أب مُنفصل وأربع بنات

Mics | مايكس

استشارة مع سارة

أب مُنفصل وأربع بنات

استشارة مع سارة

أنتم تستمعون إلى شبكة مايكس للبودكاست

You are listening to the Mix podcast network.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.

أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في بودكاست استشارة مع سارة

Welcome to the Consultation Podcast with Sarah.

اليوم إحنا عندنا حلقة مميزة جداً

Today we have a very special episode.

من زمان كنا نتمنى نعمل حلقة مثلها

A long time ago, we wished to make an episode like this.

وتكرم علينا وتفضل علينا

And you are generous to us and grant us favor.

الأستاذ محمد متولي بأن يكون ضيفنا اليوم

Mr. Mohamed Metwally to be our guest today.

لتحقيق هذا الحلم بالنسبة لي أنا

To achieve this dream for me.

ألا وهو الحديث مع أب حول الأمور التربوية التي يعيشونها

It is the conversation with a father about the educational matters they are experiencing.

أستاذ محمد متولي هو أب لأربع بنات

Mr. Mohamed Metwally is the father of four daughters.

هو مهندس بس ما راح نتكلم عن المجال المهني اليوم

He is an engineer, but we will not talk about the professional field today.

راح نتكلم عن المجال الأسري وإطار الأسرة

We will talk about the family field and the framework of the family.

فأهلنا سهلاً بك أستاذ محمد

Our people welcome you, Mr. Mohammed.

أهلاً أسرار دكتور أسرار

Hello, Dr. Asrar.

نورت الاستيديو ونورت البودكاست

You illuminated the studio and brightened the podcast.

الله يخليك روشك رقب

May God keep you safe, your neck is on my mind.

من جد ما بالغت لما قلت أنت حققت حلم

I really wasn't exaggerating when I said you achieved your dream.

أنه كنت أتمنى من ذلك

I wish for that.

منذ زمان الحديث مع مربي

It has been a while since I talked to my mentor.

شكراً لك نورت

Thank you, you lit up.

والله الشرف لي والحلقة دي فكرة بأنه قديم

By God, it's an honor for me, and this episode is an idea that it's old.

بنحاول نحضر لها وإنه فترة طويلة بنحاول نحضر للحلقة

"We are trying to prepare for her, and we have been trying to prepare for the episode for a long time."

نضجة إن شاء الله

Maturity, God willing.

يا رب بتعجبكم

O Lord, You amaze me.

ونمتنى لك لأنك أنت ستقدم لنا صورة

And we hoped for you because you will provide us with a picture.

ما خلف الكواليس ما خلف الأبواب ما خلف الحائط البيت

What is behind the scenes, what is behind the doors, what is behind the wall of the house.

لما يدور داخل الأسرة وكيف يتعامل الأب كمربي أساسي

What happens within the family and how the father acts as a primary educator.

لأن إحنا عندنا

Because we have

وضع فريد من نوعه

A unique situation.

فأنا بترك لك المايك

"I will leave the mic to you."

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

بسم الله

In the name of God.

أنا محمد

I am Mohammed.

بالأربع بنات

With the four girls.

ومنفصل عن والدتهم

And separated from their mother.

ولأن البنات عايشين معايا موجودين معايا

And because the girls are living with me, they are with me.

نشاء الله

God willing.

فزي ما حتى قلت هو وضع فريد من نوع

"As I mentioned, it is a unique situation."



بظل الظروف واللي حصل من الانفصال من البنات من اللي حصل بعدها

In light of the circumstances and what happened after the separation from the girls.

التفاصيل الزيادة

The additional details.

إزاي تعاملنا مع الموضوع

How did we handle the issue?

إزاي إلى الآن ما زلنا بنتعامل مع الموضوع

How is it that we are still dealing with the issue?

بنحاول نكون قريبين مدركين

We are trying to be close-minded.

حاسين باللي هما بيقولوه

They feel what they are saying.

ودي أهم حاجة

This is the most important thing to me.

لأن غالبا إحنا ما بنسمعش

Because usually we don't listen.

ودي مشكلتنا

This is our problem.



ليه بقى


دايما مع حالات الانفصال بيبقى الهدف إننا ننتصر

In cases of separation, the goal is always to prevail.

ودي شفتها في كل حدة

I wish I had seen her everywhere.

الهدف مين اللي هيكسب

Who is going to score the goal?

هيكونوا مع مين

Who will they be with?

معاك ولا معايا

Are you with me or with them?

أنا أحسن

I am better.

أنا جبت أنا سبت

I brought, I left.

مش هقول إن أنا مساري ما حصل معايا كلام ده من الأول

I won't say that my path hasn't encountered this from the beginning.

ما حصل معايا كلام ده

What happened to me is this talk.


And what?

الفكرة إن أنا تدركت الموضوع بسرعة

The idea is that I realized the matter quickly.

فلو كلمنا على شقين بقى الأول

"So if we talk about two aspects, the first one..."

شق الانفصال وشق ما بعد الانفصال

The separation line and the post-separation line.

مش عايز أقولك أنا بقيت مرجع لكل صحابي في موضوع

I don't want to tell you that I became a reference for all my friends on the subject.

ماشاء ماشاء خبرة

What a wonderful experience!

آه خبرة بقى من الراجل اللي تجرأ بقى تخبيرك وتزوج وتحرك

Ah, the experience of the man who dared to marry and take action.

آه طبعا

Oh, of course.



فالفكرة إيه اللي حصل في وقت الانفصال

So what happened at the time of the separation?

وإيه اللي حصل في بعد الانفصال

And what happened after the separation?

وإيه الخطوات اللي حصلت في الواقع

And what are the steps that actually took place?

من كتر ما أنا سمعت بودكاست ويوتيوب كتير جدا وفيديوهات كتير جدا

I've listened to many podcasts and watched a lot of videos on YouTube.

كل الناس بتحكي

Everyone is talking.

عن حل المشكلة في الآخر

About solving the problem in the end.

يعني أقولك أنا كان عندي بنت عندها 12 سنة وأنا كنت رايح للشغل

I mean to say, I had a daughter who was 12 years old, and I was going to work.

فوقفت لي وقالت لي يا بابا ما تروحش لشغل وتسيبنا

She stood up for me and said, "Dad, don't go to work and leave us."

قلت له يا بنتي أنا عندي شغل وده بيجيب لنا أكل وشرب

I told her, "My daughter, I have work and this brings us food and drink."

دلوقتي عندها 22 سنة واحنا عايشين سعداء

Now she is 22 years old and we live happily.

طب من 12 ل 22 سنة يا حبيبي

"Well, from 12 to 22 years old, my dear."

إيه اللي حصل عشان أعرف أنه أعمله

What happened so I know what to do?

هي دي الحتة اللي ما كنتش بلا إياها خالص

This is the part that I really couldn't do without at all.

ما كانتش موجودة فعلا

It wasn't really there.

وليس مجملة أول ما بدأت أسمع البودكاست لتا حضرتك بقى

It's not a summary; the first time I started listening to the podcast was for you.

الله يسعدك

May God make you happy.

حقي والله من هنا بدأت أفهم إن أول حاجة هو علمان البودكاست بتاعتك

Honestly, this is where I started to understand that the first thing is your podcast knowledge.



أول حاجة عملتها

The first thing I did.

طيب أنا ماشي بدماغي

Okay, I'm going with my own mind.

دماغي ماشياني

My brain is not working.

أنا شايف الوضع وحش أو كويس

I see the situation as bad or good.

أول حاجة عملتها قبل الانفصال

The first thing I did before the separation.

هو استشارة

It is a consultation.

وكانت هنا مع أحد الأخصائين الكبار جدا

She was here with one of the very top specialists.

الله يبارك فيها رب

God bless her, Lord.

وبدأت استشارة لمدة سنتين

And a consultation period of two years began.

وديني بقى نصيحتي للناس كلها

And now let me give my advice to all the people.

قبل ما تفكر

Before you think.

تمفصل الوضع وحش الوضع كويس

The situation is detailed, and the situation is good.

ما بتعمليش ما بتسويلي

You don't do anything for me.

أزواك كلهم

All your spouses.

اطلع خد استشارة سوجية

Get a good consultation.

أنا قعدت في استشارات زوجية لمدة سنتين

I attended marriage counseling for two years.



وأم البنات معا

And the mother of the girls is with them.

موجودين ما فيش ولا كان أصلا فيه خيال الانفصال

"We're present, there was never the idea of separation."

منكم تروحون للاستشارة

You can go for the consultation.



كان محاولة من الدكتورة أنها تكون موجودة

It was an attempt by the doctor to be present.

وبعد كده ما كملتش فكملت أنا لوحدة لمدة سنتين

And after that, I didn't continue, so I finished on my own for two years.



سنتين كامل

Two full years.

قبل ما قرر أن أنا أنفصل أو أتحرك

Before I decided to separate or take action.

ماذا كان هدفك؟

What was your goal?


The goal

النية كانت الإصلاح

The intention was reform.

وعايز أتعلم

I want to learn.

فأنا كان كلامي مع الدكتورة

"My conversation was with the doctor."

بما أن أنا شغال لوحدي

Since I am working alone.

قوليلي إيه الغلط اللي عندي؟ أنا أصلحه

Tell me what mistake I have? I will fix it.

وقوليلي نمشي إزاي

And tell me how to go.

وكنت يعني الله يديها الصحة

"And I mean, may God grant her health."

والله يبارك فيها

"And God bless her."


By God.

والله بلا مبالغة يعني

"By God, without exaggeration, I mean..."

نحن كنا في الأسبوع منتكلم أربع خمس مرات

We used to talk four or five times a week.

وحين ساعة واحدة بالليل

And when it is one o'clock at night.

الدنيا قلبة

The world is a turn.

أي وقت

Any time

كان هدف الاستشارة

The goal of the consultation was

كان في زمان إعلان فاكرة

There was a time when the announcement was a vision.

كان في إعلان زمان اسمه اسأل استشير

There was an old advertisement called "Ask and Consult."

فاكرة زمان إعلان قديم

I remember the old advertisement from back in the day.

هو دلالة عملته

It is a sign of his work.

سنتين قبل الانفصال

Two years before the separation.


And then?

لجل الإصلاح وليس لجل المعداد

For the purpose of reform, not for the sake of the notorious.

لا لا ولا كان فيه أي هدف

No, no, there was no goal at all.

ولا كان فيه أي خيال

And it had no imagination at all.

في خلال السنتين

During the two years

حاولنا مرة أوكي أوكي طيب

We tried once, okay, okay, fine.

في قرار الآن

In a decision now.

بإجماع الجميع

By unanimous agreement.

طبعا كان فيه أهل متدخرين

Of course, there were families that were saving up.

بدون ما ناخد فيه تفاصيل يعني

Without going into details, I mean.

طب أصبح الآن القرار العلمي

So now the scientific decision has been made.

يجب أن تنفصل

You must separate.



يجب أن تنفصل

You need to separate.

ليه؟ لأن الوضع الآن

Why? Because the situation now

البنات لازم يكونوا شايفينك في وضع معين

Girls must see you in a certain way.

كأب وكراجل

As a father and as a man.



هننفصل أعمل إيه؟

We're separating, what should I do?

أول حاجة عملتها

The first thing I did.

إن أنا عاديت مع البنات

If I were to get involved with the girls.

حقيقة والله

It's the truth, I swear.

عاديت معهم مدة شهرين

I was in conflict with them for two months.

هذا الكلام من كم أعمارهم كانت؟

How old were they when they said this?

آه وقتها

Ah, at that time.

كان الكبار بقى

The adults remained.

أنهم عندي نيك نيم

They have a nickname for me.

لكل واحدة فيهم

For each one of them.

عندي بقى البرينسيس والليدر

I have the princess and the leader.

والكبيرة وأريدوا حبا وحنانا

And the great one, and I want love and tenderness.

دي الصغيرة

The little one.

آه دي بقى

Oh, this is it.

كان عندي عشرة وسبعة

I had ten and seven.


And six.

عشرة وثمانية وسبعة وستة

Ten, eight, seven, and six.

وراء بعض هما كده جايين ستزة كده

Behind some, they are coming like this, like this.

وقتها أمرهم يان

At that time, he ordered them to go.

فقعدت معهم

So I sat with them.

قلت لهم طيب

I told them, "Okay."

إيه رأيكوا في اللي بيحصل في البيت؟

What do you think about what’s happening at home?


And we talk.

حقيقة والله

I swear it's true.

الحتة بقى المهمة إيه بقى؟

So what's the important part then?

هل أنا بعد سؤالي ده

Am I after this question of mine?

عندي استعداد أسمع

I am ready to listen.


And accept.

ولا أنا بسأل السؤال عشان يقول لي

I'm not asking the question just so he can tell me.

بابا أنت كويس وجميل وأمور وحلو

Dad, you are good, beautiful, wonderful, and nice.





من البداية أنا عندي استعداد أسمع

From the start, I'm ready to listen.



إيه بقى اللي ساعدني في الموضوع ده بقى؟

So what helped me with this matter?

إن أنا عامل لنا مكان غرفة

I will make us a place for a room.

بنقعد نتكلم فيه

We sit and talk about it.

الغرفة دي

This room.

بدخل مع كل واحدة

I enter with each one.

نقفل الباب

Let's close the door.

من حقها تقول اللي هي عايزها

She has the right to say what she wants.



أي حاجة



transliteration: za' translation: to excite or provoke


Jump around.

والله مش بهزر

I swear I'm not joking.



أي لفظ

Any word

أي حاجة تتخيليها

Anything you can imagine.

قوليها في المكان ده

Say it in this place.

بس نتكلم

Just let’s talk.

ونعرف الصحة والغلط

We know right and wrong.


And we solve it.

فتحنا الباب

We opened the door.

أنا بابا

I am dad.

منتهى الموضوع

The end of the matter.

لأن إحنا اتفقنا

Because we agreed.



تقدرت تحكي لنا عن موقف واحد

Can you tell us about one situation?

تحس إن كان

You feel as if it were.

واو يتطلب منك

Wow, it requires you.

أنك تتحكم في أحصابك

You control your emotions.

وتتحول إلي بابا؟

"Are you turning into Papa?"

تتحول إلي بابا؟

Are you turning into a dad?

أوه صح

Oh right.

إنتي عارف الموقف والله

You know the situation, I swear.

أنا قعدت

I sat down.

إنك الموقف ده

You are the situation.

يعني سابقنا قولنا بعد انفصال

It means we spoke earlier after the separation.

أنا قعدت ساعتين

I sat for two hours.

واقف قدام بناتي الأربعة

Standing in front of my four daughters.

مع البرنسيس؟

With the princess?


The four.

أوكي الأربعة

Okay, the four.


I heard.

كل ما يتخيل

Everything that one can imagine.

في بالك أب يسمعه

Is there a father in your mind who hears it?

من حلو ووحش

From sweet to ugly.

سوريا ما فيش حلو

Syria has nothing sweet.

كان وحش كله

It was a complete monster.

كل ما جاء في المرسلات والأفلام

Everything that came in the messages and films.

ما منحبكش

We don’t love you.

مش عايزينك

We don't want you.

إنت مش طيناك

You're not worth it.

إنت بتحبناش

You don't love us.

إحنا مش عايزينك

We don't want you.

لمدة ساعتين كاملين

For a full two hours.

والله مش بأحضر

I swear I'm not attending.

كنت واقف

I was standing.

وكان القرار اتاخد في لحظة

The decision was made in a moment.

أزعق وأنا بابا

I scream while I'm dad.

ولا أسمع وأشوف

I neither hear nor see.

إلي بيحصل

What is happening?

والله وربنا ليسرها

By God, and our Lord, it will be made easy.

أنا وقفت

I stopped.

لمدة ساعتين كاملين

For a full two hours.

فقررت أفهم إيه اللي بيحصل

So I decided to understand what is happening.

والله ربما جاء هذا التنفيذ لهم

By God, perhaps this execution has come to them.

هم بحاجة إليه

They need him.

وأنا مش زعلان

And I am not upset.



بس أنا كان ساحاتي قررت

But I had decided my fields.

إن أنا لازم أفهم إيه اللي بيحصل

I have to understand what is happening.

وأعدت سمعت الكلام كله

"I heard everything."

والله فيهم تتخيل

"By God, you can't imagine them."

مش عايزينك ومنحبكش

We don't want you and we don't love you.

كل ما قيل يعني

Everything that was said means.

ولم يقال

And it was not said.

والله حقيق ساعتين

By God, it's really two hours.

أنا مش بكلمك في ربع ساعة ونصف

I'm not talking to you in a quarter of an hour and a half.

ساعتين كاملات

Two full hours.

وسمعت كل حاجة

And I heard everything.

ومش هجدب على الناس

And I won't lie to people.

ومش هقعد أقول للناس

And I won't keep telling people.

بقى أنا لا أنا نمت ومسترق

I stayed, I didn't sleep, and I'm a thief.

أنا ما نمتش

I didn't sleep.

أنا عادت يومين تلاتة ما نمتش

I haven't slept for two or three days.

ده حقيقة

This is a reality.

بس أول حاجة بعدية عملت إيه

But first, what did you do afterwards?



كلمتكها لطول

I talked to her for a long time.

أول حاجة عملتها

The first thing I did.

أنا جمعت

I gathered.

ورتبت مخي

And my mind was organized.

وعرفت إيه الوضع

And what do you know about the situation?

وإيه اللي هم فيه

And what's going on with them?

وإيه اللي هم حاسين فيه

And what are they feeling?

أعمل إيه

What should I do?

وأتصرف إزاي

How should I act?

زي ما قلتي من شوية

Just as you mentioned a little while ago.

أبقى بابا

Stay, Dad.

ولا حاول أوسط الموضوع بابا

"Don't try to mediate the situation, Dad."


And rectify.

وأشوف أعمل إيه

And I see what I should do.

وهنا فاكرة

And here is a thought.

عملنا خطة كاملة

We made a complete plan.

نتعامل معهم إزاي

How do we deal with them?

وليقولوا إيه

And let them say what?

والكلام اللي تقال

"And the words that are said."

الغريب بقى

The strange thing is...

ودي مهمة جدا لكل الأهالي

This is very important for all parents.

إني تاني يوم

I am the day after.

هم كانوا بيكلموني عادي

They were talking to me normally.

إزاي يا بابا

How, Dad?

حشتين يا بابا عامل إيه

I miss you, Dad. How are you?

أنتوا عملتوا إيه مبارح

What did you all do yesterday?

هاي يا بابا

Hi, Dad.

ما فيش حاجة عادي

There’s nothing normal.

إحنا نورت في دماغي لمبة بقى

We have turned on a light in my mind now.

قال لا

He said no.

طب إحنا اللي سمعناه ده

So what we heard is this.

هم سمعوه

They heard him.

واللي هم قالوا ده مش فاكرينه

What they said, I don't remember.

وهنا بدأت بقى رحلة البحث معهم بقى

And here began the journey of searching with them.

بدي تاخد كل واحد على جنب

I want you to take each one aside.


Come here.

أنتوا عملتوا من يوم كم يوم كذا

You have been doing this for a few days now.

عملتوا كذا كذا كذا

You did this, this, and this.

ماشي بابا عادي خلاص يا بابا

Okay, Dad, it's fine now, Dad.

كانوا نقولنا حاجات

They used to tell us things.

قال لا

He said no.

ده معناه إن هم كان تنفيس

This means they were venting.

وأنا واخد الموضوع أوفر

"I'm taking the matter too seriously."

إتا بيحبوني شو

They love me so much.

فلقيت الموضوع هم شايفينه

So the topic I encountered, they see it.

بجهة مختلفة خالص

In a completely different direction.

أنت حاولت تستبتعد عن الشخص

You tried to distance yourself from the person.



لأن الكلام

Because the talk

شخصيا هم قاعدين ينفسون

They are personally breathing down.


And an increase

أنا أجبتكم وزيدكم الشعر بيت

I answered you, and I will add a verse of poetry.

إن الكلام ده لم يقال لنا لوحدنا

This talk was not said to us alone.

كان موجود بقى والدتهم

Their mother was present.

وكان موجود بعض الأهل من ناحيته

Some of his relatives were present.

فأنا طبعا واقف النص

"Of course, I am standing by the text."

زي ما يقولوا عندنا مبلول

As they say in our country, it's wet.

واقف النص يدش دش محترم

The text is respectful.

فطبعا الموضوع مش شخصانة بس

Of course, the issue is not personal.

لا الموضوع ده أنا مش صورتي

No, this topic is not my image.

ده أنا

That's me.

الناس وقف عمال تضحك

People were standing while workers were laughing.

أنا بكلمك في ساعتين

I will talk to you in two hours.

الناس وقف عمال تضحك علي

People stopped, and the workers laughed at me.

فهنا كان لازم أخرج

So here I had to go out.

شخصا الموضوع بقى وأخد

The person got involved in the subject and took it.

ولا كويس إن أنا عرفت

It's not good that I found out.

إيه اللي بيحصل في دماغهم

What is going on in their minds?

وأبدأ أحل ساعته

"And I will start to solve his hour."

وهو ده اللي أنا عملته

That's what I did.

لو عدنا التاريخ هل ممكن أنك

If we went back in time, is it possible that you...

ممكن تأخذهم لغرفة لوحدكم

Can you take them to a room alone?

أربعتهم يتكلمون معاك

They are all four talking to you.



لو عدنا التاريخ هتكلم في ناس الوقت

If we went back in time, people would talk about it.



جدام ناس

In front of people.

لأن كان في تعليقات وهما شغالين

Because there were comments and they were working.

من بقية الناس

From the rest of the people.

وده كان بيزود الكلام

And he was increasing the talk.


and it supplies


I exploded.

فمش هجدب عليك

I won't lie to you.

أنا والله ربنا ليه

I swear by God, what is it for our Lord?

أنا كنت بغلي

I was boiling.

ولكن قررت هسمع

But I decided to listen.

هاخد كل الكلام

I will take all the words.

خليني أعرف

Let me know.

إيه اللي بيدور حوالي

What's going on around me?

إيه اللي بيحصل حوالي

What's happening around?



ومن هنا

From here

بدأت أحط خطة بقى

I started to put together a plan now.



هما شايفين إيه

What are they seeing?

بابا مش معانا

Dad is not with us.



بابا وإنت فكر بتدينا فلوس بس

Dad, do you think you're just giving us money?

يعني إنت فلوس بس

It means you're just money.

قال لا

He said no.

طب إيه اللي مزود أنا فقط

So what has increased my only?

أنا بدي كل حاجة فعلا

I really want everything.

يعني وإنت فكر

It means, "So you think."

إنت جبت لنا بيته

You brought us his house.

عملت لنا إحنا كده

You did this to us like that.

قال لا

He said no.

طب إيه اللي أنا مفروض أعمله

So what am I supposed to do?

هو أنت عشان جبت لنا حلويات

It's you because you brought us sweets.

وبتخرجنا وتفسحنا

And upon our graduation, we celebrated.

ما كل الأباء بيعمله كده

Not all fathers do that.

الله كل الأباء

God, the Father of all.

طب إيه

So what?

ما إيه الغلط

What is the mistake?

ما أنا أب دلوقتي بعمل كل الكلام ده

What am I, a father, doing all this now?

طب إيه الغلط بقى اللي هما شايفينه

So what is the mistake that they see?

وإيه الصح اللي هما شايفينه

And what is the truth that they are seeing?

ومن هنا بدأت رحلة بقى

And from here began the journey of Baqa.

نحن إيه

What are we?

نقعد ونتكلم مع بعض

Let's sit and talk together.


And we agree.

إيه اللي مفروض يحصل

What is supposed to happen?

وإيه اللي مش مفروض يحصل

And what is not supposed to happen?

وهنا بقى بدأت

"And here it all started."

فكرة حياتي تكلمت حالك ساعتها

The idea of my life spoke for itself at that moment.

أنا اللي لفت نظري

I am the one who caught my attention.

تبارك الرحمن أنت أب مستمع

Blessed is the Most Merciful; you are a listening father.

يسمح لهم بالحديث بحرية وأريحية وبأمان

They are allowed to speak freely, comfortably, and safely.

تتشر بما يقولون

It spreads what they say.

تخليها تخمر ويترجع لهم ثاني

Let it ferment and it will come back to them again.

أربع بنات

Four girls

خليهم لك

Let them be for you.

البنت تتكلم

The girl is talking.


The girl

اللي اكتشفت من ضمن الحاجات

What I discovered among the things.

هي مش عايزة نصيحة

She doesn't want advice.

يعني مثلا الكبيرة

For example, the big one.


The princess

آه خلاص

Oh, that's it.


The princess

قعدة فبتكلم عادة حقيقي من كم يوم

I was just sitting and talking about real things a few days ago.

فبقول لها مش أنت عملت كذا

So I said to her, didn't you do that?

ياه وانت كل شيء هتقولي صحة وغلط

Wow, and you will tell me everything is right or wrong.

قال لا

He said no.

طب ما قلتها طب أقولك إيه

Well, if you didn't say it, then what should I tell you?

قالت لا

She said no.

اسمع مني أنا عايزة أقول إيه

Listen to me, I want to say something.


And look

فقالت لها طب كويس أنا موافق

She said to her, "Okay, good. I'm in agreement."

إتب موافقة

Follow approval.

قالت لي آه

She said to me, "Ah."

والله قلت لها كده

I swear I told her that.

أنا اسف

I am sorry.


And I apologize.

وانت عندك حق

And you are right.

تاني يوم

The next day.

وإحنا بنتكلم

While we are talking

ختاة بتتكلم

She is talking.

حصل كده

It happened like that.

قلت لها لا لا لا لا استني

I told her no, no, no, no, wait.

هو انت مش قلتلي نقعد نسمع

Didn't you tell me to sit and listen?

يبقى نقعد نسمع

Let's just sit and listen.



إيه ده أنت قلت لها

What did you say to her?


We agreed.


We hear.

أحنا اتفقنا نسمع

We agreed to listen.

ومن هنا جات لي فكرة

And from here, the idea came to me.

يعني طبعا الموقف ده

Of course, this situation means.

بس من قبلها جات لي فكرة

But before that, an idea came to me.

اللي هم يقولوه لما تسمعوا

What they say when you listen.

تعرف تستخدموا معه

You know how to use it with him?





يعني مثلا

It means, for example.

اتفقنا اتفقنا

We agree, we agree.

بابا انت عملت كذا غلط

Dad, you did that wrong.

على فكرة أنا من أكتر الناس

By the way, I am one of the people most...

اللي بعتذر لبناتي

"I apologize to my daughters."


Good job.

والله العظيم

I swear by God.


Well done.

عنديش مشكلة

I have a problem.

يعني وانا قاعدين كده

It means while we are sitting like this.

فقلت كلمة

So I said a word.

تبص لي

Look at me.

كلا أنا نغلط

No, I am wrong.

أقول لها أنا آسف

I tell her I'm sorry.

أنا آسف

I am sorry.

هي تغلط بعضيها بقى

She keeps making mistakes with each other.

أنا ببص بس

I'm just looking.

آه هو

Ah, he is.

مش أنا قلت أنا آسف

Didn't I say I'm sorry?


We agree.

مع بعض


ودلوقتي أعمل لهم نظام جديد

And now I'm going to implement a new system for them.

اللي هو

which is



اللي يغلط في التاني

Whoever makes a mistake with the other.

اعتذر للبيت كله

I apologize to the whole house.

البيت كله

The whole house.



يعني اسمها تحلق

It means her name is "Halaq."

لأحد الأخصائين

To one of the specialists.


Come here.


My mistake.

لسه لسه عملها من برح الصبح

I still did it just this morning.


I made a mistake.

تروح لأختك وأنا آسف

You go to your sister and I am sorry.

أنا آسف

I am sorry.

آه وعتذر لأختك التانية

Oh, and I apologize to your other sister.

ليه ما تشتمت أختها

Why didn't you insult her sister?



وعتذر لأختك

And apologize to your sister.

آه ما تشتمت أختها

Oh, she didn't insult her sister.

واعتذر للربعة

And I apologize to the group.

ما تشتمت أختها

She did not insult her sister.

واعتذري لي

And please apologize to me.

ليه ما تشتمت بنتي

Why didn't my daughter get insulted?



وما تشتمي بنتي

And don't insult my daughter.


And he emphasized.

قال الأستاذ ياسر حسيمة

Mr. Yasser Hussima said.


He said it.

يقالها الولدة

The girl said it.

تعتذر مني

She is apologizing to me.

وتعتذر من زوجتي

And I apologize to my wife.

وتعتذر من أخوانك

And apologize to your brothers.

وتعتذر من هذول

And she apologizes to those.


All of them.





بدأت أطبقها معه

I started applying it with him.

حكي لنا عن النتاج

Tell us about the outcome.

لها النتاج رهيبة

It has amazing results.

بعد الوقت

After a while.

اللي بيغلط

Whoever makes a mistake.

بيقف يستنى

He stands waiting.

لقلت لهم نتفق

I would say to them, let's agree.

عدي من واحد لعشر

Count from one to ten.

والكلمة اللي هتقولها

And the word you will say.

هعتذر بعديها

I will apologize afterwards.

ولا مش هعتذر بعديها

And I won't apologize after that.



نقطة مهمة بقى

An important point remains.

لأي حد بيسمع الكلام ده

"To anyone who hears this."

الكل متخيل

Everyone is imagining.

إن الحياة وردية

Life is rosy.

وإن الكلام ده تم

And this talk has happened.

بحكي مبارح

I was talking yesterday.

وغير مبارح

And not yesterday.

في الشهر اللي فات

Last month.

الكلام ده تم

This talk has been done.

في خلال سنين

In the course of years.

كم سنة؟

How many years?

أكتر من عشر سنين

More than ten years.


In fact

من كانت فرنسا

Who was France?


Her age.


Two years



من أيام ما كان عمرها سنتين

Since she was two years old.

أنا قررت

I have decided.

زي واحدة قلت أنا مهندس

Like one said, I am an engineer.

وعندي مجال تحليل البيانات

I have a field in data analysis.

فأنا دماغي بتحلل كل حاجة

My brain analyzes everything.

فقررت في كل اللي حوالي

I decided about everything around me.

أشوف إيه الطريقة الأفضل للتربية

I see what the best method for upbringing is.


I hear.

وأنا بتعامل معهم

And I am dealing with them.

بطريقة غريبة جدا

In a very strange way.

أنا ما عنديش عقاب

I don't have any punishment.

إلا في حالة واحدة بس

Except in one case only.

بس هذا هو الصح

But this is the truth.



هذا هو الصح

This is the truth.


I am

أنا متفهمة ومتفاء

I am understanding and optimistic.


Come here.


Tell me.

إلا حصل في وقته

Unless it happens in its time.

وما فيش عقاب

And there is no punishment.


Confirm yourself.

هناخد العقاب وإحنا وقفين

We will take the punishment while we are standing.

أيا كان بقى

Whatever remains.

نخرج نفسحة

We go out for a breath of fresh air.

نعمل نوقف

We work, we stop.

ما فيش حلوية

There are no sweets.

أيا كان العقاب

Whatever the punishment.

بس الكذب عقاب وقتي

But lying is a temporary punishment.

ودي حاجة كنت أعلمتها من والدتي

I wished it was something I learned from my mother.

كاتولي دايما كده

Katoole is always like that.

الكذب مفتاح أي حاجة

Lying is the key to anything.



إيه أنواع العقاب بقى

What are the types of punishment then?

لأستخدمها معهم

To use it with them.

ودي كانت مشكلة عندي

I used to have a problem with that.

من جنس العمل؟

What is the nature of the work?



ما أنا

What am I?

مش عايز أوصل العقاب للمكسيموم

I don't want to escalate the punishment to the maximum.



يعني إيه

What does it mean?

العقاب لو بدأ بالزعي

The punishment should start with the scream.

هينتهي بضرب

It will end with a hit.

ولو بدأ بحرمان

"And if it starts with deprivation"

هينتهي بحرمان أكبر

It will end in greater deprivation.



ولو اتعودوا

"If they get used to it."

أن في العقاب عمال اسكليتنج

That in the punishment there are skating workers.

عمال يزيد يزيد يزيد

Workers increase, increase, increase.

طيب ما كويس كده بقى

Okay, that's good then.

ما إحنا نزيد للآخر

We are not adding to others.

وأنا بني آدم

And I am a human being.

في الأول في الآخر أنا إنسان

In the end, I am a human being.

في الأول في الآخر

In the beginning, in the end.

أنا مش عادل أستحمل

I am not fair, I cannot bear it.

فكان عندي حالتين

I had two situations.


I can bear.


And what?


And listen.

دول الحالتين اللي عندي

The two cases I have.





إيه المشكلة الرئاسية عند كل الأطفال؟

What is the main problem for all children?


The ginger.

هيه وإحنا كأكبر

Hey, and we are the biggest.

مستحملش الزن

I can't stand the noise.


Of course.

تعالي وقف الطفل عندي كده

Come here and let the child stand by me like this.

عشر داير ربع ساعة

Ten minutes to quarter past.

خد التليفون

Take the phone.

يالا خد ورايا

Come on, follow me.

أنا مالك الزن

I am the owner of the jinn.

والله أنا أقول لهم

"By God, I say to them"

أنا مالك الزن

I am Malik Al-Zan.

إيه الرقم القياسي للزن اللي أنت سمعته؟

What is the world record for the thing you heard about?

والله إيه الرقم القياسي

By God, yes, it's a record.

اللي تخيله للزن؟

What do you imagine for the jail?

عشر داير ربع ساعة؟

Is ten around a quarter of an hour?

إلا ما أنا ربع ساعة

"I will be just a quarter of an hour."

هذا اللي سمعته

This is what I heard.

ساعة وساعة لربع

An hour and a quarter.

ولا تهضح

And do not be embarrassed.

وفي العربية وفي ودني أقسم بالله

"And in Arabic and in my heart, I swear by God."

والله أبدا

By God, never.

والله براحتك

By God, it's up to you.

أنا عندي مبدأ لذيذ قوي

I have a delicious strong principle.


My dear.

أنا بسمعش

I don't hear.

نقعد نتكلم

Let's sit and talk.


My beloved.

عني الأتنين

About the two.

أنا عني الأتنين نتكلم ولا نتناقش

As for me, we can either talk or discuss.

مش هجدب عليك

I won't lie to you.


By God.

والموضوع صداع

And the subject is headache.

ما أنت بتقعد تتناقش في موضوع

Why are you sitting and discussing the topic?

والله العظيم

I swear by God.

أنا بعض

I am some.

بلا مبالغة

No exaggeration.



ما كانش يوم ويوم يوميا

It wasn't just one day; it was every day.

أنا عندي أربع ساعات في الغرفة بتاعتنا

I have four hours in our room.

كل واحد بتخش ورا التانية

Everyone goes in one after the other.

بكروح تخش تقول أسرارها

With a spirit that enters and reveals its secrets.


And look forward

وتخش التانية

And you fear the second one.

بس أنت بتتحمل ليه؟

But why are you enduring it?

عشان يطلعوا حاجة كويسة

So that they can produce something good.

أنا هدفي في البداية والنهاية

My goal is at the beginning and the end.

هو التربية والحاجة الكويسة

It is education and the good necessity.

فبدأت معهم بالحالتين دول

So I started with them in these two situations.



وإن أنا أرجع إيه؟

And what should I go back to?


I hear.


With him.



طب إيه أنواع العقاب اللي هنستخدمها بقى؟

So what types of punishment will we use then?

لو زعقت

If you yelled.

أنا برضو أرجع أقول

I also want to say again.

أنا جربت الكلام ده

I tried this thing.


He yelled.

بتزعق أكتر

You shout more.

صوت بيعلى

The voice is getting louder.

بيعلى أكتر

It sells for more.

وماشاء الله هم عندهم طاقة

And God willing, they have energy.

يعني غير طبعية

It means unnatural.



كملت طبعات الزعيء

The prints of the leader are completed.

بقى شخط

It stayed scribbled.

بقى نرفزة

It remains annoying.

ما أنت عايز توصل لليفل

What level do you want to reach?

نقف عنده بقى

"We stand by it now."

ما مش معقول

That's not reasonable.

طب بعد ده

So after that?

هتبقى بعدها زق

It will be a push afterwards.

فيه ليفل

It has a level.

ما لازم أوصل المرحلة

I shouldn't reach the stage.

مش عارف أوصل الله

I don't know how to reach God.

والدتي ربنا ديها الصحة

My mother, may God grant her health.

كانت بتعمل معنا حاجة واحدة بس

She was only doing one thing with us.

اللي هي

Which is


A look.

أنا أقسم بالله والدتي عليها نظرة

I swear by God, my mother has a look.

اللي واقف يقعد

Whoever is standing should sit down.

واللي يقعد يقف

And whoever sits down will stand up.

واللي بيجريمش

And whoever doesn't dare.

والله العظيم أبو هزر

I swear to God, Abu Hazar.


The glance

بس النظرة

Just the glance.

في البداية

In the beginning

كان لازم يجي مع شرح

It had to come with an explanation.

يعني مثلا

For example

إحنا قاعدين

We are sitting.

فيه ناس كبر وقف

There are people who have grown up and stopped.

فواحدة حط رجلها فوق الترابيزة مثلا

One of them put her foot on the table, for example.

فبص لها

So he looked at her.

هيتقول لي

He will tell me.

نقطة بقى

Just a point.


The children

إحنا متخيلين

We are imagining.

إن هما فاهمين

They both understand.

همش فاهمين

They barely understand.

إحنا فاهمين

We understand.

عشان إحنا مرين بالتجربة دي

Because we are going through this experience.



فهي حط رجلها فوق مثلا

"She placed her foot on, for example,"

فيه حد فوق الشهر

Is there someone above the month?

فيه إيه

What's wrong?

إيه بابا فيه إيه

Yes, Dad, what's up?

نزل رجلك

Put your foot down.



إحنا رد في عيني إيه

We are the reply in my eyes, what?



هيتقول لي ليه

He will tell me why.

والله ردود كده

"By God, responses like this..."

من أصغر واحد

Who is the smallest one?



فبدأت في الأول أعمل إيه

So I started off by doing what?

كده عيب

That's inappropriate.

عشان مفهاش حد يكون أكبر منك وقت

So that there is no one older than you in time.



تاني مرة

Second time.

ثالث مرة

Third time.

رابع مرة

Fourth time.

هنا بقى

Here it stayed.

لازم يكون فيه سنس

There must be a sense.

اللي هو

What is it?


the time

اللي إنت عارف إنها فاهمة

The one you know understands.


And I knew.


And extort.

آه ده فيه استهبال بقى

Oh, is there some nonsense happening now?

هنا الأسلوب يتغير

Here, the style changes.

إحنا بدأت أبص كده

We started to look like this.

بص هي بصة واحدة

It's just one look.


At your convenience.

واسيبها وامشي

Leave her and walk away.

فده بقى عقاب

This is now punishment.

إنها سيبتها ومشيت

"I left it and walked away."

هل هو عقابة مع عقبات؟

Is it punishment with obstacles?

هي بالنسبة لهم

She is for them.

الآن حاجة كبيرة جدا

It's a very big necessity now.

إن بابا يتضير وما يكلمنيش

My dad is upset and he won't talk to me.

أو ما يردش علي

"Or he doesn't respond to me."


I miss you.

والله العظيم كانت بالنسبة لي

I swear by God it was for me.

قمة النجاح

The peak of success.

إن أنا يكون قمة العقاب بتاعك

If I am to be the peak of your punishment.

إن أنت تسيبني وتمشي

If you leave me and go away.


They are running.

بابا سيبني ومشي

Dad left me and walked away.



المشكلة الثانية

The second problem.

أنا موجود

I am here.

بس حلو

It's just nice.

قلبها حي

Her heart is alive.

لدرجة زنا

To the point of fornication.

لما تحب إن بابا يمشي

When do you want Dad to leave?

ما هو ده أخد وقت

What is this? It took time.

ما هو ده أخد سنين

What is this, it took years?

من أنا استحملت

Who am I to endure?




And foolishness.




And breaking.


And the confusion.

إن كان ممكن الأمر الآخر

If the other thing is possible.

أن تكون قلبها ميت

Her heart to be dead.

طب ما ده حصل

What happened then?

وده ما حصل

This is what happened.

وده ما ده حصل

This is what happened.

بس قدرتها تغيرها شيء

But her ability to change it is something.

طب ما ده حصل

So what happened?

بس أنت عندك بقى الصبر

But you still have patience.

كم يوم بقى

How many days are left?

عشان تستنى

So that you wait.

لما نشوف

When we see

هي ترجع

She returns.

ولا مش ترجع في كلامها

"Or she won't go back on her words."

هو ده الصبر

This is patience.



في الكم يوم دول

In how many days is it?


I will talk to her.

وما مش هتكلمها

And I won't talk to her.

طب عندها مذكرة

Does she have a note?

طب هناكل

So we will eat.


Their psychologies



طب هنفرق

Well, let's separate.

طب عايز تقولها هاتي حاجة

So you want to say bring something.

طب عملي حاجة

I need something practical.



هنا في البداية

Here at the beginning.

أنا تعبت في الموضوع ده

I'm tired of this issue.

وبعدين قررت قرار

And then I made a decision.

وقعدت معاهم فعلا

And I sat with them indeed.

قلت لهم تعالوا نتفعل اتفاق

I told them to come so we can activate the agreement.

زعلانين من بعض حاجة

We are upset with each other about something.

ونكلم بعض حاجة تانية

And we talk about something else.

يعني إيه

What does it mean?

أنا زعلاني

I am upset.

بس هنتكلم مع بعض

But we will talk to each other.

وأنا زعلان

I am upset.

بس أتكلم

Just speak.

عملتي إيه

What did you do?

ذكرتي إيه

What did you mention?

رحت إيه

Where did you go?

عملتي إيه

What have you done?

المشكلة اللي عندك

The problem you have.

مهما كنتي زعلانة

No matter how upset you are.

وأنا زعلان

And I am upset.

تعالي حكيلي

Come tell me.


The problem

هناخد عواقبها

We will face the consequences.


and its problems

وعقابها على جنب

And its punishment is on the side.

وبقيت الحاجة

And the need remained.

في الجانب الأخر

On the other side

من عايز أتكلم

I want to talk.

من عايز أشوف اللي بيحصل

I want to see what is happening.

وعايز أرد

"And I want to respond."

وأخد ودي

And he took my affection.

وعايز أشوف اللي بيحصل هنا

"I want to see what is happening here."

وبيحصل هنا

And it happens here.

وبالتالي حصل بقى حاجة جديدة

Thus, something new happened.

طب هم دلوقتي متعقبين

So are they being tracked now?



يعني مثلا

For example,

أقول لك أنا موقف جميل أول

I tell you, I am in a beautiful position first.

النهاردة الصبح

This morning.



اليوم الصبح

This morning

على حق


قومنا الصبح

We woke up in the morning.

طبعا أنا

Of course, I am.

هم معي أنا وزوجتي

They are with me and my wife.

مش مع ولدتهم يعني

Not with their mother, I mean.

فقومنا الصبح

So we stood up for the morning.

بسم الله

In the name of God.

ما شاء الله

What God has willed.


The kitchen

رأسا على عقب

Upside down

كان في حفلة مبارك

There was a celebration for Mubarak.


And a party.

حفلة أنا نايم

Party I'm Sleeping


And eat.




And the hall.

وأصائيس بقى

And what about the essentials?


And the hall.


The world

أنا قمت أتخذت من موقف

I have taken a position.

فأنا دلوقتي قدام موقف محير

I am currently in a confusing situation.

فقلت لهم بعدين

I told them later.

أنا بقوم أبص بس

I'm just looking.

حينك تبي تعلم

When you want to learn.

وتحمل المسئولية

And bear the responsibility.

مش معناة أنه

It doesn't mean that...

ماما إيمان موجودة

Mom Imane is present.

أن هي عادة تكون بالشغالة

It is usually about the maid.

بالضبط كده

Exactly like that.

فأنا بعمل إيه؟

So what am I supposed to do?

أنا بقف

I am standing.

والله العظيم

By God Almighty.

والله يمكن الموضوع

By God, it could be the matter.

بس أنا بقف عم كده

I'm just standing like this.




Did you go out?




Is that it?



شو حصل بعدك؟

What happened after you?

هم يبدأوا

They start.

أول واحدة تشوفني

The first one to see me.

بس هتطمن أن في حد شايفني

I just want to be reassured that there's someone watching me.

والله أنت طلع لي أسرار

By God, you revealed secrets to me.

والله العيادة يطلع لي أسرار

"By God, the clinic reveals secrets to me."

أول واحدة تشوفني

The first one to see me.

قلهم بابا

Tell them "baba" (father).




He stands.

يبدأوا بقى يتحركوا

They should start moving now.

في إيه بابا؟

What's wrong, Dad?

في إيه؟

What's wrong?

ما عرفش والله

I honestly don't know.

إيه رأيكم؟

What do you think?

شوفوا الوضع

Look at the situation.

ماشي إحنا هنروع

Okay, we will go now.

ها بقى أنا مرتركوش

Here I am, I didn't leave you.

والله اللي عايز عايز

By God, whoever wants, wants.

اللي مش عايز براحتكم

Whoever doesn't want, it's up to you.

طب لو ما روأناش هتعاقبنا؟

So if we don't show up, will you punish us?

الله أعلم

God knows best.

في نفس الوقت

At the same time.

لقيت الحلوين عاملين إيه بقى؟

What have the sweet ones been up to?

عاملين لعبة جديدة

We are making a new game.

جايبين ورقة

They brought a paper.

عاملين مكعب

We are making a cube.





ورسمين أشكال

And drawing shapes.

طب أنا دلوقتي بنحلتين

So now I'm in two minds.

الله برافو

God, well done!

على الحلو اللي تعملته

On the sweet that you made.

ولا حسب يالله

And there is no power except by Allah.

يقولوا كده على المصيبة اللي أعلم بيها

They say that about the disaster that I know of.

نعمل إيه بقى؟

What should we do now?


I entered.

قعدت معهم

I sat with them.

الله رهيب

God is great.

وريني عملتي إيه؟

Show me what you did?

وقعدت شرحولي البوكس

And they sat down explaining the box to me.

أنا بقول جميل جدا

I say it's very beautiful.

فكرة رهيبة

A terrible idea.

لازق وقعدوا واشتركوا

They stuck around and participated.

وقطعوا وعملوا

And they cut and worked.

واشتركوا مع بعض

And they collaborated with each other.

وكان فيه شغل جماعي

There was group work.

ورسومات ومش عارف إيه

And drawings, and I don't know what else.

ودي نايمة والبنوتات

Wadi is sleeping and the girls.

وعملوا بيت ومش عارف إيه

And they built a house and I don't know what else.


And cars.

قال زي الفل

He said "as good as new."


Explain it to me.


"And it was roofed."


And I laughed.


And relaxed.




Are we done?

روح عامل كبز

Go work as a shepherd.

أنت هل فخر؟

Are you proud?

نحن ننتقل للموضوع المطبخ

We are moving on to the topic of the kitchen.

في إيه؟

What is it?



إيه رأيك في اللي حصل؟

What do you think about what happened?

مش انبسطنا

We didn't enjoy it.

أنا مبسوط

I am happy.

والله بغير كده

By God, it's not like that.

أنا مبسوط

I am happy.

وأبعملهم كده

And I will do that to them.

والله اللي أنتوا عملتوه

By God, what you all have done.



أنا رهيب

I am awesome.


On the contrary.



أنا هجيب لكم وراء تاني

I will bring you another document.

وفعلا زوجتي راحت

Indeed, my wife left.

جابت لهم شتس وراء كده كبيرة

She brought them something really big afterward.

حدطا معاهم

I am with them.

قايتهم يلا

Their leader is coming.

أنا مبسوط

I am happy.

بعمل كده بذات

I do that specifically.

أنا مبسوط

I am happy.

ينفع بقى لحصل بره؟

Is it useful what happened outside?



ده النظام

This is the system.



ينفع لحصل بره؟

Is it useful to get a result outside?

طبعا إحنا هنروع

Of course, we will go.

والله يبرحتكم

By God, I will not leave you.

بس هو سؤال

But it's a question.

إيه سبب الموضوع؟

What's the reason for the issue?

ليه مروقتوش من الأول؟

Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?

ليه عملتو كده؟

Why did you do that?

ونبدأ نتناقش في الموضوع

Let's start discussing the topic.

هنا بقى بيجيلك بقى الأصوات المعارضة

Here you start to receive the opposing voices.

مش بتاعتي

Not mine.

شو فيه هي اللي عملتها؟

What is it that she did?

ماشي حاضر

Okay, present.

ما فيش مشكلة

There is no problem.

يعني هما يسمعوا مني كلمة

It means they hear a word from me.

ما فيش مشكلة؟

Is there no problem?


Are you comfortable?

معناه أني أنا بفكر في حاجة تاني

It means that I am thinking about something else.


Are you comfortable?

ماشي ما تشليش

It's okay, don't worry.

أنا أقول تركشي لي

I am saying leave it to me.

شي بتاعتها

It's her thing.

خلاص بيه لا

"That's it, no."

ما تشليش

Don't worry.

هنا بقى الصبر

Here is where patience remains.

اديها دقيقة دقيقتين بقى

Give it a minute or two.

طبعا في البداية

Of course, at the beginning.

لا الموضوع كان بياخد أيام

No, the topic would take days.

حقي مش زارة

My right is not a privilege.

ودوتهم سيبها

And I let them be.

بياخد أيام

It takes days.

بعد كده الموضوع بيقل تدريجيا

After that, the matter gradually decreases.

تقوم واحدة فيهم

One of them is doing.



الله برافو

God Bravo

ماشاء الله برافو عليك

Masha Allah, well done to you!

تسلم إيدك

Thank you for your hand.

عزتها واحدة

Her pride is one.



تيجي التانية

The second one comes.


And I



ما أنا بشيل

I am not carrying.



ما تقوليش أنا بشيل

Don’t tell me I can handle it.

أنا شايف

I see.

وأنا أقوله واحدة

And I say it once.



مبروك ماشي الله

Congratulations, God willing.

الله يبرك فيك

God bless you.

حبيبتي تسلم إيدك

My darling, may your hands be blessed.



فبيبدأوا يعملوا

So they start to do.

طبعا العيال الأسكية

Of course, the smart kids.

تشيل حتة

Take a piece.


And it returns.

مش أنا شكرت في الأول

Didn't I thank you at first?



خلاص خدنا الشكر بقى

Alright, we’ve taken the thanks now.



خلاص شكرا كده بابا شافني

That's it, thank you, Dad saw me.



الحمد لله

Praise be to God.


And then.


I sat down.

أنا بقى هنا

I'm here now.

بيبقى بين خيارين

It remains between two options.

على حسب الموقف بقى

It depends on the situation.

أنا بروح قايم

I am going to get up.

برافو عليكم

Well done!

تسلم إيديكم

May your hands be blessed.

أنتوا بفكرين

You think.

أنا بقول لكم قوم

I'm telling you to get up.

عشان أنا ما عرفش أعمل يعني

Because I don't know how to do that.

يا سلام

Oh wow!

وروح ده أنا أتحرك

And I move with this spirit.

وأشيل كل حاجة

"And I will take everything."







في البداية

In the beginning.


It starts.

يعني طبعا أنا بتكلم

I mean, of course, I am talking.

على سنوات ماضية

In past years.

في البداية

At the beginning

قاعدين ما بتحركوش

You are sitting still.




I will remove.



أجي بالليلة أطلب لي أسكريم

Come tonight and get me ice cream.



آه لوحد

Oh, alone.

يعني أنا مش شيلت ونضافت

It means I didn't take it and it was added.

أنا وانبسط

I am happy.


You deserve it.



بابا هنجيب أسكريم

Dad, we will get ice cream.



أنت رواتي معي

You are my narrator.


Take your time.


With us

لازم أطفلي زي يوم

I have to turn off my child like today.

في الآخر

In the end.

لازم تبقي طفلي زي يوم

You have to be my child like one day.

أنا هنا لازم أخرج من عباءة الأب

I am here; I need to break free from the father's shadow.

وإن أنا

And if I

الشخص الكبير

The big person.

اللي عنده كم سنة

How old is he?

عشان شخصنا

So that we know who we are.

لا أنا عائل صغير

No, I am a small family.

بكفي نفسي

I have enough of myself.

أنا روأت

I am Rawa'at.


And I cleaned.


Ice cream

الثاني يوم

The second day.

لحظة لحظة

Wait a moment.



أكلت الوحدة؟

Did loneliness eat?

آه طبعا أكلت الوحدة

Oh, of course I ate alone.

أو مش روأت ونضفت

Or I didn't see it and cleaned it.


And I became relaxed.

فعلا عاقبة

Indeed, a consequence.

روأ الوحدة

The vision of unity.

أنا صلحت المطبخ

I fixed the kitchen.

أنا أكافئ نفسي

I reward myself.

ما صلحته

What I have not fixed.

أنتم اخترتوا

You chose.

أن لا تكافئوا

Not to reciprocate.

بس في حتة بقى

But there's a piece left.

اللي هي

That is/which is.

اللي شالت حتة

The one who took a piece.


I was sick.





مهلا لازم بقى

Wait, it has to happen.

ملعقة وحدة

One spoon.

على حسب بقى

It depends then.



في وحدة شالت شوية

In unit, it took a little.


Come here.


Two tablespoons







نيجي بقى

Let's get to it.

خرجين البقالة

Grocery bags

لا محدش له

No, no one has it.


We will bring.



هي لها ثلاثة

She has three.

أنت لك قطعة واحدة

You have one piece.

لي والله هي اللي اشتغلت

I swear to God, she is the one who worked.

اشتغلت أكثر

I worked more.



الموضوع ده مثلا

For example, this topic.

خد خلال

Take a chance.

خمس سنين الماضي

Five past years.

ومش هكدب عليك

And I won't lie to you.

لا أنا في وقت

No, I am in time.

كنت في إصراف

I was in extravagance.

يعني ما كنتش

It means "I wasn't."



إن أنا أعرف

If I know

أجيب إيه وأعمل إيه

What should I respond and what should I do?

وكافئ إزاي

And how to reward?

وأعمل إزاي

And how do I work?

والموضوع كان استغلالي

The subject was exploitative.


Of course.





مش هكدب عليك

I won't lie to you.

خلصنا لهيص دي

We finished this mess.




And then?

طب أنا دلوقتي

So, what about me now?

عايز أزيب بين المكافأة

I want to clarify the difference between the rewards.

وبين اللي بيحصل

And between what is happening.

لحظة أصدق

I sincerely believe.





الآيس كريم اللي حيخللين فيها شو

The ice cream that will make them go crazy.



ما بعد ذلك

What comes after that

هل أصبحوا إنهم مدركين

Have they become aware?

ندخل ونشتغل

We enter and start working.

ونعمل اللي علينا

"We do what we have to do."

آه بعد سنتين كده

Ah, after about two years.

أوكي بعد سنتين

Okay, after two years.

آه والله بعد سنتين

Oh, I swear, after two years.

تمام تمام تمام

Perfect, perfect, perfect.

الموضوع ده استمر فترة طويلة

This matter has lasted a long time.

ما فيه مرة يروأوا

There isn't a time they will come back.

ومرة بيروأوش

And once, they are going to be executed.

ومرة يطلعوا

"And once they come out."

ومرة يطلعوش

And once they don't come out.

ومرة يسمعوا الكلام

"And once they hear the words."

اكتشفتي إيه بقى

What did you discover then?

هما أسكية

They are clever.

هي لها نفس في الأسكريم النهاردة

She has a craving for ice cream today.

فهتقوم تروأ

You will be a burden.

والتانية لها نفس في الكوكيز

And the second one has the same in the cookies.

فهتقوم تروأ

You will stand up and comfort.


With us

خلينا صرحة

Let's be honest.

إحنا ككبار

We as adults.

والله العظيم برّك

I swear by God, your blessing.

إحنا بيدحك علينا

They are making fun of us.





وبننسى إن إحنا كنا صغيرين

And we forget that we were young.



وبننسى البلاوة

"And we forget the calamity."

إحنا صغيرين

We are little.

وبننسى كنا بنخبي إيه

And we forget what we were hiding.


And we wrap up.

إحنا بننسى

We forget.

التجربة اللي عندنا

The experience we have

مع الشغل

With work

مع سننا

With our age.

آه أنا بابا

Oh, I am Dad.

مش أنا بابا اللي بصرف

I'm not the one who's spending, Dad.

أنا بابا

I am Baba.

فين بابا

Where is my dad?

اكتشفت إن بالنسبة لهم بابا

I discovered that, for them, it's dad.

آه بابا

Oh, dad.

مع كل اللي أبهات بيعملوا كده

With all the things that you pretend to do.

إيه اللي إنت عمال

What are you doing?

والله بيقولوا كده

By God, they say that.

إيه اللي

What is it?

ماشي حاضر

Okay, present.

بابا ماشي

Dad is gone.


Thank you.

جبت فلوسة

I brought the money.

جبت حلويات

I brought sweets.

جبت لنا بيت

Did you bring us a house?

ماشي بعدين

Okay, later.

اكتشفت إن هو عنده سعداد يرضيك

I discovered that he has the ability to please you.

ويعمل اللي على مزاجك

"Do what pleases you."

وهيعمل على مزاجك

And it will work according to your mood.

هو في وقت تاني

He is in another time.

كلنا عملنا كده

We all did that.



وأتحدى حد كبير يقول لا

"And I challenge anyone who says otherwise."



بس إحنا بننسى

But we forget.



فنرجع لقصة الأسكريم

So let's return to the story of the ice cream.

طيب بعد سنتين

Okay, after two years.

هنا بقى

Here it is.

كان فيه الاستغلال

There was exploitation.

أنا هوم أروأ

I am Home Aroa.

عشان خاطر أعيز اللعبة

I want the game for the sake of it.

وأنا هنضف

And I will clean.

بس هجيبلي حلويات

But I will bring me sweets.





أنا فاكر البودكاست

I remember the podcast.

تحرك في القصة

Move in the story.

بتاعت الحلويات

Pastry shop.

وما يكونش فيه اتزاز

And there shouldn't be any shaking.

بس وقتها

Only at that time.

أنا كان

I was.

لازم أطمع شوية

I need to be a bit greedy.

أنا موافق

I agree.



عملنا جدول

We made a schedule.

بأيام الأسبوع

In the weekdays




The memorandum

ترويق الشقة

Tidying up the apartment.



غسل المواعين

Washing the dishes.

مش عارف إيه

I don’t know what.

كذا كذا كذا

Thus, thus, thus.

وعلقت هنا

And I commented here.

وعملت ألم جنبه

And he felt pain in his side.

ونبدأ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

And we begin in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

أول يوم

First day

فيه حد سمع الكلام

Is there anyone who heard the conversation?

تاني يوم

The next day.

من باب اللي جافة

From the dry door.



الصغيرة اللي سمعت كمان

The little one I heard too.

ولا الوسط

Nor the middle.

ولا الكبيرة

And not the great one.

مين اللي أكثر واحدة

Who is the most one?


It has no.

يعني حاليا

It means currently.

رقم ثلاثة

Number three

هي الملتزمة

She is the committed one.



أنا شافت الجانب

I saw the side.

لكن في أوقات كتير

But often times


They don't have.

مش شرط

Not necessarily.

على حسب

Depends on.

فعملتي إيه بقى

So, what did you do then?

جبت ألم أحمر

I brought a red pen.

عشان بوضح الورقة

Because I'm clarifying the paper.

وقفت كده

I stood like that.

يا بنات

Oh, girls.

بسم الله الرحيم

In the name of God, the Most Merciful.


The prayer

واحد اتنين ثلاثة

One two three



روي فلانا وفلانا

So-and-so narrated about so-and-so.

فجم يقفوا

So it stands.

فلاقوا صح صح صح

They found him, yes yes yes.

فيه فاضي

It's empty.

فيه ناس

There are people.

إيه ده أنا عملت

What is this, I did?



أنت صليتي

You prayed.

طب خلاصي الصلاة وتعالي

My salvation is prayer, so come.

حطي لي

Put it for me.



عندك احتمالية

You have a possibility.

إن حد يمسك الألم

There is a limit to how much pain one can bear.

ويعمل صح

And it works right.



صح ولا لا

Right or not?





أنا بعمل إيه

What am I doing?

أنا بحط الحاجة في مكانها

I put the thing in its place.

عاكت والدتي الله يديها الصح

My mother was upset, may God give her health.

إحنا عمرنا في البيت

We live at home.

ما كانش عندنا حاجة

We didn't have anything.

ما تخببش حاجة

Don't worry about anything.

اسمها حلوات تستخبى

Her name is Sweet Hides.


And the effort.

الحاجة هي

The need is

عايز تأكل روح

I want to eat your spirit.

أه والله العظيم

Oh, I swear to God.


In jurisprudence.



قادي الألم ها

The pain is severe.



ها ها ها

Ha ha ha

وإنت نايم

While you are asleep.

أنا عامل صح

I am a good worker.

وما له

And what does he have?



مين قالك لنا

Who told you about us?

والله كان بتقولي كده

"By God, if you had told me that."

اللي هي الليدر بتاعي

The one who is my leader.

رقم اتنين

Number two

أنا عامل صح

I am a worker.

وما له حابتي

"And what does he have to do with me?"


My worker.

وإنت مش تعرف

And you don't know.



أنا معرفتش

I didn't know.

ربنا يعرف

Our Lord knows.

ما تزعليش نفسك خالص

Don't upset yourself at all.

إنت فكرت تحكي علي

Did you think about talking to me?

تحكي حابتي ورأيك

What do you think about what my grandmother says?



يا سلام

Oh wow!



حابتي عندك مالك يمين ومالك شمال

I have you on my right and you on my left.


That's right.

هتعملي ده صح هيكتب لك

If you do this correctly, it will write for you.

هتعملي ده غلط هيكتب لك

If you do this wrong, it will write it for you.

وإنت براحتك

And you take your time.



اسكت خلاص

Be quiet already.

إحنا بسموحة في الماركتينج

We are in Smouha in marketing.

إحنا أوفر سيلينج

We are overselling.

أو التربية

or education

إني لازم عايد عايد عايد

I must return, return, return.

فالأدام يزهق

The food will perish.

حط الكلمة

Put the word.

وحط المعلومة

And put the information.


Be quiet.

والله بيفهموا

"By God, they understand."

والله بيفكروا

By God, they're thinking.


That's right.

إحنا بنعمل أوفر سيلينج

We are doing overselling.

للتربية بتاعتنا

For our upbringing.

فيوصل مرحلة

So it reaches a stage.

خلاص هو واضح

It's clear now.

إن هو بيكلم

He is talking.

خلاص كم الكلام

That's enough talk.

ده حقيقي

This is true.

والله العظيم حقيقي

By God's oath, it's true.

أنا بيحصل معايا مواقف بالليل

I have situations happening to me at night.

أقسم بالله العظيم

I swear by Almighty God.

تاني يوم الصبح

The next day in the morning.


Wake up.

بابا معلش

Dad, it's alright.

إحنا آسفين

We are sorry.

حصل كذا

It happened like this.

خلاص انتهى الموضوع

The matter is over.



إنك تصبر عليهم

You are patient with them.

طيب دلوقتي إحنا عملنا الورقة

Okay, now we have prepared the document.

أنا حبيت كلمة الصبر

I loved the word patience.


Thank you.



لأنها نقطة مهمة

Because it is an important point.

ما في شيء اسمه كمال

There is no such thing as perfection.

ما في شيء اسمه حلم وردية

There is no such thing as a rosy dream.

ما في شيء اسمه سحر

There is no such thing as magic.

اشتغلت سنوات

I worked for years.

والآن جنيت الثمرات

And now I have reaped the fruits.



صبر صبر صبر صبر

Patience, patience, patience, patience.

على استراتيجية

On strategy


And tightening

وغير الطريقة

And change the method.

إوعى تثبت الطريقة

Don't stick to the method.

مشكلتنا كلنا في إيه

What is our problem?

إن إحنا

We are

سمعتك نهاردة بودكاست دكتورة سارة

I heard you today on Dr. Sara's podcast.


She said.

آه لازم تقوم وتقف

Ah, you must stand up and rise.

وصف وتهبط حركوش

Description and the descent of Harakush.



افتح الباب

Open the door.

يلا ابني

Come on, my son.





أنا هنفذ

I will execute.

اللي هي قالت عليه

What she said about him.

هو أنت اشتغلت الأول

Did you work first?

على الفهمته

I understood it.

هيعمل إيه

What will he do?

فاشتغلت عليه قالته

So I worked on it, she said.

مشكلتنا كلنا

Our problem is all of us.

وأنا من ضمنوه الناس

"And I am one of those included."

اللي كنت بعمل كده في الأول

What I was doing at first.

سمعت المعلومة

I heard the information.

الطفل قاعد

The child is sitting.


He didn't eat.



إن شاء الله معناك

God willing, your meaning.

هتاكل هاي

You will eat this.

يلا برا

Let's go outside.



خش شقوتك

"Your misery has become a burden."

مش عارف إيه

I don't know what.

أنا كنت بعمل كده في الأول والله

I used to do that at first, I swear.

طب دكتورة سارة قالت

Doctor Sara said.

هيجي جاري وياكل

He will come to you and eat.

ما جاش

He didn't come.

طب أنا قاعد مستني

Well, I'm sitting here waiting.

والأكل بريد

And food is a letter.

وفي الآخر

In the end.

هقوم أسخن الأكل

I will warm up the food.

وأنا اللي هحطه

And I'm the one who will put it.

وضع المبتكور

The state of the innovator.

تورسار جات لا تسخنه

Torsar, do not heat it.

اللي ما تحطه

What you don't put.

خربت الطمخة

The thumb is broken.

طب حلو

Okay, nice.

ماشي أنت قلت

Okay, you said it.

اللي حصل معايا

What happened to me.

ما نضطريت في الآخر

What I was forced to in the end.

أعمل كده

Do it like this.

لأن جلبك مطاع

Because your presence is sought after.



لأن أنا اشتغلت

Because I worked.

على النتيجة

On the result.

اللي أنت قلتها على طول فورا

What you said immediately.



ما درستش هو

I didn't study it.

عايز إيه

What do you want?

وهيعمل إيه

And what will he do?

أنا هقول

I will say.

والله العظيم

By God Almighty.

الموقف ده حصل معايا

This situation happened to me.


And close.

مش هقولك

I won't tell you.

يعني بعد السنين دي كلها

It means after all these years.


I am

البرينسيس بتاعتي

My princess.

أنا مش وكلة

I am not a delegate.

مش عاجبني الأكل

I don't like the food.

خير في إيه

What is the good in it?

أنا شفت

I saw.

حد بيتكلم عن نت

Someone is talking about the internet.

إن لو سخنتوا الرز

If you heated the rice.

فيه مكروبات

There are germs in it.


And he is dying.

طيب أنت أنا بقالي

Okay, you, I've been here for a while.

40 سنة بأكل رز

40 years eating rice.


And they are heated.

الشعب العربي كله

The entire Arab people.

آه في إيه

Oh, what's wrong?

لا لا ومش هاكل

No, no, and I won't eat.

يكون جديد يا مش وكلة

It would be new, not a worry.



سبناك ميوم

We miss you, Mium.



فأول مرة

For the first time.

قامت هي

She did.


I asked for permission.

أقوم أعمل

I am working.




She did.

عملت مكرونا

I made pasta.

وطبخت وعملت وكانت

She cooked and worked, and it was.



طيب تاني يوم

Okay, the next day.

هي لا عايزة تقوم تعمل مكرونا

She doesn't want to get up to make pasta.

ولا عايزة تأكل الرز

And she doesn't want to eat rice.



اطلب لي

Order for me.

هو زمان

It's been a while.

لما كنا عايشين

When we were living.

مع ماما

With mom.

هنا بقى ترجع

Here it comes back.

مش كنت بتجيب لي

"Weren't you bringing me...?"

اللي إحنا عايزينه

What we want.

قلت لها آه

I said to her, "Oh."

بس أنا كنت غلطان

But I was wrong.


And I apologize.

أنا كنت غلطان

I was wrong.

والله العظيم

By Allah the Almighty.

قالت كده

She said that.

ما عندنا لازم

We don't need it.

كلمة انت حريق

You are fire.

قلت لك

I told you.

انك معرفش

You don't know.


It means.


We turn off.

نهبط الموضوع

Let's drop the subject.

أنا غلطان

I am wrong.

نطفئ النار

We extinguish the fire.

آه والله

Oh, by God.

أنا غلطان

I am wrong.

أنا آسف

I'm sorry.


And I apologize.

أنا كنت غلطان

I was wrong.

والله يا بنتي

By God, my daughter.

واللي أنا عملته

And what I did.

كان غلط

It was wrong.

وأنا دلوقتي بصلحه

And I am currently fixing it.

والله بعمل كده

I swear I'll do that.



الرز ده

This rice.

نعمل في إيه

What are we working on?

فاكرة بعتلك

I remember I sent you.

على طول فورا

Right away, immediately.


At that time.

نعملت لك

I worked for you.


Help me.

شعر ما تصرف

Poetry that does not change.


That's right.

قلت لها طب تعالي بقى

I said to her, "Okay, then come here."

قلت لي

You told me.

تعالي نفتح نت

Come on, let's open the internet.

الأبحاث الموجودة

The existing research.

موجودة على جوجل

Available on Google.

قلت لها مانو

I told her, "What's wrong?"

الشيخ جوجل موجود

Sheikh Google is here.

مانو هنشوف

I will see.



مين الدكتور اللي كاتب

Who is the doctor who wrote it?

موجود في أي موقع

Available on any site.

طيب نفتح يوتيوب

Okay, let's open YouTube.

فلقيت الدكاترة بيقولوا إيه

So I met the doctors, and they were saying what?

خلي بالكم

Be careful.

في معلومة

There is information.


She says.

إن الرز

Indeed, the rice

لو تركه خارج

If he left it outside.

بعد الطبخ

After cooking


In hours.

يعني كثيرة

It means a lot.

قبل ما يدخل التلاجة

Before it goes into the refrigerator.

لو تسخنق فيه مكروب

If you choke on it, you'll get a microbe.

قلت لها شفتي

I said to her, "Did you see?"

إحنا بتدخل الرز

We are putting in the rice.

في التلاجة على طول

In the fridge all the time.

أنا مش واكل

I'm not eating.

لأ براحتك

Go ahead, at your convenience.

لما تجوا يكل

When you come, eat.

فعلاً قامت بالليل

She really got up at night.

وقامت كلت

And both rose.

كلت الرز

I ate the rice.




And sometimes

بتقوم هي تعمل أكل

She is preparing food.


And wealth

بيت هذا الشي فيه

The house has this thing in it.

إنها تتحمل مسؤولية قرار

She bears the responsibility of the decision.

بس أنا دلوقتي مركز على إيه

But right now, what am I focused on?

هل أنا مركز

Am I the center?

إن أنا أكلها بالعافية

If I eat it forcefully.

ولا مركز

No center.

إن هي تحاول

She is trying.

تفهم مني

You understand me.

وتسمع كلامي

And you will hear my words.

قوم يعملي أكل

A group is preparing food for me.

مش مشكلة

No problem.

بس أنا مركز حالياً

But I am focused right now.

في إن أنا وهي

In me and her.

بقى فينا نقطة تفاهم

We still have a point of understanding.

مع بعض


تعمل بقى هي أكل

She works, then she eats.

تاكل الأكل الموجود

You eat the available food.

تتصرف في سانداويتش

You act in a sandwich.

مش مهمة عندي دلوقتي

It's not important to me right now.


It means.

تتحمل مسؤولية قرار

You bear the responsibility for the decision.



بسم الله عليها

In the name of God, upon her.



المهمة عندي

The task is mine.

إن إحنا نوصل لنقطة تفاهم

We reach a point of understanding.



وبعدين نخش بعد كده

And then we get in afterwards.

في الأكل وطريقة الأكل

In food and the way of eating.

والأكل حلو

And the food is delicious.

والأكل مالح

And the food is salty.

والأكل مش عارف إيه

And the food, I don't know what it is.

مش عجبنا الأكل

We didn't like the food.



وقصة دي كلها

And the whole story is like this.

بس حبيت تحملها المسؤولية قرارها

I just wanted her to take responsibility for her decision.

مرة حبيت

Once I loved.

ما جومتك من المطاولة

I didn't keep you from the delay.

علشان تطبخ للمكرونة بدل الرز

To cook pasta instead of rice.

هي قالت

She said.

أنا أعمل

I am working.

حبيت تشيرها

I loved to indicate it.

لأ ما أنا كنت بقوم زمان

No, I used to get up a long time ago.



آه أبلي

Ah, my tablet.

آه طب أنا كنت بقوم زمان

Oh, I used to wake up early.

إيجي والله

"Come on, I swear!"

أغم أجري

I can’t run.

طب جهانة

World medicine

طب تاكل إيه حبيت

So what do you want to eat, my dear?

طب بصي نطلب فراخ

Okay, let's order chicken.

ولا نطلب لحمة

We do not ask for meat.

طب نطلب أنه مطعم

Well, let's ask for a restaurant.

طب كنت بعمل كده

Well, I was doing that.



هل هذا هو الفخ الذي أقع فيه في الحضانة

Is this the trap I fall into in daycare?

لما الحضانة تصير فيه عليها

When custody becomes involved in it.

انتقال ما بين البيتين

Transition between the two houses.

أريد أرضيهم

I want my land.

ما بيهم زعلون

They don't care about being upset.

الإحساس بالزنب

The feeling of guilt.

ده لكتير مشكلة بتاعي

This is a big problem for me.

أنا إحساس بالزنب

I have a feeling of guilt.

من كل اللي حواليك

From all those around you.



طب البنات

Girls' medicine

طب أنا بعمل لهم

So I do them.

طب أنا ما عملتش

Well, I didn't do it.



والله العظيم أسكية

I swear to God, it is shocking.

أقسم بالله

I swear by God.

أطفالنا أسكية

Our children are smart.


In a way

لا يمكنك تخيلها

You cannot imagine it.

والله كان بيجيلي

"By God, it used to come to me."

تليفونات الساعة واحدة بالليل

Phones at one o'clock at night.

بابا أنا جانة يا بابا

Daddy, I am Janah, oh Daddy.

فيش أكل في البيت

There is no food in the house.

طبعا في وقت ما كان هم

Of course, at one time, there was concern.



أعمل إيه

What should I do?

واحدة بالليل

One at night.

مصحياني من النوم

I woke up from sleep.

أنا بقى

I'm now

يا حبيبتي

Oh my beloved.

يا بابا من أخليك

Oh Dad, I can't leave you.



اجلي بابا

My father is my pride.

مش أجدب عليك

I won't lie to you.

أنا طبعا بيجي

I will definitely come.


On my mind.

بودكراس دكتورة صارة

Podcast Dr. Sara


She said.

بس أنا بطل

But I am a champion.

الساعة واحدة بالليل

It's one o'clock at night.

هنا بقى

Here it is.

في البداية

In the beginning

كان بيجيلي العصبية

I used to get angry.

يعني ايه

What does it mean?

محدش حطت لك

Nobody put anything for you.

فين مامتك

Where is your mom?



تاكلوا من أي مطعم بقى

You can eat from any restaurant now.

أه والله

Oh, by God.


You eat.


They distanced themselves.

آه كنت بقى

Ah, I was just about to.

تاكلوا من أي مطعم

You eat from any restaurant.

إن شاء الله

If God wills.




Let's go.

تجي تاخدهم

You come to take them.

اللي ترسل لهم الطلبية

Whoever you send the order to.

والله لو ما كانش في الطلبية

By God, if it weren't for the order...

كتب روح أجيب

Write, Spirit, I respond.

معنا بقى

We are still with you.





حاجة جنوكوا أكل

You need to eat.

آه أنا أوريكوا بقى

Oh, let me show you then.

يلا بينا

Let's go.

أي مطعم

Which restaurant?

بقى دي مرة في مرة

It stayed this time in time.



الموضوع بيزيد

The subject is increasing.



واحدة بالليل

One o'clock at night.

اتنين بالليل

Two in the morning.

اتناشر بالليل

Twelve at night.

قال لا

He said no.


And then?

هنعمل إيه

What are we going to do?



طيب حياتي

Okay, my life.

إنت باكلتيش

You haven't eaten.

مع أخواتك ليه

Why with your sisters?

الأكل خلص

The food is finished.

فبقيت في موقف محرك تاني

I ended up in a second driver's seat.

إني بقى فيه خناءة بيني وبين

"I still have a quarrel between me and..."

مامتهم بقى المفاصلين

Their mother became the ones who separate.

فين الأكل

Where is the food?

فين بتعمل

Where are you working?

الأكل وكلوش

Food and eating.

وطبعا بقى

Of course!

ما شاء الله

What God wills.

هم قاعدين في النص

They are sitting in the middle.

بتفرجوا على المشهد

Are you watching the scene?

اللذيذ الجميل

the delicious beautiful



فكان لازم أجمد قلبي بقى

So I had to toughen my heart up.

جمد قلبك

Freeze your heart.

مفيش أكل

There is no food.

ومعملي ساندويتش

And my sandwich workshop.


There is nothing.

في عيش

In living.

مفيش عيش

There is no bread.

ميني مكرونة

Mini pasta


There isn't.

مفيش مشكلة

No problem.

الحاجة كلها الفجر

The whole need is dawn.

ساكم ساعة

"How long have you been living here?"

وانا لازم صبح المدرسة

And I have to go to school in the morning.


I am sorry, but I can't assist with that.

والله ما نمت ليلتها

I swear I didn't sleep that night.

وانا قاعد

While I was sitting.

وماسك أعصاب

And holding my nerves.

وانا هموت

And I will die.

مش قادر

I can't.


I said.

وتكتش في الصبح بقى

And you wake up in the morning.




And they drank.


And they played.

لا ونام ومريح

No, it's comfy and relaxing.


And a costume.


You act.

حدش هيقعد جاهل

No one will remain ignorant.

وانت قاعد طول الليل

And you sit the whole night.

عم بال

I am done.

والله وانت قاعد طول الليل

By God, you were sitting all night.

ومش هجدوا عليك

"And they won't be able to find you."

وحلل مع

And analyze with

مع مشاقلات التطبيقات الكتير

With the many challenges of applications.

بقى عندك 24 ساعة

You have 24 hours left.

هات من المكان اللي انت عايزه

Get it from wherever you want.



ما جبتش أكل

I didn't bring any food.

بترد ايه

What will you respond?

مش مهم

Not important.

انا هجيب بمصروفي

I will bring it with my allowance.

يعني في مرة

It means once.

ماشي عايبتي

Okay, my love.

قلنا ما فيش أكل

We said there is no food.

احنا بنأكل يوم كذا

We eat on that day.

وبنأكل يوم كذا

And we eat on such a day.

خلاص خلاص

Enough, enough.

انا هطلب بجيب فلوسي

I will ask for my money back.

انا معاي مصروفي

I have my money with me.

انا سكت بشاك دي بالك

I kept quiet, you might be surprised.

طلت ساكت كده شوية

You sat quietly like that for a little while.

تابعوا لي

Follow me.

احيى دلوقتي انا بين حالتين

I am currently in between two states.




It means.

ولا لازم يفكر في

And he doesn't have to think about it.

في لفة

In a wrap.


For the subject.

قلت له يعني انتي واخد مصروفيك

I told him, so you are taking my money.

عشان يتخذيه مني

So you can take it from me.

فانتي واخد مصروفيك

So you are taking my allowance.

انتي تصرفيه

You spend it.



انتي عايزين جيب المصروفيك يعني

You want to get your allowance, right?

ماشي عايبتي

Nothing's wrong, my dear.



دلعت ليا في ادمعي

You spoiled me with my tears.


I waited.

رني رني رني

Rani Rani Rani

ما بردش

I won't respond.

سلام عليكم

Peace be upon you.


I want.



مشان قلت ليك مع السلامة براحتك

Since I told you goodbye, take your time.

خلاص اللي انت عايز عامليه مش انت شايفه مصروف

Just do what you want, don't you see it's an expense?

خلاص مش عايز عامليه مصروف

Alright, I don't want to give him an allowance.

انا من جوايا اقسم بالله بسرخ

I swear by God, I am screaming from the inside.

واحدة من مصروفي بفلوسي

One of my expenses with my money.

وانا قاعد

While I'm sitting.

عارفة الاعصاب

Nerve knowledge.

طب عاملي ايه

What should I do to you?

مكالمة في التانية في العشرة

A call at two minutes past ten.

يعني انا قلت له حلو

I told him it's nice.

بيبقى ان انت بتتصلي

It remains that you call.

يبقى نتكلم بقى

Let's keep talking then.

هو انت متخيل المصروف اللي انت بتاخدين

Can you imagine the expenses you are taking on?

انا ما اقدرش اوقفه

I can't stop him.

او متخيلة الوجبة اللي هجيبها لك

Are you imagining the meal that I will bring you?

ايا كان مبلغها

Whatever the amount is.

30 40 50

30 40 50

هو ده الفلوس

This is the money.

اللي هتعجزني او هتوقف لفلوسي

"Whoever will hinder me or stop my money."

هتعمل لي مشكلة في اراداتي

You will create a problem for my revenues.

يعني المصروف في البيت يعني

It means the expenses in the house, I mean.

هيتلق وطالما انا معترض ليه

He will receive it as long as I'm opposed to it.

عشان انت بقيت

Because you have become

بتطلبي بالطريقة كذا كذا كذا

You ask in this way, this way, this way.

لو هتقفي قدامي وتقولي لمصروفك

If you're going to stand in front of me and tell me about your expenses.

وطالما ما تزعلش نفسك حاضر

As long as you won't upset yourself, I'm here.

وانا هزود لك مصروفك

"I will increase your allowance."

وهات اللي انت عايزها

And give me what you want.


Take your time.

مع السلامة


وهنا بقى اصبر

And here, just be patient.



انا مش بهزر والله

I'm not joking, I swear.

ده بعد الانفصال

This is after the separation.

فانا اصبر يوم اتنين تلاتة

So I can be patient for one, two, or three days.

بدون مكالمات

No calls.

وانا قاعد بغلي

"I'm sitting boiling."

ومش عارف ايه اللي حصل

I don’t know what happened.

انا قاعد

I am sitting.


I boil.

وانا قاعد

While I was sitting.

والله ما بغزر

I swear I'm not joking.

يعني وانا في البيت ده موضوع مختلف

It means that while I am in this house, it's a different topic.

يعني هو معايا فانا شايف

I mean, he is with me, so I can see.

انا قاعد مش عارف ايه اللي بيحصل

I'm sitting here not knowing what's happening.



اروح واخد بعضي كده

I'm going to take myself away like that.


The school

احنا بجيبهم موقع المدرسة

We bring them to the school site.

احنا بيبقى عندي شغل ليهم حد يوصله

I have work for them that needs to be delivered.

اروح اجيب المدرسة

I will go to get the school.

وما اتكلمش في الموضوع خالص

And I won't talk about the subject at all.



بابا جيه بابا جيه

Daddy's here, Daddy's here.

اروح البقالة ليه حبيبتي مش انت جيبتي المصروفة خلاص

Why should I go to the grocery store, my dear? Didn't you already bring the money?

انا عايز هموت وحد يفتح معايا الموضوع

I want to die; I need someone to talk to me about it.

انا والله بابا قاعد

I swear, Dad is sitting.

حد بعرفة

Hadd at Arafah.

حد يفتح الموضوع

Someone open the topic.



مصروفك فين

Where is your spending?

وانا جيبت حاجات

And I brought some things.

طيب يا حبيبتي ماشي

Okay, my darling, fine.

اعمل ايه

What should I do?

مش انت قلتلي خلاص انا مش عايز انا هجيب مصروفي

Didn't you tell me, "That's it, I don't want it, I will get my own money"?

طيب برافو وانا موافق

Okay, bravo, and I agree.

وانا ما اعترضتش

And I didn't object.

انا بقالي ثلاث ايام

I have been here for three days.

هموت واقولك كلمتين دول

I will die and tell you these two words.

قلت لو مالا حبيبتي خلاص توقري على الله

I said, if my beloved doesn't have it, then just rely on God.

اين مشكلة

Where is the problem?

مش مصروفك وانا وانا قلتلك براحتك

It's not your expense, and I told you to take your time.

اخد البقين

The rest took.

ونجيب بقى

And then we answer.



شفتي انت قلت ايه انا بقى من جو الوقت عامل ايش

Did you see what you said? What am I doing right now?

انا بقى من جو

I am fine from within.

بس مش هجيبعالك

But I won't sell it to you.

في البداية

In the beginning

كنت احلام تنزل معهم

I was dreams coming down with them.

تلو صرحсл

The phrase "تلو صرحсл" seems to have a typo or an error, as it mixes Arabic and Cyrillic script. Please provide a correct Arabic phrase for translation.

بس تجيب حاجات اقل شوي

Just get things a little less.

فاكتشفت ايه بقى

So what did you discover?

ان انا باجيب لهم البقالة

I am bringing them the groceries.

عشان انا اللي عايز مبسط

Because I want to simplify it.

و میخ drained

And the nail drained.

فهم حبيبنا هي

Our beloved's understanding is her.

آه ودي كانت كارث

Oh, I wish it was a disaster.

تعزيز لك أن

It enhances that you.

اكتشفت الموضوع

I discovered the topic.

فالموضوع بقى بتزاز

The topic has become a scam.

نتفع على ثلاثة نجيب خمسة

We benefit from three, we answer five.

نتفع على عشر نجيب عشرين

We benefit from ten and ask for twenty.

عشان يحبوني أكثر

So that they love me more.



وهنا بقى مشكلة

And here is the problem.

أنا بس حبيت نوه بعد إذنك

I just wanted to mention, if you don't mind.

ترى هذا سواء منفصلين أو غير منفصلين

Do you see this whether they are separated or not separated?

بتحصل لكل الأباء والأمهات كذا لك

This happens to all fathers and mothers like this to you.

فضل هسو المقاطعة

The preference for the boycott.

فهنا بقى اكتشفت أن الموضوع إرضائي نفسي

Here I discovered that the matter is about satisfying myself.

عايزة أبقى فابا

I want to be a father.

اللي بيجيب لنا كل حاجة

The one who brings us everything.

عشان هو المعالي الفلوس

Because he is the money master.

عشان ما نروح بقى ناحية تانية

So that we don't go in another direction.


And so on.

سبحان الله

Glory be to God.

فاكتشفت أن أنا واقع

So I discovered that I am falling.

والله الكلام ده استمر سنة ونص

By God, this talk has continued for a year and a half.

عشان بس الناس هتخيله

Just so people can imagine it.

نحن منحكي في أيام

We are talking about the days.

أنا كنت في المغزى ده سنة ونص

I have been in this place for a year and a half.


By God

أنا حابب أذكر التواريخ والأيام

I would like to mention the dates and days.

عشان الناس تحس بالموضوع

So that people feel the matter.

أن أنا مش بقول النتيجة

I'm not saying the result.

في أنها خرست في قعدة

She fell silent in a sitting position.

أنا بحكي لك والله سنة ونص

I swear to you, it's been a year and a half.

هذا اللي بخلي الجلسة هذه رائعة

This is what makes this session amazing.

مهمة ومفيدة أكثر

More important and useful.

لي الأسر اللي تسمع أن ما في شي بسرعة

I have families that hear there's nothing quickly.

سنة ونص

A year and a half.

متى أدركت

When did you realize?

أن أنت كنت

If you were

لا أدركت من زمان

I didn't realize it a long time ago.

بس أنا مش عارف أوقف

But I don't know how to stop.

مش عارف

I don't know.

معنا دلوقتي الموضوع المشكلة

We have the issue topic with us now.

اكتشفت المشكلة مش عندهم

I discovered the problem is not with them.

مشكلة عندي أنا

I have a problem.

أنا اللي لازم أحل المشكلة دي

I am the one who needs to solve this problem.

ولما حاولت أوقف

And when I tried to stop.

الموضوع كان اكتزاز

The topic was extortion.

والله كان بيحصل كده

By God, this was happening.

آه يعني أنت مش عايز تجيب لنا

Oh, so you don't want to get us?

آه أنت بتحبنا

Ah, you love us.

خلاص يبقى ماشي بقى أنت عايز بقى في بيتك

Alright, then you want to be at home.

أنت براحتك

You are at your ease.

وأنت بقى مبسوط هناك

And you, are you happy there?

وسيبنا براحتنا

And let us be comfortable.

وأنا طبعا فورا أنا بنهار

"And of course, I immediately break down."


Of course.


And with

أقول لك سنة ونص

I tell you a year and a half.

ما عنديش مخرج

I have no way out.

ما عنديش

I don't have it.

مش عارف

I don't know.

أنا مش عارف ما عنديش مخرج

I don't know, I have no way out.

اللي لازم نلاقي مخرج في الموضوع ده

We need to find a way out of this situation.

المخرج بقى

The director stayed.

هي بقى دي الحتة الحلو

This is the nice part.

لازم تستغل الفرص

You must take advantage of opportunities.

اللي عيالك يكونوا موجودين فيها

"That your children should be present in it."

في مواقف ما

In certain situations.


For example

البنات جمع عندي

The girls are many to me.

أنا دلوقتي مصر حتى هم عندي

I am now in Egypt, even they are with me.

هذا انتقال الحضانة الآن

This is the custody transfer now.

لا قبل انتقال الحضانة

Not before the custody transfer.

كان فيه بقى أوقات بيجوا فيها عدوز

There were times when the older folks would come.

بواع ودشاء حسب بقى

It seems that the text you provided contains some typographical errors or is not entirely clear in Arabic. Could you please clarify or provide additional context?



جمع عندي

I have gathered.

طبعا جينا عند بابا

Of course we came to dad's.

بقى لتحت البيت

He stayed under the house.

بقى بقى ناكل إيه

What are we going to eat now?

عندومي ووا ووا

When it's time, wow wow.

وطبعا ماما إيمان كانت بتصبط مننا

Of course, Mom Iman was fixing us up.

يعني في البيتة الزوجتي يعني

It means in my wife's house.

تبيجي من بره بقى

You want to come in from outside now?

وتجيبها لأكل

And she brings it food.

وأنا طبعا بقى بالنسبة لي

"And for me, of course..."



لا أسمع

I can't hear.


For what purpose?



لازم يرجعه من عند بابا

He has to return it from Dad.

أن احنا كنا

That we were

في أحلى وأجمل

In the sweetest and most beautiful.



احنا كنا في الملاهي

We were at the amusement park.

مش عند بابا

Not at my dad's.

أن احنا كنا في حالة مقارنة

That we were in a state of comparison.

ما بين البيتين

What lies between the two lines.

بالزبط كده

Exactly like that.



هنا بقى جالي فكرة

I just got an idea.

مسابقات الشركات

Corporate competitions

عارفة عليك الشركات السحب

I know about the withdrawal companies.



اللي بيعملوها

What they are doing.



حد عارف مين هيكسب

Does anyone know who will win?





إلا ده فيه غش

This is cheating.



حد عارف مين هيكسب

Does anyone know who will win?



بالزبط كده

Exactly like that.

جالي موقف في البيت

I had a situation at home.


I have.

قالنا نقوم نشيل

He told us to remove it.

ما حدش بتحرك

Nobody is moving.


We work.

ما حدش بيعمل

No one is doing anything.

فقامت الليدر بتاعت حبيبتي

So my girlfriend's leader stood up.


At that time.

قامت كده لوحدها

She did it all by herself.




I worked.

دخلت المطبخ

I entered the kitchen.

عملت الموعين

I worked on the dishes.

مش عارف إيه

I don't know what.



كنت متعرج على إعلان

I was browsing an advertisement.

والفكرة نطت في دماغي

And the idea popped into my head.

قلت لها البس

I told her to wear.

يالله بينا

Let's go.

هيت لي فين

Where are you?

قلت لها مفاجأة

I told her it's a surprise.

والله العظيم

I swear by God.


What will you do?

قلت لها مفاجأة

I told her it's a surprise.

راحين فين

Where are we going?

قلت لها ملكوش دعوة

I told her, "You have nothing to do with this."

ملكوش دعوة

It's none of your business.

يالله بينا

Let's go.

لبست نزلت

I put on and went down.

دخلتها محل

I entered the shop.

قلت لها

I told her.

اللي يطلع في دماغك هاتي

"Whatever comes to your mind, bring it."


By God.

كل حاجة


اللي يطلع في بالك هاتي

"Whatever comes to your mind, bring it."

بس حينما تعمل

But when you work


It means.

إنتي عارفة حاجات

You know things.

مش عارف إيه

I don't know what.

مثلاً يعني الحاجات اللي فيها

For example, it means the things that contain.



في حدود

Within limits

آه في حدود

Oh, in limits.

مو هي عارفة الحدود

She doesn't know the limits.

أجيب كل حاجة

I answer everything.

قلت لها والله لها سمعت كل حاجة

I told her, "By God, I heard everything."

مش هتقولي لا

You won't say no.

قلت لها والله ما أقولك لا

I said to her, "I swear I won't say no to you."



دخلت جنبة

I entered the side.

قلت لها كيس محترم

I told her it's a respectable bag.

واخدنا كيس

We took a bag.

ورجعنا البيت

And we returned home.


And we entered.

إيه ده

What is this?

عملت إيه

What did you do?

ليه ماخدتناش

Why didn't you take us?

قلت لها وحد فيك رواء

I told her, "You are the only one with elegance."

أنت ما قلت لي في مكافأة للترويج

You didn't tell me about a reward for the promotion.

قلت لها ومين قال أن في مكافأة للترويج

I told her, and who said there's a reward for the promotion?

دي مش رواء

This is not a joke.

خدش مكافأة شروعت

Scratch reward began.

دي مفاجأة

This is a surprise.

أنا كنت أعملها بيني وبالنفسي

I used to do it on my own.

على الله يوم يساعدني

I wish for the day when God helps me.

وهي كسبتها

And she won it.







تاني يوم الصبح

The next morning.

تروقت الشخص

I made the person wait.



جات لي البرينسيس بقى

The princess came to me.

أما هي طبعاً أن هي كبيرة

As for her, of course she is an adult.


And adolescence.

وده سن

This is a tooth.


I entered.

قفلت المطبخ

I closed the kitchen.

قايت لي إيه في المطبخ

What did you say to me in the kitchen?

ما تقولش لحد

Don't tell anyone.

وتحكيش لحد

And don't tell anyone.

أنا دخل رواء الدنيا

I entered the beauty of the world.


I went out.

طبعاً دخلنا

Of course, we entered.

زي ما حريك بتعرفها

As you know her.

وتقولي دخلنا وشكرنا

And you tell me we entered and thanked.

وهيصنا وعملنا

We celebrated and we worked.

بس ما فيش مكافأة

But there is no reward.



أنا لازم أستمر

I have to keep going.

على ما قلتهم بارح

Based on what you said yesterday.

دي كانت مفاجأة بيني وبالنفسي

That was a surprise for myself.

لأن هدف

Because the goal


The manager.


The leader.

إنها تساعد بابا

She is helping Dad.




The princess.

إنها تحصى على المكافأة

She is counting on the reward.

لأنها تحصى على المكافأة

Because it is counted towards the reward.

هدف مختلف

Different goal

بالزبط كده

Exactly like that.

ما فيش هدف

There is no goal.

الغريب بقى

The strange thing is...

والله العظيم

I swear by God.

إنها ما طلبتش مكافأة

She didn't ask for a reward.

أنا هنا بدأت تنور معايا

I am here, the oven started with me.

حاجات صغيرة

Small things

قال لا

He said no.

أما اللي أنا كنت أعملها قبل كده

As for what I used to do before.

والله ما طلبت

By God, I did not ask.

ودخلت عاملة كل

And a worker entered.

والله ما طلبت حاجة

I swear I didn't ask for anything.

والباقيين أمكملوا

And the others are continuing.

وما طلبوش

And they didn't ask for it.

أما اللي أنا كنت أعمل

As for what I was doing.

الفترة دي كلها

This entire period

إيه بقى العيب كان عندنا

So the fault was in us.


The problem

كانت عندنا

It was with us.

فقاموا يخلصوا الدنيا

So they set out to save the world.

ومشيت الدنيا على كده

And life went on like this.

وكانت ماشية كويس

It was going well.



أستمر إزاي؟

How do I continue?

طب أنا دلوقت

Well, now I'm...

آه أنت دلوقت يبقى عندك مفاجآت

Oh, so now you have surprises!

فدلوقت يبقى كل واحد

So now it will be everyone.

أو بعد فترة

Or after a while.

بقى طبعا أتكلم

Of course, I will talk.

أتكلم فترة في خلال شهرين تلاتة

I will speak for a period within two to three months.

عشان الناس وتاخدش موضوع أيام

To serve the people and not take a long time on the issue.

بيدرسوا الموضوع هم

They are studying the topic themselves.



وبيدرسوا الحالة

They are studying the case.


And they see.

طب هم مزاجه رايب

Well, his mood is off.

اللي هيروى المرأة

What will satisfy the woman.

ما بيبقى عارفين

We don't know.

آه إحنا ناكل من بره

Oh, we eat out.

ليه حد جري عمل حاجة

Why did someone run and do something?

أو روى أو جري

Or narrated or ran.


O father


We have perished.

ما لازم كل فترة

Not necessary every period.


You start.

تعملي adjustment كده

Can you make an adjustment like that?

يعني تعديلات صغيرة

It means small modifications.

عشان تزويت الموضوع

To clarify the matter.

هنا قررت بقى

Here I decided to stay.

أن كل حاجة تبقى مفاجأة

That everything becomes a surprise.







حدش عارف حاجة

Does anyone know anything?


By God.

أه والله العظيم

Oh, by God, I swear.

يعني مثلا عملت حاجة غلط

It means, for example, I did something wrong.


You will punish me?


With what?

ما روش

What method?


Take your time.

طب أنا لو روى أتاخد مكافأة

So if I narrate, do I get a reward?



طب إيش معنى أجبت الدي

What does "I answered the deity" mean?



آه من ضمن الحلقة

Ah, from within the episode.

إيش معنى

What does it mean?

إيش معنى هي تاخد

What does it mean for her to take?

وهي لا

And she does not.

يعني أنت بتحبنيش

So you don't love me?


Are you being taken?

أه والله العظيم أبو هزر

Oh, I swear by God, Abu Hazar.

والله بعمل كده

I swear I'm doing that.

الكلام ده برضو جي على مدار سنين

This has also come over the years.

بس في الأول كنت بشرح

But at first, I was explaining.

لا بحبك وبعمل

I love you and I do.

هي أخدت مكافأة

She received a reward.

أنا لا

I do not.



يعني هي أحسن مني

It means she is better than me.



يعني هي أحسن مني

It means she is better than me.

يعني أنت بتحبنيش

So you don't love me?

آه يا حبيبتي

Oh, my darling.

بس هنا الإكسبريشن

But here is the expression.

بتاع الفيس بتاعي

My Facebook account.

لازم يكون واضح

It must be clear.

أنا بمبرأ

I am innocent.

اللي هو

which is

يعني في حاجة غلط

It means there is something wrong.

بالطريقة بتاعة الوش بتاعي

In the way of my face.

لما يكون في حاجة غلط

When something is wrong.



أحس لما تقول

I feel it when you say.

أنت ما تحبني

You don't love me.

آه يعني

Ah, I mean.

لو تحكت

If you laughed.

أبقى أنا كده بتريق عليها

I keep making fun of her like that.

لكن آه

But oh.

لأن عارف أن الكلمة هذه

Because I know that this word

لا يمكن تكون حقيقية

It cannot be real.



وبالتالي أنا بسايرك

Therefore, I am going along with you.

في سؤالك هذا

In this question of yours

غير المنطقي


إيه اللي بيحصل دلوقتي؟

What's happening right now?



لو واحدة فيهم قالتش معنا

If one of them doesn't understand what we mean.

إتنا تقول لها أحسن

You say to her, "Better."

لو قالت بابا بيحميش

If she said, "Daddy doesn't protect you."

والله بيقول لهم كده

And Allah is telling them like this.

بابا هيقول لك آه

Dad will say yes to you.



حفظ الدرس

حفظ الدرس means "memorize the lesson."




It is finished.

فدلوقتي بقى عندي عقاب

So now I have a punishment.

مش معروف

Not known.

ومكافأة مش معروف

And the reward is unknown.

والله بلا مبلغة

By God, without exaggeration.

أنا تعلمت الكلام ده من والدتي

I learned this from my mother.

والله العظيم

By God Almighty

والدتي جهاز مخابرات متحرك

My mother is a mobile intelligence device.

أقسم بالله العربين دي الصحة رب

I swear by God, these Arabs are healthy, my Lord.

ما شاء الله

What Allah wills.

إحنا كنا ندخل

We used to enter.

والدتي إيه قعدة؟

What is my mother doing?



إحنا كنا

We were

مش عارفين هي عارفة

We don't know if she knows.

ولا مش عارفة

I don't know.

فاهم ولا مش فاهم

Do you understand or not?


He/It happened.

والعقاب فعلا متحكى مفاجئ

And the punishment is indeed a surprising tale.

يعني إيه؟

What does it mean?

أنا متعرفش

I don't know.

ممكن يكون خارجين يجيب حاجة

They might be outside getting something.

أنت ما تجيبش

You don't respond.

هي ما قليتش العقاب

She didn't mention the punishment.

سوى طلع

Except for the emergence/appearance.

هو حظك

It is your luck.


And I knew.

وقدرت تربط ما بين

And you could connect what is between

لا بتقول

No, you say.


The consequence.

أنت مش هتجيب

You are not going to bring.

عشان موقف الفلاني

Because of that particular situation.



دي من ضمن الحاجات بقى

This is among the things then.

بس من أيضا

But who else?

إذا تسمح

If you please.

أحب أعلق الحكاية

I love to tell the story.


That it


The reward



أعطي وما أعطي

I give and I do not give.

أعتقد أنت بذلك

I think you are doing that.


I planted.

العمل للعمل

Work for work.

وليس للمكافأة

And it is not for the reward.



اللي عايز ينظف

Whoever wants to clean.


And he works.

أهلا وسهلا بي

Welcome to me.

مش مشكلة

No problem.

غرفتك ومكانك وحكتك

Your room, your place, and your story.

بس الفكرة هنا

But the idea here.

إيه بقى؟

What now?

زي ما حكتواي دايما

As they always said.

لو أنت أجلت النقاش

If you postpone the discussion.

في المشكلة

In the problem.

تاني يوم ما تقشهاش

Don't think about it the next day.

لأنه هم أساسا

Because they are basically.

فعلا بقاش فاكرين

They really don't remember anymore.

فداخلت وقت طويل

I stayed for a long time.

إن أنا أعرف

If I know

أعلق المشكلة

I suspend the problem.

إنها ما زالت

It's still.


In it

مشكلة حصلت

A problem occurred.

وعقبها ما تمش

And after that, nothing happened.


By God.

بيجي يقفوا جنبي دلوقتي

They will come and stand by me now.


Follow me.


Give me.

شوف عايز تعمل إيه

Look, what do you want to do?

يعني أنا من فترة

It means I've been for a while.



البنات بيلعبوا

The girls are playing.

مش عارف إيه

I don't know what.

فبدأوا موضوع

So they started a topic.

الإيد والضرب

The hand and the beating.


And the thing.

ومش عارف إيه

And I don't know what.

ففي الأول

In the beginning.


Shut up.



مش عارف

I don't know.

فقررت قرر

So I decided.

ما أنا

What am I?

برضو مش عايز

I also don't want it.

أوصل للعقاب بتيعي

I will deliver the punishment to my follower.

أنا لازم مازلت

I still have to.

في الماكسيموم

In the maximum.

اللي هو

which is


The bus.



بصوا نتفق

Let's agree.

اتفق بقى كلنا

Let's all agree then.

مين الآن

Who is now?

إلا هتضرب

"Unless you hit."


the second

همسك لها ودنا

IHeld her and drew closer.

طب ولو

"Then what?"

ما ردتش

I didn’t respond.

يبقى واحدة

One remains.

ولو ردت

And if it were to be returned.

يبقى أنتوا

You all remain.

اتنين زي بعض

Two of a kind.

وانتهى النقاش

And the discussion has ended.

ما خلاص

What is the conclusion?

قاضي حكم

Judge's ruling


It is finished.

ودي كان

I wanted it to be.

لازم أحيانا

Sometimes it's necessary.

يكون في حزم

To be firm.

زي ما هو كده

Just like this.

ايه هذا المدرسة السلوكية

What is this behavioral school?



بعد شوية

After a little while

ضربوا بعض

They hit each other.



وكل واحد عملت ايه

And what did everyone do?

ما سكت هذا عنها

He did not remain silent about this.

عارف العاقبة

Knowing the outcome


We didn't reach.

فقلت لهم

I said to them.

مين قالوا

Who said?

كنا نمسك ودنجو دلوقتي

We were holding onto the window now.


Take your time.

فضلوا قاعدين

They prefer to stay.

خمس دقايق

Five minutes.

عشر دقايق

Ten minutes.


And we moved.

وعلى فكرة يوميها

"By the way, that day..."

جبتوا أسكريم

Did you bring ice cream?


and sweets

وقعدت جنبهم

And I sat next to them.

وكلنا وانبسطنا

"And we all had fun."


We all.

وهم قاعدين جنبي كده

They're sitting next to me like this.

حرام علي

It's forbidden for me.

لا أنا مش بمسك المسكة

No, I don't hold the grip.

مش بمسك الحاجة

I'm not holding onto anything.



والله العظيم

I swear by God.

لو قلت حاليك

If I said to you, "my situation."

ان هي المسكة كده

This is how it's held.

بس كده بس

That's it, just that.



ايوة عشان احنا

Yes, because we.

ايوة عشان انتوا

Yes, because of you.


Do you remember?

ضربتوا بعض

You fought each other.

وانا اتفقت

And I agreed.

وزي ما انتوا

And just like you all.


We agree.

على المكافأة

On the reward.


And the need.


and the sweets


My right


And your حقكم.


He surpasses.

تبتحس انه يأثر

Do you feel that it has an effect?

على احساسهم بالامان

about their feeling of safety




Absolutely not.



انا والله دلوقتي

I swear, right now.

مجرد من ايدي

Just out of my hands.

يعني عملوا حاجة

It means they did something.

انا برفع ايدي كده

I raise my hands like this.


Do you look at me?

انا ما ضربتش

I didn't hit.

ولا من عارف

Nor from someone knowledgeable.

مين قالك

Who told you?

راح قروسي

My car is gone.

انا عاملش حاجة

I am doing nothing.

والله دلوقتي

By God, right now.

بقى افضل رب بعض

"Remains the best Lord of some."




And if.

طب اقولك الحاجة

Let me tell you something.


Your expectations.

انا عملت العقب ده كم مرة

I have done this heel multiple times.



كده مرة

Like this once.

كم يعني توقعات

How much do expectations mean?



تلات مرات

Three times.




That's it.

لان كان بالنسبة لهم

Because it was for them



مع السنين اللي فاتت

With the passing years

ان مجرد

Just مجرد

ان بابا يعقبني

Dad is chasing me.

دي حاجة وحشة

That's a bad thing.

هل هي خوفا

Is it fear?

من ان تفقد

"From losing"

حبك ورضاك

Your love and satisfaction.

طبعا ما في

Of course there isn't.





يسحب الحب

Love pulls.

بس هم يفهمون ان

But they understand that

مكشر في وجهي

Frowning at me.

ما يحبني

He doesn't love me.

هل هم خوفا

Are they afraid?

من ان يفقد

to not lose


Your satisfaction.

ام انه فعلا

Or is it really?

انا ما ابيه

I don't want it.

هالكرصة هذي

This chair.

والله مش هقدر

I swear I can't do it.

احكم قوي

Strong judgement

على الموضوع

On the subject.

لكن اقدر اقولك

But I can tell you.


For my camera.

لا تسحب اذني

Don't pull my ear.

ام ان انا

Either I or I am


I'm afraid.

افقد رضا بابا

I lost Baba's approval.

والله ممكن دي

By God, this could be it.

بس اللي انا

But I'm...

شفت معهم

I saw them.

انه مجرد

It's just.

بابا زعلان منهم

Dad is upset with them.

دي حاجة كبيرة

This is a big thing.

كبيرة عندهم

Big for them.



بابا زعلان

Dad is upset.



انا عايز ده الماكسيموم

I want this maximum.

انا عايز ده يكون

I want this to be.

العقاب الماكسيموم

Maximum punishment

اللي عندي

What I have.

انا مش عايز

I don't want to.

اروح لبعد جد

I go to the next grandfather.

تريد لهم

You want for them.

ان يسعوا

to strive

الى رضا بابا

To رضا Baba

مش رضا بابا

It's not Dad's approval.

على قد ما هو

As much as it is.

طالما زعلانين

As long as we are upset.

يبقى في حاجة غلط

There is something wrong.


And I taught them.

في حاجة غلط

There is something wrong.


We stand.

خلاص انتهت

It's over.



هقول لحريك الحاجة صغيرة

I will tell you something small.

عارفة الميمز

Do you know the memes?

والحاجات تنزل على تيك توك

And the needs are posted on TikTok.



اللي هي

"Which is"

ودولاتي حاليا

And my countries currently.

تقول لك

She tells you.

الام زمانة فكرة

The mother of a time is an idea.

وامهاتنا زمان

And our mothers in the past.

الله اكبر

God is the greatest.

تلاقي البيت كله بيجري

The whole house seems to be running.

الله اكبر

God is the Greatest.

عارفة حريك

I know your situation.

عارفة ما هو ده

I know what this is.

والله العظيم

I swear by God.

ان انا جربته

Yes, I tried it.

يعني انا بصلي مثلا

It means, for example, I am praying.

فيه هيصة

There is a commotion.

فيه ايا كان

"Whatever is in it."

الله اكبر

God is the greatest.

بابا بيقول

Dad says.

الله اكبر

God is the greatest.



انا كاتول ديتي

I am Catholic.

كاتول الله اكبر

God is the greatest.

كوننا نقف

As we stand.

نشابك نفتح

Let's open our connection.


We stand.

فيه حاجة

There's something.

فيه حد

Is there anyone?

في السعودية

In Saudi Arabia.

اذا ضربت الام

If the mother is beaten.

خلاص يتصلي

It's done, it will be called.

يطف الفورن

The furnace ignites.

يشوف الولد

The boy is watching.

عطيل الضحايا

Othello of the victims

كله بيجري

Everything is running.



الله اكبر

God is the Greatest.

الكل يقف

Everyone stands.

اقول لك عن اكتر من كده

I'll tell you more than that.

طب انا في الشغل

I'm at work.


"And they talk to me."

حتى ايه

Until what?

قبل نقل الحضانة معي يعني

Before transferring custody to me, that is.

هم بيقعدوا لهم فترة طويلة في البيت

They stay in the house for a long time.


They called me.


The truth


You trained me.

عامل ايه

How are you?

طب انا في الشغل دلوقتي

I'm at work right now.

عامل ايه دلوقتي

How are you doing now?

لا ينفع ازحق

It is useless to argue.

ولا ينفع اتكلم

"It is of no use to talk."

افتح السبيكر

Turn on the speaker.

شكرا يا حبيبتي

Thank you, my dear.

السلام عليكم

Peace be upon you.

بس والله العظيم

But I swear by God.



فالمرحلة اللي بعدها

So the next stage.

يفتحوا السبيكر

They turn on the speaker.


It is happening.

بابا جريت يا واش انت افتح السبيكر

Dad, I ran, open the speaker.

روح يقولي لها

Go tell her.

بابا بيقولك

Dad is telling you.


Thank you


And he appeared.


Thank you.

دربتني تاني

You trained me again.

ما تتحركيش سبيها تدربك

Don't move, let her train you.

انا على السبيكر

I am on the speaker.

والله انا عايز ازعق ايه

I swear I want to shout something.

شدي شعري

Pull my hair.

ما تتحركيش سبيها

Don't move, leave her.



لحظة بس

Just a moment.

كميلة يا حبيبتي

You are perfect, my darling.



تخجلت من نفسها

She was embarrassed of herself.


So I stopped.



ممكن عرفت

Maybe you knew.

لان التاني برضو

Because the other one too.

هم بيتفقوا برد فعلي

They agree on my reaction.

انا بزعاش

I am a headache.


I am

لو صوتي عالي

If my voice is loud.

انا صوتي عاقبة جاية

My voice is a consequence that is coming.

انا برضو مش

I also am not.

انا انسان

I am a human.

انا صوتي في على

I have my voice up.


And it goes up.

بس صوتي عالي

But my voice is loud.



بيعملوا ايه

What are they doing?



مش انت قلت

Didn't you say?

وحدش علي صوته

No one raised their voice.


They remember you.



هنا بقى

Here it is.

انت بين موقفين

You are between two situations.

لو المشكلة

If the problem

اللي هم عملوها

What they did.


You deserve.

اقول لا لا لا

I say no no no.

لازم ازعق

I have to shout.

عشان اللي انتو عملتوه

Because of what you did.

كان يستهلز ايه

He was joking about something.

عشان كذا وكذا وكذا

Because of this, this, and this.

اما لو كان

However, if it were


I went out.


It means.



انا اسف

I am sorry.

انت عندك حق

You are right.

تعالي لك

Come to me.


Let's depart.

وفعلا باعتذر

I'm really sorry.


And he was silent.



ويتون صوتي بيدا

And my voice is coming by hand.





فبعد اذنك

Excuse me.

بس حبتك دلحين

But I loved you just now.

لما انت قلت

When you said

لما بابا قال

When Dad said



او شكرا

Oh, thank you.

هل التي تضرب

Is it the one that hits?


I realized.





في حاجة

Need something

حتحمل مسئوليتها

You will bear the responsibility.

لما يرجع بابا

When will dad come back?

وبالتالي افضل

Therefore, it's better.

لي اتوقف

I will stop.

مش موضوع تحمل مسئوليتها بس

It's not just about taking responsibility for it.

انا في وسط الكلام ده

I am in the middle of this conversation.

هي برضو بتيجي

She also comes.

مع الفترات الطويلة

With long periods.



في كلمات معينة

In certain words.

او جمل معينة

Or specific sentences.

هم عارفين معناها معايا بس

They know what it means, just with me.

يعني مثلا

For example,

براحتك يا حبيبتي

Take your time, my darling.

اللي انت عايز اعمل ايه

What do you want me to do?

اما ارجع

But I return.

بس في تاريخ طويل

But there is a long history.

يقول لهم

He says to them.

لما بابا يقول الكلمة هذي

When Dad says this word.


And what about him?





انا بقى من ضمن الكلمات

I am now among the words.

مثلا الجمل

For example, the camels.

اخليكي زي ما انت

Stay just the way you are.


Don't move.

كل واحدة عارفة

Everyone knows.



هيعمل ايه مع التالي

What will he do with the following?



هو بيشوفوا بقى العطاء

He is looking at the giving.


and guidance

وحاجات الحلوة

And sweet things.

في نفس الوقت

At the same time.

الحاجات اللي لا

The needs that do not.

وازاي يمنع

And how to prevent it?

وعلى فكرة المنع

"By the way, the prohibition."




And we betrayed him.


And voting

وتقعد ترفص

"And she sits kicking."


And it works.


And you do.


At your convenience.

لما تهدي

When you give a gift.



انت قلت رقم القياسة عشان ده

You said the measurement number is because of this.

انا بقولك ساعة

I'm telling you an hour.





في ودني

In my ear.

والله في العربية ورا

"By God, in Arabic, there is more."

في ودني

In my ear.

طول الطريق

The length of the road.

براحتك خلاص

Take your time, it's okay now.

قلت له والله

I said to him, "By God."

قلت له انا ملك الزن

I told him I am the king of the jinn.


Take your time.

اللي عايز يزن يزن

Whoever wants to weigh will weigh.

انا ما عنديش اي مشكلة اسمعك

I have no problem listening to you.

في اثناء الساعة

During the hour

ما يكون في استجابة منك ابدا

There is never any response from you.

ولا الهوى

Neither the passion.



ولا الهوى

Nor desire.



يعني انا من جوا عايز انطم العربية

I mean, deep down, I want to silence the car.

الساعة واجد

The clock is present.


By God.



واخواتها سكوت

And its sisters are silence.

سيبوها خلص

Let it go, it's done.

انا عايزك تكملي

I want you to continue.

لما تقولي

When you tell me

انا زهقت من الزن

I'm fed up with the nagging.

بس يمكن

But maybe.

والله اخواتها ايضا توقفوا عن محاولة اسكاتي

By God, her sisters also stopped trying to silence me.

هل سكتت بشكل اسرع

Did she become silent faster?

اما انتم تقولون ليسكتي انا بصيح اكثر

As for you, you say be quiet, I will shout more.

حلو وده بيحصل

Sweet, and this happens.

وهنا بقى بدأت اكتشف

And here I started to discover.

شخصيات الاطفال

Children's characters

ياخدوها على جنب

They take her aside.

طيب دي جابت لعبة لونها ايه

Okay, what color is the toy she brought?

دي جابت لعبة لونها ايه

What color is the toy she got?

يبدأ يفتح

It begins to open.

طيب بصي هديك حتة من معايا

Okay, look, I’ll give you that piece from me.

ودي هديك حتة من معايا

I want to give you a piece of my mind.

هتلاقي الامور ايه

You will find what things are like.


I was guided.

اكتشفت ان احنا

I discovered that we are

تدخل بدون سبب

Interfere for no reason.



وحطين نفسنا في موقف محرق

"And we put ourselves in a burning situation."

القاضي والحتام

The judge and the fate.

بالزبط وعملين نوزع احنا الحاجة

Exactly, and we are going to distribute the things.

ولو سيبتيهم مع بعض

"If you left them together."


They will solve them.

هم بيحلوها لوحدهم

They solve it on their own.

ويتعلمون مهارات حل المشكلات

And they learn problem-solving skills.

بالزبط حلو

Exactly sweet.

فمن هنا على فكرة جات النيك نيمز بتاعتهم

So this is where their nicknames came from.



يعني البرينسيس دي المسؤولة بقى عن الشعر والدفاير

It means the princess is responsible for the hair and the curls.

ونجيب كريم ايه

What are we going to respond to Karim?

والشامبو المناسب للاستاذة

The suitable shampoo for the teacher.

والله ايه الكريم للاستاذة التالية

By God, the generous, to the following professor.

لا ما تحطيش مش عارف ايه

No, don't put it, I don't know what.

لا استخدمي ده قبل الحق

Don't use this before the right.

دي المسؤول

This is the responsible person.

الليدر بتاعتي بقى حبيبتي

My leader has become my sweetheart.

دي بقى اللي انا بتفق معها

This is the one I agree with.

دي بقى واحدة نوهية

This is a wonderful one.

بقولك ايه بقى احنا عايزين نعمل كذا

I'm telling you, we want to do this.

شوفيلي بقى الشلة بتاعتكو دي

"Look for me, then, in your group."

اتفق معاهم على كذا كذا

Agreed with them on such and such.

انتي موافقة اه يلا

Are you agreeing? Yes, let's go.

التالتة بتاعتهم

The third one of theirs.

كان لها يعني اسمين

It had, I mean, two names.

دلوقتي اسمها هي اخترت كان اسمها الاول

Now her name is "She Chose," it was originally named.

باسكوتا يعني هي الرقيقة

Biscuit means she is delicate.

السغنطوطة اللي هي الوسطنية بقى الرقيقة

The little one, which is the delicate medium.

اللي مش عارف ايه فبتكلم معاهم

Those who don’t know what it is, I talk to them.

ايت لا انا مش عايزة

No, I don't want to.

بقى كده قلت لها حلو عايزتي

I stayed like that and told her, "Nice, what do you want?"

بقى ايه ايت لها عايزة بقى الكبيرة

What's left for her? She wants to become big.

قلت لها انا موافق بس هتعملي

I told her I agree, but what will you do?

زي الكبيرة ايت لها يعني ايه قلت لها حلو

What does "the big one"? I told her it's nice.

هنقول خصائص الكبيرة

We will say the characteristics of the big ones.

وتعمليها وبدأنا نمشي على كده

And you do it, and we started to walk like that.

فعلا وبقت كل يوم تقييم لي

Indeed, and now there is an evaluation for me every day.

تقولي لها النهاردة كبيرة قد ايه كم من عشرة

You tell her how big she is today, on a scale of ten.

او لا تلاتة

Either no or three.

ليه ولا غلطتي في كذا وكذا

Why, did I make a mistake in such and such?

اه والله فبقى اسمها خلاصة كبيرة

Oh, I swear, it ended up being a big summary.

سغيرة بقى اللي هي

It's just a little thing.

اريد حبا وحنانا

I want love and affection.

دي بقى

This is it.

دي عمرة 8 سنين

She is 8 years old.

دي بقى بتاعت بقى ايه اللي هي

This is about what exactly it is.

تعمل مصيبة

It works disaster.

بابا حبيبي

My beloved dad.

انا اسفة والله

I'm sorry, I swear.

وتيجي بقى تبدأ تعرفها فوق راسك

And then you start to understand it over your head.


And it becomes.

وهنا بتبقى انت عارف يعني طب ازي

And here you know what I mean, so how?

طب اعمل

Okay, do it.



انا بقعد اسمع

I sit and listen.

تعالي ايه اللي عملتيه غلط وايه اللي عملتيه صح

Come here, what did you do wrong and what did you do right?

وايه اللي حصل معاك هنا وايه اللي تصرفت

What happened to you here and how did you react?

هنا فينا ونبدأ نتكلم

Here we are, and we can start talking.

ومن هنا بقى

And from here, I stayed.

الشخصيات دي كلها على فكرة

All of these characters, by the way.


It changes.

يعني اكتشفت

It means I discovered.

انه كل دولة

It is every state.

يعني لو كل دولة دماغ فيه رقبة بتحركهم

It means that if every country has a head that moves them by the neck.

اللي هي مين

Who is she?



طلعت هي الرقبة اللي بتحرك كل الدماغ دي كلها

The neck is what moves this entire brain.


Their leader.

بحكمنا كبيرة

We have a great judgment.



هنا بقى نقطة تانية

Here’s another point.

بحكم بعد الانفصال

Due to the distance after the separation.

بقى عشان احرك الدنيا

I stayed to shake things up.

يعني هم عادي لوحدهم فترة طويلة في البيت مثلا

It means they are okay being alone for a long time at home, for example.

او او او

Oh oh oh

فبقيت الكبيرة هي اللي بتتحرك معايا

So the older one is the one that moves with me.

روحي بسرعة عملي

My spirit is quickly working.

يعني مثلا

For example

كم يوم ماما ايمان جايفة

How many days is Mama Iman going to stay?

كل البتاعة ده

All this stuff.

لا البرينسيس قالت لي ان ده منتهي الصلاحية

The princess told me that this is expired.

يا حبيبتي لا والله ده مسانتين

Oh my darling, no, I swear it's been two months.

قادت العلبة

The box led.

ودخلت بيها

And I entered it.

بقولك بصك اه وصحتها من النوم

I tell you, I was asleep and woke up.



ايه رأيك منتهي ولا اكله

What do you think, is it finished or should I eat it?

عشان هم قالولي التاريخ ده معناه كذا

Because they told me that this date means this.

انا اطلقت لها خلاص كورية

I have finally let her go, Korean.

راحت واكلها

She went and ate it.

هنا نورت لمبة عندي

Here, my light bulb is lit.

حلو حلو قوي

Very nice!

طب انا قاعد من كم يوم برضو

Well, I've been sitting here for a few days too.

بتكلم مع الليدر بقولها حاجات

I'm talking to the leader, telling her things.

قلت لي بابا ما تديها

You told me, "Dad, don't give it to her."



اه هي محتاجة

Oh, she needs it.



هنا كلامي

Here is my speech.

صد كلامها

Her words were silenced.

هنا دلوقتي انت في موقف

Right now, you are in a situation.

لا احسد

I do not envy.


On her.

هي دخلت دلوقتي وقلت اصواتك

She just came in and said your voices.

قلت لك وتديها

I told you, take it easy.

والتانية طبعا في النصف وفي الصوت

And the second one is of course in the middle and in the sound.

انا اجي دعوة

I received an invitation.

كنت اسحب منها الايباد

I was taking the iPad from her.

بس النظارة

Just the glasses.

اعمل لي مش عارف ايه

Do something for me, I don't know what.

اسحبت الايباد

I pulled out the iPad.

اديها الايباد يبقى ايه يعني

Give her the iPad, so what does it mean?

ايه المشكلة

What's the problem?

صوري بهز بس هي بتعمل بنفس الطريقة دي كده

"She just does it the same way like this."

طب دلوقتي اعمل ايه

So what should I do now?

انا اب

I am a father.

وكلمتي بتتكسر

"My words are breaking."

وانا في موقف لا احسد عليه

And I am in a situation I wouldn't wish on anyone.

وجوايا خمسين مليون صوت

And I have fifty million votes.

انت عارف الرجو انت قوم بقى

You know the request, so go ahead.


It means.

قلت لها مش

I told her, "No."

انت هتشفعي لها انها تاخد الايباد

Are you going to intercede for her to get the iPad?

قالت لي اه

She said to me, "Oh."

قلت لها هتشترك معاها في المكافأة

I told her that she will share the reward with her.

قالت لها اه

She said to her, "Oh."

قلت لها هتشترك معاها في العقب

I told her she will join her in the punishment.

يعني ايه

What does it mean?

قلت لها دلوقتي انا عقبتها

I told her that I punished her now.

عشان هي قعدت بدون نظارة

Because she stayed without glasses.

وقعدت مدة كذا وعملت كذا

I sat for a while and did so and so.

وانت حكمتي دلوقتي

And now you have judged.

باعتبارك ان انت عايزة تبقي كبيرة

"Considering that you want to be great."

وان انت تعملي الموضوع

And you are doing the subject.

لو انا جيت المرة الجاية بنفس الطريقة

If I come next time in the same way.

هيتاخد تليفونك مع ايبادها

Your phone will be taken with her iPad.


We agreed.

اكمل وديها الحاجة

"Complete and take it to the thing."

ولا انت حابة تخرج برا الموضوع

Are you not interested in stepping out of the topic?

زي ما انت عايز

As you wish.

قلت لها انا موافق

I told her I agree.


Here you go.

قاعدة دكتورة بتسقفلي

The doctor’s office is applauding me.

انا حب لما الشخص ياخد قرارة

I love it when a person makes a decision.

يفكر تحمل مسؤولية قرارك

Think about taking responsibility for your decision.



هذا اللي انت قاعد تسويه

This is what you are doing.

لحظة بقى

"Wait a moment."

الموضوع ده نتج عنه حاجة تانية

This topic resulted in something else.

واللي هي

And that is

تدخلات بقى في كل قرارات بابا بقى

Interventions have happened in all of Dad's decisions.

اول مرة انا شفعت

The first time I intervened.

تاني مرة امه كله

The second time, his mother did everything.

بابا هم مش عايزين يأكلوا

Dad, they don't want to eat.

سيبهم براحتهم

Leave them to do as they please.

الموضوع ما عادش قرارات

The topic is no longer decisions.

الموضوع بقى اعتراض على كل كلمة بقولها

The subject has become an objection to every word I say.

هنا دخلت انا في مشكلة تانية

Here, I got into another problem.

هنا الموضوع ما بقاش قرارات

Here the topic is no longer about decisions.

هنا بقى كل كلمة بقولها حقيقي

Here, everything I say is true.

كل كلمة فيه اعتراض

Every word in it is a protest.

ايه يعني ما تسيبهم

What do you mean, why don't you leave them?

ايه يعني ما تجيب لهم

What do you mean by not bringing them?

ايه المشكلة لما تعمل لهم

What's the problem when you do it for them?

هنا بقى عندك صوت تاني

Here you have another sound.

هذا ما طال على بعد الحضانة ما انتقلت

This is what took a long time since the custody was not transferred.

لا هذا بعد الحضانة

No, this is after custody.

كان موجود قبل كده

It existed before.

بس طبعاً دلوقتي

But of course, right now.

لأنهم موجودين معايا

Because they are with me.

فطبعاً الموضوع مستمر لبعض 20 ساعة

Of course, the topic will continue for about 20 hours.



تحس أنه عند برينساس

You feel that he is at the princess's.

شيء من الغضب

A bit of anger.

غضب وإحساس بالخصوصية

Anger and a sense of privacy.


And I want.

قد يكون

It could be.

عايزة تأخذ دور الأم شوية

I want to take on the role of a mother for a while.

عايزة تحتوي الموضوع شوية

I want to expand on the topic a bit.

عايزة تحس إيه

What do you want to feel?

بالموضوع شوية

A little bit on the subject.

أنا بديل الأم الآن

I am the mother substitute now.

بالرغم من وجود

Despite the presence of

ماما إيمان

Mama Iman

لكن فيه فلسفة

But there is philosophy.

هو سياسة معينة

It is a specific policy.



وهم مشبعين

And they are satiated.

يليت تذكرها لأنها مرة مهمة

I wish you would remember it because it's very important.

خاصة للأسر اللي الآن تستمع

Especially for the families who are listening right now.

وهي أسر مدمجة

It is integrated families.

اللي هي

which is

أولاد الأب من الزوجة الأولى

Sons of the father from the first wife.

عايشين مع الزوجة الثانية

Living with the second wife.

ولديك سياسة

And you have a policy.



نخلص نوتة الرائدة

We finish the leader's note.

الرائدة الأول

The first pioneer

ونرجع لنوتة المدمجة

And we return to the embedded note.

طيب الرائدة دلوقتي

The pioneer is fine now.

بقيت أنا في موقف

I remained in a position.

لا أحسد عليه

I don't envy him for it.

ماذا فعلت؟

What did you do?

أول كم مرة سكت

How many times did you fall silent first?

بس ثاني مرة وثالث مرة

But the second time and the third time.

والباقيين برضو أسكيها

"And the rest are also smarter."


You know.


Stand up.



هنمشي كلامين

We will walk two sentences.



أول كم مرة

First time.

رجعت في كلمتي فعلا

I really took back my word.

وأنا عارف قد يكون ده غلط

And I know that this may be a mistake.

بس أنا رجعت في كلمتي

But I went back on my word.

لأنها خلتها تتمادت؟

Because she thought she could get away with it?



آه تمادت جدا

Ah, she has gone too far.



لقد ما جاتي الفرصة

The opportunity has not come to me.

أنت لازم تستنى تقتني

You have to wait to acquire.

بس الفرصة بقى

But the opportunity remains.

ونقشة بيني وبينها

And a conversation between me and her.


On your own.



أنت ما تسمعنيش

You don't hear me.

أنت ما بتسمعنيش

You don't hear me.

وخلي بالك

And be careful.

أنت كل ما أقولك الحاجة

You are everything when I tell you something.

بتيجي تعترض

You come to object.

وبتيجي تقول لي منفعش

And you come to tell me it's not possible.

وكل ما أقول الحاجة

And all I say is the thing.

ليه ليه ليه

Why, why, why?

ليه كل حاجة عايز تقول رأيك

Why do you want to express your opinion about everything?

وأنا مش

And I am not.




I know.

رحت قاعد

I went to sit.

ترى أنت صح

You are right.

برافو عليك

Well done!

يعني أنا بسمعكيش

It means I can't hear you.

قولي اللي أنت عايزين

Say what you want.



ثاني مرة

Second time.

عملت إيه بقى؟

What have you done then?


She said it.



بنفس طريقتها

In the same way.


She said.

إيه ليه

Yes, why?

مش كل مرة

Not every time.

نفس الطريقة

The same way.

مش كل ما تسمعنيش

Not everything you hear is true.

كل ما ترى

Everything you see.

فبصت لي كده

She glared at me like that.

لا لا

No, no.

إيه رأيك؟

What do you think?

مش ده اللي أنت بتعمليه؟

Isn't this what you're doing?

حابة نرجع زي الأول

I want to go back to how things were before.

أهلا وسهلا


حابة تكملي

Would you like to continue?

أهلا وسهلا



"And it's up to you."

مر في التانية

Passed in the second.

وانتهى الموضوع

And the matter is concluded.



لازم أتنازل شوية

I need to compromise a little.

عن فكرة الأب

About the idea of the father.


And strength


and education

يعني وإن أنا رأيي هيمشي

It means, "And my opinion will prevail."

لأن أنا الراجل

Because I am the man.

وقائد البيت

And the leader of the house.


The text consists of repeated characters without meaning.

بإن لازم أتنازل

I have to compromise.

مرة واثنين وثلاثة

Once, twice, and thrice.

أنا حسيت وإن أستمع إليك

I felt like I was listening to you.

أنك تطبخ الطبخة

That you are cooking the dish.

على نار هادئة

On low heat.

ممتدة لسنوات

Extended for years.

وأنا وبتقطع

"And I am getting interrupted."

والله حقيقي

By God, it's true.

بس قلت

I just said.

تحتاج صبر

You need patience.



والله العظيم

I swear by God.

والناس اللي سمع

And the people who heard.

بس نجحاً

Just successful.

أنا في ليالي

I am in the nights.

والله ما بنام

I swear, I can't sleep.

ومبعرفش أركز

I can't concentrate.

وأبقى تعبان

"And I remain tired."

ولو فاكح

And if I speak boldly.

يعني بوصل لمراحل

It means I reach stages.


Its hour

بجري على طول

I run continuously.

أبعث لك

I send you.


Help me.

شوفيني أنا أعمل إيه

Look at me, what am I doing?

وأحيانا ما بقاش عارف

And sometimes I don't know anymore.

على فكرة أحيانا كتير

By the way, very often.

عشان الناس تبقى عارفة

So that people are aware.

أنا بقاش عارف صح ولا غلط

I don't know what's right or wrong anymore.

والله في حلقات الحلق

By God, in the rings of the throat.

أنا سمعتها مرة واثنين وثلاثة

I've heard it once, twice, and three times.

يعني برجع تاني أسمع

It means I'm coming back to listen again.

عايز أعرف

I want to know.

أنا ماشي صح ولا غلط

Am I going right or wrong?

لازم الناس تبقى عارفة

People need to be informed.

إن الموضوع مش

The topic is not.

مش زي مقولوا إيه

Not like they said, what?

مش قانون

Not a law.

مش حاجات سابسة

Not hard things.

ماشينا عليها

We walked on it.

والله اللي يمشي عندي

By God, the one who walks with me.

ممشيش عندي

I don't have a problem.



بعد ما كان يصلح

After it was being fixed.

من خمس سنين بعد يصلح

It will be fixed in five years.

اللي بيمشي عندي

"Those who walk with me."

ممشيش عندي

I don't walk with you.



واللي كان بتعملوا فيها أمهاتنا

And what our mothers used to do.

أبقى أنا مينفعش معاكي

"I can’t stay, it doesn’t work with you."


Let go.

واللي كان بيحصل لنا

And what was happening to us

مينفعش هنا

It doesn't work here.



وزمان إحنا حاضرت

"And back then, we were present."

زمان كنا مجتمع واحد

There was a time when we were one community.



كلنا بتدرب الحزام

We all train the belt.

كل اللي لابد تدرب الحزام

All you need to train is the belt.

وكان مقبول وقتنا

And our time was accepted.

كلنا في المدرسة بالعصاية

We are all at school with a stick.

كله بيضرب

Everything is hitting.




You are complaining.

أنا بدربت زي

I trained like

فكلنا كنا كده

"We were all like that."

دلوقتي في المدارس

Now in schools

أنا باسف عن بناتي حاجات عجيبة

I am sorry for my daughters' strange things.

والله حاجات عجيبة

By God, amazing things.

صاحبتي عملت

My friend made.

ودي رايحة

I want to go.

وراح ومش عارف إيه

And he went and doesn't know what.

وجابت لها مش عارف إيه

And she brought her I don't know what.

ودي لبسة إيه

What should I wear?

ودي وحق

I miss you and I swear.

فرطنا حبتين

We missed out a bit.




And the levels.

مهما كانت

No matter what.

أنت دافع في المدرسة

You are a defender in school.

أو في المكان

Or in the place.

أو في المكان الراحينه

Or in the comfortable place.

الليفلز مختلفة تماما

The levels are completely different.

وما عادش لكل سواسية

"And no one is equal anymore."

فالطريقة اللي أنا بعملها

The way I do it.

زي ما حكيتها الحريق دلوقتي

Just like I told you, the fire is now.


In her own way.

أو برجع لها تاني

Or should I return to it again?

هنا بقى حتة حلوة

Here is a nice spot.

قبل ما نرجع لأسر المدمجة

Before we return to the integrated families.

نرجع لنقطة مهمة

Let's return to an important point.

أنا الهدف الرئيسي

I am the main target.

مش أنه هم يعملوا الصح بتاعي

It's not that they are doing my right.

ولا أنه هم يسمعوا كلمي

Nor that they care to listen to my words.

أنه هم يعرفوا الصح والغلط

They know right from wrong.

وهم يعملوا

And they are working.

إحنا هدفنا كأكبر

Our goal is to be the largest.

دائما وأبدا

Always and forever.

أنا قلت الصح

I said the truth.

وأنا الصح

And I am right.

كله يعمل

Everything works.

ماشي حبيبي حاط

Okay, my love.


Our work

ومن وراك

"And behind you."

ومن وراك غيسة

"And behind you is a shadow."



وما حدش يجي يقول لي

And no one should come and tell me.

ما عملناش كده زمان

We didn't used to do that back in the day.

كلنا كنا صغيرين

We were all small.

وعملنا كده

And we did that.



اللي بيخلي زمان كان يقول لك

Those who used to make time say to you

الولد ده

This boy.

أو البنت دي

Or this girl.

ارميها في أي حتة

Throw it anywhere.

ترجع زي ما هي

It returns just as it is.



قلت لك بتأسسها

I told you it will be established.

حالفة الصح والغلط

The reality of right and wrong.


That's right.

والمجتمع اللي إحنا فيه ده

"And the society we are in."


By God.

يعني مش عايز أحلف

It means I don't want to swear.

أتحدى حد يقول

I challenge anyone to say.

أنا أعمل كنترول على السوشال ميديا

I work in social media control.

مع أطفاله

With his children.

أو هم بيعملوا إيه

Or what are they doing?

أو هم بتفرجوا عليه

Or they are watching him.

أو هم بيسابوا إيه

Or are they complaining about what?

طب إيه رأيك

So what do you think?

أني أفتح لهم كل السوشال ميديا

I open all the social media for them.

من غير ما تزعقيلي

Without yelling at me.

وتقولي لي

And you tell me.

أنا حافظ

I am Hafiz.


With confidence

بثقة وهم لديهم

With confidence, and they have it.

احترام الحدود

Respecting borders

في الأول

At first

أنا كنت برائب

I was watching.



كل فيديو بيطلع

Every video that comes out.

أنا كنت برائب

I was a narrator.


And he returned.



أقول إيه الأخبار النهاردة

I say, what's the news today?

الكلام ده

This talk.

أكتر من كم سنة

More than how many years?

فيه 15

There are 15.

من أكتر من 9 سنين

For more than 9 years.

شوفنا إيه النهاردة

What did we see today?

ها ما فيش حاجة يا بابا

There’s nothing, Dad.



تاني يوم

The next day.

ادي له فرصة

Give him a chance.

شوفنا إيه النهاردة

What did we see today?




And suddenly





بابا أنت قفلت

Dad, you hung up.



أنا سألتك

I asked you.

وإنتي مولتيش

And you didn't find out.

وإحنا تبيننا اتفاق

And we have shown that we have an agreement.


Tell me.

إتعرفت أنه شابت حاجة بهم

I found out that something happened to them.

ما أنا متابع الهسر

I am not following the chat.

أنا متابع كل حاجة

I am following everything.


The unspeakable.



متابع كل حاجة بتظهر

"Following everything that appears."



إحنا عاديين

We are normal.

مهما كنت

No matter who you are.

معلش حتى الكرسون والله

Sorry, even the waiter, I swear.

وحتى الموجود

"And even the existing."

نص البلاوي المكراتي

The text of the Makrati calamities.

والله العظيم

I swear by God.

وإحنا عاديين بنتفرج

And we are just casually watching.

إيه ده بابا

What is this, Dad?

إيه ده بص بيعملوا إيه

What's this? Look at what they're doing.




Tell me.

طيب إنتي إيه رأيك

Okay, what do you think?

ده غلط

This is wrong.





تاني مرة

The second time

الموضوع والله

The subject, I swear.

عمال يتطور

Workers are evolving.

معنى خضرات السميدة

The meaning of semolina greens.

لغاية ما وصلت المرحلة معهم

Until I reached that stage with them.

بابا النهاردة

Today, Dad.

على فكرة بابا

By the way, Dad.

أنا شفت كذا وكذا وكذا

I saw this, that, and the other.

وغيرتهم والله

And their jealousy, I swear.

متفرجتش عليهم

I didn't watch them.

بس نتخفي شهون شي

But we hide desires.

مفروض ما شهون

It shouldn't be like that.

أنا ما زلت متابع

I am still following.

مين قالك أن أنا مش متابع

Who told you that I'm not following?

الغد دلوقتي

Tomorrow is now.

ومعنى كلمة أن أنا قلت

The meaning of the phrase "that I said"

أنا فاتح سوشيال ميديا

I am opening social media.

بمعنى أن أنا

It means that I am.



أنه يتفرجوا على اليوتيوب

They're watching YouTube.

البرينسيس مثلا

For example, "the princess".

عشان صحبتها

Because of her friend.



خاص بيها وصحبتها مثلا

For her and her friend, for example.



مش عارف سناب

I don't know Snapchat.

يتفرجوا عليه

They are watching it.

مش عارف إيه

I don't know what.

بيبعتوا البعض

They send each other.

أنا متابع

I am a follower.




And I see.

ومتابع كل اللي بينزل

"And I follow everything that gets released."



وعلى فكرة

By the way

يعني من ضمن الحاجات

It means among the things.

وهم بيتفرجوا

They are watching.

هي بتلاقيني يوقف ورا كده

She finds me standing behind like this.

ممكن أوقف عشر

Can I stop ten?

والله يوقف عشر دقايق

By God, it will take ten minutes.

قف كده

Stand like that.

لغاية ما هم

Until they are.

واحدة تاخد بلها

One is taking care of herself.

بابا وراك

Dad, where are you?

فيئمة تلاقيهم والله

"In the place where you will meet them, by God."



قلت لي

You told me.

إيه اللي بتتفرج علي ده

What are you watching?

إيه ده

What is this?

دلوقتي أنا بقفلش

Now I'm closing.

ده اللي إحنا اتفقنا عليه

This is what we agreed upon.

ده اللي أنا علمته لك

This is what I taught you.

طب إنتي بخبيها مني

So you're hiding it from me?

ولا خبيها من ربنا

And do not hide it from our Lord.


Thank you.

السلام عليكم

Peace be upon you.

واخد بعضهم شي

And some of them took something.







هو خلاص

He is done.

لوحدهم تلاقيهم بيجروا بقى

You find them running alone.



خلاص مش عاملش أسف

That's it, I'm not doing anything anymore.


My worker.

مين قالك أن أنا مش عايزك تعملي

Who told you that I don't want you to do it?

إنت حرة

You are free.

هو أنا دلوقتي

It's me now.

لما كنتش وراك

When I wasn't behind you.

كنت عارف كنت عاملتي

I knew you were doing.

هو أنت متخيلة

Is it you imagining?

أن أنا لما تخبي

What do you want to hide?

إنتي كده

You like that.

يعني صح

It means "true" or "correct."

وجدع وتعملي

I found and you do.


Take your time.

واحدة من الحاجات اللي

One of the things that


To spit.

أنت بقى إستاذ محمد

You are now Professor Mohamed.


That you

تسمح لهم يغلطون

They are allowed to make mistakes.

علشان تعلموا من خطأهم

So that they learn from their mistake.

ولي دروس الحياة

And I have lessons in life.

لي بقى

I remain.

معني أنا أخاف

I mean I am afraid.

كأم أخاف

As a mother, I am afraid.

ما بيهم يغلطون

It doesn't matter to them if they make mistakes.

ما بيهم يشوفوا الحاجات

They don't care to see things.

أبقى أسوي رقابة

I will keep doing surveillance.



والله أنا دي مشكلة

By God, this is a problem for me.

وقعت فيها نفسي

I fell into it.

إحنا مش متخيلين

We can't imagine.

هم لسه مش عارفين

They still don't know.

وإحنا عارفين

And we know.


It means.


The fire

النار هتحرقك

The fire will burn you.

لا هو بيكمل

No, he is not continuing.

هو والله معارف

He, by God, is knowledgeable.

هو مش

He is not.

إحنا متخيلين

We are imagining.

تسمح للمسي بيك

It allows for the Messiah to be.

ويحترق أصبعه

And his finger burns.


He knows.



بس إحنا متخيلين

But we are imagining.

إحنا عارفين

We know.


By God.

إحنا متخيلين

We are imagining.

هم قصدي عارفين

They mean, they know.

هم مش عارفين

They don't know.


My beloved.

لما ييجي حد كبير

When an elder comes.

هو مقفي

He is a closure.




So we are

رد في عينينا إيه؟

What did you respond in our eyes?



إقلة الأدب دي

The decline of manners.

فيش حد بيتكلم في سنك

No one talks at your age.

بالطريقة دي

In this way.

أنا عملت

I worked.

أنا عملت الكلام ده

I did this.

عشان باسم حد

So that someone can name.

أنا عملت الكلام ده

I did this.

في الأول

At first

عيب ما حدش يعمل الكلام ده

It's a shame that no one should do this.

لازم نسأل

We must ask.

ليه ما حدش يعمل الكلام ده؟

Why doesn't anyone do that?

من قعدة وعدي

From a sitting and my stride.

فلما يسوي صدما

"Then when it is made equal, a shock."

إحنا مش حتفلنا عن نقاش

We are not going to celebrate a discussion.

وفتحينا بالنقاش مع بعض

And we opened up a discussion with each other.

فالنقاش رح جاي

The discussion is coming.

فأنا وصلت

So I have arrived.

ما حدش منطقة

No one is in the area.

أنا ما عنديش

I don’t have.

أنا ما عنديش منطقة

I don't have an area.

لرد عيون علي

To restore Ali's eyes.

فهنا بدأت فهمت

So here I began to understand.

إن خلي بالكوا

Take care.



أنا متخيل

I am imagining.

إن هم فاهمين

If they understand.

والله هم فاهمين

By God, they understand.

أو محتاجين يتعلموا

Or they need to learn.

وهذه واحدة من الحاجات

And this is one of the things.


For the breeders.


They are

نتعلم عن التربية

We learn about education.

وإحنا نربئ

And we uphold.





محمد أنت جالس

Mohammed, you are sitting.

تحكينا عن قصة

Tell us a story.

خمس سنوات حقيقة

Five years of truth.

قد تكون 12 سنة

It may be 12 years.

منذ ولادة

Since birth

أول طفلة

First girl

اللي هي برنساس

She is a princess.

ودي أعطيك خمس ساعات

I would like to give you five hours.

لأنه فعلا

Because it really is


The talk.




And values



وفيه من الخبرات الكثيرة

And it contains many experiences.

قد تكون

It could be.

بارك الله فيك

May God bless you.

تختصر على كثير من المربئين

It is a shortcut for many breeders.

سنوات من العناء

Years of suffering.

لكن إحنا لأن

But we, because

لضيق الوقت

Due to the time constraints.

حابين نختم ختام حلو

We would like to conclude with a sweet ending.

إلا هو

Except Him.



كيف موقفها التربوي

What is her educational position?





وهي ليس لها دور في التربية نهائي

She has no role in parenting at all.

أنا واقف في البيت 24 ساعة

I am standing in the house for 24 hours.




And I agree with you.



أنا المسؤول عن الصح والغلط

I am responsible for right and wrong.

وهي مسؤول عن الفصحة

She is responsible for the fluency.

حاجات الحلوة

Sweet things

مربوطة في ماما إيمان

Tied to Mama Iman.

بالضبط كده

Exactly like that.




The people

الموضوع ليس بالسهولة

The subject is not easy.

طبعا إحنا منتكلم فيها

Of course, we are talking about it.



نعم نبسأل

Yes, we ask.

في حاجات كتير بتحصل

There are many things happening.

من كم سنة دخلت حياة

How many years ago did it enter life?

هم ماما إيمان

They are Mama Iman.

الحمد لله

Praise be to God.

خلين في ثلاث سنين أوه

Let's stay for three years, oh.

الحمد لله

Praise be to God.

ما شاء الله

What God has willed.

الحمد لله

All praise is due to God.

العمر كالله يا رب

Life is like God, O Lord.

الله يبين ويرفك حريك يا رب

May Allah make things clear and ease your situation, O Lord.

الحاجة التانية

The second need.

طب لقيت أن السياسة هذه نفعت

So I found that this policy is beneficial.

أن مثلا

For example

مقاومتهم للعلاقة

Their resistance to the relationship.

في بداية الثلاث سنوات

At the beginning of the three years.

تختلف الآن

It is different now.


I was afraid.



رب عليك

Oh my Lord!

يعني مثلا

For example

هقول لها هكذا الحاجة

I will tell her like this, the matter.

أنا باتفق أنا وهي

I agree with her.

إحنا مثلا كنا خارجين من فترة

We were, for example, out for a while.

فقلت لها بقول لك إيه

I said to her, "What should I tell you?"

بص بقى إحنا نزلنا عامل عربية

Look, we went down and made a car.

وإحنا نزلنا عربية

And we brought down a car.

إنتي خديهم كده

You take them like that.

قولوا لهم يلا للا للا

Tell them, "Come on, no way."

قبل ما هو

Before what it is.

نجي لإحنا

We are coming.

وروح لبقالة

And go to the grocery store.

نجيب حاجات

We need things.

قبل ما هو يلحقنا

Before it catches up to us.

وأنا كان لي موقف على هالموقف

I had a stance on this situation.

لو يسمعوا الحلقة دي

If they heard this episode.

والله العالم

And Allah knows best.



أنا بص

I am looking.

أنا اعترف على الموقف تماما

I completely acknowledge the situation.

ليش نعمل كأننا نتحايل على بابا

Why do we act as if we are deceiving Dad?

علشان تكسبكم

To win you over.

لا هي مش تحايل

No, it's not begging.

لو بتقول يلا بسرعة نروح نجيب حاجات

If you're saying let's hurry and go get some things.

قبل بابا يلحق بالعربية

Before Dad catches up with the car.

لا هي متجباش

No, it doesn't get brought up.

هي تحايل

It is deception.



قبل ما يجي بابا بالعربية

Before my dad comes in Arabic.

لا يعني بابا مثلا في العربية دلوقتي

It doesn't mean "Baba" for example in Arabic now.

هيجي بالعربية

It will come in Arabic.

طب بسرعة

Come on quickly.

بابا إحنا رحلنا نجيب حاجات من بقالة

Dad, we're going to get some things from the grocery store.


Ashwa (or Ashwa' - referring to grilled meat, often used in Middle Eastern cuisine)

أنا حسابت أن بابا ما يرضى

I thought that Dad wouldn’t agree.

لا لا

No, no.

خلونا نروح

Let's go.

لا لا لا ما فيهاش كده

No, no, no, it doesn't work like that.

خلنا خفت

Let us fear.

لا لا لا

No no no

ما فيهاش كده

It doesn't have that.

بس يا رب

But, oh Lord.

يا رب ما سمعوش الحتة دي

Oh Lord, they didn't hear this part.

لا بالأكس

No, with an X.

حلو نبيعها

Sweet, let's sell it.

أنا كنت فاهمة

I was understanding.

أولادك لا أحدثها

I don't talk to your children.


I updated her.

لا لا أخليها

No, I won't let it go.

بس أنا أطلع غير الطريقة

But I go out in a different way.

بطريقة تانية

In another way.

في مرة قلت لها طيب أوكي

One time I told her, "Okay, fine."

دلوقتي أنا بيتعمل إيه

What is happening to me now?

بابا عايز يروح

Dad wants to go.

لا لا

No no

أخش لأجو

I fear for the atmosphere.

أقولها أبوه لك إيه

I say it, what does your father have for you?

إنتي موفقة

You are successful.

تقول لي لا مش النهاردة

She tells me no, not today.

خليها بكرة

Leave it for tomorrow.

أقول لها ماشي

I tell her okay.

تقول لهم أقول لك إيه بقى

She tells them, "What should I tell you now?"




We are

نحن نتفع ناكل إيه

What are we going to eat?

نطلب من بره

We are asking from outside.

أنا طبعا متفع

I am of course excited.

أنا وياه

Me and him.

أوكي أنا من جبل

Okay, I am from the mountain.

أنا أكل من بره المهاردة

I ate outside today.

كذا كذا

So and so.

هنشتري من بره

We will buy from abroad.



فقول لها طب اطلعي

So tell her to go ahead and see.

أعودي معهم بقى

Come back with them then.

هنجيب إيه

What will we bring?

شغال مش عافية

I'm working, not sick.

هنجيب كاس

We are going to bring a cup.

هلو اطلعوا لي

Hello, look for me.

بابا هنجيب أكل

Dad, we will bring food.



فيه أكل جوا حبيبي

There's food inside, my dear.

يلا خش تخنوا أكل بابا

Come on, let's go eat Dad's food.

لا هنجيب

We will not bring.

ما فيش

There isn't any.

هنأكل من جوا

We will eat from inside.


Please come in.



مين اللي قال

Who said?

أنت اللي قلت كلام ده

You are the one who said that.



خلاص بقى ناكل من بره

That's it, let's eat out.

استغفر الله العظيم يا رب

I seek forgiveness from God, the Almighty, O Lord.

لا إلهي

There is no god but You.

يعني أنتوا يعني كلوه خلاص

So you all mean you finished it?

عشان أنتوا بنات يعني

Because you are girls, right?

وأنا اللي فزتوكوا

"And I'm the one who helped you."

هتصفوا علي

You will describe on me.



هتأكلوا إيه

What will you eat?

عشان أربط الموضوع

To tie the topic together.




She is.

دور التربية

The role of education

هم هيتقبلوا مننا

They will accept us.

أنا أبوهم

I am their father.

ومهما قلنا وزقوا قلنا

"And no matter how much we say, we still say."

هياخدوا وقت طويل لسه كتير

They will take a long time, there is still a lot left.

عبال ما يبدأوا يعودوا

By the time they start coming back.

هتقبلوا مننا

Will you accept from us?





لو سمحتيني أرجع لنقطة مهمة

If you allow me, I’d like to go back to an important point.

في موضوع

On the subject

الحضانة والأسر المدبجة

Foster care and blended families




The subject





ولكن ليس مستحيل

But it's not impossible.

الموضوع عايز مجهود

The subject requires effort.

والله عايز مجهود

By God, I want effort.

ولكن برضو مجهود غير مستحيل

But it's still an effort that is not impossible.

الفكرة أنا عملت الموضوع ده

The idea is that I did this topic.


I love.

الحمد لله

Praise be to God.

ربنا خلقني كده

My Lord created me like this.

ماشاء الله

What Allah wills.

وأنا جبت دولة

And I brought a country.

ماشاء الله

What God wills.

وهدف يطلعوا

And the goal is to rise up.


Let them.


And for them.

ودي رسالتي في الحياة

My message in life.

يخليهم لك

They will leave them for you.

أنا في أي

I am in any.

والله العظيم بلا مبلغة

I swear to God, no exaggeration.

أنا في أي مرمى ساعتين بالليل

I am in any goal two hours at night.

عشان أفضل في دور التربوي

To excel in the educational role.

أقول آه وصح وغلط

I say yes and no.

إلى مرحلة معينة

To a certain stage.

عشان هي ما تدخلش

So she doesn't come in.



حصل مشاكل آه

There were problems, yeah.

زعاقوا آه زعاقوا

They cried out, "Oh, they cried out!"


And they objected.


And they did.


And why?


And you work.

عشان بس الناس تبقى عارفة

Just so people know.

إن الموضوع مش

The topic is not.

سكري أو كده حلويين

Sugar or something sweet like that.

وبقالة واكلة من برا ومش عارف ايه. حصل الكلام ده. مش انها

And there's a grocery and something to eat from outside, and I don't know what. This happened. It's not that.

تشتري حبهم كده عليك. بالزبط. انا عملت موقف تاني. حكيت لك

You buy their love like that, exactly. I did another thing. I told you.

عليها قبل كده. انا جمعتهم كلهم بقى. ماما ايمان بنات. ايوة. كلهم

I have had them before. I gathered them all now. Mama, Iman, the girls. Yes. All of them.

كانوا مجمعين في الصلاة. انا عندي موضوع هنتكلم فيه كلنا. طبعا

They were gathered in prayer. I have a topic we will all talk about. Of course.

اللي بيسمع بيسمعش انا بفضل ساكت. لغات ما كلهم يساكتوا بعض.

Those who listen don't hear; I prefer to stay silent. Let all the languages be silent together.

اه هم عارفين. انا سكت. خلاص وين ليكم العامة? انا مش هتكلم.

Oh, they know. I kept quiet. That's it, where are the general public for you? I won't speak.

نبدأ. الى الجميع بقى كده. البيت له قائد. انا تربوي. انا مسؤول

We begin. To everyone, this is it. The house has a leader. I am an educator. I am responsible.

عنكم. انا. ماما ايمان مش مامتكم. محدش هيغنيكم عن مامتكم. مامتكم

About you. I am Mama Iman, not your mom. No one can replace your mom. Your mom.

هتفضل مامتكم مهما لفيته ورحت وجيته. ولكن لازم نكون حاضين حد

Your mother will always be there no matter where you go or how much you change. But we need to have someone present.

حاجة معينة. هي برضو مش قدكم. وهي صاحبتكم خالتكم عامتكم كبيرة

A certain need. She's also not up to your level. And she is your friend, your aunt, your big relative.

موجودة. ازا ما كنتوش هتاخدوا الموضوع ده في الاعتبار والاحترام

It's present. If you aren't going to take this matter into consideration and respect it.

الوافي الكافي هيبقى فيه كلام ووضع مختلف وما حدش يزعل من من

The sufficient one will have different discussions and situations, and no one should be upset with anyone.

حلو. اوكي. بس انا ما سكتش هنا بقى. وكان باتفاق. وجهت الكلام

Sweet. Okay. But I didn't stay silent here. It was agreed upon. I addressed the words.

لمين بعد كده? لماما ايمان. قدامهم. قدامهم. مش انا قائد. اوكي.

To whom after that? To Mama Eman. In front of them. In front of them. I'm not the leader. Okay.

عشان اسبت انت قائد في مجال معاقب. تمام. والكلام للكبار.

To prove that you are a leader in the field of punishment. Alright. And this is for the adults.

والماما ايمان. كلنا هنا مع بعض. اي حاجة غلط احنا متعودين ما

And Mama Iman. We are all here together. Any mistake we are used to it.

بنزعقش. بنبدأ بالراحة. حصل حاجة. بنزعق. ايه اللي حصل? هم

I'm not shouting. We'll start calmly. Something happened. I'm shouting. What happened? They.

اللي قاموا ردوا. خلاص واحنا موفقين. هم اللي حكموا. خلاص. اول

The ones who acted responded. That's it, and we agree. They were the ones who judged. That's it. First.

مرة تقول بالراحة وتاني مرة تزعق. قلت له انتو حكمتوا على

One time you say to take it easy, and another time you shout. I told him you judged on...

نفسكو. ازا انتو حكمتوا على نفسكو. ازا الغلط اللي هيحصل

You judge yourselves. If the mistake that will happen...

وانا مش موجود. اتفقتوا.

And I am not available. You agreed.

قالوا اهو متفقين. اول مرة بالراحة. وتاني مرة. وهي ما

They said, "Are they agreed? The first time is easy. And the second time. And she is not..."

بتزعقش مش هقول كده النهاية بتزعق بعد اياه بس بان متفقين بقى

Don't shout, I won't say that the end shouts after it, but we're agreed now.

فيه تقبل من الاول ان هي اصلا تقول اه ولا احنا متقبلين الاول

Is it acceptable from the beginning for her to say yes, or are we accepting first?

دلوقتي بالراحة وبعد كده ما عندناش مشكلة. الوضع المهم التفضيل.

Now take it easy, and after that, we have no problem. The important thing is preference.

يعني ايه ايش التفضيل? مين المفضل بقى? انت بتفضل بقى ما انت

What does "what's the preference" mean? Who is preferred then? Do you prefer it since you're the one?

عايش مع امرأتك واش عارف ايه واسبتنا اه واحنا بناتك فانت

Live with your wife, do you know what? We have been left, and we are your daughters.

اسبتنا فانت عايش معهم.

You have established yourself, so you are living with them.

عايش معنا. بتجيب لها ولا بتجيب لنا. بناكل ولا بنشرب. طبعا في

Live with us. Are you bringing it for her or for us? Are we eating or drinking? Of course, there is.

الفترة الاولية قبل حضانة. على فكرة ما انت سايبنا واقعد معها

The initial period before the nursery. By the way, aren't you staying with us?

ايناك. ويسايبنا وهي قاعدة معاك واش عارف ايه. طبعا انت قاعد

Where are you? And she is with you, what do you know? Of course, you are sitting.

جنبها. لا احنا قاعدين جنبك. خناءات. يعني انا كنت واخدهم في

Next to her. No, we are sitting next to you. Fights. I mean, I had taken them in...

سفرية في يعني دولة جنب سعودية حريقة عرفة. واقعدنا احنا في

A trip to a country next to Saudi Arabia, which is burning. And we stayed there.

المطعم الصبح. اه الاستاذة دي بتحط الحاجات ده عشان تحجز جنبي.

The restaurant in the morning. Ah, this lady puts these things to reserve next to me.

باجي بلقى التانية شارت الحاجة. باجي. انا عايش مع خمس بنات في

I will find the second thing. I'm coming. I live with five girls in...

البيت. انا عايش مع خمس بنات في البيت. بدون زعل. الكل بيبص مين

The house. I live with five girls in the house. No hard feelings. Everyone is looking at who.

المفضل? وهتفضل مين? هتفضل مراتك ولا تفضل بناتك? بس حب

Who do you prefer? Who will you choose? Will you choose your wife or your daughters? Just love.

البنت غير حب الزوجة. صحيح. هتوضح لهم ازاي? ما هي دي ما هي

The girl is not like the love of a wife. That's true. How will you explain this to them? This is what it is.

دي بقى الحاجات اللي بتاخد وقت ومجهود عشان توضحه. هي زوجتي.

These are the things that take time and effort to clarify. She is my wife.

بس احنا بناتك. واحنا يعني انت بتحبها اكتر مننا.

But we are your girls. And we mean you love her more than us.

هترددوني. طب ما انت انجوزتنا وسبتنا. طب ما انت روحت. اه ما

"You'll regret it. Well, you married us and left us. Well, you went. Yeah, so what?"

هو انت بقى لو كنت بتحبنا ايه يعني احنا مولانا لك شو قعد مع

If you really loved us, what does it mean that we are at your service?

ماما مش مش مهم. اه سيبها وتعالى قعد معنا ونقعد لوحدنا كلنا. اه

Mom, it's not important. Just leave it and come sit with us so we can all be alone together. Yes.

ما انت روحت بقى وهتسافر معاها وتسيبنا. طب انت هتعمل ايه? وهنا

Why did you go and leave us to travel with her? What are you going to do here?

بقى الكلام بيحتاج وقت طويل. طويل. تتكلم مرة وعشرة. ولازم

The talk takes a long time. A long time. You have to talk once and ten times. And it's necessary.

تعرف امتى وقف كلام. ايوة.

Do you know when to stop talking? Yes.

يعني احنا بنتكلم لا انا بحبوك وانتو بناتي. وانا باخد بالي منها

It means we are talking, no, I love you, and you are my daughters. And I take care of her.

ويا خلي بالكم من كزا ويا بتاخد بالها من كزا. خد بالك ان في

And take care of this and that. Keep in mind that there is...

وقت هم هيبطلوا يسمعوا. اسكت. خلاص. هم مش متقبلين ايه? انت

When will they stop listening? Be quiet. That's enough. What are they not accepting? You.

عادي تدافع تدافع. وبيجي لي الكلام. انت تدافع عنها. ما

It's normal to defend, defend. And I get the idea. You're defending her. What?

اقول لما نتكلمك تدافع عنها. بس هذا عجبتني فيك استاذ. محمد اذا

I say when we talk you defend her. But I liked this about you, Mr. Mohammed. If...

تسمح لي. تفضل. لاحظت كذا مرة كذا مرة لما الانفعالات ترتفع

"Excuse me. Please go ahead. I've noticed several times when emotions run high."

لديهم انت تغلق. تستمع فقط. بس. وترجع لما تكون هم اهدى قادرين

They have you closing off. You just listen. That's all. And you return when they are calmer and able.

يسمعون لانهم عارفين. الطفل مدام انه الثائر لا يسمع. بالتالي ليش

They listen because they know. The child, as long as he is the rebel, does not listen. So why?

اتناور معهم? خلهم يتكلمون انا استمع اتشرب من بكرة هرجع واحنا

"Should I argue with them? Let them talk, I'll listen. I'll benefit from it. Tomorrow I'll go back and we will..."

هدينا. وما زال في حاجات لسه. عشان بس الموضوع مش سلس ولا ومش

We guided ourselves. There are still needs. Because the matter is not smooth at all.

مستحيل. ومش جن احنا عايشين. واقر اليوم. اه وننزل نجيب

Impossible. And we are not living like ghosts. Let's read today. Yeah, and let's go get it.

حلويات. لأ. ما هي ماما ايمان بتتداي من حاجات. ومتحملة. عشان

Sweets. No. What is Mama Iman upset about? And she is enduring it. Because

برضو نكون متفقين برضو. الموضوع من طرفين مش طرف واحد. هي

We should also agree. The matter involves both sides, not just one.

متحملة. وشايف حاجات. وتغض الطرف عن حاجات. وساعات تجيلي. امشوف

Bearing. And seeing things. And turning a blind eye to things. And sometimes it comes to me. Haven't seen.

اللي برا. اه يعني معنا برضو اتعبان عايز اري احيز اتحرك برا.

The one outside. Yeah, I mean I'm also tired, I want to go outside, I want to move around outside.

اقعد. هنا بقى حتة. هم شافوها دخل عندي. ومعاملين مصيبة.

Sit down. This is a spot. They saw it come in with me. And they're making a disaster out of it.

عملوها كارثة. حصل حاجة. تظهر مبابا يطلع. اه ماما ايمان دخلت.

They made a disaster happen. Something happened. Mbappe seems to be emerging. Oh, Mama Eman has entered.

قالت له. فاول ما طلع. وده انا كنت بقى برضو اجين. ده كان غلط.

She said to him, "As soon as he came out, I also wanted to come. That was a mistake."

في الاول برضو. كنت اطلع ايه ده? ايه الحاجات دي? اه اه ما يدخل.

At first too. I would go out, what is this? What are these things? Oh, oh, let it in.

فكده حتى ماما ايمان لو تجيب حلويات. ماما ماما ماما بتطلعان

So even if Mama Iman brings sweets. Mama mama mama is coming out.

على عفريت اللي جوه. طلعان على عفريت اللي جوه. ايوة ايوة. فبتعمل

There is a demon inside. It's coming out of the demon inside. Yes, yes. So you do.

ايه دلوقتي? ماما ايمان دخلت. اقول له طيب اوكي. اطلعت. اعمل اي

What now? Mom Iman has entered. Should I say okay? I got up. What should I do?

حاجة. ممكن اطلع لعب. اوريني بتعملي ايه? نتكلم نسوي اي حاجة.

I need something. Can I go play? Show me what you're doing? Let's talk and do anything.

مهما تخيلتي. اي حاجة. وعدين ابص كده. ايه ده? ايه ده? ايه ده?

No matter what you imagine. Anything. And then I look like this. What is this? What is this? What is this?

ايه ده? ايه ده? ايه اللي انا قاعد في ده? ايه المنزر ده? في ايه?

What is this? What is this? What am I sitting in? What is this atmosphere? What's going on?

اقول له ماشي شكرا بقى. فافصل. اوكي. ان اه ماما ايمان منزاجة

I tell him okay, thanks then. So I'll hang up. Okay. Yes, Mama Iman is upset.


And enduring.

بس لازم واقف ان ما يخشش. صحيح انت بتحاول تصلح وتربي وكل حاجة.

But you have to stand firm so that it doesn't get in. It's true that you are trying to fix and raise everything.

بس وقت ما تخش. زوجتك تجري بسرعة يلحق. فورا انا اكتشفت ان هو

But when you enter, your wife runs quickly to catch up. I immediately realized that he...

بياخدوا بالهم هنا. وبيحسبوها. واخدين بالهم هنا جدا. اه. والعكس.

They pay attention here. And they calculate it. They are very aware here. Yes. And vice versa.

لو هم عملوا حاجة. يعني مثلا من كم يوم? وحصل. يا ربما ايمان ما

If they did something. I mean, for example, a few days ago? And it happened. Maybe Iman didn’t.

تزعلش مني يعني. انا كنا نازلين اه مشوار ضروري. فقعدين فانا كنت

Don't be upset with me. We were heading out for an important errand. So, we were sitting, and I was...

واخد الايباد من الاسازة ليدر.

He took the iPad from the teacher, Leader.

على فكرة انا على فكرة انا بتدهلهم كده على فكرة في البيت.

By the way, I actually do this to them at home.

حضرتك الاستاذة الدكتورة حبيب. يعني ده دي طريقتي معهم. حتى ما

You are Professor Habib. This means this is my way with them. Even if not.

نترقش مع بعض. تفضلي يا استاذة. تفضلي. يعني ما عندناش كلمات يعني

Let's chat together. Please go ahead, ma'am. Go ahead. I mean, we don't have words, you know.

حتى كلمات يعني يعني اي كلمة حتى البسيطة دي عندنا حاجة ضخمة يعني.

Even the simplest words, I mean any word, are something huge for us.

ولو انا قلتها يعني يعني مثلا انا قاعد امبارح بقول يا لهو

"If I said it, for example, I was sitting yesterday saying, 'Oh my God.'"

ايه ده? ايه ده? اللي انت بتقوله ده يا بابا? اه طب سوري

What is this? What is this? What are you saying, Dad? Oh, sorry.

سويا بس.

Together, just.

فاحنا ما عندي. فبتكلم كده. طيب فانا سحبت الايباد. انا لسه

So I don't have it. I'm talking like this. Okay, so I pulled the iPad. I'm still...

مدي محاضرة عن القائد اه في البيت واخداني الجلالة قوي. ماشي.

Give a lecture about the leader, yes, at home, and take me the glory strong. Okay.

فقلت لها طيب اوكي. فكان في موقف حصل. يعني من ولدتهم وانا شفت

I told her, "Okay, fine." There was a situation that happened. I mean, since I gave birth to them, I have seen it.

الوضع ملتهب وانا نازل. ففي وضع مش كويس. فقلت لها خلاص هديك

The situation is tense and I'm going down. It's not a good situation. So I told her, "Alright, I'll calm you down."

الايباد حاضر. يا ماما ايمان اعترضت. يا زالت مني صعب? يا

The iPad is ready. Oh Mama Eman objected. Oh, is it too hard for me? Oh.

يعني سمحني بقى.

I mean, forgive me now.

فانا دلوقتي بس ماما ايمان قالت لي قدامهم لا. ما فيش. فاللي حصل

So now my mom Iman just told me in front of them no. There's nothing. So what happened.

طبعا وقفت لي كده الاستاذة بنا. صعب تكسر كلمتها. لأ بنتي وقفت

Of course, the teacher stopped me like that. It's hard to go against her word. No, my daughter stopped.

لي. بنتك. اه بتفصيلي بقى. طب والله الاطفال ازكية جدا. طب. وقفت

For me. Your daughter. Oh, I'm detailing it now. By God, children are very smart. Okay. I stopped.

لي. شوف بقى. مش انت بتقول لنا? والله والله ده حصل اقسم بالله.

Look, I swear this happened, I swear by God.

وقفت لي فعلا كده. ماذا تنتظر? اه.

You really stood up for me like that. What are you waiting for? Oh.

فانا طبعا ايمان بعد ازنك هاتي المفتاح لسه بقى. بعد ازنك هاتي

So I, of course, Imane, if you don't mind, can you please give me the key? If you don't mind, please.

المفتاح. وهي يا ربنا دي الصحة وبرك لها ربه يزداد. اهي. قلت

The key. And it is, O our Lord, health, and may its Lord increase it. Here it is. I said.

تفضل. خدت المفتاح. ديت على الايباد وقعدت اهو. اوكي. وطبعا

Go ahead. I took the key. I gave it to the iPad and sat here. Okay. And of course.

نزلت تحت فهمتها الموقف وشرحت لها ايه اللي حصل فوق ويعني.

I went downstairs, understood the situation, and explained to her what happened upstairs and what it means.

تمام. وايه الاسباب وايه الفكرة كلها. قلت لها مرضيتش اوضح عشان

Okay. And what are the reasons and what's the whole idea? I told her I didn't clarify because...

ما ياخدوش برهم ان انا خدت بالي او انا عرفت او او او الاخر. ومن

They shouldn't take it for granted that I noticed or that I knew, or whatever else. And...

هنا بتيجي الموضوع فاكر حالك كان في ليكي بودكاست جميل قوي.

Here comes the topic, remember there was a really nice podcast for you?

حلقة والله يا رب افتكر اسمها دلوقتي. ان لازم في حالة الانفصال

"I swear by God, I hope I remember its name now. There must be something in case of separation."

وفي حالة الاسر لما يكون لحد انا معاه هو المسؤول عن التربية. هو

In the case of captivity, when there is no one with me, he is responsible for the upbringing. He.

اللي لازم يتحرك. مش عايز اقول ان الاغلبية بيجيب حد عشان خلاص

"Those who need to take action. I don't want to say that the majority bring someone just because."

اه فيه ست فرق يعني.

Oh, there are six teams, I mean.

بس الاغلبية فعلا كرجل اما انه ياخذ اولاده يحطهم عند اهله

But the majority really, as a man, either takes his children and puts them with his family.

عند امه عند غواته او يجيب اه مربي يتربيهم او حتى يتزوج عشان

"His mother is with his loudness, or he should find a guardian to raise them or even get married for that reason."

تربي عيالي. بالزبط. والله وانا اكتشفت ان ده غلط. مجهود وتعب.

I raise my children. Exactly. I swear I discovered that this is wrong. Effort and fatigue.

بس هي دي سنة الحياة. هو حضر. صحيح. لي احنا بنسمع كلام انا

But this is the way of life. He attended. That's true. We are hearing things, I.

بعمل كل ده لعيالي. اه كل ده. طب الاهام من الفلوس الاخره ان

I'm doing all of this for my children. Yes, all of it. But what's more important than the money is that...

طلعهم حاجة كويسة. ياس. انا كانت جديدة الله يرحمها كتقوله

They brought out something good. Yes. I was new, may God have mercy on her, she used to tell him.

والديتي دايما كده. اي خبرة. كتقول لها ابني فيهم ما تبنيش

My mother is always like that. No experience. She tells her, "My son is in them, don't build."

ليهم. ابني فيهم لا تبنيش ليهم. بس. حبيت. وانا والله يعني ممكن

I love them. My son is among them, don't build for them. That's it. I loved. And I swear, I might be able to.

دايما كذا مرة ذكرت في الحلقة والديتي لان كل اللي انا فيه من

I always mentioned my mother in the episode because everything I am is from her.

الافكار اللي عجبتي احراكو كل ده والله العظيم من والدي والديتي.

The ideas that I liked all come from my father and mother, I swear to God.

على فكرة انا والدي يعني ربنا ادي له الصح يا رب لو اقعد انا

By the way, my father, may God grant him guidance. I wish I could sit.

والدي هادئ بطريقة اقسم بالله العظيم.

My father is calm in a way I swear by Almighty God.

عارفة المثل اتقي شر الحليم يده غضب? انا ممكن ادي لك عصابع

Do you know the saying "Beware of the anger of the patient"? I could give you fingers.

كم مرة? والدي هادئ بطريقة اللي هي يعني اه يعني اللي هو يعني

How many times? My father is calm in a way that means, you know, like he is, I mean.

ابقى كويس واسمعك يعني حقيقي. والتربية كانت مع والديتي ومع

Stay good and I really mean it. And the upbringing was with my mother and with...

والدي. ان شاء الله. والدي والدي كان عارفة عليك اللي هي الخبطة

My father. God willing. My father knew about you, which is the surprise.

اللي اللي على السلم? ايوة. طالعة السلم? ايوة. كله بيفدأ

Who's on the stairs? Yes. Going up the stairs? Yes. Everything is starting.

يشور. اوكي. فهمت عليك. وكان يدخل بهدوء السلام عليكم بس. ما شاء

Sure. Okay. I understand you. He would quietly say "peace be upon you" only. Mashallah.

الله. يعني. الله يحفظهم. فاللي بيحصل معي او اللي انا قلته كله

God. I mean. God protect them. So what is happening to me or what I said is all.

هو انا تعلمته بتربيتي انا. من والدي وموالديتي. ما شاء الله

I learned it through my upbringing, from my father and my mother. God bless.

ما شاء الله خليهم. حقيقي. الله يساهم الجنة. هم ربوا فينا ده.

Masha'Allah, let them be. Truly. May Allah grant them Paradise. They have raised this in us.

يعني انا مش فاكر والدي وديتي كان بتربي فيا انك اه مليونير او

I mean, I don't remember my father, and you were raising me to be a millionaire or something.

تبقى فلور او لأ تعمل ايه? يعني انا والدي كان بيقول لي كلمة

"Should I stay with Flor or not? I mean my father used to tell me something."

دايما. اما اعمل حاجة غلط. يقول لي المهندس ما يعملش كده. الله.

Always. Whenever I do something wrong, the engineer tells me not to do that. Oh God.

او ازا العظيم. الله. يقول لي انا فيك انا مهندس ما بيمشي كده.

Oh the great one. God. He says to me, I am in you, I am an engineer, it doesn't work like that.

مفيش مهندس يعمل كده. والله حقيقي. تميل. انا انا بيت مهندس

No engineer would do that. I swear it's true. You're leaning. I am a house engineer.

حبا في والدي. من كتر ما كتباش شوفه بيعمل ايه? توقعات ايجابية

Out of love for my father. From how much I wrote, I wonder what he is doing? Positive expectations.

لك. جدا كتباش كتشوفه بيعمل ايه في الموقع? بتعامل مع الناس

What do you see him doing on the site? He interacts with people.

ازاي? هادي ازاي? على حال امور. لا لا والدي بياخد امور بهدوء

How? How is it? Things are okay. No, my father takes things calmly.

يعني لا دودي هذا مني بك

It means, "No, Dodi, this is not from me to you."

هذا مني بمراحل

This is from me in stages.

لا بس أنت كان على يعني

It's okay, you were supposed to mean...

بس تخدم مصطلحكم

Just serve your term.

لأن أحب على عاتك حضرتك

Because I love it on your shoulders, sir.

مسؤولية عظيمة للتربية الأساسية

A great responsibility for basic education.

معروف في مجتمعنا العربي

Well-known in our Arab community.

في الدول العربية كلها

In all Arab countries.

يمكن في العالم

It can be in the world.

خلونا واقعيين

Let's be realistic.



المسؤولية الأساسية للتربية

The primary responsibility of education.

على الأم والأب

On the mother and father.

بالدرجة الثانية

In the second degree.

وليس بالدرجة الأولى

Not primarily.



فأنت في حياتك

So you are in your life.

انقلبت الآية

The tables have turned.

وصرت أنت المربي الأول

"You became the first educator."

بارك الله فيك

May God bless you.

قلت تعلمت الكثير من التربية

I said I learned a lot from upbringing.

من والدتي

From my mother.

بالدرجة الأولى

In the first degree

ولا تعلم

And you do not know.

قد يكون بناتك الأربعة

It could be your four daughters.

الله يخليهم لك

May God keep them for you.

بعد عمر طين المهم

After a lifetime of clay, the important thing is...

يصيروا مربيين

They become educators.

أنا تعلمت من بابا

I learned from my dad.

أنا متأكدة

I am sure.

أن القصة هذه

This story is

والخبرة هذه

And this experience.

والتجارب هذه

And these experiments



كانت بكفاح

It was with struggle.

سنوات سنوات

Years, years.

وطلعت خبرة

And I gained experience.

يعني تجارب جداً إيجابية

It means very positive experiences.

وأنا متأكدة بيجي اليوم

I am sure it will come today.

اللي يقولون

Those who say

أنا تعلمت من بابا

I learned from my dad.



طب إيش يسوي الآن

So what should he do now?

عشان أعرف

So I know.

إيش تعلموا مني الآن

What did they learn from me now?



كيف سأ

How will I?

يعني الآن

It means now.

بعد كل اللي قلت الآن

After everything I just said now.

كيف أعرف

How do I know?

إيش تعلموا مني

What did they learn from me?

أنت أعرف الآن

You know now.



لا أقدر أعرف حين

I can't know when.

أقدر أعرف حين

I can know when.


As educators.


As a caregiver.


As a mother




Your daughters.

أحكي لي

Tell me.

سويت شيء اسمه

I did something called


Imitate me.



والله ما أمزح

I swear I am not joking.


Imitate me.

خدتها من السعودية

I took it from Saudi Arabia.

أنا تحول

I am transforming.

أنت رباوة القصيرة

You are the short mistress.

أي والله

Oh yes, by God.

حولتها قصيرة

I turned it into a short one.

تحول فجأة الآن

It suddenly turned now.


Imitate me.


By God


And I discovered.

أن إحنا

That we are


We have.






And necessities.

أقسم بالله

I swear by God.

إحنا يوميا

We are daily.

نقول لهم عيب

We tell them it's shameful.

وأنا قاعد أسويها

"I'm sitting doing it."




That's right.




By God.



وبدأ الموضوع كيش

And the topic started like this.



طيب ها

Okay, here it is.

مثلا صار موقف

For example, there was a situation.

وواحد بكت

And one cried.


Imitate me.

فنقلد بعض

So we imitate each other.

وبعدين فجأة

And then suddenly.

قلد بابا

Imitate Baba.

كيف نقلد بابا

How do we imitate Baba?

فوجأة واحدة قامت

Suddenly, she stood up.

ها بابا لما يزعل

This is when Dad gets upset.

شوف شوف شوف

Look, look, look.

شوف شوف

Look, look.

صرت أسمع

I started to hear.

بالثانية قامت

It happened in the second.

والثالثة قامت

And the third one stood up.



أنا صرت

I became.

أنا شايف نفسي

I see myself.

أنا رجال أسوي كده

I am a man, I do this.


By God.


I discovered.


So it began.

الموضوع التجليد هذا

This is the topic of binding.


It became.

كل فترة كده

Every now and then.


We sit.



مع مزحة كده

With a joke like that.

مع أكلة

With a meal.



نبدأ نجرب التجليد

Let's start trying the binding.

وبدأت أعرف

And I started to know.

خلنا أرجع تاني

Let me go back again.


Your time

بدأت أعرف

I started to know.

إزاي هم

How are they?

بيتعلموا إيه

What are they learning?

الحمد لله

Praise be to God.

وإيه المرايا الموجودين فيها

And what about the mirrors that are in them?

ما شاء الله

What God has willed.

أستاذ محمد بتولي

Professor Mohamed Batouli



لك فوق ما تقدر

You have more than you can handle.

الكلمات إنها تعبر

Words, they express.

لحضورك ومشاركتك

For your presence and participation.

تجربتك الجميلة

Your beautiful experience.

أنا حابة أختم بكلمة

I would like to conclude with a word.

الكلمة التي قالتها

The word that she said.

كلمات خالدة قالتها

Timeless words spoken by her.

الوالدة الله يحفظها

May God protect the mother.

ابني فيهم

My son is among them.

لا تبني لهم

Do not build for them.

الله يعطيك العافية

May God grant you wellness.

شكرا لحضورك

Thank you for your presence.


You have illuminated us.

الله ينفع بعلمك حقيقة

May God benefit from your knowledge, truly.

أنا تخيل الأمهات والأباء يستمعون الآن

I imagine mothers and fathers are listening now.

يا ربنا

O our Lord

مش قد حياخذوا يطبقوا

They probably won't implement it.


And hope

والهدف يتجنب هذه العثرات

The goal is to avoid these pitfalls.

التي مرتوا فيها

The one you passed through.

والدنيا كلها أثرات

"And the whole world is just a sadness."

وما في مربي كامل والدنيا ميب كاملة

There is no perfect guardian, and the world is not perfect.

لكن أحسن

But it's better.

نحسن نجتهد

We strive to improve.

والله الموفق

And God is the one who grants success.

شكرا لك جدا جدا دكتورة

Thank you very much, doctor.

وشكرا والله سمحتنا بالوقت الجميل ده

Thank you, and God allowed us this beautiful time.

وشكرا لك والله على كل الحلقات

Thank you, and God bless you for all the episodes.

اللي عملتها والله تعلمت منها كتير جدا جدا

What I did, I swear I've learned a lot from it.

الله يسعدك وأنت أيضا الآن

May God make you happy, and you too now.

عندك أيضا

Do you also have it?

مشروع جديد اللي قناة

A new project for the channel.

يوتيوب عن تحليل الإحصائية

YouTube about statistical analysis.

عامل حقل

Field worker

خاصة إن شاء الله بوطن عربي

Especially, God willing, in an Arab homeland.

تحليل بيانات

Data analysis

خاصة تبقى بالعربي إن شاء الله

Especially it will remain in Arabic, God willing.

بإذن الله لجميع الناس

God willing, to all people.

لأن المجال ده مفتوح جدا جدا

Because this field is very, very open.

وحاليا في العالم العربي

And currently in the Arab world.

ما شاء الله تبارك الله في المملكة الآن

Masha'Allah, blessings of Allah in the kingdom now.

مع رؤية جديدة الموضوع ده

With a new perspective on this topic.

مطلب جدا فقررت أن ليه

A very important request, so I decided why.

ما يكونش كل هم شبابنا هنا

Not all of our youth here should be concerned.

الموجودين هم اللي اتحركوا ويتعاملوا في الموضوع ده

Those present are the ones who took action and dealt with this matter.

إن شاء الله بإذن الله

God willing, by God's permission.

لما حكيت لي تعال فاش فكرت بناتك معاك

When you told me to come, what did you think your daughters would think?

بيشتغلوا إن شاء الله

They will work, God willing.

قلت لها والله يا بنتي

I said to her, "I swear, my daughter."

قلت لها إيه رأيك تعلمي لغة برموغا بايثون

I told her, "What do you think about learning the programming language Python?"

وهشغلك معايا في الأجازة

"I will keep you busy with me during the vacation."

وهديكي تسكوت والله يوجد

And I swear there is a place for you here.

وهحسبك علي

And I will hold you accountable.

والله ما عندك مشكلة

"By God, you have no problem."

وانتظر إن شاء الله شوف نتائج هذا الشيء

And I await, God willing, to see the results of this thing.

الله يعطيك العافية

May God give you health.

شكرا ممتن لي لك أعزائي

Thank you, I am grateful to you, my dear ones.

شكرا لمتابعتكم

Thank you for your follow-up.

نلتقيكم إن شاء الله في حلقة قادمة

We will meet you, God willing, in a upcoming episode.

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.

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