
"Who made for you the earth a cradle and has made for you therein paths."
وأنزل من السماء ماءا
And He sent down water from the sky.
فأخرجنا به أزواجا من نبات شتا
So we brought forth from it pairs of plants.
كلوا وارعوا أنعامكم
Eat and take care of your livestock.
إن في ذلك لآيات لأولنها
"Indeed, in that are signs for those who reflect."
منها خلقناكم وفيها نعيدكم ومنها نخرجكم تارة أخرى
"From it We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We will bring you out once again."
ولقد أريناه آياتنا كلها فكذب وأبى
And indeed, We showed him all Our signs, but he denied and refused.
قالا جئتنا لتخرجنا من أرضنا بسحرك يا موسى
They said, "You have come to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Moses."
فلنأتينك بسحر مثله فاجعل بيننا وبينك موعدا لا نخلفه نحن ولا أنت مكانا سوا
"Let us come to you with magic like it, so make between us and you an appointment that neither we nor you will fail to meet, at a place other than this."
قال موعدكم يوم الزينة وأن يحشر الناس ضحا
He said, "Your appointment is on the day of adornment, and the people will be gathered at noon."
فتولى فرعون فجمع فرعون
So Pharaoh took charge and gathered Pharaoh.
وكيده ثم أتى
"And then he came."
قال لهم موسى ويلكم لا تفتروا على الله كذبا
Moses said to them, "Woe to you! Do not fabricate lies against Allah."
فيسحتكم بعذاب وقد خاب من افترا
"And He will punish you with torment, and he has failed who has fabricated."
فتنازعوا أمرهم بينهم وأسروا النجوى
"Then they disputed among themselves and whispered secretly."
قالوا إن هذا نجوى
They said that this is a whisper.
قالوا يا موسى إما أن تلقي وإما أن نكون أولئك
They said, "O Moses, either you throw (your staff) or we will be the first to throw."
قال بل ألقوا
He said, "Rather, throw it."
فإذا حبالهم وعصيهم يخيل إليه من سحرهم أنها تسعى
"And their ropes and sticks seemed to him from their magic that they were moving."
فأوجس في نفسه خيفة موسى
Then he felt a fear for himself from Moses.
قلنا لا تخف إنك أنت الأعلى
We said, "Do not be afraid; indeed, you are the most high."
وألق ما في يمينك تلقف ما صنعوا إنك أنت الأعلى
"And throw what is in your right hand; it will swallow up what they have made. Indeed, it is you who are the most high."
إنما صنعوا كيد ساحر ولا يفلح الساحر حيث أتى
They have only crafted a magician's trick, and the magician will not succeed wherever he goes.
فألقي السحرة سجدا
And the magicians fell down in prostration.
قالوا آمنا برب هارون وموسى
They said, "We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses."
قال آمنتم له قبل أن آذن لكم
He said, "Did you believe in him before I gave you permission?"
إنه لكبيركم الذي علمكم السحر
"It is your elder who taught you magic."
فلأقطعن أيديكم وأرجلكم من خلاف
"Indeed, I will cut off your hands and your feet from opposite sides."
ولأصلبنكم في جذوع النخل
"And I will surely crucify you on the trunks of palm trees."
ولتعلمن أينا أشد عذابا وأبقى
"And you will surely know which of us is more severe in punishment and longer lasting."
قالوا لن نحن نحن نحن
They said, "We are us, we are us."
قالوا لن نؤثرك على ما جاءنا من البينات
They said, "We will not prefer you over what has come to us of clear signs."
والذي فطرنا فاقض ما انتقاب
"And He who created us, so decree what You will."
إنما تقضي هذه الحياة الدنيا
This worldly life is but a passing phase.
إنا آمنا بربنا
Indeed, we have believed in our Lord.
ليغفر لنا خطايانا
To forgive us our sins.
وما أكرهتنا عليه من السحر
"And what you have compelled us to do of magic."
والله خير وأبقى
And Allah is the best and ever-sustaining.
إنه من يأتي ربه مجرما
"Indeed, it is he who comes to his Lord as a criminal."
فإن له جهنم لا يموت فيها ولا يحيا
For him is Hell, wherein he will neither die nor live.
ومن يأتي ربه مجرما
"And whoever comes to his Lord as a criminal..."
ومن يأته مؤمنا قد عمل الصالحات
"And whoever comes to Him as a believer who has done righteous deeds."
فأولئك لهم الدرجات العلا
Those are the ones who will have the highest ranks.
جنات عدن تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها
Gardens of Eden, beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever.
وذلك جزاء من تجري من تحتها الأنهار
And that is the reward for those beneath whom rivers flow.
ولقد أوحينا إلى موسى أن أسرب عبادي
And We inspired Moses to lead Our servants out.
فاضرب لهم طريقا في البحر يبسا
"Then strike for them a dry path in the sea."
لا تخاف دركا ولا تخشى
Do not be afraid, Daraka, and do not worry.
فأتبعهم فرعون بجنوده
So Pharaoh pursued them with his armies.
فغشيهم من اليم ما غشيهم
So the sea overwhelmed them as it overwhelmed.
وأضل فرعون قومه وما هدا
And Pharaoh misguided his people and did not guide them.
يا بني إسرائيل
O Children of Israel
قد أنجيناكم من عدوكم
We have delivered you from your enemy.
وواعدناكم جانب الطور الأيمن
"And We promised you at the right side of the Mount."
ونزلنا عليكم المن والسلوى
"And We sent down to you the manna and quails."
كلوا من طيبات ما ردقناكم
"Eat from the good things We have provided for you."
ولا تطغوا فيه فيحل عليكم غضبي
"And do not transgress therein, lest My wrath descend upon you."
ومن يحلل عليكم غضبي
"And who will justify my anger against you?"
فقد هوا
He has lost his passion.
وإني لغفار لمن تاب وآمن وعمل صالحا ثم اهتدا
"And I am indeed Forgiving to whoever repents, believes, and does righteous deeds, and then continues to be guided."
وما أعجلك عن قومك يا موسى
"What made you hurry away from your people, O Moses?"
قال هم أولئ على أثري
He said, "They are right behind me."
وعجلت إليك رب لترضى
And I hastened to You, my Lord, that You might be pleased.
قال فإنك أحبك
He said, "For I love you."
إنا قد فتنا قومك من بعدك
Indeed, we have tested your people after you.
وأضلهم السامري
And the Samaritan led them astray.
فرجع موسى إلى قومه غضبان أسفا
Moses returned to his people, angry and grieved.
قال يا قوم ألم يعدكم ربكم وعدا حسنا
He said, "O my people, did your Lord not make you a good promise?"
أفطال عليكم العهد أم أردتم أن يحل عليكم غضب من ربكم
"Has the term become long for you, or do you desire that the wrath of your Lord should descend upon you?"
فأخلفتم موعدي
You have broken my appointment.
قالوا ما أخلفنا موعدك بملكنا
They said, "We did not break our appointment with you, by our kingship."
ولكننا حملنا أوزارا من زينة القوم
"But we carried the burdens of the adornments of the people."
فقذفناها فكذلك ألقى السامري
"So we threw it, and thus did the Samiri throw."
فأخرج لهم عجلا جسدا له خوار
So he brought out to them a calf, having a lowing sound.
They said.
هذا إلهكم وإله موسى فنسي
This is your god and the god of Moses, so he forgot.
أفلا يرون أن لا يرجع إليهم قولا
"Do they not see that no word will return to them?"
ولا يملك لهم ضرا ولا نفعا
And does not possess for them harm or benefit.
ولقد قال لهم هارون من قبل
And indeed, Aaron had said to them before.
يا قوم إنما فتنتم به
"O people, you have been deceived by him."
وإن ربكم الرحمن فاتبعوني وأطيعوا
And verily your Lord is the Most Merciful, so follow me and obey.
My matter
قالوا لن نبرح عليه عاكفين حتى يرجع إلينا موسى
They said, "We will not leave it, we will continue to be devoted to it until Moses returns to us."
قال يا هارون ما منعك إذ رأيتهم ضلوا
He said, "O Aaron, what prevented you when you saw them going astray?"
ألا تتبعني أفعصيت أمري
"Will you not follow me? Did you disobey my order?"
قال يا ابن أم لا تأخذ بلحيتي ولا برأسي
He said, "O son of my mother, do not take hold of my beard or my head."
إني خشيت أن تقول فرقت بين بني إسراء
"I feared that you would say I divided the children of Israel."
ولم ترق بقولي
"And my words did not elevate."
قال فما خطبك يا سامري
He said, "What is the matter with you, O Samaritan?"
قال بصرت بما لم يبصروا به
He said, "I have seen what they have not seen."
فقبضت قبضة من أثر الرسول فنبذتها
So I took a handful from the trace of the Messenger and threw it away.
فنبذتها وكذلك سولت لي نفسي
"So I rejected it, and my soul made it appealing to me."
قال فاذهب فإن لك في الحياة أن تقول لا مساس
He said, "Go, for you have in life the right to say 'no interference'."
وإن لك موعدا لن تخلفه وانظر إلى إلهك الذي ظلت عليه عاكفا لنحرقنه ثم لننسفنه في اليمن أسفا
"And indeed, you have an appointment that you will not fail to keep. And look at your god to which you have remained devoted; we will surely burn it, then we will scatter it in the sea."
إنما إلهكم الله الذي لا إله إلا هو وسع كل شيء علما
Your only god is Allah, there is no deity except Him. He encompasses all things in knowledge.
كذلك نقص عليك من أنباء ما قد سبق وقد آتيناك من لدنا ذكرا
We also relate to you some of the news of what has preceded, and We have certainly given you from Us a reminder.
من أعرض عنه فإنه يحمل يوم القيامة وزرا
Whoever turns away from it will carry a burden on the Day of Resurrection.
خالدين فيه وساء لهم يوم القيامة حملا
They will remain therein forever, and evil will be their burden on the Day of Resurrection.
يوم ينفخ في الصور ونحشر المجرمين يومئذ زرقا
The Day the Trumpet is blown, and we will gather the criminals that Day, blue-eyed.
يتخافتون بينهم إن لبثتم إلا عشرا
They whisper among themselves, "You have only stayed for ten."
نحن أعلم بما يقولون
We know better what they say.
إذ يقول أمثلهم قريبا
"When he says, 'the best of them is close.'"
إن لبثتم إلا يوما
You have remained only one day.
ويسألونك عن الجبال
And they ask you about the mountains.
فقل ينسفها ربي نسفا فيذرها قاعا صفصفا
"So say, 'My Lord will demolish it to dust and leave it as an empty wasteland.'"
لا ترى فيها عوجا ولا أمتا
You will not see in it any crookedness or any unevenness.
يومئذ يتبعون الداعي لا عوج له
On that Day, they will follow the caller, with no crookedness in him.
وخشعت الأصوات للرحمن فقالوا
"And the voices were humbled for the Most Merciful, and they said..."
فلا تسمع إلا همسا
So you hear nothing but whispers.
يومئذ لا تنفع الشفاعة إلا من أذن له الرحمن ورضي له قولا
On that Day, intercession will not benefit except for one to whom the Most Merciful has given permission and has whose word He is pleased with.
يعلم ما بين أيديهم وما خلفهم ولا يحيطون به علما
He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they do not encompass it in knowledge.
وعنت الوجوه للحي القيامة
"And faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer."
وقد خاب من حمل ظلما
And he who carries wrong has indeed failed.
ومن يعمل من الصالحات وهو مؤمن فلا يخاف ظلما ولا هضما
And whoever does righteous deeds while being a believer will neither fear injustice nor deprivation.
فلا يخاف ظلما ولا هضما
He does not fear injustice or oppression.
وكذلك أنزلوا
And they were also brought down.
ونزلناه قرآنا عربيا
"And We sent it down as an Arabic Quran."
وصرفنا فيه من الوعيد لعلهم يتقون
And We dealt with them in a manner of warning so perhaps they might be righteous.
لعلهم يتقون أو يحدث لهم ذكرا
Perhaps they will fear (Allah) or there will occur to them a reminder.
فتعالى الله الملك الحق
So exalted is Allah, the True King.
ولا تعجل بالقرآن من قبل أن يقضى إليك وحيه
"And do not hasten with the Qur'an before its revelation is completed to you."
وقل رب زدني علما
And say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge."
ولقد عشنا وقلنا
And we have lived and said.
وهدنا إلى آدم من قبل فنسي ولم نجد له عزما
"And We had guided Adam before, but he forgot, and We found not in him any determination."
وإذ قلنا للملائكة اسجدوا لآدم فسجدوا إلا إبنيس أبا
"And when We said to the angels, 'Prostrate to Adam,' they prostrated except for Iblis; he refused."
فقلنا يا آدم إن هذا عدو لك ولزوجك فلا يخرجنكما من الجنة
So We said, "O Adam, indeed this is an enemy to you and to your wife, so let him not drive you both out of Paradise."
You will struggle.
إن لك ألا تجوع فيها ولا تعرى
"Indeed, you will neither go hungry in it nor be unclothed."
وأنك لا تضمأ فيها ولا تضحى
"And you will not be thirsty in it nor will you suffer from the heat."
فوسوس إليه الشيطان
Then Satan whispered to him.
قال يا آدم هل أدلك على شجرة الخلد وملك لا يبلى
He said, "O Adam, shall I guide you to the tree of eternity and a kingdom that will not perish?"
فأكلا منها فبلاها
So they both ate from it and their nakedness became apparent to them.
وقدت لهما سوآتهما وطفقا يخصفان عليهما من ورق الجنة
And they both became aware of their nakedness, and began to sew together for themselves from the leaves of Paradise.
وعصى آدم ربه فغوا
And Adam disobeyed his Lord, and so he went astray.
ثم اجتباه ربه فتاب عليه وهداه
Then his Lord chose him, and He turned to him and guided him.
قال اهبطا منها جميعا بعضكم لبعض عدو
He said, "Descend from it, all of you, as enemies to one another."
فإما يأتينكم مني
"So either it comes to you from me."
هدا فمن اتبع هدايا فلا يضل ولا يشقى
So whoever follows my guidance will neither go astray nor suffer.
ومن أعرض عن ذكري فإن له معيشة ضنكا
"And whoever turns away from My remembrance, indeed, he will have a tight life."
فإن له معيشة ضنكا
"Indeed, he will have a difficult life."
ونحشره يوم القيامة أعمى
"And We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind."
قال رب لم حشرتني أعمى
He said, "My Lord, why have You gathered me blind?"
وقد كنت بطل
You were a hero.
قال كذلك أتتك آياتنا فنسيتها
He said, "Our verses came to you, but you forgot them."
وكذلك اليوم تنسى
And today you forget as well.
وكذلك نجزي من أسرف ولم يؤمن بآيات ربه
And thus We reward those who transgress and do not believe in the signs of their Lord.
ولعذاب الآخرة أشد وابقى
"And the punishment of the Hereafter is harsher and more everlasting."
أفلم يهدي لهم كم أهلكنا قبلهم من القرون
"Did it not guide them how many generations We destroyed before them?"
يمشون في مساكنهم
They walk in their dwellings.
إن في ذلك لآيات لأولنها
Indeed, in that are signs for those who reflect.
ولولا كلمة سبقت من ربك لكان لزاما وأجل مسمى
And if it had not been for a word that had preceded from your Lord, it would have been inevitable and a specified term.
فاصبر على ما يقولون
So be patient with what they say.
وسبح بحمد ربك
And glorify the praises of your Lord.
وسبح بحمد ربك قبل طلوع الشمس وقبل غروبها
And glorify the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting.
ومن آناء الليل فسبح وأطراف النهار لعلك ترضى
"And in the hours of the night, glorify Him, and at the ends of the day, perhaps you will be pleased."
ولا تمدن عينيك إلى ما متعنا به أزواجا منهم
And do not extend your eyes towards what We have bestowed on some of them.
زهرة الحياة الدنيا لنفتنهم فيه
The flower of the life of this world, so that We may tempt them therein.
ورزق ربك خيرا لهم ورزق ربك خيرا لهم
And your Lord's provision is better for them.
And He remains.
وأمر أهلك بالصلاة والصبر عليها
"And command your family to pray and be patient in its observance."
لا نسألك رزقا نحن نرزقك
"We do not ask you for sustenance; we provide for you."
والعاقبة للتقوى
"And the outcome is for the righteous."
وقالوا لولا يأتينا بآية من ربه
And they said, "Why does he not bring us a sign from his Lord?"
أولم تأتهم بينة ما في الصحف الأولى
"Did they not receive the proof of what is in the earlier scriptures?"
ولو أنا أهلكناهم من ربه
"And if We had destroyed them from their Lord."
وقالوا لولا يأتينا بأعذاب من قبله
And they said, "Why does he not bring us a sign from his Lord?"
لقالوا ربنا لولا أرسلت إلينا رسولا
They would say, "Our Lord, why did You not send us a messenger?"
فنتبع آياتك من قبل أن نذل ونخزى
"So we may follow Your signs before we are humiliated and disgraced."
قل كل متربص فتربصوا
Say, "All who plot, let them plot."
فستعلمون من أصحاب الصراط
"You will know who the companions of the straight path are."
السوي ومن اهتدى
The righteous and those who are guided.
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