Si può spiegare l'amore?


L'amore può essere spiegato

Si può spiegare l'amore?

L'amore può essere spiegato

L'amor és una cosa estranyíssima que a mi m'ha portat a la vida, quasi a tots nosaltres,

Love is a very strange thing that has brought me to life, almost all of us.

ja no a tots nosaltres, que intentem explicar què és l'amor.

not to all of us anymore, who try to explain what love is.

Segons mi, és una cosa impossible,

In my opinion, it is an impossible thing.

també perquè l'amor és una cosa que no s'ha explicat,

also because love is something that has not been explained,

l'ha viscut.

He has lived it.

Aleshores, si volguéssim explicar-la, com ho fem?

So, if we wanted to explain it, how do we do it?

Perquè bé, que no hem d'estar enamorats,

Because, well, we don't have to be in love,

com ho fa a explicar una sensació que no coneixes?

How do you explain a feeling you don't know?

Quan a mi la persona, così tanto, la parla più di se stessi,

When it comes to me, the person talks so much about themselves,

com ho fa a explicar una cosa que no coneixes?

How do you explain something you don't know?

Impossible, no?

Impossible, isn't it?

Mentre que he estat enamorado,

While I have been in love,

no troverà mai el coratge o, meglio, la forza,

he will never find the courage or, rather, the strength,

no troverà mai la forza de raccontare quello che provava,

he will never find the strength to tell what he felt,

perché l'amore credeva di aver trovato la felicità che era,

because love believed it had found the happiness that it was,

però purtroppo era solo una il·lusió,

but unfortunately it was just an illusion,

anche se è bella, però purtroppo era solo una il·lusió,

even though she is beautiful, unfortunately, it was just an illusion,

purtroppo, perché può durar anche pochi anni,

unfortunately, because it can last even a few years,

o anys, o mesos, o dies,

or years, or months, or days,

però el problema és que era només una il·lusió,

but the problem is that it was only an illusion,

l'il·lusió de la felicità.

the illusion of happiness.

Però, de totes maneres, ha d'estar contenta,

But, in any case, she should be happy,

perquè, encara que sigui poc més gran,

because, even though he is a little older,

si no té més aquesta sensació,

if you don't have this feeling anymore,

almenys ha conegut el sabor de la felicità,

at least he/she has known the taste of happiness,

tot i que per un poc, però l'ha conegut.

Although just briefly, he has met her.

Mentre bé,

While well,

t'ha enamorat com fa a explicar una cosa que ni capixes?

Have you fallen in love with how to explain something you don't even understand?

Com fa a explicar una cosa que t'extraforça,

How do you explain something that overwhelms you?

que t'està intentant millorar la vida?

Who is trying to improve your life?

És impossible, no?

It's impossible, isn't it?

Moltes persones veuen que és impossible enamorar-se,

Many people see it as impossible to fall in love,

com és?

How is it?

Com fa una persona sola,

How does a person alone,

identica't amb les seves característiques,

identify with their characteristics,

a millorar-te la vida? Com fa?

to improve your life? How does it?

Con un simple sorriso,

With a simple smile,

a llenar-te de la llengua de la felicità del món.

to fill you with the language of the happiness of the world.

Com fa?

How are you?

Deveu passar una jornada entera,

You must spend an entire day,

a deprimir-te, a celebrar-la,

to depress you, to celebrate it,

que en un segon,

that in a second,

et torni la jornada més bonica que has vist.

may it return to you the most beautiful day you have seen.

Com és?

How is it?

No es pot explicar.

It cannot be explained.

Ningú no ho ha fet.

Nobody has done it.

Ningú no trobarà mai la justa definició de l'amor.

No one will ever find the right definition of love.

També perquè, segons mi, és una cosa subjectiva.

Also because, in my opinion, it is a subjective matter.

L'amor és una cosa subjectiva.

Love is a subjective thing.

Cada un l'ha vist,

Each one has seen him.

si ho troba en algun punt de vista,

if he finds it from any point of view,

si ho troba en algun punt de vista.

if it is found at any point of view.



tots aquests no poden saber que l'amor...

all these cannot know that love...

Existeixen moltíssims films, moltíssims llibres,

There are countless films, countless books,

moltíssimes cançons que parlen de l'amor.

many songs that talk about love.

Però ningú podrà mai explicar-ho.

But no one will ever be able to explain it.

Com l'amor, eh?

Like love, huh?

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