Edat del pavo 24 de gener del 2020

L'edat del pavo

L'edat del pavo

Edat del pavo 24 de gener del 2020

L'edat del pavo

El veritable coneixement és saber que no saps res.

True knowledge is knowing that you know nothing.



Bona tarda a tothom, això és Ràdio Mollet i nosaltres som l'edat del pavor.

Good afternoon everyone, this is Ràdio Mollet and we are the age of fear.

Bona tarda, nois.

Good afternoon, guys.

Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

Com passa, teus?

How's it going, yours?



Ets una sosa.

You are a bore.

Perdona, ets l'últim que ha arribat i ja t'estàs queixant.

Sorry, you are the last to arrive and you are already complaining.

Segon programa que faig i presentant.

Second program that I am doing and presenting.

Juru, que d'on he fet aquest treballet especial, el Pere?

Juru, where did I do this special little job, Pere?

Ai, a mi em fa paneta.

Oh, it makes me sad.

Bona, deixa'l, que és bon tio.

Good, let it be, he is a good guy.

I amb el seu problema de personalitats multiprofessors,

And with their problem of multiprofessor personalities,

és millor no esperar-lo a veure si es posa a canviar.

It's better not to wait for him to see if he starts to change.

Ja veus, tio.

You see, dude.

Vosaltres dos sou uns enrotllats.

You two are a couple of jokers.

Joder, en sèrio?

Damn, seriously?

Què passa?

What's happening?

Uau, ja heu vist que no ens ha donat el micròfon de l'any d'aquí a la ràdio.

Wow, have you seen that we haven’t been given the microphone of the year here at the radio?

Què és això, tio?

What is this, dude?

És el premi que es dona al, en teoria, millor programa.

It is the award given to the, in theory, best program.

Això està comprat.

This is bought.

Doncs quina merda, ara seria nostre, si no...

Well, what a shit, now it would be ours, if not...

Ja, tio, és que el puto Jota Monras hagués...

Yeah, man, it's just that that fucking Jota Monras would have...

La veritat és que...

The truth is that...

Cristian, que ens fotran fora.

Cristian, they are going to kick us out.

Bé, Mònica, què passa amb aquests dos, eh?

Well, Mònica, what's going on with these two, huh?

Sí, sí, tio.

Yeah, yeah, dude.

Què tal amb el Cristian?

How is it going with Cristian?

Molt bé, me l'estimo molt.

Very well, I love him/her very much.

Sí, és que les tinc totes enamorades.

Yes, it's because I have them all in love.

No parlo de tu, cap d'ou.

I'm not talking about you, no one.

Quin pringat.

What a loser.

Cristian, ja estic amb tu.

Cristian, I am already with you.

Gràcies, tio.

Thanks, dude.

Escolta aquesta cançó, que mola molt.

Listen to this song, it's really cool.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Para, para, para.

Stop, stop, stop.

Joder, Cristian.

Fuck, Cristian.

El Montrars no ens donarà el premi del micròfon de l'any que ve tampoc.

The Montrars will not give us the microphone award for next year either.

Ja, tio, amb lo dolent que és amb nosaltres i seguim així no ens el donarà ni de conya.

Yeah, dude, with how bad he is with us, if we keep this up, he won't give it to us even for a joke.

Joder, tio, que se'l donin al Juanma aquest d'Oxentopia.

Damn, dude, let them give it to Juanma from Oxentopia.

Aquest tio se cabora, eh, tio? Aquest tio, sap?

This guy is crazy, huh, dude? This guy, you know?

Podeu deixar de dir tio?

Can you stop saying dude?

No, tio.

No, dude.

Això comença a semblar els tops.

This is starting to look like the tops.

No, no, no, talla-li el micro, Cristian, ja.

No, no, no, cut off his mic, Cristian, now.

Dirà el nostre que estàs en el cel, santificat sigui el teu nom.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Que ràndon, per què no l'Ave Maria? Eh, masclista!

How rude, why not the Hail Mary? Huh, sexist!

Ave Maria, plena de gràcia els anys amb vos.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the years with you.

Bona nit a sou vos. Entre totes les dones i el Bona nit és el fruit de vostre ventre, Jesús.

Good night to you. Among all women, good night is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Que d'alma, eh?

What spirit, huh?

Aiga, jo només coneixia l'Ave Maria del David Bisbal.

Water, I only knew the Ave Maria by David Bisbal.

Està bé això de saber que hi ha una segona part de l'Ave Maria.

It's nice to know that there is a second part of the Ave Maria.

Però què us passa, esteu drogats o què?

But what's wrong with you, are you on drugs or what?

Parece que sí.

It seems so.

Mm, ja, no?

Mm, yeah, right?

Eh, sí, ens estem passant.

Eh, yes, we're going too far.

Sabeu què? Digues.

Do you know what? Tell me.

El dilluns vaig anar a veure la seia de la Barceloneta.

On Monday, I went to see the beach of Barceloneta.

A la Barceloneta? A què fer?

To Barceloneta? What to do?

Per fer el batxillerat escènic. Vosaltres què voleu fer?

To do the scenic baccalaureate. What do you want to do?

No sé, segur que no.

I don't know, certainly not.

Jo també no el batxillerat científic.

I also don't have the scientific baccalaureate.

Jo igual.

Me too.

No sé on.

I don't know where.

Jo haig de buscar un altre camí, que el meu cursí ho deixa.

I have to find another way, as my course is finished.

Eh, doncs crec que és hora de passar a com seria l'edat del Pavo si...

Eh, well I think it's time to move on to how the age of the Turkey would be if...

Lo que nos faltaba, boludo, ahora la Ariadna.

What we were missing, dude, now Ariadna.

No sé, segur que no.

I don't know, certainly not.

Pare, perdoni'm per què he pecat

Father, forgive me for I have sinned.

Ave Maria Puríssima

Hail Mary Most Pure

De què t'acuses, filla meva?

What do you accuse yourself of, my daughter?

Bé, la veritat, no sabria per on començar

Well, the truth is, I wouldn't know where to start.

El darrer i únic cop que vaig confessar les meves faltes davant

The last and only time I confessed my faults before.

quan vaig fer la primera comunió

when I made my first communion

Així doncs comprenc que des d'aleshores

So I understand that since then

en tinc una bona pila

I have a good pile of them.

Bé, anem per parts

Okay, let's take it step by step.

Repassarem els pecats capitals

We will review the capital sins.

La gula...


Ui, sí, miri, para

Oh, yes, look, stop.

És que com el meu metabolismo corporal

It's just that like my body metabolism

em permet menjar tal com vulgui

it allows me to eat as I wish.

tinc més aviat completsa d'esquelet

I have rather a complete skeleton.

Comprenc, filla meva

I understand, my daughter.

A veure, i la mandra?

Let's see, what about laziness?

Ui, doncs sí

Oh, well yes.

La mandra és un dels meus pecats favorits

Laziness is one of my favorite sins.

No escric mai el guió del programa

I never write the script for the program.

Em fa molt pal

I'm very lazy about it.

Filla meva

My daughter

Veig que ets una ovella

I see that you are a sheep.



Ara tan sols depèn de tu tornar al ramat

Now it only depends on you to return to the flock.

I què m'en dius de l'enveja?

And what do you say about jealousy?

Home, m'agradaria ser presentadora del programa

Mom, I would like to be the host of the show.

i per tant, si es trenquen una cama

and therefore, if you break a leg

a alguns d'ells

to some of them

d'ara no dic que no me n'alegri

I'm not saying that I'm not glad about it now.

Bé, arribem a un punt delicat

Well, we arrive at a delicate point.

Imagino que per la teva edat

I imagine that for your age

hauràs comès algun acte

you must have committed some act

luxuriós, oi?

luxurious, right?

Et toques?

Are you touching yourself?

Bé, pare

Well, father.

La veritat és que molts dels secrets

The truth is that many of the secrets

i experiències hot són meves

and hot experiences are mine

Això és pecat!

This is a sin!



Et quemaràs a l'infern!

You will burn in hell!

Bé, després de desitjar el mal cap a nosaltres

Well, after wishing ill upon us.

passem al tracte de la setmana

let's move on to the deal of the week

de la mar

of the sea

Com es fan les llengües d'aquest tracte?

How are the languages of this agreement made?

Com es fa per fer-ho?

How do you do it?

Hola, benvinguts a la mar a la mar

Hello, welcome to the sea to the sea.

i les accions al tracte de la setmana

and the actions regarding the deal of the week

un concurs que no té premi i que consisteix

a contest that has no prize and consists of

en que el nostre tècnic en Marc posa

in which our technician Marc puts

un tracte molt ràndom i la resta de gent de l'estudi

a very random deal and the rest of the people in the studio

heu d'endevinar com es titula el tracte

you must guess what the title of the treaty is

I quin tracte ens portes avui, Marc?

And what treatment do you bring us today, Marc?

Avui, des del pendre i el freuat del Pau

Today, from Pau's grip and the brake.

us porto el 67è tracte de la setmana

I bring you the 67th deal of the week.

És molt semblant al de Rapport, però crec que és una taladradora.

It is very similar to that of Rapport, but I think it is a drill.

Abolos en una obra.

Abolishments in a work.

Sí, sí, sí, una obra.

Yes, yes, yes, a piece of work.

Jo he fet una motocerra.

I have made a chainsaw.

Una serra mecànica.

A chainsaw.

Jo he fet una serra mecànica.

I have made a chainsaw.

Una taladradora.

A drill.

Jo les dues.

I both.

Jo he posat per les aboles.

I have put for the grandmothers.

No, joder, se m'ha oblidat la paraula, tio.

No, damn it, I've forgotten the word, man.

O batidora.

Oh blender.

O una taladradora.

Or a drill.

Jo crec que és una taladradora.

I think it's a drill.

Doncs no.

Well, no.

Què és?

What is it?



Una batidora.

A blender.



L'he dit jo.

I said it.

I jo?

And me?

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Ah, molt bé.

Ah, very good.

No tens premis?

Don't you have any awards?

Ja, no tenen premis.

Yes, they have no prizes.



Per primera vegada o...

For the first time or...

Passem amb la Marta i l'Anna.

Let's go with Marta and Anna.

Qui, qui, qui t'ha domesticat, qui t'ha plastificat, qui ha fet del mòbil el teu àngel de la guarda, volien volar alt i estem a l'alt del cap, un puto selfie me siga a pedre la calma...

Who, who, who has tamed you, who has plasticized you, who has made the mobile your guardian angel, they wanted to fly high and we’re at the top of the head, a fucking selfie is making me lose my calm...



Bona tarda, noies.

Good afternoon, girls.

Què ens porteu avui?

What do you bring us today?

Avui ens portem...

Today we take with us...

Don't go, the camera on Philip.

No marxis, la càmera sobre en Philip.

Sé que ens vam conèixer, però et vas oblidar del nostre humor.

I know we met, but you forgot about our humor.

Seguim sent amics o només estaves fingint o és aquest el final?

Are we still friends or were you just pretending or is this the end?

No entenc per què estic sol. Per què no dius res?

I don't understand why I'm alone. Why don't you say anything?

Ui, per què no dius res? Per què no vas donar-li res?

Oh, why don't you say anything? Why didn't you give him anything?

Vaig ser tan dolent? Va ser molt trista?

Was I that bad? Was it very sad?

D'on va vindre tot això?

Where did all this come from?

Sé que tu m'estimaves o estaves dient mentides.

I know that you loved me or you were telling lies.

Quan ens donem petons o quan ens reiem.

When we give each other kisses or when we laugh.

Hi havia molts dins teu. Ara estic perdut.

There were many inside you. Now I am lost.

Què penseu?

What do you think?

Lo siento por reír un poco más.

I'm sorry for laughing a little more.

Vinga, Carles, a fer-ho.

Come on, Carles, let's do it.

Per què no dius res?

Why don't you say anything?



No sé, típica cançó de desamor.

I don't know, typical heartbreak song.

És xula la lletra, a mi m'agrada.

The lyrics are cool, I like them.

A mi també.

Me too.

És desamor i com després de la ruptura, crec.

It is heartbreak and like after the breakup, I believe.

Bueno, interpreto.

Well, I interpret.

Sí, jo crec el mateix.

Yes, I believe the same.

La següent diu...

The following says...



Ets tu un altre cop, trucant-me un altre cop.

It's you again, calling me again.

Llavors t'he posat en silenci.

Then I have put you on mute.

Estàs preguntant per què sóc tan tímida.

You're asking why I'm so shy.

Potser vas parlar-me moltes vegades.

Perhaps you spoke to me many times.

Hauries d'haver pres l'avisor.

You should have taken the advice.

Perquè ara m'estàs estressant.

Because you are stressing me out now.

Sé que vaig dir que t'estimava, però les coses que feies no.

I know I said I loved you, but the things you did were not.

Vam estar junts fins que les coses es van posar pitjor

We were together until things got worse.

perquè no hi havia les coses.

because there weren't the things.

Què opineu?

What do you think?

No sé si ho he entès jo malament.

I don't know if I misunderstood.

És un noi que canta i després és una noia.

He is a boy who sings and then he is a girl.

Sí, és com la corba.

Yes, it's like the curve.

És com la conversació.

It's like the conversation.

És com la resposta.

It is like the answer.



I el de potser vas parlar-me...

And the one you might have spoken to me about...

Bueno, no és parlar-me, és parlar per mi moltes vegades.

Well, it's not talking to me, it's talking for me many times.

Que hi ha una E.

That there is an E.

Lo siento, lo he escrito a las 6 de la mañana.

I'm sorry, I wrote it at 6 in the morning.

Lo siento.

I'm sorry.



Ara l'última.

Now the last one.

Ara el meu cor va tegar ràpid.

Now my heart is beating fast.

Sí, vam ser genials.

Yes, we were brilliant.

I ara estic perseguint un amor que ja ha passat.

And now I am chasing a love that has already passed.

Bé, el meu amor no s'ha estripat.

Well, my love has not been torn.

Estaré aquí esperant.

I will be here waiting.

Sé que és un estrany.

I know it's a strange one.

Però podem arreglar això.

But we can fix this.

Sé que això no és el final.

I know this is not the end.

Sé que això no acaba aquí.

I know this doesn't end here.

No te'n vagis.

Don't go away.

Què opineu de la cançó?

What do you think of the song?

A mi m'agrada.

I like it.

A mi també.

Me too.

És que la veu de la noia, tio.

It's that the girl’s voice, man.

És que no sé si ha sonat, però crec que no l'ha escoltat.

I don't know if it has sounded, but I think he/she hasn't heard it.

No, no, no l'ha escoltat la veu de la noia.

No, no, he not heard the girl's voice.

M'agradaria fer una cançó castella amb el Pere.

I would like to make a Spanish song with Pere.



Ahí lo dejo.

There I leave it.

Pere, ja ho saps.

Peter, you already know it.

Ah, vale.

Oh, okay.

Bé, fins la setmana vinent.

Well, see you next week.

Pues nada.

Well, nothing.





Se'n va, adéu!

He's leaving, goodbye!



La costumbre.

The custom.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Bona tarda, noies.

Good afternoon, girls.





Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

Bona tarda a tothom.

Good afternoon everyone.

Com us ha anat aquesta setmana, noies?

How has your week been, girls?

Pitjor que l'anterior, però bueno.

Worse than the previous one, but okay.

Fa que mentir.

It makes you lie.

Doncs amb mi va bastant bé, això, crec.

Well, it's going quite well for me, I think.


I believe.

M'alegro, oi.

I'm glad, right?


Thank you.

Bé, no ens interessa.

Well, we are not interested.

Com us ha anat la setmana?

How has your week been?

A veure, no és una pregunta, amigo.

Let's see, it's not a question, friend.

És una frase.

It is a sentence.

No intentes...

Don't try...

No intentes fer-te pariloli que no te sale.

Don't try to act silly; it doesn't suit you.

Jo llegeixo.

I read.

I te lo solto.

I'll let you go.

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

Bé, doncs, com no us interessa, doncs, no ens escolteu.

Well, then, since you are not interested, then don't listen to us.



Per la gent que sí que ens escolta, la cançó d'avui és...

For the people who do listen to us, today's song is...


Dare yourself.

Atreve-te-te-te, salte del closet, destapate, quítate el esmalte, déjate taparte, que nadie va a retratarte, levántate, ponte hyper, préndete, sácale chispa al destartel,

Dare yourself, come out of the closet, uncover yourself, take off the nail polish, let yourself get covered, no one will take your picture, get up, get hyper, light yourself up, spark some life into the chaos.

préndete en fuego como un láctel, sacúdete el sudor como si fueras un huayper, que tú eres callejón.

Burn like a cocktail, shake off the sweat as if you were a huayper, because you are a backstreet.

Era Street Fighter, canvia esa cara de seria, esa cara de intelectual, de enciclopèdia, que te voy a inyectar...

It was Street Fighter, change that serious face, that face of an intellectual, of an encyclopedia, that I'm going to inject you with...

Aquesta cançó és del grup Calle 13 i la podeu trobar en el seu únic àlbum, La Calle 13.

This song is by the band Calle 13 and you can find it on their only album, La Calle 13.

Que original.

How original.

Aquesta cançó és de l'any 2005 i en aquell moment ho petava.

This song is from the year 2005 and at that time it was a hit.

És del gènere hip-hop i trop.

It is of the hip-hop and trap genre.

Aquesta cançó ha guanyat un premi.

This song has won an award.

Vinga, va, no fotem.

Come on, let's not mess around.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Sí, van guanyar el premi Grammy al millor vídeo musical de Latinoamèrica.

Yes, they won the Grammy award for the best music video in Latin America.



Calle 13 és un duet de reggae hip-hop de Puerto Rico,

Calle 13 is a hip-hop reggae duo from Puerto Rico,

compost per René Pérez, que es va dir Residente,

composed by René Pérez, who was known as Residente,

i Eduardo Cabra, que es va dir Visitante.

and Eduardo Cabra, who was called Visitante.

I els dos són els Reventas.

And they are both the Reventas.

El duet es va donar a conèixer el 2005 amb dos èxits seguits a les ràdios de Puerto Rico,

The duet became known in 2005 with two consecutive hits on the radio in Puerto Rico,

amb Es vale toto i Estimate FBI.

With Es everything goes and I estimate FBI.

Tot ho publiquen a la discografia El Abismo,

Everything is published by the record label El Abismo.

que és on haurien d'estar les seves cançons.

that is where their songs should be.

Ara ha arribat la part més divertida de la sacció.

Now the most fun part of the session has arrived.

Analitza la lletra.

Analyze the lyrics.

La primera estrofa diu així.

The first verse goes like this.

Atrévetete, salte del closet.

Dare yourself, come out of the closet.

Destápate, quítate el esmalte.

Uncover yourself, take off the nail polish.

Deja de taparte, que nadie va a retratarte.

Stop covering yourself, no one is going to photograph you.

Levántate, ponte hyper.

Get up, get hyper.

Préndete, saca las chispas al starter.

Light it up, spark the starter.

Préntete en fuego como un lighter.

Burn yourself like a lighter.

Sacúdete el sudor como si fueras un wiper.

Shake off the sweat like a wiper.

Que tú eres callejera, street fighter.

That you are streetwise, street fighter.

Què interpreteu d'aquesta estrofa?

What do you interpret from this stanza?

Perquè totes les cançons tenen la mateixa lletra.

Because all the songs have the same lyrics.

O sigui, sento que ja he escoltat aquesta cançó.

So, I feel like I've already heard this song.

Jo és que hi ha coses que no entenc.

I just don't understand some things.

Que sento que ja he escoltat aquesta lletra.

I feel like I've already heard these lyrics.

En un altre lloc.

In another place.

Sí, sí, amb vosaltres.

Yes, yes, with you.

Jo la baralla aquesta de les últimes paraules, dir-les en anglès,

I tackle this issue of the last words, to say them in English.

i con este tono de...

and with this tone of...

Se creen guais.

They think they are cool.



Jo crec que gairebé totes acaben amb la mateixa...

I think that almost all of them end the same way...

Sí, el que fèiem amb la línia de les estrofes.

Yes, what we did with the line of the stanzas.



Amb B.

With B.

I, per exemple, hi ha paraules típiques, rollo lighter, wiper, fighter, hyper...

And, for example, there are typical words, like lighter, wiper, fighter, hyper...



No busquen que tingui un sentit, sinó que totes les paraules acaben...

They don't seek for it to have a meaning, but rather that all the words end up...

O sigui, totes les frases acaben igual.

That is to say, all the sentences end up the same.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Su único objetivo.

Its only objective.

Como un lighter.

Like a lighter.

Como si fueras un wiper.

Like you were a wiper.

Street fighter.

Street fighter.

O sea, sacudete, sacudete el sudor como si fueras un wiper.

I mean, shake it off, shake off the sweat like you’re a wiper.

¿Qué es un wiper?

What is a wiper?

No sé.

I don't know.

Es que...

It's just that...

Carles, tienes un rotulador.

Carles, you have a marker.


Use it.

Ellos ganan un premio, de verdad.

They win a prize, really.

O sea...

I mean...





Traducir al español.

Translate to Spanish.

¿Qué es eso?

What is that?


Holy shit.



Es parabrisas, básicamente.

It's basically the windshield.

Ah, perfecto.

Ah, perfect.

O sea...

That is...

Sacudete el sudor como si fueras un parabrisas.

Shake off the sweat like you're a windshield wiper.


Go ahead.

Entiendo por qué lo dicen en inglés.

I understand why they say it in English.

¿Qué es eso?

What is that?

Dale que sí.

Go for it.

Es verdad.

It's true.

Qué fantasía.

What a fantasy.

Está brillante la cabeza.

The head is bright.

La següent diu així.

The following goes like this.



Deja el show.

Leave the show.

Súbete la minifalda hasta la espalda.

Pull your mini skirt up to your back.



Súbete la...

Pull up your...

Deja el show más alta.

Turn up the show higher.

Pero qué co...

But what the hell...

Que ahora vamos a bailar por toda la falda.

Now we are going to dance all over the skirt.

Mira nena, quieres un sipi...

Look girl, do you want a sipi...

¿Un sipi?

A sipi?

No importa si eres rapera o si eres una mujer.

It doesn't matter if you're a rapper or if you're a woman.

¿Qué quieres?

What do you want?

Que te vengas.

That you come over.

¿Qué quieres?

What do you want?

Mira, nena, quieres un sipi...

Look, girl, do you want a sip?

Go sommes un sipi?

What are we, a sipi?

Un sipi.

A sipi.

No importa si eres rapera o si eres una mujer.

It doesn't matter if you are a rapper or if you are a woman.

Sipi. No importa si eres rapera

Sure. It doesn't matter if you're a rapper.

o eres hippie. Si eres de

or you are a hippie. If you are from

Bayamón o de Guaynabo City,

Bayamón or Guaynabo City,

conmigo no te pongas piqui.

Don't be picky with me.

Ahora acaban con i.

Now they end with i.

Al menos se saben las pocales.

At least the vocals are known.

Yo creo que Sipi se lo han inventado

I believe that Sipi has been made up.

para que rimara con hippie. En teoría, Sipi

to rhyme with hippie. In theory, Sipi

es una baguda de la puncha de frutas.

It is a fruit punch drink.

Guaynabo City.

Guaynabo City.

¿Qué es Jalda, Carles?

What is Jalda, Carles?

¿Quieres un Sipi, claro?

Do you want a Sipi, of course?

En vez de hacer drogas, haces zumitos.

Instead of making drugs, you make juices.

¿Quieres un Sipi?

Do you want a Sipi?

Mira, nena. Ya ni mira, nena.

Look, girl. Don't even look, girl.

Mira, nena. Definición de Jalda

Look, girl. Definition of Jalda.

del diccionario de la lengua

from the dictionary of the language

de la Real Academia Española.

of the Royal Spanish Academy.

Lo traduce como falda.

He translates it as skirt.

Pero lo traduce como falda.

But it translates it as skirt.

Ahora vamos a bailar por toda la falda.

Now we are going to dance all over the skirt.

Lógico y tal.

Logical and so on.

Por la falda esa que se tiene que subir

Because of that skirt that has to be pulled up.

hasta la espalda.

up to the back.

Es que después, ¿cómo te la bajas?

It's just that later, how do you bring it down?

Surrealista. ¿Pero para qué sirve

Surrealist. But what is it for?

una falda en la espalda?

A skirt on the back?

Un top.

A top.

Un top falda.

A top skirt.

Bueno, depende de cuál.

Well, it depends on which one.

Guaynabo City existeix, eh?

Guaynabo City exists, right?

No, sí, sí. Guaynabo City existeix.

No, yes, yes. Guaynabo City exists.

Eso sí que lo sabía.

I indeed knew that.

Nos vamos todos a Guaynabo.

We're all going to Guaynabo.

El viaje de fin de curso a Guaynabo City.

The end-of-year trip to Guaynabo City.

Yo lo veo.

I see it.

Pero tenemos que ir todos con Jalda en la espalda, ¿eh?

But we all have to go with Jalda on our backs, okay?

Pues no.

Well, no.

Con una Jalda en la espalda.

With a Jalda on the back.

Ante todo.

First of all.

Y un wiper para sacar la sudor.

And a wiper to wipe the sweat.



Con un Sipi.

With a Sipi.



La següent diu així.

The following says this.

Cambia esa cara de seria.

Change that serious face.

Esa cara de intelectual.

That intellectual face.

De enciclopedia.

From encyclopedia.

Que te voy a inyectar con la bacteria.

I'm going to inject you with the bacteria.

Pa' que dé vuelta como máquina de feria.

So it turns around like a fairground ride.

Señorita intelectual,

Miss Intellectual,

ya sé que tiene el área abdominal

I already know that he has abdominal area.

que va a explotar como fiesta patronal

that is going to blow up like a patron saint festival

que va a explotar

that is going to explode

como palestino.

as a Palestinian.

¿Qué interpreteu d'això de que va a explotar?

What do you interpret from this about it going to explode?



Que algo peta.

That something breaks.

Va a explotar la bacteria.

The bacteria is going to explode.

La bactèria, la bactèria peta.

The bacteria, the bacteria bursts.

No, t'he sentit res.

No, I haven't heard anything from you.

Duda existencial.

Existential doubt.

Què és una cara d'enciclopedia?

What is an encyclopedia face?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Cara seria.

It would be expensive.

Jo crec que és una fotografia teòrica.

I think it is a theoretical photograph.

La cara del Carles, jo lo veig.

I can see Carles' face.

Cara dura.


Israel explota brutalment a centenars.

Israel brutally explodes hundreds.

No ho he dit.

I didn't say it.

He acabat.

I have finished.


Shut up.

Carles, deja l'ordinador.

Carles, leave the computer.

Doncs això és tot per avui.

Well, that's all for today.

Esperem que us hagi agradat.

We hope you liked it.

I si no, com diu la Malola...

And if not, as Malola says...

No ens interessa.

We are not interested.



Bona tarda, noies.

Good afternoon, girls.

Bona tarda a tothom.

Good afternoon everyone.

Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

Bona tarda, nois.

Good afternoon, guys.

L'altre dia a classe vam començar una sèrie...

The other day in class we started a series...

molt xula amb la Txelo.

very cool with Txelo.

Encara que a ella no li va agradar gaire.

Although she didn't like it very much.

Cert, perquè hi havia contingut per més d'18.

Sure, because there was content for more than 18.


Poor thing.

Es pensa que mai veiem contingut més d'18.

It is thought that we never see content beyond 18.

A la marcadora també ho és.

It is also on the scoreboard.

Per cert, ja que la setmana passada no em vau deixar acabar,

By the way, since you didn't let me finish last week,

miro la sèrie que està molt bé.

I watch the series, which is very good.

I que la setmana passada es va estrenar la segona temporada.

And the second season premiered last week.

Saps què?

You know what?

No m'interessa.

I'm not interested.


Poor thing.

A mi tampoc m'interessa.

I'm not interested either.

No m'interessa.

I'm not interested.

A mi tampoc m'interessa.

I'm not interested either.

Només m'interessa que continuem amb la secció.

I only care that we continue with the section.

Em feu bullying.

You are bullying me.

Senyora López, no plor.

Mrs. López, don’t cry.

Ara marxo.

I'm leaving now.

No marxis.

Don't leave.

Et necessitem per continuar amb la secció.

We need you to continue with the section.

T'estimaria més si continuéssiu...

I would love you more if you continued...

Respeta, respeta.

Respect, respect.

És que no ens interessa.

It's just that we are not interested.

Si en realitat tots m'estimeu.

If you all really love me.

T'estimaria més si continuéssiu amb la secció.

I would love you more if you continued with the section.

Doncs ara no vull.

Well, I don’t want to now.

Senyor presentador, una mica de respecte.

Mr. Presenter, a little respect.

Et falta la paraula màgica.

You need the magic word.

Quina paraula?

Which word?

Si us plau.


Continua amb la secció, si us plau.

Please continue with the section.

Això m'agrada més.

I like this more.

Ara sí que continuem.

Now we can continue.

Quina sèrie ens porteu avui, noies?

What series do you bring us today, girls?

Avui us portem...

Today we bring you...

The Boys.

The Boys.

The Boys és una sèrie de superherois per a WebTV

The Boys is a superhero series for WebTV.

basada en el còmic del mateix nom

based on the comic of the same name

de Garth Ennis i Derek Robertson.

by Garth Ennis and Derek Robertson.



Evolupada per Eric Kripke per Amazon,

Developed by Eric Kripke for Amazon,

segueix un equip de vigilants

it follows a team of guards

que lluiten contra persones superpoderoses

who fight against superpowered people

que abusen de les seves habilitats.

that abuse their skills.

La sèrie es va estrenar el 26 de juliol del 2019.

The series premiered on July 26, 2019.

O sigui, aquest any.

So, this year.

No, l'any passat.

No, last year.

Abans d'estrenar-se, Amazon va renovar The Boys

Before its premiere, Amazon renewed The Boys.

per a una segona temporada.

for a second season.

The Boys té lloc en un univers

The Boys takes place in a universe

on els superherois són venerats per la gent

where superheroes are revered by the people

i on aquests són propietaris

and these are owners

d'una multinacional dita Vogue Internacional

of a multinational called Vogue International

que els comercialitza i monetitza.

that commercializes and monetizes them.

Fora de les seves identitats heroiques,

Outside of their heroic identities,

la majoria de els superherois són venerats per la gent.

Most superheroes are revered by the people.

La majoria són arrogants i estan corromputs.

Most are arrogant and corrupt.

La sèrie es centra principalment en dos grups.

The series mainly focuses on two groups.

Els Seven, l'equip d'elit de Vogue Internacional

The Seven, the elite team of Vogue International

i els Boys, que donen nom a la sèrie.

And the Boys, who give name to the series.

Vigilants intenten mantenir sota control

Guards are trying to keep it under control.

els superherois corromputs.

the corrupted superheroes.

Els Boys són liderats per Billy Butcher

The Boys are led by Billy Butcher.

que menysprea totes les persones amb superpoders

who despises all people with superpowers

i els Seven són dirigits per l'egoista

and the Seven are led by the selfish one

i inestable Homelander.

and unstable Homelander.

Què en penseu de la sèrie?

What do you think of the series?

Està guai.

It's cool.

Només he vist un capítol.

I have only seen one episode.

Ja, clar, sí.

Yes, of course.

És xula.

It's cool.

És un poc de locos.

It's a bit crazy.

Sí, és estranya, però potser acaba tenint sentit.

Yes, it's strange, but perhaps it eventually makes sense.

I fins aquí la nostra secció.

And this is our section.

Adéu, noies.

Goodbye, girls.



I ara us deixem amb les notícies.

And now we leave you with the news.

Esteu escoltant Ràdio Moller.

You are listening to Ràdio Moller.

Dos quarts.

Two quarters.

A minutos, notícies.

In minutes, news.

El que li haügen de dir no poseu reper reps o f rows.

What you have to tell him is not to put repercussions or rows.

El que li haiegen de dir no poseu les còops.

What they should have told him is not to put the cups.

El que li haigen de dir no poseu les còops.

What they have to say to him is don't put the cups.

Bona tarda, són dos quarts, us parla Joel Gascón.

Good afternoon, it is two thirty, this is Joel Gascón speaking.

Aquest diumenge té lloc la cursa popular de Sant Vicenç,

This Sunday takes place the popular race of Sant Vicenç,

que arriba a la seva 21a edició.

that reaches its 21st edition.

La cursa s'emmarca dins dels actes de festa major d'hivern de la ciutat

The race is part of the winter festivities of the city.

i serà la desena edició del memorial Jordi Soler Turà.

And it will be the tenth edition of the Jordi Soler Turà memorial.

La cursa de Sant Vicenç espera més d'un milet de participants.

The Sant Vicenç race expects over a thousand participants.

Aquests mil ja s'han inscrit i ara resten els que es puguin inscriure

These thousand have already registered and now remain those who can register.

entre avui i demà al Decathlon de la nostra ciutat.

between today and tomorrow at the Decathlon in our city.

I el diumenge, el mateix dia, de la cursa Rogelio Vega del Club Atlètic Mollet

And on Sunday, the same day, of the Rogelio Vega race of the Mollet Athletic Club.

i un dels organitzadors de la cursa ha explicat que un dels atractius de l'esdeveniment

and one of the organizers of the race explained that one of the attractions of the event

és que la cursa de 10 quilòmetres passa pel Parc Natural de Gallecs.

The 10-kilometer race goes through the Gallecs Natural Park.

Sí, bueno, el Parc Natural de Gallecs es impresionante.

Yes, well, the Gallecs Natural Park is impressive.

Yo creo que mantenemos la cantidad de participantes,

I believe we maintain the number of participants,

la cantidad importante de atletas por el paraje donde pasa la carrera de 10 kilómetros.

the significant number of athletes along the route where the 10-kilometer race takes place.

Mucha gente viene de Barcelona, de Girona,

Many people come from Barcelona, from Girona,

que han corrido ya otros años, lo desconocían,

that they had run in other years, they did not know it,

pero al ver el paraje de Gallecs pues se quedan muy contentos

but upon seeing the Gallecs area, they are very pleased

y vuelven a asistir año tras año a nuestra carrera.

and they keep attending our race year after year.

La cursa començarà a dos quarts d'onze del matí a l'Avinguda del Parc

The race will start at half past ten in the morning at Avinguda del Parc.

que finalitzarà a les pistes de la Tisba de la Pedra Salvadora.

that will conclude at the tracks of the Tisba of the Healing Stone.

I també diumenge els gegants de Mollet celebren la 26ena

And also on Sunday, the giants of Mollet celebrate the 26th.

i la 26ena trobada.

and the 26th meeting.

La cursa de gegants tot coincidint amb la festa major d'hivern.

The giant race coinciding with the winter festival.

Les colles convidades són els que més sonen de Balcereny,

The invited groups are the ones that are most talked about from Balcereny,

la colla gegantera de les Fonts

the giants' group of les Fonts

i la colla gegantera del Prat de Llobregat.

and the giant group from Prat de Llobregat.

Juan Carlos Linares és el president de Geganters de Mollet

Juan Carlos Linares is the president of the Geganters of Mollet.

i ha explicat que la trobada començarà amb la tradicional plantada

He explained that the meeting will begin with the traditional planting.

a les 11 del matí a Arpal, al Parc de les Pruneres,

at 11 in the morning in Arpal, in the Pruneres Park,

i posteriorment es farà una esmorza entre totes les colles presents.

And afterwards, there will be a breakfast among all the participating groups.

Primer fem una plantada, que serà a les Pruneres,

First we'll do a planting, which will be at the Pruneres.

i ens acompanyem al mercat vell i els oferim un esmorzar.

And we accompany them to the old market and offer them breakfast.

Això funciona en totes les trobades.

This works in all meetings.

Depèn també de l'horari.

It also depends on the schedule.

Si vas un dissabte a un poble que és massa l'estiu,

If you go to a village on a Saturday that is too summer,

un dissabte a la nit, és més sopar.

On a Saturday night, it's more about dinner.

Si són normals, hi poses l'esmorzar.

If they are normal, you put the breakfast on it.

Nosaltres aquest diumenge farem, demà passat, farem un esmorzar.

This Sunday we will have a breakfast, the day after tomorrow.

Esmorzem, pintam, cafetó, i ja comencem la cercavila.

We have breakfast, we paint, have a coffee, and then we start the parade.

I la cercavila la fem.

And we do the parade.

I finalment acabem amb un ball a la plaça, al plat de la Riba.

And finally, we end with a dance in the square, at the Riba platform.

Recordem que la trobada tindrà lloc aquest diumenge a partir de les 11 del matí.

Remember that the meeting will take place this Sunday starting at 11 in the morning.

Això és tot, més informació d'aquí una hora.

That's all, more information in an hour.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Hola, nois, hem tornat.

Hello, guys, we are back.

Carles, l'Ona encara no ha arribat.

Carles, Ona hasn't arrived yet.

Joder, però on s'ha ficat aquesta noia?

Damn, but where has that girl gone?

Està en el lavabo. Això és el que l'he escoltat dir.

It's in the bathroom. That's what I've heard them say.

Mare meva, això no es pot aguantar.

My goodness, this is unbearable.

Hola, nois, quan comencem?

Hello, guys, when do we start?

Eee, estem en directe. Bé, fa una estona.

Eee, we are live. Well, a little while ago.

Espera un moment, i el Cristian on està?

Wait a moment, and where is Cristian?

Uuuh, perdona, és que m'he trobat una tazza i m'he entretingut una mica.

Uuuh, sorry, I found a cup and I got a little distracted.

Però què dius, deixa ja de fumar i centra't ara mateix.

But what are you saying, stop smoking and focus right now.

Però què us passa avui?

But what’s wrong with you today?

Doncs que estic estressada perquè no sé quin color d'ungles posar-me.

Well, I'm stressed because I don't know what nail color to choose.

Preciosa, et posarem les ungles de la Rosalia, saps?

Beautiful, we'll put on the nails like Rosalia's, you know?

Deixa't estar d'ungles i seguim amb el programa.

Forget about nails and let's continue with the program.

I ara passem a...

And now we move on to...

aaksjasklx, a-a...

aaksjasklx, a-a...

a... bueno, trencacontes.

Ah... well, a puzzle.







roof Handball!

Roof Handball!


Regaza! (Note: "Regaza" does not have a direct translation in English as it appears to be a proper noun or a specific term. Please provide more context if you need a different kind of translation.)



It's a barren �,

It's a barren land.

robando a sa marwari.

stealing from the Marwari.

Cap ben during

No good during





a التGL

a theGL

Trenca contes!

Break Stories!

Benvinguts a Trencacontes!

Welcome to Trencacontes!

Avui hi ha una nova incorporació, que és la Paula de Primer d'ESO.

Today there is a new addition, which is Paula from First year of ESO.







És que copiem i paguem totes les intros de tots els trencs

It's just that we copy and pay for all the intros of all the breaks.

i segueix el oli o hola o el que tingui la gana xd.

And follow the oil or hello or whatever you're hungry for lol.

És que agafa tres trencs.

It takes three breaks.

Bueno, i quin trenc que portem avui?

Well, and what a mess we have today?

La neguet lleig.

The ugly little girl.

La neguet tiktoker.

The worried tiktoker.

Bé, doncs bé, com ja sabeu, cada setmana fem un sorteig d'un personatge

Well, then, as you all know, every week we have a draw for a character.

que s'estarrejarà entre tots els membres del programa.

that will be shared among all the members of the program.

Aquí li toca i l'haurà de presentar, imbrutxant com millor pugui.

Here it's his turn, and he will have to present it, muddling through as best he can.

Vinga, sense més dilació, procedim amb el sorteig.

Come on, without further delay, let's proceed with the draw.

Ja lo cutó, lo cutar afortunat d'aquesta setmana, eh?

The lucky loser, the fortunate loser of this week, huh?

Ai, madre, madre, madre.

Oh, mother, mother, mother.



L'Eric, sí.

Eric, yes.

Bueno, qué raro.

Well, how strange.

Otra vez.


Com sempre.

As always.

Bueno, et tocarà representar a molts personatges que són...

Well, you'll have to portray many characters that are...

Sí, molts personatges.

Yes, many characters.

Estàs preparat.

You are ready.

Bueno, no, pero bueno, anem.

Well, no, but okay, let's go.



Com cada estiu, la senyora Ànega es va posar a covar els seus ous

As every summer, Mrs. Duck began to incubate her eggs.

i totes les seves amigues del corral estaven desitjoses de beure els seus seneguets,

and all her friends from the pen were eager to drink their little bloods,

que sempre eren els més bonics de tots.

that they were always the prettiest of all.

Jo tinc els seneguets més bonics de tots, de tot el món.

I have the most beautiful little pigs of all, in the whole world.

Tia, tampoc que t'hi passes.

Dude, don't overdo it either.

Ets una envellosa.

You are a jealous person.

Va arribar el dia en què els seneguets van començar a buidar-se.

The day came when the little pigs started to empty themselves.

Tothom es va reunir al voltant del niu per beure'ls per primer cop.

Everyone gathered around the nest to drink them for the first time.

Un a un van anar sortint fins a sis preciosos seneguets

One by one, six precious little pigs started to appear.

i de cop es va començar a escoltar-se una cançó molt estranya.

And suddenly, a very strange song started to be heard.



van centrar la seva atenció al lou que estava fent un ball massa estrany.

They focused their attention on the guy who was doing a very strange dance.

Què cony li passa?

What the hell is wrong with him/her?

Es troba bé, o sigui, joder, quina pena fot, no?

Are you okay, I mean, damn, what a shame, right?

Wait, run again, run again, run again, run again, run again.

Wait, run again, run again, run again, run again, run again.



Bum, bum, bum.

Boom, boom, boom.

Uau, t'has sortit d'un fill tiktoker.

Wow, you've ended up with a TikTok kid.

Ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha, ha.



Ai, és que m'he meu.

Oh, I just pooped myself.

T'hi què?

What do you mean?



Anna, eh, què fa amb les mans?

Anna, hey, what are you doing with your hands?

Què és això?

What is this?

Ajuda, sisplau!

Help, please!

Ha, ha, ha, és que no puedo.

Ha, ha, ha, I just can't.

Xiqui, para de riure.

Kid, stop laughing.

La senyora ja té prou amb els disgustos del nini aquest, tio.

The lady has enough with the troubles from this brat, man.



Una pregunta.

A question.

Això del tistós, què és?

What is this tistós?

És una malaltia, o...?

Is it an illness, or...?

La senyora d'Anaga es moria de vergonya

Mrs. Anaga was dying of embarrassment.

per haver tingut una neta tiktoker

for having a granddaughter who is a TikToker

barra inflo mierder

bar inflates crap

i el va apartar dels altres.

and he moved him away from the others.

L'Anna tiktoker es va quedar molt trist

Anna the TikToker was very sad.

perquè se'n va adonar que ella no el volia.

because he realized that she didn't want him.

Vam passar els dies, no millora va.

We spent the days, it doesn't get better.

Ja que es passava el dia fent balls estrany i coses amb les mans

Since he spent the day doing strange dances and things with his hands.

i cada vegada més imbècils.

and more and more idiots.

Que li donava el puto follow

That was giving him the fucking follow.

i ella es creia guai.

And she thought she was cool.

You have to eat before you make your skin turn pink.

You have to eat before you make your skin turn pink.

Eat too much and you'll get sick.

Eat too much and you'll get sick.

Shrimps are pretty rich.

Shrimps are quite rich.

La neguet va decidir que havia de buscar un lloc on pogués fer tiktoks.

The raccoon decided that it had to find a place where it could make TikToks.

Va agafar el seu mòbil i el carregador i va fugir per un forat de la tanca.

He grabbed his phone and the charger and ran through a hole in the fence.

Hosti, però si aquí no hi ha ningú. Aparcar, aquí me quedo.

Damn, but there’s no one here. Park, I’ll stay here.

Va trobar un lloc tranquil, però una mica perillós.

He found a quiet but somewhat dangerous place.

En sèrio, perillós?

Seriously, dangerous?

Sí, d'acord. Estic cagat de por.

Yes, alright. I am scared to death.

Oju amb el tiktoker!

Watch out for the TikToker!

Xxxt, calla i escolta.

Xxxt, be quiet and listen.

Ara què fas per dinar?

What are you having for lunch now?

Hòstia, pilotes!

Holy shit, balls!

Oh, que són de bones! M'encanten!

Oh, they are so good! I love them!

Què collons, pilotes? Espera, que...

What the hell, balls? Wait, that...

Vaja rellada, xaval.

What a mess, dude.

Para quieta, hi ha algú més. Escolta.

Stop, there is someone else. Listen.

És rosa!

It's pink!

És sàvia fresca!

It's fresh sage!



A la porra i fotem al camp d'aquí.

To hell with it and let's go to the field from here.

Després d'uns 15 minuts caminant amb la seva playlist de cançons del tiktok,

After about 15 minutes of walking with her TikTok song playlist,

va veure un lloc perfecte per fer tiktoks i...

she saw a perfect place to make TikToks and...

Doncs bé, com era d'esperar, és l'hora de l'interactiu.

Well, as expected, it's time for the interactive.

Triareu l'opció A

You will choose option A.

o l'opció B?

or option B?

L'opció B.

Option B.

La B, la B.

The B, the B.

La B?

The B?

La B, la B, la B.

The B, the B, the B.

La B, la B.

The B, the B.

La B.

The B.

La B, sí, la B.

The B, yes, the B.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Doncs seguim.

Let's continue.

Espera, no t'he dit que...

Wait, I didn't tell you that...

L'eneguet va continuar caminant una bona estona.

The little duck continued walking for a good while.

De cop i volta va veure una mansió tope de grande

Suddenly, he saw a huge mansion.

i aitou guapa i va decidir apropar-se.

And she went up, pretty, and decided to get closer.

Eh, doncs això. Hola.

Eh, well, that. Hello.

Dios mío, no puede ser.

My God, it can't be.

Pero qué fuerte.

But how strong.

Madre mía, voy a entrar.

Oh my gosh, I'm going in.

Ai, que estan fent un TikTok.

Oh no, they are making a TikTok.

Hola, noies.

Hello, girls.

Tu, tu, no t'ho volia dir, però...

You, you, I didn't want to tell you, but...



Para, perquè, tia, eres el haz-me-reír del TikTok.

Stop, because, girl, you are the make-me-laugh of TikTok.

I doncs...

And then...

No els cau molt bé, saps?

They don't like them very much, you know?

Però què dius? Si som amics.

But what are you saying? We are friends.

Anda, calla.

Come on, shut up.

Que tu ni existeixes.

That you don't even exist.

Eh, te relajas.

Hey, relax.

Vale, vale, ja està.

Okay, okay, it's done.

Però, d'aquestes hores que no els caic bé?

But what about these hours when I'm not liked?

Que no, que no és...

No, it’s not...

L'hi escaus pitxocle a la vida tuerck.

It suits you, little one, to the twisted life.

Oh, Dios mío.

Oh, my God.

Tan, tan bajo he caído.

So low have I fallen.

En comptes de ser tiktoker, podries ser...

Instead of being a TikToker, you could be...

Ehm, raponador o un súper?

Um, a crony or a super?

Es necessita la mateixa capacitat mental?

Is the same mental capacity needed?

Doncs, potser sí, eh?

Well, maybe yes, huh?

Començaré amb el meu currículum.

I will start with my resume.

0, 100.

0, 100.

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0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.

Llibertat a Catalunya no és un puta Espanya.

Freedom in Catalonia is not a fucking Spain.

Foca el govern, fes el que em dóna la gana.

Screw the government, I'll do what I want.

Xilin en el magba, fumant marihuana.

Xilin in the MACBA, smoking marijuana.

Nena, guerrilla urbana...

Girl, urban guerrilla...

Amb un bon cogombre a qualsevol home se li fa ombra.

With a good cucumber, any man casts a shadow.

Per arribar fins a una situació calenta cal estar atenta.

To reach a heated situation, one must be attentive.

Posa't el cinturó que ja arriba l'acció.

Put on your seatbelt because the action is coming.

Aquesta secció et farà desitjar l'amor i també una mica d'escalfor.

This section will make you long for love and also a bit of warmth.

Una abraçada carantona pot ser com una crispeta al microones.

A warm hug can be like popcorn in the microwave.

En seriu una crispeta.

You would be a popcorn.

En quin moment vam decidir ficar aquest tio entre nosaltres?

When did we decide to stick this guy among us?

I que no va anar bé.

And it didn't go well.

...de confinament de cenes de violència, addiccions, sexualitat

...of confinement of scenes of violence, addictions, sexuality

o llenguatge no apte per a audiències menores de 18 anys d'edat.

or language not suitable for audiences under 18 years of age.

Aquesta setmana tornem amb les experiències HOT.

This week we return with the HOT experiences.

I torna a ser amb nosaltres...

And once again, it is with us...

Està una mica fotut perquè ahir no va venir el...

He's a bit upset because he didn't come yesterday...

Ah, clar, vale.

Ah, of course, okay.

Està una mica fotut perquè ahir no va venir el core,

He's a bit upset because the core didn't come yesterday.

però l'hem obligat a venir a la ràdio.

but we forced him to come to the radio.

Així que amb el major mal de panxa del Vallès Oriental arriba...

So with the greatest stomach ache from the Vallès Oriental arrives...

I amb la pitjor nota de mates de la classe...

And with the worst math grade in the class...

I el pitjor català de la comarca...

And the worst Catalan in the region...

Christian Díaz!

Christian Díaz!





Espera, espera, espera...

Wait, wait, wait...

Ja m'havíeu presentat?

Had you already introduced me?

Ja formo part de la secció.

I am already part of the section.

Et presentarem cada setmana.

We will introduce you every week.



Amb coses noves.

With new things.

Sempre arribaràs nova a la secció.

You will always arrive new to the section.

Cada setmana una faltada nova?

A new absence every week?





Bé, comencem amb la primera experiència.

Well, let's start with the first experience.

La meva gran experiència HOT és estar amb les amigues

My great HOT experience is being with friends.

i començar-me a menjar un caripo com si fos una gran pulla.

And I started to eat a caripo as if it were a big penis.

Nosaltres tenim ple d'experiències HOT

We have plenty of HOT experiences.

com les que es llegeixen...

like those that are read...

Aquí, XD.

Here, XD.



Vos noies ho feu quan quedeu amb amigues?

Do you girls do that when you hang out with friends?



A mi me gustaban los caripos.

I liked the caripos.

De qué sabor?

What flavor?

Puede ser sí.

It could be yes.

No, no, ¿de qué sabor?

No, no, what flavor?

Ni món.

Neither world.

Ni món, ni món...

Neither the world, nor the world...

Pero me gustaban pasado.

But I liked them in the past.

Noia, setze anys.

Girl, sixteen years old.

L'any passat estàvem a classe fent treballs en grup i total,

Last year we were in class working on group projects and overall,

que de sobte,

that suddenly,

noto com el noi que estava al meu davant

I notice how the boy in front of me.

em comença a tocar la cuixa per sota la taula

He starts to touch my thigh under the table.

i estava pujant fins a tocar el cony i anava fent carícies.

I was climbing up to touch the pussy and was making caresses.

Va ser molt morbós, ja que tothom seguia treballant

It was very morbid, as everyone continued working.

i preguntant-nos coses sobre el treball com si res.

and asking us things about work as if nothing happened.

I vaig acabar mulladíssima.

I ended up soaking wet.

Quan vam acabar l'insti vam quedar en secret

When we finished school, we met in secret.

i ens vam començar el dia a saco.

And we began the day full speed ahead.

El dia d'avui em pregunto,

Today I ask myself,

ho podria haver-ho fet a classe? No.

Could I have done it in class? No.

Què en penseu, Celia i Ariadna?

What do you think, Celia and Ariadna?

A classe?

To class?



És que és molt dur, jo.

It's just that I'm very tough.

Per què en classe?

Why in class?

Imaginaos, en plan, estàs en el tema i la Núria explicant-ho.

Imagine, like, you're involved in the topic and Núria is explaining it.





Jo no tinc una Núria, però...

I don't have a Núria, but...

Física i química.

Physics and chemistry.

M'ha gustat, m'ha gustat molt bé.

I liked it, I liked it a lot.

Que perduda veig aquesta noia.

How lost I see this girl.

A classe hem d'estar molt atents.

In class, we need to be very attentive.

I ho dius tu?

And you say that?



Eso, eso.

That's it, that's it.

¿Lo dice esto?

Does it say this?

Sinceramente, esta juventud está perduda

Honestly, this youth is lost.

y necesitemos un referente.

and we need a reference.









No, por favor.

No, please.

Es que la nena es sexy y todo.

It's just that the girl is sexy and all.

Hola, estimats oients.

Hello, dear listeners.

Feu-li un petó a la boca a la vostra parella.

Give your partner a kiss on the lips.

I was tired of my lady.

I was tired of my lady.

No hi teniu?

Don't you have it?

No passa res.

It's nothing.

Feu-li un petó a la vostra mare.

Give your mother a kiss.

I recordeu, ni la mida ni el lloc del petó importa.

And remember, neither the size nor the place of the kiss matters.

Ja sigui a la cara.

Whether it's to the face.

A les cames.

On the legs.

Als peus.

At the feet.

I si hi jugueu a extrem, per què no?

And if you play it to the extreme, why not?

Al cul.

To the ass.

Ja no, no ho permetré més.

Not anymore, I won't allow it anymore.

Que comenci.

Let it begin.







The text you provided appears to be a single character that doesn't belong to the Catalan language. Please provide a specific Catalan phrase or sentence for translation.





Saps que éseli.

You know that it is him.



Què he fet a tu?

What have I done to you?

No recordo mai.

I never remember.

No hi és, en peu.

It is not there, standing.

Esteu en peu ja?

Are you up already?

Si em pregunteu per què estem aixecades, la resposta serà, perquè sabem quearbeiten

If you ask me why we are raised, the answer will be, because we know that we work.

que estem aixecades.

that we are raised.

La resposta serà, perquè sabem que som al pilar de qualsevol reacció.

The answer will be, because we know that we are at the core of any reaction.

I tu ben lletja m'hi California.

And you, very ugly, I'm in California.

Responent al comentari de la noia,

Responding to the girl's comment,

depèn del professor i com estigui d'humor.

It depends on the teacher and their mood.

Si veus que està enfadat intentant explicar els trobadors,

If you see that he is upset trying to explain the troubadours,

millor ho deixeu per un altre moment.

better leave it for another time.

Noia, 17 anys.

Girl, 17 years old.

A principi d'octubre vaig anar amb una amiga a un hotel

At the beginning of October, I went to a hotel with a friend.

perquè volíem fer unes compres.

because we wanted to do some shopping.

Quan va arribar la nit ens vam posar a mirar porno per internet

When night came, we started watching porn on the internet.

i ens vam posar tan calentes que vam acabar fent-nos dits.

And we got so hot that we ended up touching each other's fingers.

Un al costat de l'altre al llit.

Next to each other in bed.

La veritat en si m'agraden les ties,

The truth is I like girls.

però em vaig córrer moltíssim del morbo que ella em veia i jo la veia ella.

but I got really turned on by the fact that she was looking at me and I was looking at her.



Coses normales, una quedada amb amigues.

Normal things, a get-together with friends.

Tal qual.

Just like that.

De tota la vida.

For all my life.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No, no l'he escoltat, estava parlant amb el Pere.

No, I haven't heard it, I was talking to Pere.

I jo estava pendent de la conversació.

And I was listening to the conversation.



i fins aquí els secrets.

And here are the secrets.







Bona tarda, nois.

Good afternoon, guys.

El debat filosòfic d'aquesta setmana té relació amb les frases que hem dit al principi del programa.

The philosophical debate this week is related to the statements we made at the beginning of the program.

El veritable coneixement és saber que no saps res.

True knowledge is knowing that you know nothing.

No accepteu perquè si el que us heu dit és que no saps res,

Do not accept because if what you have said is that you know nothing,

us ho expliquen els vostres pares.

your parents explain it to you.

Qüestioneu-vos tot.

Question everything.

Això deia Sócrates als seus deixebles per a que anessin trobant la seva veritat

This is what Socrates said to his disciples so that they could find their truth.

i així construir la seva identitat.

and thus build their identity.

Què en penseu?

What do you think about it?

Creieu que a l'hora de desenvolupar el nostre coneixement els nostres pares influeixen?

Do you think that when it comes to developing our knowledge, our parents influence us?

Sí, una mica.

Yes, a little.

Bueno, la teva educació...

Well, your education...

Clar, que té que construir, no?

Of course, he has to build, right?

Perquè no s'inspiren.

Because they are not inspired.

Espera, no s'inspira.

Wait, he doesn't get inspired.

Bueno, què penseu?

Well, what do you think?



Que sí, que...

Yes, that...

Jo crec que en certs aspectes...

I think that in certain aspects...

Creieu que a l'hora de desenvolupar el nostre coneixement els nostres pares influeixen?

Do you believe that when it comes to developing our knowledge, our parents influence us?

Al principi sí.

At first, yes.

Sí, quan són petits sí, per tenir uns valors, però...

Yes, when they are small, yes, to have values, but...

Jo crec que al principi...

I think that at the beginning...

Potser quan arribes a pensar i tenir vida pròpia et planteges aquests valors...

Perhaps when you start to think and have your own life, you consider these values...

Jo crec que al principi sí perquè és com una base.

I think that at the beginning yes because it's like a foundation.

I a partir d'una base tu fas el teu futur i la teva vida.

And from a foundation, you build your future and your life.

Aquesta és la teva idea.

This is your idea.

Una altra cosa.

Another thing.

Bé, la idea bàsica del mètode socràtic d'ensenyament

Well, the basic idea of the Socratic method of teaching.

consisteix en el fet que el mestre no inculca a l'alumne el coneixement,

it consists of the fact that the teacher does not instill knowledge in the student,

perquè rebutja que la seva ment sigui un receptacle o calaix buit

because he rejects that his mind is an empty receptacle or drawer

en el qual es puguin introduir les diferents veritats.

in which different truths can be introduced.

Per a Sócrates és el deixeble que extreu de si el mateix coneixement.

For Socrates, it is the disciple who extracts the same knowledge from within himself.

Creieu que el doctrinament a les classes de Catalunya existeix?

Do you think that indoctrination exists in the classrooms of Catalonia?



Depèn de l'escola, no?

It depends on the school, doesn't it?



Depèn de l'escola.

It depends on the school.

I del profe que hi ha allà.

And the teacher who is there.


Of course.

Però no sé, ho veu una cosa molt heavy, en plan...

But I don't know, it seems very heavy to me, like...

Heu escoltat sobre el PIN parental?

Have you heard about the parental PIN?

Per si no esteu al cas, en Carles us fa cinc cèntims.

Just in case you’re not aware, Carles is giving you the lowdown.

El PIN parental va ser una de les propostes de Vox a la campanya electoral.

The parental PIN was one of Vox's proposals during the election campaign.

Aquesta mesura pretén obligar a la direcció dels centres educatius

This measure aims to compel the management of educational centers.

a informar les famílies de totes les activitats que es volen dur a terme.

to inform families about all the activities that are planned to be carried out.

L'escola ha de demanar una autorització dels pares

The school must ask for permission from the parents.

per donar als nens xerrades, tallers, etc.

to give talks, workshops, etc. to children.

Amb aquesta mesura els pares, per exemple,

With this measure, parents, for example,

podran evitar les xerrades en relació amb la sexualitat.

they will be able to avoid talks regarding sexuality.

Estamos hablando de Vox.

We are talking about Vox.

Yo con ellos no estoy de acuerdo de nada.

I do not agree with them on anything.

Has puesto voz argentina.

You have put on an Argentine voice.

Sí, de verdad, sí.

Yes, really, yes.

Què us sembla d'aquesta mesura?

What do you think of this measure?



Una tonteria.

A nonsense.

Pues bastante, sí.

Well, quite a bit, yes.

Una tonteria.

A silly thing.

Però és que estàs escollint el que els teus fills volen que pensin.

But you are choosing what your children want them to think.

O sigui, jo crec que qualsevol és lliure de tenir la seva pròpia opinió.

In other words, I believe that anyone is free to have their own opinion.

Vols que no parli de la sexualitat?

Do you want me not to talk about sexuality?

Què, això ho explicaràs tu?

What, are you going to explain this?

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Vas a ser sexual tota la teva vida?

Are you going to be sexual your whole life?

Una cosa que tu sí que has fet.

One thing that you have done.

Però jo crec que sí que és necessària que estàs xerrada.

But I believe that this talk is indeed necessary.

Exacto, com ho he decidit jo?

Exactly, how have I decided it?

Ahir vam preguntar a l'Instagram del programa

Yesterday we asked on the program's Instagram.

que si n'estaven a favor o en contra del Pim Parantal

whether they were in favor or against Pim Parantal

i hi ha 22% a favor i 78% en contra.

And there is 22% in favor and 78% against.

Ai, no he votat.

Oh, I haven't voted.

És el 22%.

It is 22%.

Quantes persones han votat?

How many people have voted?

No ho he votat, espera.

I haven't voted for it, wait.



Ens han llocat aquí.

They have placed us here.

Ens aproveixem per definir que no siguen en les nostres xarxes socials.

We take the opportunity to define that they are not on our social media.

A Instagram.

To Instagram.


Thank you.



Escolteu el missatge que un tal Miquel va escriure a Twitter

Listen to the message that a certain Miquel wrote on Twitter.

en contra del Pim Parantal.

against Pim Parantal.

Padres republicanos,

Republican parents,

cuando en historia se hable de reyes y monarquía mi hijo no va.

When history talks about kings and monarchy, my son doesn't go.

Padres capitalistas,

Capitalist parents,

cuando en clase hablen de sistemas comunistas mi hijo no va.

When they talk about communist systems in class, my son doesn't go.

Padres machistas,

Machist fathers,

mis hijos no van a xarles de igualdad de género.

My children are not going to gender equality talks.

Padres comunistas,

Communist parents,

cuando en clase hablen del sistema capitalista mi hijo no va.

When they talk about the capitalist system in class, my son doesn't go.

I com a conclusió?

And as a conclusion?

Penseu que algunes famílies integristes,

Do you think that some fundamentalist families,



ja apliquen això al Pim Parantal?

Do they already apply this to Pim Parantal?

Nenes musulmanes,

Muslim girls,

no fer educació física o música,

not to have physical education or music,

nens integristes cristians no volen fer el tema de l'evolució humana?

Christian fundamentalist children do not want to discuss the topic of human evolution?



Ojalà no ho haguen.

I wish they hadn't.

Ja, perquè si no...

Yes, because if not...

És que pobrecitos.

It's just that poor things.

Nens integristes cristians.

Fundamentalist Christian children.

És que no sé,

I just don't know,

tenemos que tener una base,

we need to have a foundation,

es no pa'todo.

It's not for everyone.

És que jo crec que és necessari.

I think it is necessary.

És que és capitalista, però per què?

It's that it's capitalist, but why?

Però tenim que, clar,

But we have to, of course,

tenim que saber tot.

we need to know everything.

O sigui, que teniu opcions.

So, you have options.

A veure, si no compares els extrems...

Let's see, if you don't compare the extremes...

Que mal està el món.

How bad the world is.





Què us sembla l'escola és el lloc de transició per poder passar de l'àmbit familiar i aterrar al món?

What do you think, is school the place of transition to move from the family sphere and land in the world?

Per tant, estaria justificat que puguin ensenyar?

Therefore, would it be justified for them to be able to teach?

Oh, aquesta, l'escola és on es coneixen i es fan les primeres experiències de lloc estrany diferent a la família.

Oh, this, the school is where they meet and have their first experiences in a strange place different from the family.

Aquells que es pensen que és una prolongació de la seva família s'equivoca.

Those who think it is an extension of their family are mistaken.

Què en penseu?

What do you think about it?

No he pillat la pregunta.

I didn't catch the question.

Jo tampoc l'he entès.

I haven't understood it either.

A veure, hi ha dues opcions.

Let's see, there are two options.



L'escola és el lloc de transició per poder passar de l'àmbit familiar i aterrar al món.

The school is the place of transition to move from the family environment to land in the world.

Per tant, estaria justificat que puguin ensenyar.

Therefore, it would be justified that they can teach.

Oh, l'escola és on es coneixen i es fan les primeres experiències de lloc estrany diferent a la família.

Oh, school is where we meet and have our first experiences of a place different from home.

Aquells que es pensen que és una prolongació de la família s'equivoca.

Those who think it is an extension of the family are mistaken.

Jo dic la primera, perquè sí.

I say the first one, just because.

Per dir alguna cosa.

To say something.

A veure, explica-ho amb les vostres paraules, per favor.

Let's see, explain it in your own words, please.



A veure, la primera...

Let's see, the first one...

A veure, l'escola és el lloc de transició per poder passar...

Let's see, school is the place of transition to be able to pass...

Amb les teves paraules.

With your words.

No ho llegeixes.

You don’t read it.

Espera, que ho llegeixo i ho explico.

Wait, I'll read it and explain it.

A l'escola és com per tenir una altra visió que no sigui de la de casa.

At school, it's like having another perspective that isn’t the one from home.


Do you see?

Així m'he entès millor.

This way I have understood myself better.

I la primera?

And the first one?



L'escola és on es coneixen, és on tens la primera versió d'allò que no t'explica la família.

School is where you meet others, it is where you have the first version of what your family doesn't tell you.

Ah, no.

Oh, no.

La primera.

The first.

La un.

The one.

No, la primera.

No, the first one.

Sí, la uno.

Yes, the one.

L'ho he dit jo.

I said it.

Bé, i aquest és el final del debat filosòfic.

Well, and this is the end of the philosophical debate.



Niño, ¿por qué te vas? ¿Por qué te vas?

Child, why are you leaving? Why are you leaving?

Bé, està arribant al final i sembla que ho hem fet molt bé, no?

Well, it's coming to an end and it seems that we've done very well, hasn't it?

Em sembla que ja li hem deixat clar al Pere

I think we have made it clear to Pere already.

qui s'ha de quedar fixa de presentadors, nosaltres.

who has to stay fixed as presenters, we.

Vigila, que encara s'enfadaran les altres, que tenen la metxa curta.

Be careful, the others might get angry, as they have a short fuse.

A ver, pibos, en estos casos yo recomendaría mantenerme callado,

Let's see, guys, in these cases I would recommend staying quiet.

pero en este caso claramente lo hicieron mejor ustedes.

but in this case you clearly did better.

Està clar.

It's clear.

Bé, ara el que importa és que hem d'acabar el programa i se'ns ha acabat el temps.

Well, now what matters is that we need to finish the program and we've run out of time.

Bé, Pere, ja saps a qui escollir.

Well, Pere, you already know whom to choose.

Va, Mònica, que el Christian t'espera.

Come on, Mònica, Christian is waiting for you.

Vinga, a dir adiós.

Come on, let's say goodbye.



Bé, a dir adiós.

Well, to say goodbye.

A continuació, les notícies en connexió amb la xarxa.

Next, the news in connection with the network.

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