Rallades d'un(a) Panini


Rallades d'un(a) Panini

Mmm... les sectes.

Mmm... the sects.

Avui em ve de gust parlar de les sectes.

Today I feel like talking about sects.

Què és una secta? Doncs realment ara mateix no tinc el dia endavant,

What is a cult? Well, right now I don't really have the day ahead.

però jo suposo que deu ser algun tipus...

but I suppose it must be some kind of...

agrupació de gent amb un interès comú,

group of people with a common interest,

però que poden arribar a ser turbios, jo què sé.

but they can become murky, I don't know.

Realment no tinc gaire idea de com definir una secta,

I really have no idea how to define a cult,

però sé que n'estic en vàries i que tothom deu estar en una mínim.

but I know that I am in several and that everyone must be in at least one.

O sigui, és impossible no estar dins d'una secta.

That is, it is impossible not to be in a cult.

Què passa? Que avui en dia és com que la paraula secta

What's happening? Nowadays, it seems that the word sect.

no només es refereix com a aquelles coses turbies, religioses, sabeu com...

it not only refers to those murky, religious things, you know like...

No, no em refereixo al cristianisme, encara que entengui la confusió, eh?

No, I'm not referring to Christianity, although I understand the confusion, okay?

Però més com típica secta que diu, no sé,

But more like a typical sect that says, I don't know,

tots som fruit de la imaginació d'uns aliens

we are all the fruit of the imagination of some aliens

que ens vindran a buscar amb una nau espatllal

that they will come to pick us up with a broken spaceship

algun dia d'aquests.

someday soon.

No, o sigui, també hi ha gent que està dins d'aquestes, però no sé.

No, I mean, there are also people who are in these, but I don't know.

Si algú està dins d'una, m'agradaria saber-ho, del pal.

If someone is in one, I would like to know, from the stick.

Quina edat deu tenir? Que és Déu fuma?

What age must he/she be? What does God smoke?

No ho sé, m'agradaria tenir aquesta il·luminació

I don't know, I would like to have this lighting.

en els exàmens de física, però bueno.

in the physics exams, but well.

La cosa és, jo em refereixo a sectes més aviat com

The thing is, I refer to sects more like

típica secta del col·le, o típica secta de l'AMPA,

typical school clique, or typical parents' association clique,

o APA, o com li digueu, no ho sé,

or Dad, or whatever you want to call him, I don't know,

típica associació de pares i mares i alumnes,

typical association of parents and mothers and students,

i que dius, pobres, no fan res, però bueno.

And what do you say, poor people, they do nothing, but well.

Si sou de l'AMPA, us sento molt.

If you are from the AMPA, I'm very sorry.

La vostra funció és inútil, gràcies.

Your function is useless, thank you.

Però és que hi ha moltes sectes, realment.

But there are really many sects.

O sigui, tu pots formar part de la...

That is, you can be part of the...

Sabeu el típic col·le, no?, que és així com...

You know the typical collection, right?, which is like...

Bueno, en el meu cas no era com súper elitista,

Well, in my case it wasn't like super elitist,

però que també, però que és com un...

but also, but it's like a...

Et trobes a tothom d'aquell col·le a tot arreu del pal.

You find everyone from that group everywhere around the pole.

A mi em passa molt, jo estant dins de tantes sectes

It happens to me a lot, being in so many sects.

a la meva vida, o sigui, per començar a mirar,

in my life, that is, to start looking,

jo vaig anar des del meu col·le,

I went from my school,

començar des de P3, i pots passar-t'hi fins al batxillerat,

you can start from P3, and you can stay there until high school,

i perquè no tenen universitat, perquè si no,

and because they don't have a university, because if they did,

allà seguiries pagant com... jo que sé què.

there you would still be paying like... I don't know what.

Total, què passa? Que clar, tu entres al col·le,

Totally, what’s up? Because of course, you enter school,

d'aquells que queden durant la vida,

of those that remain during life,

llavors entres i dius, vale, doncs estic allà,

then you go in and say, okay, so I'm there,

amb la gent, potser hi ha 100-20 persones més al teu curs,

with the people, there may be 100-20 more people in your class,

qui sap, què passa?

Who knows, what happens?

Que bueno, que està molt bé que els veus al col·le,

That's great, it's very nice that you see them at school.

vale, com 6-7 hores al dia.

Okay, like 6-7 hours a day.

Perfecte, potser acabes fart

Perfect, maybe you'll end up fed up.

i tens ganes de tirar algú per la finestra,

and you feel like throwing someone out of the window,

però bueno, diguem que és il·legal,

but well, let's say it's illegal,

poder pots, però té conseqüències,

you can, but it has consequences,

com tota la vida.

like all life.

Què passa? Que dius, vale,

What's happening? What are you saying, okay,

són, jo que sé, les 5 de la tarda,

it's, I don't know, 5 in the afternoon,

jo que sé quina hora surt la gent del col·le,

I know what time the people from school leave.

però tu surts, i dius, ja està, no he de veure aquesta gent,

but you go out, and you say, that's it, I don't have to see these people,

spoiler, sí que la veuràs.

spoiler, yes you will see her.

O sigui,

That is,

jo és que me'ls trobo a tot arreu, saps?

I just find them everywhere, you know?

A l'equip de hockey, futbol, bàsquet,

To the hockey, soccer, basketball team,

el que sigui i tal, trobes algú d'allà,

whatever it is and so on, you find someone from there,

i dius, joder, em passaria això,

and you say, damn, this would happen to me,

però és que dius, bueno, llavors no me'l trobaré al cau,

but you say, well, then I won't find him at the den,

és clar, igual que sigui, i també te'ls trobes,

it's clear, no matter how it is, and you also come across them,

i dius, bueno, vale, no passa res,

and you say, well, okay, it doesn't matter,

tot correcte, potser és perquè la gent és de la zona,

all correct, maybe it's because the people are from the area,

que tampoc fa falta, perquè jo és que estic

that it's not necessary either, because I am

a un equip que no és de la zona,

to a team that is not from the area,

i em trobo gent de tot arreu, però també m'he trobat gent

And I find people from all over, but I have also met people.

del meu col·le, per favor.

from my collection, please.

Però jo què sé,

But what do I know,

te'n vas de sobte a,

you're suddenly going to,

jo què sé, al teu poble de l'estiu,

I don't know, in your summer village,

i també et trobes la gent allà.

And you also find people there.

Llavors et preguntes, estic dins

Then you ask yourself, am I inside?

d'una secta i no me l'he enterat?

of a cult and I didn't realize it?

Perquè pot ser,

Because it can be,

tu potser entres així innocent,

you might enter like this innocent,

i et van fent com tip que

and they are making you like tip that

propaganda subliminal, missatges subliminals

subliminal propaganda, subliminal messages

d'aquells com a la segona guerra mundial era,

of those like in the Second World War era,

no ho sé, no se'm dóna bé història.

I don't know, I'm not good at history.

Però s'ha de fer com pa, pa, pa,

But it must be done like bread, bread, bread.

i acabes rebent informació que no te la dones

And you end up receiving information that you don't give.

que la reps, però la processes,

that you receive it, but you process it,

i potser acabes estant dins d'aquesta secta

and maybe you end up being part of this cult

sense enterar-te, i estàs com

without realizing it, and you are like

en una bombolleta

in a little bubble

de vida, no ho sé,

of life, I don't know,

però que no pots esfer d'aquesta gent,

but what you can't do with these people,

i dius, merda, què passa? Llavors arribes a la fase

And you say, shit, what's happening? Then you reach the phase

en què dius, ala,

in what you say, oh,

estic dins d'una secta.

I am in a cult.

Llavors és quan comences a plantejar realment la teva vida,

That's when you really start to question your life.

i comences a veure't perreu, i penses que

and you start to see yourself as a burden, and you think that

et persegueixen. Llavors és molt

they chase you. Then it is very

difícil de sortir, però llavors arriba el moment

difficult to get out, but then the moment arrives

en què perig raó et canvies de

what dangerous reason do you change from

col·le, canvies de cau,

collect, changes of shelter,

jo què sé,

I don't know.

surts d'aquella bombolla, i dius,

you come out of that bubble, and you say,

oh que bé, m'he alliberat, però és que segur que tornes

oh how nice, I’ve freed myself, but I’m sure you’ll come back

a anar a una secta, jo estic segura,

to go to a cult, I am sure,

he tornat a estar a una secta, vaig de secta,

I have been in a cult again, I go from cult to cult.

no me'n desfaig, però què passa?

I'm not getting rid of it, but what's happening?

Que de sobte et trobes

That suddenly you find yourself

amb la gent de la teva secta anterior,

with the people from your previous sect,

i això és molt violent, eh, gent,

and this is very violent, huh, people,

és molt violent, és com que els has traït.

it's very violent, it's like you've betrayed them.

Potser, jo què sé, et posen un ganivet a sota

Maybe, I don't know, they put a knife underneath you.

del teu coixí, no?

from your pillow, right?

Jo què sé, o potser venen a casa

I don’t know, or maybe they come to the house.

teva a dir-te, què tal

I have to tell you, how are you?

a la nova secta? I dius,

to the new sect? And you say,

molt bé,

very well,

són majos.

they are nice.

I et diran alguna cosa com, ai, nosaltres no.

They will tell you something like, oh, not us.

Llavors serà incòmode perquè no els pots dir que no,

Then it will be uncomfortable because you can't say no to them.

que els odiaves, saps? O sigui,

that you hated them, you know? I mean,

és complicat.

It's complicated.



no sé, jo, a mi aquest tema de sectes

I don't know, for me this topic of cults...

em pertorba de vegades, no? Perquè

It bothers me sometimes, doesn’t it? Because

és com que la gent va molt de,

it's like people go a lot to,

no, jo sóc un ànima lliure,

no, I am a free spirit,

jo tinc els meus propis

I have my own.

pensaments, sóc

thoughts, I am

un individu de la societat,

an individual of society,

però és que d'aquesta societat està partida

but this society is divided

en sectes, que bueno, també hi ha altres coses,

In sects, well, there are also other things,

però, no sé, arriba un moment

but, I don't know, a moment arrives

en què se't marquen tant els

what do you stand out for so much?

valors de la bombolleta on estàs

values of the bubble where you are

o el lloc on estàs i el que sé, com li ho

or the place where you are and what I know, how I tell him

vulgueu dir,

you mean,

que aleshores ja no saps si te'n pots

that then you don't know if you can go

desfer, no?, d'aquests valors del pal.

Dissolve, right?, of these values of the pole.

Jo pensava que era lliure

I thought I was free.

de la secta que era el meu col·le

of the cult that my school was

i que ja ho havia superat, però de sobte

and that I had already overcome it, but suddenly

te'n vas a una altra secta i veus que encara tens

You're going to another sect and you see that you still have.

els valors aquells que te n'odiaves.

those values that you hated.

Te n'adones de que ets

Are you aware of what you are?

un d'ells encara.

one of them still.

Però aleshores t'arriben

But then you arrive.

nous valors de la nova secta

new values of the new sect

i és quan el teu jo interior es parteix en dos

and it's when your inner self splits in two

i està en combat constantment.

and is in constant combat.

Tipo, i llavors comences

Dude, and then you start.

a sentir baguetes i

to feel baguettes and

de més. No és esquizofrenia,

more. It's not schizophrenia,

nens, no, no, no, això és una altra cosa que

kids, no, no, no, this is something else than

realment és seriosa, nens, no hem de fer broma amb això,

it's really serious, kids, we shouldn't joke about this,

perdó. Però,

Sorry. But,

no ho sé,

I don't know,

ara tinc por.

now I am afraid.

És que ara mateix

It's just that right now.

m'he posat paranoica.

I've become paranoid.

Ara potser m'apareix

Now perhaps it will appear to me.

algú per darrere i em diu

someone from behind says to me

fill de puta, què fas?

son of a bitch, what are you doing?

Per què ens has abandonat? I llavors

Why have you abandoned us? And then

serà quan tothom es plantejarà una altra vegada la seva vida.

it will be when everyone will reconsider their life again.



ara mateix m'estic centrant molt en les

right now I am focusing a lot on the

sectes del col·le. Però n'hi ha d'altres,

sects of the school. But there are others,

no? Digo jo.

No? I say.

Abans ho heus mentit, lo de l'AMPA.

Before you lied about the AMPA.

Hi ha sempre

There is always

com típic sector de pares

as a typical parents' sector

dels col·les o dels clubs

of the groups or of the clubs

que és com que

which is how that

diuen la vida dels seus fills, jo crec,

they say the lives of their children, I believe,

no? Que diuen

No? What do they say?

la vida del meu fill, ara és la meva vida

The life of my son, now it is my life.

i es dediquen totalment a allò del pal.

and they are completely dedicated to that stuff.

No sé, a mi m'agradaria tenir

I don't know, I would like to have.

la meva pròpia vida, no? Igualment si tinc fills

my own life, right? Likewise if I have children

o algo, que bueno, primer tenir-los, no?

Oh something, that's good, first having them, right?

Que també és un altre tema, però bueno.

That's another topic, but alright.

Però és com aquestes

But it is like these.

ganes de

desire to

implicar-te al 100%, o sigui, jo sincerament

to get involved 100%, I mean, I honestly

em cansaria d'aquest nen, no? Del pal, joder.

I would get tired of this kid, wouldn’t I? Seriously, damn.

Ja prou, calla, ja, arregla't

Enough already, be quiet, come on, get ready.

tu la vida, vale? Que has d'estar pendent d'ell,

You live your life, okay? You have to pay attention to him,



Què fas amb l'empa?

What are you doing with the pack?

Et poses dins els xanxullos del col·le?

Do you get involved in the school gossip?

Has de fer bocates per nens

You have to make sandwiches for kids.

que no són teus? Has d'organitzar

that are not yours? You need to organize.

coses que ho fas fatal i els nens

things that you do terribly and the children

se't queixen? A mi, per exemple,

Do they complain to you? To me, for example,

m'ha passat molt, tipo, a la ESO

It has happened to me a lot, like, in middle school.

a nosaltres ens feien fer totes les tardes,

they made us do it every afternoon,

no? I jo veia, si aquesta és la meva tarda lliure,

No? And I saw, if this is my free afternoon,

i en plan, que tarda lliure, melón?

And like, what's taking you so long, melon?

A l'Igualtens és una tarda lliure.

At the Igualtens, it's a free afternoon.

Jo acabava a les 4 i mitja cada dia.

I finished at half past four every day.

No, llavors era una merda, no? Perquè

No, then it was a mess, right? Because

aleshores ja anaves a l'extraescolar

so then you were already going to the extracurricular activity

o el que fos i se't menjava la tarda i

or whatever it was and it ate up the afternoon and

deies, alza, són les 12 de la nit

you said, raise, it is 12 at night

i no he fet els hores de mates. Que al final t'era igual,

And I haven't done the math homework. That in the end it didn't matter to you.

eh? Perquè era la ESO. Però,

Huh? Because it was high school. But,

no sé,

I don't know,

no ho veia necessari.

I didn't see it as necessary.

Què va passar en aquell moment, no? Els democús

What happened at that moment, right? The democūs

que eren així moderns i molt guais, ens creien

that they were so modern and very cool, they believed us

molt grans, però pobres. Realment jo

very large, but poor. Really I

em veia de petita i em pagava una patada de cara, però

I saw myself as a child and it gave me a slap in the face, but

ho deixarem en un altre tema.

We'll leave it for another topic.

A lo que anava,

What I was getting at,

sí, estic molt

yes, I am very

espessa. Anyway,

thick. Anyway,

què estava

what was



Ah, sí. Què vam fer

Ah, yes. What did we do?

en aquell moment, no? Que teníem

At that moment, right? What we had

totes les tardes i la resta dels nostres amics

every afternoon and the rest of our friends

d'altres escoles, que el tanto, que potser

from other schools, that the score, that perhaps

no en tenies perquè estaves dins de la secta

you didn't have it because you were inside the cult

i hi havia gent que era com supersocial

and there were people who were like super social

i jo flipava, no? S'estan

I was freaking out, right? They're getting

relacionant amb altres sectes, que fort!

relating to other sects, how strong!

No, però llavors et deies,

No, but then you would say,

jo també vull sortir més d'hora o

I also want to leave earlier or

jo què sé, fem horari intensiu i així

I don't know, let's have intensive hours and that's it.

em deixeu pirar-me a casa meva. Què

You let me party at my home. What?

va passar? Ho vam dir, no?

Did it happen? We said it, right?

Per què hem de fer això?

Why do we have to do this?

Per què som així? Quin problema tenim

Why are we like this? What problem do we have?

en aquesta escola? Què ens van

in this school? What did they give us

dir? No,

say? No,

això ja es va proposar,

this has already been proposed,

però és que als pares no els hi semblava bé. I jo

but the parents didn't think it was right. And I

em van dir, què pares? Si mai pregunteu res,

They told me, what are you stopping for? If you never ask anything,

melores, si sempre ens tireu aquí la factura,

better, if you always send us the bill here,

sin más. No, no, no,

no more. No, no, no,

els de l'AMPA ho vam proposar, però ens van

we from the AMPA proposed it, but they didn't

dir que no, perquè si no, no els hi donava

say no, because if not, I wouldn't give them to them

temps d'anar a recollir els seus fills des de

time to go pick up their children from

la feina. A què tu et planteges?

the work. What are you thinking about?

Què conya has de tu

What the hell do you want from me?

venir a buscar el teu fill a l'ESO?

come to pick up your son from high school?

Vale, si vius, jo què sé, jo soc de Barcelona, però

Okay, if you live, I don't know, I'm from Barcelona, but

si vius a Sant Cugat, doncs possiblement sí

If you live in Sant Cugat, then possibly yes.

que el vindràs a buscar, no? Perquè a un nen

that you'll come to pick him up, right? Because to a child

de 12 anys realment jo els ferros no els deixo anar

Since I was 12, I really don't let go of the weights.

sol, ho sento, no? Per molt madur

Sorry, no? For being so mature.

que sigui, saps? I depenent de l'hora, doncs

Let it be, you know? And depending on the time, then.

què dir-te. Però,

What can I say to you? But,

és que a la meva escola no hi havia ningú de tan

It's just that there was no one of that kind at my school.

lluny. Tipo, la persona

far away. Like, the person

que vivia més lluny vivia 30 minuts

those who lived further away lived 30 minutes

caminant, o havia de pillar el metro, o

walking, or I had to catch the subway, or

tenia germans grans. Però això del

I had older brothers. But this about the

pal, no. És que si no,

dude, no. It's just that if not,

no li donava temps de venir-lo a buscar. Però si mai

I didn't have time to come to pick him up. But if ever.

hi ha vist un pare venir-lo a buscar el seu fill a

He has seen a father come to pick up his son.

l'ESO. Què els

the ESO. What them

porta? O sigui, hola?

door? I mean, hello?

No, em vaig quedar flipant del pal.

No, I was left amazed by the stick.

Quin problema teniu? Llavors, què passa?

What problem do you have? So, what happens?

Que el col·le ens monopolitzava també

That school also monopolized us.

les tardes. Llavors encara estaves més dins

the afternoons. Then you were even more inside

de la secta. I aleshores volies fer un esport

of the sect. And then you wanted to play a sport

i deies, ui,

and you said, oh,

és una mica com massa tard,

it's a bit like too late,

no? Com per haver-me d'expressar

No? How am I supposed to express myself?

massa, vaig a fer l'esport

too much, I'm going to do sport

de la setmana també al col·le.

of the week also at school.

I aleshores no només estaves dins de la secta

And then you were not only in the cult.

del col·le, estaves dins de la secta

from the group, you were inside the sect

de les extracolars del col·le. O sigui, la

of the extracurriculars from the school. That is, the

de bàsquet, la de bàsquet, una cosa.

basketball, the basketball, one thing.

Tot bé per casa? Pregunto.

Everything okay at home? I'm asking.

Perquè a mi, sincerament,

Because to me, honestly,

que em posin un entreno a les 9 i mitja

that they schedule me a training session at half past nine

i acabar a les 11, pues els hi pagava

and finish at 11, well I would pay them.

una patada. O sigui,

a kick. I mean,

no. No, un entreno

No. No, a training session.

s'acaba a les 8, quan estàs a l'ESO.

It ends at 8, when you are in secondary school.

Quan ja comença a ser més gran, entenc

When you start to get older, I understand.

que hi hagi entrenos que acabin més tard,

that there are training sessions that end later,

no? Jo he arribat a fer entrenos de 8 a 10 i dius,

No? I have trained from 8 to 10 and you say,

bueno, tu correcte, però és que de 9 i mitja

Well, you're right, but it's that at half past nine.

a 11, hola?

At 11, hello?

No sé, és que

I don't know, it's just that

no em sembla normal.

I don't think it's normal.

Però, bueno, m'he desviat una mica del tema.

But, well, I've strayed a bit from the topic.

Perquè, com podeu veure,

Because, as you can see,

m'agrada tirar merda a la meva secta anterior.

I like to throw shit at my previous sect.

Ara mateix jo estic molt bé a la meva secta.

Right now I am very happy in my sect.

He acceptat que sóc part d'ella.

I have accepted that I am part of her.

I, sé,

I know.

no estic malament, no. És més aviat

I'm not bad, no. It's more like

més interessant perquè realment som

more interesting because we really are

del tot sectaris, saps? Perquè hi ha sectes

completely sectarian, you know? Because there are sects.

que també tenen subsectes.

that also have subsects.

I aquí és quan comença la merda i la secta es

And this is where the shit starts and the sect is

desmunta, no? No, no. Una secta ha de ser una

Dismantles, right? No, no. A sect has to be one.

pinya, ha de ser una família.

Pineapple, it has to be a family.

Ha de ser amb les persones amb

It must be with the people with

qui te'n vols anar, una nau espatllal amb els

who do you want to leave, a damaged ship with the



Però, no sé.

But, I don't know.

No sé, em sembla curiós tot en general.

I don't know, everything seems curious to me in general.

Perquè, si tu mires enrere, quantes sectes

Because if you look back, how many sects

hi ha estat?

Has it been?

No sé.

I don't know.

És una bona pregunta

It is a good question.

que pots plantejar.

that you can propose.

Però, no ho sé.

But, I don't know.

Deu ser curiós, no?

It must be curious, right?

Però, bueno,

But, well,

no ho sé.

I don't know.

Crec que ja he comentat tot el que

I believe I have already commented on everything that

he comentat sobre aquest tema.

I have commented on this topic.

No sé, el meu cap depenir-hi de vegades.

I don't know, my head depends on it sometimes.

És com que s'ha trencat.

It's as if it has been broken.

Però, bueno,

But, well,

què hi farem? No passa res.

What can we do? It's no big deal.

Però, bueno,

But, well,

si algun dia

if someday

algú m'ha de comentar alguna cosa de les sectes

Someone has to tell me something about sects.

o m'ha de dir, tia, se t'estan

oh you have to tell me, girl, they are getting

molt la flapa amb aquesta secta, t'has

very the flapa with this sect, you have

tatuat el nom de la secta al

tattooed the name of the cult on the

cul, doncs aleshores

ass, so then

m'ho podeu dir, eh? Vull dir, també sé

You can tell me, right? I mean, I also know.

que hi hagi gent de fora d'una secta

that there are people from outside a sect

que et digui, ei, t'estàs semant.

Let me tell you, hey, you're getting carried away.

No és sa per la teva salut. I com saps

It is not good for your health. And how do you know?

que no és sa? Doncs quan portes només dormint

What is not healthy? Well, when you spend only sleeping.

dues hores tots els dies i prenent-te dos cafès

two hours every day and having two coffees

per dia, per poder sobreviure

per day, to be able to survive

a la secta. No és sa, companys.

to the cult. It's not healthy, mates.

No és sa. Jo a trimestrals,

It's not healthy. I do it quarterly.

haha, fix de lol.

Haha, fixed of lol.

Però, bueno,

But, well,

fins aquí avui.

That's all for today.

Perquè bàsicament he de fer

Because basically I have to do

deures de química i m'he posat

chemistry homework and I've started

a parlar perquè vull procrastinar.

to talk because I want to procrastinate.

Però, bueno, tot correcte.

But, well, everything's fine.

No sé,

I don't know,

quan m'hagi arrellat amb un altre tema

when I have rooted myself with another theme

ja el comentaré algun dia.

I'll comment on it someday.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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