Anglaterra (part 1)

Anna Pujadas i Anna Maixenchs

això és una merda lol

Anglaterra (part 1)

això és una merda lol

El que se viene a continuación

What comes next

Toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock

La triada vital al máximo

The vital triad at its peak.

Estás en el sector

You are in the sector.

La música y la veridad

The music and the truth

Marcan la nueva tendencia

They set the new trend.

Bon dia!

Good morning!

Estem a dia 8 de desembre

It is December 8th.

Avui fa 40 anys que va morir

Today marks 40 years since he/she died.

John Lennon

John Lennon

Val, no ens interessa

Okay, we are not interested.

Són les 10.21 del matí

It is 10:21 in the morning.

És festa

It's a party.

No ens pregunteu què fem aquí

Don't ask us what we are doing here.

És veritat

It's true.

Clar, avui és la Immaculada, no?

Of course, today is the Immaculate, isn't it?

Sí, ahir és el sant del meu, ara

Yes, yesterday is my saint's day, now.

Ah, sí? Per què?

Ah, yes? Why?

Les diu Esther, ja ho he vist l'altre dia

She tells Esther, I saw it the other day.

Però fa...

But it makes...

O sigui, el seu sant és el de la Immaculada

That is to say, his saint is that of the Immaculate.

Immaculada era ahir, crec

Yesterday was Immaculate, I believe.

No, és avui, el dia 8

No, it's today, the 8th.

No és el 6, no, el 6 és el dia de la Constitució

It's not the 6th, no, the 6th is Constitution Day.


Sí, crec que sí

Yes, I think so.

Sí, ho celebro

Yes, I celebrate it.

I el 5 és el meu aniversari

And the 5th is my birthday.


Avui és el sant del meu, ara no és així

Today is my saint, now it isn't like that.

Sí, però és Sant Esther i és el dia de la Immaculada

Yes, but it is Saint Esther and it is the day of the Immaculate.

o és que és en plan com el dia de totes les santes aquelles, de les santes perdudes?

Or is it like the day of all those saints, of the lost saints?

No en tinc ni idea

I have no idea.

Avui explicarem la nostra aventura a Anglaterra

Today we will explain our adventure in England.

Sí, quan justament fa un any que vam tornar a Estocolm

Yes, exactly a year ago we returned to Stockholm.

És veritat, és veritat

It's true, it's true.

Demà farà un any que soc vegana

Tomorrow will mark a year since I became vegan.



I que no, no, ahir ho vaig pensar

And no, no, I thought about it yesterday.

Fa un any que no menjo formatge

I haven't eaten cheese for a year.

Si m'ho haguessis dit fa un any

If you had told me a year ago

És que no m'ho hauria cregut

I wouldn't have believed it.

És veritat

It's true.

Que fort, hòstia, i la mar de feliç que soc

How strong, damn, and how very happy I am.

Me n'alegro, així m'agrada

I'm glad, that's how I like it.


Thank you

Molt bé, doncs sí exacte, explicarem el nostre viatge a Anglaterra

Very well, so yes exactly, we will explain our trip to England.

Com l'expliquem, a través de les preguntes o...

How do we explain it, through questions or...

Sí, jo deixaria que primer responem les preguntes

Yes, I would let us answer the questions first.

I que vagi fluint i el que tu vegis, doncs ho dius

And let it flow as you see fit, then you say it.



I després ja si un cas expliquem coses que falten, jo crec que això dóna per darrere, no?

And then, if necessary, we can explain things that are missing; I think this is good for later, right?

Sí, jo deixaria que primer responem les preguntes i que vagi fluint i el que tu vegis, doncs ho dius

Yes, I would let us answer the questions first and let it flow, and whatever you see, you can say it.

I després ja si un cas expliquem coses que falten, jo crec que això dóna per darrere, no?

And then if necessary we can talk about things that are missing, I think this is enough for now, right?

Ja només pel fet de per què vam decidir anar-hi

Just for the fact of why we decided to go there.

I més

And more

Ja només pel fet de per què vam decidir anar-hi

Just for the fact that we decided to go there.

Exacte, és que només la preparació

Exactly, it's just the preparation.

Així ja

So already.

Ja està

It's done.



La primera pregunta

The first question

La primera pregunta diu

The first question says

Ah sí, espera, posem en context

Ah yes, wait, let's put it in context.

Hem demanat a la gent que els faci preguntes sobre el viatge a Anglaterra

We have asked people to ask them questions about the trip to England.




Perquè no us sembla, eh?

Because it doesn't seem to you, right?

Però per molta gent és mític aquest viatge

But for many people, this journey is legendary.

Ostres, és que

Wow, it’s just that…

Jo no sé què

I don't know what.

A mi

To me

Ara em dius

Now you tell me.

Ves-te'n dos mesos a Anglaterra

Go spend two months in England.

I dic

I say

No, gràcies, estic molt bé a casa meva

No, thank you, I'm very well at my home.



O sigui, ni de conya

I mean, no way.

I tan emocionades que estàvem

And how excited we were

No, és que clar

No, it's just that clear.

El primer que vaig aprendre, almenys jo

The first thing I learned, at least for me.

És que no tornava a anar dos mesos enlloc

I hadn't gone anywhere for two months.

És que enlloc

It's just that nowhere.

O sigui, un mes sí, clar

So, one month yes, of course.

O sigui, m'ho vaig

So, I'm leaving.

Sí, un mes sí

Yes, one month yes.

Però dos mesos és un suïcidi

But two months is suicide.



O sigui, si vas viatjant sí, però si et quedes al mateix lloc

So, if you travel a lot, yes, but if you stay in the same place.

Però jo crec que va ser més un suïcidi

But I think it was more of a suicide.

Perquè vam tornar al lloc on érem

Because we went back to the place where we were.


I ja estàvem cansades

And we were already tired.


Te'n recordes que ens van dir que ens podíem tornar

Do you remember that they told us we could return?

Que ens podíem quedar a la granja més temps

That we could stay at the farm longer.


O sigui, jo hi penso i dic

That is, I think about it and say.

Guai per la Sam, saps?

Cool for Sam, you know?

Perquè pobre

Because poor

Estava avorridíssim allà

I was incredibly bored there.


I jo crec que estava contenta que estiguéssim allà

And I believe that she was happy we were there.



Posa'n context

Put it in context.

Vam anar a una casa

We went to a house.


I hi havia

And there was

Guai, és que ja la família en si

Cool, it's just that the family itself

És un món

It's a world.

És que

It's that

Només començar a explicar el primer dia

Just starting to explain the first day.

El que nosaltres ens pensàvem que era la família

What we thought was the family

Amb el que ens vam trobar

With what we encountered.

Quina por

What fear

El senyor fa molta por

The gentleman is very frightening.

O sigui

That is to say

Sort que no us puc ensenyar una foto

Sorry that I can't show you a photo.

Però de veritat

But really

O sigui, el primer cop que el vaig veure

So, the first time I saw him.


I say

No s'assembla res a la imatge

It doesn't resemble the image at all.

Jo em pensava que moriria

I thought I would die.



La casa en si fa por

The house itself is frightening.

Fa molta por

It is very scary.

Que es deia Rosemary

What was her name? Rosemary.

La casa

The house

Es diu Rosemary

Her name is Rosemary.

Tenien una

They had a.

Una fusta on posava Rosemary a l'entrada de la casa

A piece of wood where I placed Rosemary at the entrance of the house.

I la quant es deia Rosemary

And how much was she called Rosemary.

Si algun dia passeu per allà podeu xupar la wifi

If you ever pass by there, you can use the wifi.

Quina por tio

What a scare, dude.



I també tenien una xamanella

And they also had a chimney.

Que era la Rosemary

What was Rosemary?



Que hi havia una senyora allà

That there was a lady there.



I una xamanella enorme d'aquelles

And a huge shamaness of those.



No sé posar-te en quina època

I don't know how to place you in which era.

En una habitació

In a room



Però tota la fusta

But all the wood

O la típica habitació

Or the typical room

Un pla de caçadors

A hunters' plan

Que només hi faltava que tingués caps penjant de paret

That would have only needed to have heads hanging on the wall.

A mi m'estranya que no trobéssim alguna cosa per allà

I find it strange that we didn't find anything over there.



Perquè no podria

Because I couldn't.

No podria

I couldn't.

Jo pensava que no caçaven aquella gent

I thought they didn't hunt those people.

perquè si no

because if not

Perquè ja eres vell

Because you were already old.

Era un senyor vell

He was an old man.

Amb una senyora més

With one more lady.

め, 업ens

Well, we think.

Abans diem

Before we say

el que ens pensàvem que era la família

what we thought was the family





A veure

Let's see.



Nosaltres dèiem

We said

Que era

What it was

Primer que hi havia

First there was.


Oh dear!

És que ho recordo

It's just that I remember it.



Sí herenen

Yes, they wound.

Sí, exacte. Perquè, clar, jo no m'imaginava que es fessin una foto

Yes, exactly. Because, of course, I didn't imagine they would take a photo.

en plan, com si tots visquessin allà de la família, saps?

It's like everyone lives there from the family, you know?

Jo pensava que era el fill, la seva dona,

I thought it was the son, his wife,

que hi havia una nena a dins la casa constantment,

that there was a girl inside the house constantly,

i llavors hi havia els pares, que eren parella,

And then there were the parents, who were a couple,

i llavors la Marilyn, que era la dona,

and then Marilyn, who was the woman,

tenia esclerosi múltiple, i tenia un cuidador.

she had multiple sclerosis, and she had a caregiver.

Perquè, clar, es deia Sam, i nosaltres ens pensàvem que era un noi.

Because, of course, his name was Sam, and we believed he was a boy.

És veritat, és veritat.

It's true, it's true.

Vam donar per fet que era un noi, saps?

We took it for granted that he was a boy, you know?

I, bueno, i arribem allà, i bueno.

I, well, we arrive there, and well.

I arribem allà, i res era el que crèiem que era.

And we arrive there, and nothing was what we thought it was.

O sigui, vam arribar el primer dia i no ens enteníem de res.

So, we arrived on the first day and we didn't understand anything.

O sigui, el senyor parlava, i tu juro que jo estava així,

I mean, the man was talking, and I swear I was like this,

amb la boca oberta, dient, és que no entenc absolutament res.

with my mouth open, saying, I just don't understand anything at all.

Mira la nana, en plan, nana, espero que tu t'enteris,

Look at the lullaby, like, lullaby, I hope you understand.

com si la nana sabés anglès.

as if the nanny knew English.

Bueno, jo no entenia anglès, però hi anava donant conversa,

Well, I didn't understand English, but I was making conversation.

en plan, crec que no vaig entendre res, però jo anava xerrant,

I mean, I don't think I understood anything, but I was chatting away.

amb el que podia, i l'home en plan...

with what he could, and the man like...

Vam anar allà a aprendre anglès.

We went there to learn English.

L'Anna va aprendre anglès?

Did Anna learn English?



És la pregunta.

It is the question.

Te'n vaig aprendre a comunicar amb anglesos, això sí.

I learned to communicate with the English, that’s for sure.

No, està bé, està bé.

No, it's fine, it's fine.

Encara que fos amb llenguatges inglesos.

Even if it was with English languages.



Les amants en tenia.

He had lovers.



I, a veure, jo he perdut ara, però jo vaig aprendre anglès.

I, let's see, I have lost now, but I learned English.

Sí, sí, sí, jo també, jo també.

Yes, yes, yes, me too, me too.

Ara perquè no tinc el xip, però...

Now because I don't have the chip, but...

Me'n recordo que quan vaig tornar aquí,

I remember that when I returned here,

que al mateix dia vaig veure en Rich, el meu tiet anglès,

that on the same day I saw Rich, my English uncle,

i vam estar parlant anglès tota la tarda,

and we were speaking English all afternoon,

i ara he sentit que en català quasi no s'entén,

And now I've heard that in Catalan it's hardly understood.

perquè té un accent.

because it has an accent.

Sí, està bé, va.

Yes, that's fine, go ahead.

I la Sarita em va dir...

And Sarita told me...

Molt bé aquest accent, eh, jo...

Very nice this accent, huh, me...



La Sara, d'anglès.

Sara, from English.

Ah, va, la de Pola.

Ah, come on, Pola's.

No em pensava que m'hagués dit això.

I didn’t think you would have told me that.

A mi la Sara d'anglès, de parlar d'anglès,

I like Sara in English, to speak English,

i de veritat no et sabria dir res, o sigui...

And really, I couldn't tell you anything, I mean...

I mira que sé, però dic...

And look, I know, but I say...

És que no puc, és que no em surt.

I just can't, it doesn't come out.



És que...

It's just that...

A veure, la casa en si feia molta por.

Let's see, the house itself was very scary.

Sí, molta.

Yes, a lot.

O sigui...


Estava allunyada de tot,

I was far away from everything,

hi havia una casa dels veïns,

there was a neighbor's house,

però no teníem contacte amb ells,

but we had no contact with them,

perquè la Sam es portava malament amb ells,

because Sam was misbehaving with them,

perquè havia estimat un cotxe contra un arbre.

because he had loved a car against a tree.

És veritat, és veritat, és veritat.

It's true, it's true, it's true.

Ostres, la Sam conduint.

Wow, Sam is driving.

La Sam conduint, això és un altre capítol.

Sam driving, that's another chapter.

Pensàvem que moriríem, o sigui...

We thought we would die, I mean...

Això ho explicaria després.

I would explain this later.

Sí, ho explicaria després, ho explicaria després.

Yes, I would explain it later, I would explain it later.

I poca cosa més,

And not much more,

o sigui, era una casa molt gran,

that is to say, it was a very large house,

estava separada de tot,

I was separated from everything,

hi havia camps d'arreu,

there were fields everywhere,

ells tenien un terreny de dues hectàrees,

they had a two-hectare piece of land,

em sembla que era, bastant gros.

I think it was quite big.

Sí, era gros, era gros.

Yes, it was big, it was big.

Sí, que el dedicaven a...

Yes, they dedicated it to...

portaven blat, em sembla,

they were carrying wheat, I think,

o no sé què era, per alimentar cavalls.

or I don't know what it was, to feed horses.

L'únic que havies de fer tu era anar amb...

The only thing you had to do was to go with...

com has dit?

What did you say?

Per desinfectar.

To disinfect.

Amb una maleta d'aquelles,

With a suitcase like that,

que té un dipòsit,

that has a deposit,

que posava metzina,

that put poison,

que després ens van dir que allò estava prohibit.

that later they told us that was prohibited.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No t'estranyi, vull dir.

Don't be surprised, I mean.

És la nova Zelanda, ai Déu.

It's New Zealand, oh God.

I durant dues hectàrees havíem de ruixar

And for two hectares, we had to sprinkle.

les males herbes que trobàvem.

the weeds we found.

Que no eren males herbes, eren unes flors precioses,

They were not weeds, they were beautiful flowers.

com es deien?

What were they called?

Se semblaven a les camamilles.

They looked like chamomiles.

Ostres, no me'n recordo. És veritat, és veritat.

Wow, I don't remember. It's true, it's true.

Eren precioses.

They were precious.

Tinc les targetes d'aquelles que ens feia cada dia.

I have the cards that he/she used to make for us every day.

Ah, jo també en tinc una, em sembla.

Ah, I think I have one too.

Podríeu haver mirat els noms, perquè t'ho ficava allà.

You could have looked at the names because I was putting it there for you.



Com que això durarà, jo el portaré a sorferir.

Since this will last, I will make him suffer.

Doncs, esperem, de no ser.

Well, we hope not to be.

Havíem d'anar amb aquest dipòsit

We had to go with this deposit.

i ens n'havíem

and we had had it

i anàvem matant aquestes pobres plantes

and we were killing these poor plants

que eren precioses.

that they were precious.

Però bé, tot per l'orri.

But well, all for the gold.

No, però crec que s'han de matar, eh?

No, but I think they need to be killed, right?

Sí, per això, perquè

Yes, that's why, because.

érem menjines pels cavalls.

we were munchers for the horses.

Quins cavalls? És la pregunta.

Which horses? That is the question.

Però perquè ells allò ho portaven a...

But why did they take that to...

Ara tenen dos o tres cavalls, eh?

Now they have two or three horses, huh?

Sí, sí, vaig a veure, no me'n supera.

Yes, yes, I'm going to see, it doesn't overwhelm me.

Va, la primera... He tret una pregunta.

Go on, the first one... I've taken out a question.

La primera posa. Ens pregunta

The first pose. It asks us.

què fa la gent a Anglaterra diferent aquí?

What do people do in England that's different here?

Saps de qui és?

Do you know whose it is?

No. Oh, que bonic, tenim un anònim.

No. Oh, how nice, we have an anonymous one.

No he ficat els noms. Ah, molt bé.

I haven't put in the names. Ah, very good.

Per això que així de guai.

That's why it's so cool.

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

Què fa la gent a Anglaterra

What do people do in England?

diferent aquí? Ostres, moltes coses.

Different here? Wow, many things.

Ja per fet de sopar a les sis?

Already for the fact of having dinner at six?

Sí, ja vols dir que aquí. O sigui, a mi em mata.

Yes, you mean here. I mean, it kills me.

Exacte. Molt bé.

Exactly. Very good.

Ai, és que no et sabria dir,

Oh, I wouldn't be able to tell you.

però moltes coses.

but many things.

L'alimentació, jo ho vaig notar molt.

The diet, I noticed it a lot.

L'alimentació. Tot picava un colló,

The food. It always made me feel like shit.

tot era congelat.

Everything was frozen.

Ostres, tot era congelat.

Wow, everything was frozen.

I el congelador estava a fora de la casa

And the freezer was outside the house.

i hi havia... Quina por!

And there was... What a fear!

Allà te tancaven

They locked you up there.

i mories, eh? Exacte.

And you would die, huh? Exactly.

A mi m'extranya no haver trobat un cadaver.

I find it strange not to have found a corpse.

Per allà. Sí, o dins del congelador mateix.

Over there. Yes, or right inside the freezer.

És que era l'escena perfecta per trobar-hi un cadaver.

It was the perfect scene to find a body.

T'ho juro. Havies de creuar mitja casa

I swear to you. You had to cross half the house.

per congelar el congelador. Sí, sí.

to freeze the freezer. Yes, yes.

I que després anaves allà i...

And then you would go there and...

Sí, menjar congelat. Sí.

Yes, frozen food. Yes.

I a mi en Roger em deia, vés i agafa el que vulguis.

And Roger told me, go and take what you want.

Jo havia d'anar sola, en plan. Sí.

I was supposed to go alone, like. Yes.

I jo sobretot recordo l'alimentació.

And I especially remember the diet.

Que per això em vaig fer vegana.

That's why I became vegan.

Li ficava mantega a tot. Sí.

He put butter on everything. Yes.

Clar, perquè nosaltres aquí utilitzem l'oli i ells utilitzen la mantega.

Of course, because we use oil here and they use butter.

Ostres, però molt heavy, eh?

Wow, but really heavy, huh?

I... Clar, jo vaig...

I... Of course, I was...

Aprendre... Bueno, vaig deixar de menjar

Learning... Well, I stopped eating.

el que menjava. Vaig aprendre a menjar una altra cosa

what I was eating. I learned to eat something else

que no havia fet mai. I llavors

that I had never done. And then

arran d'aquí vaig poder... Sí.

because of this I was able to... Yes.

Jo vaig descobrir els àtils. Els àtils.

I discovered the tools. The tools.

És veritat que els àtils. Estan boníssims.

It's true that the figs are delicious.

Jo vaig descobrir alguna cosa.

I discovered something.

Les panotxes. Jo vaig descobrir les panotxes.

The cobs. I discovered the cobs.

És veritat. Estàs obsessionada.

It's true. You're obsessed.

Estan molt bones.

They are very good.

Cada cop que feia una orba que deia escutres, tu...

Every time I made a curve that said "listen," you...

¿Dónde está mi panotxa?

Where is my corn cob?

T'ho juro.

I swear it.

Era jo. Ostres, va ser l'any que més calva

It was me. Wow, it was the year I was the most bald.

fer Anglaterra, ho saps, no? Sí.

Do England, you know that, right? Yes.

Que nosaltres estàvem...

That we were...

Sí, va ser un any, va ser l'any que més calor va fer

Yes, it was a year, it was the year that was hottest.

a tot... Bueno, en general. En general.

to everything... Well, generally. In general.

A on nosaltres corregíem, bàsicament. A Anglaterra i aquí.

Where we basically ran, in England and here.

Clar, aquí no s'ha presentat. I els nostres pares

Of course, they haven't been presented here. And our parents.

estaven morint. Sí. I nosaltres

they were dying. Yes. And we

estàvem a Anglaterra a la temperatura de tots els nostres

We were in England at the temperature of all our

estius. Sí. Saps? Perquè en principi

summers. Yes. You know? Because in principle

hauríem d'haver passat fred, que vam portar

we should have been cold, that we brought

un munt de roba per aviar-nos. Clar, i jo tenia

a pile of clothes to get us ready. Of course, and I had

molta calor, eh? Sí. I vam arribar

Very hot, huh? Yes. And we arrived.

allà i fotia igual de calor que un estiu

there it was just as hot as a summer

aquí. Sí. Però clar, ells s'estaven

here. Yes. But of course, they were

morint. Ah, l'estif...

dying. Ah, the stif...

L'estif era...

The estif was...

L'estif, l'estif! I hi havia...

The estif, the estif! And there was...

Un dia... És que també dona

One day... It also gives.

per un programa, l'estif! Ostres, és que...

for a program, the stuff! Wow, it's just that...

No, un dia ens vam despertar i de cop hi havia dos noies,

No, one day we woke up and suddenly there were two girls,

dues senyores... Això va ser

two ladies... This was

el segon dia. Sí, a casa.

the second day. Yes, at home.

I jo i l'Anna... Jo vaig flipar.

And I and Anna... I was amazed.

Jo dic, bon dia, qui sou?

I say, good morning, who are you?

Sí. Què ha passat?

Yes. What has happened?

I eren... Desmosants, saps? Com si fossin

And they were... Dismantled, you know? As if they were

de la casa. És això que em va descolocar. Sí.

from the house. It was this that threw me off. Yes.

Hi eren dues cuidadores, també, de la Marilyn,

Hi, there were two caregivers for Marilyn as well.

que li donaven, suposo,

what they were giving him, I suppose,

el medicament i tal. Sí,

the medication and so on. Yes,

i l'ajudaven a dutxar i tot això.

and they helped him shower and all that.

En plan, la Sam estava tota...

Like, Sam was all...

Tot el dia, per ella, però, clar, perquè la Sam

All day, for her, but of course, because of Sam.

tampoc fos una feina tan esclava,

it wasn't such a slave job either,

doncs venien aquestes, i

well, these were coming, and

normalment una venia al matí i l'altra venia a la tarda,

usually one came in the morning and the other came in the afternoon,

em sembla, però aquell dia van coincidir les dues.

It seems to me, but that day both coincided.

Sí. Potser per venir-nos a conèixer, no tinc gaire idea.

Yes. Perhaps to get to know each other, I don't have much idea.

Pot ser. Es deien nina i dona. Sí,

Maybe. They were called girl and woman. Yes,

que em feien una gràcia, aquests noms,

that these names amused me,

supermaques, o sigui, un amor de persones. Sí, sí,

super cool, I mean, a love for people. Yes, yes,

la veritat que em va caure superbé. Sí.

The truth is that it impressed me a lot. Yes.

I una setmana després es casava

And a week later, he/she was getting married.

la nina. És veritat. També vam arribar en una època...

the girl. It's true. We also arrived in a time...



Ai, Déu. Bueno, un casament, que fort.

Oh, God. Well, a wedding, how intense.

Bueno, un casament, que no havíem anat a un casament en la nostra puta vida.

Well, a wedding, we had never been to a wedding in our damn lives.

I arribem i ens diuen

And we arrive and they tell us.

voleu anar al casament?

Do you want to go to the wedding?

Òbviament, no ens quedarem aquí soles, a casa.

Obviously, we won't stay here alone, at home.

O sigui, quina por.

I mean, what a fright.

Quina por, o sigui.

What a fear, I mean.



Està guai. Doncs sí.

It's cool. Well, yes.

Ai, és que de veritat, anava a dir alguna cosa, m'ho he oblidat.

Oh, it's just that really, I was going to say something, I've forgotten it.

Bé, s'ha dit.

Well, it has been said.

Us prendrà la pregunta? Tenim alguna cosa més?

Will you take the question? Do we have anything else?

Ah, alguna cosa més que facin diferent.

Ah, something else they do differently.

La conducció,

The driving,

que van com bojos.

they are going crazy.

És que, de veritat,

It's just that, really,

que ràpid condueixen.

How fast they drive.

Però clar, perquè és això, que ells

But of course, that's why they

tenen moltes distàncies per recórrer,

they have many distances to travel,

perquè tots són camps allà.

because all there are fields.

I van com bojos.

They went like mad.

Clar, també és diferent allà perquè

Sure, it's also different there because

no és la ciutat, saps?

It's not the city, you know?

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Si hi ha per anar al súper, has 20 minuts en cotxe.

If you have to go to the supermarket, it's a 20-minute drive.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



I el poble més a prop

And the closest village.

està com a 10 minuts en bici.

It's about 10 minutes by bike.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

I no hi ha res, quina por.

And there is nothing, what a fright.

Meny, sí.

Less, yes.

Manea, s'escrivia.

Manea, it was written.

Sí, Manea.

Yes, Manea.

Manea, jo ja anava a Manea.

Manea, I was already going to Manea.

Que feia una mica de por, vull dir,

That was a little scary, I mean,

és el típic poble...

it is the typical village...

Sí, era cuqui, era molt maco.

Yes, it was cute, it was very nice.

Està bé, està bé, sí.

It's okay, it's okay, yes.

I que hi havia un súper enano.

And there was a super dwarf.



Ah, i sí, feien una gràcia els súpers aquells d'Anglaterra.

Ah, and yes, those supermarkets in England were quite amusing.



Feien molta gràcia.

They were very funny.

Clar, és que no és això,

Of course, it’s just that it’s not that.

quines coses feien a Anglaterra que fossin diferents d'aquí,

what things did they do in England that were different from here,

que eren moltes,

that there were many,

sinó que ja eren com coses típiques d'Anglaterra,

but they were already like typical things of England,

que és el més divertit, jo crec, de viatjar,

what is the most fun, I think, about traveling,

que aprens el que per allà és lògic.

that you learn what is logical over there.

Per exemple, aquí tenim el...

For example, here we have the...

anava a dir un, però no vull fer-li propaganda,

I was going to say one, but I don't want to promote it.

tenim el capravo, saps?

We have the goat, you know?

I tothom sap què és un capravo.

And everyone knows what a capravo is.

Doncs allà hi ha el...

Well, there is the...



El tesco.

The Tesco.

A tot arreu, a tot arreu.

Everywhere, everywhere.

O sigui, està guai el tesco.

So, the Tesco is cool.

Era molt xulo el tesco, hi havia de tot,

The Tesco was really cool, there was everything.

o sigui, era molt divertit.

In other words, it was very funny.

I allò no era un tesco, no?

And that wasn't a Tesco, was it?

Era com un...

It was like a...



Com aquí seria un paqui.

Like here, it would be a package.

O la gasolinera, el súper de gasolinera.

Or the gas station, the gas station supermarket.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Una cosa així cutre.

Such a shabby thing.

Però estava bé, hi havia també bastant de tot.

But it was fine, there was also quite a lot of everything.

Sí, estava bé.

Yes, it was fine.

Hi havia aquelles galetes que m'agradaven,

There were those cookies that I liked,

que jo anava allà només per comprar-les.

that I was going there just to buy them.



Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.


Did you have?

Tenia l'Anna un...

Anna had a...

O sigui,

That is,

al costat del llit, a la tauleta de nit,

next to the bed, on the nightstand,

el segon calaix estava ple de galetes aquelles,

the second drawer was full of those cookies,

que segurament més d'una estava caducada,

that surely more than one was expired,

però ella se les va menjar totes.

but she ate them all.

Però també, perquè ho havíem d'amagar tot.

But also, because we had to hide everything.

És veritat.

It is true.

Perquè si no, se'ns ho menjaven,

Because if not, they would eat us.

i t'hi hauríem molts problemes amb el menjar.

And we would have many problems with the food.

És veritat, molts, eh?

It's true, many, huh?

Que la Sam tenia el seu compartiment amb els frits secs

That Sam had her compartment with the dried fruits.

i les coses que no volia que es mengessin.

and the things that I didn't want them to eat.

I llavors hi havia una nevera d'aquelles que pots entrar a dins.

And then there was a refrigerator that you could enter into.

Ostres, la nevera.

Wow, the fridge.

I havies de vigilar molt què agafaves.

You had to be very careful about what you picked up.

Perquè la Marilyn es podia enfadar.

Because Marilyn could get angry.



No, poca broma.

No, just a little joke.

O sigui, jo i l'Anna teníem un grup de WhatsApp

So, Anna and I had a WhatsApp group.

amb una noia xina.

with a Chinese girl.

Que es deia Tina.

Her name was Tina.

Que es deia Tina, és veritat.

Her name was Tina, it's true.

Que havia de venir amb nosaltres.

That she was supposed to come with us.

Però jo i l'Anna ens vam anar,

But Anna and I went.

dues setmanes, fora de la casa.

Two weeks, outside the house.

Vam anar a una granja.

We went to a farm.

I durant aquelles dues setmanes va venir la Tina.

And during those two weeks, Tina came.

I doncs la Sam ens va obrir un dia i ens diu

And so Sam opened the door for us one day and said

la Tina ha durat un dia

Tina lasted a day.

perquè va anar a la nevera,

because he/she went to the fridge,

va agafar uns bombons de la Marilyn

he took some chocolates from Marilyn

i es va enfadar i li va fotre la bronca i tot

And he got angry and yelled at him and everything.

i la Tina se'n va anar.

And Tina went away.

Jo no sé la Tina si segueix viva.

I don't know if Tina is still alive.

Vull dir, on va anar? Perquè és que a la Xina no.

I mean, where did we go? Because it wasn't to China.

Ens van explicar, em sembla,

They explained to us, I think,

on havia anat, a casa d'alguna amiga.

where had she gone, to a friend's house.

Sí, se'n va anar a casa d'una altra o alguna cosa així.

Yes, she went to another person's house or something like that.

Sí, o algú amb qui havia parlat abans.

Yes, or someone I had spoken to before.

És veritat.

It's true.

Però sí, sí, que la Marilyn

But yes, yes, that Marilyn

realment era una persona que feia por

she was truly a person who was frightening.

quan se'n falava.

when it was spoken about.

Sí, i jo no l'entenia.

Yes, and I didn't understand it.

Ja, i a mi em costava també.

Yes, it was difficult for me too.

Un cop, és que, un cop estava...

Once, you see, once I was...

Ella tenia com la seva habitació amb la tele gegant.

She had her room with the giant TV.



Un cop em va cridar i jo vaig anar

Once he called me and I went.

i encara segueixo preguntant-me

and I still keep asking myself

què m'explicava jo tocant-ho tot.

What was I explaining while touching everything?

Li dic, el mando, i no sé què em deia jo.

I tell him, the remote, and I don't know what I was saying.

Dís, i ella, no sé què.

Say, and she, I don't know what.

Jo no t'entenc.

I don't understand you.

Jo, en veritat, la trobava adorable

I truly found her adorable.

quan intentava explicar-se.

when he was trying to explain himself.

Perquè, en veritat,

For, in truth,

li costava parlar.

it was difficult for him/her to speak.

Sí, parlava molt lentament,

Yes, he spoke very slowly,

però intentava que l'entenguessis, saps?

but he was trying for you to understand, you know?

I jo, o sigui, jo li tenia carinyo, eh?

And I, I mean, I had fondness for him/her, okay?



A la Marilyn, que molt bé feia molta por,

To Marilyn, who was very good at scaring people,

però que ella molt bé, era molt maca.

but she was very well, she was very beautiful.



Perquè és això que quan et valorava,

Because it is this that when I valued you,

et valorava en sèrio, saps?

I valued you seriously, you know?

I era com, gràcies, m'ho mereixo.

And it was like, thank you, I deserve it.

Estava bé, estava bé.

It was fine, it was fine.

Era molt maca.

She was very pretty.

Vale, seguim amb les preguntes.

Okay, let's continue with the questions.

Hi ha més o menys que fan diferent tot.

There is more or less that makes everything different.

Sí, bàsicament.

Yes, basically.

Dos més dos són quatre.

Two plus two equals four.

Em podeu explicar

Can you explain to me?

com carai volíeu aixecar un cavall de terra

How on earth did you want to lift a horse out of the ground?

vosaltres soles?

Are you alone?

A veure, la nostra intenció

Let's see, our intention

era que el cavall col·laborés.

It was that the horse would collaborate.

Vale, posem el context del cavall.

Okay, let's set the context of the horse.

És que és molt llarg.

It's just that it's very long.

Perquè la gent només sap que vam matar un cavall.

Because people only know that we killed a horse.

O sigui, jo vaig als dinars aquests

So, I go to those lunches.

a l'any amb el meu tiet

in the year with my uncle

i sempre em diu, què, què tal el cavall que vas matar?

And he always asks me, what, how's the horse you killed?

Jo, no el vaig matar, va morir, vale?

I didn't kill him, he died, okay?

Pobrissó. Vaig plorar.

Poor thing. I cried.

Va plorar, l'Anna.

Anna cried.

Vaig plorar bastant.

I cried quite a bit.

Em va fer pena.

It made me sad.

O sigui, era la típica pel·li en la que...

I mean, it was the typical movie where...

Perquè el cavall aquell era...

Because that horse was...

La Merilin el muntava.

He rode Merilin.

Es deia Orri.

It was called Orri.

I la Merilin el muntava i vam guanyar competicions i coses.

And I rode Merilin and we won competitions and things.

Clar, em va fer pena el fet

Of course, I felt sorry about it.

que van portar la Merilin amb la cadira.

that brought Merilin with the chair.

Era tot sobra.

It was all excess.

Com s'ha dit al principi.

As said at the beginning.

Tenien un cavall, entesos?

They had a horse, you understand?

I el primer dia ens van dir

And on the first day they told us.

que la nostra primera feina

that our first job

era llevar-nos a...

was to take us to...


Take us away.

Sí, tot així.

Yes, just like that.

Ens havíem de llevar a dos quarts de...

We had to get up at two quarters past...

A les dues hores de vuit del matí

At two hours past eight in the morning.

per a les vuit ser donant-li menjar a l'Orri.

By eight, I will be feeding Orri.

I ens va ensenyar com ho havíem de fer en Roger

And Roger showed us how we had to do it.

que tenia una medicina que li havíem de barrejar amb el menjar

that he had a medicine that we had to mix with the food

i tot això.

and all that.

I ens va dir

And he told us.

si algun dia trobeu el cavall a terra

if one day you find the horse on the ground

que no s'aixequi, ens heu d'avisar

don't let him get up, you have to warn us

perquè podria morir.

because I could die.

I nosaltres, entesos, però donant per fet que no passaria.

And we, understood, but taking for granted that it wouldn't happen.

Sí, que no passaria.

Yes, it wouldn't happen.

És que és 100%.

It's just that it's 100%.

I aquell mateix dia ja ens vam trobar a terra

And that same day we met on the ground.

i el Roger el va agafar

and Roger caught him

i el va aixecar

and he picked him up

fent una mica així...

doing a little like this...

com es diu palmades en català?

How do you say "palmades" in Catalan?

Picant de mans.

Clapping hands.

I també li va tirar aigua

And she also threw water at him.

que el va espavilar i es va aixecar.

that woke him up and he got up.

Ostres, ja no ha de tirar l'aigua en bon matall,

Wow, it shouldn't spill the water in a good manner anymore.

és veritat, li va tirar aigua per sobre.

It's true, he threw water on him/her.

I es va aixecar a l'Orri, era supermaco aquell cavall.

And he got up at the Orri, that horse was super beautiful.

Es va acabar aixecant.

He ended up getting up.

Sí, amb Roger sí.

Yes, with Roger yes.

I clar, llavors el dia següent

And of course, then the next day

ens llevem, ens posem l'alarma superemocionades

We get up, we set the alarm super excited.

en plan, és el nostre primer dia,

like, it's our first day,

la nostra primera feina.

our first job.

A dos quarts de vuit

At half past seven

anem allà i recordo

let's go there and I remember

això, que vam obrir la porta

this, that we opened the door

i tu em dius

and you tell me

Anna, tenim un problema.

Anna, we have a problem.

És que és un farcet.

It's just a little lighthouse.

I vam arribar i estava a l'Orri a terra.

We arrived and he was on the ground at the Orri.

Però en una posició com dient

But in a position like saying

m'he caigut, perquè estava a sobre

I fell because I was on top.

o sigui, si hi havia l'estable

so, if there was the stable

que era molt petit, com a molt feia quatre per quatre

when he was very small, at most he was four by four

o una cosa així, clar, un cavall és gros.

Or something like that, of course, a horse is big.

I estava com

I was eating.

a la porta tenia una cosa

There was something at the door.

que havies de pujar el peu

that you had to lift your foot

per no entrebancar-te.

to avoid stumbling.

És que no sé com explicar-ho.

I just don't know how to explain it.

Com si fos un forat a la paret, la porta.

As if it were a hole in the wall, the door.


You know?

I s'alçava com un bordillo.

He/she rose like a curb.

I estava el cavall allà a sobre.

The horse was there on top.

I clar, l'Anna i jo ens havíem dit

And of course, Anna and I had told each other.

literalment, no ens havíem dit

literally, we hadn't told each other

l'heu d'aixecar.

You have to lift it.

Sí, l'heu d'aixecar.

Yes, you have to lift it.

I clar, nosaltres...

And of course, we...

Allà ens pagàvem, eren unes mandades.

There we paid ourselves, they were some duties.

I clar, nosaltres

And of course, we

doncs fent així, ordi aixecat.

so doing this, raised barley.

I recordo

I remember

que li vam tirar aigua.

that we threw water at him/her.

Que pobre de si.

How poor he is.

I el mòbil tan tan putxat.

And the mobile so damn annoying.

I jo, Anna, això pesa molt.

And I, Anna, this weighs a lot.

Jo no puc.

I can't.

I l'Anna, com pesa molt.

And Anna, as she weighs a lot.

I jo, eh, què hi farem?

And me, huh, what can we do about it?

I clar, no s'aixecava.

And of course, he/she didn't get up.

I vam anar a buscar en Roger.

We went to get Roger.

I li vam dir, Roger, pot morir el cavall?

And we told him, Roger, can the horse die?



No aconseguim aixecar-lo.

We can't lift it.

I llavors en Roger diu, a veure si puc jo.

And then Roger says, let's see if I can.

Que clar, va ser com...

How clear, it was like...

Si ahir vas aixecar, potser a tu et coneix,

If you got up yesterday, perhaps he knows you.

potser a tu sí que et fa cas.

Maybe it does pay attention to you.

I va anar en Roger

Roger went.

i va fer bàsicament el mateix que nosaltres

and basically did the same as us

i no es va aixecar.

and he/she did not get up.

I en Roger va dir,

And Roger said,

vaig avisar el meu fill Adam,

I warned my son Adam,

que no el coneixíem encara.

that we didn't know yet.

I nosaltres, que l'Adam estava treballant allà,

And we, that Adam was working there,

que tenien com una caseta,

that they had like a little house,

i anava allà, que era com la seva oficina.

I was going there, which was like his office.

Era advocat, és.

He was a lawyer, he is.

Sí, és advocat.

Yes, he is a lawyer.

I llavors va venir, va fer gràcia,

And then he/she came, it was funny,

perquè és que vam conèixer tothom allà, en aquella escena.

because we met everyone there, in that scene.

Ostres, és veritat.

Wow, that's true.

I me'n recordo que en aquell moment...

I remember that at that moment...

La Sam també la vam conèixer allà.

We also met Sam there.

Sí, tu l'havies conegut,

Yes, you had met him/her.

perquè l'Anna en aquell moment em vaig quedar sola

because Anna at that moment I was left alone

perquè tu vas anar al lavabo,

because you went to the bathroom,

vas anar a casa...

you went home...

Pot ser.

It could be.

I clar, la casa estava...

And of course, the house was...

Havies de caminar quatre minuts.

You had to walk four minutes.

Sí, sí, estava lluny.

Yes, yes, I was far away.

Clar, que hi va una mica.

Of course, it goes a little.



I se'n van anar,

They went away,

i mentre jo estava sola va venir l'Adam,

and while I was alone, Adam came.

i ens van presentar, saps?

And they introduced us, you know?

No sé què és, que el fill d'en Roger...

I don't know what it is, that Roger's son...

I veig l'Adam sol intentant aixecar el cavall.

I see Adam alone trying to lift the horse.

I vaig pensar, si l'Anna, jo i en Roger no hem pogut,

I thought, if Anna, Roger, and I couldn't,

per què tu fent el mateix creus que l'hauràs d'aixecar, saps?

Why do you think that by doing the same you will have to lift it, you know?

Però bé, ell va fer el mateix,

But well, he did the same.

i va dir...

and he said...

No el puc aixecar.

I can't lift it.

I llavors, veniu tots,

And then, you all come,

però entre pell,

but between skin,

vénen de sobte

they come suddenly

un munt de persones

a lot of people

que se suposa que no vivien

that they were not supposed to live

a la casa, i clar,

at home, and of course,

poseu-vos en el nostre context,

put yourselves in our context,

aquella casa estava allunyada de tot,

that house was far away from everything,

i en el temps que l'Anna tornava del lavabo

and while Anna was coming back from the bathroom

venien també cinc persones més amb ella.

five more people came with her.



I dius...

And you say...

I clar, una d'elles no era la Marilyn,

And of course, one of them wasn't Marilyn,

vull dir que eren gent que havia aparegut.

I mean that they were people who had appeared.

I els veïns no s'hi parlaven,

And the neighbors did not talk to each other,

o sigui, ja em diràs tu.

So, you'll tell me.

I tu havies conegut la Sam sortint del lavabo...

And you had met Sam coming out of the bathroom...

Clar, perquè em va preguntar on està tothom.

Of course, because he/she asked me where everyone is.



I jo, que no s'aixeca el cavall.

And I, who does not get on the horse.

Sí, d'acord.

Yes, okay.

I doncs, vam anar tots cap allà.

And so, we all went there.



I clar, hi vaig venir tothom,

And of course, I came here everyone,

i va aparèixer qui eren.

And they appeared who they were.

La nina no hi era,

The girl was not there,

hi havia la dona,

there was the woman,


the Androgyne...

La dona, l'Estiv.

The woman, Estiv.

L'Estiv, clar.

The Istiv, of course.

L'Estiv qui era?

Who was Estiv?

Ara ho estic pensant.

I'm thinking about it now.

L'Estiv era la parella de la dona.

The Estiv was the woman's partner.

La parella de la dona.

The woman's partner.

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

En quin moment?

At what moment?

És que...

It's just that...

Perdó, és que va aparèixer l'Estiv

Sorry, it's just that Estiv showed up.

sense camiseta moreno,

without a t-shirt, dark-skinned,

o sigui, jo crec que mai s'havia posat moreno.

I mean, I think he had never tanned before.

O sigui, negre.

That is to say, black.

Més moreno que nosaltres a Anglaterra.

Blacker than us in England.

O sigui, si dius que era final d'estiu

That is, if you say it was the end of summer.

i que havia anat tots els dies al sol expressament,

and that I had gone every day to the sun expressly,



Al principi d'estiu,

At the beginning of summer,

que no havia tingut ocasió de posar-se al sol,

that had not had the chance to sunbathe,

i era negre.

and it was black.

Estava negra, Anna, estava negra.

I was furious, Anna, I was furious.

Estava negra.

She was angry.

I això va venir...

And this came...

A mulleres de sol.

To women of the sun.

A mulleres de sol, en cap és veritat,

To women of the sun, in no way is it true,

i un banyador rosa.

and a pink swimsuit.



Però rosa que li cantava...

But rose that sang to him...

I unes pintes, així.

And some streaks, like this.

What's happening here?

What's happening here?

I clar, nosaltres no sabíem qui era aquell home,

And of course, we didn't know who that man was,

però clar, es comportava com el pedre per su casa.

but of course, he behaved like the stone for his home.

I no ens podíem riure en aquella situació.

And we couldn't laugh in that situation.



Bé, érem com sis persones

Well, we were like six people.

intentant aixecar un coi.

trying to lift a dick.

A la caseta del 4x4, recordeu?

At the 4x4 hut, remember?

Amb un cavall a dins.

With a horse inside.

No hi cabíem.

We didn't fit in.

Jo t'he de dir que vaig ajudar potser el mínim.

I have to tell you that I helped perhaps the least.

Et va trepitjar.

He/She stepped on you.

No, a mi no em va trepitjar, crec que et va trepitjar tu.

No, it didn't step on me, I think it stepped on you.

No, a tu.

No, to you.

A mi no em va trepitjar.

He didn't step on me.

A mi tampoc.

Me neither.

A una de les dues va trepitjar.

One of the two was stepped on.

A mi no em va trepitjar.

He didn't step on me.

Sí, jo no vaig ajudar.

Yes, I did not help.

Anna, si jo estava així.

Anna, I was like this.

No, perquè em sona, em sona, no ho sé,

No, because it sounds familiar to me, I don't know.

que et va trepitjar i vas dir, ja està, fins aquí.

that stepped on you and you said, that's it, up to here.

A mi em sona que tu em vas dir, m'ha trepitjat,

I remember you told me, it stepped on me,

que si em desfallo.

that if I faint.

Sí, és que no ho teniu ni clar.

Yes, you don't even have it clear.

A una de les dues la va trepitjar.

One of the two was stepped on.

Jo estava estirant de la corda.

I was pulling on the rope.

Va venir la veterinària, no?, també, primer.

The veterinarian came, didn't she?, also, first.

No, però això després.

No, but that later.

Això no ho sé.

I don't know that.

Encara no ha arribat.

It hasn't arrived yet.

Primer li vam lligar cordes.

First, we tied ropes to him.

I li fèiem massa...

And we did too much for him...

No, o va ser amb la veterinària.

No, it was with the veterinarian.

Clar, és que jo crec que la veterinària em deia,

Of course, it's just that I think the veterinarian was telling me,

tira, tira.

pull, pull.

Sí, primer vam intentar aixecar entre tots,

Yes, first we tried to lift together.

que ens posàvem a un costat del cavall,

that we would sit on one side of the horse,

perquè clar, el problema del cavall era que tenia...

because of course, the horse's problem was that it had...





Artrosis, o com es digui.

Osteoarthritis, or whatever it's called.

Una de les dues.

One of the two.

Veu, gent que sàpiga del tema?

Hi, anyone who knows about this topic?

Sí, a veure, no hem vingut aquí a aprendre, vull dir...

Yes, let's see, we haven't come here to learn, I mean...

Hi ha artrosis, i l'havíem de posar drets,

There is osteoarthritis, and we had to stand them up.

perquè clar, era perquè les cames li tiressin, saps?

because, you see, it was so that her legs would pull, you know?



I no era que es morís, si no l'aixecavem.

And it wasn't that he was dying, but that we were lifting him up.

Era que, clar, no podia anar a menjar, no podia fer vida,

It was that, of course, I couldn't go eat, I couldn't live.

i llavors, clar, o li posaves un cuidador al costat

And then, of course, you either placed a caretaker next to him or her.

que li anés tirant la vida, o s'havia de matar,

that life was dragging him along, or he had to kill himself,

perquè es moriria de gana.

because he would die of hunger.

I llavors, intentant no jugar tots en un costat del cavall,

And then, trying not to all play on one side of the horse,

empenyent, però clar, un cavall pesa molt.

pushing, but of course, a horse weighs a lot.

Ostres, és que...

Wow, it's just that...

Ni sis persones, és que era impossible.

Not even six people, it was just impossible.

Era impossible.

It was impossible.

I a més, és que aquell cavall, si dius que és un cavall que està intentant aixecar-se,

And besides, it's that horse, if you say it's a horse that is trying to get up,

però de veritat que havia abandonat el viure, aquell cavall.

but really that horse had abandoned living.

Però que dramàtic, l'escena, ara me la estic imaginant.

But how dramatic, the scene, I am imagining it now.

Tu intentant aixecar-lo, quasi l'aconseguim, eh?

You trying to lift him, we almost managed it, right?

Sí, quasi.

Yes, almost.

Però no feia per aixecar-se.

But it wasn't enough to get up.

Però jo penso en l'orri, eh?

But I think about the orri, okay?

O sigui, a mi el que fa més llàstima de tota l'escena és el cavall.

So, what I feel the most sorry for in the whole scene is the horse.

De debò que el cavall aquell ja deia, jo fins aquí he arribat.

I really thought that horse was saying, I've come this far.

Sí, sí, sí, ja ho va demostrar.

Yes, yes, yes, he already proved it.

Ho juro, si ens va conèixer, això es va dir, ja he arribat fins aquí.

I swear, if he knew us, this was said, I have already come this far.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ja he fet tota la cavall d'escena, aquesta vida.

I have already done all the horse of scene, this life.



La meva missió era aquesta.

My mission was this.

I llavors vam veure que no ens en sortíem,

And then we saw that we were not making it.

i resulta que van trucar a una veterinària, que nosaltres no ho sabíem,

And it turns out that they called a veterinarian, which we didn't know.

que havien dit, però segur que la van trucar de seguida, eh?

What they had said, but I'm sure they called her right away, didn't they?

El que passa és que com que està lluny...

What happens is that since it is far away...

Clar, com que està lluny...

Sure, since it's far away...

Jo crec que van dir, mentre esperem que vingui la veterinària, anem fent.

I think they said, while we wait for the veterinarian to come, let's keep ourselves busy.



Anem intentant aixecar-lo.

Let's try to lift him.



I va venir la veterinària, que ens van explicar que allà es fan programes,

The veterinarian came, who explained to us that there are programs there,

hi ha una altra cosa que es fa diferent allà que aquí,

there is another thing that is done differently there than here,

es fan programes sobre això, sobre veterinaris de cavalls.

There are programs about this, about horse veterinarians.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I llavors van agafar cordes i van idear un sistema molt elaborat de politges

And then they took ropes and devised a very elaborate system of pulleys.

en què li lligaven a les cames per tal d'obligar-lo a aixecar-se.

to which they tied his legs in order to force him to get up.



No sé què.

I don't know what.

I tampoc ens en vam sortir.

Neither did we succeed.

Vam aconseguir girar-lo, això sí.

We managed to turn it around, that's for sure.

Sí, es va moure alguna cosa.

Yes, something moved.

Sí, però molt poc.

Yes, but very little.

I bàsicament...

And basically...

Perquè nosaltres l'empenyíem.

Because we were pushing it.

I clar, llavors el vam girar i vam veure que tenia una ferida enorme.

And of course, then we turned him over and saw that he had a huge wound.

Pobra bèstia.

Poor beast.

Ua, és que jo...

Well, it's just that I...

Que trist, quina pena, quina pena.

How sad, what a shame, what a shame.

No, havia de morir.

No, he had to die.

Va ser també gràcies a allò que em vaig fer vegetariana, eh.

It was also thanks to that that I became a vegetarian, you know.

Ostres, és que va fer molta pena.

Wow, it was really sad.

És que vaig sentir tant el patiment d'aquella bèstia.

I felt such suffering for that beast.

I fent-li massatges i no sé què.

And giving him massages and I don't know what.

I al final la veterinària va dir...

And in the end, the vet said...

Va ser molt dramàtic perquè ens diu, si no s'aixeca en 20 minuts, l'haurem de matar.

It was very dramatic because he tells us, if he doesn’t get up in 20 minutes, we will have to kill him.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

O això, va dir alguna cosa així.

Oh this, he/she said something like that.

L'haurem de sacrificar.

We will have to sacrifice him.

I clar, havies tothom en plan...

And of course, you had everyone like...

Ah, no sé què...

Ah, I don't know what...

Ostres, hi havia molta emoció anant bé.

Wow, there was a lot of excitement going well.

Més i tant, l'Stiff cridant...

More than enough, Stiff shouting...

Come on, come on, we can do this.

Come on, come on, we can do this.

I nosaltres en plan...

And we were like...

La pobra bèstia està mig plorant aquí.

The poor beast is half crying here.

Tu creus que tenim això?

Do you think we have this?

Perquè a més estava en plan, li sonava tot, de debò.

Because also, it all sounded familiar to him, really.

No, estava en plan, vull morir, o sigui...

No, I was in a mood like, I want to die, I mean...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però d'una banda estava com...

But on one hand it was like...

Us estimo, però plantareu que vull morir, saps?

I love you, but you'll plant what I want to die, you know?

I era com, no sé on posar-me.

And it was like, I don’t know where to put myself.

Va morir entre molt d'amor, eh, el pobret.

He died surrounded by a lot of love, huh, the poor thing.

Sí, després va anar l'Stiff i...

Yes, then Stiff went and...

Crec que el seu fill, l'Adam,

I believe that your son, Adam,

va buscar la Marilyn, que la van portar...

he went to look for Marilyn, who they took...

El fill d'en Roger.

Roger's son.

Sí, fill d'en Steve.

Yes, son of Steve.

Sí, perdó.

Yes, sorry.

Va buscar la Marilyn amb la cadira de rodes,

He searched for Marilyn with the wheelchair.

que va costar bastant portar-la.

it cost quite a lot to bring her.

Que feia molt que no anava fins allà, la Marilyn.

Marilyn hadn't been there in a long time.

És que, a veure, era tot.

It's just that, well, that was all.

Era bosc, vull dir.

It was forest, I mean.

Sí, era grav, a més.

Yes, it was serious, moreover.

Que els va costar, eh, portar-la.

It was hard for them, huh, to bring her.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que em mires tu, perquè tenen el cavall allà de la Marilyn,

What are you looking at, because they have the horse there of Marilyn,

si tampoc el pot veure, jo què sé.

if he can't see it either, what do I know.

O fer una rampa perquè pugui anar-hi més fàcilment.

Or make a ramp so I can get there more easily.

És veritat.

It's true.

Però, bueno...

But, well...

Hi havia moltes coses aquelles,

There were many things then,

a casa, que no t'havien sentit.

at home, they hadn't heard you.

Aquesta, probablement, és la primera.

This is probably the first.

Però és que...

But it's that...

Hi havia cada cosa que deies,

There was every thing you said,

això no em quadra.

this doesn't add up to me.

Però seguim, o sigui, aquí estem,

But let's continue, I mean, here we are,

no ens anirem el segon dia.

we won't leave on the second day.

Per totes.

For all.

I ens va despedir...

And he/she/it fired us...

Va ser una actriz, a mi em va fer molta pena.

She was an actress, I felt very sorry for her.

Acomiada, perdó.

Goodbye, sorry.

A mi em va fer molta pena.

I felt very sorry for it.

Perquè, clar, ens van explicar això,

Because, of course, they explained this to us,

que, a banda que feien equitació els dos,

that, apart from the fact that both of them rode horses,

eren com els millors i ho guanyaven tot.

they were like the best and they won everything.

I a tothom li feien molta ràbia, a aquesta parella.

And everyone was very angry with this couple.

Però perquè eren molt bons.

But because they were very good.



I guanyaven tots els premis

And they won all the awards.

i eren com els millors amics, saps?

and they were like best friends, you know?

La típica pel·lícula.

The typical movie.

Sí, és que quina pena, quina pena em va fer.

Yes, it's just that how sad, how sad it made me.

Perquè sobre ella plorant un muntó...

Because over her I cried a lot...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però si estàs recordada el que ens van dir en Roger.

But if you remember what Roger told us.

Què va dir?

What did he/she say?

Que vam entrar a casa, després de tot el peripè,

When we entered the house, after all the ordeal,

bueno, després, quan arribem ho explico.

Well, later, when we arrive, I will explain it.

Bueno, total, que es va posar a plorar la Meredith.

Well, in short, Meredith started to cry.



I llavors l'escena de l'Steve donant-li les pomes.

And then the scene of Steve giving him the apples.

És veritat, és veritat.

It is true, it is true.

És veritat.

It is true.

Jo no sé en quin moment...

I don't know at what moment...

Sí, pobret.

Yes, poor thing.

L'Steve va agafar una...

Steve took a...

Van portar una bossa de pomes que tenien a casa.

They brought a bag of apples that they had at home.



Perquè a l'Horri li agradaven molt.

Because Horri liked them very much.

I van decidir que les gastarien en el seu honor,

They decided to spend them in their honor,

en els últims moments de la seva vida,

in the final moments of his life,

i li donarien.

and they would give him/her.

I van començar a donar pomes.

They started giving apples.



I l'Steve encara amb un brill d'esperança en el seu interior,

And Steve still with a glimmer of hope within him,

que vaig trobar molt bonic, però feia molta gràcia,

that I found very beautiful, but it was very funny,

es va posar a dos metres d'ell,

she positioned herself two meters away from him,

i agafava un tros de poma i li deia

And I would take a piece of apple and tell him/her.

Come on, Horri, come on!

Come on, Horri, come on!

I el que abans oblidava amb una cara de tots gilipollas,

And what I used to forget with a face of all idiots,

on vas néixer ahir?

Where were you born yesterday?

Estava fatal, aquell noi, eh?

That boy was terrible, right?

Estava molt malament.

I was feeling very unwell.

O sigui, aquell home.

So, that man.

Jo no sé...

I don't know...



És que no puc.

I just can't.

I res, evidentment, no va fer cas a les crides de l'Steve.

And nothing, of course, he didn't pay attention to Steve's calls.

I ens van dir...

And they told us...

Jo volia veure com el menjava.

I wanted to see how he/she ate it.

Ja, jo no.

Yes, I don't.

Recordo, dic, bueno, si una cosa bona, etcètera, de tot això,

I remember, I say, well, if one good thing, etcetera, from all this,

és saber com es mata un cavall.

it's knowing how to kill a horse.

I li van ficar una xeringa.

And they put a syringe in him.

Però a mi no me van deixar mirar-ho, i jo volia mirar.

But they didn't let me look at it, and I wanted to look.

I li van posar, no és que...

And they put it on him, it's not that...

I de sobte vam veure com es desmaiava,

And suddenly we saw him faint.

te'n recordes?

Do you remember?



Sí, això sí que ho vam veure.

Yes, we did see that.

Li van posar una xeringa per adormir-lo i després matar-lo.

They gave him a syringe to put him to sleep and then kill him.

No, jo crec que així el mataven, eh?

No, I think that way they would kill him, right?

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, l'injecten...

Yes, they inject him...

Però ens van fer fora.

But they kicked us out.

O era perquè passessin el dol.

Or it was because they went through the mourning.

Potser ens van fer fora perquè ells poguessin passar el dol sols.

Maybe they kicked us out so they could go through the mourning alone.

Sí, jo crec que ens van fer fora perquè sobrava un munt d'una llana, vull dir.

Yes, I think they kicked us out because there was a lot of extra wool, I mean.

I era el segon dia, ningú ens coneixia, van dir...

And it was the second day, no one knew us, they said...

Bueno, fins aquí, ja us podeu anar.

Well, that's it, you can go now.

Sí, sí, jo m'he sentit malament.

Yes, yes, I have felt unwell.

La Sam va dir, no, millor que no mireu això.

Sam said, no, better not to look at this.



Perquè tampoc era...

Because it wasn't...

Sí, perquè hi estava la Meryl allà a mig, que quasi es desmaia i tot, no?

Yes, because Meryl was there in the middle, nearly fainting and all, right?

Que sí, que sí, que...

Yes, yes, that...



I nosaltres que ens veus a la següent escena,

And us who see us in the next scene,

soles, amb una infusió, amb el menjador,

sun, with an infusion, with the dining room,

preguntant-nos en quin moment...

asking ourselves at which moment...

Jo recordo pujar a l'habitació, mirar per la finestra,

I remember going up to the room, looking out of the window,

i un...

and a...

Com es diu?

What is it called?

I un...

And a...

Una camilla...

A stretcher...

Un tractor d'aquests, gran.

A big tractor like that.

Com es diu això? Una excavadora.

What is this called? An excavator.



Es veu així.

It looks like this.

És que no sé...

I don't know...

No sé quin tipus era.

I don't know what type it was.

Sí, per escarbar la terra...

Yes, to dig in the ground...

Quins tipus de papelmanetes era?

What types of paper towels were they?

És que...

It's just that...

Una excavadora...

A digger...



Amb una màquina, per llaurar la terra...

With a machine, to plow the land...

Va, doncs engoluda, sí.

Go on then, swallowed, yes.

Enterrar el cavall...

Bury the horse...



I el cavall està allà, vull dir, està enterrat allà.

And the horse is there, I mean, it is buried there.

Sí, sí, exacte.

Yes, yes, exactly.

A mi em va fer gràcia aquella situació.

I found that situation amusing.

De cop ve una màquina, que no sé d'on era...

Suddenly a machine comes, which I don't know where it was from...

I va haver...

There was...

Des d'allà va haver-hi un piló de sorra, allà, que dius...

From there, there was a pile of sand, there, you say...

Sí, es nota que aquí hi ha alguna cosa.

Yes, you can tell that there is something here.



Un cavall, una persona...

A horse, a person...

I me'n recordo que mentre érem al menjador va venir l'Ada, en pobre,

I remember that while we were in the dining room, Ada came in, the poor thing.

que es va preocupar per nosaltres.

who was concerned about us.

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

Posant-nos la millor cara que va saber.

Putting on the best face he/she knew how to.





Jo dic, si ha de ser així cada dia...

I say, if it has to be like this every day...

No sé en quin moment he vingut.

I don't know at what moment I came.

No, el pitjor que després, el Roger va dir, va, doncs avui anem a comprar.

No, the worst thing was that later, Roger said, well, today we are going shopping.

Sí, un moment, aquí ve l'escena de la Marilyn que anava a explicar abans.

Yes, one moment, here comes the scene of Marilyn that I was going to explain before.

Ah, va, digues.

Ah, come on, tell me.

Que diu, estàvem a la cuina i diu...

What does he say, we were in the kitchen and he says...

En 44 anys de casats, no l'havia vist mai plorar.

In 44 years of marriage, I had never seen her cry.

A la Marilyn.

To Marilyn.

I nosaltres com...

And us how...

I hem arribat just avui, tio.

We just arrived today, dude.

O sigui, no podia augurar res de bo, aquell missatge.

In other words, I couldn't foresee anything good from that message.

No, així va seguir, o sigui...

No, that's how it continued, I mean...

Que fort, és veritat que ho va dir, però ho va dir en sèrio, mirant a la finestra.

How intense, it's true that he said it, but he said it seriously, looking out the window.

O sigui, ho va dir així mirant a la finestra i diu...

So, he said it like that looking out the window and says...

En 44 anys no l'he vist plorar.

In 44 years I have not seen her cry.

I jo flipant dic, mare meva.

And I'm just amazed saying, my goodness.

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

I clar, jo vaig pensar també, quina mena de relació teniu si no l'has vist plorar?

And of course, I thought too, what kind of relationship do you have if you haven't seen her cry?

Com mai?

Like never?

No la vas comprovar.

You didn't check it.

És que està tot malament, de veritat, tot.

It's that everything is wrong, really, everything.

És que de debò no tenim temps d'explicar-ho tot.

It's just that we really don't have time to explain everything.

O sigui, està...

So, it's...

Això fem segona part, fijo.

We'll definitely do a second part.



Després ens va dir jo...

Then he told us I...

Perquè d'aquí un quart d'hora, més o menys, 20 minuts.

Because in about a quarter of an hour, more or less, 20 minutes.

Sí, sí, ja seguirem.

Yes, yes, we will continue.

Bàsicament després ens va dir, no cal que seguiu fent res, anem a comprar amb el cotxe.

Basically, he/her told us afterwards, you don't need to keep doing anything, let's go shopping by car.

I de cop a mig camí el cotxe es para.

And suddenly halfway, the car stops.

I diu...

And he/she says...

No, no va ser així.

No, it wasn't like that.

Perdó, eh, per corregir-te.

Sorry, huh, for correcting you.

No, no, i com va ser, si és que jo...

No, no, and how was it, if I...

Va... Primer va anar el mecànic.

Come on... First, the mechanic went.

I està malament, el cotxe?

Is the car broken?

Sí, està malament.

Yes, it is wrong.

I li estava parlant per veure com el podien arreglar o no sé què.

And I was talking to him to see how they could fix it or I don't know what.

I em sembla que el mecànic li va dir, aquest cotxe ja està a les seves acaballes,

It seems to me that the mechanic told him, this car is already at the end of its life.

potser dura bastant, però...

it may last quite a while, but...

O sigui, no el podem arreglar, saps?

I mean, we can't fix it, you know?

Però en el sentit de dir, potser dura bastants mesos més, o alguna cosa així.

But in the sense of saying, it might last several more months, or something like that.





Jo recordo que...

I remember that...

Li va passar alguna cosa mentre es conduïa.

Something happened to him while he was driving.

Sí, però no s'ha d'adonar.

Yes, but it shouldn't be noticed.

I de cop a mig anem amb el mecànic.

And suddenly we are going with the mechanic.

Ah, potser.

Ah, maybe.

I doncs vam anar al mecànic i el mecànic li va dir, ja està.

And so we went to the mechanic and the mechanic said to him, it's done.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Sí, el cotxe ha caput.

Yes, the car has crashed.

Bé, jo recordo que primer vam anar al mecànic.

Well, I remember that first we went to the mechanic.

Després vam anar a comprar...

Afterwards we went shopping...

Sí, primer vam anar al mecànic, però el cotxe estava malament.

Yes, first we went to the mechanic, but the car was in bad shape.

Sí, d'acord.

Yes, okay.

Que vam conèixer el Tesco.

That we met Tesco.

És veritat.

It's true.

Molt divertit.

Very fun.

Jo ho vaig passar bé en el Tesco.

I had a good time at Tesco.

Jo també, era un milió en el Tesco.

Me too, it was a million in Tesco.

I el Roger Bebel.

And Roger Bebel.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I ens vam fer...

And we became...

I llavors vam agafar el cotxe per tornar i enmig del camí es mou el cotxe.

And then we took the car to go back and in the middle of the road, the car moved.



I ens vam parar a una banda de la carretera, que hi havia molt d'espai, recordo, molt d'espai.

And we stopped at one side of the road, there was a lot of space, I remember, a lot of space.

I recordo una escena de tu i jo, clar, no sabíem què fer.

I remember a scene of you and me, clearly, we didn't know what to do.

Ens vam quedar al cotxe, en Roger va baixar i es va quedar davant de la carretera.

We stayed in the car, Roger got out and stood in front of the road.

Mirant la carretera, que pensàvem, ah, que aquest tio s'hi tira.

Looking at the road, we thought, ah, this guy is gonna crash.

No m'hagués estranyat absolutament res.

I wouldn't have been surprised at all.

És que l'escena vista darrere era això, eh?

It's just that the scene seen from behind was this, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Un home mirant la carretera.

A man looking at the road.

I tu i jo dins del cotxe, en plan, i ara què farem?

You and I in the car, like, so what are we going to do now?

Ens pot anar pitjor el dia.

The day can get worse for us.

I és el segon dia que estem aquí, és que...

And it's the second day we've been here, it's just that...

És que un dia i mig portàvem...

It's just that we had been carrying for a day and a half...

És que no portàvem res, de veritat.

It's just that we weren't carrying anything, really.

Una nit.

One night.



I va venir la Sam a buscar-nos amb el seu cotxe.

Sam came to pick us up with her car.

I bueno, que estàvem tota la família en plan, vaya puto dia que portem.

And well, we were all the family like, what a fucking day we're having.

I nosaltres que no ens assabentàvem de res, com si no passés res.

And we who were not aware of anything, as if nothing were happening.

Que jo, jo imagino, i devíem fer molta ràbia.

That I, I imagine, and we must have made a lot of anger.

Que la Sam només escoltava Shakira i Amaluma.

Sam only listened to Shakira and Maluma.



I es pensava que ens agradava.

And he thought that we liked it.



Com si coneguéssim alguna cançó.

As if we knew some song.

Que fort.

How strong.

Espanyoles i nosaltres...

Spanish people and us...

Que fort.

That’s intense.

Conduïa super bé.

I was driving really well.

Massa ràpid.

Too fast.

Uf, la Sam conduint.

Phew, Sam is driving.

És que és això...

It's just that...

O sigui que allà la condueixo i dic...

So I drive her there and say...

Jo no condueixo així.

I don't drive like that.

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

O sigui, jo miro les senyals, miro si passa algun cotxe abans d'arrencar.

So, I look at the signals, I check if any car passes before starting.

És que ella no...

It's just that she doesn't...

Normal que extragués el cotxe, o sigui, és que no m'estranya absolutament res.

It's normal that he took the car, I mean, I'm not surprised at all.

Sí, és que almenys que ella ho trobava normal.

Yes, it's just that at least she found it normal.



Perquè va dir això...

Why did he/she say that...

Tu creus que els veïns s'han d'enfadar amb mi perquè estimbi el cotxe contra un arbre?

Do you think the neighbors should be angry with me for crashing the car into a tree?

Hombre, carinyo.

Man, darling.

Vull dir, una mica, no?

I mean, a little, right?

A sobre, el Roger diu, compraré un cotxe.

On top, Roger says, I will buy a car.

L'ha comprat ja?

Has he/she bought it already?

Sí, però res, fa dos mesos o una cosa així.

Yes, but nothing, about two months ago or something like that.

Ha tardat un any i pico en comprar un cotxe.

It took a year and a bit to buy a car.



Dos, no?

Two, right?

I va estar tot l'estiu mirant cotxes, eh?

You were looking at cars all summer, right?

Sí, sí, jo recordo que deia, quin color, no sé què.

Yes, yes, I remember that he/she said, what color, I don't know what.

Sí, i li demanava opinió a tothom, i tothom en plan...

Yes, and I was asking everyone for their opinion, and everyone was like...

Jo crec que devia estar ja farts de que els demanés coses del cotxe.

I think they must have been tired of me asking them things about the car.

Ai, Déu.

Oh, God.

I la Sam...

And Sam...

I clar, llavors ens va quedar, teníem aquest cotxe, el cotxe de la Sam,

And of course, then it was left to us, we had this car, Sam's car.

i una furgo que era la que utilitzàvem per transportar la Marilyn.

and a van that we used to transport Marilyn.



Que, per exemple...

That, for example...

Per tant, només tenia els dos seients davanters,

Therefore, I only had the two front seats.

i al darrere tenia una cosa adaptada,

and at the back, I had an adapted thing,

perquè deia portar la Marilyn amb...

because she said to bring Marilyn with...

Hi havia cotxonetes.

There were little cushions.

Amb cotxonetes i un cinturó de seguretat.

With cotton swabs and a seatbelt.



Però també hi havia algun palet, eh?

But there was also a little stick, right?

Allò no era per transportar persones sense carrer de rodes.

That was not for transporting people without wheels.

No sé si era un brugat.

I don’t know if it was a trick.

I llavors, clar, vam viatjar durant tot l'estiu allà.

And then, of course, we traveled there all summer.

I imagineu-vos ja com conduïen nosaltres allà sense cinturons de seguretat,

Can you imagine how we drove there without seatbelts?

agafant-nos on podíem,

taking us where we could,

que, recordo, que quan hi havia un sotrac, no paraven.

that I remember that when there was a bump, they didn’t stop.

O sigui, ells...

So, they...

Ells seguien.

They were following.

Jo recordo, l'Anna mig marejada...

I remember, Anna half-dizzy...

Va ser un ritme.

It was a rhythm.

Va, diem-me.

Come on, tell me.

Anna, em puc asseure davant el pròxim cop?

Anna, can I sit in front the next time?

I jo, Anna, asseu davant.

And I, Anna, sit in front.

O sigui, sisplau, no moris, aquí no em deixis.

I mean, please, don't die, don't leave me here.

Però recordo un dia que ja havíem vingut a la Curni i al Roy,

But I remember a day when we had already come to Curni and Roy,

o no sé com es deia aquest noi.

I don't know what this boy was called.

Sí, Curni i Roy.

Yes, Curni and Roy.

Que la Curni també es marejava,

That Curni also got dizzy,

però clar, ella el primer que va fer quan va arribar,

but of course, the first thing she did when she arrived,

va ser dir, jo em marejo, jo vull anar davant sempre.

It was to say, I get dizzy, I always want to go in front.

Cosa que jo no vaig fer perquè vaig dir, no és el meu cotxe.

Thing that I didn't do because I said, it's not my car.



I ja sabreu que el nostre estigma no és gaire gran per aquesta gent.

And you will already know that our stigma is not very big for these people.

Però bueno.

But well.

I clar, jo pensant, jo porto tot un mes aquí aguantant,

Of course, I've been here holding on for a whole month,

marejos amb cotxe, ara véns tu i te poses davant.

Car sick, now you come and stand in front.

Que jo de tant en tant podia, bueno, me les enginyava per anar davant, saps?

That I could, well, I managed to get ahead every now and then, you know?

I recordo un viatge que vam anar fins al poble que jo no podia.

I remember a trip we went on to the village that I couldn't.

Que et vaig dir, Anna, si això segueix així,

What did I tell you, Anna, if this continues like this,

ara mateix en aquest pas de vida...

right now in this stage of life...

Hi havia nans, quan parin, obro la porta i va...

There were dwarfs, when they stop, I open the door and it goes...

La cara de l'Anna era blanca, és que totalment blanca,

Anna's face was white, it was completely white.

és que recordo els teus ulls, no sé on miraves,

it's just that I remember your eyes, I don't know where you were looking,

no hi havia res a dins, no hi havia res.

there was nothing inside, there was nothing.

És que no podia, que anava a vomitar, que hi havia un germí...

I just couldn't, I was about to vomit, there was a germ...

Jo també em vaig marejar bastant un cop, eh?

I also got quite dizzy once, you know?

Ostres, és que conduïa d'una manera, tornant de salsa.

Wow, I was driving in a way, coming back from salsa.

Jo recordo, tornant de salsa, em vaig fotre un mareig,

I remember, coming back from salsa, I got dizzy.

només volia arribar a casa i dormir.

I just wanted to get home and sleep.

Sí, és que no podia.

Yes, it's just that I couldn't.

I és això, que agafava uns sotracs,

And it is this, that it took some bumps,

jo recordo un dia tocar-me el cap al sostre.

I remember a day when I hit my head on the ceiling.

I després que fotíem un salsa amb l'arma...

And after we made a mess with the weapon...

Unes coses...

Some things...

Que heavy, de veritat, que malament conduïen.

How heavy, really, how badly they were driving.

Ostres, de veritat.

Wow, really.

Algú els hi ha de dir, els ha de parar.

Someone has to tell them, they have to be stopped.

És a dir, així no es condueix.

That is to say, this is not how one should drive.

Però ningú els hi...

But no one tells them...

No els hi vam dir, els havíem d'haver dit, per la seva seguretat,

We didn't tell them, we should have told them, for their safety.

però és que si no els ha matat ja tot el que han fet,

but if everything they have done hasn't killed them already,

no es notarà res, vull dir.

It won't be noticed at all, I mean.

Ostres, res, absolutament res.

Wow, nothing, absolutely nothing.

Que fort.

How strong.

Hòstia puta, de debò.

Holy shit, really.

Fèiem salsa, o sigui, fèiem classes de salsa cada diumenge.

We were doing salsa, that is, we were having salsa classes every Sunday.



Que de veritat a mi m'agradava, estava guai.

What I really liked was cool.

Sí, era divertit.

Yes, it was fun.

A mi m'agradava veure l'Anna no saber seguir un ritme.

I liked seeing Anna not being able to keep up with a rhythm.

L'Anna, qui...

Anna, who...



A mi, hòstia.

To me, damn it.

No, no, a tu.

No, no, to you.

O sigui, que he estat pensant en aquella que tenia un xicot italià,

So, I've been thinking about the one who had an Italian boyfriend,

que vam durar dos dies.

that we lasted two days.

Ostres, ostres.

Wow, wow.

Que el dia és cert, crec, o alguna cosa així.

That the day is certain, I believe, or something like that.

Alguna cosa així, no sé.

Something like that, I don't know.

Ah, que ja em va caure bé.

Ah, I already liked him/her.

Sí, era molt maca.

Yes, she was very beautiful.

Vam anar a casa seva.

We went to his/her house.

No, vam anar a casa de la Caroline.

No, we went to Caroline's house.

Vam anar a casa de la Caroline?

Did we go to Caroline's house?

Vam anar a casa de la Caroline.

We went to Caroline's house.

Que jo vaig pixar.

That I peed.

Que era molt cuca, aquella casa.

That house was very cute.

La Caroline era una dona rosa.

Caroline was a pink woman.

Sí, super...

Yes, great...

Com la vam conèixer?

How did we meet her?

Va venir un dia a casa en Roger.

One day, Roger came home.

Eren molt amics amb en Roger.

They were very good friends with Roger.

I era la típica dona, en plan...

And she was the typical woman, like...

Era admirable, aquella dona, en plan...

She was admirable, that woman, in a way...

Era supermaca.

She was super beautiful.

Era professora de l'EF.

She was a physical education teacher.

L'encantava el viure.

He loved living.

Jo tinc el seu número, crec.

I think I have his number.

Estava apassionada per tot.

She was passionate about everything.

És veritat que et va donar el número.

It's true that he/she gave you the number.



Perquè ens va dir que si qualsevol dia anàvem

Because he told us that if we went any day

podíem anar a dormir a casa seu.

We could go to sleep at his/her place.



Us juro que era una dona magnífica.

I swear to you that she was a magnificent woman.

La seva casa era superxula.

Her house was super cool.

Era superpetita, però estava supercontenta ella

She was very little, but she was super happy.

amb la seva casa, saps?

with his house, you know?

Era com aquelles cases de vivir en un espacio pequeño.

It was like those houses where you live in a small space.

Sí, sí, és que no hi havia res.

Yes, yes, it's just that there was nothing.

Hi havia un sofà i potser una habitació i un lavabo.

There was a sofa and maybe a room and a bathroom.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

La cuina, així, petita.

The kitchen, like this, small.

Però segur que tothom anava a dormir allà,

But I'm sure everyone went to sleep there,

tots els seus amics, no sé què.

all his friends, I don't know what.

Però era una dona gran, ja, eh?

But she was an old woman, you know?

Era més jove que en Roger.

He was younger than Roger.

Devia tenir 10 anys menys que en Roger,

He must have been 10 years younger than Roger.

o una cosa així, o sigui, 60 anys, perfectament.

or something like that, I mean, 60 years, perfectly.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Apartaments, també en tinc.

I also have apartments.



I d'això, de veritat, una passió per la vida.

And about that, truly, a passion for life.

I ens explicava coses.

And he/she was telling us things.

Que havia viscut, i en plan, sempre superalegre.

That I had lived, and like, always super happy.

I havia viscut drames, però ella supercontenta, sempre.

I had lived through dramas, but she was always super happy.



Ostres, que vam anar a sopar a Cambridge amb ella.

Wow, we went to dinner in Cambridge with her.

És que no puc!

I just can't!

I ens va explicar que va conèixer un guitarrista.

And he explained to us that he met a guitarist.

Sí, del carrer.

Yes, from the street.

Del carrer.

From the street.



Que es van enamorar.

They fell in love.

Ella, més que ell, jo crec.

She, more than him, I believe.



No, que s'anaven a casar, no?

No, they were going to get married, right?

Sí, s'anaven a casar.

Yes, they were going to get married.

Tinc d'amburros.

I have stomach cramps.

S'anaven a casar.

They were going to get married.

I... ho van deixar.

I... they left it.

I per... però te'n recordes per què?

And for... but do you remember why?

Perquè va veure el Roger abraçant-la.

Because he saw Roger hugging her.

Sí, bàsicament.

Yes, basically.

O sigui, estaven a casa en Roger i en Roger i la Caroline eren molt amics.

So, they were at Roger's house and Roger and Caroline were very good friends.

Jo no sé quin tipus de relació tenien, però jo no crec que tinguessin res més que amistat, eh, sincerament.

I don't know what kind of relationship they had, but I honestly don't think they had anything more than friendship.

En Roger volia, però...

Roger wanted to, but...

Sí, això també.

Yes, that too.

Jo crec que la Marilyn...

I think that Marilyn...



La Caroline ni se n'adonava.

Caroline didn't even notice.

Per la Caroline eren molt amics.

For Caroline, they were very close friends.

I un dia estaven a casa en Roger i s'estaven abraçant.

And one day Roger and they were at home and were hugging.

I ja està, fent-se una abraçada.

And that's it, giving each other a hug.

No, jo crec que estan a casa de la Caroline.

No, I think they are at Caroline's house.

Pot ser.

It could be.

Sí, sí, és veritat.

Yes, yes, it's true.

Perquè el senyor aquest, què pinta a casa de Roger?

Why is this man at Roger's house?

Te'n pregunto.

I ask you.

És que clar, va dir, ens va veure per la finestra.

It's just that, he said, he saw us through the window.

De casa de la Caroline, perquè...

From Caroline's house, because...

Però ell havia en un baix, és veritat.

But he had a low, it's true.



I... i llavors es va veure abraçar-se i l'home es va enfadar i total, que es van deixar per això.

I... then they were seen hugging and the man got angry and in the end, they broke up because of that.

I la Caroline va dir, hola, vida, per què fas això?

And Caroline said, hello, darling, why are you doing this?

Sí, és veritat, que fort, que tràgic.

Yes, it's true, how strong, how tragic.

Però clar, jo penso, hòstia puta, o sigui, que d'entre els dos...

But of course, I think, goddamn, I mean, between the two...

Saps què dius amb en Roger?

Do you know what you're saying with Roger?

És un tràgic.

It is a tragedy.

És un tràgic, és que és el més tràgic de la història.

It's a tragedy, it's the most tragic in history.

Completament, és que... what the fuck.

Completely, it's just that... what the fuck.

Que va conèixer un guitarrista de carrer, es va enamorar, sí, això era una puta història d'aquestes.

He met a street guitarist, fell in love, yes, that was a damn story like that.

De veritat.


A mi m'agradava ella perquè ens va explicar la història de Cambridge, de les universitats i tot això.

I liked her because she told us the history of Cambridge, the universities, and all that.

Sí, ens explicava tot.

Yes, he/she explained everything to us.

Que ara no en recordo de res, però veritat que m'ho va agradar quan ens ho va explicar.

I don’t remember anything right now, but it’s true that I liked it when he explained it to us.

Sí, i que passàvem per un lloc i ens deia, aquí és un lloc on es suïcidaven els nois quan no aprovaven les assignatures.

Yes, and we were passing by a place and he told us, here is a place where boys committed suicide when they didn’t pass their subjects.

Sí, m'agradaria tornar per la meia, t'ho juro.

Yes, I would like to come back by the half, I swear to you.

Era una passada.

It was amazing.

Un dia sí, podem anar?

Can we go one day?

Jo vull anar, a Cambridge, vull tornar.

I want to go to Cambridge, I want to return.

Ens fas una guia, ens passem el dia amb tu i ens fas una guia per allà.

You give us a tour, we spend the day with you, and you guide us around there.

També vull veure la Sam, a veure, fa molt que no la veig.

I also want to see Sam, let's see, it's been a long time since I last saw her.

Sí, ja, jo tinc moltes ganes de veure-la.

Yes, I really want to see her.

I vam estar al bar amb la Carol on es va descobrir el de l'ADN.

We were at the bar with Carol where the DNA thing was discovered.

L'ADN, sí.

The DNA, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

El codi de l'ADN.

The code of DNA.

I que aquell bar estava ple de coses de la Segona Guerra Mundial.

And that bar was full of things from the Second World War.



Sí, d'imatges, d'escrits...

Yes, of images, of writings...

Sí, que era un bar que es veu que hi anaven tots els soldats

Yes, it was a bar that apparently all the soldiers went to.

i estava tot el sostre guixat de...

and the whole ceiling was plastered with...

dels soldats.

of the soldiers.



I hi havia, per exemple, un dibuix d'unes tetes o no sé què.

And there was, for example, a drawing of some breasts or I don't know what.



Saps? Coses així.

You know? Things like that.

Jo tinc fotos d'això.

I have photos of that.

Sí, veritat, moltes coses, moltes fotos.

Yes, true, many things, many photos.

Mira, una pregunta era, vau conèixer gent?

Look, a question was, did you meet people?

Hòstia, però és que hi ha molta més gent.

Wow, but there are many more people.

Doncs aquí veiem.

Well, here we see.

Jo decidia la granja per una altra part,

I decided the farm for another part,

perquè si ara ens posem en la granja ho distorsionem tot.

because if we set ourselves in the farm now we distort everything.

No, sí, la granja és a part.

No, yes, the farm is separate.

Ah, sí, és que me'n recordava de la granja.

Ah, yes, I remembered the farm.

Déu meu, la granja, no?

My God, the farm, right?

Això dona per tres hores, tio.

This is good for three hours, man.

Hòstia, la gent que vam conèixer a la granja.

Damn, the people we met at the farm.

Què fort.

How strong.

Volem conèixer algú més?

Do we want to get to know someone else?

Ens falta mencionar el marit de la nina.

We need to mention the girl's husband.

El marit de la nina, qué majo, era músic.

The girl's husband, how nice, was a musician.

Era músic, però que tothom l'odiava, te'n recordes?

He was a musician, but everyone hated him, do you remember?



Era de puta mare, però tothom l'odiava.

It was fucking great, but everyone hated it.

Però no sé per què.

But I don't know why.

Lo típic.

The typical one.

Perquè era un flipat o alguna cosa així.

Because he was a weirdo or something like that.

Lo típic.

The typical.

O era molt.

Either it was a lot.

Clar, estimaven molt la nina i deien,

Of course, they cared for the doll very much and said,

aquesta noia es mereix algú millor.

this girl deserves someone better.

Sí, però tenia una filla.

Yes, but she had a daughter.

Però no era dels dos, eh?

But it wasn't about the two of them, right?

Només era d'ella?

Was it only hers?

Era només de la nina.

It was only for the doll.

Ah, va bé.

Ah, it's fine.

Que era un amor, o sigui...

It was a love, I mean...

Sí, era molt guapa.

Yes, she was very beautiful.

No, res comparat amb la neta del Roger.

No, nothing compared to Roger's granddaughter.

És que una setmana o menys, no?

It's just a week or less, right?

Uns dies.

A few days.

Van estar quatre dies.

They stayed for four days.

Va venir la filla del Roger amb la seva filla.

Roger's daughter came with her daughter.

Caminaven igual que en Roger?

Did they walk like Roger?

Ostres, ostres!

Wow, wow!

Vale, perquè el Roger caminava una mica,

Okay, because Roger was walking a bit,

o sigui, amb els genolls que van dins.

that is, with the knees inside.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No m'ho hauria definit millor.

You couldn't have defined it better.



I amb els braços penjant com un yeti.

And with my arms hanging like a yeti.

No, com un yeti no, com un...

No, like a yeti no, like a...

Sabeu la sèrie de Somos Sosos?

Do you know the series Somos Sosos?

L'has vist mai?

Have you ever seen it?







El que viu al bosc?

What lives in the forest?



Caminava com allò.

I walked like that.



El pie aquell com...

That foot like...

Sí, no sé què vols dir.

Yes, I don’t know what you mean.

El Bigfoot.


Exacte, Bigfoot.

Exactly, Bigfoot.

Sí, amb els braços penjant i com els genolls que van dins.

Yes, with arms hanging down and like the knees that go in.

I ella caminava absolutament igual la seva filla.

She walked exactly like her daughter.

Que era una noia, la veritat és que era bastant guapa,

That she was a girl, the truth is that she was quite pretty,

però tenia coses del seu pare.

but he had things from his father.



Jo recordo, era rosa, era maca, era una noia maca.

I remember, she was pink, she was beautiful, she was a pretty girl.

No era rosa, eren pèls rojos.

It was not a rose, it was red hair.

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

Però hi ha gamons millor encara.

But there are even better options.

Era com aquest pèl roig tirant a panolls.

It was like this red hair leaning towards being shaggy.

Els dos eren pèls rojos, eh?

Both of them had red hair, right?

No ho sé, sí, és veritat.

I don’t know, yes, it’s true.

I la neta era preciosa.

And the granddaughter was beautiful.

No, així era guapíssima.

No, she was very beautiful like that.

Sí, tenia pois.

Yes, I had poison.

Jo no m'ho volia acostar gaire a ella perquè tenia pois.

I didn't want to get too close to her because she had poison.

No és broma.

It's not a joke.

O sigui, crec que la Sam em va dir, té pois, no t'acostis.

I mean, I think Sam told me, it has poison, don't.get too close.

I jo no em vaig acostar.

And I didn't get closer.

Sí, perquè la Sam l'odiava, l'Oceana.

Yes, because Sam hated Oceana.

Eh, aquella nena era una mica...

Eh, that girl was a bit...

Estava malcriada, eh?

She was spoiled, huh?

Jo ho dic sempre, el pitjor dia de l'estiu per mi va ser el dia que vaig cuidar l'Oceana.

I always say it, the worst day of summer for me was the day I took care of Oceana.

És que ella estava molt malcriada.

It's just that she was very spoiled.

Quina nena, de veritat.

What a girl, really.

Era un amor, eh, de nena?

It was a love, right, from a girl?

Però estava malcriada.

But she was spoiled.

Perquè la Sam ara no li deixava fer absolutament res.

Because Sam was now not letting him do absolutely anything.

No, al contrari, eh?

No, on the contrary, right?

Li deixava fer tot.

I let him do whatever he wanted.

O sigui...


És que jo...

It's just that I...

Era com molt estalvi que tenia.

It was as if I had a lot of savings.

Però ens va fer un dibuix.

But he/she made us a drawing.

Jo no vaig parlar amb ella, és veritat, no vaig parlar amb ella.

I didn't talk to her, it's true, I didn't talk to her.

En els quatre dies que vam estar, o sigui, parlàvem només super poc,

In the four days we were there, I mean, we hardly spoke at all.

perquè és que ja t'ho dic, no m'acostava.

because I'm telling you, I didn't get closer.

I perquè a mi Roger em deia de fer altres coses.

And because Roger was telling me to do other things.

A veure, no feia res, sempre em deia d'estar al jardí.

Let's see, it wasn't doing anything, it always told me to be in the garden.

I em va fer un dibuix.

He/She drew me a picture.

Li va fer un dibuix abans que a mi.

He made a drawing for him before he did for me.

I a tu no.

And not you.

I em va donar davant meu perquè a mi em feia ràbia.

And he gave it to me in front of me because it made me angry.

Sí, que maco.

Yes, how nice.

Perquè jo l'havia arrenyat.

Because I had scolded him/her.

Perquè jo recordo això.

Because I remember this.

No és que...

It's not that...

És que no recordo si és que la tenia molt protegida, no me'n recordo.

I don't remember if I had it very protected, I can't recall.

Jo crec que molt protegida...

I think very protected...

No és que la tingués molt protegida perquè no estava per ella, saps?

It's not that I had her very protected because I wasn't there for her, you know?

Jo crec que això més.

I think that's more.

O sigui, preparava tot molt l'ambient perquè la nena estigués protegida,

In other words, she prepared the whole environment so that the girl would be safe,

però a l'hora de la veritat no s'hi fixava.

but when the truth came, he didn't pay attention to it.

És com, es volia fer un Montessori...

It's like, they wanted to do a Montessori...



I no arribava a res.

I wasn't getting anywhere.



I la nena li deixava fer el que volgués.

And the girl was allowed to do whatever she wanted.

O sigui, era de veritat que estava molt malcriada.

So, it was true that she was very spoiled.

Era de cuidar una nena.

It was to look after a girl.

I jo, cuidar és cuidar, no?

And I, to care is to care, isn't it?

O sigui, no és estar al seu costat.

That is, it's not being by their side.

És, si fa una cosa mal feta, doncs l'hi dic.

If someone does something wrong, then I tell them.

I me'n recordo que va agafar...

I remember that he/she took...

Estava amb la manguera,

I was with the hose,

i va agafar i va començar a ruixar la roba.

He took it and started to spray the clothes.

I me vaig enfadar amb ella.

I got angry with her.

O sigui, el primer cop li vaig dir,

So, the first time I told him/her,

oi, això no es fa.

Hey, that’s not done.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Però explicant-li, en plan, potser no ho saps,

But explaining it to him, like, maybe you don't know,

però això no es fa.

but this is not done.

I llavors la nena, per fer-me ràbia, ho va tornar a fer.

And then the girl, to make me mad, did it again.

I clar, allà me vaig enfadar, vaig tancar l'aixeta,

And of course, there I got angry, I turned off the tap,

vaig agafar, li vaig posar la roba,

I took it, I put the clothes on it,

no sé, perquè aprengués que allò no es feia,

I don't know, because I learned that it wasn't done.

i es va posar a plorar, normal.

And she started to cry, of course.

I clar, jo la vaig deixar plorar.

And of course, I let her cry.

I llavors va venir la mare, en plan, què passa?

And then the mother came, like, what's going on?

I jo li vaig explicar a la mare,

And I explained it to my mother,

i la mare li va donar la roba.

And the mother gave him the clothes.

En plan, no es va enfadar amb mi ni res, la mare,

Like, she didn't get mad at me or anything, mom.

es va portar molt bé, tot això.

He behaved very well with all of this.

Però jo pensava, a veure, m'hauries de secundar, saps, senyora?

But I was thinking, let's see, you should support me, you know, ma'am?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I li va donar la roba, i en plan, ok, me vaig anar ratllant.

And he gave me the clothes, and like, okay, I started getting stressed out.

I la nena, que estava enfadada amb mi,

And the girl, who was angry with me,

li va fer el dibuix a l'Anna.

He drew it for Anna.

Jo feliç amb les seves flors,

I am happy with your flowers,

en el jardí, cuidant-lo.

in the garden, taking care of it.

Parlant amb la Sam.

Talking with Sam.

Llavors va ser molt bonic, perquè l'Ociana es va adonar

Then it was very beautiful because Oceana realized.

que jo l'havia cuidat, i me va fer un dibuix, també.

that I had taken care of him, and he also drew me a picture.

Però li va fer després

But he did it to him later.

que l'Anna la mirés malament,

that Anna looked at her badly,

que l'havia mal fet a mi, també, us ho he de dir.

that it had wronged me, too, I have to tell you.

Sí, però podria no haver-me'l fet.

Yes, but I could have not done it.

I llavors em va mirar, és que recordo una mirada de l'Ociana, en plan,

And then she looked at me, I remember a look from Ociana, like,

bueno, te faré un dibuix, també.

Well, I'll draw you one, too.

I me va fer un dibuix, que el tinc penjat a l'armari.

He made me a drawing, which I have hung on the wardrobe.

Sí? El tinc aquí penjat.

Yes? I have it hanging here.

Jo crec que també el tinc.

I think I have it too.

Sí, sí. I va dir,

Yes, yes. And he said,

i a més, és que en el teu dibuix deia, aquesta sóc jo i aquesta ets tu.

And besides, in your drawing it said, this is me and this is you.

Sí, era molt maco,

Yes, it was very beautiful,

i aviam, cor, dibuixat...

and let's see, heart, drawn...

Però me'l va fer, d'acord?

But he made it for me, alright?

Ens quedem amb què te'l va fer.

We'll stick with the fact that he did it to you.

I res, bueno, tampoc se m'ha perdut res

And nothing, well, I haven't lost anything either.

en aquella nena, saps?

In that girl, you know?

No, no, tio.

No, no, man.

Li desitjo el millor, perquè realment és que era molt maca aquella nena,

I wish her the best, because she was really a very beautiful girl.

però estaves aprofitada, perquè la tenien malcriada.

but you were spoiled, because they had raised her badly.

Però me'n recordo que m'ensenyava la llengua,

But I remember that he/she taught me the language,

i sentia passió per tot, aquella nena.

I felt passion for everything, that girl.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

L'encantava jugar amb tot, i tenia molta imaginació,

She loved to play with everything, and she had a lot of imagination.

o sigui, era una passada.

That is to say, it was amazing.

Però, hòstia puta.

But, fucking hell.

No recollia res.

I wasn't picking anything up.

Recordo que va jugar i va deixar tot tirat.

I remember that he played and left everything lying around.

Que era el que li molestava la Sam,

What was bothering Sam,

que ho deixava tot tirat, i llavors ho havia d'anar a recollir ella.

that he left everything lying around, and then she had to go pick it up.

I dius, home, que l'ensenyina a recollir les coses, no?

And you say, man, that you teach him to pick up things, right?



Però és que van venir amb una furgo, te'n recordes? Enorme.

But they came with a van, do you remember? Huge.

Per passar quatre dies.

For spending four days.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I on dormia?

And where was I sleeping?

En la sala de fer esport de la Sam.

In the sports room of Sam.

Ah, va.

Ah, come on.

I van posar matalassos.

They put mattresses.

És veritat.

It's true.

I estava tot tirat, de joguines, i no sé què.

I was all thrown around, with toys, and I don't know what.

Fatal, fatal.

Fatal, fatal.



Que dius, no tens prou camp per córrer i jugar,

What are you saying, you don't have enough space to run and play,

que has de portar tota la teva casa aquí.

that you have to bring your whole house here.

Vull dir, jugar a casa els avis, no portis la teva casa aquí, saps?

I mean, playing at grandma's house, don't bring your house here, you know?

Ostres, és que ho va portar tot.

Wow, he brought everything.



Estava petadíssim, aquella furgo.

That van was totally wrecked.

És que de debò, que si fossin amics dels veïns,

It's just that really, if they were friends with the neighbors,

els veïns tenien tot ple d'animals,

the neighbors had all kinds of animals,

s'ho podia passar superbé, la nena allà amb les bèsties.

She could have a great time, the girl there with the animals.



Però bé.

But well.

És que ara estic recordant la casa, i m'està agradant.

I'm just remembering the house now, and I'm liking it.

No, o sigui, a mi m'agrada molt recordar-la.

No, I mean, I really like to remember her.

O sigui, estava allà...

So, I was there...

El menjador estava bé.

The dining room was fine.

Que tenien molt...

That they had a lot...

O sigui, tenien dos altaveus molt grans,

So, they had two very large speakers,

i podies posar música en cor del moment.

And could you play music in the background of the moment?

Sí, exacte, que ens va ensenyar aquella aplicació, la Sam.

Yes, exactly, it was Sam who taught us that application.



Que guai.

How cool.

És veritat.

It's true.

La Sam sempre ficava música.

Sam always played music.

Que la Sam tenia la seva habitació.

That Sam had her own room.

Estava guai, la seva habitació.

His room was cool.

Sí, a la seva habitació hi havia un lavabo, estava molt bé.

Yes, there was a washbasin in his room, it was very nice.

I llavors a la nostra habitació també hi havia un lavabo,

And then in our room there was also a bathroom,

però era un lavabo amb dues portes.

but it was a bathroom with two doors.


Do you remember?

És veritat.

It is true.

Que donava...

That gave...

Que la Sam entrava.

That Sam was coming in.

Ah, no, que donava fora.

Oh, no, it was giving outside.

Una porta donava a la nostra habitació,

A door led to our room,

i l'altra portada...

and the other cover...

I l'altra donava al passadís.

And the other led to the hallway.

Clar, la dia sempre tancada.

Of course, the day is always closed.



És veritat.

It is true.

I m'recordo que jo un dia em va obrir algú mentre jo era a dins,

I remember that one day someone opened the door while I was inside.

però vull dir, jo no estava ni pixant ni res, saps?

But I mean, I wasn't even peeing or anything, you know?

Estava rentant-me les dents, no sé què estava fent.

I was brushing my teeth, I don't know what I was doing.

Jo també un cop.

Me too, once.

I va entrar algú.

Someone entered.

Crec que era la Xiana, eh, de fet.

I think it was Xiana, actually.

Pot ser.


Ai, ens ho vam passar molt bé, en veritat, amb la Xiana.

Oh, we had a great time, really, with Xiana.

I va ser molt pesat,

It was very boring,

però de veritat és que...

but the truth is that...

Jo és que no vaig tractar molt bé.

I didn't treat him very well.

Li vaig dir, anem a trobar les aranyes.

I told him, let's go find the spiders.

I la nena super emocionada allà,

And the girl super excited there,

sí, anem a trobar les aranyes!

Yes, let's go find the spiders!

I veus una nena allà de cinc anys,

And you see a five-year-old girl there,

apropant-se a les aranyes,

approaching the spiders,

i jo, que adorable que és.

And I, how adorable he is.

Està guai.

It's cool.



Vols una altra pregunta?

Do you want another question?

Sí, vull una altra pregunta.

Yes, I want another question.

Com us vau aguantar?

How did you hold on?

Entre nosaltres?

Between us?



No ens vam aguantar directament.

We didn't hold back directly.

No, hi havia un punt que jo no podia veure l'Anna.

No, there was a point where I couldn't see Anna.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Però molt heavy, eh?

But very heavy, huh?

O sigui, l'última setmana.

So, the last week.

L'última setmana crec que va ser un punt en què ni ens parlàvem.

The last week I think it was a point where we didn't even speak to each other.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

No ens vam parlar, eh?

We didn't talk to each other, did we?

No, quasi no ens vam parlar.

No, we hardly talked.

No, jo no podia més.

No, I couldn't take it anymore.

O sigui, mentalment estava esgotada, t'ho juro.

So, I was mentally exhausted, I swear.

No podia, no podia.

I couldn't, I couldn't.

Digui, jo és que només vull anar a casa, de veritat.

Tell me, I just want to go home, really.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

És que me'n recordo que l'Anna bàsicament rondava per la casa

I remember that Anna was basically hanging around the house.

buscant sales on no hi hagués ningú.

looking for sales where there was no one.

T'ho juro.

I swear it to you.

I un dia va entrar a la sala,

And one day he entered the room,

ella es va ratllar, es va aixecar i va marxar.

She scratched herself, got up, and left.

I me'n vaig anar.

I left.



Els d'aquí que hi ha malament, eh?

Those from here that are wrong, huh?

Els d'Austràlia.

The ones from Australia.

Sí, és normal.

Yes, it is normal.

Van venir, no he explicat això, van venir...

They came, I haven't explained this, they came...

Sí, eren de Nova Zelanda.

Yes, they were from New Zealand.



Sí, Nova Zelanda.

Yes, New Zealand.

Les dues, tres últimes setmanes.

The last two or three weeks.



Van venir dos nois de Nova Zelanda,

Two boys from New Zealand came.

que se'n deien Curni i Roy,

they were called Curni and Roy,

que hem parlat abans d'ells, de la furgoneta.

that we talked about before, about the van.

Que bàsicament venien a arreglar la casa.

They basically came to fix the house.

Bueno, venien...

Well, they were coming...

Sí, és veritat, els havíem contractat per això.

Yes, it's true, we had hired them for that.

Perquè, clar, avançant a nosaltres,

Because, of course, moving ahead of us,

o sigui, el dia abans d'anar a nosaltres,

that is, the day before coming to us,

o dos dies abans,

two days before,

hi havia...

there was...

Es va cremar una estable que hi havia.

A stable that was there burned down.

Ai, sí, que els hi ha passat de tot, tio.

Oh, yes, they've been through everything, dude.

Sí, perquè...

Yes, because...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Dos dies abans, és veritat.

Two days before, it's true.

Després se'ls hi va anar el carall.

Then they lost their temper.

Van anar, no sé, aquí de Taiwan o d'algun país d'aquest asiàtic.

They went, I don't know, here from Taiwan or some country of that Asian sort.



I volien fer com un ritual o no sé què.

They wanted to do it like a ritual or something like that.

I es van carregar una estable.

And they loaded a stable.

I estava tot cremat, tot cremat.

I was completely burnt, completely burnt.

I doncs no van contractar, venien igual que nosaltres.

And so they were not hired, they came just like us.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Però van venir a arreglar l'estable aquest.

But they came to fix this stable.

Van dir, tenim això destrossat, podríeu arreglar-vos-ho.

They said, we have this messed up, could you fix it yourselves.

I era una penya realment molt espavilada,

And they were really very clever folks,

que la Curni treballava des dels 11 anys.

that Curni worked since she was 11 years old.

I veia treballant un munt de coses.

I saw a lot of things working.

Cuinava superbé, era cuinera.

She cooked superbly, she was a cook.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però teníem...

But we had...

Teníem una manera de fer que dius,

We had a way of doing that you say,

normal que hagis fet moltes coses.

It's normal that you have done many things.

Si suposo que no t'aguantaven a la meitat de les teves feines.

If I assume that they couldn't stand you halfway through your jobs.

Ostres, fatal.

Wow, terrible.

Estava esmorzant, anaven les 8 del matí.

I was having breakfast, it was 8 in the morning.

Baixo, estava esmorzant, entren embosses,

I'm coming down, I was having breakfast, training for the exams.

eren 3 embosses, vull dir, no necessito ajuda.

There were 3 embosses, I mean, I don't need help.

Jo estava esmorzant, tio, i em diu,

I was having breakfast, dude, and he tells me,

para d'esmorzar i vine a ajudar.

Stop for breakfast and come to help.

La miro i li dic no.

I look at her and say no.

O sigui, tio, estic esmorzant, espera't i t'ajudo, saps?

I mean, dude, I'm having breakfast, wait for me and I'll help you, you know?



Vull dir, puc esmorzar?

I mean, can I have breakfast?

Són les 8 del matí, tio.

It's 8 in the morning, dude.

Déu meu, que tal.

My God, how are you?

Sí, o sigui, eren gent que no en tenien...

Yes, I mean, they were people who didn't have any...

O sigui, tot era a la seva manera, saps?

I mean, everything was on his terms, you know?

No en tenien que la gent pogués tenir un altre ritme

They didn’t believe that people could have a different pace.

o pogués fer les coses d'una altra manera.

or could do things differently.

Si et fa ràbia que hi hagi una persona que estigui esmorzant,

If it makes you angry that there is someone having breakfast,

doncs li dius, ens podries ajudar?

So you tell him, could you help us?

O amablement...

Oh kindly...

Però és que no m'ho va dir amable, o sigui, m'ho va dir...

But it wasn't said to me kindly, I mean, it was said to me...

No, no, en plan, què fas a esmorzar?

No, no, I mean, what are you having for breakfast?



Aixeca't, vine.

Get up, come.

I jo, a veure, no és la meva hora de començar a treballar, saps?

And me, well, it's not my time to start working, you know?

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Perquè teníem una hora, o sigui,

Because we had an hour, that is,

ens esmorzàvem tots junts i després

we all had breakfast together and then

i a les 9 ens posàvem a treballar.

And at 9 we would start working.

I tio, estic aquí...

Hey man, I'm here...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.


You know?

I dic, vull dir, pots fer-ho tu, és una bossa,

I mean, I want to say, you can do it, it's a bag,

només has de posar les coses en el congelador.

You just have to put the things in the freezer.

Déu meu, senyora.

My goodness, lady.

I l'altra cosa és, encara que jo no fes res,

And the other thing is, even if I didn't do anything,

vull dir, la teva feina no és venir a dir-me a mi què he de fer.

I mean, your job is not to come and tell me what to do.

A tu t'han contractat per fer això de l'estable,

You have been hired to do this stable thing,

fes-ho i a mi deixa'm en pau.

Do it and leave me alone.

De veritat t'ho dic.

I truly tell you.

Saps? Va venir així com en plan...

You know? He came just like...

És que, de veritat, el que em feia molta ràbia

It's just that, really, what made me very angry.

era que quan havia de cridar el seu xicot

it was that when she had to call her boyfriend

el xiulava com si fos un gos.

he whistled as if he were a dog.

Déu meu, Déu meu.

My God, my God.

I l'altre ja anava, jo en plan, jo no hi aniria.

And the other one was going, I was like, I wouldn't go there.



O sigui, quina ràbia.

I mean, how annoying.

Em van caure tan malament.

They went so badly for me.

De debò.


O sigui, el primer dia...

So, the first day...

A mi em queien mitjanament bé.

I liked them moderately well.

A mi en Roy em queia bé.

I liked Roy.

En Roy era molt maco, però la Corri era bastant...

Roy was very handsome, but Corri was quite...

Jo és que tinc un fil de normalment amb la gent

I usually have a connection with people.

i és com, mentre haig de conviure amb ells,

and it's like, while I have to live with them,

em crec que em cauen bé, saps?

I think I like them, you know?



Però després hi penso i és com, hòstia...

But then I think about it and it's like, damn...

Ostres, jo un cop estava parlant amb el meu germà

Wow, once I was talking with my brother.

i em diu, para i posa't a treballar.

And he tells me, stop and get to work.

I dic, tio, estic parlant amb el meu germà,

I'm saying, dude, I'm talking to my brother.

em pot trucar només a aquesta hora, què t'aposta, saps?

You can only call me at this hour, what do you bet, you know?

Però no vol dir que no ho vagi a fer.

But it doesn't mean that I won't do it.

Però vull dir que és això que he dit,

But I mean it's this that I have said,

que és en Roger que t'ha de dir que paris, no ella.

It's Roger who has to tell you to stop, not her.

És que és això, i al Roger jo li vaig dir,

It's just that this is it, and I told Roger,

m'ha de trucar al meu germà a aquesta hora.

My brother has to call me at this hour.

I ell, sí, sí, fes el que vulguis.

And him, yes, yes, do what you want.

Al Roger li donava igual.

Roger didn't care.

Si un cop jo estava en el jardí i de veritat,

Once I was in the garden and truly,

aquell dia no estava, o sigui, em va baixar la regla,

that day I wasn't there, I mean, I got my period.

no estava.

was not.

I li dic, Roger, em trobo malament.

And I tell him, Roger, I'm feeling unwell.



I em diu, no, no et preocupis, fes-ho.

He tells me, no, don't worry, do it.

I no ho vaig tornar a fer, però em diu,

And I didn't do it again, but it tells me,

demà t'ho torno a posar per fer-ho.

Tomorrow I'll put it back on for you to do it.

I jo no m'ho vaig tornar a dir.

And I didn't say it to myself again.

Li donava igual, si el Roger...

He didn't care if Roger...

Ells els agradava que hi hagués gent de diferents cultures.

They liked having people from different cultures.

Sí, bàsicament, i ja està.

Yes, basically, and that's it.



I m'agradaven els dinars.

I liked the lunches.

Aquells, quan havies de recollir-ho tot,

Those times when you had to gather everything,

perquè de cop venia algú.

because suddenly someone was coming.

Hòstia, sí, això va ser la...

Damn, yes, that was the...

Què vols dir, la filla d'en Roger?

What do you mean, Roger's daughter?

No me'n recordo.

I don't remember.

Ni idea.

No idea.

Va ser la filla d'en Roger que diu,

It was Roger's daughter who says,

han de venir molta gent a menjar,

a lot of people have to come to eat,

vull que netegeu tota la casa,

I want you to clean the whole house.

que la tenien feta.

that they had made it.

Era una merda.

It was crap.

Estava molt escarós.

It was very scary.

Tenien el jardí ple de fulles,

They had the garden full of leaves,

però clar, era un jardí enorme.

but of course, it was a huge garden.

I diu, vull que reculli les fulles i no sé què.

And he says, I want you to collect the leaves and I don’t know what.

I jo m'ho vaig prendre literalment.

And I took it literally.

I vaig estar tot del matí a la nit

I was there all morning until night.

recollint les putes fulles.

collecting the fucking leaves.

A més, se'm va trencar l'escombra de recollir les fulles

Also, my leaf rake broke.

i jo veia que jo volia acabar ja, saps?

And I could see that I wanted to finish already, you know?

Jo tenia aquella feina i volia acabar.

I had that job and I wanted to finish.

I jo vaig dir a en Roger, Roger, se m'ha trencat.

And I said to Roger, Roger, it has broken.

Com ho puc arreglar? No sé què.

How can I fix it? I don't know what.

I en Roger diu, sí, ara, ara ho arreglem.

And Roger says, yes, now, we'll fix it now.

I total, que me va deixar mitja hora sense...

In total, it left me half an hour without...

I jo mentre dic, doncs l'arreglo jo.

And while I say, I'll fix it myself.

És foradada l'escombra, com vaig poder.

The broom is holed, as I could.

I la vaig arreglar.

And I fixed it.

I després en Roger em va dir una paraula

And then Roger told me a word.

que em va agradar molt, la veritat,

that I really liked, to be honest,

que no me'n recordo quina era.

I don't remember which one it was.

Em va dir, ets una noia persistent, alguna cosa així.

He told me, you are a persistent girl, something like that.

Però que només té significat allà a Anglaterra.

But it only has meaning there in England.

A veure si em va fer gràcia.

Let's see if it made me laugh.

No t'ho sabria dir.

I couldn't tell you.

Jo normal, si no m'arregles l'escombra.

I'm fine, unless you fix my broom.

És que, tio...

It's just that, dude...

I bueno, allà que ens vam currar, no sé què.

And well, there we worked hard, I don't know what.

I el dia següent venen el seu germà i la seva dona.

And the next day, his brother and his wife come.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Ostres, no? Per dir que està embarassada, no?

Wow, really? To say that she's pregnant, right?

I la dona, sí, sí.

And the woman, yes, yes.

Però vull dir que no era la festa del segle.

But I mean it wasn't the party of the century.

No, no era la festa del segle.

No, it was not the party of the century.

Semblava una festa d'aquestes que es fan ara pel Covid, saps?

It seemed like one of those parties that are being held now because of Covid, you know?

Ostres, però...

Wow, but...



Però un cop va venir un senyor, com de 40 anys,

But one time a man came, about 40 years old,

que semblava que...

that it seemed that...

Era el de la Sam?

Was it Sam's?

Va ser aquest dia.

It was this day.

Sí, no? Que va venir aquest.

Yes, right? This one came.

Sí, que era un tio que li anava darrere la Sam.

Yes, he was a guy who was following Sam.

Alguna cosa així.

Something like that.

Que per la seva edat era guapo, la veritat, jo crec.

That for his age he was handsome, the truth is, I believe.

Ostres, sí.

Wow, yes.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I tenia una bona feina.

I had a good job.

I tenia pinta de ser...

I looked like I was going to be...

Sí, sí, que tenia bona feina.

Yes, yes, he had a good job.

I a més anava a fer...

And also I was going to do...

Hòstia, i anava a fer fútbol i tot això,

Damn, I was going to play football and all that.

i un dia em recordo que van trucar a casa,

and one day I remember that they called the house,

vaig obrir jo i me'l vaig trobar.

I opened it and found it.

Però tot suat.

But all sweaty.



I jo, què vols?

And me, what do you want?

I diu...

And he says...

Res, digue-li a la Sam que he estat aquí.

Nothing, tell Sam that I have been here.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I jo, vale.

And me, okay.

Que va estar una mica malament, per això la Sam deia, no?

That was a bit wrong, that's why Sam was saying it, right?

A distància.

At a distance.

Bueno, però és que tota la família estava malament.

Well, it's just that the whole family was unwell.

És que en general, sí, sí.

It's just that in general, yes, yes.

No, però perquè a la Sam li agraden...

No, but because Sam likes...

En plan, la Sam és una noia que fa molt d'esport,

Basically, Sam is a girl who does a lot of sports,

en té molt bona figura,

she has a very good figure,

i clar, ella podia optar a nois amb molt bona figura, també.

And of course, she could choose guys with a very good figure, too.



I a la Sam li anaven aquests, saps?

And Sam liked these, you know?

Però aquell era maco, a mi em va caure bé.

But he was nice; I liked him.

Era molt maco, vull dir...

It was very nice, I mean...

És per això, vull dir...

That's why, I mean...

Jo crec que hauríem fet bona parella,

I think we would have made a good couple.

però la Sam volia un altre tipus, saps?

but Sam wanted a different type, you know?

Sí que vam conèixer gent, ara que ho penso.

Yes, we did meet people, now that I think about it.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Els de salsa.

The salsa ones.

Hi havia un que em pregunta...

There was one who asked me...


Holy shit.

Perquè, clar, salsa...

Because, of course, sauce...

En salsa, t'havies d'emparallar i fèiem rondes,

In salsa, you had to pair up and we would do rounds,

i que tot el temps anaves amb algú,

and that all the time you were with someone,

i la gent et preguntava d'on ets, no sé què.

And people would ask you where you are from, I don't know what.

I un em diu...

And one calls me...

Li dic, soc d'Espanya, i em diu...

I tell him, I'm from Spain, and he says to me...

Ah, la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, està molt bé.

Ah, Pompeu Fabra University, it's very good.

Sí, sí, directament, i Espanya, Pompeu Fabra.

Yes, yes, directly, and Spain, Pompeu Fabra.

I jo, ah, sí, no ho sé, what the fuck.

And me, ah, yes, I don't know, what the fuck.

I et va dir, per mi hi ha dues bones universitats en el món.

He told you, for me there are two good universities in the world.

Sí, la de Cambridge.

Yes, the one from Cambridge.

Una és la de Cambridge i l'altra és la Pompeu Fabra.

One is Cambridge and the other is Pompeu Fabra.

Sí, jo vaig flipar, i dic, sisplau, que em canviïn.

Yes, I was blown away, and I said, please change me.

Em feia poes.

It made me poetry.

Sí, t'ho juro.

Yes, I swear to you.

Feien molta por.

They were very scary.

El profe feia molta por, eh?

The teacher was really scary, huh?

Sí, a mi em feia por.

Yes, it scared me.

Era molt maco, la veritat.

It was very nice, really.

Sí, sí, a mi m'acabarà bé.

Yes, yes, it will end well for me.

Perquè a mi, de veritat, ja ho ha dit l'Anna,

Because for me, truly, Anna has already said it,

se'm donava com el cul ballar.

I was bad at dancing.



I, clar, al profe li feia ràbia,

I, of course, the teacher was angry.

jo crec que jo ballés tan malament.

I didn't think that I would dance so badly.

Sabeu aquelles pel·lícules en què una persona no sap ballar

Do you know those movies where a person can't dance?

i al final acaba sabent ballar?

And in the end, does he/she end up knowing how to dance?



Jo seria la perfecta protagonista, saps?

I would be the perfect protagonist, you know?

És que tu també.

It's just that you too.

I el profe estava allà, en plan, va, sí, que pots, no sé què.

And the teacher was there, like, come on, yes, you can, I don't know what.

I jo, bueno, intentant-ho, però no ho vaig donar a mi.

And I, well, trying to do it, but I didn't give it to myself.

Em feia molta gràcia veure't ballar.

It amused me a lot to see you dance.

Sí, sí, hòstia puta, és que no tenia gens el ritme.

Yes, yes, for fuck's sake, it just didn't have any rhythm at all.



Però, gens, és que a uns nivells,

But, nothing, it's just that at certain levels,

de veritat, em feia tanta gràcia.

Really, it made me laugh so much.

I, clar, hi havia un munt de penya estranya, de veritat,

I mean, there were a bunch of strange people, really.

perquè era un bar així, ja una mica estrany,

because it was a bar like that, a bit strange already,

on es reunia una colla de gent diumenge a la tarda

where a group of people used to gather on Sunday afternoons

que dius, no tens res millor a fer...

What are you saying, don't you have anything better to do...



...per ballar salsa. dance salsa.

Però em semblava maco.

But it seemed beautiful to me.

La gent anava a lligar.

People were going to hook up.

I hi havia molta gent que anava a lligar.

And there were a lot of people who were going to hook up.

Sí, jo crec que fins a un punt sí.

Yes, I think to a certain extent, yes.

Sí, i clar, llavors nosaltres estàvem a les exòtiques

Yes, and of course, then we were at the exotics.

i la gent ens deia coses rares.

And people would say strange things to us.



Clar, i nosaltres no ens entenàvem de la meitat.

Of course, and we didn't understand half of it.

Jo no anava a la magola.

I wasn't going to the magician.

Sí, jo també, clar, està.

Yes, me too, of course, it is.

I, bueno...


Jo anava a prendre, és que el profe em va dir,

I was going to take, it's just that the teacher told me,

se t'ho anava bé.

It suited you well.

Sí, se t'ho anava bé.

Yes, it suited you well.

I, clar, llavors em veia a mi i era com...

I, of course, then saw myself and it was like...

Ostres, és que de veritat...

Wow, it's just that really...

La Sam va venir un dia, no?

Sam came one day, didn't she?

Sí, la Sam solia venir o no?

Yes, did Sam usually come or not?

Vam deixar d'anar, al final.

We stopped going, in the end.

Sí, vam deixar d'anar, perquè era com...

Yes, we stopped going because it was like...

A mi em feia mandra aguantar la gent, la veritat.

I really felt lazy to put up with people, to be honest.

I jo deia, és que tampoc se'm...

And I said, it's just that I also don't...

Tampoc se'm dona la gana.

I don't feel like eating either.

Clar, no, perquè ens va donar l'opció,

Of course not, because it gave us the option,

quedeu-vos aquí o veniu a Vallès Salsa.

Stay here or come to Vallès Salsa.

I nosaltres ens quedem aquí.

And we stay here.

I a mi em vaig pensar,

And I thought to myself,

i m'haig d'anar amb el puto cotxe aquell,

I have to go with that fucking car.

i em quedo aquí.

And I stay here.

Sí, sí, jo també.

Yes, yes, me too.



Dic, no, és igual, ens quedem aquí.

I say, no, it doesn't matter, we'll stay here.

Però divertit, eh?

But fun, right?

O sigui, el temps que hi vam anar ens ho vam passar bé.

So, the time we went there we had a good time.

Després va arribar un punt que ja ens vam cansar

Afterwards, a point came when we got tired.

i vam deixar d'anar, i ja està.

and we stopped going, and that's it.

Acabem el podcast aquest aquí?

Shall we wrap up the podcast here?



I fem una altra...

Let's do another one...

Ens quedarà a la granja.

It will stay at the farm.

Sí, i també tenim preguntes encara, no?

Yes, and we still have questions, right?

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it is true.

Sí, encara queden moltes coses que li hem explicat.

Yes, there are still many things we have explained to him.

És que...

It's just that...

És que hem explicat potser ni un mes, eh?

It’s just that we haven’t explained it for maybe even a month, huh?

Sí, sí, però és que res.

Yes, yes, but it's just nothing.

Hem posat...

We have put...

Ara m'he posat la base.

Now I have put on the foundation.

Ens queda el casament, també, i tot.

We still have the wedding, too, and everything.



Bé, doncs fins aquí.

Well, that's it then.

Primera part.

First part.

Primera part del segon capítol.

First part of the second chapter.

De Això és una puta merda, segons tu.

That's a fucking mess, according to you.

No, però el títol és Dana Anna.

No, but the title is Dana Anna.

I el títol del primer capítol era Això és una puta merda.

And the title of the first chapter was This is a fucking mess.

Ah, està guai.

Ah, it's cool.

Sí, però si hi vols posar...

Yes, but if you want to add...

No, doncs m'agrada.

No, then I like it.



Dana Anna.

Dana Anna.

Vaig posar això perquè...

I put this because...

M'agrada Dana Anna, Això és una puta merda.

I like Dana Anna, This is a fucking mess.

Però això seria Anglaterra per tu.

But that would be England for you.

Va bé.

It's going well.

Que bonic!

How beautiful!

T'he entès, és perfecte.

I understand you, it's perfect.

Mira, acabo de...

Look, I just...

Acabo de presenciar una discusió, una reunió.

I just witnessed a discussion, a meeting.

Bé, gràcies per escoltar.

Well, thank you for listening.

Us estimem.

We love you.

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