3gp.العربية - إنجيل متى - (27: 1 - 27:31)
======= كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "أغنية الإنجيل" - باللغات الرئي
3gp.العربية - إنجيل متى - (27: 1 - 27:31)
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انه قدين
He is a priest.
ندم وردت ثلاثين من الفضة
Regret came in thirty pieces of silver.
الى رؤساء الكهنة
To the chief priests
والشيوخ قائلا
And the elders said.
قد اخفقت
I have failed.
اذ سلمت دما بريئا
If you have surrendered innocent blood.
They said.
ماذا علينا انت ابصر
What should we do? You see.
فطرح الفضة في الهيكل وانصرف
He placed the silver in the temple and went away.
ثم مضى
Then he went.
وخانق نفسه
And he suffocated himself.
فاخذ رؤساء
So the leaders took.
رؤساء الكهنة الفضة
The silver high priests.
And they said.
لا يحل ان نلقيها في الخزانة
It is not permissible to throw it in the closet.
لانها ثمن دم
Because it is the price of blood.
Consult each other.
واشتروا بها حقل الفخاري
And they bought with it the field of the potter.
مقبرة للغربة
A cemetery for the estranged.
لهذا سمي
That's why it was named.
ذلك الحقل حقل الدم
That field is a blood field.
الى هذا اليوم
To this day.
هنا اذ انتم ما قيل بارميا
Here you are, as it was said in Aramaic.
النبي القائل
The prophet who said
واخذوا الثلاثين من الفضة
And they took the thirty pieces of silver.
ثمن المثمن
The price of the appraiser.
الذي ثمنوه من بني اسرائيل
"What they valued from the Children of Israel."
واعطوها عن حقل الفخاري
And they gave it about the pottery field.
كما امرني الرب
As the Lord commanded me.
فوقف يسوع امام الوالي
And Jesus stood before the governor.
فسأله الوالي قائلا
So the governor asked him saying.
انت ملك اليهود
You are the king of the Jews.
فقال له يسوع
Jesus said to him.
انت تقول
You say.
وبينما كان رؤساء الكهنة
And while the chief priests were...
والشيوخ يشتكون عليه
And the elders are complaining about him.
لم يجب بشيء
He did not respond with anything.
فقال له بيلاطس
Then Pilate said to him.
اما تسمع كم يشهدون عليكا
Don't you hear how many are testifying against you?
فلم يجبه ولا عن كلمة واحدة
He did not respond to him with even a single word.
حتى تعجب الوالي جدا
So that the governor was very impressed.
وكان الوالي معتادا في العيد
The governor was accustomed to the holiday.
ان يطلق للجمع
To be allowed for the gathering.
اسيرا واحدا من ارادوه
"One captive that they wanted."
وكان لهم حينئذ
And they had then
اسير مشهور يسمى بارباس
A famous prisoner named Barbass.
فبما هم مجتمعون
"What are they united on?"
قال لهم بيلاطس
Pilate said to them.
من تريدون ان اطلق لكم
Who do you want me to let go?
بارباس ام يسوع
Barabbas or Jesus
الذي يدعو مسير
The one who calls is a guide.
لانه علم انهم
Because he knew that they
اسلموه حسنا
"Hand him over nicely."
واذ كان جالسا على كرسي الولاية
And while he was sitting on the governor's chair.
انسلت اليه امرأته
His wife slipped toward him.
اياك وذلك البار
Beware of that person.
لاني تألمت اليوم كثيرا
Because I suffered a lot today.
في علم من اجله
In the knowledge of which he was created.
لكن رؤساء الكهنة والشيوخ
But the chief priests and the elders
حردوا الجموع عاما
The crowds were incited for a year.
على ان يطلبوا بارباس
They should request for a break.
ويغلقوا يسوع
And they closed Jesus.
فاجاب الوالي وقال لهم
The governor replied and said to them.
من من الاثنين تريدون ان اطلق لكم
Which one of the two do you want me to release for you?
فقالوا بارباس
They said, "Barabbas."
قال لهم بيلاطس
Pilate said to them.
فماذا افعل بيسوع
So what should I do with Jesus?
الذي يدعى المسيح
The one called the Messiah.
قال له الجميع
Everyone said to him.
Peace be upon you.
قال الوالي
The governor said.
واي شر عامل
What evil has been done?
فكانوا يزددون صراخا
So they increased their shouting.
قائلين ليوسلام
Saying to Islam
لما رأى بيلاطس
When Pilate saw
انه لا ينفع شيئا
It is of no use.
بل بالحري يحدث شغب
Rather, a disturbance occurs.
اخذ ماء
He took water.
وغاسل يديه قدام الجمع
"And he washes his hands in front of the crowd."
اني بريء من دم هذا البار
I am innocent of the blood of this innocent person.
ابصروا انتم
You see!
فاجاب جميع الشعب
And all the people answered.
And they said.
دمه علينا وعلى اولادنا
His blood is upon us and upon our children.
حينئذ اطلق لهم بارباس
Then he released Barabbas to them.
فاما يسوع فجلده
As for Jesus, he was flogged.
واسلمه لصلاه
And I entrusted him to prayer.
فاخذ عسكر الوالي
So the governor's troops took.
يسوع الى دار الولاية
Jesus to the governor's house.
وجمعوا عليه كل الكتيب
And they gathered all the battalions against him.
So they stripped him.
والبسوه رداء قرمزيا
And they dressed him in a red robe.
وضفروا اكليلا من شوك
"And they wove a crown of thorns."
ووضعوه على رأسه
And they placed it on his head.
وقصبة في يمينه
"And a rod in his right hand."
وكانوا يجدون قدامه
And they used to find before him.
ويستهزئون به قائلين
And they mock him saying
السلام يا ملك اليهود
Hello, King of the Jews.
وقصقوا عليه
And they mocked him.
واخذوا القصبة وضربوه على رأسه
They took the stick and hit him on the head.
وبعدما استهزأوا به
And after they mocked him.
نازعوا عنه الرداء
They fought over the cloak.
والبسوه ثيابه
And they dressed him in his clothes.
ومضوا به للصلاة
And they took him for the prayer.
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