Nou dia de seccioms



Nou dia de seccioms


Bona nit, ulleres de la Conselleria. Benvinguts a un nou programa.

Good evening, glasses of the Ministry. Welcome to a new program.

Ens tornem a trobar després de molt de temps i avui m'acompanyen el Joaquim Salinas,

We meet again after a long time and today I am accompanied by Joaquim Salinas,

el Jaume Alías i l'Enric Alías.

Jaume Alías and Enric Alías.

Ei, penya, com esteu?

Hey, folks, how are you?

Sembla ser que és el primer programa post-confinament.

It seems to be the first program post-lockdown.

Un programa en parlarem de xarango, que ha tret nou disc i que sona així de bé.

A program where we will talk about Xarango, who has released a new album and sounds this good.

Porto el cop de la foguera de Sant Joan, que crema la pena, crema la pena.

I bring the blow of the Saint John's fire, which burns the sorrow, burns the sorrow.

Porto el cop de la foguera de Sant Joan, per cremar tot allò que ens fa mal.

I bring the blow of the Saint John's fire, to burn away all that which harms us.

Parlarem del final de temporada de les de l'hoquei

We will talk about the end of the season for the hockey team.

i parlarem de com està afectant a Catalunya aquesta situació del post-confinament.

And we will talk about how this post-confinement situation is affecting Catalonia.

Comencem parlant pel final de temporada de les de l'hoquei.

Let's start by talking about the end of the season for the hockey teams.

Joaquim Salinas, si us plau, si ens pots donar la teva opinió.

Joaquim Salinas, please, if you can give us your opinion.

La meva opinió és que, en realitat, les de l'hoquei jo crec que podria ser aquí,

My opinion is that, in reality, the hockey ones I think could be here.

perquè no si us col·laps del Minerva, si vas a l'hoquei.

Why not if you collapse from the Minerva, if you go to hockey?

No l'altre equip, si tu vas a l'hoquei, pots seguir.

Not the other team, if you go to hockey, you can continue.

L'únic que l'ha tramat, jo no la sé dir.

The only one who has plotted it, I cannot say it.

Bueno, sí, no, o sigui, és una forma d'acabar la temporada.

Well, yes, no, I mean, it’s a way to end the season.

No sé si faran una nova temporada o no.

I don't know if they will make a new season or not.

És que, clar, si creen el club aquest, jo, segons el meu parell, crec que l'haurien de fer, no?

It's just that, of course, if they create this club, I, according to my pair, think they should do it, right?

Jo crec que sí que la faran, no? Una nova temporada.

I believe that they will make it, right? A new season.

A més, han dit que ha tingut un mulló, un munt d'èxit, o sigui que...

In addition, they said it has been a hit, a lot of success, so...

O sigui, jo crec que sí, eh? Ho veig factible.

So, I think yes, right? I see it as feasible.

I quines vibracions us ha transmès aquest final de temporada?

And what vibes has this season finale transmitted to you?

Bueno, al final ja l'he vist una mica forçat, no sé, una mica fluixet.

Well, in the end I found it a bit forced, I don't know, a bit weak.

Molt remuntat.

Very high.

Tu també, Joaquim?

You too, Joaquim?

No teniu la sensació que és com que ja se la volien treure de sobre, una mica, la sèrie?

Don't you have the feeling that it was as if they wanted to get rid of it, a little, the series?

Una mica sí, eh? Una mica jo crec que sí.

A little bit yes, huh? I think a little bit yes.

Aquesta van, no sé, no teníem prou idees, jo crec, ja, eh?

This van, I don't know, we didn't have enough ideas, I believe, right, eh?

Ja, és que jo crec que...

Yes, I think that...

Un putxorri a l'últim capítol.

A fuck-up in the last chapter.

Ja, era com una mica anunciat, no? El típic de... que al final tot acaba bé.

Yes, it was a bit predictable, right? The typical... that in the end everything ends well.

Molt pastelero. O sigui, per el meu gust va ser molt pastelero.

Very sweet. I mean, for my taste, it was very sweet.

O sigui, molt d'amor, molt bonic tot, i en veritat la vida tampoc és tan bonica, no sé, jo...

So, a lot of love, everything very beautiful, and in truth life isn't really that beautiful, I don't know, I...

Ara és el meu punt de vista.

Now it is my point of view.

I després de...

And after...

Ok, voldria que féssiu un consell sobre quins personatges creieu que han d'abandonar la sèrie.

Okay, I would like you to give advice on which characters you think should leave the series.

Uf, hola.

Phew, hi.

No, en privat, eh?

No, in private, okay?

O sigui, quins creieu que...

So, what do you think that...

En general, en general, quins creieu que us sobren?

In general, which ones do you think you have too many of?

El Toni, ara em sobraria molt el Toni, el cobert.

Toni would really come in handy for me now, the cutlery.

Sí, ara ja, bueno, perd molt el protagonisme a la sèrie.

Yes, now, well, it really loses a lot of prominence in the series.

I les noies aquestes que surten...

And the girls who go out...

Aquestes que formen l'equip però que no diuen res.

Those who make up the team but do not say anything.

O sigui, no sé, que no són autistes tampoc, m'agradaria que tinguessin una mica de joc.

I mean, I don't know, they aren't autistic either, I would like them to have a bit of play.

Ja, per exemple, a mi em sobra una mica la Jasmina, no?

Yes, for example, I find Jasmina a bit excessive, don't I?

Perquè és com que al final totes les noies tenen el seu entorn familiar,

Because it's as if in the end all the girls have their family environment,

però clar, els pares de la Jasmina que surten a un episodi, i ja està.

but of course, the parents of Jasmina who appear in one episode, and that's it.

Bueno, però és mítica, la Laila, home.

Well, but Laila is legendary, man.

I també, a nosaltres aquí, o sigui, anem a muerte amb ella, eh?

And also, for us here, I mean, we're going all out with her, right?



Estimem la Laila.

We love Laila.

Això sí. I ara canviem radicalment de tema, i aquí sí que vull que l'Enric ens parli una mica del nou disc de Xarango.

Sure. And now let's radically change the subject, and here I do want Enric to tell us a bit about Xarango's new album.

Enric, te l'has escoltat tot?

Enric, have you listened to it all?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I quina valoració en fas?

And what is your assessment of it?

Quan va sortir a la nit, me'l vaig escoltar tot sencer i quiet, estirat allà.

When he went out at night, I listened to it all, complete and still, lying there.

I, mare meva, et transmeto unes emocions, una vibra, el típic Xarango.

Oh my, I transmit to you some emotions, a vibe, the typical Xarango.

I l'exceptiu que li poso és...

And the exception that I set is...

Bona energia, saps? Escalfó.

Good energy, you know? It warmed up.

I quin és el...

And what is the...

Un, un, un. Un adjectiu, un adjectiu.

One, one, one. An adjective, an adjective.

Un adjectiu que un, jo diria, lluita.

An adjective that one, I would say, fights.


He/She warmed up.

Molt bé.

Very good.





Jo la veritat és que no me l'he escoltat sencer, no mentirem, però...

The truth is that I haven't listened to it all the way through, I won't lie, but...

O tinc pande, no tinc pande.

Either I have pande, or I don't have pande.

I quin és el primer record que teniu del grup?

And what is the first memory you have of the group?

Música de carrer, claríssimament.

Street music, clearly.

No, Joguim, aquesta no és, eh? I tu, Enric, quin és el primer record que tens de Xarango?

No, Joguim, this is not it, is it? And you, Enric, what is the first memory you have of Xarango?

Jo... Bé, jo... El primer concert que vaig anar a Xarango va ser l'últim que vam fer allà al Festival Esperança.

I... Well, I... The first concert I went to see in Xarango was the last one we did there at the Esperança Festival.

Veu anar, Jaume?

Are you going, Jaume?

Jo sí. No, vaig anar jo sol.

I did. No, I went alone.

Jolín, Enric, que si sí t'hi anava amb tu, eh?

Wow, Enric, if I really wanted to go with you, right?



És espectacular, perquè va ser el meu primer concert en pla d'anar així.

It's spectacular because it was my first concert in that kind of setting.

I era espectacular. La colla petita ballant, els pares, el jovent...

It was spectacular. The little group dancing, the parents, the youth...

Hi havia molta gent, o què?

Was there a lot of people, or what?

Sí, sí, estava peta, estava peta.

Yes, yes, it was great, it was great.

I estava sobre mullat, saps? I va ploure una mica i tot.

I was soaking wet, you know? And it rained a little and everything.

O sigui, va ser molt bonic, aquell concert.

That is to say, that concert was very beautiful.

I ara anem a un altre tema important, i és que ha tornat el futbol, Jaume.

And now let's move on to another important topic, which is that football has returned, Jaume.

I no sé com veus, com veus el Barça?

And I don’t know what you think, how do you see Barça?

Fatal, no pas.

Fatal, not at all.

És una cosa tremenda.

It is an incredible thing.

És un...

It is a...

Una sensació és dolentíssima.

A feeling is very bad.

Vam començar més o menys bé amb el primer partit, però d'allà cap a baix, totalment.

We started more or less well with the first match, but from there it went completely downhill.

I l'últim partit, salvat per miracle de què va sortir Enzo i Enric, i van revolucionar el partit, que si no...

And the last match was saved by the miracle that Enzo and Enric came on, and they turned the match around; if not...

I t'atreviries a fer un pronòstic de com pot acabar la Lliga?

Would you dare to make a prediction on how the League might end?

Quatre primers descens Champions i Europa League?

Four first descents Champions and Europa League?

El Madrid guanya la Liga.

Madrid wins the League.

Jo crec que... és que jo soc molt de confiar i de confiar.

I think that... it's just that I am very trusting and trusting.

I per això jo diré que el Barça guanya la Lliga.

And that’s why I will say that Barça will win the league.

A pesar de tot el Madrid amb el VAR i tot això.

Despite everything, Madrid with VAR and all that.

Que a veure, que ell ens està robant.

That let's see, that he is stealing from us.

Les coses com són.

Things as they are.

Però a veure, l'Aran ha apostat Barça, Madrid...

But let's see, Aran has bet on Barça, Madrid...



Sevilla, Atlético...

Seville, Atlético...



Diria, Getafe, Real Sociedad.

I would say, Getafe, Real Sociedad.

Fins aquí.

That's it.

I per baix...

And below...

I l'Espanyol a segona, eh?

And Espanyol in second, huh?

A baix, tal com està ara mateix.

Down, just as it is right now.

Espanyol, Leganés, Mallorca.

Espanyol, Leganés, Mallorca.



I qui creus que...

And who do you think that...

Faria molta il·lusió que el Leganés seguís, però és molt complicat.

It would be very exciting for Leganés to continue, but it is very complicated.

I qui creus que baixarà?

And who do you think will come down?

Doncs mira, acaba d'arribar una notificació, és que acaba de marcar el Betis.

Well look, a notification just arrived, it's that Betis has just scored.

Acaba de marcar Marc Bartra a la sotia d'un córner.

Marc Bartra has just scored from a corner kick.

Betis 1, Espanyol 0.

Betis 1, Espanyol 0.

Boníssimes notícies per l'afició bètica.

Great news for the Betis fans.

Perquè això els aprova una mica més a la salvació i l'Espanyol sembla ser que s'enfonsa.

Because this approves them a little more for salvation, and it seems that Espanyol is sinking.

I ara, nois, vull que m'expliqueu com esteu vivint aquest post-confinament.

And now, guys, I want you to tell me how you are living this post-confinement.

És a dir, ja esteu quedant amb amics, esteu fent coses, Joaquim?

That is to say, are you already hanging out with friends, doing things, Joaquim?

Sí, sí, vaig fent coses, vaig quedant, bueno...

Yes, yes, I'm doing things, I'm meeting up, well...

Vaig fent esports, sobretot, que ho necessitava.

I'm doing sports, mostly because I needed it.

I tu, Jaume? També, no?, suposo.

And you, Jaume? You too, right?, I suppose.

Sí, jo...

Yes, I...

Jo ara, doncs, quedo gairebé cada dia, o sigui que molt bé.

So now I go out almost every day, which is great.

I a la tarda, abans de quedar, normalment, foto una mica d'esports i tal.

And in the afternoon, before meeting up, I usually do some sports and such.

I la veritat és que molt bé.

And the truth is that very well.

I segons el vostre pare, creieu que hi haurà un rebrot? Així molt gran?

And according to your father, do you think there will be a resurgence? Like a big one?

O veieu la situació bastant controlada?

Do you see the situation as fairly under control?

De moment controlat, però...

Currently under control, but...

Més endavant, jo crec que es controlarà una mica.

Later, I think it will be controlled a little.

Sí, no?

Yes, right?

Es tornaran a tancar.

They will close again.

O sigui que disfruteu ara que podeu sortir.

So enjoy yourselves now that you can go out.

A veure, jo crec, tant com a rebrot, tampoc. Però, en plan, que alguna comarca s'haurà de quedar confinada...

Let's see, I don't think it's a resurgence either. But, like, some region will have to be confined...



Jo crec que, si no, una mica de rebrot sí que hi haurà cap al setembre o cap allà. Però, bueno, no ho sé.

I think that, if not, there will be a bit of a resurgence around September or so. But, well, I don't know.

Tu què en penses, Àlex?

What do you think, Àlex?

Jo crec, igual que tu, que al final jo crec que hi haurà un rebrot, perquè el fet que la gent comenci a sortir al carrer, doncs...

I believe, just like you, that in the end I believe there will be a resurgence, because the fact that people start going out on the streets, well...

farà que hi hagi nous contagis. Però, bueno, sembla que de moment la situació no és massa greu dintre de la normalitat.

It will lead to new infections. But, well, it seems that for the moment the situation is not too serious within the normality.

I sembla que la cosa... la cosa va bé.

It seems that things... things are going well.

Aleshores, ara teníem unes seccions per aquí. Comencem amb l'Enric, que ens has portat un grup, no, Enric? Pot ser?

So, now we have some sections here. Let's start with Enric, who has brought us a group, right, Enric? Could it be?

Sí, sí. Ens ho he portat un grup que és d'Original i Amiens de Sabadell.

Yes, yes. I brought it to us a group that is from Original and Amiens in Sabadell.

I és el Freixi Alcrim.

And it is the Freixi Alcrim.

Freixi Alcrim.

Freixi of Alcrim.

És un grup de música urbana.

It's an urban music group.

Sí, exacte, ben dit. És que, clar, jo l'anglès ja, doncs, no.

Yes, exactly, well said. It's just that, of course, I don't really know English.

I, bueno, és un grup de música catalana de gènere, doncs, música urbana.

Well, it is a Catalan music group of the genre, well, urban music.

I en aquest confinament, doncs, ha tret un temazo que es diu Alba.

And in this confinement, then, he has released a hit song called Alba.

I està molt xulo i us ho recomano, ja que parla sobre quedar i tal, les amistats, l'amor...

It's really cool, and I recommend it to you, as it talks about hanging out and such, friendships, love...

Molt xulo.

Very cool.

Doncs sí. I tu, Joaquim, em sembla que ens portes unes imitacions avui, pot ser?

Well, yes. And you, Joaquim, I think you have some imitations for us today, right?



A veure, Joaquim, sorprès. No sé quins portes avui.

Let's see, Joaquim, surprised. I don't know what you're wearing today.

Avui us faig un avançament de demà, perquè demà penjaré un vídeo i puc avançar dos personatges que no els coneixereu.

Today I'll give you a sneak peek for tomorrow, because tomorrow I'll upload a video and I can tease two characters that you won't know.

Però, en una cosa, els he intentat imitar a vosaltres.

But in one thing, I have tried to imitate you.



Això no t'agrada tant, eh, Joaquim, que jo vaig fer el ridícul últim cop.

You don't like this so much, huh, Joaquim, because I made a fool of myself last time.

La primera invitació serà el Quim Monzó. Intentem imitar el Quim.

The first invitation will be Quim Monzó. Let's try to imitate Quim.

Si pots introduir-lo tu.

If you can introduce it yourself.

Va, primer tu.

Go on, you first.

Estem aquí confinats per veure la conselleria en directe.

We are confined here to watch the council session live.

Bona nit al Matí de Catalunya Ràdio.

Good night to the Morning of Catalunya Ràdio.

Jo crec que ho faig nefastament, eh. Ho sento, jo crec que no és el meu món, aquest.

I think I do it terribly, right? I'm sorry, I believe this is not my world.

M'agrada, sí.

I like it, yes.

O sigui, quines tècniques creus que s'han de fer servir per imitar el Quim Monzó?

So, what techniques do you think should be used to imitate Quim Monzó?

Heu de parlar com, en plan, així com, lentament, ho calentran molt i, a la vegada, anar obrint i tancant els ulls com faria ell.

You have to speak like, well, like, slowly, they really heat it up and, at the same time, keep opening and closing your eyes like he would.

Quin expert, el Joaquim. I ara, a veure, el Jaume, com ho fa?

What an expert Joaquim is. And now, let's see how Jaume does it?

Hola, catalans.

Hello, Catalans.

Hola, catalans. Això és la poesia, que és maquíssima. No ho sé, no ho sé.

Hello, Catalans. This is poetry, which is very beautiful. I don't know, I don't know.

Ha sortit més Jordi Basté que una altra cosa, jo no dic mai.

Jordi Basté has come out more than anything else, I never say.

Com, com?

How, how?

Ha sortit més Jordi Basté que una altra cosa.

Jordi Basté has come out more than anything else.

Pot ser, pot ser.

Maybe, maybe.

Així, confinadament.

Thus, confinement.

I ara, una notícia. A veure, digues, Jaume, Enric, digues.

And now, a piece of news. Let's see, tell us, Jaume, Enric, go ahead.

Ho sento, Enric.

I'm sorry, Enric.

Hola, bon dia, Catalunya.

Hello, good morning, Catalonia.

Bueno, és la poesia catalana.

Well, it's Catalan poetry.

Bueno, i tinc un altre personatge per vosaltres.

Well, I have another character for you.

A veure.

Let's see.

Vosaltres coneixeu el mític programa de El Convidat, Albert?

Do you know the mythical program El Convidat, Albert?



Hola, soc El Convidat i avui vaig a casa d'Andrés Iniesta.

Hello, I am El Convidat and today I am going to Andrés Iniesta's house.

Hola, soc El Convidat i avui vaig a casa de l'Andrés Iniesta.

Hello, I'm El Convidat and today I'm going to Andrés Iniesta's house.

Has de posar la veu així i els morros així.

You have to position your voice like this and your lips like this.

Hola, soc El Convidat i avui vaig a casa de l'Andrés Iniesta.

Hello, I am The Guest and today I am going to Andrés Iniesta's house.

Hola, soc El Convidat.

Hello, I am The Guest.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Ens està corregint a tots, eh, el cabron?

He's correcting us all, isn't he, the bastard?

Ja, ja, Joaquim.

Yes, yes, Joaquim.

Heu de posar la veu així i anar parlant tranquil·lament.

You should set your voice like this and speak calmly.

Això no pot ser, Joaquim.

This can't be, Joaquim.

I ara, ojo, notícia d'última hora, perquè el Liverpool s'acaba a proclamar campió de la Premier League per primera vegada.

And now, watch out, breaking news, because Liverpool has just been crowned Premier League champion for the first time.

Moltes felicitats a l'equip de Liverpool. Jaume, t'ho esperaves al principi de temporada?

Congratulations to the Liverpool team. Jaume, did you expect this at the beginning of the season?

Home, sí, no? Ja tocava. Portàvem dos anys molt bons i ja només faltava la perla final, que era aquesta ancia de Premier League.

Home, yes, right? It was about time. We had two very good years and all that was missing was the final pearl, which was this Premier League ambition.

I avui us portem una secció que ja hem incorporat anteriorment en altres programes i és que el Roger Casanova ens porta una secció de l'UFES.

And today we bring you a section that we have already included in other programs, and it is that Roger Casanova brings us a section from the UFES.

Interessant. Així que, quan vulguis, Roger, tot teu.

Interesting. So, whenever you want, Roger, it's all yours.

I ara tenim el Jaume, que ens ha portat un tier list. O sigui, Jaume, quan vulguis.

And now we have Jaume, who has brought us a tier list. So, Jaume, whenever you're ready.

Bueno, bueno, ara es presentarà el meu tier list sobre begudes així famoses a Catalunya, a Espanya...

Well, well, now my tier list about famous drinks in Catalonia, in Spain will be presented...

I bueno, tindrà molta polèmica segur, però bueno, avui que discutirem junts això, eh?

And well, there will surely be a lot of controversy, but okay, today we will discuss this together, right?

Vale, comença'n des de baix o des de dalt?

Okay, should I start from the bottom or from the top?

Comença de dalt, igual.

Start from the top, the same.

Em digues com has nombrat la columna.

Tell me how you have named the column.

Vale, vale. La columna és beguda de déus, molt top, estan bones, normaletes, meh, merda.

Okay, okay. The column is drink of the gods, very trendy, they are good, average, meh, crap.

Vale, beguda de déus, nestí i aigua.

Okay, drink of the gods, honey and water.

No falla.

It doesn’t fail.

Molt top, les dos fantes, un bon suc de taronja i la beguda aquesta, no sé si la coneixeu, que es diu Yandel, crec, o algo així,

Very cool, the two girls, a good orange juice and this drink, I don’t know if you know it, called Yandel, I think, or something like that.

que és com Monster, però de coco, que està boníssim.

it's like Monster, but coconut, which is very tasty.



Després, estan bones la Pepsi, la Coca-Cola i el Monster. Normaletes, Sprite, 7-Up, Red Bull, i aquí polèmica, la cervesa.

Afterwards, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and Monster are good. Normal, Sprite, 7-Up, Red Bull, and here’s the controversy, beer.

Cabró, tu que dius tu la merda.

You bastard, you talk your shit.

Ui, ui, ui, aquí hi ha confrontació, eh?

Oh, oh, oh, there is confrontation here, isn't there?

Perdona, perdona, esto yo creo que no va mucho así, pero bueno, yo discreto y estoy aquí para debatir.

Sorry, sorry, I don't think this is how it goes, but well, I'm discreet and I'm here to debate.

Ui, t'ho he dit que era polèmica, perdona, és que jo no, no soc molt fan, eh?

Oh, I told you it was controversial, sorry, it's just that I'm not, I'm not a big fan, you know?

El destí, el destí dol de tot, però si és racional, el destí.

The destiny, the sweet destiny of everything, but if it is rational, the destiny.

Bueno, bueno, respecte.

Well, well, respect.

Vaja va, heu de saber que el Jaume està totalment enfocat.

Well, you should know that Jaume is completely focused.

Després, tier, meh, la iet, la iet a mi és que em sona un meh.

Afterward, tier, meh, the iet, the iet to me sounds like a meh.

És que a qui li agrada una beguda que suda els pits d'una vaca?

It's just that who likes a drink that sweats the breasts of a cow?

I merda, el vi, el cafè i el Cola Cabra.

And shit, the wine, the coffee, and the Cola Cabra.

Aquest home sap. Aquest home sap molt i molt.

This man knows. This man knows a lot and a lot.

Sento molt, però això és així, eh?

I'm very sorry, but that's how it is, right?

Alguna cosa més a afegir, Jaume?

Anything else to add, Jaume?

Doncs avui a la secció de classe creadora, aquesta secció on ajudem joves a realment a liderar la seva vida

Well, today in the creative class section, this section where we help young people truly lead their lives.

si es senten perduts, senten que tenen mals hàbits i volen generar una nova vida més satisfactòria,

if they feel lost, feel that they have bad habits and want to create a new, more satisfying life,

doncs tratarem avui d'un tema que ens ajudarà moltíssim,

so today we will deal with a topic that will help us a lot,

que ens ajudarà moltíssim a això, d'acord?

that will help us a lot with this, alright?

Al final, quan nosaltres ens sentim perduts, el que ens falta és claredat.

In the end, when we feel lost, what we lack is clarity.

Ens falta molta claredat sobre el que nosaltres realment volem,

We lack a lot of clarity about what we really want.

però també ens falta molta claredat sobre quin és el funcionament real de les coses.

but we also lack a lot of clarity about how things actually work.

I molts cops les coses funcionen de forma molt més simple del que nosaltres pensem,

And many times things work in a much simpler way than we think,

perquè diguéssim que hi ha unes lleis, hi ha uns principis darrere de l'existència, darrere dels comportaments humans,

because we said that there are laws, there are principles behind existence, behind human behaviors,

que sempre són els mateixos i que sempre estan generant resultats, d'acord?

that are always the same and that are always generating results, okay?

Aleshores, avui parlarem d'una fórmula, que és la fórmula ser, fer i tenir, d'acord?

So, today we will talk about a formula, which is the formula to be, to do, and to have, okay?

És a dir, en aquest ordre, primer som, després fem i després tenim.

That is to say, in this order, first we are, then we do, and then we have.

El que passa és que a la societat d'avui en dia ens pensem molts cops que per ser d'alguna forma, per exemple, per ser feliç,

What happens is that in today's society we often think that to be a certain way, for example, to be happy,

haig de tenir alguna cosa, d'acord?

I have to have something, okay?

Llavors, el que fem és tenir alguna cosa, d'acord?

So, what we do is have something, okay?

El que fem és invertir aquest procés i ens pensem que primer és tenir,

What we do is reverse this process and we think that first it is to have,

després, un cop tinc, aleshores puc fer certes coses que em fan ser d'una certa manera, que és com jo vull ser, no?

Then, once I have it, I can do certain things that make me a certain way, which is how I want to be, right?

Doncs al final això és al revés. L'ordre és primer ser, després fer i després tenir, d'acord?

Well, in the end, this is the other way around. The order is to be first, then to do, and then to have, okay?

Però clar, aquí la pregunta és a què em refereixo quan jo parlo de ser, del que som?

But of course, the question here is what I mean when I talk about being, about what we are?

Al final, es limita al que nosaltres pensem, d'acord?

In the end, it is limited to what we think, okay?

Per tant, aquí tenim un procés que és importantíssim d'entendre, si volem generar una nova realitat per nosaltres,

Therefore, here we have a process that is extremely important to understand if we want to generate a new reality for ourselves,

si no estem contents amb la realitat que estem creant, volem deixar de crear aquesta realitat negativa i volem començar a crear una altra,

if we are not happy with the reality we are creating, we want to stop creating this negative reality and we want to start creating another one,

hem de tenir clar com funciona això.

We need to be clear about how this works.

Un cop ja hem assumit que l'inici de tot, per tenir coses noves, per tenir resultats nous a la nostra vida, és el que nosaltres som,

Once we have accepted that the beginning of it all, to have new things, to have new results in our lives, is what we are,

i que el que nosaltres som és el que nosaltres pensem, aleshores entrem en un procés per veure com el que nosaltres pensem s'acaba transformant en els nostres resultats.

And if what we are is what we think, then we enter a process to see how what we think ultimately transforms into our results.

Aquest procés és, primer nosaltres pensem, aquests pensaments es converteixen en emocions,

This process is, first we think, these thoughts become emotions,

les emocions que nosaltres experimentem dins nostre es transformen en accions, i aquestes accions són una causa que genera un efecte,

the emotions that we experience within ourselves transform into actions, and these actions are a cause that generates an effect,

que genera un resultat extern.

that generates an external result.

Aleshores, també passa que aquests resultats externs que tenim alhora alimenten la nostra forma de pensar,

Then, it also happens that these external results at the same time feed our way of thinking,

amb la qual cosa estem sempre en un mateix cercle, un cercle viciós, en el qual nosaltres no obtenim el que desitgem,

with which we are always in the same circle, a vicious circle, in which we do not obtain what we desire,

però alhora tampoc estem disposats a fer un canvi en el pensament.

but at the same time we are also not willing to change our thinking.

Per tant, la conclusió final que arribem amb aquesta lecció de ser, fer i tenir,

Therefore, the final conclusion we reach with this lesson of being, doing, and having,

és que primer ens hem de preocupar del que nosaltres som.

It is that first we have to worry about who we are.

Ens hem de preocupar de quina és la nostra forma de pensar, de quines són les creences que nosaltres tenim,

We need to worry about what our way of thinking is, what beliefs we have,

i si realment la forma de pensar que nosaltres utilitzem en la majoria del dia ens serveix per estar més satisfets,

and if the way of thinking that we use for most of the day helps us to be more satisfied,

ens serveix per ser més feliços, per tenir resultats interns de més satisfacció, d'emocions més satisfactòries,

it helps us to be happier, to have internal results of greater satisfaction, of more satisfying emotions,

i també ens hem de plantejar si ens serveix per arribar als resultats externs que nosaltres volem obtenir per també sentir-nos més realitzats,

and we also have to consider whether it helps us achieve the external results we want to obtain in order to feel more fulfilled,

i més satisfets, d'acord?

And more satisfied, okay?

Doncs amb això ja acabem.

Well, that wraps it up.

Recordeu, si volem tenir coses diferents, abans hem de fer coses diferents.

Remember, if we want to have different things, we must first do different things.

I si volem fer coses diferents, abans hem de ser persones diferents.

And if we want to do different things, we must first be different people.

I que ser persones diferents significa pensar de forma distinta a com ho hem estat fent fins ara, d'acord?

And being different people means thinking in a way different from how we have been doing it until now, okay?

Gràcies un altre cop a la conselleria per permetre'm aquest espai,

Thank you once again to the department for allowing me this space,

i seguirem fent més vídeos per ajudar la gent a realment tenir més consciència i tenir més claredat sobre la seva vida.

And we will continue making more videos to help people to really have more awareness and more clarity about their lives.

Fins una altra!

Until next time!

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