Fem olor de tancat

La Xarradeta

La Xarradeta

Fem olor de tancat

La Xarradeta



Què passa, Mario? Com estàs?

What's up, Mario? How are you?

Com estàs, tio?

How are you, dude?

Anem a fer una ronda primer de a veure com estem, tio,

Let's do a round first to see how we're doing, dude.

perquè a la gent, al final, de tant sentim, de tant escoltam,

because for people, in the end, from hearing so much, from listening so much,

li interessa la figura que hi ha darrere d'Isabeu, tio.

He is interested in the figure behind Isabeau, dude.

És molt més íntim, no?

It's much more intimate, isn't it?

Que populista.

How populist.

Una superpop.

A superpop.

Fem una superpop?

Shall we make a superpop?



Però hauríem de fer un horòscop, al final, i tot.

But we should make a horoscope, after all, and everything.

Bé, això...

Well, this...

Tot es veurà.

Everything will be visible.

Aixina aquest ximo, tio, com estàs?

So this guy, man, how are you?

Jo estic bé.

I am fine.

Què tal? Per allà baix.

How's it going? Down there.

Encara no fa fred, però ja veuràs quan vinga.

It's not cold yet, but you'll see when it comes.

M'ho tanquen l'institut.

They're closing the school on me.

M'ho tanquen tot.

They close everything for me.

Però bé, això...

But well, this...

Aixina de positiu, va, l'assumpte.

So positive, come on, the matter.

Per res.

For nothing.

El verenico.

The poison.

El verenico, clar.

The poison, of course.

És que ahí, claro, ahí igual, ara es té un encara en 25 graus,

It's just that there, of course, there it is still at 25 degrees.

27, 28...

27, 28...

I la gent ja en rebequeta pel carrer.

And people are already receiving it on the street.

Això parla aquí?

Does this speak here?



Rebequeta, rebequeta...

Little rebequeta, little rebequeta...

Jo crec que la gent només abriga la boca que el bascoi, eh?

I think that people only cover their mouths that way, right?

Que mal ho passen...

How poorly they are doing...

Crec que es parla poc...

I think it is talked about little...

Que mal ho passen els hipsters en l'estiu, eh?

How badly hipsters suffer in the summer, huh?

Que no poden agafar les jaquetes d'este de plumón,

That they cannot take the down jackets from this.

de tal, de...

of such, of...

De rotllo jefe índio i tot això.

Like a chief Indian and all that.

I esquipis en estiu.

I ski in summer.

O sigui, esquipis en hivern, en hivern, en hivern.

That is, skiing in winter, in winter, in winter.


Of course.

És que poc es parla, eh?

It's not spoken much, huh?

Però la moda...

But fashion...

Hi ha culturetes que són...

There are cultures that are...

Són només per estacions.

They are only for stations.

Ja està.

That's it.

Són només per estacions.

They are only for stations.

Jo ho faria al revés.

I would do it the other way around.

Jo ho faria tot al revés.

I would do everything the other way around.

El que es posa el gorro allà en estiu, en hivern, tot pelat.

Whoever wears a hat there in summer, is bald in winter.

Tot pelat.

All bare.



Ara l'estiu que ve...

Now next summer...

Si t'apeteix.

If you feel like it.

A funcionar.

Let's get to work.



Per provar, per provar.

To try, to try.

Jo no...

Not me...

No per ser un carca, però...

Not to be a bore, but...

Però sí.

But yes.

Però al passar un carca i ja està.

But you just pass a boring person and that's it.

Però sí.

But yes.

Hi ha moments en la vida que s'ha de ser un carca i punt.

There are moments in life when you have to be a bore, and that's it.



Així n'hi ha un que encara no ha parlat.

So there is one that hasn't spoken yet.

El Carlos que compta.

The Carlos that counts.



Carlos està rient-se.

Carlos is laughing.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Com està?

How are you?

Quedo muy...

I stay very...

Quedo muy positivo, eh?

I remain very positive, huh?

Estoy positivo, tío.

I'm positive, dude.

Carlos es la persona...

Carlos is the person...

Es la persona que ha saludat tots els programes en un què passa.

She is the person who has greeted all the programs in "What's Happening."

Què passa?

What's happening?



Carlos, com està?

Carlos, how are you?

Què passa?

What's happening?

Lo típic, eh?

The typical, huh?

Què passa?

What's happening?

No res.


I si passa se li saluda.

And if it happens, he/she is greeted.

Ja està.

That's it.

Què passa?

What's happening?



Però passarà.

But it will pass.



Chimo día de carca.

Chimo day of the old-fashioned.

Pero estás...

But you are...

Sé a qué causa més carca que acabes de dir.

I know which more outdated cause you just mentioned.

Per què?


Si passa, passarà.

If it happens, it will happen.

Si passa se li saluda es lo mejor.

If you pass by, greeting him is the best.

Per què?


És boníssim.

It's very good.

Què passa?

What's happening?

No res.


I si passa se li saluda.

And if it happens, greet him.

Què passa?

What's happening?

No res.


Bueno, ara pregunto-li a Màrio a vore si no és més carca que un altre, que si el més

Well, now I'll ask Màrio to see if he's not more outdated than another, because if the most...

major està a la vista.

The major is in sight.

Soy yo el más mayor, en verdad.

I am the oldest, indeed.

Màrio, eres el más mayor?

Màrio, are you the oldest?

Qué fort, tío.

How cool, dude.

Estàs ja pensant en la prejubilació?

Are you already thinking about early retirement?

Estic en la jubilació, ja.

I am in retirement now.

Ja, no?

Yes, right?

Ojalà estiguera prejubilat, com que t'ho diga.

I wish I were early retired, just like I say.

Que no jubilat, prejubilat.

Not retired, pre-retired.


Early retiree.

És molt millor que jubilat.

It's much better than being retired.

És que jubilat...

It's just that retired...

Estar prejubilat és com estar de divendres.

Being semi-retired is like being on a Friday.



És com un campió.

He is like a champion.

És que és millor un marino o un submarino.

Is it better a sailor or a submarine?


Of course.

No, no.

No, no.

O sea, pensa sincerament.

So, think sincerely.

Estar prejubilat és estar de divendres.

Being semi-retired is like being on a Friday.

Estar en la juerga.

To be at the party.

Tu, estar a mig gas, saps que te queda el dissabte i saps que el diumenge ja vindrà.

You, being half-hearted, know that you have Saturday left and you know that Sunday will come.

El diumenge el prenem com la mort.

On Sunday, we take it like death.

O sigui, allà...

That is, there...



Ah, clar.

Ah, of course.

Dia el senyor.

Good day, sir.

A ver què passa.

Let's see what happens.

No ho sabeu?

Don't you know?

No ho sé.

I don't know.


Let's go.

Pero vay a suar de mierda de derecho.

But I’m going to sweat like hell, damn it.

En principio.

In principle.

A veure, pa tu ja tu és.

Let's see, for you already you are.

Ni fuere l'hora...

Neither would it be the hour...

Que gireu cabrons.

Let it spin, you bastards.

Esteu xerrant així com si fos que éreu tots els dies de festa.

You are chatting as if you were celebrating every day.

Sí estem tancats en casa.

Yes, we are stuck at home.

En sign...

In sign...

Quina diferència n'hi ha del divendres al diumenge?

What is the difference between Friday and Sunday?

El meu plan del divendres va ser com moure´ un paquet d'oreos.

My plan for Friday was like moving a pack of Oreos.

Banyades en xopera de blanca.

Drenched in white moisture.

Joder, que puto asco, tio, és que eres un...

Fuck, what a fucking disgust, man, you are just a...

És una avantguardista, tio.

She's an avant-gardist, dude.

Després diu de...

Then he/she says about...

com és diu?

What's it called?

Estoy de divendres, tío, estoy de divendres en la mua vida, tío.

I'm feeling like it's Friday, dude, I'm feeling like it's Friday in my whole life, dude.

El Indy. Un lujo, tío.

The Indy. A luxury, dude.

El Indy que va en trapecampeyo.

The Indy that goes in trapeze.

Hostia, venía de Turquía.

Holy shit, I was coming from Turkey.

El Indy.

The Indy.

Que escolteo, que...

What I hear, that...

el tema, que...

the topic, which...

que fem amb el tema.

What do we do about the topic?

Ojo, esperate, que portem

Wait, hold on, we've got.

la segona temporada. Estás atorat, tío.

the second season. You're stuck, dude.

Hombre, encara

Man, still.

no saben ni qui está parlant

they don't even know who's speaking

en esta segunda temporada.

in this second season.

Saben que estaba Jose, que Indy

They know that Jose was there, that Indy.

Jose, Jose, tal, no sé qué, que Artur

Jose, Jose, such, I don't know what, that Artur.

estaba vísperdut, pero aquí, entre las redes.

I was lost, but here, among the networks.

Como una...

Like a...

como una toñita entre las redes.

like a little dumbbell among the nets.

Pero no saben

But they don't know

que está Chimo Cano.

that Chimo Cano is.

¿Qué pasa, Chimo?

What's up, Chimo?

¿Qué pasa? ¿Cómo va?

What's happening? How's it going?

Que ya me han preguntado.

That they have already asked me.

Ah, bueno, pero para ser

Ah, well, but to be

más arcaico, igual que Carlos. Carlos Picó.

more archaic, just like Carlos. Carlos Picó.

¿Qué pasa, tío? Hombre, ¿cómo

What's up, dude? Man, how are you?

estem? ¿Con qué cómo

Are we? What do you mean?

estemos? No, tío, lo que pasa.

Are we? No, dude, what’s happening.

Joder, tío.

Damn, dude.

Es que le he cremado yo la bala.

It's just that I've burned the bullet.

Volía a eixir del personaje, es que me han

I wanted to step out of the character, it's just that they have me.

concerteo así, tío. Y yo que estoy buscando

I arrange it like this, dude. And I'm the one looking for it.

nuevas experiencias. Comprirme

new experiences. Compriming

nuevos caminos en este mundo del audiovisual.

new paths in this audiovisual world.

Y penúltimo, Arturo Pérez.

And penultimate, Arturo Pérez.

Del Tell. ¿Qué pasa, tío?

From Tell. What's up, dude?

¿Qué pasa?

What's happening?

Con su cámara nueva.

With her new camera.

Bueno, Abel, es nueva

Well, Abel, it's new.

porque la estoy utilizando.

because I am using it.

Pero no es

But it is not

nova de... Es indie.

new from... It's indie.

Es una cámara indie. Es vintage.

It's an indie camera. It's vintage.

Es vintage. Efectivamente.

It's vintage. Indeed.

Y ahora sí, ahora el tema.

And now yes, now the topic.

Bueno, y que parla

Well, and what does he/she say?

el señor Mario Alverola.

Mr. Mario Alverola.

Yo soy Mario Alverola que estoy dirigiendo, efectivamente.

I am Mario Alverola, and I am indeed in charge.

Desde Castalles, desde...

From Castalles, from...

¿Dónde era el campeño?

Where was the championship?


Here you go.

Chimo Cano, ¿qué pasa?

Chimo Cano, what's up?

¿Quién es el tema?

Who is the subject?

¿Le he de dir yo?

Should I tell him/her?

Hombre, no.

Man, no.

¿En qué habíamos quedado?

What had we agreed on?

Que el día es tú.

That the day is yours.

El único que no tenía el tema...

The only one who didn't have the subject...

A mí no me engañes.

Don't fool me.

El tema a mí me lo han contado.

The topic has been told to me.

O sea, va a ser Carlos, va a ser idea suya.

I mean, it was going to be Carlos, it was going to be his idea.

Bueno, va, pues el tema, venga, va.

Alright, come on, let's get to the topic, go on.

El tema... Avui parlarem de

The topic... Today we will talk about

novel·les, bueno, novel·les

novels, well, novels

o històries en sí

or stories themselves

que transcorren en un espai tancat.

that take place in an enclosed space.

Un espai interior.

An interior space.

I d'ahí ja, doncs,

And from there, then,

lo que puc dir, benvingut serà.

What I can say, will be well received.

Literatura amb fons.

Literature with background.

Literatura que fa olor de tancat.

Literature that smells of being closed.

De humitat.

Of humidity.

Literatura fa olor de humitat, sí.

Literature smells of dampness, yes.

Literatura actual, podríem dir, no?

Current literature, we could say, right?

Literatura actual, que és tot.

Current literature, which is everything.

Estem sempre en espai tancat, doncs això.

We are always in closed space, so that.

Literatura d'actualitat.

Current literature.

Literatura pandèmia.

Pandemic literature.

La nova literatura.

The new literature.

Potser que si no se diga la generació

Maybe if the generation is not mentioned.

que no és de la pandèmia.

that is not from the pandemic.

Estic segur.

I am sure.

És de les pandèmies.

It is from the pandemics.

Si voleu l'hi tiraré jo, vas tirant.

If you want, I'll throw it for you; you keep throwing.

Home, no.

House, no.

A son pare.

To his father.

Quan vam estar confinats,

When we were in lockdown,

fa un

a while ago

cosa de mig any,

half a year thing,

no sé si vos va passar,

I don't know if it happened to you,

però en Mario ara viu en un divendres.

but Mario now lives on a Friday.

Quan estàvem allí en el confinament era també

When we were there during the lockdown it was also

com si visquéssim en un dimarts, en un dimecres.

as if we were living in a Tuesday, in a Wednesday.

Era un dia qualsevol que anava repetint-se

It was an ordinary day that kept repeating itself.

tots els dies, i com que havíem perdut

every day, and since we had lost

un poc la concepció del temps.

a little the conception of time.

Era de dia o era de nit perquè miraves

Was it day or night because you were looking?

per la finestra, però poca cosa més.

through the window, but not much more.

Estaven tots els dies

They were there every day.

esperant que arribaren els nazis

waiting for the Nazis to arrive

que entraren al poble, els nazis.

that the Nazis entered the town.

A casa t'encaixa allà.

It fits you well there at home.

Ja sonarà l'alarma, ja sonarà...

The alarm will ring, it will ring...

L'hora la sabíeu quan aplaudien.

You knew the time when they applauded.

Però ja està.

But that's it.

Ja havia...

I had already...

Perdona, Carlos.

Sorry, Carlos.

Hi havia un meme, tio,

There was a meme, dude,

que era que si tu te posaves a mirar

that if you started to look

El señor de los anillos versión extendida

The Lord of the Rings extended version

creí que era a les 5 o així.

I thought it was at 5 or so.

Ah, sí, la penya estava molt mal.

Ah, yes, the crew was very bad.

Claro, que todo el mundo aplaudiera

Of course, everyone applauded.

cuando algo dijera

when something would say

por Frodo. Que dijera por Frodo.

for Frodo. That he said for Frodo.

Y todo el mundo aplaudía.

And everyone was applauding.

Y semblaba lo mismo genial que había pasado en el confinament.

And it seemed just as great as what had happened during the lockdown.

En Canàries

In the Canary Islands

aplaudien a les 8

they were applauding at 8

o a les 7?

or at 7?

A les 8 i a les 8.

At 8 and at 8.

Dic jo, no?

I say so, don't I?

Una por los insulares, otra por los peninsulares.

One for the islanders, another for the mainlanders.

Y otra por el Vaticano.

And another for the Vatican.

Claro, claro.

Of course, of course.

Porque hay muchos africanos.

Because there are many Africans.

Que no tienen ningún problema.

That they have no problem.

Yo creo que en La Graciosa, por ejemplo,

I believe that in La Graciosa, for example,

si yo fuera de allí,

if I were from there,

yo no aplaudiría. O sea, yo me iniciaría al balcó

I wouldn't applaud. I mean, I would go out to the balcony.

a traure el dit. A todo el mundo.

to stick out the finger. To everyone.

A todo el mundo, no. Al espai exterior.

Not everyone, to outer space.

Fins de putes, tio.

Fuck it, man.

Que estigues así, que así estén bé.

May you be like this, may they be well like this.

Que ya no va a pasar res. Que han tingut dos casos

That nothing is going to happen anymore. That they have had two cases.

y ya estén todos bé.

and they are all well now.

Y moratros así tancats en la puta casa.

And us closed up like this in the damn house.

Me iniciaría y trauría el vídeo, cabrón.

I would start and take out the video, you asshole.

Venga, Carlos.

Come on, Carlos.

Tira-los allí, perdona.

Throw them there, sorry.

En un espai tancat,

In a closed space,

una de les primeres coses que es perden

one of the first things that are lost

és la concepció del temps.

It is the conception of time.

Us portava tres novel·les, que segurament coneixereu,

I was bringing you three novels that you will probably know.

en les que es tracta de manera diferent,

in which it is treated differently,

o s'il·lustra, o es narra,

either it is illustrated, or it is narrated,

o s'identifica de manera diferent

or it is identified differently

el pas del temps.

the passage of time.

El primer és El beso de la Mujer Aranya,

The first is The Kiss of the Spider Woman,

de Manuel Puig.

by Manuel Puig.

A menys d'oïda, no sé si no

Unless I hear otherwise, I don't know if not.

l'heu llegit, a menys d'oïda la coneixereu segur.

You have read it; at least by ear, you will surely know it.

Transcorre en un espai tancat

It takes place in a closed space.

en una cel·la, en una cel·la

in a cell, in a cell

amb dos personatges, amb dos presos.

with two characters, with two prisoners.



en aquesta el que passa és que

in this one what happens is that

no hi ha referències explícites del pas del temps

there are no explicit references to the passage of time

directament. La novel·la passa

directly. The novel takes place

en un espai interior

in an interior space

i no hi ha cap referència al pas del temps.

And there is no reference to the passage of time.

L'únic que sabem és que cada nit

The only thing we know is that every night

un pres

a prisoner

a l'altre li descriu i li comenta

he describes and comments on it to the other one

l'argument d'una pel·lícula.

the plot of a movie.

I a partir d'aquest argument de la pel·lícula

And from this argument of the movie

i d'aquesta descripció serem

and from this description we will be

coneixents del personatge.

knowledge of the character.

Ens diu que cada nit es compta

He tells us that every night counts.

una pel·lícula o un argument.

a movie or a plot.

Però clar, això és molt poc fiable.

But of course, this is very unreliable.

No sabem si cada nit és cada nit

We don't know if every night is every night.

o a millor una nit no ho han pogut fer

or maybe they couldn't do it one night

o jo què sé, qualsevol cosa.

Oh, I don't know, anything.

No és gens fiable.

He is not reliable at all.

Con las mil y una noches.

With the thousand and one nights.

Però no és fiable aquesta

But this one is not reliable.

manera de fiar-nos

way of trusting us

d'aquesta manera d'il·lustrar el pas del temps.

in this way of illustrating the passage of time.

I per què

And why


you believe

que no s'il·lustra el pas del temps

that does not illustrate the passage of time

aquesta que no es diu quants dies passen,

this one that doesn't say how many days go by,

no ens diu quina hora és,

it doesn't tell us what time it is,

no ens diu quin creieu que és

he doesn't tell us what you think it is

el significat de Manuel Puig.

the meaning of Manuel Puig.

Puc contestar?

Can I answer?

Puc inventar

I can invent.

la resposta?

the answer?

D'això es tracta.

That's what it's about.

Jo diria

I would say.

el que s'hagi llegit

what has been read

el Bauman en la modernitat líquida

Bauman in liquid modernity


I would understand

que això és una manera

that this is a way

de deificar el temps, de deificar

to deify time, to deify



Si no hi ha temps

If there is no time

és etern.

it is eternal.

Això és el Byung-Chul Han, perdó.

This is Byung-Chul Han, sorry.

És més el coreà que el Bauman.

It is more the Korean than the Bauman.

Hòstia, però que putada que sigui etern

Damn, what a bummer that it’s eternal.

i que són dos presos. Estan en una presó.

And they are two prisoners. They are in a prison.



Bueno, la vida és dura.

Well, life is tough.

Un poc és per això també.

A little is also for that reason.

Un poc per aïllar-ho

A little to isolate it.

de qualsevol temporalitat

of any temporality

però també ho fan

but they do it too

per la introspectiva, per aprofundir

for introspection, to delve deeper

en la introspectiva dels personatges,

in the introspection of the characters,

l'evolució psicològica dels personatges.

the psychological evolution of the characters.

Sí, bueno.

Yes, well.

Qualsevol que l'hagués llegit

Anyone who had read it

veureu que al final la novel·la

you will see that in the end the novel

tracta de l'evolució psicològica dels dos protagonistes.

It deals with the psychological evolution of the two protagonists.


Highly recommended

i, bueno,

And, well,

qualsevol cosa que diguem d'aquesta novel·la

anything we say about this novel

quedaria curta. La segona que porta

it would be short. The second one that she brings

no és tan famosa, però la veritat

it's not that famous, but the truth

és que a mi em van xisar bastant.

it's just that I was told quite a bit.

És la senyora Dalloway

It is Mrs. Dalloway.

de Virginia Woolf, que també

from Virginia Woolf, who also

transcorre en un espai tancat,

takes place in an enclosed space,

i en aquesta tenim un doble tractament del temps,

and in this we have a double treatment of time,

del pas del temps.

of the passage of time.

És a dir, aquí el que passa és

That is to say, what happens here is

el que es compta en la novel·la en si

what is counted in the novel itself

són els preparatius per a una festa.

they are the preparations for a party.

És a dir, la senyora Dalloway

That is to say, Mrs. Dalloway.

té pensat fer una festa a la nit.

He plans to have a party at night.

Llavors en la novel·la es compta

Then in the novel it is told

el que passa, els preparatius fins a aquesta festa

what happens, the preparations leading up to this celebration

i el que passa en aquesta festa.

And what happens at this party.

I a mitjan de la novel·la

And in the middle of the novel

el que van incorporant-se són les històries

what they are incorporating are the stories

que cada personatge va contant.

that each character tells.

Cada personatge va contant les seves històries

Each character is telling their stories.

i aquesta manera van coneixent els personatges.

And in this way, they get to know the characters.

Hòstia, és com

Holy shit, it's like

com en el capítol este de Simpsons

like in this episode of The Simpsons

de el dia de Bart, el dia de Lizard.

of the day of Bart, the day of Lizard.

Clar, sí.

Of course, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, però el tema del espai

Yes, but the issue of space.

oh, se m'ha... oh, igual.

oh, it has happened to me... oh, the same.

Sí, jo estic enricolant-me en el teu programa.

Yes, I am enriching myself in your program.

Jo acabo de caure en un

I just fell in a

peliculó... vale, vale, tira-lí, tira-lí.

big movie... okay, okay, go ahead, go ahead.

Ja ho escoltaré, ja.

I'll listen to it, I will.

Jo tinc una pel·lícula també per comentar, d'això,

I have a movie to discuss as well, about that.

que no ho tenia pensat, tio.

I didn’t have it planned, dude.

No serà de Hitchcock?

Could it be Hitchcock?

Quasi, quasi.

Almost, almost.

Potser no m'ha de comentar la mateixa.

Perhaps you don't have to comment on it to me.

És de Tarantino, però, o sea,

It's from Tarantino, but, I mean,

participa Tarantino, perquè són quatre directors,

Tarantino participates because there are four directors.

però la part de Tarantino està pillada de Hitchcock.

but Tarantino's part is taken from Hitchcock.

I, de fet,

I, in fact,

Hitchcock la va pillar de Roald Dahl,

Hitchcock got it from Roald Dahl.

que també, suposo que el coneixeu,

that I suppose you also know him,

és un escriptor superfamos.

He is a super famous writer.

I, bàsicament, es diu Four Rooms,

I, basically, it's called Four Rooms,

la pel·lícula, està dividida en quatre

the movie is divided into four

i el fil conductor és el botó,

and the common thread is the button,

és d'un hotel.

It's from a hotel.

I són

And they are

ells fent...

they doing...

Quatre habitacions.

Four rooms.

No era el tutor, tio.

It wasn't the tutor, dude.

Què passa? No puc participar?

What's happening? Can't I participate?

O què?

Or what?

Bé, vaig a fer-te jo el mateix que li has fet a Carlos.

Well, I'm going to do to you what you did to Carlos.

La soga,

The rope,

que és una pel·lícula de Hitchcock,

which is a Hitchcock movie,

passa també

it also happens

en un pla de seqüència que només té un tall,

in a sequence plan that only has one cut,

que és quan obren el vagó.

what is when they open the wagon.

D'acord? No estic dient res nou, però bé,

Okay? I'm not saying anything new, but well,

la soga també és una pel·lícula

The rope is also a movie.

que passa en un espai tancat.

what happens in a closed space.

És una pel·lícula tan indiscreta,

It's such an indiscreet movie,

jo no sé per què no han caigut en això abans,

I don't know why they haven't realized this before,

per què no ho han preparat.

Why haven't they prepared it?

Perquè eren novel·les, no pel·lícules.

Because they were novels, not movies.

És veritat.

It's true.

Tira-hi, tira-hi, Carlos, perdona.

Go ahead, go ahead, Carlos, sorry.

A mi m'havia vingut més al cap

It had come more to my mind.

la manera aquesta de contar

this way of telling

d'una història central,

of a central story,

al final és un dia només, unes hores,

in the end it's only a day, a few hours,

i històries que van sorgint

and stories that arise

en cada moment o de cada objecte concret

at each moment or of each specific object

que van descrivint els personatges,

that are describing the characters,

em recordava més a la recerca

it reminded me more of the search

del temps perdut de Proust,

of the lost time of Proust,

la típica de la Magdalena de Proust,

the typical Madeleine of Proust,

i això.

and that.

Ahir sí que necessitem més ganes,

Yesterday we really needed more enthusiasm.

si voleu llegir la recerca del temps perdut

if you want to read In Search of Lost Time

sí que necessiteu més ganes

you do need more enthusiasm

i una mica més de concentració

and a little more concentration

perquè és una mica més espès.

because it is a little thicker.

Això, el que venia a dir,

This, what I was about to say,

com creieu que marca el pas del temps?

How do you think time is marked?

Què indica el pas del temps?

What does the passage of time indicate?

Virginia Woolf en aquesta novel·la

Virginia Woolf in this novel

que també transcorre en un espai tancat.

that also takes place in a closed space.

Per la borratxera que porten els convidats.

Because of the drunkenness of the guests.

Estaria guapo, eh?

It would look cool, right?

Per el repic

For the ringing

de les campanes del Big Ben.

of the Big Ben bells.

La ubicació és Londres,

The location is London.

llavors a cada hora

then at every hour

Virginia Woolf comenta

Virginia Woolf comments

repiquen set vegades

they ring seven times

les campanes del Big Ben de Londres

the bells of Big Ben in London

i llavors entra no sé quin personatge

and then a character I don't know enters

llavors va marcant el pas del temps

then it marks the passage of time

a partir de les campanes.

starting from the bells.

Porta tres copes

It carries three cups.

seran les...

they will be the...

seran les dos.

It will be two o'clock.

Porta huit copes...

It carries eight cups...



Doncs jo crec que ja

Well, I think that's enough.

l'hora fa igual.

It doesn't matter the time.

La abuela està rodolant penterre.

The grandmother is rolling over.

Ja deuen haver passat tres hores

It must be three hours already.

i mitja.

and a half.

Està arrosant i ja no hi ha sopa,

It's dragging and there's no soup left,

eh, Billy?

Hey, Billy?

Han venenado el ponche, han

They have poisoned the punch, they have



Després està el típic del xiste, no?

Then there's the typical punchline, right?

El meu xiste este

My joke is this.

me'l va contar Ximo, no sé si

Ximo told me, I don't know if

estava pensó en tercer de carrera o no sé quan va ser.

I was thinking in my third year of college, or I don't know when it was.

Segur que te'n recordes.

I'm sure you remember.

Quina hora és?

What time is it?

La una. Estàs segur?

One o'clock. Are you sure?

Sí, l'he sentit a dos voltes.

Yes, I have heard it twice.

Home, l'has sentit a dos voltes...

Man, you've heard it twice...

És boníssima.

It's delicious.

Ai, el Virginia Woolf la gran.

Oh, Virginia Woolf the great.

Te l'has tocat un poc.

You have touched it a little.

Va, imagina't

Come on, imagine it.

la Virginia Woolf escrivint aquest xiste

Virginia Woolf writing this joke

en el llibre.

in the book.

La tercera novel·la...

The third novel...

La tercera novel·la

The third novel

que era la que, bueno,

that was the one that, well,

per la que volia parlar sobretot aquestes dues

for which I wanted to talk especially about these two

introductories és La muntanya màgica

Introductories is The Magic Mountain.

de Thomas Mann. Una novel·la completa,

by Thomas Mann. A complete novel,

completa, completa.

complete, complete.

Això era sobre...

This was about...

Això era sobre pesta, no? També? O m'equivoqui?

This was about plague, right? Too? Or am I mistaken?

Bueno, és un sanatori.

Well, it's a sanatorium.

Tens temps de pesta?

Do you have plague time?

No, és un sanatori, és abans

No, it's a sanatorium, it's earlier.

de la Primera Guerra Mundial.

of World War One.

Ah, he fallat.

Ah, he failed.

Principis del segle XX, en un sanatori.

Early 20th century, in a sanatorium.

Tracta un sanatori que està en la muntanya

It deals with a sanatorium that is in the mountains.

aïllat de tot.

isolated from everything.

Llavors, vull centrar-me

Then, I want to focus.

en una afirmació

in a statement

que diuen al personatge,

what they say to the character,

al protagonista,

to the protagonist,

just quan arriba.

just when it arrives.

El sanatori és el sanatori Berghof.

The sanatorium is the Berghof sanatorium.

I el protagonista,

And the protagonist,

hòstia, és que ara se m'ha demanat, Hans Castor,

Damn, it's just that I've been asked now, Hans Castor.

quan arriba al sanatori, el que li diu

When he arrives at the sanatorium, what he says to him.

a un dels malalts que hi ha allà, el primer que li diu

to one of the patients there, the first one who says to him

és que s'hi da... Com t'ho has dit?

It's just that it gets there... How did you say it?

Hans què?

Hans what?

Hans Castor. Crec que estàs pensant el mateix que jo.

Hans Castor. I think you are thinking the same as me.

Hans què? És que està Hans Topo, tio.

Hans what? It's that Hans Topo, dude.

Hans Topo, eh?

Hans Topo, huh?

És que ha faltat un pèl, tio.

It's just that it was a close call, dude.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Hans Castor.

Hans Castor.

Doncs això, quan arriba, el primer que li diu

Well, when he arrives, the first thing he says to him.

a un malalt d'allà,

to a patient from there,

el primer que li diu és, ací dalt, el temps està

the first thing he tells him is, up here, the weather is

suspès. A setembre.

suspended. In September.



com aconseguis després, Thomas Mann,

how you achieve later, Thomas Mann,

fer veure per al lector que allà dalt

make it clear to the reader that up there

és real que el temps està suspès?

Is it true that time is suspended?

La primera

The first

estratègia que usa,

strategy that it uses,

o el primer recurs que usa, és el canvi de localització.

or the first resource he uses is the change of location.

La novel·la comença

The novel begins.

en una ciutat

in a city

i a tercera pàgina

and on the third page

el protagonista, Hans Castor, està pujat al tren

The protagonist, Hans Castor, is on the train.

al camí de la muntanya.

to the mountain path.

El primer que fa és aïllar el personatge,

The first thing he does is isolate the character,

treure'l de qualsevol moviment

take it out of any movement

i el porta a un lloc aïllat

and he takes him to an isolated place

a la muntanya. Llavors, què fa

to the mountain. So, what does he/she do?

en la muntanya? Que és l'illa de qualsevol esdeveniment.

In the mountain? It is the island of any event.

Tant esdeveniment rutinari

Such a routine event

del dia a dia com esdeveniment històric.

from day to day as a historical event.

Allà no hi ha avanços, allà no hi ha res.

There are no advances there, there is nothing there.

Allà estan perduts i allà no passa res.

There they are lost and nothing happens there.

De moment hi ha el temps com que

At the moment, there is the time as that.

s'ha parat, s'ha paralitzat. El temps

It has stopped, it has come to a standstill. Time.

històric. El temps del

historic. The time of the

dia a dia continua anant.

Day by day it continues to go on.

Què fa per parar també el temps aquest

What does it do to stop this time too?

del dia a dia? Doncs

from day to day? Well

la rutina en un sanatori

the routine in a sanatorium

és realment

it's really

rutina. És a dir, qualsevol dia

routine. That is to say, any day

és igual que l'anterior i igual que el que vindrà.

It is the same as the previous one and the same as the one that will come.

Llavors el que fa és començar

Then what he does is start.

a comptar-te una rutina constant, constant,

to tell you a constant, constant routine,

constant. I el que fa és convertir

constant. And what it does is convert

la visió del temps en compte de ser

the vision of time in terms of being

lineal, de avui, demà, demà, demà.

linear, today, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.

El que fa és

What he does is

una visió cíclica. És a dir, demà

a cyclical vision. That is to say, tomorrow.

tornarem a fer el que hem fet avui, que serà

we will do again what we did today, which will be

el mateix que vam fer ahir. I llavors va comptar-te

the same as we did yesterday. And then he counted you

així, va comptar-te que ell va al

thus, he told you that he goes to the

menjador i es trobaran les mateixes persones que

dining room and the same people will be found as

es va trobar ahir. I et diu amb aquesta

he was found yesterday. And he tells you with this

firma que demà segur que tornaran

sign that tomorrow they will surely return

a entrar i estaran les mateixes persones fent el mateix

They will enter and the same people will be doing the same thing.

que estan fent avui. Llavors ja et

what they are doing today. Then I will already you

transporta tu mateix aquesta visió cíclica del temps.

transport this cyclical view of time yourself.

I la novel·la s'acaba o...?

And does the novel end or...?

De puta mare, no va faltar acabar-se la novel·la.

Fucking great, it didn't end up finishing the novel.

No, home, no,

No, come on, no,

espera, espera. Llavors

wait, wait. Then

fa més coses. A veure, si tenim la concepció lineal

does more things. Let's see, if we have the linear conception

del temps, la concepció

of time, the conception

lineal sí que t'obliga a moure't, t'obliga

linear does make you move, it forces you

a fer coses, t'obliga a produir, t'obliga a

to do things, it forces you to produce, it forces you to

avançar, no?, al final. Anem cap

to advance, right?, in the end. We are heading towards

avant. Però si la visió és cíclica

before. But if the vision is cyclical

i saps que demà tornaràs a fer el mateix

And you know that tomorrow you will do the same again.

que avui, doncs ahir una mica el temps

that today, well yesterday a bit the weather

ja està suspès. Ja podríem dir que

it's already suspended. We could already say that

tot com que està més o menys paralitzat

as it is more or less paralyzed

d'alguna manera. Si fa, no fa.

Somehow. If it does, it does.

Però n'hi ha més recursos.

But there are more resources.

Un altre és que a

Another is that to

mi el que més em mola és, a tema formal,

what I like the most is, in a formal way,

són els capítols. El nom dels capítols

they are the chapters. The name of the chapters

i la duració. Està dividit en sis

and the duration. It is divided into six

capítols. El primer capítol

chapters. The first chapter

és moment de l'arribada.

it's time of arrival.

El moment que arriba. El segon

The moment that arrives. The second.

capítol és el primer dia.

chapter is the first day.

El tercer capítol són les tres primeres

The third chapter is the first three.

setmanes, que en principi són el temps

weeks, which in principle are the time

que ella anava a passar allí en el sanatori.

that she was going to spend time there in the sanatorium.

Tres setmanes. Però el quart capítol

Three weeks. But the fourth chapter.

ja són els set primers mesos.

It has already been the first seven months.

El cinquè capítol és un any

The fifth chapter is a year.

i nou mesos. I l'últim

and nine months. And the last

són quatre anys i mig que queden.

There are four and a half years left.

És a dir, com, els capítols

That is to say, like the chapters.

van allargant-se. És a dir, tu has pujat

they have been getting longer. That is to say, you have gone up

així i ara cada vegada el temps

so now every time the time

és més llarg.

it's longer.

Sí, que el pas del temps s'ha de percebre

Yes, the passage of time must be perceived.

ja a gran escala perquè és pràcticament

already on a large scale because it is practically

nul. Perfecte.

null. Perfect.

Sí, sí, sí. A més, el que anava a dir era que

Yes, yes, yes. Moreover, what I was going to say was that

hi ha una frase que, vamos, és

there is a phrase that, come on, is

molt recurrent, que és

very recurrent, what is it

són paraules del mateix

they are words of the same

Hans Castor, que diu, el mes era

Hans Castor, who says, the month was

la unidad más pequeña y además

the smallest unit and also

uno solo prácticamente ni

one alone practically neither

contaba, que es lo que he dicho. Es decir, allí

I was saying, which is what I have said. That is to say, there.

contaba por mesos.

I counted by months.

En efecto, cuando me van

Indeed, when they go to me

el metge y le digo, no, es que yo vengo nomás para tres

the doctor and I say, no, I just come for three

semanas, el metge le digo, no, no, así el

weeks, the doctor told him, no, no, like this

mínim que pots quedar-te es un mes.

The minimum you can stay is one month.

Y a ver, es un mes, es que ni conta.

And let's see, it's a month, it doesn't even count.

Es a dir, el temps ja

That is to say, the time already

s'ha desfet. He vingut pa tres semanas y

it has come undone. I have been here for three weeks and

por no tenir llit, ja.

for not having a bed, already.

Y bueno,

And well,

per anar acabant, és això.

To finish up, that's it.

Al final, si llegeu aquesta novel·la,

In the end, if you read this novel,

és un novel·lón, una novel·la

it's a novel, a novel

totalment completa. Al final

totally complete. In the end

és un tracte sobretot sobre medicina, sobre

it's a deal mainly about medicine, about

anatòmia, sobre...

anatomy, about...

En una entrevista que va fer, bueno, una

In an interview that he gave, well, one

conferència que va fer, va dir que la novel·la tractava sobre

the conference he gave, he said that the novel was about

el pas del temps. Que si

the passage of time. Yes, it does.

havia de dir un tema era el pas del temps.

I had to say a theme was the passage of time.

I el pas del temps apareix en tots els capítols.

And the passage of time appears in all the chapters.

Pero Carlos, pero Carlos

But Carlos, but Carlos

l'has tacat

you have stained it

así en el programa de El Espai

thus in the El Espai program

Tancat. Però la...

Closed. But the...

Sí, sí...

Yes, yes...

També és de veres.

It is also true.

Está en una montaña, en una...

It is on a mountain, in a...

No, però és un sanatori que està

No, but it is a sanatorium that is

tancat. És un sanatori, és un sanatori.

Closed. It is a sanatorium, it is a sanatorium.

Hi ha gent del sanatori a passejar, però

There are people from the sanatorium out for a walk, but

al final estan ahí tancats, en el sanatori.

In the end, they are there locked up, in the sanatorium.

Bueno, si mos posem a assinar,

Well, if we start signing,

el temps...

the weather...

El temps és un espai

Time is a space.



Sí, és una bona presó, la veritat.

Yes, it is a good prison, to be honest.

I un rellotge són les cadenes.

And a watch is the chains.

Ah, que bonic!

Ah, how lovely!


Take it.

Doncs mira, més o menys

Well, look, more or less.

per allà anava el final, per allà volia

there went the end, there I wanted

tancar-ho, perquè

close it, because

al final una de les tesis que va

in the end one of the theses that goes

traient en tots els capítols

removing in all the chapters

el protagonista és que

the protagonist is that

se sol preguntar allí a la gent que hi ha allà

People there usually ask each other.

quan comença a fer-se col·legues, és

when it starts to become colleagues, it is

si ells creuen que el temps transcorre d'una

if they think that time passes in a

manera uniforme. És a dir, si el temps

uniform manner. That is to say, if the time

sempre transcorre de la mateixa manera per a

it always proceeds in the same way for

tots i en tots els llocs igual.

Everyone and everywhere the same.

Ell diu que no.

He says no.

Ell ja, quan ja està allí, que ja

He already, when he is already there, that already.

se sent un home més d'allà, diu que no,

a man can be heard from over there, he says no,

que això no té res a veure.

that this has nothing to do with it.

Però, clar...

But, of course...

Vull dir, no li falta bravo,

I mean, he doesn't lack courage,

està la teoria de la relativitat.

The theory of relativity is.

La teoria de la relativitat

The theory of relativity

de fet, quan es publica?

In fact, when is it published?

1905-1915, no?

1905-1915, right?

Si no recordo malament.

If I remember correctly.

Que és més o menys quan està ambientat

What it is more or less when it is set.

esta novel·la també i quan

this novel too and when

la va publicar Thomas Mann.

It was published by Thomas Mann.

Bueno, doncs diu això i tanca ja.

Well, it says that and closes now.

Diu en el capítol 3

It says in chapter 3.

El tiempo no posee ninguna realidad.

Time has no reality.

Cuando nos parece largo,

When it seems long to us,

es largo. Y cuando nos parece corto,

it's long. And when it seems short to us,

es corto. Pero nadie sabe

It's short. But nobody knows.

lo largo o lo corto que es en realidad.

the length or shortness that it actually is.

És a dir,

That is to say,

ella ha perdut totalment el cap

She has completely lost her mind.

i ella ja se sent d'allà.

And she already feels from there.

Si passa, saluda.

If you pass by, greet.

Però un poc en esta novel·la.

But a little in this novel.

Vinga, xavals.

Come on, guys.

A saludar.

To greet.

Com passa un poc

As it happens a little.

en el Quixot, n'hi ha, bueno,

In the Quixote, there are, well,

aquí Hans Castor seria el Quixot

here Hans Castor would be the Quixote

i sempre n'hi ha un Sancho que,

and there is always a Sancho who,

com que la terra, li porta els peus a terra,

as the earth, brings her feet to the ground,

seria el seu cosí Joaquim

it would be his cousin Joaquim

que era un malalt.

that he was a sick person.

Ell sí que estava en el sanatori, però ell se'n torna.

He was indeed in the sanatorium, but he is coming back.

I li diu, home, Hans,

And he says to him, well, Hans,

que sí que tenim rellotges, que tenim calendaris,

that we do have watches, that we have calendars,

que el temps és mesurable.

that time is measurable.

I ell,

And he,

en un parell d'ols, li diu que aquestes mesures

in a couple of hours, he tells her that these measures

són totalment convencions

they are totally conventions

i que són una condició del món

and that they are a condition of the world

dels fenòmens, del món on passen coses.

of the phenomena, of the world where things happen.

Que allí dalt, en el sanatori,

That up there, in the sanatorium,

com no passen coses,

as things do not happen,

el temps està suspès.

Time is suspended.

I el tio es queda més ample que ja.

And the guy is left feeling even more relaxed.

Això és exactament el que es passava

This is exactly what was happening.

en el confinament.

in the confinement.

Però exactament.

But exactly.

Vull dir, al final, és el que deies al principi,

I mean, in the end, it's what you said at the beginning,

que era com un dimarts, un dimecres continu,

it was like a Tuesday, a continuous Wednesday,

perquè no passen coses.

because things don't happen.

I allí sí que es mesurava per mesos,

And there it was measured in months,

o com a mínim per 15 dies.

or at least for 15 days.

15 dies era la unitat mínima

15 days was the minimum unit.

de significat.

of meaning.

Així és.

That's right.

Home, per a l'hoteleria

Man, for the hotel industry

avui dia també no. 15 dies.

Today also no. 15 days.

Quan tanquen els bars, els pobres diran.

When the bars close, the poor will say.

Bueno, mínim 15 dies.

Well, at least 15 days.

Ja ho veus.

You see.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Tres novel·letes interessants, que us recomano molt

Three interesting novellas that I highly recommend to you.

si algun no les ha llegides.

if some have not read them.

Jo no n'he llegit cap.

I haven't read any of them.

I no me'n recorde

I don't remember.

el nom de cap d'aquelles.

the name of none of those.

Estarà el programa gravat,

Will the program be recorded?

tio. Grava-me, grava-me.

Dude. Record me, record me.

Menys mal que ho gravem.

Thank goodness we record it.

Parla Artur, ara.

Artur, speak now.

Parla una miqueta.

Speak a little.

Ha sonat com...

It has sounded like...

Ha sonat com quan algú

It has sounded like when someone

està fent un acte oficial,

he is holding an official event,

el vicerector diu

the vice-rector says

«Ahora hablará el decano».

"Now the dean will speak."

És que es pensa a veure

Is that what you think you'll see?

què volia fer jo.

what I wanted to do.

Home, un foc gratuïcial, tio.

Dude, a gratuitous fire, man.

Un poquito de swing, tio.

A little bit of swing, dude.

A mi és que Carlos

I like Carlos.

em fa molta tranquil·litat.

It gives me a lot of tranquility.

Jo em quedo molt seré.

I will stay very serious.

Té la paraula

The floor is yours.



del té.

of tea.

Que parla jo tan aixina?

Why do I speak like this?

No, no.

No, no.

Si no sap.

If you don't know.

Si queréis pruebo.

If you want, I can try.

Ara la voy a hacer.

Now I'm going to do it.

Di tu mierda

Say you shit.

y apaga el micro.

and turn off the mic.

El silenci incòmode.

The uncomfortable silence.

Algú creu

Someone believes.

que no té res a dir,

that has nothing to say,

però jo tinc moltes coses a dir.

but I have many things to say.

És que el programa és en fan

It's just that the program is in fan.

d'un pokeball.

of a pokeball.

Carlos portava un Ritme

Carlos was carrying a Rhythm.

excessivament bo.

excessively good.

I este programa no es

And this program is not

excessivament bo.

excessively good.

Ni un pokeball tampoc.

Not even a Pokéball.

No es la característica principal.

It is not the main characteristic.

Es coña. Yo portar

It's a joke. I will take.

6 novel·les.

6 novels.

No les comentaré.

I will not comment on them.

Tengo aquí la captura de...

I have here the screenshot of...

de pantalla

of screen

del WhatsApp

from WhatsApp

y pues no les comentaré.

And well, I won't comment on it.

Como si fuera un manamento.

As if it were a command.

Por favor, por favor, por favor.

Please, please, please.

Molaría que les portáreis com a amenaza.

It would be cool if you brought them as a threat.

Mira, si no vos porto bé,

Look, if I don't bring you well,

les comentaré, perquè les tinc aquí.

I will tell you about them, because I have them here.

El tema és,

The topic is,

o sigui,

that is,

Spike and Cat,

Spike i Cat,

pero Spike and Cat

but Spike and Cat

son 6 novel·les que pasen

they are 6 novels that take place

en Spike and Cat,

in Spike and Cat,

o sigui, alguns són en Spike and Cat

that is, some are in Spike and Cat

com a tal,

as such,

o sigui, físics,

that is, physicists,

altres són més metafòrics

others are more metaphorical

i uns altres

and others

són metafòrics.

they are metaphoric.

O sigui, metafòric o físic.

So, metaphorical or physical.

El que passa és que

What happens is that

l'espai metafòric

the metaphorical space

es dona en diferents metàfores.

It is given in different metaphors.



Ahí està el suc.

There is the juice.

El ser metafòric.

The metaphorical being.

Les metàfores...

The metaphors...

Ata tu una metàfora.

Tie a metaphor.

Ata-la en corto.

Shorten it.

Pinta-la de verd.

Paint it green.

El primer que volia comentar...

The first thing I wanted to mention...


They are...




They are...



les que tinc...

the ones I have...

Ja han passat de 6 a 3.

They have already changed from 6 to 3.

Les que tinc...

The ones I have...

Ha fet una paradinha.

He/She has made a little stop.

En plan, bueno, no sé cuántos

Like, well, I don't know how many.

comentaré más.

I will comment more.

No sé quién ahora es, pero ya ves doble, ¿no?

I don't know who he is now, but you see double, right?

Hostia, es vez la de Sergio Ramos

Holy shit, it's the one from Sergio Ramos.

el otro día tirando el segon penalti

the other day taking the second penalty

a su visa.

to his/her visa.

En plan, paradinha

In a way, a little stop.

y parada del portero.

and goalkeeper save.

No, o siga, tres

No, I mean, three.

en un espai tancat físic.

in a closed physical space.



El primer és un conte de...

The first is a tale of...

de Tres Rosas Amarillas

of Three Yellow Roses

que és de

what is of

Raymond Carver

Raymond Carver

que és un nord-americà

what is a North American

que escriu contes

that writes stories

que fa de categoria.

that is of category.

¿Te voy a estar inventant?

Am I going to be making this up for you?

¿Cree que está inventando yo todo?

Do you think I'm making everything up?

¿Vas a estar inventando todo?

Are you going to be making everything up?


Holy shit...

Va a parlar lento porque está procesando

He is going to speak slowly because he is processing.

a ver el norte y tal.

let's see the north and such.

¿Era americano?

Was he American?

¿Era americano? ¿Era de Wisconsin?

Was he American? Was he from Wisconsin?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

¿Y las rosas eran

And the roses were



Y tres. Eran tres.

And three. There were three.

Vale, vale. Ha sido un conte

Okay, okay. It has been a story.

de Tres Rosas Amarillas. Que no recorde

of Three Yellow Roses. That I don't remember

antes el nom del conte.

Before the name of the tale.

Pero era

But it was

del recuí de contes

from the collection of stories

y que seguía Tres Rosas Amarillas.

and that followed Three Yellow Roses.

Y es de Raymond Carver.

And it's by Raymond Carver.

¿Vale? Puedo publicarlo.

Okay? I can publish it.

Ahí, en Spotify.

There, on Spotify.

En, en Wikipedia.

In, in Wikipedia.

¿Qué tú digas?

What do you say?

¿Qué tú digas, Merlin?

What do you say, Merlin?

Volíes enfangar

You wanted to get muddy.

y este me ha enfangado.

and this one has muddied me.

Ahí lo llevas.

There you go.

Vale. El Tres Rosas Amarillas

Okay. The Three Yellow Roses

es un conte que pasa

it's a story that happens

en un pis.

in an apartment.

Escriben a una persona

They write to a person.

que no coneixen

that they do not know

y eso fa que

and that makes that

se desvelen

are revealed

i se queden tota la nit desvelant

And they stay awake all night.

i parlen de coses. De la vida,

and they talk about things. About life,

al final del amor...

at the end of love...

De coses de la quotidianitat.

About everyday things.

Després, l'altre és La Quinta Columna

Afterwards, the other one is The Fifth Column.

que és una obra de teatre

what is a play

la única obra de teatre

the only play





i passa en un hotel.

And it takes place in a hotel.

Pasa en un hotel de mar.

It happens in a seaside hotel.

¿No us sembla massa casualitat

Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence?

que dos obres quedin així

that two works remain like this

i els dos tenen números i tal?

And do both of them have numbers and such?

Ell està relacionat.

He is related.

Està inventant.

He/She is lying.

Uno era un numeral

One was a numeral.

y un...

and a...

un card...

a thistle...



No era un número

It wasn't a number.

y la tres

and the three

que paga el orden.

that pays for the order.

Primero, segundo...

First, second...

Numeral y ordenar.

Numeral and ordering.

Que pasa en un hotel de Madrid

What happens in a hotel in Madrid?

durante la guerra civil española.

during the Spanish Civil War.

Y la tres

And the three

es la caída de la casa Asher

it is the fall of the House of Usher



de este de Alan Pope

from this by Alan Pope

que pasa en la casa Asher

What happens at the Asher house?

en la nueva ciudad.

in the new city.

Y bueno, es una...

And well, it's a...

es un conte típic seu.

It's a typical tale of theirs.

Es una de sport...

It's a sport one...

Está guay, pero...

It's cool, but...

Está guay porque el tío redactaba

It's cool because the guy used to write.

de categoría, pero bueno, la trama...

of category, but well, the plot...

A mí personalmente no me interesa

I'm not personally interested.

mucho, pero igual hay que sentir

a lot, but still you have to feel

los libros para que os guste

the books so that you like them

cualquier mierda.

any shit.



Después ya vendrían les tres, que sí que serían

Afterwards, the three would come, which would indeed be.

un poco más... un espai

a little more... a space

tancat, pero más abstracte,

closed, but more abstract,

de alguna manera.


Lo de la metáfora.

The metaphor thing.

Sí, hay alguna metáfora

Yes, there is some metaphor.

de las tres que no.

of the three that not.

Tenemos la casa de los

We have the house of the

espíritus, que realmente no es

spirits, which really are not

un espai tancat físic,

a closed physical space,

pero es un espai tancat genealògic,

but it is a closed genealogical space,

¿sabes? Sí.

Do you know? Yes.

Sí, sí, sí, perfecte.

Yes, yes, yes, perfect.

Molt ben vist, molt ben vist.

Very well seen, very well seen.

De nada, entre risa y risa,

You're welcome, between laughter and laughter,

por aquí te devuelvo.

I'll return you around here.



Después el altre es ensayos sobre

Then the other is essays on

la ceguera, que al primer... al principio

the blindness, that at first... at the beginning

sí que es un espai físic tancat,

yes, it is a closed physical space,

porque están en el manicomi.

because they are in the asylum.

Pero después

But afterwards

dicen al...

they say to the...



son libres, pero ellos realmente

they are free, but they really

dicen un espai tancat

they say a closed space



no veuen.

they don't see.

Al estar cego igual tenen que estar

"Being blind, they still have to be."

en el camp que estar en una habitació.

In the field than being in a room.

Es una habitación de expresiones basales.

It's a room of basal expressions.

Y el altre

And the other

ensaye... bueno, no he

rehearse... well, I haven't

dicho la casa de los espíritus desde Allende,

said the house of spirits from Allende,

de ensayos sobre la ceguera

of essays on blindness

de Saramago.

of Saramago.

¿Y por quién doblan las campanas?

And for whom do the bells toll?

Que es un atre de Hemingway, que no es un

What is a trait of Hemingway, that is not a...

espai físic tancat, pero sí cronològic,

closed physical space, but not chronological,

que sería la que recibí.

that would be the one I received.

Y también podrían decir un espai tancat en

And they could also say a closed space in

la que no es tancat,

the one that is not closed,

pero es de la que se lo corré ahí,

but it is from the one that I run it there,

que es el monte este del Jarama.

What is this mountain of Jarama?

La sede este del Jarama.

The eastern headquarters of Jarama.

Ahí fan rally, ¿no?

They hold rallies there, right?

Ahí fan rally o carrera.

There they do rally or race.

La del Jarama,

The one from Jarama,

yo creo que es la del Jarama.

I believe it is the one from Jarama.

Tinc el llibre,

I have the book,

l'he agafat de la biblioteca.

I took it from the library.

Jo el tinc, també. Encara no l'he llegit.

I have it too. I haven't read it yet.

El vaig començar a llegir i no m'ho vaig quedar.

I started reading it and I didn't keep it.

Demà el començaré, ja et diré.

I'll start it tomorrow, I'll let you know.

El de ¿Por qué dónde doblan las campanas?

The one from Why do the bells toll?

Demà el començaré.

I will start it tomorrow.

El començaré, però després

I'll start it, but then.

a mi m'ha enganxat molt.

It has caught me a lot.

Però al principi sí que és veritat que era com

But at first, it is true that it was like

no passa res, no passa res, no passa res,

it's okay, it's okay, it's okay,

i després sí que passa de tot.

and then everything happens.

O sigui, on està en una guerra, sí.

So, where he is in a war, yes.

No passa res, tampoc.

It's nothing, either.

D'aquells fangos estornudos.

From those sneezy muds.

Clar, jo diria que és el Jarama,

Of course, I would say it's the Jarama.

però ara mateix no.

but not right now.

És un AES que està ahí,

It's an AES that is there,

el Jarama, alguna vegada.

the Jarama, sometimes.

Que entra a fer xegovia...

What enters to do xegovia...

No me'n recordo.

I don't remember.

Bueno, i...

Well, and...

Tinc aportació al món del Jarama.

I have a contribution to the world of Jarama.

Hola. Molt bé.

Hello. Very well.

Tres obres inventades i tres obres...

Three invented works and three works...

I tres obres que li has portat

And three works that you have brought him.

a una de la biblioteca.

to one of the library.

Tres obres que li has portat al seu avi.

Three works that you brought to his grandfather.

Està molt bé.

It's very good.

Fem una pauseta i tornem de seguida.

Let's take a little break and we'll be back shortly.





M'ha menjat l'hora, jo he sentit situar-me a fora.

The time has eaten me, I have felt placed outside.

És meu desert, sempre és meu desert.

It is my desert, it is always my desert.

Jo venia a fer una aportació mínima perquè pensava que ningú havia de preparar-se i resulta que els dos cabrons d'estos han fet un programón boníssim.

I came to make a minimal contribution because I thought no one had to prepare, and it turns out that these two bastards have put together a really great program.

Tio, pero tú eres poeta, o sea, tú te estoy perdonando.

Dude, but you are a poet, I mean, I'm forgiving you.

Doncs mireu, vinc a parlar de poesia.

Well, look, I'm here to talk about poetry.

Joder, macho.

Damn, man.

No he lamentat el que he fet.

I have not regretted what I have done.

Contemplava amable el cos, no el més imensible.

He kindly contemplated the body, not the most immeasurable.

I he retornat.

I have returned.

I he retornat a la altra mà, al meu acte.

And I have returned to the other hand, to my act.



Què fas si li has fet poesia, eh?

What are you doing if you've written her poetry, huh?

Si escrius la mitad, el conte és normal...

If you write half, the story is normal...

Això era el problema d'Estellers.

That was Estellers' problem.

Sí, senyores.

Yes, ladies.

He tornat a caure en Estellers.

I have fallen back into Estellers.

Està muerta, home!

She's dead, man!

El que volia era parlar sobre les actituds que han tingut poetes com Estellers o com Martí Pol.

What I wanted was to talk about the attitudes that poets like Estellés or Martí Pol have had.

Que perquè són, en part, tan famosos o perquè hi ha un públic jove o que està començant per la poesia,

That because they are, in part, so famous or because there is a young audience or those who are starting with poetry,

que està començant per la poesia, ja ho dèiem en el programa de poesia que vam fer,

that is starting with poetry, we already said it in the poetry program we did,

ja parlàvem d'estos autors com a tòtems de la iniciació a la poesia.

We were already talking about these authors as totems of initiation to poetry.

Que de fet, si voleu iniciacions, iniciació a la comèdia, The Office, l'americana, fins ací...

That in fact, if you want initiations, initiation to comedy, The Office, the American one, up to here...



El meu deure.

My duty.



Ja està.

That's it.

No sé com no has parlat de comèdia en interior, o sea, perdona, d'alguna estada en interior sense parlar-ne de Office, tio.

I don’t know how you haven’t talked about interior comedy, I mean, sorry, about some indoor stay without mentioning The Office, man.

Per això, és que m'acabes de xafar del puto tema, tio. Anem a parlar d'això, precisament.

That's why you just stepped on the fucking topic, man. Let's talk about that, precisely.


Come on.

A que sí.

Of course.

The Office, una sèrie que passa en interior que és boníssima.

The Office, a series set indoors that is excellent.

I vaja, tota la temporalitat que deia Carlos que passa en l'exterior i tot això, res, està tot molt ben reflectit, té capítols temàtics...

And well, all the temporality that Carlos was talking about happening outside and all that, nothing, it is all very well reflected, it has thematic chapters...

No és que va més enllà de la temporalitat de la pròpia sèrie, sinó que anava en la temporalitat, igual que moltes sitcoms,

It's not that it goes beyond the temporality of the series itself, but that it was in the temporality, just like many sitcoms.

la temporalitat de l'estrena del capítol. O sea, que si s'estrenava un capítol propi de Nadal, tenien un capítol temàtic de Nadal.

the temporality of the premiere of the episode. That is, if a Christmas-themed episode premiered, they had a thematic episode for Christmas.

Una sitcom.

A sitcom.

Ai, es que no te estabas sintiendo, tira, que...

Oh, it’s just that you weren’t feeling it, come on, that...

Va, pues ya está.

Come on, well that's it.

He vuelto ahora.

I have come back now.

Buenas tardes, oyentes.

Good afternoon, listeners.

A ver, a ver...

Let's see, let's see...

Vaja, y en la mateixa...

Wow, and in the same...

No sé, em sembla relacionable...

I don't know, it seems relatable to me...



En el exterior, también hay películas como El apartamento...

Outside, there are also movies like The Apartment...

Ah, hostia, ya lo he visto.

Ah, damn, I've seen it already.

Que no la menciona ningú. La soga, que ya la he visto.

That nobody mentions her. The rope, which I have already seen.

El faro, también. O sea, la desvirtuación del temps, que ya en la película esta del faro...

The lighthouse, too. In other words, the distortion of time, which is already in this lighthouse movie...

Harry Potter.

Harry Potter.

Harry Potter?

Harry Potter?

O Harry Potter.

Oh Harry Potter.



Es que si os tiré la metáfora, eh, Xane?

It's just that if I threw you the metaphor, huh, Xane?

Claro, tío.

Sure, dude.

Ahí vas a tirar y ahí va a entrar, eh?

There you are going to throw it and there it's going to go in, huh?

El penalti más largo del mundo.

The longest penalty in the world.

No te lo olvides de esa película.

Don't forget about that movie.

Es malísima, loco.

It's really bad, dude.

Sí, sí, es un peliculó, eh?

Yes, yes, it's a great movie, huh?

Es malísima, tío.

She's terrible, dude.

Es un peliculó.

It's a great movie.

Tío, se me ha quedado la imagen congelada.

Dude, my image has frozen.

En un moment molt divertit.

At a very funny moment.

Estoy muy divertido.

I am very entertained.

Es como si me estuviera pasando...

It's like it's happening to me...

Molt bé, constantment, todo el rato.

Very well, constantly, all the time.

O sea, Chimo, tú habla.

I mean, Chimo, you speak.

Más de lo que voy, eh?

More than I'm going, huh?

Podríamos hablar todos súper serios, en plan súper melancólicos.

We could all talk super seriously, in a super melancholic way.

Tío, pero es que es muy gracioso.

Dude, but it's just really funny.

Porque, Chimo, podes ser un apoyo moral para tú.

Because, Chimo, you can be a moral support for yourself.

Voy a decirte, tú estás...

I'm going to tell you, you are...

No, la verdad es que me estás entrando muy bien.

No, the truth is that you are coming across very well to me.

Me estás entrando muy bien.

You are doing very well with me.

A ver...

Let's see...

¿Pero a dónde anaba?

But where was I going?

Tant que l'incís de les pel·lícules

As long as the interruption of the movies

i tant que l'incís de The Office,

and so much that the snippet from The Office,

l'americana, que és la bona...

the American one, which is the good one...

Ja ho sé, Arturo, que és molt graciós.

I already know, Arturo, that it is very funny.

És que m'estic passant molt bé.

I am having a great time.

No fa falta que rigues tant, Toni.

You don't need to laugh so much, Toni.

I torne a la poesia.

And I return to poetry.

Tío, es que es como el anuncio de Kinder bueno.

Dude, it's just like the Kinder Bueno commercial.

Joder, para llegar al cine.

Damn, to get to the cinema.

Que t'està passant molt bé.

That you are having a great time.

T'està parant de cuidar, tio.

You're starting to not care, dude.



torne a la poesia

I return to poetry.

i, com deia,

and, as I was saying,



Martí Pol, són dos persones que entren molt

Martí Pol, they are two people who enter a lot.

a un públic jove o a un públic...

to a young audience or to an audience...

Generalment jove, que són els que comencen

Generally young, who are the ones that start.

a llegir poesia. La gent major

to read poetry. Older people

que llegeix poesia o la llegeix de jove...

that reads poetry or reads it as a young person...

O, bueno, pot...

Oh, well, it can...

M'estic estancant en un jardí que...

I'm getting stuck in a garden that...

No sé el que toca.

I don't know what to do.

Però bé, per què dic això?

But well, why do I say this?

He triat dos poemes

I have chosen two poems.

dels dos autors que em sembla

of the two authors that it seems to me

que il·lustren molt bé

that illustrate very well

el que ha passat en este cas.

what has happened in this case.

Que són el de

What are the of

M'he masturbat avui mirant el cos

I masturbated today while looking at the body.

des del meu llit

from my bed

d'una jove a la platja,

of a young woman at the beach,

d'Estellers, i el de

of Estellers, and the one of

Salveu-me els ulls quan ja no em quedi res,

Save my eyes when I have nothing left,

de Martí Pol.

of Martí Pol.

Com ja he llegit abans,

As I have read before,

he llegit

I have read.

el final del poema d'Estellers,

the end of the poem by Estellers,

un poema

a poem

eròtic, i ja està.

erotic, and that's it.

Però, la característica que a mi

But the characteristic that to me

més em crida l'atenció és que està narrant

what catches my attention more is that he/she is narrating

una palla

a straw

des de la finestra.

from the window.

És a dir, ella està mirant des de la finestra...

That is to say, she is looking out of the window...

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Una palla modo guayer.

A straw in a cool way.

Eixe, eixe.

That, that.

Que turbio, eh? Que fort.

How murky, huh? How intense.

A vore, que escriguera versos no vol dir que fora bona persona.

Just because he wrote verses doesn't mean he was a good person.

No, no, ni molt més.

No, no, not at all.



per què estava això...

why was this...

Ana va dir

Ana said

té una explicació, el fet que es faça palles

it has an explanation, the fact that one masturbates

des de la finestra.

from the window.

Té una explicació que estiguera en casa.

He has an explanation for being at home.

Té una explicació que estiguera en casa,

It has an explanation that she was at home.

que Estellers estava molt malaltet.

that Estellers was very sick.

Va estar molt malaltet.

He was very ill.

A Fessen.

In Fessen.



No li donaria temps a Fessen.

I wouldn't give Fessen any time.

Home, tot el dia en casa...

At home, all day at home...

Home, és una persona major, però...

Man, he is an elderly person, but...

I Miquel Martí Pol, que també va estar malalt.

I Miquel Martí Pol, who was also ill.

També va estar...

It was also...

Es va veure...

It was seen...

Al final va acabar la vida en una caire de rodes, no?

In the end, it all ended up on a roller coaster, right?

Vaja, la malaltia era

Well, the illness was

degenerativa, i això va...

degenerative, and this goes...

va estombar.

he/she fell down.

Esclerosi múltiple, diria, no?

Multiple sclerosis, I would say, right?

Té pels ulls...

It has for the eyes...

Esclerosi múltiple, sí.

Multiple sclerosis, yes.

He tret el poema de

I have taken the poem from.

Salveu-me els ulls quan ja no em quedi res

Save my eyes when I have nothing left.

perquè té uns versos que diuen

because it has some verses that say

Pels ulls puc sortir enfora i veure llum

Through the eyes, I can go outside and see light.

Viure bo i mort

Living good and dead

Només en la mirada

Only in the gaze

I això t'ho deixa a tu, Artur,

And this leaves it up to you, Artur,

perquè t'agradarà molt.

because you will like it very much.

Hi ha voltes que desconnecte.

There are times that I disconnect.

Digues, digues.

Say, say.

Sí, repetisc.

Yes, I repeat.

Pels ulls puc sortir enfora i veure llum

Through the eyes, I can go outside and see light.

Viure bo i mort

Live well and die.

Només en la mirada

Only in the gaze

El Colofó, el que vull dir amb tot això

The colophon, what I mean by all this

Són dos autors que han hagut d'estar tancats a casa moltíssim de temps

They are two authors who have had to stay at home for a very long time.

i ja no vull parlar de la qüestió de la temporalitat

And I no want to talk about the issue of temporality anymore.



de l'actitud que acaben adoptant

of the attitude they end up adopting

en els seus poemes

in his poems

perquè precisament aquestes dues èpoques

because precisely these two periods

crec que és més marcat en Martí i el Pol

I think it is more pronounced in Martí and Pol.

són dos moments de creació molt vitalistes

they are two moments of creation that are very vitalistic

és a dir, són els que més felicitat

that is to say, they are the ones who bring the most happiness

encomanen a tota la gent perquè tenen unes ganes d'eixir fora

They urge everyone because they have a strong desire to go out.

i que tenen unes ganes de

and they really want to

de viure la vida

of living life

i que tenen unes ganes de viure la vida

and they have a desire to live life

perquè no poden

because they cannot

i vaja, i em semblava remarcable

And wow, I found it remarkable.

perquè és que precisament és el que està passant ara

because that is exactly what is happening right now

Podem anar al bar

We can go to the bar.

i la gent entén

And the people understand.

Hem d'anar al bar

We have to go to the bar.

Clar, quan prives d'alguna cosa a algú

Of course, when you deprive someone of something.

l'únic que tindrà ganes de fer

the only thing he/she will want to do

serà això que et prohibeix

it will be this that prohibits you

el de sempre, la mateixa història de sempre

the usual, the same old story

heu de portar la mascareta

you must wear the mask

és que la mascareta i se la lleven

It's just that they take off the mask.

per convicció de

for conviction of

me la lleven

they take it away from me

i ja està

and that's it

i destelles a Miguel Bosé i hi ha un pas

And you sparkle at Miguel Bosé and there is a step.

Això que has dit

What you have said



bueno, estàs comentant ara pel tema

Well, you are commenting now about the topic.

del confinament i coses d'aquestes

of confinement and things like that

de los bars i això, claro, claro

about the bars and that, of course, of course

a mi em feia la sensació també al principi

I felt that way too at the beginning.

era quedar-te en casa i t'havies de quedar en casa

It was to stay at home and you had to stay at home.

tot el món, quedar-te en casa, quedar-te en casa

everyone, stay at home, stay at home

i després, quan ja et van deixar sortir

and then, when they finally let you out

era, eh, que et pots quedar-te en casa

Well, you can stay at home.

també si vols, eh, que ja no és obligatori

also if you want, eh, it's no longer mandatory

sempre que puguis eixir

whenever you can leave

era com ja

it was like already

era com un rotllo

it was like a drag

en el sentit de, estàs obligat a eixir

in the sense of, you are obliged to leave

hòstia, no vols eixir, tio, no vols

Damn, you don't want to go out, man, you don't want to.

pega't una volteta avui

take a little trip today

no vols, tio, què passa

you don't want to, dude, what's up

ara les quadrilles d'amics

now the groups of friends

queden a fer una sopa

they are meeting to make a soup

i, vinga, que són

yes, come on, they are

quatre, falten dos, que si no no podem eixir

Four, two are missing, because if not, we can't go out.

si no som un grup de sis no podem eixir

if we are not a group of six we can't go out

claro, claro, els juguen el límit

of course, of course, they play to the limit

els juguen el límit

they play the limit

és anar a transgredir, aquesta gent

it's about transgressing, these people

era molt vitalista en eixes èpoques

I was very vitalistic in those times.

a mi amb els dos poemes aquests

I with both these poems

em recorda molt jo a

it reminds me a lot of myself

a Papa Seitz que tenia un altre, tio

to Papa Seitz who had another, man

tenia un altre poema que era el

I had another poem that was the

Tot l'enyor del demà, ell tenia

All the longing for tomorrow, he had.

com es diu, això que va morir

what is it called, that which died

Papa Seitz, ho diré

Papa Seitz, I'll say it.

tuberculosi, tuberculosi

tuberculosis, tuberculosis

i en aquest poema bàsicament

and in this poem basically

el que està dient és que ara que està al llit

what he is saying is that now that he is in bed

se'n recorda de quan podia

Do you remember when you could?

anar cap allí i com ho farà

go there and how will he/she do it

el que estàs dient tu, des del punt de vista vitalista

what you are saying, from a vitalist point of view

que farà

what will he/she do

quan es pugui recuperar de tot això

when one can recover from all this

que bàsicament

that basically

enllaça super bé amb el que estàs dient

links really well with what you are saying

amb el que estem vivint d'alguna manera

with what we are living through in some way

nosaltres no estem

we are not

malalts, bueno, Artur Tangines

sick, well, Artur Tangines

però en principi no estem del tot malalts

but in principle we are not really sick.

i vivim

and we live

de la mateixa manera, en aquest poema

in the same way, in this poem

com us sentiu?

How do you feel?

jo no puc cantar molt

I cannot sing much.

jo no diria que tinc

I wouldn't say that I have.

no diria que tinc una qualitat de vida

I wouldn't say that I have a quality of life.

al 100%

at 100%

però no ets vitalista, tio

but you are not a vitalist, dude

no, o sigui

no, I mean

no ets vitalista

you are not a vitalist

jo, bueno, que me rebusquen

I, well, let them rummage through me.

que me rebusquen

let them search me

va, per acabar, a veure

come on, to finish, let's see

jo vull comentar-vos des del punt de vista

I want to comment to you from the point of view.

pur espectador, o sigui, no vinc a analitzar

just a spectator, that is, I’m not here to analyze

una merda, o sigui, no vinc a analitzar res

a shit, I mean, I'm not here to analyze anything

simplement vinc a dir-vos

I just come to tell you

la pel·lícula de Barrient

the Barrient movie

Burrient, Enterrado

Burro, Buried

l'heu vist?

Have you seen him/her/it?

Ricardo Cortés, no?

Richard Cortés, right?

Rodrigo Cortés

Rodrigo Cortés

ah, mira, no ho sé

ah, look, I don't know

m'he tirat un triple

I hit a three-pointer.

no, no, Anna dentro

no, no, Anna inside

a Laro dentro

a Laro inside

Carlos, tu l'has vist o què?

Carlos, have you seen him or what?

aquí a Rodrigo Cortés

Here to Rodrigo Cortés

o a la pel·li?

or to the movie?

no, no, no l'he vist

no, no, I haven't seen it

no l'he vist la pel·li

I haven't seen the movie.

Rodrigo Cortés està de bon vore

Rodrigo Cortés is easy on the eyes.

no l'has vist?

Haven't you seen it?

a veure, bàsicament és una pel·lícula

Let's see, basically it's a movie.

en què hi ha un plànol

In what there is a plan.

va canviant de plànol

it changes perspective

i fa moltes coses

and he/she does many things

de recursos i això

of resources and that

però és una pel·lícula que passa dins d'un taüt

but it's a movie that takes place inside a coffin

i és un tipus que per diferents motius

And he is a guy who for different reasons

està tancat dins d'un taüt

he is/it is closed inside a coffin

a no sé quants metres sota terra

at I don't know how many meters underground

i té un mòbil i poca cosa més

and has a mobile phone and not much more.

i a mi me flipa

and I love it

i ho dic des del punt de vista

and I say it from the point of view

és que, és que també

it's just that, it's just that too

és que està viu

it's that he is alive

el sotearren perquè el sotearren

They dig down because they dig down.

en principi per demanar un rescat

in principle to request a ransom

i tot això, no és que s'hagin equivocat

And all of this, it's not that they made a mistake.

i ja està, que té mala cara

And that's it, he looks bad.

mal colorat

badly colored



però vinc a dir-vos des del punt de vista d'espectador

But I come to tell you from the point of view of the spectator.

hòstia tio, que ve m'ho passe

Holy shit dude, I'm having a great time!

vinc en plan, modo friki

I'm coming in a geeky way.

que ve m'ho passe tio quan

When will you come to hang out, dude?

no tinc res en la pantalla

I have nothing on the screen.

quan ja m'ho donen

When will they give it to me?

el resultat d'una cosa

the result of something

i va desgranant-se tot

and everything is unfolding

com si fos pràcticament

as if it were practically

l'esquema d'una història de detectius

the outline of a detective story

que al final és el que passa quan tenim una història

that in the end is what happens when we have a story

dins d'un espai tancat

inside a closed space

tu tens un resultat

you have a result

i has d'anar

You have to go.

construint tota la realitat

building all of reality

a partir de pistes que van donar-te els personatges

based on clues that the characters gave you

d'aquestes històries

of these stories

va passar per exemple

it happened for example

en aquesta pel·li

in this movie

les històries telefòniques

the telephone stories

vas construint un poc la seva realitat

you are building a bit of their reality

no te l'hauré de donar

I won't have to give it to you.

ni hi ha flashbacks

nor are there flashbacks

ni hi ha realitats paral·leles

nor are there parallel realities

que vagin enfocant-se

that they focus on

no sé si hi estic d'acord

I don't know if I agree with it.

que està molt ben guionitzat

that is very well scripted

però aquesta mena d'històries

but this kind of stories

en què està un espai tancat

in what is a closed space

tens no sé quants personatges

you have I don't know how many characters

i no se'n va la imatge

and the image doesn't go away

d'aquest espai tancat

of this enclosed space

al final t'han de contar una història que t'atrape

In the end, they have to tell you a story that captures you.

i aquesta història que t'atrape

and this story that traps you

generalment no es queda només

generally does not stay alone

en el que passa dins de les 4 habitacions

in what happens inside the 4 rooms

sinó que prenen referències de fora

but they take references from outside

i això és fer exactament el mateix

and this is doing exactly the same thing

que el que faria un detectiu

what a detective would do

és tinc el resultat final

I have the final result.

que és un tipus dins d'un tabut

that is a guy inside a coffin

o unes persones dins d'una habitació

or some people inside a room

i va estirant del fil

and he was pulling the thread

a veure què passa amb aquestes persones

let's see what happens with these people

a veure quin problema té

let's see what problem he/she has

en el seu dia a dia

in their day to day

o a desentramar aquesta trama

or to unravel this plot

hi havia una altra pel·lícula que és Locke

There was another movie which is Locke.

del protagonista que és de Tom Hardy

of the protagonist who is played by Tom Hardy

passa en un cotxe

it happens in a car

ja està, un tipus va en el cotxe

That's it, a guy is in the car.

del punt A al punt B

from point A to point B

i tot és trucar per telèfon

and everything is just a phone call away

no veus res més que la seva expressió

you see nothing but her expression

al volant

at the wheel

i t'encontra una història absolutament espectacular

And it finds you an absolutely spectacular story.

absolutament espectacular

absolutely spectacular

i és a partir d'això la desgranació

And it is from this that the disaggregation occurs.

d'aquestes coses

of these things

i això s'ha quedat com a cine experimental

and this has remained as experimental cinema

o ha estat una arribada

it has been an arrival

les etiquetes d'aquestes també

these tags too

jo diria que no perquè al final

I would say no because in the end.

diria que no perquè això també

I would say no because this too.

en Agatha Christie pot passar

In Agatha Christie anything can happen.

en segons quines novel·les

in certain novels

però és que vore-li el carret a un tipus

but it's just that seeing a guy's cart

tota la pel·lícula

the entire movie

sí, a veure, és arriscat

Yes, let's see, it's risky.

i de fet

and in fact

aquesta va estar molt ben vista però és

this was very well received but it is

jo què sé

I don't know.

quan la van anunciar

when they announced her

ja va estar molt temptat

he was already very tempted

i se'n va passar

and he/she left

igual que vino

just like wine

se fue

he left



sent un espai tancat

feeling a closed space

i sent tan poc

I sent so little.

el que té de marge per moure's

what has room to move

és una història d'aventures

it is an adventure story

o sigui

that is to say

a qui li ho diguis no s'hi creurà

Whoever you tell won't believe it.

però és una història d'aventures

but it's an adventure story

un metro quadrat per un metro quadrat

one square meter for one square meter

però passa de tot

but it doesn't care about anything

hi ha foc

there is fire

hi ha una serp

there is a snake

no puc contar-vos més

I cannot tell you more.

però vull dir

but I mean

el que més dic

what I say the most

a banda de tot això que n'hi ha

besides all of this that there is

en un espai d'un metro quadrat per un metro quadrat

in a space of one square meter by one square meter

és que com un metro quadrat per un metro quadrat

it's like one square meter by one square meter

o estava molt gros

or it was very big

era una bola

it was a ball

era una bola i xaparríssim

it was a ball and very short

sí, sí

yes, yes

era pati corto

it was a short yard

això s'haurà de mesurar en metres cúbics

this will have to be measured in cubic meters

anava a dir una tonteria

I was going to say something silly.

però no sé si dir-la

but I don't know if I should say it

anava a dir Irene Villa

I was going to say Irene Villa.

però no

but no

anava a dir

I was going to say

t'ajudo, per favor

I'll help you, please.

o la fiscalia

or the prosecutor's office

no, i ja per acabar

no, and to finish

hi ha un teatre de Jordi Galceran

There is a play by Jordi Galceran.

que és el metro de Gronholm

what is the Gronholm metro

que apareix

that appears

una sala de reunions

a meeting room

en què quatre personatges

in which four characters

han de competir

they have to compete

aparentment per un sol lloc de feina

apparently for a single job position

i és a partir de la interacció entre ells

and it is from the interaction between them

de les diferents proves

of the different tests

tipus escape room

escape room type

o tipus

or type

ara que està super de moda

now that it is super trendy

l'Among Us

the Among Us

que està ajudant tot el món a l'Among Us

that is helping everyone in Among Us

és això, si a algú li mola l'Among Us

it's that, if someone likes Among Us

que s'iniciï la lectura o si no

Whether to begin the reading or not.

que la reprengui a partir del metro de Gronholm

that it resumes from the metro of Gronholm

perquè és espectacular

because it is spectacular

la pel·lícula és una llàstima

the movie is a shame

perquè ell és Eduardo Noriega

because he is Eduardo Noriega

en Pilates com en el anunci de Puleva o no?

In Pilates like in the Puleva advertisement or not?

de Puleva era

from Puleva era

parlant, que és pitjor

talking, which is worse

no era de Nivea

it wasn't Nivea

era Nivea?

Was it Nivea?



com us importa tant aquest senyor?

Why do you care so much about this man?

si fa igual

if it doesn't matter

és història de la televisió

it is the history of television

que per cert

by the way

d'aquesta pel·lícula

from this movie

i això que dius de l'escape room

and what you say about the escape room

em recorda molt d'una banda

it reminds me a lot of a band

d'una manera més metafòrica

in a more metaphorical way

com diu Arturo

What does Arturo say?

a esta que van treure nova

to this one that they took out new

de perfectos desconocidos

of perfect strangers

i d'una manera

and in a way

molt més evident

much more evident

que també és una llàstima

that it is also a shame

perquè és l'Alejo Sauras

because he is Alejo Sauras

qui és?

Who is it?

no sé qui és

I don't know who it is.

l'Alejo Sauras no hi és ja

Alejo Sauras is no longer here.

és el de los Serrano?

Is it the Serrano one?

ja sé qui és

I already know who it is.

el amic de

the friend of

el tonto polla

the stupid dick

el amic de Fran Perea

the friend of Fran Perea

no sé

I don't know.

si veieu los Serrano

if you see the Serrano

també hi és el Lluís Omar

Lluís Omar is also there.

la pel·lícula està

the movie is

molt bé

very good

i de fet el director

and in fact the director

i guionista també

and the screenwriter too

és Luis Piedraita

it's Luis Piedraita

en part

in part

és com a coproductor

it's like a co-producer

una cosa d'aquestes

one of those things

una llàstima

a shame

la pel·lícula

the movie

no està malament

it's not bad

està molt guai

it's really cool

i les proves que fan són curioses

and the tests they conduct are curious

tu també estàs pendent

you are also paying attention

a mi em semblen pel·lis guais

I think they're cool movies.

però és el que estava comentant

but that's what I was mentioning

em fa la sensació

it gives me the feeling

jo ho disfrute molt molt molt

I enjoyed it a lot a lot a lot.

el fet de

the fact of

en un espai molt tancat

in a very confined space

haver d'anar tirant del fil

to have to pull at the thread

per conèixer tot el que passa

to know everything that happens

que no m'ho donen tot masticadet

that they don't give it all to me chewed up

i que no m'ho posen en la càmera

And don't put it on the camera for me.

que no m'ho posen en el morros

don't put it in my face

el que està passant

what is happening

perquè al final el que volem

because in the end what we want

és que ens expliquin històries

it's that they tell us stories

i en una habitació tancada

and in a closed room

com millor ens expliquen les històries

the better they tell us the stories

més que veiem-les

more than we see them

crec que

I believe that

a banda de tot això

besides all of this

han dit novel·les que són molt bones

They have said that the novels are very good.

crec que hi ha pel·lícules que

I think there are movies that

val la pena veure

it's worth seeing

però tinc una pel·lícula

but I have a movie

i un personatge concretament

and a specific character

sobre espais tancats

about closed spaces

sobre espais en general

about spaces in general

que va a molar-vos molt

that you are going to love a lot



si voleu us el dic

If you want, I can tell you.

estic nerviós

I'm nervous.

voleu que us el diga?

Do you want me to tell you?



és un personatge bo

he is a good character

qui vulgui saber

whoever wants to know

sobre espais tancats

about closed spaces

que mira

what are you looking at



si si

yes yes

bueno bueno

well well



ostres no l'havia pillat

Oh no, I hadn't caught that.

que jo em pensava

that I thought

perquè eren aranyes

because they were spiders

i gent per ací i gent per dins

and people out here and people inside

i gent per un espai que està tancat

and people for a space that is closed

i per allà em va caure la puta

And over there, the whore fell on me.



i pels arranxos i arcaics

and for the fixes and archaic ones




come on

ole tu

well done you


"Xalaos" translates to "enjoy" or "have fun."

si voleu podeu ser aquí

if you want you can be here

i ens veiem en el proper programa

And we'll see you in the next program.

moltes gràcies a tothom per escoltar-nos

thank you very much to everyone for listening to us

ens veiem per les xarxes socials

See you on social media.





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