Sant Pau

Paula Rubio Albelda


Sant Pau


La vida de Sant Pau

The life of Saint Paul

Hola, nosaltres som Júlia i Paula

Hello, we are Júlia and Paula.

i avui anem a parlar-vos sobre la vida de Sant Pau

And today we are going to talk to you about the life of Saint Paul.

i tot el que va patir al convertir-se en el cristianisme.

and all that he suffered in converting to Christianity.

Pau és descrit al Nou Testament com un jueu,

Paul is described in the New Testament as a Jew,

helenitzat i ciutadà romàritas.

Hellenized and Roman citizenship.

Ell va ser perseguidor dels cristians

He was a persecutor of Christians.

fins que a l'arribada de Damasc es va convertir al cristianisme.

until he converted to Christianity upon arrival in Damascus.

Després de ser acceptat per tots els apòstols,

After being accepted by all the apostles,

va rebre l'encàrrec de predicar l'Evangeli Gentils de l'Imperi Romà.

he received the commission to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles of the Roman Empire.

Se li atribuïs l'escriptura de 14 cartes o epístoles

He is attributed with the writing of 14 letters or epistles.

conegudes com a epístoles paulines,

known as Pauline epistles,

que es troben al Nou Testament.

that are found in the New Testament.

Ell va ajudar a orientar a la comunitat religiosa

He helped guide the religious community.

a superar la hipòtesi d'un judaïsme nacionalista

to overcome the hypothesis of a nationalist Judaism

i tancat que amenaçava la universalitat.

and closed that threatened universality.

Pau és venerat com a sant per tota la cristianitat

Paul is venerated as a saint by all of Christianity.

i la seva festivitat es celebra el 29 de juny amb la de Sant Pere.

And its feast day is celebrated on June 29 along with Saint Peter.

Abans de ser cridat per Jesús,

Before being called by Jesus,

Pau perseguia amb fúria l'Església de Déu.

Pau was fiercely pursuing the Church of God.

També tenia pensaments destructius cap a ells

I also had destructive thoughts towards them.

i sobrepassava molts companys en la defensa del judaïsme

I surpassed many colleagues in the defense of Judaism.

perquè era molt celós de les tradicions dels seus pares.

because he was very jealous of his parents' traditions.

La crida de Jesús a Sant Pau es va produir a l'entrada de Damasc,

The call of Jesus to Saint Paul occurred at the entrance of Damascus.

on anava per matar a tots els cristians

I was going to kill all the Christians.

que creien en el camí del Senyor i desfer-se d'aquests pensaments.

that they believed in the Lord's path and to rid themselves of these thoughts.

Però de sobte se li va aparèixer Jesús.

But suddenly Jesus appeared to him.

Ell li va preguntar per què el perseguia i moltes més coses.

He asked him why he was chasing him and many more things.

Després, ell va deixar-se i li va donar unes ordres

After that, he let himself go and gave him some orders.

que havia de fer per tal de poder llevar-se la ceguera.

what he had to do to be able to remove his blindness.

Tres dies després, un deixeble anomenat Ananies

Three days later, a disciple named Ananias

va tindre una visió de Jesús i va fer el que ell li va dir.

He had a vision of Jesus and did what he told him.

Aquella nit, Ananies va anar a la casa on estava Saúl

That night, Ananies went to the house where Saul was.

i va fer el que Jesús li va dir per a que tornara a poder veure.

And he did what Jesus told him to do so that he could see again.

Des d'aquell moment, Ananies va anar a la casa on estava Saúl.

From that moment on, Ananias went to the house where Saul was.

Des d'aquell moment, Saúl va començar a creure en l'Esperit Sant

From that moment on, Saul began to believe in the Holy Spirit.

i va voler que el batejarin.

and he wanted to be baptized.

Pau té pensaments positius i bons quan recorda la seva vocació.

Pau has positive and good thoughts when he remembers his vocation.

Està agraït de les accions de Jesucrist

He is grateful for the actions of Jesus Christ.

perquè ell l'assumia contra ell, el perseguia, l'insuriava

because he took it against him, he pursued him, he insulted him

i tenia moltes idees negatives i errones d'ell.

I had many negative and wrong ideas about him.

Però Jesús li va perdonar perquè ell obre amb ignorància

But Jesus forgave him because he acted in ignorance.

i està content i agraït perquè Jesús s'havia fiat d'ell.

and he is happy and grateful because Jesus had trusted him.

Saúl va començar a creure en l'Esperit Sant

Saúl began to believe in the Holy Spirit.

i, per exemple, al convertir-se al cristianisme

and, for example, when converting to Christianity

va patir en nombroses penalitats com, per exemple,

he suffered numerous hardships such as, for example,

els 39 ossos dels jueus.

the 39 bones of the Jews.

Tres vegades se'l van flagellar.

They whipped him three times.

També el van apel·legar.

They also called him to the appeal.

Moltes vegades ha tingut que naufragar passant dies i nits a la deriva,

Many times he has had to shipwreck, spending days and nights adrift,

en alta mar.

at sea.

Ha tingut que fer llargs viatges a peu,

He had to make long journeys on foot,

patir molts perills, passant nits en blanc,

suffering many dangers, spending sleepless nights,

amb fred, set, fam, sense menjar, sense roba...

with cold, thirst, hunger, without food, without clothes...

I a tot el que va patir, cal afegir el seu neguit de cada dia

And to everything he suffered, we must add his daily anxiety.

i la seva preocupació per les esglésies.

and her concern for the churches.

Fins a si, el que va fer el que va fer,

Until then, whoever did what they did,

ja ha arribat el podcast d'avui.

The podcast for today has arrived.

Esperem que us hagi agradat

We hope you have enjoyed it.

i que hagueu après més coses sobre la vida de Sant Pau

and that you have learned more things about the life of Saint Paul

i tot el que va sofrir.

and everything he suffered.



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