Estic de baixa, y de Bajon


La Vieja Tostada de Poe

Estic de baixa, y de Bajon

La Vieja Tostada de Poe

Estic de baixa. Sí. Estic de baixa a casa. Des de l'últim podcast que vaig fer al cotxe

I am on sick leave. Yes. I am on sick leave at home. Since the last podcast I recorded in the car.

he volgut aprofitar i fer més cosetes. Aleshores, ara estic de baixa.

I wanted to take advantage and do more things. So, now I am on sick leave.

Per què estic de baixa? Em sembla que és una miqueta de tot.

Why am I on leave? I think it's a bit of everything.

Teòricament tinc un mal on esguins aquí al pectoral, un dret,

Theoretically, I have a bad strain here in the pectoral, a right one.

que em va fer pensar que tenia un atac de cor.

that made me think I was having a heart attack.

Però siguen sencers, no sé com són els atacs de cor,

But being honest, I don't know what a heart attack is like.

però estic convençut que el que tinc jo, o el que vaig tenir al patir aquest dolor,

but I am convinced that what I have, or what I had while enduring this pain,

ja l'havia patit antigament amb les meves lesions del judo.

I had already experienced it in the past with my judo injuries.

I amb la qual cosa podria assegurar que per mi no era un atac de cor.

And with that I could assure that for me it was not a heart attack.

Però bé, és preocupar la meva dona, la família sencera,

But well, it's worrying my wife, the whole family,

està preocupant, però és igual.

It's concerning, but it doesn't matter.

El fet és el que volia comentar-vos abans de plegar.

The fact is that I wanted to comment on this before leaving.

És el fet que estic de baixa. Baixa significa per mi descansar,

It's the fact that I'm on leave. Leave means resting for me,

baixa significa per mi poder respirar una miqueta,

"Lowering means for me to be able to breathe a little."

encara que em costa una mica de respirar amb aquesta contractura aquí al pit.

even though it is a bit hard for me to breathe with this tightness in my chest.

En veritat, quan estic jugant a l'ordinador, o quan estic fent coses amb el micro o aquestes cosetes,

In truth, when I am playing on the computer, or when I am doing things with the microphone or those little things,

no em fa mal. És quan m'aixeco, tinc a agafar un got, tinc a agafar cosetes, és quan em fa mal.

It doesn't hurt me. It's when I get up, I have to grab a glass, I have to grab little things, that's when it hurts me.

És quan m'aixeco, tinc a agafar un got, tinc a agafar cosetes, és quan em fa mal.

It's when I get up, I have to grab a glass, I have to grab little things, it's when it hurts.

Sí, en sencer és.

Yes, it is whole.

Però bé, ara em trobo a casa, estic descansant, porto dos dies aquí sense fer ni molta, ni molt, ni poc.

But well, now I am at home, I am resting, I have been here for two days without doing much, nor a lot, nor a little.

Estic llegint un llibre, estic jugant al meu Eurotrack, estic fent podcast, estic pensant de tornar-hi.

I am reading a book, I am playing my Eurotrack, I am doing a podcast, I am thinking of going back.

Aquella frase que vaig deixar l'altre dia a l'e-books, vull tornar.

That sentence I left the other day in the e-books, I want to return.

Suposo que ho faré perquè la culpa la té un noi nou, un amic, un conegut,

I suppose I'll do it because a new guy is to blame, a friend, an acquaintance,

dels camions, la seva pàgina web, no web, el seu canal de YouTube és el que em va motivar a seguir jugant a aquest joc.

The trucks, their website, not a website, their YouTube channel is what motivated me to keep playing this game.

Però bé, es diu Zoltar i l'altre dia sense voler vaig fer un directament, perquè vaig estar aquí a casa,

But well, his name is Zoltar and the other day, without meaning to, I went live because I was here at home.

el dilluns va ser, vaig estar provant fer directes des d'OBS a YouTube.

On Monday, I was trying to do live streams from OBS to YouTube.

Per què? Perquè volia, vull, o volia, o faré, pujar directes del Fishing Planet,

Why? Because I wanted to, I want to, or I wanted to, or I will, stream directly from Fishing Planet,

que és l'altre joc que tinc, que estic jugant, que és un conyazo de joc, o sigui, en sencer, és un avorriment de joc.

what is the other game I have, that I am playing, that is a pain in the ass of a game, I mean, overall, it is a boring game.

Però bé, és el típic joc que jo he de fer alguna cosa, o he de fer dues coses a la vegada.

But well, it's the typical game where I have to do something, or I have to do two things at the same time.

I aquest joc, el Fishing Planet, que és de pesca, doncs em dóna aquesta oportunitat de fer dues coses.

And this game, Fishing Planet, which is about fishing, gives me the opportunity to do two things.

Mentre deixo la canya preparada per pescar, canya de fons, em sembla que es diu, bé, en veritat en tinc dues, no?

While I prepare the rod for fishing, a bottom rod, I think it's called, well, actually I have two, don't I?

Bé, doncs la deixo allà, llavors ja picaran, ja picaran.

Well, I'll leave her there, then they'll knock, they'll knock.

Mentre tant, estic escrivint, llegint, mirant el, com es diu això, el YouTube, o mirant el Google en general.

In the meantime, I am writing, reading, watching the, what is it called, YouTube, or looking at Google in general.

Estic llegint el llibre que ja us he dit, estic escrivint, estic fent moltes cosetes.

I am reading the book that I have already mentioned, I am writing, I am doing many little things.

Però bé, en si, el joc aquest és per pujar-ho a YouTube, perquè no volia deixar tampoc la pàgina o el canal de YouTube de l'autostada de por,

But well, this game is essentially to upload it to YouTube, because I didn't want to leave the horror hitchhiking page or YouTube channel either.

en poques paraules, de Nicola, el meu canal.

In a few words, from Nicola, my channel.

Sinó, el que volia era tornar-hi.

Otherwise, what I wanted was to go back.

I necessitava aquest descans.

I needed this break.

Aquest descans ha vingut, com he dit, a través d'aquest esguí inspectoral.

This break has come, as I said, through this inspector's ski.

És sols un esguí inspectoral, és sols vuit dies de baixa i tranquil·litat a casa.

It's just an inspection break, it's only eight days of leave and tranquility at home.

Estar hores i hores aquí a casa sense fer res.

To be hours and hours here at home doing nothing.

També és bo estar sense fer res perquè no puc fer molta cosa, com he dit.

It is also good to be doing nothing because I can't do much, as I said.

Em fa mal el braç i ja està, no hi ha més.

My arm hurts and that's it, there's nothing more.

Però bé, tornem al tema del Zoltar, que és un noi que, mira, fa dos dies,

But well, let's return to the topic of Zoltar, who is a guy that, look, two days ago,

parlant amb plata, fa dos dies va enganxar un canal de YouTube, un canal de camions,

talking with silver, two days ago he caught a YouTube channel, a truck channel,

i va estar pujant el que es diu mods, que són aquelles coses que poses a més a més del joc

And he was uploading what are called mods, which are those things you add on top of the game.

i funciona una miqueta millor, no funciona una miqueta menys, bueno, d'igual.

And it works a little better, it doesn't work a little less, well, the same.

D'acord, llavors em vaig fer amic d'ell a través d'aquests mods,

Okay, then I became friends with him through these mods.

perquè el que buscava jo eren mods de temps, de clima, mods de gràfics.

Because what I was looking for were time mods, weather mods, graphics mods.

Ens han trucat, ja ho heu vist, que ens han trucat i ens han tingut que plegar.

They have called us, you have already seen it, that they have called us and we have had to leave.

Volia saber si funcionava també el fet de les trucades, com quedava i tota la història,

I wanted to know if the calling feature also worked, how it turned out, and the whole story.

perquè aquesta aplicació, la de l'anchor, app, va perfecte per lo que es veu, va perfecte.

because this application, the anchor one, app, works perfectly from what I can see, it works perfectly.

Amb aquest micròfon nou he sentit aquesta gravació de gràcies a la trucada,

With this new microphone, I heard this recording thanks to the call,

he sentit que se sent de puta mare.

I heard that he feels great.

Bueno, l'hauré de provar en el cotxe, que aquesta és la importància d'aquest micròfon,

Well, I will have to try it in the car, that is the importance of this microphone.

però bueno, de temps en temps no anem tan ràpid, no anem tan ràpid, no anem tan ràpid.

but well, from time to time we don't go so fast, we don't go so fast, we don't go so fast.

Però bueno, aquesta va venir gràcia.

But well, this was funny.

Em sembla que l'última cosa que he parlat ha sigut del Zoltan, aquest noi del seu canal,

I think the last thing I talked about was Zoltan, that guy from his channel,

que ensenyava, ho diré, mods, d'acord?

that taught, I'll say, mods, okay?

Llavors el que buscava jo, com he dit, com he deixat penjat el podcast d'abans,

So what I was looking for, as I said, as I left the previous podcast hanging,

ha sigut que buscava les gràfiques, ara que m'havia comprat un ordinador nou.

I was looking for the graphics, now that I had bought a new computer.

Però bueno, va, i resulta que a poc a poc hem estat mitjantant,

But well, here we go, and it turns out that little by little we have been negotiating,

establant conversacions, amistats i tal, que si a l'Instagram, que si al Twitch, que si...

establishing conversations, friendships and such, whether on Instagram, whether on Twitch, whether...

Bueno, tant és igual.

Well, it doesn't matter.

I resulta que l'altre dia, li vaig fer, bueno, el dilluns,

And it turns out that the other day, I did it for him, well, on Monday,

li vaig dir, vaig fer la primera gravació, o no gravació, la primera, ho diria un altre cop,

I told him, I made the first recording, or not recording, the first, I would say it again,

el primer directe d'Eurotrack, Simuletion 2, al canal de YouTube.

the first live of Eurotrack, Simulation 2, on the YouTube channel.

Va, tenia moltes ganes de provar-ho, vale?

Okay, I was really looking forward to trying it, alright?

I personalment el vaig fer perquè ell no té Twitter i ell no té o no tenia Twitch.

I personally did it because he doesn't have Twitter and he doesn't have or didn't have Twitch.

I m'agradaria, m'ha agradat, o m'agradaria o m'hagués agradat en aquell moment,

I would like, I liked, or I would like or I would have liked at that moment.

però bueno, ara que ho ha sigut ja, que m'hagués vist el camió,

but well, now that it has been done, I wish I had seen the truck.

perquè sempre està fent convois i aquestes coses, vale?

because he is always making convoys and those things, okay?

I gràcies a ell, doncs, tinc el camió que tinc.

And thanks to him, I have the truck that I have.

Bueno, tant és igual, el caso, que li vaig passar el link.

Well, it doesn't really matter, the point is that I sent him the link.

I resulta que es va gravar els directes de Fishies Planet,

It turns out that the live shows of Fishies Planet were recorded,

però no es van gravar el directe del camió.

but they did not record the truck's direct.

No em pregunteu per què, perquè em sembla a mi que aquests 43 anys que tinc,

Don't ask me why, because it seems to me that these 43 years I have,

m'estan fent molt, molt, molt passats.

They are making me feel very, very, very overwhelmed.



I aleshores li vaig passar per correu, un terme, per un missatge directe o algo així, com es digui.

And then I sent him a term by email, through a direct message or something like that, however it is called.

I em va contestar i em va dir, oi, que no, que no, que no,

And he answered me and said, oh, no, no, no.

que no es veu el teu directe de camió, però crec que acabo, no, termino,

I can't see your truck livestream, but I think I'm done, no, I finish.

o he fet una ullada en la pàgina web,

I have taken a look at the website,

en la pàgina web, en la pàgina del canal de YouTube,

on the website, on the YouTube channel page,

i diu, hòstia, és magnífica, és perfecta.

And he says, wow, it's magnificent, it's perfect.

I dic, doncs vaja, vaig estar pensant jo abans de contestar, doncs vaja,

I mean, well, I was thinking before answering, well,

però si el que tinc és un podcast criticant la meva feina

but what I have is a podcast criticizing my work

i quatre vídeos del meu fill,

and four videos of my son,

perquè ell vol ser el youtuber, jo solament volia ser

because he wants to be the youtuber, I just wanted to be

productor de ràdio, podem dir-li,

radio producer, we can tell him,

productor de ràdio, doncs és igual, el que tinc a fer és la teva feina, vale?

radio producer, so it doesn’t matter, what I have to do is your job, okay?

I, bueno, res.

I, well, nothing.

Aleshores li vaig passar el link i no va dir res més, estic a l'espera, bueno.

So I sent him the link and he didn't say anything else, I'm waiting, well.

El fet és aquest que em va animar molt i ho ha penjat el seu Discord,

The fact is that this really encouraged me and he posted it on his Discord.

una altra cosa que no utilitzo, no sé ni com funciona, vull dir,

another thing that I don't use, I don't even know how it works, I mean,

tinc por, siguem sencers, tinc por a la fama, com molta gent,

I am afraid, let's be honest, I am afraid of fame, like many people.

o tinc por a deixar d'estar anonimat, encara que el conegueu, però bueno.

I am afraid to stop being anonymous, even if you know me, but that's okay.

El fet és aquest que ho ha deixat al seu Discord, al seu web,

The fact is that he has left it on his Discord, on his website,

a la seva comunitat, o com vulgueu dir-li,

to your community, or however you want to call it,

i la gent ha entrat al meu canal i m'ha dit coses,

and people have entered my channel and told me things,

m'ha dit moltes coses, però bueno, va, què hi farem?

He has told me many things, but well, what can we do?

També t'has de dir i t'has d'explicar la història que vaig tindre l'altre dia

You also have to tell yourself and explain the story I had the other day.

amb un d'aquests podcasters,

with one of these podcasters,

un locutor, no, un locutor és una història,

a broadcaster, no, a broadcaster is a story,

és a dir, un podcaster de collons, una persona a la que et diu

That is to say, a damn good podcaster, a person who tells you

estimo, te cometes, bueno, vale, no estimo,

I love you, you make mistakes, well, okay, I don't love you.

no sé si seria la paraula correcta, si no seria la paraula,

I don't know if it would be the right word, if it wouldn't be the word,

no ho sé, és una persona que vaig tindre l'altre dia,

I don't know, it's a person I had the other day.

vaig estar parlant una bona estona amb ell,

I was talking with him for a long time.

i resulta que porto molt temps,

And it turns out that I've been at it for a long time,

també s'ha de dir que està afectat per la contractura aquesta que tinc, vale.

It should also be mentioned that it's affected by this contracture I have, okay.

I resulta que vull deixar-ho tot,

And it turns out that I want to leave it all behind,

volia tirar-ho tot a la merda, enviar-ho tot, tot, tot,

I wanted to throw it all to hell, send it all, all, all.

menys fer la teva feina, el programa de ràdio que tinc,

except for doing your job, the radio program that I have,

perquè no tinc temps, estic cansadíssim ja de tot.

because I don't have time, I am really exhausted from everything.

Per això us dic que pensava que tenia un atac de cor entre cometes,

That's why I told you I thought I was having a heart attack, so to speak.

però bueno, què voleu, ha sigut un susto, he de descansar i ja està.

but well, what do you want, it has been a scare, I need to rest and that's it.

Bueno, però amb aquest noi, aquest podcaster, vam estar parlant

Well, but with this guy, this podcaster, we were talking.

i vam estar fent números, i em sembla que em va deixar de parlar,

and we were doing the math, and it seems that he stopped talking to me,

perquè es va adonar que jo tenia raó.

because he realized that I was right.

És a dir, que jo no és que tingués raó,

That is to say, it's not that I was right,

sinó jo és que hi ha alguna cosa que m'impedeix tindre fama

it's just that there is something that prevents me from having fame.

o tindre aquell bany de multituds que sempre he volgut,

or have that crowd bath that I have always wanted,

i que a la vegada no he volgut, és el que deia abans de la por.

And what I have not wanted at the same time, is what I was saying earlier about fear.

Però això ho deixem per un altre capítol, això ho deixem per una altra història,

But we will leave this for another chapter, we will leave this for another story,

us deixo aquest petit podcast de vuit minuts aproximadament, o nou,

I leave you this little podcast of approximately eight or nine minutes.

i bueno, era per provar el micro aquest.

Well, it was to test this microphone.

Bueno, ens veiem, sabeu que m'agraden fer els podcasts curtets,

Well, see you, you know I like to make short podcasts,

perquè així no entretenga la gent.

so that it doesn't keep people entertained.

Però bueno, va, besitos a tots, cuideu-se, sisplau,

But anyway, come on, kisses to everyone, take care, please.

i ens veiem molt a prop, o molt a prop no, dintre de molt poc, volia dir.

And we'll see each other very soon, or not very soon, I meant to say, in a little while.

Bueno, apa, que si no, que me'l lio, va, que tinc que fer el podcast en castellà,

Okay, come on, otherwise I'll get confused, let's go, I have to do the podcast in Spanish.

perquè aquest noi, el Zoltar, i el podcaster, que no diré qui és,

because this boy, Zoltar, and the podcaster, whom I won’t name,

o sí, no és que en veritat no me'n recordo.

Oh yes, it's not that I really don't remember.

Em van ajudar molt, molt, a part d'aquesta contractura que tinc al pit.

They helped me a lot, a lot, apart from this contraction I have in my chest.

Bueno, va, apa, ens veiem.

Alright, come on, see you.

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