"El misteri del quadre"

Julià Pérez

El misteri del quadre

"El misteri del quadre"

El misteri del quadre

El misteri del quadre. Primer capítol de Misteris S.L.

The mystery of the painting. First chapter of Mysteries S.L.

Julià Pérez.

Julià Pérez.

Durant els primers dies d'estada al poble de la seua àvia, la Torre,

During the first days of staying in her grandmother's village, the Torre,

aquesta li va dir a la protagonista, Alicia,

this told the protagonist, Alicia,

que acompanyarà Tia Sofia a visitar la seua amiga Valeria al Mas Roig,

who will accompany Aunt Sofia to visit her friend Valeria at Mas Roig,

als afores del poble.

on the outskirts of the village.

Per a ella, Tia Sofia era tot el contrari que sa iaia.

For her, Aunt Sofia was everything opposite to her grandmother.

Tenia un caràcter secallós i insuportable.

He had a dry and unbearable character.

I a més, sempre es queixava de pràcticament tot.

And besides, he always complained about practically everything.

En arribar-hi, estava la policia perquè eixa mateixa nit,

When we arrived, the police were there because that same night,

a l'amiga de Tia Sofia,

to Tia Sofia's friend,

li havien rebentat la finestra del menjador

they had smashed the living room window.

i li havien robat un quadre.

and they had stolen a painting from him.

De cop i volta, Tia Sofia es va anar del saló

Suddenly, Aunt Sofia left the living room.

i començar a inspeccionar l'exterior de la casa,

and start to inspect the exterior of the house,

amb una rapidesa que va sobtar molt Alicia.

with a speed that surprised Alicia very much.

Després de l'escorcoll, Tia Sofia va deixar bocabadats a tothom,

After the search, Aunt Sofia left everyone speechless,

fins i tot als agents de policia, amb la seua teoria.

even to the police officers, with their theory.

Va assegurar que els dos lladres,

He assured that the two thieves,

estava assegura que els delinqüents n'eren dos,

I was sure that there were two criminals.

havien arribat al Mas Roig, en tot terreny,

they had arrived at Mas Roig, in all terrain,

i que van aparcar a prop de l'entrada.

and they parked near the entrance.

A continuació, van sedar el gos.

Next, they sedated the dog.

Així van poder entrar-hi tranquil·lament.

Thus, they were able to enter calmly.

Després, van forçar el portelló exterior de la finestra

Afterwards, they forced the external shutter of the window.

i van trencar el vidre pel costat de la maneta.

They broke the glass by the handle side.

Davant de la hipòtesi de la dona,

In light of the hypothesis of the woman,

el policia la va mirar incrèdul perquè ja la coneixia.

The policeman looked at her incredulously because he already knew her.

El quadre robat per la policia,

The painting stolen by the police,

però no tenia cap valor.

but he/she had no courage.

El va regalar a Valeria i al seu marit un pintor aficionat

He gave Valeria and her husband a hobby painter.

que passava un parell de setmanes a la masia l'estiu anterior.

that spent a couple of weeks at the farmhouse the previous summer.

El llenç representava el paisatge que es veia des de l'interior de la casa.

The canvas depicted the landscape that could be seen from inside the house.

A Tia Sofia va estranyar-li que ja haguera pintat un espantoseig

Aunt Sofia was surprised that he had already painted a scarecrow.

davant mateix de la casa,

right in front of the house,

el qual ja no hi era perquè l'home de Valeria

which was no longer there because the man from Valeria

no pogués fer-lo a casa seva.

couldn't do it at his home.

A causa d'un accident domèstic que va patir.

Due to a domestic accident he suffered.

En tornar a casa seua,

Upon returning to his/her home,

Tia Sofia estava pletòrica i d'un humor excel·lent.

Aunt Sofia was exuberant and in excellent spirits.

El poble s'avorria molt,

The village was very bored,

però ara el robatori l'havia animada.

But now the theft had encouraged her.

Era una altra persona per a Alicia.

She was another person for Alicia.

L'endemà, al Mas Roig havia ocorregut un altre fet.

The next day, another event had occurred at Mas Roig.

Tornaren a entrar-hi, però no van robar res més.

They went back in, but they didn't steal anything else.

Els delinqüents es van limitar a acabar un gran clot

The criminals merely focused on digging a large pit.

enmig del jardí.

in the middle of the garden.

Per a les observacions de Tia Sofia era evident

For Aunt Sofia's observations, it was evident.

que eren els mateixos dos lladres que s'havien emportat el quadre.

that were the same two thieves who had taken the painting.

La tia àvia d'Alicia en aquell mateix moment

Alicia's great-aunt at that very moment.

va voler provar una teoria.

He wanted to test a theory.

Va fer que la xiqueta es posara en el mateix lloc

She made the girl stand in the same place.

on hi havia l'espantoseig.

where there was fright.

Després van acabar justament on va dir Tia Sofia.

Then they ended up exactly where Aunt Sofia said.

I van trobar una caixa forta de ferro.

They found a cast iron safe.

Estava convençuda que el quadre era un mapa

I was convinced that the painting was a map.

en què s'indicava l'emplaçament exacte

it indicated the exact location

d'alguna cosa de valor allà enterrada.

of something valuable buried there.

El misteriós pintor va amagar alguna cosa al jardí

The mysterious painter hid something in the garden.

i pintar el quadre només per a recordar

And paint the picture just to remember.

el punt exacte on ho havia soterrat.

the exact spot where I had buried it.

Els dos lladres coneixien el secret

The two thieves knew the secret.

i s'emportaren el quadre.

They took the painting away.

Però no es van adonar que l'espantoseig

But they did not realize that the frightfulness

no era el punt de referència,

it was not the reference point,

sinó la seua ombra.

but his shadow.

Al dia següent van aparèixer al Mas Roig

The next day they appeared at Mas Roig.

dos policies que suposadament estaven allà

two police officers who were supposedly there

per a obrir la caixa forta.

to open the safe.

Quan van fer-ho,

When they did it,

hi van aparèixer feixos de bitllets nous.

there appeared bundles of new banknotes.

Alicia va caure en el compte aleshores

Alicia then realized.

que aquells dos homes responien exactament

that those two men responded exactly

a la descripció que la tia Sofia havia fet dels lladres.

to the description that Aunt Sofia had given of the thieves.

D'immediat, l'alt es girar de sobte

Suddenly, the tall one turns around.

i apuntar els presents amb una pistola.

and point the attendees with a gun.

Tanmateix, els lladres van caure en la trampa

However, the thieves fell into the trap.

i dos agents de policia aparegueren per la finestra.

And two police officers appeared at the window.

Finalment, van ser detinguts

Finally, they were arrested.

i van confessar com va ocórrer tot

and they confessed how it all happened

des que feia un any van robar la caixa forta d'un banc

since a year ago they stole the safe from a bank

i que el suposat pintor va morir en un accident.

and that the supposed painter died in an accident.

Per a Isarrao, els dos lladres estaven una miqueta perduts.

For Isarrao, the two thieves were a little bit lost.

Tia Sofia va ser felicitada per tothom.

Aunt Sofia was congratulated by everyone.

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