#96 Hisham Tawfik Founder of EFG Hermes and Former Minister with El-Podcasters
Bassel Alzaro - Karim Rihan
#96 Hisham Tawfik Founder of EFG Hermes and Former Minister with El-Podcasters
شكف شكف شكف بس انتو مش صدقين
"Shkaf shkaf shkaf but you don't really believe."
لا لا لا انا مصدق على فكرة
No, no, no, I actually believe it.
مصدق ان انت خلاص حطيت حاجة في دماغي عايز تعملها
I’m convinced that you have set something in my mind that you want to do.
هو ده الفلوس تيجي ما تجيش دي قصة تانية
This is about money; whether it comes or not, that's a different story.
انما انا عايز اعمل كده وعايز اعملها صح
I just want to do this and I want to do it right.
انا شام توفيق بكالوريوس الاقتصاد وادارة اعمال
I am Sham Tawfiq, a Bachelor's degree holder in Economics and Business Administration.
ومجسير في ادارة الاستثمارات
And an administrator in investment management.
مستشار لوزير المالية الاسبق دكتور يوسف بطرس غالي
Advisor to the former Minister of Finance Dr. Youssef Boutros Ghali.
ثم وزيرا لقطاع الاعمال العام في حكومة دكتور مصطفى مدبولي
Then Minister of Public Business Sector in Dr. Mostafa Madbouly's government.
اخدت المجسير واشتغلت في اسواق المال العالمية
I graduated and worked in the global financial markets.
اشتغلت في المجموعة المالية المصرية
I worked at the Egyptian Financial Group.
وساهمت في تطويرها الى بنك استثمار في 96
"And I contributed to its development into an investment bank in '96."
تم الدمج مع هرمس لتصبح المجموعة المالية هرمس
Merged with Hermes to become the Hermes Financial Group.
اللي احنا عارفينها النهاردة
What we know today
رجعنا لكم وحلقة جديدة
We are back with a new episode.
من البودكاسترز وسيزن العمالقة
From the podcasters and the season of giants.
لان النهاردة في معانا رجل مخضرم
Because today we have with us an experienced man.
من العمالقة المصريين
From the Egyptian giants.
واحنا بصراحة مش مصدقين انه جاينا معانا النهاردة
To be honest, we can't believe he's come with us today.
بس الاول عايزين نشكر قلم دي على المكان اللطيف اللي قده لنا
But first, we want to thank Pen D for the nice place they provided us.
وكريم عايز يقول لكم تعملوا ايه
And Kareem wants to tell you what to do.
من غير هزار النهاردة عشان معانا حد مهمة جماعة
No jokes today because we have an important person with us, guys.
لايك وشير وسبسكرايب وبس
Like, share, and subscribe, that's it.
It's done.
خلونا جد بس
Let's be serious, really.
بس على حد من الكوكب
Just on the edge of the planet.
وايدر اللي عملت فروقات
And the one who made the differences.
في مصر
In Egypt
فقلنا لازم نيجي نتكلم معاه
So we said we must come and talk to him.
ويشرح لنا
And he explains to us.
ازاي انوان الحلقة دي هو الشغف
How is the title of this episode "Passion"?
وازاي ان انت تاخد حاجة من اولها
And how do you take something from the beginning?
To the last one.
وهو هيشرح لنا في كل مراحل حياته
He will explain to us at all stages of his life.
ازاي يعمل كده
How can he do that?
وعشان كده حلقاتنا النهاردة مختلفة
That's why our episodes today are different.
النهاردة هنحكي قصة حياة
Today we will tell the story of life.
عشان تشوفوا
So you can see.
ازاي ممكن الواحد يبدأ
How can one start?
من نقطة
From point
And it connects.
لنقطة عالية جدا
To a very high point.
ايه الاخبار
What's the news?
حضرك عملي
You are my work.
Thank you.
وشكرا على الوصف
Thank you for the description.
انا ابعد ما اكون عن العمالقة
I am far from the giants.
انا باعتبر نفسي
I consider myself
لازلت الى الان
I am still until now.
بجري ورا
I'm chasing after.
My dreams
ويمكن هو ده المهم
And that might be the important thing.
في الحياة مش انك تبقى كبير
In life, it's not about being big.
وانك تبقى مرضي
And you remain content.
وراضي عن نفسك
And satisfied with yourself.
وراضي عن لعملته في حياتك
And satisfied with what you have done in your life.
بشكركم لانكوا
Thank you for being.
ادتولي فرصة
Give me a chance.
امبارح واول ان انا فكر
Yesterday, I first thought.
في حياتي كلها
In my whole life
وفكر هقول ايه النهاردة
And I thought about what I would say today.
لانه الفورمال بتاع
Because the formal one is about...
البرنامج بتاعك وساعدني
Your program helped me.
يعني كده فبشكركم
That means, thank you.
احنا يعني
We mean.
مش عارفين نعمل الانترو الصحيحة
We don't know how to make the correct intro.
عايز اقولك كل ده لانه
I want to tell you all this because...
لما جينا نعمل الريسرش
When we came to do the research.
احنا منتكلم مع
We are talking to
وزير المالية البطرس غالي الصادق
Minister of Finance Boutros Ghali Al-Sadek
ومنتكلم على
And we are talking about
الوزير الصابق
The former minister
لقطاع الاعمال
To the business sector
ومنتكلم عن
And we are talking about
اللي دخل الستكم
The one who entered your silence.
في عالم الانتاج المصري
In the world of Egyptian production.
ومنتكلم على المزيكا
And we're talking about the music.
وتأسيس اي اف جي ارمس
And the establishment of EFG Hermes.
والطاقة الشمسية
and solar energy
كايرول سولر
Cairo Solar
في حاجات كتيرة جدا في حيات حضرتك
There are many things in your life.
فاحنا عايزين نبتديها من الاول
So we want to start it from the beginning.
وناخد كل مرحلة مرحلة
And we'll take it one step at a time.
انا ايه
I am Ayah.
حلالك تخرجت من الجامعة الامريكية
Congratulations, you graduated from the American University.
مظبوط كده
That's right.
حلال كنت درست ايكنوميكس
I studied economics.
وبزنس ادمانستريشن
And Business Administration
وعملت مسترس فيهم
"And I made a consistent effort with them."
وعملت مسترس بعد كده في
"And I worked as a teacher after that in..."
السعودية كنت بشتغل سبع سنين
I was working in Saudi Arabia for seven years.
في جامعة البترول والمعادن
At the University of Petroleum and Minerals
عملت مسترس في
I worked as a teacher in.
يعني ام بي اي
It means MBA.
وتخصص استثمارات
And investment specialization.
وقبل كده كان
And before that, it was
اصلا حلالك العيلة كانت
Your family's halal was originally.
اصلا شغلها فيه كان فيه شغل العيلة
Her work there was actually family business.
زي بزنس
Like business
العيلة ايه او الولاية
What is the family or the state?
في قاهرة حيث تواجد في قاهرة
In Cairo where he was present in Cairo.
انا اتولدت في قاهرة
I was born in Cairo.
وانا اتولدت في نفس
And I was born in the same.
او اتربيت
Oh, I was raised.
يعني في نفس البيت
It means in the same house.
اللي اتربى فيه
The place where he/she was raised.
عشنا مع جدي بعد وفاة جدتي
We lived with my grandfather after my grandmother's death.
And it was
البيت وقتها
The house at that time.
في خلاني الاتنين
In the two of them, it left me.
فؤاد سلطان الله الرحمن وعادل سلطان
Fouad Sultan, God, the Merciful, and Adel Sultan.
ربنا مد عمره
May God extend his life.
اخوي واختي
My brother and sister.
اتولدوا في البيت ده
They were born in this house.
وده البيت اللي اتربينا فيه
This is the house where we were raised.
في مصر الجديدة في مدن اسمعالية
In New Egypt in Ismailia cities.
ودخلت المدرسة برضو
And I entered the school too.
في مصر الجديدة
In New Cairo
اتربيت في البيت ده
I was raised in this house.
عائلة يعني فوق المتوسطة
A family means above average.
حاجة بسيطة
A simple need.
فلوس ابويا
My father's money.
كلها ابويا كان
It was all my father.
الاول هو خريج
The first is a graduate.
للشرطة اشتغل فيها
He worked for the police.
12 13 سنة
12 13 years
14 سنة
14 years old
وبعدين دخل في وظيفة حكومية
Then he got a government job.
اوائل السبعينات
The early seventies.
ابتدى يفتح
It started to open.
البزنس بتاعه شريك
His business is a partnership.
مع شركة في شركة يعني
With a company in the company means.
فاحنا لتوصيف
We are for description.
عائلة فوق المتوسطة
Above average family
يناسبنا تماما
It suits us perfectly.
صرف كتير قوي علينا
It spent a lot on us.
في التعليم
In education
وفي النواحي الاجتماعية المختلفة
In various social aspects.
يعني كزاء لنا
It means to us as a burden.
ان احنا نبتدي
We start.
زاءت بداية
A beginning visit.
والباقي كان علينا
And the rest was up to us.
اشتغل من
"Worked from"
بالضبط سن 14 سنة
Exactly 14 years old.
في الصيف
In the summer
وساعات بتمتد الى 6 شهور
And sometimes it extends to 6 months.
في الدراسة في الجامعة
In university studies.
بشتغل من ساعتها
"I've been working since then."
فعارف قيمة
So know the value.
الفلوس من وقتها يعني
The money since that time, I mean.
انما توصفنا
We are only described.
مفيش بزنس ولا حاجة
There is no business or anything.
بزنس ده جي اخر 10 سنين
This business has been going on for the last 10 years.
في حياة ابويا
In my father's life.
فك علينا شوية انما
"Can you lighten things up a bit?"
عاشنا حياتنا كموظفين في شقة
We lived our lives as employees in an apartment.
200 متر في مصر الجديدة
200 meters in Heliopolis
اه في نادي هيدوبلس
Oh, at the Hideout Club.
اه في جامعة امريكية
Oh, at an American university.
او مدرسة الماني بالنسبة لاغتي
Oh, German school regarding my assassination.
اه سافرنا برا انما يعني
Oh, we traveled by land, but it means...
احنا في الايه في الكلاس ده
We are in the verse in this class.
البودكاست ده برعاية طلبات
This podcast is sponsored by Talabat.
لو لسه ما نزلتش طلبات
If you haven't submitted requests yet.
نزل الابليكيشن واستخدم الكود
Download the application and use the code.
وليك خاص من 100 جنيه على اول اردرين
And you get a special offer of 100 pounds on the first order.
وحاجة اول شغلنا كان في حاجة فندقية
Our first job was in the hospitality sector.
صح كانت هذي
This was correct.
اشتغلت في
I worked in.
خالي جاب لي
My uncle brought me.
عن طريق معرفة لي في هيلتون
Through my acquaintance at Hilton.
جاب لي وانا 14 سنة
He came to me when I was 14 years old.
جاب لي receptionist في ازيس
The receptionist at Azis brought me.
ازيس دي كانوا مركبين
They were mounted on the waves.
في هيلتون ازيس و اوزوريس
At Hilton Oasis and Osiris
وحظي كان حلو ان انا
And my luck was sweet that I...
اخدت اللون تريب من
I took the color from.
القاهرة الى اسوار كان في
Cairo to the walls was in
الصيف مش لطيفة او يعني
Summer is not nice, I mean.
على ما اتذكر كانت 10 تيان
As far as I remember, it was 10 Tian.
الرحلة نفسها
The journey itself.
وقضيت الصيف على المركب
I spent the summer on the boat.
I work.
اشتغلت بعد كده كذا وظيفة
I worked several jobs after that.
سواء في مصر او في
Whether in Egypt or in
انجلترا في لندن
England in London
كانت الموضة وقتها ان احنا نطلع
At that time, the fashion was for us to go out.
نشتغل برا يعني
We work outside, I mean.
اشتغلت بردو في اوتيلات ك reception
I also worked in hotels as a receptionist.
وبالبوي يعني شلت شونت
"And with the boy means I carried you."
ورفعت العلم الانجليزي
And I raised the English flag.
واضرب الجراز
And hit the drum.
يعني اشتغلت
It means I worked.
لابس اللبع المعالج
Wearing the treated garment.
I worked.
في مجال
In the field of
The reception.
واستقبال ده بيبقى كل حاجة
"And receiving this is everything."
على مركب بقى
On the boat he stayed.
تتكلم على التليفونات ايام السلوك
You talk on the phones during behavior days.
يحط السلك
The wire lands.
من هنا الى هنا ويحول التليفون
From here to here and the phone switches.
With me
انا عايز ابراهيم
I want Ibrahim.
مش عارف ايه
I don't know what.
لحظة فندمتك
The moment I regretted you.
I worked.
هيرتس بتاع التأجير العربية
Hertz car rental
اشتغلت فيها 6 شهور
I worked there for 6 months.
وانا في الجامعة
And I am in the university.
الكلام ده 78
This talk is 78.
مش عارف حاسس هيرتس شكلها
"I don't know, I feel like Hertz has a certain look."
عشرة سيارة
Ten cars
يعني اشتغلت حاجات كتير
It means I worked on many things.
تو اول مرحلة بقى
You are in the first stage now.
حاجة professional
A professional need.
اخدت تدريب
I took training.
في 79
In 79
كنت في 19 سنة
I was 19 years old.
وروحت لندن قعدت
I went to London and stayed.
شهرين في
Two months in
بانك السمار
The Bank of Sumar
عربي انجليزي
Arabic English
والحقيقة ده
And the truth is this.
اللي كانت نقطة فاصلة
The one that was a turning point.
بالنسبة لي ان انا اعرف انا عايز ايه
For me, it's about knowing what I want.
ان كانوا بيعملوا research
If they are doing research.
جامد كان بيعتمد على
Rigid was relying on
احد الانشطة الرئيسية بتاعته
One of its main activities.
ال project finance
Project finance
تمويل المشروعات
Project financing
فاداني السكة
It benefited me the track.
وحبيت جدا
And I loved it very much.
قصة دي قلت انا عايز اكمل فيها
The story of D, I said I want to continue with it.
فتبعت اخدت بعد
So I followed and took after.
البكاليروس بتاعي
My bachelor's degree.
اخدت بعدها بثلاث سنين
I took it three years later.
اخدت حوالي سنة
It took about a year.
ونص او سنتين
One and a half or two years.
تدريب في بانك مصر
Training at Banque Misr
ايران اللي هو نفس المجال
Iran, which is the same field.
تمويل دراسة تقييم المشروعات
Funding for project evaluation study.
And its financing.
And I took.
اللاين ده
This line.
الى سنة 90
Until the year 90.
باخد اللاين بتاع
I'm taking the line of.
دراسة وتمويل المشروعات
Study and financing of projects.
ثم نقلت بعد الماجستير
Then I transferred after my master's degree.
داللي تراجري ان كابتن ماركس
The one who is in charge is Captain Marx.
The markets
الخزانة والاسواق المالية
The treasury and financial markets
فكنت بدير محافظ
I was in a governorate.
وانا في سن
And I am at the age
بارقام كبيرة يعني
Means in large numbers.
في اسواق المال العالمية
In the global financial markets.
ومن هنا
And from here
جات الفرصة بعد لما
The opportunity came after...
نزل قانون
A law has been enacted.
سوق المال في مصر
The money market in Egypt.
بعدها بردو بثلاث اربع سنين كلها
After that, it was also three or four years later.
وراء بعدها
Behind her.
قررت ان انا اقف
I decided to stand.
وارجع من السعودية
And I returned from Saudi Arabia.
And I ransom.
ازوق في قصة سوق المال
I am adept at the story of the stock market.
طب خلينا اول
"Okay, let's go first."
بما ان احنا اول مرحلة هنا بقى
Since we are in the first stage here now.
هاي كنت بتقول ان هاي كنت
Hey, you were saying that I was.
بتدير محفظة
You are managing a portfolio.
ممكن نشرح للناس يعني ايه بتدير محفظة
Can we explain to people what managing a portfolio means?
المحفظة الاوراق المالية
The securities portfolio
انت عندك ثلاث
You have three.
انت عندك ثلاث انواع الاصول اللي هي في اي محفظة تقليدية
You have three types of assets that are in any traditional portfolio.
طبعا في عشرات
Of course, there are dozens.
انواع الاصول يعني الدهب
Types of assets mean gold.
او الفضة بيعتبر
Or silver is considered
او المعادن يعني بتعتبر اصل
Oh, metals are considered fundamental.
العقارات بتعتبر اصل
Real estate is considered an asset.
انما لم نتكلم
We just didn't speak.
على المحافظة
On the المحافظة (this word means “governorate” or “province” in English).
المالية فهي
The finance is
ببساطة الكاش واجباهو
Simply put, cash is a must.
زي اذون الخزانة
Like the ears of the cupboard.
زي الودايع زي الكلام ده
Like deposits, like this talk.
ثم في السندات دات العائدة ثابت
Then in bonds with a fixed return.
والسندات هي
The bonds are
اذون بس
Just a moment.
اطول عمرا
longer lifespan
الاذون بتلقى سنة
The permission gets a year.
السندات هي
Bonds are
ادوات اقراضية برضو
Lending tools as well.
بس لمدة
Just for a while.
مدة اطول قد تصل الى 30 سنة
A longer period that can reach up to 30 years.
The origin.
الثالث او النوع الثالث هي الاسر
The third or the third type is families.
فالثلاثة دولة
The three are a nation.
ضروري يبقوا موجودين في اي
It's essential that they remain present in any.
لمستثمر عاوز
For an investor who wants
يحافظ على فلوسه ويكبره
He saves his money and grows it.
فده معنى ان كل
This means that everything
مستثمر مثلا بيبقى في محفظة
For example, an investor has a portfolio.
المحفظة دي بتبقى
This wallet is usually.
نفسها يحط فلوسهم اكتر حاجة
He puts their money into the same place more than anything else.
مثلا في الطاقة مثلا
For example, in energy for example.
وبيبقى في مدير المحفظة دي
And there will be a portfolio manager for this.
بيحط الفلوس دي
He puts the money here.
في اشكال اللي حريك قلتها
In the shapes that you mentioned.
يا اما في اسهم يا اما في سندات
Either in stocks or in bonds.
يا اما في التلاتة مع بعض
Oh, mom, it's the three of them together.
هل ده مظبوط؟
Is this true?
مظبوط بس انت افترضت انه هو ضروري
That's correct, but you assumed that it is necessary.
تتعامل عن طريق
Dealing through
شركة او عن طريق سندو
Company or through Sandu.
الاصل انك بتشتغل لنفسك
The essence is that you work for yourself.
وبتتعلم وانت
And you are learning while you...
الاستثناء بعد كده انك
The exception after that is that you...
تقول لا انا مش قادر اعملها
She says, "No, I can't do it."
او ما عنديش
I don't have it.
resources اللي تخليني ان انا اعملها
resources that allow me to do it.
بكفاءة ولا
With efficiency or not?
الخبرة فبلجق الى مدير
Experience in promotion to manager.
الاسمار عشان يعمل لي
The charm is to make me.
ديرلي المحفظة دي بتاعتي
Give me my wallet.
وكل ما المحفظة
And what about the portfolio?
بتزغر بيبقى
It becomes smaller.
من الصعب انك تلاقي
It's hard to find.
مدير الاسمار يعملها
The investment manager does it.
مش هديرلك محفظة بمئة
I won't give you a wallet with a hundred.
الف جنيه او 50 الف جنيه
One thousand pounds or fifty thousand pounds.
يقبل بيه لان هو عنده
He accepts it because he has it.
عدد معين
a specific number
اللي يقدر يتابعه مينفعش ان هو
Whoever can follow him cannot do so.
يتابع 300 محفظة
He follows 300 portfolios.
انما ينفع انه يتابع
It is only beneficial to keep following up.
30 محفظة
30 wallets
فالمحفظة دي داروية تكون بحجم
This medicine wallet should be of size
معقول فالناس اللي
Is it possible that the people who...
معاها الارقام
She has the numbers.
الصغيرة هنقول 100 الف
We will say 100 thousand.
جنيه واقل بتحط
A pound and less, you put.
وعايز الخبرة دي
And I want this experience.
بتحطها في سندية وهنا
You put it in a box here.
سندية للاستثمار انت كأنك
Sundia for Investment, you are like...
I gathered.
اموال 100 الف
100,000 funds
واحد بس هي محفظة واحدة
Just one, but it’s only one wallet.
ادنى اللي يديرها فبيديرها
"Whoever manages it will manage it."
مركز فيها بس ملوش دعوة
"It focuses on it, but it has nothing to do."
With the investor.
مش دعوة مين حطت كم ومين حطت كم هو
It's not about who put how much, it's about who put how much.
بيتكلم على المبيع وعيشتغل على
He is talking about the sale and will work on it.
وطبعا في انواع كثيرة
And of course, there are many kinds.
من المحافظة يعني في محافظة
From the province means in a province.
حضرتك نقيت بتقول لي
You are choosing to tell me.
للطاقة صح مثلا
For energy, that's correct.
الطاقة دي
This energy
ده نوع النشاط
This is a type of activity.
اه انت بتخش فيه وده مزبوط
Oh, you're getting into it, and that's true.
بتبقى رايحة
It keeps going.
النشاط معين
The activity is specific.
ابرز الانشطة دي
Highlight these activities.
Real estate
او التطوير العقاري
or real estate development
بعد كده في المعادل
After that, in the equivalent.
بعد كده في
After that, there is...
الاتصالات والانترنت
Communications and the Internet
And now
دي كلها
All of this.
الحاجات اللي هي بيبقى
The needs that are there.
الناس درسة قوي الموضوع ده
People have studied this topic seriously.
وبالتالي بتشوف الشركات
And thus you see the companies.
اللي تخش فيها ودن
What gets into one ear.
الطاقة او الاتصالات او ايه
Energy or communications or what?
وده بترتيب الاهمية
This is in order of importance.
لأ ده بترتيب بتخصصه
No, this is arranged according to his specialization.
اشهر حاجات
Most famous things
لأ اللي انا قلتهم دول هم
No, those are not what I said.
اشهر حاجات
Most famous things
انما في بقى برا الحاجات المتخصصة دي
There's nothing left outside of those specialized things.
الانواع الرئيسية
The main types
هي التالي
She is next.
نمرة واحد الانكر
Number one, the incorrigible.
في واحد مش همه قوي
There is someone who doesn't care much.
الربح الرئيسي
Main profit
اللي هيجي
Who is coming.
عن المحفظة بس عاوز عائد
About the wallet, I just want a return.
مفترم ومنتظم يجي
Scraped and organized, it comes.
فده نوع من المحافظة
It's a kind of preservation.
وهنا بنتكلم على استثمارات
And here we are talking about investments.
اغلبها في الكاش
Most of it is in cash.
اللي هي ازول الخزانة
Which is the cabinet's key.
والوداعة وما اشبهها
And the meekness and what is similar to it.
وجزء سندات
And part of the bonds.
ما بتخشش خالص في
It doesn't enter at all.
في الاسهم
In stocks.
بعد كده في المحفظة
After that, in the wallet.
المتوازنة اللي هي
The balanced one, which is.
البالنس بورتفوريو
The balance portfolio
بنتدي ندخل عليها
We will start to enter her.
جزء من الاثنين
Part of the two.
بيبتدي يخش لان انت محتاج نمو
"It starts to come in because you need growth."
بيدهولك الاسهم ومحتاج دخل
"They will give you the shares and you need an income."
بيدهولك الاثنين التانية
"They give you both the second ones."
اخيرا في المحفظة
Finally in the wallet.
اللي هي انت عايز فيها
What you want in it.
ربح رأسمالي ونموه
Capital gain and its growth
دي بيبقى اغلبها
It mostly becomes this way.
في الاسهم
In stocks.
وجزء صغير بمخاطر اعلى
And a small part with higher risks.
انما على المدى
It's only over time.
المتوسط والطويل
Medium and long.
ده اللي بيدي لك
This is what gives you.
العائد الكبير
The great return
اللي انت بتحتاجه
What you need.
فدي انواع
These are types.
المحافظ بسفعة
The governor is serious.
Your freedom.
In detail.
ظن انت متكيف دلوقتي
I thought you were comfortable now.
ده بفلوس ده
This costs money.
القعدة دي بفلوس
This gathering costs money.
فدلوقتي حريتك
So now it's your freedom.
اول حاجة عم اتعلم انها حريتك
The first thing I'm learning is that it's your freedom.
كنت تشغل في ادارة المحافظ
You were working in portfolio management.
اشتغلت في غرفة
I worked in the room.
او يعني ادارة
Oh, it means management.
في الشركة اللي في الصعودية اللي كنت فيها
In the company in Saudi Arabia where I used to be.
في ادارة
In management
في الشركة
In the company.
الشركة كان
The company was.
تقريبا معها
Almost with her.
600-700 مليون دولار
600-700 million dollars
بتدرهم عن طريق مدرين محافظ عالميين
They train them through global conservation managers.
في الاسواق العالمية
In the global markets.
زائد رمي لنا شوية
Plus, throw us a little.
فكة كده نلعب بيها
Let's play with some change.
يعني احنا بندرها بنفسنا
It means we are doing it ourselves.
فكانت فرصة رائعة
It was a wonderful opportunity.
لا تتكرر خالص
It does not happen again at all.
ان انا الحاجات اللي خدتها في
I am the things I took in.
الماجستير بتاعتي
My master's degree.
ان انا طبقها وابتدي اعمل
If I apply it and start to work.
وده اللي زقني
And this is what pushed me.
الزقة اللي وصلتني
The delivery that reached me.
ان انا ارجع
I am coming back.
مصر واعمل واسس
Egypt, work, and establish.
مع الشركة بتوعي
With my company.
ادارة الاسول في
Management of assets in
المجموعة المالية المصرية اللي هي بقت
The Egyptian Financial Group, which has become
بعد كده
After that
المجموعة المالية هرمس
Hermes Financial Group
And I established.
Two boxes
استثمار وقتها كانوا
They were investing their time.
400 مليون
400 million
تقريبا و
Approximately and
وصلت سنة 97
I arrived in 97.
كنت بدير 800 مليون
I was managing 800 million.
800 مليون جنيه وقتها يعني حوالي
800 million pounds at that time means about
300 مليون دولار
300 million dollars
تقريبا وقتها
Around that time.
وفي السوق المصري
In the Egyptian market.
حالك بس معلش
I'm just fine, thank you.
حكي قلت لي فنزلت
I told you to go down.
وامتفتح EFG
And EFG opened.
بسهولة قوي كده بالراحة ممكن تشرح لنا
Can you explain to us easily and calmly like this?
لا انا نزلت كان
No, I had downloaded it.
المجموعة المالية المصرية
The Egyptian Financial Group
اللي هي الاختة الكبرى
Which is the older sister.
في الكيان اللي موجود دلوقتي
In the entity that exists now.
كان اختصاصه
His specialty was
دراسات الجدوى
Feasibility studies
وتقييم الشركات
And the evaluation of companies.
Our fate
مع تطور بقى
With development, it remained.
ونزول سوق المال وتطور
The decline of the stock market and its development.
واللاحة التنفيذية بتاعته
and its executive regulations
ان احنا نقنع الشركة
That we convince the company.
ان احنا ننافذ خطوة
We are implementing a step.
تانية انا واحمد هيكل
Second, me and Ahmed Heikal.
جينا في نفس الوقت
We arrived at the same time.
تقريبا في المجموعة المالية المصرية
Almost in the Egyptian financial group.
وبعد كده حسن هيكل
After that, Hassan Heikal.
انضم لينا سنة 94
He joined us in 1994.
قدرنا نقنعهم ان احنا نخش في
We managed to convince them to let us join in.
ونصور نفسها
And we portray ourselves.
فاشترينا احدى الشركات القائمة
We purchased one of the existing companies.
في شركات الوساطة
In brokerage firms.
واسسنا شركات ادارة المحافظ
We established portfolio management companies.
وسندية الاستثمار
Investment Sandeep
انا مسكت ادارة الاسول
I have taken over the management of the assets.
واحمد هيكل مسك
And Ahmed Heikal is holding.
الوساطة في الاوراق المالية
Securities brokerage
And we set off.
وجي بعد كده حسن
And then Hassan came after that.
اخد الترويج والتروحات
Taking promotions and offers.
لل investment banking
For investment banking
وانطلقنا بعد كده
And then we set off.
سنة 96
Year 96
اندمجنا مع هرمس
We merged with Hermes.
عشان نبقى اكبر
So that we become bigger.
كيان في السوق
Entity in the market
بمراحل عن التالت
By stages, about the third.
اللي كان ورانا
The one who was behind us.
ومن ساعتها انا بقول بفخر
And since that moment, I say with pride.
ان وقت ما
At one time.
دخلت انا
I entered.
واحمد هيكل سنة 92
And Ahmed Heikal in 1992.
اول 92
First 92
كان عدد
There was a number.
الموظفين في
the employees in
المجموعة المالية المصرية
The Egyptian Financial Group.
كنا 12
We were 12.
180 متر تقريبا
Approximately 180 meters.
على كبر الجامعة
On the university's size.
سدناها وكانو 4000
We managed it and there were 4000.
وينهرب بيض
Where do we escape the eggs?
كانو 4000
They were 4000.
فكنا رحنا السعودية ورحنا
So we went to Saudi Arabia and we went.
الامارات وتوسعنا
The Emirates and our expansion.
بشدة يعني فيها
It means strongly in it.
فلا كان طريق
So there was no way.
صعب بس الطريق
It's hard, but the road.
سهل بال
بالرؤية بتاعتك
With your vision.
And by studying
This is a vulgar term in Arabic meaning "urine."
By application
لان انا درت محافظ في السعودية
Because I became a governor in Saudi Arabia.
للشركة بتاعتي
For my company.
وكنت بتابع
And I was following.
اداة 6 موديلين
Tool 6 models
استثمار عالميين
Global investment.
فانا تعلمت يعني
So I learned, I mean.
علم غير طبيعي
Unnatural science.
وتدريب عملي غير طبيعي
And an unnatural practical training.
وغلطت واكيد
I made a mistake, and for sure.
And I benefited.
فجيت جاهز ان انا
I came ready to...
Be glad.
بالسوق الجديد اللي موجود
In the new market that exists.
بس هيك ايه الفرصة
But that's it, what an opportunity!
اللي خليك ترجع مصر
What made you return to Egypt?
وتقول انا هعمل للشركة
And she says, "I will work for the company."
اكيد كان فيه فرصة قدامك
There was definitely an opportunity in front of you.
انت شايف رؤية معينة ان الموضوع ده هيكبر
Do you see a certain vision that this topic will grow?
انا جيت اشتغلت
I came to work.
اخوي اشغلني في المجموعة المنال المصرية
My brother, get me a job in the Manal Egyptian group.
كان شريك فيها
He was a partner in it.
وقعدت سنة بشتغل
I sat for a year working.
دراسات جدوى
Feasibility studies
مش مختنق بيها خالص
"I'm not suffocated by it at all."
بس يعني هو ده الشغل اللي موجود
But I mean, this is the work that exists.
انما رجعت سبع سنين
I only returned seven years.
ورا لشغلي الاولاني
Behind my primary work.
And Saib.
المنجم الدهب
The gold mine.
اللي اتعلمته في السعودية
What I learned in Saudi Arabia.
بس الحمدلله مااخدش الموضوع اكتر من سنة
Thank God it didn't take more than a year.
والسنة اللي بعدها
And the year after that.
اسسنا الشركات اللي انا قلتلك عليها
We established the companies that I told you about.
ومن ساعتها
And since that hour.
And I work.
يمكن 14
Can 14
15 ساعة في اليوم
15 hours a day
عايز اقولك انه شركة
I want to tell you that it is a company.
ادارة السندوقين
Management of the funds
اللي كنا نتكلم عليهم
The ones we were talking about.
كنا اربعة
There were four of us.
الموظفين في
the employees in
الشركة اللي
The company that
بتدير سندوقين استثمار وكم
You manage two investment funds and how much?
محفظة كنا اربعة
Wallet, we were four.
ما بين الفرانت اوفس اللي هو
What is between the front office, which is...
اللي بيكلم السمصرة وبيحط
The one who talks about the brokerage and puts.
الاوامر وبيعمل سياسة
The orders and it makes a policy.
السنديق الى اللي بيعمل
The boxes for those who are working.
الحسابات وبيطلع
The accounts and it comes out.
النات اسد فاليو اخر الاسبوع
The index is expected to rise by the end of the week.
ده كنا اربعة فبقى
We were four but then became...
كمية الشغل اللي الواحد
The amount of work that one...
اشتغله ودرب ناس
He worked on it and trained people.
والناس الحمدلله بعد كده
"And people, thank God, after that."
يعني ارتقوا
It means "elevate yourselves."
واترقوا بقوا مسكين اكبر
"And they became poor and miserable."
المناصب في شركات
Positions in companies
كتيرة جدا
Very many.
حاجة خرافية وبعدين
It's something extraordinary, and then...
برضو احنا اسسنا جمعية
We also established an association.
للسوق اسمها
The market has its name.
الجمعية المصرية الاوراق المالية سنة
The Egyptian Securities Association Year.
ستة وتسعين
ودي اللي كانت مسؤولة عن
I wanted to know who was responsible for...
The middle
البروكر السمصرة
The broker - the intermediary
And councils
الادارة كان اي حد عاوز يشتغل
The management was for anyone who wanted to work.
في شركة وساطة او يفتح
In a brokerage company or it opens.
شركة وساطة كان ضروري
A brokerage company was necessary.
ان افضل كورس ده
This is the best course.
ادي ايه دايما البدايات
How much are beginnings always?
بتبقى صعبة
It remains difficult.
يعني دايما في كل القصص اللي
It means always in every story that...
حاجة بتحكيها لها دلوقتي كنا 4
Something you tell her now, we were four.
كنا 12 كنا
We were 12.
مافتكرش الصعوبة ايه بس
I don't remember what the difficulty is.
I remember.
افتكر الانجازة
I remember the achievement.
ده اللي افتكره مش فاكر العدد الساعات اللي انا
This is what I remember, I don’t recall the number of hours that I...
اشتغلتها مش فاكر
I worked on it, but I don't remember.
السحة اللي راحت مني مع الوقت
The health that slipped away from me over time.
انما اللي فاكره هو
What I remember is him.
ان انا كنت
If I were
رادي جدا عن نفسي ورادي جدا عن
I am very happy with myself and very happy with...
اللي بعمله لي وللي حوالي
What I do for myself and for those around me.
وكنتوا شايفين ان
And you were seeing that
ان ده هيحصل قدام
This will happen in the future.
نجاح كبير جدا
Great success.
ايه كانت نقطة يعني اليوم
What was the point today?
او الفترة اللي حسيت اللي هو ايه ده
Or the period when I felt, "What is this?"
الشركة دي هتروح في حتة تانية
This company is going to go somewhere else.
يعني اكيد في مثلا ديل معين
It means there is definitely, for example, a specific deal.
او محفظة معينة عملتوها في حاجة حصلت
Or a specific wallet you created for something that happened.
هقولك هقولك
I'll tell you, I'll tell you.
دي قصة لطيفة جدا
This is a very nice story.
في وسط دراسات الجدوى اللي بعملها
In the middle of the feasibility studies that I'm conducting.
ودراسات الجدوى دي كنا
And these feasibility studies we had.
بناخد اتعبنا بالكيلو يعني
"We take our troubles by the kilo, basically."
هي الدراسة كم كيلو
How many kilos is the study?
وكم صفحة انما مش بالمحتوى
And how many pages, but not with the content.
اللي جوه يعني ففي وسط
The one inside means in the middle.
الهرتلة دي اللي كنا
This nonsense that we were...
بنعملها وانا كنت ماسك
We're doing it, and I was holding on.
يعني كذا كذا
It means this and that.
قلت لا انا مش
I said no, I'm not.
يعني مش هسكت
It means I won't be silent.
انا شايف ان الوساطة
I see that mediation
جاية وشغل
Coming and working.
سوق المال جاي الكلام ده
The money market is coming, this is the talk.
في سنة كان بقى بالزبط
In the year that remained exactly.
92 بعد 6 شهور
92 after 6 months
من دخولي ربوعي من السعودية
From my entry into my quarters from Saudi Arabia.
فقلت لا انا مش هستسلم
I said no, I will not give up.
لدراسات الجدوى دي وإلا هندفل
For these feasibility studies, are we going to proceed or not?
فقمت عامل لنفسي
So I created for myself.
قاعدة معلومات
عن السوق المصري
About the Egyptian market.
وعن الاسهم اللي موجودة
Regarding the stocks that are available.
زي اللي كنت بتابعه بره
Like the one I was following outside.
كنت بتابع بره شركة
I was following a company abroad.
اسمها value line
Its name is Value Line.
وكان دي اكبر شركة research في
It was the largest research company in.
التمانينات وفي اول التسعينات
The eighties and the early nineties.
في امريكا وقلت انا هعمل
In America, I said I will do it.
value line تاني
value line two
فاعدة معلومات
البتاعة اللي بيستخدموها
The thing they use.
مدير الاستثمار
Investment Director
علشان يشتري او يبيع
To buy or sell.
بكل المؤشرات بتاعتها
With all its indicators.
In need of it.
وما قلتش لحد عليها
And I didn't tell anyone about it.
يعني ما قلتش حتى لمدريني في المجموعة
I mean, I didn't even tell my teachers in the group.
المدرين المصرية خبتها عليهم
The Egyptian officials have concealed it from them.
لحد ما
Until then
جلنا مستثمر عربي
We are Arab investors.
الله يرحمه بقى
May God have mercy on him.
حضرت الاجتماع
I attended the meeting.
من ضمن الثلاثة
Among the three.
الاربعة اللي حضروا الاجتماع
The four who attended the meeting.
يعني حضرت الاجتماع
It means you attended the meeting.
فيسأل هو اخبار
He asks about the news.
السوق البورصة ايه في مصر
What is the stock market like in Egypt?
وبتاع ما
And whatever it is.
ما لقاش جواب
He didn't find an answer.
فقلت انا اتكلم
So I said I am speaking.
I am silent.
مذاكر بقى وعمل محفوظ
He became diligent and made a record.
لا وعمل محفظة
No, and make a wallet.
انا عامل محفظة افتراضية بتاعتي
I am creating my virtual wallet.
بجرب الكلام عليها
"I'm trying to talk about it."
فقلتلو حضرتك
I said to him, "You are present."
بمنتهى الثقة وانا حاط رجل على رجل
With complete confidence and while crossing my legs.
زي اللقاء تيه قلتلو
Like a meeting, I told him.
انطباع انو
Impression that...
المكتب اللي انت دخلته ده
The office you entered.
ده بيقوم بالاستثمار
He is engaged in investment.
في البورصة وحققنا عائد
In the stock market, we achieved a return.
كذا واحنا بنستثمر
This is how we invest.
النهاردة في اسهم كذا وكذا
Today, there are stocks like this and that.
المخاطرة بتاعتها كذا بس
Its risk is just like that.
العائد بتاع الراجل فتع بقه
The man's return is in his mouth.
وقال لك ده بجد
And he said to you, "Is this really true?"
ادي طب خمسة مليون جنيه
Here is five million pounds.
بجد؟ طلع عمرك
Really? Your age is revealed?
خمسة مليون جنيه
Five million pounds.
اه خمسة مليون جنيه
Oh, five million pounds.
ده شغل المجموعة المالية المصرية
This is the work of the Egyptian Financial Group.
في سنة دي ليه تقدر بكام من الوقتين؟
In this year, how much can you measure with two times?
في الخمسة دي
In these five.
لا لا مش كتير
No, no, not too much.
بس يعني اللي عايز اقولهولك
But what I want to tell you is...
انو العقد بتاعنا
Where is our contract?
انا عملته كمان زي عقود الجماعة
I did it just like their contracts.
الاجانب اللي كانوا بيدرورنا في
The foreigners who were looking for us in...
الصعودية ففي حاجة اسمها
There is something called Saudi.
اتعاب حسن اداء
The fatigue of good performance.
يعني هاخد منك مثلا واحد في المئة
It means I'll take, for example, one percent from you.
من قيمة المحفظة ادي خمسين
From the wallet's value, give me fifty.
الف جنيه
One thousand pounds.
ده الاتعاب الساب
This is the previous fees.
والاتعاب اللي هي مربوطة
"And the charges that are linked."
بحسن الاداء
With good performance.
باخد منه
I take from him.
خمستاشر في المئة
Fifteen percent.
من الاداء فوق عشرة في المئة
From the performance above ten percent.
يعني لو عملتله عشرين في المئة
It means if I gave him twenty percent.
I take.
اول عشرة في المئة دي بتاعتي
The first ten percent is mine.
العشرة في المئة التانية هاخد واحد ونص
I will take one and a half from the second ten percent.
في المئة من الايه
In the percentage of the verse.
كأنك بتحط كل ما اوصل لرقم معين
It’s as if you’re putting everything when I reach a certain number.
انه هاخد حاجة تانية
I'm going to take something else.
بس السوق ده
But this market
سنة تلاتة وتسعين
Year ninety-three
لما نفست العقد ده
When did you breathe life into this contract?
السوق كان نط نطة
The market jumped.
يعني انا في شغل كويس اتعمل
It means I have good work that has been done.
وريبورتز وبتاع
Reports and stuff.
انما السوق ساعدي
The market is my helper.
فعملنا حضرتك اتعاب
So your work is exhausting.
حسن الاداء
Good performance
حوالي تسعمية الف جنيه
About nine hundred thousand pounds.
He terrified.
عمر ما الشركة
How old is the company?
شافوها في حياتهم
They saw her in their lives.
انه تسعمية الف جنيه
It is nine hundred thousand pounds.
في ايه
What is the verse?
في نشاط على الجنب كده بيعمل واحد
In a side activity like that, one is doing.
صغير في البتاع ده
Small in this thing.
بس من هنا ابتدى الاهتمام بقى بالايه
But from here, the interest in the verse started.
With a story.
السوق المال والا
The stock market, or what?
والادارة وعملنا بعد كده
And the management, and our work afterwards.
السنة دي
This year.
بناء على الاداء اللي احنا عملناه
Based on the performance we have done.
ده بقى يبقى يعني منقول خلاص
This means it's been conveyed, then.
مش قاعد بحجز
I'm not booking.
في محفظة افتراضية
In a virtual wallet.
ده اداءة عمل لمستثمر فلاني
This is a work tool for a specific investor.
وتقدر تسألوه يعني
And you can ask him, I mean.
عليها فالحمدلله
Praise be to God for that.
جرينا بالسندوقين
We ran with the two boxes.
بالاستثمار دولت في ٩٤
In investment, the state in '94.
وقوي ٩٥ والباقي بقى تريقي
And strong 95, and the rest remains for you to interpret.
اما دي هي بتفرق لما بيبقى فيه
This differs when there is.
ترك راكر تخلص
Leave it to Raqar to finish.
ترك راكر تتعامل
Leave Raker to handle it.
وفيه كذا وفيه كذا وفيه كذا
And in it there is this, and there is this, and there is this.
ده حقه بقى
This is his right now.
لما جينا نعمل السنة دي
When we came to do this year.
انا كل ده بعمل الحسابات بتاعتي
I am doing all my calculations right now.
اللي دلوقتي بقى
What it has become now.
اكسل بس قبل كده كان اسمه لوتس
Excel, but before that it was called Lotus.
لوتس 123
Lotus 123
عارف الشاشة القدرة دي
Do you know this screen's capability?
فكنا بنعملها على
We were doing it on...
الحسابات بتاعتي
My accounts.
My thing.
لما جينا نشتغل
When we came to work
في سنة دي بقى لأ قلنا
In this year, it has become, no, let's say.
انا قدروي ايه نطور
I can develop how?
فجيبنا اكبر شركة في السوق
We have the biggest company in the market.
وقلنا لها تعالي
And we told her to come.
اعملي لسوفت وير بس اعمليه
Just make the software, just do it.
مش على اكسل يعني
Not on Excel, I mean.
اعمليه على او لوتس
Do it on O Lotus.
اعمليه على بروبر
Do it properly.
سوفت وير
وقلتلهم انتو عندك ٣ شهور
I told them you have 3 months.
بعتوا ٢ قعدوا عندنا
They sold 2 and they stayed with us.
في الشركة
In the company.
وكل يوم
And every day.
مغششهم حاجة
He is gossiping about them something.
بعد ٣ شهور لقيناهم
After three months, we found them.
مقدموش حاجة طردناهم
They didn't present anything; we expelled them.
واشتغلنا بال
And we worked on the...
الاكسلات دي
These excels.
حوالي ٥ سنين
About 5 years.
بنشتغل بحاجة
We are working on something.
المفروض ما تزمطش معاك
You're not supposed to mess with me.
يعني اكتر من شهرين
That means more than two months.
٣ انما قدرنا ان احنا نعمل
We can only do what we are capable of.
فاكتسبنا في
So we gained in
لما جيبنا بعد كده
When we brought it later.
حد محترف علشان
A professional limit in order to
يعملها استفدنا
He does it, we benefited.
منه وهو استفد مني بقوة
"From him, and he benefited from me strongly."
في بنا اول سوفت وير
We are building the first software.
اتعمل مصري
Are you Egyptian?
عشان ادارة الاساسمارات دي
In order to manage these investments.
فانت بتقول تعب
So you are saying tired.
اه تعب بس انا
Oh, I'm just tired.
سعيد بكل خطوة
Happy with every step.
اتعملت في المراحل
I worked in the stages.
كان اسمه ايه لسوفت وير
What was his name for the software?
لا ما تذكرش
No, don't mention it.
انا بعد ٢٠ سنة
I am after 20 years.
لا عشان هيك بتقول انه اول سوفت وير
No, that's why she says it's the first software.
اتعمل في مصر
Are you working in Egypt?
ما هو اول سوفت وير بس داخلي
What is the first software but internal?
ما تمشي استخدامه
What is not used.
لا لا لا
No, no, no.
اتعملت في ايه في جي ار ميس
What were you working on in GRMS?
بس هو بقى اسد جوا ايه في جي ار ميس
But he became a lion inside what in GR Miss.
لما اللي اقدر اقولهولك
What I can tell you is...
في السوفت وير التاني اللي اتطور
In the other software that was developed.
بشدة بس كان في السمسارة
It was very intense, but there were brokers.
مش في ادارة الاصول هو بيمز
It's not asset management, it's a mess.
بيمز ده
This is a joke.
سوفت وير بيباع لحوالي
Software is sold for about
١٠٠ شركة من شركات الوساطة
100 brokerage companies
the one
بتشتغل النهاردة والشركة
Are you working today and the company?
بتاعتها اسمها تي كومبيوترز
Its name is T Computers.
عمرو علوبة الله يرحمه ودي
Amr Alouba, may God have mercy on him, and my condolences.
برضو ساهمنا لما جينا نعمل
We also contributed when we came to do it.
الوساطة في الاوراق المالية ساهمنا
Securities brokerage contributed us.
بقوة في تطوير
Strongly in development
السوفت وير ده علشان
This software is for
ينفع ان هو يشتغل اونلاين
It is good that he works online.
وبرضو في المارجن
And also in the margin.
اللي هو الاقراض
Which is lending.
الهامشي ساهمنا
We contributed marginally.
بقوة في التطوير هذا السوفت وير
With strength in developing this software.
كل ده جاي
All this is coming.
من الاساس بتاعي اللي هو
My basic principle, which is
العلم في الماجستير
Knowledge in the master's degree.
ثم الثلاث اربع
Then the three quarters.
سنين اللي عدت اشتغل فيهم في
The years that I have worked in.
في السعودية
In Saudi Arabia.
طيب يعني حكي من القصة اللي
Okay, so it's talk from the story that...
حاجتها فيه تعب وفيه خمستاشر
Her need for it is tiring, and there are fifteen.
ساعة في اليوم وفيه سوفت وير
An hour a day and it has software.
دي ده اخترعناها ووا
We invented this, huh?
ووا ووا ووا وفيه نجاحات كبيرة
Wow wow wow, and there are great successes.
وتسعمية الف جنيه اوتوف
Nine hundred thousand pounds.
بونسز وكده وفي الاخر
Bonuses and such, and in the end.
امتسايب ياب جي
You are a disgrace, Dad.
وبايع الاكوتي
And he pledged allegiance to the Akouti.
بتاعتك تمام
It's yours, great!
تسعة وتسعين
تسعة وتسعين ما هي وجهات نظر
Ninety-nine, what are the viewpoints?
وما بقولش ان انا صح
And I’m not saying that I’m right.
انا في البذرة
I am in the seed.
بتاعت ما يسمى
The one called.
The developer
المطور ده بيبقى مطور صناعات
This developer is an industrial developer.
بيبقى مطور خدمات بيبقى مطور عقارات
It becomes a service developer and a real estate developer.
المطور ما بيقعدش
The developer doesn't sit down.
جنب البيبي بتاعه طول عمره
Next to his baby for all his life.
لحد ما يموت
Until he dies.
المطور بيقوم حاجة
The developer is doing something.
هو بيعتقد انها ممكن
He believes that it is possible.
انها السوق محتاجها
It is the market that needs it.
بيقومها وبعدين
He lifts it and then...
بيباعها وبعدين بيقش على حاجة تانية
He sells it and then moves on to something else.
قد تكون في صناعة تانية
You may be in another industry.
فده اللي
So that's it.
اللي توصلتله بعد
What I have reached so far.
انا قلتلك
I told you.
اربعة وتسعين كان اول
Ninety-four was the first.
صندوق ومحفظة
Box and wallet
محفظة كبيرة
Large wallet
It means.
اعدت لحد تسعة وتسعين
Prepared for up to ninety-nine.
سبعة وتسعين كان
Ninety-seven was.
بداية انطلاق
Beginning of launch
السوق المصري كما انا عارف
The Egyptian market as I know it.
عشنا سبعة وتسعين
We lived for ninety-seven.
تمانية وتسعين ابتدا الحال
Eighty-nine began the situation.
حال السوق ينزل
The market situation is declining.
والسوق هنا كان حاسس
"And the market here was feeling."
بالمتاعب الاقتصادية اللي
With the economic troubles that...
هتحصل في البلد يعني دايما
It will always happen in the country.
السوق بيبقى سابق
The market always comes first.
بخطوة فعلا
With a real step.
تمانية وتسعين وتسعة وتسعين
Ninety-eight and ninety-nine.
والفين كان حصل
"And if it had happened."
شبه ردة في
Semi-reaction in
التحرير الاقتصادي اللي
Economic liberalization.
ابتدته حكومة
It started by the government.
الجنزوري في
Al-Ganzouri in
ستة وتسعين
فشاهدنا ردة
So we witnessed a reaction.
وده كان وقتها عاطف
This was at that time, Atef.
عبيد الله يرحمه ميسك
May God have mercy on Abidullah, the musk.
And we witnessed.
ردة زي ما قلنا
A reaction, just as we said.
وبالتالي السوق ابتدا
Thus, the market has started.
تمانية وتسعين تسعة وتسعين
Eighty-nine ninety-nine.
الفين كان السوق عمال
In 2000, the market was booming.
فانت كل يوم انت داخل على خسائر جديدة
You are experiencing new losses every day.
وانت عارف كمدير
"And you know, as a manager,"
استثمار انت عارف السبب ايه
Investment, do you know what the reason is?
بس مفيش حاجة في ايدك
But there's nothing in your hand.
وصلت وقلت لا انا مش هستحمل
I arrived and said, "No, I can't stand it."
الدغوطات دي
These pressures.
انك بتخسر ناس
You are losing people.
والناس وسقط فيك ومش
"And people fell for you and didn't."
ومش قادر انك تكسبها لانه
"And I can't believe you won her over because..."
نشاط السنة دي بتاعتك هو كده
This year's activity is like this for you.
ما يفعش انك تقولهم
You can't tell them.
انا هغير اطلع
I will change my mind.
من الاسهم هو دي هي اتعملت عشان
The stocks are, this is made for
اسهم فانا هنا
I am here.
تسعة وتسعين
كنت اخدت القرار وابتديت
I had made the decision and started.
ادرس وبص انا عايز اعمل ايه
Study and see what I want to do.
في حياتي قلت انا عايز اروح للانتاج
In my life, I said I want to go into production.
الفني متأثرا
The technician is affected.
عاقبة خمس سنينة تبعه
The consequence of five years of following him.
اللي هو فرنز مسلسل
Which is a series called Friends.
فرنز السد
Franz of the dam
فقرر انتج
"Decided to produce."
Where from?
منين لفين يعني
Where are you coming from?
مفيش ازاي انا بحب حاجة
There’s no way I can love something.
وعايز اعملها ده الشرف
"I want to do it, this is an honor."
افلت باب وفتحت باب جديد
A door closed and a new door opened.
افلت طبعا
Of course, you slipped away.
اللي مكنوش فاهمين خالص
Those who didn't understand at all.
القصة دي كان
This story was.
كان حماتي ومراتي
My mother-in-law and my wife.
وباسل وكريم على فكرة عادي
And Basem and Karim, by the way, it's fine.
انا لسه مش فاهم ومش مقتنع
I still don't understand and I'm not convinced.
لان انا لو في اف دي ار مس
Because if I were in an FDR session.
وحتى فرر طبيعة حسيب
And even the essence of Hasib fled.
2-3% دولها
2-3% of its countries
عايشوني مدى الحياة
Let me live for a lifetime.
انا يعني
I mean.
نبعد بس عن القصة
Let's just get away from the story.
لان دي لسه
Because this is still...
حزاني شوية انا بعت بكام
I'm a little sad, I sold it for how much?
الاسهم بتاعتي وهي تنعت بعد كده
My shares and they are labeled afterwards.
How much?
انما خروجي من
My exit from
الصناعة نفسها انا بالنسبة دي
The industry itself, as for me.
كان ضروري وكان
It was necessary and it was.
كان متعب
He was tired.
صحيا وعصبيا بقى خلاص
Healthily and nervously, it's over now.
متعب تقوي وفي مسئولية
Tiredness is strength and in responsibility.
وبعين عملت اللي انا عايزه
"And with that, I did what I wanted."
كا ارساء
As a foundation
لمدرسة او
For the school or
For activity.
وتدريب ناس والكلام ده كله
"And training people and all that talk."
وكنت جسديا
And I was physically.
كنت تعبت
I was tired.
ايوه زي ما هيك قلت فيه ناس فعلا بتبقى الشغف بتاعها بيقى في التطوير
Yes, as you said, there are people whose passion is really in development.
وانسة الحد حاجة دي اتطورت
The matter has really developed.
خلاص هو قاسما بيزعق
That's it, he is screaming at Qasim.
فخرجت ودرست
I went out and studied.
قصة الانتاج
The story of production
درست انتاج الفيديو
I studied video production.
والفورمات بتاعت
and the format of
كوميديا الموقف
Situational comedy
وطبعا متأثرا
And of course influenced.
للغاية يعني
It means "extremely."
المسلسل الامريكي الاشهر
The most famous American series.
في مجال الست كوم
In the field of sitcoms.
بس وقت ده مكنش في حاجة اسمها ست كوم في مصر
But at that time, there was nothing called a sitcom in Egypt.
مكنش اصلا حد فاهم
No one actually understood.
مكنش في كان اقرب حاجة
There was nothing closer.
مسلسل لعلاء ولي الدين الله يرحمه
The series of Alaa Wali El Din, may God have mercy on him.
ومحمد ينادي
And Muhammad is calling.
مش فاكر اسمه دلوقتي
I can't remember his name right now.
اقرب حاجة ما تكون
The closest thing is to be.
بس بعيدة برضو عن الفورمات
But it's still far from the format.
فاقدرت اقنع مخرجة سينما
I was able to convince a film director.
كانت يعني
It meant.
عملت فيلم او دين وقتها
I made a film or a play at that time.
مكنش مشهور قوي
He wasn't very famous.
انما اقنعتها انها تيجيت تدرس معايا
I only convinced her that she should study with me.
الفورمات ووافقت انها تخش معايا
The format agreed that she would join me.
في تطوير
In development.
هذا العمل
This work.
درست ده اللي هو سفرته بقى
I studied, that's what his journey became.
لا لا اونلاين
No, no online.
درست الفورمات اونلاين
I studied the format online.
لانه وقتها الانلاين ماكنش
Because back then, there was no online.
بيدي معلومات كافية يعني
I have enough information, I mean.
لا لا كان كورس محترم امريكا متقدمة دايما
No, no, it was a respectable course. America is always advanced.
10 سنين
10 years
كورس اونلاين وانجحنا فيه
An online course and we succeeded in it.
الحمد لله ووفقنا فيه
All praise is due to Allah, and He has granted us success in it.
ابتدينا ندرس
We started studying.
Our work
And our work
And others.
لحد ماوصلنا للفورمات
Until we reached the format.
اللي كل واحد عارفها بعد كده
What everyone will know after that.
اللي هي باقي الشباب اونلاين
Which is the rest of the young people online.
كانت بشرة اول مرة اشتغل
It was the first time I worked.
امير اول مرة اشتغل
Prince, my first time working.
احمد فشاوي كانوا
Ahmad Fashawi was.
وطلعوا مع في في في مسلسل. اه. والشريف حمدي كان طلع في افلام
And they appeared with "V V V" in a series. Yes. And Sherif Hamdy appeared in movies.
قبلها. اه فدولة الخمسة الشخصيات الرئيسية. واشتغلت في
Before that. Oh, the state of the five main characters. And I worked in
المسلسل ده كل حاجة. اشتغلت في ككو رايتر مع العمالقة اللي
This series is everything. I worked as a co-writer with the giants who...
اشتغلوا في كتابة الحلقات. اه. تعرف هو هو عشان برا الميديا فمش
They worked on writing the episodes. Ah. You know, it's because he's outside the media, so it's not...
هيبقى عارف بس واحد من اللي كتبه كان تمر محسن نصر. اه. ده
He will only know that one of those who wrote it was Tamir Mohsen Nasr. Yes. That’s it.
دلوقتي من اكبر المخرجين. اه. اه. عبدالرحيم كمال. الحلقة
Now one of the biggest directors. Yes. Yes. Abdel Rahim Kamel. The episode.
الاستطاعية ودي اصعب الحلقات. زي البايلوت يعني. لا مش بايروت.
The capability is one of the toughest episodes. Like the pilot, you know. No, not the pilot.
ان ده هي البداية اللي هي الباقي هيمشي عليها بعد كده. انا قصدي
This is the beginning that the rest will follow after that. I mean.
كرسل الشخصيات. اه. اللي هتمشي عليه بعدها.
I canceled the characters. Yes. I will walk on it afterward.
كده. اوكي. عبدالرحيم كمال عمر طاهر اه احمد ابو زيد لا
Okay. Abdul Rahim Kamal Omar Taher, ah, Ahmed Abu Zaid, no.
الاسماء لا دلوقتي. الاسماء دلوقتي مخيفة. ايوة ايوة. اه ناصر
The names are not now. The names are scary now. Yes, yes. Oh, Nasser.
اسمه ناصر. ناصر اه. الناصر عبدالرحمن. ناصر عبدالرحمن. اه
His name is Nasser. Nasser, yes. Al-Nasser Abdulrahman. Nasser Abdulrahman. Yes.
كلهم اه انتشروا بقوة شديدة في مجال الفيديو ومجال السينما
They all spread strongly in the field of video and cinema.
كمان. اه الاسماء اللي اه زهروا بقى في الابتعاد. الديوف. اه من
Also. Yes, the names that appeared in the distance. The guests. Yes from...
فضلك. الديوف. عندك خالد صالح. من فضلك. لا. عندك اميرة انتون.
You are welcome. The guests. Do you have Khaled Saleh? Please. No. Do you have Amira Anton?
ام. خالد صالح. خالد صالح اه اميرة انتون. بعد كده في في واحد
Um. Khalid Saleh. Khalid Saleh, oh Princess Anton. After that, there is someone.
مهم قوي. عبدالحي. في احمد مكي. لا الناس بقى اللي جات زيارات
It's very important. Abdel Hai. In Ahmed Makki. No, the people who came for visits.
يعني. احمد مكي. احمد مكي. كانش احمد مكي كان. لا. يا ابو احمد.
It means. Ahmed Mekky. Ahmed Mekky. If it wasn't Ahmed Mekky. No. Oh Abu Ahmed.
اه احمد مكي. تامر حسني جي عامل دور. جي عامل دور. جي عامل دور
Oh Ahmed Mekki. Tamer Hosny is playing a role. He is playing a role. He is playing a role.
هو. جي عامل دور. اه محمود قبيل جي عامل دور. بيومي فؤاد. خالد
He is. This is a role played by Mahmoud Qabeel. The role is by Bayoumi Fouad. Khaled.
الصاوي. جي لعب حلقتين. علم النصر.
Al-Sawi. He played two episodes. The knowledge of victory.
الناس دي كلها اه يعني ايه تمثيل في البتاعة الحقيقي. عمل دور
All these people, what do you mean by acting in that real thing? They played a role.
تاجر من بايومي فؤاد. بايومي فؤاد اول اكتشفت بعد كده. وكان
A trader from Bayoumi Fouad. I discovered Bayoumi Fouad later. And it was...
اول اول اول تمثيل له. في الشباب. كان الحقيقة رائع. وكانت مساعدة
This was his first, first, first performance. In youth. It was truly wonderful. And it was a help.
المخرج كاملة ابو زكري. فدي كانت وهنا لنا وقفة. مسؤولة عن
The director is Kamla Abu Zikri. This was a moment for us to pause. Responsible for
كانت. فجبت لنا كل الناس دي الحقيقة ده. ده لنا نظرة يعني
It was. It brought us all these people, this truth. This gives us a perspective, I mean.
مخيفة. ده فاهم مساعدة المخرج كاملة. ايوة ايوة ايوة ايوة.
Scary. He understands the director's assistance completely. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
واو. انبسطت جدا. انا اشتغلت بقى. طب اكتشفني. اشتغلت اه في
Wow. I am very happy. I have been working. So discover me. Yes, I have worked in
في الكتابة او اشتركت في الكتابة يعني اقدر اقول لك كده. عشرين
In writing or I participated in writing, I can tell you like this. Twenty.
في المية على اللي بتشوفوا دلوقتي على في الحلقات. ده انا كلامي.
In the context of what you are seeing now in the episodes. That's my opinion.
يعني اه. والكفهات بتاعك.
I mean, yes. And your coffee?
الشعور. يعني انك دلوقتي وانا عندي اربعة وستين سنة بشوف
Feeling. It means that now, at the age of sixty-four, I see.
الحاجات اللي هي عملتها من اربعة وعشرين سنة. احسنت لذيذ قوي.
The things she did twenty-four years ago. It was really delicious.
احسنت لذيذ قوي بصراحة. اه نزلت للانتاج قلت لك انا عملت
Well done, it's delicious and strong, honestly. Ah, I went down for production, I told you I did.
وعملته فاشتغلت مدير انتاج واشتغلت في انا اللي كنت باخد
And I worked as a production manager, and I worked in what I was doing.
اغلب الوقت يعني هالة ما كانتش اه فاضية هالة خليل انها تروح
Most of the time, it means Hala wasn't really free to go.
اوي لله.
Oh my God.
للمونتاج. للمونتاج. فكنت انا باخد الشرايط في العربية واروح
For editing. For editing. So I would take the tapes in the car and go.
الصبح وارتب وحط له الحاجات. انا اللي كاتب الجدول. اه انا مع عباس
In the morning, I will organize and put things in place. I am the one writing the schedule. Yes, I am with Abbas.
صابر اه بوضب الاكسسوارات معه. مع الحاجة اصيلة بتاعة الهدوم.
Saber is organizing the accessories with him, along with the original stuff for the clothes.
انا متفاهم يعني يعني. هو انا انا فاهم بس مش مستوى يعني. لا لا
I understand, I mean. It's just that I understand, but it's not the level, you know. No, no.
لا. وانا هقول لك بس انا سوائي اه من احد الناس المؤمنين بيه يعني.
No. And I will tell you, but I am neutral, just like one of the people who believe in it.
فا انا اللي عينته في هرمس في ستة وتسعين وبعين لما جيت مشيت
So I was the one who appointed him in Hermes in '96, and I left when I came.
خيارته هتفضل في هرمس ولا تيجي معي يعني لا هيجي معك. فاجي معي
His options are to stay with Hermes or come with me, which means he won't come with you. So, come with me.
وهو مش عارف اللي جاي ايه? اتذكر كنا في ستوديو في السيدة نفيسة
"And he doesn't know what's coming next? I remember we were in the studio in Sayyida Nafisa."
بنصور اول اه حاجة اه اول سيزن. ومعي السواق ما انا يعني هو ده
"We're filming the first season. And I have the driver, I mean, it's this."
شغله. اه. فهو راجل سني وبي ايه? بيصلي الفجر والعيشة والكلام.
His job. Yes. He is a Sunni man and what? He prays Fajr and does his duties and so on.
ده كله شغلنا كله كان بالليل في سيدة نفيسة. اه. فهو ابتدى ايه?
All of our work was at night in Sayyida Nafisa. Yes. So it started with what?
يعني زمزق وما اتذكر جيه اه بعد الفجر بحاجة بسيطة كده كنت انا
I mean, I was a bit tired and I don't remember very well, but I was there after Fajr (dawn prayer) for a little while.
وبقى بس في الحوش برا للاستوديو. ولقيته حاطط ايده على على راسه
And he was just outside the studio in the yard. I found him with his hand on his head.
كده قال لي يا فندم انا مش قادر استنى. هو حضرتك ايه اللي عملت?
He said to me, "Sir, I can't wait. What did you do?"
انك تلعت امين ايه? اه بتنتج اه ومع ممثلين وهو بالنسبة له طبعا
"You became Amin, right? Yes, you produce and with actors, and for him, of course."
ابدا مع الشيطان يعني. اه. مسخرة مسخرة. اه. نعم كانت كانت جميلة.
"Starting with the devil, I mean. Ah. Ridiculous, ridiculous. Ah. Yes, it was beautiful."
طب بس معلش الحتة دي. لا لا. لا اصلا الحتة دي فيها اسئلة كتير
Okay, but please this part. No, no. This part actually has a lot of questions.
بالنسبة لي. ايه ايه? انا ده شغلي. اه. ازاي حضرتك انتجت فكت
For me. What? This is my job. Yes. How did you produce that?
فلوسك. ولا. كانت فلوس. تمام. واللي انا عارفه انه تم رفض كبير
Your money. Or was it money? Fine. And what I know is that a significant amount was rejected.
جدا من القنوات المصرية والانتاج المصري في الاول انه ما يشتروا
"Many Egyptian channels and Egyptian production initially do not purchase."
اللي هي الحاجة الوحيدة اللي كانت. الحاجة الوحيدة. اه. موجودة.
The only thing that was. The only thing. Yes. Present.
وطبعا بنوات المصرية. المحلية. ده الفساد اللي كان موجود مش هجيب
And of course, with the Egyptian local here. This is the corruption that was present; I won't bring it up.
اسماء بس يعني ده الفساد اللي كان موجود. ما كانش في حاجة بتخش
Just names, that's the corruption that was present. Nothing was coming in.
التليفزيون الا اه عمولة وعمولة بتتكلم على خمسين في المية من
The television, oh, is a commission, and the commission talks about fifty percent of...
الاراضي. من الاراضات العمل. نعم من الاراضي. ايوة يا فن. خمسين في
The lands. From the lands of work. Yes, from the lands. Yes, sir. Fifty in.
المية دي كانت الاتاوة. اللي مفروضة. وبتوصل لفوق. دي يعني
This water was the toll that is imposed and reaches the top. I mean.
لا تبتدي اصلا. تمام. فخلاص اه بعد
Do not start at all. Fine. So that's it, yes, after.
ما عرفت الكلام ده بعد ما دخلت انتكتس. مش قبلها. يعني اه. وهي
I didn't know this stuff until I joined Intact. Not before that. I mean, yes. And it.
بعد جهة رحت الال بي سي هم اللي اشتروها. فابتديت اروح اولا
After the direction I went to, it was LBC that bought it. So I started to go first.
جبت شريك تاني اه معي. اه جوهر. اه دخل معي. وقدرنا ان احنا نسوق
I brought another partner with me. Yes, Jawhar. Yes, he joined me. We were able to drive.
لان العمل رائع. وكان يعني يباين على على الشاشة حجم التغيير. حجم
Because the work is wonderful. It was meant to reflect the size of the change on the screen. The size.
السبعاصرعة في док. الحاجة السبعاصرعة. فرحنا الال بي سي.
The seven rushes in the document. The need for the seven rushes. We were happy for the LBC.
وبعدين كرت اه القنوات العربية كلها. لنرجع في عهد تاني يعني ما
"Then all the Arabic channels got canceled. Let's go back to another era, I mean."
كانوش فيه متمكنين الجماعةادو دونين. سماصرة دولة. اورل التلفزيون
They were skilled, the group acted in a coordinated manner. They are state brokers. Turn on the television.
المصري عشان يشتري مرتين. مرتين. لجودة العمل. ايوه. كارما كارما.
The Egyptian buys twice. Twice. For the quality of work. Yes. Karma karma.
حح. شوف الدنيا لفت six. ده اللي هو بيسمه ايه اه اه اه اه. يقولوا Xavier.
Huh. Look, the world is spinning six. That's what they call it, uh uh uh. They say Xavier.
بيسموه اه انفسمنت القنوات المحلية بيعتبروها جزء جوه كان
They call it an investment; local channels consider it an integral part.
التلفزيون المصري والقنوات الفضائية يعني ده جهاز اداري
The Egyptian television and satellite channels mean this is an administrative device.
تاني فده بيشتري وده بيشتري وده بيشتري بنفس العمل يعني فممكن
This one is buying, and that one is buying, and that one is buying the same thing, so it's possible.
مفهوم ايه قلت في النص كان عندك في النص ديالك شريك جوهر تمام
The concept of what you said in your text was that you had a core partner in your text, right?
جوهر جوهر سعدي جوهر جوهر سعدي وجوهر يعني لأ جوهر اه هو كان
The essence of Saadi, the essence of Saadi, and essence means no, essence, eh, he was.
سعدي جوهر دول اتنين ايه ما انا فاهم انا ما اعرفش الجوهر ده هو
Saadi, what are the two countries? I don't understand. I don't know what this essence is.
جوهر الاديم ولا لا بس جوهر الاديم تمام كان محمد جوهر مختلف
The essence of the old one, right? But the essence of the old one was fine; Muhammad had a different essence.
اوكي تمام اه لا اصلا اصلا حاجات غريبة جدا فلا هو كان كان الميديا
Okay, fine. Oh no, actually, it was really strange things. So, it was the media.
كله معاه في التسعينات. اوكي. كان جوهر. طب وازاي تاخد الرزق
"Everything was with him in the nineties. Okay. It was a core. So how do you receive sustenance?"
In it.
ده ده الحد احنا يومنا دلوقتي عشرين واربعة وعشرين المنتجين ما
This is the limit, today is the twenty-fourth, the producers are not.
بياخدوش الرزق ده دلوقتي. ازاي انت وقتها اخدت الرزق انك تجيب
They don't take this sustenance now. How did you get the sustenance back then to bring?
خمس ابطال في منهم اتنين يشتغلوا قبل كده مش محن حتعرفهم. شرف.
Five heroes, among them two who have worked before, you probably won't know them. Honor.
شرف. بس. انتم مش صدقين. لا لا لا انا مصدق على فكرة. مصدق ان
Honor. Just. You all don't really believe. No no no, I actually do believe. I believe that...
انت خلاص حطيت حاجة في دماغي عايز تعملها. هو ده الفلوس تيجي ما
You’ve put something in my mind that you want to do. Is this how money comes?
تجيش. دي قصة تانية. انما انا عايز اعمل كده. لا. وعايز اعملها
You know what? That's a different story. But I want to do that. No. And I want to do it.
صح. وبالنسبالي ولحافتي اللي هي جات الحمد لله من تمام شهور اقول
Correct. And as for my quilt, which thankfully arrived a few months ago, I would say...
لها جدك عمل الكلام ده. لا طب حكي لنا عن الشغف بقى. يا حاج شايف
"Your grandfather did this. Now, tell us about the passion. Oh, sir, do you see?"
الشغف ازاي? شايف الشغف طريقة حياة. وانما شايف انه الحياة من
How is passion? I see passion as a way of life. However, I see that life is about...
قصر محيس يبقى الواحد غبي لو ركب نفس القطر آآ للرحلة كلها.
The palace of Muhais remains the same; one stays foolish if they board the same train for the entire journey.
لابد تركب آآ اترات مختلفة بآآ حسب ما يتراء لك. هتقدر تعمل ايه في
You must use different patterns according to what seems appropriate to you. What can you do in...
هذا المجال? هتقدر تضيف حاجة في هذا المجال وازا عملت حاجة جيدة
This field? Will you be able to contribute something in this field, and if you did something good?
انتجت حاجة اضفت بيها لهذا المجتمع اللي انت عايش فيه بعتقد انه
You produced a need that added to this community you live in, I believe it is.
الفلوس لابد انها هتيجي. مش شرط تيجي في العشر حاجات اللي
The money must come. It's not necessary for it to come in the ten things that...
هتعملهم في حياتك. انما لو عملت اتنين آآ جبت منهم العائد المادي
You will do them in your life. However, if you do two of them, you will get a financial return from them.
وتمانية آآ لمجرد ارضاء لنفسك انا بعتبر ان ده نجاح. لانك هتقعد
And eight, just to please yourself, I consider that a success. Because you'll sit down.
تفتكر العشر. قديني اقعد معك وعمل اجيب حكايات. ايوة. ما
Do you remember the ten? Here I am sitting with you, let me tell you some stories. Yes. What?
بتكلمش عليها كتير بس هي جوايا. ومفصود جدا انها جوايا وفخور جدا
I don’t talk about her much, but she’s inside me. It’s very meant that she’s inside me, and I’m very proud.
ان انا عملتها. بما فيها ان انا قعدت معها اصيلة ومفصودة.
I did it. Including that I sat with her, original and clear.
وعباس صابر. ده دي حاجات افتكرها وفقها. ايوة طبعا. امتى اعرف
"And Abbas is patient. These are things I remember and understand. Yes, of course. When will I know?"
لما انا بقى في القطر ده. القطر الواحد اللي انا مش مفهوم انت
Why am I still on this train? The only train that I don't understand you.
مفهوم مركبش قطر واحد مدى الحياة. امتى اعرف ان جي الوقت ان
The concept of a single-vehicle lifetime. When will I know that the time has come?
انا انزل المحطة وغير القطر. لما تصحى الصبح مش قادر تروح
I get off at the station and change trains. When you wake up in the morning, you can't go.
الشغل. لما تصحى مش قادر تروح الشغل. ومش عايز. خلاص انا نجحت
Work. When you wake up, you can't go to work. And you don’t want to. That's it, I succeeded.
بالشرط انك فشلت. او علم ممكن تكون فشلت من الاول. في الاختيار.
On the condition that you failed. Or you might have been destined to fail from the beginning. In the choice.
وممكن تكون نجحت بس ما فيش اضافة. هتفضل في مكانك مسلا مدير بنك
You might have succeeded, but there is no promotion. You will remain in your position, for example, as a bank manager.
هتبقى مدير اسم اه تلر وبعدين مدير اسم مش عارف ايه وبعدين لحد
You will be a manager with the name Ah Teller, and then a manager with a name I don't know what, and then until...
ما تبقى مدير عام او اه عضو منتدى. لما تحس ان انت كعضو منتدى.
What remains is a general manager or a forum member. When you feel like you are a forum member.
خلاص مش قادر تدي حاجة تانية من العبس ان انت تكمل اكتر من كده
Enough, I can't give anything more. It would be silly for you to continue beyond this.
لانك فقط رشلة تانية. هم. اتأخرت فيها وبقى
Because you're just a second chance. They. I was late in it and it became.
ان انت اه تعمل. بس حاجة كتير بتقول دايما يقول لك الشغف للناس
If you work hard. But many things always tell you that passion is for people.
المحظوظة. لان هو معه اه نوعا ما معه شوية فلوس هو مسنود عليها
The lucky one. Because he has some money, he is somewhat supported by it.
فهو يقدر يروح يتابع شغفه ويجي. مش عارف انت بتعتبر الفلوس قد ايه?
He can go pursue his passion and come back. I don't know how much you consider money to be?
هم. انا قعدت في السعودية اه صرفت شوية مش بطلين يعني على علمي وعلى
They. I stayed in Saudi Arabia, yes, I spent some money, I am not stopping, I mean, to my knowledge.
My life.
معايا سنة اه حضرتك اواخر واحد وتسعين. راجع بالزبط بمتين الف
I have one year, yes, you are at the end of 1991. I will return with exactly two hundred thousand.
جنيه. هم. جبت الشقة بتاعتي وتجوزت وخلفت. واخدت المصدس وراجع
Pound. They. I got my apartment, got married, and had children. I took the gun and returned.
بمتين الف جنيه. اه بالسعودية. ده كل الايه? انه اتعمل في سبع
With two hundred thousand pounds. Yes, in Saudi Arabia. Is that all? It was done in seven.
سنين شغل هناك. المتين الف لما احط فيهم مية وتلاتين الف جنيه في
Years of work there. I will put one hundred and thirty thousand pounds in them.
الزيادة راس مال في المجموعة المالية المصرية. بعدها بسنتين.
The increase in capital in the Egyptian Financial Group. Two years later.
ده رقم. طبعا. مزبوط كده. ستين في المية من المبلغ. انما ما هوش
That's a number. Of course. That's right. Sixty percent of the amount. But it is not.
اه الرقم يعني وقتها انا عندي تلين وتلاتين سنة. ومحتاج ان انا
Yes, that means at that time I was twenty-two or twenty-three years old. And I need to
اعمل فلوس في حياتي. طبعا. علشان ابني اللي لسه جاي ده وهاه. فغمرت
I make money in my life. Of course. For my child who is yet to come, and that's it. So I indulged.
وحطيت. الباقي ما كانش بنفس درجة المخاطر. درجة المخاطر عمالة
And I put it. The rest was not at the same level of risks. The level of risks is continuing.
تقل. تقلش. اه حطيت في
I don't want to. Don't say that. Oh, I put it in.
الانتاج. الانتاج الفني في اول سيزن حطيت مليون ونص. بس ده كان
Production. In the first season of artistic production, I invested a million and a half. But that was...
بعد المية وتلاتين الف جنيه بحوالي عشر سنين. كانوا المية
After one hundred and thirty thousand pounds, about ten years later, the hundred...
وتلاتين الف جنيه جابولي ملايين كتيرة. اه اه. فلما حط مليون ونص
And thirty thousand pounds brought me a lot of millions. Yes, yes. So when I put in one and a half million.
في السيت كوم اللي انا عايز اعمله. ما عرفش ده تعتبره اه
In the sitcom that I want to make, I don't know if you would consider this yes.
مخاطرة ولا. بس المخاطر الاكبر ان انا سبت حاجة كانت بتجيب لي
It's a risk or not. But the bigger risk is that I left something that was bringing me (something good).
فلوس كتيرة. طبعا. انما بتجيب لي فلوس كتيرة بعكنية.
A lot of money. Of course. But it brings me a lot of money with annoyance.
انا كل يوم ونفسي تقفلت. ما فيش راحة بال بقى. ما فيش راحة بال
Every day I feel closed off. There is no peace of mind anymore. There is no peace of mind.
وانت عارف انه الدنيا مش رايحة صح. اه. لانه الاقتصاد مش رايح
And you know that things are not going well. Yes. Because the economy is not doing well.
صح لانه رئيس الوزر اللي كان موجود ماشي في سكة بعتقد انها
It's true because the Prime Minister who was in office was going down a path that I believe is...
ما كانش سكة. مزبوط وانا وغيري يعني. فقررت مواجهة نفسي وعمل
There wasn't a path. That's right, me and others. So I decided to confront myself and do.
النط. زي ما قلت لك في ناس قالت لي انت مجنون. من جوة البيت.
The jump. As I told you, some people told me you're crazy. From inside the house.
انما الحمد لله كاملوا معي. عطر ضاري. برامونيش. اه نعم.
Praise be to Allah, they are complete with me. A fragrance, powerful. Brahmanish. Ah yes.
في حاجة استوقفتني كده. اه لما رجعت بامتين الف جنيه من
There's something that caught my attention. Yes, when I came back with two hundred thousand pounds from...
السعودية وحطيت منهم مية وتلاتين في المجموعة المالية. فديت بقى
"I put one hundred and thirty from them in the financial group. So I sacrificed."
معنا سبعين. حقيقة قلت انك وقتها اه كان على اتنين وتلاتين سنة
We are seventy. In fact, you said that at that time you were thirty-two years old.
اتجوزت واشتريت بيت. اه. والبيت ده كان بكام? البيت ده كان يسيدي
I got married and bought a house. Yes. And how much was that house? That house was, sir...
في شارع مكرم عبيد في شقة جميلة. اه متين متر على الحديقة اللي
On Makram Ebeid Street in a beautiful apartment. Oh, it's two meters from the garden there.
اسمها تكتل طفل. ايوة. وكان
Its name is "Child Coalition." Yes. And it was
اه بتمانين الف. وبعتوا. عايشين في زمن غلط. غلط. تمانين الف
Ah, eighty thousand. And they sold. Living in the wrong time. Wrong. Eighty thousand.
بالتقصيد خد بالك. اه يعني قعدت ادفع فيه تلات سنين كده بحاول
"Take care with the installments. Yeah, I mean I've been trying to pay it off for three years now."
مرتبي هناك. وجيت سكنتي في عشرة سنين. لا هو مقهور بس ان البيت كان
My salary is there. I lived in this house for ten years. It's not that he's upset, but the house was...
بتمانين الف. اه. وده اللي اقرب جد. اه. انا وص من كل القصة قالك
Eighty thousand. Ah. And that's the closest, really. Ah. I'm telling you about the whole story, he told you.
متين الف مية وتلاتين راحوا بيجي. خد بالك بس. الله. جيت بيت. خد
"Matin, a thousand and three hundred are coming. Just be careful. God. I came home. Take."
بالك. لا التمانين اه بالاضافة للمتين.
Eighty, yes, in addition to the two hundred.
طبعا. اه. المتين كانوا كاش معي. اه. انما اه خد بالك التدقم
Sure. Ah. The two were cash with me. Ah. But, ah, be careful with the advance.
وقتها كان اه محدود برضي. طبعا. يعني الفترة بتاعت اه انا اشتريته
At that time, it was limited, of course. I mean the period when I bought it.
هنقول او اتفقت عليه تقريبا تمانية وتمانين. تمانية وتمانين
We'll say, or what we agreed on is approximately eighty-eight. Eighty-eight.
وسكنتي في بعته في اه الفين. بعته بامتين وعشرين. يعني مش حاجة.
"And you lived in it, I sold it in 2000. I sold it for 220. I mean, it's nothing."
ما عملش النقطة. مش اتنين مليون. لا لا لا. قلت لك هتقول مسلا عشرة
He didn't make the point. It's not two million. No, no, no. I told you, you would say maybe ten.
مليون جميل. النقطات دي ما حصلتش غير اخر اربع خمس سنين. دي
A million is beautiful. These little points have only happened in the last four or five years.
صبر. قبل كده كان كان كان طبيعي. وحاجة اتجوزت عندك اتنين
Patience. Before, it was normal. And I got married to you, two.
وتلاتين سنة? اتجوزت لا اتجوزت ستة عشرين. يا خبر. طب وحاجة مع
And thirty years? Did you get married? No, I got married at twenty-six. Oh my! What about something with...
الجواز بدري ولا متأخر في عالم البزنس والحياة اللي احنا عايشينها
Is the passport early or late in the world of business and the life we are living?
دلوقتي. مع اختلاف الازمان طبعا. احنا اصلا هي دي دي حاجة اه يعني
Now. With the differences in times, of course. This is actually something, yes, I mean.
اه يعني مش اه مش مطلقة. دي نسبية مع وفي اه انا اتأثرت قوي
Oh, I mean, no, I'm not divorced. It's relative, and yes, I was really affected.
بعيلة والدتي. عيلة والدتي وعيلة خالي. يعني.
My mother's family. My mother's family and my uncle's family. I mean.
خالي ولاده واحفاده. كلهم اللي اللي يعدي تلاتة وعشرين اربعة
My uncle has children and grandchildren. All of them, the ones who reach twenty-three and four.
وعشرين ما اتجوزش ده ممكن يموت. يعني فالجواز البدري ده اه بالنسبة
"And if he doesn't get married by twenty, he might die. So, regarding early marriage, yes."
لي مقبول جدا. وبعتبر نفسي ان انا اتأخرت الستة وعشرين يعني. اه
I am very acceptable. And I consider myself that I have delayed for twenty-six years, you know.
ابني ما عملش كده. ابني اتجوز اه اربعة وثلاثين اربعة وثلاثين.
My son didn't do that. My son got married, yes, thirty-four, thirty-four.
بس هو نفسه بيقول لي لا انا
But he himself tells me no, I am.
كنت احب ان انا اه اشوف بنتي اه ابضر. اه هو انا اتجوز ستة وعشرين
I would love to see my daughter. I got married at twenty-six.
وخلفته اه ويعني المدام خلفته سبعة وعشرين. فااا على طول. على
"And I left him, oh, and that means I left him twenty-seven. So, right away. To..."
طول. اه. طب المحطة بقى دلوقتي بعد كده بعد الانتاج رحنا فين?
Length. Ah. So, where did we go after the station now after the production?
طب انت فوتت محطة مهمة جدا. اه. محطة المزيكا. اه دي امتى بقى?
You missed a very important station. Oh. The music station. When is that?
دي قبل دي خمستاشر لعشرين. اوكي. محطة المزيكا انا كنت عاطفي شوية.
This is before this fifteen to twenty. Okay. At the music station, I was a bit emotional.
وبحب كتير. وتأثير عبد الحين حافز يعني. ايوة. اه الافلام دي
"And I love a lot. And the impact of Abdul Hafeedh is a motivation, you know. Yes. Oh, those movies."
اللي اياه بيقول لك لو ما لو ما حبيتش اه قبل البلوغ تبقى في حاجة
"Whoever tells you that if you didn't love before puberty, there must be something wrong."
حاجة غلط فيك. فاااا خمستاشر السنة كنت في المأمورة. وماشي في
There's something wrong with you. I was in the administration for fifteen years. And I'm going ahead.
شارع اه كده الزهر كان صدمة عاطفية او حاجة من الصدمات يتبدري.
The street, oh, the flower was an emotional shock or something that suddenly hits.
ولقيت حد بيلعب جيتار في الدور التالت قدام زرع الدورة وبالليل
I met someone playing guitar on the third floor in front of the plants in the courtyard at night.
انا قلت هو ده. انا كلمة عن مصر تانية يا جماعة بيتكلم انا اعمل
I said this is it. I'm talking about Egypt again, guys, I'm doing.
بتحاول اتخيل. لا انا بيعجبني كل مرة ان هو بيشوف حاجة. انت. لا لا
You're trying to imagine. No, I like it every time he sees something. You. No, no.
هو ده. يعني ما فكرت في الدور التالت. رجعت من المأمورة على
This is it. I mean, I didn't think about the third role. I returned from the mission to...
اشتريت جيتار انا فاكر كان من امارة فندي. كان بازون باربعة جنيه
I bought a guitar, I remember it was from the Fendi emirate. It was a bargain for four pounds.
ونص او كده. جيتار وحش قوي بس يعني كان ابتدي به. واخدته وطلعت
"It's a text or something like that. The guitar is really bad, but I mean I started with it. I took it and went out."
بيه على كان جارنا كان في
Our neighbor was in pain.
بيغني فرقة معروفة قوي وقتها اسمها جيتس. وقال لي هيعلمك سمير
He sings with a very famous band at that time called Gates. He told me that Samir will teach you.
حبيب كان اسمه. هيعلمك جيتار. كنت واركب في المص الجديدة بالجيتار
His name was Habib. He will teach you guitar. I was riding in the new car with the guitar.
طبعا الناس ساتعك علي وانزل في غامرة واروح لصحي بعد الدور.
Of course, people will help you, and I will go to the Ghamra and then go to Saheh after the round.
يديني الدروس. ما كملتش كتير معاه قوي لانه ساعات ما كانش بيصح.
He gives me lessons. I didn't continue for long with him because sometimes he didn't show up.
يعني. اروح وارجع بالاوتوبيس. على الفاضي. راجع على الفاضي.
It means. I go and come back by bus. For nothing. Coming back for nothing.
بس سكاتي بقى شغله ليلة. بس كده. اه.
Just be quiet, he works at night. That's it. Yes.
روحت الواحد مشهور قوي برضو في المص الجديدة اسمه جون غازير. اوكي.
I went to a very famous person in the new era named John Gazeer. Okay.
اه. جون كان محترف يعني اكتر لانه بياخد سلوز بقى. فتعلمت اه
Oh. John was more of a professional because he takes it slow. So, I learned, yes.
كلاسيك جيتار. اه. ودا كمان وكنش بركب الاوتوبيس كنت بقى اروح
Classical guitar. Yeah. And this too, I used to take the bus and go.
ماشي يعني. اه دي حلوة دي. حلوة دي.
Okay, that's nice. That's nice.
عملت اه اه هو اه كلاسيك جيتار بيبقوا امتلت اه كراريس بيقولوا
I worked on, um, a classical guitar, they have filled, um, notebooks they say.
On her.
اسمها كارولي ده ده الكاراريس. اقلصت اتنين وامتحنت فيهم
Her name is Karoli Deh Deh Al-Karariss. I narrowed it down to two and tested them.
وتفوقت يعني التالتة ما قدرتش بقى ان انا ايه? اكملت دي تلعب اه
And I excelled, which means I couldn't continue in third place. Did I play? Yes.
بوب واه اقلف موسيقى والكلام ده. وانتهى الكلام ده بعدها ولعبت
Bob, wow, I wrote music and all that. And that was the end of that, and then I played.
في فرق. اه. بس فرق يعني يعني مش. اه اه. مش اه اه اه افراح حفلات
There is a difference. Yes. But a difference means, I mean, not. Yes, yes. Not, yes, yes, yes, celebrations, parties.
ميلاد اعياد ميلاد الكلام ده. وبعدين اه انت
It's the birth of birthdays, this talk. And then, yes, you...
فتاحت بقى ان انا بعمل موسيقى. وعملت موسيقى. تلحين يعني? تلحين.
It turns out that I make music. I composed music. Composing, you mean? Composing.
و آآ عملت اغنيتين حلوين قوي. اغنية انوشكا. ومنهم اغنية كانت
"I made two very nice songs. Anushka's song. And among them was a song that was..."
انوشكا معايا في الجامعة. في الجامعة الامريكية آآ. قعدة وقت
Anoushka is with me at university. At the American University, um. We've been sitting together for a while.
الجامعة. سمعتها وقت الجامعة. آآ. فجدت عملنا غنتها معايا في
The university. I heard it during university. Umm. So I found work, she sang it with me in...
بتاعة آآ آآ جامعة الامريكية. وبسيبنا الكاشف وبتاعه بعد دخلنا
It's from the American University. And we leave the detector and the guy after we enter.
آآ آآ سجلناها مع دخلنا مهرجان اسمه مهرجان الاغنية الشبابية.
We recorded it when we entered a festival called the Youth Song Festival.
كانوا بعملوها في اكتوبر. من كل سنة احتفالا يعني باكتوبر وفزت
They used to do it in October. Every year as a celebration, I mean, in October, and I won.
بالكاس. وسجلوا لنا على حسابهم في الاستوديو بتاع محمد نوح. آآ
With the cup. And they recorded us on their account in the studio of Mohamed Noah. Ah.
سجلناها وآآ وآآ وجوا لي ناس بقى دفعوا لي مقدمات.
We recorded it, and then some people came to me and paid the advances.
علشان اعبي شرايط. اه فعلا. بس ما ربنا ما ما ابعدش الالهام بقى.
To fill the tapes. Yes, really. But may God not take away the inspiration.
وانوشكا كانت صديقة. جدا. طب اقول لك على حاجة مضحكة. اه. وكانت
Vanushka was a friend. Very. Let me tell you something funny. Yes. And she was...
على فك. صح. انا سوى ايش الحوار ده. انا طلعت في مسلسل. اه. اسمه
"By the way. Right. What is this discussion about? I appeared in a series. Yes. Its name is..."
طاقة حب. كنت انا بحب اوكي. حب قصة غرام يعني. اوكي اوكي. كان من
Energy of love. I was in love, okay. A love story, I mean. Okay, okay. It was from...
تلتة. وهي تتحب. فظيع. لا انوشكا خرافية وكانت كمان وكانت كمان
Three. And she is loved. Terrible. No, Anushka is mythical, and there was also... and there was also...
ساكنة جنبنا. في مدينة اسماعيلية والدها كان هناك. فكنت كتير قوي
She lives next to us. In Ismailia city, her father was there. So I was very strong.
بعدي عليها وصلها كانت اه بتشتغل في الجيسة عند طارق نور. انا فاكر
After me, she got there. Yes, she was working in the agency with Tarek Nour. I remember.
وقتها. اه فهي كانت تشتغل اصل وكده? كانت بتشتغل في اه. بس داري
At that time. Oh, so she was actually working and stuff? She was working in, um. But it's hidden.
حاجة ادارية. اه ماشي. وده كان وقت ما عملت الاعلانات. اوكي. ايه
Administrative need. Oh, okay. And that was when I made the announcements. Okay. What?
كانت الاعلانات الاول مع طارق نور. اه ده طلعها كان كده. ودي
The first ads were with Tarek Nour. Oh, it turned out like this. And this.
عرفتها من من
I knew her from whom.
يعني وبعدين عملنا الاغنية وبعدين بقى بقت انوشكا. اسمعها
I mean, then we made the song, and then it became Anushka. Listen to it.
ايه الاغنية عشان نبقى نحط بس. اه في عينيك عنواني. او في عينيك
What is the song so we can just put it? Oh, in your eyes, my address. Or in your eyes.
اوطاني. هي انا مش فاكر بالزبط. ودي شعر عنواني. دي اه للشعر
My homelands. I don't remember exactly. This is the poem of my title. Yes, this is for poetry.
الكبير فاروق جويدا. وشفتها في الاهرام. شفتها في الاهرام ومسكت
The great Farouk Goweda. I saw it in Al-Ahram. I saw it in Al-Ahram and held it.
الجتار ولحنتها يعني هي هي اه زي ما بيقولوا لك علشان
The guitar and its tune mean the same thing, you know, just as they say to you.
لحنة. فعملتها وكسبنا بقى الكنازة. اضحك بقى بعدها بسنة
Lahn. So I did it and we won the funeral. Now laugh a year later.
بعد ما كسبنا وعملنا وكسرنا الدنيا. قلت انا ممكن ملحن كبير.
After we won and worked hard and made a mark in the world, I said to myself, I could be a great composer.
فاشتري الاغنية. فاخدت معاد مع فاروق جويدا في الاهرام. مكتبه
So I bought the song. Then I made an appointment with Farouk Goweda at Al-Ahram. His office.
في الاهرام مكتب فخم كبير. واخدت بعدي وروحت لفاروق جويدا
In the pyramids, there is a large luxurious office. I took my time and went to Farouk Gouida.
ودخلت عليه بالجتارة. انا فاكر في في الشنطة بتاعته. قال لي انت
I entered with the guitar. I remember that in his bag. He said to me, "You."
قلت له حضرتك عايز اشتري منك. الاغنية. حقوق الاغنية. حقوق
I told him I want to buy the song from you. The rights to the song. Rights.
الكلمات. واشنا اخدناها وعملنا كذا كذا كذا. بس للاعلان العلن
The words. We took them and did this, that, and the other. But for the public announcement.
يعني. ما انا كنت فاكر ان انا هجبر بقى. ومدفع لي مية وخمسين
I mean, I didn't think I would be forced to pay one hundred and fifty.
جنيه عربول. فقال لي لا ده ده الاغنية دي اشترتها مش عارف مين
Arabool pound. He told me that this song was bought by someone I don't know.
وعملت ايه ولم اوفق في اقناعه يعني. علشان تغنيها بعد كده سماية
What did you do, and I couldn't convince him? So you can sing it later, Somaya.
قيسر غنت القصيدة دي واللي لحل لها مين بقى? مين? اه عبدالوهب وما
Qaysar sang this poem, and who solved it for her? Who? Ah, Abdulwahab and...
نحقش يكملها كملها الموجي. اوه. فالاغنية دي اتغنت من اتنين اه
He wants to finish it, let him finish it, Al-Mouji. Oh. So this song was sung by two, yes.
انا اعتبر يعني اه نملة بالنسبة له. انما لازلت بقول ان اغنيتي احلى.
I mean, I consider myself like an ant to him. However, I still say that my song is better.
ده بغض النظر. لا المحط محطة حياة حضرتك اكتر من
This is regardless. The station is more of a life station for you than...
رائعة ومسلية وملهمة. بجد. ايه اللي بعد المزيكا بقى? اه نخش
Wonderful, entertaining, and inspiring. Seriously. What's next after the music? Oh, let's go in.
رياضة. نخش رياضة. رياضة كمان? لا رياضة قبلها. اه اوكي. رياضة
Sport. Let's do sports. More sports? No, sports before that. Oh okay. Sports.
اه الاتذكر الكرة السرعة. وانا عندي تلات سنين وماسك. اه دي
Oh, don't you remember the speed ball? I was three years old and holding it. Oh, this.
اللي هيكلت بالحبل. ايوة. ايوة. اللي هي دلوقتي موجودة بقت
What was hanged by the rope. Yes. Yes. What is now present has become.
اتحاد. اه. دي احنا زاتنين جنب نادي اليوبلس في العمارة اللي جنبه
Union. Oh. We are both next to the Club of the Jubals in the building next to it.
على طول.
All the way.
سلطة عالية قوي. فمن هناك اخدت كرة يعني العاب المضرب كلها. من
High authority. So from there I got a ball, meaning all the racket games. From.
تنس وسكواش. قعدت معي لحد ما استقررت في الكرة. الكرة طبعا
Tennis and squash. She stayed with me until I settled into the sport. The sport, of course.
ابتدتها في الشارع. ايام ما كان في شوارع في مص الجديدة. ينفع
I started it in the street, back when there were streets in New Egypt. It works.
انك تلعب فيها كرة يعني تحت البيت. وتنقط تنطق على الحيطة.
You're playing soccer in it, which means under the house. And you're kicking it against the wall.
اه. وتعمل وان تو مع الرصيف. يعني دي دي اه. ده اساسي. ده كان
Ah. And you work one-two with the sidewalk. I mean, this is essential. This was.
اساسي. اه ده كان اساسي.
Essential. Yes, that was essential.
وعيش اه دعابت في اه اه يعني دوريات بقى. لحد سبعتاشر سنة كنت
And living, oh, it was just playing around, I mean, it was just routines. Until I was seventeen, I was...
بلعب في نادي اليوبلس. بس استمرت معي الرياضة كممارسة. ودورات
I play for Al-Youbels Club. But sports continued for me as a practice. And courses.
رمضانية والكلام ده لحد اواخر الاشينات. هم. فدي برضو من الحاجات
Ramadan, and this talk continues until the late nights. They. So this is also one of the things.
ان انا اه يعني وفدتني. طبعا. كتير في الايه? في الاربعينات
What do you mean by "I mean you have come to me"? Of course. Is there a lot in the verse? In the forties?
والخمسينات في في الصحفحة طبعا. تمام. انا عارف ان كان في مرحلة رحنا
"And the fifties in the page, of course. Okay. I know that there was a phase we went through."
في الطاقة المتجددة. اه. لحسن انت. هقول لحضرتك. احنا انا سافرت
In renewable energy. Ah. Luckily, you. I will tell you. I traveled.
ضمن الناس الكتيرة اللي سافرت في في اتناشر تلتاشر الفين واتناشر
Among the many people who traveled in December 2012.
وافين واتلتاشر. اه. بضغوط يعني من الجماعة السيئة اللي كانت بتحكمني.
"Wafien and Ateltasher. Yes. Under pressure from the bad group that was controlling me."
كان معايا اه
I was with him, yes.
لكندا مش لامريكا لكندا. فاخدت ابني وامراتي ورحنا في الفين وتلتاشر.
"We went to Canada, not America. So I took my son and my wife and we went in 2013."
ورحنا هناك قعدنا تلت شهور. تلت شهور انتهت يوم عشر ايوليا الفين
We went there and stayed for three months. The three months ended on July 10, 2000.
وتلتاشر. هم. نزول الشعب والجرأة الجمدة بتاعة القوات المسلحة ورئيسي
And thirteen. They are. The people's descent and the strong courage of the armed forces and their leader.
سواء تحت.
Whether below.
الي بشكوروا على الاقيام بالقصة دي. وايه اللي مكنتش رجعت. اه
I thank you for your attention to this story. And why didn't I come back? Yes.
فرجعت. اه قبل ما ارجع كنت اخدت دورة هناك في التقى في التقى
So I went back. Ah, before I returned, I took a course there in etiquette.
الشمسية. اه. اخدت دورة اسبوع. سافرت لها حتى كانت في تو رونتو.
The umbrella. Oh. I took a week-long course. I traveled there when it was in Toronto.
واخدت الشهادة بتاعة هي اي حد بيشتغل في امريكا الشمالية. اوه. اه. اخدت شهادة الس Kosten with any North American citizen and other countryache who is the083 questiaciones hanno que saberse entender.
I received the certificate that anyone working in North America has. Oh. Yes. I got the certificate with any North American citizen and the other countries that have to be understood.
واخدت الشهادة بتاعت اللي هو اي حد بيشتغل في امريكا الشمالية
I obtained the certificate for anyone who works in North America.
ضرور يفض الشهادة دي علشان يفتح محل يركب طاقة شمسية على بيت
He needs to obtain this certificate in order to open a shop to install solar energy systems on houses.
اخدت الشهادة ورجعت كان وقتها صديقي وزميلي في وزارة المالية
I took the certificate and returned; at that time, my friend and colleague was in the Ministry of Finance.
في 2005 مع الدكتور يوسف بوتروس غالي كان هاني ادريل وزير هاني ادريل
In 2005, with Dr. Youssef Boutros Ghali, Hani Adrial was Minister Hani Adrial.
رجي بعد كده وزير مالية اخد لي معاد مع دكتور محمد شاكر المرقاب
I hope that the Minister of Finance will arrange an appointment for me with Dr. Mohamed Shaker Al-Marqab.
كان لسه جاي وزير في سنة 14 وعايز يعني اروج لقصة الطاقة الجديدة والمتجددة
A minister had just come in 2014 and wanted to promote the story of new and renewable energy.
لانه طبعا اعلم مني 20 مرة هو عالم
Because he obviously knows 20 times more than me; he is a scholar.
دكتور شاكر ولقيت انه هو في خطوات انه الطاقة الشمسية يعني تنتشر في مصر
Dr. Shaker mentioned that there are steps being taken for solar energy to spread in Egypt.
بطبعت من مكتبه اسست الشركة لكايرل سولر ومن ساعتها وهي شجعنا في السوق ابني
I printed from the office, established the company for Kairal Solar, and since then, it has been encouraging us in the market, my son.
اللي استلامها مني سنة 17 والحمد لله مكمل بيها دلوقتي
The one who received it from me in 2017, and thank God I am still completing it now.
وده كان قبل مشروع بنبين ولا بعد؟
Was this before the Benben project or after?
احنا لا كان قبل مشروع بنبين وعملنا شركة اخرى علشان نعمل محطة
We had a project before that we were showing, and we established another company to set up a station.
بنبين بناء على المعطيات اللي كانت الدولة والحوافز اللي كانت الدولة مدياها وللأسف الدولة رجعت في الحوافز بتاعتها فانسحبنا من المشروع بنبين ده تقريبا
We indicate that based on the data that the state provided and the incentives that the state financially offered, unfortunately, the state retracted its incentives, so we withdrew from the project, and we demonstrate this approximately.
مشروع للسقاعة
A project for irrigation.
المشروع اتعمل وفي 1400 ميجا المشروع احنا كنا 50 ميجا منهم بس وانسحبنا مع كثير من الشركات يعني اللي ما قبلتش
The project was completed, and in 1400 megabytes, we were only 50 megabytes of it, and we withdrew along with many companies that did not accept.
الشروط الجديدة وانما كملنا في الشركة الصغيرة التانية اللي هي بتعمل لمحطات بقى فيه سميت كيلو ميجا اتنين ميجا تلاتة ميجا دي الحدود بتاعة بتاعة الشركة
The new conditions are that we continued in the second small company, which is working for the stations, and there are now named kilo, mega, two mega, three mega; these are the limits of the company.
حيث شايف ان مصر ديها مستقبل
I see that Egypt has a future.
ديها مستقبل كبير
She has a great future.
ان الشعب ممكن
The people are possible.
انا هقول لحضرتك حاجة
I will tell you something.
خلينا ناخد الدنيا كلها مش مصر
Let's take the whole world, not just Egypt.
الدنيا كلها راحت من 15 سنة
The whole world has changed in the last 15 years.
احنا عرفنا الطاقة الجديدة
We have learned about the new energy.
اللي هي
"which is"
ديها مستقبل كبيرا
It has a great future.
السد العالي
The High Dam
الكهرباء المية
Water electricity
جام المية
The water jug.
وقفنا عند السد العالي
We stopped at the High Dam.
على استحياء عملنا محطات صغيرة
With hesitation, we established small stations.
قوي للطاقة الجديدة
Strong for new energy
ما بين
هواء ورياح
Air and winds
And an umbrella.
انما هنقول
We will only say.
He/It is.
البدايات بتاعتنا
Our beginnings
في الطاقة الجديدة ومتجددة كانت
In new and renewable energy, it was.
سنة 15
Year 15
كان المانيا
He was Germany.
انت عارف
You know.
الطاقة في المكس
Energy in the mix
بتاع الطاقة الانرجي مكس
Energy mix trader
بيقاس قد ايه من مصادر تقليدية
How much is measured from traditional sources?
اللي هي من الفحم
which is made of coal
او من الغاز
Or from gas.
او من
or from
الوقود الاحفور يعني
Fossil fuel means
والطاقات الجديدة
And the new energies.
المانيا سنة
Germany year
15 كانت وصلت
15 had arrived.
ل 30%
To 30%
الطاقات جديدة ومتجددة
New and renewable energies
النهاردة فوق الـ 42%
Today it's over 42%.
من الدولة من مجموع
From the state of the total
من مجموع الطاقة المنتجة في الدولة
From the total energy produced in the country.
فاحنا بنتكلم على المستوى ده هو بقى المستوى اللي هو اللي انت عايز توصله
So we are talking about this level, which is the level that you want to reach.
قربه من نص الطاقة
Close to the energy text.
And the problem.
مش في الانتاج المشكلة
The problem is not in production.
هو في الربط مع
He is in connection with.
الشبكة اللي هي بتنتج
The network that produces.
الباقي ده في
The rest is in.
مجال بحوص يعني من
The field of research means from.
سنة 15 لنهاردة
Year 15 to today.
اتطورت قوي عملية النقش
The engraving process has developed significantly.
And operation
التغزين الطاقة
Energy storage
بقى احسن بكتير
It remained much better.
خلال السبع تمن سنين اللي فات
During the past seven years.
ولا زال الامل كبير
The hope is still great.
انه هو فيه مزيد من
There is more of it in him.
التطوير في المجال ده
Development in this field.
so that
انه مفيش ما يمنع
There is nothing to prevent it.
ابدا انه اغلب الطاقة
It seems that most of the energy.
بحلول سنة 2040
By the year 2040.
اغلب الطاقة المنتجة
Most of the produced energy
هتبقى منطقات جديدة ومتجددة
There will be new and renewable areas.
وطبعا ده له
And of course, this is for him.
عصر على قصة الاوزون
"Pressing on the story of ozone."
والتلوث والكلام ده كله
"And pollution and all that talk."
لان ده كل ما بتروح
Because this is all you go for.
للطاقات اللي هي
For the energies that are
كل ما عملية
Everything is operational.
الاحتباس الحراري
Global warming
بتقل في العالم
It says in the world.
يعني انا كنت بشوف
It means I used to see.
كنت بتفرج على حاجات
I was watching things.
بالذات للطاقة المتجددة الطاقة الشمسية
Specifically for renewable energy, solar energy.
انا بتفرج كتير على ايلون ماسك
I watch Elon Musk a lot.
فاهم عندهم تسلا
They understand they have Tesla.
وهو كان مثلا
And he was, for example.
بيتكلم في سبيتش وبيقول
He is speaking in a speech and saying.
احنا على فكرة احنا ممكن امريكا كلها
By the way, we can make all of America.
تتغطى اصلا بطاقة شمسية
It is primarily covered by a solar panel.
فميت ميل فميت ميل
So it's a mile in a mile.
انت لو عملت ميت ميل بانلز عرض وطول
If you made 100 mile panels in width and length.
انت ممكن تغطي امريكا كلها
You can cover all of America.
والمفروض ان كان اللي انا فهمته
And it is supposed that what I understood
ان انت المفروض
You are supposed to be.
ان الفكرة كلها ان ازاي
The whole idea is how.
الطاقة دي بيبقى فيه بطاريات
This energy has batteries.
ان البطاريات دي بتبدأ بتتشحن
The batteries start charging.
عشان يقدر يبقى فيه طاقة 24 ساعة
So that there can be energy 24 hours a day.
And he/it is busy.
وده نفس الميكانيزم
This is the same mechanism.
اللي شغال على بيوت
The one who is working on houses.
ان انت بيبقى فيه مثلا
For example, there's something like this.
البانلز اللي محتوطة فوق البيت
The panels that are placed on the roof of the house.
وبتبتدي تلم جوه بطارية
"And you start gathering inside the battery."
وتبتوصل بالحاجات اللي جوه البيت
And you will connect with the things inside the house.
كلها الابلاينسيز او الحاجات اللي كلها
All the appliances or things that are all.
هل هي فعلا مشي كده؟
Is it really like that?
بنأمل انها تبقى كده
We hope it stays like this.
انما النهاردة فيه نوعين من
Today there are two types of...
واحد مربوط بالشبكة يعني انت اللي
One connected to the network means you are the one.
بتاخده اسناء النهار
You take it during the day.
ودرجات سطوع الشمس
And the degrees of sunlight.
بتفرق وقوتها
It matters and its strength.
بتفرق من مكان لاخر
It differs from one place to another.
فعندنا في مصر مثلا بالذات في الحزام
In Egypt, for example, specifically in the belt.
اللي هو من القاهرة
He is from Cairo.
كومونبو اعلى
Commonwealth higher.
سطوع في مصر
Brightness in Egypt
انما بدءا من القاهرة ونازل
"Starting from Cairo and downward."
السطوع تقريبا تقريبا
The brightness is almost almost.
مرة ونص
Once and a half.
السطوع في
The brightness in
وسط اوروبا
Central Europe
في المانيا فكلما زاد السطوع
In Germany, the brighter it gets.
كلما كان انتاجك احسن
The better your production is.
اعلى لنفس المساح
Higher for the same area.
So you
انت بتنتج الصبح
You produce in the morning.
في سطوع الشمس
In the brightness of the sun.
علشان ترميه على
To throw it on
الشبكة اللي هي قومية
The network that is national.
بتوصله بالشبكة نفسها
You connect it to the same network.
اه دروي بقى متوصل اسمه
Oh, it’s a pity, just keep the name connected.
اونجريد مش محتاج بطاريات
This device doesn't need batteries.
انت بتنتج دي سي
You are producing DC.
تحوله ال اي سي
Transform it to AC.
وترميه على الشبكة
And she throws it on the net.
وقبل ما ترميه على الشبكة
"And before you throw it on the net."
طبعا لو انت في بيت يعني
Of course, if you're at home, I mean.
انت بتستهلكه يعني لو عندك غسالة
You are consuming it, meaning if you have a washing machine.
ولو عندك لنبة
And if you have a lamp.
فبتسحبها الاول واللي فاضي
So you pull it first, and the empty one.
واللي فاضي بيترميه
"And whoever is free will be thrown away."
طب لو استهلكك اكتر
Well, if it consumes you more.
لازيامه بالليل فخلاص بتاخد
You can take it since he insists on it at night.
من الشبكة الفرق
From the network, the difference.
ما بين اللي بتديه واللي بتاخده
Between what you give and what you take.
نظام اسمه نت ميترينج
A system called Net Metering.
يعني بيحسبك على
It means he's counting you as...
النت اللي انت بتستهلكه
The internet that you are consuming.
مش كل اللي انت بتستهلكه
Not everything that you consume.
وده اللي موجود النهاردة في مصر
This is what is present today in Egypt.
بالنسبة للبيوت النوع التاني
Regarding the houses of the second type.
اللي زي ما حضرتك تفضلت وقلت
"Those like you have kindly mentioned and said."
ده اللي هو اوف جريد
This is the off-grid one.
يعني مش متوصل
It means "not connected."
ما يعملوش علاقة
They don't have a relationship.
ده نظرا لان البطاريات
This is due to the batteries.
الى الان لازالت اضعف
So far, I am still weak.
حلقات الطاقة الشمسية
Solar energy rings
As a technology
And efficiency
فتكلفتها باهزة
The cost is high.
بالنسبة للانجريد
Regarding Ingrid.
فالنهاردة لا
So today, no.
بنتكلم على الطاقة
Let's talk about energy.
الاف جريد ده لو انت في منطقة
This is a thousand leaves if you are in the area.
ما فيهاش جهراب
There is no shortage of it.
خلاص كده يعني مناطق اسعاف
That's it, I mean ambulance areas.
او مرور او حاجة على جبل
Or a passage or something on a mountain.
او في منطقة صحراوية
Or in a desert area.
ما فيهاش الشبكة
There's no network.
خلاص انت مجبر انك تعمل
You have to do it now.
انما غير كده انت او
"Just like that, it's either you or..."
انت عايز تعمل لبيتك
You want to do for your home.
نظام انه لما
The system when it is.
النور يتقطع
The light is flickering.
او الكهرباء تتقطع من الشبكة
The electricity is cut off from the grid.
يبقى بتولد
It remains being born.
من البطاريات
From the batteries
مش كاستهلاك عادي
It's not ordinary consumption.
اون جريد واف جريد
A good paper and a good paper.
دول النظامين
Countries of the two systems
بس اللي انا فاهمه ان ماديا
But what I understand is that financially...
وبالنسبة بقى
"As for regarding"
لو واحد مواطن مثلا عنده بيت
If a citizen, for example, has a house.
وعايز يستعمل الطاقة الشمسية
He wants to use solar energy.
اللي انا فاهمه انه فيه مراحل
What I understand is that there are stages.
دلوقتي لو البيوت اصغر
Now, if the houses are smaller.
من او الكهرباء
From where is the electricity?
اللي بتدفعها اقل من رقم
The one who pays less than the amount.
معين يبقى ما تستعمل
A tool remains unused.
تعملش اصلا طاقة الشمسية
Solar energy doesn't work at all.
طبعا لانه انت فيه
Of course, because you are in it.
زي ما قلت لحضرتك خلينا نتكلم كده
As I mentioned to you, let's talk like this.
انت تتكلم على الانجريد
You are talking about Ingrid.
اللي هو مربوط بالشبكة
which is connected to the network
انت دارو يتحول الاول الكهرباء
You should turn off the electricity first.
اللي جاية من الشمس
The one coming from the sun.
اللي هي جاية في طيار
The one that is coming in the airplane.
دي سي دارو يتحولها الاول
DC is turning it first.
لاي سي اللي هو مستحق
"Not what he deserves."
بيستخدم في البيت
Used in the house.
في معظم اجهزة البيت من انارة
In most home devices, there is lighting.
الى الى الى
To to to
في حد ادنى للجهاز
There is a minimum limit for the device.
اللي هو الانفرتر
Which is the inverter.
اللي بيحاول
The one who tries.
الحد ده هو خمسة كيلو
This limit is five kilograms.
ما ينفعش يتبقى عندك لحين
It doesn't help to keep it with you for a while.
وتقول انا ايه
And she says, "What about me?"
وإلا هتبقى تكلفة الجهاز
Otherwise, the cost of the device will be.
على اللحين هتبقى باهزة
Soon it will be heavy.
فده الحد الادنى من
This is the minimum of
The limit.
خمسة كيلو
Five kilos.
ورايحة ناحية العشرة كيلو
And heading towards the ten kilometers.
يعني انا مركب في بيتي
It means I am installed in my house.
ويمكن انا من اوائل الناس
"I might be one of the first people."
اللي ركبت سنة 14
The one that was installed in 2014.
ركبت محطة
I installed a station.
وبعت للحكومة
And I sent it to the government.
انا معي شيك حتى مصوره
I have a check, even a photocopy.
واخد شيك
And I took a check.
1800 جنيه
1800 pounds
كان اول شيك الحكومة تدفعه لمواطن
The first check the government pays to a citizen.
بيصدر لها
It will be issued for her.
او بيبقى لها كهرب
It has electricity.
فده من الزيادة اللي كانت المحطة
"That's from the increase that the station had."
بتاعتك بتعملها
Is it yours that you are doing?
لا لا الاول ما كانش كده
No, no, it wasn't like that at first.
لا لا الاول
No, no, the first one.
كان نظام الفيد ان تاريف
The feudal system was a tariff.
مش النت ميتر
What is the internet meter?
الفيد ان تاريف يعني بتبيع كل كهربتك
The tariff means you sell all your electricity.
For the government.
وبعدين تاخد حاجة تانية
And then you take something else.
دي حاجة ودي حاجة
This is one thing and that is another.
فانت باخد 1800 جنيه مثلا
So you are getting 1800 pounds, for example.
في الشهر
In the month.
واستهلك ب2000
And consumed by 2000.
اصلا فتدفع
It actually pays off.
ب2000 فتدفع 200 جنيه
With 2000, you pay 200 pounds.
فدي قصة
This is a story.
وان هي بتقعد تقريبا
And she sits approximately.
20 سنة لشغالة
20 years for a maid.
فانت لما بتيجي تشتري مثلا
So when you come to buy, for example,
بتقعد اول 5 سنين
You spend the first 5 years.
ما فيش حاجة بتحسن
Nothing is getting better.
وبعدين بتتوفر جامد بقى
And then it becomes really available.
لمدة عشرة
For ten.
انا اديني ده للسنة ال11
I give this to the 11th grade.
اللي انا مركبة عندي
What I have installed.
وزودت كانت على ما اعتقد
And I believe it was equipped.
كانت 4 كيلو اول
It was 4 kilos first.
اول واحدة ومع زودت 2 كيلو نص
The first one and I added 2.5 kilograms.
بقى 6 كيلو نص اللي متركزين
Only 6 kilometers left to the ones who are focused.
فوق البيت دلوقتي
Above the house now.
دول بيوفرولي 1000 كيلو وات
Countries provide me with 1000 kilowatts.
في البيت
In the house.
1000 كيلو ات ساعة في الشهر
1000 kilowatt-hours per month.
مش وعش
Not a lot.
مش وعش بس عايزة
I don't want to live, I just want.
عقل مفكر ويبقى استثماري
A thinking mind remains an investor.
عشان يوافق انه يدفع
So that he agrees to pay.
مبلغ وقدره
An amount of
هاجي اقول الشرف
I will say the honor.
الشرف نقيت حاجة
Honor is a pure thing.
واضحة جدا سهلة جدا
Very clear, very easy.
And the people
ما بتعملهاش ليه لا هعمل
Why don't you do it? No, I will do it.
نفس القصة اللي عملتها في
The same story that I made in.
مش هقول الستيقام دي مختلفة
I won't say this stretching is different.
ولكن في السمصارة في الاوراق المالية
But in securities brokerage.
سنة 2005
The year 2005.
في السمصارة عبر
In the brokerage through.
The internet
قبل كده قبل 2005 كان داروية
Before 2005, it was Darwiya.
تروح تفتح حساب في شركة سمصارة
You go to open an account at a brokerage firm.
وتشوف ناس ويشوف بصولك في عينك
"And you see people looking into your eyes."
And it writes.
وتكلموا في تليفون
And they spoke on the phone.
لا تكلموا في تليفون دي مرحلة
"Don't talk on the phone, this is a phase."
You ride.
بعربية وتروح تركن وتقعد
You park and sit down.
في قوضة فيها ناس كتيرة كده
In a room with a lot of people like this.
وزعيق وكلام ده
Noise and talk like that.
زي النيويورك ستوك اكشينج
Like the New York Stock Exchange.
بيزعقوا في بعضها
They are shouting at each other.
ده في البورس
This is in the stock market.
بس حتى لما تقوش مكتب سمصار
But even when you go to a broker's office.
كان هو ده المنظر
This was the scenery.
واغلبه كان
And most of it was.
مانكي بيزنس بيحصل
Monkey business is happening.
ده مش صح
That's not right.
يعني ما تاخدش قرارات استثمارية
It means don't make investment decisions.
بناء على معطيات صح
Based on accurate data.
كنت فاتح حسابات برا
I was opening accounts abroad.
قلت لا انا هافض اللي برا ده
I said no, I will keep what’s outside.
واعمله في مصر
"And work on it in Egypt."
عدت ينكي
I returned to Yinki.
خمس ست سنين
Five or six years.
باقنع الهيئة السوء المال
I will convince the bad authority with money.
انها تتبع
It is following.
هذا النظام الجهنمي
This hellish system.
اللي اسمه اونلاين
The one named online.
الحمد لله جمع الناس محترمة
Thank God, people have gathered respectfully.
في وقت ما
At some time.
دكتور هالي سري الدين
Dr. Hali Serry El-Din
كان رئيس الهيئة وقتها
The chairman of the authority at that time.
And I convinced him.
وسمح لي في 2006
And he allowed me in 2006.
ان انا عمل الشركة عملتها
I did the work of the company.
ومن ساعتها
And since that moment
الشركة من الطبطن
The company is from the cotton industry.
في الشركات السمسارة
In brokerage firms.
وطبعا انتهت العملية
And of course, the operation is over.
انه ما بقيتش يشوف حد في الشركة
He no longer sees anyone in the company.
يعني انت بيحط اوامرك بنفسك
It means you place your own orders.
وبيتشوف تنفيذاتك
"And he will see your implementations."
والكلام دك
And the speech is crushed.
طب احنا في مرحلة
So we are in a stage.
عنيفة يعني عدناها كده
"Intense means we played it like that."
حيث كنت في فترة ما كنت
Where you were at some point.
دخلت في القطاع
I entered the sector.
بقى الوطن
The homeland remained.
او القطاع بقى اللي هو
Or the sector that remained is...
الوزاري خدمات الحكومية
Ministerial Government Services
طلعت خلص بفايفت بيزنس
I got finished with Five Business.
ودخلت بقى في قصة تانية خالص
And I got involved in a completely different story.
اكيد ده كان مختلف
Sure, that was different.
بتالي حتى في طريقة الشغل
Therefore, even in the way of working.
وحي كمان كنت واضح
And you were also clear.
من انه كل ما بيجي في طبعك افكار
It seems that every time ideas come to your nature.
على طول جديدة وعلى طول بتجري بتنفذ
It’s always new, and it always runs and executes.
فحي كنت في فترة كنت
You were in a period when you were.
لوزير المالية
To the Minister of Finance
مستشار وزير المالية
Advisor to the Minister of Finance
وحي كمان كنت وزير القطاع الاعمال
I used to be the minister of the business sector.
المرحلة الاولى كنت مسؤول عن
In the first phase, I was responsible for.
قطاعات معينة
Certain sectors
دكتور يوسف كان عنده 16
Dr. Youssef was 16.
16 مستشار
16 counselors
ده رقم العادي ولا ده كان
Is this the usual number or was it something else?
هو كان اهتماماته
His interests were.
كثيرة جدا
Very much.
ورجل مصلح
And a reformer man.
With distinction.
فدخل نفسه في حاجات
He immersed himself in needs.
مش لعرف
I don't know.
ان وزارة المالية تخش فيه
The Ministry of Finance is concerned about it.
انما حب ان هو
It is only love if it هو.
يصلح في
It is suitable for.
قطاعات كتيرة جدا
Many sectors.
انا كان لي قطاعين فيهم
I had two sectors in them.
كانت التأمنات
The assurances were.
وحاجتين كمان
And two more things.
بعد خمس ست شهور من الشغل
After five or six months of work.
انا كنت داخل
I was inside.
شركة الوساطة في الاوراق المالية
Securities brokerage firm.
اللي هي عربية اونلاين دي
Is this an online Arabic?
ومعايا شريك المفروض هو
"And with me is the partner that is supposed to be."
اللي هيشتغل الشغل
Whoever will do the work.
الديل يعني
The deal means.
مع الوقت اختلفنا فمشي
Over time, we disagreed and he left.
فبقيت انا اللي ايه
So it was just me who what?
مسك الدنيا
The grip of the world.
همسك الدنيا لسه ممسكتهاش
I haven't grasped the world yet.
فاخدت قرار وقتها
So I made a decision at that time.
اعتذرت لدكتور يوسف وقلت له انا معاك
I apologized to Dr. Youssef and told him I am with you.
بس مش موظف انا معاك
But I'm not an employee, I'm with you.
هقوم الدنيا لحضرتك
The world will rise for you.
لحد ما ايه
Until when?
ييجي وقت التنفيذ
The time for execution comes.
فحضرتك تيه
So you are confused.
استأذن ومشي
He asked for permission and walked away.
ويبقى في حد بيحل محلي
There is still someone who is solving my problems.
وحصل الكلام ده
And this conversation happened.
رجعت له
I returned to him.
المهمتين التانين
The two other tasks.
اللي كانوا على حجر يعني
Those who were on the stone, I mean.
وقعدت بالتأمنات
And I sat with the contemplations.
فعملت قانون التأمنات الجديد
I worked on the new insurance law.
اللي هو كان مفروض هيتطبق
What was supposed to be applied.
في واحد واحد
In one one.
ده نظام مختلف تماما للتأمنات
This is a completely different system for insurance.
عن النظام اللي كان موجود
About the system that was in place.
وهو للأسف لسه المستفيد
Unfortunately, he is still the beneficiary.
ما زال هو الحال
It is still the case.
حاليا يعني
Currently means.
انما كنا وصلنا لقرار بعد دراسات يعني
We had reached a decision after studies, you know.
ودي بابتدتها سنة تسعة وتسعين
I started it in the year ninety-nine.
مع دكتور محمود محيد دين
With Dr. Mahmoud Mohieddin
وماجد شوقي
And Majid Shawqi.
ودرسنا الموضوع وعملنا مؤتمر
We studied the topic and held a conference.
عن التأمنات سنة
Regarding the insurance year.
Two thousand
ووصلنا الى انه النظام
We reached the conclusion that the system...
التأمنات اللي هو
The insurance, which is...
The existing
النظام نفسه اندسر
The system itself has collapsed.
من العالم وإحنا فيه
From the world and we're in it.
خطر كبير إذا ما غيرناهوش
It's a big danger if we don't change it.
في خلال شهور
In a few months.
قليلة يعني
It means "few."
ان احنا رايحين في مشكلة في التأمنات
We are heading towards a problem with the insurance.
الكلام ده الفين
This talk is from 2000.
وديت التفرير بتاعي
I submitted my report.
للوزر اللي هم كانوا
For the ministers that they were.
رعاة للمؤتمر ده
Sponsors of this conference.
كان متحة حسنين وأمينة
It was Mutha Hassanien and Amina.
جندي ويوسف بطرس جالي
Soldier and Yusuf Boutros Ghali
الثلاث وزر
The three burdens.
الفين وخمسة
Two thousand and five.
ندهني دكتور يوسف
Call me Dr. Youssef.
وقال لي تعالى امسك
He said to me, "Come, hold on."
الملف ده
This file.
والحمد لله في وقت قصير جدا
And praise be to God in a very short time.
عملنا الدراسة بتاعته
We conducted his study.
مع البنك الدولي وخلاص
With the World Bank and that's it.
وتم اعتماده من
It was approved by
مجلس الوزراء ومجلس النواب
The Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives.
And that's it.
أخدوا قرار ان هو
They made the decision that he...
هينفزوه بدءا من واحد واحد
They will execute it starting from one one.
الفين واثناشر كلام ده
Two thousand and twelve, that's what I'm talking about.
متى الفين وستة
When is two thousand and six?
فأرتله مع السلامة
So, I recite it with peace.
أنا كده علي واروح
I'm like this and I go.
لشغلي بقى أقوم
I have to get up for my work.
أشوفكم كمان خمس ستة اثنين
I'll see you in five, six, two.
للأسف اتلقى
Unfortunately, I receive
جات الثورة
The revolution has come.
لقى لو كان نفزو
It was found that if they executed it.
أنا أعتقد ان احنا
I believe that we
كنا هنبقى في حتة أحسن
We would have been in a better place.
كتير يعني دلوقتي
A lot, I mean, right now.
وبعدين وزارة قطاع الأعمال
And then the Ministry of Public Business Sector.
قطاع الأعمال العام ستة
The public business sector is six.
لعجلين وعشرين
Twenty and twenty.
And I
فخور للغاية
Very proud.
بيه لأنه أنا
Because of me.
ربنا كده كأنه
Our Lord, it's as if...
كان بيمرني
He was passing by me.
في الكثير
In many.
من الصناعات أنا قلتلك أنا كنت
I told you I was in the industries.
اشتغلت في
I worked in
الأول في مصر
First in Egypt.
وفي السعودية وبعدين
In Saudi Arabia and then.
نقلت على أسواق المال
I transferred to the financial markets.
أنا عندي كومبينيشن كده
I have a combination like that.
وأسواق المال دي يعني
"And these are the financial markets."
نعمل ريسيرش عندك بحوص
We do research with you in the findings.
على السوق وعلى الشركات
About the market and the companies.
وعلى الاقتصاد
And on the economy.
بتاعت أيان كان النشاطات
About any activities.
ايه فأنت تفهم النشاطات كلها
Oh, so you understand all the activities.
أنا اتمرمط دراسات من أول
I have been struggling with studies from the beginning.
مصر إيران في 82
Egypt Iran in 82
إلى إدارة الأصول إلى السمسرة
To asset management to brokerage.
اتمرمط وأنا بعمل الدراسات بنفسي
I struggle while doing the studies myself.
يعني مش صنايعي
It means I’m not a craftsman.
بقعد مع أصيلة وعباس صابر أنا اللي بعمل
I sit with Asila and Abbas Saber, I'm the one who's doing it.
بنفسي أنا محل المال يعني
"I am the source of money myself."
وكأنه كان تمرين
As if it were a workout.
كأنه كان تمرين
As if it was a workout.
فأنا رحت لقيت عندي فيه
"I went and found it with me."
وزارة القطاع الأعمال العام
Ministry of Public Business Sector
8 شركات قبضة
8 holding companies
فيهم 120 شركة تابعة
There are 120 subsidiary companies.
فيه 16
There are 16.
16 صناعة
16 Industry
من أول الحديد والصلب
From the beginning of iron and steel.
إلى التطوير العقاري
To real estate development
إلى التأمين إلى الأدوية
To insurance for medications.
الحمد لله أنا بقوة
Thank God I am strong.
13 من 16 صناعة
13 out of 16 manufacturing
كنت قلت رادي مذكرو
I said I was going to remember him.
غزل ونسيك يعني مش
Flirting and forgetting you means not.
مش جديدة علي
Not new to me.
بتعيز أبقى وزير بالسرجات في كلامي
"I want to be a minister with the secrets in my words."
حسو too much work
Too much work.
حمد لله لأنك رجل في كلامي
Thank God, because you are a man in my words.
I enjoyed it.
بكل لحظة
At every moment.
من الأربع سنين وفت
It's been four years since she passed away.
And I learned.
التلات صناعات اللي فاضلين
The three remaining industries.
إلى حد كبير يعني
To a large extent means.
أن أنا أبقى أفاهم
I want to understand.
الناس اللي بتديرها دي
The people who run it.
بتديرها صح ولا
Are you managing it properly or not?
ماشية بسكة غلط وخويمهم
Walking on the wrong track and their eyes are closed.
لو حصل داعي للتقويم
If there is a need for evaluation.
فالحمد لله
So, praise be to God.
يعني الناتج
It means the output.
مرضي جدا بالنسبة لي
Very pleasing for me.
وفي الأربع سنين
In the four years.
دونت قدرت أضع
I couldn't put it down.
قاعدة كنت بأمل
I had hoped for a base.
أن هم يكملوها يعني وكان
That they complete it, meaning, and it was.
ده برعاية
This is sponsored by.
يعني مباشرة من فخامة الرئيس
It means directly from the President's Excellency.
That he.
إحنا مش هنقعد في صناعة
We are not going to sit in the industry.
مش خسرانة ماليا
Not financially losing.
لأ جدواها الاقتصادية
Its economic feasibility.
للبلد مش مزبوط
The country is not right.
اللي هنقمن
The ones who will take revenge.
إنها صناعة ما بتضيفش
It’s an industry that doesn’t add anything.
للبلد ضروري نوقف
It is essential for the country that we stop.
نزيف الخسائر ونطلع
Bleeding losses and we rise.
منها وندعم الصناعات
Among them, we support the industries.
التانية اللي فيها إيه
What's in the second one?
أمل مهما كانت الفلوس
Hope, no matter how much money there is.
والوقت اللي هتحطه في الإصلاح
"And the time you will spend on repair."
تمام والدليل على كده يمكن كان
"Okay, and the evidence for that might have been..."
نسيج الوقت ما كنت موجود
The fabric of time, you weren't present.
حطينا فيها 23 مليار
We put in 23 billion.
أعتقد بعد خروجي
I think after my exit.
وعدم اكتمال المشروع
And the incomplete project.
النهاردة بتستكمل
Today you are completing.
بزيادة حوالي 7 مليار
By an increase of about 7 billion.
عن 23 مليار
About 23 billion.
يعني مصنع 30
It means factory 30.
30 مليار بتفطع الحكومة
30 billion cut by the government.
عشان تقوم صناعة
To establish an industry.
بس هي صناعة رائعة اقتصاديا
But it is a wonderful industry economically.
ورائعة للمجتمع
And wonderful for the community.
ورائعة للتشغيل
And wonderful for operation.
ورائعة لحلقات
And wonderful for episodes.
اللي هي المتصلة بالصناعة
which is connected to the industry
اللي قبلها الزراعة
The one before her is agriculture.
ثم التجارة
Then the trade.
فأربع سنين
So four years.
صحيا ولكن هرجع
I'm fine, but I'll come back.
أقول لك التقرير اللي أنا
I tell you the report that I am...
حطه عندي في
Put it with me in
قط المكتب قدامي
The cat is in front of me.
كنت بعمل تقرير للجهات
I was preparing a report for the parties.
اللي حوالي يعني كل 6 شهور
Around every 6 months.
لما بقرأ
When I read
التقرير ده اللي هو
This report, which is...
المشروعات اللي موجودة
The existing projects.
في الستاشة الصناعة
In the sixteenth industry.
يعطيك ألف عافية
May you be granted a thousand healths.
طيب حرك
Okay, move.
طلعت من البيزنس رحت للحاجات
I left the business and went to the essentials.
اللي هي الحكومية
the one that is governmental
هل حرك بعد ما رحت
Did he move after you left?
هل أنت أكتر ناحية
Are you more towards the side?
بجد أنا بقى ما أعرفش الإجابة
Honestly, I really don't know the answer.
هل حرك شايف أحسن أن دايماً بيبقى الخصخصة
Is Shaif better off that privatization is always the case?
بتاعت الحاجات الحكومية بتبقى أحسن
Government things are usually better.
ولا حرك شايف للعكس
"Don't move, it's the opposite."
كلمة الخصخصة دي بقت كلمة أبيح
The word privatization has become a common term.
عندنا ده من
We have this from
فخليني بس أناقش الأول
Let me just discuss first.
أنا من المؤمنين بشدة
I strongly believe.
بعيداً عن كلمة الخصخصة
Away from the word privatization.
يعني أنه
It means that.
The government
مش حكومة مصر بس
Not just the Egyptian government.
أي حكومة هي منتج فاشل
Any government is a failed product.
إلا في
Except in
The series.
يعني حيث هما تقول لي
It means where they both tell me.
أنه هو أولاً
He is the first.
مدئية مشروعات البنية التحتية
Infrastructure Projects Initiative
كلها لابد أن الحكومة
All of them must be the government.
تقوم بيها يعني إيه
What does it mean that you are doing it?
يعني محطات إنتاج كهرباء
It means power generation stations.
يعني أقل كهرباء
It means less electricity.
The water
واللي بيحصل النهاردة فيه
And what is happening today in it.
تدوير المية تاني
Recycling the water again.
دي كلها السمارات الكباري
These are all the large bridges.
الطرق دي كلها حاجات
All these ways are things.
ما ينفعش يعملها
He can't do it.
القطاع الخاص
The private sector
إنما هي بتؤدي إلى اكتزاب
It only leads to gathering.
القطاع الخاص
The private sector
علشان يعمل مشروعات عليها
In order to undertake projects on them.
كل المشروعات اللي هي
All the projects that are
بنسميها داونستريم
We call it downstream.
من المشروعات دي دي مشروعات
These projects are projects.
بنطلق عليها لفظ أفستريم
We refer to it as "Avestream."
دي كلمة جاية من البترول
This word comes from oil.
اللي هي تطوير الحقول نفسها
Which is the development of the fields themselves.
طورت الحقول وطلعت البترول
The fields were developed and oil was extracted.
كل المشروعات اللي من تحت هنا
All the projects that are below here.
مشروعات بتروكمويات
Petrochemical projects
مشروعات توزيع غاز
Gas distribution projects
الكلام دا كله القطاع الخاص
All this talk is about the private sector.
هو اللي يعمله هو الأقدر على
He who does it is the most capable of it.
إدارة فلوسه
Managing his money.
علشان متخصص
Because it's specialized.
وعلشان بيتابع فلوسه
"And because he is keeping track of his money."
مفيش حد أأمن
There is no one safer.
وأكفأ في إدارة
"And proficient in management."
الفلوس إلا صاحب الفلوس
The money belongs to the owner of the money.
لما بتجيب موظف
When you hire an employee.
تابع لك الحاجة دا بيبقى
This need continues to be.
By proxy
إنما الصح التمام
Only the complete is correct.
إن أنت تبقى عارف في الصناعة
If you keep knowing in the industry.
اللي أنت فيها وعارف
What you are in and know.
بتديرها إزاي وبتتابعها
How do you manage it and follow it up?
حتى لو جبت مدير في الموس
"Even if you bring a manager in the music industry."
He manages.
فأنا مؤمن إنه هو القطاع
"I believe that it is the sector."
The private
هو الأقدر في كل مشروعات
He is the most capable in all projects.
اللي هي الداونستريم
Which is the downstream.
It is
هي تنفذ الاستثمارات
She executes the investments.
مفقوهية للدير وبالتالي
Mafqohiya for the monastery and thus
بقول أحد مشاكلنا النهاردة
One of our problems today.
الأساسية في إدارة هذا الاقتصاد
The basics of managing this economy.
مش النهاردة بس من سبعين سنة
Not just today, but seventy years ago.
هو ضرورة التخلص
It is a necessity to get rid.
من المال المستثمر في شركات المال العام
From the money invested in public finance companies.
كلها تخرج منها إلا في قدر
"Everything comes out of it except in a certain amount."
يسير جدا من المشروعات اللي
Very easy to implement projects that...
أنت بتظن إنها استراتيجية
You think it's a strategy?
آه حسنا حسنا
Ah, okay, okay.
نعمل عليهم أنا بالنسبة لي
I work on them, as for me.
ما فيش حساس
There's no sensitivity.
يعني إنما
It means "only" or "but."
اللي الدولة تقول عليه حساس
What the state calls sensitive.
أقعد بيه
Sit with me.
إنما الباقي كله لابد إنه هو
The rest must be him.
تبيعه للقطاع الخاص
You sell it to the private sector.
ولنا في المشروع الخاص خاصة
And we have a special interest in the specific project.
بقى هستخدم الكلمة الصح
I will use the right word.
اللي حصلت فيه لما دخلت
What happened to me when I entered?
أوروبا الشرقية على أوروبا
Eastern Europe on Europe
ألمانيا الشرقية على الغربية
East Germany on the West.
باعوا المشروعات
They sold the projects.
مارك واحد
Mark One
إنما مارك واحد والتزام
It's just a mark and a commitment.
من اللي اشترى
Who bought it?
إنه هو يطور هذه الصناعة
He is developing this industry.
عشان يشغل
To make it work.
ناس أكتر وعشان ينتج
More people and in order to produce.
وينافس بجد ويصدر
He competes seriously and publishes.
هو دي بالنسبة لي
This is for me.
أهمية الخصخص
The importance of privatization
حلقة أكتر من ملهمة
An episode more than inspiring.
And it means
مش عارف أقول لها هيك إيه
I don't know how to tell her this.
غير إن احنا فوق السحاب
"Except that we are above the clouds."
من كتر الانتصار
From so much victory.
إن احنا فخورين بنفسنا أصلا
We are actually proud of ourselves.
إن البودكاست
The podcast
لا يا عم بيقولش كده
No, uncle, he doesn't say that.
الأستاذ هشام توفيق
Professor Hisham Tawfiq
عشان أرجع أقول لأمي
So I can tell my mom again.
أنا قعدت مع وزير سبق
I sat with a former minister.
طيب آخر حاجة بقى
Okay, one last thing then.
عشان خاطر حافتك برضو
For the sake of your safety too.
عايز حاجة توجه رسالة
I want something to send a message.
لشباب مصر
To the youth of Egypt
إحنا بتفرج عليها شباب كتيرة جدا
We are watching her with a lot of young people.
من الجنزي وأعمار مختلفة
From the genzy and different ages.
وبرضو عشان حافيضة حاجة
"And also to keep something safe."
لما تكبر تشوف الرسالة الموجهة دي
When you grow up, you will see this directed message.
حب تقول للشباب إيه
What do you want to tell the young people?
أحب أقول لهم
I love to tell them.
وده أنا مؤمن بيه
And here I am, believing in it.
وأرجو إن أنا أكون
And I hope to be.
قدمت عملي في الحلقة دي
I presented my work in this episode.
ما تضيعش وقتك
Don't waste your time.
في حاجة ما بتحبهاش
There's something you don't like.
الفكرة إنك تلاقي
The idea is that you find.
وده التحدي
This is the challenge.
إنك تلاقي الحاجة
You encounter the need.
اللي إنت تقدر تبرأ فيها
You can be absolved in it.
And then?
ربنا كده يلهمك
May God inspire you like this.
And she goes.
تنقي حاجة فيها مستقبل
It is necessary to have something with a future.
أديك مسدك
I give you your gun.
النهاردة بنتكلم على
Today we're talking about.
العربيات الكهرباء
Electric cars
مش معقول النهاردة واحد بيتخرج
It's unbelievable that someone is graduating today.
وبعدين بيتخرج بيدرس العربيات
And then he graduates and studies cars.
اللي إيه
What is it?
اللي هي الإنترنت كومباشر
Which is the Internet compressor.
الاحتراق الداخلي
Internal combustion
دي صناعة بتموت
This industry is dying.
قدام صناعة بتطلع
There is an emerging industry.
فياريت تحب حاجة
I wish you loved something.
And it will be.
لها مستقبل
She has a future.
لها مستقبل سواء في مصر أو بره
She has a future whether in Egypt or abroad.
لأن ده اللي يخليك لك إيمان
Because that’s what gives you faith.
ما تركبش على صناعة بتإيه
Don't rely on a profession that's not yours.
You are invited.
ولك في ذلك
"And you have that."
إنك تجرب أربعين حاجة
You are trying forty things.
وتدرس أربعين حاجة
And studying forty needs.
ما لهاش علاقة خالص
It has nothing to do with it at all.
بإيه اللي هتعمله في حياتك
What will you do in your life?
إنما طول ما انت
"As long as you are."
بص حواليك
Look around you.
وشوف الإمكانيات
And see the possibilities.
وإصرف من مصروفك
And spend from your allowance.
عشان تاخد كورس في حاجة معينة
To take a course in a specific subject.
هتفتح لك
It will open for you.
The world
ما تتخصش في حاجة
It's none of your business.
إلا متأخر
Unless it's late.
متأخر في حياتك
Late in your life.
بعد تخرجك
After your graduation
وسنتين تلاتة أربعة شغل
And two, three, four, work.
بعدها تقول آه أنا عايز
After that, she says, "Oh, I want..."
I study.
أو أدرس مش عارف إيه
Or I study, I don't know what.
وتخصص فيه إلى النهاية
And specialize in it until the end.
وربنا يوفقك
And may God grant you success.
قوع تفكر
Don't think.
ودي نصيحة من القلب
This is a heartfelt piece of advice.
قوع تفكر في
"Stop thinking about"
العائد المادي
The financial return
اللي هتحققه في العشنات
What you will achieve in the thirties.
إنت في العشنات تدفع من جيبك
You pay from your pocket in the apartment.
عشان تتعلم
In order to learn.
وتبقى مع حد
And you stay with someone.
كويس في الصنعة بتاعتك الحلوة
Good in your nice craftsmanship.
عشان يعلمك
So that he can teach you.
دي الطريقة الوحيدة
This is the only way.
إنك هتتميز
You will stand out.
In front of
And you can.
لو حظك حلو
If you're lucky.
هتبتدي تعمل فلوس
You will start making money.
كموظف برضو
As an employee too.
في النص الأول من التلاتينات
In the first text from the thirties.
خلاص بقى أنت بقيت مصور شاطر
That's it, you've become a skilled photographer now.
أو مخرج شاطر
Or a clever escape.
وفيه شركات كذا وكذا وكذا
And there are companies like this, this, and this.
بتجري وراك
"Running after you."
وهتبتدي تعمل
And you will start to do.
فلوس كموظف
Money as an employee
ما تقفل
Don't close.
قل لأ
Say no.
إزاي أبقى
How can I be?
متميز أكتر في الحتة بتاعتك
You are more distinguished in your area.
ويحضر مهرجانات
And he attends festivals.
And attends
عشان ربما
في النص الثاني من التلاتينات
In the second text of the thirties.
إنك تفتح
You are opening.
The business
أيا كان البيزنس
Whatever the business.
وقلت لابني الكلام ده وهو
I told my son this and he...
في الجامعة
In the university.
قلت له أنا لا يعنيني
I told him, "I don't care."
أنت تشتغل في حاجة بتحبها
You work in something you love.
وحاجة أتقنتها
And a skill I mastered.
أنت بتفتح
You are opening.
دراي كلينينج
Dry cleaning
ولا بتفتح
Nor does it open.
سوديو إنتاج
Production studio
أو هتبقى
Or it will be
لا يعنيني لإيه
I don't care for it.
الدرجات اللي المجتمع
The grades that society.
In her hands
إنما تعمل حاجة بتحبها
You only work on something you love.
وبإذن الله ربنا
And with God's permission, our Lord.
يفتحها فشة قدام
He opens it with a foot in front.
كلام في الجون
Words in the void.
في الجون فعلا
In the zone indeed.
نصيحة من القلب
A piece of advice from the heart.
للمرة المليون
For the millionth time.
إحنا متشكرين جدا جدا
We are very, very grateful.
You are welcome.
I accepted.
The invitation
أو الدعوة
Or the invitation
والحلقة دي
And this episode
هتخلد للتاريخ
You will be immortalized in history.
يا فنم
Yes, ma'am.
كتر فيركو
Katar Firku
هتخلد بالنسبة لي
You will be immortal to me.
That she.
هتفرج عليها كل أسبوع
I will watch it every week.
وأنا يا جماعة خاص
And I, guys, am special.
مش هقدم على المسارة
I won't apply for the position.
هتقدم آه
You will be presented, yes.
هتخليني في اللي أنا بعمله
You will make me continue with what I'm doing.
And thanks.
موسم العمالقة
Attack on Titan
بإدارة هذا الاختصاد
By managing this economy.
مش المهاردة بس
Not just today.
من سبعين سنة
Seventy years ago.
هو ضرورة التخلص
It is a necessity to get rid.
من المال
From the money
المستثمر في شركات
Investor in companies
المال العام
Public money
كلها تخرج منها
They all come out of it.
إلا في قدر
Except in measure.
يسير جدا من المشروعات
Very easy from the projects.
اللي أنت بتظن أنها
What you think it is
نعمل عليهم
We are working on them.
أنا بالنسبة لي مفيش حساس
For me, there is no sensitivity.
يعني إنما
It means "only."
اللي الدولة تقول عليه حساس
What the state calls sensitive.
أقعد بيه
Sit with him.
إنما الباقي كله لابد أنه هو
The rest must surely be him.
تبيعه للقطع الخاص
You sell it for private parts.
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