الحلقة 5 - سورة الذاريات
الشيخ صالح المغامسي
القول المؤصل في شرح المفصل - صالح المغامسي
الحلقة 5 - سورة الذاريات
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
موقع الراسخون في العلم
The site of those firmly rooted in knowledge.
الحديث عن القرآن
The talk about the Quran.
دائما وابدا امر ذو شأن عظيم
Always and forever, a matter of great importance.
الشيخ صالح ابن عواد المغامس
Sheikh Saleh ibn Awad Al-Mughamis
يفتح معكم صفحات عطرة
It opens fragrant pages with you.
يهدي الله لنوره من يشاء
God guides to His light whom He wills.
في تفسير القرآن المجيد
In the interpretation of the Glorious Qur'an
القول المؤصل في سور المفصل
The established opinion on the Surahs of Al-Mufassal.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
الحمد لله رب العالمين
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد
May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
And upon his family and companions altogether.
أما بعد السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Peace be upon you, and God's mercy and blessings.
ومرحبا بكم أحبتنا الكرام
And welcome, our dear loved ones.
إلى حلقة جديدة من برنامجكم الأسبوعي
To a new episode of your weekly program.
القول المؤصل في سور المفصل
The established saying regarding the separated chapters (of the Quran).
ضيفنا هو فضيلة الشيخ صالح
Our guest is His Excellency Sheikh Saleh.
ابن عواد المغامس
Ibn Awad Al-Mughams
إمام وخطيب مسجد قبا
Imam and preacher of Quba Mosque.
بالمدينة المنورة
In Medina.
فأهلا ومرحبا بكم
Welcome to you!
حياكم الله سيد فيصل
Welcome, Mr. Faisal.
وحيا الله ورحمة الله جميعا
May God's blessings and mercy be upon you all.
فضيلة الشيخ نحن في الحلقة الماضية
Sheikh, in our last episode...
تحدثنا عن مطلع سورة الذاريات
We talked about the opening of Surah Adh-Dhariyat.
وعن الأقسام التي بدأت بهذه السورة
And about the sections that began with this surah.
ثم وصلنا إلى قوله تعالى
Then we reached His saying, the Exalted.
إن المتقين في جنة المسجد
Indeed, the righteous are in the garden of the mosque.
وعيون آخذين ما آتهم ربهم
"And eyes will be staring in awe, as they await what their Lord has promised them."
إنهم كانوا قبل ذلك محسنين
They were previously benevolent.
كانوا قليلا من الليل ما يهجعون
They would hardly sleep at night.
وبالأسحار هم يستغفرون
And in the early hours, they seek forgiveness.
وفي أموالهم حق للسائل والمحروم
"And in their wealth is a right for the beggar and the needy."
وفي الأرض آيات للمقنين
"And in the earth are signs for the certain in faith."
وفي أنفسكم أفلا تبصرون
"Have you not considered within yourselves?"
وفي السماء رزقكم وما توعدون
"And in the sky is your provision and what you are promised."
فورب السماء والأرض
By the Lord of the heavens and the earth.
إنه لحق مثل ما أنكم تنطقون
It is true, just as you pronounce.
في هذه الصفات العظيمة لعباد الله المتقين
In these great qualities of the pious servants of Allah.
نبدأ حديثنا في هذا الحلقة
We begin our discussion in this episode.
الحمد لله
Praise be to God.
والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah.
وبعد فلا يتتكلموا
"And after that, do not speak."
عما سيكون يوم المآل
About what the Day of Judgment will be.
فقول ربنا إن المتقين في جنات وعيون
Your Lord says, "Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and springs."
هذا إخبار عن شيء لم يقع بعد
This is a notification about something that has not yet happened.
لكن لأن الله جل وعلا قادر عليه وعالم به
But because God, Exalted and Majestic, is capable of it and aware of it.
وسيقع لا محالة
And it will inevitably happen.
أخبر الله جل وعلا عنه بصيغة كأنه شيء قد وقع
God, the Almighty, described it in a way as if it is something that has already happened.
فقال ربنا إن المتقين في جنات وعيون
Our Lord said, "Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and springs."
المتقون هم أولئك الأولياء
The pious are those allies.
الذين رزقهم الله جل وعلا التقوى
Those whom Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, has granted piety.
والتقوى على الصحيح كلمة جامعة
And piety, correctly understood, is a comprehensive term.
ينالها كل من سعى فيما يحبه الله جل وعلا ويرضاه
"Everyone who strives for what God, the Exalted and Majestic, loves and is pleased with will attain it."
وقد قال أهل العلم من قبلنا
And those who came before us among the scholars have said.
إن الله جل وعلا تكفل لأهل تقوى
Indeed, Allah, the Exalted and Majestic, has taken it upon Himself to provide for the people of piety.
بالنجاة مما يحذرون
By escaping from what they fear.
وبالأمن مما يخافون
"And in safety from what they fear."
وبالرزق من حيث لا يحتسبون
"And with provision from where they do not expect."
واحتجوا على هذه الثلاث بقول الله جل وعلا
And they argued against these three citing the words of Allah, the Most High.
ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجة
And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out.
ويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب
And He provides for him from where he does not expect.
ومن يتوكل على الله فهو حسبه
And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him.
إن الله بالغ أمره
Indeed, Allah is capable of carrying out His command.
قد جعل الله لكل شيء قدر
God has appointed a measure for everything.
هنا يخبر الله جل وعلا عن مآله
Here, God Almighty informs about its outcome.
فقال إن المتقين في جنات وعيون
He said, "Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and springs."
جنات هنا وإن جاءت بصيغة الجمع
Gardens here, even if it comes in plural form.
إلا أنها مندرجة في جنة الخلد
Except that it is included in the eternal paradise.
ذلك لأن جنة الخلد تحوي جنانا كثيرة
That is because the eternal paradise contains many gardens.
أما قول الله جل وعلا وعيون
As for the saying of Allah, the Exalted, "and eyes"
فهي جمع عين وهي الماء الثرة المنبعثة
It is the plural of "عين" (ain), which means the abundant water that bursts forth.
وهي في الجنة على ضربين
In Paradise, there are two types.
أعين موجودة أصلا
Eyes already exist.
لها مكان معلوم
It has a known place.
كما قال الله جل وعلا عينا يشرب بها المقربون
As Allah, the Exalted and Most High, said: "A fountain from which the close ones drink."
أما ذكر التسنيم
As for the mention of Tasnim.
وعيون أخر
And other eyes.
هذه إذا أرادها العبد المؤمن في الجنة
This is if the believing servant desires it in Paradise.
بعثت له
I sent him.
يعني بمعنى فجرت له
It means "I exploded for him."
فيصبح الأعين والأنهار في الجنة على ضربين
The eyes and rivers in Paradise become of two types.
شيء ثابت وشيء ينشأ
Something ثابت and something ينشأ.
إذا أراده العبد
If the servant wants it.
وهذا من إكرام الله جل وعلا لأوليائه
And this is from the honor of God, blessed and exalted be He, to His allies.
إن المتقين في جنات وعيون
Indeed, the righteous are in gardens and springs.
بعد ذلك قال جل وعلا
"After that, the Most High said..."
آخذين ما آتاهم ربهم
Taking what their Lord has given them.
الصواب أنه
The correct thing is that
إكرام الله جل وعلا لهم
The honor of Allah, the Exalted, to them.
له طرائق مختلفة
He has different methods.
فكل ذلك قبلوه وأخذوه
So they accepted and took all of that.
بمعنى أنهم نالوا كرامة الله
Meaning that they have attained the dignity of God.
آخذين ما آتاهم ربهم
Taking what their Lord has given them.
أي آخذين الذي آتاهم ربهم
"Who are taking what their Lord has given them."
متى في الجنة
When in Paradise?
قال الله بعدها
God said afterwards.
إنهم كانوا أي هؤلاء المتقون
“Indeed, they were—those who are righteous.”
قبل ذلك أي قبل دخولهم الجنة
Before that, meaning before they enter Paradise.
إنهم كانوا قبل ذلك محسنين
They were before that good doers.
فذاكرهم الله جل وعلا بصفة عظيمة وهي الإحسان
So Allah, exalted and mighty, reminded them with a great attribute, which is benevolence.
وقد قال أهل العلم
The scholars have said.
إن هذا الدين
Indeed, this religion
مبني على توحيد الله الحق
Based on the true oneness of God.
والإحسان إلى الخلق
And to do good to creation.
ولعل من معاني الإحسان هنا
And perhaps one of the meanings of good deeds here is...
ما قاله النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
What the Prophet, peace be upon him, said.
أن تعبد الله كأنك تراه
To worship God as if you see Him.
فإن لم تكن تراه فإنه يراك
If you do not see Him, He sees you.
فإذا تحقق في القلب مراقبة الله
"When the awareness of God is established in the heart."
تبارك وتعالى
Blessed and Exalted.
عد صاحبه من أهل الإحسان
His companion is one of the good doers.
فلهذا أثنى الله جل وعلا
For this reason, Allah, exalted and mighty, praised.
على هؤلاء المتقين
Upon these pious ones.
لمنقبة عظيمة كانت لهم في الدنيا
For a great honor they had in this world.
إنهم كانوا قبل ذلك
They were before that.
أي قبل دخولهم الجنة محسنين
"Before entering Paradise, they are righteous."
فدل على أن الإحسان
"It indicates that benevolence..."
من أعظم أسباب الجنة
One of the greatest reasons for Paradise.
وقوله جل وعلا محسنين
And His saying, Glorified and Exalted be He, "Doing good."
هذا إجمال ثم جاء مفصلة
This is a summary, then it came in detail.
أي جاء بعض ذلك الإحسان
"Did any of that kindness come?"
فقال كانوا قليلا من الليل
He said, "They were little in the night."
ما يهجعون
They do not sleep.
القول المؤصل
The well-founded statement.
في سور المفصل
In the Surahs of Al-Mufassal.
كانوا قليلا من الليل
They were a little at night.
ما يهجعون
They do not sleep.
هذه ما تحتمل أمرين
This can imply two things.
إما أن تكون نافية
Either it is negating.
وإما أن تكون صلة بمعنى الذي
And it may be a relation in the sense of "the one who."
فعلى قول بأنها نافية
So it is said that it is negative.
يصبح معنى الآية
The meaning of the verse becomes.
كانوا قليلا من الليل ما يهجعون
They would barely sleep at night.
أي أن نومهم أكثر من قيامهم
That is, their sleeping is more than their wakefulness.
لأن المعنى يصبح
Because the meaning becomes
كانوا قليلا من الليل لا يهجعون
They were a little during the night, not sleeping.
فالذي لا يهجعونه شيء قليل
So what they do not let him sleep is a small matter.
إذا ما عد إلى المنام
If one returns to the dream.
وقوله إذا قلنا
And His saying, "When we said..."
ما هنا بصلة
There is no connection here.
يصبح المعنى كانوا قليلا من الليل
The meaning becomes they were little from the night.
الذي يهجعون
Those who lie down.
فيصبح أن قيامهم أكثر من نومهم
So it becomes that their waking time is longer than their sleeping time.
أين الترجيع؟
Where is the response?
اللغة تحتمل الأمرين
The language accommodates both possibilities.
بعض أهل العلم يرى أن ترجيح ماء النافية يجعل من الصعب أن يقال إن الله أثنى عليهم مع قلة قيامهم وكثرة نومهم
Some scholars believe that emphasizing the negating water makes it difficult to say that God praised them given their little standing and excessive sleeping.
لكن هذا وإن كان استدراكا جيدا إلا أنه قد يجاب عنه بأن الله جل وعلا قال في المززمل
"But although this is a good objection, it can be responded to by saying that God, the Almighty, said in Al-Muzzammil..."
يا أيها المززمل قوم الليل إلا قليلا
O you who wrapped in garments, stand in prayer at night, except for a little.
فقال جل وعلا قوم الليل إلا قليلا
And He said, "Spend the night in prayer except for a little."
ثم بيّن أن نصفه أو انقص منه
Then it was clarified that half of it or less than that.
ومعلوم أن الإنسان إذا نقص عن النصف لا يعد أنه قام من الليل إلا قليلا
It is known that if a person prays less than half of the night, it is not considered that he has stood up for the night except for a little.
فمعنى ذلك أن العبرة بالخشوع والخضوع في الصلاة
This means that the essence lies in humility and submission in prayer.
ولو كان شيئا يسيرا فإنه يعد أكثر من المنام
And if it were something trivial, it would be considered more than just a dream.
كانوا قليلا من الليل ما يهجعون
They would stay up little at night, not sleeping.
وقضية قيام الليل ربما تكلمنا عنها في دروس عدة كثيرا ومرت معنا وستمر كثير
And the issue of performing the night prayer is something we may have talked about in several lessons, and it has come up frequently and will continue to do so.
لكن يقول عبد الله بن سلام رضي الله عنه لما قدم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
But Abdullah ibn Salam, may Allah be pleased with him, said when the Prophet, peace be upon him, arrived.
المدينة انجفل إليه الناس فكنت في من انجفل إليه
People flocked to the city, and I was among those who flocked there.
فلما رأيت وجهه عرفت أن وجهه ليس بوجه كذاب
When I saw his face, I knew that his face was not that of a liar.
فسمعته يقول أيها الناس أطعموا الطعام وأفشوا السلام
So I heard him say, "O people, feed the hungry and spread peace."
وصلوا بالليل والناس نيام تدخلوا الجنة بسلام
They arrived at night while people were asleep, entering paradise in peace.
فهذا من أعظم وصاياه صلى الله عليه وسلم حتى عندما قدم المدينة
This is one of his greatest pieces of advice, peace be upon him, even when he arrived in Medina.
وقد جاء في القرآن كما تعلم آيات كثر تذكر فضل من يقوم الليل
And it has come in the Quran, as you know, many verses that mention the virtue of those who pray at night.
ثم قال الله جل وعلا وبالأسحار
Then Allah, Exalted and Most High, said, "And at dawn."
والأسحار جمعوا السلام
And the dawns collected peace.
وهو قبيل الفجر
It is just before dawn.
وقد ذكروا عن طاوس بن كيسان وهو أحد التابعين الكبار
They mentioned about Tawus ibn Kaysan, who is one of the great تابعين (successors).
أنه ذهب لرجل عالم يسأله في مسألة سحرة
He went to a knowledgeable man to ask him about the issue of sorcerers.
فلما طلق داره قالت له الجارية إن مولاي نائم
When he divorced his home, the girl said to him, "My lord is asleep."
قال سبحان الله ما ظننت أن أحدا ينام في السحر
He said, "Glory be to God, I never thought anyone would sleep at dawn."
لكن لا نحتج بهذا على الناس
But we do not use this as an argument against people.
لأن هذا يمثل خصيصة وقدرة لدى طاوس
Because this represents a characteristic and ability of the peacock.
وهذا أمر ينبغي لمن يقرأ في كتب التراجم
This is a matter that one should consider when reading biographies.
في كتب التراجم ويقرأ في التاريخ
In the biographies and read in history.
ويقرأ في الكتب التراجم
And he reads in the translation books.
ويقرأ في ما جاء في الثناء على العلماء
"And it is read regarding what has been said in praise of the scholars."
لا يريد أن يعممه
He does not want to generalize it.
لأنه الإنسان قد يفتح له في باب ويغلق له في باب آخر
Because a person may have an opportunity open to him in one area and closed in another.
والهدي كل الهدي في رسولنا صلى الله عليه وسلم
"And the guidance, all guidance, is in our Messenger, peace be upon him."
قال ربنا وبالأسحار هم يستغفرون
Our Lord said, and in the pre-dawn hours, they seek forgiveness.
بعض أهل العلم يقول
Some scholars say.
عند هذه الآية وعند غيرها
"At this verse and at others."
إن النبي الله يعقوب
The Prophet of God, Jacob.
لما أجل دعاء لبنيه
When he postponed a prayer for his sons.
قال سوف أستغفر لكم ربي
He said, "I will ask my Lord for forgiveness for you."
قالوا إنه توخى به ساعة السحر
They said that he aimed for it at the hour of dawn.
وعندي أن هذا بعيد
I think this is improbable.
وإنما المراد أنه أراد
What is meant is that he intended.
أن يقرأ في السحر
To read about magic.
فأدب أبناءه
He educated his children.
حتى يعلموا أنهم قد أصابوا خطأا عظيما
Until they know that they have committed a great error.
ووزرا كبيرا
And a great minister.
فلذلك لم يبادر بقضية الدعاء لهم
Therefore, he did not hasten to the matter of praying for them.
قال الله جل وعلا
Allah, the Almighty, said.
وبالأسحار هم يستغفرون
"And in the early hours of the morning, they seek forgiveness."
وهذا يندرج في قضية ثلث الليل الآخر
This falls under the issue of the last third of the night.
وفيها التنزل الإلهي
And therein is the divine descent.
والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال
And the Prophet, peace be upon him, said.
إذا كنت تستطيع أن تكون ممن يذكر الله
If you can be among those who remember Allah.
في تلك الساعة فكن
At that hour, be.
يعني يوصي أحد أصحابه
It means he advises one of his friends.
فالاستغفار ساعة السحر من أعظم القربات
Seeking forgiveness during the dawn is one of the greatest acts of devotion.
وقد قال أظنه العلامة بن سعد رحمه الله
He said, I think it was the scholar Ibn Sa'ad, may Allah have mercy on him.
في تفسيره
In his interpretation.
أن المعنى أنهم في أول الليل يقومون
The meaning is that they rise at the beginning of the night.
وفي آخر الليل
And at the end of the night
يستغفرون الله من تقصيرهم
They seek forgiveness from Allah for their shortcomings.
وهذا نظيره
And this is its counterpart.
قول الله جل وعلا
The words of Allah, the Most High.
وصب النفس كما الذين يدعون ربهم
"And pour your soul out like those who call upon their Lord."
بالغدات والعشي
In the mornings and the evenings.
فقالوا في الغداء يسألون الله التوفيق
They said in the lunch, they ask God for success.
وفي العشي يأتون بالاستغفار
In the evening, they come with repentance.
على ما قصروا فيه
Regarding what they fell short in.
قال ربنا بعد ذلك
Our Lord then said.
وهذا كله من التفصيل بعد الإجمال
All of this is an elaboration after the summary.
قال وفي أموالهم
He said, "And in their wealth..."
أي أن هؤلاء المحسنين
That is, these benefactors.
They have.
ثم قالوا في أموالهم حق للسائر والمحروم
Then they said, "In their wealth is a right for the beggar and the deprived."
السائر معلوم
The traveler is known.
ظاهر المعنى من يأتيك فيسألك
The apparent meaning is: "The one who comes to you and asks you."
لكن ما معنى المحروم
But what does "the deprived" mean?
هذه فيها خلاف بين أهل العلم
There is a disagreement among scholars regarding this.
بعضهم يقول أنه المتعفف
Some say he is the one who refrains.
وهذا يندرج فيه ولا نقول أنه مقصور عليه
And this falls within it, and we do not say that it is limited to it.
لكن ربما يقال أن المحروم
But perhaps it can be said that the deprived
هو ذلكم الذي حيل بينه
He is the one who was prevented.
وبين ماله
And between what is his.
كصاحب مزرعة تصيبها جائحة
As a farmer affected by a disaster.
أو صاحب تجارة يصيبها هلاك
Or a merchant whose business faces ruin.
أو صاحب بيت يصيبه حرق
Or a homeowner who suffers from a fire.
ما أشبه ذلك هذا يعد محروم
How similar this is, it is considered deprived.
لأنه حرم فضل الله
Because he deprived himself of the grace of God.
حرم خير الله
Haram Khair Allah
فهذا يكون لو حظ من الزكاة
This would be a share of the charity.
يكون لو حظ من الصدقة
It would be a bit of charity.
فهو مقابل السائر هنا
He is opposite the one walking here.
وقد يكون متعففا أصبع
It may be a finger that is distasteful.
فيصبح محروما معنى ومتعفف
He becomes deprived in meaning and dignified.
لأن تعففه حرمه المال
Because his abstinence made him poor.
تعففه حرمه المال
His honor is protected by wealth.
هذا أجمل من أن نقول
This is too beautiful to be said.
إن المحروم محصور في شيء واحد
The deprived person is confined to one thing.
القول المؤصل
The rooted statement
في سور المفصل
In the Surahs of Al-Mufassal.
قال الله جل وعلا
Allah, the Exalted, said.
وفي أموالهم حق للسائر والمحروم
"And in their wealth is a right for the beggar and the deprived."
ثم انتهت الآيات
Then the verses came to an end.
الحديث عن المحسنين
The talk about the doers of good.
وانتقلت إلى ضرب آخر
And I moved to another type.
قال الله جل وعلا
Allah, the Exalted, said.
وفي الأرض آيات للموقنين
"And in the earth are signs for the certain."
آيات هنا بمعنى أمارات
The word "Ayat" here means "signs" or "indications."
علامات براهين دلائل
Signs, proofs, indications.
لأن كلمة آية في القرآن تأتي بعدة معان
Because the word "Aya" in the Quran has several meanings.
تأتي معنى الجزء من السورة
The meaning of the part of the chapter comes.
وتأتي أحيانا بمعنى العبرة والعظة
Sometimes it comes with the meaning of lesson and admonition.
إن في ذلك لآية وما كان أكثرهم مؤمنين
"Indeed, there is a sign in that, but most of them were not believers."
لكن هنا بمعنى البرهان
But here meaning proof.
بمعنى البرهان والعلامة والدلالة والأمارة
Meaning proof, sign, indication, and evidence.
على قدرة الله
By God's will.
وفي الأرض آيات للموقنين
"And in the earth are signs for the certain in faith."
ثم قال جل وعلا
Then He, the Exalted and Almighty, said.
وفي أنفسكم أفلا تبصرون
"And in yourselves, do you not see?"
هذه وفي أنفسكم العلماء الإعجاز
"These are, within yourselves, the scholars of miracles."
يطلبون فيها كثيرا
They ask for it a lot.
ولو حبوا هذا الضرب من التفسير
"If they love this type of interpretation."
لكن الذي أظنه غالب
But what I think is most likely.
أن أعظم ما يدل على أن يستبصر الإنسان في نفسه
That the greatest evidence for a person to gain insight into themselves.
لين المفاصل
Joint flexibility
فإن لين المفاصل يدل على أنها لم تخلق
The softness of the joints indicates that they were not created.
إلا لتثنائها
Except to exclude it.
بين يدي الله
In the hands of God.
فيسجد للإنسان ويركع
"And he prostrates to mankind and bows."
هذا المقصود من قول الله جل وعلا
This is what is meant by the words of Allah, the Exalted.
وفي أنفسكم أفلا تبصرون
"And in yourselves; will you not see?"
وفي قوله جل وعلا أفلا تبصرون
"And in His saying, Glorified and Exalted be He, 'Do you not see?'"
معنا ذلك أن الحديث عن شيء ظاهر
This means that the discussion is about something apparent.
ثم قال جل وعلا
Then He, the Exalted and High, said.
وفي السماء رزقكم وما توعدون
"And in the heavens is your provision and what you are promised."
فسر بالمطر وفسر بكل موعود
"Interpret with rain and interpret with every promise."
قال جل وعلا
The Most High said.
فورب السماء والأرض
By the Lord of the heavens and the earth.
إنه لحق
It is true.
أي ما أنبيئكم به
"What should I inform you about?"
مثل ما أنكم تنطقون
Just as you pronounce.
مثل هنا جاءت منصوبة للمجاورة
"For example, here it is in the accusative case due to proximity."
لأنها جاورة ما
Because it is adjacent to something.
لكن الإشكال
But the problem
ما معنى مثل ما أنكم تنطقون
What does it mean "As you pronounce it"?
نحن ننبه هنا إلى فائدة كبرى
We here draw attention to a great benefit.
الله يقول في السماء رزقكم
God says, "In the heavens is your provision."
وما توعدون
And what you are promised.
ثم قال فورب السماء والأرض
Then he said, "By the Lord of the heavens and the earth."
إنه لحق مثل ما أنكم تنطقون
It is a truth just as you speak.
بإجماع العقلاء
By the consensus of the wise.
أو بإجماع الناس جميعا
Or by the consensus of all the people.
لا أعلم أحد نجادل في هذا
I don't know anyone who disputes this.
أنه لا يمكن لأحد أن ينطق
No one can speak.
بلسان أحد
By the tongue of one.
لا يمكن لأحد أن ينطق
No one can utter.
بلسان أحد
By the tongue of one.
إلا بلسانه
Except with his tongue.
فلا يعقل أن صالحا ينطق بلسان فيصل
It is unreasonable for Salih to speak with Faisal's tongue.
ولا فيصل ينطق بلسان صالح
Nor does Faisal speak with a sound tongue.
ولا أي أحد يقدر على هذا
And no one is capable of this.
فكما أن لسانك لا ينطق به
For just as your tongue does not pronounce it.
إلا أنت
Except for you.
فإن رزقك لن يأخذه إلا أنت
Your provision will only be taken by you.
فإن رزقك
For indeed, your provision.
لن يأخذه إلا أنت
No one will take him but you.
فكما أنك تعلم يقين أن أحدا
For as you surely know that no one
لن يقدر أن يتكلم بدلا عنك
He will not be able to speak on your behalf.
فكذلك ينبغي أن تكون على يقين
So you should also be certain.
أن رزقك مكتوب لك
Your sustenance is written for you.
وأنه لن يستطيع أحد أن يأخذه
And that no one will be able to take it from him.
About you
وهذا قد يتفق
And this may agree.
الناس عليه نظريا
People have a theoretical perspective on him.
معنا لفظا
With us, it means literally.
لكن الإيمان به حقا
But believing in Him is the truth.
قليل وإلا لماذا يلجأ
It is little, otherwise why would he resort to it?
الإنسان للرشوة يلجأ للسرقة
A person resorts to bribery and theft.
يلجأ للغش يلجأ للخداع
Resorts to cheating, resorts to deception.
يلجأ للمكر يلجأ للكيد
He resorts to cunning, he resorts to trickery.
لأنه يغلب على ظنه أن رزقه
Because he predominantly thinks that his provision...
لن يصل إليه
He will not reach it.
ولو كان عالما بيقين
"And if he were certain."
أن رزقه سيصل إليه
That his provision will reach him.
محتال عليه
طيب فضل الشيخ في هذه
Okay, the sheikh has favored this.
الآيات العظيمات حديث
The great verses are a discourse.
عن تلكم العبادة العظيمة
About that great act of worship.
وهي عبادة التفكر
It is the worship of reflection.
هل من توجيه إلى
Is there guidance to...
الاهتمام بمثل هذه العبادة
Caring for such worship.
العبادة القلبية والعقلية كذلك
Heartfelt and intellectual worship as well.
نعم عبادة التفكر
Yes, the worship of contemplation.
من أعظم ما يمكن أن
One of the greatest things that can...
يزيد من إيمان
Increases faith.
العبد بربه جل وعلا ويقينه
The servant with his Lord, the Most High, and his certainty.
ليس شرطا
Not a requirement.
في الأشياء المحسوسة المنظورة
In the tangible visible things.
وإنما يقع حتى في الأحداث
And it happens even among the young.
فإن تقلب الأيام
For the change of days
بأهلها واغتناء الفقير
With its people and the enrichment of the poor.
وافتقار الغني
The poverty of the rich.
وذهاب الدول وقيام أخرى
The rise and fall of nations.
وموت الكبار
And the death of the elders.
ثم الصغار
Then the children.
ونجاة من أشرف على الموت
And salvation from those who are near death.
وموت الطبيب قبل مريضه
And the death of the doctor before his patient.
كل هذا يدعو
All of this calls for.
الإنسان إلى أن يتفكر
"Man should reflect."
ويعلم أن وراء ذلك
And he knows that there is something behind that.
من يدبر الأمر وهو الله
Who manages the affairs is Allah.
تبارك وتعالى يقول القس بن ساعد
Blessed and Exalted be He, says Al-Qas bin Sa'id.
في الذاهبين الأولين من القرون
In the early going of the centuries.
لنا بصائر لما رأيت
We have insights for what you have seen.
مواردا للموت ليس لها مصادر
Sources of death have no resources.
ورأيت قومي نحوها
"And I saw my people heading towards it."
فنظر الأصاغر والأكابر
"So the young and the elders looked."
إقنت أني لا محالة حيث صار القوم صائر
"I have become convinced that I am inevitably where the people are."
فهذا كله من التذكر والتفكر
This is all from remembrance and contemplation.
ولهذا ورد أنه يبعث أمة واحدة
"For this reason, it has been reported that He will raise a single nation."
هذا كله ساقه إليه يومئذ
All of this led him to that day.
لا نبي ولا رسول ولا كتاب
No prophet, no messenger, no book.
لكن ساقه إليه قضية التفكر
But the matter of contemplation led him to it.
فيما حوله
Around him
فإذا رد الله بعبد خير
"When Allah intends good for a servant."
جعله يتفكر فيما حوله
It made him think about his surroundings.
تفكر فيما يراه وينظر إليه
He thinks about what he sees and looks at.
من عظيم خلق الله
From the greatness of God's creation.
كما قال أصدق القائلين
As the truest of speakers said.
وفي الأرض آيات للموقنين
"And on the earth are signs for the certain in faith."
ما الذي في الأرض
What is on the earth?
هذه الجبال الشاهقة
These towering mountains.
الأنهار التي تجري
The rivers that flow.
هذا عذب فرات وهذا ملح أجاج
This is sweet and fresh water, and this is salty and bitter water.
النبات الذي ينبت ويظهر
The plant that grows and appears.
هذا ما يدوم يوما
This is what lasts for a day.
وهذا ما يدوم أياما
And this lasts for days.
وهذا ما يدوم سنين
And this lasts for years.
الدواب التي تبث فيه
The creatures that spread in it.
منها من جعل الله جل وعلا
"Among them is whom Allah, the Exalted, has made."
لا رزق له إلا في البحر
He has no livelihood except in the sea.
ومنهم من لم يجعل الله له رزقا
"And among them are those for whom God has not provided sustenance."
إلا في البر
Except in the wilderness.
ومنهم من يطير في جو السماء
And among them are those who fly in the sky.
وهي على اختلاف أنواعها
And it is of different types.
تشهد أن خالقها
You testify that its creator.
واحد لا رب غيره
One, there is no god but Him.
ولا إله سوى
And there is no god but
والمقصود أن نعبد التفكر من أعظم العبادات
The intention is that reflection is one of the greatest forms of worship.
إلى هنا وصلنا بكم
Here we have reached with you.
أحبتنا الكرام إلى ختم
Dear beloved, to the end.
هذه الحلقة وقد تحدثنا
This episode, and we talked about...
عن آيات بينات
About clear verses.
من سورة الذاريات
From Surah Adh-Dhariyat.
حتى نلتقيكم بمشيئة الله تعالى
Until we meet you, God willing.
في حلقة قادمة نستودعكم الله
In a coming episode, we bid you farewell and entrust you to God.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
And peace be upon you, and God's mercy and blessings.
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