Arnau Alonso Armengol

El Podcast de l'ArnauStrongTraining


El Podcast de l'ArnauStrongTraining

I ara, comencem!

And now, let's begin!


Let's begin!

Hola a tots i a totes!

Hello everyone!

Benvinguts de nou al podcast de l'Arnau Strong Training.

Welcome back to Arnau Strong Training's podcast.

Ara feia bastant que no teníem una nova edició

It had been quite some time since we had a new edition.

i tornem amb ganes i amb força,

and we return with desire and with strength,

tornem amb una altra entrevista

we'll be back with another interview

i aquesta vegada serà una entrevista a un entrenador.

And this time it will be an interview with a coach.

Va encetar les entrevistes la Patri, una amiga,

Patri, a friend, opened the interviews.

i avui ve un molt bon amic, Eduard Coll.

And today a very good friend, Eduard Coll, is coming.

Hola, bon dia, com estàs?

Hello, good morning, how are you?

Hola, Arnau, bon dia. Bé, molt bé.

Hello, Arnau, good morning. Well, very well.

Amb moltes ganes.

With great enthusiasm.



Bé, m'has comentat que és la teva primera entrevista.

Well, you mentioned to me that it's your first interview.

Ets entrenador, ara ens explicaràs una miqueta qui ets tu,

You are a coach, now you will explain to us a little who you are.

perquè, al ser la primera, segurament no...

because, being the first, probably not...

El món de...

The world of...

...virtual. Encara no et coneixerà prou.

...virtual. He/She still won't know you well enough.

Per tant, explica'ns una mica qui ets, Edu,

So, tell us a little about who you are, Edu,

què fas, el que vulguis de la teva vida.

What you do, whatever you want with your life.

Mira, em dic Eduard Coll,

Look, my name is Eduard Coll,

els amics em coneixen com a peixito,

my friends know me as little fish,

i fa uns dos-tres anys que em vaig graduar.

I graduated about two or three years ago.

Al dia d'avui sóc entrenador personal, a l'escala,

As of today, I am a personal trainer in L'Escala.

i tinc el meu propi centre, un centre petitó,

I have my own center, a small center.

que vaig fer jo i amb uns quants amics,

that I did with a few friends,

que vaig fer jo i amb uns quants amics, que vaig fer jo i amb uns quants amics,

what I did with some friends, what I did with some friends,

que vaig fer jo i amb uns quants amics,

that I did with a few friends,

que em van donar un cop de mà,

that gave me a helping hand,

i de moment aquí estic, lluitant, entrenant la gent,

And for now here I am, fighting, training people,

intentant millorar la salut de la gent,

trying to improve people's health,

que just l'altre dia una clienta em va dir,

that just the other day a client told me,

ostres, des que vinc aquí, que no tinc dolor cervical,

Wow, since I've been coming here, I haven't had any neck pain.

i encara em durà la felicitat aquell dia.

And happiness will still carry me on that day.

És maco, eh?

It's nice, isn't it?

Sí, molt bé.

Yes, very well.

És el millor que té aquesta professió.

It is the best thing about this profession.

Quan et diuen que aquí hi ha dolor de genoll, aquí hi ha dolor de cervical, aquí hi ha dolor d'esquena,

When they tell you that there is knee pain here, that there is neck pain here, that there is back pain here,

això és el que més omple.

this is what fills me the most.

I bé, dins del context de la pandèmia, que ja sabem que al final

And well, in the context of the pandemic, we already know that in the end

el sector activitat física està bastant fotut,

the physical activity sector is quite messed up,

però bé, deixant de banda això, el centre com funciona? Va bé?

But well, leaving that aside, how does the center work? Is it going well?

El centre, per sort, se n'ha ressentit molt poquet.

The center, luckily, has been very little affected by it.

T'explico, d'acord?

I'll explain, okay?

Amb el primer confinament, què van ser? Els dos mesos i mig, més o menys?

With the first lockdown, what was it? Two and a half months, more or less?

Doncs quan vam tornar del confinament,

So when we returned from the lockdown,

bé, em va passar el cas típic, no?

Well, I had the typical case, right?

La primera setmana tens ja directament dos o tres baixes.

In the first week, you already have directly two or three absences.

Una qual cosa t'espantes,

Something scares you,

però com a sorpresa, al cap d'unes poques setmanes, doncs la cosa es va recuperar.

But as a surprise, after a few weeks, things improved.

Els que havien marxat, doncs van tornar uns altres,

Those who had left, then others returned,

i de moment la cosa se'ns ha mantingut, per sort, molt estable.

And for now, fortunately, the situation has remained very stable for us.

Menys els mesos que no hem pogut treballar, com ara,

Except for the months we haven't been able to work, like now,

tot l'altre, la gent ha seguit vinguent,

all the rest, people have continued to come,

pràcticament des de l'estiu que tenim la mateixa gent,

practically since the summer we have the same people,

o inclús més.

or even more.

Amb la qual cosa, aquí tenim la gran sort de que,

With which, here we have the great luck that,

tot i haver-nos afectat, ens ha afectat molt poquet.

Even though it affected us, it affected us very little.

Bueno, és una putrada el que ens està passant,

Well, it's a pain what is happening to us,

però bueno, esperem que no, perquè al final sé que treballes bé,

but well, let's hope not, because in the end I know you work well,

i la gent que treballa bé,

and the people who work well,

ens venen clients, ens venen alumnes, no?

They sell us clients, they sell us students, right?

Llavors esperem que ens deixin obrir d'una vegada per totes,

Then we hope they let us open once and for all,

no ens tornin a tancar,

don't close us again,

o almenys que intentin filtrar una miqueta el tema de centres,

or at least let them try to filter a little the issue of centers,

i poder ajudar la gent, que al final és el que volem, no?

And being able to help people, which is ultimately what we want, right?

Vale, llavors, començarem amb la bateria de preguntes,

Okay, then we will start with the set of questions.

en són cinc, recordo, són les mateixes que li vam fer ja a la Patri,

there are five, I remember, they are the same ones we already did for Patri,

i tots els professionals que vinguin en aquest podcast

and all the professionals who come on this podcast

i siguin entrevistats sempre tindran les mateixes preguntes

And if they are interviewed, they will always have the same questions.

per veure diferents respostes i diferents punts de vista.

to see different answers and different points of view.

Per tant,


Peixito, que tenim nosaltres aquesta confiança, perquè som amics,

Little fish, we have this trust because we are friends,

anem amb la primera pregunta,

let's go with the first question,

que és com et defineixes com a professional de la salut?

How do you define yourself as a health professional?

En el teu cas, entrenador, com et definiries?

In your case, coach, how would you define yourself?

Una pregunta complexa, però bueno, va, fem-la bé.

A complex question, but well, come on, let's do it right.

Em definiria com una persona molt empàtica,

I would describe myself as a very empathetic person,

és a dir, em poso molt fàcil en allò del client,

that is to say, I make it very easy for the client,

intento averiguar sempre què necessito,

I always try to find out what I need,

què volen, i anar-los-hi a arreglar.

What do they want, and go fix it for them.

És a dir, soc molt, com tu diries, procuro molt per ells,

That is to say, I care a lot for them, as you would say.

procuro molt per la gent.

I take great care of people.

Per exemple, fa poc em va començar una embarassada,

For example, a pregnant woman recently approached me.

doncs al cap de dues setmanes ja estava fent la formació d'embarassades

So after two weeks, I was already doing the maternity training.

de la Lídia Romero, tot i que ja havia fet prèviament alguna cosa,

from Lídia Romero, although she had already done something beforehand,

vaig voler ser més, millor, vaig voler ser millor.

I wanted to be more, better, I wanted to be better.

Llavors em defineixo com una persona entregada, amb ganes,

Then I define myself as a dedicated person, eager.

i amb constant formació, sempre.

and with constant training, always.

De tu et vaig conèixer, em penso, arrel d'una formació.

I think I met you as a result of a training session.



I així, una persona entregada, amb ganes,

And so, a dedicated person, eager,

i ara mateix amb ambició de créixer.

and right now with the ambition to grow.

A nivell professional o de coneixements?

At a professional level or in terms of knowledge?

De coneixements sempre, sempre.

Of knowledge always, always.

No es pot parar de créixer mai.

You can never stop growing.

T'hi penses, que ho saps, tot estàs venut.

You think about it, you know it, you're all sold out.

L'error més gran que he comès a la meva vida és arribar a quart de carrera

The biggest mistake I have made in my life is reaching the fourth year of my degree.

i pensar-me que era el rei del Mambo, simplement perquè tenia unes notes.

And to think that I was the king of Mambo, simply because I had some notes.

Això crec que ha passat bastant, oi?

I think this has happened quite a bit, hasn't it?

Que la gent que acaba la carrera es pensa que tot acaba aquí

Those who finish their degree think that everything ends here.

quan realment tot comença aquí.

when everything really begins here.

Sí senyor, sí senyor, tot comença aquí, tot comença quan acabes.

Yes sir, yes sir, everything starts here, everything starts when you finish.

Jo me'n recordo que vaig arribar a quart i vaig dir, sí, ja soc un crac, ja.

I remember that I arrived in fourth grade and said, yes, I'm already a whiz, I am.

M'he llegit mil estudis per compte propi,

I have read a thousand studies on my own.

he fet molt, he participat en tots els projectes que la universitat va proposar

I have done a lot, I have participated in all the projects that the university proposed.

i no, no sabia res.

And no, I didn't know anything.

Tot va començar després.

It all started afterwards.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

A les formacions, a compartir també, a compartir amb professionals.

In the trainings, to share as well, to share with professionals.

Com diuen torres, compartir amb els professionals del sector

How they say towers, sharing with professionals in the sector.

hauria de ser una obligació setmanal.

It should be a weekly obligation.

Sí, realment.

Yes, really.

Bé, són molts pilars, o molts pilars.

Well, there are many pillars, or many pillars.

Hi ha molts camins, o moltes branques, no?

There are many paths, or many branches, right?

Una és aquesta, al final parlar amb altres professionals és molt enriquidor

One is this, in the end speaking with other professionals is very enriching.

perquè al final cadascú té la seva visió, no?

because in the end everyone has their own vision, right?

I té les seves formacions, els seus coneixements

And it has its formations, its knowledge.

i un en sap més, l'altre menys, però l'altre potser en sap més d'una altra cosa

And one knows more, the other less, but the other might know more about something else.

i, en fi, al final acabes construint aquest arbre, no?, de coneixements.

And, well, in the end, you end up building this tree, right?, of knowledge.

D'acord, anem a per la segona pregunta.

Alright, let's move on to the second question.

Segons el teu criteri, quin penses

According to your opinion, what do you think?

que és la variable que pot impactar més en la salut,

what is the variable that can have the greatest impact on health,

en la salut global de la gent?

in the global health of people?

Com, per exemple, potser tu creus que és l'entrenament de força,

For example, maybe you think it is strength training,

o és l'alimentació, o és treballar la mobilitat,

either it's nutrition, or it's working on mobility,

o un conjunt de tot, però, bueno, segons el teu criteri,

or a set of everything, but, well, according to your criteria,

no sé si penses que hi ha alguna variable que pesi més.

I don't know if you think there is any variable that weighs more.

Sí, i sense cap dubte.

Yes, and without a doubt.

La felicitat.


És el que li dic a la gent.

It's what I tell people.

Una persona feliç, una persona que se senti plena,

A happy person, a person who feels fulfilled,

no li farà mal res.

nothing will hurt him/her.

No li farà mal, bueno, és que ni l'esquena, ni el genoll, ni res.

It won't hurt, well, it's just that neither the back, nor the knee, nor anything.

Llavors, en quin moment entrem nosaltres?

So, when do we enter?

Entrem en un moment en què l'esport fa feliç a la gent.

We are entering a moment where sport makes people happy.

I l'esport ben fet el fa encara més feliç,

And properly done sports makes him even happier,

perquè senten que estan apujats, senten que estan guiats,

because they feel that they are uplifted, they feel that they are guided,

senten que avancen ràpid, senten que són eficients en el que fan.

they feel that they are advancing quickly, they feel that they are efficient in what they do.

Ostres, estic una mica ja començat, però, ostres, va molt...

Wow, I'm already a bit started, but, wow, it's going a lot...

Jo ja estic millor.

I'm feeling better now.

Ja no em fa mal res o jo ja em veig millor amb el mirall.

Nothing hurts me anymore, or I can see myself better in the mirror now.

Sí, perquè tu véns aquí per tenir una guia, per tenir...

Yes, because you come here to have a guide, to have...

Podem dir que són com els arquitectes, no?

We can say that they are like architects, right?

I ells sols construeixen, però nosaltres som els arquitectes.

They only build, but we are the architects.

Doncs, com t'he dit, la primera variable és la felicitat,

Well, as I told you, the first variable is happiness,

i com he dit seguidament, nosaltres podem influir en aquesta felicitat.

And as I said just now, we can influence this happiness.

L'esport els fa feliços, els treu el dolor,

Sport makes them happy, it takes away their pain.

i a més a més, sortim amb una dosi d'endorfines

And in addition, we come out with a dose of endorphins.

que en tenim per donar i per regalar.

that we have to give and to share.

Sí, sí, això és veritat, tot i que també conec uns quants,

Yes, yes, that is true, although I also know a few.

i sobretot en aquest país, que hi ha tant sedentarisme,

and especially in this country, where there is so much sedentary lifestyle,

que hi ha molta gent que li costa, que és un sacrifici.

there are many people who find it difficult, that it is a sacrifice.

Llavors, clar, a vegades arribem fins on arribem

Then, of course, sometimes we reach where we reach.

i potser hi ha gent que fer esport no els fa feliços, no?

And perhaps there are people for whom doing sports does not make them happy, right?

Però, bé, crec que...

But, well, I think that...

M'he trobat casos d'aquests.

I have come across cases like these.





Dic que m'he trobat casos d'aquests,

I say that I have come across cases like these,

i com a segon pilar, tu que em preguntaves els pilars,

And as a second pillar, you who were asking me about the pillars,

jo t'he saltat amb la felicitat, que potser t'he descol·locat una mica,

I have jumped on you with happiness, which may have thrown you off a bit.

podem dir que és el moviment.

we can say that it is the movement.

Una persona sedentària, simplement pel fet d'agafar l'amic o l'amiga

A sedentary person, just for the fact of grabbing the friend.

i anar a caminar una hora,

I am going to walk for an hour.

això és el que més bé li farà, segurament,

this is what will do him the most good, probably,

parlant d'una persona sedentària que li fa mal l'esport.

talking about a sedentary person who finds sports painful.

Anar a passejar una hora amb un amic t'arregla la setmana.

Going for a walk for an hour with a friend fixes your week.



Amb la qual cosa jo trobo que és un pilar...

With which I find that it is a pillar...

enorme, també.

enormous, too.

No, no, jo trobo molt interessant la teva resposta.

No, no, I find your answer very interesting.

Per això és interessant, penso, el fet de preguntar el mateix,

That's why I think it's interesting to ask the same thing.

perquè cadascú et sortirà amb una cosa diferent, no?

because everyone will come out with a different thing, right?

I, home, al final no sé a què respondreu,

I, man, in the end, I don't know what you will respond to,

però, clar, el tema de la felicitat trobo que és una resposta força encertada,

but, of course, I find that the topic of happiness is quite an accurate response,

perquè crec que la gent feliç,

because I believe that happy people,

bueno, al final també està més relacionat amb més salut, crec, sí,

Well, in the end, it's also more related to better health, I believe, yes.

que és veritat, no?

that’s true, isn’t it?

Al final podríem...

In the end, we could...

segur que hi ha gent que no fa esport, que és feliç,

sure there are people who don't play sports, who are happy,

i no té problemes, i algú que en fa, però no és tan feliç,

and it has no problems, and someone who makes them, but is not so happy,

potser sí que té problemes, o té dolors, o vés a saber, no?

Maybe he/she does have problems, or has pains, or who knows, right?

Llavors crec que sí que...

Then I think that yes...

Aviam, és una resposta que podria...

Let's see, it's an answer that could...

és complexa i podria entrar en més detalls,

it is complex and I could go into more detail,

perquè al final què és ser feliç,

because in the end what is it to be happy,

o si la felicitat és permanent, o etcètera, etcètera.

or if happiness is permanent, or etcetera, etcetera.

Però, bueno, crec que s'entén el que vols dir, eh?

But, well, I think it’s understood what you mean, right?

Molt bé, Peixito, molt bé.

Very good, Little Fish, very good.

Anem a per la tercera pregunta.

Let’s move on to the third question.

Digue'm un error que hagis comès en el passat

Tell me a mistake you made in the past.

del qual n'hagis après i hagis canviat la teva manera de fer.

from which you have learned and changed your way of doing things.

Doncs te diré que és el no ser perfeccionista

Well, I will tell you that it's about not being perfectionist.

en l'execució dels clients.

in the execution of the clients.


I'll explain to you.

Jo funciono com per varems, no?

I function like for rods, right?

Quan la persona compleix un varem, puc anar al següent, vale?

When a person meets a requirement, can I go to the next one, okay?

És a dir, te poso un clar exemple, vale?

That is to say, I’ll give you a clear example, okay?

El clàssic noi que simplement vol marcar abdominals a l'estiu, vale?

The classic guy who just wants to get abs for the summer, okay?

Estem fent sentadilles i la fa 0 sobre 10, la fa un 7, vale?

We are doing squats and she gives it a 0 out of 10, she gives it a 7, okay?

I jo vaig dir, bueno, ja està bé.

And I said, well, that's fine.

És el seu objectiu estètica,

Its aesthetic goal is,

la sentadia no estava malament

the seat was not bad

i aquest va ser un gran error per part meva,

and this was a big mistake on my part,

no ser perfeccionista i no volguer-li fer una execució mil·limètrica.

not being a perfectionist and not wanting to make a millimetric execution.

Per què? Perquè al cap d'unes setmanes,

Why? Because after a few weeks,

posant més càrrega, l'endemà em va dir

putting more load, the next day he told me

ostres, tinc un dolor en les lumbars espectacular.

Wow, I have an amazing pain in my lower back.

I allò em va anar molt bé, o sigui, per ell va ser dolent,

And that worked out very well for me, I mean, it was bad for him,

per sort no va ser res perquè al cap de tres dies ja estava bé.

Fortunately, it wasn't anything because after three days I was fine.

Però per mi va ser, per mi va ser,

But for me it was, it was for me,

jo em vaig considerar que vaig fer un error enorme.

I considered that I made a huge mistake.

I ara, gràcies a allò, a dia d'avui,

And now, thanks to that, as of today,

primer que trigo més en fer el back squat,

first, I take longer to do the back squat,

és a dir, trigo més en posar una barra a l'esquena,

that is to say, it takes me longer to put a bar on my back,

trigo mesos, quan abans trigava dues setmanes,

I take months now, when before it took me two weeks.

i segon que la faig, o sigui,

and the second I do it, that is,

soc molt pesat, la gent em diu

I am very annoying, people tell me.

Eduard, és que ets massa perfecte, tio.

Eduard, it's just that you're too perfect, man.

I jo dic, no, és que si no ho fas perfecte,

And I say, no, it's just that if you don't do it perfectly,

quan posem pes tindrem problemes.

when we put weight we will have problems.

I ja que puc dir que va ser,

And since I can say that it was,

va ser un error garrafal, però que estic content d'haver-lo fet,

it was a huge mistake, but I am happy to have done it,

primer perquè no va passar res,

first because nothing happened,

i segon perquè m'ha permès ser millor,

and second because it has allowed me to be better,

més un professional del que era.

more of a professional than he/she was.

Tinguent en compte...


No, al final és allò de...

No, in the end it's that...

que sempre diem que és entre el dolent i el perfecte queda tant el bo,

that we always say it is between the bad and the perfect that the good remains,

perquè al final la perfecció ho porta

because in the end perfection brings it

el fet de repetir mil vegades un exercici.

the fact of repeating an exercise a thousand times.

Si una persona no pot fer perfectament un exercici,

If a person cannot perform an exercise perfectly,

l'ha de fer bé, però repetir-lo tant com sigui possible

He must do it well, but repeat it as much as possible.

per arribar a aquesta perfecció,

to achieve this perfection,

perquè no hi arribarem tres mesos.

because we won't reach it in three months.

Correcte, exactament.

Correct, exactly.

I aquest va ser el meu error.

And this was my mistake.

Va ser voler-lo tractar com si ho hagués fet perfecte,

It was wanting to treat him as if he had done it perfectly,

perquè jo vaig seguir la progressió

because I followed the progression

que marquen els diferents autors

that the different authors mark

per regeir-te amb el meu criteri,

to govern you with my judgment,

jo vaig seguir aquesta progressió,

I followed this progression,

i mira, al final...

And look, in the end...

Crec que és important

I think it is important.

el fet d'entendre què necessiten,

the fact of understanding what they need,

què volen, i fins on ets capaç de donar-los,

what they want, and how far you are able to give them,

perquè si ells volen fer un exercici,

because if they want to do an exercise,

hi ha mil alternatives,

there are a thousand alternatives,

i després els has d'educar i han d'entendre,

and then you have to educate them and they have to understand,

potser, que durant un temps,

perhaps, that for a while,

l'exercici que volen fer

the exercise they want to do

l'han de deixar en stand-by

they have to put it on hold

fins al dia que puguin fer-lo.

until the day they can do it.

Exactament és això.

Exactly that is it.

Molt bé, fantàstic.

Very good, fantastic.

Anem a parlar...

Let's talk...

Sí, digues?

Yes, tell me?

Dic que ets trampat com tu sol.

I say you are caught like no one else.

M'hauré d'entrevistar un dia a mi mateix, no?

I will have to interview myself one day, right?

I respondre les preguntes.

I answer the questions.

Molt bé, anem a parlar de la penúltima, la quarta.

Very well, let's talk about the penultimate one, the fourth.

Què creus que ha de tenir un jove

What do you think a young person should have?

per arribar a ser un bon professional

to become a good professional

segons el teu punt de vista i la teva experiència?

according to your point of view and your experience?

Tu crec que, tot i que ets molt jove,

I believe that, even though you are very young,

recordes la teva edat?

do you remember your age?

Me n'enrecordo, sí, me n'enrecordo.

I remember, yes, I remember.

30 anys, recent fets.

30 years, recent events.

Llavors, amb 30 crec que hi ha un cert bagatge

Then, at 30, I think there is a certain background.

en el teu historial.

in your history.

Per tant, crec que la pregunta és pertinent

Therefore, I believe that the question is relevant.

i crec que ja pots aconsellar

I think you can advise now.

als joves que estan venint

to the young people who are coming

i això, digues.

And that, tell me.

Què creus que ha de tenir un jove

What do you think a young person should have?

per arribar a ser un bon professional?

to become a good professional?

Sobretot, molta humilitat.

Above all, a lot of humility.

Que no els passi com a mi,

May it not happen to them like it did to me,

que es creguin que ja són res del mambo.

Let them think they are already something of the mambo.

Simplement, per saber

Simply, to know.

el que diuen els articles,

what the articles say,

per conèixer diferents autors,

to get to know different authors,

no n'hi ha prou.

it's not enough.

Fins que no et fiques a la trinxera,

Until you get into the trench,

com bé diu l'Ariel Cuseiro,

As Ariel Cuseiro rightly says,

fins que no mames la trinxera,

until you don't suck the trench,

fins que no estàs el dia a dia amb la gent,

until you are not day to day with the people,

no saps

you don't know

fins a quin punt de dificultat

to what extent of difficulty

pot arribar a tenir aquesta professió.

can end up having this profession.

I sobretot,

And above all,

el segon que vull dir

the second thing I want to say

va relacionat amb el primer.

it is related to the first one.

Que no es pensin que, com que tenim la carrera, ja està.

They shouldn't think that just because we have the degree, that's enough.

No. Com hem dit abans,

No. As we said before,

al començament, és que això comença ara.

At the beginning, this is just starting now.

Quan acabes la carrera

When do you finish your studies?

és quan de veritat tiraràs per la branca

it's when you will really go off the branch

que tu vols.

what you want.

És a dir, que vols entrenar de futbol, faràs formacions de futbol, per exemple.

That is to say, you want to train in football, you will do football training, for example.



en el nostre cas, jo vaig sortir de la carrera

In our case, I dropped out of college.

i, per sort, vaig fer la formació

And, luckily, I did the training.

de l'Entrenamiento Inteligente de l'Ariel Cuseiro,

of the Intelligent Training of Ariel Cuseiro,

que va ser la que més m'ha ajudat.

that has helped me the most.

La formació sobre

The training on

la nutrició, sobre ICNS.

nutrition, about ICNS.



mira, per exemple,

look, for example,

tinc un estudiant

I have a student.

que va a EUSAS,

that goes to EUSAS,

que ara mateix està fent tercera carrera.

that is currently doing a third degree.

I me diu,

He/She tells me,

aprenc més amb una sessió,

I learn more with a session,

perquè et pregunto coses

because I ask you things

que en un mes a la carrera.

that in a month at the race.

I li dic sí, perquè jo sé el que és.

And I say yes, because I know what it is.

La carrera té coses bones,

The race has good things,

però sé de què falla,

but I know what it lacks,

perquè fa molt poc que l'he fet.

because I just made it a short while ago.

Com tu has dit, en tinc trenta,

As you said, I have thirty.

però jo vaig acabar la carrera amb vint-i-set.

But I finished my degree at twenty-seven.

És a dir, jo vaig començar a estudiar als vint-i-quatre.

That is to say, I started studying at twenty-four.

Als vint-i-tres, vint-i-quatre.

At twenty-three, twenty-four.

Amb la qual cosa ho tinc molt recent.

So I have it very fresh.

I aprofito per aconsellar-la

I take the opportunity to advise her.

sobre formacions, sobre llibres,

about trainings, about books,

sobre dir-li, sisplau, no et pensis

About telling him, please, don't think it.

que ho saps tot, perquè no saps res.

you know everything, because you know nothing.

Per tant, el primer error és

Therefore, the first mistake is

i el que us diria,

and what I would tell you,

si ens esteu escoltant, no us penseu

if you are listening to us, don't think about it

que ho sabeu tot.

that you know everything.

Escolteu els que porten més anys que vosaltres

Listen to those who have been around longer than you.

i si podeu,

and if you can,

fiqueu-li una mica la cara,

put a little bit of face on it,

parleu-los per les xarxes socials,

talk to them through social networks,

que és molt fàcil i molt accessible,

that is very easy and very accessible,

i pregunteu-los si volen anar a fer un cafè.

And ask them if they want to go for a coffee.

I que us guiïn una mica,

And may they guide you a little,

que us ajudin,

may they help you,

què van fer ells quan van acabar la carrera,

What did they do when they finished their degree?

que us estudiareu

that you will study

molts passos en fals.

many missteps.

La nota positiva

The positive note

és el que comentes de les xarxes socials.

It's what you mention about social networks.

És positiva per una banda,

It's positive on one hand,

pel que comentes,

from what you mention,

perquè pots arribar

because you can arrive

a grans professionals que et poden guiar

to great professionals who can guide you

millor. Després hi ha la part negativa,

better. Then there is the negative part,

que també està ple d'incompetents

that is also full of incompetents

i una sobre

and one about



molt gran, també.

very big, too.

Llavors, clar,

Then, of course,

si no tens les eines,

if you don't have the tools,

no tens criteri, tampoc,

you have no judgment either,

per saber què està bé i què no està bé.

to know what is right and what is not right.

També, enllaçant-te amb això que dius

Also, linking this to what you say

que aquest nano

that this kid

et comenta que n'aprèn

it tells you that he/she is learning from it

més amb tu que la pròpia carrera,

more with you than the race itself,

al final, a mi també,

in the end, to me too,

per Instagram, també ve molta gent

For Instagram, a lot of people also come.

dient que a través de les meves

saying that through my

publicacions apren millor

publications learn better

que la carrera. Llavors, això

that the career. Then, this

és un problema, al final.

it's a problem, in the end.

La carrera, com tu dius,

The race, as you say,

segur que és positiva,

sure it is positive,

que tindrà coses bones i, si te l'aprens

that will have good things and, if you learn it

en sèrio, et donarà moltes eines,

seriously, it will give you many tools,

però sí que és veritat

but it is true



per la branca d'entrenament personal

for the personal training branch

va molt coixa.

she walks with a limp.

Va excessivament coixa, diria jo.

It's excessively limping, I would say.

Perquè, com tu has dit,

Because, as you said,

hi ha molta sobreinformació i falta

There is a lot of misinformation and lack.

actitud crítica. És a dir, si tu no tens, com tu

critical attitude. That is to say, if you do not have, like you

ho havies dit, si no tens criteri,

you had said, if you have no criteria,

no pots discernir la informació correcta

you cannot discern the correct information

de la incorrecta.

of the incorrect.

A mi, a vegades, em ve gent

Sometimes, people come to me.

que m'atreuen el mòbil i m'ensenyen un post

that attract me to the mobile and show me a post

d'un influencer que no en té ni idea, però, com que

of an influencer who has no idea, but since

si tens mil seguidors, doncs, ja és un crac.

If you have a thousand followers, then you are already a star.

I em diuen, escolta,

They call me, listen,

que aquest diu això. I els dic,

that this one says this. And I tell them,

s'equivoca? Ah,

Are you mistaken? Ah,

sí, s'equivoca. Ah, però com ho saps?

Yes, you are mistaken. Ah, but how do you know that?

I dic, coi, però...

I say, damn it, but...

Perquè porto estudiant

Because I have been studying

des de fa molts anys, això

for many years now, this

és la meva vida, no paro mai

It's my life, I never stop.

d'intentar millorar.

of trying to improve.

Tinc una meva biblioteca de llibres que

I have my own library of books that

fa quatre anys no m'ho hauria cregut

Four years ago, I wouldn't have believed it.

que la tindria.

that she would have it.

I és que realment no és així

And it's just that it's really not like that.

el que ens estan dient. I és que és això, falta...

what they are telling us. And that's it, there's a lack...

el criteri suficient, és a dir, la informació

the sufficient criterion, that is, the information

base, la informació de base, per

base, the basic information, for

poder triar cap on vas.

to be able to choose where you go.

I el problema aquest de les xarxes socials, doncs sí,

And this problem of social networks, well yes,

és un problema enorme. Aquí l'única

It's a huge problem. Here the only

solució que hi ha

solution that exists

és que quan ho sentim parlar

it's that when we hear it spoken

a tu, en entorns,

to you, in environments,

per exemple,

for example,

a qui més tenim proper,

whoever we are closest to,

en en Jordi Moreno, que quan

Jordi Moreno, who when

el sentim parlar, ja per la sola

we hear him speak, just for the sole

manera amb la que tracten

way they treat

la informació, que ni tot és blanc, ni tot és

the information, that not everything is black and white

negre, ja de la manera

black, just the way

que teniu de transmetre ja es veu que

what you have to convey is already evident that

hi ha un domini de la matèria molt gran.

There is a very large domain of matter.

Per tant, la salvació que tenen

Therefore, the salvation they have.

sou vosaltres, que gràcies a vosaltres

it is you, who thanks to you

ja per la sola manera

just by the very way

amb la que ho expliqueu tot, ja es veu

with which you explain everything, it is already evident

que en sabeu, ja es veu que domineu del tema.

What do you know, it's clear that you master the subject.

En qualcos esperem que això

In something we hope that this

ajudi la gent a sapiguer triar

help people to know how to choose

a qui han de seguir, a qui han d'escoltar.

who they must follow, who they must listen to.

Al final crec que hem d'educar

In the end, I think we have to educate.

en el tema d'un

on the subject of one

entrenador personal no és un luxe,

a personal trainer is not a luxury,

que un entrenador personal ha de

that a personal trainer must

costar els seus diners perquè t'està

costing his/her money because he/she is

donant el seu temps i la seva

giving their time and their

formació, que al final els que

training, that in the end those who

intentem estar actualment

we try to be up to date

actualitzats ens hem

we have updated

gastat i continuem

spent and we continue

gastant-nos diners i sobretot

spending our money and above all

temps. És que el temps és el més valiós

Time. It's just that time is the most valuable.

que tenim i l'estem dedicant continuament

that we have and are continuously dedicating it

a aprendre i a conèixer més.

to learn and to know more.

I llavors, clar, el tema

And then, of course, the topic

d'influencers hi ha un gran marketing

There is a lot of marketing in influencers.

darrere, hi ha una

behind, there is a

cosa superficial

superficial thing

del físic que ven moltíssim a la

of the physical that sells a lot to the

societat jove i contra

young society and against

això és molt difícil lluitar

this is very difficult to fight

perquè, clar, jo

because, of course, I

abans sí que tenia,

before I did have,

abans parlo de fa 6-7

I spoke about 6-7 ago.

anys, estava igual,

years, it was the same,

volent vendre una miqueta més el físic per

wanting to sell a little more the physical for

arribar a la gent i te n'adones que això no

reach people and you realize that this doesn't

t'omple i el que vols és ajudar-la

It fills you up and what you want is to help her.

realment. Però, clar, acabes

really. But of course, you end up

veient que el gran target és

seeing that the big target is

la població jove que

the young population that

veu més o li agrada més un físic

do you prefer a physicist more or do you like one more?

que, a més a més d'aquest físic, aquesta

that, in addition to this physical aspect, this

persona el que fa és

a person who does is

simplement pujar vídeos de circuits

simply upload circuit videos

moltes vegades incoherents,

many times incoherent,

sense criteri, mal executats,

without criteria, poorly executed,

etcètera, però això arriba millor

etcetera, but this arrives better

que jo parlant

that I am speaking

de com es mou el peu,

about how the foot moves,

que, clar, la gent no hi entén i no

that, of course, people don't understand it and no

li interessa. Llavors, bueno,

he is interested. So, well,

arribem fins on arribem, però també hem de ser

we arrive as far as we arrive, but we also have to be

autocrítics, penso, i entendre

self-critical, I think, and understand

com hem d'evolucionar

how we must evolve

sense deixar

without leaving

de ser ètics, no?

to be ethical, right?

Però, bueno, això és un tema bastant complex,

But, well, this is a fairly complex topic,

també, i el que deia al

also, and what I was saying at

principi, hem d'entendre que si

First, we must understand that if

volen millorar han de contratar un entrenador,

if they want to improve they need to hire a coach,

perquè, al final, ja a mi quan em pregunten,

because, in the end, when they ask me,

no sé si et preguntaran a tu també,

I don't know if they will ask you too,

escolta, em fa mal aquí, em fa mal allà,

listen, it hurts here, it hurts there,

no, és que quan faig això noto allò, dic,

No, it's just that when I do this I notice that, I say,

ho sento, o sigui, no et donaré una recepta

I'm sorry, I mean, I won't give you a prescription.

a través d'una pantalla, sempre

through a screen, always

derivo, dic, ves a un professional, un bon professional.

I advise you to see a professional, a good professional.

Clar que és difícil trobar un bon professional,

Of course, it is difficult to find a good professional,

però també és difícil trobar un bon dentista,

but it is also difficult to find a good dentist,

no? O perquè

no? Or why

jo he tingut alguna experiència que déu-n'hi-do,

I have had some experiences that are quite something.

no? Al final, en tots els sectors, un bon mecànic,

no? In the end, in all sectors, a good mechanic,

etcètera, etcètera, no? No sé què en penses.

etcetera, etcetera, right? I don't know what you think about it.

No penso exactament en el que has dit,

I'm not exactly thinking about what you said,

perquè això és

because this is

en un dia a dia, també,

in a day to day, too,

i és que és tal qual, això.

And it's just like that, really.

Costa trobar un mecànic, no?

It's hard to find a mechanic, isn't it?

Costa trobar un bon mecànic, costa trobar un bon pintor,

It's hard to find a good mechanic, it's hard to find a good painter,

costa trobar un bon paleta,

it's hard to find a good bricklayer,

i com tu parlaves

and as you spoke

sobre el tema econòmic,

about the economic topic,

pot ser car, pot ser barat,

it can be expensive, it can be cheap,

o, doncs, és que, primer,

oh, well, it's just that, first,

que es depèn de la persona,

that depends on the person,

perquè a mi m'ha vingut gent que m'ha dit,

because I have had people come to me who have said,

doncs, que barat, o hi ha hagut gent que m'ha dit,

well, that's cheap, or there have been people who have told me,

però tu què t'has cregut?

but what do you think you are?

Sí, sí, però el que és curiós

Yes, yes, but what is curious

és que molta gent que et diu això, per exemple,

it's just that many people who tell you this, for example,

és que me'n recordo, un era pintor,

I remember, one was a painter,

li vaig dir, escolta, me'n pintes la casa

I told him, listen, will you paint my house?

gratis? Ah, no?

Free? Oh, no?

Ah, doncs jo t'entreny a gratis, home,

Ah, well I'll train you for free, man.

és la meva feina, saps?

It's my job, you know?

I aquest tipus de coses, però bueno.

And this kind of stuff, but well.

Haz-me una rutina, no?

Make me a routine, right?

Haz-me una rutina, no te jodes.

Give me a routine, don’t mess with me.

Haz-me una rutina gratis

Give me a free routine.

d'aquestes que tens ahir guardades,

of these that you have saved yesterday,

no? Sí.

No? Yes.

No sabran fer-te cap exercici,

They won't be able to give you any exercise,

però cap, i ja volen una rutina.

but no one, and they already want a routine.

Tu els diràs, fes-me un pes molt romanès

You will tell them, do me a very Romanian favor.

i no sabran el que és això.

And they won't know what this is.

Vale, Peixito,

Okay, little fish.

anem a per l'última, cinquena i última

let's go for the last one, fifth and last

pregunta. Podries recomanar-nos

question. Could you recommend us

un referent que tinguis del teu

a reference that you have of your own

àmbit professional i per què ho és?

professional field and why it is?

En tinc tants que m'acosta

I have so many that it approaches me.

molt, m'acosta

very, it brings me closer

molt dir-t'ho,

very much to tell you,

però si m'haig de fixar

but if I have to pay attention

en un, com he dit, crec que

in one, as I said, I believe that

repeteixo, i em fico

I repeat, and I stay.

en l'Ariel Coseiro.

in the Ariel Coseiro.

Ja et diré per què.

I will tell you why.

Trobo, o sigui,

I find, I mean,

evidentment, la seva paraula

obviously, his word

no és divina, vale?

it's not divine, okay?

Ell simplement, ell humilment

He simply, he humbly.

ja diu que els coneixements

it already says that knowledge

són els que hi ha, i ell simplement

they are the ones that exist, and he simply

amb la seva opinió i la seva experiència, doncs

with his opinion and his experience, then

ell fa, no?

He does, right?

És a dir, un cop tens els

That is to say, once you have the

predients, que són els coneixements, tu amb la teva experiència

presidents, which are the knowledge, you with your experience

fas la mescla, no? I d'allà surt el pastís.

You make the mixture, right? And from there comes the cake.

Doncs el trobo una persona

Well, I find him a person.

molt formada,

very educated,

però molt, una persona

but very much, a person

lluitadora, perquè, en fi,

fighter, because, well,

crec que va...

I think it goes...

Bé, el vas entrevistar tu, si no

Well, you interviewed him, didn't you?

m'equivoco, a dia d'avui ja ha fet tres centres.

I'm mistaken, as of today it has already made three centers.



I si no recordo malament, d'un d'ells, literalment

And if I remember correctly, from one of them, literally.

el van fotre fora.

they kicked him out.

És a dir, ell va acabar el contracte

That is to say, he ended the contract.

i el van fotre fora, no? Doncs ell va seguir picant

And they kicked him out, right? Well, he kept knocking.

la pedra,

the stone,

buscant llocs, entrenant a sota

looking for places, training underneath

les grades d'un, penso que va dir,

the grades of one, I think he said,

les grades d'un estat o alguna cosa així, va dir.

the ranks of a state or something like that, he said.

El trobo una persona lluitadora

I find him a fighting person.

amb molts coneixements,

with a lot of knowledge,

però molts, que s'ha format

but many, who have formed

també amb els millors, perquè, si no m'equivoco,

also with the best, because if I'm not mistaken,

també té formacions amb

also has training with

en Manguil, etcètera,

in Manguil, etcetera,

i amb una actitud crítica

and with a critical attitude

molt gran, perquè el seu coneixement li permet.

very great, because his knowledge allows him.

És a dir, és crític

That is to say, it is critical.

fins i tot amb en Boil, no? Que en Boil

even with Boil, right? That Boil

és... que en tot res no ens

it is... that in nothing we don't

perdoni, no? En Boil és...

Excuse me, right? Boil is...

En Boil és un crac.

Boil is a crack.

És un crac, però tot i així no és Déu.

He's a genius, but still, he is not God.

Tot i que n'hi hagi que s'ho pensin.

Although there are some who think so.



I crec que és la primera persona

I think she is the first person.

que he sentit, almenys jo

what I have felt, at least me

en directe, refutar el que diu

live, refute what they say

en Boil.

in Boil.

I argumentant-ho.

I am arguing it.

Que pot tenir raó o no, eh? Pot tenir raó

It may be right or not, eh? It may be right.

o no, però ell

oh no, but he

te dóna els seus arguments.

gives you its arguments.

Ell ho justifica.

He justifies it.

I té els... com he dit,

And it has the... as I said,

els suficients coneixements com per fer-ho.

the sufficient knowledge to do it.

És una persona crítica.

She is a critical person.

I a més a més que transmet l'informació d'una manera

And furthermore, it transmits the information in a way

molt bona.

very good.

Sí, sí. És un savi dels nostres dies, no?

Yes, yes. He is a sage of our times, isn't he?

Boil i ell, més o menys,

Boil and he, more or less,

són de la mateixa edat. Llavors

they are the same age. Then

aquesta gent que porten 30 anys, com has dit tu,

these people who have been around for 30 years, as you said,

com has dit tu abans,

as you said before,

enfengant-se a les tinteres,

taking advantage of the inkpots,

doncs se'ls ha d'escoltar.

So they must be listened to.

Al final, clar, tindran...

In the end, of course, they will have...

És el que dic, cadascú tindrà la seva opinió,

It's what I'm saying, everyone will have their own opinion.

però tu pots argumentar-ho,

but you can argue it,

i llavors tu, que véns darrere,

and then you, who come after,

has de tenir suficient criteri

you have to have enough judgement

com per escoltar els dos i crear-te

as to listen to both and create yourself

la teva pròpia opinió.

your own opinion.

Correcte, que per fer això

Correct, to do this

és quan més experiència,

it's when more experience,

més coneixement s'ha de tenir.

more knowledge must be acquired.

Això és la clau.

This is the key.


Listen to them,

aprendre d'ells, i a partir d'aquí

learn from them, and from here

què te serveix a tu d'això que han dit?

What use is that to you what they have said?

O què opines tu? Perquè tu potser

Or what do you think? Because maybe you

has llegit coses que

you have read things that

t'han anat...

they have gone to...

Has llegit coses que funcionen? Ho has provat?

Have you read things that work? Have you tried it?

I per lo que sigui, ells diuen

And for whatever reason, they say.

que no va bé, però a tu t'ha funcionat.

That it's not working well, but it has worked for you.

Doncs jo seguiré aplicant-ho.

Well, I will keep applying it.

Perquè ara mateix,

Because right now,

tot i que no porto els 30 anys que porten ells,

although I am not as old as they are,

només en porto dos,

I only have two.

ja puc veure el que funciona i el que no.

I can now see what works and what doesn’t.

I amb el que la gent

And with what the people

amb el que la gent reacciona,

with what people react,

que els hi funciona,

that works for them,

que els fa feliços també, que s'ho passen bé.

that makes them happy too, that they have a good time.

Llavors tu fas el teu mix.

Then you make your mix.

Clar, i al final d'aquí 5 anys

Of course, and in five years from now.



les teves bases seran les mateixes, però

your foundations will be the same, but

has canviat coses, no? Al final sempre estem evolucionant.

You've changed things, haven't you? In the end, we're always evolving.

Correcte. De fet,

Correct. In fact,

mira, no entreno igual...

Look, I don't train the same...

Mira, fa... Com fa? Quasi dos anys que tinc obert.

Look, it's been... How long has it been? Almost two years since I opened it.

No entreno

I don't train.

igual que com el primer dia.

just like on the first day.

Però, o sigui,

But, I mean,

jo et diria que he canviat un 70,

I would say that I have changed by 70.

un 80% dels meus entrenaments

80% of my training sessions

des dels tres primers

since the first three

mesos que vaig obrir fins a dia d'avui.

months that I opened until today.

Perquè cada dia aprens, cada dia llegeixes,

Because every day you learn, every day you read,

cada dia... I quan llegeixes dius

every day... And when you read you say

ostres, doncs potser això que he fet,

wow, so maybe what I've done,

això que he estat fent, ho he estat fent malament.

What I have been doing, I have been doing it wrong.

I llavors

And then

és quan dius, bueno,

it's when you say, well,

has fet un error, no? Doncs

You've made a mistake, haven't you? Well then.

pots fer dues coses, o lamentes

You can do two things, either you lament.

o actues. I jo sempre dic

or you act. And I always say

davant de l'error, davant de

in the face of the error, in front of

la cagada, així de clar,

the mess, plain and simple,

carai, soluciona-ho.

Wow, fix it.

Posi remei ara.

Put a remedy now.

No t'autocompadeixis, comença ja.

Don't feel sorry for yourself, start now.

Amb el que saps,

With what you know,

amb el que acabes d'aprendre, aplica-ho.

With what you have just learned, apply it.

Per intentar

To try

millorar sempre.

always improve.

Al final, és això que dius.

In the end, it's what you say.

Formacions i experiència

Training and experience

t'ajuden a encaminar-te

they help you find your way

i, bueno, no t'has de frustrar.

Yes, well, you don't have to get frustrated.

Al final, com tu has dit,

In the end, as you said,

penso molt

I think a lot.

acertadament al principi, s'ha de ser humil.

Admittedly at the beginning, one must be humble.

En qualsevol professió,

In any profession,

però en aquesta, la nostra, que és la de la que parlem,

but in this one, ours, which is the one we are talking about,

sobretot, perquè

above all, because

avança tan ràpid tot plegat

everything is advancing so quickly



avui dius ah i demà dius bé.

Today you say ah and tomorrow you say good.

I has de ser prou humil com per acceptar-ho.

You have to be humble enough to accept it.

Com per acceptar

As for accepting



et vas equivocar o que estaves

Did you make a mistake or what you were?

mal informat en aquell moment

misinformed at that time

i dir, bueno, però ara ho faig bé.

And say, well, but now I do it right.

Ara he intentat

Now I have tried

posar solució.

put solution.

Si has vist l'errada,

If you have seen the mistake,

cagada, solució.

mess, solution.

Així de clar.

So clear.

El millor és intentar no ser un cap

The best thing is to try not to be a jerk.

quadrat i també

square and also

intentar sempre voler-ho fer

always try to want to do it

el millor possible per la persona.

the best possible for the person.

Potser t'equivoques o no, però bueno, si tens

Maybe you're wrong or maybe not, but anyway, if you have...

un convenciment de que allò

a conviction that what

és positiu, bueno, ja és

it's positive, well, that's it

alguna cosa. I al final, clar, aviam,

something. And in the end, of course, let’s see,

tampoc la gent va a fer mal. Però bé,

nor do people intend to do harm. But well,

tu i jo sabem que es veu cada cosa

You and I know that everything is seen.

per internet que al final penses, home,

on the internet that in the end you think, well,

però és que això qualsevol persona

but anyone can do this

veu que està mal fet, no? Llavors és com

you see that it's done wrong, right? Then it's like

has de tenir, sisplau, o sigui, mira't el vídeo

You have to, please, I mean, watch the video.

o digui què estàs fent amb la teva vida

or tell me what you are doing with your life

i tu ets entrenador, no? Llavors és que un joder.

And you are a coach, right? Then it’s a bummer.

Exactament. El problema és que

Exactly. The problem is that

les filigranes venen molt, Arnau.

The filigrees sell very well, Arnau.

Hi ha molt l'ego, és el que,

There is a lot of ego, that is what,

és el contrari de la humilitat, no? Hi ha un...

it's the opposite of humility, isn't it? There is a...

un ego exagerat de que

an exaggerated ego of what

tothom vol dir la seva, de que jo el que

everyone wants to say their piece, about what I...

dic va a missa.

I say he's going to mass.

Ho sento, però no. Vull dir, jo ja

I'm sorry, but no. I mean, I already

estic arribant a les conclusions de que si algú

I am coming to the conclusion that if someone

et ven un mètode,

a method will sell you,

et ven el seu mètode

you sell your method

i d'allò no pot sortir i això és el que

and from that cannot come out and this is what

funciona i si no fas allò ets

it works and if you don't do that you are

un inútil, ho sento, jo ja no t'escoltaré.

a useless person, I'm sorry, I will no longer listen to you.

Correcte. Perquè mai és, tot

Correct. Because it is never, everything.

és blanc ni és negre.

it is neither white nor black.

Hi ha molts matisos per allà al mig.

There are many nuances out there.

I tant. Molt bé.

Of course. Very good.

Doncs, Peixito, les cinc preguntes

Well, Peixito, the five questions.

ja han estat fetes i han estat

they have already been made and they have been

respostes per tu.

answers for you.

No sé si ens vols dir alguna cosa per acomiadar-nos

I don't know if you want to say something to say goodbye.

d'aquesta entrevista del podcast.

from this podcast interview.

Per part meva ha sigut

On my part, it has been.

molt agradable i

very pleasant and

molt interessant, la veritat.

very interesting, the truth.

La teva primera segurament en vindrà

Your first one will probably come to you.

més perquè ets un tio que es nota

more because you are a guy that shows

que darrere teu hi ha humilitat

that behind you there is humility

i empatia, es nota això segurament

And empathy, you can surely notice that.

els oients d'aquest podcast

the listeners of this podcast

que són milions.

that are millions.



Dins del món.

Inside the world.

Espero que ens escoltin, exacte,

I hope they listen to us, exactly,

des d'Austràlia fins al Canadà.

from Australia to Canada.

Esperem que d'aquí 10 anys

We hope that in 10 years

en Kevin Carr estigui escoltant això.

in Kevin Carr is listening to this.

Esperem. Bueno, no sé si sabrà català, però bueno.

We'll wait. Well, I don't know if he/she will know Catalan, but anyway.

Sí que espero que

I do hope that

aquests petits

these small ones

tant el podcast

both the podcast

com l'Instagram

like Instagram

en català vagin creixent

in Catalan continue growing

perquè crec que dins del país, a més a més,

because I believe that within the country, moreover,

hi ha moltíssims bons professionals

there are many excellent professionals

i us hem d'escoltar.

And we have to listen to you.

Així que, bueno, Peixito,

So, well, Little Fish,

tu mateix digue'ns el que vulguis

you tell us whatever you want

per acomiadar-te.

to say goodbye.

Doncs moltes gràcies, Arnau.

Well, thank you very much, Arnau.

Com tu has dit, és la primera vegada.

As you said, it is the first time.

Em penso que, sí,

I think that, yes,

puc dir que m'has desvirigat, eh?

I can say that you've deflowered me, right?

T'ha sigut agradable, eh?

It has been nice for you, right?

T'ha agradat.

You liked it.

M'ha agradat, m'ha agradat.

I liked it, I liked it.

Crec que vull repetir, eh?

I think I want to do it again, huh?

Crec que seré un vició.

I think I will be a vice.


You catch me.

La primera vegada ha estat molt bé,

The first time was very good,

o sigui que quan la primera vegada funciona

so that when it works the first time

sempre vols més.

you always want more.

O sigui que, quan vulguis, ho repetim

So when you want, we can repeat it.

i moltes gràcies per convidar-me.

And thank you very much for inviting me.

M'he sentit, per un moment, m'he sentit important.

For a moment, I felt important.

Bueno, me n'alegro molt.

Well, I'm very glad.

Això és el que...

This is what...

Has contribuït en la meva felicitat.

You have contributed to my happiness.

Mira, al final tot acaba al cercle,

Look, in the end, everything ends in the circle,

el cercle tancat, eh?

the closed circle, huh?

No, de veritat, t'agraeixo que hagis estat aquí

No, really, I thank you for being here.

i sí, et convido

And yes, I invite you.

o et convidaré des d'aquí

or I will invite you from here

a l'Instagram de l'Arnau.

on Arnau's Instagram.

El de castellà també està obert,

The one in Spanish is also open.

per descomptar.

to discount.

Però bé, com dic, aquest

But well, as I say, this

petit país que és Catalunya

small country that is Catalonia

està ple de professionals excel·lents

it is full of excellent professionals

i vull donar-los veu.

I want to give them a voice.

Moltes gràcies, Eduard Coll,

Thank you very much, Eduard Coll,

per estar al podcast de l'Arnau Student Training.

to be on Arnau's Student Training podcast.

Que et vagi molt bé, que ens deixin obrir aviat

I hope everything goes well for you, may they let us open soon.

per poder continuar treballant

to be able to continue working

i oferint salut, que és el que més ens agrada.

and offering health, which is what we like the most.

Esperem-ho. Moltes gràcies, Arnau.

Let's hope for it. Thank you very much, Arnau.

Que vagi molt bé.

Take care.



Que vagi molt bé.

Take care.

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