el horno para bollos #6: la safor i el vallès


el horno para bollos

el horno para bollos #6: la safor i el vallès

el horno para bollos

Hola, noies! Abans de començar aquest podcast, m'agradaria comentar-vos que avui, el dia que el penjo, 28 de març,

Hello, girls! Before starting this podcast, I would like to mention that today, the day I am posting it, is March 28,

és l'aniversari de la meva convidada, que apareix en aquest programa, que és la Laia.

It is the birthday of my guest, who appears on this program, which is Laia.

Fa 20 anys. Espero que tothom la feliciti i que tothom li doni els seus millors desitjos.

Twenty years ago. I hope everyone congratulates her and that everyone gives her their best wishes.

I des d'aquí volia felicitar-la de nou, demanar-li perdó per haver trigat tant a empatxar aquest podcast,

And from here, I wanted to congratulate her again, to apologize for taking so long to publish this podcast.

que vam gravar al desembre. Ja estem a massa, well.

that we recorded in December. We are already too much, well.

Però bueno, espero que us agradi molt a totes, no vos fa esperar.

But well, I hope you all like it a lot, it doesn't make you wait.

I espero que el gaudiu tant com hem gaudit nosaltres gravant-lo i com l'he gaudit jo a l'ital, des de luego.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed recording it and as I enjoyed it at the premiere, of course.

I bueno, doncs això. Des d'aquí, Laia, un petonàs, t'estimo molt, per molts anys.

And well, that's it. From here, Laia, a big kiss, I love you so much, for many years.

I a la resta, doncs, espero que gaudi moltíssim de les nostres xorradetes. Vinga, a gaudir!

And to the rest, then, I hope you enjoy our little nonsense very much. Come on, enjoy!

Bon dia, amigues, i benvingudes un diumenge més.

Good morning, friends, and welcome once again on a Sunday.

El meu podcast. Avui tinc a la convidada més especial que he portat, convidada esperadíssima, que és...

My podcast. Today I have the most special guest I've ever had, a much-anticipated guest, who is...

No saps la idea.

You don't know the idea.

Laia Capilla. Benvinguda.

Laia Capilla. Welcome.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Bueno, presenta't, ja saps.

Well, introduce yourself, you know.

Nom, relació que tens amb mi i el teu briós preferit.

Name, your relationship with me, and your favorite hobby.

Em dic Laia Capilla Insa.

My name is Laia Capilla Insa.

La relació que tinc amb Júlia...

The relationship I have with Júlia...

Bon dia.

Good morning.

No us puc explicar, realment.

I can't really explain it to you.

En veritat, ens coneixem des de fa un any.

In truth, we have known each other for a year.

Un any i poc.

A year and a little.

I poc.

I little.

Un any i poc, sí.

A year and a little more, yes.

Un any i poc.

A year and a bit.

Però com que ens hem conegut tota la vida.

But since we have known each other our whole lives.

I briós preferit...

The preferred briar...

És que jo no sé triar.

It's just that I don't know how to choose.

De molts que m'agrada molt el dolç.

Of many, I really like sweets.

Tu dius...

You say...

Sí, digues-ho a tu.

Yes, tell it to yourself.

La napolitana de xocolata, això sí, estic per ahir.

The chocolate croissant, that's for sure, I'm in for yesterday.



En un forn, aixina normal.

In an oven, just normal.

De casa, el biscuit de matí.

At home, the morning biscuit.

Teresa, del forn de l'Ella.

Teresa, from Ella's bakery.

Molt bé.

Very good.



I ja està.

And that's it.

Bueno, també la coca llana de mamareta m'està molt bona.

Well, the mamareta's wool cake is also very good to me.



Com heu pogut notar, la Laia catalana de Catalunya...

As you may have noticed, Laia Catalana from Catalonia...

No ho sé.

I don't know.

No és.

It isn't.

Laia, tu, dona-hi.

Laia, you, go for it.

Tu explica'ns una mica.

You explain to us a little.





Ma mare és de...

My mother is from...

Bueno, ma mare va néixer en un hospitalet.

Well, my mother was born in a little hospital.

I sí que és prou catalana.

And yes, she is quite Catalan.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Encara que ma mare i ma mare són de València.

Although my mother and my mother are from Valencia.

I mon pare és de València, ciutat.

My father is from Valencia, city.



Jo sóc de la font d'en Carros.

I am from the fountain of Carros.



De la Safor.

From Safor.

De la millor comarca de la face de la terra.

From the best region on the face of the earth.

I, de fet, d'això venim a parlar

I, in fact, we are here to talk about that.

de les nostres comarques respectives.

from our respective regions.

Jo, del meu...

I, of my...

Estimat Vallès i la Laia...

Dear Vallès and Laia...

Com el Vallès, no n'hi ha res.

There's nothing like Vallès.

És mentida, però bueno.

It's a lie, but okay.

És mentida, diu.

It's a lie, he/she says.

No comencem bé, eh?

We're not starting off well, are we?



Respecte mutu, d'acord?

Mutual respect, okay?

Jo no n'hi crec.

I don't believe it.

Llavors, bueno, la Laia ens parlarà una miqueta

So, well, Laia will talk to us a little bit.

de la Safor i les seves tradicions.

from La Safor and its traditions.

I jo parlaré...

And I will speak...

Per què s'ha de viure en la Safor?

Why should one live in La Safor?

El què?

The what?

Perquè tot el món hauria de viure en la Safor,

Because everyone should live in the Safor,

encara que no acabem tots.

even if we don't all finish.

I no veus com diria que aneu en manada

And don't you see how I would say that you're going in a pack?

com s'ha de viure allí,

how one should live there,

perquè jo vull el meu lloc.

because I want my place.

I jo, bueno, no he de viure al Vallès,

And me, well, I don't have to live in Vallès,

perquè probablement la majoria ja visqueu allà,

because most of you probably already live there,

la veritat, hem vist la gent.

The truth is, we have seen the people.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però he de mostrar-vos una mica

But I have to show you a little.

per què és el millor lloc,

why it is the best place,

almenys el principat, d'acord?

at least the principality, okay?

Però bueno, per començar,

But anyway, to start with,

li dono el torn de paraula a la convidada, no?

I give the floor to the guest, right?

Anem a ser amables

Let's be kind.

i anem a deixar que ens expliqui una miqueta, no?

And let's let her explain a little bit, right?

On està la Safor, m'he, m'he?

Where is Safor, have I, have I?

Per què aquest fanatisme?

Why this fanaticism?

Explica, no sé si...

Explain, I don't know if...

A veure...

Let's see...

Jo, primer, he de deixar clar

I, first, need to make it clear



El fanatisme, a veure...

Fanaticism, let's see...

És evident que el tinc,

It's clear that I have it.



Perquè és ma casa,

Because it's my house,

suposo que si visquera en l'Hort d'Honor

I suppose that if I lived in the Orchard of Honor.

diria, a tope d'Hort d'Honor.

I would say, at the top of Hort d'Honor.

Però com no és el cas,

But since that is not the case,

i damunt, tot el món que vaig a...

and above all, the whole world that I am going to...

O sigui, mireu fotos si voleu,

So, look at photos if you want,

és una...

it is a...

O sigui, clar, a veure,

I mean, of course, let's see,

està a la vora...

it is nearby...

És costera, no és interior.

It is coastal, not inland.

Aleshores, això ja...

So, this already...

Està superbé, perquè...

It's awesome because...



La platja damunt...

The beach above...

Està superprop de la marina, que té platges idíl·liques,

It is super close to the marina, which has idyllic beaches,

que hi ha molta massificació, però, bueno,

there is a lot of overcrowding, but, well,

és que és normal, o sigui, també, o sigui,

it's just that it's normal, I mean, also, I mean,

no ho defenc, però ho entenc, en part.

I don't defend it, but I understand it, partly.

La gent que té diners es fa un xalet allà, en la muntanyeta.

The people who have money build a chalet there, on the little hill.

En veritat, xell!

In truth, wow!

Sí, en fi.

Yes, well.

Què més?

What else?

La gastronomia...




Tots els arrossos, autèntics, sense gambes ni coses estranyes, perquè això és fiduà.

All the rice dishes, authentic, without shrimp or strange things, because this is fideuà.

Fer un statement que la paella no va a maris.

Make a statement that paella does not have seafood.

No té gambes, és que...

It doesn't have shrimp, it's just that...

Em poso nerviosa, els catalans.

I get nervous around Catalans.



Què més?

What else?

La gent, o sigui, sobretot la gent.

People, I mean, especially people.

O sigui, jo vull molt a la Safor, perquè la gent de la Safor...

In other words, I love Safor very much because the people of Safor...


I love it.

Oh, que bonic!

Oh, how lovely!

A veure, jo, i ara la meva experiència,

Let's see, I, and now my experience,

Safora, avui...

Safora, today...

Jo, sincerament, quan em veig a la sala,

I, honestly, when I see myself in the room,

va dir...

he said...

Jo, quan vaig conèixer la Laia, anava amb una miqueta d'historitat...

Me, when I met Laia, I had a bit of a history...

Ai, a tot això, espera't un moment.

Oh, about all that, wait a moment.

Està ressent Alacant...

Alicante is resentful...

O sigui, està en València, però és quasi Alacant.

So, it's in Valencia, but it's almost Alicante.

O sigui, està molt al sud.

So, it's very far south.

Bastant al sud, la veritat, d'acord?

Quite far south, the truth is, okay?



Ben lluny, d'ací.

Far away from here.



Està a quants?

How many is it?

450 quilòmetres.

450 kilometers.

Poques, però és moltíssim, eh?

Few, but it's a lot, right?

És molt, és molt.

It is very, it is very.

Sí, és molt.

Yes, it is very much.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, què dèiem?

Well, what were we saying?

Una mica d'historytime, no?

A little bit of story time, right?

A veure, la Laia i jo, quan ens vam conèixer,

Let's see, Laia and I, when we met,

no ens vam caure bé cap de les dues.

Neither of us liked the other.

O sigui, hem passat...

So, we've gone through...

Jo vaig pensar, uf,

I thought, phew,

aquesta xica no serà amiga meva.

this girl will not be my friend.

Ja, jo també, això és el mateix.

Yes, me too, that is the same.

De la universitat.

From the university.

Jo vaig pensar, no,

I thought, no,

aquesta xica no serà amiga meva.

this girl will not be my friend.

Però després, en un dia...

But then, on one day...

I en fin.

And finally.

A llengua...

In language...



No sé com...

I don't know how...

Estaves tu, estaves sola, em sembla, i jo vaig...

You were there, you were alone, it seems to me, and I went...

No, no, no, jo vaig...

No, no, no, I am going...

Jo em vaig seure darrere de tu.

I sat behind you.



I llavors ja el vas girar, ara.

And then you turned it already, now.

I jo, aquesta xica...

And me, this girl...

I jo dic, hola!

And I say, hello!

No, home, vaig pensar que...

No, man, I thought that...

Vaig pensar que és simpàtica, en veritat.

I thought she was nice, really.

Que mal, que vaig pensar això d'ella, saps?

How bad that I thought this about her, you know?

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

Jo me'n recordo el mateix.

I remember the same.

O sigui, em vaig girar, vaig...

So, I turned around, I...

I clar, com que vam començar a parlar superbé,

And of course, since we started to talk super well,

i dic, ai, que maja, no sé què...

I say, oh, how nice, I don't know what...

I dic, clar, no m'has donat...

I say, of course, you haven't given me...

Em vas donar el teu número de telèfon, em sembla.

You gave me your phone number, I think.

No m'has donat el teu Instagram.

You haven’t given me your Instagram.

Clar, i és que sóc molt old school.

Of course, it's just that I'm very old school.

I jo, que old school, la tia.

And me, being old school, the aunt.

I bueno, després ja...

And well, after that...

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

Sí, sí, sí, jo me'n recordo.

Yes, yes, yes, I remember.

Després, jo tenia també el de Marina.

Afterwards, I also had Marina's.

Em sembla que la Marina et va començar a seguir a Instagram abans que jo.

I think Marina started following you on Instagram before I did.



Tu i jo.

You and I.

T'ho juro, em sembla que sí.

I swear to you, I think so.

Sí, pot ser, pot ser, pot ser.

Yes, maybe, maybe, maybe.

O la Laia Colir.

Oh, Laia Colir.

No me'n recordo.

I don't remember.

Però bueno, és igual.

But well, it doesn't matter.

La qüestió està aquí.

The question is here.

És el nostre camí.

It is our path.

Sí, el nostre camí és de l'Uni, també, d'acord?

Yes, our path is the Uni's as well, alright?

Que no ens va encaure bé.

That didn't sit well with us.

Ara, òbviament, som els Inseparables.

Now, obviously, we are the Inseparables.

I jo, aquest estiu, vaig anar a la Safford.

And I, this summer, went to Safford.

I puc corroborar, en primera persona, totes aquestes coses.

I can corroborate, in the first person, all these things.

També haig de dir que és que nosaltres,

I also have to say that we,

tota aquella zona de venir i dormir i tal,

all that area of coming and sleeping and such,

és com que la tenim molt mal vista.

It's just that we have a very bad reputation.

No, clar, però a veure, és normal.

No, of course, but let's see, it's normal.



Jo supero una mala gestió.

I overcome poor management.

O sigui, si s'hagués gestionat bé...

That is, if it had been managed well...

Jo he vist fotos de venir i dormir quan no estava aixina.

I have seen photos of coming and sleeping when it wasn't like this.

Perquè, a veure, l'Skyline de venir i dormir

Because, let's see, the Skyline of coming and sleeping

realment és el típic que veuríeu en una pel·lícula americana, saps?

it's really the typical thing you would see in an American movie, you know?

Ja, com Superdescartes i Elos, clar, clar, clar.

Yes, like Superdescartes and Elos, of course, of course, of course.

I ara, si vas a venir i dormir,

And now, if you are going to come and sleep,

en tot això de la pandèmia, que els uelos no hi són,

and in all this pandemic, the grandparents are not here,

perquè és que, sincerament, en hivern,

because, honestly, in winter,

en venir i dormir només n'hi ha jubilats.

Only retirees come and sleep here.

Ja, clar.

Yes, of course.

I ara, clar, no n'hi ha jubilats.

And now, of course, there are no retirees.

O sigui, la Palma, bàsicament.

That is, Palma, basically.




Poor things.

No sé si...

I don't know if...

El tema de l'insert s'ha cancel·lat tot, en fi.

The insert topic has been completely canceled, anyway.

Ei, jo quan vaig passar per Marinador,

Hey, when I passed by Marinador,

quan vaig baixar a València...

when I went down to Valencia...

Això també és ciutat fantasma.

This is also a ghost town.

Clar, clar, clar.

Sure, sure, sure.

O sigui, no hi havia res ni ningú.

So, there was nothing and no one.

O sigui, va ser com super...

So it was like super...

Però i què l'han tancat, de fet?

But what have they actually locked him up for?

L'han tancat perquè no els deixi rentable estar allí,

They have locked him up so that it doesn't pay off for them to be there.

o sigui, mantenir els treballadors.

that is, to retain the workers.



L'han tancat, o sigui, tipus, fins que es recuperi.

They have locked him up, that is, like, until he recovers.

Però, bueno, és que...

But, well, it's just that...

Són coses que s'han gestionat malament,

These are things that have been poorly managed,

igual que l'aeroport de Castelló, que els vaig dir l'altre dia.

Just like the Castellón airport, which I mentioned the other day.

L'altre dia estàvem xerrant de l'aeroport de Castelló

The other day we were talking about the Castelló airport.

perquè jo desconeixia que encara

because I was unaware that still

seguia en funcionament, entre cometes.

it was still functioning, in quotes.

O sigui, que encara el mantenien i que...

I mean, they still kept him and that...

O sigui, what the fuck?

So, what the fuck?

No ho sé, és com que sento que hi ha molt mala gestió

I don't know, it's like I feel there is very poor management.

del vostre territori, tenint en compte...

from your territory, taking into account...

I molt de deute, o sigui, de deute és brutal.

And a lot of debt, in other words, the debt is brutal.

Tenint en compte tot lo guai que és.

Considering how cool it is.



Perquè, la veritat, jo quan vaig anar...

Because, the truth is, when I went...

Ui, és que la platja de l'Oliva, jo és que encara no la supero.

Oh, it's just that the beach at Oliva, I still can't get over it.

És boníssima.

It's very good.

La platja de l'Oliva, les deveses...

The beach of l'Oliva, the Deveses...

Eren les deveses?

Were they the meadows?

Les deveses, sí.

The marshes, yes.

Bueno, això no es lesa fort,

Well, this doesn't hurt too much.

però com si fos una nex.

but as if it were a nexus.

Bueno, és la Marina Alto.

Well, it's Marina Alto.

Jo és que vaig naixer en Dénia.

I was born in Dénia.

Ah, és veritat, que la Laia no és safora,

Ah, it's true, Laia is not a liar.

ui, 100%.

oh, 100%.

És de la Marina.

It is from the Marina.

Clar, jo sóc...

Of course, I am...

És així, no?

That's how it is, isn't it?



Mig, mig.

Half, half.

A veure...

Let's see...

No, no, realment sóc de la Safora.

No, no, I really am from La Safor.

Clar, t'ho ha de dir realment, what the fuck?

Of course, it really has to tell you, what the fuck?

Dénia m'agrada, m'agrada anar...

I like Dénia, I like to go...

Mira, no sé, jo a mi em sembla que la Safora...

Look, I don't know, it seems to me that the Safora...

A mi, com a comarca, la Safora m'agrada molt

I really like the Safor region.

perquè sento que hi ha molta consciència comarcal.

because I feel that there is a lot of regional awareness.

Saps què vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?



Per un sector nostre.

For our sector.

Ja, no és general, no? Evidentment, un poc entès.

Yes, it's not general, right? Obviously, a bit understood.

Però els pobles sí que...

But the towns do...

Inclús gent que potser no té molta consciència política,

Even people who may not have much political awareness,

que, bueno, cadascú...

that, well, everyone...

A lo suyo.

To his own.

Doncs sí que...

Well, yes...

O sigui, els...

So, the...

Com que els afecta molt que els toquen lo seu,

Since it affects them greatly when their own is touched,

perquè no entenem...

because we do not understand...

O sigui, per exemple, els meus amics de la font,

That is, for example, my friends from the fountain,

o sigui, sempre que ho parlem

that is, as long as we talk about it

és que no entenem...

it's just that we don't understand...

Perquè, per exemple, en Gandia,

Because, for example, in Gandia,

jo que sé si es parla tant de castellà,

I don't know if they speak so much Spanish,

o en València...

or in Valencia...

Pensem, tio...

Let's think, dude...

Perquè la nostra manera de viure

Because of our way of living

és en català, realment.

It's in Catalan, really.

Clar, és que realment això nosaltres

Sure, it's just that we really this.

també ho ignorem a Catalunya.

we also ignore it in Catalonia.

És com que ens pensem que a València

It's like we think that in Valencia

només es parla castellà.

Only Spanish is spoken.

I ja quan vaig conèixer la Laia

And when I met Laia

i el Lluís, de l'anterior podcast,

and Lluís, from the previous podcast,

que només parlen en català

that only speak in Catalan

i quan vas al poble només es parla català.

And when you go to the village, only Catalan is spoken.

Jo vaig flipar, perquè dic...

I was amazed, because I say...

Catalunya could never.

Catalonia could never.

En plan, a l'àrea metropolitana,

In the metropolitan area,

un poble que només es parli català,

a village that only speaks Catalan,


super sort.

És que supersort, saps?

It's just super lucky, you know?

I és com que globalitzem i diem

And it's how we globalize and say

no, són tots uns espanyolitos en València.

No, they are all little Spaniards in Valencia.



És que puta mentida.

It's such a fucking lie.

A veure, sí que n'hi ha molt d'espanyolito.

Let's see, there are indeed a lot of little Spaniards.

Bueno, com aquí.

Well, as here.

És un resultat de la història, però...

It is a result of history, but...



n'hi ha gent que parla en València

There are people who speak in Valencia.

i hi assistem.

and we attend.

I són més caputs que els altres, o sigui...

And they are more hooded than the others, that is...

Home, t'ho diràs.

Man, you'll tell it to yourself.

A veure, saps què passa?

Let's see, do you know what’s happening?

Que el Vallès...

That the Vallès...

El Vallès...

The Vallès...

A mi...

To me...

Jo sempre dic que com al Vallès

I always say that like in Vallès.

no hi ha res, també,

there is nothing, too,

perquè és casa meva, evidentment,

because it is my home, obviously,

i perquè jo realment

and because I really

crec que està molt ben localitzat,

I think it is very well located.

està a prop de Barcelona,

it is near Barcelona,

però també té muntanyetes.

but it also has little hills.

El problema és que sí que és veritat que...

The problem is that it is true that...

És àrea metropolitana

It is a metropolitan area.

i això no el veu ningú.

And nobody sees that.

Vull dir...

I mean...

A veure, realment, si la Safor és la Safor...

Let's see, really, if Safor is Safor...

Realment, les comarques centrals,

Really, the central regions,

que entre elles està la Safor,

that among them is the Safor,

també està la Marina Alta,

there is also the Marina Alta,

a vegades inclouen la Marina Baixa, no sé,

sometimes they include the Marina Baixa, I don't know,

i algunes més.

and some more.

La costa...

The coast...

N'hi ha unes quantes,

There are a few.

la Ribera, no sé què.

the Ribera, I don't know what.

La Ribera?

The Riverbank?

És l'Alcoià, la Marina Alta,

It is the Alcoià, the Marina Alta,

la Vall del Baide, el Comtat,

the Baide Valley, the Comtat,

la Safor i la Costera,

the Safor and the Costera,

però a voltes s'inclou també la Marina Baixa

but sometimes the Marina Baixa is also included

i el Canal de Navarres,

and the Navarres Canal,

perquè és tan prop i és com que...

because it is so close and it's like...

Canal de Navarra?

Navarre Canal?

Canal de Navarres.

Navarres Canal.

Ah, de Navarres.

Ah, from Navarres.

O sigui, que deia de Navarra

So, it said about Navarra.

i dèiem una mica lluny para Navarra, no?

We said it's a bit far for Navarra, right?

Digo jo.

I say.

Què estava dient?

What was I saying?

No sé.

I don't know.

Estàvem parlant d'àrea metropolitana, sí.

We were talking about the metropolitan area, yes.

Ah, que sí.

Ah, yes.

I realment és un territori

And it really is a territory.

que s'ha conservat tant la llengua,

that the language has been so well preserved,

jo crec que és perquè està lluny

I think it's because it's far away.

d'una capital com és València

from a capital like Valencia

o com és Alacant.

or how Alicante is.

Perquè, a veure,

Because, let's see,

arribes en una hora,

you arrive in an hour,

però no n'hi ha gent que dorm allí

but there are no people who sleep there

i va a València a viure,

and he/she is going to live in Valencia,

per exemple,

for example,

o sigui, no és Torrent.

That is to say, it's not Torrent.

En Torrent, per exemple,

In Torrent, for example,

o en Mislata...

or in Mislata...





Són com a concurs de...

They are like a contest of...





Venir ahir.

Come yesterday.

Burgesó també,

Bourgeois too,

tampoc es parla.

it is not spoken either.

Vull dir,

I mean,

tots els que estan al voltant de València

everyone around Valencia

no es parla per això,

it's not talked about for that reason,

perquè són ciutats dormitoris,

because they are dormitory cities,

que és el que passa en l'Hospitalet.

What is happening in l'Hospitalet?

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

Que és on estem ara mateix.

That's where we are right now.

Exacte, que en Serra es representin.

Exactly, let them be represented in Serra.

A veure, a Rubí també passa una mica el mateix això,

Let's see, in Rubí this happens a bit the same,

perquè aquí vam tenir tota l'onada migratoria,

because here we had the entire wave of migration,

els meus avis són tots andalusos i manxegos,

my grandparents are all Andalusians and Manchegos,

o sigui, jo de Catalunya tinc

so, I have from Catalonia

el que tinc de rubia, m'entens?

What I have of a blonde, do you understand me?

O sigui, no res.

So, nothing.

El que passa és que al final

What happens is that in the end

ets d'on...

where are you from...

D'on t'has criat.

Where have you grown up?


Of course!

Clar, o sigui,

Of course, I mean,

jo per molt que ma mare sigui de Barcelona,

I, no matter how much my mother is from Barcelona,

jo a Barcelona

me in Barcelona

li tinc una estima molt gran

I have a great affection for him/her.

i tinc com, no sé,

I have like, I don't know,

com un carinyo especial

with a special affection

perquè, o sigui,

because, I mean,

al final ma mare es va criar així

In the end, my mother was raised like this.

i a València també

and in Valencia too

perquè mon pare és d'allí

because my father is from there

i ha anat molt,

it has gone a lot,

que tinc família,

that I have family,

però jo,

but I,

el que és casa meua

what is my home

és València,

it's Valencia,

o sigui, és a Port.

That is to say, it is in Port.

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

Ja on tinc tot, o sigui,

Yes, where I have everything, that is,

tot el que entenc jo, no sé.

All I understand, I don't know.

Com a casa, al final, sí, sí.

Like at home, in the end, yes, yes.

No sé, jo...

I don't know, me...

I tots els meus records, quasi,

And all my memories, almost,

són allí.

they are there.

La infantesa, l'adolescència...

Childhood, adolescence...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Aquí és on, potser, creixes ja com a persona

Here is where, perhaps, you grow as a person.

una mica més.

a little more.

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

A mi passa el mateix, o sigui,

I feel the same way, that is,

jo a Barcelona sempre ho he relacionat una mica

I have always related it a little to Barcelona.

amb el meu creixement personal en el sentit

with my personal growth in the sense

que quan tenia 14 anys

when I was 14 years old

que vaig començar a saber més o menys

that I started to know more or less

quin era el rotllo que volia seguir,

what was the vibe I wanted to go for,

era quan vaig començar a baixar a Barcelona,

it was when I started going down to Barcelona,

al carrer taller,

in the workshop street,

a comprar-me les meves primeres jaquetes de segona mà,

to buy my first second-hand jackets,

no sé què,

I don’t know what,

vaig començar així, per mi Barcelona

I started like this, for me Barcelona.

tampoc no és casa, casa, casa,

it's not really home, home, home either,

perquè casa meva és Rubí.

because my home is Rubí.

Clar, jo igual, jo igual.

Of course, me too, me too.

Però sí.

But yes.

Però jo sé que m'ha fet créixer Barcelona

But I know that Barcelona has made me grow.

i tots els meus records d'adolescència

and all my memories of adolescence

de començar a saber qui sóc

to begin to know who I am

han estat per voltar per Barcelona.

They have been wandering around Barcelona.

I això és un carinyo que és que jo...

And this is a darling that I...

És que Barcelona me l'estimo moltíssim,

I love Barcelona very much,

moltíssim, moltíssim.

a whole lot, a whole lot.

Estic molt obsessionada.

I am very obsessed.

Sóc d'aquestes que se sap totes que sí, sí.

I am one of those who knows all the yeses, yes.

Com jo amb la Safor.

Like me with Safor.

Com tu amb la Safor,

Like you with the Safor,

però jo sóc molt de carrers, de tal, de pim, pim, pim, pim.

But I'm very much about streets, about such, about this, this, this, this.

Però és veritat que jo, o sigui,

But it's true that I, I mean,

no he tingut tanta consciència d'això

I haven’t been so aware of this.

fins que no me n'he anat.

until I left.


Of course.

Perquè jo no ho apreciava, o sigui,

Because I didn't appreciate it, I mean,

és que sincerament no ho apreciava.

It's just that honestly, I didn't appreciate it.

Vull dir, o sí que ho apreciava,

I mean, either I did appreciate it,

però d'una manera molt...

but in a very...



Sí, és el que toca, no?

Yes, that's what it is, right?

Tinc una casa i...

I have a house and...

Estàs a casa i...

You are at home and...

Però fins que no té...

But until it doesn't have...

t'allunyes un poc

you distance yourself a little

i veus altres coses i veus

and you see other things and you see

que podries haver nascut en un altre lloc.

that you could have been born in another place.

I jo un dia li vaig dir a ma abuela i ma abuela

And one day I told my grandmother and my grandmother

perquè estàvem...

because we were...

Bueno, estàvem així i estàvem menjant, no sé,

Well, we were like that and we were eating, I don't know,

estàvem menjant d'arròs o alguna cosa.

we were eating rice or something.

Que raro.

How strange.

I estava super bo l'arròs de ma abuela.

My grandmother's rice was super good.

El ròs al forn, que és el que més m'agrada.

The roast lamb, which is what I like the most.

Curro, boro, curro, boro.

Curro, boro, curro, boro.

I li vaig dir a ma abuela i ma abuela

I told my grandmother and my grandmother

és que crec que, o sigui,

it's just that I think that, you know,

de tots els llocs on he pogut néixer

of all the places where I could have been born

per mi he nascut en el millor.

For me, I was born in the best.



La consciència del poble,

The consciousness of the people,

bueno, ja ho deia a les tallers.

Well, I already said it in the workshops.

Ja ho deia a les tallers.

I already said it in the workshops.

No saps res si no saps poble.

You know nothing if you don't know the village.

Exacte. I jo crec que moltes vegades

Exactly. And I think that many times

fins que no surts al poble no dius...

until you go out to the village you don't say...

No t'adones que realment

Don't you realize that really

ets el teu poble. Perquè jo,

you are your people. Because I,

o sigui, jo

that is to say, I

estimo molt els catalans, o sigui,

I love the Catalans very much, that is,

de munt. Pense que...

from above. I think that...

O sigui, que

So, that

acullen molt bé la gent

they welcome people very well

i sobretot per això tenen

and especially for that they have

a lo millor també tant d'exo, de rural

maybe also so much of that, of rural

en l'època que el vau tindre.

in the time that you had it.

També per la indústria, evidentment.

Also for the industry, obviously.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Però, o sigui, no me n'he adonat

But, I mean, I didn't realize it.

de com de diferents som els valencians

of how different we Valencians are

i de com som realment els valencians

and about what we Valencians are really like

hasta que no he vist una altra manera

until I saw another way

de viure. I de socialitzar,

to live. And to socialize,

sobretot. Exacte, exacte.

Above all. Exactly, exactly.

Perquè nosaltres és que som el més animal

Because we are the most animal.

de la faixa de la terra, ressonant-se.

from the strip of land, resonating.

Sí. Som tots italians.

Yes. We are all Italians.

Sí, sempre els que més xerrem.

Yes, it's always those of us who talk the most.

Els que més la veu.

Those who hear it the most.

Els que més riquem.

Those who laugh the most.

No, però en el bon sentit,

No, but in a good way,

sempre te'n recordaràs d'un valencià,

you will always remember a Valencian,

jo crec. Si eres català o eres mallorquí,

I believe. If you are Catalan or you are Majorcan,

perquè els mallorquins

because the Mallorcans

és com que són més distants.

it's as if they are more distant.

Sí, són més paradets.

Yes, they are more kiosks.

Estan en una illa, doncs són desconfiats, un poc.

They are on an island, so they are a bit distrustful.

Això és una generalització.

This is a generalization.

Sí, la veritat, estan guapes.

Yes, the truth is, they look beautiful.

En plan, si n'hi ha

Like, if there are any.

un català, un mallorquí i un valencià

a Catalan, a Mallorcan, and a Valencian

en el mateix grup,

in the same group,

el valencià dona el cante,

the Valencian sings,

el català,


bàtic, bé, xil, però res.

bathers, good, cool, but nothing.

En plan, algú en un moment

Basically, someone at some point.

té reservat, o sigui que

has it reserved, so

mai espais.

never spaces.

I el mallorquí,

And the Mallorcan,

si el compta alguna cosa de la seva vida,

if he tells something about his life,

dona sort.

give luck.

Literalment, eh?

Literally, right?

No m'agrades gràcies, perquè, sí, sí.

I don't like you, thank you, because, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí, és com que sento... A veure,

Yes, yes, yes, it's like I feel... Let's see,

també t'haig de dir... Però és que això és cada un,

I also have to tell you... But this is up to each one.

o sigui que... Com? Cada un

So... How? Each one.

en el seu territori, o sigui que

in its territory, that is to say



Clar, a veure, també té

Sure, let's see, it also has.

que veure, el temps, en Mallorca

what to see, the weather, in Mallorca

no són gairebé ningú.

they are hardly anyone.

Hi ha molt poca gent, vols dir?

There are very few people, do you mean?

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

A veure, perdó, eh?

Let's see, excuse me, okay?

No són nadie.

They are nobody.

Com que siga un mallorquí,

As long as I am a Majorcan,

tu viures.

you live.

No sé, a veure, jo el que noto,

I don't know, let's see, what I notice is,

perquè ho he notat, eh?

because I've noticed it, huh?

Això mateix, almenys a la meva carrera,

Exactly that, at least in my career,

clar, com que tots som catalans,

of course, since we are all Catalans,

bueno, mínimament,

well, minimally,

doncs els que són catalans d'aquests

so those who are Catalans of these

de socarrer, saps?

of course, you know?

Són com una miqueta més distants,

They are like a little more distant,

una miqueta més freds, saps?

a little bit colder, you know?

Com més d'aquells... No sé,

Like more of those... I don't know,

no em sento tant l'acollida

I don't feel the welcome so much.

com em vaig sentir quan us vaig conèixer tu i el Lluís

how I felt when I met you and Lluís

o quan vaig passar a la font, que totes les teves

or when I passed by the fountain, that all your

amigues em tractaven...

my friends treated me...

Són amigues teves, és que...

They are your friends, it's that...

T'ho juro, saps? Que t'envien fotos

I swear to you, you know? They send you photos.

després, no sé què, què tal...

afterwards, I don't know what, how about...

Saps? Com molt més obert.

You know? Much more open.

Sí, és molt...

Yes, it is very...

No sé com...

I don't know how...

N'hi ha molt de

There is a lot of it.

sentit de comunitat i de...

sense of community and...


to welcome

i de donar menjar

and to give food

i coses així, no? Això és una cosa...

And things like that, right? This is something...

Mare meva, m'ha fet fartar menjar, eh?

My goodness, she has really made me eat a lot, hasn't she?

A casa teva?

At your place?

Jo, que visc en un poble, o sigui,

I, who live in a village, that is,

ma mare, que té amics de...

my mother, who has friends from...

O sigui, que són quintos seus

So, they are your fifths.

de la mateixa edat,

of the same age,

que fa molt que no els veu,

that he hasn't seen them in a long time,

potser un dia li criden i li diuen

maybe one day they'll call him and tell him

mai te vols aguacates, no sé què,

never you want avocados, I don’t know what,

i venen a casa i li donen...

and they come home and give him/her...

És que és fortíssim, eh? De veres, o sigui,

It's just so strong, isn't it? Really, I mean,

és xulíssim, perquè un home que

it's super cool, because a man who



Tampoc és que queden ni res,

It's not that there are any left, either.

ni que es veuen molt, però...

even if they don't see each other much, but...

Però pensa en tu, o sigui,

But think about yourself, I mean,

és fortíssim, no sé.

it's very strong, I don't know.

Jo és que això ho trobo una mica a faltar

I find this a little lacking.

a les grans ciutats. O sigui, sé que a Barcelona,

in the big cities. I mean, I know that in Barcelona,

si jo visc a Barcelona, sé que ho trobo...

If I live in Barcelona, I know I can find it...

No sabria el que és. Jo puc...

I wouldn't know what it is. I can...

Mids-mids re leit,

It seems there may be an error in the text provided, as "Mids-mids re leit" does not appear to be a coherent phrase in Catalan. Could you please double-check the text?

perquè jo sóc de barri,

because I am from the neighborhood,

perquè a més...

because moreover...

I el meu barri, o sigui, és un barri que...

And my neighborhood, I mean, it's a neighborhood that...

Bueno, a Rubín, el 21,

Well, to Rubín, on the 21st,

que és molt d'immigrants

that there are a lot of immigrants

dels anys 60, o sigui, és de gent gran,

from the 60s, that is to say, it is from older people,

i tots van... Jo em poso

And they all go... I'll put on.

la seva pèrdua i dic, tu imagina't, tens 16 anys,

his loss and I say, just imagine, you are 16 years old,

te'n vas a un altre lloc que no és el teu,

you’re going to another place that isn’t yours,

és que t'aferres a tot el que et recordi

it's that you cling to everything that reminds you

a la teva terra. Sí, sí, clar, clar, clar.

to your land. Yes, yes, of course, of course, of course.

A totes les dones que siguin com tu...

To all the women who are like you...

Clar. Exacte, exacte.

Sure. Exactly, exactly.

I feien una pinya, i tenen una pinya

They made a group, and they have a group.

encara superforta, que es veuen pel carrer

still super strong, that can be seen on the street

com ho estàs, no sé què, i venen a casa

How are you, I don't know what, and they're coming home.

i s'arreglen la roba. La meva àvia

they fix their clothes. My grandmother

li arregla la roba a mig barri, la tita.

She fixes clothes for half the neighborhood, the aunt.

O sigui, i jo veure aquesta

So, and I see this

relació que tenen, i veure que

the relationship they have, and to see that

nosaltres, tan joves, ja no ho tenim,

we, so young, no longer have it,

perquè això és una cosa seva, saps?

because this is something of theirs, you know?

De quan encara era un barri petit, saps greu.

Since it was still a small neighborhood, it is sad.

És que realment, o sigui, jo

It's just that really, I mean, I

a voltes, els

sometimes, the

immigrants que venen així, pensi,

immigrants who come like this, I think,

jolín, no sé,

wow, I don't know,

em sap mal perquè entenc

I'm sorry because I understand.

que ells vulguen estar

that they want to be

en els seus. Clar. Perquè no

in theirs. Of course. Why not?

conceben, realment no entenen, si jo

they conceive, they really don't understand if I do.

trobo diferències, estant així

I find differences, being this way.

i sóc de

I am from

450 quilòmetres,

450 kilometers,

que no és res. En comparació, no.

it's nothing. In comparison, no.

Ells que tenen una

They who have a

concepció de la vida totalment diferent,

a completely different conception of life,

jo entenc que al final

I understand that in the end


they think...

Passo d'intentar-ho, no? Sí, perquè

I give up trying, right? Yes, because

s'han d'explicar moltes coses

Many things need to be explained.

a voltes i

sometimes and

tio, i eres major, i

Dude, you are older, and

si pots viure en un barri que són com tu

if you can live in a neighborhood that is like you

i que tenen les mateixes tradicions, que mengen

and they have the same traditions, that they eat

el mateix diumenge, doncs ho entenc.

the same Sunday, so I understand it.

Ho entenc perquè jo, quan sent

I understand it because I, when I hear

que algú que parla valencià en el metro, és que

that someone who speaks Valencian in the subway, is that

me se deixó anar algo

I let myself go a little.

per dins. Deixó anar

inside. Let go

és un verb molt

it is a very verb

de la Laia. Bueno, molt

from Laia. Well, a lot

de la font, realment.

from the source, really.

Deixó anar és un verb com a dir

"Letting go is a verb like saying."

quan noteix el verb, dius deixó anar i ja està.

When you notice the verb, you say let go and that's it.

També pot ser la deixó, no?

It can also be the leave, right?

Pot ser un nom?

Can it be a name?

T'ho sentiu, no? És boníssim,

You can feel it, right? It's really good.

o sigui... No, realment és com

So... No, really it's like

molt de... Hosti, allò, com que t'ho deia el

a lot of... Wow, that, like I was telling you the

deste, el deixó... Clar, clar, clar,

since then, he left it... Clear, clear, clear,

clar, clar, clar. És boníssim.

Of course, of course, of course. It's very good.

És això. No, a veure, jo

That's it. No, let's see, I

també és veritat que tenint

it is also true that having

en compte això que has dit tu, que els catalans som

In light of what you have said, that we Catalans are

una mica més freds, tu imagina't ser d'una altra

a little colder, just imagine being from another one

país i trobar-te en una societat

country and finding yourself in a society

que, sincerament, no t'acull

that, honestly, does not welcome you

massa, perquè si ja... No, però

Too much, because if already... No, but

no ho trobo així, no, eh? A veure, no crec que

I don't see it that way, no, huh? Let's see, I don't think that...

no acullin, en plan, no

don't take them in, like, no

és una... Com dir-t'ho?

It's a... How should I put it?

Com una marginació

Like a marginalization

directa, o sigui, no t'està dient no som

direct, so it's not telling you we are not

el mateix, però sí que és veritat que puc entendre que

the same, but it is true that I can understand that

tenint en compte el factor que els catalans

taking into account the factor that the Catalans

igual no som igual de friendly

maybe we are not equally friendly

que un valencià, igual

that a Valencian, the same

és més difícil, perquè tu, per exemple, tens

it's harder, because you, for example, have

amics que són, o sigui,

friends that are, in other words,

companys de classe que eren latinos o que eren

classmates who were Latin or who were

romans, que parlaven en català

Romans who spoke Catalan

i no sé què, no sé quantos, i jo, a Rubí,

and I don't know what, I don't know how much, and me, in Rubí,

la gent que conec immigrant

the people I know immigrant

no acostuma. Clar, però és que tampoc pots fer una altra...

It doesn't usually happen. Of course, but it's just that you can't really do anything else...

Vull dir, tu arribes a un poble,

I mean, you arrive at a village,

o sigui, per exemple, arribes al

that is, for example, you arrive at the

meu institut i eres de

my institute and you are from

Venezuela, jo tenia un company

Venezuela, I had a companion.

que era de Venezuela, però bueno, havia

that was from Venezuela, but well, he/she had

viscut en Xàbia, però...

lived in Xàbia, but...

Que bonica. Sí.

How beautiful. Yes.

No sé, és com que...

I don't know, it's like...

A lo millor no...

Maybe not...

També depèn de la persona, eh?

It also depends on the person, right?

Pots sentir-te molt...

You can feel very...

També molt... Ostres,

Also a lot... Wow,

com són així, saps?

how are they like that, you know?

A Llor ni hi ha gent que no va en el seu

There are people who don't follow their own path.

temperament i diria, mare de Déu,

temperament I would say, mother of God,

aquestes persones.

these people.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

O sigui, però sempre

So, but always.

que arriba algú, doncs, acaba

that someone is coming, then, it ends

parlant valencià, perquè és que tampoc...

speaking Valencian, because it's just that neither...

Clar, però és que nosaltres no tenim una altra opció.

Of course, but we don't have another option.

No. Saps? Nosaltres sí...

No. You know? We do...

O sigui, pots

That is, you can

no parlar-lo, però

not to talk about it, but

ho tindries un poc difícil.

you would find it a bit difficult.

No sé. Per socialitzar, no,

I don't know. To socialize, no.

però clar, nosaltres tenim la línia

but of course, we have the line

en valencià, tot era en valencià.

in Valencian, everything was in Valencian.

Bé, no és castellà.

Well, it's not Spanish.

I ni això, jo crec. Ja, però jo

And neither this, I believe. Yes, but I

em mullava cada una.

I was getting wet with each one.

En castellà, que mare de Déu.

In Spanish, what a mother of God.

No sé, jo... Saps què passa?

I don't know, I... Do you know what happens?

Que jo sento que a Rubí, com que també

That I feel that in Rubí, as also

hi ha més gent de... Sí, hi ha més

There are more people from... Yes, there are more.

immigració, doncs fan pinya amb els seus,

immigration, so they come together with their own,

el que dèiem abans. Clar, clar.

What we were saying before. Of course, of course.

Clar, o sigui, si tu eres l'únic

Of course, I mean, if you are the only one.

romano, l'únic búlgaro...

romano, the only Bulgarian...

Doncs no et queda un altre. Clar.

Well, you have no other choice. Of course.

Dius, m'acople...

You say, I'll adjust...

Clar. Però si tu trobes un altre

Of course. But if you find another one

búlgaro, dius, Déu, home, som amics.

Bulgarian, you say, God, man, we are friends.

Clar. Saps? També ho entenc.

Sure. You know? I understand it too.

Però és la que... És la que rellenyem. No sé.

But it's the one... It's the one we struggle with. I don't know.

També depèn, perquè jo no sé si

It also depends, because I don't know if

n'hi haguera algú en la meua carrera

there was someone in my career

que no n'hi ha, que fora a València.

that there isn’t any, that it’s outside Valencia.

De moment, jo no he conegut a ningú.

So far, I haven't met anyone.

Almenys no parlen pel vídeo xat.

At least they don't talk on the video chat.



Bueno, jo és que em vaig

Well, I just...

camullar de carrera. Ah, clar, sí.

to keep quiet about the race. Ah, right, yes.

No és l'únic, però ja no anem a l'autònoma.

It's not the only one, but we are no longer going to the autonomous university.

Ja no anem a l'autònoma. No, tu sí.

We're not going to the autonomous university anymore. No, you are.

Ella sí. Ella no. Ella va a la Pompeu

She yes. She no. She goes to Pompeu.

Harvard. Sí.

Harvard. Yes.

En fi. Bueno, això, que no coneixes la capa

Anyway. Well, that, that you don't know the cape.

d'Anzià, però si en coneguessis... No, però si el coneguera,

of Anzià, but if I knew him... No, but if I knew him,

potser, no sé, faríem com...

maybe, I don’t know, we would do something like...

Una mica de pinya, no? Sí.

A little bit of pineapple, right? Yes.

Clar. No ho sé, depèn.

Sure. I don't know, it depends.

Depèn d'on fos, no?

It depends on where it was from, right?

Clar, és que...

Sure, it's just that...

Depèn de la comarca.

It depends on the region.

Si és a Pichat... És broma.

If it's in Pichat... Just kidding.

Si fos d'Oriola...

If I were from Orihuela...

Hòstia, no sé si si és d'Oriola

Damn, I don'tknow if it's from Oriola.

no parlaria.

I wouldn't speak.

No em donaria compte ni de què és

I wouldn't even realize what it is.

valencià. A Sociolingüística,

Valencian. A Sociolinguistics,

això ja t'ho vaig explicar tu,

I already explained this to you.

a Sociolingüística vam estar parlant que el castellà

In Sociolinguistics, we were discussing that Spanish...

aquí a Catalunya es parla molt, no sé què,

here in Catalonia there is a lot of talk, I don't know what,

i hi havia un company que

and there was a colleague who

deia que, bueno, que simplement és que el castellà era com

I was saying that, well, that simply the Spanish was like

un mas de calle, saps? I jo vaig dir,

a farmhouse on the street, you know? And I said,

perdona, no t'ho vaig explicar?

Sorry, didn't I explain it to you?

De calle? Sí, com que era com més...

On the street? Yes, as it was more...

que quedava com més bé,

that looked better,

saps? Per la castellà. Qui va dir això, Toni?

You know? For the Spanish. Who said that, Toni?

Ho sabia. Aviam.

I knew it. Let's see.

Ho sento, però ho sabia. Qui ha de ser, si no...

I'm sorry, but I knew it. Who else could it be...

Bueno, en fi.

Well, anyway.

Que no va dir a males, però va dir

He didn't say it badly, but he said.

que ell sentia que el català no es parlava

that he felt that Catalan was not spoken

entre els joves perquè no quedava

among the young people because there was none left

tan bé. Però sí que és veritat...

so good. But it is true...

No estic d'acord. No, no, però sí que és veritat

I don't agree. No, no, but it is true.

que aquí, jo he parlat amb professors

that here, I have spoken with teachers

d'institut i tal, i sí que moltes

from high school and such, and yes, many

vegades han sentit de nens i nenes

sometimes they have heard from boys and girls

dir que, bueno, que el català

say that, well, that Catalan

és com un de pijos. O sigui, tu imagina't...

It's like one of those posh people. I mean, just imagine...

Com? T'ho juro, t'ho juro.

How? I swear to you, I swear to you.

Doncs ell és al revés. No, doncs t'ho prometo.

Well, he is the opposite. No, I promise you that.

Però els que parlen castellà són els

But those who speak Spanish are the

de Gandia, de...

from Gandia, from...

Doncs que són de Gandia i...

Well, they are from Gandia and...

Clar, però aquí sí que tenim burgesia catalana,

Of course, but here we do have Catalan bourgeoisie.

vosaltres és que no teniu burgesia valenciana.

you don't have Valencian bourgeoisie.

No, tenim el PP. Doncs per això...

No, we have the PP. So that's why...

Que és millor, sí.

What is better, yes.



Els convergents, al final, és gent de dret,

The convergents, in the end, are people of law,

és gent amb pasta, però són catalans.

They are people with money, but they are Catalans.

Llavors, és molt fort que es faci

Then, it's very strong that it happens.

aquesta diferència de classe

this class difference

que si parles català eres pijo.

that if you speak Catalan you are posh.

Saps què vull dir? Llavors, clar...

Do you know what I mean? So, of course...

És supertrist. Clar, és molt trist perquè després

It's super sad. Of course, it's very sad because then

si estàs en un barri com el meu, que és un barri obrer,

if you are in a neighborhood like mine, which is a working-class neighborhood,

llavors estàs donant per entès que ningú

then you are assuming that no one

no parla del català. Clar.

He does not speak Catalan. Of course.

I és així, ningú no parla el català.

And that's how it is, nobody speaks Catalan.

Res. Llavors, tornem al tema

Nothing. So, let's get back to the topic.

de català classe, saps?

Of Catalan class, you know?

Però clar, la meva realitat

But of course, my reality

és que el català és per ricos

It's just that Catalan is for the rich.

i el castellà per obrers

and Spanish for workers

i la teva realitat és al revés.

And your reality is upside down.

És al revés. Saps?

It's the other way around. You know?

Els obrers són els que parlen valencià.

The workers are the ones who speak Valencian.

Clar, és que és molt fort, realment.

Sure, it's really very strong, actually.

La gent que va a collir, no que la gent...

The people who go to pick, not that the people...

O sigui, és que no, la mà comarca

I mean, it's just that no, the regional hand.

a tots, menys la gent que viu en Gandia

to everyone, except the people who live in Gandia

i no sap parlar-lo. Això.

and he/she doesn't know how to speak it. That's it.

Però bueno, ara anem a parlar d'un tema

But well, now let's talk about a topic.

que a mi em fascina,

that fascinates me,

que són les tradicions

what are traditions

safarauis. Perquè és que

Saharawi. Because it is that

jo no les entenc moltes. Això és per fer una

I don't understand many of them. This is to make one.

tesi. Bueno, una. Una?

thesis. Well, one. One?

Una només?

Only one?

És que damunt, clar, jo ho tinc tan interioritzat

It's just that above all, of course, I have it so internalized.

que Aire que estava

that Air that was

explicant això de...

explaining this about...

del porrat.

of the fair.

A veure, explica el que és el porrat.

Let's see, explain what a porrat is.

Però si em vas dir que no tenia nom!

But you told me it didn't have a name!

Com es diu això?

What is this called?

No, no, és que no,

No, no, it's just no.

no estic dient que això sigui el porrat,

I'm not saying that this is the event,


do you know?

I què és el porrat?

And what is the porrat?

El porrat és

The fair is

com un mercat... T'ho vaig dir.

Like a market... I told you.

Ah, sí, coi, que era un mercat medieval.

Ah, yes, damn, it was a medieval market.

Però, a veure,

But, let's see,

la idea del porrat, en un principi,

the idea of the fair, at first,

és per

it is for

no batejar els gossos, però...

not to baptize the dogs, but...

Tia, com es diu això?

Aunt, what is this called?

Beneir. Beneir els gossos.

Bless. Bless the dogs.

O, no, els animals en si.

Oh, no, the animals themselves.

O sigui, hi ha gent que porta conills i...

So, there are people who bring rabbits and...

El que siga. El que tinguis a casa i

Whatever it is. Whatever you have at home and

ho vulguis beneir...

you want to bless it...

Sí, sí, eh? Conills, el que siga.

Yes, yes, huh? Rabbits, whatever it is.

El que siga, el que vulguis beneir.

Whatever it is, whatever you want to bless.

Els gats no he vist mai cap, però...

I have never seen any cats, but...

El que siga.

Whatever it may be.

Aquí, aquí, amb un poquet d'aigua per damunt...

Here, here, with a little bit of water on top...

Això és en Sant Antoni del Porquet.

This is in Sant Antoni del Porquet.

La gent que siga d'allí

The people who are from there.

és que ho entendrà en seguida.

he will understand it right away.

Les meves amigues, si estan escoltant-ho, estan peixant-se de la raça.

My friends, if they are listening to it, are making fun of me.

M'imagino que no.

I imagine not.

Estan totes així.

They are all like that.

No, si estan escoltant-ho alt, estaran peixant-se.

No, if they are listening to it loud, they will be fishing themselves.

Nosaltres anàvem al porrat de Potries,

We were going to the fair of Potries,

que és el més famós de l'Aixafort.

what is the most famous of the Engraving.

A veure, perquè us feu la idea,

Let's see, to give you an idea,

a Potries tindrà, no sé, 500 habitants o això.

Potries will have, I don't know, 500 inhabitants or so.

Què? Em pensava que era més gran.

What? I thought it was bigger.

Tia, no, supermenú.

Dude, no, super menu.

Tenen escola i mira...

They have school and look...

De gràcies. Sí, de miracle.

Thank you. Yes, by miracle.

I van al teu institut, els que són de Potries?

Are those from Potries going to your school?

No, els de Potries van a Villalonga.

No, those from Potries are going to Villalonga.



Bueno, que ara els de la Font també van a Villalonga,

Well, now the people from Font are also going to Villalonga,

però és que n'hi ha molt de lío.

but there’s a lot of confusion.

Coses de pobles. Sí.

Things of villages. Yes.

Total, que el porrat

So, the fair.

és això, com un...

it's this, like a...

Sí, és com una festa medieval aixina per gener.

Yes, it's like a medieval festival around January.

És ara, a finals de gener.

It's now, at the end of January.

Ah, anem. Ara, saps?

Ah, let's go. Now, you know?

Sí, ara falta un...

Yes, now we need a...

Un mes.

One month.

Bueno, tipo el 28 de gener o per ahir

Well, like January 28th or yesterday.

és el de la Font.

It is the one from the Fountain.

El de Potries crec que és abans,

I think the one in Potries is earlier.

si no m'enganye.

if I'm not mistaken.

I, bueno, en el cole nosaltres anàvem

Well, at school we used to go

i vam fer una cosa que és entrar a l'església.

And we did something that is to enter the church.

Ho acabo d'entendre ara.

I just understood it now.

Em pensava que...

I was thinking that...

Em pensava que fèieu excursió expressament a Potries

I thought you made a trip specifically to Potries.

perquè fèieu així una lleó.

Why did you do a lion like that?

Perquè n'hi havia una...

Because there was one...

O sigui, la feien una fira.

That is to say, they were holding a fair.

Després, clar, lo medieval i la festa del sant

Afterwards, of course, the medieval and the feast of the saint.



Derivat en...

Derived in...

Vale, coi.

Okay, dude.

Saps? En plan, tendes, coses artesanals

You know? Like, shops, artisanal things.

i també la fira.

and also the fair.

Ah, val, val.

Oh, okay, okay.

És que m'havia espantat perquè dic

I was just scared because I said.

en seriós que estem anant expressament a un puto poble.

Seriously, we are specifically going to a fucking town.

Bueno, bueno, a tendes...

Well, well, to stores...

O sigui, de la Font a Potries n'hi ha un quilòmetre.

So, from la Font to Potries there is one kilometer.

Entonces anàvem caminant no sé què.

So we were walking, I don't know what.

Sí, per ahir.

Yes, for yesterday.

No ho sabia.

I didn't know.

Sí, un quilòmetre o un quilòmetre i mig.

Yes, one kilometre or one and a half kilometres.

De ma casa crec que n'hi ha un quilòmetre i mig.

I think it is one and a half kilometers from my house.

Perquè és per on vaig a córrer jo.

Because that's where I'm going to run.


Holy shit.

No em vas portar i mira que he estat ben a prop.

You didn't take me and look, I was very close.

Ja, però és que no n'hi ha res, Júlia.

Yes, but there is nothing, Júlia.

De moment, en estiu...

For now, in summer...

Perdona, perquè a Rafel Cofé hi ha moltes coses.

Sorry, because there are many things in Rafel Cofé.

Però t'has de passar perquè és un poble de passo.

But you have to pass through because it's a town of passage.

Ah, vale, d'acord.

Ah, okay, got it.

Saps? Un poble de potets.

You know? A village of little jars.

En fin, Rafel Cofé, te creus.

In short, Rafel Cofé, you believe yourself.



Total, que...

So, that...

Ah, anàvem allí i entravem a l'església.

Ah, we went there and entered the church.

Bueno, jo no entrava perquè...

Well, I wasn't going in because...

Ah, t'hi ha.

Ah, there you are.

Mai he sigut creient.

I have never been a believer.

La xica.

The girl.

Ens quedàvem els d'Alternativa a la religió.

We were the ones from Alternative in religion.

Jo i Carles Vallecanto.

I and Carles Vallecanto.

Un saludo.

A greeting.

Un saludo, és a dir.

A greeting, that is to say.

Ens quedàvem fora i entraven els que anaven a religió

We stayed outside while those going to religion entered.

i ens passàvem com...

and we would spend time like...

A veure, és com...

Let's see, it's like...

És que no sé com explicar-ho perquè és molt difícil d'explicar.

It's just that I don't know how to explain it because it's very difficult to explain.

És com un cilindre...

It's like a cylinder...

Sí, és un cilindre de vidre

Yes, it is a glass cylinder.

i que els costats eren d'or.

and that the edges were made of gold.

I dins tenia com una cosa groguenca.

And inside it had something yellowish.

A veure, jo no me'n recordo gaire, realment.

Let's see, I don't really remember much, to be honest.

A veure, si algú sap el que és,

Let's see if anyone knows what it is,

que em parli i em digui la paraula.

that he/she speaks to me and tells me the word.

Vaig a buscar-ho.

I am going to get it.

Total, que ens passàvem per la gola

Overall, we were swallowing it down.

perquè no tingués costipat.

so that I wouldn't catch a cold.

En hivern.

In winter.

I ens passàvem per la gola.

And we would pass it down our throat.

I ens passàvem per tot sense torcar-ho.

And we passed through everything without touching it.

Li ho passaven a tots per la gola sense torcar-ho.

They passed it all down their throats without touching it.

Cosa que és supercoronavíric, realment.

Something that is supercoronavirus, really.

Ara, vist així, sí.

Now, seen like this, yes.

Ara, suposo que aquest any no ho faran.

Now, I suppose they won't do it this year.

Que capaço són, eh?

How capable they are, huh?

A veure, espera un moment.

Let’s see, wait a moment.

Que el retorn de potries no sé què hi espero.

That the return of potries, I don't know what I'm expecting there.

Perdona, tot això té potries a Wikipedia.

Sorry, all this has references on Wikipedia.

Té un munt de coses.

He/She has a lot of things.

És clar, perquè és un poble reconegut

Of course, because it is a recognized village.

per l'OMS.

for the WHO.

Per l'OMS, saps?

For the WHO, you know?

A veure, quants habitants té?

Let's see, how many inhabitants does it have?

Ho diu aquí.

It says here.

1.000 habitants!

1,000 inhabitants!

Ah, pensava que era menys.

Ah, I thought it was less.



Gentilici casoler, saps?

Are you aware of the local demonym?



En la font són caputs.

In the fountain, they are hooded.

T'has cau.

You have fallen.

En Berroir són xaperos, saps per què?

In Berroir, they are chaperones, do you know why?

Ui, això t'ho heu de comptar, és superboa.

Oh, you have to tell him this, it's really good.

Per què?


En Berroir n'hi ha una platja,

In Berroir there is a beach,

n'hi ha una part de la platja que anaven els gais.

There is a part of the beach where the gay people used to go.

Que anaven els gais, d'acord?

That the gays were going, okay?

I per això es diuen xaperos.

And that's why they are called chaperos.



En sèrio?


Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Espera això.

Wait for this.



Molotros caputs, sabuts i ben volguts.

Many heads, wise and well-loved.

Que consti.

Let it be stated.

Caputs, sabuts i ben volguts.

Heads, wise and well-loved.



Que guai!

How cool!

Igual a festes locals.

Equal to local festivals.

Sant Blai.

Saint Blaise.

El Febrer.


Sant Joan.

Saint John.


Of course!

És Sant Blai.

It is Saint Blaise.



L'onomàstica del Sant...

The onomastics of the Saint...



Clar, és que...

Sure, it's just that...

Allí es diu Sant Blai.

There it is called Saint Blaise.

És de veritat.

It is true.

Tu et dius Sant Antoni del Torquet o alguna cosa així.

You call yourself Sant Antoni del Torquet or something like that.

Molotros diu Sant Antoni...

Molotros says Saint Anthony...


Of course.

Però el seu és Sant Blai.

But his is Saint Blaise.

El porrat de Sant Blai, veus?

The Saint Blaise fair, do you see?

Passa en la relíquia del Sant.

It happens in the relic of the Saint.


Do you see?

Que fort!

How cool!

Que allí es conserva per la gola, complint així amb el ritual de purificació i protecció davant les malalties, ja que Sant Blai és el sant protector de les afeccions de gola.

That there it is preserved for the throat, thus fulfilling the ritual of purification and protection against illnesses, since Saint Blaise is the patron saint of throat ailments.

Estic flipant ara, m'acabo de quedar loquíssima.

I'm freaking out right now, I just got so crazy.

Clar, és que quan ho conté jo no sona tan professional.

Of course, it's just that when I tell it, I don't sound as professional.

O sigui, a veure, perquè potser no estem entenent el concepte.

So, let's see, because maybe we are not understanding the concept.

Hi ha una relíquia d'un sant, és a dir, una...

There is a relic of a saint, that is to say, a...

Això s'ho han inventat, també t'ho dic.

They've made this up, I'm telling you.

A veure, tia, a veure.

Let's see, girl, let's see.



No n'és romper les esperances, conyo, els pobres, com venen cabuts.

It's not about breaking hopes, damn it, the poor, how they come with their heads down.

Perdó, no.

Sorry, no.


Little cases.

No els deixis.

Don't let them go.

Deixa'ls en pau.

Leave them alone.


Poor things.

Estem parlant que els casolets aquí, bueno, i aquests, els de la font que van de fer excursions, com qui va al cos no caixa, van a passar a fer relíquies per la garganta.

We are talking about the cubs here, well, and those from the fountain who went on excursions, like those who go to the body not box, are going to turn into relics for the throat.

Doncs clar, cada un, cada una amb les seves possibilitats.

Well of course, each one, each one with their own possibilities.

O sigui, la meva experiència d'infantesa i la teva són molt diferents.

So, my childhood experience and yours are very different.

Literalment, molt diferents.

Literally, very different.

Començant per l'escola, perquè en la nostra escola és que hi ha troces, tal, tal.

Starting with the school, because in our school there are bits, such and such.

Eh, la meva també, eh.

Eh, mine too, huh.

La de 26...

The one with 26...

T'ho juro, era una escola antiga.

I swear to you, it was an old school.

Però no se n'anava la llum.

But the light did not go away.

Que no, dice.

“No,” he says.

Quan plodia.

When it was raining.

Entraven els coloms del menjador.

The pigeons were entering the dining room.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Perquè era una escola que era dels 62. Era una escola que era dels 62.

Because it was a school that was for the 62. It was a school that was for the 62.

El nostre també, per ahir.

Ours too, for yesterday.

Però el que passa és que vam fer l'escola nova i llavors jo quan vaig entrar a primària ja vaig entrar a la nova.

But what happens is that we built the new school and so when I started primary school, I already started in the new one.

Però el P3, P4, P5...

But the P3, P4, P5...

Què va, jo no. Jo no. Jo vaig passar tota la primària dient, d'acord, ens faran una escola nova.

No way, not me. Not me. I spent my entire primary school years saying, alright, they will build us a new school.

Ara estan fent-la. Ara.

They are doing it now. Now.

Jo tinc 20 anys. Ja quasi. Ja estan fent-la.

I am 20 years old. Almost. They are already doing it.

Ah, què volia dir?

Ah, what did I want to say?

Ah, que tinc 20 anys.

Ah, that I am 20 years old.



Que tinc 20 anys.

That I am 20 years old.

Però que tinc 20 anys va anir a fons, saps?

But I’m 20 years old, you know?

No, a veure, el que anava a dir...

No, let me see, what I was going to say...



Perquè no m'has deixat fer el break the situation. O sigui, estem parlant que t'agafen un os o el que sigui d'un sant.

Because you didn't let me do the break the situation. I mean, we're talking about them taking a bone or whatever from a saint.



I t'ho passen per la gola sense netejar-ho, en plan...

They pass it down your throat without cleaning it, in a way...

Clar, perquè clar, és mano de santo, com si diguessin.

Of course, because clearly, it's like a miracle, as they say.

Literalment mano de santo.

Literally a saint's hand.



I llavors no tens problemes de gola.

And then you don't have throat problems.

Però que això és un inventat. També hi ha gent que diu que té un braç ahí de Sant Vicent o no sé què. Això és mentida.

But this is made up. There are also people who say they have an arm there of Saint Vincent or I don't know what. This is a lie.

Sí. O la sal.

Yes. Or the salt.

O les cabanes de Cristo, aquestes coses.

Oh the huts of Christ, those things.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.


You know?

Doncs mala pudor farà.

Then it will smell bad.

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

Home, tia, si són de Cristo...

Dude, they are from Christ...

Tenen uns anys.

They are a few years old.

No existia ni la llavora.

There was not even the locksmith.

En fi.

In short.

És que volia dir alguna cosa que se m'ha oblidat.

I wanted to say something that I've forgotten.



Que quan...

That when...

En la meva escola.

In my school.

Que jo li tinc moltíssim de carinyo encara que es caiguera i fes un fredorro de porc que anàvem en edredona, va dir.

That I have a lot of affection for him even though it was freezing cold and we went in a down jacket, he said.

En honorà a classe, sincerament.

In honor of class, sincerely.

Jo anava en honorà i no me'l treia per res.

I wore it in honor and I wouldn't take it off for anything.

Doncs quan plovia se n'anava la llum.

So when it rained, the power went out.

I havíem de posar cartons en les finestres perquè no entrara l'aigua.

We had to put cardboard in the windows so that the water wouldn't come in.

I jo me'n recordo d'una volta en sisè.

And I remember a time in sixth grade.

Que precari.

How precarious.

Va començar a ploure o no sé què i Pilar, la meva professora.

It started to rain or I don't know what and Pilar, my teacher.

Ah, vale, gràcies per clarament.

Ah, okay, thank you for clarifying.

Em va dir, Laia, apaga la regleta, no sé què.

She told me, Laia, turn off the power strip, I don't know what.

Què és la regleta?

What is the strip?

La regleta, o siga...

The strip, or rather...

Això de... un endoll.

This is... a plug.

Un lladre.

A thief.



Jo la vaig apagar no sé què.

I turned her off, I don't know what.

I mos va contar un conte.

He told us a story.

Bueno, una rondella d'Enric Valor.

Well, a washer by Enric Valor.

Que és i queixalets també.

What it is and little teeth too.

Quina por vaig passar.

What a fright I went through.

Ah, sí, em vas llegir un cop que vas dir...

Ah, yes, you read to me once that you said...

Uf, i els queixalets...

Phew, and the little teeth...

I jo vaig quedar plaç.

And I was left amazed.

És d'un bebè...

It's from a baby...


Do you read it?

Vols que la llegis?

Do you want me to read it?

És que és un poc llarga, no?

It's just a bit long, isn't it?

No ho sé, busca-ho a veure.

I don't know, look for it and see.

Bueno, l'expliqui jo.

Well, let me explain it.



L'expliqui jo.

I'll explain it.



Una dona se'n va al llavagor.

A woman goes to the bathroom.

A veure, ja hi ha una vegada, coi.

Let's see, there was once upon a time, damn it.

Comença bé, no?

It starts well, doesn't it?

Però estic contant-ho aixina ràpid.

But I am telling it so quickly.

Ah, vale, és un resum.

Ah, okay, it's a summary.


Of course.

El rincón del vagó.

The corner of the carriage.

El resum...

The summary...

Sí, el rincón del vagó és...

Yes, the corner of the carriage is...

Una dona se'n va al llavagor...

A woman goes to the restroom...

De nit...

At night...

I sent com un plor.

I sounded like a cry.

S'afraeix, vale?

It's okay, alright?



Sent com un plor...

Feeling like a cry...

I és que n'hi ha un bebè.

And there is a baby.

I agarra el bebè...

And grab the baby...

M'estic botant moltíssimes coses, eh?

I'm skipping a lot of things, huh?

Sí, però bueno, perdó, Enric Valor, perquè va recopilar les rondelles valencianes.

Yes, but well, sorry, Enric Valor, because he compiled the Valencian folktales.

Un beso, des d'ací.

A kiss from here.

Va dir-li un saludo.

He sent him a greeting.

Quique, besitos.

Quique, kisses.



Total, que l'agarra el bebè i...

So, she grabs the baby and...

No sé què diu.

I don't know what it says.

Ah, sí, sí, sí.

Ah, yes, yes, yes.

El bebè obre com la boca i veu que té dents.

The baby opens its mouth and sees that it has teeth.

Un bebè amb dents.

A baby with teeth.

O sigui, com un bebè acabat de naixer.

So, like a newborn baby.

I fa...

And it has...

Ai, mira...

Oh, look...

Això ho diu ella...

She says that...

En veu alta.

Out loud.

Ai, mira, té dents.

Oh, look, it has teeth.

I el bebè li fa...

And the baby makes...

I què se l'ets tan bé?

And what do you do so well?

I llavors aquella...

And then that...

Jo què sé, el reballa o algo.

I don't know, it slips away or something.

Què és això?

What is this?



No fa por.

It is not scary.

Jule, però jo tenia...

Jule, but I had...



A lo millor tenia 11 anys i damunt va entrar la professora de castellà que va...

Maybe I was 11 years old and then the Spanish teacher came in who...

Sense cridar a la porta.

Without knocking on the door.

Tio, damunt eixa escola feia por.

Dude, that school was scary.



Va entrar i mos va pegar un...

He came in and hit us a...

Un susto.

A scare.

Un insult a tots.

An insult to all.

De veres.


Que cabrona.

What a bitch.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Pobreta, Àngela.

Poor thing, Àngela.

També m'agradava.

I also liked it.

Àngela, recordes?

Angela, do you remember?

També des d'aquí.

Also from here.

Em posava bona nota en castellà.

I used to get good grades in Spanish.

A veure, com hem pogut comprovar, a la Safford som bastant més de tradicions que nosaltres.

Let's see, as we have been able to verify, at Safford we are quite a bit more about traditions than we are.



A mi una personalment que em va sobtar bastant...

One that surprised me quite a bit...

Bueno, dues.

Well, two.

La primera, lo de les festeres, festeres, no sé què, no sé quantes...

The first thing, the festival participants, festival participants, I don’t know what, I don’t know how many...

D'acord, t'ho explico un poc.

Okay, I'll explain it to you a bit.

Encara que jo no estic molt metida, però...

Although I'm not very involved, but...

I lo de monos i cristians.

And the thing about monkeys and Christians.

Vos i cristians, explica primer lo de les festeres si us plau.

You and Christians, please explain the festival details first.

Les festeres és...

The festival participants are...

Clar, ara, este any...

Sure, now, this year...

Que drama.

What a drama.

És cortíssim perquè jo no sé que faran.

It's very short because I don't know what they will do.

O siga...

That is...


Very short.

Jo vull saber realment com acaba això.

I really want to know how this ends.



Resulta que...

It turns out that...

Vale, quan fas 18 anys, estan esquintos que són...

Okay, when you turn 18, there are these things that are...

Bueno, la gent que fa 18 anys.

Well, the people who are 18 years old.



I es fan com parelles, o trios, segons el personal...

They are made in pairs or trios, depending on the staff...



Ja, com.

Yes, how.

Segons si.

According to yes.

en plan, si són més xics

like, if they're younger

o són més xics, però normalment

or they are younger, but usually

una parella, xiqui-xica, que fan 18 anys

a couple, boy-girl, who are turning 18 years old

són del mateix any, 2001

they are from the same year, 2001

post-2001, per posar un exemple

post-2001, to give an example

ja, així tonto

yeah, like that silly

el nostre

the our

i un dia

and one day

això en la font, en la font només és un dia

this in the fountain, in the fountain is only a day

però... hòstia, piles, vaja matats

but... wow, damn, what a bunch of idiots

que fan aquí com una setmana

What are they doing here for about a week?

en piles fan una setmana i així en tots els dies

In stacks, they make a week and so on for all the days.

i crec que de matí i d'esprat

I think that in the morning and in the evening.

però en la font només és de matí

but at the fountain, it is only morning

munten com una tarima

they mount like a platform

i fan com, no sé, ballen

and they act like, I don’t know, they dance



sí, eh?

Yes, huh?



sí, crec que sí

yes, I think so

i, clar, això

Yes, of course, this.

prèviament han passat

previously have passed

cada uno, cada home

each one, each man

per la dona

for the woman

però els meus amics ho van canviar

but my friends changed it

i ells van fer que

and they made that

crec que pel matí van anar

I think they went in the morning.

elles o

they or

o per la nit van passar

or they passed at night

elles a per ells

they for them

cosa que no s'havia fet mai, eh?

something that had never been done, huh?

i els meus amics ho van dir

and my friends said so

i els ho van fer

and they did it to them

els van fer fer

they made them do it

els de l'Ajuntament, els que ho organitzen, no sé

the ones from the City Council, the ones who organize it, I don't know

i això, i bueno, passen

and that, and well, they happen

i després van a la progresso

and then they go to the progress

és com si passés una etapa

it's as if a stage were passing

és com una...

it's like a...

tradicionalment sí que té sentit

traditionally it does make sense

és com posar en la societat

it's like putting it into society

de ja soc adult

I'm already an adult.

és una aposta de l'arbre

it is a bet of the tree

sí, perquè porten uns vestits

Yes, because they are wearing some suits.



sí, superllargs, així com pomposos

yes, super long, as well as pompous

pomposos, és molt pomposos

pompous, they are very pompous

és que la tradició valenciana de per si

is that the Valencian tradition in itself

o siga, els valencians

that is, the Valencians

són pomposos

they are pompous

jo veig una dona catalana

I see a Catalan woman.

i veig una dona valenciana

I see a Valencian woman.

i en què es diferencien?

And how do they differ?

la valenciana sempre anirà més a arreglar i més maquillar

The Valencian woman will always tend to fix and beautify more.

sempre, són més lleies

always, they are more laws

sempre, o siga

always, that is to say

jo de les meves amigues ho veig que menys m'arreglen

I see that my friends are the least able to help me.

bueno, és que en això soc un poc, eh?

Well, it's just that I'm a little bit like that, huh?

un poc catalana, la veritat

a little Catalan, to be honest

però això que les dones valencianes

but this that Valencian women

són superreconeixibles

they are super recognizable

per això

for that reason

sí, la veritat és que jo ho vaig notar perquè quan vaig anar jo

Yes, the truth is that I noticed it because when I went.

a la font, tu i jo anàvem vestides igual

At the fountain, you and I were dressed the same.

de eh, i les teves amigues anàvem

of eh, and we used to go with your friends

en xancles, tipo

in flip-flops, dude

eres tio, eres tio

you're an uncle, you're an uncle

i les meves amigues van superassegades

And my friends were super confident.

amb faldilles, reines

with skirts, queens

sí, sí, precioses totes, però clar

yes, yes, all precious, but of course

al costat jo dic, well

beside I say, well

clar, i jo després

sure, and I after

fan una foto i van totes mudades

they are taking a photo and they are all dressed up

jo sempre els dic que no es muden tant, però mai em fan cas

I always tell them not to move so much, but they never listen to me.

però perquè els agradarà

but because they will like it

els agradarà veure's guapes a les noies

They will like to see themselves pretty in the girls.

a veure, a mi la tradició que és de les festeres

Let's see, for me the tradition that is from the festivity participants

que me disculpen, sobretot els apil·les

that they forgive me, especially the piles

a mi em sembla una mica

it seems a bit to me

ja, que podrien

yes, they could

passar pàgina, no creus?

Turn the page, don’t you think?

sí, clar, a veure, jo no he

Yes, of course, let's see, I haven't

sigut... clar, tu no ho has fet, això per començar

be... clear, you haven't done this to begin with

perquè també ho vas pensar el mateix

because you also thought the same

perquè també pensé que són molts diners

because I also think that is a lot of money

i molt religiós, al final

and very religious, in the end

sí, i jo religiosa no soc

yes, and I am not religious

una professora aguantant un Siri

a teacher holding a Siri

i que tots a la fonda

and that everyone at the inn

i mirant-me jo en un vestit llarg

and looking at myself in a long dress

i pompós, és que no em veig

It's pompous, I just can't see myself.

clar, clar, clar

clear, clear, clear

no em veig gens, és que...

I can't see myself at all, it's just that...

tu amb un vestit, what the fuck

you in a dress, what the fuck

és com jo, a mi me sentaria com dos pistoles a un cristo

It's like me, I would feel like two guns on a Christ.

mantenint un puto vestit d'aquells

keeping a damn dress like that

jo m'ho poso en un vestit, però és estrany

I wear it in a dress, but it’s strange.

a mi no em senta bé

it doesn't sit well with me

és que no em senta bé

it's just that it doesn't sit well with me

tia, per com soc jo, jo soc molt de pantaló

Aunt, for how I am, I'm very much into pants.

i jaqueta, saps?

And jacket, you know?

parlem de que és com un vestit que és

let's talk about it being like a dress that it is

com de boda, però de color dins

like a wedding, but colored inside

clar, clar, clar

clear, clear, clear

mira, les teves amigues prou

look, your friends enough

que encara anaven guapes

that they still looked beautiful


però jo he vist cada vestidito

but I have seen every little dress

de tots els pobles que dius

of all the towns you mention

well, well

well, well

i es gasten una puta pasta

And they spend a bloody fortune.

per un vestit que et posaràs un cop a la vida

for a dress that you'll wear once in a lifetime

que a veure, que si a elles els agrada

let's see, if they like it

perquè el Luis al final, quan li vaig dir

because Luis in the end, when I told him

jo no entenc, jo no ho faria, em va dir

I don't understand, I wouldn't do it, he told me.

Júlia, però és que la meva aspiració a la vida quan era petit

Julia, but my aspiration in life when I was little

sí, clar, però jo

yes, of course, but I

a mi no m'han criat en eixa

I was not raised in that.

tradició professional

professional tradition

o siga, les meves amigues

that is to say, my friends

moltes voltes ho parlaven

they talked about it many times

antes de que passara

before it happened

i jo, no sé

and I, I don't know

jo pensava

I thought

és que a mi ningú m'ha parlat mai

It's just that no one has ever spoken to me.

jo mai he anat a voler trages de festera

I have never wanted to wear party costumes.

que bueno, em pareix súper

how great, I think it's super



però jo no vol

but I don't want

no em rentava

I didn't wash myself.

ja, ja, ja

ha, ha, ha

bueno, no et senties identificada igual

well, you didn't feel identified the same way

amb el que volia dir se festera, no?

With what I meant was a party-goer, right?

no, no, a veure, tampoc

no, no, let's see, neither

però les meves amigues tampoc se senten identificades

but my friends do not feel identified either

en això, però si els feia il·lusió

in this, but if it made them happy


Do you know?

al cap i a la fi els feia il·lusió

After all, it made them excited.

se'n penedeixen?

Do they regret it?

no, bueno, a veure

no, well, let's see


Do you know?

mig, mig, o bé per la pasta que es gasten

half, half, or for the money they spend

més que res, no pel tal de sortir

more than anything, not in order to go out


Do you know?

no, perquè és molt curt

no, because it is very short

en eix moment, però clar, és un dia

at that moment, but of course, it's a day

per elles sí, clar

For them, yes, of course.

és un dia només

it's just one day

però és que els apri les noies

but it is that I open the girls

almenys, bueno, i el Luis també

at least, well, and Luis too

dos trages, tia, dos trages

two suits, aunt, two suits

molt diners

a lot of money

no, però ells parlen molt de dos trages, però

No, but they talk a lot about two suits, but

realment no es gasten tants diners

they really don't spend that much money

perquè són més regulars els trages

because the suits are more regular

en plan, no són tant de

it's just that they're not that much of

són de pronòvies

they are of brides' attire

no, ja, però el vestit aquell que tenien totes igual

No, yes, but that dress that they all had the same.

val que sigui més barat, tu

It's fine that it's cheaper, you.

perquè si al final tu vas a una costurera

because if in the end you go to a seamstress

i has de fer moltes, al final has de baixar el preu

You have to do a lot, in the end, you have to lower the price.

però el que tu et vulguis fer

but whatever you want to do

a mesura, que hagis d'anar aquí

As much as you need to go here.

a un atelier, no sé què, que t'ho facin

to a workshop, I don't know what, let them do it for you

su putísima madre

his fucking mother

però no te'l fan directament

but they don't make it for you directly

o sigui, exactament a mesura

that is, exactly to measure

el que fan és que

what they do is that

tenen el figurín

they have the figurine

tu tries, clar, tu tries un

you try, of course, you try one

un traje i després

a suit and then

ja te l'arreglen, a veure

They're fixing it for you, let's see.

te'l pots fer a mida, jo tinc amigues que se'l van

You can make it to measure, I have friends who are getting it.

fer a mida, però

made to measure, but

a ella se'l va dissenyar

It was designed for her.

però això no és el normal, tu normalment vas a un

but that is not normal, you normally go to a

vas a una tenda, el tries

you go to a store, you pick it out

i segons, bueno, segons el cos que tinguis

and according to, well, depending on the body you have

te l'adaptes

you adapt to it

home, el seu es notava perquè era

man, his was noticeable because it was

era més únic, saps?

It was more unique, you know?

com ella va triant la tela i tot

as she chooses the fabric and everything

que és un feinón

what is a workaholic

i tan feinón, i més car, suposo

and so much work, and more expensive, I suppose

no ho sé

I don't know.

té una aparició

has an appearance

és que no, i em perc

it's just that no, and I'm sorry

no, però clar, al final eren tots més o menys igual

No, but of course, in the end they were all more or less the same.

igual, tipo quinceañera

same, like a quinceañera

saps què vull dir? i el seu era una mica més

Do you know what I mean? And his was a little more.

d'amunt és que és com

from above is that it is like

és el mateix

it's the same

és simbòlic, vull dir és

it's symbolic, I mean it is

sí, amb energia, no?

Yes, with energy, right?

no, explica l'altra tradició

no, explain the other tradition

ah, sí, vale, perdó

oh, yes, okay, sorry

després una altra cosa, que jo quan vaig

after another thing, that when I go

els vaig dir que no tenia ni puta idea del que era

I told them that I had no fucking idea what it was.

quasi m'assassinen, ah, moros i cristians

they almost killed me, ah, Moors and Christians

moros i cristians, em van posar, bueno

Moors and Christians, they put me, well.

explica, explica, a veure, jo crec que moros i cristians

explain, explain, let's see, I think that Moors and Christians


it is



les mar, tot

the sea, everything

el que és València a nivell de festa

what Valencia is like in terms of parties

que és el

what is it

desfase, la casalla

discrepancy, the casalla

tot el sandia

all the watermelon

el burré, també

the donkey, too

mengen moltíssima carn, o sigui que queden

they eat a lot of meat, so they stay

per esmorzar, després dinen també allí

for breakfast, then they also have lunch there

bueno, moros i cristians

well, Moors and Christians

és una tradició

it's a tradition

que és com que lluiten els moros

what it's like for the Moors to fight

contra els cristians, però

against the Christians, but

sempre guanyen els cristians, clar, és com

Christians always win, of course, it's like

una representació històrica

a historical representation

primer guanyen els moros i després guanyen els cristians

first the Moors win and then the Christians win

fa com un teatre

it's like a theater

i bueno, però el últim dia

And well, but the last day.

que és el més gros

what is the biggest

és que fan una desfila que

it's that they are having a parade that

clar, s'agarren tipus del

Of course, they grab types from the...

braseo, que no exactament, vale

I roast, not exactly, okay.

però, és que ara

but, it's just that now

hauries de posar una marxa moro

you should put a moro gear

posaré xivo, davant de fons

I will put xivo in front of the background.

però el tros que jo el diga

but the piece that I say it

el de

the one of

clar, és que jo com a bona valenciana

of course, it's just that I, as a good Valencian

toco un instrument del clarinet

I play an instrument, the clarinet.

que està aquí

what is here

està aquí, sí

he is here, yes

bueno, això

well, this

i això

and this

que anava a dir?

What was I going to say?

hi ha un tio que amb una espasa, què fas?

There is a guy with a sword, what are you doing?

ah, sí, no, no, sempre està el capità

Ah, yes, no, no, the captain is always there.

que per cert

by the way

n'hi ha un nom en la font

there is a name in the fountain

que el seu mal nom és

that their nickname is

el capità moro

the Moorish captain

ah, sí?

Oh, really?

és super capità moro

he is a super Moorish captain

o sigui que és la representació del capità moro

so it is the representation of the Moorish captain

per excel·lència

by excellence

que guai, t'ho juro

That's cool, I swear to you.

és com el que guia la fila

It is like the one who leads the line.

que és una

what is a

retalia de persones

retaliation of people

que agarres del braseo

that you take from the roasting

i que van al ritme de la música

and they go to the rhythm of the music

i fan com un passacarrer per tot el

and they make like a parade throughout the

per tot el poble, bàsicament

for the whole village, basically

però clar, la festa

but of course, the party

és molt

it is very

és que és desfàcil, o sigui

it's just that it's really difficult, I mean

de xaranga

of parade band

o sigui, van a la xaranga

that is to say, they are going to the band

no sé lo que es una xaranga

I don't know what a xaranga is.

una xaranga es como una banda

a xaranga is like a band

es como una banda

it's like a band

pero menuda

but what a

que suena mogolló

it sounds a lot

toquen cançons, no només pasodoble

they play songs, not just pasodoble.

sino que es lo que toca una banda

but it is what a band plays

sino también, yo que sé, por ejemplo

but also, I don't know, for example

despacito, pues el pasen a banda

Slowly, as they move to the side.

a l'arquesta

to the orchestra

no, no, perquè van pel carrer

no, no, because they are on the street

clar, és que això també

of course, it's just that this too

ah, que es van movent

Ah, so they're moving.

sí, sí, sí, clar

yes, yes, yes, of course

o sigui, un passacarrer

that is to say, a street parade

es fan tipo un pasacarrer

They create a kind of parade.

i pues toquen

And then they play.

yo que sé, comparito roca

I don't know, buddy rock.



bueno, febrer no tant perquè no es tan animat

Well, February is not that much because it is not so lively.

però això, són pasodobles

but this, are pasodobles

i ells fan el ritme

And they keep the rhythm.

que risa!

What a laugh!

les teves amigues són mores o cristianes?

Are your friends Moors or Christians?



yo antes era mora, els moros son millors

I used to be a Moor, the Moors are better.



la música mora es

the music dies is

es que yo no puc

It's just that I can't.

el Luis em va posar una cançó, la de Chimo

Luis played me a song, the one by Chimo.

se le van posar els pèls de punta

It gave him goosebumps.

que sí, es que es boníssim

Yes, it is really delicious.

els pèls de punta, jo

hair on end, me

a la revista me alegra prou, es veritat

I'm quite happy in the magazine, it's true.

joder, la xapa que em va donar la tia

Damn, the lecture that the woman gave me.

va estar mitja hora allà

he was there for half an hour

com no pots saber

as you cannot know

em va posar tres marxes mores

he put three black gears on me

es que com no t'emociones, Julia

It's just that you don't get emotional, Julia.

com no t'emociones

how can you not get excited

es que es boníssim perquè damunt es super espectacular

It's really great because on top of that it's super spectacular.

o sigui, jo he sigut mora

So, I have been a Moor.

però quan era menuda que no m'enterava molt

but when I was little I didn't understand much

però després en la banda

but later in the band

tocar Chimo

to touch Chimo

que tot el món estiga mirant

let everyone be watching

perquè es que tot el món està allí

because everyone is there

és com super

it's like super


to say

buà, així és on visc jo

well, this is where I live

en plan, esta es ma casa

Like, this is my house.

es que es boníssimo, es un sentiment

It's just so great, it's a feeling.

que no es pot explicar

that cannot be explained

ja, i això veus, només puc relatejar

Yes, and you see, I can only relate.

a Festa Major de Rubí

the Major Festival of Rubí

o sigui, nosaltres

i.e., we

ens coneixem, o sigui, el 40

we know each other, that is, the 40

Music Festival el fan

Music Festival the fan

a Madrid, a Màlaga i a Rubí

in Madrid, in Málaga and in Rubí

o sigui, perquè tenim un escenari super gran

so, because we have a super large stage

i llavors d'allà venen sempre els cantants a cantar

And then the singers always come from there to sing.

hem tingut eminències

we have had eminences

a Alaska, los hombres G, ojo

to Alaska, the G men, watch out

ojo piojo

eye louse

pica, pica

nibble, nibble

i els que fan la banda, el típic, el popurrí

and those who make the band, the typical, the medley

saps? o sigui, jo, aquelles nits

You know? I mean, me, those nights.

de versió impossible

of impossible version

es diuen, la mare que els va parir

they say, the mother who gave birth to them

jo he plorat amb aquells tios

I have cried with those guys.

clar, tio, perquè et posen, o sigui, canten cançons

Sure, dude, because they put you, like, they sing songs.

de tota la vida, jo que sé, en plan, clàssicos

all my life, I mean, classics

jo que sé, verbena

I don't know, carnival.

i de cop i volta, un dia estàvem

And suddenly, one day we were

la Natàlia, el Roger, aquests els de l'insti

Natalia, Roger, these are the ones from school.

no? i la Natàlia, i jo sobretot

no? and Natàlia, and I especially

som super de nino bravo, i de cop i volta

"We are super of Nino Bravo, and all of a sudden."

comença, buscaré un hogar

I will start, I will look for a home.

per a ti, mira, i jo cridant

for you, look, and me shouting

bueno, i la Natàlia també, la del

Well, and Natàlia too, the one from...

beso i una flor, i jo plorant de l'alegria

kiss and a flower, and I crying with joy

de dir, sí, sí

to say, yes, yes

o sigui, és el millor

that is to say, it is the best

moment de la meva vida, és que m'encanten

moment of my life, it's that I love them

les barbenes, és el millor

the barbels, is the best

que m'ha passat, jo és que mai me'n sé cap

what has happened to me is that I never remember any of it

joder, clar, és que

fuck, of course, it's just that

jo una disco mòbil d'aquesta que li dius tu

I a mobile disco like the one you mention.

jo m'ho passo, jo és que m'ho passo molt bé

I have a great time, I really enjoy myself a lot.

però jo

but I

classifico una nit com a bona

I classify a night as good.

quan no he passat per la disco mòbil

when I haven't been to the mobile disco

vaya fracassada, doncs jo m'ho passo

what a failure, so I'm having fun

perquè a mi el que m'agrada és xerrar amb la gent

because what I like is chatting with people

en plan, veure gent que no veig mai

It's like seeing people I never see.

estar allà xerrant

be there chatting

però és que ja tens per tot

but you already have for everything

ja tens per tot, ja, però jo passo

You already have everything, yes, but I'm passing.

per la disco mòbil per les meves amigues

for the mobile disco for my friends

que els agrada el ballo teu, que són super

They like your dance, they are super.

és que m'encanten, jo és que soc d'aquestes

It's just that I love them, I am one of those people.

tu amb les meves amigues

you with my friends

de festa t'ho passaries super bé

You would have a great time at the party.

és que són supersòniques, de veres

It's that they are supersonic, really.

de porreres que són algunes

from Porreres that are some



mira, no donaré noms perquè les

look, I won't name names because the

respecto i les aprecio

I respect and appreciate them.

mínimament, però hi ha una

at least, but there is a



que quan estava allà, és de broma

that when I was there, it's a joke

una pute qüestionable

a questionable whore

talla-ho, per l'amor de Déu

cut it out, for the love of God

em callo, em callo, que si no

I keep quiet, I keep quiet, or else

pots conservar lo de talla-ho, per l'amor de Déu

You can keep the "cut it out" for the love of God.

és molt bo

it's very good

és que mira que jo no soc

it's just that look I am not

jo no soc gens creient

I am not a believer at all.



que sempre estic dient coses de Déu

that I am always saying things about God

sí, re Déu, no sé què

yes, really God, I don't know what

re Déu, a mi m'ha de Déu

God, God has to me.

per l'amor de Déu

for the love of God

se m'apega de les meves amigues

It sticks to my friends.

que les meves amigues

that my friends

clar, no, poquera no és del carro

Sure, no, poquera is not from the cart.

super fan d'aquella expressió, Laurita

super fan of that expression, Laurita



un saludo desde aquí

A greeting from here.



és que Alba sempre està dient-ho

It's just that Alba is always saying it.

quan parla li ho dic a les meves amigues

when he speaks, I tell my friends

sí, la veritat que sí

Yes, the truth is that yes.

jo he après molt

I have learned a lot.

hi ha après molt de les teves amigues

I have learned a lot from your friends.

lo de cromet

the thing about cromet

quin cromet, és un bebé molt mono

What a cute little guy, he's a very adorable baby.

però és que n'hi ha en la tira

but there are plenty of them

jo me'n recorde estar en el calà

I remember being in the calà.

de la jogada, la vella gallinera

of the play, the old henhouse

un Nadal

a Christmas

que vam anar molt poques

that we hardly went at all

i aniré a una amiga meua que és super de la font

I am going to a friend of mine who is really into the fountain.

la persona més de la font que conec

the person most from the fountain that I know

és que en dia

it's that in day

hi havia una darrere l'altra

there was one behind the other

jo pensava, no pot ser

I thought, it can't be.

com pot parlar així?

How can you speak like that?

és que és super admirable

It's just that it's really admirable.

el verb aquell que em vas dir que era com raro

the verb that you told me was kind of strange

no sé si era menjar, no

I don't know if it was eating, no.

mira, per exemple

look, for example

la burrera

the donkey stable

després la matxera

after the match

la burrera és com

the donkey's place is like

és la cancera de la matxera

It is the cancer of the matxera.

no, la matxera és la burrera de la cancera

No, the matxera is the burrera of the cancera.

burrera és

it's nonsense

calla, calla, quan em vas dir això el primer cop

shut up, shut up, when you told me this the first time

estàvem aquí a l'hospitalet a punt de dormir

we were here in l'Hospitalet about to sleep

li dic, tinc matxera

I tell him, I have a cold.

i li dic, què tens calla?

And I say to him, what do you have, shut up?

em fa, la burrera de la cancera

It makes me, the nonsense of the cancer.

jo actue com si la gent

I act as if people

ho hagués de saber

I should have known.

com si fos cruciar el saber per a la teva

as if it were to cross the knowledge for your own

salut mental

mental health

t'ho juro, què fas?

I swear to you, what are you doing?

és el meu modus vivendi

it's my way of life

en la font, jo és que quan estic en la font

in the fountain, I just that when I am in the fountain

ma mare m'ho diu

my mother tells me this

és que se m'apega

it's that it sticks to me

jo sincerament quan vaig acabar la setmana

I honestly, when I finished the week

al final acabava

in the end, it ended up

com es diu?

What is it called?

no volia dir assimilant

I didn't mean assimilating.

volia dir harmonitzant

I meant harmonizing.



és que faig un petit break perquè

I'm just taking a little break because

m'he equivocat

I've made a mistake.

el fenomen es diu harmonia

the phenomenon is called harmony

vocàlica, vinga

vocalic, come on


let's go back

jo sóc la que més exagera ho fa en casa

I am the one who exaggerates the most at home.

però és tot per les meves amigues

but it's all for my friends



ara és la culpa seva, no te jodes

Now it's his fault, don't be ridiculous.

jo aquí tinc

I have it here.

ma abuela no parla xina

My grandmother does not speak Chinese.

una tia Teresa sí

an aunt Teresa yes

una tia Teresa

an aunt Teresa

una gran, una altra gran de la vida

a great, another great of life

sí, de Moncovina

Yes, from Moncovina.

el caos de cul

the ass chaos

el caos de tos, que esta no sabia el que volia dir

the chaos of everyone, who didn't know what they wanted to say

no, no, no

no, no, no

no t'equivoquis

don't be mistaken

el Luis va dir

Luis said

ma mare s'ha fet mal

My mother has hurt herself.

i li dic per què

and I tell him why

ha fet un bac de tos

he has had a cough attack

s'ha pegat un bac de tos

he has had a coughing fit

un bac

a ferry

un bac de tost

a toast rack

de tos

of all



com racollons haig de saber jo

How the hell am I supposed to know?

que és un bac de tos

what is a cough drop

i em diu

and it tells me

no saps el que és pegar-se un bac?

Don't you know what it is to get a smack?

no ho sé

I don't know.

però com que no?

but how not?

un bac és que el pegues un hòstia

A slap is when you hit someone.





i un bac de tos és que el caus d'esquena

And a cough drop is when you fall on your back.


clar, sí

of course, yes

un bac de morros

a mucky mess

ah, d'acord, o sigui tens bac de morros i bac de tos

ah, okay, so you have a lot of pimples and a lot of coughs.

t'escaigues de morros

you fall face down

en el morro, saps?

On the snout, you know?

ok, we get it

ok, ho entenem

t'escaigues de morros o t'escaigues de tos?

Do you fall on your face or do you fall from a cough?

cauré de tos

I will fall from cough.

és dolorós

it is painful

jo des d'aquí

me from here

ja fa una estona que gravem, podem anar concloent

We've been recording for a while now, we can start concluding.

per concloure, simplement diré que

to conclude, I will simply say that

moltes gràcies a la SAFUR

thank you very much to SAFUR

per ensenyar-me totes aquestes coses que no sabia

to teach me all these things I didn't know

per donar-me la millor paella que he provat mai

for giving me the best paella I've ever tried

que has demanat

what you have asked for

la Maria Gualde, àvia de la Raya

Maria Gualde, grandmother of Raya

de debò, la millor

really, the best

no tenia gambes

I didn't have shrimp.

me la vaig berenar un dia

I had it for a snack one day.

les sobres me les vaig berenar

I had the envelopes for breakfast.

perquè és que estaven boníssimes

because they were delicious

i no sé

and I don't know

què més?

What else?

jo només diré

I will only say

ho vaig posar en Twitter una volta

I posted it on Twitter once.

jo només diré

I will only say.

que si fóra per la SAFUR

that if it were for the SAFUR

el català estava salvaíssim

Catalan was very safe.

i que catalans

and that Catalans

per l'amor de Déu, i es cau de Catalunya

for the love of God, and the fall of Catalonia

que no pareu de mirar-se el melic

stop looking at your belly button

i després

and then

això té conseqüències

this has consequences

és com ser monolingüe, té conseqüències

It's like being monolingual, it has consequences.

i gràcies

and thank you

gràcies a la SAFUR per

thanks to the SAFUR for

la paella, la crosta

the paella, the crust

l'arròs al forn, l'arròs melós

baked rice, creamy rice

l'arròs amb faves

rice with broad beans

l'arròs negre

black rice

la fideuà, les coquetes de d'Axa

the fideuà, the coquettes of D'Axa

espacis de derbes

spaces of derbies

jo realment, vist que era mora

I really, seeing that she was a Moor.

jo podria estar, tots estigués menjant arròs

I could be, everyone was eating rice.

i no passaria res, estaria pensant

and nothing would happen, I would just be thinking

no ho fas?

Aren't you doing it?

sí, quasi

yes, almost

quan estic allí sí

when I'm there yes

perquè damunt ma abuela me'n fa

because my grandmother is making me do it

i ma tia també

and my aunt too

bueno noies, després d'aquest podcast tan costumista

Well girls, after this very customary podcast.

tan de la nostra vida

such of our life



correcte, ens acomiadem

Correct, we say goodbye.

que hem d'anar al rastro a comprar coses de segona mà

we have to go to the flea market to buy second-hand things

i bueno, doncs ens veiem

And well, then see you.

el proper diumenge

next Sunday

records a totes les teves amigues de la SAFUR

records all your friends from SAFUR

per haver-les esmentat

for having mentioned them

a tota la teva família també

to all your family too

collons du

fuck you


at least

i bé, fent-ho aviat

And well, doing it soon.

i a tota la font

and to the whole source

callem que si no

let's be quiet, otherwise

no saps

you don't know

lo que es l'amor hasta que no te enamores de un valencià

What love is until you fall in love with a Valencian.

mira, no me hables de valencianos

Look, don't talk to me about Valencians.

no me hables de valencianos

don't talk to me about Valencians

a vera

the truth

tia, jo he tingut experiències amb valencians

Aunt, I have had experiences with Valencians.

molt dolentes

very bad

no, així de valenciano era valencià

No, like this in Valencian it was Valencià.

això no era un home autèntic

this was not an authentic man

no, a vera, espera, ho explico ràpid abans d'acabar

No, really, wait, I'll explain quickly before finishing.

i concluïm, a vera

and we conclude, indeed

quan estava a València, jo estava al puto

When I was in Valencia, I was at the fucking.

que va anar a València ciutat

who went to the city of Valencia

sense mi

without me

jo me n'acabava d'anar

I had just left.

tampoc em vas dir, puc anar amb tu?

you didn't tell me either, can I go with you?

no, no, però vull dir

no, no, but I mean

que ja estaves soles

that you were already alone

amb la gent autòctona de València

with the indigenous people of Valencia

claro, claro, sola solita

sure, sure, all alone

i llavors estava a lo de les ciències i les arts

and then I was at the sciences and arts place

les arts i les emocions

the arts and emotions

la ciutat de les arts i les ciències

the city of arts and sciences

però a la segoneta llegint

but at the second reading

i se m'acosta un noi i em diu

A boy approaches me and says

oye, perdona

hey, excuse me

es que te he visto esta aura así tan buena

It's just that I saw you with such a good aura.

que tienes leyendo y teniendo la necesidad

what you have reading and having the need

de hablarte, no sé qué, no sé cuánto

of talking to you, I don't know what, I don't know how much

això no era real, valencià

this was not real, Valencian

no, no, però estava loquíssim

no, no, but I was very crazy

no, m'he quedat bé

No, I'm fine.

però no em referia a aquest, jo em referia

but I wasn't referring to that, I was referring to

tallant el nom

cutting the name

ostres, és que és molt animalot

Wow, it's really quite a beast.

bueno, ara sí, dit això

well, now yes, having said that

ens acomiadem, nois, fins aviat

we say goodbye, guys, see you soon

i un petonet

and a little kiss



au cacau

hey cocoa

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