Bruixes treball

Ageysha Rubio

bruixes zugarramurdi

Bruixes treball

bruixes zugarramurdi

Graciana Barrenetxea avui està en aquest tribunal perquè s'acusava de ser la cap de l'aquell arre de Zugarramurdi, on l'han vist obeir ordres del diable. Com es declara?

Graciana Barrenetxea is in this court today because she was accused of being the leader of that group from Zugarramurdi, where she has been seen obeying the devil's orders. How do you declare?



Hi ha persones que afirmen el contrari com vostè.

There are people who affirm the opposite like you.

Aquestes persones menteixen i jo si algun cop he confessat ha sigut perquè m'han forçat.

These people lie, and if I have ever confessed, it has been because they have forced me.

Reconeix que estàs mentint.

Acknowledge that you are lying.

No confessaré coses que no he realitzat.

I will not confess to things I have not done.

El vicari de Zugarramurdi testifica que va confessar.

The vicar of Zugarramurdi testifies that he confessed.

Estava sent amenaçada i no tenia alternativa.

I was being threatened and had no alternative.

Jo l'he vista.

I have seen her.

Què ha vist exactament?

What exactly has he/she seen?

Com realitzava ballos i rituals per invocar el diable.

How he performed dances and rituals to invoke the devil.

Jo la declaro culpable de bruixeria i dono per finalitzat aquest judici.

I declare her guilty of witchcraft and conclude this trial.

La Graciana va ser condemnada a anar a presó.

Graciana was sentenced to prison.

El judici a les bruixes de Zugarramurdi és recordat avui dia per ser el que va portar un inquisidor espanyol, Alonso de Salazar i Fredes,

The trial of the witches of Zugarramurdi is remembered today for being the one that brought a Spanish inquisitor, Alonso de Salazar y Fredes,

a considerar que en bastantes ocasions els religiosos es deixaven encegar per la seva obsessió amb el diable

to consider that on quite a few occasions the religious were blinded by their obsession with the devil

i condemnaven a la mort en la foguera de persones invisibles.

they condemned invisible people to death in the bonfire.

El procés va començar a 1508, quan una tal Maria de Ximildegui va afirmar haver contactat amb bruixes de la zona,

The process began in 1508, when a certain Maria de Ximildegui claimed to have contacted witches from the area,

haver ballat amb elles per al diable i haver-se untat un verutge estrany pel cos.

to have danced with them for the devil and to have smeared a strange ointment on the body.

La seva confessió, que va ser acompanyada de la denúncia de diverses veïnes del poble,

His confession, which was accompanied by the report of several neighbors from the village,

va fer que es desplacessin fins a la zona les forces de la Santa Inquisició.

It caused the forces of the Holy Inquisition to move to the area.

Després de les primeres perquisicions i que multitud d'acusats fossin portats fins a Logroño en 1610,

After the first inquiries and the multitude of accused were brought to Logroño in 1610,

el 6 de novembre 53 persones van ser jutjades pel Sant Ofici en Terres Gallegues.

On November 6, 53 people were tried by the Inquisition in Galician lands.

El resultat de l'acte de fe va portar a la mort d'11 d'ells, 5 en Efigier,

The result of the act of faith led to the death of 11 of them, 5 in effigy,

és a dir, que es va cremar un ninot en el seu nom pel fet que ja havien mort a les presons

That is to say, a effigy was burned in his name because they had already died in prison.

o havien preferit suïcidar-se a sofrir més torments a mans dels religiosos.

They would have preferred to commit suicide rather than suffer more torments at the hands of the religious.

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