سورة الأنبياء ـ بندر بليله
تلاوات من كتاب الله
(تلاوات من كتاب الله (قران
سورة الأنبياء ـ بندر بليله
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
إِقَجَرَ بَنِ النَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمْ وَهُمْ فِي ظَفْلَةٍ مُعْرِضُونَ
The people's reckoning has come while they are in heedlessness, turning away.
مَا يَأْتِيهِمْ مِنْ ذِكْرٍ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ مُحْدَثٍ إِلَّا اسْتَمَعُوهُ وَهُمْ يَلْعَبُونَ
"Nothing new comes to them from their Lord's reminder except that they listen to it while they are playing."
لَاهِيَةً قُلُوبُهُمْ وَأَسَرُّ النَّجْوَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا هَلْ هَذَا إِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُكُمْ أَفَتَأْتُونَ السِّحْرَ وَأَنْتُمْ تُبْصِرُونَ
Their hearts are distracted, and those who have wronged whisper secretly, "Is this anything except a human like you? Will you come to magic while you see?"
قال ربي يعلم القول في السماء والأرض
My Lord knows the spoken words in the heavens and the earth.
وهو السميع العليم
And He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
بل قالوا أضغاث أحلام بل افتراه بل هو شاعر
But they said, "These are just confused dreams; rather, he has fabricated it; rather, he is a poet."
فليأتنا بآية كما أرسل الأولون
"Let him bring us a sign like those sent to the ancients."
ما آمنت قبلهم من قرية أهلكناها
No village that We destroyed had believed before them.
أفهم يؤمنون
I understand they believe.
وما أرسلنا قبلك إلا رجالا نوحي إليهم
"And We did not send before you except men to whom We revealed."
فاسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون
So ask the people of knowledge if you do not know.
وما جعلناهم جسدا لا يأكلون الطعام وما كانوا خالدين
"And We did not make them bodies that did not eat food, nor were they immortal."
ثم صدقناهم الوعد فأنجيناهم ومن نشاء
Then We fulfilled the promise to them, so We saved them and whom We willed.
وأهلكنا المسرفين
And We destroyed the excessors.
لقد أنزلنا إليكم كتابا فيه ذكركم أفلا تعقلون
We have sent down to you a Book in which is your mention; will you not then understand?
وكم قصمنا من قرية كانت ظالمة
And how many towns have We destroyed that were oppressive.
وأنشأنا بعدها قوما آخرين
And We created after them another people.
فلما أحسوا بأسنا إذا هم منها يركضون
So when they felt Our might, they began to flee from it.
لا تركضوا وارجعون
Don't run and come back.
إلى ما أترفتم فيه ومساكنكم لعلكم تسألون
To what you have indulged in and your dwellings, perhaps you will be questioned.
قالوا يا ويلنا إنا كنا ظالمين
They said, "Oh, woe to us! Indeed, we were wrongdoers."
فما زالت تلك دعواهم حتى جعلناهم حصيدا خامدين
So their claim continued until We made them as stubble, silent and dormant.
وما خلقنا السماء
"And We did not create the heaven..."
والأرض وما بينهما لاعبين
"And the earth and what is between them are players."
لو أردنا أن نتخذ لهوا لاتخذناه من لدنا إن كنا فاعلين
If we wanted to take a diversion, we could have taken it from ourselves, if we were to do so.
بل نقذف بالحق على الباطل فيدمغه فإذا هو ساهق
"But we throw the truth at falsehood, and it knocks out its brain, and behold, it vanishes."
ولكم الويل مما يحقون
"Woe to you for what you have written."
وله من في السماوات والأرض
To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth.
ومن عنده لا يستكبرون
"And those who are with Him do not disdain."
عن عبادته ولا يستحسرون
Regarding their worship, and they do not grow weary.
يسبحون الليل والمهار لا يفترون
They swim in the night and the morning, never tiring.
أم اتخذوا آلهة من الأرض هم ينشرون
"Or have they taken deities from the earth while they spread?"
لو كان فيهما آلهة إلا الله لفسدتا
"If there were gods in them besides Allah, they would surely have been corrupted."
فسبحان الله رب العرش عما يصفون
So glorified is Allah, the Lord of the Throne, above what they describe.
لا يسأل عما يفعل وهم يسألون
"None will be asked about what they do, but they will be questioned."
أم يسألون
Or do they ask?
وما اتخذوا من دونه آلهة
"And they did not take besides Him any gods."
قل هاتوا برهانكم هذا ذكر من معي وذكر من قبلي
Say, "Bring your proof. This is a reminder for those with me and a reminder for those before me."
بل أكثرهم لا يعلمون الحق فهم معرضون
But most of them do not know the truth, so they turn away.
وما أرسلنا من قبلك من ربك
"And We did not send before you any messenger from your Lord."
إلا نوحي إليه أنه لا إله إلا أنا فاعبدون
"Except that We reveal to him that there is no deity except Me, so worship Me."
وقالوا اتخذ الرحمن ولدا سبحانه
They said, "The Most Merciful has taken a son." Exalted is He!
بل عباد مكرمون
Rather, they are honored servants.
لا يسبقونه بالقول وهم بأمره يعملون
They do not precede Him with speech, and they act according to His command.
يعلم ما بين أيديهم وما خلفهم
He knows what is before them and what is behind them.
ولا يشفعون إلا لمن ارتضى وهم من خشيته مشفقون
"And they intercede only for those whom He approves, and they are, from His fear, apprehensive."
ومن يقول منهم إني إله من دونه فذلك نجزيه جهنم
And whoever among them says, "I am a god besides Him," we will punish him with Hell.
فذلك نجزيه جهنم كذلك نجزي الظالمين
"Thus, we shall reward him with Hell, and thus do we reward the wrongdoers."
أولم يرى الذين كفروا أن السماوات والأرض كانتا رتقا ففتقناهما
"Did not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass, then We opened them out?"
وجعلنا من الماء كل شيء حي
"And We made from water every living thing."
لا يؤمنون
They do not believe.
وجعلنا في الأرض رواسي أن تميد بهم
"And We placed mountains on the earth, lest it should shake with them."
وجعلنا فيها فجاجا سبلا لعلهم يهتدون
"And We made therein chambers and pathways that perhaps they might be guided."
وجعلنا السماء سقفا محفوظا
And We made the heaven a protected canopy.
وهم عن آياتها معرضون
And they are turning away from its verses.
وهو الذي خلق الليل والنهار
And He is the One who created the night and the day.
والشمس والقمر
And the sun and the moon.
كل في فلك يسبحون
"Each in its own orbit is swimming."
وما جعلنا لبشر من قبلك الحلد
"And We did not grant immortality to any human before you."
أفإن ميت فهم الخالدون
"Then if he dies, will they be the eternal ones?"
كل نفس ذائقة الموت
Every soul shall taste death.
ونبلوكم بالشر والخير فتنة
"And We test you with evil and good as a trial."
وإلينا ترجعون
And to us you shall return.
وإذا رأىك الذين كفروا إن يتخذونك إلا هزوا
"And if those who disbelieve see you, they will take you only in ridicule."
أهذا الذي يذكر آلهتكم
"Is this the one who mentions your gods?"
وهم بذكر الرحمن هم كافرون
They are disbelievers in the mention of the Most Merciful.
خلق الإنسان من عجل
Humanity was created from haste.
سأريكم آياتي فلا تستعجلون
"I will show you My signs, so do not be impatient."
ويقولون متى هذا الوعد إن كنتم صادقين
And they say, "When is this promise if you are truthful?"
لو يعلم الذين كفروا حين لا يكفرون
If only those who disbelieved knew when there will be no denial.
عن وجوههم النار ولا عن ظهورهم
"Not from their faces will the fire come, nor from their backs."
لو يعلم الذين كفروا حين لا يكفرون
If only those who disbelieved knew when they will not be able to disbelieve.
عن وجوههم النار ولا عن ظهورهم
"The fire will be upon their faces, not upon their backs."
ولا هم ينصرون
"And they are not helped."
بل تأتيهم بغتة فتبهتهم
But it will come to them suddenly and bewilder them.
فلا يستطيعون أن يتعلمون
They are unable to learn.
ولا هم ينظرون
Nor do they look on.
ولقد استهزئ برسل من قبلك
And indeed, messengers before you were mocked.
فحاق بالذين سخروا منهم ما كانوا به يستهزئون
And those who mocked them were overwhelmed by what they used to ridicule.
قل من يكلأكم بالليل والنهار من الرحمن
Say, "Who protects you by night and by day from the Most Merciful?"
بل هم عن ذكر ربهم ومن يتعلمون
But they are unaware of the remembrance of their Lord and what they are learning.
أم لهم آلهة تمنعهم من دوننا
"Or do they have gods that protect them from us?"
لا يستطيعون نصر أنفسهم
They cannot support themselves.
ولا هم منا يصحبون
Nor do they accompany us.
بل متعنا هؤلاء وآباءهم
"Rather, grant these and their parents comfort."
حتى طال عليهم العمر
Until their lifespan became long.
أفلا يرون أنا نأتي الأرض
"Do they not see that We come to the earth?"
ننقصها من أطرافها
We trim it from its edges.
أفهم الغاربون
I understand the strangers.
قل إنما أنذركم بالوحي
Say, "I only warn you by revelation."
ولا يستطيعون أن يتعلمون
And they cannot learn.
لا يسمع الصم الدعاء إذا ما ينبرون
The deaf do not hear the prayer when they are called upon.
ولئن مستهم نفحة من عذاب ربك
"And if a touch of the punishment of your Lord should touch them..."
ليقولن يا ويلنا
They will surely say, "Woe to us!"
إنا كنا ظالمين
Indeed, we were wrongdoers.
ولضعوا المغاربين
And they would put the Maghrebis.
ونضعوا الموازين القصط ليوم القيامة
And We will set up the scales of justice on the Day of Resurrection.
فلا تظلم نفس شيئا
So, do not wrong anyone at all.
وإن كان مثقال حبة من خردل أتينا بها
"And if there is a weight of a mustard seed, we will bring it forth."
وكفى بنا حاسبين
"And sufficient are We as accountants."
ولقد آتينا موسى وقالوا
And We granted Moses [the decree], and they said.
وهارون الفرقان وضياء وذكرا للمتقين
"And Aaron is a distinguished one, a light and a reminder for the God-fearing."
الذين يخشون ربهم بالغيب
Those who fear their Lord in the unseen.
وهم من الساعة مشفقون
And they are fearful of the Hour.
وهذا ذكر مبارك أنزلناه
And this is a blessed reminder that We have sent down.
"Did We not send it down?"
وأنتم له منكرون
And you deny Him.
ولقد آتينا إبراهيم رشته من قبل
And indeed, We gave Abraham his guidance earlier.
وكنا به عارمين
And we were in a state of (great) distress.
إذ قال لأبيه وقومه
When he said to his father and his people
ما هذه التماثيل التي أنتم لها عاكفون
What are these idols to which you are devoted?
قالوا وجدنا آباءنا
They said, "We found our fathers."
وأنا لها عابدين
And I am one of its worshipers.
قال لقد كنتم أنتم وآباؤكم في ضلال مبين
He said, "Indeed, you and your forefathers were in clear error."
قالوا أجئتنا بالحق أم أنت من الناعبين
They said, “Have you come to us with the truth, or are you among the idle?”
قال بل ربكم رب السماوات والأرض الذي فطرهم
He said, "But your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, who created them."
وأنا على ذلك مبين
"And I am clearly on that."
من الشاهدين
From the witnesses.
وتالله لأكيدن أصنامكم بعد أن تولوا مدبرين
And by God, I will surely scheme against your idols after you have turned your backs.
فجعلهم جذاذا إلا كبيرا لهم لعلهم إليه يرجعون
So he made them into pieces, except for a large one of theirs, that perhaps they would return to it.
قالوا من فعل هذا بآلهتنا إنه لمن الظالمين
They said, "Who has done this to our gods? Indeed, he is among the wrongdoers."
قالوا سمعنا فتى يذكرهم يقال له إبراهيم
They said, "We heard a young man mentioning them, whose name is Abraham."
قالوا فأتوا به على أعين الناس لعلهم يشهدون
They said, "So bring him before the eyes of the people, that perhaps they may witness."
قالوا أنت فعلت هذا بآلهتنا يا إبراهيم
They said, "You have done this to our gods, O Abraham."
قال بل
He said no.
قال فعلوا كبيرهم هذا
They said, "Did your big one do this?"
فاسألوهم إن كانوا ينطقون
So ask them if they can speak.
فرجعوا إلى أنفسهم
So they reflected upon themselves.
فقالوا إنكم أنتم الظالمون
They said, "Indeed, you are the wrongdoers."
ثم نكسوا على رؤوسهم
Then they turned upside down.
لقد علمت ما هؤلاء
I have learned what these are.
They pronounce.
قال أفتعبدون من دون الله ما لا ينفعكم شيئا ولا يضركم
He said, "Do you worship besides Allah what does not benefit you at all and does not harm you?"
أفل لكم ولما تعبدون من دون الله أفلا تعقلون
"Perish you and what you worship besides Allah; do you not understand?"
قالوا حرقوه وانصروا آلهتكم
They said, "Burn him and support your gods."
إن كنتم فاعلين
If you are going to do it.
قلنا يا نار كوني بردا وسلاما على إبراهيم
We said, "O fire, be cool and safe for Abraham."
وأرادوا به كيدا فجعلناهم الأخسرين
And they intended to harm him, but We made them the most unsuccessful.
ونجيناه ولوطا إلى الأرض التي باركنا فيها للعالمين
And We saved him and Lot to the land which We had blessed for the worlds.
ووهبنا له إسحاق ويعقوب نافلة وكلا جعلنا صالحين
And We granted him Isaac and Jacob as a gift, and We made them both righteous.
وجعلناهم أئمة يهدون بأمرنا
"And We made them leaders guiding by Our command."
وأوحينا إليهم فعل nichairah
And We revealed to them the act of nichairah.
الإقام الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة
Establishing prayer and giving zakat.
وكانوا لنا على فرداUk and Al-H linha uzishaM yaqana L teleshiah
And they were for us on one Uk and Al-H linha uzishaM yaqana L teleshiah
ونوطا آتيناه حكما وعلما ونجيناه من القرية التي كانت تعمل الخبائث إنهم كانوا قوم سوء فاسقين
"And We gave Noah judgment and knowledge, and We saved him from the city that was committing evil deeds. Indeed, they were a people of wickedness and disobedience."
وأدخلناه في رحمتنا إنه من الصالحين
"And We admitted him into Our mercy. Indeed, he was among the righteous."
ونوحا إذ نادى من قبل فاستجبنا له فنجيناه وأهله من الكرب العظيم
"And Noah when he called before, so We answered him and saved him and his family from the great distress."
ونصرناه من القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا إنهم كانوا قوم سوء فأغرقناهم أجمعين
And We rescued him from the people who denied Our signs; indeed, they were a wicked people, so We drowned them all.
وداود وسليمان إذ يعلموا
"And David and Solomon, when they judged."
ونحكمان في الحرف إذ نفشت فيه غنم القوم وكنا لحكمهم شاهدين
And we will judge in the matter when the sheep of the people grazed in it, and we were witnesses to their judgment.
ففهمناها سليمان وكلا آتينا حكما وعلما
"And We granted understanding to Solomon, and to each of them We gave judgment and knowledge."
وسخرنا مع داود الجبال يسبحنا والطير وكنا فاعلين
"And We caused the mountains to glorify Us with him, and the birds, and We were doing."
وعلمناه صالحين
And We taught him to be righteous.
وصنعة لبوس لكم لتحصنكم من بأسكم فهل أنتم شاكرون
"And He made clothing for you to protect you from your harm, so are you grateful?"
ولسليمان الريح عاصفة تجري بأمره إلى الأرض التي باركنا فيها وكنا بكل شيء عارمين
"And for Solomon, the wind, a storm, was made to run by his command to the land which We had blessed, and We were knowing of all things."
ومن الشياطين ميتين
"And among the devils are those who are dead."
يغوصون له ويعملون عملا دون ذلك
They dive for him and do work beneath that.
وكنا لهم حافظين
And We were their guardians.
وأيوب إذ نادى ربه أني مسني الضر وأنت أرحم الراحمين
And Job, when he called out to his Lord, "Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the most merciful of the merciful."
فاستجبنا له فكشفناه
So We responded to him and removed his affliction.
وقاما به من ضر
"And they were harmed by it."
وأتيناه أهله ومثلهم معهم رحمة من عندنا وذكرار العابدين
"And We brought to him his family and their like with them as a mercy from Us and a lesson for people of reason."
وإسماعيل وإدريس وذلكف لكل من الصابرين
And Ishmael and Enoch, all of them were among the patient.
وأدخلناهم في رحمة من غير ما إليهم وإبراهيم من غير ما أدخلناهم في رحمة من غير ما أدخلناهم في رحمة من الآبين
And We admitted them into mercy without them having to do anything, and Abraham without having entered them into mercy without having entered them into mercy from the repentant.
لا إنهم من الصالحين
No, they are among the righteous.
ودى النور إذ ذهب مغاضبا فظن أن لن نقدر عليه
"The light went away in anger, thinking that we would not be able to reach him."
فنادى في الظلمات أن لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك
And he called out in the darkness, "There is no deity except You; exalted are You."
إني كنت من الظالمين
I was indeed one of the wrongdoers.
فاستجبنا له
So We answered him.
And they said.
ونجيناه من الغم وكذلك ننجي المؤمنين
And We saved him from anguish, and thus do We save the believers.
وزكريا إذ نادى ربه
"And Zechariah, when he called upon his Lord."
رب لا تذرني فردا
My Lord, do not leave me alone.
وأنت خير الوارثين
And You are the best of inheritors.
فاستجبنا له ووهبنا له يحيا
So We responded to him and granted him Yahya.
وأصلحنا له ووهبنا له يحيا
And We granted him a remedy and gave him Yahya.
ونجيناه من الظلم وكذلك ننجي المؤمنين
"And We saved him from oppression, and thus We save the believers."
إنهم كانوا يسارعون في الخيرات
They used to hasten to good deeds.
ويدعوننا رغبا ورهبا
"And they call upon us with desire and fear."
وكانوا لنا خاشعين
And they were humble before us.
والتي أحصلت فرجها
"And which I obtained her relief."
فنفخنا فيها من روحنا
So We breathed into it of Our Spirit.
وجعلناها وبلها آية للعالمين
And We made it and its remnants a sign for the worlds.
إنهم كانوا يسارعون في الخيرات
They used to hasten in good deeds.
إن هذه أمتكم أمة واحدة
"Indeed, this is your nation, one nation."
وأنا ربكم فاعبدون
"And I am your Lord, so worship Me."
وتقطعوا أمرا بينهم كل إلينا راجعون
"And they divided a matter among themselves, but to Us they will all return."
فمن يعمل من الصالحات وهو مؤمن
"So whoever does righteous deeds while he is a believer..."
فلا يمكن أن يتعلمون منه
So they cannot learn from him.
ولا كفران لسعيه
And there is no denial of his effort.
وإنا له كاتبون
"And indeed, We are its writers."
وحرام على قرية أهلكناها
"And it is forbidden for a village that We have destroyed."
أنهم لا يرجعون
That they do not return.
حتى إذا فتحت يأجوج ومأجوج
"Until Gog and Magog are let loose."
وهم من كل حجب ينسلون
"And they come out from every place concealed."
وقترب الوعد الحق
And the true promise has approached.
فإذا هي شافصة أبصار الذين كفروا
"Then it is as if their eyes were fixed in terror, those who disbelieved."
يا ويلنا قد كنا في غفلة من هذا
Oh woe to us, we had been in oblivion of this.
بل كنا ظالمين
But we were unjust.
إنكم وما تعبدون من دون الله
"Indeed, you and what you worship besides Allah..."
حصب جهنم أنتم
You are the fuel for Hell.
لها واردون
They have incoming.
لو كان هؤلاء آلهة ما وردوها
If they were gods, they would not have entered it.
وكل فيها خاردون
"And everyone in it will be abiding."
لهم فيها زفير
They will have in it a sigh.
وهم فيها لا يسمعون
"And they will not hear in it."
إن الذين سبقت لهم من الحسنى
Indeed, those for whom the best has gone before.
أولئك عنها مبعثون
Those will be resurrected from it.
لا يسمعون حسيسها
They do not hear its sound.
وهم فيما اشتهت أنفسهم خاردون
"And they will be in what their souls desire, abiding eternally."
لا يحزنهم الفزع الأكبر
The great terror will not grieve them.
وتتلقاهم الملائكة
And the angels receive them.
هذا يومكم الذي كنتم توعدون
This is your day that you were promised.
يوم نطوي السماء كراما
The day We fold the sky like a scroll.
نطي السجل للكتب
The book registry was emptied.
كما بدأنا أول خلق نعيده
"As We began the first creation, we will repeat it."
وعدا علينا إنا كنا فاعلين
"And it was promised to us that we would be doers."
ولقد كتبنا في الزبور من بعد الذكر
"And indeed We wrote in the Psalms after the mention."
أن الأرض يرثها عبادي الصالحون
"Indeed, the earth will be inherited by My righteous servants."
إن في هذا لبلاغا لله
Indeed, this is a clear message from Allah.
طوم عابدين
Tom Abdeen
وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين
"And We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds."
قل إنما يوحى إلي أنما إلهكم إله واحد
Say, "It has been revealed to me that your God is but one God."
فهل أنتم مسلمون
So are you Muslims?
فإن تولوا فقل آذنتكم على سواك
If they turn away, say, "I have warned you of a calamity like that."
وإن أدري أقريب أم بعيد ما توعدون
"And I do not know whether what you are promised is near or far."
إنه يعلم الجهر من القول ويعلم ما تكتمون
"He knows the open speech and knows what you conceal."
وإن أدري لعله فتنة لكم ومتاع إلى حين
"And I do not know, perhaps it is a trial for you and enjoyment for a time."
قال رب احكم بالحق
He said, "My Lord, judge with truth."
وربنا الرحمن المسلمين
And our Lord, the Most Merciful, is for the Muslims.
واستعانوا على ما توصفون
"And they sought help for what you describe."
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