Toni Massagué Casals




La gerra escardada. Història de l'Índia.

The cracked jug. History of India.

Cada dia, l'aiguader baixava fins al riarol amb dos grans gerres penjades d'una barra

Every day, the water carrier would go down to the stream with two large jugs hanging from a pole.

que es col·locava a les espatlles, per agafar aigua per a la casa del seu senyor.

that was placed on the shoulders, to fetch water for his master's house.

Quan va començar, solia baixar corrent l'escarpat viarany, tot xiulant,

When it started, he used to run down the steep path, whistling.

però d'això ja en feia força anys.

but that was quite a few years ago.

Ara era vell, vell i encorbat, li feien males espatlles,

Now he was old, old and hunchbacked, his shoulders were bad.

tenia les cames febles i una de les gerres tenia una esquerda.

I had weak legs and one of the jugs had a crack.

Havia arribat l'hora que un home més jove el rellevés d'aquella tasca.

The time had come for a younger man to take over that task.

L'últim dia que va haver de fer aquella feina,

The last day he had to do that job,

el vell aiguader va buidar les gerres a la cuina i va sortir a seure a l'ombra.

The old water carrier emptied the jugs in the kitchen and went out to sit in the shade.

Ben sorprès, es va quedar quan la gerra va parlar.

Very surprised, he was left when the pitcher spoke.

—Disculpa que et destorbi el descans, va dir, però et podria fer una pregunta?

"Sorry to disturb your rest," he said, "but could I ask you a question?"

L'aiguader va somriure.

The water carrier smiled.

—Et respondré tan bé com sabré, amiga meva.

—I will answer you as well as I can, my friend.

—Ja saps prou bé que estic escaldada, escaldada des de fa anys,

—You know very well that I am burned, burned for years now,

sempre ribocàs de l'amo mig buida.

always half empty of the owner

Com és que no m'has canviat mai per una altra?

How come you've never replaced me with another?

Anem una última vegada junts.

Let's go one last time together.

Fins al rierol, va respondre l'aiguader, i llavors et contestaré la pregunta.

"To the stream," replied the water carrier, "and then I will answer your question."

L'aiguader va omplir les gerres al rierol

The water carrier filled the jugs at the brook.

i es va disposar a tornar amb la gerra escardada que degotava com sempre.

And she got ready to return with the chipped jug that leaked as always.

A mig camí es va aturar i va seure en un roc.

Halfway, he stopped and sat on a rock.

—I doncs, va dir l'home a la gerra escardada,

"And then, said the man to the chipped jug,"

t'has fixat en les flors que només creixen al teu costat del camí?

Have you noticed the flowers that only grow on your side of the path?

—Les hi vaig plantar perquè sabia que les regaries cada dia.

—I planted them for you because I knew you would water them every day.

L'home va deixar escapar un sospir de felicitat.

The man let out a sigh of happiness.

—Gràcies a tu he pogut gaudir d'unes flors precioses cada primavera.

—Thanks to you, I have been able to enjoy beautiful flowers every spring.

Per mi el teu defecte és una benedicció.

For me, your flaw is a blessing.

Per això, amiga meva, no t'he substituït mai.

That's why, my friend, I have never replaced you.

Compte llegit, compte finit.

Account read, account finished.

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