#168 100 coses del món coral, de Meritxell Tarragó i David Puertas.

Ona Llibres

L'illa de Maians

#168 100 coses del món coral, de Meritxell Tarragó i David Puertas.

L'illa de Maians

Aquesta setmana he llegit 100 coses del món coral,

This week I have read 100 things about the choral world,

un sorprenent llibre de la directora de corals Maritxell Tarragó

An amazing book by the choir director Maritxell Tarragó.

i del divulgador musical David Puertes, editat a Cusatània.

and from the music promoter David Puertes, published in Cusatània.

Com que som entre amics, us confessaré que quan els meus corresponsals

Since we are among friends, I will confess that when my correspondents

al món de la música em van proposar de fer una illa de maians d'aquest llibre,

In the world of music, they proposed that I create an island of Mayans from this book.

la cosa em va fotre una mica de mandra.

It made me feel a bit lazy.

Víctima d'uns prejudicis absurds, sempre he considerat el món coral de casa nostra

Victim of absurd prejudices, I have always considered the choral world of our home.

com un passat temps més aviat propi de jubilats

like a pastime more typical of retirees

i els concerts de corals en general sempre m'havien semblat

and choral concerts in general had always seemed to me

un aplec d'estètica una mica queca.

a gathering of a somewhat quirky aesthetic.

Doncs aquest llibre m'ha fet callar la boca.

Well, this book has shut me up.

No només perquè és un excel·lent text per descobrir la tasca titànica

Not only because it is an excellent text to discover the titanic task

que fan les nostres directores de corals amb els nostres cantaires,

what our choir directors do with our singers,

una feina que sobrepassa l'harmonia i el contrapunt

a job that transcends harmony and counterpoint

per la qual cal conjugar l'empatia, el bon humor i la paciència,

for which it is necessary to combine empathy, good humor, and patience,

sinó també que és un llibre per endinsar-nos en la profundíssima tradició coral del nostre país.

but also that it is a book to delve into the profound choral tradition of our country.

Si sou membres d'una coral, l'heu de llegir de seguida.

If you are members of a choir, you have to read it right away.

I si sou uns pallussos com jo,

And if you are a bunch of fools like me,

que hem preferit sempre escarnir un fenomen cultural abans de saber-ne més,

that we have always preferred to mock a cultural phenomenon before understanding it better,

llegiu-lo encara més motiu.

read it even more reason.

Perquè us farà sentir molt cretins

Because it will make you feel very stupid.

i la prosa amorosa de la seva autora i del seu autor

and the amorous prose of its author and of its author

envers els seus cantaires us deixarà amb un pam d'anàs.

Towards its singers, it will leave you with a hand of anise.

Això sí que és compromís amb la feina i la cultura

This is truly a commitment to work and culture.

i la resta són mandangues.

and the rest are nonsense.

Aquesta setmana he llegit 100 coses del món coral,

This week I have read 100 things about the choral world,

però no ho he fet sol.

but I haven't done it alone.

Amb mi ho han fet el musicola Curiól Pérez

They have done it with me the musical Curiól Pérez.

i el professor d'estètica Jaume Radigales.

and the aesthetics professor Jaume Radigales.

Sóc en Bernat Dedeu i sou a l'illa de Maians,

I am Bernat Dedeu and you are on the island of Maians,

el potenot.

the potent.

Que us dóna lliures.

That gives you free.

All my days I will sing in praise

All my days I will sing in praise.

of your forest waters, your shining sun.

of your forest waters, your shining sun.

Curiól, què tal? Ben tornat.

Curiól, how are you? Welcome back.

Molt bé, moltes gràcies.

Very well, thank you very much.

Jaume, benvingut.

Jaume, welcome.

Com anem?

How are we doing?

I tenim aquí una de les coautores del llibre,

And we have here one of the co-authors of the book,

la Meritxell Tarraó. Benvinguda, maestro.

Meritxell Tarraó. Welcome, teacher.

Gràcies, moltes gràcies.

Thank you, thank you very much.

Hi ha una primera pregunta que no em resisteixo de fer

There is a first question that I can't resist asking.

després de llegir el teu llibre, que és quants grups de WhatsApp tens?

After reading your book, how many WhatsApp groups do you have?



Mil, mil grups de WhatsApp.

A thousand, a thousand WhatsApp groups.

I cada cor té la seva organització interna.

And each heart has its internal organization.

Hi ha grups per cordes,

There are groups for strings,

hi ha grups generals on hi són tots,

there are general groups where everyone is,

hi ha grups on només es parla de temes

there are groups where only topics are discussed



hi ha grups on només puc parlar jo, aquests són els millors.

There are groups where only I can speak, these are the best.

Llavors allà està tota la informació

Then there is all the information.

posada, concerts, assajos,

performance, concerts, rehearsals,

canvis d'última hora i tot això.

last-minute changes and all that.

I cada cor s'organitza a la seva manera,

And each heart organizes itself in its own way,

però són molts grups de WhatsApp, sí.

But there are many WhatsApp groups, yes.

Sí, realment. Ho dic perquè és un dels capítols

Yes, really. I say this because it is one of the chapters.

que parles de com gestionar un grup de WhatsApp,

that talks about how to manage a WhatsApp group,

que si el familiar ja és complicat, jo ja m'imagino

that if the family member is already complicated, I can only imagine

que els de les corals

that those from the choirs

és interessant. A més a més, a Catalunya

it's interesting. Moreover, in Catalonia

tothom opina, amb la qual cosa...

everyone has an opinion, which means...

Sí, sí, això sí que ho fem.

Yes, yes, we do that.

No és que alguns ajudem gaire, perquè ens hi dediquem,

It's not that some of us help much, because we dedicate ourselves to it,

però bé, ja ens entenem.

but well, we understand each other.

Jo diria, companys, que abans de

I would say, colleagues, that before

preguntar coses a la Meritxell, que aquest és un llibre

ask questions to Meritxell, because this is a book

que guanya perquè és un llibre viscut.

it wins because it is a lived book.

És a dir, en especial

That is to say, in particular

les intervencions del David Puerta són

David Puerta's interventions are

interessants, però són coses una mica més...

interesting, but they are things a bit more...

Més o menys ja podíem conèixer.

More or less we could already know each other.

Però bàsicament és un llibre sobre l'Emili,

But basically, it is a book about Emili.

d'aquesta senyora que tenim aquí al costat, que és una pancaire.

of this lady we have here beside us, who is a baker.

Pancaire, frescor, espontaneïtat

Pancake, freshness, spontaneity

i que ho diu tal com raja.

And that he says it just as it is.

I això és una de les virtuts que agrada del llibre,

And this is one of the virtues that is pleasing about the book,

que dius, és que no enganya. Hi ha la veritat pel davant.

What are you saying, it doesn't deceive. The truth is ahead.

I a partir d'aquí, doncs sí,

And from here on, yes,

també t'ajuda a entendre molt

it also helps you understand a lot

aquest món, que és veritat que a vegades ho veus

this world, which is true that sometimes you see it

com una cosa molt defuntada,

like something very defunct,

però que també hi ha una ambició,

but there is also an ambition,

una il·lusió i una realitat

an illusion and a reality

que s'ha de defendre, i que el llibre

that must be defended, and that the book

ho fa perfectament.

He/she does it perfectly.

Sí, a més, jo l'he dit comentar abans a la Meritxell,

Yes, besides, I already mentioned it to Meritxell before.

clar, jo conec molt el David, perquè abans d'acabar

Of course, I know David very well because before finishing

d'estudiar allò que en deien abans,

of studying what they used to call before,

bup i cou junts, i que n'hem viscut

"bup and cou together, and how we have lived it"

moltes, molt divertides. Això és d'antes.

Many, very fun. This is from before.

Molt antes, antes d'antes.

Long before, before before.

I ens hem divertit molt. Jo amb en David

And we had a lot of fun. I with David.

vaig escriure un llibre també per la mateixa editorial,

I also wrote a book for the same publisher.

i és molt

and it is very

divertit treballar amb en David

fun to work with David

i molt fàcil, però clar,

It's very easy, but of course,

en David té un estil, i evidentment la Meritxell

David has a style, and obviously Meritxell does too.

segurament en té un altre, però una de les coses que té

surely he has another one, but one of the things he has

el llibre és que, tot i que els capítols

The book is that, although the chapters

estan subdividits entre els que ha fet en David

they are subdivided among those that David has done

i els que ha fet la Meritxell, hi ha una unitat

And those made by Meritxell, there is a unit.

de to, d'estil, que s'agraeix.

of everything, in style, which is appreciated.

És a dir, és un llibre realment no de dues persones,

That is to say, it is a book really not about two people,

sinó un llibre escrit realment a quatre mans.

but a book truly written by four hands.

I això és molt interessant. I el que

And this is very interesting. And what

deies tu, Bernat, doncs esclar,

you said, Bernat, of course,

que et parlin del cant coral des de

let them talk to you about choral singing from

dintre, i no des de, podríem dir,

inside, and not from, we could say,

la visió

the vision

excel·lentíssima, holística

excellent, holistic

gairebé, dels grans cors professionals,

almost, of the great professional choirs,

sinó d'una persona que, com la Meritxell,

but of a person who, like Meritxell,

pica pedra, això és molt interessant.

picks stone, this is very interesting.

Molta, molta. És que és sua.

Very, very. It's soft.

És sua, fins i tot, llegint aquest llibre.

It's soft, even, reading this book.

Però jo penso que això respon realment

But I think that this really responds

al que ha estat la realitat del cant coral

to what has been the reality of choral singing

a casa nostra, perquè aquest país és un país molt ric

in our home, because this country is a very rich country

en tradició coral, des de Clavé,

in choral tradition, since Clavé,

i realment el que es va gestar

and really what was gestated

en un primer moment era això, era un cant

At first, it was this, it was a song.

de classes populars, de gent que no

of popular classes, of people who do not

sabia en música, d'un treball

knowledgeable in music, from a job

sobre la pròpia cançó popular,

about the folk song itself,

després, evidentment, han vingut els cors

afterwards, of course, the choirs have come

professionals i tot el que vulguem,

professionals and everything we want,

la filosofia catalana i tot això, però

Catalan philosophy and all that, but

allò d'en Clavé

the thing about Clavé

continua encara avui, i la

it continues even today, and the

Meritxell n'és la realitat palpable.

Meritxell is the tangible reality.

I això, per mi, és el que

And this, for me, is what

legitima perfectament un llibre

perfectly legitimizes a book

editat i publicat a casa

edited and published at home

nostra i amb la nostrada

ours and with ours

llengua, allò que diria el Pitarra,

language, what Pitarra would say,

català del que ara es parla.

Catalan of what is now being discussed.

I jo diria encara més, que sobretot

And I would say even more, that above all

ratifica la vigència

ratifies the validity

que moltes vegades deixem

that many times we leave

volem enllu... no sé,

we want to shine... I don't know,

volem treure aquella cita

we want to remove that quote

que ens parlin de nosaltres i sentir

let them talk about us and feel

veritables tonteries a l'entorn de l'any Clavé,

real nonsense surrounding the year Clavé,

com per exemple, no sé qui va dir que era

for example, I don't know who said it was

l'honor del segle XXI.

the honor of the 21st century.

Clar, a mi, no, si això s'ha dit i...

Of course, for me, no, if this has been said and...

Hi ha gent per tot.

There are people everywhere.

No, i que a més porten els comissariats,

No, and they also bring the police stations,

deixem-ho estar. Però aquí tenim aquí

let it be. But here we have here.

la possibilitat de dir, això és

the possibility to say, this is

veritablement la tradició en un altre àmbit,

truly the tradition in another realm,

perquè aleshores només eren cors masculins,

because then they were only male hearts,

ara forçarà més això, i que fins i tot

now it will force this more, and that even

porta realitats molt divertides, el capítol

it brings very funny realities, the chapter

del poliamor, no l'he d'explicir, eh?

About polyamory, I don't have to explain it, right?

Perdó, eh? És que a més sé que

Sorry, huh? It's just that I also know that

és un dia frescor espontaneitat.

It's a day of fresh spontaneity.

I tant, aquesta sensació que jo tinc,

Oh yes, this feeling that I have,

i jo vaig estudiant música,

and I have been studying music,

és una sensació sovint compartida per la població,

it is a feeling often shared by the population,

no? Pensen, bé, això dels cors,

No? They think, well, this about hearts,

és una cosa de diumenges, de

it's a Sunday thing, of

gent jubilada, però una de les coses

retired people, but one of the things

que ens expliques és que és molt més

what you explain to us is that it is much more

complicat del que sembla, perquè és un

more complicated than it seems, because it is a

fenomen realment coral, i per tant és

a truly coral phenomenon, and therefore it is

una suma de voluntats, i és

a sum of wills, and it is

una feina que per a les

a job that for the

directores, eh?, perquè parles de directores,

directors, huh?, why are you talking about directors,

perquè sobretot tenim directores,

because above all we have directors,

és una feinada, no? Sí,

It's a lot of work, isn't it? Yes,

és molta feina, i estic d'acord, eh?,

it's a lot of work, and I agree, okay?

amb aquesta sensació que tu tenies en origen

with that feeling you had at the beginning

d'aquests prejudicis

of these prejudices

socials, un cor de diumenge,

socials, a Sunday heart,

un cor d'església,

a church choir,

un cor de jubilats, no? Exacte.

a heart of retirees, right? Exactly.

Ho entenc perfectament perquè

I understand perfectly why.

és fàcil caure, no?, en aquest

It's easy to fall, isn't it?, into this.

parany, perquè fins que no t'endinses

trap, because until you dive in

no descobreixes tantíssimes coses.

you don’t discover so many things.

I jo crec que el que jo he descobert

And I believe that what I have discovered

és que aquesta

it's just that this

gent jubilada, o potser no jubilada,

retired people, or maybe not retired,

però que canten diumenges,

but they sing on Sundays,

que canten a esglésies, que potser no té formació

that sing in churches, who perhaps has no training

vocal, això no li treu

vocal, this does not take away from him

les ganes de voler fer les coses ben fetes.

the desire to want to do things well.

I per mi això és un valor

And for me, this is a value.

màxim. Segurament no

maximum. Probably not

s'arribarà al nivell de l'orfeo català,

we will reach the level of the Catalan Orpheus,

no hi haurà mai prou tècnica, ni mai

There will never be enough technique, not ever.

prou coneixements de música, perquè potser

enough knowledge of music, because perhaps

no hi són a temps, potser no és el moment, no?

They're not on time, perhaps it's not the moment, is it?

Tampoc no hi ha recursos, tampoc

There are also no resources, either.

no és el moment, no? És una manera de gaulir

It's not the moment, is it? It's a way of enjoying.

la música d'una forma molt senzilla,

the music in a very simple way,

però molt professional, d'acord,

but very professional, okay,

des del cor. Jo sempre els dic,

from the heart. I always tell them,

una persona no és professional perquè

a person is not professional because

cobra en fer la feina, sinó perquè se

charges for doing the work, but because it

l'aprèn seriosament. I vosaltres esteu aquí

He learns seriously. And you are here.

venint cada setmana a fer un assaig.

coming every week for a rehearsal.

Estudieu, us ho prepareu,

Study, prepare yourselves,

us ho feu amb ganes, amb il·lusió,

you do it with enthusiasm, with excitement,

sou professionals en aquest sentit,

you are professionals in this regard,

voleu millorar. I per mi això ja és un

you want to improve. And for me, this is already a

valor intrínsec que dona sentit

intrinsic value that gives meaning

a tot el que... a tota la resta, no?

to everything... to all the rest, right?

Però entenc perfectament que tinguessis

But I completely understand that you had.

i que hi hagi molta gent que tingui aquests prejudicis.

and that there are many people who have these prejudices.

Això és molt interessant, perquè en alemany la paraula

This is very interesting, because in German the word

professió es diu beruf,

profession is called Beruf,

que ve del verb anrufen,

which comes from the verb anrufen,

que vindria a ser... anrufen és el verb

which would be... to call is the verb

de trucar a algú, la crida

to call someone, the call

que has sentit, la vocació.

what you have felt, the vocation.

En el fons voler cantar és aquesta vocació

Deep down, wanting to sing is this vocation.

que coincideix amb la paraula en alemany, que és professió.

that coincides with the word in German, which is profession.

Per tant, jo penso que és això el que deies.

Therefore, I think this is what you were saying.

I tu comences per aquí, aclarint

And you start here, clarifying.

que cantar pot cantar tothom.

Anyone can sing.

Sí, cantar pot cantar quasi tothom.

Yes, almost everyone can sing.

El David ja fa un estudi, ja parla

David is already studying, he is already talking.

d'un tant per cent que són...

of a percentage that are...

que tenen amúsia, que potser els costa

that they have amusement, that perhaps it costs them

no reconeixer un so

not recognizing a sound

o bé reproduir-lo. Però diguem

or reproduce it. But let's say.

que la base és que tu

that the basis is that you

escoltes un so i ets capaç de reproduir-lo

you hear a sound and you are able to reproduce it

i ja pots venir a cantar una coral.

And you can now come to sing in a choir.

Aprendre a cantar en un cor

Learning to sing in a choir.

ho has de fer cantant en un cor. No val

You have to do it singing in a choir. It won't do otherwise.

estudiar a casa. És que jo em sap molt bé la melodia. No, no.

Study at home. I know the melody very well. No, no.

Has d'estar allà i has de sentir que els teus veïns

You have to be there and you have to feel that your neighbors.

canten una altra melodia, els de la teva esquerra

They sing another melody, those on your left.

en canten una altra, i has d'aprendre

They sing another one, and you have to learn.

a ajuntar-les. I no només a fer

to bring them together. And not only to do

la teva melodia, sinó fer-la respecte

your melody, but to make it respect

a l'altra. La música és un...

to the other. Music is a...

és un... és un art

it's a... it's an art

que no té valors absoluts, sinó que és

that does not have absolute values, but is

molt relatiu. Els fortes, els pianos

very relative. The fortes, the pianos

sempre estan en relació del que acabes de fer

they are always related to what you just did

abans, no? I l'afinació també està

Before, right? And the tuning is also there.

en relació del que escoltes amb els companys.

in relation to what you hear with your companions.

D'on vens i cap a on vas afines

Where do you come from and where are you going?

d'una manera o d'una altra. I això només s'aprèn

one way or another. And this can only be learned

si estàs en conjunt, no? Si es formes

If you're in a group, right? If you form.

part d'una coral. Per tant, per aprendre a cantar en una coral

part of a choir. Therefore, to learn to sing in a choir

no tens altra que apuntar-t'hi.

You have no choice but to sign up for it.

Perdona, és que jo...

Sorry, it's just that I...

a propòsit d'això que dius, clar, s'ha

Regarding what you said, of course, it has.

dit molt que Itàlia és un poble que canta, no?

It's often said that Italy is a country that sings, right?

I jo crec que aquí també es canta bastant,

And I think that quite a bit is sung here too,

perquè aquí ja és un lloc, no sé si per

because here it is already a place, I don’t know if for

qüestió llatina o el que sigui. La pregunta

Latin question or whatever. The question.

que et volia fer és, es canta bé?

What I wanted to ask you is, can you sing well?

És a dir, cantem naturalment bé

That is to say, we naturally sing well.

independentment de si sabem o no sabem

regardless of whether we know or we don't know

música? Clar, hauríem de definir

Music? Sure, we should define it.

què és això de bé, perquè tenim

What is this about good, because we have

conceptes molt...

very concepts...

cadascú té els seus...

everyone has their own...

referents vocals, no?

vocal references, right?

Clar, cantar bé potser ho imaginaríem un cor d'òpera,

Of course, singing well we might imagine an opera choir,

uns referents lírics,

some lyrical references,

algú que canti lit, no? Amb una tècnica

someone who sings lit, right? With a technique

clàssica, ve del paladar,

classic, comes from the palate,

elevat, molt d'espai,

high, a lot of space,

molt ressonadors, veu de cap,

very resonant, head voice,

tot això. Em refereixo a gust, sensibilitat,

all of this. I am referring to taste, sensitivity,

impuls, afinació...

impulse, tuning...

Exacte, sí. Jo penso que

Exactly, yes. I think that

de natural es canta bé, es canta...

naturally one sings well, one sings...

El que passa és que pot ser que

What happens is that it may be that

per cantar en un cor no només

to sing in a choir is not only

cal afinar, sinó també cal

it is necessary to refine, but it is also necessary

aconseguir aquest empast, aquesta unitat,

achieve this bond, this unity,

que només t'ho dona la tècnica.

that only technique gives you.

I en el cas dels cors, ha de ser

And in the case of the hearts, it must be

la tècnica clàssica, que és aquesta tècnica

the classical technique, which is this technique

del badall, que podria ser...

of the yawn, which could be...

De cobrir el sol... Sí, de

To cover the sun... Yes, of

cors d'òpera, fins i tot en musicals,

opera choirs, even in musicals,

a vegades els que canten musicals

sometimes those who sing musicals

també canten amb aquesta tècnica, l'únic que obren

they also sing with this technique, the only thing they open

una mica més les vocals, perquè

a little more the vowels, because

s'entengui molt més el text, perquè és més teatralitzat.

it makes the text much clearer, because it is more theatrical.

Si aconseguim això, llavors

If we achieve this, then

diguem que un cor té nivell.

let's say that a heart has level.

Però si obviem aquesta tècnica

But if we overlook this technique

i tothom afina, doncs es pot cantar.

And everyone tunes, so it can be sung.

Què passa? Que llavors se'ns veu...

What's happening? Then we can see us...

se'ns veu a tots la personalitat, no?

We can all see our personality, right?

Es nota que és un cor, mira, estan cantant 35

You can tell it's a choir, look, they are singing 35.

cantares, exactament, perquè es pot

Singing, exactly, because it is possible.

sentir la individualitat de cadascú.

to feel the individuality of each one.

I la gràcia del cor, doncs, és aconseguir

And the grace of the heart, then, is to achieve

aquesta unitat en tots els sentits.

this unit in every sense.

Però jo penso que sí, que

But I think that yes, that

cantem bé i l'única falta és cantar

we sing well and the only fault is to sing

conjuntament bé. Però no creus,

together well. But don't you think,

perquè a vegades s'ha dit que

because sometimes it has been said that

s'ha perdut molt la

a lot has been lost

espontaneïtat en el cantar. Per exemple, es

spontaneity in singing. For example, it

parlava que pagès, el meu pare

My father spoke like a peasant.

ho ha explicat, que té honor, que els pagès

He has explained that he has honor, that the peasant.

us cantaven. Sí. Mentre

they were singing to you. Yes. While

treballaven. I això sí que s'ha perdut.

they were working. And that has definitely been lost.

I segurament ho feien a veus quan es trobaven

And they probably did it out loud when they met.

conjuntament i decidien cantar. Quan treballaven, no?

together and decided to sing. When they worked, right?

A la cibada. A la cibada.

To the harvest. To the harvest.

Ah, calla, no, jo no arribo aquí,

Ah, shut up, no, I don't get here,

doncs faré una tercera o una quinta.

So I'll do a third or a fifth.

No se'ls hi acudia fer quartes o segones.

They did not think of making fourths or seconds.

Vull dir, hi ha

I mean, there is

alguna cosa natural, perquè la música no deixa

something natural, because music doesn't let you

de ser física, harmònica,

of being physical, harmonic,

que està en nosaltres i que

that is within us and that

ens surt de forma natural. I jo sí

it comes naturally to us. And I do

que crec molt en això que comentes, perquè

I believe very much in what you are saying, because

a vegades un excés de coneixements

sometimes an excess of knowledge

i de consciència sobre les coses ens limita

and awareness of things limits us

molt, perquè de sobte ens

a lot, because suddenly we

crea estancs en els que

create ponds in which

ens trobem inaccessibles. I diem, ai, calla,

we find ourselves inaccessible. And we say, oh, be quiet,

és que no ho faig prou bé. I això ens va

It's just that I don't do it well enough. And that works for us.

tancant i ens allibera d'aquesta espontanitat

closing and frees us from this spontaneity

que tu comentaves, que podria ser un pagès

that you mentioned, that he could be a farmer

tranquil·lament, llaurant o

calmly, plowing or

recollint la fruita, i que

picking the fruit, and that

de sobte es posa a cantar sense cap

suddenly he/she starts singing without any

prejudici. I el cor tampoc

prejudice. And neither the heart

ha de ser una suma de solistes. Hi ha un moment

it has to be a sum of soloists. There is a moment

que ho dius, que hi ha una audició, comentes una audició

that you say there is an audition, you comment on an audition

que hi ha una cantant massa bona

that there is a too good singer

i la fan fort,

and they make it strong,

no la fan fort, la desestimen del

they don't take it seriously, they dismiss it from

l'audició coral, perquè diuen, no, no, aquesta noia

the choral audition, because they say, no, no, this girl

té esperit de solista, no?

He has a soloist spirit, doesn't he?

Que és una de les coses que més es veuen.

It is one of the things that are most observed.

Allò que els cursis anomenarien la gestió de l'equip.

What the snobs would call team management.

Sí, sí, la gestió de l'equip.

Yes, yes, the management of the team.

La diferència amb un solista,

The difference with a soloist,

o en aquests casos una directora coral,

or in these cases a choir director,

és que has de tenir una antropologia

you must have an anthropology

molt clara del que tens abans.

very clear about what you have before.

Sí, de fet aquesta noia

Yes, in fact this girl

amb tant de potencial

with so much potential

no tenia cabuda en aquell tipus de cor,

I didn't fit into that type of heart,

però evidentment en té en d'altres.

but obviously it has it in others.

Vull dir, una veu tan poderosa,

I mean, such a powerful voice,

tan ben

so good

construïda, amb tant timbre,

built, with such timbre,

amb tants harmònics,

with so many harmonics,

té cabuda en un cor potser més professional

it has a place in a perhaps more professional heart

o més sonor, on ella no

or more sonorous, where she does not

es vegi menys tinguda, sinó que pugui

be seen less taken, but rather be able to

lliurar tot aquest

deliver all this

potencial que té, no? Perquè venim a gaudir

the potential it has, right? Because we come to enjoy

del cant, i quan ens limiten

of the song, and when they limit us

això no ens fa sentir bé.

this doesn't make us feel good.

Llavors tu has de trobar el cor en el que

Then you have to find the heart in which

per timbre, per nivell,

by timbre, by level,

per volum de veu,

by volume of voice,

per tipus de repertori, tu t'hi sentis

for type of repertoire, you feel it

a gust i puguis cantar,

at your leisure and you can sing,

no?, i alliberar-te.

No? And free yourself.

I deia això de la gestió de la col·lectivitat,

And I said this about the management of the community,

perquè hi ha un moment molt bonic del llibre on expliques

because there is a very beautiful moment in the book where you explain



abans d'un concert

before a concert

vas a fer, per dir-ho així, l'última

you're going to do, so to speak, the last one

prova, i el cor està mut, no?

try, and the heart is silent, right?

I és perquè la disposició de la gent,

And it's because of people's disposition,

la gent no està al costat de la gent

people are not on the side of people

que estima més, eh? Jo estic acostumat a cantar

What do you love more, eh? I am used to singing.

al costat de la Laia, de l'altra, del Miquel, no?

next to Laia, on the other side, Miquel, right?

I que quan els poses amb qui estan

And when you put them together, who are they with?

més d'acord, com parlar

more in agreement, how to speak

de màgia, el cor

of magic, the heart

recupera la veu. Devia ser un moment que

recover the voice. It must have been a moment that

et devies quedar llessa, eh? Jo em vaig quedar, sí,

You must have stayed quiet, right? I stayed, yes.

perquè jo vaig utilitzar tots els recursos

because I used all the resources

tècnics, diguem, que vaig agafar tot el que

techniques, let's say, that I took everything that

m'expliquen en els llibres, tots els

They explain to me in the books, all the

meus coneixements, i els vaig aplicar a tots,

my knowledge, and I applied it to everyone,

i no me'n vaig en sortir, i de sobte, una

and I couldn't get out of it, and suddenly, a

cantaire em va fer veure un paràmetre

the singer made me see a parameter

que no estava escrit en els llibres

that was not written in the books

d'alta literatura, per dir-ho així.

of high literature, so to speak.

No estava contemplada aquesta

This was not contemplated.

visió més humana. Ni la disposició de veus,

more human vision. Neither the arrangement of voices,

ni les harmonies, ni la reverberació...

neither the harmonies, nor the reverberation...

Segurament, en un cor professional, segurament això no passa,

Surely, in a professional heart, this surely doesn't happen,

perquè són cantaires que

because they are singers who

la seva seguretat està en la lectura,

their safety lies in reading,

en els seus coneixements de música,

in his knowledge of music,

en la partitura al davant, jo sé llegir-la,

in the sheet music at the front, I know how to read it,

jo tinc la lletra, la sé cantar,

I have the lyrics, I can sing it.

i confio en que això és el meu amic.

I trust that this is my friend.

Però en els cors amateurs,

But in amateur choirs,

on el 98%,

where 98% is,

97%, no llegeixen partitura,

97%, they do not read sheet music,

la seva partitura és

his score is

el company o el company que tenen al costat

the partner or the partner who is next to them

que saben que això s'ho sap bé,

that they know that this is well known,

que els hi dóna confiança, que

that gives them confidence, that

un no arriba, arribarà l'altre. I això,

one does not arrive, the other will arrive. And this,

clar, quan tu ets més autònom

Of course, when you are more autonomous.

i més independent,

and more independent,

en la teva tasca, doncs, no et calten

In your task, therefore, you do not need them.

aquesta companyia, però

this company, however

en els cors amateurs és molt necessària

in amateur choirs it is very necessary

i això va marcar un canvi,

and this marked a change,

jo diria, radical

I would say, radical.

en el resultat sonor.

in the sound result.

Recordo que una vegada li van preguntar

I remember that once they asked him/her.

al Barenboim quin era el millor músic

At Barenboim, who was the best musician?

que ell havia conegut, i va dir una cosa

that he had known, and said something

que a mi em va semblar molt interessant,

which seemed very interesting to me,

i jo ho repeteixo sovint, que el millor músic del món

and I often repeat it, that the best musician in the world

és un professor de solfeig, perquè ell deia,

he is a solfeggio teacher, because he said,

diu, jo arribo a la Filarmònica de Berlín,

he says, I arrive at the Berlin Philharmonic,

faig el levare, i tinc 150,

I do the *levare*, and I have 150.

són 150 feres, però al principi

there are 150 beasts, but at the beginning

són 150 tios, que

they are 150 guys, that

si els dic que en facin un, dos, tres,

if I tell them to make one, two, three,

me'l faran perfecte, no? En canvi,

They'll make it perfect for me, won't they? On the other hand,

la persona que arriba a una classe de solfeig,

the person who arrives at a solfège class,

a una coral, i té 30 nens

to a choir, and it has 30 children

allà, que un nen ve d'un estac escolar,

there, that a child comes from a schoolyard,

un nen té problemes d'oïda, que l'altre

a child has hearing problems, as the other one

té problemes de...

has problems with...

Aquesta persona que li explica l'armadura

This person who explains the armor to him.

a una classe, és un puto heroi, deixa'm dir-ho així.

In a class, he is a fucking hero, let me say it like that.

Clar, a mi m'ha fet molta gràcia,

Of course, it made me laugh a lot,

i per això, vaja,

and that's why, well,

no és que ara m'hagi tornat coralista de sobte,

it's not that I've suddenly become a chorister now,

però sí que,

but yes,

admirant molt més la feina que tu fas, és que tu et trobes

admiring much more the work that you do, is that you find yourself

en situacions d'autèntica mil·li,

in situations of true millisecond,

que arribes davant d'un grup, no? La gestió

That you arrive in front of a group, right? The management.

d'un grup és molt, molt difícil,

from a group is very, very difficult,

en aquest sentit, musicalment.

in this sense, musically.

I és interessant, també, perquè n'aprens molt.

And it's interesting, too, because you learn a lot.

Jo he après molt de les seves dificultats,

I have learned a lot from his difficulties,

i jo he hagut de trobar recursos que m'han ajudat

And I have had to find resources that have helped me.

a ser millor, a entendre més

to be better, to understand more

bé la música, perquè per poder explicar una cosa,

well the music, because in order to explain something,

tu l'has d'haver assimilat molt bé,

you must have assimilated it very well,

i l'has d'haver comprès molt bé.

And you must have understood it very well.

Tot i si l'has d'explicar a algú que no domina la música,

Even if you have to explain it to someone who doesn't master music,

perquè a un músic professional li dius, escolta,

because you tell a professional musician, listen,

aquest sostingut puja molt a mica, aquest vibrato

this support rises a lot little by little, this vibrato

fes molt... Clar, el llenguatge,

do a lot... Of course, the language,

jo sempre, en els assajos, intento

I always try in rehearsals.

utilitzar llenguatge tècnic que els serveixi.

use technical language that serves them.

Jo sempre els faig la broma de

I always make the joke about them

va, perquè quan aneu a l'oceó català a cantar,

come on, because when you go to the Catalan ocean to sing,

doncs entengueu quan us diuen

so understand when they tell you

això a tempo primo,

this in common time,

aquí hi ha una fermata, o aquí

here is a stop, or here

fem un crescendo, anem anant a

let's do a crescendo, we're going towards

cruzada... Jo els utilitzo aquest vocabulari

crusade... I use this vocabulary.

perquè ells s'acostumin. Però

so that they get used to it. But

quan haig de posar exemples d'altres

when should I give examples of others

coses, els parlo de les crispetes quan es fan

things, I talk to them about the popcorn when it is being made

al microones, o quan hem de xutar una pilota de futbol.

in the microwave, or when we have to kick a football.

No? La...

No? The...

Com has de preparar tu el so

How do you prepare the sound?

perquè s'impulsi bé, doncs,

to be well promoted, then,

va, un jugador de futbol tira

Come on, a football player kicks.

la cama al peu enrere per

the leg at the back foot for

impulsar la pilota. I parlem de... Fem

kick the ball. And we talk about... Let's do it.

imatges visuals que són molt properes a ells,

visual images that are very close to them,

una mica com el llibre, que parlo de coses que

a little like the book, where I talk about things that

no són pròpiament del coral, per fer-los

they are not strictly from the coral, to make them

venir a la tècnica. Segurament varen

come to the technique. They probably did

bo en dient, aquest 2-3 està baix,

good in saying, this 2-3 is low,

o està calat, ells ja ho entenen, no? Clar.

Either it's soaked, they understand it already, right? Of course.

Però, amb un cor has de posar, doncs

But, with a heart you have to put, then.

has de dir, hem de somriure, estem més contents,

you have to say, we have to smile, we are happier,

mireu què està passant aquí, i ells llavors

look at what is happening here, and they then

responen. I potser no tan

they answer. And perhaps not so much

lluny, eh?, perquè penso que al Brutons, també,

far away, huh?, because I think at Brutons, too,

un dia que me'l vaig

A day that I went.

trobar, em va dir, jo admiro molt aquests directors

"to find, he told me, I admire these directors very much."

que esteu davant d'acords

that you are in front of agreements

amateurs, perquè esteu

amateurs, because you are

barallant-vos amb coses, no?, doncs,

fighting over things, right? Well,

que quan arriba un professional,

that when a professional arrives,

davant d'una orquestra, o davant d'un

in front of an orchestra, or in front of a

cor que ja sap llegir, i

heart that already knows how to read, and

tot va, no? Parles de

Everything is good, right? You're talking about

directores d'acords. Som un país, sobretot,

directors of agreements. We are a country, above all,

de dones directores? No, encara

of female directors? No, not yet.

no. Estem en el camí.

No. We are on the way.

Estem en el camí, però estem en un

We are on the way, but we are in a

bon camí, jo penso. Igual

Good journey, I think. Same.

que en molts àmbits de la societat,

that in many areas of society,

les dones estan

the women are

obrint, s'estan obrint camí,

opening, they are opening a path,

i clar, evidentment, en

and of course, obviously, in

els... les professions

the... professions

en què les dones han de donar ordres,

in what women must give orders,

és a dir, han de...

that is to say, they have to...

s'ha de

it must be

complir el que elles estan pensant,

to fulfill what they are thinking,

costa molt més. O sigui, una

it costs much more. That is, a

dona que entri a treballar en una

woman who starts working in a

empresa, no hi ha problema, però

company, no problem, but

en el moment que la poses en un càrrec

at the moment you put her in a position

en el que depèn d'ella els projectes que

in which it depends on her the projects that

es fan i com es fan, doncs allà

they are made and how they are made, well there

costa una mica més, no?, perquè s'ha d'haver un

It costs a bit more, doesn't it? Because you have to have one.

canvi social i d'acceptació de

social change and acceptance of

moltíssimes coses. Doncs en el món de

very many things. Well, in the world of

la direcció és el mateix, jo arribo a un assaig i vosaltres

the direction is the same, I arrive at a rehearsal and you all

m'heu de veure com una dona que està dient

You have to see me as a woman who is saying.

quin tempo, com ho hem

What time, how have we?

de fer, i està corregint, no?,

to do, and is correcting, right?

constantment, llavors s'ha de buscar una

constantly, then one has to look for a

manera molt amable de fer-ho sense

very kind way to do it without

que sembli feble.

that seems weak.

I les dones estem sempre en aquesta

And women are always in this.

corda fluixa de com dic les coses amb

tightrope of how I say things with

amabilitat, perquè soc una persona amable,

kindness, because I am a kind person,

perquè penso que l'aprenentatge és un camí,

because I think that learning is a journey,

i confio, però que alhora

I trust, but at the same time

no sembli que soc una persona feble,

don't think I'm a weak person,

doncs els hi faig propostes.

So I make them proposals.

És una situació molt curiosa perquè és un procés d'oci,

It's a very curious situation because it's a leisure process,

és a dir, la gent ho fa voluntàriament,

that is to say, people do it voluntarily,

però si no hi ha disciplina tampoc surt bé,

but if there is no discipline, it doesn't turn out well either,

estàs en una zona

you are in an area

de no ningú.

of no one.

Però els agrada perquè aquest ordre el que fa

But they like it because this order does what it does.

és donar tranquil·litat, dona pau i

it is to give tranquility, it gives peace and

possibilita el que vindrà després, que és

enables what will come next, which is

la música. Llavors al final, quan ja

the music. Then at the end, when already

ho viuen, aprenen a

they experience it, learn to

dir, doncs no és tant una

say, so it's not that much of a

obediència sinó una necessitat. Estaré

obedience but a necessity. I will be

amb tranquil·litat, escoltaré, perquè això

with tranquility, I will listen, because this

després farà que tot el que jo viuré

then he will make everything I live through

serà molt més emocionant.

it will be much more exciting.

Abans parlaves del poliamor.

Before, you were talking about polyamory.

Oriol, no és perquè t'ha agradat tant?

Oriol, is it not because you liked it so much?

No, no és perquè no sigui...

No, it's not because it isn't...

No, precisament és una de les coses que no...

No, precisely it's one of the things that doesn't...

No, m'ha fet molta gràcia

No, it made me laugh a lot.

precisament de tota la singularitat

precisely of all the uniqueness

i tot el que envolta tot el món coral.

and everything that surrounds the entire choral world.

És a dir, sempre es diu que la quantitat

That is to say, it is always said that the quantity

de matrimonis i de parelles que han sortit,

of marriages and couples that have emerged,

per exemple, de l'Orfeu Català, i

for example, from the Catalan Orpheus, and

evidentment, doncs clar, això que és el teu cosí,

obviously, so of course, this is your cousin,

no sé de qui parles de cosí, que clar,

I don't know who you're talking about, cousin, clearly.

que en tenia dues, i bueno, que jugàvem un joc

that I had two, and well, that we played a game

amb el teu cosí, i clar...

with your cousin, and of course...

Home, un home generós.

Man, a generous man.

Bàsicament com una cosa que, no, sobretot

Basically like something that, no, especially.

ara anem una mica amb tot. És a dir, que

now let's go a bit with everything. That is to say, that

com també el llibre, es parla d'altres situacions.

As well as the book, other situations are discussed.

És a dir, que no el món coral, s'està parlant,

That is to say, it is not the choral world that is being discussed,

jo què sé, de Brückner, del Tedeum,

I don't know, about Brückner, about the Tedeum,

o de, jo què sé, de l'última obra del Sol

or, I don't know, from the latest work of Sol.

de Brutons, ja que has esmentat, sinó que

of Brutons, since you mentioned, but rather that

també hi ha una qüestió, doncs, que també

there is also a question, then, that also

té a veure amb tota la realitat sociològica.

it has to do with the whole sociological reality.

I ara volia demanar-te una cosa,

And now I wanted to ask you something,

ara em recorda un que tu i jo ja sabem,

now it reminds me of something that you and I already know,

però deixem-ho estar.

but let's leave it be.

Deixa'm anar dins.

Let me go inside.

Dins del context, és a dir, dins del grup humà,

Within the context, that is to say, within the human group,

com es porten

how are they behaving

els punts de vista diferents

the different viewpoints

en una societat que som molt polaritzada?

in a society that is very polarized?

És a dir, que

That is to say, that

uns som unionistes,

some are unionists,

altres som independentistes,

others are independents.

totes aquestes qüestions, o jo què sé,

all these questions, or I don't know,

com es porta? És un bon lloc per

How is it going? It's a good place to

convertir-se en àgora, o us limiteu

become an agora, or do you limit yourselves

a fer l'assaig? És a dir, em refereixo

to do the rehearsal? That is to say, I mean

al fet que el cor no és només la realitat

to the fact that the heart is not just reality

musical, és també una realitat

musical, it is also a reality

social, és una realitat de trobades,

social, it is a reality of encounters,

és una realitat cívica, és un lloc

it is a civic reality, it is a place

precisament donat aquí.

precisely given here.

Totalment d'acord, i

Totally agree, and

tenim la sort que hi ha molts

we are lucky that there are many

tipus de corals

types of corals

on la gent pot

where people can

trobar el referent que busca.

find the reference you are looking for.

És a dir, jo soc una persona

That is to say, I am a person.



vull només cantar en català,

I only want to sing in Catalan,

crec, hi ha

I believe, there is.

cors que són així. No,

hearts that are like this. No,

jo soc una persona que, mira,

I am a person who, look,

soc més global, m'agrada cantar

I am more global, I like to sing.

en molts idiomes,

in many languages,

hi ha cors en els que es fa això.

There are hearts in which this happens.

De fet, no sabem ni el número de cors que tenim.

In fact, we don't even know the number of hearts we have.

Ho dius al principi i ja ho dieu.

You say it at the beginning and you already say it.

Sí, sí, no se sap. Hi ha alguns que sí que estan oficials,

Yes, yes, it is not known. There are some that are official.

que estan registrats, però hi ha molts d'altres

that are registered, but there are many others

que no, que no han format cap entitat,

that they haven't formed any entity,

i que queden quan poden,

and that they stay when they can,

i que fan les petites seves

And what do the little ones do?

actuacions, i sí, vull dir,

actions, and yes, I mean,

Catalunya és un país

Catalonia is a country.

que canta, vull dir, això sí que està clar.

that sings, I mean, that is definitely clear.

Llavors, és una realitat social,

Then, it is a social reality,

però és veritat que tu pots triar

but it is true that you can choose

en quin micro

in which micro

realitat social vols ser-hi.

social reality you want to be there.

Si jo vull tendir a un

If I want to tend to one

cor internacional, ja buscaré

international mail, I will look for it

un cor que canti gospel, per exemple,

a choir that sings gospel, for example,

i ho cantin tot en anglès, i això.

And I sing everything in English, and that.

Si jo vull un cor més d'aquí,

If I want a heart more from here,

buscaré un cor d'en Claver,

I will look for a heart of Claver,

o cors que ja es veu,

or hearts that can already be seen,

que tenen un ideari més

that have a broader ideology

relacionat amb

related to

aquests temes, no? Un cor

these themes, right? A heart

de Farzuela, o un cor

of Farzuela, or a heart

de... Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs tu ja hi pots trobar, i allà

Well, you can find it there, and there.

t'hi sents identificat, t'hi sents reconegut.

you feel identified, you feel recognized.

Llavors, és veritat que un cor

Then, is it true that a heart

és un mirall

it is a mirror

del que som a la realitat, però no

of what we are in reality, but not

de tota la realitat, perquè tu també la tries.

of all reality, because you choose it too.

Tu també tries en

You also try in

quina micro realitat et vols

What micro reality do you want?

sentir o t'hi sents a gust.

feel or you feel comfortable there.

En els meus cors, per exemple,

In my hearts, for example,

jo poso que el focus

I'll put the focus.

estigui en el plaer

be in pleasure

de cantar i d'aprendre cantant.

of singing and learning by singing.

Llavors intento que totes les altres

Then I try to make all the others

qüestions quedin una miqueta

questions remain a little

al marge i es trobi aquesta

on the margin and find this

convivència de maneres de

coexistence of ways of

pensar en tots els sentits,

thinking in all senses,

de religió,

of religion,

de política, de tot. Allà hi

of politics, of everything. There it

conviuen moltes maneres de pensar

many ways of thinking coexist

i molt oposades, però quan ens trobem

and very opposed, but when we meet

ens trobem per cantar.

we meet to sing.

Llavors això ens uneix

Then this unites us.

i això fa que després, quan parlem entre nosaltres,

and this means that later, when we talk among ourselves,

ens escoltem d'una altra manera,

we listen to each other in a different way,

ens escoltem amb ganes d'entendre'ns.

We listen to each other with a desire to understand.

És que has donat la polifonia. Una vegada la polifonia

It's just that you have given the polyphony. Once the polyphony.

és cert, però aquesta és la polifonia

It's true, but that's the polyphony.

que moltes vegades hem tendit

that many times we have tended

a una societat molt monòdica,

to a very monodic society,

doncs clar, dues monodies fem les segones

Of course, we do the second ones as two monodies.

que deies abans, o les quartes, no? O atonal.

What you said earlier, or the fourths, right? Or atonal.

O atonal directament, que és això, perquè

Oh, atonal directly, what is this, because

un parla amb s'agilia, l'altre parla...

one speaks with agility, the other speaks...

Jo et volia fer una pregunta

I wanted to ask you a question.

com a professional, que ets del

As a professional, you are from the

cant coral, i és

choral singing, and it is

ha fet molt de mal

has caused a lot of harm

o en quina mesura ha influït

or to what extent has it influenced

un fenomen televisiu com

a television phenomenon like

aquell programa Happy Day, tenint en compte

that Happy Day program, taking into account

que, perdó,

that, sorry,

allà veiem més la dimensió espectacle,

there we see more the spectacle dimension,

perquè jo recordo,

because I remember,

no el vaig veure gairebé mai,

I hardly ever saw him.

no em va interessar massa, però sí que recordo

I wasn't very interested, but I do remember.

que tothom cantava, sempre que el posava,

that everyone sang, whenever he played it,

gors pèl o espirituals negres.

black hair or spiritual black.

Musicals, també, més aviat,

Musicals, also, rather,

o adaptacions a música moderna.

or adaptations to modern music.

I tothom feien com coreografiat, ballant,

And everyone moved as if choreographed, dancing,

i dius, bueno, està molt bé ballar, però sempre,

And you say, well, it's very nice to dance, but always,

primer canta, després ja ballaràs.

First sing, then you'll dance.

El que et volia preguntar és això, fins a quin punt

What I wanted to ask you is this, to what extent

tu has notat, perquè tu ja véns d'abans

You have noticed, because you already come from before.

del Happy Day, si hi ha hagut

from the Happy Day, if there has been

una inflexió, un canvi, en voler

a inflection, a change, in wanting

cantar més, voler cantar més

sing more, want to sing more

espirituals negres.

black spirituals.

També més a l'americana, que seria una cosa

Also more in the American style, which would be one thing.

que als nanos suposo que els fa més il·lusió

that I suppose excites the kids more

cantar ballant que no cantar la Santa Espina,

singing while dancing rather than singing the Santa Espina,

per entendre'ns.

to understand each other.

Jo ho he notat molt, però diria

I have noticed it a lot, but I would say

que ho he notat més per part del públic,

that I have noticed more from the audience,

al que ens dirigim, que no tant

to whom we are addressing, not so much

per part dels cantaires. Els cantaires

by the singers. The singers

que formen part d'un cor entenen que és cantar

those who are part of a choir understand that it is to sing

en un cor, i valoren

in one heart, and they value

la Santa Espina, valoren cantar a quatre

the Holy Thorn, they value singing in four

veus, valoren cantar a capella.

You see, they value singing a cappella.

No és tant els cantaires,

It's not so much the singers,

jo diria, que hi ha

I would say that there is

ja eren, que ja cantaven, sinó

they were already, that they were already singing, but rather

els nous vinguts, els que descobreixen

the newcomers, those who discover

el món coral a través d'aquest

the choral world through this

medi televisiu, que llavors

media outlet, which then

tenen una expectativa

they have an expectation

i venen amb aquesta expectativa, i un

and they come with this expectation, and one

públic que se'ls està acostumant

audience that is getting used to them

a que el so és perfecte,

to that the sound is perfect,

perquè jo sempre al públic

because I always to the public

ho dic, mireu, no portem micros de diadema,

I'm saying, look, we don't wear headset microphones,

no tenim un tècnic de so que ens equilibra,

we don't have a sound technician to balance us,

tenim una església,

we have a church,

no estem a un auditori, farem el que

we are not in an auditorium, we will do what

podrem, no tenim un espai ideat

we can, we do not have a designed space

per cantar, ens el cedeixen,

to sing, they lend it to us,

i estem molt agraïts que això pugui ser així,

and we are very grateful that this can be so,

que això ens possibiliti aquesta trobada,

that this enables us to have this meeting,

i farem el màxim perquè se'ns escolti

We will do our best to be heard.

bé, perquè se'ns entengui, perquè l'acústica

well, so that we are understood, because of the acoustics

s'hi dona, però no ho podem fer. Llavors,

it is done, but we can't do it. Then,

el públic cada vegada nota que

the audience increasingly notices that

això no està bé, ui, esteu molt quiets,

this is not right, oh, you are very still,

ui, en partitura canteu, ui, falta

oh, in the score you sing, oh, missing

com una mica, hem de motivar també el públic.

With a little, we also need to motivate the audience.

Com si fos poc, no? Però, heu obert la porta

As if that's not enough, right? But, you have opened the door.

que gent jove, molt jove,

what young people, very young,

vulgui cantar amb una coral, perquè suposo

I want to sing with a choir, because I suppose.

que la mitjana d'edat és com els sardanistes, no?

that the average age is like the sardana dancers, right?

Passaran els cinquanta, suposo,

They will pass the fifty, I suppose.

no? Suposo. Sí. Però potser

No? I suppose. Yes. But maybe.

aquest tipus de programa ha

this type of program has

incentivat una afició al cant coral

encouraging a passion for choral singing

o una curiositat amb persones

or a curiosity with people

més joves de quaranta o de trenta,

younger than forty or thirty,

no ho sé. Sí, i això està bé,

I don't know. Yes, and that's fine,

en aquest sentit està bé, però un cop entren

In this sense, it's fine, but once they enter...

has d'aconseguir engrescar-los

you have to get them excited

i fer-te'ls venir al teu

and make them come to you

terreny, perquè és evident que es poden

land, because it is evident that they can

fer coses amb coreografia i és evident que es poden

do things with choreography and it is clear that they can be done.


to sing

de memòria i temes pop

of memory and pop themes

i projectes així com més engrescadors

and projects as well as more motivating ones

a nivell d'energia, no?

at an energy level, right?

Diríem, però

We would say, however.

el cant coral és el cant coral, cantar

choral singing is choral singing, to sing

quatre veus és una cosa que quan

four voices is something that when

es fa és emocionant i

what is done is exciting and

val la pena fer-la. Jo m'ho vaig trobar

It's worth doing it. I encountered it.

el primer cop que ho vaig trobar va ser a l'escola,

the first time I met him was at school,

jo estava donant classes a

I was teaching classes to

secundària i acabava

secondary and was finishing

de sortir

to go out

Operación Triunfo i

Operación Triunfo and

llavors jo quan els feia cantar els feia vocalitzar

so when I made them sing, I made them vocalize

i primer reien molt, no? Què és això que

And first they laugh a lot, right? What is this that

ens estàs fent? Jo els explicava que la veu s'havia

Are you doing it to us? I was explaining to them that the voice had

d'escalfar, com funcionava tot això. Quan ho vam

to heat up, how all this worked. When we did it.

veure, Operación Triunfo, estaven disposats a

see, Operación Triunfo, they were ready to

vocalitzar. Anem a vocalitzar perquè allà, jo he vist,

vocalize. Let's vocalize because there, I have seen,

que els feien fer això i vaig pensar, mira que bé

that they made them do this and I thought, how nice

que em va aquest programa. Però

I like this program. But

al cap d'un parell de mesos, ells deien

a couple of months later, they said

com és que jo no canto com la Chenoa?

Why don't I sing like Chenoa?

Bueno, escolta'm, és que ens ho estan venent,

Well, listen to me, they are selling it to us.

però la Chenoa ja sabia cantar abans.

but Chenoa already knew how to sing before.

Vull dir, tu estàs tan venent un

I mean, you are selling one so much.

producte com que cantar

product like singing

s'aprèn en dos minuts. Hi ha una feina

It is learned in two minutes. There is a job.

al darrere i clar, la televisió

at the back and clear, the television

ja té això, no? Ens crea unes

That's it, right? It creates some for us.

expectatives que... Impossibles de

expectations that... Impossible to

sentir. Sí, com una pel·lícula. Nosaltres ja ens hem acostumat

to feel. Yes, like a movie. We have already gotten used to it.

que una pel·lícula, o sigui, es resolen els problemes

that a movie, I mean, the problems are resolved

amorosos i de la vida en dues hores, no?

loving and about life in two hours, right?

I a la realitat no és així.

And in reality, it's not like that.

Una de les coses que a mi m'ha agradat més d'aquest llibre

One of the things I have liked the most about this book

que explica la teva mil·li, i és que

that explains your grandmother, and it is that

a diferència d'un Gardiner o d'un Barenboim

unlike a Gardiner or a Barenboim

que es troben, diguéssim, quan arriben a l'orquestra

that they find, let's say, when they arrive at the orchestra

feta, tu pots fer molts plans, però

done, you can make many plans, but

és que fins al dia de l'actuació

it's that until the day of the performance

no saps exactament què et trobaràs.

you don’t exactly know what you will find.

No saps el lloc on actuaràs,

You don't know the place where you will perform,

no saps exactament

you don't know exactly

com sonarà, per això s'han de fer proves

how it will sound, that's why tests need to be done

abans i quan hi ha més d'una coral

before and when there is more than one choir

ho expliques, és molt complicat. Pot ser

You explain it, it's very complicated. Maybe.

que aquell dia, simplement perquè hi ha futbol,

that day, simply because there is football,

doncs dos baixos en general...

so two ground floors in general...

Pot ser baixos i tenors, més que

It can be basses and tenors, rather than

sopranos i contras, no?

sopranos and contras, right?

Home, ara amb el futbol femení ja veurem, eh?

Well, now with women's football we'll see, right?

Ah, no et vindrà ningú.

Ah, no one will come for you.

Hauràs de fer un saló. Però sí que és cert

You will have to make a living room. But yes, it is true.

que aquesta cosa d'imprevisibilitat

that this thing of unpredictability

a tu t'ha hagut de comportar

you had to behave

bastants atacs

quite a few attacks

de nervis, no? Sí, sí. He après

Nervous, right? Yes, yes. I've learned.

a tenir plans B i plans C.

to have plan B and plan C.

Perquè és cert que en un cor

Because it is true that in a heart

professional o semiprofessional saps

professional or semiprofessional you know

que aquell repertori te'l faran.

that they will do that repertoire for you.

Millor o pitjor a les teves

Better or worse at yours

expectatives, però te'l faran.

expectations, but they will make it for you.

Però en els cors amateurs no ho saps.

But in amateur choirs, you don't know.

No saps si estaran prou motivats,

You don't know if they will be motivated enough,

no saps si vindran sempre tots els assajos.

You don't know if they will always come to all the rehearsals.

Els problemes

The problems

o dificultats que tu has previst

or difficulties that you have anticipated

abans, no saps si realment

before, you don't know if really

serà un problema o potser se n'en sortiran.

It will be a problem or perhaps they will manage to get through it.

I d'altres que no havies previst seran

And others that you had not foreseen will be.

una dificultat, no? I trobar

a difficulty, right? And to find

l'equilibri també, com deia Vygotsky, que era

The balance also, as Vygotsky said, was

un pedagog que deia, s'ha de trobar l'equilibri entre

a pedagogue who said, one must find the balance between

la dificultat i la motivació.

the difficulty and the motivation.

Si poses una cosa que és massa difícil

If you put something that is too difficult

estàs motivarant. Si poses una cosa que és massa

you are motivating. If you put something that is too

fàcil, estàs motivarant. Has de posar

Easy, you are motivating. You have to put.

en el punt just, en el que s'hi suposi

at the right point, where it is supposed to be

un repte, però que sigui assumible,

a challenge, but one that is manageable,

assequible. I clar, això per un cor

affordable. And of course, this for a heart

de 50, on està aquesta

from 50, where is this?

frontera que diria Vygotsky, no?

border that Vygotsky would say, right?

És complexa. També hi ha un tema interessant

It is complex. There is also an interesting topic.

que el toques de passada, que és

that you touch it casually, which is

el tema de la precarització. Clar, vosaltres depeneu

the issue of precarization. Of course, you depend

dels diners, de diferència

of the money, of difference

d'un director de cor professional que té

of a professional choir director who has

una nòmina, depeneu

a salary, depend you

una mica de les aportacions

a bit of the contributions

dels orfeunistes,

of the orphanists,

dels cantants.

of the singers.

Això fa que la vostra vida també sigui molt

This makes your life very

itinerant, molt de trobador, no? Sí, també és

itinerant, very much a troubadour, isn't it? Yes, it is too.

més emocionant. Sí, però hi ha un moment que l'emoció

more exciting. Yes, but there is a moment when the emotion

que arriba un moment que dius

there comes a point when you say

ja m'agrada que sigui emocionant, el que no vull

I like it to be exciting, what I don't want is...

és haver-me de tirar per la finestra

it's having to throw myself out of the window

a final de punt. Clar, llavors això, jo per

at the end of the point. Of course, then this, I for

exemple, tenint en compte aquest

example, taking this into account

paràmetre que molt bé comentes,

parameter that you comment on very well,

doncs he pensat projectes que es

So I have thought of projects that it is.

poden fer en orquestra, però que si no arriba

they can do it in orchestra, but if it doesn't arrive

el pressupost, en piano el

the budget, in piano the

resolem. I això un director

we solve. And this a director

també ho pensa molt. A veure, això

he thinks about it a lot too. Let's see, this.

que estic fent, en cas de

what I am doing, in case of

un projecte orquestra,

an orchestra project,

o sigui, o copla i cor,

that is, either verse and heart,

què passarà si no puc tenir una copla en

What will happen if I can't have a couple in?

aquell dia, o no m'arriben els diners,

that day, either the money doesn’t reach me,

o problemes varis,

or various problems,

o som menys cantaires i llavors el so

or we are fewer singers and then the sound

de la copla ens supera, el podré

of the couplet surpasses us, I will be able to

resoldre amb altra instrumentació? O si

resolve with other instrumentation? Or if

estic en pandèmia que no m'arribi la meitat

I am in a pandemic that I don't want to reach the halfway point.

del cor? En pandèmia, en mil coses. Llavors

Of the heart? In a pandemic, in a thousand things. Then

sempre els directors dels cors amateurs

always the directors of amateur choirs

tenim plans B, C i D

we have plans B, C, and D

i anem sobre la marxa. És molt

And we go with the flow. It's very

engrascador això.

grease this.

Escolta'm, coneixem altres llibres de...

Listen to me, we know other books about...

de la mateixa editorial,

from the same publisher,

100 coses a l'entorn de moltes

100 things around many

activitats, no tots escrits

activities, not all written

a quatre mans, com és aquest, com dèiem abans.

four hands, like this one, as we said before.

Quin és el criteri que

What is the criterion that

que vau...

what you...

pel que vau optar tu i en David? Com va

What did you and David choose? How is it going?

sortir la idea i com vau pensar l'estructura

come up with the idea and how you thought of the structure

d'aquests capítols curts

of these short chapters

i que acaben sent un centenar?

And does it end up being a hundred?

Com va anar això? Sí. Doncs primer vam fer

How did it go? Yes. Well, first we did

una pluja d'idees.

a rain of ideas.

De què parlaríem? I el David va

What would we talk about? And David goes.

proposar coses, jo també vaig proposar coses,

proposing things, I also proposed things,

i quan ja teníem la llista feta,

and when we already had the list made,

ens vam situar,

we positioned ourselves,

qui creu que pot explicar

who believes they can explain

millor aquest o aquest altre.

better this one or this other one.

Ell toca més els temes històrics,

He delves more into historical themes,

segurament tu toques més la praxi.

surely you practice more.

Sí, jo li vaig dir, deixa'm a mi

Yes, I told him, let me.

les més vivencials, i tu que ets

the most experiential, and you who are

divulgador i que tens molt

disseminator and that you have a lot

de coneixement de molts

of knowledge of many

àmbits també, que pot fer

areas too, that it can do

una visió més holística, doncs

a more holistic vision, then

aquests els prens tu.

these you take.

I com el David

And like David

ja havia escrit altres llibres

I had already written other books.

i el seu públic, els seus

and its audience, its own

directors ja tenen

directors already have

una idea de com han d'estar escrit

an idea of how they should be written

i amb quina professionalitat escriu ell,

and with what professionalism he writes,

jo tenia una mica de por, perquè vaig

I was a little scared because I went

pensar, jo parlo massa des de la vivència

to think, I talk too much from experience

i evidentment és la meva. Però això és

And obviously, it is mine. But this is

la gràcia del que expliques, que

the charm of what you are explaining is that

tu has estat a la guerra. Clar,

You have been to war. Of course.

però clar, cada director hauria escrit

but of course, each director would have written

les seves 100 coses, i en algunes potser

their 100 things, and perhaps in some

haguéssim coincidit, i potser entrevistes

we would have coincided, and perhaps interviews

a un altre director d'acords i et diu, doncs no, això

to another agreement director and he tells you, well no, this

de l'empàs no és tan important, o això,

the embarrassment is not so important, or this,

i t'ho hagués plantejat d'una altra manera,

and I would have approached it differently,

i jo volia que el que jo escrivia

and I wanted what I was writing

realment s'entengués com un punt de vista

really understood as a point of view

i que per tant es podia

and therefore could be

opinar diferent, sentir diferent,

to think differently, to feel differently,


to criticize him,

només que serveixi per reflexionar

if it only serves to reflect

per mi ja era un punt positiu. I en canvi

for me it was already a positive point. And on the other hand

jo volia que els del David, quan el lector

I wanted that David's ones, when the reader

els llegís digués, bé, doncs segur

the readings would say, well, then surely

que això està documentat, aquí estic

that this is documented, here I am

amb el cor obert per absorbir

with an open heart to absorb

realment tot el que m'està explicant ell, no?

really everything he is explaining to me, right?

Els meus, amb el cor obert, però

My loved ones, with an open heart, though.

amb opinió, no?

with opinion, right?

Doncs amb això no hi estic d'acord, jo això ho he viscut,

Well, I don't agree with that, I've lived this.

i ho veig d'una altra manera, i una miqueta més

And I see it another way, and a little more.

donar aquesta espai, no?, al lector.

give this space, right?, to the reader.

Per si hi ha oients nostres

In case there are any listeners of ours.

que són cantaires, que segur,

who are singers, that for sure,

però també aspirants a directora de cor,

but also aspiring choir directors,

quina diries que és la formació

What would you say training is?

que hauria de tenir, a part de

what it should have, apart from

a part de molta paciència

besides a lot of patience

i de gestionar grups de WhatsApp,

and managing WhatsApp groups,

perquè dius que moltes vegades

because you say that many times

hi ha una educació

there is an education

musical general, però també hi ha cursos específics,

general music, but there are also specific courses,

més que un grau general.

more than a general degree.

Com va? De què

How are you? What about?

hauria de ser la formació d'una directora?

Should it be the training of a director?

Els directors són molt eclèctics

The directors are very eclectic.

i poden, o sigui,

and they can, that is,

poden tenir formacions molt diverses

they can have very diverse backgrounds

i acabar dirigint.

and end up directing.

De fet, molts que comencen

In fact, many who begin

no són directors de cor. No, no són directors.

They are not choir directors. No, they are not directors.

Per ser director calen moltíssimes coses

To be a director, a lot of things are needed.

i de branques molt diferents.

and from very different branches.

Llavors, no importa el camí que tris,

Then, it doesn't matter which path you choose,

mentre el vagis caminant

while you walk

i vagis trobant el què,

and you find what,

i saber on estan els teus punts forts,

and to know where your strengths are,

i potenciar-los, i els que

and empower them, and those who

no són tan forts, buscar la formació.

they are not that strong, seeking education.

Si ets un director que té

If you are a director who has

molts coneixements musicals

many musical knowledge

i sobre obres, i això t'anirà bé,

And about works, this will be good for you.

segur, però potser et caldrà

sure, but maybe you will need it

una mica de tècnica en el gest, per poder comunicar,

a bit of technique in gesture, to be able to communicate,

per poder entendre't amb els cantares.

to be able to understand you with the singers.

És molt important el gest, ho és important com tot,

The gesture is very important, it is important like everything.

però no és més important que altres coses.

but it is not more important than other things.

Que tu tens un gest molt bo,

That you have a very nice gesture,

però potser no tens molts coneixements d'harmonia,

but perhaps you don't have much knowledge of harmony,

d'aprofundir en la música, doncs

to dive deeper into music, then

intenta aprendre

try to learn

harmonia, perquè això et farà conèixer millor l'obra

harmony, because this will help you better understand the work

i et farà que amb el teu bon gest

and it will make you with your good gesture

els puguis guiar millor.

you can guide them better.

En tècnica vocal, doncs quin cor tens?

In vocal technique, so what kind of heart do you have?

Tens un cor que ja té tècnica vocal?

Do you have a choir that already has vocal technique?

Potser no és tan important, perquè ells ja ho saben.

Maybe it isn't that important because they already know.

I tu els dius, escolteu soprano, necessito que aquest

And you tell them, listen soprano, I need this

so sigui més rodó. I els sopranos ho faran.

So it will be more rounded. And the sopranos will do it.

Però portes un cor amateur

But you have an amateur heart.

amb gent que no té tècnica, intenta saber-ne

with people who have no skills, try to learn about it

tu, i sobretot com explicar-la tu a ells.

you, and especially how to explain it to them.

Com fer que ells tinguin aquesta tècnica vocal.

How to make them have this vocal technique.

I llavors, en funció de quins cors vols

And then, depending on which hearts you want

dirigir, o quins

to direct, or which

recursos tu ja tens d'entrada,

you already have resources from the start,

has de buscar una formació o una altra.

You have to look for one training or another.

Però jo és cert que cada any em formo,

But it is true that every year I train myself,

amb coses diverses. I és un

with various things. And it is a

camí que serà fins al final.

path that will lead to the end.

La formació continuada, i crec molt,

Continuing education, and I believe very much,

i animo a tots els directors

and I encourage all the directors

que no aturin mai la batuta.

may they never stop the baton.

Sempre ja es pot aprendre.

You can always learn.

I és un camí.

And it is a path.

Abans ho deia l'Oriol, això també és una formació

Earlier Oriol said, this is also a training.

espiritual. Aquest llibre és també molt espiritual.

spiritual. This book is also very spiritual.

A mi m'ha conmogut

It has moved me.

quan expliques els...

when you explain the...

Quan una

When one

directora està en cors

The director is in choirs.

on hi ha molts jubilats,

where there are many retirees,

és molt fàcil que es convertissin

it is very easy for them to become

en una espècie de metge, que se't vagi munint

in a kind of doctor, who is gradually taking you away

els pacients. Hi ha un moment molt bonic

the patients. There is a very beautiful moment

on fas un homenatge molt maco

you make a very nice tribute

a les persones que han marxat.

to the people who have left.

També aquesta gestió

Also this management

és curiosa. És una cosa que no penses

It's curious. It's something you don't think about.

quan parles d'un director de coral.

when you talk about a choir conductor.

Hi ha molta gent amb la qual tens lligams

There are many people with whom you have connections.

i dius, hòstia...

And you say, damn...

Jo penso que aquests lligams els tenen els directors

I think that these ties are held by the directors.

que dirigeixen precisament aquests cors amateurs,

that precisely direct these amateur choirs,

que són una mica més de caire social,

that are somewhat more social in nature,

que es troben cada setmana,

that meet every week,

en els que fas sortides amb autocar,

in which you go on trips by coach,

fas trobades corals d'altres pobles,

you hold choir meetings from other towns,

fas dinars de germanor,

you have brotherhood lunches,

fas diumenges d'assaig al matí...

you have rehearsal Sundays in the morning...

Un director que va amb un cor,

A director who goes with a heart,

fa deu assajos i fa un concert,

ten rehearsals and gives a concert,

és molt difícil crear aquests vincles

It is very difficult to create these bonds.

tan íntims.

so intimate.

Segurament l'idol, si hi ha una pèrdua,

Surely the idol, if there is a loss,

però quan tu has viscut

but when you have lived

dinars i t'has explicat coses

lunches and you've explained things to you

i ara mira nascut el meu net

And now look, my grandson is born.

i ara mira la meva filla a casa

And now look at my daughter at home.

i ara m'ha passat això

and now this has happened to me

o ara ha agafat una malaltia,

or now he has caught an illness,

ha estat hospitalitzat un temps

he has been hospitalized for some time

i quan torna fem una festa...

And when he returns, we'll have a party...

Creen uns vincles molt forts

They create very strong bonds.

i quan hi ha aquestes pèrdues

and when there are these losses

realment saben molt de greu per tots.

They really feel very sorry for everyone.

Jo també quan llegia això

I also when I read this

dels Aplecs

of the Gatherings

i el director d'anar a l'Aplec

and the director of going to the Aplec

pensaves que la Meritxell deu haver acabat

You thought that Meritxell must have finished.

qui és aquests dies?

Who is it these days?

Després d'assajos, els viatges,

After rehearsals, the trips,

ells van a disfrutar,

they are going to enjoy,

però tu estàs també disfrutant

but you are also enjoying

però estàs pendent.

but you are attentive.

Moltes vegades els dius

Many times you say them.

no crideu a l'autocar,

do not shout at the bus,

perquè hem d'arribar amb la veu.

because we have to arrive with the voice.

A la jornada maratoniana

To the marathon day

de l'Aplec de Corals

from the Gathering of Choirs

deus necessitar un jacuzzi.

you need a jacuzzi.

Més que un divulgador musical

More than a music promoter

necessites un passatgista.

you need a walker.

Necessito anar al balneari

I need to go to the spa.

a veure si em regalen unes vacances.

let's see if someone gifts me a vacation.

Ells s'ho passen molt bé

They have a great time.

però pel director

but for the director

jo mai deixo anar el xip

I never let go of the chip.

perquè de sobte acaben de dinar

because they just finished lunch

i em veig jo traient el diapasó

And I see myself taking out the compass.

estant do major

being in the upper room

molt bé, haig de donar un do, un mi

very good, I have to give a gift, a note

les controls amb un mi

the controls with a half

i de sobte has de tenir la partitura al cap

And suddenly you have to have the sheet music in your head.

i si els hi donen per cantar...

and if they are encouraged to sing...

i llavors no descanses

and then you don't rest

perquè tu vas allà

because you go there

però mai deixes de ser la directora o el director

but you never stop being the director

i quan tornen i t'expliquen coses

And when they come back and tell you things.

com ha anat el concert

How did the concert go?

què us ha agradat més

What did you like the most?

jo en el meu cap estic prenent nota

I am taking notes in my head.

ah, doncs això els ha agradat

Oh, so they liked that.

apunta-t'ho per la propera assaig

note it down for the next rehearsal

o per la propera sortida

or for the next exit

i no deixes de sempre estar treballant en alerta

and you never stop always being on alert

m'agrada molt

I like it very much.

però molt contenta

but very happy

de la mateixa manera que abans t'he dit

in the same way that I told you before

que aquest és un país

that this is a country

que canta i si es canta bé i tot plegat

that sings and if it sings well and all in all

i la tradició de la qual venim

and the tradition from which we come

ara m'atreveixo, potser et poso en un compromís

Now I dare, maybe I put you in a difficult position.

però que ens facis una mica

but that you do a little for us

de diagnosi o de sí

of diagnosis or of yes

de retrat del programa

of the program's portrait

Coral a casa nostra independentment dels cors

Coral in our home regardless of the hearts.

aquests amateurs que tu dirigeixes

these amateurs that you direct

la situació coral a Catalunya

the choral situation in Catalonia

tenint en compte que hi ha doncs el Francesc Valls

taking into account that there is thus Francesc Valls

el cor del Liceu, Rocío Català

the heart of the Liceu, Rocío Català

o també aquells cors

or also those hearts

sorgits a l'entorn de la dictadura

emerged in the context of the dictatorship

i que tant van fer també

and how much they did too

pel cant coral amateur

for amateur choral singing

com la Coral Sant Jordi

like the Coral Sant Jordi

o els cors que va fundar el Manel Cabero

or the choirs founded by Manel Cabero

en quin moment creus que estem?

At what moment do you think we are?

és delicat

it's delicate

si necessites un advocat

if you need a lawyer

pots trucar-lo

you can call him

jo crec que van fer una gran tasca

I believe they did a great job.

i penso que

I think that

aquests cors no estan prou cuidats

these hearts are not well cared for enough

jo crec que falta

I believe that is missing.

que la societat hi cregui més

that society believes in it more

ja tenim molts bons cors

we already have many good hearts

que tenen un nivell professional

that have a professional level

i no cobren

and they don't charge

i no se'ls tracta com a professionals

and they are not treated like professionals

i tenen un molt bon nivell

and they have a very good level

que farien que Catalunya pogués ser un referent

What would make Catalonia a reference point?

en el món coral

in the choral world

jo crec que falta inversió

I believe that there is a lack of investment.

crec que falta confiança

I think there is a lack of trust.

crec que els hi falten projectes

I think they lack projects.

crec que falta molta feina a fer

I think there is a lot of work to be done.

han quedat com una mica oblidats

they have remained somewhat forgotten

van fer una gran tasca

they did a great job

però ara s'ha quedat una mica estancat

but now it has become a bit stagnant

el Manel Cabero ara ja no el tenim entre nosaltres

Manel Cabero is no longer with us.

el Martorell tampoc

the Martorell neither

és una pena però

it's a shame but

i en Enric Ribó

and Enric Ribó

molts han fet una gran feina

many have done a great job

i tenim la Mireia Barrera

and we have Mireia Barrera

la Marisenda Carràs

Marisenda Carràs

i tenim grans directores

and we have great directors

que estan fent una gran feina

that they are doing a great job

i no se'ls està donant l'espai

and they are not being given the space

que deurien

that they should

se l'han de buscar elles

they have to be looked for by them

i han de lluitar-hi molt

and they have to fight a lot for it

i per això

and for that reason

ens sorprendrien molt

they would surprise us a lot

parles d'ajuts, subvencions

you talk about aid, grants

conselleries de cultura

departments of culture

i de propostes també

and suggestions too

de propostes, d'activitats

of proposals, of activities

allò que els cursis anomenen acompanyament

what the pretentious call accompaniment

de no sentir-te que estàs sol remant

of not feeling like you are alone rowing

ells se senten molt sols

they feel very lonely

i cal un acompanyament social

and social support is needed

i un acompanyament també

and also a companion

a nivell de subvencions

in terms of subsidies

i políticament que ens tinguin també en compte

and politically that they also take us into account

però hi ha tantes coses a millorar

but there are so many things to improve

que sempre ens sap greu demanar

that we always feel bad asking

però jo penso que sí

but I think that yes

que tenim grans cors

that we have big hearts

que ells van fer una gran feina

that they did a great job

però ara han quedat com una mica silenciats

but now they have been left somewhat silenced

doncs qui tingui orelles que escolti

Let anyone who has ears listen.

que diria l'Evangeli

what the Gospel would say

jo et felicito pel llibre

I congratulate you on the book.

perquè realment ens ho has fet passar molt bé

because you really made us have a great time

ens has fet valorar coses

you have made us appreciate things

que no sempre valorem

that we do not always value

perquè quan arribem a un concert

because when we arrive at a concert

no sabem el que hi ha darrere

we do not know what is behind

i la feinada que hi ha al darrere

and the hard work behind it

felicita per tant també el David

congratulate David as well

i insisteixo en el que he dit a la introducció

I insist on what I said in the introduction.

que 100 coses del món coral

that 100 things about the coral world

és un llibre que heu de llegir

It's a book you must read.

i si no ho sou també

and if you are not either

perquè potser us n'hi torneu

because perhaps you will return there

i realment donen ganes de sortir cantant

And it really makes you want to go out singing.

moltes gràcies per venir aquí

thank you very much for coming here

gràcies a vosaltres

thank you to you

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