Jone Ruiz Serral




El que és el que és

What is, is what it is.

Avui amb nosaltres està la Zoe.

Today with us is Zoe.

M'he criat en una família d'artistes.

I was raised in a family of artists.

El meu pare és Petrus Gerg-Mersel,

My father is Petrus Gerg-Mersel,

guitarrista de flamenc conegut com a Yerbita.

flamenco guitarist known as Yerbita.

La meva mare és poetesa

My mother is a poet.

i actualment tinc un fill amb Jung Beuf.

And currently I have a son with Jung Beuf.

Actualment com et va en el món de la música?

How are you doing in the music world right now?

Porto des de 2013 com a cantant.

I have been a singer since 2013.

Els estils que canto són trap i reggaeton.

The styles I sing are trap and reggaeton.

Tinc unes 33 cançons i dos àlbums.

I have about 33 songs and two albums.

Quin tipus de crítiques has arribat a tenir

What kind of criticism have you received?

i t'han afectat?

Have they affected you?

M'han arribat a dir de tot.

I've been told all sorts of things.

La crítica que més s'ha repetit

The criticism that has been repeated the most

ha sigut puta per mostrar-me tal com sóc.

It has been a bitch to show me how I am.

M'han criticat fins i tot per formar part del grup LGTBI.

I have even been criticized for being part of the LGTBI group.

Fins i tot gais m'han dit

Even gay people have told me.

que no puc formar part d'aquest grup.

that I cannot be part of this group.

Gràcies per haver vingut avui.

Thank you for coming today.

Un plaer coneixe't.

A pleasure to meet you.

El plaer és meu d'haver estat...

The pleasure is mine for having been...

El plaer és meu d'haver estat part d'aquest grup.

The pleasure is mine for having been part of this group.

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