
Eduardo Vendrell Vidal

El Cant de la Xitxarra


El Cant de la Xitxarra

L'escala de l'escala

The scale of the ladder.

Bona nit.

Good night.

T'he presentat abans l'àlbum La Gran Corriente i l'artista Ocra.

I have previously introduced you to the album La Gran Corriente and the artist Ocra.

Ocra és l'àlies de l'artista colombià Juan Carlos Torres Alonso

Ocra is the alias of the Colombian artist Juan Carlos Torres Alonso.

i aquest àlbum és una tercera edició d'aquest viatge sònic o exploratori

And this album is a third edition of this sonic or exploratory journey.

que fa Juan Carlos Torres Alonso, vaixixi àlies,

what does Juan Carlos Torres Alonso, also known as, do?

i que edita la seva obra.

and edits his work.

A través del label Strangely Isolated Place,

Through the label Strangely Isolated Place,

i és el label del qual bevem sempre per presentar-te coses

And it is the label from which we always drink to present things to you.

sense el cant de la xixarra.

without the song of the cicada.

Aquesta experiència sònica, aquest viatge sònic,

This sonic experience, this sonic journey,

que inclou fins a 12 tais diferents en aquest àlbum,

which includes up to 12 different themes in this album,

que es diu La Gran Corriente,

which is called The Great Current,

inclou també aquest tai, que és el que li dona nom,

it also includes this tai, which is what gives it its name,

que és el nou tai de l'àlbum i que escoltem de fons.

what is the new track from the album that we hear in the background.

La Gran Corriente

The Great Current

El cant de la xixarra

The song of the xixarra

Daniel B.

Daniel B.

Daniel Buch ve des de Bratislava, en Eslovàquia,

Daniel Buch comes from Bratislava, Slovakia.

i practica eixe folk acústic

And practice that acoustic folk.

des de...


sa casa, per a gravacions com estes, que són en de fons.

his house, for recordings like these, which are in the background.

Este tai es diu Driving

This tie is called Driving.

i forma part de l'àlbum Songs of Youth and Innocence,

and is part of the album Songs of Youth and Innocence,

que baixi eixe títol i ho diu tot.

let that title drop and it says it all.

Açò estàs atent-te en xener d'enguany mateixa

This you are paying attention to this year itself.

i és el moment que el punxem així en el cant de la xixarra.

And it is the moment that we poke it like this in the song of the xixarra.

Escoltem este Driving, que sona de fons,

Let's listen to this Driving, which sounds in the background.

i després escoltarem també el tai Botman Calls.

And then we will also listen to the tai Botman Calls.

The TV is on

The TV is on.

But I don't care

Però no m'importa.

This life is not what I crave

Aquesta vida no és el que desitjo.

While you're still on my mind

While you're still on my mind

My eyes heavy and I feel so tired

My eyes are heavy and I feel so tired.

I don't care when we're left behind

I don't care when we're left behind.

Quietly I cry at night

Silenciosament ploro a la nit.

I don't sleep cause I don't have time

I don't sleep because I don't have time.

You're still there on my mind

You're still there on my mind.

A new day

A new day

Driving in the same lane

Driving in the same lane

Until I die when my car breaks

Fins que mori quan el meu cotxe es trenqui.

While you're still on my mind

While you're still on my mind

My eyes heavy and I feel so tired

My eyes are heavy and I feel so tired.

I don't care when we're left behind

I don't care when we're left behind.

Bona nit

Good night

I anem a acabar el cant de la xixarra d'avui

And let's finish today's singing of the xixarra.

escoltant este

listening to this

tai luminós de Ford

Ford luminous tai

Chastain que es diu

Chastain, as they say.

Live Again

Live Again

Bona nit

Good night

I can feel your gaze

I can feel your gaze.

To the last of those days

To the last of those days

Live again

Live again

Keep going around

Keep going around

On the ground

On the ground

What's wearing you down?

What's wearing you down?

Live again

Live again

Got one last chance left

Got one last chance left

Feel the pain

Feel the pain

In my chest

In my chest

Let it finally come

Let it finally come.

Feel my head

Feel my head.

Going numb

Going numb

You can't ease

You can't ease.

the pain

the pain

I'll give all

I'll give everything.

It can take

It can take

I can see it then

I can see it then.



In the end

In the end

Live again

Live again

Keep going around

Keep going around

On the ground

On the ground

What's wearing you down?

What's wearing you down?

Live again

Live again

Keep going around

Keep going around

On the ground

On the ground

What's wearing you down?

What’s wearing you down?

Live again

Live again

On the ground

On the ground

What's wearing you down?

Què et desgasta?

I can feel your gaze

I can feel your gaze.

la xerrada en la que hem intentat presentar-te

the talk in which we have tried to present you

coses que ens han anat entrant i arribant

things that have been coming in and arriving to us

en els últims temps

in recent times

i així han sonat

and so they have sounded

Lunar Isles

Lunar Isles

Veila, Boomer Birds

Here it is, Boomer Birds.



Daniel V

Daniel V

i hem acabat escoltant este tall luminós

and we have just finished listening to this luminous piece.

que he deixat quasi que sonarà fins al final

that I have almost left to sound until the end

intentant no interrompir-lo

trying not to interrupt him

de Fort Chastain

from Fort Chastain

que es diu Live Again

it is called Live Again

i que dona nom al podcast

and that gives name to the podcast

semanal. Com sempre t'ho dic

weekly. As I always tell you

espero que la sessió t'hagi agradat

I hope you enjoyed the session.

espero que tornis a estar ahí per a seguir

I hope you will be there again to continue.

connectats a través de la música

connected through music

Adeu i que siguis molt

Goodbye and may you be very...



Fins demà

Until tomorrow.

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