El Pati Podcast #12 | JAUME SOLÉ



El Pati Podcast #12 | JAUME SOLÉ


Se va a ver un follón que no sabe ni dónde se ha metido

He's going to get into a mess he doesn't even know how he got into.

Senyores i senyors, no us preocupeu més perquè ja som aquí

Ladies and gentlemen, don't worry anymore because we are here.

Ja hem arribat des de les terres de Ponent

We have already arrived from the lands of the West.

Per dir-vos que ha sonat el timbre

To tell you that the bell has rung.

I sortim al pati

We're going out to the yard.

No, ni soparé, ni he berenat, ni faré res avui

No, I will neither have dinner, nor have had a snack, nor will I do anything today.

Això és massa fort

This is too strong.

Oh, companys i companyes

Oh, friends and amigas

Que si no sou de Targues

That if you are not from Targues.

Que us esteu perdent alguna cosa

That you are missing out on something.

Sigueu molt benvinguts al dotze capítol

Welcome to the twelfth chapter.

De la quarta temporada

From the fourth season

Del cada vegada més humil

From the increasingly humble

I menys deficitari

And less deficit.

Pati Podcast

Pati Podcast

Ja hi tornem a ser

Here we go again.

Tots els integrants de la banda del pati

All the members of the playground band.

El Viles a la bateria

The Viles on drums.

L'Eloi a la trompeta

Eloi on the trumpet

El Quim al baix

The Quim downstairs

I jo, òbviament, a la pandereta

And me, obviously, on the tambourine.

Seguim un capítol més

Let's continue with another chapter.

Però és que a l'horitzó

But there is on the horizon

Es comencen a sentir certs rumors

Certain rumors are starting to be heard.

D'un possible final d'era

Of a possible end of an era

Serà aquesta l'última temporada

Will this be the last season?

Del pati podcast

From the courtyard podcast

S'han cansat de xerrar

They are tired of chatting.

Sense que ningú els faci cas i els escolti

Without anyone paying attention to them or listening to them.

És el serritan guapo

He is the handsome Montserrat.

A la vida real

To real life

Estigueu tranquils

Be calm.

En els propers dies donarem més informació

In the next few days, we will provide more information.

Sobre el nostre futur

About our future

Avui no em vull allargar massa

Today I don't want to go on for too long.

Perquè tenim l'honor i el plaer

Because we have the honor and the pleasure

De rebre la visita d'una de les cares

Receiving a visit from one of the faces.

Més conegudes de Targa

More known of Targa

És així o no, Quim?

Is it so or not, Quim?

És així, avui tenim el plaer

That's right, today we have the pleasure.

Com deies tu, de rebre la visita

As you said, receiving the visit.

De l'ull que tot ho veu

From the eye that sees everything

Un home que ha fet de la seva feina

A man who has made his job

Un símbol d'identitat marcadíssim

A highly marked symbol of identity

En la seva personalitat

In his/her personality

Perquè no t'imagines Jaume sense càmera

Why can't you imagine Jaume without a camera?

Ni càmera sense Jaume

Not a camera without Jaume.

Però és el que fem

But it's what we do.

Per això, mentre el catsejàvem a l'entrada

That's why, while we were teasing him at the entrance.

Entre les claus de casa

Among the house keys

I algun artefacte potencialment explosiu

And some potentially explosive device.

Li hem hagut de retirar

We have had to remove it.

Una reflex Nikon D7500

A Nikon D7500 DSLR.

De 18 a 140

From 18 to 140



No patiu, amics

Don't worry, friends.

És un acudit de fotògrafs

It's a joke about photographers.

Entre els del Gremi i els amantes

Between those of the Guild and the lovers.

M'has traslladat a l'aficionat?

Have you transferred me to the fan?

La meva és la Butxens?

Is mine the Butxens?

Home, home, home

Home, home, home

He tirat baix

I have thrown down.

Mira que canviem

Look how we change.

Doncs gràcies a que hem pogut interceptar

Well, thanks to the fact that we were able to intercept.

Aquest objecte susceptible de fer

This object is capable of doing.

En el moment menys esperat

At the least expected moment

Avui podeu veure el Jaume més pur

Today you can see the purest Jaume.

Més autèntic

More authentic



Totalment despullat

Totally naked

Espiritualment davant nostre

Spiritually before us

Un home conegut absolutament per tothom a la ciutat

A man known absolutely by everyone in the city.

Un autèntic referent

An authentic reference

En la passió per la seva feina

In the passion for his work.

L'encarregat d'omplir les dues últimes pàgines de la nova tarda

The person in charge of filling in the last two pages of the new afternoon.

Que eren les úniques que ens miràvem a la seva època

They were the only ones we looked at in their time.

Un geni del zoom in zoom out

A genius of zooming in and out

Una persona

A person

Que fa una mitja marató

What does a half marathon do?

Només per fer-te una foto de carnet

Just to take a passport photo of you.

Que s'ha posat d'un costat a l'altre

That has been moved from one side to the other.

El Messi del...

The Messi of...



Ho sabeu tots?

Do you all know?

Una persona que si em preguntes

A person that if you ask me

Sempre ha tingut la mateixa edat

He has always been the same age.

Sí, perfectament

Yes, perfectly.

Un John Lennon en tota regla

A full-fledged John Lennon.

Que un de nosaltres el va estar a punt de matar abans d'hora

That one of us almost killed him ahead of time.

Però ja en parlarem

But we'll talk about it later.

De One and Only Jaume Soler

By the One and Only Jaume Soler

Tot i que el meu tiet també es diu Jaume Soler i no és ell

Although my uncle is also called Jaume Soler and it is not him.

Així que potser no tan One and Only

So maybe not so One and Only.

És el dos

It is two.

Jaume Soler dos

Jaume Soler two

Tot i això, il·lustríssim Jaume Soler

Nevertheless, illustrious Jaume Soler.

Benvingut al Pati Vodka

Welcome to Pati Vodka.


Thank you

Estàs, sí, enfadat

You are, yes, angry.



Estàs enfadat

Are you angry?

No, estic feliç d'estar viu

No, I am happy to be alive.

Ah, això

Ah, that

Perquè sempre la fallem

Because we always mess it up.

Sempre la fallem

We always mess it up.

Sort n'hi ha hagut

There has been luck.

Perquè la teoria vostra

Because your theory

Que no es compleix mai

That is never fulfilled.

El que les vostres prediccions

What your predictions

Puc dir que està comprovat i demostrat

I can say that it is verified and proven.

Això, bueno, aprofitem per saludar l'Eloi i el Viles

Well, let's take the opportunity to greet Eloi and Viles.

Com esteu?

How are you?

Estàs content, tu, Eloi, de tindre el Jaume i tots els altres?

Are you happy, you, Eloi, to have Jaume and all the others?

Jo estic molt content

I am very happy.

Però tinc por

But I am afraid.

Tinc por que em pot sortir la història

I'm afraid that the story might come out.

Us haig de dir que des d'aquell dia se m'ha amagat

I have to tell you that since that day he/she has hidden from me.

I som veïns

We are neighbors.

No l'he vist més

I haven't seen him/her anymore.

No ens hem vist

We haven't seen each other.

Però jo et vaig veure diumenge passat

But I saw you last Sunday.

Que pujaves en un cotxe

That you were getting into a car.

Que anaves al cau a no sé on

That you were going to the den to I don't know where.

I dic, mira com dissimula

I say, look how he/she hides it.



L'Eloi està content

Eloi is happy.

Però de tenir-me a mil mig

But to have me at a thousand midway.

Està content avui

He is happy today.

El va, que us estimo molt

I love you all very much.

Jaume, fem unes preguntes típiques i ràpides

Jaume, let's ask some typical and quick questions.

A tots els convidats que portem aquí al Pati Vodka

To all the guests we have here at Pati Vodka.

Perquè la gent que ens ha dit que no és el que és

Because the people who have told us that it is not what it is.

Que la gent els pugui conèixer una mica

So that people can get to know them a little.

Estem preparats?

Are we ready?

Estic a punt

I am ready.





40 coditzats

40 coded

Ostres, 50 també

Wow, 50 too.



60 i algo

60 and something

A quina escola vas anar?

Which school did you go to?

A l'escola Pia

At the Escola Pia

A la Salle

At La Salle

I a l'Institut Fotogràfic de Catalunya

And at the Photographic Institute of Catalonia.

Per tant




Estudis, mira

Studies, look.

Tinc l'administratiu que no he exercit mai

I have the administrative position that I have never held.

Perquè me'n vaig adonar que qui no hi està

Because I realized that those who are not there

Vaig descobrir que era una mica hiperactiu

I discovered that I was a bit hyperactive.

També ens n'hem adonat

We have also noticed it.

I la meva passió

And my passion

Que ha vingut del meu pare

What has come from my father.

La vaig descobrir

I discovered her.

Just al tornar de la mil

Just upon returning from the thousand.

I me'n vaig adonar que

I realized that

El meu era la càmera

Mine was the camera.

Mira, primera feina

Look, first job.

La meva feina

My job

Primera feina professional o d'aficionat?

First professional job or hobbyist?

Primera feina

First job

Fotògraf de l'escola Pia

Photographer of the Pia school

Fer una revista que es diu Kibuts

Make a magazine called Kibuts.

Després a la mil

Later to the thoudand.

I el fotògraf del quartel

And the photographer of the barracks

Has treballat alguna cosa que no sigui de fotografia?

Have you worked in anything other than photography?


Sí, sí

Yes, yes

A la mili, com que no podia estar quiet

In the army, since I couldn't stay still.

I tenir les tardes lliures

And to have free afternoons

Me'n vaig anar

I went away.

Hi havia un diari que es diu La Mañana

There was a newspaper called La Mañana.

Hòstia, La Mañana

Damn, The Morning

El segre encara no

The Segre not yet.

Hi havia La Mañana

There was The Morning.

Que diu buscamos personas

What does it say? We are looking for people.

Para tricotar

For knitting

Dic, ah

I say, ah

M'hi presento

I show up.

I em veus allí

And you see me there

Rick, rack

Rick, rack

Valtres no ho sabeu

You don't know it.

Però feia jerseis

But he/she was making sweaters.

Rick, rack

Rick, rack

Llavors em diuen

Then they tell me

Què et sembla?

What do you think?

Dic, no, no, és fàcil

I say, no, no, it's easy.

Rick, rack

Rick, rack

I sortia un jersei allí, no?

A sweater came out there, right?

I tal i qual

So and so

I llavors em diu

And then he tells me.

Mira, això funciona així

Look, this works like this.

Diu, tu vas treballant

He says, you keep working.

Anem donant les hores

We're passing the hours.

Més o menys

More or less

En un estànding

In a standing position

Que acabava a la mili

That was finishing military service.

Amb una tricotadora enorme

With a huge knitting machine.

D'aquí fins aquí

From here to here

Que no hi cabia a casa meua

That it wouldn't fit in my house.

I vaig estar una setmana

I was there for a week.



A continuació


Em va sortir

It came out to me.

Lo del círculo de lectores

The circle of readers

També buscaven gent

They were also looking for people.

Ah, mira, mira

Ah, look, look.

Perquè era en castellà

Because it was in Spanish.

No en tots els anys

Not in all the years.

I buscaven gent

They were looking for people.

I em veus al carrer

You see me on the street.

Amb un traje

With a suit

Porta, porta

Door, door

Bones, círculo de lectores

Hello, readers' circle.






Excuse me.

Tinc una cosa

I have something.

Que no la té ningú més

That nobody else has it.

Ah, i llavors t'escoltaim

Ah, and then we will listen to you.



Vénc una enciclopèdia

I sell an encyclopedia.

I arriba el primer tomb

And here comes the first turn

Us arriba el primer tomb

The first turn arrives for you.

Amb les tapes invertides

With the inverted lids



I me la tornen

They return it to me.

I me borren la comissió

They are deleting my commission.


I say

No és per mi

It's not for me.

És a dir

That is to say

Que no vas vendre cap enciclopèdia

That you didn't sell any encyclopedia.



Una que me la van tornar

One that they gave back to me.




Estat civil

Marital status

Una pregunta

A question

Molt ràpida

Very fast

A mi m'has explicat molt ràpid

You have explained to me very quickly.

Què vol dir tricotar

What does it mean to knit?


To knit

És una tricotadora

She is a knitter.

Que tricote

What a mess!

I fa

And it does


To knit

És que ets molt jove

It’s just that you are very young.

És que no sé

I don't know.

Què és tricotar

What is knitting?

A veure

Let's see.

Com t'ho explicaré

How will I explain it to you?

Si ho fas a mà

If you do it by hand

Un jersei

A sweater

Com lo faries a mà

How would you do it by hand?

Tu ara

You now

Sense sàpigues res

Without knowing anything.

Un cap d'ell

A head of him

I unes

And some





Doncs ara imagina't

Well now imagine this

Que això ho automatitzes

That you automate this.

Llavors fan una màquina

Then they make a machine.

Que fes

What he/she did





I et feia

I was thinking of you.

Tot una tirada

All in one go





I hi havia tots uns

And there were all sorts of them.

Capdells d'allà

Garlic cloves from there.

Que anaven estirant

That they were stretching.

I aleshores

And then



Anais fent

Anais doing

I després hi havia una senyora

And then there was a lady.



Empalmava les mànigues

He was rolling up his sleeves.

I aquestes coses

And these things

Que això s'havia

That this had been

I ja està

And that's it.

Sortia un jersei

It came out a sweater.


Of those



Dels anys 70

From the 70s

D'aquells joves

Of those young people



Tu no ho has vist

You haven't seen it.

Que anàvem al bit ben

That we were going to the good bit.

Amb aquells jerseis

With those sweaters

Es lligava molt

It was tied a lot.







To knit

Estat civil

Marital status



Molt ben casat

Very well married

Metres quadrats

Square meters

Què fa a casa teva

What does he/she do at your house?



I know

No sé quants

I don't know how many.

És una casa

It is a house.


It is

Sóc el veí

I am the neighbor.

D'aquell senyor d'allà

From that gentleman over there.



Som quatre veïns

We are four neighbors.

Que compartim

What we share

Una piscina i jardí

A pool and garden.

De 500 metres quadrats

Of 500 square meters



Però no

But no

No em deixen

They don't let me.

Portar gent

Bring people.

No et deixen

They don't let you.

Si no sou de família

If you are not from a family



O sigui que si

So if


Do you want?

Ens fem

We are becoming

De família

Of family

Ens fem família

We are becoming family.

Segona residència

Second home



De moment

At the moment


The study

A mi passen moltes hores

Many hours pass for me.






I have

El Pixel

The Pixel

Que té Facebook

What does Facebook have?

Lo senyor Pixel

Mr. Pixel

A veure si

Let's see if

Podem fer seguir dos

We can follow two.

El senyor Pixel

Mr. Pixel

Que és un gos

What is a dog


Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

És aquell que porto sempre

It's the one I always wear.


Un bitxo maltes

A Maltese bug

I a més

And also

Parla de filosofia

Talks about philosophy.

De la vida

Of life

I tal i qual

And so on

Explica quan

Explain when

Quan se va casar

When he/she got married

Amb la gosseta

With the puppy

Quan va tindre els seus fills

When did he/she have his/her children?

I parla

And he speaks.

De coses perroners

Of dog-related things

I llavors

And then

Tinc a son fill

I have a son.

Que el volíem regalar

We wanted to gift it.

Però em va mirar la cara

But she looked at my face.

I com que

And since

Torna sensible

Come back sensitive

Amb l'edat

With age



I amb la fenya que fas

And with the effort you make

Doncs ara en tinc dos

Well, now I have two.

Tinc pare i fill

I have a father and a son.

I es diu R2

And it's called R2.

El segon

The second

El Pixel i l'R2

The Pixel and the R2

I l'R2

And the R2

Molt bé

Very well

A més tant

Furthermore so much

Educatòrics es porten molt bé

Educators behave very well.

Jo tinc una pregunta dels gossos

I have a question about dogs.

Els pots diferenciar?

Can you differentiate them?

Perquè jo sempre que els veig pel carrer

Because every time I see them on the street


I say

Són iguals

They are the same.



Un té 13 anys

He is 13 years old.

I mig

And a half

I l'altre en té 5

And the other one has 5.



Amb un li poso

With a it I put on.

Per si de cas

Just in case.



Li poso l'Ernest Blau

I put Ernest Blau.

El senyor Pixel

Mr. Pixel



I és un fill

And he is a son.

El porta vermell

The red door

A vegades m'equivoco eh

Sometimes I make mistakes, you know.



I els hi canvio

And I change them.


Holy shit

Bar o restaurant de referència?

Reference bar or restaurant?







És que em fan treball a tots

They make me work for everyone.

Ah clar

Oh, of course.

Cafeteries i bars

Cafes and bars





Soc comercial

I am a salesperson.





Ets molt diplomàtic

You are very diplomatic.






Vull dir que

I mean that

Porto una trajectòria de bars

I have a background in bars.

Que em fa por

That scares me.

Vull dir que

I mean that




Persona més famosa entre els teus contactes?

Most famous person among your contacts?

Més famosa...

More famous...

Així influent, podríem dir, eh?

So influential, we could say, right?

Bueno, el putic no, perquè vol dir que s'havia de morir, també.

Well, the little whore no, because it means that he had to die, too.

No sé, el Mag Lari.

I don't know, the Mag Lari.

El Mag Lari, molt bé, molt bé.

The magician Lari, very well, very well.

Josep Maria, estic una amistat.

Josep Maria, I am a friend.

Pels amics.

For friends.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Maria pels amics.

Maria for the friends.

Hòstia, no l'havia sentit mai que es deia Josep Maria, però vale.

Wow, I had never heard that he was called Josep Maria, but okay.

No, no, se'n diu.

No, no, that's what it's called.

L'Ari, eh?

Ari, huh?

Lo del Mac és a més a més.

The thing about the Mac is more than that.

No és el primer que em va dir.

It's not the first time someone has told me.

Surts de festa, què et demanes a la barra?

When you go out to party, what do you order at the bar?

Ara demano una aigua natural, però sóc de birreter.

Now I ask for a still water, but I am a beer drinker.

Sí, però ahir, ahir vas picar, eh?

Yes, but yesterday, you messed up yesterday, didn't you?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Em va deixar, em va deixar.

She left me, she left me.

Ahir què vas acabar?

What did you finish yesterday?

La saúca.

The elderberry.

Ai, la saúca.

Oh, the elderberry.

És que...

It's just that...

A veure, reivindico.

Let's see, I claim.

No tanqueu la fàbrica del Matoll, sisplau.

Please don't close the Matoll factory.

S'ha de dir.

It must be said.

S'ha de dir, home, per favor.

It must be said, man, please.

Home, que a mi m'ha...

Man, that has...

A mi m'ha...

It has...

He descobert un paladar diferent.

I have discovered a different palate.

Home, és que...

Dude, it's just that...



És que sí.

It is that yes.

És aquella putada de les coses, que quan descobreixes el que t'agrada s'acaba, eh?

It's that screwed-up thing about life, that when you discover what you like, it comes to an end, right?

Sí, sí, sí. Sembla estrany.

Yes, yes, yes. It seems strange.

I per última, Jaume, grup de música preferit?

And lastly, Jaume, what is your favorite music group?

He treballat per a tots.

I have worked for everyone.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Mira, ara hi ha una cosa que em va molt bé perquè em faig la meva música.

Look, now there is something that works very well for me because I make my own music.

Que per treballar...

That to work...

S'ha de pagar drets d'autors, ja ho sabeu, eh?

You have to pay copyright fees, you know that, right?

No sé quina música feu servir aquí, però cuida d'in, eh?

I don't know what music you use here, but be careful with it, okay?

Que a mi m'ho han vingut dos cops.

That it has happened to me twice.

I clar, està molt bé perquè li dius a la Rosita, eh?

And of course, it's very good because you tell Rosita, right?

Perquè no vull dir Marques.

Because I don't want to say Brands.

Ah, vale.

Ah, okay.

Li dius a la Rosita.

You tell Rosita.

Mira, Rosita, necessito una musiqueta.

Look, Rosita, I need some music.


Do you see?

Són una parella que s'han casat ara, s'han casat en aquell lloc.

They are a couple that has just gotten married, they got married in that place.

Que tingui un estil així i que faci xungui-xungui i nyaqui-nyaqui.

That it has a style like this and goes xungui-xungui and nyaqui-nyaqui.

I pretes i...

I pretend and...

Xungui-xungui i nyaqui-nyaqui.

Chirp-chirp and meow-meow.

I em queda conya.

I still find it funny.

Llavors, clar, és música i neta.

Then, of course, it's music and clean.

Però bueno, no sé, sóc molt de blues, sóc molt de blues.

But well, I don't know, I'm really into blues, I'm really into blues.

M'agrada tot lo de blues.

I like everything about blues.

El fado el vaig descobrir a Lisboa.

I discovered fado in Lisbon.

No m'agradava.

I didn't like it.

Però em vaig sopar amb una senyora que cantava fado

But I had dinner with a lady who sang fado.

i uns quants mossens allà a l'amanida.

and a few priests over there at the salad.

I dic, ostres, m'agrada el fado.

I say, wow, I like fado.


Do you like it?

Sí, i he descobert una cosa.

Yes, and I have discovered something.



No sé, començaria pels Beatles.

I don't know, I would start with the Beatles.

I acabaria...

And I would end up...

Per la terrasseta.

For the small terrace.

Sí, dels Beatles a la terrasseta.

Yes, from the Beatles to the small terrace.

Ja en pas, ja en pas.

Already in step, already in step.

Les pintes són les mateixes.

The hairstyles are the same.



Mentre és nyaqui-nyaqui, xungui-xungui, a mi em va tot.

While it's all nyaqui-nyaqui, xungui-xungui, everything is fine for me.

Mira, doncs fins aquí les preguntes ràpides.

Look, so that's all for the quick questions.

Hi ha una mica més específic, en flash o sense?

Is there something a bit more specific, in flash or not?

Jo sóc a pelo, natural tot.

I am bare, completely natural.





El flash sí que l'utilitzo per...

I do use the flash for...



El flash sí que l'utilitzo per rebotar.

I do use the flash to bounce.

Allò que hi fiquis aquella...

Whatever you put there...

Ah, exacte.

Ah, exactly.

Fixa't que no te'l tiro mai directe, vale?

Notice that I never throw it directly to you, okay?

O sigui, no pots fer així, no em facis així perquè no et molesto.

So, you can't do that, don't do that to me because I'm not bothering you.

I llavors m'agrada molt el rebot, el rebot, el rebot, el rebot.

And then I really like the rebound, the rebound, the rebound, the rebound.

Zoom in o zoom out?

Zoom in or zoom out?

Zoom out.

Zoom out.

Zoom out, eh?

Zoom out, huh?

I també podríem dir que l'obturador, quants mil·límetres més o menys?

And we could also ask how many millimeters the shutter is, more or less?

Ai, l'has cagat, eh?

Oh, you messed it up, huh?

L'has cagat.

You've messed it up.

L'obturador és una cosa, els mil·límetres és una altra.

The shutter is one thing, the millimeters are another.

L'obturador és el temps.

The shutter is time.

El diafragma és l'iris.

The diaphragm is the iris.

Correcte, correcte.

Correct, correct.

A més que no m'ho heu fet el màster, eh?

Besides, you didn’t give me the master's, right?

No, però ja veus que el sets m'agrada molt parlar sense saber-ne res.

No, but you can see that I like to talk a lot without knowing anything about it.

La velocitat, la que toqui.

The speed, whatever it may be.



Perquè és l'obturador.

Because it's the shutter.

La velocitat, l'obturador.

The speed, the shutter.

La que toqui, perquè queda bé.

Whichever one fits, because it looks good.

Que vols donar moviment, velocitat lenta, eh?

You want to give movement, slow speed, huh?

Que vols quedar impactat.

You want to be left stunned.



Ara, lo més important és el diafragma.

Now, the most important thing is the diaphragm.

El diafragma és l'iris.

The diaphragm is the iris.

L'iris, com més obert el tens...

The iris, the more open you have it...

Més llum, no?

More light, right?

Més llum tindre, però és que l'has pillat.

More light to have, but it's that you've got it.

L'has pillat.

You caught him/her.

Perquè tens la pupila molt dilatada.

Because your pupil is very dilated.

Llavors, perds metres.

Then, you lose meters.

A vegades també passa això de nit, que la gent té les pupilles...

Sometimes this also happens at night, that people have their pupils...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Normalment, perquè hi ha poca llum, eh?

Normally, because there is little light, right?

Sí, perquè...

Yes, because...

S'ha de dir, s'ha de dir.

It must be said, it must be said.

Llavors, que hi ha molta llum, la pupila es fa pitita,

Then, when there is a lot of light, the pupil constricts.

l'iris de la càmera és petitet.

The camera's iris is small.

Com que hi ha poca llum,

Since there is little light,

va, el número F, que és el diafragma més important,

come on, the F number, which is the most important diaphragm,

més que no et fa pares...

more than it makes you stop...



No, això estàs parlant, doctora...

No, that's what you're talking about, doctor...

Me cago en la mare!

I shit on the mother!



Home, me cago en el que t'infartaràs, home!

Man, I swear you’ll have a heart attack, man!

Me cago en l'hòstia!

I shit on the host!

Vale, vinga.

Okay, come on.



A veure, tornem-hi.

Let's see, let's try again.


The F8...

F8, eh?

F8, huh?

F8 és el diafragma perfecte.

F8 is the perfect aperture.

Si mireu el meu logo, és un F8.

If you look at my logo, it's an F8.

Perquè és el que no desenfoca,

Because it's what doesn't go out of focus,

agafes una profunditat de cap mitja,

you take a depth of half a head,

i no et fa les flaires.

And it doesn't give you the scents.

Recordeu-vos-en, les flaires.

Remember the scents.

Si mai aneu de nit i veus moltes flaires,

If you ever go out at night and smell many scents,

posa't un F8, no les veuràs.

put on an F8, you won't see them.

Just ho he pensat aquest matí quan m'he despertat.

I just thought about it this morning when I woke up.

Segur que el logo de Jaume és un F8.

Surely Jaume's logo is an F8.



I pel que fa als plans,

And regarding the plans,

aniríem pel primeríssim, primer pla,

we would go along the very first, foreground,

o t'agraden més...

or do you like them more...

Mira, depèn del que vulguis fer.

Look, it depends on what you want to do.

Depèn del que vulguis fer.

It depends on what you want to do.

A mi m'agrada... Això és meu, eh?

I like... This is mine, okay?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Pren-ho en nota, eh?

Take note of it, okay?

Per mi, què és la fotografia?

For me, what is photography?

Que no m'ho has preguntat.

You didn't ask me that.

Què és, Jaume, per tu?

What is it, Jaume, to you?

Com faig una fotografia?

How do I take a photograph?

Per mi, la fotografia és poesia congelada.

For me, photography is frozen poetry.

Poesia congelada, eh? Ostres.

Frozen poetry, huh? Wow.

És meu, eh?

It's mine, right?

No, no.

No, no.

No m'has copiat de ningú.

You haven't copied me from anyone.

No, no, és meu.

No, no, it’s mine.

És una bona definició.

It's a good definition.

M'ho ha dit a l'Urdes la nova tàrrega.

The new Tàrrega told me.



Vostè no ho havia sentit mai. És meu.

You had never heard it. It is mine.

Per mi, la fotografia congelada, o sigui,

For me, the frozen photograph, that is,

la fotografia congelada és aquesta copa,

the frozen photograph is this cup,

que veieu aquí, que no sé per què serà,

what you see here, I don't know why it will be,

aquesta copa.

this cup.

Hi ha moltes maneres de retratar-la.

There are many ways to portray her.

Però clar, si tu li pots donar aquesta poesia congelada,

But of course, if you can give him this frozen poetry,

quan la mires...

when you look at her...



Te la paguen i tot.

They pay you for it and everything.

Calés, correcte.

Money, correct.

Ai, ai, ai.

Oh, oh, oh.

Això et fa espavilar molt, eh?

This makes you perk up a lot, doesn't it?

Jaume, ara que parlem una mica de calés,

Jaume, now that we're talking a bit about money,

m'ha vingut al cap, bé, saber una mica,

it has come to my mind, well, to know a little,

per poder-ho saber, eh?

just to be able to know, right?

Quina ha sigut la vegada que més calés t'han pagat

What was the time you were paid the most money?

per fer una foto sola?

to take a solo photo?

Per fer una foto sola, eh?

Just to take a picture alone, huh?

No et diré l'empresa perquè, pobres, van tancar.

I won't tell you the company because, poor things, they went bankrupt.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I sense penjar amb la foto.

I feel like posting with the photo.



La van comprar i no...

They bought it and not...

La van comprar.

They bought it.

Doncs per això van tancar, clar.

Well, that's why they closed, of course.

Me van llogar un hotel i tot, perquè el pressupost, eh?

They rented me a hotel and everything, because of the budget, you know?

No, que ara potser entenem el perquè la van tancar.

No, maybe now we understand why they closed it.

No va ser per mi, eh?

It wasn't for me, okay?

Però bueno, em van demanar una foto que havia de fer.

But well, they asked me for a photo that I had to take.

Acabem d'inaugurar aquesta empresa brutal,

We have just inaugurated this amazing company,

una empresa brutal.

a brutal company.

De guitarra, eh?

From guitar, huh?


Holy shit.

Brutal, brutal.

Brutal, brutal.

I em demanen una foto que havia de cobrir cinc metres.

They are asking me for a photo that was supposed to cover five meters.

Hòstia, un idò.

Wow, an idò.

Venint un producte, que clar, si el dic ja sabríem l'empresa,

Coming a product, which of course, if I say it, we would already know the company,

però bueno, no el diré.

but well, I won't say it.

I vaig fer un bosc.

I made a forest.



Vaig fer un bosc.

I made a forest.

Aquest bosc havia de ser especial perquè donàvem bien

This forest had to be special because we were doing well.

a tota aquella sala gran,

to that whole large room,

aquella paret de cinc metres, no?

that five-meter wall, right?

I vaig dir, on puc anar a fer un bosc?

I said, where can I go to make a forest?

I vaig dir, a la Fagede.

I said, at the Fagede.

Com que hi havia pressupost.

As there was a budget.

A la Fagede del Jornal.

At the Fagede of the Journal.

Cap a la Fagede.

Towards the beech forest.




Holy shit.

Clar, perquè clar, el primer dia vas...

Of course, because, you see, on the first day you...

Vas fer...

You did...

Un stage vas fer, no?

You did an internship, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.


The angle.

Aquí amb l'estimada secretària.

Here with the dear secretary.

Aquest que et sembla d'aquí, aquest que et sembla d'allà.

This one that seems from here, this one that seems from there.

Anem a dinar, ens ho mirem.

Let's go to lunch, we'll see.



A dinar, també.

At lunch, too.

Que després...

That later...



No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Perquè hi havia dietes.

Because there were diets.

Hi havia dietes, clar.

There were diets, of course.

I a més, allà, la Fagede és relaxant.

And also, there, the Fagede is relaxing.

Home, és tot.

Home, it's everything.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Llavors, quan ja ho tenia estudiat, dic, és que no m'agrada.

Then, when I had already studied it, I said, it's just that I don't like it.

Diu, bueno, tornant allí, ve amb una ermita, eh?

He says, well, coming back there, she comes with a hermitage, huh?

Que hi havia uns plataners.

That there were some plane trees.



L'any demà.

The year tomorrow.

Perquè jo soc de la llum.

Because I am of the light.

Per mi, si heu vist pel·lícules, va, tres per l'edat que teniu, sou tots d'aquest segle

For me, if you have seen movies, come on, three for your age, you are all from this century.



Eh, quan revelaves amb llum vermella, eh?

Eh, when you were developing with red light, huh?

Hi havia el paper que anava pujant la imatge, el passaves a la primera cubeta, que era el

There was the paper that was lifting the image, you passed it to the first tray, which was the



L'imatge, l'imatge, l'imatge.

The image, the image, the image.

Aquella poesia, eh?

That poetry, huh?



Anava pujant l'imatge fins que tu dius, aquí, aquí m'està bé, i la canviais.

I was raising the image until you said, here, here it looks good to me, and you changed it.

El que en diem bany de pano.

What we call a cloth bath.



I la passava amb el fixador que es quedava fixat, eh?

And I was spending it with the fixer that got fixed, huh?

Com diu la paraula.

What is the word?


Of course.

Llavors, jo què faig?

So, what do I do?

Doncs busco la llum diurna de primer al matí.

Well, I look for daylight first thing in the morning.



Perquè molta gent és d'última hora a la tarda.

Because many people are last minute in the afternoon.

Llavors, aquell angle, la llum il·lumina per l'altre cantó i fa que no el tinguis normalment

Then, that angle, the light illuminates from the other side and makes you not perceive it normally.



O sigui, que no el recordis així.

So, don't remember him like that.



Aleshores, clar, jo sóc de...

So, of course, I am from...

En pic surt el sol i jo sóc allí.

As soon as the sun rises, I am there.

És de...

It is from...

Però tant, si surt el sol i sóc allí, vol dir que ja hi sóc un rato abans, per no

But if the sun comes out and I'm there, it means I've already been there for a while, right?

dir una hora.

to tell a time.

Bé, ho prepares tot, pim pam pum, fas aquesta foto, clar, és una foto que has de tenir en

Well, you prepare everything, quick quick, you take this photo, of course, it's a photo you have to have in.

compte que són cinc metres.

be careful that it's five meters.

Com ho fas?

How do you do it?

Amb una càmera, per molt bona que sigui, cinc metres de foto necessites moltíssima

With a camera, no matter how good it is, you need a lot of photo for five meters.

resolució perquè l'has de veure.

resolution because you have to see it.

Llavors, faig servir una tècnica que...

Then, I use a technique that...

Tens fotos verticals.

You have vertical photos.

I després ho ajuntes.

And then you put it together.

Tinc programes que m'ho ajunten, tu ho remates i així n'he fet moltes, eh?

I have programs that bring it all together, you finish it off and that’s how I've done a lot of them, huh?

I aquesta va ser la primera foto ben cobrada.

And this was the first well-paid photo.

De què podríem estar parlant?

What could we be talking about?

De més de dos mil euros.

Of more than two thousand euros.

Per una foto.

For a photo.

L'estic parlant de fa... no és el mateix d'ara, que de fa, doncs, què deu fer?

I'm talking about... it's not the same as now, so what must it be?



Dievuit anys.

Eighteen years.

I gastos pagats.

And expenses paid.

I gastos pagats, clar.

And expenses paid, of course.

De dos dies van ser?

Was it in two days?

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Quina millor, Quim.

Which is better, Quim.

Estava a ser bona.

I was being good.

Sí, una noche d'hotel.

Yes, a hotel night.

No, no, molt bé.

No, no, very good.

Perquè havia d'agafar la matinada, eh?

Why did I have to catch the early morning, huh?

Em vaig perdre l'esmorzar.

I missed breakfast.



I era igual.

It was the same.

I abans que deies que ets de més de matins, quan... a quina ha sigut l'hora que més aviat

And before you said that you are more of a morning person, when... what has been the earliest time?

t'has hagut d'aixecar per anar a fer una foto?

Did you have to get up to go take a picture?

A veure, suposo que el sol...

Let's see, I guess the sun...

Per fer la foto, que no és per preparar-la.

To take the photo, which is not to prepare it.

Jo diria...

I would say...

T'explico el meu historial, una mica.

I'll explain my history to you, a little bit.

El dia de fer la foto.

The day to take the photo.



El dia de fer la foto, a veure, com entendràs que depèn de l'hora solar.

The day to take the photo, well, how will you understand that it depends on solar time?



Si és ara, mai deu ser abans.

If it is now, it must never have been before.

En quina hora surt el sol, ara?

What time does the sun rise now?

A les set?

At seven?

A les sis i mitja?

At half past six?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs una hora abans.

So an hour earlier.

Cinc i mitja.

Five and a half.


Of course.

T'has d'estar preparat.

You have to be ready.

T'aixeques, dutxa.

You get up, shower.

Home, esclar.

Of course.

Dutxa sempre.

Always shower.



Home, no.

No, home.



No sóc...

I am not...

Tinc les...

I have the...


The honest...



Us he olorat a tots.

I have smelled all of you.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.



Tinc un detector i clar, no suporto l'accés de colònia.

I have a detector and clearly, I can't stand the colony access.

No puc entrar en una perfumeria, em veuràs a terra...

I can't enter a perfume shop, you'll see me on the floor...

És que les perfumeries no fan massa bona olor, eh?

It's just that perfume shops don't smell too good, right?

Tot marrisat.

All messed up.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Em contamina, eh?

It contaminates me, huh?

No ho suporto.

I can't stand it.

Ni les persones que em porten massa...

Neither the people who carry me too much...

És que hi tenen...

It's that they have...

No sé per què, hi ha persones que se'n posen la botella sencera i se van atansant molt.

I don't know why, there are people who drink the whole bottle and keep getting closer.

O sigui, jo vaig tirant enrere, clar, quan tens un negoci és de quedar bé, no?

So, I'm backing off, of course, when you have a business, it's about keeping up appearances, right?

Et vas tirant enrere.

You are pulling back.

Però n'hi ha que t'invadixen el teu esperit.

But there are some that invade your spirit.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

T'invadixen el teu espai.

They invade your space.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Llavors, sort, n'hi tinc del mostrador.

Then, luck, I have it from the counter.



T'ha entrat mai algú?

Has anyone ever come in?

Ha passat el mostrador?

Has she/he passed the counter?



Però dient, home, no és el teu lloc.

But saying, man, this is not your place.

No, no, aquesta, eh?

No, no, this one, eh?

Aquesta, que ja no em queda més espai.

This, as I no longer have any more space left.

Clar, el que vol el mostrador és que no només està darrere, que per part pots ficar

Of course, what the counter wants is that it's not only behind, that you can also fit from the side.

els braços...

the arms...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Et donem més jocs.

We give you more games.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Marques una mica d'espai.

Mark a little space.

Em va molt bé, em va molt bé.

I'm doing very well, I'm doing very well.

I moltes vegades he de ventilar i tirar...

And many times I have to ventilate and throw away...

Home, ara t'anava a dir.

I was just about to tell you.

Clar, jo et preguntaré per molt aviat, però...

Sure, I'll ask you very soon, but...

Tu has de menjar tot.

You have to eat everything.

M'hagués fet de fotògraf de discoteques, de festes nocturnes, perquè ara els xavalets

I would have become a nightclub photographer, of night parties, because now the kids

comencen per això.

they start for that reason.



Sí, home, jo he fet tota la campanya al Big Ben.

Yes, man, I have done the whole campaign at Big Ben.


Holy shit.

D'un i dos.

One and two.

Clar, ara hi tornarem, que no teniu les entrades.

Sure, we'll get back to that now, since you don't have the tickets.

Encara no.

Not yet.

No, encara no.

No, not yet.

Ja parlarem amb el jefe.

We'll talk to the boss later.

Toca fotografia a tu?

Do you play photography?

No, però suposo que hi haurem d'anar com a mínim convidat, no?

No, but I suppose we will have to go at least as a guest, right?

Convidat d'honor.

Guest of honor.





I he sigut allà...

I have been there...

Tots els fins...

All the ends...

I està desempadronat.

And he is unregistered.



I he fet podis.

I have made pods.



Bueno, quasi bé era part del Big Ben.

Well, it was almost part of Big Ben.

N'altres encara no m'estrenant ni la Big Ben, ni el Waikiki, ni res, tot això.

We still haven't tried Big Ben, Waikiki, or anything like that.

Pregunta'ls als papes.

Ask the parents.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ens ho han explicat molt.

They have explained it to us a lot.

Ens n'han explicat bastant.

They have explained quite a bit to us.

Sobretot que hi havia un fotògraf que hi havia per allà, que no es parla.

Especially since there was a photographer around, who is not mentioned.



Cal dir que hi vaig perdre una màquina i la meva primera reflex...

It must be said that I lost a machine there and my first reflex...

Hostia, te la van robar?

Damn, did they steal it from you?

Bueno, la portava penjada aquí, vaig entrar, vaig sortir sense la màquina.

Well, I had it hanging here, I went in, and I came out without the machine.



I va robar Toni de càmera.

Toni stole from the camera.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

No sé què va passar.

I don't know what happened.

Em va desaparèixer.

It disappeared on me.

És la culpa d'aquell signo d'allà.

It's the fault of that sign over there.

Ell fa fotos a les nits, eh?

He takes pictures at night, right?

Ell és fotògraf, correcte.

He is a photographer, correct.

Fotògraf amateur.

Amateur photographer.

Cada cop em feu el mateix.

You always do the same to me.

Que és una Chinon?

What is a Chinon?

No, és una Nikon.

No, it's a Nikon.

Ah, no, no la tenia encara.

Ah, no, I didn't have it yet.

No, no la tenia encara.

No, I didn't have it yet.

No, no, la cosa és, sempre em fan el mateix.

No, no, the thing is, they always do the same to me.

Una A5700?

An A5700?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

És una foto d'aquelles...

It's one of those photos...

És una càmera digital.

It is a digital camera.

Una 1500, que la vol.

A 1500, that I want.

No, et puc...

No, I can...

Sé perfectament a quin model ho és, perquè sóc molt quisquit.

I know perfectly well which model it is because I am very picky.

És que vull la meva càmera.

It's just that I want my camera.

Digue-li, digue-li.

Tell him, tell him.

A quin model és?

Which model is it?

És una S4200.

It's an S4200.

Però és una càmereta petita, tàctil...

But it's a small, touch camera...

Com un pàquet de...

Like a packet of...

Compacte, eh?

Compact, eh?



No és aquella que m'heu pres a l'entrar, no?

It's not the one you took from me upon entering, is it?



No, no, però el que he de dir és que aquestes càmeres em fan el mateix.

No, no, but what I have to say is that these cameras do the same to me.

L'última vegada va vindre un DJ professional.

The last time a professional DJ came.

I van dir, no, aquest és DJ.

They said, no, this is DJ.

Ara, em portes el Jaume Soler, el millor fotògraf que conec.

Now, you bring me Jaume Soler, the best photographer I know.

No, l'Arnau és fotògraf.

No, Arnau is a photographer.

Però ho ets o no?

But are you or not?



Jo porto una càmera de festa, ja està.

I have a party camera, that's it.

Però la portes.

But you carry it.

La portes.

You carry it.

Per tant, ho tens a dintre.

Therefore, you have it inside you.

Però no sé què estic fent.

But I don't know what I'm doing.

Què estàs estudiant?

What are you studying?



No estudio.

I don't study.

Quan t'adonis que el que realment disfrutes és un plaer, triomfaràs.

When you realize that what you truly enjoy is a pleasure, you will succeed.

Et posaràs a fotografia.

You will get photographed.

Amb tot.

With everything.

Sí, però disfruta perquè...

Yes, but enjoy because...

A vegades li toquen els costats.

Sometimes they touch his sides.

No, la cosa és...

No, the thing is...

Jo, ara que deies flajos i coses així,

Me, now that you mentioned slackers and things like that,

vaig trobar el gust de la càmera perquè era un...

I found the joy of the camera because it was a...

A la gent li alegra molt trobar-se una càmera de veritat.

People are very happy to find a real camera.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Perquè la gent està molt acostumada als mòbils.

Because people are very accustomed to mobile phones.

Sí, sí, i amb negatiu encara més, no sé per què.

Yes, yes, and with negativity even more, I don't know why.

Estic venent més carrers que mai des de l'època digital.

I am selling more streets than ever since the digital era.

Correcte, correcte.

Correct, correct.

Rodets, me'ls venen a buscar.

They are coming to pick me up.


Holy shit.

I n'hi ha que troben el rodet...

And there are those who find the reel...

No ho feu, sisplau, no ho feu.

Don't do it, please, don't do it.

Un rodet caducat de fa 20 anys i el posen a la càmera.

A film reel expired 20 years ago is placed in the camera.

Després de fer tot el peripè se'n donen compte que no surtin res, perquè està caducat.

After going through all the trouble, they realize that it doesn't come to anything because it is expired.


Of course.

Els rodets caduquen.

The rollers expire.

Mira darrere, igual que les llaunes de sardina.

Look behind, just like the sardine cans.

Caduquen, caduquen.

They expire, they expire.

Diuen-se, home, agafa el nou de trinca, que tampoc no val cap fortuna.

They say, man, take the new one for a spin, as it's not worth a fortune either.

Vés a Jaume Soler a la plaça Banjó.

Go to Jaume Soler at Banjó square.

Jo els tinc frescos sempre.

I always have them fresh.



A la pista.

To the track.

Ja vas bé.

You're doing well.

O sigui, canviem de tema completament, sense tenir res a veure.

So, let's change the subject completely, without having anything to do with it.

Has fet servir mai la càmera per lligar o per fer amics o...?

Have you ever used the camera to flirt or to make friends or...?

Sí, home, a Burgos.

Yes, man, in Burgos.

Explica't la història.

Tell me the story.

Bueno, és que, clar, hi ha públic.

Well, it's just that, of course, there's an audience.

Hi ha públic.

There is an audience.

Que es verme.

What is a worm?

Bueno, ja s'estan ficant els dos verdes.

Well, they are already putting the two greens in.

Sí, resulta que teníem un amic comú i aquest amic diu, està a Equitàrrega perquè el

Yes, it turns out we had a mutual friend and this friend says, he is in Equitàrrega because he

seu germà treballava amb el meu pare.

Your brother worked with my father.

I diu, escolta, què pot vindre el teu amic, el fill, el germà d'aquest company que treballa?

And he says, listen, what can your friend, the son, the brother of this colleague who works come?

I dic, i tant, pot vindre a la nostra colla.

I mean, of course, he can come to our group.

Jo, la meva colla era l'esbar.

Me, my group was the esbar.



Cal dir que des dels 16 anys que salto i voto.

It must be said that I have been jumping and voting since I was 16 years old.

I la meva dansa preferida és la jota catalana amb Castanyola.

And my favorite dance is the Catalan jota with castanets.



I no sé ballar saldanes.

And I don't know how to dance saldanes.

No ho saps?

Don't you know?

No, però et seguixo bé, eh?

No, but I follow you well, okay?

Ho podem veure, ho podem veure.

We can see it, we can see it.

És una dansa, és una dansa.

It’s a dance, it’s a dance.

I, clar, a l'esbar tenim un repertori de 3, 4 mil danses.

I, of course, at the esbar we have a repertoire of 3, 4 thousand dances.

Vull dir que...

I mean that...



3, 4 mil danses.

3, 4 thousand dances.

Vull dir que...

I mean that...

Imagina't, eh?

Imagine that, huh?

Si les poguessin ballar totes...

If they could all dance...

Eh, eh...

Eh, eh...

Igual m'he passat de dos o tres, eh?

I might have gone a bit over two or three, huh?

Si em senten Tom Ferran o l'Anna Salvatore...

If Tom Ferran or Anna Salvatore can hear me...

Bé, eh...

Well, uh...

Però, bueno, ja m'enteneu.

But, well, you understand me already.

I aleshores aquest amic diu, ven a les fiestes del Pueblo, que te la passaràs molt bé.

And then this friend says, come to the town festival, you'll have a great time.

Amb aquest accent, eh?

With this accent, huh?



Jo dic, és que jo no he sortit mai de tàrrega.

I say, it's just that I have never left Tàrrega.

No he sortit mai de tàrrega i, clar, me cago en l'ou.

I have never left Tàrrega and, of course, I’m pissed off.

Dic, ara hauré d'anar allí per quedar bé.

I say, now I'll have to go there to make a good impression.



Va allí i...

Go there and...



Això a un any.

This in a year.

Diu, escolta, que...

He says, listen, that...

Diu, està a vindre...

He says, it's coming...

Dic, bueno, vinc.

I say, well, I'm coming.

Us diré que són les vacances més llargues de la meva vida.

I will tell you that they are the longest holidays of my life.

Va estar 27 dies.

He was there for 27 days.


Holy shit!


Well, I’ll be!

Com a autònom, això?

As a self-employed person, this?

Hòstia, aquell mes...

Damn, that month...

És infumable.

It's unmanageable.

Aquell mes, déu-n'hi-do.

That month, wow.

Sí, vaig conèixer una xica, una xica d'allí...

Yes, I met a girl, a girl from there...

De Burgos, eh?

From Burgos, huh?



De Burgos, eh?

From Burgos, huh?

I que no és la senyora actual, eh?

And it's not the current lady, right?

Ah, d'acord.

Oh, okay.

No, vaig conèixer una, ens vam fer amiguets i dic, carai, això és...

No, I met one, we became friends and I said, wow, this is...

I la gent era molt...

And the people were very...

Molt amb...

Very much with...



No érem catalans.

We were not Catalans.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ben resumit.

Well summarized.



Repito l'any següent i porto'm un amic.

I repeat next year and I bring a friend.



El meu company, en Josep Maria.

My colleague, Josep Maria.

En Josep Maria.

Joseph Maria.

En Maglari.

In Maglari.

Que també s'enamora, eh?

So it also falls in love, huh?



No, no, Maglari, no.

No, no, Maglari, no.

No ens coneixem.

We don't know each other.

No coneixem.

We don't know each other.

També s'enamora i...

He also falls in love and...

I jo dic al meu company, perquè havíem de vindre un any que du, dic, què puc repetir

And I say to my companion, because we had to come one year that he has been here, I say, what can I repeat?

aquest any?

this year?

És que m'agradaria molt.

I would really like that.

T'agrada, eh?

You like it, huh?

I vaig conèixer una altra xiqueta.

I met another girl.

Va, Maglari.

Come on, Maglari.

Però amb el cuento de les fotos, eh?

But with the story of the photos, huh?

Ah, què anaves fent?

Ah, what were you up to?

A veure, i què anaves fent?

Let's see, and what were you doing?

No, no, buscava la top model.

No, no, I was looking for the top model.

Clar, perfil diferent, clar, rotllo.

Sure, different profile, clear, vibe.

Jo soc el lleig que s'enrotlla.

I am the ugly one who gets involved.

I el meu amic era el guapo que lligava.

And my friend was the handsome one who hooked up.

Va bé.

It's going well.



I dic, per què no me l'aprengués?

I say, why didn't I learn it?

Dic, aquella, aquella.

I say, that one, that one.

I sí, sí.

And yes, yes.

Espa, s'hi va casar.

He/she got married there.

S'hi va casar.

He/She got married there.

El teu amic.

Your friend.

El meu company, sí.

My colleague, yes.


Holy shit.

I llavors, teníem un altre company, que era el meu amic.

And then, we had another colleague, who was my friend.



Que abans he dit el nom.

That I mentioned the name earlier.

Però ara no ho diré.

But now I won't say it.

Resulta ser que dic, vine allí.

It turns out that I say, come there.

No, i que allò és la hòstia.

No, and that is awesome.

Dic, si no lligues allí, no lligues enlloc.

I say, if you don't hook up there, you won't hook up anywhere.

I aquell any vaig conèixer l'amor de la meva vida, eh?

And that year I met the love of my life, huh?

Ah, el tercer any.

Ah, the third year.

O quart.

The quarter.



Jo vaig anar a la mili.

I went to the army.

I vaig anar a portar el meu amic.

I went to take my friend.

Perquè dic, tio, vine aquí.

Because I say, dude, come here.

Que xuxu, xuxu, xuxu.

What a cutie, cutie, cutie.

Tercer any.

Third year.



I va...

It goes...

I no...

And no...

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

I només mirar-li als ulls vaig sàpiguer que seria la mare de les dues filles.

And just looking into her eyes, I knew she would be the mother of the two daughters.

Hòstia, Jaume.

Holy shit, Jaume.

La iaia de les meues netes.

The grandmother of my granddaughters.

Però és que això ho saps?

But do you know this?

Esteu enamorats?

Are you in love?

Això ho veus?

Do you see this?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Sí, sí, ho saps.

Yes, yes, you know it.

Ho has notat, això?

Have you noticed that?

Ho has notat?

Have you noticed it?

Mira, mira.

Look, look.

Que m'han caigut tots.

They have all fallen on me.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Mira, mira, mira.

Look, look, look.

Ho veus, no?

You see it, don't you?

Deu-n'hi-do, pell de gallina.

Wow, goosebumps.

Un de...

One of...

Un pèl que...

A hair that...

Sí, deu-n'hi-do.

Yes, indeed.

L'únic de punta.

The only point.





Vas treure la càmera de fotos ràpid.

You took out the camera quickly.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No va calguer ni càmeres.

It was not necessary to heat or cameras.

Els ulls li va fer la foto.

The eyes took the photo.

No, no.

No, no.



I, i, i, i, clar.

Yes, of course.

I em va donar carabassa.

He/She turned me down.

He, he, he.

He, he, he.



I tot...

And everything...

M'ha anat a la mil·li.

I've done it to the millimeter.

Estava a l'agost.

It was in August.

Al gener.

In January.

Després de res.

After nothing.

I dic...

I say...

En quin vull escriure les meves cartes d'amor?

In which language do I want to write my love letters?



I cago en la mar.

I shit in the sea.

I em dóna carabassa.

And it gives me pumpkin.

I allí...

And there...

Pues hi havia una amiga, molt amiga.

Well, there was a friend, a very good friend.


I say...

Que m'ajudaràs?

That you'll help me?


He/She helped me.

I abans de Nadal...

And before Christmas...

Me dijo que sí.

He/she told me yes.



Me dijo que sí.

He told me yes.

Mira, mira.

Look, look.

Me dijo que sí.

He/She told me yes.

És que la tenim de públic.

It's just that we have her as the audience.

Me dijo que sí.

He told me yes.



Escrivia una carta tots els dies.

I wrote a letter every day.

I com us ho fèieu?

And how did you do it?



Per carta, eh?

By letter, huh?

Carta, eh?

Letter, huh?



Sóc el rei de les cabines de telèfon.

I am the king of telephone booths.





Ara ho tenim molt bé, el mòbil.

Now we have it very well, the mobile.

Però he imaginat que no hi ha mòbils.

But I have imagined that there are no mobile phones.

Que hi ha la cabina del López Vázquez.

That there is the cabin of López Vázquez.



Bé, no sabem qui és.

Well, we don't know who he is.

El de la cabina que es queda tancat, allí.

The one in the booth that gets closed, there.

Tot en cabines.

Everything in cabins.

I clar.

Of course.

No et fas, Emili.

Don't worry, Emili.

No hi ha...

There is no...

No hi ha caler.

There is no money.

No hi ha tela.

There is no fabric.



I clar.

And of course.

Jo li vaig dir...

I told him/her...

Tranquil·la, carinyo, que me tocarà muy cerca.

Calm down, darling, I will touch you very closely.

Perquè abans et sortejaven.

Because before they drew lots for you.

Va, i em foten a Lleida.

Come on, they’re sending me to Lleida.

La mare...

The mother...

M'ho cerca de casa.

It looks for me at home.

Sí, m'ho cerca de casa.

Yes, it looks for me near home.

I cada fin de setmana agafava un siscentets que tenia de quarta mà, de color verd, que

And every weekend I would take a six-hundred that I had second-hand, green in color, that

s'obria les portes al revés, i m'hi va a Burgos.

The doors opened the wrong way, and I went to Burgos.


Holy shit!

Cada cap de setmana?

Every weekend?

I cada viernes que podia escapar-me, si no em castigaven, perquè com que ja era hiperactiu

And every Friday that I could escape, if they didn't punish me, because since I was already hyperactive.

l'Emili també, doncs cada dos per tres el calabosso.

Emili too, since every now and then he gets in trouble.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Manta i el calabosso.

Blanket and the jailer.

Quan hi havies arribat a estar així com a màxim de temps?

When had you reached being like this for the longest time?

No, no.

No, no.



10 dies.

10 days.

Home, 10 dies!

Home, 10 days!



Enriotant dels jocueres.

Enraging the players.

10 dies a l'Emili, cau el nou!

10 days to Emili, the new one falls!

I a l'Emili castigat allí, a més a més sense cobrar, allí tancat, allí jugant amb un

And Emilie was punished there, moreover without pay, locked up there, playing with one.

tio que està zumbat, jugant amb la pilota...

dude who's crazy, playing with the ball...

I com la vas convèncer perquè vingués a tàrrega?

And how did you convince her to come to Tàrrega?

Calla, calla, que no s'ha acabat.

Shh, shh, it's not over yet.

No, llavors acabes l'Emili i ella, bueno, té una càrrega sanitària per veure això

No, then you finish with Emili and she, well, she has a healthcare burden to see this.

del cor.

from the heart.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Això que és tan perillós.

This is so dangerous.



Ara li direm, ara li direm.

Now we will tell him, now we will tell him.

I aleshores va acabar la carrera i la seua mama li buscava feina allí i jo aquí.

And then he finished his degree and his mother was looking for a job for him there and me here.

Qui va guanyar?

Who won?

I no has trobat feina?

Haven't you found a job?

No, no, se la va trobar ella.

No, no, she found it herself.

Perquè clar, vam anar a veure...

Because of course, we went to see...

Ara envieu currículums.

Now send resumes.

No, no envieu currículums.

No, do not send resumes.

Vesi, dona la cara, parla molt.

You see, show your face, talk a lot.

Festeja't el qui t'entreviste.

Celebrate the one who interviews you.



Busca-li psicològicament su puntillo que diu sa.

Find her psychological edge that says yes.

M'agrades, m'entens?

I like you, do you understand me?

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Tens feina segura.

You have a secure job.

Vam anar a veure vàries hospitals i clíniques de Barcelona.

We went to see several hospitals and clinics in Barcelona.

Vam estar un parell o tres de dies.

We were there for a couple or three days.

I després vam dir, dic, anem aquí a Lleida.

And then we said, I mean, let's go here to Lleida.

Vamos aquí a Lleida.

Let's go here to Lleida.

Que aquí amb un matí ho tens arreglat.

That with a morning you have it sorted out.

Pues tu saps que l'any demà mos trucaen vàrius?

Well, you know that next year several people will call us?



A Lleida sí que vas a haver trobat un puntillo.

In Lleida, you must have found a bit of a vibe.

A Lleida?

To Lleida?



I encara truquen ara.

And they are still calling now.



Mira, ja és la coordinadora.

Look, she is already the coordinator.



I bé, i aleshores, pues clar.

And well, and then, of course.

I així, maletes.

And so, suitcases.

Sí, maletes cap aquí.

Yes, bags this way.

El piso de companyeres de Lleida de la calle Tejerías.

The flat of roommates in Lleida on Tejerías street.

Que ara es diu Teuleries, ara.

That is now called Teuleries, now.

Sí, home, ara ja ens hem normalitzat.

Yes, man, now we have normalized.

I bé, bé, bé, va ser tan bonic.

And well, well, well, it was so beautiful.

Va ser bonic, eh?

It was beautiful, wasn’t it?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I mira.

And look.

Sí, fixa't.

Yes, look.

Encara que és que, cara, buf.

Although it's like that, dear, phew.

Cada dia estic més enamorat.

Every day I am more in love.

Sembla estrany, eh?

It seems strange, doesn't it?

Mira, mira.

Look, look.

Com que m'ho sent.

As I feel it.

Llibreta i boli pels que busquin l'amor en el Burgos, eh?

Notebook and pen for those looking for love in Burgos, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Anar al Burgos és garantia.

Going to Burgos is a guarantee.

Mira, la gent.

Look, the people.

La gent.

The people.



Què us he de dir?

What should I tell you?



Ara, sí que he notat una mica una cosa així, no?

Now, I have indeed noticed something like that, right?

Perquè la meva sogra, que fa un any que ens falta, mos estimem molt de tenir una sogra

Because my mother-in-law, who has been gone for a year, is very much loved as a mother-in-law.

tan bona.

so good.

Perquè, clar, li vaig robar la nena.

Because, of course, I stole the girl from him.


Of course.

La seua nena.

His girl.

La nineta dels ulls.

The apple of the eye.


Of course.

Anàvem al pueblo.

We were going to the village.

Perquè sempre hi ha un pueblo, no?

Because there is always a village, right?

Però vas al pueblo.

But you go to the town.

A la Vorebe.

To the Vorebe.

La zona de les Magdalenes Martínez.

The area of the Magdalenes Martínez.



Per allí, saps?

Over there, you know?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Tu ets més de boig, sí.

You are more of a crazy person, yes.



I aleshores, cada any jo me presentava a les amigues, que eren les mateixes, com que no

And then, every year I would introduce myself to the friends, who were the same, as if not.

se'n recordaven.

They remembered it.

Mira, te presento a un ullerno tal i qual, se llama Jaime tal i qual.

Look, let me introduce you to a guy named Jaime.

És català.

It's Catalan.





Ui, que boig, eh?

Wow, that's crazy, huh?

I, ara m'ho enciten en català.

I, now they excite me in Catalan.

Això ho veuran, a Burgos.

They will see this in Burgos.

Ho entenem amb les amistats i les famílies.

We understand it with friendships and families.

I aleshores, clar, em torna a explicar i em diu...

And then, of course, he explains to me again and tells me...

És català.

It is Catalan.

I fent ui!

I making a noise!

Ui, ui, ui, ui...

Oh, oh, oh, oh...

Bé, és que jo li dic a Aurora, no diga més que sóis català.

Well, I tell Aurora, don't say anymore that you are Catalan.

Jo ja no ho parlaré.

I will no longer talk about it.

Ja no ho hablaré.

I won't talk about it anymore.

I així d'allò, eh?

And so from that, huh?

I bé, ho hem...

And well, we have...

Jo sé que no pots callar, Jaume.

I know you can't be quiet, Jaume.

Però ara no parlo, eh?

But now I won't speak, okay?

No dic ni sí perquè no es noti, el dè впit!

I'm not saying yes or no so it doesn't show, the pain!

Home, capu!

Home, turtle!

Vec semblar una mica tontet

I seem a bit silly.

però bueno, de moment passo un mes

but well, for now I'm taking a month off


of inventions

Ens diuen que no calli

They tell us not to be silent.

i m'ho crec

I believe it.

Quina és la típica broma

What is the typical joke?

de cunyat de fotògraf?

brother-in-law of a photographer?

A cada gram hi ha una

For every gram, there is one.

Mira el pajarito

Look at the little bird.

Per què es diu Lluís?

Why is he called Lluís?

Perquè rius

Why are you laughing?

Pensa en la cara

Think about the face.



Si es diu Ramon

If he is called Ramon.

però també es podria dir Eloi

but it could also be said Eloi

Eloi també, sempre busques aquesta I

Eloi too, you always search for this I.

aquesta G

this G

Llavors perquè patata

Then why potato?

Patata perquè el que va dir patata

Potato because what he said potato.

no sé el que pensava

I don't know what I was thinking.

Era aficionat

He was a fan.

A veure, jo tinc

Let's see, I have.

per fer una bona foto

to take a good photo

has de ser molt psicòleg

you must be very psychological

Aleshores, si us he retratat a tots

Then, if I have portrayed all of you

si us heu fixat

if you have noticed

us distrec per fer la foto

I distract you to take the picture.

La poesia

The poetry

Ai, fes-me'n un altre

Oh, make me another one.

que no sé, no sé

that I don't know, I don't know

Hi ha gent molt indecisa

There are very indecisive people.

I llavors, clar

And then, of course.

I un altre, i un altre

And another one, and another one

Et prepares i és quan quedes malament

You prepare yourself and that's when you end up looking bad.

Perquè no sabies que te l'anava a fer

Because you didn't know I was going to do it for you.

I llavors, la primera

And then, the first

Jo penso per dintre

I think to myself.

La poesia congelada

The frozen poetry

Tres persones esperant-se

Three people waiting for each other

aquí, aquí, d'allò

here, here, of that

Però bé, l'important que surtis content o contenta

But well, the important thing is that you come out happy.

Això mateix

Exactly that.



I això

And this

Una mica buscar la psicologia

A little searching for psychology.



Ara he pensat

Now I have thought

Pot ser que el que digués patata

It may be that what I said was potato.

fos un avançat a l'època

was ahead of its time

Perquè clar, tu t'esperes una cosa de dir

Because of course, you expect something to say.



I ell va dir

And he said

No, no, ara diré una cosa

No, no, now I will say something.

però que no entendran

but they will not understand

i riuran de la tonteria que he dit

And they will laugh at the nonsense I said.

I llavors van riure de veritat

And then they really laughed.

Ojo, eh

Watch out, huh.

És que penso que una cosa

It's just that I think that one thing.

és el que es posa de moda

it's what becomes trendy

Patata, patata

Potato, potato



I l'altra és realment

And the other one is really

en una situació clau

in a key situation

que és de mil·lèsimes de segon

which is of milliseconds

Perquè clar

Because clearly

Pensa que si estàs en una situació clau

Think that if you are in a key situation.

Si fas una persona sola

If you make a person alone

és molt fàcil

it's very easy

Però si fas un grup

But if you make a group

I tots t'han de quedar bé

And everyone has to turn out well for you.

Has de tindre l'habilitat psicològica

You must have psychological skill.

A veure, la meva especialitat

Let's see, my specialty

és agafar 200 persones d'una boda

it's to take 200 people from a wedding

i posar-los tots en una foto

and put them all in a photo

Amb un temps record

In record time

de 3, 4, 5 minuts

of 3, 4, 5 minutes

A veure com ho fas això

Let's see how you do this.

Amb l'escala

With the ladder

Hem pujat a dalt de l'escala

We have climbed to the top of the stairs.

Sí, l'escala

Yes, the ladder.

Emparrat d'alguna persona

Trellis of someone

Com ja ho he vist

As I have already seen it.

Vull dir, m'ho monto com sigui

I mean, I'll manage it somehow.

I inclús una vegada

I once even

vaig pujar amb un capó del cotxe

I got in with a car hood.

Se'm va caure la bateria

I dropped my battery.

Vaig trencar el vidre del cotxe

I broke the car window.

Perquè anàvem amb un patacot de bateries

Because we were carrying a load of batteries.

perquè anàvem amb doble flash

because we were going with double flash

Parlo de principis d'aquest segle

I'm talking about the beginnings of this century.

Finals de l'anterior

End of the previous one

I l'amo del segle

And the master of the century.

Del cotxe

Of the car

Que era el padrino

What was the godfather?

Ha estat contentíssim

He has been extremely happy.

Perquè li vaig dir

Because I told him/her.

A qui li he de portar el cotxe?

Who do I have to bring the car to?

Al Ton Ferran

To Ton Ferran

Amics Ferran

Friends Ferran

Planxisteria Ferran

Laundry Ferran

Ostres, qui són aquests?

Wow, who are these?

És aquell que vaig portar

It's the one I brought.

I vaig conèixer la meva dona

I met my wife.

I aleshores

And then

Li vaig canviar un vidre

I changed a glass for him/her.

Clar, a pagar el seguro

Of course, to pay the insurance.

I estem assegurats

And we are insured.

Perquè puc fer mal

Because I can hurt.

A la nòvia

To the girlfriend

Puc fer mal a algú

I can hurt someone.

Vaig fer servir per primer cop

I used it for the first time.

L'assegurança que teníem

The insurance we had.

De reportatges socials

Of social reports

Perquè li vam canviar

Because we changed it for him/her.

Tot el vidre frontal del cotxe

All the front glass of the car

I li vam posar

And we put it on him/her.

Un degradat per a sol

A degraded for the sun

I aquest senyor encara ve

And does this gentleman still come?

I encara m'ho agraeix

And still thanks me for it.

Diu, tinc un altre cotxe

He says, I have another car.

Per si vols trencar el vidre

In case you want to break the glass.

I no, no

And no, no

Sempre has de treure

You always have to take out.

El cantó millor

The best corner.

Perquè és un record

Because it is a memory.

Jaume, si no fossis fotògraf

Jaume, if you weren't a photographer.

Jo penso que series molt bo

I think you would be very good.

Saps aquells que fan els concursos

Do you know those who hold the contests?

Dels gossos d'atura?

About herding dogs?

Ah, sí

Ah, yes

Tancues les ovelles

You close the sheep.

És que no em suïa el nom

It's just that the name didn't ring a bell.

Coloma, Coloma

Coloma, Coloma

Seria molt bo això

That would be very good.

Vas ordenant això a la multitud

You are arranging this for the crowd.

Sí, sí, ja els hi faig

Yes, yes, I'll do it for them.

Sí, ja els hi faig

Yes, I will do it for them.

És que jo ho veig

It's just that I see it.

Ho estic veient

I am seeing it.

Tinc una deformació

I have a deformity.

Tinc una deformació professional

I have a professional deformation.

Tot el que m'imagino ho veig

Everything I imagine, I see.

I ho avaloro

I value it.

Sí, sí, no?

Yes, yes, right?


El fet que tothom et relacioni

The fact that everyone relates to you.

Amb la teva feina

With your work

Per tu és com un elogi

For you, it's like a compliment.

O fins i tot és una puta?

Or is she even a whore?

És que a mi només em relacionen com al fotògraf

It's just that I am only associated as the photographer.

I soc molt més que això

I am much more than this.

No he caigut mai

I have never fallen.

Jo soc un amic més

I am just another friend.

No soc un company

I am not a colleague.

Saps que soc fotògraf

You know that I am a photographer.

I si et convé que et posi un quadre a casa

And if it suits you for me to put a painting in your house.

O et canviï l'instal·lació

Or change the installation.

Doncs no cal que m'ho diguis

Well, you don't have to tell me that.

També pinto parets

I also paint walls.

És manetes

He is handy.

No, soc imperatiu

No, I am imperative.

He descobert la cuina

I have discovered cooking.

Ah, mira

Ah, look.

Eh, eh, eh, oe no

Hey, hey, hey, oh no

Hòstia, tu, disfruta com una bèstia

Wow, man, enjoy like a beast.

Ara és cuineta

Now it’s cooking time.

No, no, no, disfruto

No, no, no, I enjoy.

Va amb l'edat, es veu

It comes with age, you can tell.

Fas iaio, llavors

You're a grandpa, then.

Plata estrelles, home

Silver stars, man.

Plata estrelles

Silver stars

Allò que dius

What you say

La truita francesa

The French omelette

Tinc una bitxissua

I have a little something.



Tinc ara uns canelons de la mama

I have some cannelloni from mom now.

De la iaia Nuri

From Grandma Nuri

Que els feia la meva mare

What my mother used to make for them.

I jo els he intentat imitar

And I have tried to imitate them.

Perquè pobre no

Because poor not

M'ho ha agafat un Alzheimer pobre

I have been hit by a poor Alzheimer's.

I dic

I say

La vaig gravar encara quan

I recorded her even when

Potser em va dir un ingredient més

Maybe he/she told me one more ingredient.

Que també l'hi poso

I’ll put it on him too.

Que em va dir que hi posés pastanaga

He told me to add carrot.

Jo hi poso pastanaga

I put carrot in it.

No sé si en aquell moment

I don't know if at that moment

Ell era conscient

He was aware.

Que si anava a pastanaga

That if he/she was going to carrot.

Però jo hi poso pastanaga

But I put carrot in it.

I clar, els primers

And of course, the first ones

Em vaig passar amb la pastanaga

I overdid it with the carrot.

Era tot

It was everything.



Canelons de pastanaga

Carrot cannelloni

Però ara ja

But now already

Puc dir

I can say

T'ho poden dir els últims convidats

The last guests can tell you.

Il·lustres que vaig tindre a casa

Illustrious people I had at home.

Que em van

What they are going to do to me

Jo, Maria

I, Maria

Jo, Ari

I, Ari

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Bueno, sí, sí

Well, yes, yes

Doncs tots aquests

Well, all these

I cada dia que em veuen pel carrer

And every day that they see me in the street

Hasta els hi han dit

Even they have been told.

A la meva estimada

To my beloved

Que els meus canelons

That my cannelloni

Són de Déu

They are of God.


Holy shit

Hòstia, hòstia

Holy cow, holy cow.

Molt bé

Very well

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Ja us convidaré

I will invite you all.

I al Josep Maria també

And to Josep Maria as well.

I al Josep Maria i a l'Ari també

And to Josep Maria and Ari too.


Well then

Em sembla que ja anem acabant

It seems to me that we are nearing the end.

La tertúlia

The gathering

Perquè ara comencen

Because now they start

Les seccionetes

The little sections

I començarem

And we will begin.

Amb l'home

With the man

Que et va dictar

What did it dictate to you?



Abans d'hora

Before time



Let's go!

A veure

Let's see

Ara volem descansar un moment

Now we want to rest for a moment.

Molt bé

Very good

D'acord, doncs Jaume

Alright, then Jaume.

És moment

It's time.

El meu moment

My moment

Ara el cara a cara

Now the face to face.

Me poso a sèrio

I'm getting serious.

Com vulguis

As you wish.



Primer tinc una cosa preparada

First, I have a thing prepared.

Després si vols explicar

Later if you want to explain.

El que ha passat

What has happened

Com ho has superat

How have you overcome it?



Has tingut un infart

You have had a heart attack.

No, però no he superat

No, but I have not overcome.

No has superat

You have not passed.

Home, sí

Yes, home.



M'han enviat

They have sent me.

M'han enviat al psiquiatre

I have been sent to the psychiatrist.

Perquè diu que és molt serió

Because he says he is very serious.

Això que m'ha agafat

This that has taken hold of me

Bueno, però

Well, but

Però millor que

But better than

Millor que quedar-t'hi

Better than staying there.

No, no

No, no.

A veure

Let's see.

De tot

Of everything

Penso que

I think that

Que ho puguis explicar

That you can explain it.



Aquí estem

Here we are.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Doncs llavors

Well then



Des que

Since that

El que va passar

What happened

El primer programa d'aquest any

The first program of this year.

Vols posar la gent en context

Do you want to put people in context?

La gent en context

People in context


It is

Vam fer

We did



Una porra

A club أو a baton

De veure

To see

Qui creiem

Who do we believe?

Que es moriria aquest any

That would die this year.


Que no vaig passar

That I did not pass.

De Bruce Willis

Of Bruce Willis



Perquè em va entrar un client

Because a client walked in on me.

I clar

And clear

Vaig sortir

I went out.

Dic bueno

I say good.

Dic s'ha acabat

I say it's over.

Dic no ho torno a posar

I say I'm not putting it back on.

Perquè us segueixo

Because I follow you

Sóc el primer seguidor

I am the first follower.

Que ho he tingut mai

That I have never had.

Nada menos

Nothing less

Com ens agrada

As we like it


I el matem

And the mathematician.

El primer seguidor

The first follower

Mateu el seguidor

Kill the follower.

Que teniu aquí

What do you have here?

Dels likes

Of the likes

Doncs això

Well, that's it.

El que vam dir era

What we said was



Ho he sentit

I have heard it.

Creiem que es moriria

We believe that he would die.

Jo vaig dir

I said

Que es moriria

That he would die.

Jaume aquest any

Jaume this year

Però no volia

But I didn't want to.

Que et morissis

May you die.

No, no, no

No, no, no

Tinc clar

I am clear.

Tinc tot gravat

I have everything recorded.

Volia un cap gros teu

I wanted a big head of yours.


Amb una peluca aquesta

With a wig like this


No, no

No, no

Ja, ja

Ha, ha

Mira el que xondo

Look at what I'm talking about.

Després d'aquest temps

After this time

I de tot el que ha passat

And of everything that has happened.



Escrit una carta

Write a letter.

T'he escrit una carta

I have written you a letter.

Demana'm perdó

Forgive me.

Ara em fotrà plorar

Now it's going to make me cry.

Si em deixes

If you let me

Sóc sensible

I am sensitive.

Deixi la carta

Leave the letter.

No, però no

No, but no.

No t'ho perdono

I don't forgive you.

Que m'has fet estar viu

You have made me feel alive.

Què dius, ara

What are you saying now?

Que deixeixi la carta

Let him leave the letter.

Va, anem amb la carta

Come on, let's go with the letter.



Marimar un bocador

Marimar a biter


Let's put in

Fiquem música

Let's put on some music.





Mira com m'ha agafat

Look how it has caught me.

No la posarem

We won't put it on.

En postproducció

In post-production

Si els editors

If the editors

Se n'enrecorden

Do you remember?


I start.



Estimat Jaume Soler

Dear Jaume Soler



Estimat Jaume

Dear Jaume

Som amics

We are friends.




No et puc enganyar

I can't deceive you.



Que tenia

What did he/she have?

Una carta escrita

A written letter

Que m'havia fet

What had I done to myself?

Al xat GPT

To the GPT chat



No em puc sentir perdonat

I can't feel forgiven.

Si el que

If what

El que et dic

What I'm telling you

T'ho diu

It tells you.

Una màquina

A machine

De dir que

To say that

Miré a lo personal

I looked at the personal.


I looked.

El que ens toca

What touches us

De prop

Close up

Vale, Jaume

Okay, Jaume.

Espero que amb aquesta carta

I hope that with this letter

Et trobi

I find you.



Amb un bon estat de forma

In good shape.

Amb un bon estat d'ànim

In a good mood



El que va passar

What happened

No saberé

I will not know.

Quin dia

What day

Té de gener

Has January



Abans de tot

Before everything






Allow me.

Expressar la meva sincera disculpa

Express my sincere apology.

Pel desafortunat pronòstic

Due to the unfortunate forecast

Bé, paro

Okay, I'll stop.



Això és molt escrit al xat GPT

This is very written in the chat GPT.



Veig que els meus talents

I see that my talents

De pronosticador

Of forecaster

De adivino

As a guesser.

Són bastant dolents

They are quite bad.

Com tota aquella gent

Like all those people

Que passa per davant

What happens in front?

De la plaça major

From the main square

Bueno, per la plaça major

Well, through the main square.

I no para a veure

And it doesn't stop to see.

El teu aparador

Your showcase

Com ha canviat

How it has changed

La gent que no para un minut

The people who don't stop for a minute.

A veure l'aparador

Let's see the window display.

Del Jaume

From Jaume



A més són dolents

Moreover, they are bad.

Són dolents

They are bad.

Ho noto perquè

I notice it because

Els meus amics

My friends

Estan bruts

They are dirty.

I quan deixen d'estar bruts

And when do they stop being dirty?

Ja he de canviar les fotos

I have to change the photos now.

Ah, és bo això

Ah, that's good.

Llavors, Jaume

Then, Jaume

Vaig dir que tant tenen idees

I said that they both have ideas.

Només volia fer una broma inofensiva

I just wanted to make a harmless joke.

I no llançar una maledicció

And not cast a curse.

Ni posar a prova

Not to put to the test.

Els teus nervis

Your nerves

I ni el teu cor

And neither your heart.

No tenia ni idea

I had no idea.

Que les meves paraules

May my words

Podrien resultar

They could result.

El que han pogut ser

What they could have been



Els meus comentaris

My comments

Van ser del tot inadequats

They were completely inappropriate.

I desconsiderats

And inconsiderate ones

De fet

In fact

No només els meus

Not only mine.



Diem que aquest any

We say that this year



No endivinem mai

We never guess.

Amb aquesta porra

With this club.

Però aquest any

But this year

Vam dir que

We said that

Mataríem el papa de Roma

We would kill the Pope of Rome.

Està fotut

He's in trouble.

Vam dir que mataríem

We said we would kill.

Els xoques

The shocks

Va tenir una lesió

He/She had an injury.



Al gimnàs

At the gym

A Carles III

To Charles III

De l'Anglaterra

From England

Li han diagnosticat càncer

They have diagnosed him/her with cancer.

I al Bruce Willis

And to Bruce Willis

Que té afàgia

That has aphagia.



Tothom està fotut

Everyone is screwed.

Aquest any

This year

Però tu, Jaume

But you, Jaume



Tu ets diferent

You are different.

Has aconseguit superar-ho

You have managed to overcome it.

I a més a més

And furthermore

Em fas broma

You're joking me.

Això és digne

This is worthy.


To admire

És com qui

It's like someone

Porta setmanes

It has been weeks.

Sense anar al cau

Without going to the den

I apareix un dissabte a la tarda

And appears on a Saturday afternoon.

Amb el cal començar

With what must begin

Tendre com si res

Tender as if nothing.

I no li sap greu

And he doesn't feel sorry.

Això també és admirar

This is also to admire.





Però si hi ha una cosa

But if there is one thing

Que he après

What I have learned

D'aquesta situació

From this situation

És que tens un esperit

It's just that you have a spirit.

Fort i valent

Strong and brave

Capaç de resistir

Capable of resisting

Fins i tot


Les prediccions

The predictions

Més afortunades

More fortunate

De fet

In fact

Mirant de forma introspectiva

Looking introspectively

Ara sé

Now I know.

Que és millor

What is better?

Que em quedi

Let me stay.

En què em dediqui

What I dedicate myself to

A activitats

To activities




Calm down.

Que no

No way

Suposin risca a ningú

I suppose it doesn't bother anyone.

Com per exemple

As for example

És mirar

It is to look.

Les tres fotos

The three photos

De la nova tarda

Of the new afternoon




Que sí


Que són fotos

What are photos?

Que algunes

That some

Són activitats

They are activities.

Que ningú sap

That nobody knows.

Que es fan

What are they doing?

A part dels que hi ha allà

Apart from those who are there

Actes avorrits

Boring acts

I altres fotos

And other photos

De coses

About things

Molt bones

Very good

I sí

And yes

He dit

I have said.

Veure les fotos

See the photos

Perquè sortir les fotos

To develop the photos.

Jo cada vegada

I every time

Que em demanes una foto

That you ask me for a photo.

O estic per allà

Or I’m around there.

Em canso

I'm tired.

Perquè et bec a tu

Because I drink to you.

I dic

I say

És que no aguanto

I can't stand it.

No pare

Don't stop.

Però bueno

But well





Seguim amb les disculpes

We continue with the apologies.

Que és el que anàvem

What is it that we were going?

No vull fer bromes

I don't want to make jokes.

Ara que t'estàs recuperant

Now that you are recovering

Et prometo

I promise you.

Que seré el primer

That I will be the first.

A demanar

To ask

Que organitzem

What do we organize

Una festa

A party

Per celebrar

To celebrate

Que estem vius

That we are alive.

I sí

And yes




Una festa

A party

Perquè tu i jo

Because you and I

Encara que no sàpigues

Even if you don't know

Tu i jo

You and I



Som amics

We are friends.


Perquè sempre has estat

Because you have always been

A la meva vida

In my life

Jo a la teva

I to yours.

No tant

Not so much.

Però és igual

But it doesn't matter.

Perquè em vas fer

Why did you make me?

La primera foto

The first photo

De l'UNI

From the UNI

La segona

The second

La tercera

The third

La quarta ja no

The fourth one no longer.

Perquè vaig dir

Because I said

Potser li he dit allò

Maybe I told him that.


I hope.

Vaig amb una altra

I'm going with another one.

I vaig dir

I said

Què passa

What's happening?

M'has revelat

You have revealed to me.

Fotos dels àlbums

Photos of the albums

Que estan per casa

They are at home.


Som amics

We are friends.



Som amics

We are friends.

Perquè cada any

Because every year

Que em venies a veure

That you were coming to see me.

Al Col·legi Sant Josep

At St. Joseph's School

A fer fotos

To take photos

Deies que venies

You said you were coming.

A fer fotos a la canalla

Taking photos of the children.

Però no

But no

Venies a veure-m'hi

You were coming to see me there.

Ho sé

I know



Ho sé

I know.

Les fotos

The photos

Ai no

Oh no



Ah sí

Oh yes



I per acabar

And to finish

Som veïns

We are neighbors.



Ens fa més amics

It makes us more friends.

Que mai

That never

Sé de quin color

I know what color.

Són els teus gossos

They are your dogs.

Els dos blancs

The two whites



I saps

And you know

Qui em va fer

Who made me

La foto

The photo

De les orles

Of the fringes

De segon de batxiller

From the second year of high school

No Jaume?

Not Jaume?



I saps

And you know

Qui em farà

Who will make me?

Les fotos

The photos

De la boda?

About the wedding?

Doncs encara no ho sé

Well, I still don't know.

Perquè em queda molt lluny

Because it is very far from me.



Una abraçada

A hug

De l'Eloi Pla

From Eloi Pla

El teu nou amic

Your new friend

D'una postdata

From a postscript

El teu buc de cap gros

Your big-headed ship.

El segueixo volent

I still want him/her.

No cal que et moris

You don't have to die.

Podem tenir un cap gros

We can have a big head.

En vida

In life

Ja el tinc

I already have it.

I la meva pregunta

And my question

Ara respon-me tu Jaume

Now answer me, Jaume.

El faries amb

You would do it with

O sense pèl?

Or hairless?

Com vulguis

As you wish.

Com vulgui jo

As I wish.

Com vulguis tu

As you wish.

Com et sentiries?

How would you feel?



Cada moment

Every moment

Té la seva època

It has its time.

I cada època

And each era

Té el seu moment

It has its moment.

Vull dir

I mean



No em sento

I can't hear myself.

Que em veus bé

That you see me well.

Ah bueno

Oh well

No no

No no

A veure

Let's see.



He descobert

I have discovered.

Que ara

That now

Me la toquen més

They touch it more for me.

La cabellera

The hair

No no

No no



Jo m'adapto

I adapt.

Perdonem el Eloi

We forgive Eloi.

És que m'ha tocat lo cor

It's that it has touched my heart.

Le puc fer una abraçada

Can I give you a hug?

Fem una abraçada

Let's hug.


Come on



Abraçada, abraçada.

Hug, hug.



Que ens sou de macos, que ens sou de macos.

How beautiful you are, how beautiful you are.

Ens tanqui el cercle.

Let the circle close.

És que això és...

It's just that this is...

M'ha tocat, m'ha tocat.

It has touched me, it has touched me.

És que ho vam dir, vam dir, quan...

It's just that we said it, we said it, when...

Vam dir...

We said...

Ah, però se'n va enterar, se'n va enterar

Ah, but he found out, he found out.

que el pronòstic...

that the forecast...

No, després...

No, afterwards...

Eh, des de la UCI, eh!

Eh, from the ICU, eh!

Clar, que se'n va enterar en aquell moment

Of course, he found out at that moment.

i estava així, ploia de coses enganxades,

and it was like this, it rained with things stuck on,

aquí amb una bata, que s'havien mort

here with a robe, that they had died

tres o quatre...

three or four...

Sí, però amb la meva imaginació anava més enllà,

Yes, but with my imagination, I went further.

d'aquí la bata sol, aquí, tot sol,

from here the gown sun, here, all alone,



Tots coneguts, tots coneguts,

All acquaintances, all acquaintances,

perquè coneixer a tothom...

because to know everyone...

Tots de tàrrega, perquè el dilluns,

All from Tàrrega, because on Monday,

a urgències toca tàrrega, eh!

At emergencies, it’s Tàrrega, right!

Sí, tots érem coneguts!

Yes, we all knew each other!


Holy shit!

Clar, i...

Sure, and...

La majoria...

The majority...

Però vam parlar tots, sí, sí.

But we all talked, yes, yes.

I tu allà entubat...

And you there, all tubed up...

No, entubat no, connectat, connectat.

No, connected not, connected, connected.

Clar, i jo no m'havia arribat.

Of course, and I hadn't arrived.

Jo un dia m'aixeco al matí, faig un missatge allà al mòbil,

One day I wake up in the morning, I send a message on my phone,

cabrona, sos quasi un Mateu!

bitch, you're almost a Mateu!

I dic, què? I jo et passo una captura a pantalla,

I say, what? And I’ll send you a screenshot,

tots diuen, mireu això!

Everyone says, look at this!

Sí, on no contestaven, jo m'estava morint!

Yes, where they weren't answering, I was dying!

Dic, a veure si em contesten abans no la guanyi!

I say, let's see if they respond to me before I win it!

No, no, no...

No, no, no...

Fins aquí la carta de perdó...

So far, the letter of apology...

A mi no, no m'ha de fer cap carta.

Not to me, I don't need him to write any letter.

Estic content de...

I am happy about...

De què penseu en mi, si m'heu fet

What do you think of me, if you have made me?

posar quatre likes més, ara.

put four more likes, now.

I tant, i tant...

Of course, of course...

I passem a la meva secció,

And we move on to my section,

que és un trom per tàrrega.

what is a trom for Tàrrega.

Benvingut, Jaume, a un trom per tàrrega.

Welcome, Jaume, to a trom for Tàrrega.

Una secció que té la intenció

A section that intends

d'arribar al punt més profund

to reach the deepest point

de la teva ànima perquè els simples mortals

of your soul so that mere mortals

puguem entendre què passa

we can understand what is happening

pel cap d'un geni i la seva

by the head of a genius and his

Canon EOS R6 Mark II

Canon EOS R6 Mark II

amb teleobjectiu,

with telephoto lens,

diafragma F8,

diaphragm F8,

enfocament manual i, sobretot,

manual focus and, above all,

sense el flash activat.

without the flash activated.

Estem d'acord?

Are we in agreement?

Vas cagada!

You messed up!

Home, sóc de Nikon!

Dude, I'm from Nikon!



Amb la meua Canon Nikon 800!

With my Canon Nikon 800!

Ho saps?

Do you know?

Tinc unes quantes.

I have a few.

O ets de Canon o ets de Nikon?

Are you a Canon person or a Nikon person?

Si fossis fotògraf, ho entendries, és com tot.

If you were a photographer, you would understand, it's like everything.

Ah, o ets del Madrid o ets del Barça.

Ah, you are either from Madrid or you are from Barça.

Sí, va, sóc de Nikon.

Yes, come on, I'm from Nikon.

Doncs, benvingut!

Well, welcome!

Doncs benvingut, Jaume, a un trom per tàrrega.

Well welcome, Jaume, to a trom for Tàrrega.

Toc, toc, Jaume.

Knock, knock, Jaume.



Em deixes entrar dins de la teva ànima?

Will you let me inside your soul?

Sí, sí, ja fa rato que la teniu per aquí.

Yes, yes, you've had her around here for a while.

Doncs, entro cap dins, començo a fer ràpel

Well, I go inside, I start rappelling.

per les parets del teu cos, no entraré al cor perquè...

for the walls of your body, I will not enter the heart because...

Home, però ah, que el tinc bé!

Home, but ah, that I have it good!

Sí, bueno, però...

Yes, well, but...

No vull causar...

I don't want to cause...

No, no, no...

No, no, no...

Estic com un déu.

I am like a god.

Jaume, la vida s'estructura amb un tamboret de tres potes.

Jaume, life is structured like a three-legged stool.

Una representa els diners, l'altra la salut i l'altra l'amor.

One represents money, the other health, and the other love.

Quina és la pota més curta del teu tamboret?

Which is the shortest leg of your stool?

Els diners.

The money.

Els diners és la més curta?

Is money the shortest?

Sí, perquè...

Yes, because...

I t'ho explicarà la de Burgos, no?

The one from Burgos will explain it to you, right?

Jo disfruto tant que pagaria per fer lo que faig.

I enjoy it so much that I would pay to do what I do.

Pagaria, i clar, no...

I would pay, and of course, no...

Tot ho reinverteixes.

You reinvest everything.

Et passes tota la vida reinvertint perquè disfrutes, ho entens?

You spend your whole life reinvesting so you can enjoy, do you understand?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No et faràs mai milionari amb jo.

You will never become a millionaire with me.

Però mai, mai.

But never, never.

Perquè sempre estic hipotecat.

Because I am always mortgaged.

Llavors els diners, per mi, els he tingut com...

Then money, for me, I have had it as...

Bueno, no els he tingut.

Well, I haven't had them.

La bicicleta és un mitjà de transport, però també pot representar

The bicycle is a means of transport, but it can also represent

el pas del temps per la vida.

the passage of time for life.

Tu, Jaume, entre tots els elements d'una bicicleta, quin series?

You, Jaume, among all the elements of a bicycle, which one would you be?

El manillar, els pedals, el timbre...

The handlebars, the pedals, the bell...

No, jo el pedal.

No, I pedal.

Jo sóc de pedal.

I am from pedal.

És de pedalar.

It is about pedaling.

Recentment, Jaume, has tingut, com ha dit l'Eloi, has patit un ictus.

Recently, Jaume has had, as Eloi said, a stroke.



No, un ictus no!

No, a stroke, no!

Fot-li que ara no m'ha donat l'ictus!

Go for it, because now I haven't had the stroke!

Què ha sigut?

What has happened?

Prediccions no, eh?

No predictions, huh?

Un infart.

A heart attack.

Ai, un infart.

Oh, a heart attack.

Més prediccions no.

No more predictions.

Perdó, perdó.

Sorry, sorry.

Com va ser? Com va ser?

How was it? How was it?

Quin susto, quin susto.

What a scare, what a scare.

Ja m'ha agafat un ictus.

I've already had a stroke.

Com va ser? Com va ser?

How was it? How was it?

Mira, mira, va ser vist des de la perspectiva, va ser acollonant.

Look, look, it was seen from the perspective, it was incredible.

Acabàvem de vindre de fer un cap de setmana molt estressant a Burgos.

We had just come back from a very stressful weekend in Burgos.

Sempre a Burgos.

Always in Burgos.

Sempre, i vaig gravar tot en vídeo, bé, de tots els vídeos, els mòbils i tal,

Always, and I recorded everything on video, well, of all the videos, the phones and such,

vaig mostrar una pel·li.

I showed a movie.

Cal dir que la pel·li era coprotagonista, a part de productor.

It must be said that the film was co-starring, apart from being a producer.

Nadem era l'Immon Roux.

We swam with the Immon Roux.

D'acord? Vinga.

Okay? Come on.

Recordeu que era pel Carnaval.

Remember it was for Carnival.



I ens ho vam passar tan bé, dic, muntem un vídeo.

And we had such a great time that I said, let's make a video.

Bé, muntem el vídeo, és un dilluns, dia 5 de febrer, a les 7 de la tarda.

Well, we are recording the video, it's a Monday, February 5th, at 7 in the evening.

I clar, ja sabeu que tinc una secretària que es diu Ebe.

Of course, you already know that I have a secretary named Ebe.

Ebe, t'estimo molt.

Ebe, I love you very much.

Som com un matrimoni malvingut.

We are like a troubled marriage.

I dic, vine, Ebe, que t'ensenyo com m'ha quedat, que et faràs un fart de riurer.

I say, come, Ebe, I'll show you how it turned out, you're going to have a blast laughing.

Mos ho mirem i plorarem tots dos.

We'll look at it and both cry.

I jo començo.

And I'll start.

Ai, que m'infarto!

Oh, I'm going to have a heart attack!

Se'm van rampar.

They got tangled up on me.

Us ho juro, eh? Se'm van rampar.

I swear to you, okay? They climbed on me.

Clar, tu no saps que és un infart.

Sure, you don't know what a heart attack is.

No, és que jo volia saber quina sensació tens.

No, I just wanted to know what feeling you have.

Clar, què et diuen un infart? Que és el braç?

Of course, what does a heart attack tell you? That it's the arm?

Que no saps mai si és el dret o l'esquerra?

You never know if it's the right or the left?

Que és el braç? Que és una pressió al pit?

What is the arm? What is chest pressure?

No, no.

No, no.

Saps quan se t'adorm un braç o una cama?

Do you know when your arm or leg falls asleep?

Pues, ojo, eh?

Well, watch out, okay?

Jo a vegades estic al cine i se m'adormen les mans.

Sometimes I am at the cinema and my hands fall asleep.

Ojo, pot ser un infart, eh?

Watch out, it could be a heart attack, huh?

Perquè, clar, és la mateixa sensació, però a lo bèstia.

Because, of course, it's the same feeling, but in an extreme way.

I llavors se me'n rampa això i aquí el pols.

And then this cramps me up and here the pulse.

Clar, com que soc raro.

Of course, since I'm weird.

Clar, i li dic a l'escriptor.

Of course, and I tell the writer.

Ai, que m'infarto!

Oh, I'm going to have a heart attack!

Clar, com que sempre faig conya.

Of course, since I'm always joking.

Eh, va!

Hey, come on!

La secretària també està en un altre lloc que té gent administrativa i tal.

The secretary is also in another place that has administrative staff and such.

I diu, no fotis, que aquest matí se'ns ha infartat una senyora.

And he says, no way, that this morning a lady had a heart attack on us.

Dic, no, foto, no.

I say, no, photo, no.

Dic, a veure, porta aigua.

I say, let's see, bring water.

Foto aigua, que va pitjor.

Water photo, which is worse.

Marejat com una sopa.

Dizzy as a soup.

Començo a beure pampallugues.

I start to drink flashes.

No s'ha desmaiat mai?

Have you never fainted?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Eh, pues això.

Eh, well, that's it.

I no penses que és un infart.

And you don't think it's a heart attack?

Penses que t'has intoxicat o t'has entrat alguna cosa malament.

Do you think you have food poisoning or that you've ingested something bad?

Un corte de digestió, jo què sé.

A stomach cramp, I don't know.

I llavors vas pensant, a veure, que t'has fotut.

And then you start thinking, let's see, that you’ve messed up.

Que si m'he begut aigua.

Whether I have drunk water.

I llavors et dic, truca al 112.

And then I tell you, call 112.

I truca a la meva estimada.

I call my beloved.

Però estàs conscient encara?

But are you still aware?



Tota l'estona vas estar conscient?

Were you aware the whole time?

Tota l'estona.

All the time.

Però ja està al punt de dir, ah, adiós, que me boi.

But it's already at the point of saying, oh, goodbye, I'm leaving.

I llavors, clar, em vaig tirar a terra.

And then, of course, I threw myself on the ground.

Si ho he estat al meu estudi i tal, tinc un sofà al final.

If I have been in my studio and such, I have a sofa at the end.

Em vaig tirar les potetes amunt.

I threw my little legs up.

L'R2 em va vindre a dir, amo, que estàs...

The R2 came to tell me, master, that you are...

Que no la guanyés, cara d'això.

That he wouldn't win it, face of that.

I llavors, clar, aquell quart d'hora de l'ambulància,

And then, of course, that quarter of an hour for the ambulance,

vindre, se'n va fer a terra.

come, it was done on the ground.

Perquè cada vegada està pitjor, pitjor, pitjor.

Because it is getting worse, worse, worse.

Més marejat.

More dizzy.

No, no, fatal.

No, no, terrible.

I em feia tant mal.

It hurt me so much.

I dic, i em feia mal aquí, també.

I said, and it hurt me here, too.

Però com si t'apretessin.

But as if they were squeezing you.

No, no, una rampa.

No, no, a ramp.

Una rampa forta.

A steep ramp.

I tu paties per la teva vida o no?

And did you suffer for your life or not?



No has de patir per la teva vida.

You don't have to worry about your life.

Si estàs viu, todavia estàs viu.

If you are alive, you are still alive.

Com patiràs per la teva vida?

How will you suffer for your life?

Quan t'ho han donat un diagnòstic clar o t'has mort?

When have they given you a clear diagnosis or have you died?



Clar, no ho sabies.

Of course, you didn't know.

No sabies què era.

You didn't know what it was.

Clar, si no has tingut mai un infart, com pots saber?

Of course, if you've never had a heart attack, how can you know?

A més a més, faig una vida saludable.

Furthermore, I lead a healthy life.

No he fumat mai.

I have never smoked.

No bec.

No, because.

Sempre bec amb la mateixa de burgo.

I always drink with the same drunkenness.

Vull dir, no ho sé.

I mean, I don't know.

Una cosa normal, no?

A normal thing, right?

I d'això llavors, arribé de l'ambulància, puf.

And from that then, I arrived from the ambulance, puff.

Ambulància, sirenes...

Ambulance, sirens...

Què passa?

What's happening?

Estic al mig de la plaça Major.

I am in the middle of the Main Square.

Tots deuen ser al darrere mirant allà l'aparador.

They must all be at the back looking at the display there.

I allà, entra gent a la botiga.

And there, people enter the store.

No, és que el Jaume en aquest moment no s'hi pot posar.

No, it's just that Jaume can't get into it right now.

Li deia a la secretària, ho sentia.

He told the secretary, he was sorry.


Holy shit.

I sí.

And yes.

Basta que d'això, coi, no entra mai ningú.

Enough of this, damn it, no one ever comes in.



No entra gent.

No one is coming in.

Bueno, és un dia.

Well, it's a day.

Aleshores, me'n recordo que aquell noi deia, què d'això, que...

Then, I remember that that boy was saying, what about this, that...

Bueno, em feia preguntes.

Well, it was asking me questions.

Jo, diu, home, m'estic morint.

I, he says, man, I am dying.

I llavors sí que em buscava.

And then yes, he/she was looking for me.

Em veia les mans blanquis, blanquis, com aquest papí.

I saw my hands pale, pale, like this paper.


Holy moly.



I que li deien a la secretària que em volien mirar el sucre.

And they told the secretary that they wanted to check my blood sugar.

Es veu que quan d'això et miren el sucre.

It seems that when they look at your sugar.

Diu, apret, apret.

He says, squeeze, squeeze.

No em sortia res.

Nothing was coming out.



Mentre estàvem parlant amb la Marimar i tal, m'hi he passat uns 40 minuts.

While we were talking with Marimar and such, I spent about 40 minutes there.

Encara no.

Not yet.

I em començava a passar.

I was starting to get carried away.

Estava potes en l'aire i em començava a passar.

I was upside down and it was starting to happen to me.

I veus que han passat els 40 minuts.

And you see that 40 minutes have passed.



I marxa del tot.

And it completely leaves.


Holy shit.

Del tot.


Clar, tenia les artèries apunyades.

Of course, I had my arteries stabbed.

I, clar, devia passar alguna cosa.

I, of course, something must have happened.

I aleshores, jo li dic al de l'ambulància.

And then, I tell the ambulance guy.

Diu, ja està, eh?

He says, that's it, right?

Perdona, eh?

Excuse me, huh?

Diu, com ja està?

He says, how is it already?

A la camilla.

On the stretcher.

Diu, com?

He says, how?



Em den el cap.

They are giving me a headache.

Que això pot ser d'això.

That this can be of that.

Que no sé què.

I don't know what.

Hi ha gent aquí fora.

There are people out here.

Diu, no.

He says, no.



I si ho diu la Marimar, la de Burgos.

And if Marimar says it, the one from Burgos.

Em diu, a la camilla.

He tells me, on the stretcher.

A la camilla.

On the stretcher.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Que llavors, perquè no em conegués la gent, tinc una gorra, saps?

So that people don't recognize me, I wear a cap, you know?

Una gorra.

A cap.

I em poso la gorra així.

I put on my cap like this.


Of course.

A veure on sortim la gorra.

Let's see where we end up with the cap.

Que el Jaume Soler, clar.

That Jaume Soler, of course.

Que el Jaume Soler ja s'ha mort.

Jaume Soler has already died.

El que passa és que estem al poble, eh?

What happens is that we are in the village, right?

Jaume Soler no sé què.

Jaume Soler I don't know what.

Jaume Soler no sé quantos.

Jaume Soler I don't know how many.

Que està fotuta.

That is messed up.

Molt greu.

Very serious.

Que ho he vist.

I have seen it.

Ho he vist que sortia.

I saw him/her leaving.

La gorra.

The cap.





Em porten el cap.

They are getting inside my head.

El cap està perfecte.

The head is perfect.



Més punxat.

More spiked.

Més calent.


Que només tinc dits a cada mà.

That I only have fingers on each hand.



Que, que, que.

What, what, what.



I aleshores, la meva estimada Marimar, té un amic allí de la SEM i tal i qual.

And then, my dear Marimar, she has a friend there from the SEM and so on.

Diu, va, buscant aquest amic i tal i qual.

He says, come on, looking for this friend and so on.

Un metge.

A doctor.

I em torna a fer un altre cardiograma.

And he makes me do another electrocardiogram.

Això és el que recordo, eh?

This is what I remember, okay?

I, i, i diu, bueno, està tot bien.

And, and, and he says, well, everything is fine.

És que no sé què.

I don’t know what.

No sé quantos.

I don’t know how many.

Diu, vamos.

He says, let's go.



Diu, eh.

He says, eh.

Diu, jo.

Says, me.

No està bé.

It's not okay.

No està bé tot bé.

It's not okay, everything is fine.

Diu que no està bé tot bé.

He says that not everything is fine.

No està bé tot bé.

Not everything is fine.

Bueno, jo em sentia tot bé.

Well, I felt completely good.

Però els metges no.

But the doctors don't.

Els metges no.

The doctors no.

Diu, bueno, anem a.

He says, well, let's go.

Per, per, per d'això.

But, but, but for this.

Anem a.

Let's go.

Anem a Lleida.

We are going to Lleida.





Dic, hosti, demà surten els tractors.

I say, damn, tomorrow the tractors go out.


Holy shit.

El dia 6 a la matinà sortiran els tractors.

On the 6th in the morning, the tractors will go out.

I com que, per desgràcia pel meu pare, vaig tindre que anar tantes vegades a, ja sé

And since, unfortunately for my father, I had to go so many times to, I already know.

lo que passa, entre les urgències, entre que t'ho mirin i tot això i d'allò i d'això,

what happens, between the emergencies, between having it looked at and all this and that and this,

fins que surts, ja te'n vas a los tractors.

until you leave, you're already off to the tractors.

Pues sí.

Well, yes.



Què passa?

What's happening?

Que et lliguen.

That they tie you up.

Et lliguen aquí amb unes corretxes, a la camilla, perquè, clar, no t'ho vas aixís

They tie you here with some straps, to the stretcher, because, of course, you don't go like that.



No hi havia anat mai jo de copilot a les ambulàncies.

I had never been there as a co-pilot in the ambulances.

De parquet.

Of parquet.



Sempre anar al cotxe radere empaitant el meu pare i l'ambulanciero, no?

Always go to the car behind, chasing my father and the ambulance driver, right?

I llavors, em diu, li dic al del, un es queda allí, un tècnic es queda amb tu i l'altre

And then, he tells me, I tell the one from there, one stays there, a technician stays with you and the other.

és el que condueix.

it is the one who drives.

I li dic, escolta, imagina't lligat amb corretxes, eh.

And I tell him, listen, imagine being tied up with straps, huh.

Dic, escolta, així, eh.

I say, listen, like this, eh.

Dic, vols dir que què?

I say, do you mean what?

Dic, vols dir que caldria estar tan lligat?

I say, do you mean that it should be so tied up?

Dic, no podria estar sentat?

I say, couldn't I be sitting?

Què és que em trobes?

What do you think of me?

Em diu, no, perquè el protocol i tot això.

He tells me no, because of the protocol and all that.

Diu, imagina't que tenim un accident, eh, saps, que d'això i tal i qual.

He says, imagine that we have an accident, you know, like that and so on.

I jo, i jo anar pensant, perquè, clar, i jo torno a dir, jo ho veig.

And I, and I keep thinking, because, of course, and I say again, I see it.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Veig l'accident, veig la, l'hòstia, veig, sento el seroll, etcètera, i dic, escolta,

I see the accident, I see the, the crash, I see, I feel the noise, etcetera, and I say, listen,

dic, i si tenim un accident sobre la porta, marxa la, la camilla, i, i, jo no em puc

I say, and if we have an accident at the door, the stretcher leaves, and, and, I can't...


to defend.

I diu, ha, ha, ha, amb aquestes ja havíem arribat.

And he says, ha, ha, ha, with these we had already arrived.

Hòstia, bueno, menys mal.

Damn, well, thank goodness.

Hem parlat a los viatges.

We have talked about the trips.

Menys mal.

Thank goodness.

A Ribollera, dic, tinc el meu fill, el que m'ha fet avi.

In Ribollera, I say, I have my son, who has made me a grandfather.

T'ha fet avi?

Have you become a grandfather?

L'Àlvar, que està d'enfermer d'urgències a la nau.

Álvar, who is the emergency nurse in the ward.

Ah, i així que.

Oh, is that so?

Està de baixa, eh.

He's on sick leave, isn't he?

Però el terremendo ja m'havia trucat a tots els seus companys, i em dic, arribo, el pare

But the earthquake had already called all its companions, and I say to myself, I'm coming, father.

de l'Àlvar, el pare de l'Àlvar.

of Álvar, the father of Álvar.

Em coneixien tots.

Everyone knew me.


Holy shit.

Una vergonya.

A shame.

No vas fer cua, eh, jaume, no.

You didn't queue, did you, Jaume, no.

No vas estar-te dues hores al final.

You didn't stay for two hours in the end.

No, no, van ser, llavors va arribar la mare i mare, em posaven, jo em trobava bé, i

No, no, they were, then the mother arrived and mother, they would put me, I was feeling good, and

no fent proves, que si una radiografia, que si una eco, que si...

not doing tests, like if an x-ray, like if an ultrasound, like if...

Tot bé.

All good.

No, no, tot bé.

No, no, everything's fine.

Tot bé.

All good.

Diu ella que no.

She says no.

I em diu la doctora.

And the doctor tells me.

Tot bé.

All good.

Bueno, però jo em trobava bé, eh.

Well, I was feeling good, you know.

I tenia pressa perquè no em sortissin els altres dos.

I was in a hurry because I didn't want the other two to come out.

Em trobava bé.

I was feeling good.

I llavors, la doctora diu, admirarem les troponines.

And then, the doctor says, we will admire the troponins.

Us admiren mai les troponines?

Do troponins ever amaze you?

No, no.

No, no.

Quan t'hi diuen això, me'n vas a la ui.

When they tell you this, I'm going to the ui.

I diu, ostres, estàs a...

And he says, wow, you're at...

A 300.

A 300.

Hòstia, de puls.

Holy shit, like a pulse.

De pulso.

By pulse.

No, de troponines.

No, of troponins.

De troponines.

Of troponins.

No sé què és.

I don't know what it is.

Estàs flipant.

You are tripping.

No sé què de la sang.

I don't know what about the blood.

Diu, és un detector amb sang que detecta si has tingut un infart.

It says it's a blood detector that detects if you've had a heart attack.

I diu, hauries d'estar sent, però diu, no pateixis, que d'aquí tres hores...

And he says, you should be being, but he says, don't worry, that in three hours...

Diu, ostres, els tractors, tranquil, ja estarem, els tractors ja estan.

He says, wow, the tractors, don't worry, we'll be fine, the tractors are already here.

I d'aquí tres hores te'n farem un altre.

And in three hours we'll make another one for you.

Això a les 12, posa'ls tres allí esperant.

This at 12, put them three there waiting.

Esperant, mirant el mòbil, mirant a veure què feu.

Waiting, looking at the phone, watching to see what you’re doing.



Bueno, arriben les tres i em ve l'autora i diu, ràpid, a la ubi.

Well, three o'clock arrives and the author comes to me and says, quick, to the ubi.

Dic, com?

I say, how?

Dic, s'ha equivocat.

I say, you are mistaken.

Diu, estàs a 800.

He says, you're at 800.


Holy shit.

Au, a la ubi.

Come on, to the bus.

I la normal, la normal és dir, com et sent?

And the normal, the normal is to say, how do you feel?

Jo bé, jo em sentia bé, segons ells no.

I was fine, I felt good, but according to them, I was not.

Vale, jo em sentia com ara.

Okay, I felt like this before.

I no estaves nerviós tampoc.

And you weren't nervous either.

No, com ara.

No, like now.

No, vale, vale.

No, okay, okay.

Com ara.

Like now.

Bueno, no, no he estat mai a la ubi.

Well, no, I have never been to Ubi.

És guai, és guai, és guai.

It's cool, it's cool, it's cool.

És guai.

It's cool.

És super guai.

It's super cool.



Tots junts així, amiguetes.

All together like this, little friends.



Amb aquesta bata, això sí, les bates.

With this robe, that's for sure, the robes.

Jo demano a la sanitat que posin bates noves.

I ask the health system to provide new gowns.

Que posin trajes, ja.

Let them wear suits, already.

Trajes, trajes.

Suits, suits.



La bateta, pelotilla, tot el tal, enxufat aquí, patapum, tots.

The little bat, ball, all that stuff, plugged in here, bang, everyone.

És circular.

It is circular.

Imagina-us-ho, eh?

Imagine it, right?

Com una piscera, com una piscera.

Like a fishbowl, like a fishbowl.

Estàs amb tots allà i tal i qual.

You're with everyone there and so on.

I a fer el pipi allà, el potet, i el popo amb un d'això.

And to do the pee there, the potty, and the poop with one of these.

Dic, hòstia, fa el popo.

I say, damn, he's pooping.

M'ho aguantaré, m'ho aguantaré, home.

I'll hold it in, I'll hold it in, man.

És igual.

It doesn't matter.



Llavors, et ve el matí.

Then, the morning comes to you.

Et venen i diuen, bueno, t'haurem de fer un cateterisme, perquè això només se veu d'allò.

They come to you and say, well, we will have to do a catheterization, because this can only be seen from that.

I bueno, faig el que vulgui.

Well, I do what I want.

A les vuit, em ve una noia guapíssima i diu, bueno, soc la peluquera.

At eight, a very beautiful girl comes to me and says, well, I am the hairdresser.

Això no ho podia dir.

I couldn't say that.

Bé, això, dic, fes, fes, filla, fes.

Well, that, I say, do, do, daughter, do.

Llavors, d'allí et porten al quiròfano.

Then, from there they take you to the operating room.

Llavors, és igual que les pelis.

Then, it's just like the movies.


You know?

I dius, quina broma m'estan parint.

And you say, what a joke they are pulling on me.



Perquè dic, hòstia, a veure si hi ha un objectiu aquí que m'haurem discreta i tal.

Because I say, damn, let's see if there's a goal here that I'll have to be discreet and all that.

Perquè, clar, com que et trobes bé, tu et trobes bé.

Because, of course, since you feel good, you feel good.

Que fort.

How strong.



Llavors, t'entren allà i tots allà, oh, tot nou, eh?

Then they train you there and everyone there, oh, all new, huh?


Holy shit.

Fe quatre anys que està el quiròfano posat, eh?

It's been four years that the operating room has been set up, right?

Vull dir, que és tot nou, eh?

I mean, it’s all new, right?

Un personal encantador, una cosa.

A charming staff, one thing.

I veus tot allà i dius, aquí tindràs una mica de fred.

And you see everything there and say, here you will have a little cold.

Vas amb la bateta aquesta.

You're going with this little hat.


Of course.

Tens una mica de fred, perquè, clar, baixa la temperatura, eh?

You feel a bit cold because, of course, the temperature is dropping, right?

Amb entre cuixos oberts.

With open legs.

Sí, tot obert, tot obert.

Yes, everything open, everything open.

Però amb la bateta, això sí, eh?

But with the bateta, that's for sure, right?

Sí, sí, perquè és emocionant.

Yes, yes, because it is exciting.

I aleshores dius, penses en tu, al moment aquest, sents xun-xun, xun-xun.

And then you say, you think about yourself, in this moment, you feel a buzz, buzz.

Aquí sí que tens...

Here you have...

Aquí hi ha la música.

Here is the music.

Et cagues una mica, però com que no et fa mal res, dius, bueno.

You get a little scared, but since nothing hurts you, you say, well.

I jo pensava, és que aquest sóc jo.

And I thought, is this really me?

Sí, pensava.

Yes, I was thinking.

I anava mirant, a veure si hi havia algunes càmeres.

I was looking to see if there were any cameras.

I llavors penso, dic, no és que em pinxarà tot l'hospital de l'Arnau de Villanueva

And then I think, I say, it's not that the entire hospital of Arnau de Villanueva will fail me.

fent un jaume sol.

making a lonely jaume.

Diu, a veure, dic, no, no, va en sèrio, va en sèrio.

He says, let’s see, I say, no, no, he’s serious, he’s serious.

Dic, bueno, em portaré bé, em portaré bé, perquè si no, després, eh?

I say, well, I'll behave, I'll behave, because if not, then, eh?

Anestèsia total?

Total anesthesia?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Llavors, diu, sentirà, li farem una anestèsia, veus aquest puntilló, veus?

Then, he says, you will feel, we will give you anesthesia, you see this little point, you see?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Farem una anestèsia aquí, que és on es nota.

We'll do an anesthesia here, which is where it feels.

I així, diu, sentirà un escalforet, eh?

And so, he says, he will feel a warmth, right?

Que tracten de vostè.

They are addressing you.

Ostres, mira.

Wow, look.

Ei, nivell.

Hey, level.

I dius d'això, d'allò.

And you say about this, about that.

I et ve un senyor, que no saps lo que és, un metge,

A man is coming to see you, you don't know what it is, a doctor.

i et comença a tocar així, amb els ulls tancats.

and it starts to touch you like this, with your eyes closed.

Diu, merda, aquest va per tacte.

He says, crap, this is by touch.

Comença a tocar així, perquè et busqui.

Start playing like this, so that I can find you.

I, al cap d'un rato, apareix el jefe, el cirurgià.

And, after a while, the boss, the surgeon, appears.



Amb les mans així, igual que les pel·lis, eh?

With hands like this, just like the movies, right?

Moltes mans, molta llum, eh?

Many hands, a lot of light, right?

Una pantalla, una pantalla gegant de Sony,

A screen, a giant screen from Sony,

que no m'hi canvi el menjador de casa, eh?

Don't change the dining room of my house, okay?

I veus el teu cor allà.

And you see your heart there.


Holy shit.

En blanc i negre.

In black and white.


Holy shit.

Sí, va.

Yes, go ahead.

I llavors, diu, sentirà l'escalforet aquest, i tal.

And then, he says, he will feel this warmth, and so on.

I, bueno, així, plaf.

I, well, like this, bam.

I aquell fred que tenia, sense un escalfor, que pugi fins aquí.

And that cold I had, without warmth, that rises up to here.

Aquell fred que tenia et passi.

May that cold you had pass.

T'has cagat.

You've messed up.

Dic, ara em cagaré i fotré un merder.

I say, now I'm going to take a crap and make a mess.

Perquè, clar, la contenció.

Because, of course, the restraint.

I, bueno, veus que van treballant.

Well, you see they're working.

I llavors, aquí hi ha com un dau,

And then, here there is like a die,

que es va moient, depèn de com treballi.

It moves, depending on how it works.

O sigui, tot automatitzat.

So, it’s all automated.

Depèn de com es mullui.

It depends on how wet it gets.

I notes que et va passant aquí una cosa, eh?

I notice that something is happening to you here, right?

Ho notes.

You notice it.

Hòstia, que fort.

Damn, that's intense.

Però d'aquí a aquí no notes res.

But from here to here, you don't feel anything.

I dius, no sóc jo.

And you say, it's not me.

És una prova, eh?

It's a test, huh?

Tot l'és a pensar.

Everything is to think.

I llavors, al teu cor li patim, patim, patim.

And then, we suffer, suffer, suffer at your heart.


Imagine yourselves.

I com un filoferro que va fent així.

And like a barbed wire that goes like this.

Llavors, posen un colorant.

Then, they add a dye.

No sé com li diuen.

I don't know what they call him/her.

Un contraste.

A contrast.

Que és ràdio, ràdio.

What is radio, radio.

I reloj.

The clock.

I de color verd.

And green in color.


Holy shit.

I sí que, aquest sí que el veus.

And yes, you do see this one.

I veus que...

And you see that...

Llavors, el jefe diu,

Then, the boss says,

passem en una del 14 de dalt i del 12 de baix.

We're passing on one from 14 above and 12 below.

No, que siguin del 9.

No, they should be from the 9th.

Que del...

What of the...

I sí, van dient, no?

And yes, they keep saying, right?



I llavors, què li va passant?

And then, what is happening to him?

I traca, traca, traca.

And bang, bang, bang.

I tu relacionant-ho amb càmeres.

And you relating it to cameras.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I aleshores, bueno, una hora.

And then, well, an hour.

Una hora.

One hour.

Però dius, sí.

But you say, yes.

I surts?

Are you going out?



I surto.

I'm leaving.

Llavors m'expliquen.

Then they explain to me.

Diu, mira, tenies les tres artèries taponades.

He says, look, you had the three arteries blocked.



Diu, coronades.

Says, crowned.

És el que feia el màster.

It's what I did for the master's degree.

Feia el màster.

I was doing the master's.

Això és fort, eh?

That's strong, huh?



Diu, això és fort.

He says, this is strong.

Però clar, com que no...

But of course, since not...

Sembla que no vagi amb tu.

It seems like it's not going with you.

Estàvem coronades i tal i qual.

We were crowned and so on.

I en una te n'han posat dos.

And in one, they have put two.

I a l'altra una.

And the other one.

I te'n queda una que només funciona el 20%.

You have one left that only works 20%.

Diu, això de moment t'ha anat d'un pèl.

He says, for now, you've just managed by a hair's breadth.

Que no t'enviem al Vall d'Hebron a fer un vaipàs.

We won't send you to Vall d'Hebron to get a check-up.

Perquè mira, perquè...

Because look, because...

Sort no he tingut, no?

I haven't had luck, have I?

Què tal les teues netes?

How are your granddaughters?

Clar, perquè la meva jove treballa allí també.

Sure, because my daughter works there too.

Hòstia, hòstia, hòstia.

Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap.

I diu, sí, ja, eh?

And he says, yes, already, huh?

Diu, bueno.

He says, well.

I llavors ja.

And then already.

Te porten a d'això.

They take you to that.

Però tu estàs bé.

But you are fine.

Jo em sentia bé.

I felt good.

No estava bé, evidentment.

It was not right, obviously.

Però jo em sentia bé.

But I felt good.

Llavors em porten a l'habitació.

Then they take me to the room.

Diu, bueno.

He says, well.

D'aquí a la tarda o així.

From now until the afternoon or so.

Això era al matí a primera hora.

This was in the morning at first light.

Et portarem a planta.

We will take you upstairs.

I a veure com respon.

And to see how he/she responds.

Si tal i qual.

If so and so.

Si no em mereixes.

If you don't deserve me.

I et posen un...

They put a...

Estàs connectat online.

You are online.

Un motorizado.

A motorized vehicle.

Estoy motorizado.

I am motorized.



Estoy monitorizado.

I am monitored.

¿Cuántos días vas a haber de estar?

How many days are you going to have to be there?





Sí, t'explico.

Yes, I'll explain it to you.

Això era el dimarts.

That was on Tuesday.

Llavors ve el meu germà.

Then my brother comes.

A veure, no?

Let's see, right?

Jo li explico.

I explain it to him/her.

I mentre explico.

And while I explain.


I am dizzy.

Perquè era recient.

Because it was recent.



Llavors m'he dit d'estar un dia més.

Then I told myself to stay one more day.

Llavors em diu.

Then she tells me.

La doctora.

The doctor.

Diu, mira.

He says, look.


He says.

Ves caminant.

Keep walking.

A la planta.

To the plant.

A la sexta.

On the sixth.

A l'arnau.

To Arnau.

Tots molt majos i majis.

Everyone is very nice.

Diu, ves caminant.

He says, keep walking.

I nosaltres et controlem.

And we control you.

I depèn del que et donem l'alta.

It depends on what we release you from.





Vaig anar donant.

I kept giving.

Clar, no puc estar quiet.

Of course, I can't stay still.

Vaig anar donant.

I kept giving.

Perquè a més a més a la nit el vecino pobre tenia una fila harmònica.

Because furthermore at night the poor neighbor had a harmonic row.



Vaig tenir com prostats.

I felt like I was paralyzed.

Perquè és que no podia.

Because I just couldn't.

No em deixava veure.

He/She wouldn't let me see.

Clar, som dos a l'habitació.

Sure, there are two of us in the room.

I el que passi, no?

And whatever happens, right?

I aleshores vaig fer quatre quilòmetres i mig als ascensors.

And then I did four and a half kilometers in the elevators.

I la doctora l'endemà em diu.

And the doctor tells me the next day.

Bueno, bé.

Well, okay.

Ha anat tot molt bé.

Everything has gone very well.

Tal i qual d'això.

Just like that.


He says.

Ja hem vist que has caminat.

We have already seen that you have walked.

Has caminat bastant.

You have walked quite a bit.

Sí, perquè clar.

Yes, because of course.

Em vigilaven, no?

They were watching me, weren't they?

I diu.

And he says.

Vaig anar a buscar el Josep Maria Nolari, el meu company de Burgos que es va casar, que

I went to look for Josep Maria Nolari, my colleague from Burgos who got married, who

s'ha prejubilat.

he has retired early.

Felicitats, Josep Maria.

Congratulations, Josep Maria.

I què fan els jubilats?

And what do retirees do?

Van a comprar el pa sense sal.

They are going to buy the bread without salt.

I mirar les obres.

And look at the works.

Però bueno, les obres estan totes parades, no?

But well, the works are all on hold, right?

I llavors, doncs vam anar, que el Balcells pot dir Marques.

And then, we went, as Balcells can say Marques.

Que el Balcells, home.

That Balcells, man.

Vam anar a buscar el pa sense sal.

We went to get the bread without salt.

Ha costat.

It has cost.

Ha costat bé.

It has cost well.

Tres, eh?

Three, right?

Un pa sense sal de collons.

A bread without salt is pointless.

I llavors, doncs vam anar.

And then, we went.

Que el Balcells es pot dir Marques.

That Balcells can be called Marques.

Que el Balcells, home.

That Balcells, man.

Vam anar a buscar el pa sense sal.

We went to get the bread without salt.

Ha costat.

It has cost.

Que el Balcells és pot dir Marques.

That Balcells can be called Marques.

I llavors vam anar, que el Balcells és pot dir Marques.

And then we went, that Balcells can be called Marques.

I tot el que em ve pel camí es quedava així.

And everything that came my way stayed like this.

Hostia, que ressuscitat, no?

Holy shit, what a resurrection, right?

I llavors em van dir que caminés una hora cada dia.

And then they told me to walk for an hour every day.

Una hora cada dia.

One hour every day.

Que anésse caminant, sense bretar, tal i qual.

That he walked, without faltering, just like that.

Però havia de ser seguida.

But it had to be followed.

Que passi quan és tot Déu.

What happens when it is all God.

Cada vegada que parà, començava una hora més.

Every time he stopped, a new hour began.


Holy shit!

Me vaig passar tots els dies caminant de baix.

I spent every day walking from below.

Però tot el dia, eh?

But all day, right?

Però bé, bé.

But well, good.

Estic content.

I am happy.

Estàs content.

You are happy.

Em trobo bé.

I feel good.

Estàs bé.

Are you okay?

Cal dir...

It must be said...

Estic igual que abans.

I am the same as before.

No millor.

Not better.

Estic millor perquè ara estic viu.

I am better because now I am alive.

I abans estava viu però a punt de guinyar-la.

And before I was alive but about to wink at her.

I aleshores estic fent rehabilitació cardíaca.

And then I am doing cardiac rehabilitation.

I he de dir que no sabem el que tenim aquí a Lleida, a l'Hospital Santa Maria.

I have to tell you that we don't know what we have here in Lleida, at the Santa Maria Hospital.

Albert, Albert, si em sents, ets Dios.

Albert, Albert, if you hear me, you are God.

Per què?


Des que vaig arribar a la rehabilitació cardíaca, m'ho ha ensenyat tot.

Since I arrived at cardiac rehabilitation, it has taught me everything.

O sigui, ja no em fa mal ni l'esquena.

So, my back doesn't hurt anymore.



Faig peses.

I lift weights.

Vaig fins a Montserrat.

I go as far as Montserrat.

Calculo, perquè m'ho posen pujada, eh?

I calculate, because they are making it difficult for me, right?

Amb la cinta.

With the ribbon.

Vaig dues vegades.

I go twice.

Què si bicicleta?

What if bicycle?

Què si allò?

What if that?

Què si t'has de moure així?

What if you have to move like that?



Què les peses?

What do you weigh?

Estàs mirant forma que mai.

You are looking at a shape like never before.





Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Estan tornant a sortir les xocolates.

The chocolates are coming out again.

Ojo, que les havia perdut.

Watch out, I had lost them.

Ojo, eh?

Watch out, okay?

Vull dir que ara quan vulguis...

I mean that now whenever you want...

Farem un pols, eh?

We'll have a match, right?

Ja ho farem.

We will do it.

I per acabar, Jaume, aquest trom per Targa, hi ha una pregunta obligada que crec que he

And to finish, Jaume, this trumpet for Targa, there is an obligatory question that I think I have.

de fer, que va ser, bueno, a Targa es va comentar molt, sobretot un dia que, bueno, el Jaume

about doing, that it was, well, in Targa it was commented a lot, especially one day that, well, Jaume

Soler també es pensava que, bueno, tenia cabell i un dia, doncs, va deixar de tenir-ne.

Soler also thought that, well, he had hair and one day, well, he stopped having it.

Bueno, sí, us ho explico.

Well, yes, I will explain it to you.

Què va ser això?

What was that?

A veure.

Let's see.

Explica, perquè tothom m'ho ha demanat.

Explain, because everyone has asked me to.

Fixet, fixet que no em depilo.

Look, look that I don't shave.

I no t'ho ensenyo tot, perquè jo era molt peludet, molt peludet.

And I don't show you everything, because I was very hairy, very hairy.

Peludet per tot arreu, eh?

Furry everywhere, huh?

Ojo, clar.

Eye, of course.

Llavors, tots teniu wifi a casa, eh?

So, you all have wifi at home, right?

Tots tenim.

We all have.

Saps el pare teu, aquell?

Do you know your father, that one?



Sempre l'he tingut al costat.

I've always had it by my side.


Of course.

La mare.

The mother.



Com se diu?

What is it called?

El router.

The router.

El router, el router, sempre.

The router, the router, always.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.


I'll explain to you.

Fixet que hi ha un braç, veus?

Notice that there is an arm, see?

Aquí en tinc dos i aquí cap, d'acord?

Here I have two and here none, okay?

Això és el router.

This is the router.

Ho tinc convençut.

I'm convinced of it.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Que jo...

That I...

Home, us explico, us explico.

Home, I'll explain to you, I'll explain to you.

Clar, jo pensava que el cabell, cada vegada que em pintinava, eren com agulles, com agulles

Of course, I thought that the hair, every time they dyed it, felt like needles, like needles.

de cap clavades.

of no consequence.

I sobretot quan feia vent.

And especially when it was windy.

I llavors feia plaques, ara un forat aquí, ara un forat allà, i que vaig anar, vaig anar

And then I would make plates, now a hole here, now a hole there, and I went, I went.

a fer pròtesis.

to make prosthetics.

Ara un pegadet aquí, un pegadet allà, però clar, cada vegada era més gran l'espai a

Now a little bit here, a little bit there, but of course, each time the space was getting bigger.


to cover.

A més a més, quan fas la pròtesi és aquesta, que bon pegadet.

Moreover, when you make the prosthesis it is this, what a nice little touch.

Que ara ho fan molt, eh?

They do it a lot now, huh?

Jo vaig ser dels nous, eh?

I was one of the newcomers, right?

I allà on anàvem trobava el Poglowski.

And there where we went, I found Poglowski.

Ah, el Poglowski.

Ah, the Poglowski.

He estat amb el Poglowski de costat.

I have been next to Poglowski.

Vos posàvem el mateix barret.

We put the same hat on you.

Un dia es van equivocar.

One day they made a mistake.

He dit, no és el meu.

I said, it is not mine.

I què passa?

And what happens?

Que, clar, va arribar un punt que dic, buscava l'excusa per fer un pentinat modern.

Well, clearly, there came a point when I said I was looking for an excuse to get a modern hairstyle.

I llavors, a raó, que ho he d'agrair sempre, em van demanar que col·laborés amb un càncer,

And then, for that reason, which I must always be thankful for, I was asked to collaborate on a cancer project.

amb un calendari sobre el càncer.

with a calendar about cancer.

I em van demanar que col·laborés amb un càncer.

They asked me to collaborate with a cancer.

Ho tinc al Facebook, si em segueixes al final ho explico.

I have it on Facebook; if you follow me, I'll explain it in the end.


Holy shit.

Ho explico i es veu com me rapo.

I explain it and you can see how I shave my head.





Hòstia, no ho sabia això.

Damn, I didn't know that.

Hombre, perquè no me segueixis a mi, només te segueixo jo.

Man, why don't you follow me? I only follow you.

S'arri, home, s'arri.

Come on, man, come on.

Ets molt jove.

You are very young.

I, doncs, va arribar un punt que dic, buscava l'excusa per fer un pentinat modern.

And so, there came a point where I said I was looking for an excuse to get a modern hairstyle.

I, llavors, a raó, que ho he d'agrair sempre, em van demanar que col·laborés amb un càncer,

I, then, for a reason, for which I must always be grateful, was asked to collaborate with a cancer.

amb un calendari sobre el càncer.

with a calendar about cancer.

I, doncs, va arribar un punt que dic, buscava l'excusa per fer un pentinat modern.

And so, there came a point where I said, I was looking for an excuse to get a modern hairstyle.

Hòstia. Ho explico i es veu com me rapo.

Damn. I explain it and you can see how I shave my head.

Va. Sí.

Okay. Yes.

Hòstia, no ho sabia, això.

Wow, I didn't know that.

Home, per què no me segueixes a mi? Només te segueixo jo.

Honey, why don't you follow me? I'm the only one following you.

S'ha de riure, home, s'ha de riure. Ets molt jove.

You have to laugh, man, you have to laugh. You are very young.

A veure, a veure. I aleshores

Let's see, let's see. And then

dic, vaig, començo així.

I say, I go, I start like this.

La noia aquesta que m'ho va demanar

That girl who asked me for it.

s'havia mort el seu pare de càncer,

his father had died of cancer,

la seva mare estava en tractament,

his/her mother was undergoing treatment,

i em va fer fer un calendari molt finet

and made me create a very thin calendar



eren dotze senyores

there were twelve ladies

que estaven nues,

that they were naked,

però sense que

but without that

es vegués res a la càmera, m'entens?

if anything was seen on the camera, do you understand me?

Vull dir, sempre hi havia alguna cosa,

I mean, there was always something.

m'entens? Una cosa fina. Pues ja congelada, eh?

Do you understand me? A fine thing. Well, already frozen, huh?

I llavors diu aquesta noia,

And then this girl says,

era càncer de mama, sí, era càncer de mama,

it was breast cancer, yes, it was breast cancer,

i aleshores

and then

diu aquesta noia, diu, fem-ne

this girl says, she says, let's do it

una edició d'èquits i els diners que recolliran

an edition of equities and the money they will raise

s'aniran aquí al càncer de mama i tal,

they will go here to breast cancer and so on,

i diu, però, clar,

and says, however, clearly,

em van fer uns mil exemplars,

they made me about a thousand copies,

diu, no els vendrem.

he says, we won't sell them.

No els vendràs.

You will not sell them.

I llavors ho vaig aprofitar,

And then I took advantage of it,

ho vaig repart, ho gravo, surt,

I share it, I record it, it goes out,

surt al Facebook,

go out on Facebook,

i a l'Instagram, potser també,

and on Instagram, maybe too,

ja t'enviaré el llit,

I will send you the bed.

i jo em presento

And I introduce myself.

a la sala d'aquí de la costa de la biblioteca,

in the hall here on the coast of the library,

a la sala, vam fer la presentació allà,

in the room, we made the presentation there,

i anàvem una gorreta,

and we went for a little walk,

era l'hivern, no? Perquè era el calendari,

It was winter, right? Because it was the calendar,

llavors de Nadal, i llavors

Christmas seeds, and then

dic, bueno, ara us he de dir una notícia,

I say, well, now I have to tell you some news,

ja que s'han despullat

since they have undressed

dotze senyores tan maques per mi,

twelve ladies so lovely for me,

dic, jo em despullo per vosaltres. Raca!

I say, I strip for you. Raca!



I aquest va ser

And this was

el desencadenant,

the trigger,

i li estic molt agraït a aquesta noia,

and I am very grateful to this girl,

que m'hagués demanat aquesta feina, perquè, clar,

that you had asked me for this job, because, of course,

sempre, sempre busco,

always, always I search,

perquè em neuconeguen, sempre busco

because they don't recognize me, I always seek

algo més...

something more...

Hostia, és que va ser una novetat, eh?

Damn, it was quite a novelty, huh?

Que, doncs, vam acabar aquella edició

So, we finished that edition.

i vam haver de fer un altre. Hostia, que fort!

And we had to do another one. Wow, that's intense!

Clar, els del càncer estan superagraïts,

Sure, those with cancer are very grateful,

perquè, clar, van recollir molts calerons.

because, of course, they collected a lot of money.

Hostia, així no era perruca...

Holy crap, it wasn't like this, wig...

Era pròtesi, cal dir,

It was a prosthesis, I must say,

preferencials, que no hi enteneu amb pèls,

preferential, that you don’t understand with hair,

que hi ha el pel·loquin,

where the little hairy one is,

que no vull dir noms, però n'hi ha,

that I don't want to name names, but there are some,

n'hi ha, hi ha la pròtesi,

there is, there is the prosthesis,

i després hi ha el trasplantament,

and then there is the transplant,

que t'iniciar tens d'aquí.

that you start from here.

A Turquia.

To Turkey.

Sí, a Turquia, però aquí també ho fan, eh, aquí a Barcelona.

Yes, in Turkey, but they do it here too, you know, here in Barcelona.

Jo vaig provar quatre pèls aquí,

I tried four hairs here,

per la boda, i sí, sí,

for the wedding, and yes, yes,

el que passa que no duren, perquè és que

the thing is they don't last, because it is that

són sintètics.

they are synthetic.

I després hi ha el trasplantament, o sigui, una cosa

And then there's the transplant, that is, one thing.

l'implant, l'altra el trasplantament,

the implant, the other the transplant,

la perruquera, eh, us estic fent un altre, màster.

The hairdresser, eh, I am making you another one, master.

I després hi ha la pròtesi.

And then there is the prosthesis.

La pròtesi és com aquell que no té la cama

The prosthesis is like someone who doesn't have a leg.

i t'hi posen el nyogo-nyogo. Sí.

And they put the nyogo-nyogo on you. Yes.

Eh, doncs jo tinc...

Eh, well I have...

Clar, això tu has d'anar, i clar, van pegat.

Sure, you have to go, and of course, they stuck together.

Sí. Clar, cada vegada

Yes. Of course, every time.

que tu vas, clar, és el manteniment,

what you mean, of course, is the maintenance,

cada vegada que fas el manteniment,

every time you do the maintenance,

t'arrenquen com a la cera.

They tear you out like wax.

Clar, llavors encara, encara, eh,

Sure, then still, still, huh,

m'entens, et deixem més finet. Hòstia, hòstia.

Do you understand me, we let you be more refined. Damn, damn.

Toque, toque. Sí, no, no, no.

Knock, knock. Yes, no, no, no.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

I aleshores, doncs, bueno, entenc la diferència.

And then, well, I understand the difference.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Hi ha diferència. Sí, però bueno,

There is a difference. Yes, but well,

jo crec que al moment,

I think that at the moment,

al moment, sí, la de Burgos

At the moment, yes, the one from Burgos.

que ens està venint...

that is coming to us...

Crec que tot Targa ja hem fet

I think we've done everything in Targa.

sortir de dubtes perquè... Sí.

to clear doubts because... Yes.

No, perquè no té cap misteri, vull dir.

No, because it has no mystery, I mean.

No, no, no té cap misteri. O vas pelat o vas pelut.

No, no, it has no mystery. Either you are bald or you are hairy.

No, eh, aleshores,

No, eh, then,

depèn del dia, doncs mira, no sé,

it depends on the day, so look, I don't know,

doncs mira, hi ha dies que no em coneixen.

Well, look, there are days when they don't recognize me.

Doncs sí.

Well, yes.

Fins aquí un tromper Targa. I la conclusió

Up to here, a Targa trickster. And the conclusion.

és que no dormim a prop del rúter.

It's just that we don't sleep near the router.

Ah, sí, sí.

Ah, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí. Els rúters

Yes, yes, yes. The routers.

fan molt mal, eh. No, no. Molt mal, els rúters.

They hurt a lot, huh. No, no. Very bad, the routers.

Total, total. Sí, sí, sí.

Total, total. Yes, yes, yes.

Eh, doncs bé.

Eh, well.

Vinga, i aleshores jo voldria agrair-us

Come on, and then I would like to thank you.

que estic viu.

that I am alive.

Vull dir, ja veig que aquí us he portat

I mean, I can see that I've brought you here.

un ànec, tres d'això. Hòstia!

A duck, three of that. Holy shit!

Si és tan amable, eh,

If you are so kind, eh,

cabronasso! Eh?

big bastard! Eh?

Que farà un cabronasso!

What will a bastard do!

Un cabronasso!

A big bastard!

Sí, mos oblidàsim.

Yes, we forgot.

Vull fer un brindis carinyós

I want to make a loving toast.

amb vosaltres, eh,

with you, huh,

i que ho puguem celebrar,

and that we can celebrate it,

que cada vegada ho puguem explicar.

that we can explain it every time.

Hòstia, aquest cab és bo, eh. Sí, home,

Wow, this kid is good, huh. Yeah, man.

havia de ser nivell. Hòstia, hi ha nivell, eh.

It had to be at a high level. Damn, there is a high level, huh.

Hi ha nivell, hi ha nivell.

There is level, there is level.

Com podràs veure, ell que no veu,

As you can see, he who does not see,

té molta traça, eh,

he's quite skillful, isn't he?

i això fa molt mal pensar.

And this is very painful to think about.

No, perquè els Nadals

No, because of Christmas.

i els San Esteves els obro jo.

And I'll open the San Esteves.

Ah, sí, sí.

Ah, yes, yes.

Lo diuen totes.

They all say it.



Molt bé!

Very good!

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No saps posar, eh.

You don't know how to put it on, do you?

Només la claves, però no saps posar.

You only have the keys, but you don't know how to put them in.

Aquí un xin-xin, eh.

Here's a little tip, huh.

Un xin-xin ben fort que farem.

A loud cheer we will make.

Els que només estiguin escoltant, aquí mateix.

Those who are just listening, right here.

Bueno, jo...

Well, I...



Alguna cosa a afegir, Jaume?

Anything to add, Jaume?

No, només que estic tremendament,

No, I'm just tremendously

us estic tremendament agraït.

I am tremendously grateful to you.

Me cago!

I'm pissed off!

Sou els més trempats que tenim

You are the most skilled we have.

en aquest moment. A veure...

at this moment. Let's see...

A les Onis? A les Onis Targarines.

To the Onis? To the Targarine Onis.

Sí, sí. No, bueno, a tot el món.

Yes, yes. No, well, to everyone.

A tot el món, eh. Perquè, clar, us escolten

To everyone, right. Because, of course, they listen to you.

fins a New York, eh. Oh, no!

To New York, huh. Oh, no!

Veu-te el Trump, quina entrecara fot ara, eh.

Look at Trump, what a mess he's making now, huh.

Aquest sí que és molt de perruquín.

This one is very much a wig.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.



Estem acabant, ja.

We are finishing up, already.

Ah, aquesta.

Ah, this one.

Si és la teva, fot-t'hi aigua.

If it's yours, go for it.

Sí, home, fot-li la de Burgos, que vull que surti alegre.

Yes, man, give him the one from Burgos, because I want him to go out happy.

Fot-li la de Burgos, també.

Give it to him like they do in Burgos, too.


Come on.

I per primera, espero que per...

And for the first time, I hope that for...

No per última vegada, eh.

Not for the last time, huh.

Que no, Jaume, Jaume. Ah, vale.

No, Jaume, Jaume. Ah, okay.

Pensava que me l'anaves a omplir.

I thought you were going to fill it for me.

No, home, tu has de fer el brindis.

No, come on, you have to make the toast.

No, no, va. No surtiu al vídeo, eh, tan amunt.

No, no, come on. Don't come out in the video, okay, so high up.

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.


Come on.

A la salut de tots.

To the health of everyone.

I avui sí que força el canut a tots.

And today, yes, he really puts the pressure on everyone.


Come on.

Gràcies, gràcies. Molta salut.

Thank you, thank you. Much health.


Thank you.

Ho heu vist, panjo? Ho heu vist?

Have you seen it, panjo? Have you seen it?

La malla se'ns va venir.

The mesh came to us.

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