أ.ب قانون : اعرف اللي ليك واللي عليك ج1


جايلك في حوار

أ.ب قانون : اعرف اللي ليك واللي عليك ج1

جايلك في حوار

طفل يرتكب فيه اي فعل في ساعتها بيتقدم للمحاكمة

A child who commits any act at that moment is brought to trial.

ما ينفعش طفل من 12 الى 15 يتحبس اصلا

A child between the ages of 12 and 15 shouldn't be imprisoned at all.

مفعش تحط في اسم

You can't put it in a name.

انا منستني من 18 سنة الى 21 سنة

I've been waiting from 18 to 21 years old.

وحصلت مشكلة ومحتاج محاكمة ساعت

I encountered a problem and need a trial for an hour.

انا دلوقتي كلنا في انتظار اصدار قانون الرعاية البديلة

I am currently waiting for the issuance of the alternative care law.

طيب هل في حاجة ليه علاقة بالبنات في الخدمة الوطنية او الخدمة الاجتماعية

Is there anything related to girls in national service or social service?

لازم تروح تقدم في التجميد

You need to go apply for the freeze.

اقولك حاجة

I'll tell you something.

حتى لو عنده عقب

Even if he has a consequence.

ايه داره يساعدوا الاطفال جوه الدور الايتام في الجزء المتعلق بيه اي انتهاكات

What will they do to help the children in the orphanage in terms of any violations?

اتخيل 10 فئات فقدوا اهلهم بشكل ما نمرى واحد فيهم كريم الناس

Imagine 10 categories of people who have lost their families in some way; every one of them is a generous person.

اتضامن غارم

Solidarity with the debtor.

لو صدر حكم ضدك فيه خيانة امانة بيتمس الشرف

If a verdict is issued against you for breach of trust that tarnishes your honor.

مش هتعرف تتوظف

You won't be able to get a job.

فيه سجن كمان

There is a prison too.

فيه سجن وفيه كمان فوائد مركبة في الفيز

There is a prison and there are also compounded benefits in the visas.

خلي بالي ان انا علي واجبات تجاه الناس دي

I will keep in mind that I have responsibilities towards these people.

ما بقاش بأزيم

It doesn't bother me anymore.

وقولي انا بخذر

And tell me I am numb.

لا انت مش بتخذر انت بتأذي

No, you are not joking; you are hurting.

دلوقتي الاعراف بتخاف ان هي تسكن سيدة او فتاة لوحدها

Now the neighbors are afraid to let a woman or girl live alone.

وده عشان الطفل يبقى مطارع عليها

This is for the child to be dependent on it.

المقدمين الرعاية مطارعين عليها

The caregivers are attentive to it.

كل واحد عارف حقوقه

Everyone knows their rights.

كل واحد عارف وجباته

Everyone knows their meals.

من 18 ل 21 فيه تفاصيل انت قانونا ما تقدرش تعملها

From 18 to 21, there are details that you are legally not allowed to do.

حلقة جديدة من بودكاست جاي لك في حوار

A new episode of the podcast "Coming to You in Conversation."

انا رضا علي اخصية تسوي وتواصف جمعية سند

I am Reda Ali, a marketing and communications specialist at Sind Association.

وهي مقدم البرنامج

She is the host of the program.

انا احد الشباب خارج دور الرعاية

I am one of the young people outside the care system.

النهاردة معنا الخبير استاذ عبد الرازي مصطفى

Today we have the expert Mr. Abdul Razi Mustafa.

محامي الحقوقي في ملف المرأة وطفل

Human rights lawyer in the case of women and children.

وكمانه عضو لجنة اعداد قانون الرعاية البديلة في مصر

He is also a member of the committee for preparing the alternative care law in Egypt.

اهلا وسهلا ب حضرتك

Welcome to you.

اهلا بك


و اهلا سادة المشاهدين المستمعين

Welcome, gentlemen viewers and listeners.

اهلا وسهلا ب حضرتك


كنت حبيني اتعرف علي حاجاتك على المستوى الشخصي

I would love to get to know your personal things.

وهي علي المستوى المهني

And she is at the professional level.

من استاذ عبد الرازق مصطفى

From Professor Abdel Razek Mustafa

انا عبد الرازق مصطفى

I am Abdul Razzaq Mustafa.

شغال محامي يعني ما يقرب تقريبا من 18 سنة

I've been a lawyer for about 18 years.

شغال بقى في الجزء

It's starting to work in the part.

الخاص بالطفل

For the child

والمرأة تقريبا

And the woman almost.



يتخطى العشر

It exceeds ten.

سنين في الجزء ده

Years in this part.

بالذات لأن

Especially because

يعني تقريبا أغلب

It means almost everyone.

المحيطين بي

The people around me.

الأول أنا كنت شغال في الوسط

The first I was working in the middle.

الثقافي يعني

Cultural means.

في بعض التنسقات الثقافية كده

In some cultural contexts, it is like that.

في جويتا وفي

In Juaita and in

المركز الفرنسي

The French Center

وتقريبا كل المحيطين بيك

And almost everyone around you.

بيشوفوا حاجة منوارة فيك فبيقولوا لك

"They see something glowing in you, so they tell you."

لا إحنا عايزينك تبقى

No, we want you to be.

في الحتة دي إحنا محتاجينك

In this matter, we need you.

تساعدنا في الجزء ده

Can you help us with this part?

فطول الوقت أنت شايف معاك جوهرة

All the time, you feel like you have a jewel with you.

بس مش عارف هتحطها فين

But I don't know where you're going to put it.

أو هتستخدمها إزاي وممكن تكون

Or how will you use it and it could be.

معاك شخصيا وإنت مش

With you personally and you are not.

مش مدرك أنها معاك بالمناسبة

"Not realizing that she is with you, by the way."

وبما أني أصلا يعني

Since I originally mean...


I love.


The story

وأنا بعتبر نفسي

I consider myself.

يعني حكاء شوية

It means a little storyteller.

فقلت لهم تمام خلاص

I told them, "Okay, fine."

وخدت المغامرة

And the adventure took place.

وأنا أعد قدامك

And I am preparing before you.

وبحب معنتي جدا

And I love my meaning very much.

وما أقدرش أسيبي الكتابة ولا

"I can't leave writing at all."

الجزء الخاص بالإبداع اللي هو السينما

The part dedicated to creativity, which is cinema.

حلو أبي

Sweet my father.

طيب خليني أعرف أكتر

Okay, let me know more.

على المستوى المهني

On a professional level.

التفاصيل شوية حضرتك

The details are a bit, sir.

عضوا كذا لجنة وكذا

A member of such and such a committee.


I say.

يعني مجموعات عمل

It means working groups.

في حالة بتحضر برضو

Are you also attending?

وتمرات كتير

And many dates.

دي عباقة بالمرأة والطفل على مستوى بقول

This is a robe for the woman and the child in terms of saying.

القوانين والتشريعات

Laws and regulations

وحتى كمان على مستوى السياسات الداخلية

And even at the level of internal policies.

بتاعت الدولة وكمان سياسات

State-owned and also policies.

بتاعت مثلا بقول

For example, I say.

اللي تتعامل فيها مع النيابات

The ones you deal with in the prosecutions.

والحاجات دي

And these needs.

عايز أسمع حلقة أكتر بخصوص الموضوع دوت

I want to hear more episodes regarding this topic.

اديني كده تفاصيل

Give me the details like that.

المهنية عم حلقتك

The professionalism of your episode.

هقولك إزاي أصلا أنا بدأت رحلتي مع

I will tell you how I actually started my journey with.

حوض طفل والمرأة

A child's pool and the woman.

التفصيلة دي

This detail.

النقلة دي كمان كانت مهمة

This transition was also important.

في تكوين أصلا تفكيري

In the formation of a thought process.

وطريقة شخصيتي

And the way of my personality.

أنا كنت رايح أعمل إجراء عادي جدا

I was going to do a very routine procedure.

في أي اسم شرطة

In any police name.

فلقيت طفل موجود مع مامته

I met a child with his mother.

ولقيته قاعد

And I found him sitting.

بيعيط ومفيش حد

He's crying and there's no one around.

يعني عارف يتكلم معاه

It means he knows how to talk to him.

وهو للأسف كان جنسية مختلفة

Unfortunately, he had a different nationality.

مش مصري يعني

Not Egyptian, then.

مش مصري بس هو أحد

Not Egyptian, but he is one of them.

البلاد الأفريقية

The African countries.

فحاولت أتكلم معاه

So I tried to talk to him.


It means.

لقطت كده لكنا مع والدته

I picked it up like this, but we were with his mother.

فقالتلي ده حد يعني

She told me, "So that's someone, right?"

تقريبا تعدي عليه بشكل ما

It almost attacked him in some way.


So I asked.

طب مين المختص هنا

So who is the specialist here?

طب إيه أساعده إزاي

So how can I help him?

للأسف لقيت الطريق مزدود قدامي

Unfortunately, I found the road blocked in front of me.

وبالفعل ما عرفتش أساعده ساعتها

And indeed, I didn't know how to help him at that time.

وما كانش عندي الخبرة الكافية

And I didn't have enough experience.

إن أنا أقدم له المساعدة

If I offer him help.

بشكل كافي يعني

Sufficiently means.

مشيت يعني خلصت الإجراء

I walked, which means I finished the procedure.

اللي أنا كنت رايح أعمله ومشيت تاني يوم

What I was going to do, and I left the next day.

كنت رايح نفس المكان عشان

I was going to the same place for...

فيه رقم

There is a number.

الحاجات اللي أنا أخدتها غلط

The things that I took wrong.

فرحت أخد نفس الرقم ده

I was happy to get this same number.

عشان أكمل بقية إجراءتي

To complete the rest of my procedures.

لقيت الطفل لسه عاد زي ما هو

I found the child just as he was.


At that time.

في اللحظة دي بالذات وكانت لحظة مهمة جدا

At that exact moment, which was very important.

فضلت أتكلم

I preferred to speak.

كل زمايلي

All my colleagues.

وكل صحابي

And every companion.

اللي ليهم علاقة وطيدة

Those who have a close relationship.

بالملف الحقوقي اللي ماسك مصر

In the human rights file that Egypt is holding.

حتى دور

Even roles

طب فين طب إزاي

Where is the doctor? How is it?

لغاية ما في النهاية

Until the end.

وصلت لحد

I reached a limit.

ما يعني قدر يساعد الطفل

What does it mean to help the child?

وتلقائيا بعدها

And automatically afterwards.

في فترة صغيرة لقيت نفسي

In a short period, I found myself.

يعني زي ما تقولي رجلي

It means like you tell me my leg.

غرزت في الموضوع

I delved into the subject.

غزب عني

He was angry with me.

ومشيت بقى بدأت الطريق

And I started down the road.

من التفصيلة دي

From this detail.

خدني بقى الطريق

Take me on the road now.

لبعض الأطفال

For some children

فئات متعددة كتير جدا

Very many different categories.

ومراحل مهولة بالمناسبة

And enormous stages, by the way.

يعني الطفل عندنا

It means the child with us.

متقسم أربع مراحل

Divided into four stages.

فيها بعض الإشكاليات كمان

There are some issues in it as well.

يعني ملهاش

It means it's worthless.

في بعض الفجوات في القانون

There are some gaps in the law.

يعني اللي تخص المرحلة دي بالذات

Meaning those that specifically pertain to this stage.

فالطفل عندنا

The child with us

متقسم أربع مراحل

Divided into four stages.

من زيرو لسبعة

From zero to seven.

ومن سبعة لاثناشر

From seven to twelve.

ومن اثناشر لخمستاشر ومن خمستاشر لاثمانتاشر

From twelve to fifteen and from fifteen to eighteen.

ودي اسمها

Her name is Wadi.

لها مسماتها في القانون

It has its own designation in law.

من زيرو لسبعة

From zero to seven.

انتفاق مسؤولية جنائية

Waiver of criminal responsibility

ده بالنسبة للطفل

This is for the child.

بشكل عام كل الأطفال

In general, all children.

الموجودين بكل الفئات

The ones present in all categories.



سبعة لاثناشر

Seven to twelve

اه فيه انتفاق مسؤولية جنائية

Yes, there is a criminal liability agreement.

او فيه الجزء الخاص

Or is it the specific part?

اللي هو لو فيه اي

Which is, if there is any.

يعني بادرة بادرت منه

It means an initiative he took.

او اي حاجة اي فعل يعني

Or anything, any action means.


is considered

جريمة بشكل ما

A crime in some way.

وهيتم عرضه على المحكمة

It will be presented to the court.

والمحكمة وشأنها

And the court and its matter.

بس في النهاية

But in the end.

حاطين قدام المحكمة

Placed in front of the court.

اختيار بسيط جدا

Very simple choice.

ان هو يا اما

It is either him or...

لو مالوش اه يعني لو مالوش

If it doesn't have a meaning, then if it doesn't have one.



يكون في مكان كعائل مؤتمن

He is in a place as a trusted family member.

او في احد دور رعاية

Or in one of the care homes.

او لو هو مش خاطر على المجتمع

Or if it is not a threat to society.

بيرجعوه لأهله

They return him to his family.

لان هي دي البيئة الامنة ليه

Because this is the safe environment for him.

هل دي هي الاحداث ولا

Is this the events or not?

ده ما لسه مولش علاقة بالاحداث

This has nothing to do with the events yet.

لا مانيوش علاقة بالاحداث

It has nothing to do with the events.

كل ما انا بتكلم عليه ده مولش علاقة بالاحداث

Everything I'm talking about has nothing to do with the events.

تبدأ بقى الاحداث من 12 ل 15

The events start from 12 to 15.

من 12 ل 15

From 12 to 15.

دور رعاية

Care homes

وبتوجد يعني

And it exists, I mean.

ماينفعش طفل من 12 ل 15

A child from 12 to 15 years old is not suitable.

تحبس اصلا

It actually holds.

مفعش تحط في اسم بالمناسبة

"Can't you put a name, by the way?"

ده تبقى للقانون

This is according to the law.

انا مش بقولك وجهة نظر شخصية

I'm not giving you a personal opinion.

الجزئة دي تبقى للقانون

This part will be according to the law.

المصري اللي اصلا

The Egyptian who is originally from...

القانون العطني اللي اصلا هو

The law that is originally it.

نصوصه تبقى لاتفاقية حقوق

His texts remain for the rights agreement.

الطفل الدولية اللي مصر

The international child in Egypt.

مضت عليها سنة

A year has passed.

90 من 15 ل 18

90 from 15 to 18

الجزء ده مهم جدا

This part is very important.

لان لو الطفل يرتكب فيه

Because if the child commits it.

اي فعل

What action?

في ساعتها

At its time.

بيتقدم للمحاكمة بس عندنا

He is being brought to trial, but we have it.

تقريبا قانون

Almost a law.

الطفل سباق وروات

The child is racing and narrating.

في حاجات مهمة كتيرة جدا

There are many very important things.

لان فيه غير بدايل

Because there are no alternatives.

للحبس متعددة كتير

There are many types of imprisonment.

في عندنا ما يقرب من

We have nearly

12 حل بديل

12 alternative solutions

عن الحبس

About imprisonment.

في ان انت تحط

In that you put


The child

ان هو يروح احد المستشفيات

He is going to one of the hospitals.

يخدم الناس

He serves the people.

متعددة تحت ارقابة وزارة التضامن

Multiple under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity.

وفيه خبير بيتابعه

There is an expert following it.

فيه تفصيلة مهمة جدا

There is a very important detail.

ممكن تحطه في مكتبة

Can you put it in the library?

ممكن تحطه

Can you put it?

فيه يعمل اعمال

He does works there.



فيه كم مهولة الصراحة

There are a lot of monsters, honestly.

من التفاصيل البديلة

From the alternative details.

ان هو ما يكونش رهن

If it is not a mortgage.

الحبس ده في حالة لو كانت جرائم

This imprisonment is in case of crimes.



من سن 12

From the age of 12.

اللي احنا قلناه اللي هو

What we said is that

من سن 15 ل 18

From 15 to 18 years old.

الجرائم بقى الكبيرة بيبقى فيها حبس

Major crimes usually result in imprisonment.

وحاجات يعني اجوز الحبس

"And things that might justify imprisonment."

لي من 15 ل 18

I am between 15 and 18.

بس هنقفل بقى الشقة الجناية ده

But we will close this criminal apartment now.

ونبتدي بقى في حاجات تانية لطيفة

"And now let's start with some other nice things."

عشان ما نغمش الناس

So that we don't disturb people.



ممكن ندخل

Can we come in?

يعني خلينا نبتدي ندخل في الصياق بتاعنا

It means let's start getting into our context.

بنتكلم على دور الايتام في مصر

We are talking about the role of orphans in Egypt.

بنتكلم على الشباب في دور الايتام

We're talking about the youth in orphanages.

ده ما حراك قلت يعني ممكن هي الفئة

That's what you said, meaning it could be this group.

من اول بقول اه

From the beginning, I say yes.

اعتقد سنتين لحد

I think two years until then.

18 سنة

18 years old

يعني ده 18 سنة ده

That means this is 18 years.



بعدها ممكن بيكمل لي رعاية ضحكة

After that, could you continue taking care of the laughter for me?

لحد سن 25 سنة

Until the age of 25.

او 26 سنة حتى ده بقول

He's 26 years old, even this he is saying.

بيكفلها اللوائح التنفيذية

The executive regulations ensure it.

للقانون وحسب كل

For the law and according to each...

سياسة كل دار

The policy of each house.

للأسف بقول القانون الرعاية البديلة

Unfortunately, I say the law of alternative care.

اللي شغالين عليه دلوقتي في مصر

What they are currently working on in Egypt.

لسه ما صدرش

It hasn't been released yet.

صدر بس المسودة لو انا فاهم صح

The draft has been issued, if I understand correctly.

الاولى احنا دايما عندنا تشالنج

We always have a challenge.

اللي بقول

What I'm saying

او تحدي انه السن

Or challenge that it is the age.

18 سنة لسن 21 سنة

18 years old, not 21 years old.

عندنا فجوة

We have a gap.

بقول ما حدش

I'm saying no one.

فاهم دوت ما بقاش

Understanding has changed.

خلاص طفل

Child's salvation.

وفي نفس الوقت

At the same time.

ما وصلش ليه ان هو

He didn't reach him that he is.

ليه حق قانوني يقدر

Why he has a legal right to be able

مثلا بقول يرفع عنه الوصية

For example, I say he is relieved of the will.


It judges.

او ياخد بقول

"Or he takes by saying."

يعمل توكلات

He works on delegations.

او الاجرات القانونية بتاعته

Or his legal procedures.


And upon it.

عايزين نفهم اكتر طيب

We want to understand more, okay?

الناس دي في السن ده دلوقتي

People at this age now.

لان دي بقول ليه طيب من 18 سنة يرده

Because I say to him, why after 18 years does he respond?

لان من 18 سنة هو ده الوقت

Because for 18 years, this is the time.

اللي اغلب الدور

Who dominates the role.

بتبدأ ان هي تخرج الشباب برا الدور بتاعته

It starts with her taking the young people out of their role.

حسب السياسة الداخلية

According to the domestic policy.

بتاعت كل دوري

The one for each league.

انا عملت اللي علي انت

I did my part, you do yours.

بقيت كويس

I stayed good.

بتقدر بالنسبة للاولاد الزكور

You can consider it for the boys.

بتبتدي انت خلاص نشوف لك بقول شقة برا

You are starting to settle down; let's look for an apartment outside.

سواء بقى الدور كويس

Whether the role remains good.

بتعمل كده

Why are you doing that?



نشوف لك شقة جار

I'll look for an apartment for you, neighbor.

وتبتدي انت مع جموعة من اخواتك

And you start with a group of your sisters.

اللي هم تربوا معاك تروح تشتغل

Those who grew up with you go to work.

وتبتدي تعيش حياتك

And you start to live your life.

وبعض الدور التانية للأسف الشديد

And some second roles, unfortunately.

خلاص بتقول لك دي مستحقاتك

That's it, I'm telling you this is your dues.

ولا حتى مستحقاتك المالية من الضرر

Not even your financial compensation for the damage.

اصلا تخدها لان لسه ما تمتش 21 سنة

"She shouldn't take it because she hasn't turned 21 yet."

فبس بيكتفوا بان انت خلاص تروح

They just want you to go.

انت مع نفسك تعجر شقة

You are renting an apartment with yourself.

ولما تبقى تم 21 سنة تبدأ ترجع الدار

"And when you turn 21, you start to return home."

لو لسه مفتوحة

If it's still open.

وتقدر تقول والله عايز

And you can say, "I swear I want."

مستحقاتي المالية

My financial entitlements.

او وطيف الاوراق كورنية بتاعتي

Oh, the paper is like my cornea.

فكلمنا اكتر عن

Talk to us more about

الفئة دي الفترة دي ما بين 18

This category during this period is between 18.

ل 21 سنة

For 21 years.

خليني بس ابدأ معاك من الجزئية

Let me just start with you from this point.

بتاعت من 18 سنة ل 21 سنة

From 18 years old to 21 years old.

دي هي منطقة شائكة جدا

This is a very sensitive area.


For a reason

هي كمان ما فيهاش كوفرينج

It doesn't have any covering either.

للمظلة التشريعية

For the legislative umbrella

في اغلب القوانين

In most laws

اولا انت متطلب منك ان انت يبقى

First, you are required to be.

بلغت سن الرشد عشان

I have reached adulthood.

تعمل كل

It works for all.

التصرفات القانونية

Legal actions

المتاحة ليك في الدولة

Available to you in the country.

وتبقى ليك حق الانتخاب

And you still have the right to vote.

ليك حق مش عارف ايه

You have the right, I don't know what.

كم حقوق مهولة

How are the rights immense?

سواء حقوق قانونية او حقوق سياسية

Whether legal rights or political rights.

كأي مواطن عادي

Like any ordinary citizen.

من سن 18

From the age of 18.

ما تقدرش

You can't.

يعني ممكن يكون ليك تعاملات بنكية

It means you might have banking transactions.

او ليك حساب بس ما تقدرش

Oh, you have an account, but you can't access it.

لو ليك شهادة او

If you have a degree or...

او وداع موجودة باسمك

Or a farewell is present in your name.

ما تقدرش تتفك غير

You can't be undone except for...

بعد سن 21 سنة

After the age of 21 years.

لو ليك وصي

If you have a guardian.

تعمل رفع وصاية

Removal of guardianship.

ده اجراء قانوني طبيعي جدا

This is a very common legal procedure.

ورفع الوصاية انت اصلا بتبقى عارف

And lifting the guardianship, you already know.

مين الوصي عنك

Who is the guardian for you?

وبتروح النيابة

And you go to the prosecution.

التابعة ليه اللي اتعمل فيها الوصاية

The one under which guardianship was established.

وبتعمل اجراء اسمه

And you are doing a procedure called

رفع وصاية وبتقدم طلب

Lift guardianship and submit a request.

والطلب بيتوفي عليه في خلال ايام

The request will be approved within a few days.

قدما عدت السن القانوني خلاص الموضوع انتهى

You have reached the legal age; the matter is settled.

ده اللي هو سن 21 سنة

This is at the age of 21 years.

سن 21 سنة

21 years old.

في حالة لو فرضا

In case hypothetically



مفيش وصي

There is no guardian.

لان في حالات مفيش وصي بالمناسبة

Because in some cases there is no guardian, by the way.

بتتوجه لشئون القانونية

You will address the legal affairs.

وكل بنك

And every bank

بيبقى ليه بعض التفاصيل كده

There are some details left like that.

عشان تستوي في الاوراق عشان بس ما انتوهش الناس

To be clear in the documents so that you don't confuse people.


The bank.

هيوجهك هقولك طب هنا

He will guide you, I will tell you, so here.

انت تمت 21 سنة فانا مش محتاج

You turned 21 years old, so I don't need it.

فيه بنوك اصلا ما بتبقاش محتاجة

There are banks that you don't actually need.

لان انت بالاساس ملاكش وصي

Because you basically have no guardian.

فما فيش امر يستدعي

So there is no matter that requires it.

ان انت تروح تعمل رفع وصاية

You go to impose guardianship.

فالبنوك بتبدأ تتعامل معك

The banks start to deal with you.

كراجل بالغ ليك حقوقك

As an adult man, you have your rights.

القانونية والتصرفات اللازمة

The legal and necessary actions.


So you are trying.

تطلب منك بعض الاوراق

Some documents are required from you.

السبوتية اللي هي الاوراق العادية جدا

The spotty ones, which are just very ordinary papers.


And you are trying.

تبروز ده وتقفل الملف

You highlight it and close the file.


And she works.

في حسابك بشكل طبيعي

In your account normally.

وتلقائي يومي ما فيهوش اي مشكلة

And the daily automatic process has no problems.

ده بالنسبة للتفصيل

This is regarding the details.

للحسابات البنكية

For bank accounts.

فيه بقى تفاصيل مهمة جدا

There are very important details in it.

وانت تميت مثلا 18 سنة

And you remained, for example, 18 years.

وخرج من الدور

And he left the round.

انت من 18

You are from 18.

ل 21 فيه تفاصيل

There are details in 21.

انت قانونا ما تقدرش تعملها

Legally, you can't do that.

غير لما

Other than that.

مثلا ما تقدر

For example, you can't.

يعني لو هنقدم مثلا على وظيفة

It means, for example, if we are applying for a job.

هيقولك لازم تستوفي الامور

They will tell you that you need to fulfill the requirements.

الخاصة بتجنيدك

Regarding your recruitment.

فلازم تروح تقدم

So you have to go and apply.

في التجنيد

In recruitment.

حتى على فكرة فيه تفصيلة مهمة جدا

By the way, there is a very important detail.

لو شخص

If a person

مفيش ليه خوات اصلا

There are no siblings for me at all.

وهو وحيد لازم يروح يقدم في التجنيد

He is alone and needs to go apply for conscription.

يعني هو معفي

It means he is exempt.

بقوة القانون

By the power of law.

لازم يروح يقدم

He needs to go apply.

اه طب انت وحيد طب انت معفي

Oh, you are alone? Oh, you are exempt?

لازم يعني التفصيلة بتاعت

It means the detail of.

زيها زي الرقم القومي

It's like the national ID number.



البطاقة الباسبور الرخصة

The card, the passport, the license.

الشهادة الجيش

The army certificate.

حتى هي بقت نفس

Even she became the same.

الشكل بتاع اصلا الرقم القوم

The form of the national ID number.

نفس شكل الرخصة

The same shape as the license.

ولغو الورق القديم ده خالص

The old paper is completely useless.

من ساعة ما الرقمانة بقت ايه

Since when did digitization become what it is?

مسهلة الموضوع بشكل

Facilitating the subject in a way.

بسيط شوية

A little simple.

مثلا انت ليك

For example, you have.

بعض التفاصيل القانونية

Some legal details.

وعايز توكي المحايم

"I want to document the search."

دي فيها صعوبة جديدة

This has a new difficulty.



لازم يكون من 18 الى 21

It must be between 18 and 21.

ما تقدرش تعمل غير توكيل خاص قوي

You can only do a very strong special power of attorney.

ازاي توكيل خاص

How to create a special power of attorney?

توكيل خاص بتفاصيل معينة

A special power of attorney with specific details.

انما توكيل عام قضايا

It is a general power of attorney for legal matters.

ما تعرفش تعمل كده

You don't know how to do that.

ايه ده لو

What is this if?

يأتي في مشكلة

It comes in a problem.

وانت عندك 18 سنة

And you are 18 years old.

او من السنة من 18 سنة ل 21 سنة

Or from the year of 18 years to 21 years.

وحصلت مشكلة ومحتاج محايم سعيد

A problem occurred and I need a happy interpreter.

مش هتقدر تعمل

You won't be able to do it.

توكيل عام قضايا لمحايم

General Power of Attorney for Legal Matters

ياخد لك المعارك

It takes the battles for you.


of the, belonging to the

المعارك القانونية يعني

Legal battles mean

خلينا نقول

Let's say.

المعارك القانونية

Legal battles

انما لازم تحدد

You just need to specify.

انت محتاج المحايم ده في ايه

What do you need this shelter for?

وتعمل توكيل خاص

"And a special power of attorney will be issued."

بالتفصيلة اللي انت

With the detail that you...

محتاجها فيه

I need it in that.

طيب هرجع للوطة بتاعة الجيش

Okay, I'll go back to the army's location.

بالنسبة للجيش

Regarding the army.

بعض الشباب

Some youth

في بعض الدول لسه مش فاهمين

In some countries, they still don't understand.

او مش عارفين معلومة دي

They are not aware of this information.

انه هو

It is he.

لازم ينوح يقدم في الجيش

He must enlist in the army.

حتى لو معرفي

Even if I don't know.

حتى لو شخص عنده

Even if a person has

بعض الاعقاد

Some beliefs

سواء بصرية او جسدية

Whether visual or physical.



يقدم لسبب لانه

It provides a reason because it.

اولا انت مش هتعرف

First, you won't know.

تروح تشتغل

You go to work.

او تسافر

Or you travel.

او تعمل اي تفاصيل

Or do any details work?

اللي هي علاقة بالمنظومة

Which is related to the system.

في الدولة كراجل مواطن

In the state as a male citizen.

ليك حقوق وواجبات

You have rights and duties.

وعليك واجبات

And you have obligations.

ليك واجبات اسف وعليك حقوق

You have obligations, sorry, and you have rights.



فانت عشان ده قطبان القطر

Because you are the axis of the train.

يعني قطبان القطر

It means the poles of the diameter.

القطر بيمشي عليه

The diameter runs on it.

انت راجل انت نفسك القطر

You are a man, you're like the train yourself.

هتمشي ازاي من غير ما يكون فيه قضيب تاني

How will you walk without there being another stick?

حقوق والواجبات

Rights and Duties

الحقوق والواجبات

Rights and duties

فلازم تروح تقدم ايا كان

So you need to go apply whatever it is.

وضعك القانوني ايه

What is your legal status?

لازم تروح تقدم الاول

You must go and apply first.

وهم يقولوا لك لا احنا مش محتاجينك

And they tell you, "No, we don't need you."

لا احنا مش عايزين دفع

No, we don't want to pay.

لا سيادتك مثلا عندك

No, for example, you have.

يعني مثلا انا خدت اعفا من الجيش

For example, I got an exemption from the army.



نظري ضعيف

My vision is weak.

مثلا انت اخويا

For example, you are my brother.

طلع اعفا من الجيش

He was exempted from the army.

ليه برضو وراسة

Why inheritance again?

الموضوع وراسة

The subject is inheritance.

طيب الشباب زي ما بقول

Alright, the youth, as I say.

بيبقوا في اغلب الوقت مش عارفين

They are mostly unaware.

انه هما لازم يروح يقدموا في الجيش

They both have to go enlist in the army.

او انه هما اصلا ليهم تجنيت

Or that they have been plotted against from the start.

وده بسبب انه هما فاهمين

This is because they understand.

انه عشان انا اتربيت في در ايتام

It's because I was raised in an orphanage.

فانا كده وحيد فانا كده

So I am lonely like this, so I am like this.

مريش تجنيت

Mareesh Tajnait

مع العكس تماما الواقع

With the exact opposite of reality.

الواقع بيقول لا انت عشان اتربيت في در ايتام

The reality says no, it's because you were raised in an orphanage.

فانت اول حد بالنسبة للدولة

You are the first person concerning the state.

اللي انت تقدم

What you offer

الخدمة الوطنية

National Service

كونك واحد الدولة ساعدت فيه

Being one of the states you helped in.

تربيتك بشكل كويس

You were raised well.

تبقى كويس ويعيش فيه

Stay good and live in it.


I say.



فانت لازم تروح تقدم في التجنيت

You must go apply for the recruitment.



مش معنى ان انت عشان اتربيت في در ايتام

It doesn't mean that just because you were raised in an orphanage.

فانت ملاكش تجنيت فانت ما تروحش خالص

You don't have to worry, you shouldn't go at all.

بقى يعني

It means "it remains" or "it stayed."

ما تروحش خالص بقى تقدم الورقة بتاعك

Don't leave at all, just submit your paper.

او كده فدي معلومة

Oh, so that's information.

اكدت عليها انه لا حتى لو

I assured her that not even if...

انا اولق عاقب اللي ما بيقدمش ورقة دلوقتي

I will punish anyone who doesn't submit the paper now.

انا كده ده انا اصلا لسه مولتهاش

I haven't even started it yet.

ماشي دي معلومة مهمة وهو يحتاجها

This is an important piece of information and he needs it.

فانت اكدت علي فكرة انه

You confirmed the idea that...

حتى لو كده انت برضو لازم تروح تقدم

Even so, you still have to go and apply.

حتى لو عندك عواقب لازم تروح تقدم

Even if you have consequences, you must go and submit.


Well then.

تعالي نسمع من حالتك ايه العواقب

Come, let's hear from your case what the consequences are.

لو انا ما قدمتش في الجيش

If I don't enlist in the army.

اولا فيه تفصيلة مهمة

First, there is an important detail.

اللي ما قدمش خالص

Who didn't contribute at all?

اللي ما قدمش خالص ده

"Whoever didn't contribute at all."

بيواجه بقى انه اول حاجة

He is facing that the first thing is...

بيفضل محصور داخل مصر

He prefers to be confined within Egypt.

ما بيعرفش يخرج منها ده اولا

He doesn't know how to get out of it, firstly.

ثانيا لما بيجي يسافر

Secondly, when he comes to travel.

احيانا داخليا

Sometimes internally.



داخلي يعني السفر الداخلي

Domestic means internal travel.

بيسألوا على الشهد التجنيد

They are asking about the recruitment status.

لو في بعض الاماكن فيها

If there are some places in it.

شرط عسكرية او حاجة شبه كده

Military condition or something like that.



بيخليه انه هو يواجه

It makes him face.

مش في حاجة اسمها

There is no such thing as.

تهرب من التجنيد وفي حاجة اسمها

You avoid conscription and there is something called...

تخلف من التجنيد

Deserted from recruitment.

التهرب ده

This procrastination.

انه هو راح التجنيد وهرب

He went to enlist and ran away.

ومش يساب سلاحه

"And he won't give up his weapon."

ومخلطه وكل حاجة

And it's mixed and everything.

دي قضية هروب من التجنيد

This is a case of evasion from conscription.

وبتحكم عليها

And you judge her.

وما بياخدش اعفى منها

"And he doesn't get exempted from it."

وبيدفع غرامة غير لما بيعد دي 36 سنة

And he will pay a fine unless this period exceeds 36 years.

وده صعب جدا على اي شخص

This is very difficult for anyone.

انه يروح ويهرب

He goes and escapes.

ويرتكب يعني الجريمة دي في حق نفسه

This means he is committing this crime against himself.

وفي حق اللي حوالي

"And in the right of those around me."

التفصيلة التانية بقى

The second detail then.

واللي هي شخص عادي خالص

"And someone who is completely ordinary."

مرحش نهائي

Not a final match.


He prefers.

اقرانه من

His peers from

البيئة المحيطة بلي

The environment surrounding me.

ودي موجودة كتير في مجتمعاتنا

There is a lot of love in our communities.

خلينا نكون واضحين بس في الجزئية دي

Let's be clear about this part.

لانها موجودة بالفعل

Because it already exists.

الجلسة اللي فيها

The session in which it is.

الناس متخلفين عن التجنيد

People are delayed in recruitment.

بتبقى جلسة يعني بالمئات

It becomes a session that lasts for hundreds.

واحيانا بالالاف

And sometimes by the thousands.

فبيروح بينتظر

So he goes to wait.

بيفضل موقف حياته

He prefers the position of his life.

كل الورق اللي يخصه

All the papers that concern him.

كل الخطوات

All the steps

اللي هو مش قادر ياخد فيها حاجة

He is unable to take anything from it.

في حياته في شغله

In his life at work.

ولو هو بني كارير

And if he is from the Karir tribe.

او بشكل ما عايز

Or somehow I want.

يفتح مشروع

A project opens.

مفيش اي ورقة

There is no paper.

بتتقدم للدولة

You apply to the state.

من خلال مشاريع او شغلة او اي حاجة

Through projects or work or anything.

الا وبيطلب شهادة التجنيد

He is requesting the conscription certificate.

مش تعرف تطلع باسبور غير بشهادة التجنيد

You can't get a passport without the conscription certificate.

من زمن الزمن

From the time of time.

الموضوع ده يعني

This subject means...

مش ده مستجد بس كمان لما

This isn't just a newcomer, but also when...

الدولة بقى يعني احنا دلوقتي

The state means we are now.

المفروض في عشرين تلاتين

It is supposed to be in twenty thirty.

هيبقى الدولة كلها مميكانة

The whole country will be mechanized.

بشكل ما

In a way.

فاحنا دلوقتي في عصر التكنولوجيا

We are now in the age of technology.

والرقمانة شغالة على

And the digitization is working on

اوج تقلقها يعني

What does it mean to worry her?

فيفضل واقف محلك سر

You prefer to stay in the same place.


He is working.

عندي ناس ما بيعرفش ياخد حقوقه

I have people who don't know how to take their rights.

مش قدر يمضي عقد عمل

He couldn't sign the work contract.

مش قدر يروح

He couldn't go.

يشتغل في مكان

He works in a place.

محترم او يبني كارير

Respectable or building a career.

عظيم لان هو معوش

Great because he doesn't have it.

بس او مراحش استوفى الورق

But I won't go to complete the paperwork.

الكارثة الاكبر ان في ناس

The biggest catastrophe is that there are people.

بتتخيل ان هي اول ما تروح

Can you imagine that as soon as she goes?

خلاص هتروح وتقعد هناك تلات سنين

Alright, you will go and stay there for three years.

يا جماعة مش كده خالص

Guys, it's not like that at all.

ده بالعكس ده اغلب الناس

This is the opposite, most people do.

اللي بتروح او في ناس

The ones who go or there are people.

بتروح بيبقى عندها

It will be with her.

مثلا فرق في رجلها

For example, a difference in her leg.



ده بر ده اعفى ده مش عارف ايه

This one is exempt, I don’t know what this is.

ده نظره مثلا

This is an example perspective.

مش مستوفي عندنا اللي احنا

We do not have what we are supposed to.

محتاجين انت ممكن تكون

We need you to be possible.

شخص طبيعي جدا بس عندك حاجة انت مش عارفها

A very normal person, but you have something you don't know about.

لما تروح هناك يقولك لا

When you go there, they tell you no.

ما ينطبقش عندنا

It doesn't apply to us.

فعشان الورقة دي بتستنى

So this paper is waiting.

لغاية تلاتين سنة وبتكون عدت

By the age of thirty, you would have passed.

نص عمرك وبتروح

You're spending your life and it's passing by.

عند التلاتين سنة عشان تتحاكم

At thirty years old in order to be judged.

بتهمة انت بس كنت

On the charge, you were just.

خايف مجرد ان انت تروح هناك

I'm afraid just that you go there.

مش اكتر خايف

I'm not more afraid.

رغم ان انت لو رحت وجربت

Even if you went and tried.

بنفسك انت ممكن اصلا ما يكونش ليك تجنيد

You yourself may not actually be eligible for recruitment.

ودي كارثة اكبر

I want a bigger disaster.

فانت ضيعت نص عمرك

You have wasted half of your life.

عشان خايف تروح

Because you are afraid to go.

تطلع بعض الورقيات

Some papers are emerging.

اللي هتنفعك في مستقبلك

What will benefit you in your future.

فعشان كده بتروح بعد تلاتين سنة

So that's why you go after thirty years.

بتعمل لك قضية

It will file a case against you.

وبتحدد لك جلسة

And a session will be scheduled for you.

وبتنزل وبتدفع يعني

"And you go down and pay, right?"

غرامة بشكل ما

A fine in some way.

يمكن عايزان

We can have fun.

وجهة نظر الشباب في اللغة ديت

The perspective of youth in the language has shifted.

انا سامعك

I can hear you.

للأسف الشباب

Unfortunately, the youth.


I say.

بيبقى في ظروف ما

There are circumstances sometimes.

خلاص على حسب طبعا الضار بتاعته

That's enough, of course depending on its harmfulness.

وحسب ظروف كل ضار

"According to the circumstances of each harmful situation."

بيبقى الشاب مثلا الضار قلت له

The young man, for example, remains hurt, I told him.

خلاص انت هتطلع وانت 18 سنة

That's it, you'll turn 18 years old.

وهو عايز بيبقى عايزك مثلا يكمل جامعة

He wants you to, for example, complete university.

او يعني

Oh, I mean.

خلاص هو خلاص مثلا الدبلوم بتاعه

It's done, for example, his diploma.

ويعايز يخرج من الضار

He wants to get out of the trouble.

احيانا ما بيبقاش يلاقي مكان

Sometimes he can't find a place.


I say.

يباد فيه فلما بيلاقي مثلا شقة

He is exterminated in it, so when he finds, for example, an apartment...

او كده بيبقى مطلوب منه يدفع ايجارها

So, he is required to pay her rent.

سواء هو لوحده او معاه

Whether he is alone or with him.

من اخواته يتربوا معاه مثلا

"Some of his siblings grow up with him, for example."



فده بيحط عليه عبء مالي

This puts a financial burden on him.

مضطر انه هو كل الشهر

He has to do it all month.

لازم يوفره فبيبقى بيسأل نفسه

He needs to provide it, so he keeps asking himself.

طب لما انا هروح الجيش مين هيبقى بيوفر

So when I go to the army, who will be providing?

ده مين هيبقى مش عارف

Who wouldn't know that?

بشي مسؤولية البيت دوت وهكذا

With the responsibility of the house, that's how it is.

دي بقول

I say.

الوجهة النظر التانية

The other point of view.

فعشان كده بيحاولوا يهربوا من

So that's why they are trying to escape from.

او بيبقى

It stays.

عندهم فاكرة انه لا خلاص انا مش اقدم في الجيش

They think that it's final and that I'm not joining the army anymore.

مفيش حتى بيت لما اجي

There's not even a house when I come.

انزل من الجيش انزل الاجازة يعني

Get off the army, get off the vacation, I mean.

هروح لمين لما الدار خلاص

Who will I go to when the house is finished?

او ريدي خرجتني او كده

Oh, really, you made me go out like that.

دي مشاكل تانية على جنب

These are other problems on the side.

بنعالجها ممكن بقول من خلال

We can address it, perhaps I can say through.

القانون الجديد ان شاء الله اللي بيطلع

The new law, God willing, that will be released.

هو هيبقى بينظم الموضوع ده

He will be organizing this matter.

بس التفاهم علي دلوقتي انه لازم

But the understanding right now is that it must.

تقدم في الجيش لازم تروح

You need to go for advancement in the army.

حتى لو هتاخد اعفاء لازم برضو بتروح

Even if you get an exemption, you still have to go.

لو عندك عاقا او اي حاجة لازم برضو

If you have a problem or anything, you still need to...

تروح تطلع

You go out.

بتاع المعافاء الكرني او كده

The thing of the healthy person, the corn or something like that.

طيب وقلنا

Okay, we said.

لو ما قدمتش في الجيش ايه التعطلات

If I don't enlist in the army, what are the delays?

اللي هتتعطل في حياتك وبعد كده

What will hinder you in your life afterwards.

كمان لو انت دخل عرف تقدم

Also, if you enter, allow yourself to progress.

مثلا على مشروع المشاريع

For example, the project of projects.

الصغيرة او متنهية الصغر

The small one or extremely small.

او تقدم مثلا

Or, for example.

على اي

On what?

تفصيلة لها بمشاريع

A detail related to her projects.

هتتقطع بشكل ما مع اي وزارة من الوزارات

It will be cut off in some way with any of the ministries.

او اي هيئة من الهيئات او انت

Or any organization or you.

هتشتغل في مكان حتى في القطاع الخاص

You will work in a place, even in the private sector.

برضو بيطلبوا منك

They also ask you for it.

شهادة تجنيد بشكل ما

Recruitment certificate in some way

فيش حد يعني مصاوغات التعليم

There's no one, I mean, the education facilities.

في ناس من الفقرة

There are people from the paragraph.

ده كان محمود المليجي

That was Mahmoud El Meligi.


The great

محمود المليجي انا بالنسبة لي

Mahmoud El-Meligy, as for me.

محمود المليجي ده استاذي شخصيا

Mahmoud El-Miligy is my personal teacher.

من كتر ما هو يعني

Because he means so much.

من اهم الناس اللي جسيت

One of the most important people I met.

اعمال فنية عظيمة جدا

Great artistic works.





في احد قصور الثقافة

In one of the cultural palaces.

وبيشتغل في المسرح

He works in the theater.

ممثل وفقط وظفته

An actor, and that's only his job.

في الاول وهو جي طلع قالك

In the beginning, he came out and told you.

انا ما كنتش لسه طلعت شهادة التجنيد

I hadn't received the conscription certificate yet.

وتخزلت وروحت بعد كده

And I got disappointed and left after that.

عشان اخد دوري

So I can take my turn.

في التجنيد

In recruitment.

واصبح محمودي المليجي العظيم

And Mahmoud El-Miligy became great.

اللي احنا شايفينه وعارفينه وساب تاريخي

What we are seeing and knowing has left a historical mark.

تفصيلة مهمة فعلا الجيش بحيث انه

An important detail is that the army...

لو ما ديتش الواجب اللي عليك

If you didn't do your duty.

هتوقف هتوقف كتير

I will stop, I will stop a lot.

يعني حالك بقولت الحد 30 سنة لو تخلفت

It means your condition will be like saying that if you fall behind, you'll be at the limit of 30 years.

ما قدمتش وراك والحد 36 سنة

I haven't presented anything for you and I'm 36 years old.

لو انت قررت تغرب

If you decided to move away.

وانت في الجيش والوضع معجبكش

And you're in the army and you don't like the situation.

ومعجبكش في ناس بتعمل كده كتير

And you don't like it when people do that a lot?



بتضطر تستنى الحد 36 سنة

You have to wait until the age of 36.

عشان تعمل موضوع القضية والمصالحة

To address the issue of the case and reconciliation.

والموضوع وتدفع القرامة وكده

The topic is that you pay for dignity and such.

طيب هل في حاجة ليه علاقة بالبنات

Okay, is there anything related to girls?

في الخدمة الوطنية

In national service.

او الخدمة الاجتماعية الخدمة المدنية

Social service or civil service

الخدمة المدنية اسمع كده

Civil service, listen to this.

ودي بتبقى من خلال ايه

How do I become close?

الخدمة المدنية بسيطة جدا

Civil service is very simple.

يعني ابسط كتير من عب

It means much simpler than عب.

ليه ابسط لسبب

Why simplify it for a reason?

انت بتروح الجهة المحلية اللي عندك المكتب

You go to the local authority where your office is located.

اللي هو تبع الوزارة التضامن

Which belongs to the Ministry of Solidarity.

في القرية السكنية

In the residential village.

اللي انت ساكن فيها او المكان السكني

The place you are living in or the residential location.

يعني عمت

It means "aunt."

وبتقول لهم

And you tell them.

انا خلصت تعليمي

I have completed my education.


And I have surpassed.

السن الطفولة اللي هو ايا كان

The age of childhood, whatever it may be.

بقى سواء 18 او 21

It doesn't matter whether it's 18 or 21.

على حسب ما انت مؤهلك كان ايه

According to what your qualification was, what was it?

وهي دي شهادتي

This is my testimony.

اعمل ايه

What should I do?

بس بمنتهى البساطة بيقولك

But it simply tells you.

هات لي برينت تأميني وهات لي كذا وهات لي كذا

Bring me my insurance printout and bring me this and bring me that.

الخدمة المدنية

Civil service

بالنسبة لك مثلا حضانة

For example, a nursery.

تدريب في وزارة البترول

Internship at the Ministry of Petroleum

تدريب في

Training in

وزارة الكهرباء

Ministry of Electricity

بيحاولوا بشكل ما

They are trying in some way.

المكان السكني

The residential place.

اللي البنت ساكنة فيه

The place where the girl lives.

بيسهلوا الامر لسبب

They simplify the matter for a reason.

برضو البنت راحت بكل ورقها

The girl also went with all her documents.

عشان بعد كده لو جات تقدم على وظيفة

So later, if she wants to apply for a job.

او اتوجد

Or find it.

قدامها فرصة عمل عظيمة

She has a great job opportunity ahead of her.

تقدر تستوفي ده لان بقى

You can fulfill this because it has become.

يطلبوا ده كمان من مصاوغات التعيين

They also require this for the hiring documents.

شهادة الخدمة المدنية

Civil service certificate

دي معلومة جديدة

This is new information.

خطيرة بالنسبة لي

Dangerous for me.


It must be.

اللي هيشتغل شغل حر

Whoever will work freelance.

هو عنده مشاريع مش هيبقى محتاجها

He has projects he won't need.

انما البنت اللي هتتوظف

Only the girl who will get the job.

او بنية كرية على اساس ان هي

Or a spherical structure based on the fact that it is.

هتنخرط في المجتمع الاقتصادي

You will engage in the economic community.

او الاستثماري بشكل ما

or the investment in some way

ده من ضمن مصاوغات التعيين

This is part of the hiring requirements.

فهتروح الاقرب مكان لها

So you're going to go to the closest place to her.

تابع لوزارة التضامن

Affiliated with the Ministry of Solidarity.


And you'll get hired.

وهتقول لهم

And you will tell them.

ورأي وهي حدد لها

"And I see it as defined for her."

اقرب مكان لسكانها

The closest place to its inhabitants.

عشان تقدم فيه الخدمة المدنية

To apply for civil service.

سواء وظيفة او مكان تابع لهم

Whether it's a job or a place affiliated with them.

انا عايز

I want.

ارجع خطوة الوراء

Take a step back.

الاطفال وهم في الدور

The children while they are in the role.

موضوع شاك شوية بس يعني

It's a bit of a tricky subject, but you know.

الاطفال وهم في الدور احيانا بيحصل لهم

Children sometimes experience this while in the role.

بعض الانتهاكات بشكل واضح وصريح

Some violations clearly and explicitly.

الطفل يقدر يعمل ايه

What can the child do?

في المواقف

In situations

انا عارف انه بيبقى خلص مع ادارة

I know it will be completed with the management.

الدار الموضوع بس لو تفاقم الموضوع

The issue is settled, but if it escalates...

ان ادارة الدار مثلا ما قدرتش تساعد

For example, the management of the house was unable to help.

الطفل دوت او البنت دي

The child is a boy or this girl.

ايه القانون بيساعدها بيه

What law helps her with?

او وزارة التضامن بحكم

Or the Ministry of Solidarity by virtue.

معنى افتحارتك تقدر تساعدها بيه

The meaning of "I opened it, can you help her with it?"

او الجهات برضو تانية معنية

Other concerned parties as well.

زي بقول في

Like I say in

مجلس القومين مرأة وطفولة

Council of Nations for Women and Childhood

او انسوان

Oh, woman.

ازاي اداروا يساعدوا الاطفال جوه الدور

How did they manage to help the children inside the building?

الايتام في الجزء المتعلق بيه

The orphans in the part related to me.

اي انتهاكات او

Any violations or

لو حد صادر عليهم حقوقهم

If someone infringes upon their rights.

الاساسية كمواطنين

the basics as citizens

طب هنقول بقى ايه

So what shall we say now?

يعني حبيب الاول اقول ايه

It means, what should I say about my first love?

واجبات الطفل جوه الدار

The child's duties at home.

واجبات الطفل بشكل عام

Duties of the child in general.

يعني تبقى

It means "to remain."


For the circumstances.

اللي هو موجود فيها اي ان كان فيه

Which is present in it, whatever it may be.

اسرة طبيعية او الدولة موفرة

A natural family or the state provides.

له اسرة او هو في دار رعاية

He has a family or he is in a care home.

وخلينا برضو

"Let's also leave it."

نتكلم بشكل واضح

Let's speak clearly.

وسبط كده كبير على

And a big grandfather on.

الدور الرعاية لو طفل في دار رعاية

The role of care for a child in an orphanage.

هو كل واجباته اتجاه

He is all his duties towards.

المكان ان هو اولا

The place is the first.

ما يأذيش الاخر يعيش حياته

"Nothing harms except for the other living their life."

بتفاصيلها اليومية سواء بيدرس

With its daily details, whether studying.

او بيتمرن على

He is practicing on.

تمرين معين او

Specific exercise or

لمواعيد اكل ومواعيد شرب

Meal times and drink times.

كل التفاصيل اليومية بتاعت الانسان

All the daily details of a person.

الطبيعي عالي جدا

The natural is very high.

مفيش عليه واجبات اكتر من ان هو

There are no duties on him other than that he...

يكون فيه حدود معينة ما بينه

There are certain limits between them.

وما بين اللي عايش معاه

And between those who live with him.

مفيش واجبات

There are no assignments.

محددة اكتر من ان هو

More specific than it is.

مش هيأذي نفسه ولا

"Will he not harm himself or not?"


He will hurt you.

اللي بيقدموله خدمة او اخواته

"Those who are providing him with service or his brothers."

اللي موجودين معه

Those who are with him.

المكان بس مش اكتر

The place is just nothing more.

ودي اهم واجبات ومهم جدا

These are the most important duties and very important.

ان احنا ناخد بالنا من التفاصيل

We need to pay attention to the details.

مين بقى اللي بيقولينا عليها او اللي

Who is the one telling us about her or who is it?

معودنا عليها

We are used to it.

اللي بيعرفنا ان ايه

What does knowing us mean?

الواجبات بقى للتفاصيل اليومية

The duties remain for daily details.

القائمين على

those in charge of

رعايتنا وبيعرفوها

They know our care and sell it.

لنا بشكل واضح

Clearly for us.

ومن القانوني ان

And it is legal that

اتفاقية حقوق الطفل تكون موجودة

The Convention on the Rights of the Child should be present.

على الجدران او

On the walls or

الاساسيات بتاعتها تكون

Its basics should be

موجودة لان في حاجة

It exists because there is a need.

مش حاجة سياسة حماية الطفل

It's not a child protection policy.

سياسة حماية الطفل

Child Protection Policy

المفترض ان هي جزء

It is supposed to be a part.

لا يتجزأ


من القانون ذاته

From the law itself.

سياسة حماية الطفل بتبقى

Child protection policy stays.

موجودة كمنشور

Available as a post.

وموجودة بالفعل يعني في احد

"And it actually exists, which means there is someone."

الدور التابعة للوزارة

The roles affiliated with the ministry.



دور كتير

A lot of roles.

شفتها اول ما تدخل

I saw her as soon as she entered.

من الباب هي موجودة

She is present at the door.

في الاماكن المتشافة

In the healing places.

مش في مكان يعني

Not in a place, I mean.

مش موجودة ببعيد او على

Not available far away or on.

جدار لا ده موجودة

There is no wall.

في بانر كبير

In a large banner.

بخط واضح جدا

In very clear handwriting.

وبالليل محطوط عليها

And at night it is placed on it.

سبوت كمان

Spot too.

وده عشان الطفل يبقى مطارع عليها

This is so that the child becomes accustomed to it.

المقدمين الرعاية مطارعين عليها كل واحد

The caregivers are responsible for each one.

عارف حقوقه وكل واحد عارف وجباته

He knows his rights, and everyone knows their duties.

في تفصيلة بقى مهمة ان

There is still an important detail that...

اي طفل موجود في دار الرعاية

Any child present in the care home.

مش موجود

Not available.

فيها سياسة حماية الطفل

It includes child protection policy.

او مايعرفش السياسة

He doesn't understand politics.

حمايته ايه اول

Protecting him is a priority.

ما يسألها يسأل يا جماعة انا ايه

What does he ask her? He asks, "What am I, folks?"


My rights.

من اول

From the beginning.

الاخصاء الاجتماعي للدرجة

Social welfare degree

اللي فوقه اللي بعده لغاية المدير

The one above him is the one after him until the manager.

طب ليه مش معلقين

So why aren’t we hanging?

سياسة حماية الطفل حقوقي

Child Protection Policy is my right.

مش محطوطة ليه عشان اقراها

Why isn't it put for me to read?

وبقى فاهم انا من حقي

And I still understand that I have my rights.

اطلب ايه

What do you want?

وواجباتي تجاهكوا ايه

What are my duties towards you?

حلو اجده ده توصية مهمة

I find this recommendation important.

يعني شايف ضروري

It means "I see it's necessary."

يعني مني كل حد

It means "Everyone means me."

بيشتغل في المجال يبقى بي

He works in the field, so he is...

ساعد ان دايبه موجود

Help, is Daiba here?

يعني في كل دار

It means in every house.

يمكن الاول لما اشتبكت

"Maybe the first time when I got involved."

في ملف الطفل شوية ما كنتش بروح

In the child's file, I wasn't going for a while.

دور رعاية لان حتى

Care home for even

الزيارات دي بتبقى زيارات

These visits are like visits.

مختصة شوية

A little specialized.

وليها تصريح

She has a permit.

لما بدأت

When I started

اعمل ده عشان اكتب

Do this so I can write.

وانخرط بقى في الجزئية الخاصة

"And he continued in the specific part."

بقى بيه قانون الرعاية البديلة

The alternative care law remained with him.

عشان اشوف على ارض الواقع اه

So I can see it in real life, yes.

اتعملت مع اطفال في دور

I have worked with children in shelters.

من خلال مثلا

For example

المحكمة او غيره

The court or others.

او مواقف قانونية متعددة

Or multiple legal positions.

بس ان انت تتعامل

Just that you deal.

جوه الدور

Inside the role

الرؤية ساعتها بتبقى اوسع واشمل شوية

The vision at that time becomes broader and more comprehensive.

لان انت بتشوف الشخص ده

Because you see this person.

خرج من الدار ليه

He went out of the house, why?

وجالك ليه المحكمة اصلا

Why did the court even come to you?

او حصل

It happened.

بشكل ما ايه الزرف

In a way, what is the situation?

الطارق اللي وده وجالك

The one who knocks and wants you has come.

هناك انت قابلته هناك ليه

Why did you meet him there?

او قابلته في الشارع ليه او قابلته في اي مكان

I met him in the street, why? I met him anywhere.



يعني كان في نزاع مع القانون بشكل ما

It means there was some kind of conflict with the law.

او قابلته في الشارع ليه

I met him in the street why?

فعشان كده من ضروري جدا جدا

So that's why it's very, very necessary.

ان كل الاطفال

That all the children

اللي موجودين في دور الرعاية

Those who are in care homes.

يبقوا عارفين ان في حاجة اسمها سياسة حماية الطفل

They should be aware that there is something called child protection policy.

وفي اخصائين اجتماعيين

There are social specialists.

لازم يفهموهم ايه حقوقهم

They must understand their rights.

بالزبط وازاي لما يحصل

Exactly, and how will it happen?



معاهم في حقهم تجاوز نفسي

They have a right to surpass me.

او جسدي او اجتماعي ان كان شكل

Either my body or my society, if it has a form.

التجاوز ده

This is a violation.

لازم على طول يتجهوا

They must always direct themselves.

للاخصائي الاجتماعي

To the social worker

ملقوش تجاوب ما

There is no response found.

خلينا نقول

Let's say

بنفس الكلام اللي احنا كنا بندردش بشوية

With the same words that we were chatting about a little.

فعلا بيطلعوا للي بعده

They really move on to the next one.

للي فوقيه للمدير

To the one above me, to the manager.

لو ملقوش بقى اي تجاوب

If they don't find any response.

في انتهاك حقوقهم

In violation of their rights.

فيه تفصيلة مهمة

It has an important detail.

اصراحة انا كمحامي

Honestly, as a lawyer

يعني متخص في الجزئة دي بنصح بيها

It means someone specialized in this area, I recommend it.

الاطفال احنا عندنا زيارات

The children, we have visits.

من وزارة التضامن

From the Ministry of Solidarity

يعني تقريبا سابتة

It means approximately stable.

لكل زيارات

For all visits


and the inspection

زيارات والتفتيش طول الوقت

Visits and inspections all the time.

بياخدوا بالهم قوي الادارة

The administration pays a lot of attention.

وبينضفوا الاولاد

And the children are being cleaned.

وبيلمعوهم وبيخلوهم نجوم سيمة

"And they make them shine and turn them into movie stars."



الزيارة دي

This visit.

دي من التفاصيل المهمة

This is one of the important details.

اللي اي طفل يقدر ياخد فيها حقه

Any child can take their rights in it.

حصل اي حاجة

Did anything happen?

اي حاجة بشكل ما

Anything in some way

وحس ان فيه تجاوز

And he felt that there was a transgression.

وهو حاول يطلب بحقه

And he tried to demand his rights.

في التجاوز ده ووصل

In this transgression, it has reached.

للادارة والادارة ما جابت لهوش حقه

The management and administration did not give him his due.

ساعتها الزيارة دي

At that time, this visit.

هي الملجأ الوحيد ليه

She is my only refuge.

ده اذا كمان

This is if also.

هو لجأ ليه 16000

He resorted to it for 16,000.

اللي هو خط نجدة الطفل

Which is the child helpline.

اللي هو المجلس القومي للطفولة والامومة

The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.

هو الناس بتطلق

People are getting divorced.

بتساعد بتقول الامومة والطفولة

It helps, saying motherhood and childhood.

واسمه مجلس القومي للطفولة والامومة

Its name is the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.

والاول المجلس ده كان

And the first council was

تابع لوزارة الصحة والاسكان

Affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Housing.

دلوقتي استقله بقى تابع

Now you can follow it.

لرئاسة الجمهورية على طول

To the presidency all along.

ولسه صدر القرار ده من 6 شهور

And this decision was issued only 6 months ago.

وتنفذ من 20 يوم بالزبط

And it will be implemented exactly in 20 days.

وده مهم لسبب

This is important for a reason.

لان طول ما هو تابع لوزارة

As long as he is affiliated with the ministry.

ادائه كان متكاسل

His performance was sluggish.

دلوقتي ادائه هو يبقى عنشط كتير

Now his performance is much more active.

يعني حاسب تغيير شوية

It means, "Be careful, change a little."

فمنطق الاطفال

The logic of children

يعني تحاول

It means "you are trying."

بتتوصل بشكل ما

You will be reached somehow.

لو حاسب بقى انت هاك مع المجلس

If you want to play with the council, then go ahead and do it.

طيب حريق قلت دلوقتي

Okay, the fire you mentioned just now.

حاجة مهمة انه عندنا رقم

It's important that we have a number.

للطوارئ بخصوص خط نجدة الطفل

For emergencies regarding the child helpline.

ممكن برضو هنطلع

We might also go out.

على الشاشة دلوقتي

On the screen now.

الراقم 16000

Number 16000

فيه كمان

There is also.

التدخل السريع

Rapid intervention



خط تدخل السريع


التابع لوزارة التضامن الاجتماعي

Affiliated with the Ministry of Social Solidarity.

الاتنين يقدروا يقدموا في الخطين دول

Both of them can apply in these two lines.

شكاوة ويتابعوها

Complaints and they follow them up.

لان هو اصلا المطلق بالشكوى

Because he is primarily the one who complains.


He receives.

الشكوى وبديك رقم تقدر تتابع بيه

The complaint and I need a number you can use to follow up with.

حلو في اي طفل في اي دار

Sweet in any child in any home.

او شاب يقدر على طول بيرفع

He's a young man who can lift a long length.

سماعة التلفون وتصل بيهم

The phone headset and contact them.

هل ده ممكن يبقى بعد

Is it possible that this could happen later?

لو لقيت ان فيه ما فيش تجاوب

If I find that there is no response.

من كمان الزيارة بتاعت

From the visit of

الشؤون الاجتماعية

Social Affairs

التابعة لوزارة التضامن الاجتماعي

affiliated with the Ministry of Social Solidarity

جوه الدار

Inside the house.

اجلس الوزر

Sit down, the burden.

لو لقيتش تجاوب من كل الجهات دي

If I don't find a response from all these directions.

وده صعب جدا

This is very difficult.

هيبقى ما فضللكش غير مجلس الوزر

You'll have nothing left but the cabinet.

وشكاوة مجلس الوزر

And the complaints of the Council of Ministers.

مستحيل ما يتبتش فيها

It's impossible; it can't be proven.

بشكل واضح مستحيل

Clearly impossible.

ودي برضو ليها رقم

I also want it to have a number.

ممكن نبقى بنحطه برضو

Can we also put it?

والله دي تفاصيل مهمة جدا

By God, these are very important details.

ده حقك

That's your right.

استاذ رضا يعني

Mr. Rida means.

وانا مبسوط

And I'm happy.

انا معاك بالمناسبة وانت اكيد عارف انا بحبك ادي

I'm with you by the way, and you definitely know how much I love you.

شكرا جدا

Thank you very much.

ماشي خليني ندخل فيه

Alright, let me get into it.

الجزء اللي علاقة به بقول

The part that is related to it, I say.

خلاص الشاب بدأ يكبر شوية

The young man has started to grow up a little.

خلاص من طفل بدأنا نكبر شوية

We are done with being a child; we have started to grow up a little.

فبنقول بقى

So we say then.

ايه واجبات الشاب

What are the duties of a young man?

اللي بتبقى عليه

What you end up with.

اتجاه المجتمع بتاعه

the direction of his community

بص اولا كلنا

Look, first of all, all of us...

بلا استثناء

Without exception

يعني اغلب فئات المجتمع

It means the majority of societal groups.

عندنا غرف

We have rooms.

مظلمة دايما طول الوقت

Always dark all the time.

في دماغنا

In our brains.

لها علاقة بأزمات نفسية احنا مرينا بيها

It is related to psychological crises we have gone through.

التكوينة لأي فرد

The formation of any individual.

موجود في المجتمعات

Found in communities

لأي فرد في المجتمع بشكل عام

For any individual in society in general.

هي تكوينة

It is a formation.

معقدة شوية نفس البشرية

Human nature is a bit complicated.

مين اللي قابلهم في حياته

Who has he met in his life?

مين اللي قصروا فيه

Who let him down?

ممكن يكونوا اتعاملوا

They might have interacted.

يوم هم تعبانين فعملوه بشكل

They were tired that day, so they did it in a way.

سيء جدا فالشكل الضغط ده

Very bad, this pressure shape.

عمل عنده تكوينة

He had training.

فالتكوينة دي فضلت جوه دماغه

This formation remained in his mind.

وهو قافل عليها

And he is closing it.

قوضة ضلمة

A dark room.

انا عندي كم من الدور حصل فيها

I have a few roles that I got in.

كم انتهاكات مهولة

How many colossal violations are there?

اه اللي موجودين دلوقتي فيها تحسبوا

Oh, those who are currently in it, count yourselves.

او اللي عملوا الانتهاكات

Or the ones who committed the abuses.

تحسبوا وراحوا لأماكنهم

They counted and went to their places.

بس احنا عندنا

But we have it.

الكوارث بقى الأكبر

The disasters became greater.

ان الشخص ده

This person

او الطفل ده لما كبر

Or this child when he grew up.

وبقى شخص بالغ

And an adult person remained.


And rational.

هو عنده أزمات نفسية مر بيها

He has psychological crises that he has gone through.

مش قادر يتجاوزها

He can't get over it.

فممكن تظهر في شكل إجرامي

It can manifest in a criminal form.

فاحنا خلينا

So we stayed.

قبل ما تظهر في شكل إجرامي

Before it appears in a criminal form.

او لو كان فيه شكل متجاوز

Or if there was a transcendent form.

يعتبر جريمة

It is considered a crime.

فيه أماكن متخصصة في مصر

There are specialized places in Egypt.

مهم جدا

Very important

ان لو حد حس ان هو محتاج

If someone feels that they need

أخصائي نفسي


لان هي مراحل في أخصائي

Because they are stages in a specialist.

فيه طبيب

There is a doctor.

الأخصائي شق والطبيب شق تاني خالص

The specialist is one thing, and the doctor is something completely different.

لان الطبيب

Because the doctor

هيستمر معاه

He will continue with him.

لو حالته متجاوزة شوية

If his condition is a bit advanced.

او تستدعي علاجات معينة

Or it requires specific treatments.

فلو فعلا هو حاسس بكده

If he really feels this way.

واجب بقى عليه هو

It remains a duty on him.

وواجب على البيئة المحيطة بيه

It is a duty towards the surrounding environment.

ان هي توجهه لده

She is directing him to you.

وده دور مقدم الرعاية

This is the role of the caregiver.

او دورة الدار

Or the course of the house.

طبعا ودور كمان اخواته

Of course, and also the role of his siblings.

وديه تفصيلة مهمة

This is an important detail.

والنقاش فيها يبقى

And the discussion about it remains.

بسيط جدا

Very simple.

مش معقد او مركب

Not complicated or complex.

لان مفترض

Because it is supposed to.

ان احنا

We are

لما جينا نعمل

When we came to do

عيال بديلة عملنا

Alternative work for children.

من ضمن الحاجات

Among the things

يعني اللي احنا كاتبينه فيها

Meaning what we have written in it.

ان يكون فيه في

To be in it.

اخصائي نفسين وحاجات شبه كده

Psychologist and similar things.

هم اللي بيقولوا هل ده محتاج

They are the ones who ask if this is needed.

ان هو يروح لطبيب هل ده مش محتاج

If he goes to the doctor, doesn't that mean he needs it?

لان كمان كان معانا

Because he was also with us.

واحنا شغالين على القانون

We are working on the law.

اخصائي نفسين


مفيش قانون دلوقتي

There is no law right now.

انا متأكد بل

I am sure, indeed.

اكاد اجزم ان اصلا

I can almost swear that originally.

مفيش تشريع او مظل تشريع

There is no legislation or legal protection.

عشان تحمل المجتمع لازم يكون موجودة

In order to support the community, it must be present.

حد نفسي حد اجتماعي

My limits are personal and social.

حد مختص في ملف

A limit specified in a file.

الملف اللي هو معاني بالتشريع

The file that is concerned with legislation.

نفسه لو ملف اقتصاد

The same if it's an economic file.

حد اقتصادي لو ملف عن المرأة

An economic limit for a file about women.

كل المختصين بالملف المرأة

All experts on women's issues.

لو طفل لو رعاة بديلة لازم يكونوا

If a child or alternative caregivers must be.

اللي اديهم

The one who gives them.

اللي اديهم في العجين نفسه

"Those who put their hands in the dough itself."

انا بعمل فطيرة

I am making a pie.

مش هروح اجيب حد نجار

I won't go get a carpenter.

دي نقطة مهمة

This is an important point.

دي اول نقطة النقطة التانية

This is the first point, the second point.

خلينا نقول ان هو مثلا

Let's say that he, for example,

طالع شخص طبيعي جدا

You look like a very normal person.



تلقائي بيتعامل ببساطة

An automatic system that deals simply.



هو عليه واجبات

He has duties.

وليه حقوق وعليه واجبات

He has rights and duties.


And advice.

في بعض المفردات كده اللي هو ايه

In some vocabulary, it's like what?

يعني ايه مواطنة اصلا

What does citizenship mean anyway?


The citizen

مين هو المواطن في اي دولة

Who is the citizen in which country?

مواطن ده ليه حقوق سياسية

This citizen has political rights.

وقانونية وعليه واجبات

And the legality has obligations.

تجاه الدولة اللي هو موجود فيها

Towards the country he is in.

وعليه واجبات تجاه

And thus, he has duties towards.

جيرانه واخواته

His neighbors and his siblings.

والبيئة المحيطة بيه

and the environment surrounding me

بيئة العمل

Work environment

يعني ايه بيقيت عمل امنة

What does it mean to have become a security job?

يعني ايه انا مثلا خلصت شغل

What does it mean, for example, I finished work?

فبني كرير فهمضي عقد عمل

So, I completed the employment contract with Bani Krir.

لازم كل المعلومات دي

All this information is necessary.

يدور عليها

It revolves around her.

كويس من متخصصين

Good from specialists.

عشان يقدروا يقولوا له ايه

So they can tell him what.

وفي بعض المعلومات هنسردها دلوقتي لهم اكيد

And in some information, we will share it with them now for sure.

في الاجزاء دي

In these parts.

بس مهم جدا ان هو بيتحسس خطواته

But it's very important that he is aware of his steps.

هو خارج من الدار لازم يفهم

He is out of the house; he must understand.

ان هو خارج للمجتمع الكبير

He is outside the larger community.


The meaning of "الادبر" in English is "the overtaker" or "the one who retreats."

الدار كان مجتمع مصغر

The house was a small community.

فيه اخواته اللي طول الوقت هم

His sisters are always there.

جزء حماقي دي

This is part of Hamaqi.

وبيبنوا مع بعض

"And they clarify together."

افكارهم ومستقبلهم

Their ideas and their future.

وبيتكلموا في احلامهم

And they talk about their dreams.

اللي برا يعني لما اخرج برا

"Outside, it means when I go out."

هعمل ايه ومستني اليوم اللي هيخرج فيه برا

What should I do while waiting for the day he will be released?

فيه ناس بتبقى مستنية تخرج برا

There are people who are waiting to go outside.

عشان انا فرحان

Because I am happy.

عشان هخرج برا خلاص مش هيبقى

"I'm going out, that's it, it won't be."

فيه سلطة فوق اياه لأ

There is authority over it, no.


In it

سلطة اكبر

Greater authority

سلطة قانونية

Legal authority

والمجتمع والعدات والاعراف اللي احنا فيها

And the society, customs, and traditions that we are in.

والسلطة فوق اياك بقى يعني

And the authority is above, you know what I mean?

الحدود الحمر

The red borders.

الخطوط الحمر

Red lines

الخطوط الحمر اللي هي يعني

The red lines that is يعني.

فرضا خلينا اقول معاك

Let's say I'm with you.

بشكل اوسع شوية

A little more broadly.

مش كلنا اسوئ

Not all of us are bad.

فيه جزء مننا

There is a part of us.

ميوله شوية

His inclinations are a bit.

يعني ممكن

It means "it is possible."

هو شاطر

He is clever.

في الالكترونيات

In electronics

فدماغه تسرح فممكن

His mind is wandering, so it's possible.

بشكل تلقائي وطبيعي

Automatically and naturally.

زي طفل عندنا

Like a child we have.

قاعد مع زميله

Sitting with his colleague.

مستنين مدرس

Waiting for a teacher.

ييجي يديهم الدرس

He comes to give them the lesson.

يدوبك هم استنو ساعة

They just waited an hour.

في الساعة دي كانوا بيعملوا

At that time, they were doing.

تشالنج ايه هو

What is the challenge?

مين اللي يقدر يهاكر

Who can hack?

حسابات اكتر من التاني

Accounts more than the others.

وللأسف الولد ده

Unfortunately, this boy...

غلط اكبر غلطة ممكن

The biggest mistake possible.

اي حد يغلطها في عائده

Anyone who makes a mistake in its return.

وهو بيهاكر حسابات بالصدفة وما كانش يعرف

He was hacking accounts by accident and didn't know.

هاكر حساب

Account hacker

قبل اعتراف

Before confession

في السكندرية

In Alexandria.

وهو بيهاكر حسابات

He is a hacker of accounts.

بعد 30 دقيقة او 45 دقيقة

After 30 minutes or 45 minutes.

طبعا رجل الدين هو فاهم

Of course, the cleric understands.

تلفونه كويس

His phone is good.

والناس بتبعت له رسالة

And people are sending him messages.

ففي حد بيبعت له رسالة بيقوله

"Someone is sending him a message telling him..."

هو حضرتك

It is you.

بعدتلي يا ابونا

You left me, Father.

ان انا بعدلك فلوس

I will send you money later.

الراجل مسك تلفونه عشان يستخدمه

The man grabbed his phone to use it.

لقى الموضوع

The topic has been met.

لقى ان التلفون مش عارف يستخدمه

He found that the phone couldn't be used.

على طول طلع على المدرية

He went straight to the directorate.

عمل محضر

Minutes of meeting

24 ساعة كانوا جايبين

They were bringing it for 24 hours.

الطفل ده

This child.

طبعا كارثة بجميع المقاييس

Of course, a disaster by all measures.

هقولك الجزء المضيء

I will tell you the bright part.

في القصة السودوية دي

In this dark story.

ان رجل الدين

The clergyman.

قابل اعتراف لما رحنا له عشان يتنازل

He agreed to the confession when we went to him to ask for a concession.

على المحضر لما عارف

On the record, when I knew.

ان فيه حسن نية ويتنازل بالفعل

He has good intentions and is indeed willing to compromise.

وما فيش بالنسبة له

"And there is nothing regarding him."

اي مشكلة ورحنا انتظرنا له

What problem? We went and waited for him.

والموضوع انتهى يعني بالصلح

The matter is settled, meaning it is resolved through reconciliation.

بس غلطة زي دي

But a mistake like this...

مثلا كانت لعبة

For example, it was a game.



وقولك لو كان

And your saying if it were

الراجل المحترم اللي احنا قبلناه

The respectable man that we accepted.

داراجل الدين ما كانش

The religion of the mountains was not.

متسامح فرضا

Forgiving by choice.

كان حقه انه هو يمشي في اجراءاته القانية

It was his right to proceed with his legal actions.

بالمناسبة محدش يقدر يلوم عليه

By the way, no one can blame him.

لان القانون خويله ده

Because the law has granted it.



كان ده هيتسجن

He was going to be imprisoned.

الطفل ده كان هيتسجن 3 سنين

This child was going to be sentenced to 3 years in prison.

هيتلع ايه بقى من السجن

What will happen when he gets out of prison?

هيتلع الموج لمجرس

The wave will rise to the council.

مجرد لعبة

Just a game.

قناة بنلعب

Banl'ab Channel

باسمنا قناة بنلعب

In our name, a channel we play.

وكان مستني ايه؟ درس

What was I waiting for? A lesson.

يعني انا بقولك تفصيلة بسيطة جدا وصلته لغاية فين؟

I mean I'm just telling you a very simple detail, how far did he get?

ويمكن بقول برضو لامة الصحاب

And you can also say to the group of friends.

يعني ممكن ده ياخدنا لامة الصحاب بحس ان اغلبية الكوارث

It means that this could lead us to the community of friends, as I feel that most of the disasters...

او الحاجات الكويسة خليني اقولها بالنوتتين انو الحاجات الكويسة

Oh, the good things, let me say them in two notes that the good things...

اللي بتحصل لبني ادم او الحاجات المش مظبوطة بتحصل بسبب لامة الصحاب

What happens to a person or the things that go wrong happen because of the influence of friends.

على حسب نوع لامة الصحابك هما ده اللي بيفرق معاك

It depends on the type of your friends; that's what matters to you.

فعشان كده دايما كانوا حتى انا صغير يقولوا لي اختاروا صحابة كويس

That's why they always told me, even when I was small, to choose good friends.

ما تروحش ورا اللي بيعمل المشاكل ما تروحش مع اللي بيعمل وكذا

Don't go after those who create problems, don't go with those who do that, and so on.

ركز وانت بتصاحب مين بتصر معايا مين بتروح معايا الدرس مين بتروح معايا النادي

Focus on who you're hanging out with, who you're going to lessons with, and who you're going to the club with.

فيمكن ده حتة ضرورية جدا ويمكن بقول من الالعاب

This could be a very essential point, and I could say it’s one of the games.

يعني من المجرد لعبة كنا يعني بنهزر اسمها بنهزر

It just means it's a game we were just joking about, it's called "we're joking."

بنفرع صواريخ يا سيدي بنرمي على الناس صواريخ ومش عارف ايه

We launch missiles, sir, we fire missiles at people, and I don't know what else.

حد يعني اتصاب انا فاكر كويس او يعني في مواقف في مواقف يعني حد

Someone means they got injured, I remember well, or I mean in situations, in situations, I mean someone.

يعني اتطرفت بسبب صاروخ بنرميه من البلاكونات وحاجات زي كده حتى

I mean, I was extreme because of a rocket we throw from the balconies and things like that, even.

اللعب محتاج يبقى بمنطق بعقل يعني نلعب بس نركز ونحب نلعب مش بنهزي

Playing needs to be done with logic and thought; we should play but focus and enjoy it, not just mess around.

غيبنا ويمكن ده اللي كنا بنتكلم فيه ان حاجة مهمة جدا ان احنا واحنا

We were absent, and maybe this is what we were discussing, that it's very important that we, while we...

اطفال ما نبقاش بنهزي اللي حوالينا ولا بنهزي نفسنا طبعا في

Children, we no longer carry those around us, nor do we carry ourselves, of course.

الاول وده يمكن بعد شوية بقول لما الواحد بيكبر ده حقوق المواطنة

"The first one, and maybe after a while I will say, when a person grows up, these are the rights of citizenship."

لما بنقول بقى نبتدي نبني حقوقنا ونبني الوجبات بتاعتنا في الدوائر

When we say that we should start building our rights and establishing our duties in the circles.

فكرة الحدود بتاعتي مع اخواتي في الدار وبعد لما بيجي اخرج

The idea of my boundaries with my siblings at home and also when I go out.

للمجتمع ابتدي حافظ على الحدود دي واخلي بالي ان انا عليا وجبات

For the community, I started to preserve these boundaries and made sure that I have responsibilities.

اتجاه الناس ديت ما بقاش بأزيهم ما بقاش وقولي انا بهزر لأ انت

People's attitude isn't like before, it's not the same, and when I say I'm joking, no, you're the one who is.

مش بتهزر انت بتأزي ده مش هزار ده ده ده قصة مسلا لولد في موقف

You're not joking, you're hurting. This is not a joke; this is a story about a boy in a situation.

مشابه بس يعني ايه مش

Similar, but what does it mean?

بس ليه علاقة ببنوتة لطيفة كان عندها سبعتاشر سنة وحب تحد من

But it has to do with a sweet girl who was seventeen and loved to challenge.

جيرانهم وي وي وي يعني ابوها كان ما يصور الحال شوية فلا بصي انت

Their neighbors, oh my, it means her father couldn't take it anymore, look at you.

احنا بنحب بعض ولازم نتجاوز حرفيا كده فقعدوا ما بينهم شتات

We love each other and we have to get over it literally, so there has been some turmoil between them.

شوية فقال لها وانا خلاص انا محضر كل حاجة وهنسافر يعني البنوتة

He said to her, "I’m done preparing everything and we're going to travel, which means the girl."

كانت على

It was on

قدها شوية في التفكير سليمة عقليا بس ايه صدقت في الحدود وكان عندها

She has a bit of clarity in her thinking, mentally sound, but she believed in the limits and she had...

تقريبا ستاشر سنة فاهلك مش هيرضوا يجوزونا فايه ادخل جوة هاتي الدهب

"About sixteen years, my family won't agree to let us get married. What should I do? Go inside and bring the gold."

بتاع مامتك والفلوس اللي عند باباقي وكان تقريبا شبه ان هو سحر

Your mother's thing and the money at my father's door, which was almost like magic.

لها ده فيلم ده اه قابلناها فين بقى في ميناء القاهرة الجوي خد منها

This is a movie, where did we meet her? At Cairo International Airport, take it from her.

كل حاجة هو قل لها هقابلك في المطار عشان نسافر. اكيه. تمام?

Everything, he said to her, "I'll meet you at the airport so we can travel." Okay? Is that clear?

لما حد مسكها. كان هو تقريبا كان بيجيب حاجة فرجع لقى الشرطة اللي

When someone caught her, he was almost getting something and then he found the police that...

في المكان مسكته. فاول ما شافها من بعيد الشرطة حواليها. خلاص

He caught her in the place. As soon as he saw her from afar, the police were around her. That's it.

بس اتبخر. شكرا. فالبنتة حاجة للحدوتة دي بس عملت للأسف حاجة

Just evaporate. Thank you. The girl needs this story, but unfortunately, she did something.

مختلفة تماما. ايه هي? حطت اسم حد من قريبها بدل اسمها. فهي

Totally different. What is it? She put the name of someone close to her instead of her own name. So she...

اصلا الاول كانت مجنة عليها حد تاجر بمشاعرها لو كانت مشيت في

Originally, it was a madness for her, like someone was trading in her feelings if she had gone with it.

الحدوتة دي زي ما هي وبدون اي اه يعني بمنتهى البساطة. بدون اي

This story is just as it is and without any, I mean, very simply. Without any.

مواربة الحقوق كانت خلاص الموضوع انتهى. سياد ده حالة

The matter of the rights was already resolved. This is a situation, sir.

شخصية حد. احنا اكتشفنا ازاي? عندنا خصائر الاجتماعي المسؤول

The character of the limit. How did we discover it? We have social responsibility losses.

عن اه لجنة الدفاع. للمكان اللي هي ساكنة فيه. هو محافظة

About the Defense Committee. The place where she lives. It is a province.

معي. فسأل. فاللي سألوا هناك هو من نفس القرية. فقال له لا

With me. So he asked. The one who asked there is from the same village. So he told him no.

الاسم ده ده في بيت تاني بس قدامهم. والاسم ده البنت دي موجودة

This name is in another house but in front of them. And this name, this girl is present.


In front of me.

انت ازاي باعتلي الاسم ده ان هو مقبوض عليه وعندك في المحكمة?

How did you send me this name when he is in custody and you have him in court?

ده ايه ده? بتلعت ان هي حط اسم بنت خالتها. شفت التركيبة والتكوينة

What is this? It seems that she put her cousin's name. I saw the composition and structure.

عاملة ازاي? فانا ليه انا ليه بس بسكر الحدوتة دي? وارد ان اي

How are you? Why am I like this? Why am I just closing this story? It's possible that any...

بنت بمشاعر مختلفة وعمر الحب ما كان عيب. نهائي. عمرنا ما قلنا

A girl with different feelings, and love has never been a flaw. Never. We never said.

ان الحب عيب ولا من الحب. مشاعر من ضمن الغرائز اللي موجودة.

Love is not a flaw; it is an emotion that is part of the instincts that exist.

معنا واحنا مولودين بها. بس بقول يعني اللي هو ايه? ناخد بانا.

We are born with it. But what I'm saying is, what does that mean? We need to take it into account.

اه. نشوف في في في علامات حمراء كده. صحيح. صحيح. بينا قدامك واضحة.

Ah. We see red signs like that. True. True. It's clear in front of you.

لا لا ده ضروري يعني ده يمكن ان اه بيحصل للأسف يعني خلينا يكون

No, no, this is necessary, I mean this might happen, unfortunately, so let's be.

واضح. فودانا للسجن. فرغم ان ان هي كتلطيفة في الاول جدا. ان هي

Clear. She took us to prison. Although she was very nice at first. She is...

ودتنا للسجن. حاولنا طبعا بشطة الطرق في الاخر عرفنا نخرجها. اه. واسباني.

"They took us to jail. We tried of course through various ways, but in the end we managed to get her out. Yeah. And Spanish."

باتنا حسن نية الموضوع. بس المرحلة من بداية الرحلة لغاية نهايتها هي

Our intention is good regarding the subject. But the stage is from the beginning of the journey until its end.

خلتها بتكوينها وشخصية مختلفة تماما عن اللي هي بدأ بها. يمكن ده

I made her with a completely different formation and personality than the one she started with. Maybe this is it.

بقول بيخلينا ان اه اخص اكتر في الدور. للاسف اه لما بيحصل ان

I say it makes us focus more on the role. Unfortunately, yes, when it happens that...

مفيش ركابة كفاية. وبيحصل انه مفيش متابعة. مفيش اه بقول فكرة

There is not enough oversight. And it happens that there is no follow-up. Yes, I am saying the idea.

ان احنا بقريبين من البنات. اه بالذات في السن دوت. بقول سن

We are close to the girls. Yes, especially at this age. I mean age.

المراهقة وما بعدها. اه

Adolescence and beyond. Ah.

بيبقى في فجوة ما بين المشرفين او الامهات اه اللي في الدور

There is a gap between the supervisors or the mothers, yes, those in the role.

امهات البديلة او مسمات او مشرفات او كده. بالبنات بيبقى في فجوة.

Surrogate mothers or designated supervisors or something like that. There is a gap with the girls.

للاسف ده اللي بيترطب عليه. انه مشاعر جميلة زي ما بنقول كده

Unfortunately, that's what it leads to. That beautiful feelings, as we say.

مباحة. للاسف بتستغل غلط. يعني يمكن لو في قص الحلقة بتقولها

Permissible. Unfortunately, it is being misused. I mean, maybe if there was a way to cut the episode, you would say it.

مسلا لو كان في حد ممكن ان هي ترجع له تسأله او كزا تستشيره اه

For example, if there is someone she could return to to ask or consult.

فكرة الصداقة ما بين المشرف والبنت. ده حلل. او اللي

The idea of friendship between the supervisor and the girl. This is analyzed. Or whoever.

الام البديلة او البنت كان ممكن اه بقول اه تفادينا حاجة كتير

The surrogate mother or the daughter could have, yes, I mean we avoided a lot.

جدا. ودي ممكن حتة مهمة قوي. طيب احنا هندخل على الجزء اللي

Very much. I would like to discuss a very important point. Okay, we will move on to the part that...

المتعالج بيه بقول الشباب خلاص بدأوا يخرجوا من الدار. اه بعد

The patient said that the youth have started to leave the house. Yes, after that.

مسلا سن بقول واحد وعشرين سنة او سنة امانتاشر سنة حسب الواحد

For example, let's say one is twenty-one years old or eighteen years old, depending on the person.

داخلية بعد كل دار. كمان البنات احيانا بيبقوا خلاص مسلا بقول جي

"Inside after every house. Also, sometimes the girls are like 'I've had enough'."

سن الزواج وعايزين يخرجوا برا الدار. واحيانا بيبقوا عايزين

The age of marriage, and they want to go out of the house. And sometimes they want to.

فيها كده الاستقرارية وان هم وكده ويلا انا عايز اخرج برة وخلاص

It has this stability and them like that, and come on, I just want to go outside and that's it.

بقية استقل واعتمد على نفسي وابتدي اشوف شقة وكل ده. هي هم

The rest is to be independent and rely on myself and start looking for an apartment and all that. It's a concern.

الاوراق بقول لازم تبقى مع البنت او الولد وهم خارجين. في ملف

The papers say they must stay with the girl or boy while they are outside. In a file.

كده في كده كم بقول تتأكد انك خارج بيقوم اه من غير اه ما يبقى

I can't quite understand what you're trying to say. Could you please clarify or provide more context?

ضايع منك اي حاجة. طب خلينا نبدأ على طول اول حاجة اول ما البنان

You've lost something. Let's get started right away with the first thing, as soon as we get the bananas.

بيتولد ميبقى لي ايه? شهادة ميلاد. شهادة ميلاد ميبقى

What is born remains with me? A birth certificate. A birth certificate remains.

نمرة واحدة. تاني حاجة بطاقة الرقم الخومي. تالت حاجة المؤهل

Number one. Second thing is the national ID card. Third thing is the qualification.

اللي هو وقف عنده بشكل ما. المؤهل ده سواء مؤهل متوسط او مؤهل عالي

Which he stopped at in a way. This qualification, whether it's a secondary qualification or a higher qualification.

لازم بيبقى طول الوقت ده زي كأنه زي بطاقته. اه. شهادة الميلاد.

It always has to be like it's his identity card. Yes. Birth certificate.

البطاقة المؤهل. بعد كده بقى لو اضاف للاوراق الخاصة بوراق تاني

The qualification card. After that, if it is added to the documents related to another document.

لازم يكون موجود. ورق مثلا خاص بالتعاملات المالية. لحساب في

It must be available. Special documents, for example, for financial transactions. For an account in...

بنك ما بشكل ما. لحساب في صندوق

Banking in some way. For an account in a fund.

بريد. ليه حساب توفير. ايا كان. لازم هو بيسأل على الاوراق الخاصة

Mail. He has a savings account. Whatever it is. He must ask about the necessary documents.

به وهو خارج لسبب لان هو خارج لسوق العمل. هتولى مسؤولية نفسه.

He is going out for a reason, because he is out of the job market. He will take responsibility for himself.

هيبدأ يتعامل بشكل واضح وصريح. فيما يخص اه المسكن. فيما يخص

He will start dealing in a clear and straightforward manner. Regarding the housing. Regarding...

علاقاته في الدوائر اللي حواليه المحيطة به سواء في بيئة عمل او

His relationships in the circles around him, whether in the work environment or...

في مكان هو هيأجره عشان يبقى اه ليه هيبدأ بيت يعني هيبدأ يبني

In a place he is renting to start building a house, why will he start?

بيت. حلو ابي. انا كمان. الورق الرئيسي

House. Sweet, Dad. Me too. The main paper.

اللي لازم يكون مع شهادة ميلاد. بطاقة اه المؤهل بتاعه. ده اول

The first thing that needs to be with him is a birth certificate and his qualification card.

حاجة. في الورقة كمان مهمة قوي كنا اتكلمنا عليها اه لازم تقوم

It's important. The paper also has a very important point that we talked about, yes, you need to address it.

مع اي شاب خارج من الدار اللي هي الورقة بقول عليها اللي بيثبت

With any young man coming out of the house that this paper I am talking about confirms.

انه اصلا كان في الدار. ليه احنا مش هنقدر نغفلها. دي لازم مهمة

He was originally at home. Why can't we overlook it? This is definitely important.

اه. اه. ليه ليه مش هنقدر نغفلها. اه انا اتكلمت على الورق

Ah. Ah. Why, why can’t we ignore it? Ah, I talked about it on paper.

الاساسي بتاع اي شخص. اه فاحنا دلوقتي اه بمثابة بنتكلم عن فئة

The essence of any person. Yes, so now we are talking about a category.

معينة او شريحة معينة من المجتمع المصري. فالورقة اللي هي

A specific segment or slice of Egyptian society. The paper that is

بتثبت ان هو كان موجود في دار معينة مختومة ختم النصر مش ورقة

It proves that he was present in a certain house sealed with the seal of victory, not a paper.

مش مش ورقة متصورة صورة ضوئية كده وخلاص. لا. ورقة فيها بياناته.

It's not just a photocopy of a paper. No. It's a paper that contains his information.

وان هو كان موجود في الدار ومختومة بختم الدار اللي هو كان

And if he was present in the house and sealed with the seal of the house that he was in.

فيها. دي جنب الاوراق اللي موجودة. برضو زيها زي شهادة

In it. This is next to the documents that are available. It's also like a certificate.

الميلاد. ان دي هتسهل له اجراءات بعد كده لما ييجي يشتغل او يتوجه

Birth. This will facilitate procedures for him later when he comes to work or move.

للاحوال المدنية. يتوجه لجهة حكومية عشان يطلع مسلا بطاقة

To the civil status office. He goes to a government entity to obtain, for example, a card.

بطاقته فقدت فبيطلع غيرها نفس يعني الطريق ده. اه حتى كمان

His card is lost, so he’ll get another one, it’s the same, I mean, this way. Yes, even more.

بقول الخدمات اللي بتقدمها وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي كمان

I also say the services provided by the Ministry of Social Solidarity.

بتحتاج ضروري جدا ان تبقى الورقة ديت موجودة مع اه الشاب

You really need to keep this paper with the young man.

والبنت. وباك ان هي كمان تبقى مكتوب فيها ان الكريم من نسب

And the girl. And it should also be written that the generous one is from the lineage.

عشان تبقى تقدر تاخد الخدمات. هقول لك تفصيلة معينة. احنا

So that you can access the services. I'll tell you a specific detail. We are...

دلوقتي كلنا في انتظار

Right now, we are all waiting.

اصدار قانون الرعاية البديلة. قانون الرعاية البديلة في الفصل

Issuing the Alternative Care Law. The Alternative Care Law in the chapter.

التاني في كل الفئات المستهدفة من ضمنهم كريم النسب من ضمنهم

The second in all targeted categories, including those of noble lineage among them.

اللي فقد بشكل ما رعاية الرعاية الوالدية يعني. اه ومحددينهم

"Those who have lost parental care in some way, I mean. Yes, and they are specific."

هما تقريبا ما يقرب من عشر فئات. بتخيل عشر فئات فقدوا اهلهم

There are almost ten categories. I imagine ten categories that have lost their parents.

بشكل ما نمر واحد فيهم كريم النسب. فوكمان متحدد ليهم توجدهم

In a way, we are number one among them, noble in lineage. It has been clearly defined for them to be present.



الدار لغاية سن اربعة وعشرين ساعة سنة ازا احتاج الامر. يعني في

The house is available for up to twenty-four hours a year if needed. That means there is...

بعض الاشخاص محتاجين ممكن يكملوا ومش بس بيخرجوا عندي سن من

Some people are in need of help; they may continue, and it's not just that they go out at my age.

تمنتاشر الى واحد وعشرين لأ. لو الاحتياج الضروري ليهم ان هما

Eighteen to twenty-one, no. If their urgent need is that they...

يكونوا موجودين بشكل ما سواء استلزم الامر ده عشان دراسة عشان

They should be present in some way, whether it is necessary for this due to study or for other reasons.

اه اه مثلا الجزء الصحي يستلزم ان هو يكون موجود. او نفسيا. اه

Oh, oh, for example, the health part requires that it be present. Or psychologically. Oh.

فمن حقه انه هو يفضل اه لغاية اه اربعة وعشرين سنة على حسب احتياجه

It is his right to prefer, yes, until he is twenty-four years old, according to his needs.

الضروري. فاحنا ده هيتغطى وهيبقى فيه تيسير ان شاء الله في اقرب وقت.

It is essential. We will cover this and there will be facilitation, God willing, as soon as possible.

اه طيب ده يودينا فيه الجزء اللي يعلق به الشوء. خلاص كده انا

Oh, good, this will take us to the part that the shawl hangs on. That's it, I'm done.

خدت الورق بتاعي ومعايا كل المستلزمات بقول الورق ومعايا حاجتي

I took my paper and all my supplies, saying I have the paper and my things with me.

وابتدي عايز اروح اهجر شقة. عندنا دايما نعيم من الاجرات ايجار

I want to go and abandon the apartment. We always have the blessing of rent procedures.

جديد وايجار قديم. خلينا نقول الاغلب دلوقتي الاجار الجديد. سواء

New and old rent. Let's say most of the time it's new rent. Whether...

ولد او بنت. اه ايه الحاجات اللي محتاجين يخلي بالنا منها? واحنا

Boy or girl. Yes, what are the things we need to pay attention to? And we...

راحين نمضي عقد لايجار. احنا طبعا فرقنا اجار جديد واجار قديم.

We are going to sign a rental contract. Of course, we have differentiated between the new rental and the old rental.

الجار الجديد خلينا فيه فيه تفصيلة دي مش هنقدر نخفلها ايا

The new neighbor has a detail about them that we can't overlook at all.

ان كان نوع الاجار. التفصيلة المهمة ان انت لازم تزور المكان

If it is a type of rental. The important detail is that you must visit the place.

اللي انت هتأجره الصبح وبالليل. وده مهم جدا. وتسأل على المكان ده

The one you will rent in the morning and at night. This is very important. And you should ask about this place.

هل الوحدة السكنية اللي انت هتأجرها وتقعد فيها هل المكان ده

Is the apartment you’re going to rent and live in this place?

عليه نزاع قانوني ولا لأ? الشخص اللي موجود هيأجر لك. هل الراجل

Does he have a legal dispute or not? The person who is here will rent it for you. What about the man?

ده اه يعني متزوج وعنده اولاد مثلا واخد اولاده برة ففيه اه

Yes, it means he is married and has children, for example, taking his children outside, so yes.

قرار تمكين للزوجة دي. فانت كأنك اجرت حاجة في الهواء ودفعت

A decision to empower the wife. It’s like you rented something in the air and paid for it.

فلوس على الهواء لان هتلاقي اه قوة ما من اه القوة المعنية

Money in the air because you will find a kind of power from the concerned authority.

بالتنفيذ جاية تنفذ على المكان.

"The execution is coming to be carried out at the location."

فكأننا دخلنا في دايرة مفرغة وفلوسك ممكن ما تعرفش تستردها

It's as if we've entered a vicious cycle, and you might not be able to recover your money.

تاني. فلو هنأجر ايجار جديد هنزور المكان زي ما قلنا وهنسأل

Again. If we are going to rent a new place, we will visit the location as we said and ask.

ونستعلم ازا كان في اه نزاع قضائي على الوحدة السكنية دي.

We would like to inquire if there is any ongoing legal dispute regarding this residential unit.

وبعد كده اول حاجة نعملها واحنا بنمضي العقد اه بعديها هنعمل

And after that, the first thing we will do while signing the contract is, yes, after that we will do...

اه اثبات تاريخ. اه. لان اثبات التاريخ هيحق لك بعد كده ان

Oh, proof of history. Oh. Because proof of history will allow you afterwards to...

انت تغير عنوان العنوانك في البطاقة على العنوان ده. وده

You are changing your address on the card to this address. And this.

بعملهم نين بالزبط? شهر العقاري. شهر العقاري ورسومه عشرة جنيه.

What do they do exactly? The real estate month. The real estate month and its fees are ten pounds.

مش موضوع كبير يعني. خالص. خالص. وانت واقف. ولو قلت لصاحب المكان

It's not a big deal, really. Not at all. Not at all. And you're standing there. And if I tell the owner of the place...

فرضا صاحب المكان تهرب منك وقال لك المكان ده ما عليهوش نزاع

Suppose the owner of the place evades you and says that this place has no dispute over it.

قضائي. فانت هتقول له ان انت هتعمل اثبات تاريخ. ويفضل ان انت

Judicial. So you will tell him that you will make a proof of history. It is preferable that you...

هتفرغ نفسك ساعة هتيجي معي. لو رفض هتستكشف بشكل مختلف. اه

You will free yourself for an hour to come with me. If you refuse, you will explore in a different way. Yes.

ان المكان ده ممكن يكون عليه نزاع قضائي. فلازم تبلغ اللي انت

This place may be subject to a legal dispute. So you must inform the one you...

هتأجر منه. قل له بس انا هعمل اثبات تاريخ. عشان هستلم جوابات

I will rent from him. Just tell him that I will make a date proof because I will receive letters.

دراسة وجوابات عمل على هنا. فمحتاج بس حضرتك معي في الشهر

Study and answers are working here. I just need you with me in the month.

العقاري. فلو رفض. هتفهم تلقائي ان في حاجة مش يعني مش في مكانها

The real estate. So if he refused. You would automatically understand that there is something that doesn't belong there.

الصحيح. اوكي. احيانا بيبقى بعض المؤجرين بيخافوا مسلا مش

That's right. Okay. Sometimes some landlords are afraid, for example, not...

عارف ايه وكده. من الدرائم. اه اوكي. ده لو سيادتك هتودي

Do you know what and so on? From the crimes. Yeah, okay. That's if you will send.



العقد ده في الدرائم. درب العقارية. كنت اسألك سؤال برضو

This contract is in the documents. Real estate path. I wanted to ask you a question as well.

في موضوع العقد ده كن اه اللي هو العقد اللي بقول عليه بتاع

In the subject of this contract, it's like the contract that I am referring to.

المكتبة. طب ما هي العقد. هل هو ده يعني انا فاكر لما جيت انا

The library. So what is the contract? Is that what I mean? I remember when I came.

عملت العقد الشقة بتاعي نزلت جبت من المكتبة مش عارف باتنين

I made the contract for my apartment, and I went to the library; I don't know about two.

جنيه تلاتة جنيه عقد عادي اي شيء وبدأنا نمضيهم خلاص. اه. هل في

Three pounds, a regular contract, anything, and we began to sign them. Yes. Is there...

هيتحفز على موضوع العقد بتاع المكتبة ده ولا لا? تحفز الوحيد.

Will he be motivated about the library contract topic or not? The only motivation.

اه. يفضل ان هو يكون عقد مكتوب من مرجعية قانونية ليك. تمام?

Ah. It's better for it to be a written contract from a legal reference for you. Okay?

يفضل. في حالة لو الشخص ده رفض هتركز في تفاصيل مهمة زي ايه? ان

It is preferred. In case this person refuses, focus on important details like what? That...

العقد ما اه مش اه القيمة الاجارية بيتم دفعها شهريا تمام?

The contract is not just about the rental value; it is paid monthly, right?

ولو في نزاع ما بين الطرفين اه يحل المحكمة. او بمعنى اوضح

"If there is a dispute between the two parties, it will be resolved by the court. Or more clearly..."

بمعنى تاني. اه خلينا نقول ان احنا تمام? اه استأجرنا المكان.

In other words. Yes, let's say we are fine? Yes, we rented the place.

المكان ده اجرنا سنة او تلات سنين. تمام? يركز في تفصيلة ان

This place we rented for a year or three years. Okay? Focus on the detail that...

في حالة عدم دفع الاجار لمدة كزا. يعني حدد مدة عدم دفع الاجار.

In case of failure to pay the rent for a specific period. Meaning, specify the duration of the non-payment of rent.

اللي هو ايه? انت بتدفع شهريا. في ناس بتكتب لو ما دفعش الشهر ده

What is it? You pay monthly. Some people write if they didn't pay this month.

هخرجوا برا لوحدة السكنية. وهيخد احيانا الحاجات بتاعتهم. اه.

They will go out of the residential unit. And sometimes they will take their things. Yes.

فانت ركز في الجزئية دي كويس جدا. وحق لك ان انت تتأخر مسلا لمدة

So focus on this part very well. And you have the right to delay for a while.

اه هنقول تلات شهور. اقصى تقدير. في ناس بتسيبك ست شهور. في ناس

Oh, we'll say three months. At most. Some people leave you for six months. Some people...

بتسيبك سنة بالمناسبة. فلازم ما يكتبش في العقد ايه بقى? مشاهرة.

You're leaving for a year, by the way. So what shouldn't be written in the contract? Monthly.

نركز في الجملة اللي هتكتب في عقد الاجار الجديد ما يكونش مكتوب

We focus on the sentence that will be written in the new rental contract, it should not be written.

مشاهرة. لان كلمة مشاهرة هي في النهاية هتخلي الشخص صاحب العقار لو

Monthly. Because the word 'monthly' will ultimately make the property owner...

يوم واحد في الشهر.

One day a month.

ما دفعتش فلوسك هيتم طردك برا المكان لان هو مأجر قولك بالشهر.

If you don't pay your rent, you will be evicted from the place because it is leased to you monthly.

فهو حقه القانوني ان هو يخربك. فنركز برضو في الجزئية دي. طيب

It is his legal right to ruin you. So let's also focus on this aspect. Okay?

هسألك سؤال تاني اه في هل في الموضوع الالوان? الوان الالام?

I will ask you another question, is there in the subject of colors? Colors of pains?

ما اعرفش هل ده حاجة فعلا معتمدة ولا يعني بمضي بالازرق او

I don't know if this is actually something official or if it just means signing in blue or...

بالاحمر او بالاسود? ولا ده لقى حاجة ملهاش اه حاجة قانونية سنة

In red or in black? Or is this just something that doesn't have any legal significance this year?

القانونية? الالوان لها علاقة بتصور المستند نفسه بعد كده. نعم

Legal? The colors are related to the perception of the document itself afterwards. Yes.

احنا بنعتمد طول وقت الاسود والازرق في في الكتابة عشان ويكون

We rely on black and blue throughout writing so that it remains.

الالم انت اصل فيه الام دلوقتي بتتباع كمان الخطوط بتاعتها في

The pain, you are originally in pain. Now the lines are also being sold in.

صلاة الامانة والشيكات والعقود اللي انت بتكتبه ده بيختفي بعد

The prayer of trust and the checks and contracts that you are writing disappear afterwards.

ساعة زمن. فخلي برضو بالكوا من ده حتى الالم انت تكون مش تريب

An hour of time. So be careful about this, even the pain shouldn't make you uncomfortable.

نفسك من المكتبة. لان فيه الام كتير بتتباع. هي بتتكتب اللي

Yourself from the library. Because there are many works being sold. It is written that...

بتكتب ده بيطير بعد ساعة زمن. كان مفيش عقود. كان مفيش صلاة

You write this, it flies away after an hour. There were no contracts. There was no prayer.

امانة. كان مفيش شيكات. ده حقيقة. انت مناسبة. بيتباع على

Trust. There were no checks. That's a fact. You're suitable. It's being sold at

القهاوي. وبيتباع في اي حتة. مش الام بتتعب عشان تجيبه. خالص.

Cafés. They are sold anywhere. The mother doesn't tire herself to get it. Not at all.

ده خطر او الموضوع ده. اه. فخلي بالنا برضو من الاقلام اللي هات

This is a dangerous matter. Yes. So let's also be careful about the pens that we will bring.

الام بنفسك انت ضامن ان هو بيكتب صح وانت مجربه وشريب نفسك. مش

The pain is in yourself; you are sure that he is writing correctly, and you have tried it and drunk it yourself. No.

اكتر. فملحوزة مهمة دي برضو ناخد بالنا واحنا بنمضي العود. طيب

More. It’s also important to pay attention to this while we are signing the contract. Okay.

من اسم البنات. احيانا بيقابلوا مشاكل اللي هي عواقة به بقول

From the names of girls. Sometimes they encounter problems, which I refer to as obstacles.

الاعراف المجتمعية والفكر يعني السيد في المجتمع الشرقي. بيبقوا

The societal and intellectual norms mean the master in Eastern society. They remain.

مش عارفين يخرجوا وللأسف الشديد ده ما بيخرجوا مسلا من الدار اتنين

They don't know how to get out, and unfortunately, they don't get out of the house, for example, at all.

تلاتة مسلا مع بعض. ما بيلاقوش مكان او ما بيلاقوش مش مكان ما

Three, for example, together. They can't find a place or they can't find a place that is not there.

بيلاقوش مستأجر بيرضى ان هو يأجر لهم الشقة. هل في حاجة قانونية

"They can't find a tenant who agrees to rent them the apartment. Is there anything legal?"

بتمنع ان البنات تقدر تأجر شقة ولا لأ? بص دي ازمة الازمات في

Are you prohibiting girls from renting an apartment or not? This is a crisis among crises.

مصر. تمام? وما فيش اي نص تشريعي واضح. ما فيش نص تشريعي

Egypt. Okay? And there is no clear legislative text. There is no legislative text.

بيقول ان انت في فئة افضل من فئة. بل بالعكس الدستور في مصر

He says that you are in a better category than another category. On the contrary, the constitution in Egypt.

عندنا واضح جدا في مادة تلاتة وخمسين. ان ما فيش فئة افضل من

It is very clear to us in subject fifty-three that there is no category better than.

فئة. سواء في الجنس او في اللون او في العرق او في الدين او اي

Category. Whether in gender, color, race, religion, or any other.

اي اخطاب قراهية بينص ان انت تفضل فئة عن فئة. الست زي الراجل

What hateful rhetoric states that you prefer one category over another? Aren't you like a man?

الطفل زي المسن. كل افراد المجتمع هم في نفس السواسية في

The child is like the elderly. All members of society are equal in the same way.

حقوقهم وواجباتهم تجاه المجتمع. انما اللي بيحصل ده هو عرف سائد

Their rights and duties towards the community. What is happening is merely a prevailing custom.

للاسف ليه علاقة بمورسات ثقافية ان الست ما تسكنش في بيت وتكون

Unfortunately, it is related to cultural practices that a woman does not live in a house and be...

لوحدها. في سيدات عظام على فكرة بالمناسبة موجودين في اماكن

By themselves. There are great ladies, by the way, present in places.

وسكنين وصحفيات وعملات وشغلهم مهم جدا في مصر. وياما اخدوا جوائز

And they are residents, journalists, and workers, and their work is very important in Egypt. They have won many awards.

في مصر وهم مستقلين. خلينا نقول كلمة مستقلين الفتيات والسيدات

In Egypt, they are independent. Let’s say the word independent for girls and women.

المستقلات. ياما قدموا لمصر اه حاجات عظيمة جدا. في مستقل

The independents. They have contributed many great things to Egypt. In independence.

بالهم المهني. فاحنا خلينا نقول ان دلوقتي الاعراف بتخاف ان هي

In their professional concern. So let's say that now the customs are afraid that they

تسكن سيدة او فتاة لوحدها. مع ان ده ما فيش ما يشين اه اه اخلاق اي

A lady or girl lives alone. Even though there is nothing disgraceful about it, uh, uh, morals or anything.

حد. يعني هو حد جاي لك عشان يشتغل عشان ينجح فالناس كلها بتقول لك

A limit. It means he is someone coming to you to work and succeed, and everyone is telling you.

لا انا ما اسكنش طب يعني طب لو قلنا طب لو هتسكن رجالة. اه عادي

No, I don't live there. So, if we say, if you will live with men. Yes, it's fine.

سهل. هتسكن رجالة. ما بيقوش. طب انما انما سيدات او فتيات لا.

Easy. They will live with men. They don't stay. But for ladies or girls, no.

ده تمييز في حد زاده. اه. ده تمييز فئة عن فئة. معنا اصلا كاي

This is a distinction in its essence. Yes. This is a distinction between categories. It actually means something.

بيعرضة للخطر. يعني في اللي اخر هتنزل الشارع هتنزل طب بتقعد فين?

It's putting [you] at risk. I mean, when you finally go out onto the street, where will you sit?

طب مين ممكن يزيها برا ومين مش عارف ايه? وبعد كده نرجع نلوم

So who can take her outside and who doesn't know what? And then we come back to blame.

عليها. اه انت والله ايه اللي ماشيك كده? ايه اللي ماشيني كده?

What's wrong with you? What’s making you act like this?

ما انت اصلا كاي مجتمع ما ناحية تانية ما. ما هو ده عرف. ما ردتش

What are you, after all, like any society on the other side? What is this custom? You didn't respond.

تساعدني يعني. اه ده ده عرف للأسف. من اعرف المجتمع اللي

It helps me, I mean. Yes, this is unfortunately known. From the society I know.

بتخلي بتدفع فئة من المجتمع بشكل ما ان هم هيتجهوا ما هو خلينا

It makes a segment of society pay in a way that they will turn towards what, let's say.

واضحين ما فيش ما فيش جريمة بدون اسباب قبليها مليون سبب. سبب

There are no crimes without a million reasons beforehand. Reason.

فوق سبب تراكومي هرمي بيوصل في الاخر الانسان لارتجاب ان هو

Above a cumulative hierarchical reason, it ultimately leads a person to doubt themselves.

يرتكب افعال هي بالضرورة ما كانتش من في سياقه. او هو مش مخطط

He commits acts that necessarily weren't in his context. Or it wasn't planned.

لها. فانت لما تحجب عن فئة حقها في السكن دي جريمة. وجريمة

To her. When you deny a group their right to housing, that is a crime. And a crime.

تميزية واضحة وصريحة. احنا عندنا في القانون المصري قانون

A clear and explicit distinction. We have in Egyptian law a law...

عقوبات مادة مية ستة وستين مقرر تقريبا. او مية سبعة وستين.

The penalties for Article 166 or Article 167.

بتجرم اه فعل التمييز. اتجاه اي فئة من المجتمع. زي ما

It criminalizes the act of discrimination against any group in society, just like.

الدستور ذكر في مادة تلاتة وخمسين. فاحنا عندنا في كمان مواد

The constitution mentioned in Article fifty-three. So we have additional articles as well.

قانونية وعقبية واضحة وصريحة. وده كنت هذكره في الموضوع اه عود

Clear and explicit legality and consequences. I was going to mention this in the subject, yes, return.

العمل. احنا كنا هندخل فعلا في الموضوع عود العمل.

Work. We were actually going to get involved in the issue of work return.

بعد شوية. بس خليني اقف هنا شوية. اللغة دي مهمة جدا من

In a little while. But let me stop here for a moment. This language is very important.

اسبالي. انه اه طب البنات بقول لو خلاص هو ده العرف. ايه النصيح

"Please. It's just that the girls' friends say if this is the custom, what advice do you have?"

الحاجة ممكن تنصحهم بيه? بحيس ان هم زي ما بقول اه يتحيلوا على

Can you advise them about it? It seems to me that they are trying to find a way around it.

المواقف بشكل ما. ان هم يقدروا ياخدوا عقد اه اجار شأء. او ان

The positions somehow. They can take a rental contract for a property. Or that...

هم يقدروا يأجروا شأء. خلينا نتحرك في تكتلات افضل. تكتلات.

They can rent a place. Let's move towards better clusters. Clusters.

لسبب. اه. التكتلات ما محدش بيقدر يعني يرفض لهم طلب. او

For a reason. Uh. The coalitions, no one can really refuse their request. Or...

مسلا اه في اماكن في مصر. ما عادي يوصل البلد في اماكن. عرفها

There are places in Egypt where it's common to reach the country in certain areas. Do you know them?

السائد ان هي طبعا مش مش هقدر اكبر كل فرض ان هو يروح للمنطقة

The prevailing idea is that, of course, I won't be able to make everyone go to the area.

دي. لان وارد المبالغ المالية او اقتصاديا هو مش قادر يكفر ده

Yes. Because the income of financial amounts or economically is unable to cover this.

بشكل ما. صحيح. فوارد ان هو اه يضطره ظرف طارق او ظروف شغله ان

In a way. That's right. It is possible that circumstances or work obligations may force him to...

هو ما بقاش بعيد جدا عن اه مكان سكنه. وده حق من حقوقه. فلو متاح

He is not far away from his place of residence. This is a right of his. So if possible.

ليهم الاماكن العرف السائد فيها بيسكنوا اه سيدات مع بعض او

They have places where the prevailing custom allows women to live together.

فتاة مع بعض خليهم تكتلات يفضل ان هم يكونوا تكتلات افضل. وده

"A girl with some of them, let them be clusters; it is preferable that they be better clusters. And this."

وده المخرج الوحيد. اللي برضو لان احنا ما عندناش مظلة تشعية

This is the only outlet. Also, because we do not have a supportive framework.

بتمنع ده. بس في اعراف تحت الترابيزة الناس كلها متوافقة

This is prohibited. But there are customs under the table that everyone agrees on.

مع ده وموافقة عليها رغم ان ده بيدفع الناس للشارع وبيعرضهم

With this and approval of it, even though it drives people to the streets and puts them at risk.

للخطر بشكل ما. صحيح صحيح. الى ان يعني اه يتم بقى انشاء

To the danger in some way. Correct, correct. Until, I mean, it is then established.

مفاوضية مكافحة التمييز اللي انا اتناقشنا فيها وليها تفاصيل

The anti-discrimination negotiations that we discussed and have details about.

معينة يعني ان لو حد مايز حد عن حد. حلوة وده يمكن يخدني في

It means that if someone distinguishes one person from another. Nice, and this may take me to...

الجزء اللي يعبقى بقى بيه العمل. خلاص الحمد لله نرى بشكل ما

The part that remains for the work. Thank God, we can see in some way.

نحصل على شقة ايجار جديد او ايجار قديم صحيح ما كناش كاملنا

We are getting a new rental apartment or an old rental, right? We haven't completed everything.

برضو على موضوع الايجار القديم. الايجار القديم اللي هيفرق ان

Regarding the issue of old rents. The old rent that will make a difference is...

لازم الايجار القديم يكون بعقد مكتوب تحت اشراف شخص قانوني

The old rent must be under a written contract overseen by a legal person.

لازم. بمعنى. بمعنى. الايجار الجديد احنا اتكلمنا قلنا لو

It is necessary. Meaning. Meaning. The new rent we talked about, we said if

اضطرتنا الظروف ان يكون اه الشخص اللي هو مالك الوحدة هو

Circumstances forced us to have the person who owns the unit be...

اللي اشترى العقد من المكتبة وكتبته ورجعت النص اللي هو

Whoever bought the contract from the library and wrote it down returned the text, which is.

للاعلاقة بالايجار الشهري والحاجات دي. فقلنا خلاص هنتطر

Regarding the monthly rent and those needs. So we said, okay, we will have to...

ان احنا موافقين تحت يعني اجبار ما او هو راضي كده فتامين. انت

We are agreeing under pressure, meaning without choice, or he is satisfied like this, Vitamin. You.

دلوقتي هت اه هتأجر

Now you will, yes, you will rent.

واحدة سكنية ايجار قديم. ايجار قديم انت متورط في ايجار او اختارت

An old rental apartment. An old rent you are involved in or chose.

ايجار ستين سنة. تسعة وخمسين سنة. طبقا لده لازم يكون عقد متراجع

Sixty years lease. Fifty-nine years. According to this, it must be a retroactive contract.

كويس من شخص قانوني. برضو تراجع الوحدة لو فيها عليه هنزع قانوني

Good from a legal person. Also, review the unit; if there are any issues, I will take legal action.

من عدمه. منفعش ان نشتري في الايجار القديم بالذات عقد من

It is not possible to buy in the old rent specifically an agreement from.

مكتبة ونمضي عليه ونطلع نمشي اي حد هيقدر يطلعك تاني ونطلع

Library, and we go through it and we walk, anyone who can take you out again, and we go out.

يوم الصبح بالمناسبة. وهتعاني. اوكي ده موضوع مهم. اه فلازم

In the morning, by the way. And you will suffer. Okay, this is an important topic. Yes, so it is necessary.

نراجع الوحدة السكنية دي عليه هنزع قانوني ولا لا? ولازم العقد

Are we reviewing this housing unit to see if it will be legally evicted or not? And is the contract necessary?

يكون مكتوب من حد مختص قانوني من محامي اه يراجع معك ويفضل انه

It should be written by a legal expert, preferably a lawyer, who reviews it with you.

هو يكون حاضر معك كمان العقد. ساعة توقيع العقد يعني. ساعة

He will be present with you at the time of signing the contract. Hour.

توقيع الفلوس. يفضل اه ويعني ويراجع الامر ماليا ويراجع العود

The signing of the money. Preferably yes, and it means reviewing the financial matter and reviewing the return.

عشان احنا دايما طول الوقت بنقول ايه? اه

Because we always say what? Yes.

خلينا نتقابل قبل المستند العرفي مش بعد المستند العرفي.

Let's meet before the customary document, not after the customary document.

مستند المستندات العرفية اللي هي بيتم سيغيطها ما بين اطراف اه

The document is the customary documents that are signed between the parties.

سواء في العمل او في وحدات سكنية هيتم اقجرها بشكل ما. ده اسمه

Whether in work or in housing units, it will be rented in some way. This is called.

مستند عرفي. ما بياخدش الشكل الرسمي غير لما بيدخل الجهات

A customary document. It doesn't take the official form until it is submitted to the authorities.

الحكومية. وياخد اختم نصر وحاجات شبه كده عشان يبقى مستند رسمي

The government. And he takes the victory stamp and things like that to have an official document.

معترف به. انما ده مستند ما بين طرفين ده اسمه مستند عرفي.

It is recognized. However, this is a document between two parties; it is called a customary document.

خلينا يعني نتوجه للشخص المعني قانونا ان هو يصغلنا الشكل

Let's turn to the person concerned legally to provide us with the shape.

لمستند عرفي يتم الاعتراف به امام الجهات الرسمية. عشان يحافظ لك

For a customary document to be recognized by official authorities. So that it can protect you.

على حقك كويس ويراجع البنود ويكون هو اما مراجعه اما هو كاتبه

You are right, he should review the terms and either be the one reviewing or the one who wrote it.

بنفسه. فده مهم جدا بالذات. لان انت هتدفع كمان مقدم. صح?

By himself. So this is very important, especially since you will also be paying a down payment. Right?

مقدم آآ خصوصا لبعض الشباب بيبقى خارج مسلا من الدار مسلا

Sometimes, especially for some young people, they might be out of the house.

متلقوا مسلا متطوعين او كفلة بيبقى حيانا مسلا سايبين له مسلا

Sometimes, sponsors or volunteers leave him, for example.

من مال التبرعات في حسابه الخاص مسلا بحيس لما بيجي يطلع من

From the donation money in his private account, for example, when he comes to withdraw it...

الدار يلاقي مسلا عنده رقم ممكن يبقى البداية كويسة ان هي تساعده.

The house has a connection with someone who has a number that could be a good starting point for her to help him.

فحيانا ممكن بعض الشباب يروح بدل ما يقول اجر شقة او كده ممكن

Sometimes some young people might go and instead of saying the rent for an apartment or something similar, they might...

يعملها بدل ايجار جديدة يخليها ايجار قديم. ويبقى او يعني يروح

He makes it a new rental to keep it as an old rental. And it remains, or I mean, he goes.

على طول ليه فكرة الايجار الاديم. فكم مهم ان احنا نقول على

Why do we have the idea of old rental? So it is important that we talk about it.

الايجار الاديم ده من حق ابنك يقعد فيه. او كمان. انت ما تضيعش

This old rent is your son's right to stay in. Or also. Don't waste it.

كمان حق ابنك. اه. هو مش بس حقك. هو من حقك ومن حق ابنك اللي

It's also your son's right. Yes. It's not just your right. It is your right and your son's right too.

قاعد معك. فرضا لقدر الله يعني الدنيا اعمار والموت هو الحاجة

"I'm sitting with you. Suppose, God forbid, life has its ages, and death is the only thing."

الوحيدة الحقيقية اللي احنا متأكدين منها. فحد توفى بشكل ما

The only real one that we are sure of is that someone has died in some way.

ابنه موجود. هو من حق ابنه. فلازم يرجع المستند اللي هو هيكون قاعد

His son is present. It belongs to his son. So he must return the document that he will have.

فيه وابنه كمان لانه هيكون قاعد فيه من حقه. سعي. سعي. سعي.

There is also his son because he will be sitting in it, it is his right. Strive. Strive. Strive.

اشتركوا في القناة

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