Racó Z 1×09 [Viatjar]

Laura Dueñas, Laia Junquera, Enric Sitjà, Ignasi Redorta i Eloi Rubio

Racó Z

Racó Z 1×09 [Viatjar]

Racó Z

Ja arriba el bon temps, la calor, el mar, el sol, els amics, les vacances...

Good weather is coming, the heat, the sea, the sun, friends, holidays...

Qui no ho vol? Doncs jo us diré qui no ho vol, la Covid.

Who doesn't want it? Well, I'll tell you who doesn't want it, Covid.

Una de les característiques principals de l'estiu és viatjar,

One of the main characteristics of summer is traveling,

tot i que com més gran et fas, menys temps tens i menys diners també.

Even though the older you get, the less time you have and the less money too.

I ara amb el panorama actual, doncs veurem si serà possible tornar a viatjar o no.

And now with the current situation, we will see if it will be possible to travel again or not.

Ara bé, és cert que a tothom li agrada viatjar?

Now, is it true that everyone likes to travel?

El temps i els diners són factors imprescindibles?

Are time and money essential factors?

És qüestió de preferències?

Is it a matter of preferences?

Som Racoseta i avui parlarem sobre viatjar.

We are Racoseta and today we will talk about traveling.

El programa de la temporada aquí a Ràdio Manlleu.

The program of the season here at Ràdio Manlleu.

Sí, sí, ploreu, ploreu, perquè...

Yes, yes, cry, cry, because...

Però bé, eh, que tornarem, no us preocupeu, eh?

But well, hey, we'll be back, don't worry, okay?

Doncs això aquí, al Ràdio Manlleu, al 107 FM,

So this here, at Ràdio Manlleu, at 107 FM,

en el qual parlarem sense pèls a la llengua

in which we will speak without mincing words

de temes que preocupen els adolescents i joves actuals.

of topics that concern today's adolescents and youth.

Així doncs, som joves que parlem sobre temes de joves amb ulls de joves.

Thus, we are young people who talk about youth topics with the eyes of young people.

Som la generació Z parlant a Racoseta.

We are Generation Z speaking in Racoseta.

Presentat el programa que, bé, presentem el tremendíssim equipó

Presented the program that, well, we present the tremendous team.

que tenim amb nosaltres.

that we have with us.

A veure, ja el coneixereu perquè ja portem uns quants programets,

Let's see, you already know him because we've already had a few little shows.

juntets, però fem un gran redobla de tambors.

together, but let's make a big drum roll.

Molt bé, molt bé, ja es prepara.

Very well, very well, it's already being prepared.

Per l'Enric Sitza, el nostre magnífic tècnic i sense pèls.

For Enric Sitza, our magnificent technician and hairless.

Jo tinc un iPhone.

I have an iPhone.

Té un iPhone i té...

He has an iPhone and he has...

Enric, lo sabemos.

Enric, we know.

Lo sabemos.

We know it.

És el que tira les sintonies, l'iPhone.

It's the one that plays the ringtones, the iPhone.

Vaya pasada.

What a blast.

Exacte. Sense ell no estaríem aquí, ja us ho ben asseguro.

Exactly. Without him, we wouldn't be here, I assure you.

Presentem ara la Laura Dueñas, community manager

We now present Laura Dueñas, community manager.

i estudiant de comunicació audiovisual,

and a student of audiovisual communication,

amb moltes coses a dir i que no ens ha deixat indiferents

with many things to say and that has not left us indifferent

durant la temporada i avui tampoc ho farà.

during the season and it won't do it today either.

No, avui tampoc.

No, not today either.

La primera tasca ha quedat una mica allà en estand-by també,

The first task has also been kind of left on standby.

per part meva, però la retomarem.

For my part, but we will resume it.

La retomarem.

We will take it up again.

Aquí cadascú el que pot, eh?

Here everyone does what they can, right?

Importantíssim, el nostre productor, l'Eloi Rubio,

Very important, our producer, Eloi Rubio,

que ens anirà presentant... Ai, presentant, sí, molt bé.

that will be introducing us... Oh, introducing, yes, very good.



També presento.

I also present.

Sí, també presentaràs.

Yes, you will also present.

També, també.

Also, also.

Però que ens anirà apretant perquè no ens passem de temps.

But he will keep pressing us so we don't go over time.

I avui estic menys hater que la setmana passada.

And today I am less of a hater than last week.

Sí, perquè la setmana passada, cuideu, eh?

Yes, because last week, take care, okay?

Va a repartir.

He/She is going to distribute.

No garantitzo res i jo estic preocupat perquè, no sé,

I don't guarantee anything and I am worried because, I don't know,

aquí controlaré el temps durant aquests mesos que fem vacances.

Here I will manage the time during these months that we are on vacation.

Ah, tic-tac, tic-tac.

Ah, tick-tock, tick-tock.

També pots descansar, que també està bé.

You can also rest, which is also fine.

També estaria bé.

That would also be good.

I últim, però no menys important, Ignasi Redorta,

And last, but not least, Ignasi Redorta,

contact manager de Recoseta,

contact manager of Recoseta,

que ens farà passar una grandíssima estona.

that will give us a great time.

Et felicito, fill.

I congratulate you, son.

Avui no he trobat a ningú,

Today I haven't found anyone.

és que han obert les fronteres i se n'han anat tothom de turisme.

It's just that they have opened the borders and everyone has gone on vacation.

Has tornat, eh?

You've returned, huh?

T'esperàvem la setmana passada.

We were expecting you last week.

He tornat, he tornat.

I have returned, I have returned.

Però convidats se'ns han anat.

But the guests have left us.

Alguns han marxat.

Some have left.

Hem marxat, no?

We have left, haven't we?

El passaport Covid ha fet molt mal.

The Covid passport has done a lot of harm.

D'això n'haureu de parlar.

You will have to talk about this.

Però ara el burro pel final.

But now the donkey for the end.

Jo sóc la Laia Junquera

I am Laia Junquera.

i intentaré no cagar-la conduint la màquina del programa.

And I'll try not to mess up driving the program machine.

Comencem, doncs, Recoseta.

Let's begin, then, Recoseta.

Fins ara.

Until now.

Doncs ara.

Well, now.

Fins ara, doncs, Recoseta.

Until now, then, Recoseta.

Fins ara.

Until now.

Doncs ara.

Well then.

Hem començat el programa del dia.

We have started the program of the day.

Aquí no li agrada viatjar.

He doesn't like to travel here.

A ningú.

To no one.



Covid o Lesa Navaia.

Covid or Lesa Navaia.



Tenim la sort de que avui en dia tenim a l'abast mil maneres i mitjans per fer-ho.

We are lucky that nowadays we have a thousand ways and means to do it.

En solitari o en companyia?

Alone or in company?

En cotxe, avió, tren, vaixell...

By car, plane, train, ship...

Es pot anar a un hotel, a un hostal, un apartament, un càmping, un alberg.

You can go to a hotel, a hostel, an apartment, a campsite, a guesthouse.

A casa teva.

At your house.

un càmping, un alberg

a campsite, a hostel

a la plaça de l'Ajuntament

in the Town Hall square

també, a acampar per exemple

also, to camp for example

i també podem fer-ho

and we can also do it

per moltes raons, per feina

for many reasons, for work

perquè anem de visita, perquè volem

because we are going for a visit, because we want to

desconnectar, perquè volem descobrir una altra

disconnect, because we want to discover another

cultura, conèixer alguna

culture, to get to know some

cosa específica d'una altra part del món

specific thing from another part of the world

perquè volem pujar un pic

because we want to climb a mountain

d'una muntanya, anar a fer

from a mountain, go to do

una activitat, entre moltes altres

an activity, among many others

com veieu parlar de viatjar avui en dia

How do you see talking about traveling nowadays?

és força abstracte, el que està clar

It is quite abstract, what is clear.

és que de viatges n'hi ha de molts

There are many kinds of trips.

tipus i també per totes les

type and also for all the

butxaques, jo per exemple vaig

pockets, I for example go

anar d'interraïl un mes sencer

to go Interrailing for a whole month

i podria dir que amb un pressupost de 700

I could say that with a budget of 700.

euros aproximadament en vaig fer

approximately euros I made

prou, tot el mes

enough, all month

hi ha opcions com Couchsurfing

there are options like Couchsurfing

no sé si coneixeu l'aplicació

I don't know if you know the application.

no? Couchsurfing

No? Couchsurfing.

Couchsurfing, doncs és una

Couchsurfing, then it is a

aplicació que jo vaig descobrir arrel

application that I discovered root

de plantejar-me fer l'interraïl

of considering doing the interrail

on tu et crees

where you believe it

una compta i pots oferir casa

a bill and you can offer a house

teu o buscar allotjament de casa que

your or look for accommodation of house that

tu, o sigui de persones que t'ofereixin la casa

you, or rather people who offer you the house

Què passa? Amb els intercanvis d'institut

What's happening? With the school exchanges.

però a la porció adulta

but to the adult portion

Exacte. Laura, no has escrit cap

Exactly. Laura, you haven't written any.

llibre del teu viatge en interraïl?

Book of your Interrail trip?

Tenia un diari, tinc un diari

I had a diary, I have a diary.

molt interessant. Aquell noi dels cabells blaus

very interesting. That boy with blue hair



Un que va en carrera de rodes

A one that goes on wheels.

que explica els seus viatges per interraïl

that explains his/her travels by interrail

Ah sí, el món sobre rodes

Ah yes, the world on wheels.

es diu el llibre. Doncs

it's called the book. So

no m'havia plantejat convertir-ho perquè

I hadn't considered converting it because

hi ha parts on soc bastant hater

there are parts where I am quite a hater

no diré res. Ja està bé, perquè aquell

I won't say anything. It's fine, because that one

tot diré en maco. Clar, a veure, també

I will say everything nicely. Of course, let's see, also.

és interessant el que dius de

it's interesting what you say about

el vas fer sola, és molt diferent fer un viatge

You did it alone, it is very different to take a trip.

en grup, fer un viatge en parella

in a group, take a trip as a couple

fer un viatge amb la família que fer-lo sola

to take a trip with the family than to do it alone

Sola, exacte. Sí, sí

Alone, exactly. Yes, yes.

Doncs aquesta aplicació serveix per això i és

Well, this application is used for that and it is

de manera gratuïta tant si ofereixes

free of charge whether you offer

la casa com si demanes allotjament

the house as if you were requesting accommodation

i doncs et crees el perfil segons el que pots oferir

And so you create the profile based on what you can offer.

Si tens una habitació a part

If you have a separate room.

per la persona que allotges, quantes persones pots allotjar

For the person you are hosting, how many people can you accommodate?

on dormiran, què pots

Where will they sleep, what can you?

oferir, quins horaris tens, etc.

offer, what hours do you have, etc.

Ojo que me l'estic baixant aquesta aplicació

Watch out, I'm downloading this app.

ja. Ah, ja deixa el mòbil

Yes. Ah, just leave the phone.

No. Vinga

No. Come on.

A més, els preus dels

Furthermore, the prices of the

vols són força econòmics en general

they are generally quite economical

i de tant en tant hi ha ofertes

And from time to time there are offers.

També s'ha posat tan de moda

It has also become so fashionable.

viatjar en furgoneta que, bueno

traveling in a van which, well

Bueno, i s'ha posat de moda

Well, and it has become fashionable.

sortejar una furgoneta a Instagram

raffle a van on Instagram

Ah, sí? Sí, tothom

Ah, yes? Yes, everyone.

obsessionat. Tothom

obsessed. Everyone

Anava a dir tu que ets el community manager

I was going to say you are the community manager.

també, que no. Fa temps

also, no. A long time ago

va sortir una furgoneta que n'estava del furgoneta fins als collons

A van came out that was from the van up to the neck.

Crec que a RecordZ podem fer veure

I think that at RecordZ we can pretend.

que sortegem una furgoneta

we are raffling off a van

Aviam si funciona per... A veure, perquè...

Let's see if it works for... Let's see, because...

No, no, no. Tenim alguna que podíem

No, no, no. We have something we could.

regalar de furgoneta, Enric, eh? Que sí

Give away the van, Enric, right? Yes.

No, em penso que no

No, I don't think so.

Està d'acord. No, però jo no sé si aquella

He agrees. No, but I don't know if that one

furgoneta realment va sortir això

the van really came out like this

No, no, per això ho deia. Jo crec que era mentida

No, no, that's why I said it. I think it was a lie.

Jo crec que era mentida. I tothom, tots els contactes

I think it was a lie. And everyone, all the contacts.

que no penja en MindStories

that is not hanging on MindStories

en aquell moment. Tothom la furgoneta

at that moment. Everyone the van

Banya una camper. Sí, sobre...

Horns a camper. Yes, about...

Era una camper així molt vintage

It was a very vintage camper.

així amb uns colors pastel molt macos

thus with very nice pastel colors

Penjava gent que penses, tu, aquests colors

What do you think of these colors?

no els portes en... Té vida, mateix

you don't wear them in... It has life, same

Però, sí, sí. Doncs amb la furgoneta

But, yes, yes. Well then, with the van.

com sabreu, ni allotjament, ni

As you will know, neither accommodation nor

restaurants, ni segons vehicles

restaurants, nor according to vehicles

per res de res. Tenies el cost

for nothing at all. You had the cost

o sigui, el que et costaria fer això

I mean, what it would cost you to do this.

ho tindries gratis. Però, no podreu

you would have it for free. But, you won’t be able to.

dir que està una mica sobrevalorat la

to say that it is a bit overrated

furgoneta? No

Van? No

No? Sí. Jo ho tinc molt clar perquè a mi

No? Yes. I have it very clear because for me

m'encanta. Una mica reduït

I love it. A little reduced.

Bueno, també depèn de quina furgoneta tens

Well, it also depends on which van you have.

vull dir, hi ha molts tipus de furgonetes

I mean, there are many types of vans.

hi ha molts tipus d'equipament per

there are many types of equipment for

una furgoneta. Hi ha molts tipus de persones

a van. There are many types of people.

hi ha molts amuts, exacte, i depèn de

there are many silent ones, exactly, and it depends on

per què la facis servir, quin tipus de viatge

why do you use it, what kind of trip

facis. Exacte. A mi la

do it. Exactly. To me the

furgoneta sí, quan acabes de fer foqui-foqui

Van yes, when you finish doing seal-seal.

no hi ha dutxa, la furgoneta, vull dir que allò

There is no shower, the van, I mean that.

Bueno, hi ha altres maneres, també. Jo no dic

Well, there are other ways too. I'm not saying.

res. Això

nothing. This

ho deixem per la temporada que ve

We'll leave it for next season.

Exacte. Diuen també que hi ha viatges

Exactly. They also say that there are trips.

bàsics que tothom ha de fer

basics that everyone should do

almenys un cop a la vida. Com

at least once in a lifetime. How

per exemple, un viatge en solitari

for example, a solo trip

i un altre amb amics

and another with friends

Un viatge ancestral que abans

An ancestral journey that before

pregunteu què vol dir, és un viatge

ask what it means, it's a journey

per conèixer el desarrè

to know the descent

Eh? Ja ens diu l'Enric

Eh? Enric is already telling us.

des d'allà, eh?

From there, huh?

És un viatge com per descobrir les teves

It's a journey to discover your own.

arrels, d'on és la teva família, en el cas

roots, where is your family from, in this case

que sigui de fora

that it is from outside

o del poble del costat

or from the neighboring town

o d'on sigui, no?

or wherever it is from, right?

Un viatge improvisat

An improvised trip

d'última hora, de dir, bueno, agafo les coses

last minute, to say, well, I'll take the things

i marxo. Som els millors aquests. Sí.

I'm leaving. We are the best, these. Yes.

I un viatge llarg

And a long journey

llarg, bueno, és relatiu, no?

Long, well, it's relative, isn't it?

Depèn de per qui et dirà un mes

It depends on who will tell you a month.

depèn de per qui, però un viatge llarg

it depends on who, but a long trip

segons el que tu consideris llarg

according to what you consider long

Però ara anem a parlar de la part guai

But now let's talk about the cool part.

i és que viatjar i sortir

And it is that traveling and going out

de la zona de confort, d'allò que ja

from the comfort zone, from what already

coneixem, té molts beneficis

we know, it has many benefits

El primer, estimulem

The first, let's stimulate.

els cinc sentits i desenvolupem

the five senses and we develop

les nostres capacitats comunicatives

our communicative abilities

sobretot, doncs, quan viatgem sols

especially, then, when we travel alone

Vaja passada

What a mess!

Vaja passada, exacte

What a trip, exactly.

Sembla que ens tornem més receptius

It seems that we are becoming more receptive.

Ens agrada provar, experimentar

We like to try, to experiment.

Estem molt més pendents

We are much more attentive.

del que passa al nostre voltant

of what happens around us

i tot sembla tornar-se

and everything seems to turn back

una experiència fantàstica

a fantastic experience

És a dir, posem especial atenció a aquelles coses

That is to say, we pay special attention to those things.

que oblidem en el nostre dia a dia

that we forget in our day to day

A més


Per què deus tenir els sentiments més a flor de pell?

Why must you have your feelings so close to the surface?



És lo típic que potser

It's the typical thing that maybe

quan tu puges a la teva ciutat

when you go up to your city

al tren

to the train

tu vas mirant el mòbil, llegint un llibre

You are looking at your phone, reading a book.

fent la teva, però tu puges a una altra ciutat

doing your thing, but you go up to another city

on estàs a visitar el tren i tot et sembla

where you are visiting the train and everything seems to you

fantàstic, mires a la gent

fantastic, you look at the people

oh mira aquí hi ha aquesta persona que té aquest estil

Oh look, here is this person who has that style.

i llavors veus al costat la persona

And then you see the person next to you.

que està exactament tu, igual que tu

what you are exactly, just like you

del viatge de Barna a Matlleu

from the trip from Barna to Matlleu



A més, guanyem perspectiva

Furthermore, we gain perspective.

ens ajuda a allunyar-nos de la nostra vida personal

it helps us to distance ourselves from our personal life

i per moments inclús de nosaltres mateixos

and even sometimes of ourselves

Sortim, com hem dit abans, de la nostra zona de confort

Let's step out, as we said before, from our comfort zone.

i ens trobem en situacions

and we find ourselves in situations

on hem de ser resolutius

We must be resolute.

fer petites les nostres mancances

make our shortcomings small

o els problemes en general

or the problems in general

A més, quan anem a parar a països

Moreover, when we end up in countries

de diferents cultures, també t'han dit

from different cultures, they have also told you

a ser més conscients dels contrastos

to be more aware of the contrasts

i això dona peu a deixar

and this gives way to leaving

davant d'estereotips i prejudicis

in the face of stereotypes and prejudices

I per últim

And lastly

dir, que el com que és potser

say, that the way it is perhaps

bastant evident, que és que el viatge físic

quite evident, that it is the physical journey

es torna també un viatge interior

it also becomes an inner journey


of self-discovery

Ens hem de buscar la vida i oblidar les pors o inseguretats

We have to make our way in life and forget our fears or insecurities.

que potser tenim en el nostre dia a dia

that we might have in our day-to-day life

Pinta bé això de viatjar, no?

Traveling sounds good, doesn’t it?

També, també

Also, also

És increïble viatjar i és una de les coses

It is incredible to travel and it is one of the things

que més trobo a faltar

what else do I miss

de tot el context actual

of the entire current context

Sí, perquè

Yes, because

sembla que amb això de la Covid

it seems that with this Covid thing

estem sortint, però encara

we are going out, but not yet

la gent no té el xip un altre cop d'estalviar

People don't have the chip to save anymore.

per viatjar, de planejar per viatjar

to travel, to plan to travel

Clar, passito a passito

Of course, step by step.

També ens han tret tantes...

They have also taken so many from us...

Hem hagut de reduir tantes coses de la nostra vida

We have had to reduce many things in our life.

que, bueno, doncs gradualment no

Well, gradually no then.

Primer seran els bars, després seran

First will be the bars, then will be

els espectacles

the shows

perquè va així, abans el bar que la cultura

because it goes like this, the bar before culture

i després els viatges

and then the trips

No sé, esperem poder tornar a viatjar

I don't know, let's hope we can travel again.

o almenys jo ho espero perquè me mato

or at least I hope so because I'm killing myself

si no

if not

no me mato

I'm not going to kill myself.

No sé, esperem poder tornar a viatjar

I don’t know, let’s hope we can travel again.

i que el bar que no m'ha fet

and that the bar that hasn't made me

no em faci res

don't do anything to me

per això

that's why

No, no, no ho sé

No, no, I don't know it.

No ho sé

I don't know.

Quiero viajar

I want to travel.

Exacte, molt bé

Exactly, very good.

Anem a viatjar

Let's go traveling.

A veure, què ens porteu avui?

Let’s see, what do you bring us today?

Viatges de luxe

Luxury travels

Aquí hi ha l'Ignaz i no m'esperava menys de tu

Here is Ignaz, and I expected nothing less from you.

Una suït

A suite

Jo porto de pobres

I have been poor.

Aquí m'agrada

Here I like it.

Aquests potser m'interessen

These might interest me.

Aquests són els meus

These are mine.

Vosaltres trieu

You choose.

No sé si primer deprimir-me i després animar-me

I don't know whether to get depressed first and then cheer myself up.

i veure que tinc possibilitats

and see that I have possibilities

Crec que podem fer un cas de cuinar

I think we can make a case for cooking.

Comences tu, noi

You start, boy.

Va, començo jo

Okay, I’ll start.

No sé quants em portes, jo en porto 5

I don't know how many you have, I have 5.

Tu tens aquí un plat de folis, però és igual

You have a plate of leaves here, but it doesn't matter.

Primer viatge, on anem? El més barat de tots

First trip, where are we going? The cheapest of all.

Camp Boja

Boja Camp

Aviam, explica'ns

Let's see, tell us.

Allà us podeu allotjar per 7 euros la nit

There you can stay for 7 euros a night.

Ni tan mal

Not so bad.

Si voleu aire acondicionat

If you want air conditioning.

que crec que fa falta en aquell país

that I think is lacking in that country

10 euros

10 euros

Bueno, és un luxe que potser ens podem permetre

Well, it's a luxury that maybe we can afford.

O sigui, costa més tenir l'aire acondicionat

That is, it costs more to have air conditioning.

que el propi allotjament

that the accommodation itself

Flipant, segueix

Flipping, continue.

També crec que el tipus d'allotjament

I also think that the type of accommodation

que ens podem oferir a Camp Boja depèn del lloc

What we can offer at Camp Boja depends on the place.



Aquests 7 euros

These 7 euros

Bé, no ho diré

Well, I won't say it.


They understand each other.

També podeu menjar un plat de peix no sé què

You can also eat a fish dish, I don't know what.

és un nom molt raro

it's a very rare name

que val 4 euros

that costs 4 euros

És a dir, es val més el menjar que l'habitació

That is to say, food is worth more than the room.

Quasi, quasi

Almost, almost.

Mala pinta això

This looks bad.

Bé, i també diu en aquest article

Well, it also says in this article

tan interessant que he trobat a internet

so interesting that I found on the internet



que no aneu a fer

what are you not going to do

rutes turístiques, que no sé quines rutes turístiques

tourist routes, which I don't know which tourist routes

hi ha a Camp Boja i no sé què hi ha per veure

There is in Camp Boja and I don't know what there is to see.

Bueno, hi haurà cosetes, no?

Well, there will be little things, right?

A veure

Let's see.

A mi em sona molt d'haver-ho sentit

It sounds very familiar to me having heard it.

com a destiara molt recurrent

as a very recurrent destination

quan es va posar de moda, per exemple, a Tailàndia

when it became fashionable, for example, in Thailand


I a Croàcia

And in Croatia

A Croàcia també

In Croatia as well.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

Hi ha moments quan els llocs es posen de moda

There are moments when places become trendy.

i, ojo, perquè d'allà no treus a la penya

And, watch out, because you won't get the people out of there.

I després la gent es pregunta, eh?

And then people wonder, huh?

Ai, tu què vas fer?

Oh, what did you do?

Ah, sí, tu que vas anar a Tailàndia, com vas anar?

Ah, yes, you who went to Thailand, how did you go?

Ai, jo també vaig anar aquí!

Oh, I also went here!

I tot és el mateix

And everything is the same.

A quin restaurant vas anar?

Which restaurant did you go to?

Normalment van parelletes

They usually come in pairs.

A Tailàndia?

To Thailand?

Sí, bueno

Yes, well.

No, a mi em sona més d'anar-hi a grups d'amics així grans

No, it sounds more to me like going there with big groups of friends.

Sí, a mi també em sona més

Yes, it also sounds more familiar to me.

Bueno, suposo que hi ha hagut de tot

Well, I suppose there has been all sorts.

Es va posar de moda amb lo imposible

It became fashionable with the impossible.

La pel·li

The movie


Holy shit


I clar

And clear

Després de lo imposible

After the impossible

Quins ànims també per anar-hi, eh?

What motivation to go there, huh?

Després de lo imposible

After the impossible

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Així està la gent, que li agrada el morbo, que li agrada el salseu

That's how people are; they like the thrill and the gossip.

I, Ignasi, anima això

I, Ignasi, animate this.

Anima això

Cheer this up.

On anem?

Where are we going?

A les Bames

At the Bames



A les Bames

To the Bames

Teniu 40.000 euros

You have 40,000 euros.


Eh, eh, eh

Eh, eh, eh

A repartir entre 12

To be distributed among 12.

Bueno, aviam

Well, let's see.

Ara mateix aquí tinc la meitat

Right now I have half of it here.

Però l'altre l'aconsegueixo

But I manage to get the other one.



Jo no tinc ni la meitat, la veritat

I don't even have half, to be honest.

És a repartir entre 12

It is to be divided among 12.





Hi ha una illa

There is an island.



Per el mòdic preu és de 40.000 euros

For the modest price of 40,000 euros.

Sí, és que ha tirat de preu el mercadillo

Yes, it has lowered the price of the market.

On podem personalitzar els focs artificials, el menjar del món, tot lo que vulguem

We can personalize the fireworks, the food from around the world, everything we want.

Però això hi ha gent que

But there are people who

Que pijo, mare meva

How annoying, my goodness.

És que em sembla fortíssim

I think it's absolutely outrageous.

Però estàs tu sola allà amb els teus amics en una illa

But you are there alone with your friends on an island.



I quina gràcia

And what a joke!

I què fas?

And what are you doing?

Bueno, tu demanes coses

Well, you're asking for things.

Mira, m'agradaria l'atardecer amb focs artificials i tu ho fas allà

Look, I would love the sunset with fireworks and you do it there.

I et porten al menjar així la frita talladeta i tot això, no?

They bring you the food like this, with the fried stuff cut up and everything, right?

És un lloc així paradisíac i tal

It's such a paradise-like place and so on.

Però també us porto l'hotel més car

But I also bring you the most expensive hotel.

Sí, sí, tu digue'm el més car de tots

Yes, yes, just tell me the most expensive of all.

Es troben a Cannes quan es fa el festival de cinema de Cannes

They meet in Cannes during the Cannes Film Festival.


I és l'hotel Martinet que la suite costa 25.000 euros

And it's the Martinet hotel where the suite costs 25,000 euros.




Es diu Martínez

His name is Martínez.

Gran High Cannes Hotel Martinet

Great High Cannes Hotel Martinet

Com has dit? Quan has dit que val?

What did you say? When did you say it costs?

25.000 euros passar la nit

25,000 euros to spend the night

La nit

The night

La vella és espantant

The old woman is scary.

Ha fotut un cop al micro i tot

He hit the mic and everything.



La descripció

The description

Dos camas tamaño extra grande

Two extra large size beds.



Una terraza con jacuzzi y vistas a la preciosa abadía de Cannes

A terrace with a jacuzzi and views of the beautiful abbey of Cannes.

Dijas que te dejan sin aliento

They say that they leave you breathless.

Y en ple festival de Cannes, creus, el festival

And in the midst of the Cannes festival, believe, the festival.

No es que te dejan sin aliento, es la tercera després

It's not that they leave you breathless, it's the third one after.

Però, aviam, què faig jo amb dos llits extra grandes

But, let's see, what am I supposed to do with two extra large beds?

Vull dir, aviam, amb lo petitona que soc jo jo crec que amb un llit individual ja tiro

I mean, let's see, with how small I am, I think a single bed will do for me.

Amb un et perds, Laura, allà enmig

With one you get lost, Laura, there in the middle.

Amb un em perdo, exacte

With a "me" I get lost, exactly.

No sé, em sembla...

I don't know, it seems to me...

I llavors per fer el llit, imagina't

And then to make the bed, can you imagine?

Ah, no, allà te'l deuen fer, clar

Ah, no, they must make it for you there, of course.

Home, home

Home, home

Pagar 25.000 euros a l'internet

Pay 25,000 euros on the internet.


Holy shit

Allà, allà et fan tonto

There, they make you silly.

Hòstia, allà ja em poden fer...

Damn, they can do it to me there...

Bueno, millor

Well, better.

Bueno, bueno, eh, mec, mec, mec

Well, well, eh, meow, meow, meow.

Puqui, Puqui, Puqui

Puqui, Puqui, Puqui

Els dos llits

The two beds

Bueno, i ara m'agradaria explicar-vos una anècdota

Well, now I would like to tell you an anecdote.

T'has gastat 25.000 euros?

Have you spent 25,000 euros?

No, jo he estat a l'hotel més car de tot Catalunya

No, I have been to the most expensive hotel in all of Catalonia.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, a la Làbriga

Yes, to the Làbriga

Làbriga de Sant Feliu de Guixols

The hermitage of Sant Feliu de Guixols

És un hotel que val 1.000 euros passar la nit

It is a hotel that costs 1,000 euros to stay the night.

I t'has de fer un mínim de 3 nits

You have to spend a minimum of 3 nights.

Són unes 30 suits, vale?

There are about 30 suits, okay?

És un hotel que val 1.000 euros passar la nit

It is a hotel that costs 1,000 euros to spend the night.

I un públic exclusiu només de russos

And an exclusive audience of only Russians.

Explica, explica

Explain, explain.

Com va anar, com vas acabar allà?

How did it go, how did you end up there?

I tu per què has anat allà?

And why have you gone there?

Aviam, fas una mica de cara de russ

Let's see, you look a bit like a Russian.

No, no, no

No, no, no

Jo vaig entrar perquè feien una festa a la piscina

I went in because they were having a party at the pool.

I vaig estar allà i vaig poder veure...

I was there and I was able to see...

Vaja, vaja

Well, well.

És com qui escola el VIP de la disco, aquest

It's like the one who schools the VIP of the disco, this one.

Massa menys, massa menys

Too much less, too much less.



Veiem els flamingos i tot allò

We see the flamingos and all that.


Mare meva, que pijos tots

My goodness, how annoying everyone is.

Ja n'hi anirem, eh, si ens vol patrocinar aquest hotel

We'll go there, right, if this hotel wants to sponsor us.

Mira, Eloi, és que ja m'estic escalfant de tanta cosa de pijeria

Look, Eloi, I'm starting to get annoyed by all this posh stuff.

Digue'm alguna cosa que jo em pugui permetre

Tell me something I can afford.



Portugal, oh, a veure

Portugal, oh, let's see

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Ara, ara

Now, now

Aquí al costat

Here next door.


No cal anar a Camboja

There is no need to go to Cambodia.

A Portugal, això és un país que té platges

In Portugal, this is a country that has beaches.

La il·la de Madeira en sortirà

The island of Madeira will emerge from it.

I té preus bastant econòmics

And has quite affordable prices.

Semblants als d'aquí, als d'Espanya

Similar to those from here, to those from Spain.

Ui, econòmics últimament no gaire, eh

Oh, not much economically lately, huh?

Depèn de la zona

It depends on the area.

Està tocant a Extremadura, per tant

It is touching Extremadura, therefore.

Preus més econòmics

More affordable prices

I això, i tenim aquí al costat i podeu anar en cotxe

And this, and we have it right next door and you can go by car.

Bueno, està bé, està bé

Well, it's fine, it's fine.

I no sé, què es comprava a Portugal?

I don't know, what was bought in Portugal?

La gent, no sé, anava a Portugal a comprar

People, I don't know, were going to Portugal to buy.

Vida a Porto

Life in Porto

Vida a Porto, tovalloles, crec

Life in Porto, towels, I believe.



He de comprar tovalloles

I need to buy towels.

Eh, escolta, que a Lique em surt molt car

Eh, listen, it's very expensive for me to Lique.

Millor me'n vaig a Porto a comprar tovalloles

I'd better go to Porto to buy towels.

Tovalloles, Eloi

Towels, Eloi

Ai, i a la llibreria de Harry Potter es veu

Oh, and in the Harry Potter bookstore, it shows.

Ah, a Portugal

Ah, to Portugal.

Per això sí que hi aniria

That's why I would definitely go.

Jo també, és per això, el nivell de friquisme

Me too, that’s why, the level of geekiness.

I què més, Ignasi?

And what else, Ignasi?

Anem a Dubai

Let's go to Dubai.

A prendre'ns un caputxino con polvo de oro

Let's have a cappuccino with gold dust.

A veure, hòstia

Let's see, damn.

Amb polvo

With powder

Aviam, aviam, aviam

Let's see, let's see, let's see.

Jo, a mi em faria mal rotllo, eh

I, it would hurt me in a weird way, huh.

Ingerir polvo de oro

Ingest gold dust

Bueno, llavors ho cagues

Well, then you messed it up.

Perquè allò no ho digereixes pas

Because you don't digest that.

Però tenen màquines de lingots d'or, es veu

But they have machines for gold ingots, it seems.

Sí, això ho havia sentit, sí, sí

Yes, I had heard that, yes, yes.

I pistes d'esquí

Ski slopes

Si voleu anar a esquiar també és per anar a esquiar a Dubai

If you want to go skiing, it's also to go skiing in Dubai.

A Dubai

To Dubai

No, és que a Dubai hi ha d'haver de tot

No, it's just that in Dubai there has to be everything.

Sí, bueno, és que aquell lloc és

Yes, well, it's just that that place is

Fabriquen la neu

They make the snow.

I tu pots anar a esquiar allà, amb una nau industrial

And you can go skiing there, with an industrial warehouse.

Un skating group

A skating group

A Dubai no està...

Dubai is not...

Al mig del desert

In the middle of the desert

Al mig del desert, sí

In the middle of the desert, yes.

Amb el mar, però sí

With the sea, but yes.

De fet, crec que és de les ciutats més cares del món per viure

In fact, I think it is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in.

I que la renda per càpita és, bueno, disparada

And the per capita income is, well, skyrocketing.

I no hi ha molt de contrast? És caro?

Isn't there too much contrast? Is it expensive?

Bueno, només hi ha, així, la part més pobra de Dubai

Well, there is just, like, the poorest part of Dubai.

És la part que està anant a la construcció

It is the part that is going to construction.

Que estan construint els edificis i això

That they are building the buildings and that.

Perquè sí que Dubai és exponencialment en construcció

Because Dubai is indeed exponentially under construction.

I va creixent, i va creixent

It keeps growing, and it keeps growing.

Tenen aquelles torres tan altes i tants...

They have those tall towers and so many...

Home, és que els petrodollars paguen tota la ciutat

Man, it's the petrodollars that pay for the whole city.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

El règim

The regime

Aquí se'n van a Dubai, al rei

Here they go to Dubai, to the king.

Se'n van a Dubai

They are going to Dubai.

O a Abu Dhabi, no?

Or to Abu Dhabi, right?

Ah, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, bueno

Ah, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, well

Quan que estan per allà, eh?

When are they around there, huh?



No, de fet morirà allà, home

No, in fact he will die there, man.

Bueno, clar

Well, of course.

Suquerida Espanya ja no...

Dear Spain, no longer...

Ja no el li representa, bueno, va

He no longer represents him, well, come on.

Lo siento mucho

I'm very sorry.

Me he equivocado y no volveré a buscar

I was wrong and I won't look for it again.

Gracias, Juanca

Thank you, Juanca

Si quieres llamarnos, puedes, eh?

If you want to call us, you can, okay?

Aviam si dóna la cara

Let's see if he shows up.

Anem a Malàcia

Let's go to Malaya.

A Malàcia

To Malàcia

Malàcia crec que també... Estava bastant de moda, no?

I think Malàcia too... It was quite trendy, wasn’t it?

Està molt de moda, ara

It is very fashionable now.

A Malàcia, també és molt barato

In Malacca, it is also very cheap.

Podeu comprar plats per dos euros al carrer

You can buy plates for two euros on the street.

I podeu veure els monjos budistes

And you can see the Buddhist monks.

Per allà pels carrers

Through the streets.

Uh, quina il·lusió, veure monjos budistes, sisplau

Uh, what a thrill to see Buddhist monks, please!

És el millor pla de turisteo

It's the best sightseeing plan.

No, oye, el que se'n va a comprar a Dubai

No, hey, the one who is going to buy in Dubai.

Què tal? Calgo?

How are you? Do I need to?

Tu te'n vas a veure budistes a Malàcia

You are going to see Buddhists in Malaysia.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Aquí pa gusto colores

Here for taste, colors.

I es veu que té una gran arquitectura colonial

And it seems that it has great colonial architecture.

de l'època anglesa

from the English era

Ah, sí, sí

Ah, yes, yes.

És una cosa que podeu anar a fer allà i veure monjos budistes

It's something you can go do there and see Buddhist monks.

Bueno, oye

Well, hey

Aquí, el que dic, pa gustos colores

Here, what I say is, to each their own.

Ignasi, il·lustra'm

Ignasi, illustrate me.

Les Seychelles o les Fiji?

The Seychelles or Fiji?

La què?

The what?





Sí, les Seychelles, no sé com es pronuncia

Yes, the Seychelles, I don't know how to pronounce it.


També estan molt de moda aquestes, són molt caretes, no?

These are also very fashionable, they are quite pricey, aren't they?

3.000 euros la nit

3,000 euros per night

Ah, molt bé

Ah, very good.

Mira, com aquí on va...

Look, like here where it goes...

Imagino que són illes, no? També, perquè jo no...

I imagine they are islands, right? Also, because I don't...

Illes paradisíques amb aquelles platges ben verdes

Paradisiacal islands with those beautiful green beaches.

I què, llogues també tota la illa sencera?

And what, do you also rent out the whole island?

No, hi ha un resort

No, there is a resort.

No, no ens passem

No, we're not going overboard.

D'illes igualment, però dins la illa

Of islands as well, but within the island.

Això és el típic que pagues per anar a un...

This is the typical thing you pay to go to a...

Dius, he anat a tal lloc

You say, I have gone to such a place.

I on has anat a tal lloc?

And have you been to such a place?

Ah, no, no, és que m'he quedat al resort

Ah, no, no, it's just that I stayed at the resort.

Has anat al resort, senyora

Have you been to the resort, madam?

Saps aquelles que banyes de fusta, que es veuen tant

Do you know those wooden bathtubs that are so visible?

Allò, tant, que van els influencers

That, so much, that influencers go.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Que es fan les fotos, que es banyen amb les tortuguetes

They take pictures, they swim with the little turtles.

Hi ha d'haver mosquits i coses d'aquestes

There must have been mosquitoes and things like that.

Bueno, això no...

Well, not that...

Jo crec que sí, jo crec que sí

I believe so, I believe so.

Aquesta és la part fosca, amagada, que ningú...

This is the dark, hidden part that no one...

Però per 3.000 euros a mi que em tirin els flus flus, eh?

But for 3,000 euros, they can throw the flus flus at me, right?

Home, faltaria només per 3.000 euros

Home, it would only need 3,000 euros.

Ja t'ho poden ben...

They can well...

Desparacitar tot, eh?

Unclutter everything, huh?

La veritat, ja em poden construir una puta cabanya allà endavant, eh?

The truth is, they can build me a damn cabin up there, right?

Perquè si no...

Because if not...

Doncs jo faré l'últim

Well, I will do the last one.

Vinga, va

Come on, let's go.

A veure si el coneixo, jo no el coneixia, que és el regne...

Let's see if I know him, I didn't know him, which is the kingdom...

Espera, de Lesotho

Wait, from Lesotho

Què? Lesotho?

What? Lesotho?

Aquest país, petit país de Sud-àfrica

This country, small country of South Africa

Que està a tocar de Sud-àfrica

That is close to South Africa.

És un misteri per descobrir, es veu que és molt barat

It's a mystery to uncover; it seems it's very cheap.

Passar 20 euros val 20 euros la nit

Spending 20 euros costs 20 euros a night.

Podràs dormir en unes cabanes, mira!

You will be able to sleep in some cabins, look!


Do you see?

Unes cabanes, també són unes cabanes, eh?

Some huts are still huts, right?

Ens han estafat allà on dius tu

They scammed us where you say.

Aquí mira, per 20 euros en aquest país...

Here, look, for 20 euros in this country...

Aquí 3.000, eh?

Here 3,000, huh?

Hi ha allotjaments també per 6 euros, eh? Estava a dir

There are accommodations for 6 euros too, right? I was about to say.

Bueno, està bé, no?

Well, that's fine, isn't it?

T'estimo que aquest país no sé si hi ha vols directes al regne de no sé com...

I love you, but I don't know if there are direct flights to the kingdom of I don't know how...

A veure, com diríeu això?

Let's see, how would you say this?

A veure...

Let's see...

El regne de Lesotho

The kingdom of Lesotho

Lesotho? No?

Lesotho? No?



És que jo de geografia, Eloi, és que has anat a preguntar la que en sap menys

It's just that I know the least about geography, Eloi; you've gone to ask the one who knows the least.

Doncs mira, si voleu anar aquí, en aquell regne que no existeix

Well, look, if you want to go here, to that kingdom that doesn't exist.

Podries, com aquell de la pel·lícula

Could you, like that one from the movie?

D'aquella princesa que li toca ser reina d'un regne que no existeix

Of that princess who is destined to be the queen of a kingdom that does not exist.

Ah, sí, hòstia, sí, princesa per sorpresa

Ah, yes, damn, yes, princess by surprise.

Exacte, és veritat

Exactly, it's true.

Era molt divertida aquella pel·lícula

That movie was very funny.

Ostres, serà que no me l'he mirada a cops

Wow, I must not have looked at it carefully enough.

Ah, jo també, me l'he agradada molt

Ah, me too, I really liked it a lot.

És de la infància

It is from childhood.

I quan obria aquell vestidor amb el sabatí que s'obria tot el tomàquet, no te'n recordes?

And when I opened that dressing room with the robe that opened all the way down the front, don't you remember?

I tenia el gat, sempre apareix el gat per tot el món

I had the cat, the cat always appears all over the world.

Tothom volia ser, tio

Everyone wanted to be, man.

I l'última?

And the last one?

No m'agradaria marxar abans sense parlar-vos de París

I wouldn't like to leave before talking to you about Paris.

Ah, París

Ah, Paris

París, quan tens diners ho pots comprar-ho tot

Paris, when you have money, you can buy anything.

París, croissant

Paris, croissant

Fins que pots veure la Torre Eiffel des de baix, la pots llogar, així, en alguna hora que no hi hagi visitants

As long as you can see the Eiffel Tower from below, you can rent it, so, at some hour when there are no visitors.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Podríem que pots llogar la Torre Eiffel

Could we rent the Eiffel Tower?

Vaig fer 4 hores de cua per pujar a la Torre Eiffel

I waited in line for 4 hours to go up the Eiffel Tower.

I què, què?

And what, what?

No me'n recordo de res perquè tenia 5 anys

I don't remember anything because I was 5 years old.

Però només me'n recordo de la cua

But I only remember the tail.

I de menjar-me una pizza allà

And to eat a pizza there.

Una pizza a París?

A pizza in Paris?

Aviam, jo us he de dir

Let's see, I have to tell you.

A la Torre Eiffel

To the Eiffel Tower

Jo us he d'explicar una anècdota ara que ha sortit París

I have to tell you an anecdote now that Paris has come up.

A veure, a veure

Let's see, let's see.

L'he de dir, l'he de dir

I have to say it, I have to say it.

Què va passar a París?

What happened in Paris?

Què va passar?

What happened?

Jo vaig anar a Interrail, com us he dit, i l'últim destí era París

I went to Interrail, as I told you, and the last destination was Paris.

Em va resultar caríssim el següent

It was incredibly expensive for me the following.

I jo amb el meu super baix pressupost, que vaig anar sense cap problema per tot Europa, de cop arribo a París, clar, i normal

And with my super low budget, I traveled all over Europe without any problem, and suddenly I arrive in Paris, of course, and normally.

Vaig ser capaç d'estar...

I was able to be...

Quina musiqueta m'has mudat, és que ja...

What little tune have you given me, it's just that...

És que pinta molt trista la història

It makes the story look very sad.

Pinta molt trista

It looks very sad.

Em vaig passar tot un dia sense menjar res

I spent an entire day without eating anything.

Perquè no em donava la vida i estava dins el Museu de l'Ubre

Because life was not giving me and I was inside the Ubre Museum.

I clar, vosaltres no sé si hi heu anat, però uns preus em cobraven per un mini panini i tal

And of course, I don't know if you have been there, but they were charging me some prices for a mini panini and such.

I jo pensava, clar, si surto després no puc tornar a entrar

And I thought, of course, if I go out then I can't come back in.

Bueno, doncs vaig estar tot el dia sense menjar

Well, I was all day without eating.

I els dos dies següents vaig dinar i sopar McDonald's

And the next two days I had lunch and dinner at McDonald's.

Bueno, oie

Well, hey.

Home, anar fins a París per dinar i sopar McDonald's

At home, go to Paris to have lunch and dinner at McDonald's.

És una mica trist

It's a bit sad.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes.

Vaig a President, aquell delicatessen de París

I'm going to President, that delicatessen in Paris.

Pues no, no, jo no vaig poder gaudir de res d'això

Well no, no, I couldn't enjoy any of this.

Una cena de picoteo

A snack dinner.

Vaig tenir sort que el tercer o quart dia que ja havia de marxar perquè em vaig quedar sense diners i vaig dir, bueno, jo foto el camp d'aquí perquè aquí no em puc viure

I was lucky that on the third or fourth day when I was supposed to leave I ran out of money and I said, well, I'm getting out of here because I can't live here.

Vaig trobar dos nanos molt simpàtics a una taverna, ja fent-me l'última cervesa, va ser l'última inversió que vaig fer

I met two very nice guys at a tavern, just as I was having my last beer; that was the last investment I made.

I em van dir, no, pots venir a casa nostra

They told me, no, you can't come to our house.

Ara em vaig fotre les botes a la nit a casa seva

Now I got really drunk at his/her place last night.

Ah, sí, sí, clar

Ah, yes, yes, of course.

A casa d'aquells dos nanos

At the house of those two kids.

Clar, però també s'ha de tenir, ui, que em menjo el micro, perdó, perdó

Of course, but you also have to keep, oops, I'm eating the microphone, sorry, sorry.

També s'ha de tenir en compte que el McDonald's, jo no ho sabia, però els preus que hi ha aquí no són els que hi ha a tot arreu

It should also be taken into account that the McDonald's, I didn't know this, but the prices here are not the same as everywhere else.

No, a París no eren els d'aquí

No, in Paris they weren't from here.

A Viena, a Viena el McDonald's és, és que escolta, costa 15 euros per persona

In Vienna, in Vienna the McDonald's is, you know, it costs 15 euros per person.

En sèrio?


Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Jo em pensava que era un preu tancat aviam amb la conversió, però no

I thought it was a fixed price regarding the conversion, but it isn't.

Jo també, quina la meva sorpresa quan vaig anar allà i vaig veure que m'escobraven la butxaca

Me too, what a surprise it was for me when I went there and saw that they were pickpocketing me.

Imagina't que deu, a Estats Units deu estar tiradíssim, no?

Imagine that God must be really high in the United States, right?

Bueno, és que allà menys jo

Well, it's just that there except for me.

Sí, és que allà hi ha gent molt fast food, eh, d'aquests de tot això

Yes, there are very fast food people there, you know, these types of things.

Una curiositat del McDonald's que vaig veure un reportatge i m'ha quedat molt marcat

A curiosity about McDonald's that I saw in a documentary and has stayed with me.

El gran d'aquí a Europa és el petit d'Estats Units

The big one here in Europe is the small one in the United States.

Sí, com vaig veure

Yes, as I saw.

El de patates, sí, i me van fer un reportatge d'hamburgueses i això

The potato one, yes, and they did a report on hamburgers and that.

El gran d'aquí és el petit d'allà

The big one here is the small one there.

Imagina't si deu ser enorme el d'Estats Units el gran

Imagine how huge the one in the United States must be.

S'haurà d'anar a veure, però per això haurem d'anar a Estats Units

We will have to go see, but for that we will have to go to the United States.

El on anirem ara és a la següent secció

Where we will go now is to the next section.

Jo també escolto racoseta

I also listen to racoseta.

Bé, bé, bé, bé, bé, ja hem parlat de mil coses sobre els viatges i viatjar, bla, bla, bla

Well, well, well, well, well, we've already talked about a thousand things about travel and traveling, blah, blah, blah.

Però si una cosa està present actualment en les nostres vides són les xarxes socials

But if there is one thing that is currently present in our lives, it is social networks.

Critiquem i diem que pesau algú que està de viatge i penja mil Instastories

We criticize and say that we weigh someone who is traveling and posts a thousand Instastories.

Ai, sí, són molt pesats, molt

Oh, yes, they are so annoying, very.

Ah, però després ho fem nosaltres, eh, també, com sempre

Ah, but then we do it ourselves, huh, as always.

Ara bé, el que sí que no falla mai, perquè és, bueno, fijo

Now, what never fails, because it is, well, certain.

Són aquelles musiquetes que posem als Instastories

They are those little tunes that we put in Instastories.

Ai, sí, són molt pesats, molt

Oh yes, they are very annoying, very.

En relació amb la localització on som

In relation to the location where we are.

Així, doncs, us proposo un joc

So, I propose a game to you.

Anirem de viatge a través de la música

We will travel through music.

No feu espòilers a les músiques que teniu aquí llistat en els guions, eh

Don't spoil the songs that you have listed in the scripts, okay?



I vosaltres, com a oients, bueno, no sabreu, evidentment, quines són

And you, as listeners, well, you won't know, obviously, what they are.

Llavors, bueno, us proposo, doncs, aquest joc

So, well, I propose to you, then, this game.

Anirem de viatge a través de les músiques

We will travel through music.

Que la gent penja als Instastories

What people post on Instastories

I haureu d'endevinar a quin país o ciutat som

And you will have to guess which country or city we are in.

Anem a lo fàcil, sempre, eh

Let's go for the easy way, always, right?

Penjo és una història de

Penjo is a story of

Ai, que cansat que estic de treballar

Oh, how tired I am of working.

I poso una cansada de treballar

I put a tiredness of working.

Eh, anem a lo fàcil, sí, sí

Eh, let's keep it simple, yes, yes.

Però bueno, hi ha unes quantes que són, bueno, clàssiques, clàssiques

But well, there are a few that are, well, classics, classics.

Anem amb la primera, a veure on anem

Let's go with the first one, let's see where we go.

I'm leaving today

I'm leaving today.

Tell em, Frank

Tell them, Frank

I want to be a part of it

I want to be a part of it.

New York, New York

New York, New York

Ah, tot l'espoiler

Ah, all the spoiler.

Ho ha dit la lletra, l'aia s'ha maculat

The lyrics said it, the aunt has been stained.

Clar, però és que, no, no, no s'ha maculat

Of course, but it's just that, no, no, it hasn't been stained.

És que la gent és molt simple

It's just that people are very simple.

Busca New York, New York

Search New York, New York

No s'ha escoltat en la puta vida Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra has never been heard in his fucking life.

Ah, però més sale, vinga, pam

Ah, but more salt, come on, bam.

Home, queda molt romàntic

Homme, it looks very romantic.

Fer un vídeo a New York, allà a mitja

Make a video in New York, there at noon.

I posar aquesta cançoneta

And play this little song.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Bueno, estàs allà a Times Square

Well, you are there in Times Square.

Ai, a Times Square

Oh, in Times Square.

Sí, sí, a Times Square

Yes, yes, in Times Square.

Times Square

Times Square

T'has deixat la millor versió

You've left out the best version.


Which one?

Amb aquesta sintonia, però m'agrada, me'n llevo

With this tune, but I like it, I get up.

Hi ha una versió

There is a version.


It exists.

Eloi, un dia, passa-me la pregunta

Eloi, one day, pass me the question.

El que passa és que si vas a New York

What happens is that if you go to New York

No podem estar a New York City

We cannot be in New York City.

Sense visitar el carismàtic

Without visiting the charismatic

A veure què ens diu la cançó

Let's see what the song tells us.

No passa res

It's okay.

A veure què ens diu la cançó

Let's see what the song tells us.

El carismàtic

The charismatic

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Sense la cançó

Without the song

A veure si ha aiguar la cançó

Let's see if the song has watered down.




We empathize.

Re, du, próxima

Queen, two, next



Yeah, yeah, I'm out that Brooklyn

Yeah, yeah, I'm out of that Brooklyn.

Now I'm down in Tribeca

Ara sóc a Tribeca.

Right next to the narrow

Just next to the narrow

But I'll be hood forever

Però seré de barri per sempre.

I'm the new Sinatra

I'm the new Sinatra.

And since I made it here

And since I made it here

I can make it anywhere

I can make it anywhere.

Yeah, they love me everywhere

Yeah, they love me everywhere.

I used to cop at Harlem

I used to buy drugs in Harlem.

All of my Dominicanos

All of my Dominicans

Right there up on Broadway

Just there up on Broadway

Pulled me back to that McDonald's

Pulled me back to that McDonald's.

Took it to my stash spot

Ho vaig portar al meu lloc de subministres.

560 State Street

560 State Street

Catch me in the kitchen

Catch me in the kitchen.

Like the Simmons whipping pastries

Like the Simmons whipping pastries

Cruisin' down A Street

Cruisin' down A Street

Off the bad route

Off the bad route

que l'estribillo no arriba mai

that the chorus never arrives

és aquesta de l'Alicia Case

It is this one from Alicia Case.

que diu New York

what does New York say



ara sí que ens ho diu

now it really tells us

l'Alicia Case

Alicia Case

doncs bé, no es pot anar a New York City

Well, you can't go to New York City.

sense visitar l'Empire State

without visiting the Empire State

un edifici emblemàtic

an emblematic building

de Nova York

from New York

que tothom que va allà

that everyone who goes there

o que no hi vagi, desigual

or that does not go there, unequal

pot anar a aquesta cançó i ben amples

you can go to this song and nicely wide

el que passa és que ara sortirà

What happens is that it will come out now.

una localització que hem estat tractant ja

a location that we have been discussing already

en aquest programa

in this program

que també és un classiquíssim

that is also a classic

la cançó que es posa

the song that is played

ai, no cal que em diguis res més

Oh, you don’t need to tell me anything more.

no cal, no cal

no need, no need

de les pel·lícules i tot

of the movies and all

quan sona aquesta cançó ja ho viques a la ciutat

When this song plays, you already live in the city.

que romàntic

how romantic



i si l'he dit aviat

And if I said it early.


leave it

no em sap greu

I don't regret it.

l'Aure preté de tallar

Aure intends to cut.

no us animo a que vegeu la pel·li

I do not encourage you to watch the movie.

amb el títol d'aquesta cançó

with the title of this song

sí, és una gran pel·lícula

Yes, it is a great movie.

sí, sí

yes, yes

l'Aure, demanem

We ask for Aure.

que ho faci

let it be done

no, és que m'encanta

no, I just love it

no, sí, és veritat

No, yes, it's true.

la pel·lícula

the movie

és molt bona

it's very good

que, sí

that, yes

que parla sobre la vida de l'Edith Piaf

which talks about the life of Edith Piaf

una gran cantant francesa

a great French singer

i que la Marion Cotillard

and that Marion Cotillard

l'actriu que l'interpreta

the actress who plays her

va guanyar l'Òscar a millor interpretació

won the Oscar for best performance

com s'ho sap, eh?

How do you know, huh?



bueno, noia, sóc cinèfica

Well, girl, I'm a cinephile.

què m'hi fas?

What are you doing to me?

però bueno, que si vas a París

but well, if you go to Paris

vas a França, vas a qualsevol lloc

You're going to France, you're going anywhere.

és igual on sigui

It doesn’t matter where I am.

ni qui ni dia més parli

neither who nor day speaks more

si estàs a França

if you are in France

a França?

to France?

aquesta cançó

this song

però bé

but well

ens n'anem una mica a casa

We're going home for a bit.

ens anem una mica a casa

We're going home for a bit.

amb un cantant

with a singer

que a mi m'agrada molt

that I really like

em va decepcionar

it disappointed me

que flipes amb aquesta cançó

that you freak out with this song

però bueno

but well

escoltem a veure què ens diu

let's listen to see what it tells us

i a veure què ens diuen

and let's see what they tell us

i a veure què ens diu

and let's see what it tells us

En Barcelona

In Barcelona

A part que t'arruïnaràs

Apart from that, you will ruin yourself.

T'arruïnaràs un mal de panxa

You will ruin yourself with a stomachache.

O sigui, a Rambles

That is to say, on the Rambles.

No sé en quin moment un dia em va donar

I don't know at what moment one day it gave me.

Vaig pensar, mira això, pinta barat

I thought, look at this, it paints cheap.

Et feies un platet i valia

You made yourself a little dish and it was worth it.

No sé si 11 euros

I don't know if 11 euros.

No sé si era rot

I don't know if it was rot.

No sé què vaig menjar aquell dia

I don't know what I ate that day.

Vaig apagar

I turned off.

Que em van cobrar per un gotet

They charged me for a little glass.

No sé què coi vam agafar

I don't know what the hell we grabbed.

Per un rotllo això, sangria tal

For a roll of this, sangria such.

No sé si va ser per dos gots

I don't know if it was because of two glasses.

No us exagero

I'm not exaggerating to you.

15 euros

15 euros

I que vaig pensar, normal que el plat sigui barat

And what I thought was, it's normal for the dish to be cheap.

M'ho cobreu tot amb la beguda

You will cover it all with the drink.

I la terrassa, el suplement

And the terrace, the supplement.

Els coberts

The cutlery

Tots són impostos

They are all taxes.

I a més que no dines bé

And also, you don't dine well.

Perquè aquell menjar és una merda

Because that food is crap.

A part d'això

Apart from this

Què passa, que diuen que en una ciutat

What's going on, they say that in a city

El que passa en aquella ciutat

What happens in that city

Es queda en aquella ciutat

He stays in that city.

I el queridísimo Elvis Presley

And the dear Elvis Presley

Ho diu molt bé

He/She says it very well.

Jo no, perquè no hi he anat a Las Vegas

Not me, because I haven't been to Las Vegas.

Però, jo no, perquè no hi he anat a Las Vegas

But not me, because I haven't been to Las Vegas.

Però, sí que molta gent que hi va

But, yes, a lot of people go there.

Fot aquesta cançó

For this song

I, bueno, també és un tòpic

Well, it's also a cliché.

M'estàs fent sentir super inculta

You're making me feel super uncultured.

Perquè no sabia que l'Elvis Presley

Because I didn't know that Elvis Presley

Tenia aquesta cançó

I had this song.

Per favor, si és molt famosa

Please, if she is very famous

I la de les pel·lícules de l'Oeste

And that of the Western movies

És típica de l'Oeste

It is typical of the West.

De l'Oeste, aquesta?

From the West, this one?

Sí, de Las Vegas

Yes, from Las Vegas.

Home, no, no existia en Las Vegas

Man, no, it didn't exist in Las Vegas.

O del cinema americà

Or of American cinema

Ai, no, sí, jo l'he sentit

Oh, no, yes, I have heard it.

És d'una grepa que no existia

It is from a grape that did not exist.

Dels westerns, tup-tup

From the westerns, tup-tup

La va fer la màfia

The mafia did it.

En Las Vegas la va crear la màfia

In Las Vegas, it was created by the mafia.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Però, bueno, l'Elvis Presley

But, well, Elvis Presley

Bueno, que no li pega gaire

Well, it doesn't really suit him/her much.

Però, bueno, allà sí que hi ha

But, well, there is indeed.

Molts Elvis Presley falsos

Many fake Elvis Presleys

Que casen a la penya així, molt borratxo

They get married in the group like that, very drunk.

Bueno, pues...

Well, then...

Oye, pa'lante

Hey, forward!

L'última que us porto

The last one I bring you.

És una cançó que...

It's a song that...

Bueno, primer la deixem

Well, let's leave it for now.

Una miqueta, una miqueta

A little bit, a little bit

A veure què ens diu

Let's see what it tells us.



Sí, és que a mi m'ha sonat molt italiana, no?

Yes, it sounded very Italian to me, didn't it?

Mireu, us comentaré una cosa

Look, I'll tell you something.

És que no cal que la deixem més

We don't need to leave it any longer.



És padrina

She is a godmother.

És molt maca, eh?

It's very pretty, isn't it?

Travegilia sonoro

Sound travel

No es diu així

It's not called that.

Perquè, bueno, busques...

Because, well, you look for...

Ah, vale, perdó, perdó, perdó

Ah, okay, sorry, sorry, sorry.

D'en Jacques Géretz

Of Jacques Géretz

Géretz, no?

Géretz, right?

Bueno, perdó, el meu petit italian

Well, sorry, my little Italian.

En Jacques, en Jacques

In Jacques, in Jacques

En Jacques de tota la vida

In Jacques all his life.

En Jacques parla a los amigos

Jacques speaks to the friends.

Si vas a Itàlia

If you go to Italy

És imprescindible que posis

It is essential that you put.

Una maledicció típica de la Toscana

A typical curse from Tuscany

A la pedaça foto que li hauràs fet al paisatge

To the piece of photo you will have taken of the landscape.

I a la pizza

And to the pizza.

I a la pizza, evidentment

And on the pizza, obviously.

Independentment de si estàs a la Toscana, Sicília

Regardless of whether you are in Tuscany, Sicily.

I els alts italians

And the tall Italians


Of water

Tota la música d'Itàlia sona igual, no?

All the music from Italy sounds the same, right?

Per la gent que no...

For the people who don't...

Bueno, en fi

Well, anyway.

Un poco de cultura

A little culture

Bàsicament, tot t'és igual

Basically, everything is the same to you.

I et dona la sensació que estàs fent

It gives you the feeling that you are doing.

Qual Furious Baco de PortAventura

Qual Furious Bacchus of PortAventura


Will you do it?

Espera que no et posin

Wait for them not to put you.

Una comparació

A comparison

El Bella Ciao

The beautiful goodbye

Ah, bueno, clar

Ah, well, of course.

Aquesta és una altra

This is another one.

El Bella Ciao

The Beautiful Goodbye

Que tampoc ningú sap d'on has sortit

That nobody knows where you came from either.

I quan la gent...

And when people...

Bueno, clar

Well, of course.

Et veus els de Derek Chita

Do you see the Derek Chita ones?

Cantant Bella Ciao

Singing Bella Ciao



En un mític de box

In a boxing myth

Arrel de la sèrie de Netflix

Based on the Netflix series

També Déu-n'hi-do, eh?

Well, that's impressive, isn't it?

Sí, clar

Yes, of course.

S'ha posat de moda

It has become fashionable.

Veus els Cayetanos cantant Bella Ciao

Do you see the Cayetanos singing Bella Ciao?

I tu no saps de d'on ve

And you don't know where it comes from.

Ignasi, no m'ensenyis l'aire, eh?

Ignasi, don't show me the air, okay?

Tu no ho saps

You don't know it.

Però bueno, ja veieu que...

But well, you can see that...

El mític és l'aire

The mythical is the air.

A través de la música

Through music

També es pot viatjar

You can also travel.

I és superimportant

And it's super important.

Aquí hem fet una mica de tòpic

Here we have made a bit of a topic.

Dels Instastories

Of the Instastories

Perquè les xarxes socials

Because social networks

Blablabla, eh?

Blablabla, huh?

Però bé

But okay

Sí que hi ha gent pesadita, eh?

Yes, there are some really annoying people, huh?

Amb una miqueta d'originalitat

With a little bit of originality

O ha buscat alguna cosa

He has looked for something.

Que no...


Bé, és igual

Well, it doesn't matter.

Ja m'heu entès

You have understood me now.

Que t'agradi

That you like it.

Que t'agradi en el moment

That you like in the moment.

I ja està

And that's it.

Està molt bé per ambientar

It's very good for setting the mood.

La veritat

The truth

Està molt bé per ambientar

It's very good for setting the mood.

Però clar

But of course

Si ja estàs allà

If you're already there

Què més et dóna?

What else does it give you?

Si ja estàs allà

If you're already there


Enjoy it!

I ja està

And that's it.







I molt més

And much more

Cada setmana

Every week



Soc una pesada

I am a drag.

I continuo parlant

I continue talking.

Sí, però bueno

Yes, but well.

Una de les coses més divertides

One of the funniest things

De viatjar

Of traveling

I que fan que cada viatge

And what makes every trip

Sigui una experiència única

May it be a unique experience.

Són les anècdotes

They are the anecdotes.



En tenim per donar i per vendre

We have plenty to give and to sell.

Que ja les comentarem

We'll discuss them later.



Però hem volgut anar

But we wanted to go

Una miqueta més enllà

A little bit further on

I demà

And tomorrow

A joves i adolescents

To young people and adolescents

Les coses i experiències

Things and experiences

Més surrealistes

More surrealists

O divertides

Oh fun!

Que han viscut

What they have lived.

Estan de viatge

They are traveling.

Ens han enviat uns talls de veu

They have sent us some voice clips.

Perquè no han pogut ser aquí

Because they have not been able to be here.

Amb nosaltres al programa

With us on the program

Però oye

But hey

Se agradece, eh?

It's appreciated, right?

Voleu enviar-vos coses

Do you want to send each other things?

Per la temporada que ve

For next season

Sí, també

Yes, me too.

Sí, recordem el número de telèfon

Yes, we remember the phone number.

Algú se'l sap de memòria?

Does anyone know it by heart?

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Jo el tinc aquí

I have him here.

Vinga, ara

Come on, now.

Ara te'l diu

Now I'll tell you.

Ara fem una miqueta espòil

Now let's have a little fun.

Coses del directe, senyores i senyors

Things of the live show, ladies and gentlemen.

No, no ens truqueu, eh?

No, don’t call us, okay?



No, ara no, ara no

No, not now, not now.

Sisplau, que és molt tard

Please, it's very late.

I sobretot dieu

And above all, you say

Que és per rocoseta

What is it for rocky?

És el 608-150309

It is the 608-150309.



Torna-ho a repetir

Say it again.



Sembla flash

It looks like flash.

Perquè ara demanarem una cançó

Because now we will ask for a song.

Això no ho hem fet en tota la

We haven't done this the whole time.

Ràdio RM

Radio RM

Això no ho hem fet en tota la temporada

We haven't done this all season.

Però eh, ha quedat molt bé, no?

But hey, it turned out really well, right?

Anem amb el primer tall de veu

Let's go with the first voice cut.

Eloi, tinc 21 anys

Eloi, I am 21 years old.

I l'experiència més surrealista

And the most surreal experience.

Que he tingut de viatge

What I have had from traveling

És un dia que estava

It's a day that was

En un hostel de Budapest

In a hostel in Budapest

Van entrar quatre catalanes

Four Catalans entered.

Al hostel

To the hostel

I vam començar a criticar

And we started to criticize.

I fins i tot van arribar a dir

And they even went so far as to say

Que li fan molta por dels peus

That he/she is very scared of feet.

A l'home que tinc aquí davant

To the man I have in front of me.

Llavors van dir que

Then they said that

Si imaginaven que aquest tio fos català

If they imagined that this guy was Catalan.

I jo quan vaig respondre

And I when I replied

Vaig dir que sí

I said yes.

I bé, i això és tot

And well, that’s all.

O sigui, no m'imagino el moment de

I mean, I can't imagine the moment of

T'imagines que aquest home és català

Can you imagine that this man is Catalan?

Eh, escolta, a sobre

Hey, listen, above.

Home, que és un nano

Dude, what is a kid?

Que en aquell moment tenia 18 anys

That at that moment was 18 years old.

Li van dir home

They told him man.

Imagina quan dius

Imagine when you say

Sí, és que sóc català

Yes, it's that I am Catalan.

Quina cara deus posar

What face must you put on?

Si ets les noves

If you are the new ones.

Aquest peu potent

This powerful foot

Jo crec que

I believe that

Bé, jo sóc aquella persona

Well, I am that person.

I t'hi retrega a mi

And it reproaches you to me.

Perquè és veritat que

Because it is true that

Quan vas de viatge

When are you going on a trip?

No us passa que us venen ganes

Doesn't it happen to you that you suddenly feel like it?

Dins del de tothom

Inside everyone's.

Perquè ningú s'entera

So that nobody finds out.

Però no saps

But you don't know.

Et pots creuar com li va passar a l'Eloi

You can cross over like it happened to Eloi.

Aquí està la cosa

Here is the thing.

Bé, experiències

Well, experiences

Jo a Viena recordo que

I remember that in Vienna

Vaig estar

I was

O sigui, estava passejant per la fira de Nadal

So, I was walking through the Christmas fair.

No sé què

I don't know what.

I em van dir

They told me.

I hi havia una parella

And there was a couple.

Amb un fill petit, un bebè

With a small child, a baby.

I que parlava en català

And he/she spoke in Catalan.

I s'estaven intentant fer una selfie

They were trying to take a selfie.

Però clar, el nen no estava quieto

But of course, the boy wasn't still.

I vaig, m'acosto i els hi dic

I go, I get closer and I tell them.

Voleu que us faci la foto?

Do you want me to take the photo for you?

Perquè clar, ja veies que eren catalans

Because of course, you could see they were Catalans.

I dic, bé, doncs

I say, well then.

Se'n van girar com super espantats

They turned around super scared.

En plan, m'han entès, saps?

Like, they understood me, you know?

Però com, fins i tot ofesos i tot

But how, even in a state of shock and all?

I jo, bé, si no vols no et fas la foto

And me, well, if you don't want to, don't take the photo.

Entra aquí, no passa res

Come in here, nothing is happening.

Sí, sí, bé, curiositats

Yes, yes, well, curiosities.

A veure què ens diuen

Let's see what they tell us.

Hola, em dic Iris

Hello, my name is Iris.

I tinc 22 anys

I am 22 years old.

I aquesta anècdota va passar fa dos anys

And this anecdote happened two years ago.

Era la primera vegada que jo anava a volar

It was the first time I was going to fly.

O sigui, que anava a agafar un vol

So, I was going to catch a flight.

I anava a fer un viatge amb la meva mare a Viena

I was going to take a trip to Vienna with my mother.

Tot i que estàvem a l'aeroport

Although we were at the airport

I per X coses

And for X things

Arribàvem tard al vol

We were late for the flight.

Però arribàvem tard

But we were arriving late.

Però l'avió seguia allà

But the plane was still there.

Però bé, la senyora que estava a la porta

But well, the lady who was at the door

No ens deixava entrar

He wouldn't let us in.

Total, que mi mare i jo

So, my mother and I

Jo em vaig posar a plorar com a louca

I started to cry like crazy.

A cridar-li a la noia

Calling the girl.

És que és el meu primer vol

It's just that it's my first flight.

Que vaig agafar, deixeu-me pujar

That I took, let me go up.

Que l'avió està allà, no sé què

That the plane is there, I don't know what.

Mi mare es va posar a fer patades a la porta

My mother started kicking the door.

De l'embarc

From the embark

I fins que van haver de trucar a la seguretat

And until they had to call security.

I res, ens vam retirar cordialment

And nothing, we retired cordially.

I vam haver de treure un vol

We had to take a flight.

Per més tard

For later

Al final vam anar a Viena

In the end, we went to Vienna.

Però bé, ens vam gastar un petit més de diners

But well, we spent a little more money.

I vam fer una mica el pari-pari

And we did a little bit of the pari-pari.

En l'aeroport

At the airport

O sigui, després de liar la pare

So, after messing things up

Em dius que nos fuimos cordialmente

You tell me that we left cordially.

Bueno, Iris

Well, Iris



Jo, d'anècdotes als aeroports

Me, anecdotes at airports.



Què hi ha a Viena?

What is there in Vienna?



És molt maco, Viena

It's very beautiful, Vienna.

El Viena

The Vienna




Mira, maca

Look, beautiful.

No, no és maco

No, it's not nice.

No, no és rococó

No, it's not rococo.

Saps què em passa?

Do you know what’s happening to me?

Que jo allà vaig conèixer un amor

That I met a love there.

Que vaig tenir

That I had

I llavors no vaig donar-hi gaire interès

And then I didn't pay much attention to it.

Al que era la ciutat

To what was the city

Per tant, vaig fer un buit allà

Therefore, I made a gap there.

Estaves focalitzada

You were focused.

I mira que m'hi vaig...

And look, I'm going there...

No, de fet no era de Viena

No, in fact, he was not from Vienna.

El vaig conèixer allà

I met him there.

I me'l vaig trobar fent interrail com jo

I ran into him doing interrail like I was.

No, no era de Viena

No, it wasn't from Vienna.

Però he de dir que vaig estar quatre dies

But I have to say that I was there for four days.

I no me'n recordo de res

And I don't remember anything.

Sí, me'n recordo de quatre carrers principals

Yes, I remember four main streets.

Del riu que ens vam sentar allà

From the river where we sat there.

En el canal

In the channel

Això de Couchsurfing

This Couchsurfing thing

Ah, mira

Ah, look.

Això de Couchsurfing

This thing about Couchsurfing

Que he explicat abans

What I explained earlier.

Era per casa, tal

It was at home, like that.

Doncs també és guai

Well, it's cool too.

Perquè hi ha com...

Because there is like...

S'organitzen trobades

Meetings are organized.

Entre Couchsurfing

Between Couchsurfing

I pots oferir grups de WhatsApp

And you can offer WhatsApp groups.

I tu t'inscrius com entres

And you sign up as you enter.

No, Tinder no

No, not Tinder.

És més com per fer quedades

It's more about making plans.

Més aviat culturals

Rather cultural

Jo em vaig acabar ajuntant

I ended up getting together.

No sé si amb 30 o 40 persones

I don't know if with 30 or 40 people.

Però de Turquia, Iran, d'Alemanya

But from Turkey, Iran, Germany.

Bueno, de tot el món, vaja

Well, of the whole world, indeed.

I va ser molt guai

It was very cool.

I va ser allà al costat del canal, riu

It was there next to the canal, river.

Sí, el de Nubi

Yes, the one from Nubi.

El de Nubi

The one from Nubia

Sí, a veure, no

Yes, let's see, no.

Està guai, Viena

It's cool, Vienna.

És una ciutat europea

It is a European city.

De l'època de l'imperialisme

From the era of imperialism.

I és guai

And it's cool.

Perquè si t'agrada l'art

Because if you like art

Els edificis són increïbles

The buildings are incredible.

Tot l'estil barroc i tal

All the baroque style and such.

Aquí podria fer molta promoció

Here I could do a lot of promotion.

Però si no t'agosta

But if you don't like it

Viena patrocina

Vienna sponsors

Viena, tant de bo

Vienna, I wish.

Jo he de dir que potser venint de Salzburg

I have to say that perhaps coming from Salzburg

Que acabava d'estar a Salzburg

I had just been in Salzburg.

Salzburg també hi ha estat

Salzburg has also been there.

Que és un altre rotllum

What is another rotllum?

És més petitó, és veritat

He is smaller, that's true.

Allò en dos dies ja t'ho has patejat tot

In two days, you've already endured everything.

Però clar, era tan petitó

But of course, he was so little.

És més poble

It is more of a village.

És més cucu

It's more cuckoo.

Però bé, jo el que anava a explicar

But well, what I was going to explain

D'aventures als aeroports

Adventures at the airports

No sé si us en recordeu

I don't know if you remember it.

D'aquell any, crec que va ser el 2011

From that year, I think it was 2011.

Que hi va aquella vaga

What that strike is about.

Estratosfèrica del control de dos aeris

Stratospheric control of two aircraft

Bueno, jo aquell dia anava

Well, that day I was going.

De viatge amb els meus pares

Traveling with my parents

Total, acabem d'estar allà

Total, we just got there.

Ens van cancel·lar el vol

They cancelled our flight.

Vam estar sis hores fent

We spent six hours doing.

A cua

In line

A veure la companyia què ens deia

Let's see what the company was telling us.

No anàvem a Ryanair

We weren't going to Ryanair.

Per tant ens van poder solucionar alguna cosa

Therefore, they were able to solve something for us.

Perquè si no

Because if not

Hashtag odiamos Ryanair

Hashtag we hate Ryanair

Els vols baratos s'agraeixen

Cheap flights are appreciated.

Però clar, si tens un problema

But of course, if you have a problem.



Llavors què passa, que ens van dir

So what happens is that they told us.

Mira, doncs vosaltres podeu anar

Look, then you can go.

A agafar un vol a Toulouse

To catch a flight to Toulouse.

Si voleu

If you want

I nosaltres vam dir

And we said

Anem a Toulouse

Let's go to Toulouse.

Total, que vam anar

So, we went.

A Toulouse

In Toulouse

Amb cotxe

By car

Quatre hores de cotxe cap a Toulouse

Four hours by car to Toulouse.

Anem a Toulouse

Let's go to Toulouse.

Deixem allà, ens passem la nit en un hotel

Let's leave it there, we spend the night in a hotel.

Deixem allà el cotxe i tal

Let's leave the car there and such.

Anem a Viena

Let's go to Vienna.

Era un vol que s'havia de fer com a escala

It was a flight that had to be made as a layover.

Llavors, en aquella escala

Then, on that scale

Què passa, l'avió va anar amb retard

What's happening, did the flight arrive late?

Aquella escala la vam perdre

We lost that ladder.

Però llavors quan vam arribar allà

But then when we arrived there

Vam haver de fer com una hora de cua

We had to wait in line for about an hour.

Per poder agafar l'altre avió

To be able to catch the other plane.

Que ens havien assignat

That they had assigned us.

Què passa?

What's happening?

L'altre avió sortia en 20 minuts

The other plane was leaving in 20 minutes.

A l'altra punta de l'aeroport de Frankfurt

At the other end of Frankfurt airport

I l'altra punta de l'aeroport de Frankfurt

And the other end of Frankfurt airport

Estava perquè et posava

I was because I was putting you.

És que és enorme

It’s just that it’s huge.

No sé si ja heu estat a l'aeroport de Frankfurt

I don't know if you have been to Frankfurt airport yet.

No, però jo ja m'he perdut

No, but I have already gotten lost.

Sí, sí, imagina't jo

Yes, yes, just imagine me.

11 anys tenia, o sigui, no més

I was 11 years old, that is, no more.

I res, total, que vam haver de córrer

And nothing, basically, we had to run.

Però com uns desgraciats

But like some wretches.

Vam arribar a Viena a les tantes del matí

We arrived in Vienna at the crack of dawn.

I llavors, què passa?

And then, what happens?

El viatge molt bé

The trip went very well.

Ostres, i la tornada al cotxe?

Wow, and the return to the car?

I llavors?

And then?

La tornada, aquí està, lo graciós

The return, here it is, the funny part.

A la tornada, què va passar?

On the way back, what happened?

Que havíem de volar a Frankfurt, també

We had to fly to Frankfurt, too.

Però hi havia un temporal i una boira de l'hòstia

But there was a storm and a hell of a fog.

Llavors, ens van derivar a un altre lloc

Then, they referred us to another place.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Que vam arribar un dia més tard a Toulouse

That we arrived a day later in Toulouse.

Perquè, clar, no podíem

Because, of course, we couldn't.

Ens van dir, podeu tornar a Barcelona?

They told us, can you return to Barcelona?

I nosaltres, no, que el cotxe el tenim a Toulouse

And we don't, because the car is in Toulouse.

Sí, sí, tal qual

Yes, yes, just like that.

Aquesta cançó és la banda sonora d'aquest viatge

This song is the soundtrack of this journey.

És que aquell viatge a sobre

It's just that that trip on top.

Quan vam arribar a Viena a l'hotel

When we arrived at the hotel in Vienna.

Havien donat la nostra habitació a una altra persona

They had given our room to someone else.

Sí, perquè fa molt els hotels

Yes, because it has been a long time since hotels.

S'havien equivocat de cognom

They had mistaken the surname.

Mira que el meu cognom és, bueno, difícil d'igualar

Look that my last name is, well, difficult to match.

La esquina

The corner

La veritat

The truth

I a Viena, clar

And in Vienna, of course.

Doncs havien donat la nostra habitació

They had given away our room.

I ens van donar una suite

And they gave us a suite.

Però una suite

But a suite

Ah, bueno, encara millor

Ah, well, even better.

Que no ho vam poder trobar així, saps?

We couldn't find it like that, you know?

Sí, sí, però ens van donar una suite

Yes, yes, but they gave us a suite.

Ara, a la suite no li funcionava ni l'aigua freda, res

Now, in the suite, neither the cold water was working, nothing.

És que aquell viatge va ser increïble

That trip was amazing.

Deveu recuperar el cotxe

You must retrieve the car.

Sí, sí, el cotxe el vam recuperar

Yes, yes, we recovered the car.

I ja està, bé, fin de la història

And that's it, well, the end of the story.

Déu-n'hi-do, quin estrès, eh?

Wow, what stress, huh?

Allò no us va servir per desconnectar, però ni de lluny, eh?

That didn't help you disconnect, not even close, right?

Bueno, va ser un viatge que el recordem amb molt d'amor

Well, it was a trip that we remember with a lot of love.

Però, clar, el fas ara i rius més

But, of course, you do it now and you laugh more.

Però amb els meus pares, pobres, amb dues nenes petites

But with my parents, poor things, with two little girls.

Clar, perquè tu tenies 11 anys

Of course, because you were 11 years old.

Però la teva germana havia de ser...

But your sister had to be...

La meva germana en tenia 4

My sister had 4 of them.

És que, clar

It's just that, of course.

Sí, clar, fent càlculs, 4

Yes, of course, calculating, 4.

Sí, sí, clar, 4

Yes, yes, of course, 4.

Sí, però una d'altres

Yes, but another one.

Sí, no, i aeroports

Yes, no, and airports.

1.000 coses ens han passat

1,000 things have happened to us.

Les maletes encara no les he perdut mai, que què em fosta

I have never lost my suitcases yet, what would happen to me?

Que és molt típic perdre les maletes, eh?

It's very typical to lose your luggage, isn't it?

Sí, sí, sí, molt típic

Yes, yes, yes, very typical.

Què hi fan amb les maletes?

What are they doing with the suitcases?



Senyor de la cinta de les maletes

Mister of the suitcase tape

O a vegades et pots trobar que algú...

Or sometimes you may find that someone...

O com que ho descarrega una màquina es perden o queden per allà

Or because it is downloaded by a machine, they get lost or remain around there.

Jo sempre estic a l'hora de treure les maletes a la cinta

I am always on time to take the suitcases from the conveyor belt.

Sempre estic allà amb el home en xau

I am always there with the man in the shawl.

En plan, que ningú em rebi la puta maleta, eh?

Like, nobody better take my damn suitcase, ok?

Deu fer com jo, també, no facturar la maleta, pujar-la a dalt

You must do like me, too, not check the bag, take it up with you.

Però cada vegada són més petites les maletes que volen anar a dalt

But the suitcases that want to go up are becoming smaller and smaller.

Clar, ara fan les 13-14, eh?

Sure, now it's around 1-2 PM, right?

Sí, depèn de la companyia aèria

Yes, it depends on the airline.

Et fan el vol més barat, però sense les maletes

They give you the cheapest flight, but without the luggage.

Perquè llavors, quan compris la maleta, et sortia el vol al preu que hi ha realment, saps?

Because then, when you bought the suitcase, the flight came out at the price that it really is, you know?

Però bueno, no sé si teníeu alguna anècdota més a comentar

But well, I don't know if you had any other anecdotes to share.

Ah, jo sí

Ah, I do.

Sí? Vinga, va, dale

Yes? Come on, go for it.

Jo vaig anar en un viatge a Londres

I went on a trip to London.

Amb la meva mare, una seva amiga, uns amics, vale?

With my mother, a friend of hers, some friends, okay?

Total, que vàrem anar...

In total, we went...

Anem aquí, anem aquí, que hi ha molta gent, anem aquí, anem aquí

Let's go here, let's go here, there are a lot of people, let's go here, let's go here.

Ens vam ficar en una església, vale?

We went into a church, okay?

Però no t'ho perdis, visca el segurati i la tenc

But don't miss it, long live the segurati and the tenc.

O sigui, a missa, amb anglès

So, at mass, in English.

Això no és el pitjor

This is not the worst.

I anglicanes

And Anglicans

La gent d'Anglaterra riuen a les misses, vale?

The people of England laugh at the masses, okay?

I clar, tothom es va fotre a riure

And of course, everyone burst out laughing.

I nosaltres, callats, perquè no entens ni papa, vale?

And we, quiet, because you don't understand a thing, okay?

I després ens vam posar a riure

And then we started to laugh.

No sé què els hi va dir

I don't know what he told them.

I llavors, els anglesos ens van mirar tots malament

And then, the English looked at us all badly.

Volguent dir, perquè el mossèn no sé què va dir

Wanting to say, because I don't know what the priest said.

Volguent dir, prou o no sé què

Wanting to say enough or I don't know what.

I tothom, ara què collons riuen aquests tontos

And everyone, now what the hell are those fools laughing at?

I ens va passar un parell de vegades i va ser molt engonyós

And it happened to us a couple of times and it was very annoying.

Perquè vam dir, marxem dissimuladament

Because we said, let's leave discreetly.

Però no, no, la porta estava tancada i un home allà així

But no, no, the door was closed and a man there like this.

I tu, en plan, bueno, doncs aquí ens estem, saps?

And you, like, well, here we are, you know?

I quant va durar aquesta missa?

And how long did this mass last?

Una hora i mitja

One hour and a half

Aquesta que és la millor part

This is the best part.

Una hora i mitja allà aguantant el sermón

An hour and a half there enduring the sermon.

Que no entens ni papa

That you don't understand a word.

Perquè mira, si ho entens dius encara

Because look, if you understand it, you still say.

Bueno, quan es passa una estona escoltant aquest bon home

Well, when you spend some time listening to this good man

Però si sobre no l'entens

But if you don't understand it.

La gent reia i volien que tu riessis amb ells

People were laughing and they wanted you to laugh with them.

O sigui, una missa així molt dinàmica, saps?

I mean, a very dynamic mass like this, you know?

Un consell que us dono

A piece of advice I give you.

Si heu de canviar diners

If you need to change money


Gràcies per gravar-me el riure

Thank you for recording my laugh.

Ah, no, és del meu riure?

Ah, no, is it about my laugh?

Bueno, si ja semblava

Well, if it already seemed so.

No cal

No need.

Que pot semblar

What it may seem

Gràcies, Laura

Thank you, Laura.

Que pot semblar molt lògic

That may seem very logical.

Però no canvieu diners a l'aeroport

But don't exchange money at the airport.

Et claven

They stab you.

No, et claven, no, et timen

No, they rip you off, no, they scam you.

A mi em van donar unes lliures angleses

I was given some English pounds.

Que em va dir el senyor de l'hostal

What the innkeeper told me.

Que feia anys

That it had been years.

Que estaven fora

That they were outside.

De circulació

Of circulation

I clar, jo allà

And of course, I there

Jo anava amb 20 lliures

I was carrying 20 pounds.

Amb bitllets de 10

With 10 euro notes.

Que no podia fer servir

That I couldn't use.

Que m'havien timat

That they had scammed me.

Com 25 paus

Like 25 cents.

I vaig anar a no sé quants bancs

I went to I don't know how many banks.

I tots els bancs

And all the banks.

I'm so sorry

Ho sento molt.

Però no t'ho podem canviar

But we can't change it for you.

Si no ets clienta del banc

If you are not a bank customer

I dic, ara no m'obriré un compte

I say, now I won't open an account.

I dic, cuida-ho

I say, take care of it.

Llavors al final el senyor de l'hostal

Then in the end the innkeeper

Molt amable em va dir

Very kind he/she told me.

Ja t'ho canvio jo

I'll change it for you.

I aniré jo a canviar

I will go to change.

I dic, gràcies que hi ha bones persones en aquest món

I say, thank you that there are good people in this world.

Però si no canvieu

But if you don't change

Jo diria que sí que vaig canviar

I would say that yes, I did change.

A l'aeroport

At the airport

A mi em van timar

I was scammed.

A Marroc, crec que va ser

In Morocco, I think it was.

Us dic una cosa

I'll tell you something.

Ara amb la targeta

Now with the card

Com aquell qui diu

As they say

Sempre has de portar algú de metàl·lic

You always have to bring someone metallic.

Per si de cas

Just in case

Sortia la reina jove

The young queen was leaving.


From England

Hòstia, jove

Holy shit, dude.

Aquesta dona ja és un dinosaure

This woman is already a dinosaur.

Que es jubili ja, per favor

Please retire already.

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton

Sí, la Middleton

Yes, the Middleton

Hòstia, aquesta quina por

Damn, that scared me.

Quan sigui reina

When I am queen

No, però sí, va ser curiós

No, but yes, it was curious.

També aquell viatge

Also that trip

I llavors hi ha anècdotes

And then there are anecdotes.

Que no us ha passat

What hasn't happened to you?

De veure altres persones

To see other people

I sentir vergüenza ajena

And feel second-hand embarrassment.

De dir, què estàs fotent

What are you doing?

Vaig anar a Auschwitz

I went to Auschwitz.

Amb el meu pare fa un parell d'anys

With my father a couple of years ago.

I evidentment és un lloc de respecte

And obviously, it is a place of respect.

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no

Sí, sí, el camp de concentració

Yes, yes, the concentration camp.

Clar, però és un lloc de respecte

Of course, but it is a place of respect.

Que vas allà

What are you doing there?

Surt tocadíssim

He comes out completely wasted.

I estaven fent la visita i tal

They were doing the visit and such.

I et porten a Gonta

They are taking you to Gonta.

Arribaven els presoners

The prisoners were arriving.

Bé, és que clar, presoners

Well, it's just that, prisoners

Bueno, els agafaven

Well, they took them.

A les vies del tren

On the train tracks.

I tu que estàs allà

And you who are there

En plan, és que no saps on fotre't

It's like, you don't know where to go.

Perquè és que és tot massa dur

Because everything is too hard.

I veus, és que vaig veure un tio

And you see, it's just that I saw a guy.



Es fot així, fent com això dels dos

It happens like this, doing like this with the two.

Amb els dits

With the fingers

Per la foto, en plan

For the photo, in plan.

I la seva dona fent-li

And his wife doing it for him.

Però en plan ajupida, saps?

But in a crouched way, you know?

Allà posant bé la quadra

There putting the square in place.

Com vinga, vinga, i l'altra

Come on, come on, and the other one.

Vinga, xis

Come on, shhh.

I jo pensant, a veure, quina vergonya

And I'm thinking, let's see, what a shame.

O sigui, com tens els collons de fer això aquí

So, how do you have the guts to do this here?

Sí, sí, és que hi ha

Yes, yes, there is.

Hi ha penya

There are people.

Que, bueno, aquell moment

Well, that moment.

Sí, és que les anècdotes fan els viatges únics

Yes, it’s the anecdotes that make trips unique.

Realment, és curiós

Really, it's curious.

I parlant de fotos, podríem explicar 50.000 històries

And speaking of photos, we could tell 50,000 stories.

I amb el pal selfie és tan típic

And with the selfie stick, it's so typical.

Com va sortir el pal selfie?

How did the selfie stick come about?

Bueno, és que de fet

Well, it's just that in fact

El van estar, bueno, estava prohibit

They were, well, it was prohibited.

A molts museus

To many museums

A Port Aventura

To Port Aventura

Cony, perquè la gent li donava amb les escultures

Damn, why were people messing with the sculptures?

Amb el pal selfie

With the selfie stick

I ara no sabien on era

And now they didn't know where it was.

Ni què tenien al voltant

Nor what they had around.

Faig una reivindicació, la gent que utilitza el pal selfie

I make a claim, the people who use the selfie stick.

No mira res, però res de res

Doesn't look at anything, but nothing at all.

Perquè més d'un cop el pal va a un restaurant

Because more than once the stick goes to a restaurant.

Jo em ve de gust

I feel like it.

Explicar una anècdota

To explain an anecdote.

A moda reflexió

As a reflection on fashion

Per qui ens pugui estar escoltant

For anyone who might be listening to us.

Si li ha passat mai

If it has ever happened to him/her

Si li ha de passar algun cop

If it has to happen to him/her at some point

I jo us he dit abans

And I have told you before.

Ai, és que em posen aquestes musiquetes

Oh, it's just that these little tunes get to me.

Que vaig fer un interraïl

That I went on an interrail.

Va ser fantàstic, sí

It was fantastic, yes.

Menys el primer dia

Except for the first day.

Què em va passar el primer dia?

What happened to me on the first day?

Jo em vaig fer un mig planning així de

I made myself a half planning like this.

Bueno, tinc pensat fer això

Well, I plan to do this.

Sobretot la meva obsessió era

Above all, my obsession was

Com marxo, com surto del país

How do I leave, how do I exit the country?

Molt emocionant

Very exciting

I vaig pensar, bueno, agafo un AVE

I thought, well, I'll take an AVE.

Vaig fins a França, aquesta zona

I'm going to France, this area.

Després agafo, perquè havia d'anar

Then I take it, because I had to go.

Passar la primera nit a Milà

Spending the first night in Milan.

A Milà, no

Not in Milan.

Què em va passar?

What happened to me?

Arribo a l'estació

I arrive at the station.

I com aquí som rates, a més no poder

And how here we are like rats, to the point of not being able to.

Em diuen, no, és que per agafar aquest AVE

They tell me, no, it's just that to take this AVE.

Has de pagar un suplement

You have to pay a surcharge.

I jo pensant, bueno, ja tinc el bitllet

And I thinking, well, I already have the ticket.

Això t'ha de servir per tot

This should be useful for everything.

No, no, si és a alta velocitat

No, no, if it's high speed.

Has de pagar un suplement

You have to pay an extra charge.

Cosa que pocs països d'Europa et fan això

Something that few countries in Europe do for you.

I el suplement era de 54 euros

And the supplement was 54 euros.

Ja em dius, tu, 54 euros

You tell me, 54 euros.

Te'n vas, et compres gairebé el bitllet

You're leaving, you're almost buying the ticket.

Tu sola per anar a París o per anar on vulguis a França

You alone to go to Paris or to go wherever you want in France.

Amb l'AVE

With the AVE (high-speed train)

Tot el que vaig dir, no, no, no

Everything I said, no, no, no.

Quines opcions tinc?

What options do I have?

I em van dir, doncs res, agafar el regional

They told me, so nothing, take the regional train.

I anar tirant, nena, cap a Cervera

I'll keep going, girl, towards Cervera.

I què va fer la Laura? Doncs anar tirant cap a Cervera amb el regional

And what did Laura do? Well, she went on towards Cervera by the regional train.

Un cop fora

Once outside

Vaig haver de costejar

I had to bear the cost.

Tota la costa

The whole coast

I vaig pensar, vale, crec que l'últim

I thought, okay, I think that's the last one.

Era a Nissa

It was in Nice.

I allà acabava com els trajectes

And there it ended like the journeys.

Més a prop de Milà

Closer to Milan

Vaig acabar a Nissa i vaig pensar

I ended up in Nice and I thought.

Val, doncs allà veig que surt això de

Okay, so there I see that this comes out of

Flixbooks, no sé si ho coneixeu

Flixbooks, I don't know if you know it.

Són busos, és com una cadena

They are buses, it's like a chain.

Com els trajectes més principals dels països europeus

Like the main routes of European countries.

Com per exemple Barcelona-Madrid

For example, Barcelona-Madrid.

L'alça d'aquí a Espanya, no

The rise here in Spain, no.

No sé per què no es coneix l'alça

I don't know why the increase isn't known.

Però és Flixbooks, és com l'empresa europea

But it is Flixbooks, it is like the European company.

Que et fa viatges de Barcelona-Madrid

What makes you travel from Barcelona to Madrid?





Trajectes llargs a preus

Long journeys at prices

Bé, molt econòmics

Well, very cheap.



Què em va passar?

What happened to me?

Vaig tot contenta

I go very happily.

Ja he agafat un bus, me'n vaig aquesta nit

I have already taken a bus, I'm leaving tonight.

Arriba l'hora a Milano

The hour arrives in Milan.

Total, que el tren va amb retras

In short, the train is running late.

Arribo a les 9

I arrive at 9.

Ah, i el bus sortia a les 9

Ah, and the bus was leaving at 9.

Jo me n'adono que aquest bus

I realize that this bus

No sortia de l'estació on arribava

I wouldn't leave the station where I was arriving.

Sinó que sortia des de l'aeroport

But it was leaving from the airport.

I em veus a mi pagant, crec que van ser 7 euros

And you see me paying, I think it was 7 euros.

De bus per anar fins a l'aeroport

By bus to get to the airport.

Aquestes estafes com passa a Barcelona mateix

These scams happen just like in Barcelona itself.

Que et cobren un suplement del copó

That they charge you a supplement for the cup.

Ens treuen suplements

They are taking away our supplements.

De sí, modo turista

Of yes, tourist mode.


I arrive.

Amb tot l'estrès

With all the stress

I què passa?

And what happens?

Que no arribava, no volia perdre els 17 euros

He wasn't arriving, he didn't want to lose the 17 euros.

Que em va costar el bitllet

It cost me the ticket.

I vaig anul·lar el trajecte

I canceled the trip.

I vaig arribar allà esperant que sortiria algun altre bus

I arrived there hoping that another bus would come out.

Total, que arribo i hi havia un bus

So, I arrive and there was a bus.

Però era el que jo havia anul·lat la reserva

But it was I who had canceled the reservation.

Total, que l'home em diu

So, the man tells me

Si em dónes 50 euros et deixo pujar el bus

If you give me 50 euros, I'll let you get on the bus.

Gran experiència la meva

Great experience of mine.



Exacte, aquesta va ser la meva resposta

Exactly, that was my answer.

No, ni de conya et penso donar 50 euros

No, I definitely won't give you 50 euros.

M'acostarà més al final això

This will bring me closer to the end.

Que haver agafat el primer àvig

That must have taken the first eagle.

Et volia regatar?

Did you want to catch me?

Sí, em volia estafar

Yes, he/she wanted to cheat me.

Em va veure molt desesperada

He saw me very desperate.

Que no parlava l'idioma

That I did not speak the language.

Ell me parlava italià

He spoke to me in Italian.

La gent té una mala llet de veritat

People have really bad intentions.

Sí, em parlava italià

Yes, she spoke to me in Italian.

Perquè el xòfer era d'Itàlia

Because the driver was from Italy.


I suppose.

I em parlava italià

He/She was speaking Italian to me.

Veia que jo estava desesperada

I saw that I was desperate.

Que eren les 9 i mitja de la nit

It was 9:30 at night.

Estava a Nice

I was in Nice.

I no tenia pensat quedar-me allà

I had not planned to stay there.

I vaig haver de passar nit a l'aeroport

I had to spend the night at the airport.

Tancat, que no sabia on fotre'm

Closed, I didn't know where to put myself.

Era el primer dia

It was the first day.

I per un moment

And for a moment

Vaig pensar

I thought

Torna cap a Catalunya, nena

Come back to Catalonia, girl.

Que aquí, si hi ha el primer dia

That here, if there is the first day

T'ho sento totes aquestes coses

I’m sorry about all these things.

Perquè entre mig, no ho explicaré

Because in between, I won't explain it.

Perquè m'allargaria molt

Because it would take me a long time.

Però també em van passar altres coses

But other things also happened to me.

Total, que amb tot aquest estrès

In short, with all this stress

Vaig dir, vale, Laura, frena

I said, okay, Laura, brake.

Perquè així no anem bé

Because this way we're not doing well.

I et queda un mes per davant

You have a month ahead of you.

I com tots els dies siguin així

And may all days be like this.

Més que tornar feliç i contenta

More than returning happy and content.

I amb l'experiència, tornaràs depressiva perduda

And with experience, you will return a lost depressive.

I vaig haver d'en aquell moment

I had to at that moment.

Meditar i intentar fer el canvi de xip

Meditate and try to make the change of mindset.

Doncs, per sorpresa meva

Well, to my surprise

En aquell mateix moment

At that very moment

On jo estava fent tot aquest plantejament

I was making all this approach.

De vale, has de canviar, has de prendre-t'ho

Okay, you have to change, you have to take it seriously.

No passa res, passaràs la nit aquí

It's fine, you'll spend the night here.

Demà agafes un bus, tirarem endavant

Tomorrow you take a bus, we will move forward.

Vinga, Laura

Come on, Laura

Vaig conèixer una noia francesa

I met a French girl.

Supermaca, vam estar parlant d'un munt de coses

Super beautiful, we were talking about a bunch of things.

Ella venia de fer un voluntariat

She had just finished a volunteer job.

No sé si va ser un any

I don't know if it was a year.

O a no sé quin país

Or to I don't know which country.


Super cool

I en tot això

And in all of this

Vam anar fent torns per dormir

We took turns sleeping.

L'home de la neteja

The cleaning man

Incluso em va arribar a dir

He even told me.

Escolta, jo de tu, si t'has de passar aquí a la nit

Listen, if I were you, I would spend the night here.

Treu-te les sabates millor

Take off your shoes better.

Em va comprar una aigua, em va comprar un sàndwich

He bought me a water, he bought me a sandwich.

Perquè em va veure allà tirada, pobre de mi

Because she saw me there lying down, poor me.

Amb el mòbil mirant Netflix

With the mobile watching Netflix

I a partir d'aquí tot va anar

And from here everything went.



Em vaig trobar ple de gent a l'aeroport aquella nit

I found myself surrounded by people at the airport that night.

I al matí següent, supermaca

And the next morning, super pretty.

El dia següent vaig tenir la sort d'agafar

The next day I was lucky enough to catch

Un bus a primera hora

A bus early in the morning.

Que era el més barat

That it was the cheapest.

De tot el dia, vull dir que podria haver sigut al revés

All day long, I mean it could have been the other way around.

I de cop el meu viatge es va convertir

And suddenly my journey became

En un superviatge

On a super trip

O sigui que si viatgeu i feu el mai

So if you travel and do the never

Una experiència així, sobretot és anar

Such an experience is mainly about going.

Amb un xip superpositiu

With a superimposed chip

I que no us faci por res

And may nothing scare you.

Ni que ni entreu en pànic per qualsevol cosa

Don't panic over anything.

Que es pugui arribar a passar

That it may happen.

És el que dèiem, hi ha molts tipus de viatges

It's what we were saying, there are many types of trips.

Hi ha molts moments en els quals fer aquests viatges

There are many moments in which to take these trips.

I doncs

And so

El maco d'això és veure les experiències

The nice thing about this is seeing the experiences.

Coneixer gent, és superinteressant

Meeting people is super interesting.

Coneixer cultures

To know cultures

I evidentment si anem per Europa veurem

And obviously if we go through Europe we will see.

Doncs coses bastant similars

Well, pretty similar things.

Al que estem acostumats a veure

To what we are used to seeing

Si sortim, bueno, sobre un pantall

If we go out, well, on a screen.

D'experiències i de cultures

Of experiences and cultures

Que doncs enriqueix moltíssim

That enriches a lot.

A cadascuna

To each one.

Us he deixat cansats, eh, nois?

I’ve left you tired, huh, guys?

Vaja rellasso, eh

What a mess, huh?

No, no, és que estem tots com

No, no, it's just that we are all like

A mi m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

Jo no ho hauria fet, un viatge així

I wouldn't have done a trip like that.

No, jo tampoc

No, me neither.

És que a part el vaig fer amb 18 anys

It's just that I did it when I was 18 years old.

Jo ara amb 21 penso

I now think at 21.

Ostres, sí que la gent em deia

Wow, yes, people did tell me.

Estàs boja

You are crazy.

I a mi em deia

And he/she used to tell me

Pensava, no, per què?

I was thinking, no, why?

Si és normal

If it is normal.

I ara entenc, entenc, no?

And now I understand, I understand, right?

I dic, eh, tenia el seu mèrit

I mean, huh, it had its merit.

Et puc fer una pregunta?

Can I ask you a question?


Vas passar por o era més nerviosisme o ansietat

Were you more nervous or anxious?

El que tenies en aquell moment?

What did you have at that moment?

En aquell moment, no

At that moment, no.

Tenia molta por de que

I was very scared that

Aviam, anava amb una motxileta de merda

Let's see, I was carrying a crappy little backpack.

Però tenia

But I had

Sí, no, potser era més ansietat

Yes, no, maybe it was more anxiety.

De voler arribar, de no saber

To want to arrive, to not know.

De imaginar-me que seria així tot el viatge

To imagine that the whole journey would be like this.

Vale, vale

Okay, okay.

No, no, més això

No, no, more of this.

Perquè a vegades no és la por

Because sometimes it's not fear.

És més l'ansietat

It is more the anxiety.

De dir, és que no m'estan sortint bé les coses

To say, it's that things aren't going well for me.

Què faig?

What do I do?

On estic?

Where am I?

Si tu ets aquí

If you are here

Sí, era més això

Yes, it was more that.

Ui, vaig patir molt, sí, aquell primer dia

Oh, I suffered a lot, yes, that first day.

Ara va ser l'únic

Now it was the only one.

A nosaltres, Laura, ens encanta escoltar

We love listening, Laura.

Així com moltes vegades que arribes

Just as many times as you arrive.

Vinga, que t'ensenyo les fotos del viatge

Come on, I’ll show you the photos from the trip.

I tothom fot unes cares d'on ho...

And everyone makes faces like...

A nosaltres ens agrada molt escoltar les anècdotes

We really enjoy listening to the anecdotes.

I escoltar-te tu

And I listen to you.

Però bé, hem de ja anar despedint el programa

But well, we have to say goodbye to the program now.



Oh, ufff

Oh, ufff

Que agrada

That pleases.

Eres tan advocate

You are such an advocate.

I ets tan 어�신ic

And you are so iconic.

A veure si som un clima tècnic

Let's see if we are a technical climate.

temporada de recoseta. I esperem

season of recoseta. And we wait

que no sigui l'última. Ah, no, no, evidentment.

that it won't be the last. Oh no, no, obviously.

No. No. No.

No. No. No.

Us deixem amb una cançoneta o dues

We'll leave you with a little song or two.

i ens acomiadem del programa d'avui,

and we say goodbye to today's program,

dedicat a viatjar. Si ens agafeu

dedicated to travel. If you catch us

just ara, no patiu pas, ens podeu

Right now, don't worry, you can.

escoltar a la web de Ràdio Manlleu,

listen to the Ràdio Manlleu website,

a l'Espoti i a iTunes,

on Spotify and iTunes,

en un magnífic podcast que us encantarà,

in a magnificent podcast that you will love,

ja ho veureu. Aquest estiu tindreu temps

You will see. This summer you will have time.

i us podeu escoltar tota

And you can hear us all.

la temporada. Aquest estiu... Tampoc n'hem fet

the season. This summer... We haven't done it either.

tants, eh, per tant... No, però en bucle,

so many, huh, therefore... No, but in a loop,

en bucle, Loi, en bucle. No va ser res.

In a loop, Loi, in a loop. It was nothing.

La sintonia és molt enganxosa. Això sí.

The melody is very catchy. That's for sure.

A l'Ignasi l'encanta.

Ignasi loves it.

Recordar-vos també que ens

Remember that we

podeu escoltar, perdoneu, que ens

you can listen, excuse me, that we

podeu seguir a xarxes Instagram i TikTok

you can follow on Instagram and TikTok

arroba racó barra baixa zeta barra baixa

at sign corner underscore z underscore

cent set. I ara sí que sí,

one hundred seven. And now yes, indeed,

ens veiem, no la setmana

I'll see you, not next week.

que ve, sinó la temporada que ve,

that comes, but the next season,

al setembre. Doncs suposo que

in September. So I guess that

també el dimecres a les vuit, però això ja ho veurem,

also on Wednesday at eight, but we'll see about that.

perquè les programacions canvien. Ja ho veurem.

because the schedules change. We'll see.

El que sí que serà que és clar és que

What is clear is that

ens veurem aquí i portarem

we will see each other here and we will bring

cosetes fresquites, també,

little fresh things, too,

al setembre. Començarem forts. Us trobarem

in September. We'll start strong. We'll find you.

a faltar. Us trobarem a faltar.

we will miss you.

Que vagi molt bé. Molt bon estiu.

Take care. Have a great summer.



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