calladeta estàs més guapa #2 - ja soc vintage

janire gallud

calladeta estàs més guapa

calladeta estàs més guapa #2 - ja soc vintage

calladeta estàs més guapa

Anys i anys, per molts anys, a la una per molts anys.

Years and years, for many years, at one for many years.

Súper 3, Súper 3, per molts anys!

Super 3, Super 3, for many years!

Vull dir, a veure, un dia passat només, en plan m'estic autofelicitant tard,

I mean, let’s see, just one day late, like I'm congratulating myself late.

però que no està mal, saps?

but it's not bad, you know?

Ahir no ho anava a fer, però avui ja, empezamos bien,

Yesterday I wasn't going to do it, but today, well, we start off well.

empezamos bien con los propósitos de año nuevo.

We start off well with the New Year's resolutions.

És a dir, no van donar una cosa a la qual només he penjat un capítol.

That is to say, they did not give something to which I have only uploaded a chapter.

Per exemple, o jo què sé, anar al gimnàs, cosa que encara no he fet,

For example, or I don't know, going to the gym, something I haven't done yet,

i han passat 15 dies de gener, doncs també.

And 15 days of January have passed, too.

Però aquí cada un amb el seu, no?

But here, everyone has their own, right?

A veure, qui ha complert els propòsits?

Let's see, who has fulfilled the resolutions?

De cap d'any, o d'any nou, ningú, ningú els compleix.

On New Year’s Eve, or New Year’s Day, nobody, nobody keeps them.

Bé, menys el meu profe de relacions públiques, que porta 15 dies sense fumar,

Well, except for my public relations teacher, who hasn't smoked for 15 days,

si no és que avui s'ha fumat algun piti, però vamos, que crec que no.

Unless today he smoked some joint, but come on, I don't think so.

I que cada classe ens fa aplaudir-lo.

And each class makes us applaud him.

Increïble, o sigui, quan portava una setmana,

Incredible, I mean, when I had been there for a week,

porto una setmana sense fumar a tots, ole, aplaudint.

I've been a week without smoking, everyone, hooray, applauding.

Quan portava dos, dues setmanes sense fumar a tots, ole, aplaudint.

When he had gone two weeks without smoking at all, hooray, applauding.

Espero que la setmana que ve el puguem tornar a aplaudir, la veritat.

I hope that next week we can applaud him again, to be honest.

Però bé, 20 anys.

But well, 20 years.

20 anys.

20 years.

O sigui, en quin moment?

So, at what moment?

Literalment estic més a prop dels 30 que dels 10.

I'm literally closer to 30 than to 10.

És que no supero, en plan, és super heavy.

It's just that I can't get over it; it's really heavy.

Si ho penses, si tu dius, hòstia, fa 20 anys, o sigui, dius, buah, fa un muntó.

If you think about it, if you say, wow, it's been 20 years, that is to say, you think, wow, that's a lot.

Jo tinc 20 anys!

I am 20 years old!

És que és molt fort.

It's just that it's very strong.

No sé.

I don't know.

I és com que et dónes compte que el temps passa super ràpid, en veritat,

And it's like you realize that time goes by really quickly, truly,

perquè jo me'n recordo quan tenia 10 anys.

because I remember when I was 10 years old.

Me'n recordo perfectament.

I remember perfectly.

És el típic que dius, no?, del 2010, en plan, del gol de l'Iniesta.

It's the typical thing you say, right?, from 2010, like, about Iniesta's goal.



En aquesta casa no s'eleven aquests gols.

In this house, these goals are not raised.

Però això que, no sé, que el temps passa super ràpid, en veritat, si et dónes compte.

But this thing, I don't know, that time passes super fast, really, if you pay attention.

I més en aquesta edat, que ara, el típic que veus a Twitter, o diuen les persones, en plan,

And more at this age, that now, the typical thing you see on Twitter, or what people say, like,

ui, ara comença la dècada que has de prendre totes les decisions importants de la teva vida,

oh, now the decade begins in which you have to make all the important decisions of your life,

i jo, doncs sí, no m'havia adonat.

And I, well yes, I hadn't realized.

Mira que podries haver estat calladeta, guapo.

Look, you could have been quiet, handsome.

És que, tota l'estona, però tota l'estona és que entro a Twitter i cada dia no hi ha dia que no vegi,

It's just that, all the time, but all the time I go on Twitter and every day there's not a day that I don't see,

el tuit de la gent que ara comencem, bé, això en anglès la majoria, però,

the tweet from the people that we are starting now, well, this in English mostly, but,

que ara comencem la dècada dels 20 anys, no sé què, i que en menys de 10 anys estarem casats

that now we are starting the 20s decade, I don’t know what, and that in less than 10 years we will be married

i ja començarem a tenir fills i treball i no sé què, i una casa i un cotxe.

And we will start having children and work and I don't know what, and a house and a car.

I jo, però vols deixar d'agobiar-me, sisplau, que m'estic agobiant i acabo de fer els 20 anys?

And me, but can you please stop overwhelming me, I’m getting stressed and I just turned 20?

En fi, això que, doncs no sé, doncs que, a veure, també et dic que amb 18 anys ja et fan decidir cap on tiraràs la teva vida.

Anyway, what I mean is that, well, I don't know, well, let's see, I also tell you that at 18 they already make you decide which direction you will take your life.

I abans, perquè...

And before, because...

Per tirar el batxillerat ja, que mira que jo me salté d'un lloc a l'altre, però bueno,

To finish the baccalaureate already, because look, I skipped from one place to another, but well,

per tirar el batxillerat ja et comences a encaminar, ja et comences a com...

to pursue the baccalaureate, you start to get on track, you start to...

Que sí, que t'obres portes però també te'n tanques, saps?

Yes, you open doors but you also close some, you know?





Però no sé.

But I don't know.

Jo crec que ens estan concentrant moltes decisions crucials de la nostra vida en molt poc temps

I believe that they are concentrating a lot of crucial decisions of our lives in a very short time.

i jo, bàsic, ja m'he d'una angústia només d'avançar-ho, però bueno, no passa res.

And I, basically, I already feel a sense of anguish just thinking about it, but well, it’s okay.

Tirarem-nos per davant, com sempre hem fet, o no?

Are we going to throw ourselves in front, as we have always done, or not?

Així m'agrada.

That's how I like it.



I bueno, doncs igual que em vaig canviar de batxillerat en su dia i m'he canviat de carrera també,

And well, just like I changed my high school program back in the day, I have also changed my degree.

doncs no sé, doncs no passa nada.

well, I don’t know, well, it’s okay.

En la vida són canvis, no?

In life there are changes, right?

Què diria aquell?

What would that person say?

Vull dir-te, jo estic super contenta amb haver-me canviat.

I want to tell you, I am super happy about having changed.

Ha sigut una de les millors decisions de la meva vida, si us dic la veritat.

It has been one of the best decisions of my life, to tell you the truth.

I mira, i mira que m'ho vaig pensar, eh?

And look, I thought about it, okay?

I mira que pots pensar en plan, hòstia, has perdut un any, no sé què, però...

And look, you might think in a way, damn, you've lost a year, I don't know what, but...

De veritat que si ho hagués de tornar a fer ho faria, o sigui...

Honestly, if I had to do it again, I would do it, I mean...

Increïble la diferència de l'any passat amb aquest...

Incredible the difference from last year to this one...

Mira, just ara, que no gravava perquè tenia exàmens i tal, en plan, i fa un mes que no...

Look, just now, I wasn't recording because I had exams and such, like, and it's been a month since I...

A veure, exàmens, Nadal, que vaig dir que penjaria un podcast per Nadal.

Let's see, exams, Christmas, that I said I would upload a podcast for Christmas.

Nunca va passar, ni crec que passi.

It never happened, nor do I think it will.

I ara, aquest divendres, tinc l'últim examen final ja, que és l'examen final de català.

And now, this Friday, I have the last final exam, which is the final exam of Catalan.

I ja vacances fins al 10 de febrer, vull dir-te, no està en nada mal.

And now vacation until February 10, I mean, it's not bad at all.

Ja he fet tots els exàmens i tot.

I have already done all the exams and everything.

M'han anat molt bé, estic supercontenta i m'agrada i tot el que tu vulguis.

They have gone very well for me, I am super happy and I like it and everything you want.

Però és que ja no és això, ja és comparat amb l'any passat.

But it's not just that, it's compared to last year now.

En plan, l'any passat, me'n recordo estar tancada a la biblioteca hores i hores amb els números aquells de merda, tio.

Like, last year, I remember being shut in the library for hours and hours with those shitty numbers, dude.

Menys mal que vaig sortir d'allà, us ho prometo, eh?

Thank goodness I got out of there, I promise you, okay?

Però bueno...

But well...

Que no sé, que jo conec gent que està en altres carreres i coses així,

I don't know, I know people who are in other degrees and things like that.

que jo entenc que no és el mateix una enginyeria que el que estic estudiant jo.

I understand that engineering is not the same as what I am studying.

Que, per si algú no ho sap, que dubto que no ho sapigueu,

That, in case someone doesn't know, which I doubt you don't know,

perquè em coneixeu tots els que m'escolteu, però no passa nada, jo us ho dic otra vegada.

because you all know me, those of you who listen to me, but it's okay, I'll tell you again.

Estudio Comunicació de les Organitzacions, que és Publicitat i Relacions Públiques,

I study Communication of Organizations, which is Advertising and Public Relations.

Periodisme i Comunicació Audiovisual, tots junts.

Journalism and Audiovisual Communication, all together.

En plan, faig assignatures de les tres carreres.

Like, I'm taking courses from all three degrees.

I com és una cosa molt pràctica i coses que a mi m'agraden,

And since it is a very practical thing and things that I like,

doncs no em suposa tan poc, o sigui, òbviament, si t'has d'empullar en una cosa,

well, it doesn't mean that little to me, I mean, obviously, if you have to cram for something,

doncs, joder, dius, que palo, no?

Well, damn, you say, what a drag, right?

Però és guai, almenys és interessant, saps?

But it's cool, at least it's interesting, you know?

No sé, jo l'he empassat a les seminaris i és que em volia morir,

I don't know, I swallowed it in class and I just wanted to die,

i en canvi aquest any, per les seminaris que vaig posar, em semblen interessants, saps?

And instead this year, for the seminars I put in, they seem interesting to me, you know?

Que dius, tres hores, que palo, però bueno, però són interessants.

What are you saying, three hours, what a drag, but well, they are interesting.

Mínim, ja et fan pensar i tot això, i m'agrada.

Minimum, they already make you think and all that, and I like it.

I al final és això, o sigui, és el típic de, ara quedaré Mr. Wonderful,

And in the end, it's this, I mean, it's the typical thing of, now I'll end up being Mr. Wonderful.

però si algú necessita una senyal de dir,

but if someone needs a signal to say,

no sé si fer això, no sé si canviar-me, no sé si arriscar-me, no sé què,

I don't know whether to do this, I don't know whether to change, I don't know whether to take the risk, I don't know what,

jo si no m'hagués arriscat no estaria on estic.

If I hadn't taken the risk, I wouldn't be where I am.

Ojo, cuidao, en la nasa està la nina esta.

Watch out, be careful, the girl is in the NASA.

Però bueno, m'esteu entenent, no?

But well, you are understanding me, right?

En plan, si ara algú necessita una senyal,

Like, if someone needs a signal now,

si esteu esperant una senyal per dir, canvi de carrera, canvi de feina,

if you are waiting for a sign to say, career change, job change,

canvi de ciutat,

change of city,

canvi d'amics, d'aparella, de lo que querais,

change of friends, of partners, of whatever you want,

esta és una senyal, ara sóc diòs i us digo,

this is a signal, now I am god and I say to you,

esta és una senyal, pa que lo hagàs.

this is a sign, so you do it.

I ara ho heu de fer, en plan, no hi ha marxa atrás.

And now you have to do it, like, there's no turning back.

Ho heu de fer, casi ho heu de fer, lo siento.

You have to do it, you almost have to do it, I'm sorry.

No heu escoltat aquest podcast?

Haven't you listened to this podcast?

Vull dir, què esperaves?

I mean, what were you expecting?

La vida són dos dies, hay que jugársela.

Life is two days long, you have to take the risk.

I, bueno, us ho dic, una, que després, per prendre les decisions,

Well, I tell you, one, that later, to make the decisions,

està a 34 mesos i mig, però bueno, no passa res, pa'lante.

He is 34 and a half months old, but well, it doesn't matter, forward.

Que jo m'he arriscat, sembla que no, però m'he arriscat a moltes coses,

That I have taken risks, it may not seem like it, but I have taken risks in many things,

en plan, joder, pues ja us dic, me'n vaig canviar de batxillerat,

I mean, damn, well, I tell you, I changed my high school track.

me'n vaig canviar de carrera, que me'n falta de ciutat,

I'm changing my career, because I'm missing the city.

però de ciutat no me'n vull canviar, ja us lo digo ahora, de momento,

but I don't want to change cities, I'll tell you that now, for the moment,

a no ser que me'n vagi de Rasmus, que puede ser.

Unless I leave Rasmus, which could happen.

I, pues nada, pues lo que us he dit abans,

I, well nothing, well what I told you before,

quan acabi aquest divendres l'examen de català,

when this Friday the Catalan exam ends,

estaré de vacances fins al 10 de febrer, tinc unes ganes, uf,

I will be on vacation until February 10th, I can't wait, phew!

de vacances, de poder fer T, en plan, de poder-me llevar tard, bueno.

On holiday, being able to do T, like, being able to get up late, well.

Papa, si sentiu això...

Dad, if you hear this...

Llevar-me tard vol dir a les 9 del matí, a les 10 com a molt tard, eh?, vull dir.

Getting up late means at 9 in the morning, at 10 at the latest, right?, I mean.

I anar al gimnàs, i fer coses que m'agraden, i gravar podcast,

I'm going to the gym, doing things I enjoy, and recording podcasts.

a veure si puc tornar-li a agafar el ritme a esto, que nunca lo tuvo,

let's see if I can get the rhythm back for this, which never had it.

porque un podcast, o sea, un capítulo de podcast no es ritmo,

because a podcast, I mean, a podcast episode is not rhythm,

pero bueno, no pasa re.

but well, it's nothing.

Pero bueno, que, com diria la meva iaia, estem de vacances sempre,

But well, as my grandma would say, we are always on vacation,

perquè sempre que la vaig a veure em diu en plan,

because every time I go to see her she tells me like,

i tu no tens classe demà, això què?

And you don’t have class tomorrow, what about that?

A veure, jo, comptant que cap dimecres tinc classe,

Let's see, I have class every Wednesday,

pues ja la meva avia es pensa que ja no...

Well, my grandmother thinks that no longer...

ja estic de vacances sempre,

I am always on vacation.

perquè com que hi ha un dia a la setmana que no tinc classe,

because there is one day a week when I don't have class,

pues estàs de vacances sempre, és que estàs sempre de vacances,

Well, you are on vacation all the time, it's just that you are always on vacation.

és que jo no sé, nunca tienes clase,

It's just that I don't know, you never have class.

nunca tienes clase es van a dar la carrera y no habrás ido nunca a clase,

you never have class, they are going to give the degree and you will have never attended class.

mentida, jo no faig PIAs mai, mai de la vida,

lie, I never do PIAs, never in my life,

l'any passat sí, però aquest any no.

Last year yes, but this year no.

I, bueno, pues tinc un dia que no tinc classe,

Well, I have a day when I don't have class.

pero, claro, pues lo típic de, hi ha una farra,

but, of course, it’s the typical thing of, there’s a party,

o hi ha un dia que el profe no ve,

or there is a day when the teacher doesn't come,

o que hi ha tutoria i tu no has d'anar, o coses així,

or there is tutoring and you don't have to go, or things like that,

bueno, no sé, la meva avia diu que estic sempre de vacances.

Well, I don't know, my grandmother says I'm always on vacation.

Ni li donarem la raó ni li traurem, no sé.

We will neither give him reason nor take it away, I don't know.

Però, bueno, i això, i que tinc un munt de ganes de fer coses,

But, well, and that, and that I have a lot of desire to do things,

en plan, de quedar amb gent i de dormir en pau

like, hanging out with people and sleeping in peace

sense saber que dintre de dos dies tinc un examen,

without knowing that in two days I have an exam,

o que haig d'entrar en un projecte de tele,

or that I have to get involved in a TV project,

o de fer les coses a l'última hora, que també se'm dona genial,

or doing things at the last minute, which I also do great.

i ja està, i tinc ganes que em donin les notes,

and that's it, and I'm looking forward to getting my grades,

que m'ha anat molt bé tot i això.

that everything has gone very well for me despite this.

Això és un poc...

This is a little...

un podcast en el que m'ensabona a mi mateixa.

a podcast where I pamper myself.

És increïble, eh, o sigui...

It's incredible, right, I mean...

Mare meva.

My goodness.

Però, bueno.

But, well.

El que he dit del gimnàs.

What I said about the gym.

A veure si així ho vull dir una vegada.

Let's see if I can say it once this way.

Per què?


Perquè, com ja ho he dit aquí, això vol dir que ho sap gent, no?,

Because, as I have already said here, this means that people know about it, right?

lo del gimnàs.

the gym thing.

Aleshores, si no vaig,

So, if I don't go,

és com que podeu fer Shimon Yu, en plan,

it's like you can do Shimon Yu, like,

ah, la Janina va dir que aniria al gimnàs i no va.

Ah, Janina said she would go to the gym and she didn't.

Saps? En plan, que a mi me n'assudarà igual.

You know? Like, it won't matter to me anyway.

Sí, però em donarà vergonya no anar.

Yes, but I will be embarrassed not to go.

Ja no és en plan, jo sé que vaig al gimnàs,

It's no longer a matter of me saying that I go to the gym,

perquè me'l pago jo, i vaig.

because I'll pay for it myself, and I'm going.

I no vaig.

I'm not going.

I aleshores a mi me n'assudarà, saps?

And then it will help me, you know?

Pues no, vosaltres dieu, ah, no estàs anant,

Well no, you say, ah, you are not going.

i va ser que aniries, eh?

And it was that you would go, huh?

Vull que em seguiu, que em perseguiu,

I want you to follow me, to chase me,

tota l'estona, en plan,

all the time, like,

tu vas dir que havies d'anar al gimnàs i no vas,

you said you had to go to the gym and you didn't,

no sé què, tota l'estona.

I don't know what, all the time.

A veure si així me da vergüenza i me dic no a ir.

Let's see if this makes me feel ashamed and tells me not to go.

Perquè és que soc lo pitjor del món.

Because I am the worst in the world.



I això...

And this...

I potser...

And maybe...

No ho sé,

I don't know,

a mi jo en este período de vacaciones

for me during this vacation period

descubrimos tecnologías nuevas,

we discover new technologies,

o descubrimos, no,

or we discover, no,

porque ya existen, obviamente, Steve Jobs,

because they already exist, obviously, Steve Jobs,

pero, no sé, toquiteamos,

but, I don't know, we play around,

investigamos tecnologías buenas,

we research good technologies,

hay buenas, nuevas,

there are good news,

y se disfruta alguna cosa,

and you enjoy something,

una canción,

a song,

o alguna cosa així.

or something like that.

Depende de mi creatividad

It depends on my creativity.

durante este mes.

during this month.

Pero bueno,

But well,

básicamente, això.

basically, that's it.

Y también estoy en el proceso

And I am also in the process.

¿Ahora seré rubia?

Will I be blonde now?

No, rubia no, però

No, not blonde, but

em vull fer metges roses,

I want to be a doctor of roses,

y pues bueno, estoy en ello, a ver qué pasa.

And well, I'm working on it, let's see what happens.

Crec que serà la setmana que ve, al final.

I think it will be next week, after all.

A mi també dic que, per fer-me unes metges

I also say that, in order to make me some doctors.

70 euros, no em ve gaire de gust

70 euros, I'm not really in the mood for it.

pagar-los, així que m'ho estic pensant

pay them, so I’m thinking about it

molt bé. Però bueno, com que ho tinc

very well. But well, since I have it

decidit ja... Home, estava fent fred.

decided now... Well, it was cold.

Com que ho tinc molt decidit ja, segurament ho acabi fent.

Since I have already made up my mind, I'll probably end up doing it.

Però bueno, canvia de look!

But hey, change your look!

New year, new me!

New year, new me!

Què us sembla a mi? Vamos, increïble.

What do you think of me? Come on, incredible.

I nada,

And nothing,

pues opino que això és una merda de podcast, no?

Well, I think this is a piece of crap podcast, right?

En plan...

In a sense...

No val re,

It's worth nothing.

tal que he dit.

as I have said.

Però nada, eh? En plan...

But nothing, right? Like...

Bueno, no li demaneu gaire més

Well, don't ask him for much more.

al meu servei, vull dir,

at your service, I mean,

el tinc ara mateix,

I have it right now.

que no es tapa a muchos trotes.

that does not stop at many gallops.

Y bueno, como que no sabía si

And well, since I didn't know if

aquest podcast duraría molt,

this podcast would last a long time,

o poc,

or little,

o qué,

or what,

estoy viendo que haurà de més aviat poquet.

I see that it will be very soon.

Així que...


Pues, no sé.

Well, I don't know.

Crec que el que faré serà comentar una mica

I think what I will do is comment a little.

l'actualitat, no? Com, per exemple,

the current events, right? Like, for example,

ahir quasi em quedo sense casa de veraneu

Yesterday I almost lost my summer house.

perquè la petroquímica

because of the petrochemical industry

de Tarragona va decidir fotre un pet de la hòstia.

From Tarragona decided to let out a huge fart.



Jo em vaig entrar per Twitter,

I found out through Twitter,

vaig veure el vídeo, i es veu

I watched the video, and you can see.

que era un vídeo fake d'una d'esto de Xina,

that it was a fake video of one of those from China,

una petroquímica de Xina que va pata

a petrochemical company from China that is going bankrupt

també, i quan vaig veure...

also, and when I saw...

O sigui, és que era una

So, it was that it was a

explosió super heavy, i em vaig quedar

super heavy explosion, and I was left

flipant en plan... Literalment m'acabo

Flipping out like... I'm literally finishing.

de quedar sense... O sigui, a veure, això queda fatal,

of being left without... I mean, let's see, this looks terrible,

perquè, òbviament, no em preocupa

because, obviously, it doesn't worry me

el primer la casa, em preocupa la gent que viu

The first is the house, I am worried about the people who live there.

allà al costat de Tarragona, vull dir-te. A veure si m'enteneu,

over there next to Tarragona, I want to tell you. Let's see if you understand me,

saps? Però, que va ser en plan... Hòstia,

You know? But it was like... Wow,

pues la casa ha tomat por culo, la casa, lo vecino,

well, the house has gone to shit, the house, the neighbor,

la gente y todo.

the people and everything.

Perquè el vídeo que vaig veure, us prometo que era una explosió normal,

Because the video I saw, I promise you it was a normal explosion,

però després vaig veure que era fake,

but then I saw that it was fake,

i quan vaig veure'l de veritat... Oye, pues,

And when I really saw him... Hey, well,

déu-n'hi-do, eh?

Well, I must say!

I es veu que hi ha quatre ferits, i un senyor

And it appears that there are four injured, and one gentleman.

que, pobre senyor, en pau descansi,

that, poor gentleman, may he rest in peace,

perquè em sap molt de greu, però és

because I feel very sorry, but it is

la típica mala sort

the typical bad luck

de persones com jo. En plan,

of people like me. I mean,

el tio es veu que... El senyor,

The guy looks like... The gentleman,

perdó, perdó, que està mort, no

sorry, sorry, he is dead, right?

li direm tio. El senyor vivia a dos

We will call him uncle. The gentleman lived on two.

quilòmetres en un bloc de pisos,

kilometers in an apartment building,

i es veu que de l'explosió va sortir algo disparat,

and it seems that something crazy came out of the explosion,

que ell estava,

that he was,

pues imagina't, jo què sé, en un tercer,

well, imagine, I don't know, in a third,

pues va sortir aquest

well, this one came out

tros de...

pieces of...

d'allà, és que no sé què era exactament,

from there, I don't know what it was exactly,

però bueno, disparat, per l'explosió,

but well, nonsense, for the explosion,

i va picar al quart pis,

and knocked on the fourth floor,

i li va caure tot el sostre a sobre al senyor.

And the whole ceiling fell on the gentleman.

S'ha de tenir mala sort,

You must have bad luck.

pobre home, o sea, literalment,

poor man, I mean, literally,

el pitjor danyo col·lateral de la història,

the worst collateral damage in history,

jo crec. Però bueno,

I believe. But well,

això, o que...

this, or that...

Ademús, gobierno. L'última

Moreover, government. The last one.

vegada que vaig gravar podcast, fa

the time I recorded a podcast, ago

un mes, no teníem govern.

A month, we had no government.

Poco se habla de esto, eh?

Not much is said about this, huh?

O sigui...

That is...

Que hi ha un montón de vicepresidentes,

There are a bunch of vice presidents,

no? Hi ha quatre, potser? Bueno, tres

No? There are four, maybe? Well, three.

vicepresidentes i un vicepresidente? O

vice presidents and a vice president? Or

molt inventat. No sé,

very invented. I don’t know,

però que em sembla superbé. He vist

but I think it's superb. I have seen

abans fotos, bueno, abans o ahir, no me'n

Before photos, well, before or yesterday, I don't remember.

recordo, de la Irene

I remember, from Irene.

Montero amb la cartera

Montero with the wallet

del Ministeri d'Igualtat, i ha sigut

from the Ministry of Equality, and it has been

el millor que he vist en el que portem d'any, vull dir-te.

the best I've seen this year, I want to tell you.

Ja era hora. O

It was about time. Or

el del Ministeri

the one from the Ministry

d'Universitats, que és superpetit, viejito,

of Universities, which is super small, old,

més mono, m'ha

cuter, it has me

donat una ternurita veure'l quan...

given a little tenderness to see him when...

Sabeu quan estan allà

Do you know when they are there?

a punt d'entrar a l'edifici

about to enter the building

que, fora les escales on els rep el president,

that, outside the stairs where the president meets them,

i ben i tot, doncs estava

And well, everything, for I was.

entrant, i li diuen als periodistes

entering, and they tell the journalists

posis més

put more

al mig, no sé què, i el senyor allà, supertieso,

in the middle, I don't know what, and the gentleman there, super stiff,

supermono, i li diuen, ensenya el maletín,

super monkey, and they say to him, show the briefcase,

i el senyor, en comptes de posar-se

and the gentleman, instead of putting himself

al davant, com han fet tots, bueno, com

at the front, as they all have done, well, like

el poble de l'Iglésia, semblava un Playmobil, també, amb

the village of the Church looked like a Playmobil, too, with

les cames així obertes, supertieso, però,

the legs wide open like that, super stiff, but,

i agafa i aixeca

and takes and lifts

el maletín així, que

the briefcase like this, that

mono, sisplau, m'ha donat una

Monkey, please, it has given me one.

ternurita, que mono, i després ha ficat

cutie, how cute, and then he/she put in

cap a dins, supermajo, i dient-l'hi

head inside, supercool, and saying it

gràcies por vuestra

thank you for your

por vuestro trabajo, o algo así,

for your work, or something like that,

y yo, que mono,

and me, how cute,

sisplau, pero bueno,

please, but well,

que por fin tenemos gobierno,

that we finally have a government,

a ver si en aquests 4 anys

let's see if in these 4 years

no nos vamos a la mierda, como todos los años

we're not going to shit, like every year

anteriores, porque ya sería

previous, because it would already be

hora, vull dir-te, jo crec que estem en un punt

Time, I mean to say, I think we are at a point.

que ja no hi...

that there are no longer...

ja no en qüestió de coses

no longer in question of things

socials, saps?, en plan, jo què sé, de feminisme,

social issues, you know?, like, I don't know, about feminism,



d'igualtat, de drets de gent com refugiats,

of equality, of rights for people such as refugees,

o persones LGTBI,

or LGTBI people,



mai he sabut com es diu, LGTBI

I have never known what it is called, LGTBI.

o LBGTI, jo crec que

or LGBTI, I think that

LGTBI, no?, bueno,

LGTBI, right?, well,

del col·lectiu,

of the collective,



de gent que necessita ajudes,

of people who need assistance,

de l'educació i la sanitat pública,

of public education and health,

de tot, jo crec que

above all, I believe that

això sí que era supernecessari

this was super necessary

i tal, però en qüestions com

and so on, but in matters like

el medi ambient, qüestions

the environment, issues

de... de gent

of... of people

dels immigrants,

of the immigrants,

dels refugiats, de tot això, era

of the refugees, about all this, it was

un punto de no retorno de dir

a point of no return of saying

que ha de ser ja, perquè, no sé, imagineu-vos

it has to be already, because, I don't know, just imagine

4 anys més

4 more years

de govern de dretes, que

of right-wing government, which



totes aquestes coses se les traen

all these things are taken away from them

al pairo, totes aquestes coses, vull dir-te, és que

To put it bluntly, all these things, I mean to tell you, it's that

se les suda, saps?, és... ells

they sweat it, you know?, it's... them

miren per ells mateixos i ja està.

look for themselves and that's it.

I jo crec

And I believe

que era molt important que sortís

that it was very important that he/she/it came out

un govern de...

a government of...

ja, encara que sigui de coalició, però d'esquerres,

yes, even if it is a coalition, but left-wing,

o sigui...

that is...

jo crec que era molt necessari

I believe it was very necessary.

i... i menys, menys

and... and less, less

mal que ha sortit, i haig de dir que

bad that has come out, and I have to say that

em prefereixo

I prefer myself.

que sigui de coalició

that it be a coalition

que no que sigui tot un govern d'un sol partit

that it is not all a government of a single party

com pot ser, jo què sé, tot un govern del PSOE, saps?

How can it be, I don't know, an entire PSOE government, you know?

Primer, perquè el PSOE

First, because the PSOE

ja sabem que avui és de dretes i...

we already know that today it is right-wing and...

o sigui, avui és d'esquerres i potser l'endemà

that is, today it is left-wing and perhaps tomorrow it will be.

ja no és tant d'esquerres,

it is no longer so left-wing,

per la cuenta que le trae y lo que nos ha demostrado,

for the account it brings him and what it has shown us,

pero bueno, de momento, els donaremos el nuestro

but well, for now, we will give them ours

vot de confianza, pero

vote of confidence, but

sí que... sí que em sembla

yes, it does seem to me

superbé que estigui allà, podem-nos donar en canya,

Super great that you're there, we can give it our all.

porque si no, esto no va a salir p'alante

because if not, this won't move forward

ni mañana, ni pasado, ni dentro

neither tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor inside

de 15 años, y en cuestions

of 15 years, and in questions

com, per exemple, el medi ambient,

such as the environment,

es que... mira,

It's just that... look,

avui just he vist, hi ha una conta de Twitter

Today I just saw, there is a Twitter account.

que mesura... no sé si són

what size... I don't know if they are

els grams de CO2 per... no sé,

the grams of CO2 per... I don't know,

no sabria dir-vos la mesura,

I couldn't tell you the measurement,

la veritat, no sé si és per metre quadrat

The truth is, I don't know if it's per square meter.

o dubto, perquè entonces és super totxo,

I doubt it, because then it's super boring.

no sé, una mesura

I don't know, a measure.

en el que es mesurin els...

in which the... are measured

l'índex de CO2

the CO2 index

que hi ha a la ciutat, per barris,

what is in the city, by neighborhoods,

i posava

and I was putting



a l'Eixample 120 i pico,

at Eixample 120 and a bit,

al Poblenou 90,

at Poblenou 90,

eh... saps? En plan, com per cada barri

Eh... you know? Like, for each neighborhood.

l'índex que hi havia.

the index that was there.

Bueno, publicitat, aquí s'apunta tothom

Well, advertising, everyone signs up here.

al meu podcast, per lo que veo, pues te pongo en mute

In my podcast, for what I see, I'll put you on mute.

hasta que te calles.

until you shut up.

No ha durat mitja hora ni de conya, eh?

It hasn't lasted half an hour, not even close, right?

Lo de la media hora gratis en anuncios,

The half-hour free in ads,

això s'inventan, però bueno.

they make this up, but okay.

Bueno, el que us estava dient, que me voy

Well, what I was saying is that I'm leaving.

por las ramas, que...

going around in circles, that...

que els índexs de CO2 estan

that the CO2 levels are

a les nubes, o sigui,

to the clouds, that is,

jo crec que s'han d'aplicar mesures i s'han d'aplicar

I believe that measures must be applied and they must be implemented.

mesures ja, perquè és que literalment,

measures now, because it is literally,

perquè estem acostumats, però és que

because we are used to it, but it is that

no vamos a morir. O sea, lo que va dir l'altre dia

we are not going to die. I mean, what was said the other day.

la Diaza Ayuso, de que ningú s'havia mort,

Diaz Ayuso, that no one had died,



per temes de medi ambient, és literalment

for environmental issues, it's literally

mentida. Hi ha gent morint, hi ha gent amb asma,

Lie. There are people dying, there are people with asthma,

hi ha gent amb malalties respiratòries,

there are people with respiratory diseases,

que literalment s'està

that is literally being

morint. I encara que no t'estiguis

dying. And even if you are not

morint, vull dir-te, és la teva qualitat de vida.

Dying, I want to tell you, is your quality of life.

O sea, mira lo del Madrid Central.

I mean, look at the Madrid Central issue.

Van entrar dient que ho traurien,

They came in saying they would take it out.

i a los dos días, a part de que era per

And two days later, apart from the fact that it was for

per decisió judicial

by judicial decision

que ho havien de tornar a posar, però estan

that they had to put it back, but they are

tornant a fardar de que tenen el Madrid Central.

boasting again that they have the Madrid Central.

Vull dir-te, és que realment els hi feia falta, saps?

I want to tell you, it's that they really needed it, you know?



i, pues això, és que sincerament,

and, well, this is that honestly,

és que a quin se l'ocorre?

it's just that who would think of it?

O sigui, hi ha coses com el medi ambient

So, there are things like the environment.

que s'han de posar, que s'ha de fer el canvi

that they have to be put on, that the change has to be made

ja. O sea, i jo, hi ha

already. I mean, and I, there is

gent que es queixa, i jo també ho entenc, perquè

people who complain, and I understand it too, because

perquè totes aquestes tecnologies

because all these technologies

noves, per fer

new, to do

per fer

to do

fer front al medi ambient, o sigui, al canvi climàtic,

addressing the environment, that is, climate change,

perdó, i tot això, és car.

Sorry, and all this is expensive.

Perquè al final,

Because in the end,

canviar totes les energies per energies renovables,

change all energies to renewable energies,

o jo què sé, que tota la gent de Barcelona, per exemple,

oh I don't know, that all the people from Barcelona, for example,

tingui un cotxe elèctric, doncs ni tothom s'ho pot

Having an electric car is not something everyone can afford.

permetre, ni tothom té el pressupost

to allow, nor does everyone have the budget

per comprar-se un cotxe elèctric,

to buy an electric car,

ni, aleshores, hi hauria

neither, then, there would be

massa gent amb cotxe elèctric

too many people with electric cars

i no hi hauria prou subministradors

and there wouldn't be enough suppliers

d'electricitat per cotxes, o coses així,

of electricity for cars, or things like that,

saps? I jo entenc que el canvi

Do you know? And I understand that the change

no pot ser molt brusc.

It can't be very abrupt.

O sigui, seria algo recomanable

So, it would be something advisable.

en qüestions de perquè funcionés,

in terms of why it worked,

però no pot ser perquè no és viable,

but it cannot be because it is not viable,

aleshores, sí que fer petits

then, yes to making little ones

passos, però molt ràpid, perquè

steps, but very quickly, because

és que si no, no arribarem, o sigui, si això ho

it's just that if not, we won't make it, I mean, if this we

apliquen dintre de deu anys, ja serà massa tard.

If they apply within ten years, it will already be too late.

Ja l'haurem cagat, ja no hi haurà la volta

We will have messed it up, there won't be a way back.

atrás. Aleshores, jo crec que són coses que

back. So, I believe that these are things that

s'han d'aplicar ja. I que hi hagi

they must be applied now. And there must be

us agradi o no, o li agradi

whether you like it or not, or he likes it.

a qui li agradi i a qui no, doncs que s'hi posi fulles,

to those who like it and to those who don't, well, let them deal with it.

un govern d'esquerres

a left-wing government

és molt més favorable amb aquestes situacions

it is much more favorable with these situations

a que realment hi hagi canvis, perquè un govern

to really bring about changes, because a government

d'esquerres sabien perfectament que

the left knew perfectly well that

no només no canviaria, sinó que ho empitjorarien.

not only would they not change, but they would make it worse.

Perquè només miren parells, ho sento molt. Si hi ha algú que vota

Because they only look at pairs, I'm very sorry. If there is someone who votes

o és de dretes, doncs ho sento moltíssim,

Oh, if it is right-wing, then I am very sorry.

les coses com són.

things as they are.

I, doncs això,

And so this,

igual que en qüestions de

just as in matters of

ja la política territorial, vull dir,

the territorial policy, I mean,

tant Catalunya, doncs no ho sé,

so much Catalunya, then I don't know,

si haguéssim sortit un govern d'esquerres,

if a left-wing government had come to power,

és el millor, que també et dic

he's the best, I tell you too

que no ens podem fiar de la esquerra

that we cannot trust the left

tampoc, perquè avui són d'esquerres

neither, because today they are left-wing

i al darrere més de dretes, però bé,

and behind more to the right, but well,

els donarem el vot

we will give them the vote

de confiança, mai m'hi he dit, però

trustworthy, I've never said it, but

vamos, que si no s'inventaven un 155,

come on, if they didn't invent a 155,

no, tres se n'inventaven,

no, three were made up.

i només ens falta la de la dreta allà,

and we only need the one on the right over there,

allà dins també ficada.

in there also put.

Però bueno, eso,

But well, that,

que un poquito

that a little bit

comentar la actualidad,

comment on current events,

en futbol

in football

nuestro queridísimo

our dearest

amigo Albert de Parfait

friend Albert of Parfait

ha fotut el camp, que ara em dóna pena, és que no em suporto,

He's taken off, and now I feel sorry for him; I just can't stand myself.

porto insultant-lo literalment mesos, per no dir-te

I've been literally insulting him for months, not to mention.

anys, i ara em dóna pena perquè

years, and now it makes me sad because

es va despedir molt maco, perquè es va

he said goodbye very nicely, because he

posar a plorar quan va marxar a despedir-se dels jugadors

to start crying when he went to say goodbye to the players

i va firmar la carta amb Visca el Barça i Visca

and signed the letter with Long live Barça and Long live

Catalunya, i jo ja quasi ploro per ell,

Catalonia, and I almost cry for it,

però bueno, no passa res, que por fin

but well, it doesn't matter, because finally

s'ha ido, que ja era hora, perquè si jo no podia

he's gone, it was about time, because if I couldn't

més, en plan,

more, like,

no puc més, no puc més, ens va empatar

I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, we drew.

l'Espanyol l'últim mes, que

Spain last month, that

encara tinc malsons.

I still have nightmares.

Però bueno,

But okay,

benvingut al Quique Setién,

welcome to Quique Setién,

benvenidos seas, tu i tu fútbol,

welcome be you and your football,

por favor, salganos de este pozo,

please, get us out of this pit,

y re, que este año, 2020, la año que

and re, that this year, 2020, the year that

torna Neymar, la

Neymar returns, the

gente que torna

people who return

al Barça de veritat, guanyem el triplet

At Barça for real, we win the treble.

i independència, oye, suma y sigue,

and independence, hey, add and continue,

sumis haremos y seguimos,

we will be submissive and we will continue,

y nada, y fins una altra, yo creo que

and nothing, and until next time, I believe that

lo dejamos aquí, así que

we'll leave it here, so

fins la semana que ve, si Dios

until next week, God willing

quiere, porque no lo tengo muy claro.

I want to, because I'm not very clear about it.

Así que nada, un

So nothing, a

petonet a tots, que us vagi bé

kisses to all, hope everything goes well for you

la setmana, bueno,

the week, well,

el dia, la setmana, el mes,

the day, the week, the month,

el que sigui,

whatever it is,

l'any, buen 2020,

the year, good 2020,

y nos vemos

and see you later

la setmana que viene.

next week.

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