La veritat

Marta Sanz

La veritat

La veritat

La veritat

La veritat.

The truth.

Jordi va visitar jo a la pilota i...

Jordi visited me at the ball and...

Li va donar amb el baló a la pomera i al cristal i ho va trencar tot.

He hit the apple tree and the glass with the ball and broke everything.

Quan Manel va tornar de treballar, va veure la seva pómera enterra

When Manel returned from work, he saw his grandfather buried.

i es va preguntar què podia haver fet semblant barbaritat.

and wondered what could have made such a barbarity.

Va preguntar a tothom...

He asked everyone...

Però ningú va saber dir-li res.

But no one could tell him anything.

Quan Jordi va arribar a casa, Manel li va preguntar furiós.

When Jordi got home, Manel asked him furiously.

Saps què ha trencat la meua pómera?

Do you know what broke my pomer?

No he de mentir, papà.

I must not lie, dad.

Ho vaig fer jo amb la meua pilota.

I did it with my ball.

Ves-te'n a la teva habitació, fill.

Go to your room, son.

Va dir el pare seriosament.

The father said seriously.

Jordi va obrir immediatament i, poc després,

Jordi opened immediately and, shortly after,

Manel va entrar a l'habitació de Jordi i li va preguntar...

Manel entered Jordi's room and asked him...

per què havia trencat l'arbre.

why he had broken the tree.

Jordi, balbotejant, va contestar que havia sigut sense voler.

Jordi, stammering, replied that it had been unintentional.

Va xutar la pilota i va anar a parar a l'arbre.

He kicked the ball and it ended up in the tree.

O sent pare.

Oh, sorry, father.

I el pare va dir...

And the father said...

Sent haver perdut la meua pómera, però estic molt orgullós de tu

Being without my pomegranate, but I am very proud of you.

per haver sigut valent i dir-me la veritat.

for being brave and telling me the truth.

Jordi mai va oblidar aquelles paraules i va ser honest sempre.

Jordi never forgot those words and was always honest.

Conte contat, conte acabat.

Once upon a time, story finished.

Estic molt orgullós de tu.

I am very proud of you.

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