




Fins aquí el programa d'avui.

That's all for today's program.

Soc la Ina Fernández i aquesta és una entrevista a la meva mare sobre les tres cançons més importants de la seva vida.

I am Ina Fernández and this is an interview with my mother about the three most important songs of her life.

Comencem amb Never Ending the Story.

Let's start with Never Ending the Story.

Quants anys tenies quan va sortir aquesta cançó?

How old were you when this song came out?

Doncs mira, quan va sortir aquesta cançó, el 1984, tenia 6 anys.

Well, look, when this song came out, in 1984, I was 6 years old.

I l'escoltaves aquesta cançó?

And did you listen to this song?

L'escoltàvem a la ràdio, però va ser anys després,

We were listening to it on the radio, but it was years later,

perquè realment, encara que el 1984 es va estrenar,

because really, although it premiered in 1984,

fins que no va arribar a la televisió, no va tenir tant d'impacte,

until it reached television, it did not have such an impact,

o almenys per mi, que era petita.

or at least for me, when I was small.

I la sentíem a la ràdio.

And we heard it on the radio.

Amb qui vas escoltar aquesta cançó per primera vegada?

Who did you listen to this song with for the first time?

Doncs a casa, amb la meva família.

Well, at home, with my family.

Quin sentit té per tu aquesta cançó?

What does this song mean to you?

Aquesta cançó va ser la banda sonora de la primera pel·lícula de ciència-ficció

This song was the soundtrack of the first science fiction movie.

que tenia en aquell nivell d'efectes especials

that had at that level of special effects

tan important, no?

so important, right?

I a més, era un nen que llegia un llibre, que era una història real,

And moreover, he was a boy reading a book, which was a true story,

alhora, crec que tenia tots els ingredients per deixar un empèndem important

At that time, I believe I had all the ingredients to make an important impact.

amb la seva cançó principal.

with its main song.

Anem per la segona cançó, It's my life.

Let's go for the second song, It's my life.

A quin any la vas escoltar?

What year did you hear it?

Doncs aquesta cançó és de Bon Jovi i es va estrenar en l'any 2000.

Well, this song is by Bon Jovi and was released in the year 2000.

I a què et recorda?

And what does it remind you of?

Rebaldia, bon rotllo i ganes de menjar-te el món.

Rebellion, good vibes, and a desire to take on the world.

En què penses quan l'escoltes?

What do you think about when you hear it?

Encara que em passin els anys, em transporta i puc sentir el mateix que fa 20 anys,

Even though the years go by, it transports me and I can feel the same as 20 years ago.

només escoltar-la.

just listen to her.

I quina emoció tens?

And what emotion do you have?

Nostàgia i energia, et carrega les piles.

Nostalgia and energy, it recharges your batteries.

Anem per la tercera cançó, Me vale. Quin sentiment et produeix?

Let's go for the third song, Me vale. What feeling does it produce in you?

Ilusió i positivisme.

Illusion and positivity.

Et canses si l'escoltes molt?

Do you get tired if you listen to it a lot?

No, no em canso. Durant el confinament va ser una cançó mantra.

No, I don't get tired. During the lockdown, it was a mantra song.

La podia escoltar en bucle.

I could hear her on repeat.

T'agrada el cantar o només la cançó?

Do you like singing or just the song?

Molt. Sempre té un somriure a la cara.

Very. He/She always has a smile on their face.

I en què penses quan l'escoltes?

And what do you think about when you listen to it?

En aquell moment de confinament en què vèiem el videoclip fet a casa,

At that moment of confinement when we watched the music video made at home,

que qualsevol cosa que podíem tornar a fer ens feia molt feliços.

that anything we could do again made us very happy.

Moltes gràcies per ajudar-me en aquesta entrevista.

Thank you very much for helping me with this interview.



Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

I en què penses quan l'escoltes?

And what do you think about when you listen to him/her?

En aquest moment de confinament en què vèiem el videoclip fet a casa.

At this moment of lockdown when we were watching the home-made music video.

Que qualsevol cosa que podíem tornar a fer ens feia molt feliços.

That anything we could do again made us very happy.

Vale, moltes gràcies per ajudar-me en aquesta entrevista.

Okay, thank you very much for helping me in this interview.



En què penses quan l'escoltes?

What do you think about when you listen to him/her?

En que encara que em posi que passin els anys, em transporta i puc sentir el mateix que fa 20 anys, només d'escoltar-la.

That even though the years go by, it transports me and I can feel the same as I did 20 years ago, just by listening to it.

I quina emoció tens?

And what emotion do you have?

Nostàgia i energia, et carrega les piles.

Nostalgia and energy, it recharges your batteries.

Me despierte a medianoche con tal de compartir deshoras.

I woke up at midnight just to share off hours.

Y no me importa, no importa que todo se rompa al final.

And I don't care, it doesn't matter if everything breaks in the end.

Poder haberlo tenido me vale.

Being able to have had it is enough for me.

A mí me vale cualquier excusa por un rato más, cualquier pretexto para regresar.

I'll take any excuse for a little longer, any pretext to come back.

Si me da un poco de vida me vale.

If you give me a little bit of life, it's enough for me.

A mí me vale.

It's fine by me.

No importa cuando, no importa el lugar.

It doesn't matter when, it doesn't matter the place.

Si nos acorta el espacio me vale.

If it shortens the space for me, that's fine.

Si me da un poco de vida me vale.

If you give me a little bit of life, it's enough for me.

A mí me vale.

It works for me.

No me importan los costos.

I don't care about the costs.







O xx%.

O xx%.



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