Anunci - He tornat a gravar!

Rubens Miranda

El Rubito Parla Català

Anunci - He tornat a gravar!

El Rubito Parla Català

Hola a tothom, una bona tarda!

Hello everyone, good afternoon!

Jo sóc el Rubito i avui vinc amb novetats per a vosaltres.

I am Rubito and today I come with news for you.

A partir d'aquesta setmana tindrem nous episodis

Starting this week we will have new episodes.

del primer podcast català gravat per un brasiler.

of the first Catalan podcast recorded by a Brazilian.

Malauradament, el 2020 ha estat un any perdut en un món de sentits

Unfortunately, 2020 has been a lost year in a world of meanings.

i, com li ha passat a tothom, puc dir que el meu estat d'ànim

and, as has happened to everyone, I can say that my mood

no hagi estat el millor de la meva vida.

it has not been the best of my life.

El meu país, el 2021, no es porta moltes bones notícies,

My country, in 2021, does not bring many good news.

però jo he decidit cercar maneres de mantenir-me positiu

but I have decided to look for ways to stay positive

i crear contingut ha estat una activitat molt enriquidora

Creating content has been a very rewarding activity.

a aquests temps tan difícils.

in these such difficult times.

Torno a gravar el meu podcast i volia agrair especialment

I'm recording my podcast again and I wanted to especially thank

a tots els que m'heu enviat correus demanant

to all of you who have sent me emails asking

quan sortiria el proper episodi.

When would the next episode come out?

Llavors, us dono una bona notícia.

Then, I have good news for you.

Ja estic preparant un nou episodi a vosaltres

I'm already preparing a new episode for you.

amb coses estranyes i interessants sobre el meu país,

with strange and interesting things about my country,

perquè en aquest moment vull sobretot compartir positivitat.

because at this moment I mainly want to share positivity.

Si no us fa res, feu-me companyia en aquesta jornada.

If you don't mind, keep me company on this day.

Accepto sempre suggeriments,

I always accept suggestions,

de temes que voleu escoltar.

of topics you want to listen to.

Una forta abraçada a tothom i fins al proper episodi.

A strong hug to everyone and until the next episode.

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