Helena Oma: “Poder dedicar-me al bàsquet és la meva millor victòria”

L'Últim Quart

L'Últim Qast

Helena Oma: “Poder dedicar-me al bàsquet és la meva millor victòria”

L'Últim Qast

En el darrer mes, el nom d'Helena Oma ha estat en boca de molts dels mitjans esportius, tant catalans com espanyols.

In the last month, the name Helena Oma has been on the lips of many sports media, both Catalan and Spanish.

Per què? Doncs perquè l'Helena recent que va anunciar ara fa gairebé un mes,

Why? Well, because Helena recently announced it almost a month ago,

que es desvinculava del club gironí, on havia estat gairebé 5 temporades, l'Uni Girona,

that was disengaging from the Girona club, where she had been for almost 5 seasons, Uni Girona,

per començar un nou camí amb l'Ensino Lugo.

to start a new journey with Ensino Lugo.

Amb l'últim quart hem aconseguit parlar amb ella sobre això i sobre moltes altres coses.

In the last quarter, we managed to talk to her about this and many other things.

Fa bastants dies que ets protagonista, per dir-ho així, dels mitjans esportius,

For several days now, you have been the protagonist, so to speak, of the sports media.

perquè vas anunciar fa una miqueta menys d'un mes que et desvinculaves de l'Esper Girona per apostar per l'Ensino.

Why did you announce a little less than a month ago that you were parting ways with Esper Girona to join Ensino?

Explica'ns una miqueta el procés i sobretot el motiu d'aquest canvi.

Tell us a little about the process and especially the reason for this change.

Bé, és una cosa que ja em rondava pel cap, la veritat.

Well, it's something that had been on my mind, to be honest.

Ja portava molt temps a Girona, gairebé 5 anys,

I had been in Girona for a long time, almost 5 years.

i després de la lesió que vaig patir l'any passat, creia que era un bon moment per fer-ho.

And after the injury I suffered last year, I thought it was a good time to do it.

Em va sortir una molt bona oportunitat i vaig decidir marxar perquè crec que era la millor opció.

I got a very good opportunity and I decided to leave because I believe it was the best option.

Potser si hagués trobat una altra opció m'hauria plantejat...

Maybe if I had found another option I would have considered...

...per quedar-me fins a final de temporada a Girona, però les coses es van donar així.

...to stay until the end of the season in Girona, but things turned out that way.

Crec que he pres una gran decisió i no m'hi arrepenteixo ara mateix.

I believe I have made a great decision and I do not regret it right now.

Durant la temporada 17-18 també va haver-hi uns mesos que crec que vas estar cedida, si no m'equivoco, al Cadí Laseu.

During the 17-18 season, there were also a few months that I believe you were loaned, if I'm not mistaken, to Cadí La Seu.

Quins, o sigui, els motius?

Which, that is, the reasons?

Clar, t'anava a preguntar, són els mateixos, però no perquè, clar, la lesió ha estat aquest any...

Sure, I was going to ask you, they are the same, but not because, of course, the injury happened this year...

Bé, la temporada passada, què, com, per què? Per què vas fer el canvi en aquest cas?

Well, last season, what, how, why? Why did you make the change in this case?

Bé, just també va coincidir que vaig estar unes setmanes de baixa.

Well, it just so happened that I was off for a few weeks.

Bé, no va arribar ni al mes, però, bé, vaig sortir com d'una petita lesió.

Well, it didn't even last a month, but, well, I got out with just a little injury.

També teníem un equip en què tenir minuts era molt complicat.

We also had a team where getting minutes was very difficult.

Llavors, doncs, em va venir el director tècnic de Girona i em va dir que hi havia aquesta possibilitat.

Then, the technical director of Girona came to me and said that there was this possibility.

I, clar, quan a mi m'ho va transmetre va ser,

I, of course, when it was relayed to me it was,

vale, per l'any que ve, doncs, ja veurem.

Okay, for next year then, we'll see.

I em diu, no, no, és per ara perquè vaig acabar la temporada.

He tells me, no, no, it's for now because I finished the season.

I va ser, crec que un dimecres i dijous ja estava amb el cotxe ple cap a Laseu.

It was, I think, a Wednesday and by Thursday I was already on my way to La Seu with a full car.

I tampoc m'hi arrepenteixo d'haver estat allà.

I also don't regret having been there.

M'ho vaig passar superbé, vaig aprendre.

I had a great time, I learned.

I una cosa molt important que va ser, va ser agafar més confiança i més minuts.

And one very important thing was that it allowed me to gain more confidence and more minutes.

Creus que per aquest motiu també has decidit apostar ara per l'ensí, no?

Do you think that for this reason you have also decided to bet on the ensí now?

Sí, sens dubte.

Yes, without a doubt.

Ja, com he dit, portava molt de temps a Girona.

Yes, as I said, I had been in Girona for a long time.

I, vulguis o no, compartir pista amb jugadores de tant talent, per una part sí que m'ha ajudat molt,

I, whether you like it or not, sharing the court with players of such talent has helped me a lot, on one hand.

perquè crec que des que vaig arribar he millorat moltíssim.

because I believe that since I arrived I have improved a lot.

Però està clar que els minuts no, potser no els tenia igual.

But it is clear that the minutes were not the same, maybe he didn't have them that way.



Potser no els tenia igual que els puc tenir aquí.

Perhaps I didn't have them the same way I can have them here.

Llavors, doncs, vaig decidir marxar per també trobar-me un altre cop com jo era,

Then, I decided to leave to find myself again as I used to be.

agafar més confiança perquè, vulguis o no, després de la lesió,

gain more confidence because, whether you want to or not, after the injury,

encara que vagi jugant una mica, necessitava sentir-me diferent.

even though I was playing a little, I needed to feel different.

Bueno, com tu comentes, has passat bastant temps a Girona.

Well, as you mentioned, you have spent quite a lot of time in Girona.

De fet, en una entrevista amb el diari de Girona vas comentar que vas arribar al club sent gairebé una nena,

In fact, in an interview with the Girona newspaper, you mentioned that you joined the club when you were almost a little girl.

amb les idees molt poc clares, però que tot i així t'has sentit com a casa i t'has sentit molt estimada.

with very unclear ideas, but still you felt at home and felt very loved.

És així? O sigui, com descreuries tu els teus anys per l'Uni?

Is that so? I mean, how would you describe your years at university?

Sí, com vaig dir, és que vaig arribar tenint 18, que just aquell any feia... 18? No, 19, perdó, que just feia els 20.

Yes, as I said, I arrived when I was 18, that year I was just turning... 18? No, 19, sorry, I was just turning 20.

I jo venia d'un cop a Catalunya, mai havia jugat a una lliga semiprofessional ni professional,

And I came to Catalonia suddenly, I had never played in a semi-professional or professional league,

i clar, plantar mai amb jugadores de nivell mundial, perquè tenia companyes que havien estat a la WNBA

And of course, I would never play with world-class players, because I had teammates who had been in the WNBA.

o que havien jugat fins i tot unes olimpiades, no? Dius, col·lín, on estic, saps?

or that they had even played a few Olympics, right? You say, Col·lin, where am I, you know?

Llavors, bueno, com vaig arribar amb 19 anys, me'n vaig gairebé amb 24,

So, well, as I arrived at 19 years old, I almost leave at 24.

llavors, doncs...

so, then...

Tots aquests anys m'han servit per créixer i conèixer grans persones.

All these years have helped me grow and meet great people.

Bueno, de fet, com aquest carinyo que dius, crec que és bastant recíproc, no?, perquè el director esportiu de l'Esper Girona, el Pere Puig,

Well, in fact, like this affection you mention, I think it's quite mutual, right?, because the sports director of Esper Girona, Pere Puig,

va comentar que, tot i la lesió que vas patir, t'havies acabat guanyant l'estima de tothom.

He commented that, despite the injury you suffered, you had ultimately earned everyone's affection.

Llavors, tu t'has sentit bé sempre amb l'estaf i la direcció del Club Gironí?

So, have you always felt good with the staff and management of the Club Gironí?

O sigui, t'han acompanyat a la teva decisió de marxar cap a l'Encino, t'ho han posat complicat?

So, have they supported your decision to leave for Encino, or have they made it complicated for you?

Com ha anat?

How has it gone?

Sí, des del primer moment ho van entendre. Òbviament, per una part, no volien que marxés, no?, perquè també portava molt de temps

Yes, from the very first moment they understood it. Obviously, on one hand, they didn't want me to leave, right? Because I had also been there for a long time.

i el moment, també, de la temporada en què ho vaig fer, doncs, era una miqueta complicat.

And the moment, too, of the season when I did it, well, was a bit complicated.

Però, bueno, també vaig rebre molts missatges de l'afició i tots deien que tingués molt bona sort, que feia bé en marxar

But, well, I also received a lot of messages from the fans and they all said to wish me good luck, that I was doing well by leaving.

i que ens tornaríem a veure per l'estiu.

and that we would see each other again in the summer.

Llavors, jo, per part meva, em sento molt estimada per part del Club, de l'afició, sobretot, i, bueno, estic molt agraïda per això.

Then, for my part, I feel very loved by the Club, by the fans, above all, and, well, I am very grateful for that.

A l'Uni, per això, com hem comentat abans, no tot han estat moments bons, no?, sobretot aquesta lesió de lligaments, que a sobre et va afectar, com a moltes estructures.

At university, therefore, as we mentioned earlier, not everything has been good moments, right? Especially this ligament injury, which affected you, as it did many structures.

Com vas encarar-ho?

How did you approach it?

Bueno, va arribar en un moment en el que tampoc no és que estigués en el meu millor moment.

Well, it arrived at a time when I wasn't exactly at my best either.

Llavors, doncs, la lesió, en el moment que me la vaig fer, va ser com, vale, m'he trencat alguna cosa i ho vaig agafar positivament.

So, at that moment when I got injured, it was like, okay, I've broken something and I took it positively.

Jo sempre soc una persona que intenta buscar el lloc positiu, no?, de les coses, i sí que és cert que poc després va arribar el coronavirus

I am always a person who tries to find the positive side, right?, of things, and it is true that shortly afterwards the coronavirus arrived.

i, bueno, va fer que tot anés una miqueta més tard, però jo crec que em vaig lesionar en el millor moment que ho podia fer dintre de la meva carrera,

and, well, it made everything go a little later, but I think I got injured at the best moment I could within my career,

perquè estava en un moment que estava mentalment, no estava bé, que és això, que tampoc estava en el meu millor moment,

because I was in a moment when I wasn't mentally well, that's it, I wasn't at my best moment either,

que potser hi ha jugadors, no?, que es lesionen en el seu millor moment i és més dur. Llavors, doncs, a mi em va agafar en un moment que crec que, mentalment, m'ha vingut bé, no?,

that maybe there are players, right?, who get injured at their best moment and it’s harder. So, well, it caught me at a time that I think has been good for me mentally, right?

veure tot aquest procés de...

see all this process of...



de la lesió, m'ha agafat forces

from the injury, it has given me strength

i també el tema aquest

and also this topic

del coronavirus, que per una part malament

about the coronavirus, which on one hand is bad

però l'altra bé perquè m'ha fet

but the other one is fine because it has made me

no trobar a faltar el bàsquet

not miss basketball

perquè com no hi havia

because there weren't any

m'ha anat bé

I have done well.

Bueno, una de les poques persones

Well, one of the few people

que crec que pot dir això

I think that can say this.


Ara sí, una pregunta una mica més personal

Now yes, a slightly more personal question.

ara que has marxat de Girona

now that you have left Girona

què és el que més trobes a faltar del club?

What do you miss the most about the club?

A veure

Let's see.

del club jo diria

from the club I would say

que en si

that in itself

tota la gent

all the people

amb la que he compartit

with whom I have shared

i a la que deixes

and the one you leave

jo crec que és una de les coses

I believe it is one of the things.

que més trobo a faltar

what else do I miss

òbviament la Girona

obviously Girona

la ciutat m'agradava molt

I liked the city a lot.

però crec que el que trobo més a faltar

but I think the thing I miss the most

és la gent que he deixat allà

it's the people I've left there

Ara seguirem una mica

Now we will continue a little.

amb això personal

with this personal

de cap a l'1

from the head to 1

però esportivament parlant

but sports-wise speaking

ara amb l'Insino

now with the Insino

esteu fent molt bona temporada

you are having a very good season

menys els dos últims partits

except for the last two games

que no han acabat d'anar molt bé

that have not gone very well in the end

aneu sisè en el de la classificació

you are sixth in the standings

està bé

it's fine

com veus l'equip tu?

How do you see the team?

Quines sensacions tens?

What feelings do you have?

Jo personalment estic molt contenta

I am personally very happy.

d'estar aquí

of being here

a més abans de venir

before coming

ja veia que tenien

I already saw they had.

un gran equip

a great team

no a nivell de talent individual

not at the level of individual talent

sinó també un grup humà

but also a human group



molt maco

very nice

i també és una de les coses

and it is also one of the things

que em va fer venir aquí

that made me come here

sí que és cert que òbviament

it is true that obviously

no és un equip com

it's not a team like

l'Uni Girona

Uni Girona

que potser està a la primera

that may be in the first

línia de la classificació

classification line

però és un equip que pot

but it is a team that can

competir contra qualsevol equip

compete against any team

sí que és cert que els dos partits

it is true that both parties

aquests que hem perdut

those that we have lost

l'últim contra Girona

the last against Girona

vam estar en moments en què

we were in moments when

els vam passar

we passed them

bé, els vam fer passar

well, we made them pass

mal estretats

badly stretched

llavors jo crec que som un equip

Then I think we are a team.

que podem competir

that we can compete

contra tothom

against everyone

perquè els podem posar

because we can put them on

contra la paret

against the wall

com qui diu

like who says

però que estarem lluitant

but we will be fighting

per entrar a playoff

to enter the playoffs

i així més personalment

and thus more personally

el canvi aquest de Girona-Lugo

the change from Girona to Lugo

per dir-ho així

to put it this way

com va anar?

How did it go?

et va costar molt?

Did it cost you a lot?

et sents còmode ara?

Do you feel comfortable now?

t'ho han posat fàcil

They've made it easy for you.

les de l'equip?

the team ones?

uf, me l'han posat super fàcil

uf, they made it super easy for me

no m'esperava que fos així

I didn't expect it to be like this.

sí que és cert que

it is true that

quan canvies d'equip

when you change teams

o vas a un lloc nou

or you go to a new place

sempre tens aquesta por

you always have this fear

de saber com anirà

to know how it will go

però des del primer moment

but from the first moment

em vaig sentir super bé

I felt super good.

ja et dic

I'll tell you.

ara mateix mentalment estic molt bé

Right now, I am mentally doing very well.

en el sentit de

in the sense of

companyes noves

new partners

un ambient diferent

a different atmosphere

i que em va molt bé

and that it goes very well for me.

i a nivell de joc

and at the game level

doncs a poc a poc em vaig trobant

so little by little I'm finding myself

com a jugadora

as a player

com jo era abans

how I used to be

i bueno, a poc a poc

And well, little by little.

doncs anar cap amunt

so go up

i anar creixent

and keep growing

ara em canvio una mica

now I'm changing a bit

diguéssim de preguntes

let's say of questions

perquè et preguntaré pel 3x3

because I will ask you about the 3x3

que no hem parlat encara

that we haven't talked yet

si no m'equivoco

if I'm not mistaken

vas jugar-ne 3

you played 3 of them

amb les seus a Múrcia, Gijón i Madrid

with headquarters in Murcia, Gijón, and Madrid

i en les 3 vas emportar-te victòria

and in all 3 you took victory

llavors com recordes aquesta experiència?

So how do you remember this experience?

com és la modalitat 3x3?

What is the 3x3 format like?

quina és

what is it

quins punts forts té la competició?

What are the strong points of the competition?

si fa dos estius vam jugar a la lliga d'Herbalife

if two summers ago we played in the Herbalife league

que com bé has dit eren les 3 ciutats

as you said, they were the 3 cities

més després la final a Barcelona

later the final in Barcelona

que per sort la vam també guanyar

that fortunately we also won it

tenia un equip que la veritat que feien bastant bé

I had a team that, to be honest, did quite well.

a part ja ens coneixíem totes

We already knew each other all apart.

i tot era molt més fàcil

and everything was much easier

i bueno com a modalitat del basc

And well, as a modality of Basque.

que a mi m'agrada molt

that I like a lot

personalment crec que

personally I believe that

a mi és que m'agrada molt

I really like it.

des de petita que jo me'n recordo

since I was little I remember

que era infantil

that was childish

que ja tenia el meu equip

that I already had my team

amb les que jugava a la JET

with whom I played at the JET

de fet l'altre dia que vaig entrevistar

In fact, the other day I interviewed.

a la regi

to the region

doncs a mi ja també anava a molts 3x3

Well, I was also going to a lot of 3x3 events.

i bueno des de petita

And well, since I was little.

és una modalitat que m'agrada molt

it's a modality that I like very much

crec que a mi personalment

I think that personally for me

m'afaureix perquè és un joc molt ràpid

it pleases me because it's a very fast game

i molt agressiu

and very aggressive

llavors doncs bueno

so then well

és una cosa que a poc a poc està creixent

It is something that is gradually growing.

ara aquest any ja serà una modalitat olímpica

now this year it will be an Olympic event

i bueno que a nivell nacional

And well, at the national level.

amb tema selecció espanyola

with Spanish national team theme

doncs que també està creixent

so it is also growing

llavors doncs jo crec que dintre d'uns anys

then I think that in a few years

ja estarà consolidat

it will be consolidated

i bueno

and well

a qualsevol persona que li agradi

to anyone who likes it

una miqueta més aquest joc freestyle

a little bit more of this freestyle game

una miqueta més de carrer

a little more street

li agrada molt

he/she likes it a lot

li agradarà molt el 3x3

he will really like the 3x3

o sigui tu

that is you

què creus que t'aporta de nou

What do you think it brings you that is new?

la modalitat 3x3

the 3x3 modality

que no tingui el 5x5

that does not have the 5x5

el típic 5x5 de sempre

the typical 5x5 as always

doncs una miqueta

well, a little bit

el joc lliure

free play

el poder fer el que tu vulguis

the power to do whatever you want

sense tenir un entrenador

without having a coach

que potser et digui has de jugar això

that perhaps it tells you you have to play this

has de jugar ho altre

you have to play it differently

i que també doncs

and what, then

el tema d'agressivitat permet molt

The topic of aggression allows for a lot.

i és una cosa que

and it is something that

a mi m'agrada

I like it.

a l'anadura

to the knot

i el tema de que

and the topic of that

si faies una canasta

if you made a basket

has de canviar ràpid el xip

You need to change your mindset quickly.

perquè ràpid has d'anar defensant

because you have to defend quickly

i aquest joc m'agrada

I like this game.



des de l'últim quart

since the last quarter

no sé si ho vas veure

I don't know if you saw it.

els vam demanar als nostres seguidors

we asked our followers

i a les nostres seguidores

and to our followers

que et preguntarien si poguessin

What they would ask you if they could.

i jo he recollit 4 o 5 preguntes

And I have gathered 4 or 5 questions.

si em sembla bé te les faig

If it seems good to me, I'll do them for you.



en primer lloc

first of all

la Bertucci pregunta

Bertucci asks.

quins són els teus o les teves referents

Who are your role models?

en el món del bàsquet

in the world of basketball



a veure

let's see

des de sempre ben petita

since I was very small

he tingut molt present

I have kept it in mind a lot.

des que vaig començar

since I started

perquè és això

why is this

que quan creixes

that when you grow up

o ets molt petita

or you are very small

no veus que les noies juguin

Don't you see that the girls are playing?

llavors jo quan vaig començar a jugar bàsquet

So when I started playing basketball

tenia molt present

I was very aware.

el meu germà

my brother

i no sabia que les noies

I didn't know that the girls

es podien dedicar a això

they could dedicate themselves to this

llavors en aquell moment des de petita

then at that moment since I was little

sempre m'ha agradat molt el Pau Gasol

I've always liked Pau Gasol a lot.

de fet el Marc també m'agrada molt

In fact, I really like Marc as well.

i els tinc molt de referents

and I have many references for them

però sí que a nivell femení

but yes at the women's level

que tingui

may it have

la Laia Palau

Laia Palau

el poder haver compartit

the power to have shared

amb ella pista

with her track

per mi ha sigut

for me it has been

un plaer

a pleasure

i també

and also

m'agrada molt l'Alba Torrents

I really like Alba Torrents.

també vaig tenir l'oportunitat

I also had the opportunity.

doncs de

so of

poder compartir moments amb ella

to be able to share moments with her

i bueno

and good

en el moment de la lesió

at the time of the injury

el fet que tot vagi

the fact that everything goes

així lentament

thus slowly

i de retrobar-se com a jugadora

and meet with the player

la veritat que em va donar uns consells

the truth is that he/she gave me some advice

que em van ajudar molt

that helped me a lot

i com a jugadora m'agrada molt

And as a player, I like it a lot.

llavors em quedo amb elles

then I'll stick with them

En Fredo

In Fredo

barra baixa Guijón

underscore Guijón



què valores més

what do you value most

a l'hora d'unir-te a un projecte esportiu

when joining a sports project

Bueno jo crec que

Well, I think that

una de les coses que m'agrada

one of the things I like

o em crida més l'atenció

or it catches my attention more

és la part humana

it is the human part

que no tot sigui

that not everything is

potser de

perhaps of

de bueno

of good

fitxo aquesta jugadora

I sign this player.

perquè m'han dit que és molt bona

because they told me it is very good

ve d'Estats Units

comes from the United States

tal i qual

such and such

també m'agrada una miqueta

I also like it a little bit.

la part aquesta humana

this human part

de saber que tindré

to know that I will have

bones companyes al costat

good companions beside

i que tot i que siguin molt bones

and that even though they are very good

també que siguin bones persones

also that they are good people

i que també apostin per la gent

and that they also bet on the people

jove, la gent d'aquí

young, the people from here

la gent nacional

the national people

jo crec que és un punt a favor

I think it's a point in favor.

que em crida molt l'atenció

that catches my attention a lot

I ho has trobat a l'Ugo

Have you found Hugo?

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

La Malaurada Ming

The Unfortunate Ming

té curiositat per saber

is curious to know

de quina de totes les teves victòries

which of all your victories

et sents més orgullosa?

Do you feel prouder?

Si em podries dir algun

If you could tell me some.

A veure

Let’s see.

jo crec que no és un partit

I believe it is not a party.

sinó que és un fet

but it is a fact

el poder dedicar-me al bàsquet

the ability to dedicate myself to basketball

és sens dubte la meva gran victòria

it is undoubtedly my great victory

però si haig d'escollir un partit

but if I have to choose a party

doncs em quedaria amb el de

so I would go with the one from

sempre dic aquest

I always say this.

però és que és un dels millors

but he is one of the best

el guanyar la lliga a Fontejau

winning the league at Fontejau

va ser una experiència brutal

it was a brutal experience

el guanyar davant de la nostra gent

winning in front of our people

i també davant d'un rival

and also against a rival

que sempre ens trobàvem

that we always met

llavors jo crec que és la millor

Then I think it is the best.

I la Ruthi Barrabaixa 6

And the Ruthi Barrabaixa 6

vol saber

want to know

quin ha estat el teu millor entrenador

Who has been your best coach?

o entrenadora a nivell personal

or personal trainer

A veure

Let's see.

jo sempre dic que

I always say that

de tots els entrenadors

of all the coaches

que he tingut

that I have had

ja m'ha llenat molt bé

she has filled me up very well

millor o pitjor

better or worse

sempre m'emporto alguna cosa

I always take something away.

però destacaria

but I would highlight

haver tingut el Rafa Delgado

having had Rafa Delgado

el vaig tenir a la JET

I had him at the JET.

i és una persona

and he/she is a person

des de l'any que ens va entrenar

since the year it trained us

fins ara

until now

ha estat present amb mi

has been present with me

en el sentit que

in the sense that

estant a Girona

being in Girona

sempre ha vingut als partits

he has always come to the matches

m'he anat a jugar a Portugal Europeu

I have gone to play in European Portugal.

amb la selecció espanyola

with the Spanish national team

ha vingut

has come

és una persona que

is a person who

sempre m'acompanya

always accompanies me

i a nivell

and at level

no hi ha d'entrenador

there is no coach

sinó personal

but personal



és una de les persones

he is one of the people

que m'emporto sobretot

what I take away most of all





ja finalment


per acabar aquesta entrevista

to conclude this interview

que estem super contents

that we are super happy

que ens hagis concedit

that you have granted us

el club de fans de la Rosó

the Rosó fan club



un de tots

one of all

a part de preguntar una mica

besides asking a little

com va per l'Ugo

How is Hugo doing?

i això que ja ho hem estat xerrant

and this is something we have already been talking about

diu que

says that

et troben molt a faltar

They miss you a lot.

a l'Uni

at the Uni





jo crec que està clar

I think it's clear.

que t'has guanyat a l'afició

you've won over the fans

de Fontajau

from Fontajau

i estem segurs

and we are sure

des de l'últim quart

since the last quarter

que també et guanyaràs

that you will also earn

a la de l'Insino

to the Insino one

i res

and nothing

només ens queda

only remains for us

donar-te les gràcies

thank you

pel teu temps

for your time

i desitjar-te

and wishing you

moltíssima sort

good luck

a la recta final

in the final stretch

de la Lliga

of the League

que ja queda poquet

that there's not much time left


és que

it's that

he vingut

I have come.

i al final

and in the end

no es queden

they don't stay

dos mesos

two months

dintre d'una setmana

in a week

jugarem la Copa

We will play the Cup.



ja quedarà res

there will be nothing left

però bueno

but well

moltíssimes gràcies

thank you very much

per totes les coses

for all things





als que ens estan veient

to those who are watching us

ens han enviat

they have sent us



i ha sigut

and it has been

un plaer

a pleasure



jo estaré

I will be

seguint sempre

always following

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.



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