Marc Nicolàs: Nàutica i Transport Marítim i l'Aventura de Navegar.

Roger Sánchez March

La Gent Normal

Marc Nicolàs: Nàutica i Transport Marítim i l'Aventura de Navegar.

La Gent Normal

Bé, a veure, tercer, quart intent

Well, let's see, third, fourth attempt.

Vinga, va

Come on, let's go.

Marc Nicolás

Marc Nicolás

Com estàs?

How are you?

Molt bé, molt bé

Very well, very well.

Estic molt content que estiguis aquí

I am very happy that you are here.

Jo també

Me too.

Anem a dir-ho per la gent, així directament

Let's say it directly for the people.

És el quart intent

It is the fourth attempt.

Sí, sí, el quarto y esperemos que el último

Yes, yes, the fourth and let's hope the last.

Però a més a més, ja fa cinc o sis vegades

But furthermore, it has already happened five or six times.

que havíem quedat

that we had agreed

i que no has pogut venir

and that you couldn't come

És l'entrevista que més...

It is the interview that most...

La que m'ha estat costada

The one that has cost me.

Ets difícil d'entrevistar

You are difficult to interview.

És per esnovisme total

It's total snobbery.

Explica un moment què has estat fent aquests mesos

Explain for a moment what you have been doing these months.

perquè porto mesos perseguint-te

because I have been chasing you for months

per entrevistar-te

to interview you

i no podies

and you couldn't

Primer va venir l'expedició

First came the expedition.

al Climanjaro

to Kilimanjaro

No, no, no cola

No, no, no soda.

No ha estat tan interessant

It hasn't been that interesting.

El tema és que ha passat

The thing is that it has happened.

que jo

that I

just havia acabat

I had just finished.

el que seria la part teòrica

what would be the theoretical part

del grau

of the degree

De quin grau?

Which grade?

Del grau de Nàutica i Transport Marítim

From the degree of Nautical and Maritime Transport

I aleshores estava fent les pràctiques

And then I was doing my internship.

Les pràctiques en aquesta carrera

The internships in this degree

és estar embarcat

it is being on board

Aleshores és de primer

So it is first.

fer un primer embarcament

make a first shipment

de quatre mesos

of four months

que en el meu cas

that in my case

jo l'he fet a salvament marítim

I have done it at maritime rescue.

o un remolcador de salvament marítim

or a maritime salvage tug

I clar, doncs

Of course, then.

aleshores això ha fet complicat

then this has made it complicated

de veure'ns

to see us

perquè jo havia d'estar

because I had to be

si sortia del barco

if I got off the boat



en 15 minuts

in 15 minutes

si em trucaven

if they called me

en 15 minuts si et truquen

in 15 minutes if they call you

has d'estar al barco

You have to be on the boat.

Si estàs al Tibidabo mal

If you are at Tibidabo, bad.

perquè no arribes ni a la patacoixa

because you don't even reach the thigh

però això ha complicat una mica

but this has complicated things a bit

i després quan tu i jo havíem quedat

and then when you and I had arranged to meet

just ha coincidit

just coincided

que o ens havien trucat perquè hi havia una emergència

that they had called us because there was an emergency

o hi havien altres coses

or there were other things

o sigui que potser

so perhaps

és una bona introducció

it's a good introduction

i un bon exemple que el mar

and a good example is the sea

i el món dels barcos al final és

And the world of boats in the end is

esperar, tenir paciència

to wait, to be patient

i fer un plan A, un plan B, un plan C

And make a plan A, a plan B, a plan C.

i potser per anar al C

and maybe to go to the C

has de passar per la J

you have to go through the J

o sigui que no hi ha cap tipus

so there is no type


of organization

Bueno, una mica com la teva ment

Well, a bit like your mind.

Bueno, tampoc serà per tant

Well, it won't be that much anyway.


Tell me.

Com vas veure el batxillerat

How did you see the baccalaureate?

i com vas decidir escollir nàutica?

And how did you decide to choose nautical studies?



la decisió d'estudiar nàutica

the decision to study nautical science

ve de

comes from

de molt més enrere

from much further back

el meu pare tenia barc

my father had a boat

com saps

how do you know

i bé, els caps de setmana sortia a navegar

And well, on weekends I would go sailing.

i doncs sempre

and so always

és un món al que hi he estat lligat

It is a world that I have been tied to.

des que era molt molt molt petit

since I was very very very small

des que tenia potser un any

since I was perhaps a year old

o fins i tot menys d'un any

or even less than a year

els meus pares ja em traien doncs amb una barca

my parents would take me out with a boat

que tenien no?

What did they have, right?

i sempre he estat lligat al món del mar

I have always been tied to the world of the sea.

de manera que

so that

lo d'estudiar nàutica doncs

so studying nautical science then

d'haver hagut aquest interès

of having had this interest

de voler estar lligat al mar

to want to be tied to the sea

i estar muntat a un barco

and being on a boat

em va portar doncs a descobrir

it led me to discover

existeix una carrera que es diu nàutica

There is a degree called nautical studies.

i transport marítim

and maritime transport

la fan aquí a Barcelona

They make it here in Barcelona.

i és per ser capità

and it is to be captain

per mi doncs sempre havia tingut la il·lusió

For me, I had always had the hope.

de dir doncs jo algun dia que seràs de gran

to say then I someday that you will be when you grow up

jo seré capità de barco

I will be a ship captain.

i clar la gent

and of course the people

si li deies capità de la marina mercant

if you called him captain of the merchant navy

aleshores ja bueno jo ara no sé

so now well I don't know

capità del titànic saps?

Titanic captain, you know?

llavors tothom et demana que quan portis un crucero

then everyone asks you when you will take a cruise

doncs que els convidis

then invite them

ara no sé si ho voldran no?

now I don't know if they will want it, right?

perquè clar tot aquest tema del còmic

because clearly all this topic of the comic

què s'ha de fer per ser capità de la marina mercant?

What must be done to become a captain of the merchant navy?

bueno per ser capità de la marina mercant

good to be the captain of the merchant navy

has de

you have to

has de fer el batxillerat

you have to do the baccalaureate

quin vas fer? científic?

Which one did you do? Scientist?

una barreja

a mixture

i ja està fas la selectivitat

And that's it, you take the entrance exam.

entres a la facultat de nàutica

you enter the nautical faculty

que pertany a la universitat

that belongs to the university



i són tres anys i mig

and it's three and a half years

d'estudis teòrics

of theoretical studies

com totes les

like all the

carreres no? amb la diferència de que

races, right? with the difference that

bueno doncs hi ha aquest

well, so there is this one

aquests quatre mesos que són

these four months that are

de pràctiques d'embarcament

boarding practices

aleshores a partir d'aquí doncs ja entres

so from here you enter

en un cercle d'embarcar

in a boarding circle

i sumar dies per

and count days for



un cop has fet els quatre mesos d'alumne

once you have completed four months as a student

has de fer vuit mesos més d'alumne

you have to complete eight more months as a student

et donen el títol de pilot de segona

they give you the title of second pilot

fas un any més

you make another year

et donen el títol de primera

they give you the title of first

i aleshores fas un màster d'un any i mig

and then you do a master's degree for a year and a half

estàs uns quants anys més embarcat

you are several years more embarked

i aleshores tindràs el títol de capità

And then you will have the title of captain.

és llarg

it is long

fins a quina edat podràs ser capità

Until what age can you be a captain?

si segueixes aquest recorregut

if you follow this route

tot dependrà de

everything will depend on

de com de llarg siguin els embarques

of how long the shipments are

els deixi passar entre un i l'altre

let them pass between one and the other

però abans dels trenta en principi

but before thirty in principle

hauries de poder ser capità

you should be able to be a captain

tenir el títol de capità

to have the title of captain

en cero ja és molt complicat

It's already very complicated at zero.

però tenir el títol sí

but having the title yes

com vas viure la selectivitat?

How did you experience the selective exams?

la selectivitat va ser molt

the entrance exam was very

molt a veure

very much to see

amb els nervis com tothom

with nerves like everyone else

suposo al final

I suppose in the end.

tens la sensació que tot

do you have the feeling that everything

tu estàs jugant tota la teva vida

you are playing your whole life

te l'estàs jugant en aquest moment

You're taking a risk right now.

amb quatre exàmens

with four exams

en el meu cas nerviós

in my nervous case

suposo que com tothom

I suppose like everyone else.

però sí amb la tranquil·litat

but yes with tranquility

de saber que amb la nota que havia tret

"to know that with the grade he had received"

del batxillerat

of high school

doncs jo entrava

then I entered

entrava sobrat a nàutica

he entered nautical with confidence

perquè era un sis i mig

because it was a six and a half

em penso quan jo vaig entrar

I think about when I entered.

sobre catorze

about fourteen

amb certa tranquil·litat

with a certain calmness

la veritat és que no va ser

the truth is that it wasn't

no va ser algo molt estressant

it wasn't something very stressful

ni que em posés extremadament nerviós

not that it made me extremely nervous

la sensació que no em jugava res

the feeling that I had nothing to lose

com algú que estudia medicina

like someone who studies medicine

o qualsevol altra carrera

or any other degree

amb una nota de tall alta

with a high cutoff score

m'explicaves abans

you were explaining to me before

que durant el batxillerat

that during high school

vas estar escrivint una revista

you were writing a magazine

sí, durant el batxillerat

Yes, during high school.

una de les coses que ens toca fer

one of the things we have to do

és el TR

It's the TR

el treball de recerca

the research work

i jo just al començar el batxillerat

and I just when I started high school

abans de començar el batxillerat

before starting the baccalaureate

m'havia iniciat

I had started.

en el món de la immersió

in the world of immersion



i bé doncs

And well then

partint d'aquesta nova

starting from this new one

afició que tenia

hobby that I had

per al busseig

for diving

vaig descobrir

I discovered.

una persona molt especial

a very special person

que ha estat molt important

that has been very important

per a mi

for me

que va ser el pioner

who was the pioneer

de la immersió a Espanya

from immersion in Spain

que era l'Eduard Atmedia

who was Eduard Atmedia

i d'aquest

and this one

personatge doncs que

character then that

la veritat és que

the truth is that

ha fet moltes coses

he has done many things

tot i així és

still it is

algú bastant desconegut avui dia

someone quite unknown nowadays

més enllà de la gent

beyond the people

que és del sector del submarinisme

that is from the diving sector

jo vaig decidir fer el treball

I decided to do the work.

dels taurons

of the sharks

del comportament dels taurons

of shark behavior

i vaig fer-lo a l'Aquarium de Barcelona

I did it at the Aquarium of Barcelona.

i vaig pensar doncs que

I thought then that

una part important del treball

an important part of the work

podria ser entrevistar

could be interviewing

a l'Eduard

to Edward

doncs se'n va anar a Cuba

so he went to Cuba

a los Jardines de la Reina

to the Gardens of the Queen

que era un dels llocs

that it was one of the places

on hi ha la major concentració

where there is the highest concentration

de taurons del món

of sharks of the world

i ell amb 89 anys doncs

and he is 89 years old then

se'n va anar allà a fer immersió

he went there for immersion

amb taurons

with sharks

se li ha dit

he has been told

que era el costó català

that was the Catalan coast

al final ell

in the end he

al mateix temps que costó

at the same time as it cost

va inventar

he/she invented

la seva pròpia escafandra autònoma

their own autonomous spacesuit

ho va fer amb un extintor

he did it with a fire extinguisher

amb uns vàlvules

with some valves

se la va construir

it was built

amb objectes de casa

with household objects

perquè explicava que un dia

because he/she was explaining that one day

la seva dona s'aixecava

his wife was getting up

pel matí i ell diu

in the morning and he says

però aquí hi havia una cortina

but there was a curtain here

amb una varilla

with a whisk

on està aquella varilla

Where is that rod?

resulta que la varilla

it turns out that the rod

l'havia utilitzat

I had used it.

per fer la seva escafandra

to make his/her diving suit

la va provar a la banyera

she tried it in the bathtub

de casa seva

from their home

al fons del mar

at the bottom of the sea

aquí a Catalunya i a Espanya

here in Catalonia and in Spain

amb una escafandra d'aire comprimit

with a compressed air helmet



i ell va descobrir les Illes Medes

and he discovered the Medes Islands

va descobrir els primers

he discovered the first

restes arqueològics

archaeological remains


of amphorae

va fer les primeres caixes estanques

he made the first waterproof boxes

de submarinisme

of diving

per fotos

for photos

va fer sèries per televisió espanyola

he made series for Spanish television

durant 15 anys per TV3

for 15 years on TV3

i va batre el rècord mundial de profunditat

and set the world record for depth

també l'any 57

also in the year 57

a 50 metres de profunditat

50 meters deep

ha estat un personatge

he has been a character

que ha estat molt estimat

who has been very loved

i era una persona

and he was a person



amb 90 anys

at 90 years old

amb 91 anys li acabaven de posar un marc a passos

At 91 years old, they had just put a frame on him.

i van fer

and they made

l'última immersió la van fer junts

they did the last immersion together

jo tenia 16 i en tenia 91

I was 16 and he was 91.

vaig pensar

I thought

que seria molt interessant

that would be very interesting

entrevistar aquest home

interview this man

i fruit d'aquesta entrevista

and as a result of this interview

del treball de recerca

of the research work

un amic meu

a friend of mine

va decidir enviar-la

he decided to send her.

a una revista

to a magazine

la revista Buceadores

the magazine Divers

que és la revista de referència del bussetge

what is the reference magazine of bussetge

aquí a Espanya

here in Spain

que ara ja no existeix

that no longer exists now

ara és virtual i té un altre nom

now it is virtual and has another name

i bé

and well

li vam enviar aquesta entrevista

we sent him this interview

li va encantar

he/she loved it

la directora de la revista

the editor of the magazine

li va interessar molt el contrast

he was very interested in the contrast

d'una persona de 90 anys

of a 90-year-old person

de 16 entrevistant-li

from 16 interviewing him

i que s'entenguessin tan bé

and that they understood each other so well

i que hi hagués tanta complicitat

and that there was so much complicity

i aleshores aquesta dona em va publicar

And then this woman published me.


the interview

i vam arribar a un acord

and we reached an agreement

perquè jo cada dos mesos

because I every two months

que era quan sortia la revista

when the magazine was published

escrivís una entrevista

I would write an interview.

sobre l'Eduard

about Eduard

parlant de tota la seva trajectòria

talking about all his/her journey

des dels seus inicis

since its beginnings

fins a la situació que estava en aquell moment

up to the situation I was in at that moment

que era que havia caigut

that it was that had fallen

i s'havia trencat algunes vèrtebres

and he had broken some vertebrae

i clar, a partir d'aquell moment

and of course, from that moment on

la seva vida va canviar

his/her life changed





el poder tornar

the power to return

a fer immersió en certa manera amb mi

to immerse yourself in a certain way with me

des de la biblioteca de casa seva

from the library of his home

el va mantenir viu

he kept him alive

molt temps

a long time

fins que ara fa

until now ago

un any i poc va morir

A year and a little passed away.

Hosti, que guai

Wow, that's cool!

és una

it is a

una aventura, una experiència super heavy

an adventure, a super heavy experience

per una persona d'aleshores 16-17 anys

for a person of about 16-17 years old

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

una mica especial

a little special

i et va marcar molt això

and it marked you a lot this

de cara al teu futur?

towards your future?

de cara a qui ets ara?

Who are you facing now?

penso que avui no seria qui soc

I think that today I wouldn't be who I am.

si no hagués passat per les seves mans

if it hadn't passed through their hands



em sento molt orgullós

I feel very proud.

d'haver pogut compartir tant amb ell

to have been able to share so much with him

perquè per mi ha estat com un pare

because for me he has been like a father

un avi, ha estat el meu millor amic

a grandfather has been my best friend

durant tots aquests anys

during all these years

i sí, sí, l'experiència

And yes, yes, the experience.

doncs és

then it is

és inoblidable, vull dir, això

it's unforgettable, I mean, this

no es pot repetir

it cannot be repeated

que xulo, que xulo Marc

how cool, how cool Marc

després vas entrar a la carrera

then you entered the race


parlem del grau, de què és estudiar

let's talk about the degree, what it is studying

nàutica, què hi pots aprendre

nautical, what you can learn there

i què t'hi vas trobar

And what did you find there?

el grau de nàutica

the degree in nautical studies

jo el que em vaig trobar

what I encountered

com a totes les carreres suposo

like in all careers, I suppose

que al principi, doncs escolta'm

that at the beginning, so listen to me

de nàutica fas molt poc

you do very little sailing

molt poc per no dir

very little to not say

pràcticament res

practically nothing

i clar, doncs el primer any estàs fent matemàtiques

And of course, in the first year you are doing mathematics.

estàs fent física, estàs fent química

you are doing physics, you are doing chemistry

i clar, jo no sé si va ser

And of course, I don't know if it was.

l'avorriment d'aquests primers mesos

the boredom of these early months

que a mi se'm va posar al cap que jo volia un barco

that it got into my head that I wanted a boat

i aleshores doncs jo vaig dir

And then I said

escolta'm, jo vull un barco, jo he d'aconseguir un barco

Listen to me, I want a boat, I have to get a boat.

tal, però tu tens dineros?

Sure, but do you have any money?

no, no tengo dinero, però és igual, jo vull un barco

No, I don't have money, but it doesn't matter, I want a boat.

i vaig tenir la sort de trobar

I was lucky to find.

un altre xalat

another joy

xalat en el sentit

sunt in the sense

carinyós de la paraula

darling of the word

i molt bon amic, el Pau

and a very good friend, Pau

que bueno, doncs ell em va dir

how good, well he told me

escolta'm, doncs jo també t'acompanyo

Listen to me, then I'll accompany you too.

a l'aventura aquesta de tenir un barco

to the adventure of having a boat

i jo li vaig dir, però tu tens diners? no, tampoc

And I told him, but do you have money? No, neither do I.

a veure com ho fem

let's see how we do it

i bueno, vam buscar barcos tal

And well, we looked for boats and such.

vam veure que aquí a Espanya

we saw that here in Spain

no podríem comprar res

we couldn't buy anything

i vam començar a mirar barcos fora

and we started looking at boats outside

al final vam trobar un barco que estava a Dimburg

In the end, we found a boat that was in Dimburg.

a Escòcia, que el venien per

to Scotland, where they sold him for

500 lliures, o sigui que poc més

500 pounds, which means a little more.

de 600, 700 euros, no sé com

of 600, 700 euros, I don't know how

estava en aquell moment, no?

It was at that moment, right?

bueno, nosaltres ja vam dir, escolta'm, doncs

Well, we already said, listen, so

anirem a l'estiu, anirem a buscar el barco

We will go in the summer, we will go to look for the boat.

i el portarem navegant, crearem el canal de la Mànega

And we will take it sailing, we will create the Channel of the Man.

tal, donarem tot a la costa

So, we will give everything to the coast.

de la Muerte de Galícia

of the Death of Galicia

passarem l'estret de Gibraltar i tornarem

We will cross the Strait of Gibraltar and return.

cap a Barcelona i tindrem el barco aquí

towards Barcelona and we will have the boat here

que podria sortir malament, no? que podria salir mal

What could go wrong, right? What could go wrong?

no, nada, bueno total que

no, nothing, well totally that

en aquest moment

at this moment

d'èxit, d'il·lusió tal

of success, of such illusion

vam comprar els billets a Dimburg

We bought the tickets in Dimburg.

ja ho teníem tot reservat, li vam dir a la senyora

We had everything booked, we told the lady.

que ens guardés el barco, que nosaltres

"that the boat kept us, that we"

anem ara al desembre, però que fins a l'estiu

Let's go now to December, but until the summer.

jo crec que la dona aquesta al·lucinava

I think this woman was hallucinating.

total que la família

total that the family

se'n va

he/she is leaving

girar en contra i em va dir

turn against and told me

que feia, que estava boig, que tal i que qual

what he did, that he was crazy, and so on

aleshores la meva mare va fer

then my mother made

una estratègia que va ser trucar a l'Eduard

a strategy that was to call Eduard

li va dir, Eduard

he told him, Eduard

sisplau, tu que ets l'única

please, you who are the only one

persona a qui el Marc

person that Marc

escolta i a qui fa cas

listen and whom he/she listens to

diga-li que no faci això

Tell him not to do that.

total que l'Eduard

In total, Eduard

també molt aventurer, no? pitjor

also very adventurous, right? worse

que jo

that I

va dir, escolta'm, això és molt interessant tal

he said, listen to me, this is very interesting such

jo el que faré serà recomanar-te a una persona

What I will do is recommend you to a person.

que ve amb barcos i que et digui

that comes with boats and tells you

a veure si aquest barco està en condicions per anar a navegar

let's see if this boat is fit for sailing

i fer aquesta navegació, aquesta aventura

and to do this navigation, this adventure

clar, vaig anar a veure aquesta

Of course, I went to see this.

persona i evidentment em va dir, oi, l'aventura

person and obviously he/she told me, right, the adventure

està molt bé, però bé, te visitaré a

it's very good, but well, I will visit you at

Dimburgo, però te pagaria perquè no te compraràs

Dimburgo, but I would pay you so you wouldn't buy yourself.

esta mierda

this shit

i res, allò es va

And nothing, that went.

es va parar

it stopped

però bueno, al final és això

but well, in the end it is this

la il·lusió per

the excitement for

per fer coses i per

to do things and for

i per tenir el somni

and to have the dream

de tenir un barco, ens va portar que al cap d'uns mesos

having a boat, led us to the fact that after a few months

va abrir un senyor que em va dir, escolta'm

A gentleman opened and said to me, listen to me.

jo tinc un barco aquí parat al port de Badalona

I have a boat parked here at the port of Badalona.

fa 7 metres, és un barco

It's 7 meters, it's a boat.

antic, no té veles, el

old, it has no sails, it

màstil està fet caldo, no té motor

The mast is made of broth, it has no engine.

però si vols te'l regalo

but if you want, I'll give it to you as a gift

i escolta, ens van regalar el barco

And listen, they gave us the boat as a gift.

i bé, doncs tu

and well, then you

ja ho saps, tu vas estar amb mi treballant allà

You already know, you were with me working there.

a l'hivern, me'n recordo, me'n recordo

In winter, I remember, I remember.

lijant fusta, encara em fan fred les mans

Sanding wood, my hands are still cold.

després et vaig treure a navegar

then I took you sailing

només dues vegades, no?

Just two times, right?

sí, sí, també me'n recordo

yes, yes, I remember it too

però bueno, la història del barco va ser aquesta

but well, the story of the boat was this

el vam arreglar

we fixed it

i res, el vam tenir

And nothing, we had him.

un any, un any i pico llarg

a year, a little over a year

quasi dos

almost two

tot amb la idea de preparar el barco

everything with the idea of preparing the boat

per fer un viatge

to make a trip

durant l'estiu de dos mesos a la Costa Brava

during the two-month summer on the Costa Brava

el que també penso que t'havia convidat

I also think I had invited you.

t'havia promès, i tampoc vaig venir

I had promised you, and I didn't come either.

l'Oriol Mora tampoc vas venir perquè el viatge va durar

Oriol Mora, you also didn't come because the trip lasted.

tres dies, no? perquè se'ns va trencar

three days, right? because it broke on us

el motor el segon dia

the engine the second day

i s'acabó el viatge

and the journey came to an end

i aleshores, bueno, vaig estirar el barco una mica més

And then, well, I pulled the boat a little more.

i al final el vam intentar vendre

and in the end, we tried to sell it

no ens el va comprar ningú, evidentment

nobody bought it from us, obviously

i al final el vam acabar

and in the end we finished it

el vam acabar regalant

we ended up giving it away

és a dir, vas acabar perdent diners en la inversió

That is to say, you ended up losing money on the investment.


si vaig perdre algo va ser diners

If I lost something, it was money.

però la resta tot va ser positiu

but the rest was all positive

jo quan vaig venir a jugar m'ho he passat molt bé

I had a great time when I came to play.

i imagino que tu, vamos

I imagine that you, come on.

havia de ser un joc

it had to be a game

ho vaig disfrutar molt

I enjoyed it a lot.

i bé, doncs això al final

and well, then this in the end

el que va donar peu després és que

what followed afterwards is that

entrés a treballar al barco de la facultat

I started working on the faculty's boat.

espera, com va donar peu això?

Wait, how did this come about?

bueno, perquè clar, vam donar

well, because of course, we gave

tant pel sac

both for the bag

amb el barco de la facultat que ens coneixien tots els professors

with the faculty boat that all the professors knew us

i nosaltres érem los del barco

and we were the ones from the boat

i jo que és el professor

And I who is the teacher.

de física li pregunto, escolta, se'ns ha trencat això

I ask you about physics, listen, this has broken on us.

com podríem arreglar el no sé què, no?

How could we fix the I-don't-know-what, right?

i bueno, en aquell moment

And well, at that moment

doncs jo em vaig enterar

well, I found out

que hi havia un barco a la facultat

that there was a boat at the faculty

un barco que no tenia absolutament

a ship that did not have absolutely

res a veure amb el meu, era un barco molt més gran

nothing to do with mine, it was a much bigger ship

i que estava

and that was

en condicions per navegar

in conditions to sail

i vaig adonar-me

I realized.

que hi havia un personatge

that there was a character

que era el becari de vela

that he was the sailing intern

una persona que s'escollia cada any

a person who was chosen each year

per fer de becari de vela

to do an internship in sailing

encarregar-te una mica del manteniment del barco

to take care of some of the boat maintenance

organitzar sortides amb els alumnes

organize outings with the students

i jo doncs vaig dir, escolta

And so I said, listen.

jo he de fer de becari

I have to be an intern.

i bueno, doncs

And well, then

l'estar en contacte, sobretot amb el professor

being in contact, especially with the teacher

que estava portant això

what was carrying this

doncs clar, ell va veure estar aquest noi

so of course, he saw this guy being

jo crec que és la persona indicada

I believe that he/she is the right person.

per estar de becari

to be an intern

i per estar portant això

and for carrying this

i vaig començar doncs

I started then

amb el barco, que és el que m'ha

with the boat, which is what has me

salvat de no avorrir-me

saved from being bored

tant durant la carrera, perquè... El barco de la facultat

so much during the race, because... The faculty's boat

Exacte, perquè en comptes d'anar

Exactly, because instead of going

a classe, doncs jo potser

in class, so perhaps I

m'anava al barco

I was going to the boat.

i bueno, pensava

And well, I thought.

que podia aprendre més el barco

that the boat could learn more

que no pas

that it does not happen

a classe estudiant informàtica

in class studying computer science

o dibuix tècnic

or technical drawing

Perquè, bueno

Because, well

entenc que vas aprendre més el barco

I understand that you learned more about the boat.

i vas ser més enriquidor, per així dir-ho

and you were more enriching, so to speak

però quines assignatures hi ha?

but what subjects are there?

Quines assignatures hi ha?

What subjects are there?

Bueno, és el que et comentava

Well, it's what I was telling you.

al principi són assignatures

at the beginning they are subjects

com qualsevol altra enginyeria

like any other engineering

de la UPC, tot i que

from the UPC, even though

el grau de nàutica no ho és

the degree in nautical science is not it

i després doncs ja sí, es comença

And then, well, it's time to start.

amb matèries més relacionades amb nàutica

with subjects more related to nautical aspects

com navegació costanera

as coastal navigation

s'estudia navegació astronòmica també

astronomical navigation is also studied

s'estudia legislació

legislation is studied

s'estudia medicina

he/she is studying medicine

s'estudia economia marítima

maritime economics is studied

s'estudia reglamentació

regulation is being studied


is studied

derrotes i compassos

defeats and measures

Derrotes i compassos? Sí

Defeats and beats? Yes

La derrota al final és la ruta que segueix

Defeat in the end is the path that follows.

el barco. No és per si

the boat. It's not for itself

t'atacen els pirates? No, no, no

Do the pirates attack you? No, no, no.

Després s'estudia també doncs teoria

Then theory is also studied.

del vaixell, que serien més

of the ship, which would be more

coneixements físics de com

physical knowledge of how

afecta la càrrega

affects the load

els pesos al barco

the weights on the boat

En fi, assignatures

Anyway, subjects.

que et poden semblar més

that may seem to you more

o menys interessants, però el que per mi doncs

or less interesting, but for me then

era molt més interessant d'escolta'm

It was much more interesting to listen to me.

m'agafo 10 alumnes i me'n vaig a navegar amb el barco

I'm taking 10 students and I'm going sailing with the boat.

evidentemente, que no pas

obviously, no way

estar assegut a una

to be seated at one

cadira i veure'm al mar

chair and see me at the sea

des de la finestra, jo volia

from the window, I wanted

estar allà, al barco

to be there, on the boat

Però bé, la carrera

But well, the race.

doncs és una carrera que

so it's a race that

per poc que estudis i per poc

for how little you study and for how little

que treballis i facis una, tinguis

that you work and do one, you have

una continuïtat doncs no necessites

a continuity so you don't need

ser ningun

to be nobody

instinct per treure la carrera

instinct to finish the race

Vull dir que

I want to say that

és una carrera que és

it's a race that is

accessible. Quina assignatura recordes

accessible. Which subject do you remember?

la que més et va agradar

the one you liked the most

i quina la que més vas odiar?

And which one did you hate the most?

Mira, començo perquè la que més

Look, I'll start with the one that matters most.

em vaig odiar. És la que tothom recorda sempre

I hated myself. It's the one that everyone always remembers.

Sí, no sé si serà compartida o no

Yes, I don't know if it will be shared or not.

per tots, però automàtica, una assignatura

for everyone, but automatic, a subject

que no em preguntis ni de què anava

don't ask me what it was about

perquè no ho sé, només sé que

because I don't know, I only know that

vaig treure primer examen un 0,5

I got a 0.5 on my first exam.

segon examen un 2,5

second exam a 2.5

no sé què, i mira, per sort

I don't know what, and look, fortunately.

tenia bons amics de Mallorca

I had good friends from Mallorca.

companys de classe que

classmates who

jo els deia, escolta'm, tenemos que aprovar este examen

I told them, listen to me, we have to pass this exam.

però bueno, ells ja el tenien aprovat

but well, they had already approved it

tenemos que aprovar-lo jo

We have to approve it, me.

i aleshores

and then

em van ajudar molt, la veritat

They helped me a lot, the truth.

i vaig aconseguir aprovar l'examen

I managed to pass the exam.

i vaig salvar l'assignatura

I passed the subject.

i la millor assignatura

and the best subject

que m'ha agradat

that I liked

no sabria dir-te

I wouldn't know how to tell you.

no tinc un record

I don't have a memory.

de dir, aquesta ha estat

to say, this has been

l'assignatura que més m'ha agradat de la carrera

the subject that I enjoyed the most in my degree

El tema que més t'interessa dintre

The topic that interests you the most inside.

de l'anàutica?

of nautical?

El tema que més m'interessa

The topic that interests me the most

no forma part

does not form part

d'una assignatura, seria doncs

of a subject, it would be therefore



El context general

The general context

Algo que m'agradaria molt és donar la volta al món

Something I would really love is to travel around the world.

aleshores si hi hagués alguna assignatura

then if there were any subject

si hi hagués alguna assignatura

if there were any subject

que et preparés per

that you prepare for

anar amb un veler, per solucionar-te

to go with a sailboat, to sort yourself out

tots els teus problemes, totes les teves coses

all your problems, all your things

i que et dongués doncs pautes

and that it would give you guidelines then

de com donar la volta al món, per mi seria

how to travel around the world, for me it would be

l'assignatura ideal

the ideal subject

Ets un petit Willy Fogg

You are a little Willy Fogg.

Willy Fogg, no ho sé

Willy Fogg, I don't know.

Et volia preguntar

I wanted to ask you.

per la paritat de gènere

for gender equality

a la teva facultat, perquè per exemple jo

at your faculty, because for example I

feia videojocs i en 3 o 4 cursos

I was making video games and in 3 or 4 courses.

em sembla que només hi havia 2 noies

I think there were only 2 girls.

Bueno, en el cas de

Well, in the case of

nàutica, de la carrera de nàutica

nautical, from the nautical career

la veritat és que

the truth is that

jo pensava que nàutica era una de les

I thought that nautical was one of the

carreres que tenia menys presència de noies

degrees that had less female presence

veig que la teva encara en té menys

I see that yours has even less.

Nosaltres, igual de

We, just as

de 40 o 50 alumnes

of 40 or 50 students

a la classe

in class

doncs hi havia

so there was

15 noies, 16 noies

15 girls, 16 girls

no ho sé, però és un

I don't know, but it is a

la relació seria així

the relationship would be like this

Després d'aquests 50

After these 50

al final a classe en veníem 20

In the end, there were 20 of us in class.



la relació de noies era aquesta

the relationship of girls was this

Sí que és veritat que a la facultat de nàutica es poden fer altres

It is true that at the nautical faculty you can do other things.

carreres, com són enginyeria

careers, such as engineering



i tecnologies marines

and marine technologies

Quina diferència hi ha?

What difference is there?

Tecnologies marines seria per anar al motor del barco

Marine technologies would be for going to the ship's engine.

Nàutica seria per anar a dalt

Nautical would be to go up.

al pont de mando del barco

at the ship's bridge

i enginyeria naval seria

and naval engineering would be

per construir-los

to build them

Per construir-los, sí

To build them, yes.



El que fa nàutica, presència de les noies

What makes sailing, presence of the girls.

doncs és aquesta

so it's this one

La veritat és que

The truth is that

al món de la Marina Marcant

in the world of Marina Marcant

durant molts anys la presència de la dona

for many years the presence of women

ha estat

has been

baixíssima per no dir

very low if not to say



Aleshores, des d'allà fa alguns anys

So, from there a few years ago

hi havia alguna dona que avui dia

there was some woman that nowadays

és capitana

she is captain

que potser als anys 80

that perhaps in the 80s

o als anys 90

or in the 90s

va decidir estudiar nàutica i avui dia

he decided to study nautical science and nowadays

és capitana

she is captain

Avui dia doncs

These days then

la presència de la noia a la facultat

the girl's presence at the faculty

doncs cada vegada va

Well, it goes every time.

va en augment i són

it is increasing and they are

jo coneixo moltes noies de la facultat

I know many girls from the faculty.

doncs que

so what

volen navegar

they want to sail

i que volen estar a un barco

and they want to be on a boat

Aleshores, clar

Then, of course.

jo pel que he parlat

I for what I have talked.

amb la tripulació, per exemple

with the crew, for example

del barco que he estat ara

from the boat I have been on now

i no és la primera vegada que ho escolto

and it is not the first time I have heard it.

els capitans, els oficials

the captains, the officers

han dit

they have said

preferim que no hi hagi dones al barco

we prefer that there are no women on the boat

Hòstia, per què?

Damn, why?

Aleshores, clar

So, of course.

i excusen per si això

and excuse this

sona masclista

it sounds sexist

o discriminatori

or discriminatory



m'explicaven els motius

they were explaining to me the reasons

i clar

and of course

hi ha la

there is the

com t'ho diria

how would I tell you

hi ha el xoc

there is the shock



la il·lusió

the illusion

i el desig

and the desire

per formar part com a noia

to be part as a girl

en aquest sector

in this sector

amb la realitat

with reality

i per desgràcia

and unfortunately

la realitat

the reality

és que

it's that

la gent que està en els barcos

the people who are on the boats

doncs bueno

well then

és gent que en primer lloc

it's people who, first of all

si són barcos amb bandera estrangera

if they are ships with foreign flags

que són pràcticament

what are practically

tots els barcos, queden molt pocs barcos

all the boats, there are very few boats left

amb bandera espanyola, la tripulació

with Spanish flag, the crew

és de Filipines

he is from the Philippines

del Perú

from Peru

un és ucrania

one is Ukraine

l'altre és de la Índia

the other is from India

és com una ONU els barcos

It's like a UN for the boats.

realment avui dia és com si fos una

really nowadays it's as if it were a

una conferència de la ONU

a UN conference

de manera que partim primera

so we start first

gent de diferents cultures

people from different cultures

i clar, això encabir-ho a un barco

And of course, fitting this into a boat.

Perquè l'ambient d'un barco quin és?

What is the atmosphere of a boat?

és a dir, estàs convivint tot el rodó

That is to say, you are living together all around.

clar, l'ambient d'un barco és que has de treballar

Of course, the atmosphere on a boat is that you have to work.

i conviure amb les mateixes persones

and live with the same people

potser durant 4 mesos a un espai molt petit

maybe for 4 months in a very small space

depèn del barco

it depends on the boat

és probable que fins i tot no toquis ni terra

it's likely that you won't even touch the ground

pràcticament si vas amb un patroler

practically if you go with a patroller

estaràs navegant, descarregaràs a una boia

you will be sailing, you will download to a buoy

que estarà a no sé quanta distància de terra

that will be at an unknown distance from land

i tu no trepitjaràs terra

and you will not step on land

de manera que clar

so that it is clear

hi ha una certa soledat

there is a certain solitude

que es

What is it?

suporta suposo

I suppose it supports.

amb la rutina, amb la rutina que tu has de fer

with the routine, with the routine that you have to do

les teves guàrdies de 4 a 8

your shifts from 4 to 8

de 8 a 12 o la guàrdia que et toqui

from 8 to 12 or the shift that you are assigned

i les feines que facis al barco

and the tasks you do on the boat

jo això encara no ho he viscut

I haven't experienced this yet.

perquè en el barco que he estat

because on the ship I have been

doncs era un remolcador

so it was a tugboat

la major part del temps estava a port

most of the time he was at the port

o sigui que he estat una mica mariner de terra a dins

so I've been a bit of a land sailor inside

i bueno

and good

sortia per determinades emergències

it was intended for specific emergencies

clar, en barcos així

of course, in boats like that

doncs no sabria dir-te

then I couldn't tell you

ara mateix, però bueno pel que fa a la dona

Right now, but well as for the woman.

el problema que hi ha és aquest

the problem that exists is this

que la dona ha de fer

what the woman has to do

un esforç extra

an extra effort

per fer-se el seu lloc al barco

to make his place on the boat

i per fer-se respectar el barco

And to earn the respect of the boat.

els nois també

the boys too

perquè tu quan entres d'alumne et diria

because when you enter as a student I would tell you

que potser el més complicat és

that perhaps the most complicated thing is

que la resta de la tripulació

that the rest of the crew

et tracti com a una igual

treat you as an equal

i que et respectin i et tinguin en compte

and may they respect you and take you into account

en el cas de la noia

in the case of the girl

hi ha determinats personatges

there are certain characters

que que una dona

what a woman

els doni ordres

gives them orders

perquè al final la feina dels oficials

because in the end the work of the officials

és donar ordres

it is to give orders

no és tant potser com ser el jefe d'una oficina

it's not so much perhaps as being the boss of an office

perquè aquí és una mica diferent

because here it is a bit different

hi ha molta jerarquia

there is a lot of hierarchy

doncs hi ha gent que no li sembla bé això

Well, there are people who don't think that's good.

que no encaixa bé, que no accepta

that does not fit well, that does not accept

que una dona li doni ordres

that a woman gives him orders

i això és per la desgràcia

and this is for the misfortune

de com ha estat el sector aquest durant molts anys

how the sector has been for many years

i és que la dona doncs no ha tingut

And it is that the woman then has not had.

no s'entenia que hi hagués lloc per dones

it was not understood that there was room for women



d'on ve el comentari aquest que feien alguns capitans

Where does this comment that some captains made come from?

de dir-me

to tell me

jo prefereixo que no hi hagi dones

I prefer that there are no women.

perquè sovint

because often

no per culpa d'elles

not because of them

per culpa de la seva presència

because of her presence

al barco doncs hi ha problemes

On the boat, there are problems.

hi ha problemes

there are problems

això no vol dir que a tots els barcos passi

this doesn't mean that it happens to all ships

però sí que és veritat que és un comentari

but it is true that it is a comment

que s'escolta

that is heard

que no volen tenir dones al barco

that they don't want to have women on the boat

que si han d'escollir

that if they have to choose

prefereixen no tenir dones al barco

they prefer not to have women on the boat

aleshores bueno

then well

també és veritat que hi ha empreses de creuers

It is also true that there are cruise companies.

als Estats Units per exemple

in the United States for example

que tot el pont de comandament són dones

that the whole command bridge is made up of women

la capitana és dona, els primers oficials

the captain is a woman, the first officers

no és una feina

it is not a job

que la dona no pugui fer en absolut

that the woman cannot do at all

la dona ho pot fer perfectament

The woman can do it perfectly.

només hi hauria una cosa

there would only be one thing

que és el fet que si la dona

What is the fact that if the woman

vol tenir fills

wants to have children

aquesta és una carrera

this is a race

que implica que tu durant uns quants mesos

which implies that you for a few months

no pots treballar

you can't work

no estàs a casa

you are not at home

aleshores clar

then of course

doncs això com a mare

well, this as a mother

m'imagino que

I imagine that

no deu ser fàcil

it must not be easy

suposo que no més fàcil

I suppose it’s not any easier.

que potser per un home

that perhaps for a man



és a dir les dones que

that is to say the women who

estan estudiant amb tu a la facultat

They are studying with you at the faculty.

segurament no acabaran en un

they will probably not end up in one

en un barco o faran altres feines

on a boat or they will do other jobs

que en sortir ja estén nàutica

that when exiting was already nautical

és probable que les que vulguin embarcar

it is likely that those who want to board

primer embarquin i estiguin un temps

first embark and stay for a time

alguna potser deia escolta

someone perhaps said listen

per mi la meva carrera és molt important

For me, my career is very important.

jo vull arribar a ser capitana

I want to become a captain.

vull fer de capitana

I want to be a captain.

i estaran navegant i aleshores potser

and they will be sailing and then perhaps

si no es pot organitzar

if it cannot be organized

la família

the family

les seves relacions de tal manera

their relationships in such a way

que digui mira jo puc ser mare

that says look I can be a mother

la meva parella

my partner

s'encarregarà de cuidar

will take care of

educar el fill durant tots els mesos

to educate the child throughout all the months

que jo no hi sigui

that I am not there

doncs si tot això no encaixa

well if all this doesn't fit

hauran d'optar per fer altres feines a terra

they will have to choose to do other ground jobs

que hi ha moltes

that there are many

relacionades amb el món marítim

related to the maritime world

al final el 80% al 90%

in the end, 80% to 90%

de les mercaderies del món es mouen per barco

Most of the world's goods are transported by ship.

per exemple quines?

for example, which ones?

d'un radiador a aquest micròfon

from a radiator to this microphone

amb el que estem parlant

with what we are talking about

al teu ordinador a una forquilla

to your computer to a fork

a cotxes o a farina

to cars or to flour

pràcticament tot ve per barco

almost everything comes by boat

de manera que això comporta

so this involves

que hi ha moltes feines també a terra

that there are many jobs also on land

relacionades amb

related to

tot el que és el negoci

everything that is the business

la logística marítima

maritime logistics

és una opció de fet molta gent

It is actually an option for many people.

siguin homes o dones estan navegant

whether they are men or women, they are sailing.

uns anys i després si vols

a few years and then if you want

compaginar-ho amb tenir una certa

combine it with having a certain

estabilitat familiar

family stability

acabes treballant a terra

you end up working on the ground

tu què faràs?

What will you do?

jo de moment miro

I'm just watching for now.

el present

the present

i el present és que

and the present is that

tinc un

I have a

recorregut llarg

long journey

vull tenir el títol de capità

I want to have the title of captain.

i hauré de

I will have to

pagar aquest preu

pay this price

el preu de passar mesos fora

the price of spending months away

de renunciar a moltes coses

from renouncing many things



parella moltes coses

couple many things

per poder tenir això

to be able to have this

i de la gent

and of the people

que està al voltant

that is around

i que t'aprecia

and values you

és d'agrair que entenguin

It is appreciated that they understand.

que per tu és important

that is important to you

i que t'acompanyin

and may they accompany you

i que et posin les coses

and let things fall into place for you

el més fàcil possible

as easy as possible

al final tu quan estàs navegant

In the end, when you are sailing.

al mig de l'oceà

in the middle of the ocean

t'agrada marxar sabent que

do you like leaving knowing that

les coses estan bé

things are fine

i que quan tornis

and that when you return

les coses seguiran bé

Things will continue to go well.

en aquesta terra

in this land

aquest s'ha separat

this has separated

aquest m'he casat

I have married this one.

aquest ha tingut un fill

he has had a son

aquell se li ha mort un pare

that one has lost a father

és estrany

it's strange

tu estàs en una espècie de microcosmos

you are in a kind of microcosm

i el món al teu voltant segueix

and the world around you continues

i quan tu arribes

and when you arrive

la gent no torna enrere

people do not go back

el món ha seguit

the world has gone on

i tu estàs adaptat a la realitat

And you are adapted to reality.

una mica ser astronauta

a bit of being an astronaut

no sé si és ser astronauta

I don’t know if it is being an astronaut.

però és una professió diferent

but it is a different profession



ja per acabar

just to finish

quin consell donaries

What advice would you give?

a una persona que no sàpiga

to a person who does not know

que estudia

what is studying

o s'estigui plantejant

or is being considered

estudiar nàutica

study nautical sciences

jo suposo que si decideix

I suppose that if he/she decides.

estudiar nàutica

study nautical science

és perquè té algun lligam

it's because he has some connection

amb el mar

with the sea

potser navega

perhaps sails

o fa vela lleugera

or it sails lightly

o potser hi ha gent

or maybe there are people

que s'ha apuntat a nàutica

that has signed up for sailing

i li interessa

and he/she is interested

jo li diria

I would tell him/her.

que ho faci

let it be done

que ho provi

let him try

i un cop dintre de la facultat

and once inside the faculty

s'adonarà que hi ha molts altres camins

you will realize that there are many other paths

per treballar a la nàutica

to work in the nautical sector

que no requereixen

that do not require

a estudiar la carrera

to study the degree

perquè al final la carrera et prepara

because in the end the course prepares you

per ser marino mercante

to be a merchant sailor

i això implica un tipus de barco determinat

and this implies a specific type of boat

barcos de càrrega

cargo ships

barcos de mercaderies

cargo ships

jo en canvi durant tota la carrera

I, on the other hand, throughout the whole course.

m'he sentit molt atret

I have felt very attracted.

per viatjar pel món

to travel the world

per llegir històries de navegants

to read stories of navigators

que s'han anat a descobrir

that have gone to discover

que han creuat l'oceà

that have crossed the ocean

i això és el que més m'ha interessat

and this is what has interested me the most

i el que més m'interessa

and what interests me the most

però al final

but in the end

hem de treballar d'alguna cosa

we have to work on something

i si vull treballar un barco

And if I want to work on a boat.

el que més s'hi apropa

the closest to it

és això

it is this

l'estar embarcat

being onboard

de manera que

so that

que entri

let it in

que navegui

let it sail

i si no li agrada

and if he/she doesn't like it

marxa enrere


i ha de dedicar-te a una altra cosa

You have to dedicate yourself to something else.

i a una persona que no sàpiga què estudiar

And to a person who does not know what to study.

que estigui completament indecisa

that is completely undecided

a una persona

to a person

que navegui també

that it sails too

a una persona que estigui indecisa

to a person who is indecisive

li diria

I would tell him/her.

t'ho deia abans al principi

I told you that before at the beginning.

que agafi un any sabàtic

that he/she takes a sabbatical year

per fer algo

to do something

que s'ho proposi

let him/her propose it

i segur que ho aconseguirà

I am sure he/she will achieve it.

de no ser que sigui algo exagerat

unless it's something exaggerated

al principi de l'entrevista ho dèiem

At the beginning of the interview, we mentioned it.

a mi se'm va fotre el cap que jo volia un barco

I got it into my head that I wanted a boat.

si se'm va posar el cap que jo volia un barco

if it occurred to me that I wanted a boat

era perquè estava avorrit el primer any de carrera

It was because I was bored the first year of college.

estic convençut

I am convinced.

no tenia diners per fer-ho

I didn't have money to do it.

però bueno, tens aquesta idea al cap

but well, you have this idea in mind

estudies si és viable, si és possible

you study whether it is viable, whether it is possible

i t'hi tires

and you throw yourself in it

i puges el tren de fer aquestes coses

And you take the train to do these things.

i penso que

I think that

una bona opció per descobrir

a good option to discover

què és el que t'agrada

What do you like?

és sortir del sistema

it is to exit the system

que hi ha establert

that is established

ara fas la primària, ara fas l'ESO

now you are in primary school, now you are in secondary education

després el batxillerat

after high school

i ràpid, ràpid, escolleix algo, escolleix bé

And quick, quick, choose something, choose wisely.

fes la selectivitat, treu la nota

take the entrance exam, get the grade

perquè si no tindràs un drama existencial

because if not you'll have an existential crisis

perquè amb el que m'ha costat

because of how much it has cost me

t'escollir la carrera ara perquè a sobre no entri

You choose the career now so that it doesn't enter on top.

després vés a la facultat

then go to the faculty

i després de la facultat

and after college

ara fes les pràctiques, ara busca feina

now do the internship, now look for a job

al final anem tot rodat

in the end we all go round

de manera que en cas de dubte

so that in case of doubt


stop yourself

veure el món

see the world

i dir, escolta'm, a mi el que m'agrada és això

And I say, listen to me, what I like is this.

a mi el que m'agrada és muntar cavall

What I like is riding a horse.

a mi el que m'agrada és cuidar les ovelles

What I like is taking care of the sheep.

a mi el que m'agrada és

what I like is

anar amb un baler per aire

to go with a ballerina by air

m'agrada dissenyar roba

I like designing clothes.

m'agraden els animals

I like animals.


I like them.

el disseny de videojocs

video game design

això és el gran dilema de totes les coses

this is the great dilemma of all things

que no estan a les assignatures del batxillerat

that are not in the high school subjects

i que molta gent es pensa que no existeixen

and many people think they don't exist

que només pots fer el que hi ha al batxillerat

that you can only do what is in the baccalaureate

si haguessis d'escollir alguna cosa al batxillerat

if you had to choose something in high school

que haguessis escollit tu?

What would you have chosen?



segurament estudiar al batxillerat

probably study at the high school

és més complicat si no tens l'objectiu

It's more complicated if you don't have the goal.

de dir, vull entrar a aquesta carrera

I want to enter this race.

o vull entrar a aquest cicle formatiu

I want to enter this training program.

o vull fer el que sigui

I want to do whatever it takes.

és un preu

it's a price

a pagar, suposo

to pay, I suppose

un peatge

a toll

Marc Nicolas

Marc Nicolas

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

per compartir les teves aventures

to share your adventures

que no són

that are not

o tu per escoltar-les

or you to listen to them

no són pas avorrides

they are not boring at all

i moltes gràcies per haver vingut

and thank you very much for coming

de veritat, gràcies

really, thank you

prova a cantar si ho fan els altres

try to sing if the others do

i canta poc si et sembla interessant

And sing little if it seems interesting to you.

riu a pulmó

laugh out loud

si ho fan els altres

if others do it

però no t'estranyis si et gires

but don't be surprised if you turn around

que riguin de tu

let them laugh at you

que no et sorprenguis si estan farts de tu

don't be surprised if they are fed up with you

jugar a ser com és

play to be how it is

la gent normal

normal people

la gent normal com tu

normal people like you

vull dormir

I want to sleep.

amb gent normal com tu

with normal people like you

vull dormir

I want to sleep.

amb gent normal com tu

with normal people like you

vull dormir

I want to sleep.

amb gent normal com tu

with normal people like you

vull dormir

I want to sleep.

amb gent normal com tu

with normal people like you

vull dormir

I want to sleep.

amb gent

with people

normal com tu

normal like you


Thank you.

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