Història de Sant Pau.



Història de Sant Pau.


El podcast de la Bíblia

The Bible podcast

Hola a tots i benvinguts un dia més al nostre podcast.

Hello everyone and welcome once again to our podcast.

Nosaltres som Mar i Laia i avui anem a parlar de Sant Pau,

We are Mar and Laia and today we are going to talk about Sant Pau.

basant-nos en la pel·lícula que hem vist a l'aula

based on the movie we watched in class

i els fragments de la Bíblia que parlen sobre ell.

and the fragments of the Bible that speak about him.

A l'inici de la història, Pau es diu Saule i està amb el seu amic Rubén.

At the beginning of the story, Pau is called Saule and is with his friend Rubén.

Pau i Rubén es trobaven en un cicle temporal posterior al de Jesús,

Pau and Rubén were in a temporal cycle later than that of Jesus,

per lo que ells dos no van conviure amb ell.

so that they both did not live with him.

Saule estava en contra de Jesús, estava de la part dels grans sacerdots.

Saul was against Jesus, he was on the side of the high priests.

En aquell moment, sols quedaven molts pocs seguidors de Jesús.

At that moment, there were very few followers of Jesus left.

Aquests dos es mostren a la pel·lícula i són Pere i Joan,

These two are shown in the movie and they are Pere and Joan.

que seguien explicant les paraules de Jesús arreu del món

that continued explaining the words of Jesus throughout the world

i això es va causar molts problemes.

and this caused a lot of problems.

Bernabé, que va arribar com a creient de Jesús i va seguir la fe d'aquest.

Bernabé, who came as a believer in Jesus and followed his faith.

I Esteve, que va ser el primer a morir tras seguir les paraules de Jesús

I Esteve, who was the first to die after following the words of Jesus.

i predicar el seu nom.

and preach his name.

Pau, o Saule, va matar i assustar molts seguidors de Jesús i va afirmar aquestes.

Paul, or Saul, killed and scared many followers of Jesus and affirmed these.

Vosaltres ja heu sentit parlar de com em comportava quan era el judaïsme.

You have already heard how I behaved when I was in Judaism.

Perseguia amb fúria l'Església de Déu i la volia destruir

He pursued with fury the Church of God and wanted to destroy it.

i en la defensa del judaïsme sobrepassava molts companys de la meva edat,

and in the defense of Judaism surpassed many of my peers.

ja que era molt celós de les tradicions dels meus pares.

since I was very jealous of my parents' traditions.

Un dia, Saule, Rubén i el seu exèrcit van decidir anar a matar

One day, Saule, Rubén, and their army decided to go kill.

els seguidors de Jesús que es troben a la sinagoga.

the followers of Jesus who are in the synagogue.

En el camí d'anada es va produir la conversió de Saule.

On the way, Saule's conversion took place.

Aquesta s'explica en els Fets dels Apòstols, capítol 9, 1, 1, guionet 7.

This is explained in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 9, verse 1, hyphen 7.

Quan Saule arribava a prop de Damasc, de sobte li envoltava un fum fulgurant

When Saul was approaching Damascus, suddenly a shining smoke surrounded him.

que venia del cel.

that came from the sky.

Va caure a terra i sentia una veu que li deia

It fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to it.

Saule, Saule, per què em persigueixes?

Saul, Saul, why are you pursuing me?

I pregunta, qui ets, senyor?

And I ask, who are you, sir?

Li respongué, jo sóc Jesús, el que tu persigueixes.

He replied, I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.

Després de la seva conversió, Saule va anar a buscar enemies.

After his conversion, Saul went to seek enemies.

Aquest li torna la vista i el va reunir amb tots els seguidors

This one restores his sight and brings him together with all the followers.

de Jesús.

of Jesus.

Ell va començar a formar part de la seva comunitat.

He started to become part of his community.

Després de la conversió de Saule al cristianisme,

After Saul's conversion to Christianity,

aquest ha de passar pels morts calvaris i ha de fugir moltes vegades

this has to go through the dead Calvary and has to flee many times

dels grans sacerdots.

of the high priests.

Aquestes vegades i les seves experiències les compta a Corintis 11,

These times and their experiences are recounted in Corinthians 11.

versicle 23, guionet 21.

verse 23, hyphen 21.

5 vegades he rebut 10 xueus i 39 els 39 assots.

5 times I have received 10 blows and 39 the 39 lashes.

3 vegades m'han fletitat, una vegada m'han apedregat,

I have been flirted with three times, I have been stoned once,

3 vegades he naufragat i he passat una nit i un dia sense ser

I have shipwrecked three times and spent a night and a day without being.

a la deriva en alta mar.

adrift at sea.

Després de tantes vegades de fugir, una vegada Pau no ho aconsegueix

After so many times running away, one time Pau doesn't succeed.

i és mort.

And he is dead.

Després d'haver viscut tota aquesta història, Pau la compta a Último 10,

After having lived through this whole story, Pau tells it to Último 10,

capítol 1, versicles del 12 al 14.

chapter 1, verses 12 to 14.

I ho diu així.

He/She says it like this.

Dono gràcies a aquell qui m'ha fet fort, Jesucrist, Senyor nostre,

I give thanks to him who has made me strong, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

ja que ha volgut donar-me aquest ministeri i s'ha fiat de mi,

since he has wanted to give me this ministry and has entrusted me,

que primer blasfemava contra ell, el perseguia i l'inxurava,

who first blasphemed against him, pursued him, and insulted him,

però Déu es va piedar de mi perquè obrava amb ignorància i a que enganxava.

but God had mercy on me because I acted in ignorance and was deceiving.

I a qui encara no tenia fe.

And to those who still did not have faith.

I la gràcia del nostre Senyor ha estat molt abundosa,

And the grace of our Lord has been very abundant,

juntament amb la fe i l'amor que trobem en Jesucrist.

together with the faith and love that we find in Jesus Christ.

I ja està, sí, el podcast d'avui.

And that's it, yes, today's podcast.

Moltes gràcies per haver-nos sentit.

Thank you very much for listening to us.

Ens podeu trobar a les plataformes de Spotify i Anchor.

You can find us on the platforms of Spotify and Anchor.

Moltes gràcies per tot i esperem que us hagi agradat.

Thank you very much for everything and we hope you liked it.

Ens vegem el pròxim dimarts.

See you next Tuesday.



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