سورة الإنسان و تنظيم الحياة
إعجاز القرآن
إعجاز القرآن
سورة الإنسان و تنظيم الحياة
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والحمد لله رب العالمين له الفضل والمنة وله الأمر والخلق كله
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds. To Him belongs the grace and favor, and to Him belongs the command and all creation.
وصل اللهم وسلم على حبيبنا المصطفى المختار خير المتقين وإمام الأبرار
O Allah, send peace and blessings upon our beloved, the chosen one, the best of the pious and the leader of the righteous.
أما بعد السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وتقبل الله منا ومنكم الصيام والقيامة وصالح الأعمال
Peace be upon you, and may God's mercy and blessings be upon you. May God accept our and your fasting, prayers, and good deeds.
أهلا وسهلا بكم أيها الأخوة والأخوات الحضور وكذلك مشاهدين الكرام
Welcome, brothers and sisters present here, as well as dear viewers.
ضمن حملة لذة الطاعة جربها هذه الحملة التي تعتبر التاسعة لمشروع ركاز لتعزيز الأخلاق
As part of the "Pleasure of Obedience" campaign, try this campaign which is considered the ninth for the Rakaaz project to promote morals.
فأهلا بكم
أحب أن أنوه في هذا اللقاء أن هذا اللقاء الجماهيري هو عبارة عن وسيلة إعلامية
I would like to point out in this meeting that this public gathering is a media tool.
كأي وسيلة أخرى تتخذها ركاز في حملاتها الإعلامية
Like any other means that Rukaz adopts in its media campaigns.
مثلا لدينا الإصدارات المقروعة وكذلك المسموعة وأيضا برنامج جربها
For example, we have the printed editions, as well as the audio versions, and also the "Try It" program.
الذي يعرض في قناة الوطن وكذلك الوطن بلس
What is broadcast on Al-Watan Channel as well as Al-Watan Plus.
أهلا بكم في هذا اللقاء ومعنا ضيف هو الدكتور من المملكة العربية السعودية
Welcome to this meeting, and with us is our guest, Dr. from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
الدكتور شيخ عبد المحسن الأحمد وكذلك الشيخ الوالد أحمد الدبوس
Dr. Sheikh Abdul Mohsen Al-Ahmad and also Sheikh Walid Ahmed Al-Dabbous.
ولكن اعتذر لي
But apologize to me.
ستأخر قليلا وسوف يعود قبلك بعد قليل
He will be a little late and will return before you shortly.
نرحب بكم وكذلك نشكر لإدارة مجمع الكوت على حسن الضيافة والتنظيم
We welcome you and also thank the management of Al-Kout Mall for their hospitality and organization.
معنا الآن الدكتور عبد المحسن الأحمد مشكورا مأجورا غير مامور
We now have Dr. Abdul Mohsen Al-Ahmad, who is thankfully rewarded and not commanded.
الحمد لله رب العالمين وأصلي وأسلم على أشرف خلق الله أجمعين نبينا محمد عليه وعلى آله وصحابته أفضل الصلاة وأتم وتسليم
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and I send blessings and peace upon the noblest of all creation, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions, the best and most complete prayers and peace.
أما بعد أحبة الفضلة فأسأل الله جل جلاله
As for the beloved ones of excellence, I ask Allah, exalted is His majesty.
وفوق بعد التسليم
And above, after the delivery.
والفضل اللي يدفع لمدينة الحاكمة
And the favor that pays for the ruling city.
الصلاة والسلام في كل مكان
Peace and blessings everywhere.
لكن الله قال أيها المسلمين
But God said, O Muslims.
يغنون ويعين على هذا المقام وعلى غيره
They sing and assist in this position and others.
Try it.
ماذا تجرب
What are you trying?
أنا لو أقول لأخي الغالي وأختي الغالية
I would say to my dear brother and my dear sister.
وعندك آثار في الونزة وال مريض وأعطيك
And you have traces of the flu and I will give you.
عسل أقولك إيش طعمة
Honey, let me tell you what it tastes like.
ما أنت حاسب شيء
What are you counting on?
أعطيك شيء مالح ما تستشعر طعمه شي حالي ما تستشعر طعمه
I give you something salty that you don't taste its flavor; something current that you don't feel its taste.
طعم ما انت حاس فيه. ما نحس فيها يا جماعة احيانا اذا كنا مرضى ما
The taste of what you are feeling. Sometimes we don't feel it, folks, if we are sick.
انت حاس بطعم الاكل. والطاعة ما انت حاس بطعمها. اللي ان تذوقها
You feel the taste of food, but you don't feel the taste of obedience. Only those who have experienced it can understand.
بالعضو الذي ارادها الله عز وجل. اذا كان هذا العضو مريض. والله ما
"By the member that Allah Almighty desired. If this member is sick. And by Allah, I do not..."
انت حاس بشيء. عشان كده الناس تصلي نفس الصلاة. لكن واحد حاس
You feel something. That's why people pray the same prayer. But one feels.
بطعم والثاني مو بحاسب شيء. الناس تتعرض للقرآن واحد حاسب طعم
One has flavor, and the other does not account for anything. People are exposed to the Quran, one accounts for the taste.
وواحد ما هو فاهم شيء. لاجل هذا الله عز وجل. يعلمنا سبحانه
"And one does not understand anything. For this reason, Allah the Exalted teaches us."
وتعالى يقول. كتاب انزلناه اليك مبارك. كتاب انزلناه اليك
"And He says: A Book We have sent down to you, blessed. A Book We have sent down to you."
مبارك. يا رب احنا ما احنا حاسين انه مبارك. نحس انه نقرأ. بس ما
Congratulations. Oh Lord, we don't feel that it's a congratulations. We feel like we're just reading. But we don't.
حاسين انه مبارك.
We feel that it's a blessing.
بشيء. طيب ليش انزل هذا الكتاب. هل له طعم اصلا? نعم. ايش الطعم
With something. Why should I download this book? Does it even have a flavor? Yes. What is the flavor?
حقه? ليقرأوا لا ما انت حاس بشيء. ليسمعوا ما احنا حاسين بشيء.
His right? Let them read, no, you don't feel anything. Let them hear what we are feeling.
اجل ايش الطعم وين نذوقه باي عضو? قال جل جلاله ليندبروا
Yes, what is the taste and where do we experience it in which part? He said, Glory be to Him, to ponder.
قل لو كان قلبك صح. كان تحس بطعم كل اية. ما قال
Say, if your heart were right, you would feel the taste of every verse. He did not say.
ليتدبروا صوره ولا صفحاته ولا اجزائه. قال والله لو كنت صاحب قلب
"Let them contemplate its verses, not its pages or parts. He said, 'By God, if I were a person of heart...'"
حي يذوق الطعم صح. كان تتدبر اية واية واية قبل الاجزاء والصور. احنا
A neighborhood tastes the taste of truth. It was contemplating one verse after another before the parts and images. We...
قرينا. ما. ما حسينا بشيء. ليتدبروا اياتي وليتذكر من هم? من
We read. We didn't feel anything. Let them ponder my signs and let those who remember reflect on who they are.
اللي قاعدين يحسون?
What are they feeling?
الالباب. احنا ما نجرب. ما نجرب طعم الطاقة. ما نجرب طعمها احنا نجي
The minds. We do not experiment. We do not taste the energy. We do not taste it; we come.
وبيقين ان الله عز وجل ما صدق معه عبد الا واذاقه طعم هذه العبادة.
And with certainty, Allah, the Almighty, does not grant sincerity to His servant except that He allows him to taste the sweetness of this worship.
قال الله عز وجل عن رجل احس بطعمها فصار يتلذذ بالسجن. ويقول ان احب
Allah, Exalted be He, said about a man who felt its taste and began to enjoy prison. And he says that he loves it.
اليه. يقول يوسف عليه السلام وتونس
To him. Yusuf (Joseph), peace be upon him, says, and Tunisia.
لنا في مسجد نسمع ايات. يقول الله عز وجل. وَلَا اِنْ لَمْ يَفْعَلْ مَا
We have in the mosque hearing verses. Allah, the Almighty, says: "And if he does not do what..."
اَامُرُهُ تقولها امرأة العزيز تبغيزني فيها. لا يسجنن وليكونن من
"I command him," she says, "the mistress is trying to seduce me into this. He shall not be imprisoned, and he will be among..."
الصاغرين. ايش قال? هو حاسب طعم مختلف. اعظم من لذة الزنا.
The subservient ones. What did he say? He has a different taste. Greater than the pleasure of adultery.
حاسب طعم التعامل مع رب العالمين. اش قال? قال ربي سطرها ربي في
The account of the taste of dealing with the Lord of the Worlds. What did He say? He said, "My Lord has written it down for me in..."
كتابه جل جلاله. خلدها. حاسب طعم غريب. قال ربي السجن احنا نقول
The writing of His Glory. Let it be eternal. The taste is strange. He said, "My Lord, the prison." We say.
اكره الينا وما في احد يحب السجن. لكن شف يوم كان السجن بيذوق طعم مع
I hate it, and no one loves prison. But look, when prison is about to taste the flavor...
رب العالمين بيقرب لله عز وجل قال قال ربي السجن احب اليه. احب اليك?
The Lord of the Worlds said, "My Lord, prison is more beloved to me." "Is it more beloved to You?"
يعني احب اليك. ما في احد يحب السجن. قال ربي السجن احب الي مما
It means I love you. No one loves prison. My Lord said, "Prison is more beloved to me than..."
ايش? بيعذبونك بيقطعونك بالصياط بيضربونك في السيف بيعذبونك
What? They will torture you, they will cut you with whips, they will hit you with a sword, they will torture you.
بالصعق الكهربائي عشان كده السجن اخف لا. يقول احب الي مما يدعونني
"With electric shock, that's why prison is lighter. He says I love more than what they call me."
اليه. احب الي من اني اتلذ اذا قعد مع واحدة جميلة وذات منصب وجمال
I prefer to enjoy myself when sitting with a beautiful woman of status and beauty.
احب اليه. ليش احب اليه? لان ذاق ان هذا الامر قاعد يرفعني عند رب
I love it. Why do I love it? Because I have tasted that this matter elevates me with the Lord.
العالمين. يقول يا رب بسجني هنا وفكني هناك عند النساء اللي اذا
the worlds. He says, "O Lord, just imprison me here and free me there among the women who..."
اطلعت احداهن على السماوات وعلى الارض جعل ملأت ما بين السماء
One of them gazed upon the heavens and the earth, filling what is between them.
والارض نورا وريحا. وهنيئا لمن دخل الجنة. الله يجعلنا واياكم من
"And the earth is filled with light and wind. Congratulations to those who enter Paradise. May God make us and you among them."
اهلا. ايش يا جماعة? وان لا تصرف عني كيدا.
Hello. What's up, guys? And don't distract me with tricks.
اليهن وياكم من الجاهلين. ايش الطعم اللي حصل يوسف يا جماعة? ايش
"To them and you from the ignorant. What flavor did Yusuf get, guys? What?"
لذة العلاقة بالله عز وجل? ساعطيك لضيق الوقت عندي. انا عندي عشرين
The pleasure of the relationship with God Almighty? I will give you due to my limited time. I have twenty.
دقيقة. لضيق الوقت حبيبي الغالي ساعطيك برنامج عملي يغير من
Wait a minute. Due to time constraints, my dear, I will give you a practical program that changes your situation.
حياتك. لا يغير الالم الى فرح. لا ولا يغير الهم الى فرج. لا
Your life. Pain does not turn into happiness. No, nor does worry turn into relief. No.
والله. ولا يغير التعاسى الى سعادة.
By God. Misery does not change into happiness.
لا. بل يقلب عندك منابع الحزن. تصير هي منابع فرح عندك. ومنابع
No. Rather, it turns your sources of sorrow into sources of joy for you. And sources...
الالم والضيق تصير منابع الاتساع والفرج. كيف? هذا الكلام معقول?
Pain and hardship become sources of expansion and relief. How? Is this statement reasonable?
اي والله اي والله الذي لا اله الا هو. لكن لابد حبيبي الغالي ان نزيح
Yes, by God, by God, who there is no deity but Him. But my dear, we must move aside.
الاغلاف اللي على قلوبنا عشان كده يا جماعة. بالضبط احنا مثل
The cover that is on our hearts, that's why, guys. Exactly, we are like...
المرضى اللي قاعدين ياكلون. ما هو حاسب طعم شيء. بس ياكل عشان ما
The patients who are eating. They don't taste anything. They just eat so they don't...
يموت. واحنا بس نصلي ونصلي ونطلع.
He dies. And we just pray and pray and go out.
الله عز وجل. يعني عشان نطمع ان ننجو من النار. واحنا ما احنا
Allah, the Exalted, means that we hope to escape from the fire, even if we are not worthy.
حاسين بطعم شيء. كيف يا جماعة نحس بطعم كل السعادة واللذة ما
"We feel the taste of something. How come, guys, we feel the taste of all the happiness and pleasure?"
تذاق احبتي باللسان? لو تجي عند انسان وامرأة مكلومة فاقدة ولدها
Do you taste, my loved ones, with the tongue? If you come to a person and a woman who is wounded, having lost her child.
ميت وتعطيها احسن انواع الاطباق والله العظيم تقول لك انا فيني
Dead and you give her the best types of dishes, I swear to God she will tell you, "I'm feeling it."
انا ممترة من قلبي. ما يحس بطعم اي شيء في الدنيا. تلبسها احسن
I am full of sadness from my heart. I feel no taste of anything in the world. You wear it better.
ما في سعادة. ولدها مكلوم. فالقضية في القلب. القلب هذا اذا
There is no happiness. Her child is in pain. The issue is in the heart. This heart, if...
كان مقفل على التعاسى مستحيل. يذوق طعم العبادة. الله يفصل
It was locked in misery, impossible. He tastes the flavor of worship. God separates.
القضية يا جماعة. يقول الله عز وجل ان لن تدخل هذه السعادة ولا
The issue, my friends, is that Allah, the Exalted, says that this happiness will not enter.
هذه اللذة قلبك حتى ينفتح الاغلاف اللي عليه. ثم تدخل انوار
This pleasure is your heart until the cover on it opens. Then lights enter.
القرآن بعدها بتذوق وبتعرف كيف تتعامل مع رب العالمين. يقول
"The Quran, thereafter, you will taste it and know how to deal with the Lord of the Worlds."
الله عز وجل.
God Almighty.
اليك مبارك ليتدبروا. طيب يا ربي نبغى نتدبر. ونريد ان نحس بها
Here is a blessing for them to reflect upon. Okay, my Lord, we want to contemplate. And we want to feel it.
الطعم. اي عضو نحتاج ان نشغلها واحنا قاعدين نتعامل معها القرآن.
The taste. Which organ do we need to engage while we are dealing with the Quran?
لساننا تعبنا يا جماعة بقراءة القرآن وما حسينا بشيء. اذى ان
Our tongues are tired, folks, from reading the Quran and we haven't felt anything. It's painful.
كل يوم تسمع قرآن وما حسينا بشيء. اعيوننا قلبت النظر في
Every day we hear the Quran, but we don't feel anything. Our eyes have turned to look inward.
الصفحات ما حسينا بشيء. هاليد المسكينة قلبت اكثر من ستمائة
We didn't feel anything about the pages. That poor hand has turned more than six hundred.
صفحة وثلاثين جزء. ما حست بشيء. اي يا جماعة احنا لازم نعرف وين
A page and thirty parts. I didn't feel anything. Yes, guys, we need to know where.
اللي يحس. وبشي العضو المطلوب. قال الله عز وجل. افلا يتدبرون
"Those who feel, and with the required member. Allah, the Exalted, said: 'Do they not reflect?'"
القرآن. احنا كلها قراءة قراءة قراءة. الله يقول تدبر تدبر تدبر.
The Quran. It's all about reading, reading, reading. God says contemplate, contemplate, contemplate.
افلا يتدبرون القرآن
"Do they not reflect upon the Qur'an?"
في مصيبة بعد ام. ام ماذا يا رب? الاسن وحركناها. عيون وشغلناها
In a disaster after mom. What else, O Lord? We cried and we moved it. Eyes and we engaged them.
ايدين. وقلبنا فيها الصفحات. والله كل هذا يا جماعة ما يسوي لك
"Two hands. And we turned the pages in it. I swear, all of this, guys, is not worth it for you."
شيء. اذا القلب ما وصل له شيء. والله ما تحسب شيء. افلا يتدبرون
Something. If the heart does not reach something. By God, you do not consider anything. Do they not reflect?
القرآن ام ام على قلوب.
The Quran is a veil over hearts.
ايه يا جماعة.
Hey, everyone.
هنا يبغى هذا العضو يتحرك مع القرآن. هذا العضو اخر شيء نفكر فيه
Here, this member wants to be in sync with the Quran. This member is the last thing we think about.
واحنا قاعد نقراه. ام على قلوب اقفالها. طيب مهم القلب. لن تسعد
"We are reading it. Um, the hearts have locked doors. Well, the heart is important. You will not be happy."
الا اذا سعت قلبك. لو تشوف احسن مناظر وتسمع احسن القصص واحسن
Unless you strive for your heart. If you see the best views and hear the best stories and the best.
النكة واحسن ما تسعد اذا هم قفل. قال الله عز وجل حتى يعلمنا كيف
The joke is best when it makes you happy, especially when they close it. Allah Almighty said so that He teaches us how.
النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام ذاق طعمها. كيف تعامل النبي
The Prophet, peace be upon him, tasted its flavor. How did the Prophet deal with it?
عليه الصلاة والسلام مع القرآن. الله يقول طا ما انزلنا اليك
Peace be upon him with the Quran. God says, "Ta, what We have sent down to you."
القرآن لتشقى. اجل. لما يا رب? لتسعد. بس متى تسعد? اذا تعاملت
The Quran is for you to struggle. Yes. Why, O Lord? To be happy. But when will you be happy? When you deal with it.
زي ما تعامل النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام مع القرآن. هو قدوتنا.
Just as the Prophet, peace be upon him, dealt with the Quran. He is our role model.
رسم الله خط سير القرآن مع النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام. تعال نشوف
God has drawn the path of the Quran with the Prophet (peace be upon him). Let's see.
خط السير الى اليوم. معي ومعك ونفس السير ولا غير. قال الله عز وجل.
The course to today. With me and with you, the same path and nothing else. Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, said.
نزل به الروح الامين. شوف خط السير. جبريل عليه السلام يسمع القرآن
It was sent down by the trustworthy spirit. Look at the route. Gabriel, peace be upon him, hears the Quran.
رب العالمين. وينزل الى محمد الرسول الكريم عليه الصلاة والسلام.
Lord of the worlds. And He sends down to Muhammad the noble messenger, peace be upon him.
والنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام اما واقف يتلقى الوحي او جالس ثم ينقل
The Prophet, peace be upon him, would either be standing receiving the revelation or sitting and then conveying it.
لنا الله عز وجل. وين ضرب القرآن? نزل به الروح الامين على قلبك.
"To us is Allah, the Almighty. Where did the Quran strike? The Trustworthy Spirit descended with it upon your heart."
احنا نزل على سنة. وما حسنا بشي ولا راح نحس. اذا ما وصل عشان كده
We went down for a year. And we didn't feel anything, and we won't feel anything if it doesn’t arrive because of that.
تغير النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام. صار النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام في
The Prophet, peace be upon him, changed. The Prophet, peace be upon him, became...
اشد احواله. يقول لو ان ابو بكر رضي الله عنه صديق الامة لو احد
His condition is severe. He says if Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was the confidant of the nation, if anyone...
طلع بس طارع تحت شافر لا تحزن. ايش النفسية? ايش الطعم اللي انت
Just go out, but don't feel sad. What's going on? What flavor do you have?
ذاقه? ان الله معناه. وشلون دقتها الطعم? والناس تصاب باقل من
Did he taste it? God is with its meaning. And how did it taste? People get affected by less than that.
هالمشكلة وتنفجر وتنتحر من هالهم. كيف يا رسول الله يجي الرجل
This problem escalates and leads to despair from this sorrow. How, O Messenger of Allah, does a man come?
يسحبك قدام الناس ثم تؤثر ولي شوفونك يرحمونك ثم تقول خلوه.
He pulls you in front of people, then you get affected by how they see you and have pity on you, then you say let him be.
الم نشرح لك صدرك. اجماعة في طعم هنا حسن عليه السلام. على قلبك.
"Did We not expand for you, O Muhammad, your breast? Surely, there is goodness in this taste, peace be upon him. Upon your heart."
اذا هذا الكتاب احبة الفضلة هو سر السعادة فيها الحياة ما انزلنا
If this book, dear friends, is the secret of happiness in life, we have not revealed it.
عليك القرآن لتشقى. اذا ما بعد حسيتها حيوبي الغالي وما بعد
You have the Quran to make you suffer. If I don't feel it after, my dear love, then nothing after.
جربتها بقلبي بتحس ان كلام هذا كله كلام فاضي. تعال حيوبي الغالي
I tried it with my heart and I feel that all this talk is just empty words. Come, my dear beloved.
ونطلع. كيف هل في القرآن ما يعلمنا ان ممكن نقلب مصادر الاحزان
And we rise. Is there anything in the Quran that teaches us that we can transform the sources of sadness?
عندنا مصادر سعادة ايوالله. مصادر التعاسى مصادر افراح ايوالله.
We have sources of happiness, yes indeed. Sources of misery, sources of joy, yes indeed.
مصادر الهم مصادر الفرج ايوالله. مصادر الضيق مصادر السعى ايوالله.
The sources of worry are the sources of relief, indeed. The sources of distress are the sources of striving, indeed.
هذا اللي خل الجن يقولون اننا سمعنا قرآنا عجبا. قالوا ايش
"This is what made the jinn say that we have heard a wondrous Qur'an. They said, what?"
القرآن? يعلمك كيف تقلب حياتك انت انت ايوالله تقدر تغيرها.
The Quran teaches you how to turn your life around; yes, by God, you can change it.
والله لا يغير ما بقوم.
"Indeed, Allah does not change what is in a people."
ما بقوم. حتى حرف غاية. يعني لن يتغير قبل شيء. حتى يغير ما
It doesn't happen. Not even to the slightest extent. It means it won't change before something changes it.
بانفسهم. والله بيده كل شيء. يغير ما يشاء. كل يوم وفي شاء.
By themselves. And God has control over everything. He changes what He wills. Every day and as He wishes.
يغير اللي يبغى. سبحانه. كيف انا استفيد? ليش الجن قالوا عجبا?
"He changes whoever He wills. Glory be to Him. How can I benefit? Why did the jinn say it was amazing?"
يقول الله عز وجل.
God Almighty says.
وهذا منهج وطريق عملي وبرنامج عملي لي ولك حبيبي الغالي اذا انت
This is an approach and a practical method and a practical program for you and me, my dear beloved, if you are.
مصاب بمصيبة كيف تقلبها? متفرجها تقلبها قلب. مصدر جوع يصير مصدر
Suffering from a calamity, how do you flip it? A spectator flips it upside down. A source of hunger becomes a source.
شبع. مصدر فقر يصير مصدر. غنى. بس خذها معي خمس ايات وربعة.
Satisfaction. A source of poverty becomes a source of wealth. But just take it with me, five verses and a quarter.
وحدة تلو الاخرى ونخلص وننتهي ونطلع من المكان. واسأل الله ان
One after another, we finish and end and leave the place. And I ask God that...
يغير بها قلبي وقلبك. هالايات استفاد منها هالضعيف المسكين على
"My heart and your heart change with it. This weak and poor one has benefited from these verses."
قلة بضاعته. والله اني اجد طعمها الى اليوم. قسما بالله. هالايات
His goods are scarce. By God, I still taste it today. I swear by God. These are the verses.
الخمس نمر عليها واحنا حافظينها يا جماعة. احنا ما نتكلم عن حفظ.
We go over the five, and we all know them, guys. We're not talking about memorization.
لاجل هذا النبي عليه السلام كان يقول القرآن. والجبريل يتكلم
For the sake of this Prophet, peace be upon him, the Quran was being said, and Gabriel was speaking.
والنبي عليه السلام يرد معه. ثم نهاها الله عز وجل. لان الموضوع
And the Prophet, peace be upon him, was with him. Then Allah, the Almighty, forbade her, because the matter...
مو موضوع لسان وكم جزء خلصت. ولا كم صفحة خلصت. لا قال الله عز
It's not about how many parts you've finished or how many pages you've completed. No, Allah the Almighty said.
وجل. لا تحرك بي لسانك لتعجل بي.
Don't move your tongue to hurry me.
لي يا ربي. لان مو مقصود لسانك. انا علينا جمعه وقرآنا. ايش
To me, O my Lord. Because your tongue is not intended. We have gathered and recited the Quran. What?
المطلوب اجل? ما المطلوب? فاذا قرأنا اسمع اقرأ احفظ لا لا لا
What is required? What is needed? If we read, listen, read, memorize—no, no, no.
اجل ما المطلوب يا ربي حتى نحس بالطعام? فاذا قرأنا فاتبع. الله
Yes, what is required, O my Lord, for us to feel the food? If we read it, then follow. God.
ما يبقى اكتحفظ يغضوا من ابصارهم بس يبقى
What remains is that they should lower their gaze, but it remains.
اكتغب. ما يبقى اك الله تحفظ ولا يغتب بعضكم بعضها بس يبقى اك
Write. It is not for you to backbite, and do not let some of you backbite others, but it remains with you.
ما تغتاب. ما يبقى اك الله تحفظ ولا تقربوا الزنا يبقى اك انت ما
Do not gossip. And may God protect you. And do not approach fornication; you should not.
تقرب الزنا. عشان تحسوا بطعمها. انوار يا جماعة احنا عايشين في
Adultery draws near. So you can feel its taste. Lights, folks, we are living in
ظلمات والله. الا من رحم الله. انوار قال الله عز وجل قد جاءكم
Darkness, and by God. Except for those whom God has mercy upon. Lights, as God Almighty said, have come to you.
من الله نور. ما احنا حاسين فيه. لان هذا مقفل يا جماعة. قد من الله
From God, there is light. We are not feeling it. Because this is closed, folks. It is from God.
مبين. شوفوا الكلام اللي بعده. الاذ من ما فيه. يهدي به الله يعني
Clear. Look at the words that follow. The hearing is from what it lacks. By it, Allah guides.
يغير حياتك. طيب ليه القرآن ما غير حياتنا? يهدي به الله من قرأ لا
It changes your life. So why hasn't the Quran changed our lives? Allah guides those who read it.
سمع لا حفظ لا سمع لا اجل ما هو يهدي به الله من اتبع رضوانك سبل
"He listens but does not retain; he listens but what does it guide except for those whom You have guided to follow Your pleasure?"
السلام. شوف التغيير شوف اللذات وراء بعض.
Peace. Look at the change, look at the pleasures one after another.
ويهدي به الله من اتبع رضوانه سبل السلام. يغير حياتك. من مشاكل
"And with it, Allah guides whom He wills of His servants to the paths of peace. It changes your life. From problems."
الى سلام. ويخرج من الظلمات الى النور. اقرار من الله عز وجل ان
To peace. And he exits from darkness into light. A declaration from Allah, the Almighty, that.
كل من لم يتبع ايات الله هو في ظلام. وهو حاس انهم يحسبون انهم
Anyone who does not follow the verses of God is in darkness. They feel that they think they are.
مهتدون. يقول الله ما بعد ذاك. عشان كده هو يحسب الناس كلهم بظلمات.
Guided ones. God says what comes after that. That's why He considers all people to be in darkness.
قال الله.
God said.
من الظلمات الى النور باذنه. ويهدي يخير الى صراط مستقيم. نبدأ? نبدأ
From darkness to light by His will. And He guides whom He wills to the straight path. Shall we begin? Let's begin.
البرنامج العملي حقنا? دعنا نبدأ. لكن خلني انا وانت نسأل انفسنا
Is our practical program ready? Let's get started. But let me and you ask ourselves.
سؤال خطير سؤال جذري سؤال مصيري. ليه? الناس تتكلم عن القرآن وحاسة.
A dangerous question, a fundamental question, a fateful question. Why? People talk about the Quran and feel it.
وحنا ما نحس. سؤال مهم. ليه يا جماعة اليوم? حتى اخر مسجد صلينا معاه
And we don't feel it. An important question. Why, guys, today? Even the last mosque we prayed at.
قبل شوي. في الصلاة يقرأ الامام ايات والله لو قيلت لجبل لساخ. ايات
A little while ago, during the prayer, the imam recited verses, and I swear if they were said to a mountain, it would melt.
تزلزل الجبال الراسيات. والعالم جالسة ما تتفاعل. لما جاء وقت
The steadfast mountains tremble. And the world sits unmoving. When the time came.
القنوط سمعت امين وسمعت السياح وتفاعل سبحان الله. الكلام هذا
Despair, I heard Amin and I heard the tourists, and the reaction is, سبحان الله. This talk.
اللي دق طعمه. هذا كلام بشر. الكلام اللي قبله كلام رب البشر.
"Whoever has tasted its flavor knows. This is the words of humans. The words that came before are the words of the Lord of humans."
الكلام اللي قبله اعظم من هالكلام بمليون مرة. لكن عشان قلوب مريضة
The words before this are a million times greater than this talk. But it’s for the sake of sick hearts.
ما صارت. لان تعودنا نشتكي للبشر. فصدنا نعرف كلام البشر بس ما نفهم
It didn't happen. Because we got used to complaining to people. So we know what people say, but we don't understand.
كلام رب البشر. يا جماعة الواحد فينا تعود يشكل. الواحدة تشكل
The words of the Lord of mankind. Oh people, one of us has gotten used to forming. The one forms.
وخصديقتها ساعة. وهذه تقاطع هذه كلهم مليانين مشاعر وكلام. والواحد
"And her friend is an hour. And this intersection, they are all filled with feelings and words. And one..."
فينا يشكل صاحبة. تلقي الكلمات كأنها نهر جاري. بس قاعد يشكو
She embodies the owner. She throws words like a flowing river. But she is just sitting complaining.
والمشكلة صار كذا. وفي الدوام صار لك كذا. ومع زوجها صار كذا. وتقعد تقص
And the problem has become like this. And at work, it has become like this for you. And with her husband, it has become like this. And she keeps talking.
ساعة. واذا سجدت. ما تعرف تشكوها للعظيم الجليل جل جلاله. تعود
An hour. And if you prostrate, you do not know how to complain about it to the Almighty, glorified and exalted be He. Get used to it.
التشكي للضعفاء. ما تعود التشكي للعظيم القوي جل جلاله. تعودنا
Complaining is for the weak. The great and powerful, Glorified and Exalted be He, does not complain. We have become accustomed to that.
نشكو للفقراء امثالنا. ما ذقنا طعمها. واحنا نشكو للعظيم الغني
We complain to the poor like us. We have not tasted its flavor. And we complain to the great rich.
جل جلاله. لبست ثوب الرجا والناس قد رقدوا. وقمت اشكو الى مولاي
His Glory. I have worn the garment of hope while people have slept. And I stood to complain to my Lord.
جدو. فقلت يا ودتي في كل نائبة. ومن علي لكشف الضر اعتمدو. اشكو
"Grandfather. I said, O my daughter, in every calamity. And those who rely on me to relieve the harm. I complain."
اليك امورا انت تعلموها. ما لي على حملها صبر ولا جلدو. وقد مددت
Here are things you know. I have no patience or endurance to bear them. And I have extended...
يدي بالذل مبتهلا اليك. اليك يا
"My hand, in humility, reaches out to you. To you, O..."
خير من مدت الي يدو. فلا تردنها يا ربي خائبة. فبحر وجودك يروي كل
The best of those whose hands I have extended to. So do not send me back empty-handed, O my Lord. For the sea of Your generosity quenches all.
من يردو. تعال خذ الخمس ايات. وتعود حبيبي الغالي تذوق طعمها
Who wants to? Come and take the five verses. And you, my dear, get used to tasting their flavor.
وتجرب لذتها. يقينا ليس تجربة للتجربة. يقينا لان الله عظيم جل
"And you try its pleasure. Surely, it is not an experience for the sake of experience. Certainly, because Allah is عظیم (Great)."
جلاله. يقينا اني اذا حزبني امر والناس تحاول اني اشتكي لها.
Your Majesty. Surely if something troubles me, people try to get me to complain to them.
اقول انما اشكو بثي واحزني الى الله واعتزل الناس واروح اصلي
I say that I only complain of my anguish and sorrow to God, and I distance myself from people and go to pray.
واقول وانا ساجد كل اللي في قلبي. ما احس اني اخشع اقولها لله. لا
"I say while I am prostrating everything in my heart. I don’t feel like I am humble enough to say it to God. No."
اقولها للناس. احس ان عندي مشكلة مع احد. يا رب. لا يؤلب ما بين
I tell it to people. I feel like I have a problem with someone. Oh God. May there be no enmity between us.
القلوب الا انت. مشكلة بيني وبين رب العالمين جفاء بيني وبينها
The hearts, except for You. There is a problem between me and the Lord of the worlds; there is a coldness between me and them.
القرآن. اللهم اجعل القرآن العظيم الربيع. اقول يا ربي انا
The Quran. O Allah, make the great Quran our spring. I say, O my Lord, I am...
ما احس بطعم القرآن. وغيري يحس وغيري يتكلم يا رب. تعال حبيبي
I don't feel the taste of the Quran. Others feel it, and others talk about it, oh Lord. Come, my love.
الغالي يخوذ البرنامج خمس ايات. يقول الله عز وجل. واعرف انك حافظها
The precious one takes the program of five verses. Allah, the Almighty, says. And I know that you have memorized them.
حبيبي الغالي وانا حافظها مثلك. لكن نبغى اليوم نذوقها بطعم في
My dear, I cherish it just like you do. But today we want to taste it with a different flavor.
قلوبنا ونجربها على الارض الواقع يقينا. لا لحق لمحظوظة تجربة.
Our hearts and we try them in reality with certainty. There is no right for a fortunate experience.
يقول الله عز وجل.
Allah, the Almighty, says.
ايوة الذين امنوا. عندك مشاكل? الان استحضر كل مشاكلك مع البشر
Yes, those who believed. Do you have problems? Now recall all your problems with people.
ومع رب العالمين.
And with the Lord of the Worlds.
ومع الناس ومع مديرك وفي العمل وفي مع اولادك وامنياتك وكل
And with people, and with your manager, and at work, and with your children and your hopes, and everything.
الاشياء اللي منغصى عليك حياتك الان حضرها عندك. وخذ البرنامج
The things that are causing you distress in your life now, prepare them for yourself. And take the program.
العملي. لن تذوق حتى تطبقه. اذا ما ذوقت بتحس الكلام فاضي. لكن اذا
Practicality. You won’t taste it until you apply it. If you don’t taste it, you’ll feel the words are empty. But if...
طبقت تبدأ تجرب طعام غريب. ايوة الذين امنوا. عندي مشاكل يا رب
A dish is about to try strange food. Yes, those who believe. I have problems, oh Lord.
Seek assistance.
استعينوا بالصبر والصلاة. عندك مشكلة تعال. النبي عليه الصلاة
Seek help through patience and prayer. If you have a problem, come. The Prophet, peace be upon him.
والسلام اذا حزب امر قام يصلي. ليه ما تشكل الناس? ابثها الان في
And when a matter arises, السلامعليكم (peace be upon you), he stands to pray. Why don't you gather the people? I will broadcast it now in...
سجودي. استعينوا بالصبر والصلاة. تخيل جدتك مصيبة وقلت يا رب لك
My prostration. Seek help through patience and prayer. Imagine your grandmother is in distress and you said, "O Lord, it's for You."
الحمد وراضي واصلي واستعين بالله عز وجل ان يطلعني من الهم اللي
Praise be to God, and I am content and I pray and seek help from God Almighty to relieve me from the worry that...
انا فيه. واستعين بالله عز وجل ان يذهب عني الضيق والحزن.
I am in it. And I seek help from God Almighty to remove the distress and sadness from me.
اللي لاقيه. وان الله يفرج الهم هذا يجعله فرح. تخيل لو اننا
What I have found. And may God relieve this worry and turn it into joy. Imagine if we...
سوينا هالقضية. ايش بصير يا رب? قال في اخر الاية. استعينوا بالصبر
We resolved this issue. What will happen, oh Lord? He said at the end of the verse: Seek help through patience.
And the prayer.
ان الله اعظم جائزة. واعظم طعام في الدنيا والاخرة. ان الله مع
Indeed, God is the greatest reward and the greatest food in this world and the Hereafter. Indeed, God is with.
The patient ones.
اذا الان ما حسينا ايش يعني? كم من الايات بتحس? كل اية تفتح لك ابواب
So now, what do we feel? How many verses do you feel? Each verse opens doors for you.
الى السماء. ايش يعني ان الله مع الصابرين? علمك في الاية اللي
To the heavens. What does it mean that God is with the patient? What did you learn from the verse?
بعدها اني اذا كنت معك اقلب لك القضية اذا كانت فقر اقلبها لك
After that, if I am with you, I will change the case for you; if it is poverty, I will turn it around for you.
غنى. ايش اخوف شي يخافونها الناس اليوم? اخوف امر يخافونها الناس
What is the scariest thing that people are afraid of today? The scariest thing that people fear.
اليوم الموت. الاية اللي بعدها يقول لك اذا كنت معك ابقلب لك الموت
"Today is death. The next verse tells you that if I am with you, I will turn death into your heart."
سبحان الله. ايش الاية اللي بعدها? ولن تقول لمن يقتل في سبيل الله
Glory be to God. What is the verse that follows? "And do not say about those who are killed in the cause of Allah..."
ميت يا ربي. لا لا تقول ميت. ولن تقول لمن يقتل في سبيل الله اموات. يا
Dead, O my Lord. No, no, say not dead. And you will not say of those who are killed in the way of Allah that they are dead. O...
رب احنا شايفينه اطرافه جامدة واعيونه وعيونه شاخصة وقلبه واقف. يا ربي كيف
Oh Lord, we see him with stiff limbs, his eyes wide open, and his heart stopped. Oh my God, how?
ما مات? ولا تقول لمن يقتل في سبيل الله اموات. بل احياء. احنا يا رب
"Did he not die? And do not say of those who are killed in the cause of Allah that they are dead. Rather, they are alive. We, O Lord."
شايفينه ميت. وما نحس انه حي. ولكن لا تشعرون. هو اللي جرب الطعام. وهو
We see him dead. And we don't feel that he is alive. But you don't feel. He is the one who tasted the food. And he...
اللي ذاق الطعام. يقول الله اعلمتك اذا كنت معه. قلبت موت احيات. اجل
Whoever has tasted food, says, "God knows if I was with him. I turned death into life." Indeed.
اذا كانت القضية. ان الله عز وجل قادر اذا كان معك يقلب موتك حياة.
"If the matter is that Allah, the Almighty, is capable, then if He is with you, He can turn your death into life."
اجل والله كل شيء غيرها اسهل. كم من الايتين اللي بعدها? باقي لنا
Yes, by God, everything is easier than her. How many verses are left for us?
ايتين. علمك الان اني اذا كنت معك استعنت بالصبر وصار هذا منهجك في
Aitin. Now you know that if I am with you, I rely on patience, and this has become your approach in...
الحياة. اذا جاءتك مصيبة الحمد لله. ثم استعنت وبثيت شكواك وانت
Life. If a calamity strikes you, say praise be to God. Then seek help and express your grievance while you...
ساجد اني ساكون معك واذا كنت معك تراي قادر اقلب موتك حياة اجل خذ
I am Sajad, I will be with you, and if I am with you, I can turn your death into life. So take it.
ولنبلونكم. حرف موطع على القسم. اي اي وعزتي لا ابلونك. حبيب
And We will surely test you. This is a letter that serves as an oath. Meaning, "by My might, I will surely test you." My beloved.
الغالي انت اللي في الصف الاول بتبتلى. وانت بتبتلى. وانا ببتلى.
The precious one, you are the one being tested in the front row. And you are being tested. And I am being tested.
واخي بتبتلى. والشيخ ببتلى. والكل واحد ببتلى. ثم ذكر لك منابع
And my brother will be tested. And the sheikh will be tested. And everyone will be tested. Then he mentioned to you the sources.
الخوف. منابع الالم. منابع الحزن الخمسة. ولنبلونكم بشيء من الخوف.
Fear. Sources of pain. The five sources of sadness. And We will surely test you with something of fear.
والجوع ونقص من الاموال
Hunger and lack of money.
والانفس والثمرات. احيانا تلقى ملك لكن خايف. تلقى واحد فقير مو
"And souls and fruits. Sometimes you encounter a king, but you're scared. You find a poor person, not."
خايف. تلقى واحد عنده جوع لكن ما عنده خوف. واحد مليان خوف وعنده مل.
I'm scared. You might find someone who is hungry but not afraid. Someone full of fear and has no appetite.
هذه الخمسة بتصيبني انا وانت على قدر اما ثلاثة تجيك ولا اربعة ولا
These five will affect me and you equally, while three or four will not.
تجيك الخمسة بس اهم شيء اقسم الله انه بيجيك واحدة منها. او على
You will get the five, but the most important thing is to swear to God that you will receive one of them. Or on.
الاقل. شوف شو قال الله عز وجل. شوف اللذة الان. يقول الله وبشر
The least. Look at what Allah, the Exalted, said. Look at the pleasure now. Allah says, and give glad tidings.
بين البشارة يا رب وسط هالالام الخمسة. اي بشارة يا ربي تتكلم عنها
Amidst the good news, O Lord, in the midst of these five pains. Which good news, O Lord, are you speaking of?
وسط الالام. حزنه ونقص امواله وثمرات. وبيت كان في سبعة نقص
Amid the pains. His sadness and the lack of his wealth and fruits. And a house that was lacking in seven ways.
اتنين باتوا. يا ربي اي بشارة من نبشر في ناس ضايقين طعام فبشرهم
Two stayed awake. Oh Lord, what good news do we bring to those who are suffering from hunger? So give them good tidings.
وبشر من? وبشر الصابرين. وبداية المقطع يقول لك واستعينوا بالصبر.
"And give glad tidings to the patient. And the beginning of the verse tells you to seek help through patience."
طيب يا ربي. انا يجيني ابليس الان يقول انت يوم اصبت بحادث وصبرت.
Okay, my Lord. The devil is coming to me now saying, "You, on the day you had an accident and endured."
وانت يوم اصبت باخوك باخيك وصبرت. يا ربي ايش
And you, on the day you were struck by your brother, endured. Oh my Lord, what?
يكل الصابرين? كيف اصير من هؤلاء اللي لهم البشارة? قال وبشر
"How can I become one of those who have glad tidings? He said, 'And give glad tidings.'"
الصابرين. الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبة. احيانا نطلع نقول لفلان
The patient ones. Those who, when they are struck by a calamity, sometimes we go out and say to someone.
والله ولدك في سرطان. قالوا له انا اصابت مصيبة. ايش يسوي? شوف
"By God, your son has cancer. They told him that he has suffered a calamity. What should he do? Look."
ردة الفعل وقسها على ردة افعالنا. اذا جاءتنا المصائب. قالوا جاهز.
The reaction and compare it to our reactions. When calamities come to us, they said ready.
الله. وانا الي راجعون. نفهمها شوي? لو اعطيك حبيبي الغالي مليون
God. And to Him we shall return. Can we understand this a little? If I give you, my dear, a million.
دينار الان. ورحت سددت فيها ديونك. وسجرت فيها سيارة. وتزوجت فيها
I have a dinar now. I went and paid off your debts with it. I bought a car with it. And I got married with it.
ولدك. وسويت فيها كل شيء. ثم جيت اخذت منك خمسين فلس. تزعل مني?
Your son. I did everything for him. Then I came and took fifty fils from you. Are you upset with me?
اعطيتك مليون دينار. واخذت منك خمسين فلس. تزعل? ايش بتقول?
I gave you a million dinars. And I took fifty fils from you. Are you upset? What will you say?
ابغاك تقولها تكفا. اي واحد. ايش تقول?
I want you to say it, please. Which one? What do you say?
سمعنيها تكفا. وش تقول? حلال عليك صح? لانك مقتنع ان المليون من مني.
"Let me hear it, please. What do you say? It's permissible for you, right? Because you are convinced that a million is from me."
صح? عشان كده انا اخذت ونقصت منك. اصبت الان بمصيبة انت. ومع ذلك
Right? That's why I took and deducted from you. You are now struck by a calamity. Nevertheless.
انت فرحان وجاهز قلت لي حلالك. اجل لو اقتنعت ان اللي فيك كله من
You’re happy and ready, you told me it’s permissible for you. If only you would convince yourself that everything in you comes from...
الله عز وجل كان يوم يقال لصاحب فشل الكلة وي عندك فشل كله كان
"God Almighty, on the Day it is said to the owner of failure, 'What do you have? You have all failed.'"
يقول حلال رب العالمين. هو اعطاني كل شيء اصلا. لكن احنا ما
He says it is lawful from the Lord of the worlds. He gave me everything in the first place. But we don't...
احنا مقتنعين انه كلها من الله عز وجل. عشان كده نبدا
We are convinced that it all comes from God Almighty. That's why we start.
نجزع. قال الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبة قالوا انا لله كل ما عرفت
"We despair. Those who, when a misfortune befalls them, say, 'Indeed, we belong to Allah; all that I know.'"
ربك تحبه. حتى في وقت المصيبة. وانا اليه راجعون. اولئك شوف
Your Lord loves you. Even in times of affliction. And to Him we shall return. Those are the ones to see.
الجائزة. اولئك علي صبت عليهم. ايش? صلوات من ربهم ورحمة.
The reward. Those are the ones upon whom blessings from their Lord and mercy descend.
هم المهتدون. ما احنا فاهمين هالكلام? الاية الاخيرة اللي بعدها
They are the guided ones. Do we not understand this speech? The last verse that follows it.
يللي بتفهمنا واش معنا هالكلام? ائمة المساجد اذا وصلوا المهتدون
Do you understand what this means? The imams of the mosques when the guided ones arrive.
ايش سوون? يقولون الله اكبر. لانه حاس ان الاية اللي بعدها ما لها
What are you doing? They say Allah is the Greatest. Because he feels that the next verse doesn't have one.
علاقة. والله لن تكتم للعقد. ولن تفهم الاية. ولن يتغير في حياتك
A relationship. By God, you will not keep the contract. And you will not understand the verse. And nothing will change in your life.
امر حتى تستشعر الاية اللي بعدها الاخيرة في هالمقام. ايش
"Command until you feel the verse that comes after the last one in this context. What?"
الاية اللي بعدها? هاي يا جماعة?
The verse after this one? Is this, guys?
ان الصفا والمروة من شعائر الله. لها دخل? اكثرنا يقول ما لها
"Indeed, Safa and Marwah are among the rituals of Allah. Does it have any significance? Most of us say it does not."
دخل. والله العظيم لو بحثت في القرآن كله من الفاتحة الى الناس
He entered. By God, I swear if you searched in the entire Quran from Al-Fatiha to An-Nas.
لن تجد اية اعظم انها تناسب في هالمكان من ان الصفا والمروة من
You will not find any verse greater than this that fits in this place than that Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are...
شعائر الله. عطني قلبك واخذ اعطيك تغير في حياتك. باذن الله.
The rituals of God. Give me your heart and I will give you a change in your life. God willing.
الصفا والمروة مني اعرفناها? قصة هاجر وابراهيم واسماعيل
"Are as-Safa and al-Marwah not among the rites of Allah? The story of Hagar, Ibrahim, and Ismail."
عليهما السلام صح? هذه هذه العائلة اصيبت بكل المصائب
Peace be upon them, right? This family has been struck by all the misfortunes.
الخمس اللي فوق.
The five above.
واذنبلو انكم بشيء من الخوف كانوا في وادي خايفين اقوى في
"And if they were to be afflicted with something of fear, they were in a valley, afraid, stronger in."
مكان. والجوع ما عندهم اي اكل. ما عندهم لقربة ماء. ونقص من
A place. And hunger, they have no food. They have no water nearby. And there is a lack of.
الاموال ما عندهم اموال. ولو عندهم مال ما فيش يشترون. والانفس
They don't have money. If they had money, they wouldn’t be able to buy. And the souls.
كانوا ثلاثة وراح ابراهيم خلاهم. والثمرات وادي غير غير لزرع.
There were three, and Ibrahim left them. And the fruits were a valley different from other crops.
مصائب خمسة كلها صابت عليهم. فلاحقت ابراهيم تقول له يا
Five disasters all struck them. So she followed Ibrahim, saying to him, "O..."
ابراهيم. لمن تتركنا? تخليني انا هو الطفل ما معنى لقربة ماء?
Ibrahim. Who will you leave us to? Do you want me to be the child? What does it mean to bring a jug of water?
لمن? وابراهيم عليه السلام لا يرد عليها. يا ابراهيم صادق بتخلينا?
To whom? And Ibrahim (Abraham) does not respond to her. O Ibrahim, are you really leaving us?
يا ابراهيم. ثم علمت انه مستحيل يسويها ابراهيم. الا في حالة واحدة
Oh Ibrahim. Then I realized that it's impossible for Ibrahim to do it. Except in one case.
اذا كان الله جل جلاله امره. قالت يا ابراهيم اه الله امرك بهذا.
If Allah, glory be to Him, commanded it. She said, "O Ibrahim, did Allah command you this?"
الله قال رح خلهم. قال اللهم نعم. ايش قالت? الان اصيبت. هذه
God said, "Let them be." He said, "O God, yes." What did she say? Now she has been struck. This.
اصابتهم مصيبة. ايش قالت? هاي يا جماعة. قالت وردتنا. وخليتنا
They were struck by a disaster. What did she say? This, folks. She said, "We received it. And it left us."
حين بتتركنا. جاي ابني انا
When you leave us. I'm coming, my son.
هالطفل عشان تروح وتخلينا. لا. قالت ما دامه امرك والله اذهب
This child is to make you leave us. No. She said as long as it's your command, by God, go.
فلن يضيعنا وارجعت. شفت النجاح? هذه اذا اصابتهم مصيبة قالوا انها
"It will not let us down, and I returned. Did you see the success? If a disaster befalls them, they say that it is..."
لله. ورضت واستعانت بالصبر وخلاص. ايش صار يا جماعة? ايش صار?
For God. She accepted and sought help with patience and salvation. What happened, guys? What happened?
قلب الله الدنيا كلها من ضدهم الى معهم. ولا نبلونكم بشيء من
God has turned the entire world from against them to with them. And we will certainly test you with something from...
الخوف. كان المكان اخوف مكان صح?
Fear. It was the scariest place, right?
صح ولا لا يا جماعة? الطيور ما كانت تمر. ايش صار المكان هذا اليوم?
Right or not, guys? The birds weren't passing by. What happened to this place today?
ايش قلبها الله? هاي يا جماعة. صار مكان امن? لا. صار امن مكان في
What has God done to her heart? Hey everyone. Has it become a safe place? No. Has a place become safe?
الدنيا. فمن دخله كان امنا. قلب الله مصدر الخوف كان امن مكان
The world. Whoever enters it is safe. The heart of God is the source of fear; it was a safe place.
الان في الدنيا مكة. ما هو بس البشر حتى الطيور. الطير هنا اليوم
Now in the world, there is Mecca. It's not just the people, even the birds. The birds are here today.
طيور عليه ينحاش يفر يطير. هناك في مكة ما يطير. طيور عنده ما يطير.
Birds fly away, escape, and soar. There in Mecca, nothing flies. He has birds that do not fly.
لانه امن. شوف الله كيف يقدر يقلب لك الدنيا كلها. الثانية. الخوف
Because it's safe. Look at how God can turn your whole world upside down. The second one: fear.
والجوع. قلب الله كل المصائب الخمسة الى منابع سعادة. الجوع
And hunger. God turned all five calamities into sources of happiness. Hunger.
ايش طوى? الحين في احد جايع في مكة اليوم? ما احد خايف في مكة
What happened? Is anyone hungry in Mecca today? No one is afraid in Mecca.
اليوم. طيب في احد جايع? لا. كل ما تغلط غاط يقول لك رح اذبح واكل اهل مكة.
Today. Is anyone hungry? No. Every time you make a mistake, Ghat says to you, "I will slaughter and eat the people of Mecca."
عشان ما ينقلب هالمكان اللي كان كله جوع ينقلب مكان. كله شبع. ونقص
So that this place, which was all about hunger, doesn't turn into a place filled with abundance, but lacking.
من الاموال. كان هذا المكان ما احد يبغى لو اعطيك المخطط كله بلاش
From the money. This place is one that no one would want even if I gave you the entire plan for free.
ما تبغى. الان اغلى متر في العالم وين? في مكة. مو في شانزرزي في
What do you want? Now the most expensive meter in the world is where? In Mecca. Not in Shangri-La.
باريس صح? يسمون المتر قبل امس اقول لي احد الاخوة المتر المقدس
"Paris, right? They call the subway the sacred metro."
مسمينه. المتر بخمسمية الف. اغلى متر في العالم. وكل ما
We named it. The meter is five hundred thousand. The most expensive meter in the world. And everything...
اقتربت من مكان العائلة الناجحة اللي تقبلت هالامر وذاقت طعم
I approached the place of the successful family that accepted this matter and tasted its flavor.
العلاقة مع الله وتركت بالمصائب كلها ورضت تلك المرأة الغالية. كل
The relationship with God, and I left all the tribulations and was content with that precious woman. All.
ما قربت من مكان المسعة كل ما كان المتر اغلى. ونقص من الاموال فكل
The closer I got to the place of the pilgrimage, the more expensive the meter became. And I lost money overall.
ما ملكت هناك كل ما صرت اغنى. والانفس اليوم في نقص انفس في
What I possessed there, the richer I became. And today, souls are lacking in selves.
مكة? ولا ما تلقالك موطئ قدم? شفت كيف الله يقدر يقلب لك الدنيا
Mecca? Or can't you find a place to stand? Did you see how God can turn the world around for you?
All of it?
والثمرات في نقص ثمرات اليوم? ثمرات الصيف في الشتاء في مكة
And the fruits in the decline of today's fruits? The summer fruits in winter in Mecca.
وثمرات شتاء في الصيف في مكة. يجبى الي ثمرات كل شيء. اذا كان
And the fruits of winter in summer in Mecca. It gathers the fruits of everything. If it was...
الله قادر يقلب لك كل هالامور. فايش اللي يخليني ما اتقبل انا
Allah is capable of turning all these matters around for you. So what would prevent me from accepting it?
وياك اي مصيبة من رب العالمين? بصدر رحب ونقول يا رب لك الحمد
And with you, any calamity from the Lord of the worlds? With an open heart, we say, O Lord, all praise is due to You.
وما ابقيت اكثر من ما اخذت. ويا رب لك الحمد. ونستعين بالصبر
And you have preserved more than you have taken. O Lord, to You is the praise. And we seek assistance through patience.
والصلاة. يكون الله معك يغير حياتك وتذوق طعم. عمرنا يا
And prayer. May God be with you to change your life and let you taste the flavor of our lifetime, O.
ماذا قناه? والله لا احد يغير لك اقف مكان الى امن مكان الا الله.
What did we say? By God, no one will change your position from an unsafe place to a safe place except God.
ولا اجوع مكان الى اكثر مكان في شبع الا الله. ولا مكان ما احد
"I do not hunger for any place more than the place of fullness except for God. And there is no place without anyone."
يجيه. ثم يأتينا من كل فج عميق الا الله. قادر يقلب لك مصادر
He will come to you. Then He will come to us from every deep valley, except for God. He is capable of turning your sources.
الالم كلها الخمسة. الى مصادر تعاس سعادة وفرح. لكن متى? ابشر
All the pain is five. To the sources of misery, happiness, and joy. But when? I have good news.
الصابرين الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبة لن يضيعنا. لن يضيعنا. وعلى
The patient ones, when a calamity befalls them, will not let us down. They will not let us down. And on.
يقيم بالله. اولئك عليهم صلواته من ربهم ورحمة.
He dwells by God. Those are the ones upon whom are blessings and mercy from their Lord.
اولئك هم المهتدون. ختاما حبة الفضلاء. ايش اللي يقفل قلوبنا?
Those are the guided ones. In conclusion, the noble ones. What is it that closes our hearts?
ومن اظلموا ممن ذكر بايات ربه. يغضوا من ابصارهم. لا تقربوا
"And who is more unjust than one who is reminded of the signs of his Lord, yet turns away from them? Do not approach."
الزنا. لا يغتب. فاعرض عنها. حافظ بس ما يطبق شيء. انا جعلنا على
Adultery. Do not backbite. Turn away from it. Just keep, but no one applies anything. We have made it upon.
قلوبهم اكنة. ايش? ان يسمعوا لا يسمع. يقرؤوا يقرأ. اجل ايش? ان
Their hearts are a cover. What? They hear, but do not hear. They read, but do not read. So what? That.
يفقهوه. فهو يقرأ بس ما هو فاهم شيء. تحييب الغالي زي ما
He understands it. He reads, but he doesn't comprehend anything. It's just like the dear ones.
قفلناها بالمعاصي. تعال نفتحها بالطاعات. اسأل الله جل جلاله ان
We locked it up with sins. Come, let's open it with good deeds. I ask Allah, Glorious and Exalted, to...
يذيقني واياك لذة طاعته. واسأل الله جل جلاله ليوفقني واياكم
May He make us both taste the pleasure of obeying Him. I ask Allah, Glory be to Him, to grant success to me and to you.
لهداه. ويجعل عملنا واياكم في رضاه. واسأله سبحانه ان يذيقنا
May He guide us. And may He make our work and yours in His pleasure. I ask Him, the Exalted, to make us experience.
حلاوة الايمان التي اذاق بها من اصطفى من عباده. اللهم اجعلنا
The sweetness of faith that You have granted to those You have chosen from Your servants. O Allah, make us.
منهم ولا تفرقنا من هذا المقام. الا بذنب مغفور وعمل متقبل مبرور
"Do not separate us from this مقام except by a forgiven sin and an accepted, righteous deed."
واقر اعوذنا بصلاح نياتنا وذرياتنا وازواجنا واهلينا.
And we declare our refuge in the righteousness of our intentions, our offspring, our spouses, and our families.
ونصرة لاستوان واسمين. اسف اه شيخي على ايطالة. الله يجعلك
And support for Iswan and Asmin. I apologize, oh my Sheikh, for the length. May God make you...
في جنات النعيم. وصلى الله وسلم. جزا الله الدكتور عبد المحسن
In the gardens of bliss. May Allah's blessings and peace be upon him. May Allah reward Dr. Abdul Mohsen.
للأحمد على هذه الكلمة الطيبة. كذلك نذكركم بانكم كما حرصتم
Thanks to Ahmad for this kind word. We also remind you that you are as keen as...
على حضوري هذا اللقاء. ايضا هناك العديد من الاعلاميات الموجودة
I am pleased to attend this meeting. There are also many female journalists present.
في الخلف. اه نتمنى ان تحرصوا كذلك على الحصول عليها. اما
In the back. Ah, we hope that you will also be keen to obtain it. As for...
الان مع فضيلة شيخ الوالد شيخ احمد الدبوس. وليتفضل مشكورا
Now with the esteemed Sheikh, the father, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Dabbous. Please proceed, thank you.
غير ما امر. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته.
Except what I commanded. Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والحمد لله رب العالمين. والصلاة
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And peace.
والسلام على اشرف الخلق وسيد المرسلين. سيدنا ونبينا محمد
And peace be upon the noblest of creation and the master of messengers, our master and prophet Muhammad.
وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم. بداية اخواني الاحبة واخوات الفضليات
"And may peace be upon his family and companions. To begin, my dear brothers and esteemed sisters..."
وابناء الطيبين والبنات الطيبات. شرفنا للقاء والالتقاء بكم. في
And the sons of the good and the daughters of the good. It is an honor for us to meet and gather with you.
هذه الامسية المباركة. مع ضيفنا الحبيب دكتور. اللي تحدث وشفتو
This blessed evening. With our beloved guest, Dr. who spoke and you saw.
حديثة. ونسأل ان يبارك فيه. وان يبلق القلوب ليترجم على
Recent. We ask Him to bless it. And to reach the hearts to be translated on.
الجوارح. ودي اقول كلمة قبل الله اتكلم بكلمتي. اخواني الاحبة
The vultures. I would like to say a word before I speak my piece. My dear brothers.
واخوات الفضليات. ارجوكم راجع. اتراجعون كشف الحساب. كل واحد
And the esteemed sisters. Please review. Are you reviewing the account statement? Each one.
منكم يراجع.
Who among you will review?
حسابه. ولكن مو حساب المال وانما حساب الحسنات. رمضان قد انقضى
His account. But it's not a financial account; it's the account of good deeds. Ramadan has ended.
وانتهى. واوشك على الثلث الثاني. وهذه في الحقيقة تعطينا وقفة.
And it is over. It is nearing the second third. This, in fact, gives us a pause.
لننتقل مع عالم الشباب الطيب اللي مثلكم وشرواكم. سواء من
Let's move on with the world of good youth like you and others. Whether from
الابناء الطيبين او البنات الطيبات. واسمحوا لي اقدم لقائي
Good sons or good daughters. And allow me to present my meeting.
والتقائي معكم. بان يجعل الله سبحانه وتعالى هذا اللقاء
And may God Almighty make this meeting a blessing.
اللهم اجعل عملنا كله صالحا. ولوجهك خالصا. ولا تجعل لاحدا فيه
O Allah, make all of our actions righteous and sincere for Your sake, and do not allow anyone to have a share in it.
شيئا. نسرا نبارك ان هذا اللقاء. وان يوفقنا فيه. لان لذة الطاعة يا
Something. An eagle, we bless this meeting. And may we succeed in it. For the pleasure of obedience, O...
اخوان هي مثل هالاجتماعات الطيبة المباركة. التي ما تجتمع الا
Brothers, it is like these blessed and good meetings, which only gather...
لله. وما تجتمع الا لطاعة الله. فاشأل الله ان يألف قلوبنا ويجمع
For Allah. And they only gather for the obedience of Allah. I ask Allah to unite our hearts and bring us together.
نفوسنا. ويجعلنا واياكم من المتحابين في الله.
Our souls. May He make us and you among those who love each other for the sake of Allah.
يقول الشاعر. شباب ذللوا سبل المعالي. وما عرفوا سوى الاسلام
The poet says: Youth have humbled the paths to greatness, and they only knew Islam.
دينا. تعهدهم فانبتهم نباتا. طاب في الدنيا قصونا. اذا شهدوا الوقا
Dina. He promised them, and they grew as plants. They prospered in this world, as long as they witnessed the events.
كانوا كماتا. يدكون المعاقل والحصونا. وان جن المساء فلا تراهم
They were like ghosts. They smashed the strongholds and fortresses. And when evening came, you wouldn't see them.
من الاشفاق الا ساجدين. وهكذا انشأ الاسلام قومي شبابا مخلصا
"Out of compassion, they are prostrating. And thus Islam has raised my people as sincere youth."
حرا امينة. وعلمه الكرامة الكرامة كيف تبنى فيؤبى ان يذلى او ان
A free woman. And knowledge of dignity, how it is built, refuses to be humiliated or...
يهونه. هذا عملنا فيكم. وفي الحقيقة اخترت كلام من خلال لذة
He makes it easy for you. This is our work with you. In fact, I chose words based on pleasure.
الطاعة في اللي ترجمها ترجمة عملية. كلكم يعرف ذلك الرجل
Obedience in what is translated is a practical translation. You all know that man.
المبارك. عمر ابن عبدالعزيز. اللي استطاع ان يقير الواقع. انه
The Blessed. Omar ibn Abdulaziz. Who was able to change reality. He
في حقيقة اللذة والانطلاق بها. لان الانسان عندما يعترك ميادين
In the truth of pleasure and its unleashing. Because when a person struggles in the arenas.
العمل فعلا يستمتع وتلذذ. ليجد حقيقة النقلات النوعية. والاعمال
Work truly brings enjoyment and pleasure to find the reality of qualitative transformations and achievements.
الربانية لتصنع منه انسان اخر. وذلك اخواني الاحبة اخوات
The divine to make another human being from it. And that, my beloved brothers and sisters.
الفضليات عمر ابن عبدالعزيز لما وصل الى ما وصل اليه ما وصل الى
The virtues of Omar ibn Abdul Aziz when he reached what he reached.
ما وصل اليه من فراق. وانما من انطلاقه.
What he has reached from separation is merely a result of his departure.
وهذه الانطلاقة سوف افصلها بنقاط وادلل عليها بوقايع واحداث.
I will elaborate on this launch with points and illustrate it with incidents and events.
ليدرك كل واحد مننا ان لذة الطاعة اللي نقول لكم جربوها ما تكون
"Let each of us realize that the pleasure of obedience that we tell you to try is not to be missed."
الا بمواصفات. لما سئل عبد العمر ابن عبدالعزيز كيف وصلت الى ما
"Only with specifications. When Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman was asked how he reached what..."
وصلت اليه. قال اول نقطة بمعرفتي بالله عز وجل.
I reached him. He said, "The first point is my knowledge of Allah the Almighty."
مشكلة الناس الان جهلهم بالله سبحانه وتعالى.
The problem with people now is their ignorance of God, the Almighty.
والله لو عرفوا الله حق المعرفة لكلهم يتسابق ويتنافس. اولئك
"By God, if they truly knew God, they would all race and compete with each other. Those are the ones."
يسارعون في الخيرات وهم لها سابقون. ما عرفوا الله. ولعرفوه
They rush in doing good deeds, and they are ahead in them. They do not know God. If they knew Him.
لعلموا حقيقة الحبيب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي يترجم ويحكي
They would know the truth of the beloved Muhammad, peace be upon him, who translates and narrates.
حقيقة المعرفة. عندما جاء احد عدد من الصحابة ثلاثة
The truth of knowledge. When a certain number of companions came, three.
من الصحابة وسألوا عن عبادة الحبيب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.
From the companions who inquired about the worship of the beloved Muhammad, peace be upon him.
فلما اجيبوا على ذلك كأنهم تقالوها. يعني وجدوها قليلة. فقال
When they were answered about that, it was as if they found it trivial. He said.
احدهم اصلي ولا انام. وقال الثاني اصوم ولا افطر. وقال
One of them said, "I am original and I don't sleep." The second one said, "I fast and I don't break my fast." And he said...
الثالث اعتزلوا النساء. فلما جاء الحبيب محمد صلى الله عليه
The third (group) abstained from women. When the beloved Muhammad, peace be upon him, came...
وسلم الى ابياته اخبروه نساءه.
And he delivered his verses to his father; they told him about his women.
بان جاء اصحابك وسألوا عن عبادتك. ولما عرضوا عليهم العبادة
When your friends came and asked about your worship. And when they presented the worship to them.
كأنهم تقالوها. يعني وجدوها قليلة. فانطلق اليهم الحبيب محمد
As if they found it to be little. So the beloved Muhammad went to them.
صلى الله عليه وسلم. وقال لهم اول كلمة. انتم الذين قلتم كذا
Peace be upon him. And he said to them, the first word. You are the ones who said such and such.
وكذا? قالوا نعم يا رسول الله. قال اني اعرفكم بالله. وهذه نجب
And so? They said yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said, "I know you by Allah. And these are the noble ones."
ان نقف عندها وقفة لنترجم حقيقة واقع الحبيب محمد. صلى الله
We should pause to translate the reality of our beloved Muhammad, peace be upon him.
عليه وسلم اللي عرف الله حق المعرفة.
Peace be upon him who knows Allah truly.
يقول حذيفة صليت مع الحبيب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم جئته واذا به
Hudhayfah says, "I prayed with the beloved Muhammad, peace be upon him. I came to him and found him..."
يصلي. فدخلت معه في الصلاة. فاذا به يقع سورة البقرة. فقلت يختمها.
He is praying. I joined him in prayer. Then he ended up reciting Surah Al-Baqarah. I said, "He will finish it."
يعني يصل عند المياه ويركع. ولكن الرسول اتبع القراءة. فقلت
"It means he arrives at the water and kneels. But the Prophet followed the recitation. So I said..."
يختمها. فاذا به يقرأ سورة النساء. فقلت يختمها. فاذا به يقرأ
He concludes it. So, he reads Surah An-Nisa. I said he concludes it. So, he reads.
العمران. خمسة اجزاء وربع والرسول محمد لاستمتاعه ولذة العبادة في
The urbanization. Five parts and a quarter, and the Messenger Muhammad for his enjoyment and the pleasure of worship in.
قلبه جعلته يقف وكان يقرأ مترسلة. شوف لذة العبادة. شوف لذة الطاعة.
His heart made him stand while he was reading it plainly. Look at the joy of worship. Look at the joy of obedience.
لما تب تمكث وتبتت
"When you stay and persist."
يبلغ اقوار القلوب تجعل الانسان يزيد في الطاعات. ويقبل على الله
The hearts’ cravings make a person increase in acts of worship and turn towards God.
لان الانسان اذا عرف الله زاد في اقباله. والرسول محمد ما قال
Because when a person knows God, his acceptance increases. And the Messenger Muhammad did not say.
هالكلمة اني اعرفكم بالله الا لانه عرف الله حق المعرفة. وترجم
This word I know you by God only because he truly knows God.
ذلك بالترجم العملية. ثم قال اني اعرفكم بالله. فعلا الرسول
That is in practical translation. Then he said, "I know you by God." Indeed, the Messenger.
يعرف الناس بالله سبحانه وتعالى. واكثركم خشية له. فاني
People know about God, the Most Exalted. And most of you fear Him. So I...
اصلي وانام واصوم وافطر واتزوج النساء. فمن رقب عن سنتي فليس
I am original, I sleep, I fast, I break my fast, and I marry women. Whoever turns away from my tradition is not one of me.
مني. فلذلك اخواني الاحبة واخواتي الفضليات عمر بن عبدالعزيز ما
Me. So my dear brothers and esteemed sisters, Umar ibn Abdul Aziz...
وصل الى ما وصل اليه في حقيقة متعة انطلاقته الا بمعرفته بالله
He reached what he reached in the true enjoyment of his journey only through his knowledge of God.
عز وجل. والذي يريد ان يعرف الله في حديث عجيب حديث قوي
Exalted and Almighty. And whoever wants to know God has a remarkable and powerful discourse.
قدسي. الله سبحانه وتعالى يعرفنا بنفسه. ويا اخوان ويا
Holy. Allah, Blessed and Exalted, introduces Himself to us. O brothers and O...
اخوات. والله لو عرفنا هذه القاعدة الربانية والحديث هذا
Sisters. By God, if we had known this divine principle and this hadith.
القدسي من القواعد التي تجعل الانسان يعرف من هو الله. احنا
The sacred is one of the principles that makes a person know who God is. We...
اعلانا مشكلتهم ما يعرفوا من هو الله. والله لو عرفوا الله ما
They announced their problem: they do not know who God is. By God, if they knew God, they would not...
يتركون سبحانه وتعالى. لا اخذوا يتسابقون ويتنافسون في فعل
They leave the Most High. They do not cease to compete and race in actions.
الطاعات. والحرص على الخيرات.
Acts of obedience and the eagerness for good deeds.
شنو الحديث القدسي? يقول الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم فيما
What is the holy hadith? The Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him, says in it...
يحدثه عن ربه سبحانه وتعالى ان الله عز وجل قال يا عبادي. ادوا
He speaks to him about his Lord, Glory be to Him, that Allah, the Exalted, said: "O My servants, fulfill..."
معي كم نقطة يا اخوان. في معرفة الله عشر يا اخوان يا اخوات عشر
"How many points do I have, brothers? In knowing God, there are ten, brothers and sisters, ten."
نقاط. في معرفة الله سبحانه وتعالى. معرفة الله. نحن بحاجة
Points. In knowing Allah, the Exalted. The knowledge of Allah. We need.
الى معرفة من هو الله. سبحانه وتعالى. لان ما يتلذذ ولا يقبل
To know who Allah is. Glory be to Him. Because what does not savor and does not accept.
الله. الله يقول يا عبادي اني حرمت الظلم على نفسي. وجعلته بينكم
Allah. Allah says, O My servants, I have forbidden injustice upon Myself and made it prohibited among you.
محرم فلا تظالموا. سبحان الله. الله يقول وما ظلمناهم ولكن كانوا
"Harmless, so do not oppress one another. Glory be to Allah. Allah says, 'And We did not oppress them, but they were.'"
انفسهم يظلمون. فالله عدل يحب الخير لعبادة كلهم. رجالا ونساء
They wrong themselves. God is just and loves goodness for all His servants, both men and women.
وشبابا وشابات. الله ما يحب. ما يحب.
And young men and women. God does not love. Does not love.
سعيد. ويفرح بسعادة العباد. لكن الله يقول وما ظلمناهم ولكن كانوا
Happy. And he rejoices in the happiness of the servants. But God says, "And We did not wrong them, but they were..."
انفسهم يظلمون. هم يريدون الله ولذنب سعادة الله. اني حرمت الظلم
They themselves are wronging. They want God and the happiness of God. I have prohibited injustice.
على نفسي. وجعلته بينكم محرم فلا تظالموا.
"Upon myself. And I made it a prohibition among you, so do not wrong one another."
يا عبادي. كلكم ضال. الا من هديته. فاشتهدوني. يا رب اهدي
O My servants. All of you are misguided, except for those whom I have guided. So seek Me. O Lord, guide me.
قلوبنا. واشرح صدورنا. واجعلنا من عبادك المقبلين.
Our hearts. Open our chests. And make us among Your devoted servants.
اسأل الله ان يبارك في قلوبنا اخواني واخواتي وابنائي وبناتي.
I ask Allah to bless our hearts, my brothers, my sisters, my sons, and my daughters.
ان نقبل على الله. ونسأل الله الهداية. يا عبادي كلكم ضال الا من
"Indeed, we turn to Allah and ask Him for guidance. O My servants, all of you are misguided except for those..."
هديته. فاشتهدوني يا رب. يا رب. يا رب اهدنا. يا رب اشرح صدورنا. يا
I guided him. So guide me, O Lord. O Lord. O Lord, guide us. O Lord, open our hearts. O
رب اجعلنا من عبادك المؤمنين. اقبل على الله. الله فاتح ببانا.
O Lord, make us among Your believing servants. Turn to Allah. Allah is opening our hearts.
الله يرد المقبلين. الله يفتح ويجعل الانسان المقبل ان يزيد في
May God bring back those who are coming. May God open doors and allow the coming person to grow.
يا عبادي كلكم ضال الا من هديته. فاشتهدوني. اطلبوا الهداية من
O My servants, all of you are misguided except for those whom I have guided. So seek guidance from Me.
اهدكم. هذه الثانية والثالثة يا عبادي كلكم جايع الا من اطعمت
"I give you. This is the second and third, O My servants, all of you are hungry except for those whom I have fed."
فاشتطعموني اطعمكم. من الذي يطعمنا? من الذي يسقينا? الله.
"So feed me, and I will feed you. Who is it that feeds us? Who is it that gives us drink? God."
سبحانه وتعالى. لالا في قريش
Glory be to Him, the Most High. No, not in Quraysh.
الا فيهم رحلة الشتاء والصيف فليعبدوا رب هذا البيت الذي الذي
"Except for the safe conduct of the winter and summer, let them worship the Lord of this House."
اطعمهم من جوع وامنهم من خوف. فالله هو الذي يطعمنا. والرابعة يا
"Feed them when they are hungry and provide them with security when they are afraid. For it is God who feeds us. And the fourth is..."
عبادي كلكم عار الا من كسوته. فاستكسوني اكسكم. الله اكبر. ما
"O my servants, all of you are naked except for those I have clothed. So ask me for clothing, and I will clothe you. God is the Greatest. What..."
اعظم هذا الاله? غني عننا ويعرض نفسه علينا. ويبني يكرمنا. وانا
Is this deity great? He is self-sufficient and presents Himself to us. He builds and honors us. And I...
اللي يحبون كرم الله في هذه الليالي المباركة. والحريصين
Those who love God's generosity in these blessed nights, and the diligent ones.
على الاقبال على طاعة الله. فاسأل الله يشرح السدور ويطهر
On turning to the obedience of Allah. So ask Allah to ease the hearts and purify them.
القلوب اللي زيد في اقبالنا. يا عبادي كلكم جايعون الا من
The hearts that increase in our acceptance. O My servants, all of you are hungry except for those who...
اطعمته فاستطعموني اطعمكم. يا عبادي كلكم عارين الا من
"I fed him, so ask me for food, and I will feed you. O My servants, all of you are naked except for..."
كسوته فاستكسوني اكسكم. يا عبادي الله اكبر انكم تخطئون
"Clothe me and I will clothe you. O My servants, Allah is Great, indeed you make mistakes."
بالليل والنهار. وانا اغفر الذنوب جميعا فاستغفروني اغفر
"By night and by day. And I forgive all sins, so seek My forgiveness, and I shall forgive."
لكم. نسأل الله ان يعيننا وياكم على الاستغفار والتوبة
May Allah help us and you with seeking forgiveness and repentance.
والانابة. واجعلنا وياكم من المستغفرين. يا عبادي انكم لن
And repentance. And make us and you among those who seek forgiveness. O My servants, indeed you will not...
تبلغوا ضري فتضروني. الله يقول انكم لن تبلغوا ضري فتضروني.
You won't reach my level to harm me. God says that you will not reach my level to harm me.
ولن تبلغوا نفعي فتنفعوني. هذه الخامسة. والسادسة. هذه
"And you will not reach my benefit so that you may benefit me. This is the fifth. And the sixth. This."
The sixth.
السابعة. يا عبادي. لو ان اولكم واخركم وانشكم كانوا على اتقى قلب
Seventh. O My servants. If all of you, your first and your last, your humans and your jinn, were as pious of heart as the most pious heart among you...
رجل واحد ما زاد ذلك في ملك شيئا. ما زاد في ملك شيئا. الله ما ينتزع
One man did not increase his ownership of anything. He did not increase his ownership of anything. God does not take away.
بطاعة الطائعين. وليهم طاعة الطائعين. الله غني عننا. احنا
In obedience to the obedient. Their leader is the obedience of the obedient. God is independent of us. We are.
المحتاجين. فلذلك نقبل عليه واحنا منكسرين. الله غني عننا
The needy. That is why we turn to Him while we are broken. God is not in need of us.
لنقبل عليه.
Let's turn to it.
فاللو عبدكم وحنمك ساتتوا البيئة من الملك شيئا لو كانوا على اتقى قلب
The translation is unclear due to the presence of potential misspellings or misinterpretations in the original Arabic text. It seems to contain a mix of words that do not form a coherent sentence. Please provide a corrected version for an accurate translation.
رجل واحد منكم حجر soon know
One man from you will soon know.
الناس. لذلك لا تنفعاني انكم لن تبلغوا نفعي فتنفعوني ولم
People. So you are of no benefit to me, for you will not reach my benefit to be of help to me.
تبلغوا ضري فتضروني يا عبادي لو ان اولكم واخركم كانوا على اتقى قلب
"Inform me of the harm, O My servants, if your first and last were upon the most pious heart."
رجل واحد منكم ما زاد ذلك في ملك شيئا. يا عبادي لو ان اولكم وااخركم
One man among you does not increase anything in My dominion. O My servants, if your first and last...
And forget you.
فسألوني. فعطيت كل واحد مسألة. ما نقص ذلك من ملك شيئا الا كما
So they asked me. I gave each one a question. That did not diminish the kingdom of anything except as...
ينقص المخيط اذا ادخل البحر. البحر جدامكم. ما ينقص من ملك
The needle diminishes when it enters the sea. The sea is in front of you. What belongs to you does not diminish.
الله شيء. الله اكبر ما اعظم هذا الاله. ثم قال في نهاية الحديث
God is something. God is the Greatest; how magnificent this deity is. Then he said at the end of the talk.
يا عبادي. انما هي اعمالكم. احصيها لكم. كل اعمالكم سجلة. ثم
O My servants, these are your deeds. I will enumerate them for you. All your deeds are recorded. Then...
اوفيكم اياها. فمن وجد خيرا فليحمد الله. ومن وجد غير ذلك فليلومن
"Whoever receives it, let him be grateful to God. And whoever finds otherwise, let him blame himself."
الا نفسه.
Except himself.
هذا هو الله سبحانه وتعالى. وذلك
This is Allah, the Almighty. And that.
الرجل الذي ولاه الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم على السرية وكان
The man whom the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (peace be upon him), appointed over the expedition was...
كلما صلى صلاة رضي الله عنه قرأ بيقول هو الله واحد فتعجب
Whenever he prayed, may God be pleased with him, he recited "Say, He is God, [Who is] One," and he was astonished.
الصحابة لهذا الامير. يصلي فيهم بيقولوا الله واحد. متعجبين
The companions of this prince. He prays among them, saying "God is one." They are astonished.
مستقربين. يقرأ ثم يقرأ قول هو الله واحد. فتعجبوا. فلما عادوا
Approaching. He reads then reads the statement "He is God, One." So they were amazed. When they returned...
قالوا للرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم يا رسول الله ارأيت صاحبك
They said to the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him), "O Messenger of Allah, what do you think of your companion?"
And our prince.
قال وما شأنه? قال كلما صلى فينا قرأ قل هو الله واحد. فقال الرسول
He said, "What is his concern?" He said, "Whenever he prays among us, he recites 'Say, He is Allah, [Who is] One.'" The Messenger said.
اسألوه. لماذا يقرأها? فذهبوا اليه. قال لماذا تقرأها? قال اني
Ask him. Why do you read it? So they went to him. He said, why do you read it? He said, I am...
احبها. ليه? لانها صفة الرحمن. الله اكبر. فقال الرسول محمد صلى
I love her. Why? Because it is a characteristic of the Most Merciful. Allah is the Greatest. The Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him, said
الله عليه وسلم ان الله يحبك لحبك اياها. وفي رواية ان الله ادخلك
May peace be upon him. Indeed, Allah loves you for your love for her. And in another narration, Allah has admitted you.
الجنة لحبك اياها.
Heaven is for your love.
الله اكبر. هذه معرفة الله. والله والله لو عرف الناس رجالا ونسان
God is Great. This is the knowledge of God. By God, if people knew the men and women.
الله حق المعرفة ما يكفيهم الركبين لا علم.
God is the true knowledge; what is enough for them is not knowledge.
لما وصف المؤمنين ما وصفهم بالقعود والجلوس. وانما قال اولئك
"When he described the believers, he did not describe them as sitting and lounging. Rather, he said those."
يسارعون في الخيرات. وهم لها سابقون. لانهم يتلذذون في القرب
They rush in good deeds. And they are foremost in them. Because they delight in closeness.
هم يتلذون في القرب. استغفروا الله. استغفروا. اوه ايها الناس اشتغلوا
They indulge in closeness. Seek forgiveness from Allah. Forgive. Oh people, get to work.
بالله العظيم. وهو الله سبحانه وتعالى. هذه اول مسألة يا اخوان
By the Great God. And He is God, Blessed and Exalted. This is the first issue, O brothers.
ويا اخوات معرفة الله. والله لو عرفنا الله حق المعرفة. نسأل الله
"O sisters of the knowledge of God. By God, if we truly knew God. We ask God."
ان ينزقنا معرفة الله. ونسأل الله ان يبارك فقلوبنا. ونفوسنا.
May He grant us the knowledge of God. We ask God to bless our hearts and our souls.
ويجعلنا وياكم من المقبلين. والمسألة الثانية كيف وصلت يا عمر بن
"And may He make us and you among those who are receptive. The second question is how did you arrive, O Umar bin..."
عبدالعزيزي. قال خشية الله والبكاء بين يديه.
Abdulaziz said, "Fearing God and crying before Him."
صلى الله عليه وسلم. الذي يصيبه عبدالله بن الشخير يقول صليت
Peace be upon him. What Abdullah bin Al-Shakheer says is, "I prayed."
وراء النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وكان لقلبه ازيز كازير
Behind the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, there was a sound from his heart like a bell.
ازيز المرجل من البكاء. كان البكاء اخواني هو طريقهم الى
The whistling of the boiler from crying. The crying, my brothers, was their way to
الله. لذتهم في الطاعة ما وجدوها الا بالانكسار بين يدي الله
God. Their pleasure in obedience is found only in humility before God.
والبكاء بين يديه سبحانه وتعالى. ذاقوا طعمها. ذاقوا حلاوتها.
"And weeping before Him, the Exalted and Sublime. They tasted its essence. They experienced its sweetness."
لذلك يرفعون يجتهدون في الاعمال وينكسرون ويبكون ويقول يا رب
Therefore, they strive in their deeds, break down, and cry out, "O Lord."
تقبل منا. يا رب ارحمنا. يا رب حنا عبيدك الضعفاء. جئناك خاضعين
Accept from us. O Lord, have mercy on us. O Lord, we are Your weak servants. We come to You submissively.
خاشعين منكسرين. جايينك نبيك يا رب. نحبك يا رب. ويبكون. الرسول
Humble and broken. We are coming to You, O Lord. We love You, O Lord. And they weep. The Messenger.
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم تقول عنه ام المنعائشة. استيقظت فاذا
Muhammad, peace be upon him, is said about him by Umm al-Munaa'isha: I woke up and found that...
بالرسول يوسف محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم يبكي فبكيت لبكائه. اخواني
With the Messenger Yusuf Muhammad, peace be upon him, crying, I cried for his tears. My brothers.
هذه علامة من علامات الايمان. عينان لا تمسهم النار. اللي يحب
This is a sign of faith. Two eyes that will not be touched by the fire. The one who loves.
الله ينكسر بين يديه. وتضرع ويبكي. عينان لا تمسهم النار. عين بكت من
God is broken between His hands. He supplicates and weeps. Eyes that the fire will not touch. An eye that cried out of...
خشية الله. وعين باثت تحرس في سبيل الله. سبعة يظلهم الله في
The fear of God. And a vigilant eye that guards in the way of God. Seven will be shaded by God in...
ظله. يوم لا ظل الا ظله. وذكرا بينهم رجل ذكر الله خاليا ففاضت
His shade. A day when there is no shade but His. And among them is a man who remembers Allah in solitude, and his eyes overflow with tears.
عينها. الله اكبر. انه الايمان. انها لذة الطاعة. تخرج الدموع.
Her eye. God is great. It is faith. It is the sweetness of obedience. Tears flow out.
وتكسر القلب وتجعله مقبل على الله. هذه الحقيقة. اللي تميزوا
And it breaks the heart and makes it turn to God. This is the truth. Those who excelled.
فيها. وذلك فاطمة تصف زوجها. عمر بن عبدالعزيز. تقول كان عمر ليس
In it, Fatima describes her husband, Umar ibn Abdulaziz. She says that Umar was not...
كثير صلاة ولا صيام. عمر ما كان كثير صلاة ولا صيام. وانما كان
A lot of prayer and no fasting. He used to be neither a lot of prayer nor fasting. Rather, he was...
كثير البكاء من خشية الله. حتى انه يبكي. واقول يصبح الناس ولا
He cries a lot out of fear of God. Until he cries. I say, people wake up and do not...
خليفة لهم. مش كثرة بكائه.
A successor to them. Not just the abundance of his crying.
كيف يبكون وكيف يبكون لمن? لله سبحانه وتعالى. وهذا البكاء لذة
How do they cry and who do they cry for? For Allah, the Exalted. And this crying is a delight.
يا اخوان. وطاعة يجدون حلاوتها. ويجدون اذهرها. وصفاتها في واقع
Oh brothers. And obedience finds its sweetness. And they find its manifestations and qualities in reality.
تعبدهم ودينهم وايمانهم. وعاقدتهم وشريعتهم. في تطبيق
Their worship and religion and faith. And their covenant and their law. In application.
الاعمال. انا اتمنى يا اخوان ان الله يجمعني واياكم. مع الحبيب
Work. I hope, my brothers, that God brings me together with you. With the beloved.
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. وصحابة الكرام متابعين. اللي ضربوا اروع
Muhammad, may peace be upon him, and the noble companions are the followers. Those who have made the most amazing contributions.
الامثال واجلها. في حقيقة تعبدهم لله. انا تعجب من عمر
The proverbs and their meanings. In reality, they worship Him. I am amazed by Umar.
خطاني. اسودان من ايش? عجيب يا اخوان. والله عجيب. خطان
I'm confused. What are the two blacks from? It's strange, my brothers. Truly strange. Two lines.
اسودان من ايش?
What is Sudan made of?
من ايش? من ماذا? من كثرة البكاء من خشية الله. الله اكبر. وين
From what? From what? From the abundance of crying out of fear of God. God is the greatest. Where?
البكاء يا اخوان? وين البكاء يا اخوات? احنا محتاجين هذه العبادة.
Crying, oh brothers? Where is the crying, oh sisters? We need this worship.
اللي تجعل الانسان
What makes a person
يتمتع ويحس بقربة من الله عندما تنكسر نفسه وتدمع عينه لهذا الاله
He enjoys and feels close to God when his soul is broken and his eyes weep for this deity.
العظيم وهو الله سبحانه وتعالى.
The Great is Allah, the Exalted and Majestic.
والنقطة الرابع الثالثة يا اخوان. ويا اخوات النقطة الثالثة عمرو
And the fourth point, thirdly my brothers and sisters, the third point is about Amr.
بن عبدالعزيز يقول وصلت الى من وصلت اليه بمعرفتي لله سبحانه
Bin Abdulaziz says, "I have reached those I have reached through my knowledge of Allah, the Exalted."
وتعالى. ثم خشته والكثرة البكاء بين يديه والثالثة مجالسة ومعاشرة
And He is exalted. Then, fear Him and the abundance of crying before Him, and the third is companionship and companionship.
الفقهاء والعلماء.
The scholars and the scientists.
بالله عليكم يا اخوان ويا اخوات من يحب العلماء وجالس العلماء
By God, O brothers and sisters, who loves the scholars and sits with the scholars?
ويعاشر العلماء ويحرص على العلماء. هذه اللذة. هذه الحقيقة
And he socializes with scholars and is keen on scholars. This is the pleasure. This is the truth.
الحياة. العلماء هم الذين حققوا حقيقة لذة ومتعة الحياة الدنيا.
Life. It is the scholars who have realized the truth of the pleasure and joy of worldly life.
الصحابة كانوا ما يستقنون عن رؤية الحبيب محمد معلمهم. عليه
The companions did not feel any fear when they saw their beloved teacher Muhammad. Peace be upon him.
الصلاة والسلام. كانوا ما يفارقونه ومن شدة حبهم له وحرصهم عليه.
Peace and blessings. They never parted from him due to their intense love for him and their eagerness for him.
ان يتناوبون حتى لا يفوتهم خير. من ذلك الرسول الكريم محمد صلى
They take turns so that they do not miss out on goodness. Among them is the noble messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him.
عليه وسلم الذي يعطي العطاء كما قال عبدالرحمن ابن الصخر لما قال له
Peace be upon him who gives generously, as Abdul Rahman ibn Al-Sakhr said when he spoke to him.
يا عبدالرحمن ابن الصخر. الا تسألني مما يسأل اصحابك. قال اشألك
O Abdul Rahman, son of the stone. Do you not ask me what your companions are asking? He said, "I should ask you."
يا رسول الله ان تعلمني مما علمك الله. الله اكبر. كانوا يحبون
O Messenger of God, teach me what God has taught you. Allah is the Greatest. They used to love.
العلم. ويحرصون عليه. اليوم اليوم يا اخواني يا اخواتي. العلماء جوكم
Knowledge. They are keen on it. Today, today, my brothers and sisters. The scholars are among you.
في اماكنكم. في مقاهيكم. في اسواقكم. في اماكنهم. لماذا? يا
In your places. In your cafes. In your markets. In their places. Why? O
ابن السمعة. يا ابن الرياء. لا والله ما جينا لهذا. ما جينا الا
Son of reputation. O son of hypocrisy. By God, we did not come for this. We came only to...
لحبنا وحرصنا. تعاوننا على البر والتقوى لعلى الله. لعلى الله.
For our love and care. We cooperate in righteousness and piety, for the sake of God. For the sake of God.
يبلغ كلماتنا اقوار القلوب ويوقف فيها النفوس لنطلق في رضا الله
"Our words reach the depths of hearts and pause souls so that we can act in the satisfaction of God."
ونستمتع في طاعته. مجالسة الفقهاء والعلماء. وفعلا يا اخواني
And we enjoy obeying Him. Sitting with the jurists and scholars. Indeed, my brothers.
يا اخواتي. العلماء هم الخير كل الخير. ويا هني من ارزقها الله.
O my sisters. The scholars are the best of the best. And congratulations to those whom God has blessed.
من يعين على طاعة الله. اذا نسي ذكره واذكر اعانه. وذلك ادعوكم
Whoever helps in obeying God. If he forgets, remind him. And that is what I invite you to.
دعوة اخ. ونحن في هذه الايام المباركة. ايام رمضان يكثر فيها
A call to brother. And in these blessed days, the days of Ramadan, there is an increase in...
العلم. وحلق العلم. والعلماء. اليوم العلماء هم ليذهبوا. هم
Knowledge. And the circle of knowledge. And the scholars. Today the scholars are going. They.
اللي يمشون.
Those who walk.
اللي يمشون اليوم. مع الاسف اقول هل
Those who walk today. Unfortunately, I say this.
كلام. وانا كل حزرة رقمنا سابقا كانوا يضربون اكباد الابل. ويمشون
Words. And every time we talked previously, they would beat the camels' humps and walk.
المسافات بالاسبوع والاسبوعين. والشهر والشهرين حتى يأتون
The distances in a week, two weeks, a month, and two months until they arrive.
العلماء. ليأخذوا منهم بعض العلم. حنا اليوم يجون وترجون ويستعطفون
The scholars. Let them take some knowledge from them. Today they come and implore and seek sympathy.
ويقولوا اقعدوا اسمعوا كلامنا. واخذوا الكنوز واخذوا الفوائد.
They say, "Sit and listen to our words." They took the treasures and the benefits.
ولو بعطيكم من الفوائد الطالبين المقام والحديث. لذلك مجالسة
"And I would give you from the benefits of those seeking the status and the conversation. Therefore, it is a matter of sitting together."
العلماء والفقهاء هي الحقيقة.
The scholars and jurists are the truth.
يا اخوان افضل ناس على وجه الارض هم الذين استمتعوا وجدوا لذة
Oh brothers, the best people on the face of the earth are those who enjoyed and found pleasure.
العبادة عندما وصفهم الله وقال انما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء. هم
Worship, when God described them, said, "Only those who fear God among His servants are the scholars." They are.
افضل ناس على وجه الارض. هم الذين عرفوا الله حق المعرفة. هم عرفوا
The best people on the face of the earth are those who know God truly. They have known.
حقيقة لذة العبادة. وحرصهم استمرارهم عليها لانهم هم نور
The reality of the pleasure of worship. Their dedication to its continuation because they are the light.
المجتمع. يا رجال الدين يا ملح البلد. من يصبح الملح اذا الملح
The society. O men of religion, you are the salt of the land. Who will become the salt if the salt itself?
فسد. يا اهل الخير.
Corruption. O people of goodness.
يا اهل الطاعة. يا اهل الهداية. اسأل الله ان يبارك فيكم ان تنورون
O people of obedience. O people of guidance. I ask Allah to bless you that you may enlighten.
هذه المواقع وهذه الاماكن بريض الله سبحانه وتعالى. لتمستمتعون
These sites and places are by the grace of God Almighty. You will enjoy them.
وتتلذذون بطاعة الله. هاي ثلاثة. والرابعة. والرابعة ما هي? اخواني
And you enjoy obeying Allah. That's three. And the fourth. And what is the fourth, my brothers?
And my sisters.
بالله عليكم شني? ابيكم وانتم تقولون لي انتم تساعدونني.
By God, what is it? I want you to tell me that you are helping me.
الاولى قلناها معرفة الله والثانية البكاء والثالثة مجالسة العلماء
The first is knowing God, the second is crying, and the third is keeping company with scholars.
والفقهاء والرابعة.
And the jurists, and the fourth.
وشارعوا. وين? الى وين?
And they rushed. Where? To where?
وشابقوا الى وين?
And where are they racing to?
وفي ذلك فليتنافس من التنافس الى وين?
"And in that, let the competitors compete. To where?"
الى جنة عرضها السماوات والارض وعدت للمتقين.
"To a paradise whose width is like the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous."
من يفكر بالجنة? من يحرص على الجنة? الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه
Who thinks about Paradise? Who cares about Paradise? The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
وسلم يقول للصحابة قوموا الى اين يا رسول الله? قال الى جنة عرضها
And Salman said to the companions, “Where to, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied, “To a paradise whose width is…”
السماوات والارض. قام لعمير قال يا رسول الله بخن بخن.
The heavens and the earth. Al-Amir stood up and said, "O Messenger of Allah, a little, a little."
قال شن اللي دعاك تقول بخن بخن. قال ارجو من الله ان اكون من اهلها.
He said, "Whoever invites you, say 'Bikhun Bikhun.'" He replied, "I hope that I am one of its people."
قال انك من اهلها. الله اكبر. لما قال لها انك من اهلها ما جلس.
He said you are one of her people. God is the Greatest. When he told her that you are one of her people, he did not sit down.
وقال الحمد لله. الرسول شهد لي. والرسول عطاني وبشرني. بقعد
He said, "Praise be to God. The Messenger testified for me. And the Messenger gave me and brought me glad tidings."
خلاص. لا. كان بيده تمرات ريد انا اكلها من الجوع. قال انها لحياة
Enough. No. He had dates in his hand; I want to eat them out of hunger. He said they are for life.
طويلة حتى اكل هذه التمرات. فالقى التمرات ثم انطلق. وكان من اولا
"It was a long time until I ate these dates. So he threw the dates and then set off. And it was from the beginning."
شهداء. هكذا المتعة. هكذا الاستمتاع. هذه اللذة. هذه الحياة
Martyrs. This is pleasure. This is enjoyment. This is delight. This is life.
الحقيقية. انك تشتاق. وتتوق نفسك الى جنة عرضها السماوات والارض. كما
The truth is that you long and your soul craves a paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth. Just like
قال عمرو بن عبدالعزيز لرجاء ابن حيوة انني نفس تواقة. انني نفس
Amr ibn Abdulaziz said to Rajaa ibn Haywah, "I have a yearning soul. I have a soul..."
تواقة. تاقت لفاطمة بنت عبد الملك وتزوجتها. وتاقت الى الولاية فغليتها.
He was longing. He longed for Fatima bint Abdul Malik and married her. He longed for the governorship, so he was angered by it.
صرت واحدة.
I became one.
المدينة. وتاقت نفسي يا رجاء الى الولاية الخلافة. وها انا فيها.
The city. And my soul yearned, O Rja, for the province of the caliphate. And here I am in it.
ثم قال في الرابعة لقد تاقت نفسي يا رجاء الى الجنة وارجو من الله
Then he said in the fourth, "My soul has longed for Paradise, and I hope from God."
ان اكون من اهلها. ها تقول تكونوا من اهلها يا اخواني يا اخوات. قولوا
To be one of its people. It says you should be from its people, my brothers and sisters. Say it.
نعم. يلا اقبلوا. الله فاتح عبابه. في هذه الليالي المباركة. يفتح
Yes. Come on, accept it. God has opened His doors. In these blessed nights. He is opening.
عباب الجنة. ويقلق العباب النار. ويسلسل الشياطين. يقول للمقبلة.
The waves of paradise. And the waves of fire are disturbing. And the devils are chained. He says to the one approaching.
تعالوا يا عبادي. جنة تنفتحتها لكم. فاقبلوا على الله. انا جايكم
Come, O My servants. A paradise has been opened for you. So turn to Allah. I am coming to you.
الان من عزة. عندي ولد عم ميت الان. ما مكمل الرمضان. ما كمل
Now from Izzah. I have a cousin who has died now. He didn't complete Ramadan. He didn't finish.
الرمضان. جاه الموت. والموت ما يدري حنا نكمل رمضان ولا ما نكمل.
Ramadan. Death is near. And death doesn’t know whether we will finish Ramadan or not.
فالحق على نفسك. واحرصوا على نفسكم. ترى الموت ما يطق الباقي
So the fault is on yourself. Take care of yourselves. You see, death does not knock on the remaining ones.
على احد. ولا يستأذن. يقبضك وياخذك.
No one. And he doesn’t ask for permission. He seizes you and takes you.
اسأل الله نبارك هذا اللقاء. والالتقاء. ونشكر شيخنا. وحبيبنا.
I ask Allah to bless this meeting and gathering. We thank our Sheikh and our beloved.
اللي تفضل علينا في منطقتنا. واسأل الله نبارك في مجيئه. ونقول
"Whoever prefers us in our area. And we ask Allah to bless his arrival. And we say"
انطبت وطاب ممشاك وتبوأت من الجنة منزلة. واسأل الله نبارك
"You have come forth, and your path is good, and you have taken a place in Paradise. I ask Allah for blessings."
لقانا والتقانا ووفقنا ووفقكم. هذه كلمتي لكم اخواني. واسأل الله
We met and our paths crossed, and may He grant us success and you as well. This is my word to you, my brothers. And I ask Allah.
نشرح فيها الصدور. ويطهر فيها القلوب. ويعيننا على الاقبال.
"We open the hearts in it. It purifies the souls. And it helps us to embrace."
لنتذوق في هذه الايام باركة لذة الطاعة. ونستمتع فيها كما
Let's savor in these days the blessings of obedience and enjoy them as
وياكم ان شاء الله. منستمعون القول واتبعون احسنه. وصلى
"And with you, God willing. We listen to the word and follow its best. And peace be upon."
اللهم على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم. وجزاكم الله خير
O Allah, blessings be upon our Master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions. May Allah reward you with goodness.
على حسن استماعكم. جزا الله فضيلة الشيخ الوالد احمد الدبوس
Thank you for your attentive listening. May God reward the esteemed Sheikh, our father Ahmed Al-Dabbous.
وعظم الله اجرهم ان شاء الله. كذلك نود ان نذكر بفعالية الاسبوع
And may God magnify their reward, if He wills. We also want to remind you about the activities of the week.
القادم ان شاء الله مع الدكتور محمد العوضي وكذلك الاستاذ مصطفى
The upcoming event, God willing, will be with Dr. Muhammad Al-Awadi and also Mr. Mustafa.
حسني من جمهورية مصر.
Hossni is from the Arab Republic of Egypt.
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