Season Overview
Majeed Almoallem
45+1 Football Podcast
Season Overview
مرحبا وحياكم في حلقة جديدة من 45 Plus World Football Podcast
Hello and welcome to a new episode of the 45 Plus World Football Podcast.
طبعا ندري نغضنا عليكم فترة على نهاية الموسم
Of course, we know that we have upset you during the end of the season.
بس هاي الحلقة راح تكون Season Overview أقب ما خلص السيزن
But this episode will be a Season Overview before the season ends.
وشوية عن أحداث الانتقانات الصيفية
A little about the events of the summer elections.
وبعد راح نتكلم ونغطي شو صار في السيزن بشكل عام
And then we will talk and cover what happened in the season overall.
وإن شاء الله من السيزن الجاي نبدي معاكم مرة ثانية
God willing, we will start with you again from the next season.
طبعا اليوم ضيفناك كالعادة أخ أحمد
Of course, today we have you as our guest, as usual, Mr. Ahmed.
شلونك أخوي؟
How are you, my brother?
إن حمد لله والله وحشتوننا الصراع
"Indeed, praise be to God, and oh God, we miss you the struggle."
وعاشوننا الصراع
"And let us live the struggle."
رمو عاوية
Rami Awiya
نبدي نفس ما قلت الموسم الجاي
We will start just like I said next season.
نسوي تفضية كاملة يعني مثلا ويكلي
We will do a complete settlement, meaning for example weekly.
أو نسوي فيها ترتيب
Or shall we arrange it?
حيث النجاح
Where success is.
ويكون فيه أكثر يعني تخلى أكثر
And it would mean more, meaning it would be more abandoned.
تخلى أكثر المعلومات في كل جولة اللي تصير
Most of the information is lost in every round that takes place.
بس سيزن
Just a season.
طيب نبدي بالمان سيتي
Okay, let's start with Manchester City.
يستانسين طبعا تبع حينتا
They will enjoy, of course, like our times.
طبعا كمشجع حق السيتي
Of course, as a Manchester City fan.
بصراحة أكثر من سعيد أكثر من مستعد
Honestly, I am more than happy and more than ready.
إن فريق وفاظ بالثلاثية يعني
The team winning the treble means.
وخصوصا لشامبيونز ليكي هذي
"Especially for this Champions League."
كل من لي علاقة بالنادي كمشجع
Everyone I have a relationship with at the club as a fan.
كالماليجمنت كاللعبين كالستاف
Management, players, staff.
كل من حس بريحية
Everyone feels at ease.
يعني إن أضافت كان عليهم
It means that if she added, it would be upon them.
إن لازم يحققوا تشامبيونز ليك
They must achieve the Champions League.
فأول ما صفر الحكم يعني تحس إن صادنا رليف
The first time the referee blows the whistle, you feel like relief has caught us.
راحة حق الكل
Rest is everyone's right.
I feel.
كل من حصل راحة حق الكل
Whoever achieves rest has the right to everyone.
صراحة بعدين قبل كم من يوم
Honestly, a few days ago.
استوعبنا نفزنا تشامبيونز ليكي
We understood we won the Champions League.
وستانسنا يعني
And we enjoyed it, you know.
وشو بالتشامبيونز ليكي مجيد
What's going on in the Champions League, Majid?
وقال مايه الأبجكتيب مالكو
He said, "What is the object of the owner?"
فالFA Cup
The FA Cup
it's always nice إنه يكون إنت سيزن
It's always nice that you are a season.
اللي كثرت فيه الأقدر جبت فيه التشامبيونز ليكي
"What I excelled in, I brought home the Champions League."
تكون إنت جايب فيه الترابل
You must be bringing trouble with you.
إن فيه سيزن أنتم مالي بتعود فيه الدوري من
In it, there’s a season that you are getting paid for in the league.
last 5 seasons اللي جاغوا فيه لبربول
the last 5 seasons that Liverpool played in
وفيه كم من سيزن أنتم مالي بتعود فيه لFA Cup
How many seasons are you going to rely on for the FA Cup?
بس إنك تجيب
Just that you respond.
إنه يكون كذا
It is like this.
الترابل كله يكونوا موجودين
All the tables will be present.
أحلى من إنك تحقق الجامبيونز ليكي والدوري مثلا
Sweeter than achieving the Champions League and the league, for example.
of course it's a bonus it's a big plus
Of course, it's a bonus; it's a big plus.
ماجستر سيتي
Manchester City
أتوقع one of the best teams
I expect one of the best teams.
حالياً in world football
Currently in world football
It means.
أكيد مع التوب بحطه مع
Sure, I'll put it with the top.
والأفراق الكبار بس
And the big separations only.
ماجستر سيتي أشوف هالسيزن أفضل طريق
Manchester City, I see this season as the best way.
كان in Europe
Was in Europe
بشكل عام when it comes to مثلاً
In general, when it comes to for example.
دوري الإنجليزي أو في
The English Premier League or in
Champions League
Champions League
it's a
it's a
great accomplishment الصراحة
great accomplishment honestly
عندما أعطيتكم أقذة وكان
When I gave you the authority, it was...
ماجستر سيتي دائماً في الموسم اللي طافت
Manchester City always in the last season.
capable أن يحقق الجامبيونز ليكي
Capable of achieving the Champions League.
بس في هالسيزن
But in this season.
they were very
They were very.
dedicated لكي يكونوا objective
dedicated to being objective
الوحيد مالهم يحققونه
The only thing they achieve.
تضر الاهتفالات لش
The slogans harm.
how it meant for the players
how it meant for the players
how it meant for the fans as well
how it meant for the fans as well
وكباب غوارديول أشوف صيحاته
And I see the cries of Guardiola.
I'm a little sarcastic about the subject
أنا ساخر قليلاً بشأن الموضوع
مدريد أن شمبا وقذرة
Madrid is a dirty and polluted city.
في الثلاثة الطاعة العشر
In the obedience of the three, ten.
we can see
نستطيع أن نرى
we can see Guardiola is happy
We can see Guardiola is happy.
the players are happy
The players are happy.
فاس طبعاً
Fez, of course.
في الموسم النظافة يوصلون very close
In the cleanliness season, they reach very close.
عشان they left the trophy
Because they left the trophy.
وإدهم the facilities and capabilities
And provide the facilities and capabilities.
أنهم يحققون لشامبيونز ليك
They are qualifying for the Champions League.
بالضبط كانت تكون وجودة عقدة
Exactly, it would be the presence of a knot.
أو الأفرقة الثانية تكون
Or the second teams will be.
مثلاً مستعدين أكثر
For example, more prepared.
وكباب غوارديول يرتبك
And Guardiola's kebab is confused.
شفناه في بعض النهائيات
We saw him in some finals.
أو بعض السيمي فايلرز
Or some semi-filers.
ويسوي القرارات المصحيحة
And he makes the correct decisions.
عشان يقدر
So that he can.
he secures this trophy
He secures this trophy.
بس شفناه مع الإنترنت
We just saw him with the internet.
just simple
Just simple.
you can accomplish it
You can accomplish it.
and the route of Manchester City
and the route of Manchester City
في الشامبيونز ليك
In the Champions League
يعني ما كان سهل
It wasn't easy.
ويعني سوي روحة طريحية ضد بارميونيخ
It means "It means a peaceful approach against Bayern Munich."
وطريقة اللي طلعنا مدريد فيها
And the way we got to Madrid.
وبما أننا تكلمت على الفاينل
Since I talked about the final.
يعني الصراحة الإنتر لعب زين
Honestly, Inter played well.
الإنتر يعني قدر يهاجم
The Inter means that it can attack.
يعني يسحبون
It means they withdraw.
The middle
ماريس سيتي قدامي يندفعون
The city's players are charging forward.
ويقطون كرات
And they are filling balls.
قدامي يعني على الأجلحة
In front of me means on the wings.
وحتى حق سيد الأوتورو
And even the right of the master of the auto.
كان صعب
It was difficult.
كان صعب تجاريهم حق مدة طويلة
It was difficult to trade with them for a long time.
فواتة وجدت فرصة
I found an opportunity.
يعني نقع كرة
It means "to soak a ball."
بتكون أريح ليكم بالشي
It will be more comfortable for you with the thing.
بس أنت بحكم أني ما تابعهم
But since I don't follow them.
واريس بس أعرف مثلاً نتائجهم
I only know their results, for example.
وستاتس في السيريا
And the states in Syria.
ومواسم اللطافة في الجامجيز ليك
And the seasons of cuteness in the جامجيز ليك.
أعرف أنهم فريق قاعدين
I know they are a sitting team.
they're rebuilding and they're in the second step
They're rebuilding and they're in the second step.
or the third step of the rebuilding process
or the third step of the rebuilding process
يعني they already مثلاً
It means "they already, for example."
For example
مجموعة حلوة باللعبين
A nice group with players.
مثلاً في كيميستري صاير
For example, in chemistry it's happening.
and في الدوري
and in the league
locally they're always for the last couple
Locally, they are always for the last couple.
of seasons they're performing very well
Of seasons, they're performing very well.
ندام أن تشوفوا في التوب 4
I regret that you see this in the top 4.
فأنتم يعني ما كان الطريق سهل عليكم بعد
So you mean the way was not easy for you after that?
حتى في الفاينل وصار في شوية افتباك
Even in the final, there was a bit of a setback.
للصوت اللاعبين والصوت
For the players and the sound.
للغوارديولا تحس أن اللاعبين
You feel that the players are for Guardiola.
مع الستي
With the city.
بالذات مع الستي
Especially with the Siti.
الضغط نفس ما صرح غوارديولا
The pressure is just as Guardiola stated.
المباراة الضغط كان
The pressure of the match was.
موجود في وجههم يعني
It means it is evident on their faces.
كلش كلش
Very very.
كانوا محاسبين على كل شي
They were held accountable for everything.
فكان pressure
So it was pressure.
لما يقول يعني أول ما
"When he says it means first that..."
صفر الحكم الرليف الراحل
Zero the late relief ruling.
اللي حصلوه على اللاعبين
What they did to the players.
والجمهور وكل من
And the audience, and everyone who
حتى الاحتفالية
Even the celebration
the yeah يعني
"Yeah means."
كنتوا ال favorites
You were the favorites.
حتى لو انتوا في مستوى زين
Even if you are at a good level.
أو مستوى ممتاز في الدوري
Or an excellent level in the league.
وفي الchampions league بشكل عام يعني
In the Champions League in general, it means.
في موسم الأطافة
In the season of abundance.
بس انتوا ال favorites
But you are the favorites.
بس شوف
But look.
الchampions league we were the favorites
In the Champions League, we were the favorites.
بس الchampions league
But the Champions League.
You have gone too far.
يعني tournament
It means tournament.
of course انت اقسمت what's the finest
Of course, you swore. What's the finest?
وراء واحدة يعني ووري عندن كوني
"Behind one means I am buried with them."
هدف انتر ميران
Inter Milan's goal.
نقدر نسوم فاجأة في اي دين
We can suddenly fast on any religion.
i understand that بس انتو كم
I understand that, but how many of you are there?
وطيافة اللاعبين وعالورة
And the players' hospitality and their excellence.
كرومان انتو your favorites يعني
It means "Your favorites, Kuruman."
that's what i meant
هذا ما أعني.
yeah what's next for man city
نعم، ما هو التالي لمانشستر سيتي؟
It means.
بس انا انا كامل
But I am complete.
ببعضنا الكلمة
With each other, the word.
وقدر يثبت هالشي وقدر يعني
"He was able to prove this, and he means."
يقود الفريق يعني تحس في فرق من
Leading the team means you feel a difference from.
leader لleader يعني ما
"Leader to leader means what?"
اقلل من روبن دياش
I reduce from Ruben Dias.
روبن دياش ما كان جدت
Ruben Dias wasn't my grandfather.
بعد رب قلات الوز سم ما كان يلعبه واقع
"After the Lord of the wolves, there was nothing left but what reality played."
هي ما كان يلعبه ما كان متعوره
She was not playing what he was hurt by.
هي تقريبا
She is approximately.
بس هاي الشفت في شارة الكابتن
But this is the badge on the captain's shirt.
it played a huge role
It played a huge role.
to push the team forward
to push the team forward
لوعب عنده خبرة
He has experience.
he kept a lead he was in his 30s
He kept a lead; he was in his 30s.
The text appears to be a long repetition of the letter "ا" and does not contain any meaningful content to translate.
احس ان coup
I feel that it is a coup.
يعني you guys wanna rebuild شوي
It means you guys want to rebuild a little.
الناس اصدق
People are more truthful.
عشان يبتعد for the next 2 3 4
To stay away for the next 2, 3, 4.
years مثلا
for example, years
بان دي غال يطلع رح لان
Ban Di Gal is going to Rahe Lan.
i think there is replacement
I think there is a replacement.
في روايات أننا نتحدث عن صفقة ديكلر برايس
In reports, we discuss the Decker Price deal.
يمكن أن يلعب ديكلر برايس في مستوى أقل أو أقل
Declan Rice can play at a lower or lesser level.
لكننا لم نتوقع أن يلعب ديكلر برايس
But we didn't expect Declan Rice to play.
ونتوقع أن يلعب كوفاتشيج
We expect Kovacevic to play.
كوفاتشيج بالضبط
Kovacic exactly.
كوفاتشيج ليس صادقاً
Kovacic is not honest.
كوفاتشيج عام ٢٩ أو ٢٨
Kovacevic in 29 or 28.
أو شيء من هذا النوع
Or something of that kind.
حسناً، هو في أعلى وراءه
Okay, it's behind him at the top.
حتى يستطيع أن يعطي المواطنين
So that he can give the citizens.
مثل ماشيستر سيتي يجيب حافة معهم
Just like Manchester City brings a edge with them.
بطولات مثلاً
For example, championships.
في الثلاث سنوات أو الثلاث سنوات
In three years or three years.
سيكون رائعاً
It will be amazing.
لكن نتوقع أننا الآن نحاول
But we expect that we are now trying.
أن نقوم بعمل صفقات
To carry out deals.
نسميهم الـهيدين جيمس
We call them the Hiding James.
يعني لا يكون
It means it should not be.
كل شيء موجود في الماركت
Everything is available in the market.
نفس مثلاً أكانجي
For example, it's like the term "Akanji."
نفس أكانجي
The same as Akanji.
صفقة ومتازة
A great deal.
صفقة ومتازة، نعم
A great deal, yes.
أنه لا يكون مثلاً كل شيء
That not everything is, for example.
هو الرائع في الترانسفر
He is great in the transfer.
والكل يتكلم عننا
And everyone is talking about us.
أحب أن يكون عوض وكل شيء
I want him to be everything and more.
أنا ليس عوض كسن
I am not a substitute for Kسن.
لكن عوض كاسم
But instead of a name.
لا، هذه الحركات عن تشلسي
No, these moves are about Chelsea.
نعم، بالطبع
Yes, of course.
لكن أنا أعتقد أن من صفقاتكم
But I believe that it is one of your deals.
في هذا السيزون
In this season.
لن تحصلوا على اسم كبير
You will not get a big name.
أن الاسم كبير
The name is big.
ليس فقط كمستوى
Not just as a level.
أو كمستهدف
Or as a target.
لا، اسم كمثلاً
No, like for example.
متعلق مع الكثير من المجموعة
Related to many in the group.
أن كل مجموعة يريد
That every group wants.
مثلاً أستيقلر رايس
For example, Astiqlal Rice.
هناك الكثير من الروايات عنه
There are many narratives about him.
أو هذه الأسماء التي توجد في
Or these names that exist in
ترانسفر ميديا
Transfer Media
وصوشال ميديا بشكل عام
Social media in general.
متعلقة مع الكثير من المجموعة
Related to a lot of the group.
وأتوقع أن مركزكم
I expect that your center
سيكون على المجموعة
It will be up to the group.
مثلاً تجدون الفرابات
For example, you will find the brakes.
إذا كنتم تقعدون إليها
If you are sitting with her.
مثلاً أرى في النص
For example, I see in the text.
كالدفنسف مدفين
Like buried defenses.
في الجناح
In the wing.
يمكن أن تجدون أسماء
You can find names.
بحيث أنه تغطي
So that it covers.
الأسماء الموجودة
The names present.
أو الأسماء الكبار
Or the great names.
مثلاً تكون نفسها محرز
For example, she could be a champion.
And the community.
حسناً أرى أننا ننتقل
Okay, I see that we are moving on.
من موضوع المدينة
About the topic of the city.
لأننا صنعنا ملكة الممارس
Because we created the practitioner queen.
ومدرسة بابا كوارديولا
And the school of Papa Guardiola.
صنعنا ملكة الممارس الثالثة
We made the third practice queen.
هل تعتقد أنه
Do you think that?
مدرسة بابا كوارديولا
The school of Papa Guardiola.
كموارد بطفل؟
As resources with a child?
هل تعتقد أنه
Do you think it?
مقارنة بفرغيسون
Comparison with Ferguson
أليس فرغيسون؟
Isn't it Ferguson?
المدرب الواحد للجواب
The coach is the answer.
بالطبع يجب أن تضع أسماءه
Of course, you should include their names.
وغير ذلك
And other than that.
إذا كان هناك
If there is
For example
دورة وفرت له كل شيء
A course that provided him with everything.
أو طريقة مثلاً
Or a way, for example.
السيستم الذي بنى
The system that was built.
Of course.
هناك سيستم بنى
There is a built system.
وهناك تكتيكات يبنيها
And there are tactics that he builds.
حتى لو كان لديك كل هذه المعلومات
Even if you have all this information.
لديهم معلومات كبيرة
They have a lot of information.
مثلاً في
For example, in
سيزون واحد يساكون
Season one is equal.
مدرسة بابا كوارديولا
Papa Guardiola School
كما تذكرين أسامي
As you remember, Asami.
أم كساني مثلاً
For example, Umm Kasani.
ماذا تقول؟
What are you saying?
أسامي لديهم مميزات
Names that have characteristics.
لا أعتقد أنهم بالضبط نفس
I don't think they are exactly the same.
المدرسة بس موجودة الأسامي
The school only has the names موجودة.
فإنك تجلب كل هذه الأسامي
For you bring all these names.
وإن الإدارة توفر لك كل هذه الأسامي
The administration provides you with all these names.
فهي أخيار المدرسة
They are the best of the school.
التي يجعله أفضل من
that makes him better than
هذه الملائكة
These angels
سأضعها في المدرسة الأعلى
I will put her in the higher school.
في هذه الملائكة
In these angels.
لا أريد أن أقارنها
I don't want to compare her.
ربما أقارنها بموضوع آخر
I might compare it to another topic.
وهو صعب قليلاً
It's a little difficult.
سر أليس
The secret of Alice.
سر أليس صعب تقارنه
The secret is not difficult to compare.
صعب قليلاً
A little difficult.
ولكن يجب أن يكون هناك مقارنة
But there must be a comparison.
فلن تستطيع أن تقول لا
You will not be able to say no.
لا يمكننا التقارن عن هذا
We cannot compare on this.
سر أليس أفضل منه في مراحل
Isn't Sarah better than him at stages?
لا يمكننا التقارن عن هذا
We cannot compare on this.
وكلا القناة ما تغيرت
Both channels did not change.
سر أليس وماشا
The secret of Alice and Masha.
لا تغيرت
I did not change.
فهي مجرد مجرد مختلفة
It is just a different version.
ولكن لا
But no.
لأجل التقارن
For the sake of convergence.
وهناك مقارنة توجد
And there is a comparison that exists.
بين أن بيب كورديون
Between that Pep Guardiola.
يكون أكثر مقارنة في النيك
It is more compared in the act of intercourse.
Because I am
أرى أن سر أليس
I see that the secret of Alice.
هو أكثر مقارنة
He is more comparative.
في النيك
In the act of intercourse.
فأنا أرى أنه مقارنة
I see it as a comparison.
أن بيب كورديون
I am a accordion.
For example
لا يوجد مقارنة أنه هو أكثر مقارنة
There is no comparison that he is more comparable.
بالطبع هو أكثر مقارنة
Of course, he is more comparative.
لكن أن يكون هناك مقارنة بينه
But there should be a comparison between him.
وبين سر أليس
And between the secret of Alice.
يجب أن نحصل على مقارنة
We need to get a comparison.
نحن نعود للحديث
We are back to talking.
لأن سر أليس هو
Because the secret of Alice is
أكثر مقارنة
More comparison
من جوازاته معه
From his passports with him.
طبعاً متابعينا
Of course, our followers.
اشتركوا بنا على الإستجرام
Join us on Instagram.
أخبرونا ماذا تعتقدون؟
Tell us what you think?
من تفضلون
Who do you prefer?
المدرب القوت؟
The strength coach?
أو ما هو دبيتكم
What is your poem?
مع بين بيب كورديون أو سر أليس؟
Is it with a PB cord or is it a secret, Alice?
وكان هذا
And this was
The end
مقارنة للمدرسة
Comparison to the school
Let's move on.
To Arsenal
طبعاً أرسنال قاموا بمقارنة
Of course, Arsenal made a comparison.
طبعاً ماذا قاموا بمقارنة؟
Of course, what did they compare?
كنتم قريبين
You were close.
بس أنا أشتبه
But I suspect.
الصراحة أعتقد أنه سوف أغلق سؤالكم بالكامل
Honestly, I think I am going to completely close your question.
لأنني أحفظت بطيطة لي
Because I have a saved tart for me.
أكثر منافع عن الموضوع أشوفها
I see more benefits regarding the topic.
As if it
مقارنة جيدة
Good comparison
وفيها مستقبل
And it has a future.
هناك مستقبل جيد في المستقبل
There is a good future ahead.
وأنا لا أعتقد أنه فقط
And I don't think it's just that.
سنة واحدة إذا كانت معك
One year if you have it.
نعم الأفراب الثانية
Yes, the second relatives.
ما كانت مستوحها العالي بحيث أن أرسنال كان
It was not inspired enough given that Arsenal was...
أكثر جاهز
More ready.
أن يكون الفريق أن ينافس
The team should compete.
المنطقة من أي فريق ثاني
The area belongs to any other team.
في الليك
In the link.
بس أنا ما أشوف أن بس هاي المشهد
But I don't see that this is just the scene.
معاهم هم حظة أو ماذا بل
What do they have, luck or what?
فيه سيستم فيه بروسس
It has a system with a process.
فيه بلان معين
There is a specific plan.
سواء كان اللاعبين موجودين أو
Whether the players are present or
لكي تحرروا من المدرسة
To be freed from school.
اللي كانوا موجودين قبل موسم أو موسمين
Those who were present before a season or two.
أو المستنى ورثة الفريق
Or waiting for the team’s heirs.
فبالطبع كأنني أرسنال فان
Of course, it's as if I'm an Arsenal fan.
وقد كان وقت طويل
It had been a long time.
شوية تشعر بالتعب
You feel a little tired.
Do you know?
في هذه السنة
This year
أرسنال قضى
Arsenal has spent.
أكثر أيام
More days
قضى معظم
Most spent
التوري في
The term "التوري في" is incomplete and does not have a clear meaning on its own. Please provide more context or a complete phrase for an accurate translation.
و بعدين هاي
And then this.
دا موست
This is a must.
نحن في ماجستر سيتي
We are in Manchester City.
كنا في أكثر من 14 أيام
We were there for more than 14 days.
في سنة قادمة
In the coming year.
نعم كانت أكثر من أشهر
Yes, it was more than a month.
كنا كنا كنا كنا كنا كنا
We were, we were, we were, we were, we were, we were.
شهر أو شهرين في
A month or two in.
في السيزون شوية صار في
In the season, there were a few things that happened.
عندنا نركب وتنزلو
We ride and you get off.
وتنزلو عندنا نركب وكي صار الكمبيوتشين شوية
"And you can come down to us and we'll ride, and when the competition becomes a little."
حتى مثلا
For example.
شفتن اللاست أوف بوينتس
I saw the last of points.
اللي سووهم
What they did.
ما كان فيه كان فيه
What was there, was there.
متوتر كان فيه
He was nervous.
عندما تريد شيء سيء
When you want something bad.
شوية لسه ما صار معي بوارديولا عندما
"Still a little hasn't happened with me, Guardiola, when..."
تريد شيء سيء في الليك
"Do you want something bad in the league?"
وفي المواصفات أضافت قوم
In the specifications, the group added.
يعني ما يتصرف طريقة
It means not to act a certain way.
يحسب أنه
He thinks that
يجب أن تلعب بشكل بسيء
You must play poorly.
أرتيت شنو مع
What did you do with?
For example.
مفروض أصدار
Must be issued.
يعني مو بس
It means not just.
ارتباك في مباراة السيتي
Confusion in the City match.
لا صار في ارتباك حتى في الآخر جولات
There was confusion even in the last rounds.
طيب حكم إذا كان فيه
Okay, the ruling is if there is in it.
جيابات شوية يعني مثلا كان
A few responses, for example, there was.
اعتماده كان بطول السيزون على مدافع له
His reliance was throughout the season on a defender.
سليبة وكان
Sleeba and it was.
يعني كان بطول مبدي النعر
It means it was a long display of pride.
من فرن با باك صورة واضحة
A clear picture from the oven with a back.
ومن بعدين شوية
And then a little later.
لما مثلا جاب هولدينج أو كيميون
For example, when he brought Holding or Kimmich.
جاب باديل عاب في
Badeel responded with a laugh.
صوب جابرييل
Towards Gabriel
كان واحد من الموكسيو
He was one of the Mexicans.
هذا كان واحد من السبب
This was one of the reasons.
ليش مثلا في آخر
Why, for example, at the end?
الجولات مثلا ما قدروا يبشون
For example, they couldn't smile during the rounds.
أو يلعبوا بطريق أن الناس ما كانوا يلعبون
Or they play in a way that people weren't playing.
بطول السيتي
City length.
طبعا ثانيا أسرع قولي
Of course, say it faster second.
في برامير ليك
In Premier League
تعرف برامير ليك
Do you know the special features?
بعده تسجل عليكو
After that, it will be recorded against you.
أي واحد بيجيب رشد
Anyone who makes sense.
أثر النار حال يجيب ركرد
The effect of the fire is a state that answers the question.
على الاسرع قولي
Quickly, tell me.
ثانيا أسرع قولي
Secondly, say it faster.
تسجل دواني وحداشر
Eleven o'clock is recorded.
لاعب ممسجل طالما
A registered player as long as
صار له تسعة شهور
It has been nine months.
يجيب ثقافة مجال
It answers the culture of the field.
المكان بموزين سرعة
The place has a speed limit.
يجيب أسرع قولي
Answer faster, say it!
أو هدف
Or a goal.
تسجل ثون
Record a tune.
لا تسجل ثون
Do not register Thun.
انتم اسرعوا اقول في البدايه كانت اثير تهت
You hurry, I say, in the beginning Atheer was lost.
لا بورنوث بعد كان قبل
No more pornography like there was before.
اوه هاو هافتو شيك داستس بس انا ذاكره شوه احين ما صدقت لنا شوى السيزه التهت اذا التهت اونا نوه باز
Oh, how you have to shake this dust, but I remember something. I can't believe it's been a while; I'm confused now, so if I'm confused, let it be.
حاولت فرغت واتهت
I tried to empty myself and accused.
كنزين شنو قاعد تسوون عشان شنو الفريق اتعلمها من السيزن الى احين
Kenzi, what are you doing for the team to learn from the season until now?
يعني وينو ارتبتا كن سمتاينز يعني ميك ميستيكس ان كريتيكل سيتواشنز
It means where I got confused sometimes, it creates mistakes in critical situations.
And art
مبارياتي يعني صعبة
My matches are difficult.
فشنو اللسنز اللي
What are the lessons that...
انت تعلمتها من السيزن الى احين ميك ميستيكس ان كريتيكل سيتواشنز
You learned it from the season until now, making mistakes in critical situations.
في اول شهر هاو هافتو اغري
In the first month, it has become more dangerous.
نزين ان انا ارتتم ديونج اجد شو
I am sorry, I can't understand what you are saying.
نزين وده تيوب شكله
Let's decorate the tube, its shape.
سواكا كوجينج سواكا تيكتيكس سواكا واتهي سراينج تا بيلت
Suwaka Kojiing, Suwaka Tactics, Suwaka Wathe Sarang Ta Belt.
نزين ارتتم وده رم صديق
"Nazeen, we have a close friend."
نزين مو عندا اكسبيريونس واشد
We don't have experience yet.
ممكن هوا الفريق دي ديربكا فرست فرست مانجر
Is this the team that runs the first first manager?
ان تيسا بيج بيج بيج تاسك فور هافت
Tisa has a big, big, big task for Haft.
انزين ان هيس بروفينغ همسلف ان اجد وي
Okay, he is proving himself to me.
التشكيلة على نفس الوقت بعد تكون اراود يونج
The lineup is at the same time after being similar to Young Arad.
يونج بلايرز
Young Players
وانت انا مافي ممكن نحن بس
And you, I can't, maybe just us.
اكبر لاعبي اللي اتوقعت هو سبارتيو بشم من واحد
The biggest player I expected is Spartio, one by one.
انا ممكن حدوث يوم سبارتيو زومر توليد ده بلو
I might have a day off on Sbartio Zoomer due to this block.
there is a lot to learn
There is a lot to learn.
especially from this kind of season
خصوصاً من هذا النوع من الموسم
اشياء واحدة يعني المدرب لازم يتعلمها
Things that the coach must learn.
واللاعبي اللي في السوق لازم يتعلمها
"And the players who are in the market must learn it."
لانهم في مرحلة انهم
Because they are at a stage where they...
a changing face
a changing face
فهذه المرحلة تتعلم
So this stage is about learning.
you take the best out of it تتعلم واحدة شيء وفيدة
You take the best out of it; you learn one useful thing.
و as much as يعني
"And as much as it means."
I'm sure ان حتى لو كانوا اللاعبين
I'm sure that even if the players
they're feeling down or devastated من الغصار
They're feeling down or devastated from the aftermath.
because they were very close
because they were very close
بس بيافدو من الkey points
But they benefit from the key points.
وبها they will move on لحظة لازم نتعلم
"And they will move on; it's a moment we must learn."
وبالبال بثل الصفقات اللي يمكن تصير فيها الموصل
And thinking about the deals that might happen in Mosul.
or going back in the champions league next season
or going back to the Champions League next season
هاد الاشياء بتعلم ان ودرب بعد اشياء اذي
These things teach me and train me for other things like this.
do you have يعني key points
Do you have key points?
that an arsenal found
that an arsenal was found
عشان you
Because of you
or your input
or your input
on the team يعني
"On the team means"
your key points
نقاطك الرئيسية
well my key points is that يعني
Well, my key points are that
The team
الفريق شوف فريق
The team, look at the team.
they surprised us all
They surprised us all.
ان زي البهاس سيزن
The season of the Bahas genre.
في اشياء شفنا في مثلا
There are things we saw, for example.
and missing of chances
and missing out on opportunities
الفراص واجزة بتاعنا
The horses are ours.
which you could have finished
ما كان بإمكانك إنهاؤه.
فانت عندك قدام اللاعبين عندك variety
You have a variety in front of the players.
عندك تروسات
Do you have Trousers?
reinforced مثلا
reinforced, for example
The forerunner
حتى لو مثلا كان بتأور و رجع
Even if, for example, it wandered off and came back.
بالورد كوب
With the flowers, a cup.
you cannot miss these card chances
You cannot miss these card opportunities.
اذا تضيع
If you get lost.
You lose.
متجرون عليك
They are plotting against you.
او بتتعادل
Or it results in a tie.
او whatever
Or whatever
بس بعد شفنا good positive key points مثلا
But we also saw good positive key points, for example.
شفنا الفايت
We saw the fight.
شفنا there's always
We saw there's always
I've never seen Arsenal in this way
I've never seen Arsenal in this way.
انه مثلا
For example.
they fight للنهاية
They fight to the end.
مثلا لقبل كنا مثلا
For example, we were, for example.
اخسر حبتنا من الفريق صغير
Lose our little one from the team.
واحد صفر ثلاث صفر
One zero three zero
خلاص we aim for the draw
Finally, we aim for the draw.
حدنا كل شنو
What do you mean by everything?
we'll aim for the draw
سنهدف إلى التعادل.
بعد يكون عادي نخسرنا
"After it becomes normal for us to lose."
احلنا لآخر ساكن
We referred it to the last resident.
شفنا نقول نرسل
We saw, let's say we send.
on the last seconds
in the last seconds
and all the guards
وكل الحراس
all the guards
جميع الحراس
they're hungry for the last minute
They are hungry for the last minute.
they wanna prove something
They want to prove something.
وهذه الاشياء اتعلم اللاعبين
And these things teach the players.
فصلنا مثلا اوذغارد وساكا
We separated for example Awzgard and Saka.
ونارسل فتان صغار
And we send small monsters.
فا اتعلم اللاعبين
So teach the players.
المنتاليتي of
The mentality of
I'm gonna fight till the end
سأقاتل حتى النهاية.
I'm gonna fight till my last breath
I'll fight until my last breath.
وصار هذين اللاعبين موجودين
And these two players are now present.
عشان ما اعرف
Because I don't know.
من 22
From 22
فانك تبدي
You are expressing.
وتحت مدرب صغير
And under a small coach.
تبدي هالمنتاليتي
This mentality is expressed.
because we know this project
لأننا نعرف هذا المشروع
is built for the future
is built for the future
for the next two or three years
for the next two or three years
بعد ان
After that
it will be one
سيكون واحدًا
اذا وصلنا في سنتين وثلاثة
If we arrive in two years and three.
اللي بتجي
The one that comes
بعدين احنا كفانز
Then we, as fans
مثلا او انا كفانز
For example, or I as a fan.
رأيي الشخصي
My personal opinion
ان بعدين
It's distant.
I'll be demanding
سأكون متطلباً
we need to get a trophy
We need to get a trophy.
just an FA card
مجرد بطاقة FA
I'm expecting us
to مثلا
for example
We deliver.
مثلا فار شوي
For example, a mouse has become a bit larger.
في الchampions league
In the Champions League
اذا ما نصل لسيزنين
If we reach a season.
في الchampions league
In the Champions League.
وبعد لعبنا في مستوى
And after we played at a level.
the players
المستوى اللطاف
The level of kindness.
The meaning.
The level
من الفاز
Who won?
مو بس بيكون
It won't just be.
let's secure top 4
دعونا نأمن المركز الرابع.
That's it.
لا بيكون
It won't be.
لنوصل بعيد
Let's go far.
مثلا في الchampions league
For example, in the Champions League.
لنعطي the best shot
Let's give it the best shot.
نبقى مثلا
We stay, for example.
as far as we can
بقدر ما نستطيع
as well
كما هو الحال
في الFA company
In the FA company.
we make sure
We make sure.
For example
بحكم ان احنا
Since we are
اكثر فارش جايبين
They are bringing more carpets.
ان اعطنا
Give us.
big possibility
توقع كبير
of a chance
لنا مثلا
For us, for example.
to secure
to secure
We try.
We conclude.
كل the seasons
All the seasons
of the next 3-4 seasons
of the next 3-4 seasons
on a high
on a high
I'm not expecting
لست متوقعًا
my objectives
My objectives
or my demands
Or my demands
from the team
من الفريق
It changes.
I mean.
I'm not expecting
أنا لا أتوقع
ان اخلص سادس
I am the sixth person to be sincere.
باش لي
You are welcome.
He lied.
ال expectations
The expectations
هاك لارسنال
Here's Arsenal.
at least
at least
top 4
top 4
at least
at least
one trophy
one trophy
in a season
في موسم
او انك
Or you.
حد ريهار
A boundary of Rihar.
الFA cup
The FA Cup
او انك
Or you are.
مثلا بعيد شوي
For example, a bit far.
في الchampions league
In the Champions League
مو بس تطلع
Not just going out.
من الgroup stage
From the group stage
او من دور
Or from a role.
The 16th
هاد expectations
These are expectations.
سوى بيتغير
Except it will change.
في بعض ال fixtures
In some fixtures.
اللي هو
which is
كان يقدر
He was appreciated.
نتيجة المباراة
Match result
he was responsible
He was responsible.
شوي في
A little bit in.
of course
شوف المدرب هو
Look, the coach is...
يلعب دور
Plays a role
او اي مدرب
Oh, any coach.
ان هو يدرب بريق
He trains the sparkle.
هو يتحمل
He is enduring.
The victory.
and the loss
My players
لانه في النهاية
Because in the end
he's the decision maker
He's the decision maker.
My players
كثير بعضهم
Many of them.
they will go
They will go.
the extra mile
the extra mile
وتشوف واحد
And you see someone.
يسوي مثلا
For example, he/she makes equal.
solo work
عمل فردي
او روح الكابتن
Oh, the captain's spirit.
انه الشي انا اتكلم عالمثلا
It's the thing I'm talking about, for example.
روح الكابتن
The spirit of the captain.
مكلر تيتا
Mukar Tita
of course
يعني حتى
It means even.
مو بقدر يقول انه
He can't say that.
For example.
ولو صوت لعلي
"And if I had a voice for Ali."
بس مثلا
Just for example.
مو مش في عند الحظ
It's not about luck.
as a successful manager
as a successful manager
بترازي بتفكر
You think I'm a loser.
where did i go wrong
Where did I go wrong?
ام سكاين
Um Skyin
i'm pretty sure
أنا متأكد تماماً
مكلر تيتا
Mekler Tita
اسكن كمسلف
I live as a lender.
This thing.
ووضح للاعبي
And he explained to the players.
ا بعد
far away
For example
where did we go wrong
Where did we go wrong?
in this season
في هذا الموسم
الا مثلا
But for example.
من رأيي الشبصي يعني أنه غير ممتع
In my opinion, it means it's not enjoyable.
لكنه فاصل
But he is a separator.
يمكن أن يكون لديه هذا التفاصيل
He may have these details.
مثلاً التفاصيل من أرسنفينغا
For example, the details from Arsene Wenger.
And likewise.
وكذلك كثير من التفاصيل والفلسفة الخاصة بها
And also many details and the philosophy behind it.
فهذا يجعله مجاناً جيداً
This makes it a good freebie.
لكن في الأحيان التي أراها بعد
But in the times that I see her after.
He says.
حسناً سألعبها بسيطاً
Okay, I'll keep it simple.
حسناً أتعلم من خطأي
Okay, I learn from my mistake.
هو نوع من الماليجر
It is a type of mali-gar.
لا أريد أن أطلق على الموضوع
I don't want to comment on the subject.
لكن أرى هذا حتى في تنهار
But I see this even in your collapse.
إذا ألعبها
If I play it.
مثلاً في هذه اللعبة
For example, in this game.
I take.
الموضوع الذي ألعبه
The subject that I am playing.
أنا أحاول أن أتعلم منه بسرعة
I am trying to learn from him quickly.
وأرى هذا كموضوع مفيد في ميكالورتا
I see this as a useful topic in Mykalorta.
أنا أفهم
I understand.
ماذا قلت
What did you say?
أشعر أنه
I feel that it
That he
من خلال خياراته
Through his choices.
ماله للموضوع
What does it have to do with the subject?
في الأحيان
ليس بالطبع على علاقة
Of course, it is not related.
يعني أحياناً
It means sometimes.
الأحيان عندما يفضل
Sometimes when he/she prefers
مارتينينلي على
Martinelli on
على مارتينينلي
On Martinelli
And likewise.
الروتاشن في لعبان
The rotation in playing.
It means.
الشوط الآخر
The other half.
من يطلع من يدخل
Whoever comes in, goes out.
And exposure
He has.
قد يستطيع
He may be able to.
إحسن الموضوع
Improve the subject.
It means.
قبل قول ريس نيلسون في آخر دقيقة يوم 63 فلين
Before Reis Nelson's last-minute goal on Day 63, Flynn.
يعني توقعت أن أشوف ريس نيلسون أزياد
I expected to see Reiss Nelson more.
من ناحيتي أحسن السلكشن والسبستيوشن عنده شوي ضعيف
From my side, his selection is good, but his substitution is a bit weak.
ويقدر يعني يحسن
And he means to say he is good.
لازم يدرس الموازن
He must study the budget.
سبستيوشن يا رفاق شلوف أشوفه كسبستيوشن أفضل
Substitution, guys. I see that substitution is better.
وأنا متأكد أنه بعد أرتدي أشوف نفس الشي فيه
And I'm sure that after I wear it, I'll see the same thing in it.
إنه كبديل نواجح شوي أقدر أجيبه
As an alternative, I can manage to bring it.
هو مستغرق شوي ولما ألقنا مثلا ديجا سبعين أو شيء من هذا القبيل
He is a bit absorbed, and when we threw, for example, a seventy or something like that.
ويكونون المستارترس
And they will be the starters.
ناس مارتين الليو تروسرد
People of Martin the Lion Trosard.
ورد تعبه أو شيء من هذا القبيل
His suffering came or something like that.
ونبغيه في الأبطال
"And we want him to be among the champions."
قفرت عليهم الفرق
The teams made them isolated.
فأني قرأ الفنشوم عادل
I read the fanchoom, Adel.
فقفرت عليهم فأجيب سبستيوشن نفس ريس نيلسون
I stood before them, so I replied with "Substitution" just like President Nelson.
ريس نيلسون أتمنى أن أرى قدرات في هذا اللعب
President Nelson, I hope to see abilities in this game.
بس مثلا مباراة قدوست هام وياساكا
But for example, the match between West Ham and Yassaka.
قبل لا ضيع البلانتي
"Before I miss the penalty."
وتحس إنه معلب عطل
And you feel like a canned product that's spoiled.
بس هو كان يصر
But he was insisting.
بعد ساعات يصر
After hours, he insists.
ما يبدل
What changes.
أو ما ي
Or what?
شو بهاي
What's wrong with her?
ساكا أعتقد أنه
Saka, I think that he...
It means.
شوي غير عن
A little different from.
تبديلات ثانية يكون في اللاعبين الثانيين
Second substitutions will be for the other players.
أرد حاطة برشاة علىه
I wanted to put a brush on it.
لأنه خلاص أنا حينها أول أستابلشت مثلا
Because I had established myself first back then, for example.
ستار في الفارين
A curtain in the fugitives.
I'm pretty sure حتى
I'm pretty sure until.
البلان ماربيكل أرتيتا
The plan is to beat Arteta.
is relying on Bukayo Saka
is relying on Bukayo Saka
فأنا أعتقد أنه
I believe that it
has more faith in Bukayo Saka than Martina
has more faith in Bukayo Saka than Martina
حتى لو من شفاتنا لساعة في يوم
Even if it's just from our lips for an hour in a day.
يتأذى كثير من Bukayo Saka
Many are hurt by Bukayo Saka.
بس هو his plan
But it is his plan.
قطاته حق يوم في هاي المباراة
His shots are right on target in this match.
أنه يكون more relied on Bukayo Saka
He should be more relied on Bukayo Saka.
بحكم أنه مثلا
By virtue of the fact that for example
more experienced
أكثر خبرة
بشكل ما
he always gets
هو دائماً يحصل على
called for the rational team
دعا إلى الفريق العقلاني
And these things
فهالشي مثلا
For example, this thing
يحط برشاة على اللاعب نفسه
He puts a brush on the player himself.
وعلى الودارة
And on the administration.
And it is possible.
ما تكون متوفق في هاليوم
You are not doing well today.
For this reason.
For indeed you
you're right
أنت محق
يمكن حتى لو
It can even if.
اللاعب is a superstar
The player is a superstar.
فيه اللاعبين أكبر من Bukayo Saka
There are players older than Bukayo Saka.
big superstars يعني
big superstars means
they get substituted
يتم استبدالهم
بحكم أنه
By virtue of being...
هالشيء ما ينشيب
This thing doesn't get old.
مع الكلام
With the talk.
الgame plan
The game plan
مع this game نفسه
With this game itself.
إذا أنت دورك كمدرن
If you are your role as a modern.
you don't just look at the player as
You don't just look at the player as
أو هاللاعب مثلا
Or this player, for example.
For example.
يقدر يسوي لي
He can do it for me.
تغييرات منه
Changes from it
من نفسه
From himself.
For example
he will do something individual
He will do something personal.
For example.
run ولا شيء شديد
Run and nothing is intense.
It reflects.
as a game plan
كخطة لعبة
بشكل عام
In general.
or maybe that's something
Or maybe that's something.
that Arteto
that Arteto
should learn about
should learn about
خلاص الوضع
The situation is settled.
The arsenic.
And he dies.
إلى فريق لندني
To a London team
بس ضايع شوي
Just a bit lost.
وكده ضايع
And that's how I'm lost.
إذا ضاعت
If it gets lost.
بس هذا زيادة
But this is excessive.
عن اللزوم
On necessity.
عندك مثلا وستام وضايا
For example, you have Wastam and Wadiya.
And the issues.
بس جابوا الكون فرنسا
But they brought the universe to France.
شي ليه خمستاش
Something for fifteen.
يا موبايا
Oh my mobile.
انت هنو حق اليوروبا ليك
You are the true Yoruba for you.
للموسم الجاي
For the next season.
وجابنو بطولة
And they won the championship.
عندهم سكواد قوي
They have a strong squad.
عندهم مدرب زين
They have a good trainer.
بنتكلم على وضوء وستام بعدين
We'll talk about ablution and the state later.
ودكتور فايس
And Dr. Weiss.
بس هالفريق لعبايا زيادة عن لزوم
But this team played more than necessary.
منه تشلسي
Where is Chelsea?
بوفا دي ما يليه
Buffalo, may it follow.
الله فارق باطعه
God has separated his essence.
بس هالفريق
But this team.
My honor.
تشلسي اللي الثمنإعش خلصوا
Chelsea, which costs eighteen, is finished.
مركزين أزياد من
More than two centers
West Ham
لامنبرط طلع
"The platform has risen."
لأنه كان فترة مؤقتة
Because it was a temporary period.
سيفحك المتconศ overheal
The translation is unclear due to the mix of Arabic and non-Arabic characters. If possible, please provide a clearer source for translation.
مدرب زين
Zain's coach
مدرب زين يفهم عن فى
Zen's coach understands about him.
الجيمنات tension
The gymnasts' tension.
يعانى بأن هو alma
He suffers because he is alma.
من أر soldier
Who is a soldier?
انه ابته عن
It is a prayer about.
حام również league final
Hamm also league final
وانا اتجهل مجموعة الفريق بشكل جيد
And I know the team's group well.
فسيأخذهم في اي مرة او اثنين لتوصل الى اعلى 4
So he will take them at any time or two to reach the highest 4.
او 2
Or 2
انا اتوقع انه يكون في المرة القادمة 9 او 8
I expect it to be 9 or 8 next time.
فسيأخذهم في اي مرة او اثنين لتوصل الى اعلى 4
So he will take them at any time or two to reach the top 4.
فريقك بكون في مكان نائه
Your team will be in a remote location.
فقط لا امثل البراجيك 백신
I just don't represent the vaccine.
بالطبع انا في مجام
Of course, I am in a gathering.
الله يضيف لك
May God give you more.
أنا مع اللقاء شابا
I am with the meeting, young man.
في تلك القوات الكل كان هنا
Everyone was here in those forces.
نحن كارسنال mein frieck كمي بال'...
We are Arsenal mein frieck kmi bal'...
كلا الفConfirmier
No, the Confirmier.
He is
فكل على sv variation
So everything is on the SV variation.
لننسي أن لبربولر وروماشاستر هوا في طريق الهجمة
Let's forget that Liverpool and Roma are on the attack.
وما لك يا مضامنة فردالي أن تساعد الفريقين للعدد الأخير
What do you have, O Mudhamina Firdali, to help the two teams for the final count?
ويريد أن تتوقع
And he wants you to anticipate.
فالشالسي إحساسا ما في مكانه بالحفظ
The feeling of safety is somewhat present in its place.
الإدارة فيها مشكلة
The management has a problem.
بوتشاتينا خلّفت بوتشاتينا عصب
Bouchatina left Bouchatina a nerve.
خوش مدرب
Good coach
بس الادارة طريقة تعاملها انه خلاص جيبوا اي لاعب اللي هو موجود في الـ Transfer Market ضرب الكاف عليه ودفعوا ثمانين مئة مليون Pound
But the management's way of dealing with it is just to go and bring any player that is available in the Transfer Market, throw a big amount on them and pay eighty to a hundred million pounds.
يعني مافي مافي مافي سيستم مافي مافي سيستم مافي
It means there is no system, there is no system, there is no system.
الـPosichino كما قلت لي انه they lack روح عندهم حين هذ الادارة على الصفقة one of the disaster عندهم عندهم شلون how they're approaching صفقاتهم في الـTransfer window
The Posichino, as you told me, they lack spirit when it comes to this management regarding the deal; it's one of their disasters. How they are approaching their deals in the transfer window.
الفريق لسه في الـLocker Row مافي روح مافي what ever which is only normal لانه ده حين تم تغير عليك في هالسيزر
The team is still in the locker room, there’s no spirit, no whatever, which is only normal because this is when things changed for you in this season.
هل Posichino هو الملاصب ان مثلاً he creates الروح مرة ثانية
Is Posichino the one who brings the soul back to life, for example?
أو مرة ثانية
Or a second time.
يرفع he lifts هالplayers أو الـSquad اللي عندهم عندهم الـNorthwater عادي شوفهم يطلعون من الـSquad حين
He lifts the players or the squad they have at Northwater. Just see them leave the squad now.
بس البلصاري الموجودة هل هو بيكون capable of يعطي مثلاً motivation حق هالفريق
But is the person in charge capable of providing, for example, motivation for this team?
انا من حزبات Posichino he's an excellent
I am from the Posichino party, he's excellent.
in other words he's a very good badger
In other words, he's a very good badger.
انت ما تقول اكسلنت they're only achievement الى التوسط فريق حق
You don't say excellent, they're only the achievement of the team.
Champions League final
Champions League final
throughout mother champs and all kind of what I taught at home
Throughout mother champs and all kinds of what I taught at home.
I'm not
أنا لستُ
حين هون مثلاً
For example, when it became easier.
مو قاعد
Not sitting.
بس he was always يعني تقريباً top 4
But he was always almost top 4.
top 4
top 4
انا ما يعني قاعد احين
What do you mean by "I am sitting now"?
الاوم اوه
Oh my God!
قاعد تقد Posichino
You're sitting, Posichino.
بالاكس he's a good manager بشوفه بس
"He’s a good manager; I only see him."
حتى في PSG did not work out for him
Even at PSG, it did not work out for him.
حتى هوا كان ثالث مثلاً
Even he was the third, for example.
في PSG did not work
At PSG did not work.
did not
did not
و في Tottenham
And in Tottenham.
هو تعود على الـSystem
He is used to the system.
هم تشنون انه صار ليه فترة
They are saying that it's been a while for me.
مثلاً قال يدرب الفريق لما هو مو قاعد
For example, he said he trains the team when he is not sitting.
يدرب الفريق لما هو مو قاعد
The team trains when he is not sitting.
في المرحلة تتكلم عنها انهم ذاهب في الـTop 4
In the stage you're talking about, they are going to the Top 4.
او ذاهب لـ
He is going to
they fight for the Top 4
They fight for the Top 4.
و trying to get it one season or another
"trying to get it one season or another"
و انه وصلهم الى لهاية Champions League
"And he took them to the Champions League final."
هل شاسم يعطونا الفرصة
Does Shasem give us the opportunity?
نسمه هو حصلنا في Tottenham انه يبني حق
He got us in Tottenham that he is building for حق.
سلاتين طاسرة
Sublime buckets.
سلاتين كنقول
I'm saying "Sultans."
يزرب طريقة صحيحة ووصلنا الفريق ان جايب
The right way is fast, and the team has arrived.
المقاو كلش انهم مأساوي
The resistance is all tragic.
حالة ان كسكواد كادارة كواتابر
The case of the squad as a management of squads.
وضعهم مأساوي
Their situation is tragic.
الادارة بتعطي ادارة كشلسة
The administration is giving a session management.
احنا نعرف ان
We know that
they don't hesitate in pulling the trigger
They don't hesitate to pull the trigger.
من ايام براوموفيتش لحد الحين
Since the days of Bramovich until now.
اي مدارهم يبور رزولتس
Which of their orbits yields results?
او ديستر تيبور كويك رزولتس
Oh, this is a fast results disturber.
يعنى مو ناس ما اشوفنا مع ارتاة
It means we haven't seen people with our understanding.
تلاعبوش عسلنا يبني
Don't mess with our honey, my son.
مو ناس ما اشوفنا مع تنهاق
It's not people, we haven't seen with the donkey.
معنى تنهاق is very experienced
The meaning of "تنهاق" is very experienced.
انه اوكي لازرين عليه
It's okay, I'll keep an eye on it.
لا جلسي they want at least an instant results
They want at least instant results.
انه اوكي at least get us back to
It's okay, at least get us back to.
European football
European football
اتوضع ال objective من
The objective of is placed.
the machine of the season
the machine of the season
نوعا بحنا will get to the key players
نوعا بحنا will get to the key players.
اللي انت تحتاجهم بس at least
Just the ones you need, at least.
what we're expecting from you
ما نتوقعه منك
and they get us back
وهم يعيدوننا مرة أخرى
انت يبور في
You are in a mess.
of course I don't refer to the
Of course, I don't refer to the
Conference League
Conference League
توقع انهم يبور في
Expect them to fail in.
Europa League at least
Europa League على الأقل
or 95th for the Champions League
or 95th for the Champions League
ما ادري يعني
I don't know what it means.
that's the point انه ما ادري انه
That's the point, I don't know that.
من هالنوع من الودار اللي بيو
What kind of houses are these?
انه بسرعة يقدر يبني
He can build quickly.
on his stand on spot
On his stand on spot.
بياخذ لوقت
It will take time.
هالشلسة بينطوره على الثالث وقت
This session will be held at three o'clock.
مثلا تنهاق
For example, a braying.
he has experience
He has experience.
هو أكثر تعلماً عن البوتاتينا و كانت المشاكل التي قام بها مع ماشطة اليوناتيد صعبة
He is more knowledgeable about the botnina, and the problems he had with the United hairdresser were difficult.
لكنه أخذهم إلى الجزء الرابع
But he took them to the fourth part.
كان يستطيع أن يفعل ذلك
He could do that.
مع الأسابيع و المشاكل التي حدثت
With the weeks and the problems that occurred.
بعد أن تحصلت على مشاكل اليوناتيد
After I got the problems of the United.
لكنه قد أجعله يدفع المشاكل
But he may make him pay for the problems.
و جاء مثلاً فضولة
And an instance came, for example, of foolishness.
مع الـ
With the
وما إلى ذلك
And so on.
هل يستطيع البوتاتينا أن يفعل نفس الشيء
Can the botatina do the same thing?
على الأقل كبيراً؟
At least big?
أعتقد أنه سيكون صعباً
I think it will be difficult.
أعتقد أنه سيكون صعباً لهم
I think it will be difficult for them.
و أنه ستفعل ذلك
And that it will do that.
بحكم أنه
By virtue of the fact that
يجب أن يلعب على هذا الدور
He must play this role.
منافسة طويلة يحدث في الـ
A long competition takes place in the...
لديك إدارتك فيها مشكلة
You have a problem in your management.
منافسة ثالثة
Third competition.
أنت لست من نوع من المدربين
You are not the type of coach.
أنت قدر جداً
You are very capable.
أنا أعجبني أن أحصل على هذا هذا هذا
I liked to get this, this, this.
هو نوع من المدربين إلا
It is a type of trainer except.
He builds.
يبني شيء جيد
He builds something good.
مهلا عطى مثلاً 3 سنة أو نصف
Wait, give it, for example, 3 years or half.
ثم سيكده للهدف
Then he will score the goal.
أم أن أكون بحث الثاني أو الثالث أو الأسفل
Or should I be searching for the second, third, or bottom?
و أقوم بالتقاتل
And I fight.
مشكلة انا احس انهم فهم يحطون برشار اعلم
The problem is that I feel they understand that they put up with me.
ايه هم يحطون برشار اعلم
Oh, they put a sign, I know.
جيبك مثلا حتى لو كان Graeme Potter
For example, even if it was Graeme Potter.
توخه جايب لعبة Champions League
You still have the Champions League game.
هذا عصرا كصار كرفلكس سبيل
This is an era of complex challenges.
جيبجل دارة شوية سوانس
Bring me a little bit of floss.
انا متسر بان يكون ذلك لم يكون احد من نام الاحكام
I am certain that it was not any of those who slept through the judgments.
بس أليس كذلك ف Quarter مثلا
But isn't that the case for Quarter, for example?
انا شفت رابكا والمدرب يعني عرف
I saw the rapper, and the coach knew.
انه في احد توقف 2030 يمكن ان يكون محب
In one of the stops in 2030, it could be a lover.
انسة اللعبة
Miss Game
فحطو برشار اعليه
They circled and hovered over him.
And it tortures.
قاموا يخسروا، قاموا يفتوحوا، قاموا يرسلوا الكلب، وما عرفوا إيش قاعد يساويوه، خلاص يعني
They started to lose, they started to open up, they started to send the dog, and they didn't know what they were doing, that's it.
ما قاعد تشوفهم حتى بعد جمهورة عادية، خلاص I don't know, they felt really lost
You can't even see them, even after a regular audience. I don't know, they felt really lost.
فـ one of the things، أدري شوي صعب من الإدارة especially when you spend a lot of money
One of the things, I know it's a bit difficult in management especially when you spend a lot of money.
أو من fans and expectations حق الفريق وإنه يكون دائماً في التوقت
Or from the fans and the team's expectations for it to always be on time.
بس sometimes patience is key، أنت لازم تعطي الوقت شوي يعني
But sometimes patience is key; you have to give it some time, you know.
لازم تكون صدوره ويا الـ without hope، ويا اللاعبين، ويا الـ plan
"His presence must be with the without hope, with the players, and with the plan."
كل ما أنت تشوف فيه progress، I think you should just monitor the progress with that too
Everything you see as progress, I think you should just monitor the progress with that too.
there is a progress, then you give them a chance
There is progress, then you give them a chance.
طبعاً راح ينضم لعب الكومكو من R.B.
Of course, the game of Kumko will be joined by R.B.
R.B. Life's Edge، لعب مميز أصلاً
R.B. Life's Edge, originally a distinctive game.
يعني كنت أتمنى أن أشوف فريق ثاني
I mean, I was hoping to see another team.
أحس Chelsea على هاي المستوى
I feel Chelsea at this level.
ما بيوفون بحقها
They do not give her her due.
يعني يمكن، هو لعب ممتاز
It means, maybe, he is an excellent player.
بس أنا مع السيستم يتعدل
But I am in favor of the system being modified.
والفريق يساعد نفسه
And the team helps itself.
يعني بس it's done، الكوكورة حق Chelsea
It means just it's done, Chelsea's turn.
وفي صفقات يعني linked ويا عندي
"And in deals, I mean linked to me."
سعودية، maybe to make up for the losses
Saudi, maybe to make up for the losses.
financial losses حق الـ club لأن they were
financial losses حق الـ club because they were
spending like crazy
spending like crazy
we have nothing to check here
We have nothing to check here.
جوا رايحين سعودية زيارة
We are going to Saudi Arabia for a visit.
زيارة كروب، بايب، شكراً
Visit the group, bye, thank you.
بلوكات، تي، ويدا، ميسن بايب، اليوان، وومت
Blocks, T, Wida, Mason Pipe, Yuan, and Womet.
وحف، كم زيارة؟
And how many visits?
سأل، لحين ما خلط
He asked until he got confused.
سيد يعني بس لخاص almost
"Mister means just for the special almost."
من بعد، تفتح ثلاث أكثر من ثلاثة
After that, open three more than three.
من بعد، سي واحد رابع
After that, there will be a fourth one.
كانهم ثلاثة إلى أربعة من Chelsea
It was like they were three to four from Chelsea.
linked حق السواليطرالي
Linked to the sovereignty rights.
وكلبولي صاحنا حتى الآن
"And my dog is still barking at us."
القراءة على الـ United، تنهك
Reading on United wears you out.
he's doing a great job
He's doing a great job.
يعني first season
It means "first season."
والدوام talk 4
And the permanence talk 4
cancel على موضوع
cancel on the subject
كريستيانو، لأن الإدارة
Cristiano, because the administration
is not helping بكذا
It's not helping like this.
عندهم اللاعبين صار
They have become players.
كازاميرو يوم جابو
Casemiro is a genius.
يعني on point, on spot
It means on point, on spot.
ونحن بنعسل صفحات
And we are sweetening the pages.
لفارق صار كازاميرو
The difference has become Casemiro.
مع أن كازاميرو
Even though Casemiro.
وصل الـ United نص الموصل
The United reached the نص of Mosul.
ولحين كانت في مقارنات
And there were comparisons until now.
ويا رودري، رودري طبعاً
And oh Rodri, of course Rodri.
رودري في طريق
Rodri is on the way.
المقارنة خالي دفع
The comparison is free of charge.
بس أوي بنسويها يعني
But we're really going to do it, you know?
لا مقارنها يعني
It means “there is no comparison.”
أقدر أقارن كازاميرو
I can compare Casemiro.
ورودري بس أقولك إن كازاميرو
And Rodri, I just want to tell you that Casemiro.
من زود موهود نلاعب جداً مميز
From Zod Mohoud, we play a very special game.
I adapt.
بسرعة في نص موصل
Quickly in a connected text.
ورودري صار لي مثلاً سبتين
Rodri has been with me, for instance, for about two weeks.
وصارت مقارنة
And it became a comparison.
لا الفارق كالطبع
The difference is not like nature.
الفارق اللي فيه رودري
The difference that Rodri has.
الفارق خلاص سيستم مانا واضح
The difference is that the system is clear to me.
فالدعب كرودري
The phrase "فالدعب كرودري" does not appear to have a clear meaning in Arabic. It may be a typo or a mix of words that don't form a coherent sentence. Can you please check the spelling or provide more context?
خلاص دلال سيستم عندي واضح
The system is clear to me now, Dalal.
مانجر بس مقارنة عني
Just a comparison about me.
خلاص مانتبهد عليه في كل شي أنا خلاص
That's it, I won't be blamed for everything anymore, I am done.
حينها I have to deliver
At that time, I have to deliver.
أنت ككازاميرو تجيب في فارق
You, like Casemiro, respond with a difference.
لحين شوي عنده الأخبار
Wait a bit, he has the news.
نزيل وشده
Remove it and tighten it.
نزيل لأنه تول مدرم جاي
I am a resident because it is a temporary stay coming.
نزيل ويعني ما وضبطوا
"Remove and it means what they set."
اللي بلان عدد
The one who has a plan has numbers.
حصابات صارت فهم واجد
Accounts have become very understood.
خسارات من الفرقة صغار
Losses from the kids' band.
صارت فهم واجد وكيد حبطت منهم شوي
I became quite understanding, and surely I lost a bit of patience with them.
بس رسموها ذكرت لك تلحق بالنوع
But when they drew her, it reminded me that you could catch up with the type.
اللي بسرعة يتعلم خلاص عندي موقع
Whoever learns quickly, I have a site for them.
ومن ما رأيته
Among what I saw.
لن يفتح المساعدات
The aid will not open.
وما بيسويهم
"And it doesn't matter to them."
نزيل وعندك ككازاميرو
I am a resident and you have Casemiro.
أنا أشوفه بسرعة جداً علش لأنه
I see him very quickly because...
عندك كاركتر في الميدفيلد
You have character in the midfield.
في الميدفيلد
In the midfield.
as a player he's a big character
As a player, he's a big character.
الطريقة اللي يدافع فيه
The way he defends.
داخله بسجل كريسي
Inside, I'm registering as Chrissy.
المدتاليتي هذي مالاتي
This modality is not mine.
المدتاليتي من مدريد still in
The modality from Madrid still in.
أشوفه أنه he's one of the best players
I see that he's one of the best players.
in that position
في تلك الوضعية
or if not the best يعني
"or if not the best means"
he's one of our own
هو أحدنا
Are you arrogant?
one for the future
واحد للمستقبل
طراحة يعني
Honestly, it means.
لعب مميز
Outstanding play
he has big potential
He has big potential.
لعب مميز
Outstanding play
بالطبع. أشعر بأنني أحتاج لهم تعديل قليلاً. وأتوقع أنهم يستخدمون السكوات الخاصة بهم خصوصاً في الدفاع، كما أنهم دفاعي.
Of course. I feel like I need to adjust them a bit. I expect they use their squats especially in defense, and they are defensive.
ندرك أنهم لديهم بران وداخل المنطقة وأنهم جيدين.
We realize that they have a branch and are good within the area.
حسناً، لكنهم يحتاجون مجدداً.
Okay, but they need it again.
آه، لا.
Ah, no.
يعني أنا أشعر بأن مهاجمهم هويج هورس.
I mean, I feel that their attacker is Heuge Horse.
أعتقد أنه هويج هورس.
I think it's Huyg Horse.
لم أدرك إنه صحيح، لم أتذكر إنه من بيرلي، أم...
I didn’t realize it was true, I didn’t remember that he is from Burley, um...
لا، هو قائد أفجر بيرلي، لكنني لست متأكد من أنني علي أن أتفقد.
No, he is the leader of the Fajr Berli, but I'm not sure if I should check.
لا، لم أفعل شيء، لم أحاكم فيها أي شيء، لم تفهم ماذا...
No, I didn't do anything, I wasn't tried for anything, you didn't understand what...
لكنه يختبئ في الدفاع، يقوله أنه لم يعتمد على السكوات.
But he hides in defense, saying that he did not rely on squats.
لا يعرف كيف تسجل.
He doesn't know how to register.
لا يستطيع التصميم بشكل صحيح بين اللاعبين.
The design cannot be done correctly among the players.
تكملت على الصراحة، لأنهم اشتروا منه..
I continued in honesty, because they bought from him..
لكن، هم رأینا،
But, they saw us.
يشارك تقريبا أزيد من سانشو و أزيد من بعض اللاعبين
More than Sancho and some other players are participating.
الشغلة ترجع للمدرب وشلون مو
It all depends on the coach and how they are.
بلان ماله حق الـHGA ممكن هو كون بلان ماله
The plan doesn't have the HGA rights, maybe it is just a plan without them.
I want to focus على أتاكر و مهاجم صريح
I want to focus on an attacker and a direct striker.
إذا مو بسانشو نرح سانشو enough capabilities لعنده
If it's not with Sancho, we will have Sancho's enough capabilities.
بس he is not a striker خاص صريح
But he is not a clear striker.
يمكن كون هو يبسوه بلعب
It could be that he is getting bored with playing.
around عنده مثلا يكمل السيزر بمهاجم صريح
For example, he could complete the formation with a pure striker.
من a striker
from a striker
it could be that
It could be that.
و أنا أتفقوا يوك إنه هو
And I agree with you that he is.
he did not deliver حتى 10%
He did not deliver even 10%.
I think it's a load
أعتقد أنه عبء.
هلا بتشايق بعدين
Can you wait a bit?
ممكن later أو في البودكاست يكون بس ما تفكنا بس سريع
It can be later or in the podcast, just don't leave us, but quickly.
I think it's a load
أعتقد أنه عبء.
و أكيد يفتاجون مهاجم صريح صراحة
And they definitely need a clear striker, honestly.
يعني حق إنه يكون
It means it's right for it to be.
who is a finisher for
Who is a finisher for?
for real to the top 4 ماذا
For real, to the top 4, what?
a striker was
a striker was
a striker
a striker
هو جناح
He is a wing.
مو مثلا
Not for example.
مو نفس sky harbors مثلا ما دي
It's not the same as sky harbors, for example, what about me?
ما ينطع بورا ولا فورس لين ولا anything like that
It doesn't apply to Bura or Force Lin or anything like that.
لا مهاجم مهاجم
No attacker, attacker.
that's something else
هذا شيء آخر
defenders can
المُدَافِعُونَ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ
أحس عندهم people that
I feel with them people that
هم لازم يعني يقول
They have to say, right?
نفس ما
Same as ما
المكتوبة دي
This written one.
if you wanna go somewhere
If you want to go somewhere
if you wanna go to the next level
If you want to go to the next level.
زي المتحجر
Like petrified.
هم قلصوا الثالث
They reduced the third.
زين في التحيط شوي شوي تبتحط براشر على الثالث وتبتحط على الدوري وبدك مثل
"Okay, in the meeting, little by little, you should put pressure on the third and you should put it in the league, and you need something like..."
champions لكو عدك بطولات واش تبتشارك فينا عادل
Champions, do you have any titles and will you participate with us, Adel?
you cannot rely on players like Tominy
You cannot rely on players like Tominy.
Fred is good
فريد جيد
Fred صار زين عقب ماجي كازاميرو
Fred became good after Casemiro's arrival.
ماجي كازاميرو
Magi Casemiro
أنا في البداية I did not rate him
At first, I did not rate him.
أول مهم تقلل إلا شو اسمع إلا Manchester United إلا آخر سيزن ولا شي بجي
First, just reduce it to what I hear about Manchester United; nothing else is coming in from the last season.
I did not rate him بس هس سيزن أتوب أزين
I did not rate him, but this season is better.
زين أوكي فيه فيه the potential فيه لأنه هو
Sure, okay, there is potential because it is.
سؤال بلان عادي نتقصر معك أدامي رونا سموه بس فيو
It's a normal question, but we can shorten it for you. Just let us know.
فأنت لازم شوي
You need to relax a bit.
You get rid of Adelaine
You get rid of Adelaine.
لك تون بني
You have a built-in structure.
يمكن Ericksen
Ericksen can.
Ericksen لحين عشان خاصة I think his time is done with
Ericksen is done for now, I think his time is up.
He has probably put well عدنا شوي بارد
He has probably put us back a little cold.
وما يقدر يعطي
And he cannot give.
ما يقدر يعطي 100% في كل مبار
No one can give 100% in every match.
يشوش فيك معايدك كم فوزة
Your holiday becomes confusing for you with how many victories.
لازم تعرف أن الثالث موجود تعرف أنه هو يلعب زي تعرف شي سوي
You need to know that the third one is present; you know that he is playing as if you know what to do.
بس أنت أحتاج لعب كل مباراة at least يعطيني شي زين
But I need to play every match at least give me something good.
أنا بيعطيني 100%
He gives me 100%.
و بعد مباراة ثلاثة مباراة ما بدريش
And after three matches, I didn't sleep early.
حتى يكون بلس للفورتي برسل
So that it becomes a balm for the forti spells.
فانت عشان تكون بريط تنافس
So you have to be British to compete.
تحتاج لبناء المحطة
You need to build the station.
لديك من الدفندرز
You have defenders.
لازم عندك باك اوب حق هالفتين
You must have a backup for these two.
لازم يكون عندك دفنس فميد فيلدر
You need to have a defensive midfielder.
غير ع مكتوماليسيس
Not mentioned explicitly.
قاعد تنافس في بطولات كثيرة
You are competing in many tournaments.
و تفتاج أثاكر
And the abstractions fade away.
و تاريخ الواضح
And the clear history
فعندك تكون برطة بريط محطة
So you have a British station.
انتقل الى ليفر بول
He moved to Liverpool.
بيعبول في اليوروبا ليك
They are talking about you in Yoruba.
next season
الموسم القادم
لكن يعني
But I mean
they got
They got.
alexis McAllister
Alexis McAllister
من بريتون
From Breton
احس لو مكالستر كان يناسبهم
I feel like McAlister would suit them.
طريقة لعبة
Game method
And feeling.
he will fit
He will fit.
really good
حقاً جيد
And they say it.
شفنا على يهاية السيزون
We saw at the end of the season.
دوم يلعب وسط
Doom plays in the midfield.
وهاي الشي كان مفروض يصير من زمان
And this thing was supposed to happen a long time ago.
It means.
we know that trent
نحن نعلم أن ترنت
is defending
is defending
is attacking
is attacking
his cross is excellent
His cross is excellent.
assist numbers
assist numbers
كسرعة بعد عندي
I have speed after.
and then shooting
و بعد ذلك إطلاق النار
من زمان كان مفروض يلعب
He was supposed to play a long time ago.
يلعب متفيلد
The midfielder is playing.
بس احنا
But we
بس شفنا في اخر الجولات
But we saw in the last rounds.
مد فيلد في
Field extended in.
ليفر بول
امكن خاضي مثلا
Can a judge, for example?
he wants to
He wants to.
if he wants to proof
If he wants to prove.
انه مثلا احنا نهاية السيزون
For example, we are at the end of the season.
they still have a chance
They still have a chance.
انه يعني
It means.
يمكن ان يستخدم هذا اللاعب او يستخدمه بالنصف
This player can be used or used in the half.
يوجد الكثير من الفرص التي يستخدمها في الدفاع
There are many opportunities that he uses in defense.
لان اي جناح يستطيع ان يبوث عليه او الفرضة او يقصر عليه
Because any wing can settle on it or the opportunity can be restricted to it.
يمكن ان يستخدم هذا اللاعب او يستخدمه بالنصف
This player can be used or used in the half.
من التأكد انه يستخدمه في الدفاع
It's certain that he uses it for defense.
لكن ليس انه يستخدمه بالنصف
But it's not that he uses it halfway.
ماك اليستر يستخدمه بالنصف
Maik Elister uses it halfway.
ويرتسوس ليفربول 100%
And Liverpool will win 100%.
اللاعب التصميم الذي يستخدمه الكلوب يستخدمه بالنصف
The design player that the club uses, uses it halfway.
ايضا يجب ان يستخدمه بالنصف
It should also be used in half.
ما هي التعاقدات الجديدة التي يحتاجها الديفرب؟
What new signings does the team need?
ومعنى كلوب قالنا
And the meaning of "Kloub" told us.
يعني نحن لا نحتاج لأي شيء
It means we do not need anything.
هذا كله ما يفترض
This is all what is supposed to be.
هذا تثن
This is a reiteration.
هذا يلتر كل شخص الخلاتة حاله
This allows everyone to express their own situation.
أقم يتلزم
It is necessary to establish.
بس ما أحس إنهم يحتاجون لعبين صدق
I just don't feel like they need real players.
يعني يمكن ضهيل أيسر بس
It means maybe it's just a slight urgency.
روبرتون زين
Robertron Zen
بس فيه لعب ينالي ش اسمه
But there is a game called "Nali" or something.
تسكلمس ما يكتسكلمس
You speak what you do not speak.
وعرف علي إيه
And what did Ali get to know?
يعني ما أشوفه بديل مناسب
It means I don't see it as a suitable alternative.
إيه ما يصلحك كباكب وحين ما تلعب
Yes, it doesn't suit you when you play.
ترنت موسلي في النص
Mousley trend in the text.
تحتاج بعض الضهير أيمن
Some support is needed.
بس لطهرة يمكن
Just for purity, maybe.
عند مشكلة
When there is a problem.
والدفاع موجود
And the defense is present.
النص في مشكلة بعض
The text has some issues.
النص بعض يمكن
The text can be somewhat.
فابينيو هذين
Fabinho these two
معنى فابينيو وتيارجو زينين
The meaning of Fabinho and Thiago is good.
بس هذين ما يقدرون يودونه
But these two can't take him.
يعني بعد لبال ثالي شوي
It means "I mean, after thinking for a little while."
تحتاج باكب لهم أوكي
Do you need a backup for them, okay?
هذا لأنهم بعض مو صغار
This is because they are some small ones.
And it's beautiful.
وزين في سياغو
And Zain in Siago.
وزين الزين
And the beauty of beauty.
وزين التنتل
And the adornment of the tent.
بس بسرعة يتعوى
But quickly it barks.
وزين تطعوا
And it's good to obey.
نص نص هم تطعوا
Half and half, they will obey.
هلكالكبرا تحتاج لباكب
You need a backup for Halaqalakbara.
بس يقدر
But he can.
فتحتاج ليس ينفذ
So you need something that does not finish.
أحد الأطفال
One of the children
قد تقدر على شوفهم زيني
You might be able to see them, my dear.
He is trying.
موسم الجاوي
Gawi season
وشوفنا فيه
And we saw it in him.
فيه لعب
There's play in it.
فيه موسم
There is a season.
محمد صداق
Mohammed Sadak
ناس واضح يقولون
People clearly say.
أسوأ موسم لين
The worst season for Lin.
من أول ما وصل لباربول
From the moment he arrived in Barbul.
من ناحية الستات
On the women's side.
من ناحية
On one hand.
كما يجب أن نرى
As we must see.
كما ترى
As you can see.
من ناحية الستات
On the women's side.
لابد أن نرى
We must see.
ما هي المستوى الفريق
What is the team level?
الفريق كان بعد
The team was still.
The members
وعلى آخر شي حاولوا
And in the end, they tried.
أن يرجعوا إلى
to return to
وحضروا على روفهم
And they attended on their roofs.
لم يكن قادر
He was not able.
على إعادة المستدامة
On sustainable reconstruction.
نحن نحن نحن في لباربول
We are we are we are in Liverpool.
بدون سيزل
Without sizzle.
ليس لباربول من السيزلين القديمين
Barbol has no connection to the ancient Sizzling.
لأنهم يكونون ضمنية في اللعبة
Because they are implicit in the game.
ولكن حتى أفراق الزغنفت
But even the little sparrows.
هم ينزلون عليهم
They descend upon them.
حتى في ناحية الستات
Even in the women's side.
ونرى أفراق الجي نا?
And we see the divisions of the army?
هناك مشكلة في الهاتف
There is a problem with the phone.
هناك مشكلة في تاغثيس
There is a problem in Taghtis.
في الترتيجي والتفكير
In organization and thinking.
And anxiety.
لذا أكيد أنك لا تتوقع
So you definitely don't expect.
ويضغط ويسجل ويساوي الأشياء اللي كان سويها السيزر اللي طفل إذا هالسيزر الفريق كله فيه عنده شوية لفضة
He pushes and records and equals the things that Caesar used to do when he was a child, if this Caesar has a little silver in the whole team.
إلا على آخر شي شوية لتبا وغطا ومش انه
Except at the very end, just a little bit of a cover and it's not that.
فما تضطعوش
So don't be shy.
محمد صداق من نوع اللاعبين اللي
Mohammed Sadaq is the kind of player who...
لما الفريق
When is the team?
والفريق يعني مرتب الفريق
The team means the team's organization.
فيه سباين زين فيه
It has nice spines in it.
فيه لاعبين مميزة تقدر يعني تساهم بعضها
There are talented players that can contribute to each other.
بس الحين هو بعد عنده يعني مثلا رومند
But now he also has, for example, romance.
اه مو رومند دي او شو اسمه دي او شو دي
Oh, what a romance this is, what's its name, what's this?
ثم ديلي تو سوون رينفورسمنت في النص
Then Daily Two Sworn Reinforcements in the text.
دي اسمه بيتمكفل أظهره شوي
This name is being taken care of a bit.
وحكم النية
And the ruling of intention.
مع انه في كان في رومرز لهاية الموسم انه صراح بيمشي
Even though there were rumors at the end of the season that he would definitely leave.
ما اتوقع
I don't expect that.
ما اتوقع صراح يمشي
I honestly don't expect it to work out.
بس اقلك انه
I just want to tell you that...
his performance
he was
It means.
the best
the best
من حتى رومرز came on
"Who even came on rumors?"
لهالدرجة وصمت
"Is it that silent?"
اوه لهالدرجة
Oh, to that extent?
طب هذا اول شي صيله
Well, this is the first thing, fix it.
يحطو الليلة
They are coming tonight.
في سباين الف لوادي
In the spine of the valley.
And because it
because he is not delivering
Because he is not delivering.
انا اتشوف
I am seeing.
I think he even came out with that
I think he even came up with that.
ربا واصل في دماغ بول
Usury persists in Paul's mind.
اوه زين
Oh, great.
it's only normal
إنه أمر طبيعي فقط
ده لاعب
This is a player.
is not performing
ليس مؤديًا
الكل كان متوقع عليه
Everyone was expecting him.
متوقع منه انه
It is expected from him that...
he performed
he performed
for a season
By decree
the performance موالي في السيزرات لطافت
The performance "Mawali" in "Cezars" is delightful.
it's very normal انه
It's very normal that...
people will start liking him here and there
People will start liking him here and there.
بس انا اتشوف انه
But I see that
اوكي يمكن
Okay, maybe.
he did not deliver
He did not deliver.
as an individual player حقه
as an individual player, his right
بس اتوقع
I just expect.
لسبب هالمشكلة كلها انه
The reason for this whole problem is that
هم كتيم كامل
They are completely silent.
ما بعضهم clear plan
What is their clear plan?
لنص السيزر
To the text of Caesar.
و كانت عندهم اصابات
And they had injuries.
و كان
And it was
و المصدر بتلك
And the source with that.
نتوفر ربا يهاجمونه علينا
"We have interest that they are attacking us for."
و حتى في انفلد
And even in Anfield.
و نفس الـ Liverpool WFM
And the same for Liverpool WFM.
I'm not expecting انه
I'm not expecting that.
صلاح قيشة الزريرة
Saleh Qisha Al-Zarirah
انا ما ادري شو قاعد افع عني
I don't know what I'm doing to myself.
ده شو
What is this?
لازم بس
Just necessary.
this is only
هذا فقط
I think
it was in my opinion
كان برأيي
about the player overall
About the player overall.
لا جميك الافع عني
Do not defend me.
م badass
ورياض محارز
Riyad Mahrez
فاخر الامر
The matter is extravagant.
اله اخبارش
What news do you have?
The objective.
With your spirit.
توتن هام
هم يجولين
They are circling.
بس يعني بس
But I mean just.
على السريع
نتكلم عنهم
Let's talk about them.
صارتهم مواجهة مشاكل فصاوية كونتي
They faced problems during the Conte era.
And before
لا يمشي كونتي طلع في مؤتمر
Conte is not walking, he appeared at a conference.
وشرش الكل في النادي
"And everyone was scattered in the club."
وقال النادي بكبرى
The club said emphatically.
ما في أحد
There is no one.
ما في أحد يبايلعب
No one wants to play.
ما في موتيفيشن
There's no motivation.
ما في أبجيكتيف
There is no objective.
ما في موتيفيشن
There is no motivation.
ما في ولا شي في النادي
There is nothing in the club.
I think it's right
I think it's right.
الناكر رو
The ungrateful one.
وتشوف ويتقلل لداره
And you see it diminishes to his home.
عشان تريلاز
To make it more complicated.
أن هذا الفريق ما عنده فيجين
That this team has no vision.
ما عنده أمبيشيوز واجد
He doesn't have a lot of ambitions.
تتنهم معروف أنه
It is well known that...
For example
they have a good season
لديهم موسم جيد
يخلصون talk for
They finish talking for.
يغلبون أفراد أكبر
They dominate larger individuals.
It means.
مستر سيتي
Manchester City
ويجب أن يغلبونكم
And they must overcome you.
أو يتعادلون معكم
Or they tie with you.
أو يأخذون
Or they take.
بس ما أدهم
But they don't have it.
نحن لا
We do not.
ما أدهم
What did he say?
من أكبر واحد
Who is the biggest one?
الأخر واحد في النادي
The last one in the club.
المدارب روك
The tracks are rock.
شاف هالشي
He saw this.
حاس هالشي
I feel this.
And you were
فيعني ما
What does it mean?
أنا ما أدري صراحة
I honestly don't know.
عن طريقة
By way of
اللي هو
What it is
يطلع وشرش
It comes out and leaks.
أحنا بعيطالي
We are in Italy.
ما تقدر تقول لي
You can't tell me.
وش تسوي
What are you doing?
وش ما تسوي
What are you doing?
I don't think it was that
I don't think it was that.
a problem
A problem
بس he was looking for
But he was looking for
لا he had to say
No, he had to say.
يعني he had to say
It means he had to say.
شلال في قنبش
Waterfall in Qanbush.
they release
they release
his contract
it's a smart move
إنها خطوة ذكية
Shut up.
they apart
They are apart.
the hurricane
the hurricane
شفت فيه
I saw it in him.
there's big potential
هناك إمكانيات كبيرة.
انه يطلع من توتنهام
He is coming out of Tottenham.
كل من يقول لي
Everyone who tells me
That's it.
طلع من توتنهام
He came out of Tottenham.
انا المفروض
I am supposed to.
ازوال لعب
من توتنهام
From Tottenham.
مو توقع
Don't expect.
لحين بقى يفكر يطلع ولا لا
He is still thinking about whether to go out or not.
is a good striker
is a good striker
so let me be honest
So let me be honest.
he's a good finisher
He's a good finisher.
Well then.
وانا اتشوفه
And I see him.
اتشوفه يعني
Do you see it?
بناية الهجمة
Attack Building
مو اونلي يعني
"Not only means."
بس يوقف لك
But it stops for you.
عند القول في المنطقة
When talking about the area
وبس يسجل
"And that's it, it gets recorded."
يبني الهجمة
He builds the attack.
More beautiful.
مع السون
With the sun.
مع الاجنحة الثانية
With the second wings.
فينزل في الوسط
He descends in the middle.
ويردي روح قدام
And it desires the soul to go forward.
فهاي الشي
This thing
واجد مميز
Special presence
هاريكان is
بس ايضا
But also
اذا بقى
If it stays.
And it sank.
او بقى
Or let it be.
بيمشي مع
He walks with.
The system
البوندس ليغا
And with heaven.
It means.
I repent.
The refreshments.
على الشسم
On the face.
على الاجواء
On the atmosphere.
دول انجليزي
English countries
ايروان ان انجلر
Eirwan the angler.
I don't know.
وثناشنال كابتن
And the national captain.
فهي has his name
It has his name.
the media is always behind him
The media is always behind him.
غرنا لما يروح
It doesn't matter when it goes.
في البوندس ليغا
In the Bundesliga
A little.
it's a different league
إنها دوري مختلف
حين في البوندس ليغا
When in the Bundesliga.
It twists you.
to fulfill
to fulfill
a show of
a show of
did that get fulfilled
Did that get fulfilled?
من اول موضوع
From the first topic.
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