Tempus fugit, ratonus autogestatus, insulinus Mainatus


La Quarta Llei de Newton

Tempus fugit, ratonus autogestatus, insulinus Mainatus

La Quarta Llei de Newton

Newton es va deixar una llei.

Newton left behind a law.

Això és la quarta llei de Newton

This is the fourth law of Newton.

i nosaltres us intentarem descobrir-la.

And we will try to uncover it for you.

Avui fa aproximadament un any

Today is approximately a year ago.

que vam gravar l'últim episodi de la quarta llei

that we recorded the last episode of the fourth law

i avui tornem una mica

And today we return a little.

per fer un homenatge

to make a tribute

a aquella època,

at that time,

aquell any de pandèmia, de nova normalitat,

that year of the pandemic, of new normality,

d'encara estar a casa

of still being at home

tot i que va ser una temporada

even though it was a season

curta, només tres capítols,

short, only three chapters,

tres episodis. Avui

three episodes. Today

en fem un altre

let's do another one

i han passat certes coses.

Certain things have happened.

De fet, avui també coincideix,

In fact, today it coincides as well,

i això volia esmentar-ho,

and I wanted to mention it,

que curiosament aquest any

that interestingly this year

es celebren els 120 anys de la mort

the 120th anniversary of the death is being celebrated

de Gibbs,

of Gibbs,

un químic, i és curiós que comencem

a chemist, and it is curious that we start

amb un químic, però

with a chemical, though

és el científic que va introduir la idea

He is the scientist who introduced the idea.

aquesta d'expressar l'energia interna

this of expressing internal energy

en termes d'entropia, això de l'energia

in terms of entropy, this about energy

de Gibbs, que, com bé recordareu,

of Gibbs, who, as you will recall,

era molt habitual,

it was very common,

molt present en la química

very present in chemistry

de segon de batxillerat.

of second year of high school.

En qualsevol cas,

In any case,

aquest home també va fer una altra cosa interessant

this man also did another interesting thing

que és que va desenvolupar, independentment

what is it that developed, independently

d'altres científics,

of other scientists,

gran part del que és l'actual càlcul vectorial.

a large part of what is current vector calculus.

Dit això, han passat moltes coses

That said, many things have happened.

en aquest temps, i avui, de fet, el Pau ens en farà

In this time, and today, in fact, Pau will tell us about it.

un resum de tot el que ha passat. Per mi, jo ja us avanço

a summary of everything that has happened. For me, I'll give you a heads up

que l'esdeveniment científic més important de l'any

that the most important scientific event of the year

ha estat el llançament del

it has been the launch of the

James Webb Space Telescope, que ara

James Webb Space Telescope, which now

s'anomena JWST, perquè

it is called JWST, because

és una mica controvertida

it's a bit controversial

la història

the history

i el tema

and the theme


of abuses

o més aviat agressions,

or rather aggressions,

no abusos, més aviat agressions sexuals

no abuses, rather sexual assaults

del científic James Webb.

of the scientist James Webb.

En qualsevol cas, les seves fotografies

In any case, your photographs.

són espectaculars, no les dels científics,

they are spectacular, not those of the scientists,

sinó les del...

but those of the...

les del telescopi, i per mi

the ones from the telescope, and for me

és el més important. Però ja veurem

it is the most important. But we will see.

què ens en diu en Pau. I després, també veurem

What does Pau say about it? And afterwards, we will also see.

que hem estat una mica en l'àmbit

that we have been a bit in the field

de la biologia i la química, espero, perquè són

of biology and chemistry, I hope, because they are

temes que no porto massa al dia, i

topics that I'm not very up to date on, and

tot i que el Miquel no ens en parlarà gens, i en parlarà

Although Miquel won't talk to us about it at all, he will talk about it.

en canvi d'un home que és

instead of a man who is

famós, però ja no ho és tant.

famous, but not as much anymore.

Tot això, amb una absència

All this, with an absence.

present i molt sentida, que és la del Gerard,

present and very heartfelt, which is Gerard's,

que l'han agafat per la segona

that they have caught him by the second

temporada de la Kings League i ha decidit que

Kings League season and has decided that

l'esport local és menys important,

local sport is less important,

que prefereix més seguidors,

who prefers more followers,

i que deixa això de...

and what does this leave of...

el podcasting amateur.

amateur podcasting.

En qualsevol cas, Miquel, Pau

In any case, Miquel, Pau

i Gerard, allà on siguis,

and Gerard, wherever you are,



La quarta lliure.

The fourth free.

Un programa on col·lapsa tot, menys la funció dona.

A program where everything collapses, except for the function woman.

Ui, ho teníem corredíssim,

Oh, we had it running really fast,

realment. Teníem unes cançons

really. We had some songs

i un tot superben lligat.

and everything very well connected.

Bastant venint

Quite a lot coming.

els fils d'aquella època.

the threads of that time.

Estic trist,

I am sad,

però content alhora.

but happy at the same time.

De fet, us volia demanar que em féssiu...

In fact, I wanted to ask you to...

Canvieu des d'aquí unes paraules al Gerard.

Change some words to Gerard from here.

Allà on sigui.

Wherever it is.

Vols començar tu, Miquel?

Do you want to start, Miquel?

Sí, puc començar jo mateix.

Yes, I can start myself.

Segurament allò que no és ara mateix

Surely what is not right now.

és a entrenar-ho.

It's about training it.

Perquè allò que nosaltres

Because what we have

bonament fèiem quan teníem 10 anys

We used to do when we were 10 years old.

i jugàvem a futbol de 5 a 6

We played football from 5 to 6.

a l'escola de primària,

in primary school,

ell no ha sabut deixar-ho.

he hasn't been able to let it go.

I allà segueix,

And there it continues,

entrenant amb el seu equip de futbol.

training with his football team.

Però endavant, suposo.

But go ahead, I suppose.

Si li agrada.

If he/she likes it.

Espero que almenys, si va a la Kings League,

I hope that at least, if he goes to the Kings League,

pugui fer l'esforç de parlar

can make the effort to speak

en la nostra llengua.

in our language.

Perquè sé que l'absència

Because I know that the absence

més sentida d'aquest

more felt than this

esdeveniment esportiu ha sigut

the sporting event has been

la del petalà.

the petal.

Alguna paraula pel Gerard, Pau?

Any words for Gerard, Pau?

No, que espero

No, that I hope.

que aprofici el temps i hora

make the most of the time and hour

que no fa aquí amb nosaltres.

that he/she/it is not doing here with us.


Thank you.

Em pensava que no insultaries.

I thought you wouldn't insult.

Però no, no, no.

But no, no, no.

Això ja hi ha més cap endins, ja li diré.

This already goes further in; I will tell him.

Ja li diré que no, però...

I'll tell him no, but...

Així, vull dir, aquí

So, I mean, here.

tinc jo tot el poder, saps?

I have all the power, you know?

Perquè no seria injust.

Because it would not be unfair.

No pots respondre.

You cannot respond.

Aleshores jo no sóc injust.

Then I am not unjust.

Vull ser una persona justa.

I want to be a fair person.

I ja ens pagarem

And we'll pay ourselves later.

quan sigui necessari.

when necessary.

Exacte. En qualsevol cas,

Exactly. In any case,

veurem com surt això sense el Gerard

We'll see how this turns out without Gerard.

i segur que, bé, ja el trobarem.

And I'm sure that, well, we'll find him.

Ja el trobem, en tot cas.

We'll find it, in any case.


Thank you.

Miquel, tu...

Miquel, you...

A les nostres ments.

In our minds.

Exacte. I a les de l'espectador, també.

Exactly. And the ones from the viewer, too.

Bueno, més que espectador, oient.

Well, more like a listener.

Miquel, tu què ens tens preparat per avui?

Miquel, what do you have prepared for us today?

Crec que serà un capítol molt curtet, oi?

I think it will be a very short chapter, right?

Bueno, més del que és habitual,

Well, more than usual,

si més no.

if nothing else.

Bueno, tenia moltes ganes d'aquí,

Well, I was really looking forward to being here.

així que ha quedat llarg.

so it has turned out long.

Un segon, un segon.

One second, one second.

Abans de tirar-nos d'això,

Before we get rid of this,

han passat molt de temps.

A long time has passed.

Expliqueu una mica què tal la vostra vida, no?

Tell us a bit about how your life is, right?

Ah, bueno, ok.

Ah, well, okay.

Des d'aleshores, algun canvi significatiu?

Since then, any significant change?

A lo personal.

To the personal.

Els personals nostres ja els sabem, però...

We already know our personnel, but...

Miquel, sí.

Miquel, yes.

En general, sí.

In general, yes.

Jo us ho estava explicant abans, però no m'ha fotut ni puto cas.

I was explaining it to you earlier, but you didn’t pay me any mind at all.

Aquesta setmana m'ha agafat

This week has caught me.

no sé, el túnel carpiano aquí a la mà,

I don't know, the carpal tunnel here in the hand,

que estic aprenent

that I am learning

a teclejar bé

to type well

amb el teclat

with the keyboard

perquè semblo repassat

because I look rehearsed

quan escric, perquè miro les tecles i tot això.

When I write, it's because I look at the keys and all that.

I estic practicant això.

I am practicing this.

Aleshores, ho vaig fer amb massa entusiasme

So, I did it with too much enthusiasm.

i em va agafar un mal, saps?

And I got a pain, you know?

Segons el múscul que hi ha aquí sobre el canell.

According to the muscle that is here over the wrist.

Però fins al punt

But to the point

que no podia agafar el ratolí,

that I couldn't grab the mouse,

que no tenia força.

that he/she had no strength.

És que havia de fer-lo servir amb l'esquerra.

It's just that I had to use it with my left hand.



Crític, crític.

Critical, critical.

Tu sabies, Pau, que

Did you know, Pau, that

el videojoc que més

the video game that most

síndrome de túnel carpià provoca

carpal tunnel syndrome causes

és el Mario Party?

Is it Mario Party?

Segur que has apretat un botó

Surely you pressed a button.

al Mario Party, no? Bàsicament has d'apretar

In Mario Party, right? Basically you just have to press.

un botó tota l'estona.

a button all the time.

Però quina consola?

But which console?

Ah, la que vulguis.

Ah, whichever you want.

En el fons no en tinc ni idea. No sé si hi ha estadístiques

In essence, I have no idea. I don’t know if there are statistics.

d'això, però és un

of this, but it's a

joc de l'estil. Això t'ho has inventat

style game. You made that up.

o no? No s'ha d'haver inventat.

Oh no? It must not have been invented.

Sí, però estava intentant pensar

Yes, but I was trying to think.

en algun joc que jugui el Pau i

in some game that Pau plays and

no em venia cap al cap

nothing came to my mind

que pogués...

that could...

El joc aquell de la Playstation 2

That game for the Playstation 2

del Paz.

of Peace.

Jo no hi he jugat mai.

I have never played it.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Escolta, però va ser un bon

Listen, but it was a good one.

breakthrough, allò.

breakthrough, that.

Tenia els pulsadors i tot

I had the buttons and everything.

i tenia un aire...

I had an air...

Mira com prou, que estaves a casa teva

Look how much I have, that you were at your house.

com un matau, però jugaves allò

like a loser, but you played that

i a més feia voltaretes al presentador

and furthermore, he was doing somersaults for the presenter.

que me'n recordo. Feia voltaretes

I remember. I used to do flips.

i deia... Arreia de tu

I said... Go away from you.

i feia tonteries, saps?

And I was doing silly things, you know?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Estàs parlant del Bas encara, no?

You are still talking about Bas, aren't you?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que et posaven la foto de la teva cara

That they put your face photo.

als jugadors, no?, al final, quan et posaven

to the players, right?, in the end, when they put you



Suposo que això sí que tenies alguna càmera

I suppose you did have some camera for this.

o alguna cosa. Ah, bueno, clar.

Or something. Ah, well, of course.

Tu no tenies el Aitoi?

Did you not have the Aitoi?

Que era l'altre videojoc d'aquests

What was the other video game of these?

curiosos, en què bàsicament havies de

curious, in which you basically had to

simular córrer pel teu menjador.

pretend to run through your dining room.

Sí. I la càmera et gravava

Yes. And the camera was recording you.

tu fent així o fent així.

you doing this or doing that.

Bé, aquests així

Well, these like this.

són molt poc radiofònics, però...

they are very poco radio-friendly, but...

Tinc un bon record.

I have a good memory.

Tinc un record carinyós del Bas, Guillem.

I have a fond memory of Bas, Guillem.

Ara que ho has dit m'ha d'estar bloquejat.

Now that you mention it, I must be blocked.

Tenia el Bas de Portes,

I had the Bas of Portes,

que a més era un joc de...

that it was also a game of...

del 2007 o 2008 i et feia...

from 2007 or 2008 and it made you...

Preguntes de l'any 80, no sé quant,

Questions from the year 80, I don't know how much,

d'un saltador de pèrtiga i dius...

of a pole vaulter and you say...

I a tu, el que no sigui

And you, whatever it may be.

el Futbol Club Barcelona, que no et preguntin

FC Barcelona, don't let them ask you.

del 1980, no?

from 1980, right?

També li pots preguntar

You can also ask him/her.

sobre por si no és Futbol Club, no?

About if it's not Football Club, right?

A mi?


Sí. Ah, no, no, què va, no, no.

Yes. Oh, no, no, what are you talking about, no, no.

És que, sincerament,

It's just that, honestly,

aquesta cosa que hem fet aquí

this thing that we have done here

no ha seguit res.

nothing has followed.

El piquem com molt malament,

We chop it very badly,

per tant...


Em fa una mica de...

It makes me a little bit of...



crinxer i...

crinch and...

No sé...

I don't know...

No m'ha agradat això, no...

I didn't like that, no...

A mi m'agradava, però quan vaig escoltar el capítol seu

I liked it, but when I listened to his chapter

a la sotana, em va començar a agradar

In the cassock, I started to like it.

menys, la veritat.

less, the truth.

Però és un gilipolles, aquest tio, vull dir,

But he's an idiot, this guy, I mean,

si l'escoltes parlar ja dius que se li ha pujat una mica

If you listen to him talk, you can already tell that he's gotten a bit carried away.



És altament improbable

It is highly unlikely.

que escolti això. Si ho escolta, pique, vine aquí.

Let him hear this. If he hears it, knock, come here.

Tant de bo.

I wish.

Vine, necessitem menjar,

Come, we need food.

necessitem visites.

we need visits.

Gerard, parlem de la...

Gerard, let's talk about the...

Tu no gaire, però bueno...

Not much for you, but okay...

Parlant de l'altre Gerard,

Speaking of the other Gerard,

ell sí que l'ha seguit gaire...

he has indeed followed her quite closely...

Molt o no? O no és així, Miquel?

A lot or not? Or is it not that way, Miquel?

Tu se'n deus saber més que jo, perquè...

You must know more than I do because...

No, no, no, he seguit exactament el mateix que el Pau i que tu.

No, no, no, I have followed exactly the same as Pau and you.

No, però em refereixo al...

No, but I mean the...

Si el Gerard, o sigui, el nostre Gerard...

If Gerard, I mean, our Gerard...

Si sap si ho ha seguit gaire o simplement

If you know if you have followed it much or simply

ha anat a l'última...

he has gone to the last one...

No, ho deu haver seguit,

No, he must not have followed it.

però no sé amb quin nivell d'entusiasme.

but I don't know with what level of enthusiasm.

No crec que amb un entusiasme molt elevat,

I don't think with a very high enthusiasm,

però jo crec que li ha agradat.

but I think he/she liked it.

Bueno, no ho sé, és una d'aquestes coses

Well, I don't know, it's one of those things.

de consens, no? Saps que podràs

Of consensus, right? You know you will be able to.

anar a cercles i parlar

go in circles and talk

d'això amb els teus amics i serà guai perquè

talk about this with your friends and it will be cool because

les discussions...

the discussions...

No hi ha ningú que s'enfadi de veritat, saps?

There is no one who really gets angry, you know?

Amb el futbol normal tampoc hauria de passar,

With normal football, this shouldn't happen either.

però la gent de Barcelona i Madrid

but the people of Barcelona and Madrid

s'enfada entre ells per algun motiu

they get upset with each other for some reason

i, doncs... Sí, també és veritat.

And, well... Yes, it is also true.

És bastant irracional, eh, tot això, perquè al final dius

It's quite irrational, huh, all this, because in the end you say

joder, no et gastes

Damn, you don't spend.

diners jugant

money playing

amb tios que no coneixes,

with guys you don't know,

que... d'això?

What... about that?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Et representa o no, què?

Does it represent you or not, what?

Bueno, parlant de coneguts,

Well, speaking of acquaintances,

bueno, una altra cosa,

well, another thing,

el Pau ha fet el seu update, així,

Pau has done his update, thus,

anual, perquè ja fa un any

annual, because it's been a year

que grava l'últim capítol, no ho recordo,

I don’t remember what records the last chapter.

el meu... però m'has

my... but you have

explicat una anècdota d'aquesta última

tell an anecdote about this last one

setmana i jo t'ho explicaré una anècdota d'avui,

This week I will tell you an anecdote from today.

que m'he aixecat amb

that I have woken up with

un atac d'al·lèrgia.

an allergic attack.

No ho passava des de fa molt de temps.

It hadn't happened for a long time.

En fi...


Què tens d'al·lèrgia, tu? El pòlen?

What are you allergic to, you? Pollen?

A la pols, sí. A la pols?

To the dust, yes. To the dust?



Que no neteges o què?

Are you not cleaning or what?

Bueno, massa poc.

Well, too little.

No, és que ahir

No, it’s just that yesterday

vaig estar movent coses i llavors

I was moving things and then

he aixecat pols.

I have raised dust.

Suposo que és això, vaja, espero que sigui això.

I guess that's it, well, I hope that's it.

Esperem, esperem.

We wait, we wait.

Ens estem convertint en el podcast estàndard de tres nois

We are becoming the standard podcast of three guys.

blancs que parlen de les seves coses.

whites who talk about their things.

Exacte, tu. Per això no volia fer això,

Exactly, you. That's why I didn't want to do this,

per això anava a dir...

that's why I was going to say...

No cal, tira endavant.

No need, go ahead.

Guillem, posa la meva intro, va.

Guillem, play my intro, come on.


Come on.

Mama, per què s'agraveixen les matemàtiques?

Mom, why are math getting worse?

Doncs no ho sé, fill, però per això segur que no.

Well, I don't know, son, but that's definitely not it.

Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good, very good.

Tinc unes ganes increïbles de parlar de

I have an incredible urge to talk about

matemàtiques i coses estúpides,

mathematics and stupid things,

però avui no serà el dia en què ho fem.

but today will not be the day we do it.

Per desgràcia, avui deixarem les matemàtiques a un costat

Unfortunately, today we will put mathematics aside.

perquè avui vull parlar d'un paper,

because today I want to talk about a paper,

d'una publicació recent,

from a recent publication,

que es titula així.

that is titled like this.

I, enganyats,

I, deceived,

penjant el fil que Guillem ha comentat

hanging the thread that Guillem has mentioned

que el seu breakthrough més important per ell

that his most important breakthrough for him

en la ciència ha sigut el

in science, it has been the



per mi,

for me,

el highlight és aquest.

the highlight is this.

Un paper publicat a Nature

A paper published in Nature

fa ben just unes setmanes

just a few weeks ago

que es titula

which is titled

Generació d'oòcits funcionals

Generation of functional oocytes

des de ratolins mascles in vitro.

from male mice in vitro.

Sí, senyors,

Yes, gentlemen,

no sé si heu entès què vol dir,

I don't know if you understood what it means,

però en aquest estudi realitzat

but in this study conducted

a la Universitat de Kyushu a Fukuoka,

at Kyushu University in Fukuoka,

al Japó,

in Japan,

han convertit cèl·lules de la cua d'un ratolí

they have converted cells from a mouse's tail

a òvuls

to eggs

que, posteriorment,

that, subsequently,

han fertilitzat amb esperma de ratolí

they have fertilized with mouse sperm

i han donat llum a ratolins perfectament sants

and they have given light to perfectly healthy mice

i provenients al 100%

and coming 100%

de ratolins mascles.

of male mice.

Què us sembla?

What do you think?



Per dir-ho tot.

To say it all.

És molt fort.

It's very strong.

I, com veieu,

I, as you can see,

comença a obrir moltes preguntes

it starts to open many questions

que ja us avanço

that I already advance to you

que vull només mencionar

that I only want to mention

i poca cosa més

and little else

perquè són molt complexes,

because they are very complex,

però volia extreure'n tres conclusions.

but I wanted to draw three conclusions from it.

La primera, que és que

The first one, which is that

els homes també juguen un paper a la gestació.

Men also play a role in gestation.

Sí? Esteu d'acord?

Yes? Do you agree?

Ah, bueno, sí, no?

Ah, well, yes, right?

Jo crec que sí.

I think so.

La segona, que si expliques això

The second, that if you explain this

en un dinar de Nadal,

at a Christmas lunch,

el cunyat et torn diria

your brother-in-law would tell you again

i per quan les cèl·lules para?

And when do the cells stop?



Aquesta m'agrada bastant.

I quite like this one.

Però la tercera, i en el fons és l'única

But the third one, and in essence, it is the only one.

que volia...

what I wanted...

ficar-m'hi més,

get more involved in it,

és que, sota el meu punt de vista,

it's just that, from my point of view,

la ciència està avançant

Science is advancing.

més ràpid que l'ètica.

faster than ethics.

No ens confonguem,

Let's not get confused,

no vull criticar aquest estudi.

I don't want to criticize this study.

És un avenç increïble i permet, entre altres coses,

It's an incredible advancement and allows, among other things,

millorar o avançar

improve or advance

en fertilitat,

in fertility,

eliminar malalties genètiques

eliminate genetic diseases

i altres, etcètera, que tenen a veure

and others, etcetera, that are related

amb gestació, reproducció...

with gestation, reproduction...

Moltes coses interessants.

Many interesting things.

El que no han aconseguit, però,

What they have not achieved, however,

és inseminar,

it's to inseminate,

aquest òvul

this egg

amb esperma del mateix ratolí.

with sperm from the same mouse.

El que vindria a ser

What would come to be

el que intentàvem tots fer

what we all tried to do

amb els carros del supermercat,

with the supermarket trolleys,

d'agafar el ganxo

to take the hook

i posar-lo ahir mateix, no?

And putting it in yesterday, right?

Exacte, exacte.

Exact, exact.

És a dir, no sé...

That is to say, I don't know...

Amb una barreja d'espermes

With a mixture of candles.

de diferents ratolins sí que ho aconseguien,

different mice did achieve it,

però intentar fecundar-lo

but trying to fertilize it

amb gàmbats masculins

with male legs

també generats al laboratori,

also generated in the laboratory,

perquè si han generat oòcits

because they have generated oocytes

potser també podrien intentar generar

perhaps they could also try to generate

esperma de tuosòlides i tal.

sperm of two solids and such.

Això no ho han aconseguit.

They haven't achieved that.

Però quin era el problema?

But what was the problem?

Explicaven alguna de les raons

They explained some of the reasons.

per les quals això no ho havien aconseguit

for which they had not achieved this

i la resta sí?

And the rest, yes?

Donaven diverses opcions.

They provided several options.

Si tinc la veritat, no les recordo molt bé.

If I have the truth, I don't remember them very well.

Però una d'elles és, evidentment,

But one of them is, obviously,

que si tu tens

that if you have

dues còpies exactament iguals

two exactly identical copies

d'una DNA

of a DNA

que hi ha unes còpies

that there are some copies

que idealment hauria de ser

that ideally should be

lleugerament diferents

slightly different

per tal d'enfortir la selecció natural

in order to strengthen natural selection

i aquestes coses, eliminar mutacions i tot això,

and these things, eliminating mutations and all that,

doncs suposo que hi surts perdent

So I guess you come out losing.

i la viabilitat d'aquests ratolins disminueix.

and the viability of these mice decreases.

Cosa que no vol dir que en un futur no pugui passar.

That doesn't mean it can't happen in the future.

El que jo venia a dir

What I came to say

és que les barreres ètiques

it's that the ethical barriers

dins de la recerca

within the research

jo opino que estan una mica antiquades.

I think they are a bit outdated.

Ara mateix ens trobem en un punt

Right now we are at a point.

on intentar replicar això amb cèl·lules humanes

We tried to replicate this with human cells.

és possible

it's possible

a curt o mitjà termini.

in the short or medium term.

Jo estic segur que en 10 anys

I am sure that in 10 years

serà possible que jo, un home a 6 i, per tant,

Will it be possible that I, a man at 6 and, therefore,

sense òvuls, pugui donar descendència

without ova, can give offspring

completament homozygòtica.

completely homozygous.

És a dir, jo amb el meu òvul

That is to say, me with my ovum.

i el meu esperma d'oïda.

and my ear sperm.

No és que m'interessi, vull dir, no penseu que vull fer-ho,

It's not that I'm interested, I mean, don't think that I want to do it.

però em sembla

but it seems to me

que porta una

that carries a



nova visió a la bioètica

new vision in bioethics

en general que

in general what

cal decidir,

we must decide,

que fins ara no s'havia plantejat o potser s'està començant a plantejar.

that until now had not been considered or perhaps is starting to be considered.

De fet, segurament, s'està fent.

In fact, it is probably being done.

Perquè ja s'està veient que això avança cap aquí.

Because it is already being seen that this is advancing in this direction.

Però, ostres, és molt fort

But, wow, it’s very strong.

que la ciència estigui fent passos

that science is making strides

i dient-li a l'ètica cap

and telling him to the ethics zero

on ha d'anar, penso.

Where one must go, I think.

És molt fort i em sembla molt interessant.

It is very strong and I find it very interesting.

Per altra banda,

On the other hand,

per darrere del món

behind the world

voldria formar part d'un comitè d'ètica

I would like to be part of an ethics committee.

que hagi de decidir sobre quines seran aquestes

that has to decide on what these will be

noves barreres per la ciència

new barriers for science

del segle XXI.

of the 21st century.

Ha de ser xunguíssim i jo no vull

It must be super lame and I don't want that.

intentar decidir-ho

try to decide it

perquè realment no me'n sortiria.

because I really wouldn't manage it.

Però també...

But also...

Digues, digues.

Tell me, tell me.

Jo anava a dir que...

I was going to say that...

O sigui,

That is,

encara que...

even though...

En aquest cas no crec que hi hagi gaire debat ètic.

In this case, I don't think there is much ethical debate.

Si vols,

If you want,

o potser és que tinc la posició molt clara,

or maybe it's that I have my position very clear,

però que algú vulgui tenir

but that someone wants to have

una descendència homozygòtica

a homozygous descent


it is...

és estúpid en aquest sentit.

it is stupid in this sense.

Perquè tota la gràcia

Because that's the whole point.

de l'espècie humana és que hi hagi diversitat

of the human species is that there is diversity

genètica i quan això

genetics and when this

desapareix, encara que sigui possible,

disappear, even if it is possible,

no té...

does not have...

Bueno, no té cap sentit a nivell

Well, it doesn't make any sense at level.

evolutiu, a no ser que hagis

evolutionary, unless you have

desenvolupat un ésser que ja és

developed a being that already is

superior a tots els altres. Però això

superior to all the others. But this

també és una mica...

it's also a little...

fer volar globs.

fly kites.

Sí, sí, completament. Però també necessites

Yes, yes, completely. But you also need

una altra gestant, no?

another pregnant woman, right?

Necessitaries una mare.

You will need a mother.

Exacte, o sigui, necessitaries

Exactly, so you would need

un... un lloc

a... a place

on gestar aquest embrió.

to gestate this embryo.

Però bueno, això no afecta genèticament

But well, this doesn’t affect genetically.

l'embrió. Exacte, no afecta genèticament,

the embryo. Exactly, it does not affect genetically,

però sí que és necessari per la viabilitat.

but it is necessary for viability.

En això també s'està treballant.

Work is also being done on this.

Entraries també una mica en el debat que hi ha molt

Would you also enter a bit into the debate that there is a lot?

ara amb la...

now with the...

amb la vieja aquesta, com es diu,

with that old woman, what's her name,

l'Anna Obregon.

Anna Obregon.

Que s'ha fet...

What has been done...

Bueno, ha comprat un fill

Well, he has bought a son.

amb gestació subrogada i tot això.

with surrogacy and all that.

I també entra una mica

And it also comes in a bit.

en això el debat, no? Necessites

In this the debate, right? You need

per fer tu el teu...

to make you yours...

la teva descendència,

your descent,

necessites fins ara

you need so far

un ventre, no? Sí, sí, sí.

A belly, right? Yes, yes, yes.

No, una cosa que és molt certa

No, one thing that is very true.

és que no...

it's just that no...

O sigui, ara mateix no hi ha cap mena de

That is to say, right now there is no kind of...




of high altitude

i tota la pesca. És a dir,

and all that. That is to say,

no s'està fent avenços

no progress is being made

en aquest sentit en el camp de la ciència.

in this sense in the field of science.

En ratolins alguna coseta sí, però ja està.

In mice, there is some little thing, but that's it.

Potser podem fer

Maybe we can do it.

un nou ratolí, a veure què surt d'allà.

a new mouse, let's see what comes out of there.

I els ratolins aquests, Remiquel recorda

And those mice, Remiquel remembers.

quant de temps van sobreviure,

how long did they survive,

si van poder viure una vida normal

if they were able to live a normal life

i tal? Sí, sí, els ratolins que neixien

And so? Yes, yes, the mice that were born.

eren més que normals.

they were more than normal.

No, però és veritat, això ho mira.

No, but it's true, this is what he/she looks at.

No, a l'escola,

No, at school,

fins que tenien 18 anys,

until they were 18 years old,


they were becoming independent,

es casaven, tenien feina...

they were getting married, they had work...

O sigui, si tots els paràmetres

So, if all the parameters

evitals es van mantenir

the evitals were maintained

en rancs que fossin

in rancs that they were

raonables i tot això. No ho fem,

reasonable and all that. We don't do it,

o sigui, tot el comentari era

that is, the whole comment was

de descendència 100% viable

of 100% viable descent

i sana.

and healthy.

Però ara que parles d'això

But now that you mention this

d'ètica i tal, en un altre

of ethics and such, in another

tema completament diferent,

completely different subject,

vaig llegir a Twitter, em sona un post

I read on Twitter, it sounds like a post.

d'aquests, que

of these, that

abans de seguir

before continuing

amb l'entrenament

with the training

dels models GPT, em sembla

of the GPT models, it seems to me

que els següents, el GPT-5 o algo així,

that the following, the GPT-5 or something like that,

es reunirien

they would meet

com mil

like a thousand

i pico o algo així

and I bite or something like that

investigadors d'aquests

researchers of these

que havien treballat a Machine Learning

that had worked in Machine Learning

juntament amb Elon Musk

together with Elon Musk

per parlar de les

to talk about the

implicacions ètiques que tindria

ethical implications it would have

seguir entrant

keep entering

en tots aquests models i que vagin millorant.

in all these models and that they continue to improve.

Perquè, evidentment,

Because, obviously,

la intel·ligència artificial d'ara,

the artificial intelligence of now,

amb la de fa 2, 3, 5 anys,

with that of 2, 3, 5 years ago,

no té res a veure i això

it has nothing to do with that

cada cop ha passos més

each time it has more steps



Sí, sí, o sigui,

Yes, yes, I mean,

en el camp

in the field

de la biologia és com

of biology is like

les implicacions ètiques

the ethical implications

dels avenços

of the advances

i ara també

and now also

en el camp de la informàtica

in the field of computer science

i la intel·ligència artificial

and artificial intelligence

s'està veient que també està avançant

It is being seen that it is also progressing.

molt més ràpid. De fet, no existeix

much faster. In fact, it does not exist.

un marc ètic dins del Machine Learning

an ethical framework within Machine Learning

o tenir constància

or to be aware

d'alguna cosa similar.

of something similar.

Hi ha molts estudis sobre temes

There are many studies on topics.

d'ètica i

of ethics and

molts d'aquests papers, fins i tot,

many of these papers, even,

al final

in the end

ara ja inclouen com...

now they already include as...

un espai on discuteixen

a space where they discuss

breument les implicacions ètiques

briefly the ethical implications

que poden tenir el que han desenvolupat.

that they can have what they have developed.

De fet, hi ha una penya

In fact, there is a gang.

fins i tot que fan una cosa ara que

even that they do something now that

també em sembla una mica excessiu

It also seems a bit excessive to me.

perquè no sé fins a quin punt

because I don't know to what extent

és raonable com a estimació,

it is reasonable as an estimate,

però hi ha gent que estima

but there are people who love

al final dels seus papers

at the end of his/her papers

quina ha estat

what has been

la petjada de carboni que han tingut

the carbon footprint they have had

els seus experiments i això inclou

his experiments and this includes

en el seu cas, evidentment,

in his case, obviously,

l'entrenament dels models que hagin fet servir,

the training of the models they have used,

però d'alguna manera

but somehow

no inclou també la part que és

does not also include the part that is

del mateix científic

by the same scientist

que s'ha dedicat a...

who has dedicated himself to...

la vida del mateix científic

the life of the same scientist

com a petjada de carboni.

as a carbon footprint.

Això no ho inclou.

This does not include it.

Almenys les que veig jo.

At least the ones I see.

Les que veig jo.

The ones I see.

Els avocados que menges a dia a dia

The avocados you eat every day.

això no s'inclou.

this is not included.

No, exacte.

No, exactly.

I després una altra cosa

And then another thing.

que m'has fet pensar és

what you have made me think is

un concepte que es diu

a concept called

Dead Internet,

Dead Internet,

Internet mort, i que bàsicament

Dead internet, and basically

és aquesta idea que aquests models

it is this idea that these models

que estan entrenats

that they are trained

fent servir tot l'internet,

using all of the internet,

com que aniran...

as they will go...

Fins ara l'internet

So far the internet.

estava ple de contingut generat per éssers humans,

it was full of content generated by human beings,

però que hi podria arribar

but that I could get there

un punt en el qual el contingut generat

a point at which the generated content

per internet sigui només generat per aquests models

for the internet to be generated only by these models

i això l'acabi fent un espai

and this ends up creating a space

mort o una cosa així.

dead or something like that.

No ho he llegit molt a fons però...

I haven't read it very thoroughly but...

Vull dir, hi ha

I mean, there is

molt de...

a lot of...

comença a haver-hi molt d'això

there is starting to be a lot of this

d'imatges generades per intel·ligència

of images generated by intelligence

artificial i tot això fins al punt que

artificial and all that to the point that

no veus

you don't see

a les xarxes socials cas i distinció

on social media case and distinction

a part de les persones que tenen

apart from the people who have

6 dits o 4 ulls o coses d'aquestes

6 fingers or 4 eyes or things like that

hi ha imatges

there are images

que no saps si realment són

that you don't know if they really are

reals o generades per una intel·ligència artificial.

real or generated by artificial intelligence.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Això em recorda aquella pàgina web

This reminds me of that website.

de thispersondoesnorexist.com

of thispersondoesnorexist.com

on bàsicament hi ha imatges

there are basically images

de persones que realment no existeixen

of people who really do not exist

i són generades per IA.

and are generated by AI.

En fi,


vols dir algun més, Pau?

Do you want to say anything else, Pau?

Si no, passaré perquè en el fons la meva secció

If not, I will pass because deep down my section

comença ara.

it starts now.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Vinga, va, deixa'm agafar el meu to de veu.

Come on, let me get my tone of voice.

Fantàstic. Ara sí, nois.

Fantastic. Now yes, guys.

Després d'aquesta introducció llarguíssima, com sempre,

After this very long introduction, as always,

començo amb la meva secció d'avui. Vinga, vinga, vinga,

I start with my section today. Come on, come on, come on.

la trinca. I més concretament arriba en

the trinca. More specifically, it arrives in

Josep Maria Mainat, el rost de la trinca,

Josep Maria Mainat, the face of La Trinca,

alias el Rasputín català.

alias the Catalan Rasputin.

Aquest senyor fa unes setmanes em va agafar

This gentleman caught me a few weeks ago.

desprevingut tuitejant el següent.

unbothered tweeting the following.

Si us interessa la divulgació

If you are interested in outreach

científica en català, us recomano

scientist in Catalan, I recommend you

arroba neurofregides,

neurofry at,

una colla de gent jove amb molta ciència

a group of young people with a lot of knowledge

i molta conya.

and a lot of fun.

I és que aquest home és un crac. No només

And this man is a genius. Not only

ocupa un lloc molt especial en el cor

occupies a very special place in the heart

de la generació dels nostres pares, i segurament

from the generation of our parents, and surely

en alguna roba interior

in some underwear

també, sinó que ara a més,

also, but now in addition,

té un podcast de ciència a Catalunya Ràdio,

he has a science podcast on Catalunya Ràdio,

on fa seccions de 20 minuts amb

it makes sections of 20 minutes with

Elisenda Carot. Aquestes seccions

Elisenda Carot. These sections

es descriuen de la següent forma.

they are described as follows.

Josep Maria Mainat està convençut

Josep Maria Mainat is convinced.

que, a tota hora, la humanitat derrotarà

that, at all times, humanity will prevail

la mort. I en sap un niu

death. And it knows a nest

dels camins que estem prenent per avançar

of the paths we are taking to move forward

cap a aquest objectiu. Cada setmana

towards this goal. Every week

a Catalunya Ràdio ve a explicar-nos-els

At Catalunya Ràdio, they come to explain them to us.

aquests i molts altres secrets que la tecnologia

these and many other secrets that technology

ens té reservats.

it has reserved for us.

És polifacètic, eh,

He's quite versatile, isn't he?

el senyor?

the gentleman?

Però sí, amics i amigues,

But yes, friends.

he fet com la primera temporada de la quarta llei

I have done it like the first season of the fourth law.

de Newton i m'he posat el vestit integral

of Newton and I've put on the full suit

d'entrar a pàgines o objecte continguts

to enter contained pages or object

de rigorositat dubtosa. Però

of questionable rigor. But

reconec que n'he sortit ben sorprès.

I recognize that I came out quite surprised.

No només el tio fa una explicació detallada

Not only does the guy give a detailed explanation.

dels conceptes i de les implicacions,

of the concepts and the implications,

realment és molt bon comunicador, sinó

he is really a very good communicator, otherwise

que a més sempre ho fa des d'una visió purament

that it always does so from a purely



transmetent confiança envers la ciència,

transmitting confidence in science,

la investigació, i buscant fascinar

the research, and seeking to fascinate

els oients amb les coses

the listeners with the things

que ella explica. Durant les meves seccions

that she explains. During my sections

he parlat sovint de com els famosos

I have often talked about how the famous people

poden parlar de ciència jugant un paper

they can talk about science by playing a role

sovint dolent. Per exemple,

often bad. For example,

Iker Casillas dient, creieu que l'obre

Iker Casillas saying, do you think he'll open it?

llegat a la luna? Però avui ha de dir,

"Arrived at the moon? But today it must say,"

senyor Josep Maria Mainat, molt bona feina.

Mr. Josep Maria Mainat, very good job.

Per una banda, penso,

On one hand, I think,

això que Catalunya Ràdio

this that Catalunya Ràdio

porti aquest home en comptes

take this man instead

de ser científics o divulgadors experts,

of being scientists or expert communicators,

com nosaltres,

like us,

però que porti aquesta gent és una mica

but what these people bring is a bit

intrusisme, no? És a dir, està buscant

intrusion, right? That is to say, he/she is looking for

una persona com ell per fer una feina

a person like him to do a job

que no li pertocaria,

that would not belong to him/her,

diguem. Però en el fons també veig que està molt bé

let's say. But deep down I also see that it's very good.

que una persona com ell,

that a person like him,

una persona famosa que no és d'aquest àmbit

a famous person who is not from this field

però mostra un interès molt gran,

but shows a very great interest,

si ell vol fer ciència i divulgació,

if he wants to do science and outreach,

potser, en el fons, el que estic sentint

maybe, deep down, what I am feeling

més aviat és enveja perquè aquest tio ho fa bé

it's more like jealousy because this guy does it well

i jo potser no tant.

And maybe not so much me.

Per altra banda, també he dit que només he escoltat

On the other hand, I also mentioned that I have only listened.

un episodi. Dic que

an episode. I say that

ja sabeu que documentar-me

you already know to document myself

no ha sigut mai el meu fort per fer aquestes seccions,

it's never been my strong suit to do these sections,

però feia un episodi

but there was an episode

sobre nanotecnologia.

about nanotechnology.

De fet, ha estat ple de perles,

In fact, it has been full of pearls,

tant de bo que ara estigués aquí,

I wish he/ she were here now.

perquè la primera d'elles li hagués encantat,

because the first of them would have loved it,

el bo d'en Josep Maria Mainat

the good of Josep Maria Mainat

comença l'explicació de la nanotecnologia

the explanation of nanotechnology begins



Feynman deia

Feynman said

There's plenty of room at the bottom.

Hi ha molt de lloc a la part inferior.

I així, en un moment

And so, in a moment

se'ns hagués tornat Mainater,

we would have become Mainater,

perquè una quote de Feynman sempre farà

because a quote from Feynman will always make

que tot entri millor.

that everything fits better.

En un moment donat per això, en el podcast,

At one point for this, in the podcast,

ell explica que va parlar del tema

He explains that he talked about the topic.

un cop amb un expert. Aquest expert

once with an expert. This expert

és el doctor Samuel Sánchez

he is Doctor Samuel Sánchez

i el presenta com un investigador principal

and presents him as a principal investigator

del Max Black Institute, un d'ells,

from the Max Black Institute, one of them,

a Alemanya.

to Germany.

Llavors, aquí és on anava jo.

So, this is where I was going.

Aquest tio va ser

This guy was

investigador principal a Alemanya

principal investigator in Germany

del 2013 al 2017, però des del 2015

from 2013 to 2017, but since 2015

té un laboratori a l'Ibex,

he has a laboratory at Ibex,

que és on jo faig el doctorat.

that is where I am doing my doctorate.

De fet, el veig sovint,

In fact, I see him often,

no el conec, però el veig sovint,

I don't know him, but I see him often.

i conec estudiants seus i

"I know your students and"

sé una mica qui fan i tal,

I know a little about who they are and such,

i tinc el feeling que

I have the feeling that

per donar més validació de cara al públic general

to give more validation to the general public



el poder de les opinions

the power of opinions

d'aquest home envers la nanotecnologia,

of this man towards nanotechnology,

que menciona breument en el podcast i tal,

that he briefly mentions in the podcast and so on,

és que si dius que aquest tio

it's just that if you say that this guy

està al Max Black

It's at Max Black.

a Alemanya en comptes de l'Institut

to Germany instead of the Institute

d'Enginyeria a Catalunya,

of Engineering in Catalonia,

queda millor.

it looks better.

És una mica el nostre

It's a bit ours.

complex d'inferioritat dels catalans,

inferiority complex of the Catalans,

que quan la Rosalia treu una cançó en català

when Rosalia releases a song in Catalan

sembla que haguem de donar les gràcies.

It seems that we have to give thanks.

En fi, per últim, volia afegir

Well, finally, I wanted to add.

que durant gran part del podcast,

that for a large part of the podcast,

ell parla de milions i milions

he talks about millions and millions

d'aplicacions de la nanotecnologia,

of nanotechnology applications,

posant exemples a la indústria tèxil, construcció,

putting examples in the textile industry, construction,

filtració d'aigua, medicina,

water leakage, medicine,

parla de quimioteràpia assistida amb nanorobots,

talks about chemotherapy assisted with nanorobots,

exemples molt més llunyans com podrien ser

much more distant examples such as they could be

posar nanorobots a la sang

putting nanorobots in the blood

perquè portin oxigen a les cèl·lules

to carry oxygen to the cells

i poder estar molta més estona sense respirar,

and to be able to stay much longer without breathing,

lo qual seria molt divertit,

which would be very fun,

però un exemple molt clar

but a very clear example

que no menciona, i amb això acabo,

that does not mention, and with this I conclude,

és la possibilitat que aquests nanorobots

it is the possibility that these nanorobots

s'encarreguin de s'agragar insulina, i clarament,

they take care of adding insulin, and clearly,

la teva dona no te l'hagi de posar.

your wife shouldn't have to put it on you.

Què hi farem?

What will we do about it?

La broma és perquè ell necessita insulina.

The joke is because he needs insulin.

La broma és perquè el va intentar matar.

The joke is because he tried to kill him.

El va intentar matar amb insulina.

He tried to kill him with insulin.

I no ho sabia.

I didn't know that.

Espera, que rigueixeu molt els dos.

Wait, you both laugh a lot.

Aquesta broma me l'havia borrat.

This joke had been erased from my memory.

No vas dir qui era el mainat aquest,

You didn't say who this Mainat is.

no sabia qui era.

I didn't know who he/she was.

Però què...

But what...

No va passar alguna cosa amb la teva dona fa poc

Didn't something happen with your wife recently?

que va estar contenta o...?

was she happy or...?



No ho sé, la veritat.

I don't know, to be honest.

Jo el que sé

What I know

és que

it's that

el bot d'en Josep Maria Mainat,

the bot of Josep Maria Mainat,

que de fet, si va compartir

in fact, if she/he shared

al Twitter de Neurones,

on Neurones' Twitter,

potser en algun moment acabarà escoltant aquest podcast.

Perhaps at some point she/he will end up listening to this podcast.

O sigui, que imagineu-vos.

So, just imagine.

Però sé que ell ha fet broma

But I know he was joking.

una mica sobre el tema, també.

A little about the topic, too.

Així que m'he atrevit a jo fer-la, també.

So I have dared to make it too.

I que si ell ens escolta, doncs que no s'ho prengui

And if he listens to us, then he shouldn't take it personally.

molt malament, espero.

very bad, I hope.

O sigui, més enllà d'això

That is to say, beyond that.

que deies d'intrusisme,

what were you saying about intrusion,

si l'home ho fa bé, doncs...

if the man does it well, then...

Si s'anima

If he/she cheers up

a venir cantant-nos unes cançonetes...

coming to sing us some little songs...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jo ballo.

I dance.

Seria divertit, seria divertit.

It would be fun, it would be fun.

Podríem substituir el Gerard

We could replace Gerard.

pel Josep Maria Mainat.

for Josep Maria Mainat.

Us ha agradat la meva secció?

Did you like my section?

Segurament sortiríem guanyant.

We would probably end up winning.

Tindria més cabells que el Gerard, segur.

I would have more hair than Gerard, for sure.

Perdó, perdó.

Sorry, sorry.

Que no es pot defensar.

That cannot be defended.

Seria divertit si el Mainat aquest fos calb.

It would be funny if this Mainat were bald.

Bueno, ho és una mica, no?

Well, it is a bit, isn't it?

A veure, no brilla per tenir molt de cabell.

Let's see, he doesn't shine for having a lot of hair.

No és... no sé.

It's not... I don't know.

Qui és famós per tenir molt de cabell?

Who is famous for having a lot of hair?

Anna Obregon, per exemple.

Anna Obregon, for example.

No és Anna Obregon.

It's not Anna Obregon.

Doncs no coneixia gens jo la faceta,

Well, I didn't know that aspect at all.

la seva faceta així com a divulgador,

his role as a communicator,

ni que li interessés la ciència.

not that he/she was interested in science.

Està molt bé, de veritat.

It's very good, really.

És molt interessant.

It's very interesting.

Bueno, doncs espero que us hagi agradat.

Well, I hope you liked it.

He parlat molt jo sol,

I have talked a lot by myself,

així que ara us volia proposar,

so now I wanted to propose to you,

perquè encara no he acabat, he pensat més coses,

because I haven't finished yet, I've thought of more things,

un petit quiz sobre dades de la Quarta Llei.

a small quiz about data from the Fourth Law.

Perquè, com bé sabeu,

Because, as you well know,

no hi ha res que m'agradi més

there is nothing I like more

que baixar-me els CSVs

that I need to download the CSVs

de les dades de reproduccions

of the reproduction data

i extreure'n conclusions inútils.

and draw useless conclusions.

Algunes preguntes.

Some questions.

Vam començar el podcast

We started the podcast.

el 7 de novembre del 2020,

November 7, 2020,

és el primer dia que tenim alguna reproducció,

it is the first day we have any reproduction,

i fins a data 24 de març,

and until the date of March 24,

que és quan vaig escriure aquest dió, de 2023,

what is when I wrote this diary, in 2023,

hem acumulat 3.602 reproduccions.

We have accumulated 3,602 plays.

Això fa una mitja

This makes an average.

de 4,15 cada dia.

from 4.15 every day.

No és molt, està clar, però

It's not much, that's clear, but

us faig la primera pregunta.

I ask you the first question.

Quin percentatge de dies creieu

What percentage of days do you think?

quin percentatge de dies creieu

what percentage of days do you think

que hem tingut 0 reproduccions?

that we have had 0 reproductions?

Dels 800 dies pràcticament que van,

Of the almost 800 days that have gone by,

quin percentatge creieu que hem tingut

What percentage do you think we have had?

0 reproduccions?

0 reproductions?

Jo diria un 35%.

I would say 35%.

35%? Pau, tens algun?

35%? Paul, do you have any?

Jo diria menys, perquè

I would say less, because

de la manera en què ho has frasejat, ha de ser poc.

The way you've phrased it, it must be little.

Jo diria un 15%.

I would say 15%.

Un 15%?

A 15%?

Hem tingut 0 reproduccions

We have had 0 plays.

un 28% dels dies.

28% of the days.

Vaja. Qual és xuli, no?

Wow. It's cool, isn't it?

Que guai, no?

How cool, right?

Però si mirem

But if we look

des de la data que vam penjar

since the date we posted

l'últim episodi fins ara,

the latest episode so far,

sabeu quin és aquest percentatge?

Do you know what this percentage is?

És a dir, en tot el temps que no hem tingut més que silenci,

That is to say, during all the time we have had nothing but silence,

quin percentatge de dies

what percentage of days

no hem tingut cap reproducció?

Haven't we had any reproduction?

Home, suposo que més o menys.

Home, I suppose more or less.

Home, sí, més alt. Digueu un número.

Home, yes, higher. Say a number.

Jo diria 55.

I would say 55.

55. Vinga, jo diré

Come on, I will say.



70. Hem tingut, certs reproduccions,

70. We have had certain reproductions,

un 48% dels dies.

48% of the days.

És a dir, que tenim més dies

That is to say, we have more days.

amb alguna reproducció que dies sense.

with some reproduction that days without.

Quin creieu que és l'episodi

Which episode do you think it is?

més escoltat?

most listened?

El primer. El primer o

The first. The first or

algun del mig, però el primer.

Some from the middle, but the first.

Sí, evidentment és el primer.

Yes, obviously it is the first.

És una pregunta fàcil, però quin creieu que és

It's an easy question, but what do you think it is?

el menys escoltat?

the least listened to?


The last one.

El segon.

The second.

No. Aparentment no és l'últim.

No. Apparently, it is not the last one.

És el primer de la segona temporada.

It's the first of the second season.

És el que té menys

It's the one that has the least.



Com es diu això?

What is this called?

La contenció del

The containment of the



Ah, això no ho he mirat, veus?

Ah, I haven't looked at that, you see?

La retenció.

The retention.

No és molt alta.

She is not very tall.

Viewer retention.

Viewer retention.

Paga molt a YouTube si tens bona retenció.

YouTube pays a lot if you have good retention.

Llavors, un parell de coses més.

Then, a couple more things.

Si fas la transformada

If you do the transformation

de Fourier en el temps

Fourier in time

de totes aquestes reproduccions,

of all these reproductions,

quin creieu que és el

what do you believe it is the

pic més

more picture

més alt després del pic en zero?

higher after the peak at zero?

Miquel, has fet una transformada

Miquel, you have done a transformation.

de Fourier amb les dades que té?

of Fourier with the data it has?

Sí, evidentment.

Yes, obviously.

Hauré de trucar a l'Ibex i dir que

I will have to call Ibex and say that.

ho estàs fent.

You are doing it.

Deixeu-me refer la pregunta

Let me rephrase the question.

perquè alguna gent

because some people

que no sàpiga què és la transformada de Fourier

who does not know what the Fourier transform is

pugui entendre. És a dir,

I can understand. That is to say,

analitzem el senyal i intentem veure

let's analyze the signal and try to see

quina és la periodicitat que més

what is the most common frequency

apareix en el nostre senyal.

appears in our sign.

Com que penjàvem un podcast

As we were hanging a podcast

cada setmana, en el seu moment

every week, in its time

podríem pensar que cada set dies

we could think that every seven days

hi havia una espècie de repetició del patró

there was a kind of repetition of the pattern

de reproduccions, podríem pensar.

of reproductions, we could think.

O potser no. A on creieu

Or maybe not. Where do you think?

que estava el pic? En dies.

What was the peak? In days.

Avui? El dia d'avui?

Today? Today's date?

El dia 24. Però el dia 24

The 24th. But the 24th.

o sigui, he fet l'anàlisi de

that is, I have done the analysis of

867 dies.

867 days.

Jo crec que un cop al mes.

I think once a month.

Un cop al mes. Jo diré...

Once a month. I will say...

Nou dies i mig. Eh, ojo!

Nine and a half days. Hey, watch out!

Cada nou dies, molt bé.

Every nine days, very well.

Cada nou dies. Però si agafo

Every nine days. But if I take

només l'època

only the era

de la primera temporada en què vam fer

of the first season in which we did

setmana rere setmana constantment

week after week constantly

el podcast quan tocava,

the podcast when it was time,

aquest pic, creieu que es mou?

Do you think this peak is moving?

Més cap a set, no?

More towards seven, right?

Suposo. Sí, no? A prop a set?

I suppose. Yes, right? Close to seven?

Es mou a vuit, evidentment.

It moves at eight, obviously.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Us veig hàbils. Veig que encara recordeu

I see you are skilled. I see that you still remember.

que era una transformada de Fourier.

that it was a Fourier transformed.

Bàsicament el que la penya no ens ha escoltat

Basically, what the people haven't listened to us.

des que vam començar la segona temporada

since we started the second season

i això ha fet que es mogués cap a...

and this has caused it to move towards...



Bàsicament. Per últim, dos últims fun facts.

Basically. Lastly, two final fun facts.

Si fem una anàlisi logarítmica

If we do a logarithmic analysis.

de la distribució de reproduccions

of the distribution of reproductions

de cada episodi, és a dir, si

of each episode, that is, if

obtenim els episodis de més escoltat

we obtain the most listened episodes

a menys escoltat i mirem la distribució

less listened to and we look at the distribution

en escala logarítmica,

on a logarithmic scale,

veiem que

we see that

decau com un arrel cúbic

decays like a cubic root

al denominador, per si

in the denominator, per se

ho volíeu saber, amb un exponent de menys 0,3,

you wanted to know, with an exponent of minus 0.3,

3, que és més o menys

3, which is more or less.

l'arrel cúbic. I, per últim,

the cube root. And, finally,

el que us volia dir és que el 22 d'octubre,

what I wanted to tell you is that on October 22,

d'aquest 2022, vam tenir

from this 2022, we had

un pic aïllat de 26 reproduccions.

an isolated peak of 26 reproductions.

Ara bé, repartides.

Now then, distributed.

Quants capítols tenim?

How many chapters do we have?

Tenim 24.

We have 24.

24. Ja està.

24. It’s done.

L'episodi més escoltat

The most listened episode

va tenir 3 reproduccions,

it had 3 reproductions,

que era el d'Hipàtia d'Alexandria,

that was Hypatia of Alexandria,

i tots els altres episodis van

and all the other episodes go

tenir una reproducció cadascun.

to have one reproduction each.

Què vol dir això? Algú va fer marató, tu?

What does that mean? Did someone run a marathon, you?

Algú va fer una marató a la Certa Llei

Someone ran a marathon in the Certa Llei.

a velocitat per 2, perquè si l'escoltes a velocitat per 1

at speed 2, because if you listen to it at speed 1

segurament no dóna en hores.

it probably doesn't pay off in hours.

Així que,


aquesta persona, si ets tu, Ullenca,

this person, if it's you, Ullenca,

ens estàs escoltant, gràcies. Sí, sí, a mi em missatges.

Are you listening to us, thank you. Yes, yes, send me messages.

Jo vull saber com ho va fer, tio.

I want to know how he did it, dude.

A mi em missatges.

You message me.

Però li va agradar tant.

But he/she liked it so much.

Tant li agrada. Vull dir...

He likes it so much. I mean...

Però també havia de fer una cosa

But I also had to do something.

molt mecànica, saps? L'últim dia has de fer una cosa

Very mechanical, you know? On the last day, you have to do something.

molt mecànica i dius, va, em posaré aquests païs

very mechanical and you say, come on, I'll put on these pants

perquè no tinc res millor a fer.

because I have nothing better to do.

Sí, sí, sí, ho entenc. En fi,

Yes, yes, yes, I understand. Well,

amics, ara sí que no tinc res més.

friends, now I really have nothing else.

Bona feina, Miquel. Passem a la del Pau, doncs.

Good job, Miquel. Let's move on to Pau's then.



a boca de canó, perquè en temps de guerra

at the mouth of the cannon, because in times of war

tota teoria és trinxera.

Every theory is a trench.







Ens reunim avui de nou

We meet again today.

per anunciar la tornada de l'oracle.

to announce the return of the oracle.



no us en recordàveu.

you didn't remember it.



oient que escolta això, cagant

hearing this, shitting

per ser adicte a la dopamina fins i tot quan cagues,

to be addicted to dopamine even when you shit,

no te'n recordaves.

You didn't remember.

Ni jo mateix me'n recordava.

I didn't even remember it myself.

Avui mateix,

Today itself,

fa prop d'un any, vaig predir

almost a year ago, I predicted

que el següent capítol sortiria

that the next chapter would come out

efectivament el proper any.

indeed next year.

No, ho vas dir al novembre, cabró.

No, you said it in November, bastard.



Música mística intensifies

Mystical music intensifies



I música mística torna a baixar.

And mystical music comes down again.



espero que durant l'any

I hope that during the year

desapareguin els vapers, la gent que

may the vapers disappear, the people who

s'apropa moltíssim a tu a les cues dels aeroports

it gets very close to you in airport queues

i els anuncis que no pots passar al YouTube.

and the ads that you can't skip on YouTube.

I ja posats que tu,

And since it's you,

oient, deixis de cagar amb el mòbil

Hey, stop messing with your phone.

i et posis una mica d'ordre a la teva vida.

and get a bit of order in your life.

Tanca música mística de l'oracle.

Close mystical music of the oracle.

Ara sí,

Now yes,

passem a la secció. Un moment, Pau,

let's move on to the section. One moment, Pau,

tu vas predir que seria el novembre

you predicted it would be November

del 2020, no el març

from 2020, not March

del 2023.

of 2023.



Sí, sí, jo recordo que vas dir

Yes, yes, I remember you said.

que el següent capítol serà el novembre.

that the next chapter will be in November.

No, mentida, perquè

No, lie, because

em vaig estar mirant el guió

I was looking at the script.

de l'altre cop. Ah, sí?

the other time. Oh, really?

Sí, m'ho vaig estar mirant i vaig dir, mira,

Yes, I was looking at it and I said, look,

deia aquestes paraules, el proper pas,

said these words, the next step,

no, en aquest pas, el proper

no, at this step, the next one

episodi serà d'aquí

episode will be from here

un any. Entesos.

A year. Understood.

Estàs clavada.

You're spot on.

I vols fer una predicció

And do you want to make a prediction?

del següent?

of the following?

No m'atreveixo.

I don't dare.

Si no, el Miguel s'enfada amb mi.

If not, Miguel will get mad at me.

Ara sí, passem

Now yes, let's move on.

a la secció. Bé, com que

to the section. Well, since

ja sabeu que faig el que em dóna la gana,

you already know that I do what I want,

avui he decidit fer la recopilació,

today I have decided to do the collection,

una petita recopilació

a small compilation

d'algunes coses que han passat aquest

about some things that have happened this

últim any, començant

last year, starting

pel jubilí de la

for the jubilee of the

exreina Elisabet II

ex-queen Elizabeth II

el juny de l'any passat, perquè vam

last June, because we

arribar al juny de l'any passat, em sembla.

it seems to me that it arrived in June of last year.

Jo diria que no, eh?

I would say no, right?

Va ser el març, l'últim capítol, eh?

It was March, the last chapter, right?

Va ser el març, jo diria que va ser...

It was March, I would say it was...

L'últim capítol que està penjat, ho he comprovat, eh?

The last episode that is posted, I've checked it, okay?

Ho he comprovat.

I have checked it.

No, no, no, no,

No, no, no, no.

perquè ho he mirat jo, a l'Spotify,

because I have looked it up myself, on Spotify,

hi havia un al març i després va ser un

there was one in March and then it was one

al juny. Sí?

in June. Yes?

No em sona, eh? No em sona.

It doesn't ring a bell to me, huh? It doesn't ring a bell.

Ara no miraré.

Now I won't look.

I diem...

And we say...

És que estic molt nerviós ara mateix.

I'm very nervous right now.

No, no, doncs pot ser, però ho he mirat jo.

No, no, well maybe, but I have looked at it myself.

Juny 2022,

June 2022,

no res que el feu al cafè i carall.

nothing that you do at the café and damn.

D'acord, doncs...

Alright, then...

Guillem en deu 100 euros.

Guillem owes 100 euros.



No, no, euros, euros.

No, no, euros, euros.

Digues, digues.

Go on, go on.

Què vols, què vols?

What do you want, what do you want?

Que es va morir, tio, que s'ha...

He died, man, that he has...

Sí, s'ha morit, ja ho sé, que s'ha morit.

Yes, he has died, I know that he has died.



la celebració dels 70 anys de la monarca

the celebration of the monarch's 70th anniversary

ens va donar a la gent que vivim aquí,

gave us who live here,

al Regne Unit, un dia extra de festa

in the United Kingdom, an extra day off

el dia 6 de juny, que és extra,

June 6th, which is an extra day,

normalment no és,

it usually isn't,

va ser aquell any.

it was that year.

I de manera fortuita, però òptima en termes de maximitzar

And in a fortuitous way, but optimal in terms of maximizing.

les vacances, va donar la seva ànima a Déu

the holidays, gave his soul to God

el 8 de setembre, el que deia el Guillem en el mateix.

On September 8th, what Guillem was saying was the same.

Tan generosa que era,

So generous she was,

ens ha deixat dos dies més de vacances.

he has given us two more days off.

Un per passar el dol al setembre

A dog to go through the grieving process in September.

i un altre per la coronació de son fill

and another for the coronation of his son

el proper maig.

next May.

Carles III, segurament l'única persona

Charles III, probably the only person

de la història a néixer amb la vida solucionada

from history to being born with life sorted out

i haver de posar-se a treballar a l'edat de jubilació,

and having to start working at retirement age,

és el perfecte exemple de britànic.

he is the perfect example of a Brit.

Molt blanquet, amb tendència

Very white, with a tendency.

a posar-se vermell quan la temperatura passa

to turn red when the temperature rises

10 graus, i amb un profund amor a Mallorca.

10 degrees, and with a deep love for Mallorca.

Implantat als gens com indiquen

Implanted in the genes as indicated.

les sobrassades que té per dins.

the sobrassades that it has inside.

Seguim. El Covid

Let's continue. The Covid.

ja quasi no existeix.

it hardly exists anymore.

Si ets una de les persones que encara va pel carrer

If you are one of the people who still goes out on the street.

amb mascareta, fes-te un favor i tira-la ja,

with a mask, do yourself a favor and take it off already,

sisplau, que aquesta mascareta

please, let this mask

deu tenir dos anys i tanta merda

he must be two years old and so much crap

incrustada que ja podries estar

embedded that you could already be

respirant directament del tub

breathing directly from the tube

d'escapament d'un Renault Clio de l'any 98.

exhaust of a 1998 Renault Clio.

El juliol de l'any passat

Last July

també es va celebrar l'onzena edició

the eleventh edition was also held

dels World Games a Alabama.

from the World Games in Alabama.

Una competició que

A competition that

molt probablement serveix per blanquejar

very likely serves to whiten

els diners guanyats per tràfic de crack

the money earned from crack trafficking

entre Nicaragua i els Estats Units.

between Nicaragua and the United States.

I resulta que aquesta cosa tan rara

And it turns out that this very strange thing

que acabem de descobrir tots ara mateix

that we have just discovered all of us right now

pretén ser un succedani dels Jocs Olímpics,

it aims to be a substitute for the Olympic Games,

però amb proves esportives

but with sports trials

que no són olímpiques.

that are not Olympic.

Les simples en són el parkour,

The simples include parkour,

la petanca, el rugbi en cadira de rodes

petanque, wheelchair rugby

o el salvament esportiu.

or sports rescue.

El que no entenc és

What I don't understand is

si aquest últim

if this last one

en el salvament esportiu tira

in sports rescue throw

en un dels del rugbi a l'aigua

in one of the water rugby

i guanya el primer que el salva o com va jo.

And the first one who saves him wins, or I do.

En fi, el ChatGPT.

Well, ChatGPT.

M'agrada molt el ChatGPT.

I really like ChatGPT.

Quin breakthrough el ChatGPT!

What a breakthrough ChatGPT is!

Que va sortir al novembre

That came out in November.

i semblava el Ticketmaster

and it looked like Ticketmaster

quan el George Spencer

when George Spencer

va començar a treballar.

he started working.

Suposo que a aquestes altures

I suppose that at this point

tothom ja deu saber què és això.

Everyone must already know what this is.

De fet, hem parlat abans,

In fact, we have talked before,

però per si de cas,

but just in case,

es tracta d'un model d'intel·ligència artificial

It's an artificial intelligence model.

entrenat per mantenir una conversa

trained to maintain a conversation

en format xat amb l'usuari.

in chat format with the user.

A partir d'aquí,

From here on,

les possibilitats són infinites.

The possibilities are infinite.

Evidentment, tot això ha donat ales

Obviously, all of this has given wings.

als que jo anomeno

to those who I call

Vultors Tecnològics o Tecnobros,

Technological Vultures or Tech Bros,

aquests pseudo influencers

these pseudo influencers

són útils, però la gran majoria

they are useful, but the vast majority

estan al nivell dels

they are at the level of the

Five-Minute Crafts.

Five-Minute Crafts.

A més a més,

In addition,

la proporció Tecnobro-Criptobro

the Tecnobro-Criptobro ratio

és especialment elevada,

is especially high,

un altre motiu per

another reason for


to be distrustful of it.

Amb aquesta proporció vols dir

With this proportion, do you mean?

la gent que és les dues coses a la vegada?

the people who are both things at the same time?



Sí, potser no ha quedat tot clar.

Yes, perhaps not everything has been made clear.

Perquè no només ha desaparegut el Covid,

Because not only has Covid disappeared,

també han desaparegut les criptomonedes, quasi.

Cryptocurrencies have also almost disappeared.

Això anava, parlant de criptobros.

This was about, talking about cryptobros.

Les criptomonedes es van acabar fotent

The cryptocurrencies ended up crashing.

una bona hòstia el 2022.

a good punch in 2022.

No m'ho he mirat gaire, perquè si no

I haven't looked at it much, because if not

YouTube després ens recomanarà coses rares.

YouTube will then recommend us strange things.

Però el Bitcoin va baixar un 60%

But Bitcoin dropped by 60%.

l'any passat, i des d'aquí

last year, and from here

no podríem estar més contents.

We couldn't be happier.

També et diré que ha pujat,

I will also tell you that it has gone up,

un moment, perdó que ho estic comprovant ara mateix,

one moment, sorry I'm checking it right now,

ha pujat pràcticament

has practically increased

un... Estava a 16

a... It was at 16

al principi d'any i ara està a 28,

at the beginning of the year and now it is at 28,

o sigui que ha pujat diríem un 50%,

so it has increased by about 50%,

pel que porta d'any.

for what it has been this year.

No és el mateix, 60 i després puja un 50.

It’s not the same, 60 and then it goes up by 50.

Bueno, ja, però...

Well, okay, but...

Guillem, deixem les notícies bones

Guillem, let's leave the good news.

com a notícies bones.

as good news.


Come on.

També hi va haver un augment considerable

There was also a considerable increase.

en matèria de generació d'imatges

in the field of image generation

per intel·ligència artificial.

for artificial intelligence.

Com dèiem abans, que

As we said before, that

va agafar de la mà un increment

he took an increase by the hand

de motivats pertot arreu.

of motivated people everywhere.

No, Josep Lluís, no ets un artista

No, Josep Lluís, you are not an artist.

per fer fotos amb això. Segueixes fent classe

to take pictures with this. Are you still teaching?

de plàstic a alumnes de quarta primària

from plastic to fourth-grade students

a l'escola de Ripoll.

at the school of Ripoll.

A l'escola de Ripoll.

At the school of Ripoll.

Però bé, una altra notícia

But well, another piece of news.

de la qual he de parlar, per colar alguna cosa

of which I have to speak, to sneak in something

de ciència a la secció i tal, i que

from science to the section and such, and that

el Toni Bertollet no se'ns empadi,

Toni Bertollet does not let himself be intimidated.

és del Nobel de Física del 2022.

It is the Nobel Prize in Physics of 2022.

I sincerament

And I sincerely

la resta me la som bastant.

The rest I pretty much dream it.

Per sorpresa de ningú, han guanyat tres biflancs

No one is surprised, three biflanks have won.

per fer experiments en partícules,

to conduct experiments in particles,

en estats d'extraïtament quàntic, violant

in quantum extraction states, violating

així les desigualtats de l'aula.

thus the inequalities of the classroom.

I evidentment han passat

And obviously they have passed.

milers de coses més que diré ben ràpid.

thousands of other things that I will say very quickly.

Es va fer pública

It was made public.

la primera imatge del telescopi Watt,

the first image from the Watt telescope,

que parlava el Guillem, i va haver onades de calor

that Guillem was talking about, and there were heatwaves

sense precedents a l'estiu a tot Europa.

Unprecedented in the summer across Europe.

Segueix la guerra ucraïna i, bueno,

The Ukraine war continues and, well,

a molts altres llocs. No se'n parla enlloc.

in many other places. It is not mentioned anywhere.

L'Elon Musk va comprar Twitter i va fer fora

Elon Musk bought Twitter and fired.

un colló de gent, incluent una dona molt llepa

a bunch of people, including a very annoying woman

culs que pujava a piulades dient que estava orgullosa

butts that I was posting about saying that I was proud

de dormir a l'oficina. Lionel Messi,

sleeping at the office. Lionel Messi,

objectivament la millor persona del planeta

objectively the best person on the planet

i alhora la més cognitivament limitada,

and at the same time the most cognitively limited,

va guanyar el seu primer mundial de futbol,

he won his first World Cup.

i per acabar,

and to finish,

ja hem sobrepassat els 8.000 milions de persones

We have already surpassed 8 billion people.

en aquest món.

in this world.



I ja està.

And that's it.

Vosaltres creieu que som massa persones en aquest món, Miguel?

Do you think there are too many people in this world, Miguel?



Sí, els números ho diuen,

Yes, the numbers say it.

però si s'ha de decidir qui es queda aquí o no,

but if it has to be decided who stays here or not,

doncs potser ja no...

then maybe not anymore...

Impopular opinió, Miguel.

Unpopular opinion, Miguel.



No, però vull dir...

No, but I mean...

A qui ofereixes voluntària?

Who do you offer voluntary help to?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Deixeu-me canviar de tema brutalment,

Let me change the subject brutally,

però em ve de gust.

but I feel like it.

L'altre dia parlàvem de quines coses

The other day we were talking about what things

havia fet l'Ada Colau per Barcelona.

What Ada Colau had done for Barcelona.

Una cosa que ha fet és repartir

One thing that has been done is to distribute.

pinso castrant pels coloms,

castrating feed for pigeons,

perquè mengin i llavors no siguin capaços

so that they eat and then are not capable

de tenir descendència.

of having descendants.

I llavors ara a la ciutat de Barcelona hi ha molts menys coloms.

And now there are many fewer pigeons in the city of Barcelona.

Però això ja ho feien abans, també.

But they used to do that before, too.

Algú en va dir,

Someone said it,

algú que sap d'això...

someone who knows about this...

Que no? Potser no.

Not? Perhaps not.

És una estratègia molt col·laboració

It is a very collaborative strategy.

això de fer les seves coses

this of doing their own things

que ja estaven d'abans.

that were already there before.

Els projectes de les soperies

The projects of the soup kitchens.

ja estaven d'abans.

they were already there before.

En fi,

In short,

jo només no tinc intenció de parlar

I just don't intend to speak.

de la qualitat de Barcelona.

of the quality of Barcelona.

De fet, sort que no voto Barcelona,

In fact, lucky that I don't vote in Barcelona,

valga'm Déu. Però ho deia com a...

God help me. But I said it as a...

Potser podem començar a repartir material.

Maybe we can start distributing materials.

Pel senglars.

For the wild boars.



Jo ho volia dir pels humans.

I wanted to say it for the humans.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Pel senglars també estaria bé.

It would also be good for the wild boars.

I a qui castraries?

And who would you castrate?

A qui repartiries a tothom?

Who would you share with everyone?

Per igual.


Es pot fer un...

It can be done...

Un double blind experiment

A double blind experiment

on ni la persona que està repartint el menjar

nor the person who is distributing the food

ni la persona que l'està menjant

nor the person who is eating it

sap si està castrant o no.

know if he is castrating or not.

Això generaria un caos mundial.

This would generate a global chaos.

La gent sabia que existeix

People knew that it exists.

menjar castrant?

castrating food?



Ha sigut una ordre mundial

It has been a global order.

que controla tothom

that controls everyone

i poden fer que aquest menjar

and they can make this food

surti al mercat.

go out to the market.

I, joli, Miguel, estàs donant aquí ales

I, Joli, Miguel, you are giving wings here.

als conspiranoids.

to the conspiracy theorists.

I si existeix això?

And if this exists?



Potser la reina va menjar...

Maybe the queen ate...



Estaven enverinats.

They were poisoned.



Déu n'hi déu.

Good heavens.

Què més, Pau?

What else, Pau?

Ah, no, ja està. Ja no.

Ah, no, that's it. Not anymore.

Què vols més, Guillem?

What do you want more, Guillem?

Vols més?

Do you want more?

Ha estat una bona estona per fer aquest guió.

It has been a good time to write this script.

No, ha estat bé, ha estat bé.

No, it has been good, it has been good.

Bona feina, bona feina, Pau.

Good job, good job, Paul.

Més bona feina que la meva.

Better work than mine.

Més bona feina que la del Gerard.

Better work than Gerard's.



Has de saber, Pau,

You should know, Pau,

que el teu inici de secció

that your section opening

m'ha donat molt vibes a SMR

It gave me a lot of vibes of SMR.

de la sotana amb el Manel.

from the cassock with Manel.

Sí? Sí, sí, sí.

Yes? Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, no era la intenció.

Well, that wasn't the intention.

El podries prendre com una lluança,

You could take it as a compliment,

si vols. Ah, vale, vale.

if you want. Ah, okay, okay.

No, bueno, no era la intenció aquí

No, well, that wasn't the intention here.

fer copy-paste.

do copy-paste.

En fi, m'ha agradat, m'ha agradat.

Well, I liked it, I liked it.

Ho has fet molt bé. Molt bé.

You did very well. Very well.

Pau, m'ha fet la sensació, abans

Pau, it gave me the feeling, earlier.

d'acabar, que

to finish, that

ha estat molt arbitrari

it has been very arbitrary

els diferents esdeveniments que has escollit.

the different events that you have chosen.

No m'has comentat, per exemple, el tema dels

You haven't told me, for example, about the topic of the.

oòcits del Japó,

oocytes from Japan,

que em sembla un...

that I think a...

És que ja seria el que comentaria el Miquel.

That would be what Miquel would comment.

Ah, vale. Ja seria el que comentaria el Miquel.

Ah, okay. That would be what Miquel was commenting on.



Entre bombers, no ens trepitgem la manguera o no?

Among firefighters, we don't step on each other's hose, do we?



Això, aquesta és fràcia de cunyau, eh?

This, this is a phrase from brother-in-law, right?

És molt de cunyau. És fràcia de cunyau.

He is very much a brother-in-law. It is a brother-in-law's France.

Molt bé, nois.

Very good, guys.

Bueno, si vols.

Well, if you want.

Perdó, t'he pegat.

Sorry, I hit you.

Pagueu, no? Si aneu a dormir...

You pay, right? If you’re going to sleep...

Paguem veles? Vinga.

Shall we pay for the candles? Come on.

Sí, abans de plegar volia dir que estic molt content

Yes, before finishing I wanted to say that I am very happy.

de gravar. Tenia molt de mono.

to record. I was really craving it.

Em sento addicte a generar contingut.

I feel addicted to generating content.

D'aquí al psicòleg hi ha un pas, companys.

From here to the psychologist is just a step, colleagues.




help us.

Ajuda'n, Miquel, que deixi el crac una estona.

Help him, Miquel, let the crack take a break for a while.

Molt bé, nois. Doncs

Very well, guys. So

ho deixem així.

We'll leave it at that.

I fins aquí la Quarta Llei.

And here ends the Fourth Law.

Ni rigor ni consistència.

Neither rigor nor consistency.

Un projecte de neurones fregides.

A project of fried neurons.

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