🚇 Mobilitat: Rodalies, un cappuccino i el Mercedes amb Joan Baldoví i Milieta


PolĂ­tica no apta per a adults: El podcast

🚇 Mobilitat: Rodalies, un cappuccino i el Mercedes amb Joan Baldoví i Milieta

PolĂ­tica no apta per a adults: El podcast

Cansar de tardar més en anar de València a Alacant que a Madrid?

Tired of taking longer to go from Valencia to Alicante than to Madrid?

Cansar de que el metro passi cada 20 minuts?

Tired of the metro coming every 20 minutes?

Cansar de no poder anar en transport pĂşblic a la Marina?

Tired of not being able to take public transport to the Marina?

Doncs aquest Ă©s el Tupodcast.

Well, this is the Tupodcast.

Benvingudes a PolĂ­tica no apta per a adults, el podcast.

Welcome to Politics Not Suitable for Adults, the podcast.

Avui venen a parlar de mobilitat

Today they are coming to talk about mobility.

Joan Valdoví, candidat a la presidència de la Generalitat

Joan ValdovĂ­, candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat.

i EmĂ­lia, una amigna de potrĂ­s.

And EmĂ­lia, a friend of yours.

Benvinguts, moltĂ­ssimes grĂ cies per vindre als dos

Welcome, thank you very much for coming, both of you.

per haver acceptat vindre al Tupodcast.

for agreeing to come to Tupodcast.

Ben trobats i encantat d'estar amb vosaltres

Nice to see you and pleased to be with you.

per parlar del que sigui.

to talk about anything.

Doncs bueno, avui de lo que mos toca parlar

Well, today what we have to talk about

que Ă©s un tema que s'estĂ  comentant molt Ăşltimament

It is a topic that is being discussed a lot lately.

Ă©s de mobilitat

it is about mobility

perquè sí que estem davant d'un canvi en la mobilitat.

because we are indeed facing a change in mobility.

De fet, cada vegada s'opta més

In fact, there is an increasing preference for

per no tindre vehicle privat

for not having a private vehicle

i un dels exemples de tot això

and one of the examples of all this

que a tot el mĂłn li venen al cap

that everyone has in mind

és la ciutat de València.

It is the city of Valencia.

On s'ha vist molt clar

It has been seen very clearly.

clarament aquest canvi

clearly this change

que s'ha anat deixant el vehicle privat

that has been abandoning the private vehicle

donant pas a que l'espai

giving way to the space

sigui per als peatons, per a les persones.

be it for pedestrians, for people.

Jo sé que Joan Valdoví

I know that Joan ValdovĂ­

porta un fum de propostes

he brings a lot of proposals

per a quan sigui president de la Generalitat

for when he becomes president of the Generalitat

per a poder estendre un poquet més

to be able to extend a little more

aquest tema a tot el territori

this topic throughout the territory

i que mos comptes

and what do you tell us

perquè vegem això

so that we see this

en què es pot transformar aquest canvi.

What can this change transform into?

Mira, hi ha una dada molt important

Look, there is a very important piece of information.

i Ă©s que

and it is that

des que s'ha fet el transport gratuĂŻt

since the transport has been made free

en rodalies, per exemple,

in the suburbs, for example,

ha augmentat fins i tot

has even increased

un 25% en rodalies

a 25% increase in regional services

i un 23% en mitja distĂ ncia.

and an average of 23% in middle distance.

La qual cosa vol dir que

Which means that

si a la gent li dones l'oportunitat

if you give people the opportunity

d'utilitzar el transport pĂşblic,

to use public transport,


he uses it.

Jo l'utilitza habitualment

I use it regularly.

per anar de Suèca a València

to go from Sueca to Valencia

i realment és molt còmode

And it really is very comfortable.

anar del teu poble

go from your village

al centre de València

in the center of Valencia

en 35 minuts

in 35 minutes

i no tindre

and I will not have

problemes d'aparcament.

parking problems.

Però crec que

But I think that

un partit que vulgui governar

a party that wants to govern

aquest paĂ­s

this country

ha de donar propostes

has to give proposals

i propostes valentes.

and bold proposals.

Nosaltres ho hem fet,

We have done it.

ho hem fet aixĂ­

we have done it this way

a l'Ajuntament de València,

at the City Council of Valencia,

però hem d'anar més enllà.

but we have to go further.

No ens hem de conformar.

We must not settle.

I per això nosaltres diem

And that is why we say

que el metro

that the subway

ha de tindre

has to have

una ampliaciĂł

an extension


of schedules

a 24 hores.

at 24 hours.

És a dir, cap de setmana

That is to say, weekend.

la gent iix,

the people leave,

i evidentment després d'eixir

and obviously after leaving

no Ă©s recomanable

it is not advisable

que agarres el teu vehicle privat

that you take your private vehicle

i has de recĂłrrer necessĂ riament

you must necessarily go through

o a un taxi

or to a taxi

o al que siga.

or whatever.

I nosaltres entenem

And we understand

que ampliant la freqüència

that by expanding the frequency

a 24 hores

24 hours

els caps de setmana

the weekends

i fins a les dues i mitja

and until two thirty

els altres dies de la setmana

the other days of the week

incentivarĂ­em notablement

we would significantly encourage

l'Ăşs del metro.

the use of the subway.

Per tant, creiem que Ă©s una proposta

Therefore, we believe it is a proposal.

d'allò que se'n diu

of that which is called

de sentir com raonable,

of feeling as reasonable,

que tot el món entén

that everyone understands

i que tot el mĂłn vindria.

and that everyone would come.



una altra queixa que nosaltres

another complaint we have

crec que en polĂ­tica Ă©s bo

I believe that in politics it is good.

escoltar també els usuaris

also listen to the users

i una queixa que Ă©s habitual

and a complaint that is common

és la freqüència.

It is the frequency.

Sobretot la freqüència

Above all the frequency

en les hores de més afluència,

during peak hours,

en les hores punta.

during peak hours.

Per tant, hem d'ampliar

Therefore, we must expand.

aquestes freqüències

these frequencies

perquè a la gent

because to the people

li sigui molt més fàcil,

it is much easier for him/her,

agafar el metro,

take the metro,

el transport pĂşblic,

public transport,

que no pensar en agarrar

that I don't think about grabbing

el seu propi cotxe.

his own car.

Amb això, estarem traient

With this, we will be taking out.

cotxes de la ciutat

city cars

i, en definitiva,

and, ultimately,

contribuint també

also contributing

en bona mesura

to a large extent

a evitar el canvi climĂ tic.

to prevent climate change.

Jo crec que Ă©s

I believe that it is.

una mesura

a measure

també de sentit comú

also common sense

i Ă©s una targeta Ăşnica

and it is a unique card

per a tot tipus de transport.

for all types of transport.

És a dir, si agafem el transport,

That is to say, if we take the transport,

si agafem el tren de Rodalies,

if we take the suburban train,

una targeta.

a card.

Si agafem el metro,

If we take the metro,

una targeta.

a card.

Si agafem el tramvia,

If we take the tram,

una targeta.

a card.

I si agafem la bicicleta,

And if we take the bicycle,

la mateixa targeta.

the same card.

Una mateixa targeta per a tot.

One card for everything.

Portar en una sola targeta

Carry on a single card.

tot el transport del nostre paĂ­s.

all the transportation of our country.

Poder viatjar de CastellĂł

To be able to travel from CastellĂłn.

fins a Alacant, fins a Oriola,

to Alicante, to Orihuela,

passant per XĂ tiva,

passing through XĂ tiva,

per on tinguem, per Alcoi,

for where we have, for Alcoi,

amb una sola targeta.

with a single card.

Jo crec que això és una proposta

I think this is a proposal.

evidentment també molt...

obviously also very...

molt raonable.

very reasonable.

I després, una proposta

And then, a proposal

que, com a promĂ­s,

that, as promised,

sempre ha sigut molt nostra.

it has always been very ours.

I Ă©s que quan les decisions

And it's just that when the decisions

i quan la gestiĂł es fa

And when the management is done.

des de la proximitat, guanya.

From proximity, it wins.

Nosaltres sabem quins sĂłn els problemes

We know what the problems are.

de transport que tenim a València.

of transport that we have in Valencia.

Nosaltres sabem

We know

quins sĂłn els nostres ciutadans.

who our citizens are.

I, per tant, nosaltres reclamem

And therefore, we demand

les competències en Rodalies.

the competencies in Rodalies.

Per les competències en diners.

For the competencies in money.

Les competències en diners.

The competencies in money.

Jo crec que sĂłn quatre mesures

I think there are four measures.

absolutament raonables,

absolutely reasonable,

quatre mesures de sentit comĂş,

four measures of common sense,

però també quatre mesures valentes

but also four brave measures

que segur, que segur,

that for sure, that for sure,

millorarien el nostre transport pĂşblic.

they would improve our public transport.

Clar, sĂ­, sĂ­, pareix mentida

Of course, yes, yes, it seems unbelievable.

el que estĂ s dient,

what you are saying,

perquè és una cosa, com tu has dit,

because it is something, as you said,

molt raonable, que tots estem desitjant.

very reasonable, that we all are wishing for.

Sí, a veure, sobretot perquè

Yes, let's see, especially because

al final Ă©s una necessitat

in the end it is a necessity

que estĂ  tenint tot el...

that is having all the...

tot el mĂłn.

the whole world.

I ja hem parlat de moltes propostes,

And we have already talked about many proposals,

però també hem volgut convidar

but we have also wanted to invite

al podcast una persona

in the podcast a person

que ens pogués explicar

that could explain to us

com Ă©s viure al final en un poble

what is it like to live in a village in the end

en què no es compta

in which it is not taken into account

en tanta varietat o en tantes possibilitats

in so much variety or in so many possibilities

de poder agafar un transport pĂşblic

to be able to take public transport

per poder fer la nostra vida diĂ ria.

to be able to carry out our daily life.

I per això vam convidar

And that is why we invited.

a EmĂ­lia que al final

to EmĂ­lia who in the end

ella Ă©s de Potries, d'un poblet de la Safor,

she is from Potries, a small town in the Safor,


very beautiful,

però que no teniu molt de transport públic.

But don't you have much public transport?

No, no.

No, no.

Que has dit res.

What have you said?

Bé, això.

Well, that.

Llavors, ara anem a veure

So, now let's go see.

com Ă©s aquest dia a dia

how is this day to day

d'una persona que no té la possibilitat

of a person who does not have the possibility

d'anar a la feina en el metro

of going to work by subway

o que no pot anar de Xueca

or that cannot go from Chueca

a València en el tren, no?

To Valencia by train, right?

SĂ­, a mi m'ha paregut...

Yes, it has seemed to me...

És molt interessant el que has dit

What you said is very interesting.

perquè jo mateixa t'he dit

because I myself have told you

tenim l'exemple de València

we have the example of Valencia

perquè hem governat i ha canviat

because we have governed and it has changed

i com l'hem d'expandir

and how we must expand it

i per això també ha vingut Emília

And that is why EmĂ­lia has also come.

perquè parlem un poquet

because we talk a little

que ens llevem la centralitat de València

that we remove the centrality of Valencia

i veiem com pot arribar a tots els llocs

and we see how it can reach all the places

el model que proposa Valdo.

the model proposed by Valdo.

Vinga, a veure, vegem-li.

Come on, let's see him.

Quan s'ha d'anar al metge,

When you need to go to the doctor,

una persona de Potries que vol anar al metge,

a person from Potries who wants to go to the doctor,

com ho fa?

How does he/she do it?

Doncs Valdres, si els fills

Well Valdres, if the children

estan treballant, han de tornar

they are working, they have to come back

per acompanyar els pares.

to accompany the parents.

Per exemple, en el cas meu

For example, in my case.

i el meu home.

and my husband.

Si no ens hem de valdre,

If we do not have to rely on ourselves,

si hi ha una veïna que té

if there is a neighbor who has

la cosa d'anar el mateix dia,

the thing about going on the same day,

doncs mos valem.

then we manage.

Si no, un taxi.

If not, a taxi.

No teniu altre dret.

You have no other right.

Perquè hi ha un autobús de matí a primera hora

Because there is a bus early in the morning.

i a les dues ho puja.

And at two o'clock, he/she will take it up.

Llavors, si vosaltres tenim a les deu del matĂ­

So, if we have it at ten in the morning.

la consulta a l'hospital, com anem?

How's the appointment at the hospital going?

De què ser?

What are you about?

D'una manera o altra.

One way or another.

Si no, ni altra cosa, un taxi.

If not, nothing else, a taxi.

El que vos porta a un lloc.

What brings you to a place.

Perquè si no, t'espera d'estar a les dues

Because if not, you’ll have to wait until two.

a que torni al poble allĂ 

to return to the village there

a fer el matĂ­.

to do in the morning.

I almenys de la consulta de matĂ­,

And at least from the morning consultation,

a les onze, a les dotze,

at eleven, at twelve,

alhora que el donen l'especialista de l'hospital.

at the same time as they give the specialist from the hospital.

Però l'autobús és a les set i mitja,

But the bus is at half past seven,

a les vuit del matĂ­.

at eight in the morning.

Madre meva.

My goodness.

I per anar a comprar de milers, com ho fem?

And how do we go about buying thousands?

Doncs prĂ cticament el mateix.

Well, practically the same.

Servir-nos de veĂŻnar si hi ha alguna persona que va

Let us know if there is anyone who is going.

o encomanar-ne el més just.

or assign the fairest.

I els dimecs tenim un mercat en potries

And on Wednesdays we have a pottery market.

de la fruta i d'herdures,

of fruit and vegetables,

que Ă©s l'Ăşnic que mos valem.

that is the only thing we are worth.

Però les altres coses, d'anar de Villalonga a Mercadona,

But the other things, of going from Villalonga to Mercadona,

que no tenim tampoc transport.

that we also do not have transportation.

I a mi m'han dit,

And they have told me,

m'haig de tallar un parell de led,

I need to cut a couple of led.

que et pregunten

that they ask you

què fas,

what are you doing,

què fas tu per aconseguir un gelat en estiu?

What do you do to get an ice cream in the summer?

Ai, mare.

Oh, mother.



Doncs jo no sé què em passa

Well, I don’t know what’s happening to me.

quan ve l'estiu.

when summer comes.

Però el caputxino torna loca.

But the cappuccino drives me crazy.

I si no en tinc,

And if I don't have any,

i veig que el fin de setmana

I see that the weekend

no en tinc,

I don't have any.

doncs les persones me'n cantenen.

So people keep singing to me.

Porta'm un caputxino, per favor.

Bring me a cappuccino, please.

I aixĂ­ no vaig.

And that's not how I go.

Si no tinc un caputxino pel fin de setmana,

If I don't have a cappuccino for the weekend,

si no, que m'agarren.

if not, they will catch me.

Clar, perquè al final

Sure, because in the end

s'ha de dependre de...

it has to depend on...

De persones, sĂ­.

Of people, yes.

Del veĂŻnat.

From the neighborhood.

Del veĂŻnat, no hi ha bus per anar.

From the neighborhood, there is no bus to go.

I si tens l'ocasiĂł de confinar-me amb l'Arbafa,

And if you have the chance to confine me with Arbafa,

porta'm ben, però si en aquest moment

Take me well, but if at this moment

no poden anar, que estan treballant,

they cannot go, as they are working,

doncs els veĂŻnats me'l porten

so the neighbors are bringing him to me

o em quedo sense.

or I'll be left without.

I Ă©s el fin de setmana.

And it's the weekend.

Clar, jo Ă©s que faig uraulla a limĂł,

Sure, I make lemon sorbet.

fresqueta, en lliure,

cool, free,

i al fresc, i per la nit,

and in the cool, and at night,

per la nit, per la nit,

for the night, for the night,

i hi tenim.

And we have it.

I mos tenim que conformar.

We have to settle for it.

Clar, Ă©s que pel que compta,

Sure, it's just that for what counts,

si jo ara vull anar a un poble,

if I want to go to a village now,

tan bonic com és Potries, des de València,

as beautiful as Potries, from Valencia,

i no tinc vehicle privat,

I don't have a private vehicle.

perquè si no necessito no puc arribar,

because if I don't need to, I can't get there,

perquè baixaria a Gandia,

because I would go down to Gandia,

i què faig de Gandia a Potries?

And what do I do from Gandia to Potries?

Per això veiem que encara no està

That's why we see that it is still not.

aquest territori del tot cohesionat

this completely cohesive territory

per poder moure'ns,

to be able to move,

i ahí no sé si tenim alguna coseta,

And there, I don't know if we have anything small.

alguna proposta que...

any proposal that...

En realitat, això és poblet.

In reality, this is a small town.

Ja hi ha una xicoteta iniciativa,

There is already a small initiative,

però nosaltres creiem

but we believe

que aquesta iniciativa ha d'anar ampliant-se

that this initiative must continue to expand

a més.

in addition.

Jo ho sé, jo soc de Sueca,

I know it, I am from Sueca,

i sí que estic connectat amb València,

and I am indeed connected with Valencia,

però, per exemple, la meva dona és de Riola,

but, for example, my wife is from Riola,

que estem a dos quilòmetres,

that we are two kilometers away,

has de creuar el riu,

you have to cross the river,

i la gent de Riola, si vol anar a València,

and the people of Riola, if they want to go to Valencia,

doncs igual que EmĂ­lia,

well, just like EmĂ­lia,

o ve la porta als fills,

or it comes to the children,

o ve a agafar un taxi,

or come to take a taxi,

o ve...

oh well...

En alguns casos,

In some cases,

estava a peu.

I was on foot.

Per tant, nosaltres el que proposem

Therefore, what we propose is

Ă©s un sistema,

it's a system,

integrat de transport pĂşblic a demanda,

integrated demand-driven public transport,

que permeta que, per exemple,

that allows that, for example,

Milieta pugui anar a l'hospital de Gandia,

Milieta can go to the hospital in Gandia.

la puguin atendre,

they can attend to her,

i pugui tornar a casa a una hora raonable.

I can return home at a reasonable hour.

No hagi de passar tot el matĂ­ en Gandia

I shouldn't have to spend the whole morning in Gandia.

per tal de poder, en fi,

in order to be able, well,

fer aixĂ­s coses precises

to do precise things

que ha de fer la gent que també viu en els pobles.

what should people who also live in the villages do?

Apostar per un sistema de transport pĂşblic

Betting on a public transport system

integrat a demanda,

integrated on demand,

el que fa Ă©s fixar la gent del territori

what it does is keep the people of the territory in place

i donar-li la possibilitat

and give him the opportunity

a la gent que no viu en les ciutats,

to the people who do not live in the cities,

en les Ă rees metropolitanes,

in the metropolitan areas,

que pugui atendre també els mateixos serveis

that can also provide the same services

que poden atendre tots els que viuen

that can serve all those who live

en les Ă rees metropolitanes

in the metropolitan areas

o en la ciutat de València.

or in the city of Valencia.

Clar que Ă©s...

Of course it is...

Si això passa,

If this happens,

com s'ho farien allĂ  a Potries?

How would they do it there in Potries?

Com seria la vida allĂ ?

What would life be like there?

La vida? Ara?

Life? Now?

Si ja proposten anar endavant...

If they propose to move forward...

Ai, això seria el més fort del món.

Oh, that would be the strongest thing in the world.

Imagina si aixĂ­,

Imagine if so,

per la vespre del dissabte,

for the evening of Saturday,

i agarrar un autobĂşs

I take a bus.

que passe, no sé,

whatever happens, I don't know,

anem a posar cada hora, va,

let's set it every hour, come on,

i anar a comprar el caputxo.

I'm going to buy the hood.

AixĂ­ ja no es renden bolsos o menors

Thus, bags or minors are no longer sold.

perquè ha anat ja

because it has already gone

tenen un vehicle que ha de passar

they have a vehicle that needs to pass

per transport, parla.

for transport, talk.

El podĂł, si no el porten,

The podo, if they don't bring it,

també no poden anar-hi.

they also cannot go there.

El costat d'aquesta alfombrada té carros.

The side of this rug has carts.

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

Llavors, ha de ser una cosa com la que he dit.

Then, it must be something like what I said.

Un transport, unes hores,

A transport, a few hours,

a la font, ja em dic jo,

at the fountain, it's me I'm already saying,

que en transport no pot anar.

that cannot go by transport.

Hi ha remolta, perquè en dia busqueu l'autobús

There is a revolt, because one day you look for the bus.

perquè va a la font, té carros.

Because he goes to the fountain, he has carts.

O si no, a peu.

Or if not, on foot.

Jo a peu, jo i no em determino que anar a la font.

I walk, I and I do not decide to go to the fountain.

És que és tan propet.

It's just so close.

AixĂ­ que vull dir que...

So I want to say that...

Seria perfecte, al final,

It would be perfect, in the end,

sobretot per poder connectar

especially to be able to connect

i per poder tindre...

and to be able to have...

És superinteressant que al final

It's super interesting that in the end

visques on visques en la part del territori

Wherever you live in the territory.

puguem tindre els mateixos recursos

we can have the same resources

perquè al final, no per viure en València,

because in the end, not for living in Valencia,

tenim que tenir més facilitats de viure.

we need to have more facilities for living.



Perquè per viure en un poble,

Because to live in a village,

en un dels molts pobles,

in one of the many villages,

perquè al final, malauradament,

because in the end, unfortunately,

tenim un paĂ­s molt llarg

we have a very long country

i molt poc vertebrat.

and very poorly structured.





Avui qui ens acompanya, Raquel?

Today who accompanies us, Raquel?

BĂ©, avui ens acompanya una persona

Well, today we are joined by a person.

que podrĂ­em dir de la generaciĂł Z.

What could we say about Generation Z?





Això no sé jo si...

I don't know if this...

si estarem amb l'Emili o amb l'Alcázar.

whether we will be with Emili or with Alcázar.

Vostè sap què és la generació Z?

Do you know what Generation Z is?

No, si no m'ho dius...

No, if you don't tell me...

Doncs mira, Ă©s una persona que

Well, look, she is a person who

acaba de complir, doncs,

has just turned, then,

que no arriba ni als vint anys.

who is not even twenty years old.



Que Ă©s molt jove, molt jove.

That she is very young, very young.

I molt bé, a dur, doncs, una secció

And very well, let’s take on a section then.

amb preguntes i amb proves

with questions and with evidence

per poder continuar parlant d'un tema

to be able to continue discussing a topic

tan important com mobilitat.

as important as mobility.

Aleshores, anem a donar pas...

Then, let's give way...

Anem a passar un ratet bo en...

Let's go have a good time in...



Marta, benvinguda.

Marta, welcome.


Go ahead.

Bueno, doncs ja tenim acĂ­ a Marta.

Well, here we have Marta.



Que mos contes?

What are you telling us?

Bueno, no sé si coneixes els nostres convidats.

Well, I don't know if you know our guests.

Des d'avui, eh?

Since today, eh?

Però a que ens coneguem un poquet més

But so that we get to know each other a little better.

i a veure què pensem en el tema de mobilitat.

And to see what we think about the issue of mobility.

Que mos has portat?

What have you brought us?

Bueno, he portat un xoc que Ă©s

Well, I brought a shock that is

jo us vaig a posar en una situaciĂł

I am going to put you in a situation.

i vosaltres teniu que intentar

And you have to try.

trobar una forma humorĂ­stica

find a humorous way

d'eixir d'ahĂ­.

to get out of there.

Vos vaig a donar un exemple.

I am going to give you an example.

Hi ha un autobĂşs que ha bloquejat

There is a bus that has blocked.

un carrer molt estret

a very narrow street

mentre que diversos cotxes

while several cars

intenten atravesar-lo.

they try to cross it.

Llavors, la soluciĂł que jo he donat Ă©s

Then, the solution that I have given is

que un grup de malarialistes

that a group of malarialists

arriba al joc i comencin a fer malabars.

arrive at the game and start juggling.

Aixin entretenen els que estan en el cotxe

They entertain those who are in the car.

i mentre pot eixir

and while it can come out

i aixin ja passen.

And now they are already passing.

Ara jo us donaré una altra

Now I will give you another one.

i vosaltres intenteu

and you try

treure soluciĂł.

find a solution.

Un grup de ciclistes

A group of cyclists

ha bloquejat un carrer estret

He has blocked a narrow street.

mentre discuteixen sobre la millor ruta

while they discuss the best route

per arribar al centre històric.

to reach the historic center.

Per arribar al centre històric?

How do I get to the historic center?

I jo estic per allĂ­?

And am I over there?

Home, jo el primer que faig Ă©s que,

At home, the first thing I do is that,

em poso en tots els ciclistes

I put myself in all the cyclists' shoes.

i els explico on he d'anar.

And I explain to them where I have to go.

Jo dic la Sant Caldeu,

I say Saint Caldeu,

per l'amor de DĂ©u,

for the love of God,

que no discuteixi ningĂş

let no one argue

i segueixeu-me,

and follow me,

que jo també soc molt bicicletera.

that I am also very much into biking.


Follow me.

Tu què faries?

What would you do?

Jo la bicicleta

I the bicycle.

la tinc treballada molt bé,

I have worked it very well.

perquè jo he treballat

because I have worked

des de jove 7 anys en bicicleta

Since I was young, 7 years on a bicycle.

que jo treballava en el bany

that I was working in the bathroom

de seda.

of silk.



Això també m'agrada molt,

I like this a lot too,

la bicicleta.

the bicycle.

Si pogués anar avui encara m'agradaria anar-hi.

If I could go today, I would still like to go.

Sí, també.

Yes, also.

T'agradaria del tren que anava al coi,

Would you like the train that went to the ass?

que hi van la majoria fent les rutes per allĂ­,

that most of them go there doing the routes.

també m'atreviria a anar-hi.

I would also dare to go there.



Però ara no.

But not now.

Ha empès a fer, no?

It has pushed to do, right?

Ara ens deixaria anar-hi ells.

Now they would let us go there.

Vols donar una segona?

Do you want to give a second?

L'Ovellis ha escapat d'un corral

The little sheep has escaped from a pen.

i corre pel carrer principal,

and runs down the main street,

causant caos, clarament.

causing chaos, clearly.

Llavors, què faríeu?

So, what would you do?

Jo, fer de pastor,

I, being a shepherd,

exacte, vull dir,

exactly, I mean,

ficar-me a conduir a tranquil·litzar

get in the car to calm down

el ramat d'ovelles

the flock of sheep

i a intentar portar-les

and to try to bring them

on... apartar-les una mica igual

oh... push them aside a little too

perquè poguessin passar els cotxes

so that the cars could pass

i portar-les novament al corral.

and take them back to the pen.

Vull dir, crec que és el més lògic.

I mean, I think it's the most logical.

A veure.

Let's see.

Si el seu i en Potries

If yours and in Potries

estĂ  tot ple d'ovelles per la meitat del poble,

it's all full of sheep in the middle of the village,

què faríem?

What would we do?

Doncs farĂ­em pocos.

So we would do little.

Potries Ă©s un poble vendut.

Potries is a sold village.

És molt acollit.

It is very welcoming.

A la gent també acolliria els capres,

People would also welcome the goats.

els ovetes.

the little sheep.

Tots allĂ­?

Everyone there?

Tots. El poble Ă©s vendut del poble.

Everyone. The town is sold out by the town.

SĂłn mil habitants.

There are a thousand inhabitants.

El conec, el conec.

I know him, I know him.

Ha estat en el porrat.

He has been at the fair.

Ah, molt bé.

Ah, very good.

I ha estat ballant, que jo l'he vist.

And he has been dancing, because I have seen him.



El mestre paellero era Felipe,

The master paella maker was Felipe,

que li enviem des d'acĂ­ un saludo.

we send him a greeting from here.

Un saludo.

A greeting.

Pues sĂ­.

Well, yes.

La segĂĽent.

The following.

Ara us poso una que segurament estaria jo ahir.

Now I'll show you one that I was definitely in yesterday.

Un grup d'estudiants

A group of students

ha organitzat una protesta al carrer

has organized a street protest

per demanar millor el transport pĂşblic.

to request better public transport.

Tot això abans d'aquest tigre

All of this before this tiger.

era tot més arreglat.

it was all more arranged.

Bloquejant el trĂ nsit

Blocking the traffic

i causant una gran congestiĂł.

and causing great congestion.

El que diria Ă©s que

What I would say is that

demanaria paciència

I would ask for patience.

a la gent que estĂ  bloquejada

to the people who are stuck

perquè entenem que

because we understand that

Ă©s bo

it's good

que es reivindiquen

that are claimed

millors per a tots

better for everyone

i evidentment reivindicar millors per a tots

and obviously claim better things for everyone

suposa que a vegades

suppose that sometimes

tinguem inconvenients

we have inconveniences

que patir

what to suffer

de manera momentĂ nia.


Però sense ixos

But without those.

xicoteig trasbals

frantic disorder

segurament el món no avançaria.

surely the world would not progress.

No estarĂ­em aquesta setmana.

We wouldn't be here this week.



Ai, hi ha potries.

Oh, there are puddles.

T'imagines tot ple d'estudiants?

Can you imagine it all full of students?

Doncs sĂ­ que

Well yes, it does.

el dia que anem als cursos

the day we go to the courses

per anar a veure el museu de fang

to go see the clay museum

sĂ­ que tenĂ­em potries.

Yes, we did have difficulties.

I sobretot el dia de semblant

And especially the day of the likeness.

justament el carrer que estĂ 

just the street that is

la biblioteca

the library

i el jubilat

and the retiree

tot passen per allĂ­

everything passes through there

grups grans de xiquets amb els mestres

large groups of children with the teachers

per necessitar les titelles

to need the puppets

i les activitats que fan els grups.

and the activities that the groups do.

Que guai.

How cool.

Que ho fan molt bé.

They do it very well.

Us donem una Ăşltima.

We give you one last.

Un turista ha deixat el cotxe de joguers

A tourist has left the toy car.

estacionat al mig d'un carrer

parked in the middle of a street

i causant una gran congestiĂł de trĂ nsit.

and causing a great traffic jam.

Un turista ha deixat

A tourist has left.

un cotxe

a car

al mig d'un carrer de vianants.

in the middle of a pedestrian street.

Avisar a la grua

Notify the tow truck.

que se n'aportes.

that you contribute.

Adéu cotxe.

Goodbye car.

Que se n'ha d'esperar.

What can be expected from it.

Doncs anar al carrer

So go to the street.

l'han fet per atonal.

They have made it for atonal.

No toca només que carrega i descarrega

It only involves loading and unloading.

i si algĂş no...

and if someone doesn't...

Per exemple, si estĂ  malalt

For example, if you are sick

ha de venir per ell.

He has to come for him.

Però hi ha una persona

But there is a person

que té l'acostum de posar-lo

that has the habit of putting it on

al mig del carrer

in the middle of the street

i les ha de treure les pitades

and she has to take out the pips

perquè hiixca.

why it draws out.

I estĂ  quasi de front de la casa.

It is almost in front of the house.

I ho ha fet diverses vegades.

He has done it several times.

I ha portat un Mercedes

He has brought a Mercedes.

fins allĂ 

until there

i el que va al mig del carrer

and the one who is in the middle of the street

li han portat el referent pels costats.

They have brought the reference from the sides.

Mercedes tenia que portar.

Mercedes had to bring.


Of course.

No, perquè ara jo al final...

No, because now I, in the end...

Si va pels costats

If you go around the sides.

pot respar les persianes

Can you lift the blinds?

de les plantes baixes

of the ground floors

que al meu carrer tot sĂłn plantes baixes

that in my street there are only ground floors

o Ă©s una persona imprevista

or it's an unexpected person

que ha tocat el cotxe

who has touched the car

per poder passar.

to be able to pass.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

Insolidaris n'hi ha

There are those who are unsupportive.

i maleducats

and rude

n'hi ha en tots els llocs.

They are everywhere.

I han vist que no era

And they saw that it was not

un exemple tan...

an example so...

No, no, passa, passa.

No, no, come in, come in.

Era molt real.

It was very real.

Doncs aquestes sĂłn les propostes que he portat.

Well, these are the proposals I have brought.

Espero que us hagi arribat un poc.

I hope that you have received a little.

Això és tot.

That's it.

A part de que ja sabem

Apart from that we already know

que el cotxe estĂ  passant temps trist

that the car is going through a sad time

que no els passa res més.

that nothing else happens to them.

Ciclistes per aquĂ­

Cyclists around here

ni coses d'aquestes.

nor things like that.

Vegem qui s'hi veia de potries

Let's see who could be seen from the potteries.

vega este podcast

check out this podcast

i es dóna per anul·lit

and it is considered null and void

i siga una miquiua més educat

and be a little more polite

i més solidari a la gent

and more supportive to people

del carrer Sant Joan Batistes.

from Saint John the Baptist Street.

Però no viuen potries.

But they do not live poorly.

Però ve a morir a setmana

But come to die this week.

que viuen al carrer.

that live on the street.

I ja sĂłn massa coses, massa voltes.

And it's already too many things, too many twists.

I ara jo crec que ja l'han avisat

And now I think they have already notified him.

i li hauran donat a l'Ajuntament

and they will have given it to the City Council

algun avís perquè ja no el deixa últimament.

Any warning because he hasn't let him lately.

Es deixa fora que no

It is left out that no.

es repeteix que estan anant

It is repeated that they are going.

fora la carretera perquè

out of the road because

hi ha molt d'hambles per poder-ho aparcar.

There are a lot of handicaps to be able to park it.

I deixa-ho també dins de les persones.

And let it also be within the people.

Que faci.

Let it be.

Que això és l'important al final

That this is what matters in the end.

que tornem a recuperar un poble

that we reclaim a village

en posar grans persones al centre

by putting great people at the center

que tot el mĂłn puguem anar

that everyone can go

als llocs on volem

to the places where we want

sense haver d'utilitzar el nostre vi.

without having to use our wine.

I que puguem

And that we can

vertebrar tot el territori.

to integrate the entire territory.

No sé si...

I don't know if...

A mi se m'ha fet molt curt

It has felt very short to me.

però crec que

but I think that

ens hem portat moltes propostes

we have brought many proposals

en la butxaca

in the pocket

i desitgem que passin.

and we wish them to pass.

Tenim quatre anys

We are four years old.

per davant per fer-ho.

in front to do it.

Ho hem de fer, no?

We have to do it, right?

Si ho proposem, evidentment

If we propose it, obviously.

és per començar a treballar

it's to start working

i a fer-les possible.

and to make them possible.

Moltes grĂ cies Marta

Thank you very much, Marta.

per haver-nos ajudat

for having helped us

en aquesta col·laboració.

in this collaboration.

Jo amb el David. Moltes grĂ cies a tots.

Me with David. Thank you all very much.

Moltes grĂ cies a tots.

Thank you very much to everyone.

I esperem que

And we hope that

totes ho fem realitat

we all make it a reality

i que puguem ser el pròxim president

and that we can be the next president

de la Generalitat.

of the Generalitat.

Entre tots ho hem de fer.

We all have to do it together.



Moltes grĂ cies Emilia.

Thank you very much, Emilia.

Ha estat un plaer compartir

It has been a pleasure to share.

este podcast amb tu.

this podcast with you.

Moltes grĂ cies

Thank you very much.

i mos despedim

and we say goodbye

a la segĂĽent xerraeta.

to the next chat.

Moltes grĂ cies per vindre.

Thank you very much for coming.

GrĂ cies a vosaltres.

Thank you.

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