تعاطف أعمى | من جوا


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تعاطف أعمى | من جوا

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حالات الطلاق بسوريا

Divorce cases in Syria.

بس كيف وعلى أي أساس

But how and on what basis?

وهالشي ترى كيف رح يأثر على الطرف اللي معه الحق

And this will affect the party that is in the right, how?

واللي انظلم بهالحالي

And the one who is wronged in this situation.

هيا هو اسم مستعار لضيفتنا اليوم

Haya is a pseudonym for our guest today.

رح تحكي لنا عن طلاقة

You will tell us about fluency.

وكيف خسرت بسبب التعاطف الأعمى

And how I lost because of blind empathy.

اشتركوا في القناة

Subscribe to the channel.

واجب المحكمة

The duty of the court.

قعدت لما شكي أمرك لرب العالمين

"I sat down when I complained about your situation to the Lord of the Worlds."

ما عملت شي قعدت وسلمت أمرها لرب العالمين

"I did nothing, I just sat and surrendered my affair to the Lord of the Worlds."

حتى حقوق المادية خسرتها

I even lost my material rights.

بس يا ترى معقول ما حدا تدخل

But I wonder, is it really possible that no one intervened?

لتعيشها الإنسان يعيش كريم بعد الطلاق

To live it, a person lives honorably after the divorce.

هي وأطفالها

She and her children.

وكيف وقفت عيلتها جنبا

And how did her family stand by her side?

وزوجها بالنهاية ما حسب الزم

And her husband didn't calculate the time in the end.

ولا اللي متعاطفين معه

Nor those who sympathize with him.


And we have supported him.

عطوه الثقة أنه تصرفه صاح

Give him the confidence that his behavior is right.

ما حد لقى ما حد حاول يصلح كلها

Nobody found it, nobody tried to fix it all.

بالنسبة لعائلة أهله بالذات

As for his family in particular.

ما مرغوبة من حدا لا عم ولا أخا

What is desired by no one, neither uncle nor brother.

عم أنا ميت يعني ما عنده أولاد

Yes, I am dead, which means I have no children.

عم الساتون صغري

Uncle of my little Saturn.

لا خال ولا حدا يعني مرغوبين

Neither a maternal uncle nor anyone else is desired.

نحنا بالنسبة لعائلة أهله

We are regarding his family.

ما حد بيحبنا

No one loves us.

ما حد يتعاطف معي

No one sympathizes with me.

أنا خالص

I am sincere.

نهايا وكل العالم شدد بحلفه

In the end, the whole world tightened with its alliance.

ما شدد بحلفه

What was emphasized by his oath.

رغم أنه هذا السبب

Although this is the reason.

ما حد حاول يكون وسط خير بيوناتنا

No one tried to be among our good ones.

خوفا أنه أنا أنه أهل

Afraid that I am one of the people.

الآن هم ما بيحبوا أهلي

Now they don't love my family.

القرابين كلهم ما بيحبوا كأنا وأبوي

All the sacrifices don't love me and my father.

حاولت أمه تجتمع بابوه ورفض

His mother tried to meet with his father, but he refused.

قالت له تعال واجهني

She said to him, "Come face me."

عطينا مقدمة بنتها وما آخرها

We gave a preface to her and what is its conclusion?

قالها ما لك الشيء عندها بتروح بتلحق أبني

He said, "You have nothing to do with her; you're going to chase after my son."

على المحاكم

On the courts

وولد واخواته لجوزه

And a boy and his siblings for his nut.

ما اعترفوا شيء

They didn't admit to anything.

قالنا إحنا ما دخلنا هاي أمور شخصية

He said we don't get involved in personal matters.

ما نتدخل فيها

What we do not interfere in.

ولا منعترف على حدا

We do not recognize anyone individually.

ما عندها حدا غير رحمة رب العالم

She has no one except for the mercy of the Lord of the worlds.

ما حدا بفوت لعنده ولا حدا بيطلع

No one goes in and no one comes out.

كان أخواته بالبيت هون يساعدون أكتر من هيك

His sisters were at home helping more than this.

وفي أنا كان بنات عمي

And in me were my cousins.

أنه عنادر هيك رفعولا معنوياته

He raised his morale like that.

بس أكتر ما في

But most of it is in...

أنه لا تسأل عنه بكرة بيجيك أحسن منه

"Don't ask about him; tomorrow something better will come to you."

من هذا الحكي

Who is this talk about?

طولة بالك بكرة الله بيهداه

"Patience, tomorrow God will guide him."

برجع لكوله أنه ما عنده أولاد من مرته التاني

He told me that he doesn't have any children from his second wife.

طولة بالك الله الله ما يفرجه

Patience from God, may He bring relief.

كل فترة هو يقول للحوالية

Every now and then, he tells the relatives.

يعني يبعت مع ناس

It means to send with people.

أنه بدي رجعنا ويقذب علي من هذا الحكي

He wants us to go back and he's just lying about this talk.

أنه مشان بس يوصل لمراده

It's just so he can achieve his goal.

ياخذ أولاد منه

He takes children from him.

بس أكتر من هيك ما في

But there isn't anything more than this.

يعني بعد ما اتطلقت صاري الحكين

It means that after I got divorced, I started to speak.

أنا أقفه عند حده

I will hold him to his limit.

أنه مشان ما يجي يمي

It's so he doesn't come to me.

أو يحط له حد

Or set a limit for him.

أنه مشان ياخذ حده

He's just trying to take his share.

أنه ما يقرب يمي

It is almost near me.

أو ياخذ يعتم معي

Or they take it seriously with me.

هيك أنا صارت

This is how I became.

عمي دعمه أنه لا ترجحها

My uncle supported that he does not favor it.

خلصنا كنت تخاف منه أنه مات

We finished, you were afraid that he died.


And sincere.

وحدها ستين جهنم

Only sixty hells.

وأنت عيش حياتك وتركها

"Live your life and let it be."

طلب الورتي كمان

The waiter also requested.

طلب الورتي عساس أنه يرجعنا

He requested the watchman to let us return.

طلب ورتي أهله

He requested and organized his family.

أما ما عطته ورتي

As for what you gave me, my heart.

لأنه الساتنا هنا في عنا عزبان

Because the satna here has people who are upset.

وشباب وبنات

And young men and women.

فرفضت تعطي الورتي

So she refused to give the rose.

قالوا جيب الورتي ورجحها بعدها

They said, "Bring the wallet and then weigh it."

أما رفضت هذا الشي

But you refused this thing.

وأهله قالوا له في حالة أنك إذا بترجح الحرمي

And his family told him in case you were to prefer the sanctuary.

هاي بالذات ما لك ورتي مغضوب عليك

This specifically is not yours, and you are displeased with it.

لولد ولدك كمان هم ضغطوا عليه من جهة تاني

Your son's child is also being pressured from another side.

أنه ما نحن

That is what we are.

أهلك واتبرى منك

"I disown you and distance myself from you."

إذا بدك ترجعني

If you want to bring me back.

ما هيك قالوا له كمان

Didn't they say that to him too?

ضغطوا عليه وضغطوا علينا هنا

They pressured him and pressured us here.

ما عنده قرار يعني وحي سمض عليه

He doesn't have a decision, which means it was revealed to him.

أنا بحكي شكل بجوزي اتفق معي

I might be talking in a way my husband agreed with me.

بعد خمس دقائق بيقلب الموضوع

After five minutes, the situation changes.

ما عنده قرار من راسه

He has no decision of his own.

قالوا له كتير بس أنه أهله غضبانين

They told him a lot, but that his parents are angry.

علي في حالة أنه

Ali is in a state that...

أوزيب عط منصوف لولاد

I will give you a hint for the kids.

أو مثلا

Or for example

يعني الحكي الحكي بالصرقة للولاد أحيان

It means that sometimes the talk is about stealing from the kids.

بحكيه ما وكل يعني

I’m not talking about anything, meaning.

أمت من الجعبال وكل شهرين تلات

I die from the hardships, and every two or three months.

اللي بحكي الولاد بالطمأن حتى الولد الصغير

The one who talks to the children calms even the little boy.

حتى يا ابني هذا ما بيعرفه خالص

Even my son doesn't know this at all.

ولا بيقول هذا ما نوابوي

"And he said, this is not my responsibility."

حتى الولاد نفروا

Even the kids ran away.

يعني مجرد ما يجي حد

It means as soon as someone comes.

مثلا أقل أشرايك فكرة الجواج

For example, what do you think about the idea of marriage?

بيقولوا سكر على الفكرة خالص

They say to completely ignore the idea.

يا والله ما ضال عندي سخة بالرجاء

By God, I have no shame left in hope.

يعني بالزلم خالص

It means totally about the men.

صريح العبارة

Explicit statement

متل ما سمعنا

Just as we heard.

في ناس مو بس تعاطفوا مع زوج هيا

Some people not only empathized with Haya's husband.

كمان ضغطوا عليه حتى ما يفكر

They also pressured him so that he wouldn't think.

يرجع له أو يعطيه حقوقه

Give it back to him or give him his rights.

وللأسف اللي خسر

Unfortunately, the one who lost.

هي هيا وأطفاله

She is Haya and her children.

اللي ما بقى يشوفوا أبوهن وحياتهن

Those who no longer want to see their father and their lives.

تغيرت ماديا ومعنويا

I have changed materially and spiritually.

وهيا ضحية تعاطف

And she is a victim of sympathy.

بعض الناس مع طليقة

Some people are with their ex.

وعدم قدرة اللي بقفين معاها عن مساعدته

And the inability of those standing with her to help.

بأي شي

With anything.

حكينا مع الباحث الاجتماعي حسام السعد

We talked to the social researcher Hossam Al-Saad.

لناخد فكرة أكتر

To get a better idea.

سبب التعاطف الأعمى مع أحد الزوجين

The reason for blind sympathy towards one spouse.

بعد الطلاق

After the divorce.

أي امرأة بالعالم

Any woman in the world

أنا برأيي حفكة

In my opinion, it's a trick.

مش بس بسوريا يعني وعربيا

Not just in Syria, I mean Arab-wise.

أي امرأة هي بأي لحظة ممكن تتعرض

Any woman can be exposed at any moment.

لغبون وحتى يتم

To be deceived and until it is done.

تحميلها مسؤولية

Loading it with responsibility.

فشل علاقة زوجية

Failure of a marital relationship

فشل تربية أبناء

Failure in raising children

دائما هي الأم أو الزوجة أو المرأة

It is always the mother, the wife, or the woman.

هي المسؤولة

She is responsible.

عن تيار الفشل

About the current of failure

بأي عداءة

With what hostility?

هيك يعني ضمير الجمعي يعني بيحكي

This means that the collective pronoun is speaking.

وعنا أكتر بتبين

"And more about us becomes clearer."

لأنه احنا مجتمعات تراتبية يعني

Because we are hierarchical societies, you know.

في تصريق كتير قوي بين الزكور ولناس

There is a lot of confusion between men and people.

يعني أكتر من المجتمعات تانية حقيقة

It means more than other communities, in fact.

هي بترجع لكل شخص

She goes back to each person.

أنا بتخيل حسب تبريرات كل شخص يعني

I imagine based on the justifications of each person, I mean.

في نساء مثلا مثل هاي المصرية

There are women, for example, like this Egyptian woman.

اللي بتطلع وتحكي أنه كل شي مشاكل دائما

"Those who go out and say that everything is always problems."

هو الحق على الرجال

It is the right of men.

المبدأ الرئيسي بعتقد هو كمان قادم من موطنها

The main principle, I believe, also comes from its origin.

في موضوع مين المسؤول

Regarding the topic of who is responsible.

إذا زوج خان زوجته فهي المسؤولة

If a husband cheats on his wife, she is responsible.

لأنه هي مؤادرة تضبه أو تكبي له رغباته

Because it is an initiative that organizes or fulfills his desires.

وبالتالي هو خلت عينه ويطلع لبرجة

Therefore, he emptied his eye and looked up at his tower.

بالنهاية دائما يعني حتى لو أخطأ فالسبب هي

In the end, it always means that even if he makes a mistake, the reason is her.

لو الأولاد فشلوا فهي مثلا

If the children failed, for example, it would be...

ممكن تكون في مشكلة المرأة الحالية

There may be a problem with the current woman.

وما بصير التعاطف المصدق

And genuine empathy cannot occur.

بس احنا أنا بقول منفترض دائما

But I say we should always assume.


That it

خلص هالموسم من بودكاست من جوه

This season of the podcast "From Inside" is over.

إذا حابين تسمعوا الحلقات السابقة

If you want to listen to the previous episodes.

فيكن تسمعوا

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كنت معكم أنا سكينة المهدي

I was with you, I am Sakina Al-Mahdi.

من عينب بلدي بودكاست

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