T2E5 - L'Aixopluc - Ave César i Anècdotes

Oriol Ribas & Roger Sanchez March


T2E5 - L'Aixopluc - Ave César i Anècdotes


Ronquidos en 3, 2, 1...

Snoring in 3, 2, 1...

Avui em va bé, avui em va bé, avui em va bé...

Today it’s going well for me, today it’s going well for me, today it’s going well for me...

No l'havies trobat mai, la Guinness?

Had you never found it, the Guinness?

Sí, però em sorprèn cada cop que la provo.

Yes, but it surprises me every time I try it.

Ets conscient que és negra, oi?

Are you aware that she is black, right?

No n'erets conscient?

Were you not aware of it?

Sí, sí, m'estan caient gotes sobre l'ordinador.

Yes, yes, drops are falling on the computer.

N'erets conscient?

Are you aware?

Sí, sí que n'era conscient, sí, és que a mi m'agrada molt la Guinness.

Yes, I was aware of that, yes, it's just that I really like Guinness.

M'agrada molt la Guinness?

I really like Guinness?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És una cervesa amb història, realment, eh, la Guinness.

It's a beer with history, really, you know, Guinness.

I parlant d'història, hem descobert coses noves de l'Eixofluc, ens ha dit.

And speaking of history, we have discovered new things about the Eixofluc, he has told us.

Espera, ah, bueno.

Wait, ah, well.

No vols comentar...

You don't want to comment...

Bueno, sí, el fòrsul que s'ha sentit al principi de l'anàlisi.

Well, yes, the force that has been felt at the beginning of the analysis.

Jo crec que, a veure...

I think that, let's see...

Sí, quan he entrat m'he trobat amb Roger, fent...

Yes, when I entered I ran into Roger, doing...

Dormint, dormint al terra.

Sleeping, sleeping on the ground.

Una orquestra, era.

An orchestra, it was.

Però, clar, sí, dormint, ho reconec.

But, of course, yes, sleeping, I acknowledge it.

Una orquestra dormida, però una orquestra.

A sleeping orchestra, but an orchestra.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Era maco, tenia potència, eh.

It was beautiful, it had power, eh.

I l'Oriol ha vingut i m'ha gravat roncant.

And Oriol has come and recorded me snoring.

Sí, i li he ficat el fantasmíter a la boca.

Yes, and I put the ghostbuster in his mouth.

Què vol dir això? No sé per què.

What does that mean? I don't know why.

Uns fantasmíters, no ho sé.

Some ghostbusters, I don't know.

Un vent de gust, uns fantasmíters.

A gust of wind, some ghosts.

Podem agafar fantasmíters pel programa següent.

We can take ghost hunters for the next program.

Em sembla bé. Vols uns fantasmíters pel programa següent?

I think it's fine. Do you want some ghost stories for the next program?

Saps el programa següent, saps què tindrem també?

Do you know the next program, do you know what we will also have?



És veritat.

It is true.

Tindrem públic.

We will have an audience.

A més, m'han comentat que entrades acceorides completament.

Furthermore, they have told me that tickets are completely sold out.

Entrades acceorides pel primer programa de l'Eixofluc en públic, que serà la setmana que ve.

Tickets available for the first public program of Eixofluc, which will be next week.

Amb 100% d'assistència.

With 100% attendance.



Totes les butaques estaran plenes.

All the seats will be full.

Estaran plenes.

They will be full.

Totes les butaques.

All the chairs.

Estem molt contents.

We are very happy.

Molt, molt, molt, molt, molt.

Very, very, very, very, very.

I sorpresos que hagi tingut tant èxit.

I am surprised that it has been so successful.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I tanta bona rebuda.

And such a warm welcome.

T'he de dir que poc hem avisat, eh?

I have to tell you that we haven't warned much, have we?

Vull dir, ha sigut boca a boca.

I mean, it has been word of mouth.

Boca a boca.

Mouth to mouth.

No hem parlat res socials.

We haven't talked about anything social.

La veritat és que s'ha completat tot molt ràpid.

The truth is that everything has been completed very quickly.

Boca a boca.

Mouth to mouth.

I de cop ens han començat a arribar DMs.

And suddenly we started receiving DMs.



Sí, i de cop allò que...

Yes, and suddenly that...

I te l'has trobat dintre.

And you found it inside.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

De cop el diem i de cop te l'has trobat dintre.

Suddenly you say it, and suddenly you've found it inside.

Bueno, amb aquest pronòstic del programa que ve, tenir públic, aquest encara no en tenim.

Well, with this forecast of the upcoming program, we don't have an audience yet.

Que també podem dir que l'Eixobluc està fent història.

We can also say that Eixobluc is making history.

Està fent història.

He/She is making history.

I quan estem dient que l'Eixobluc està fent història, podem parlar de la història de l'Eixobluc,

And when we say that Eixobluc is making history, we can talk about the history of Eixobluc.

però no del podcast.

but not of the podcast.

De la paraula Eixobluc.

From the word Eixobluc.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Recordes que vam tenir el document sonor.

Do you remember that we had the audio document?

El document sonor, el primer document sonor de la història,

The sound document, the first sound document in history,

on relataven els orígens de la paraula Eixobluc.

they related the origins of the word Eixobluc.

I explica tu, explica què hem trobat.

And you explain, explain what we found.

Res, avui tenim la continuació, però crec que primer hauríem de posar la sintonia del programa.

Nothing, today we have the continuation, but I think we should first play the show's theme.




Go ahead.

L'Eixobluc, ja som aquí.

The Eixobluc, we are here.

És el podcast per fer-te feliç.

It's the podcast to make you happy.


The Awakening.



Bona sintonia, eh?

Good chemistry, huh?

Que li escrius tots baixos, eh?

So you write to him all low-key, huh?

Doncs, seguint la història de la paraula Eixobluc,

Well, following the story of the word Eixobluc,

aquell documental que parlava sobre...

that documentary that talked about...

Aquells trobladites que van...

Those potbellied ones that go...

Començar a utilitzar el mot, eh?

Start using the word, huh?

El mot Eixobluc.

The word Eixobluc.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Quines veus, eh?

What voices, huh?

A mi em va sorprendre.

It surprised me.



Avui llegíem a la premsa, avui ens hem debat amb els diaris.

Today we read in the press, today we have been debating with the newspapers.

La Sona Times, per exemple, destacava la notícia a la portada.

The Sona Times, for example, highlighted the news on the front page.

Perquè s'han trobat...

Because they have been found...

S'han trobat uns fòssils.

Some fossils have been found.

Uns escrits.

Some writings.

Uns escrits, uns pergamins.

Some writings, some manuscripts.



Que daten del...

That date from...

Zero-zero, eh?

Zero-zero, huh?

L'any zero-zero, més o menys.

The year zero-zero, more or less.

Bueno, no una mica abans, que crec, eh?

Well, not a little earlier, I think, right?

Una mica abans?

A little earlier?

Una mica abans, sí, sí.

A little earlier, yes, yes.

No, és que no m'he llegit...

No, it's just that I haven't read it...

Què crec, eh?

What do I think, huh?

He llegit el titular, només.

I have only read the headline.

Sí, no, no...

Yes, no, no...

Bueno, és que jo ho he traduït una part.

Well, it's just that I translated part of it.

He traduït la part que és...

I have translated the part that is...

Bueno, perquè és un diàleg.

Well, because it is a dialogue.





Entre dos soldats romans.

Between two Roman soldiers.

Dos soldats romans, sí.

Two Roman soldiers, yes.

Sí, i és d'abans del zero-zero.

Yes, and it's from before the zero-zero.

És d'abans de Crist, eh?

It's from before Christ, right?

És del 69 o abans de Crist.

It is from 69 or before Christ.

No me'n recordo si era el 69.

I don't remember if it was '69.

Bueno, digue'm quin any és, perquè jo només llegeixo el titular i les fotos.

Well, tell me what year it is, because I only read the headlines and look at the photos.

Jo, com els còmics.

I, like the comics.

Doncs, espera't, t'ho busco, eh?

Well, wait, I'll look it up for you, okay?


Wait for you.

Aquí està.

Here it is.

154 abans de Crist.

154 BC.

L'any 154 abans de Crist.

The year 154 before Christ.

Collons, sí que va arribar tard, Crist.

Damn, he really arrived late, Christ.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Va costar.

It was hard.

Va ser un part...

It was a delivery...

I després tampoc va durar gaire, eh?

And it didn't last long either, did it?

Va ser...

It was...



Un part complicat.

A complicated part.

Bueno, a continuació...

Well, next...

33 anys va durar Crist, eh?

Christ lasted 33 years, huh?

Sí, 33.

Yes, 33.

Sí, sí, 33.

Yes, yes, 33.

Com els nazis catalans.

Like the Catalan Nazis.

O com la cançó aquella de Julio Iglesias.

Or like that song by Julio Iglesias.

33 años.

33 years old.

¿Qué más?

What else?

No me'n recordo més.

I don't remember anymore.

Bueno, almenys sabem que diu aquesta frase.

Well, at least we know what this sentence says.

Diu aquesta frase.

Say this sentence.

Bueno, anem a relatar.

Well, let's start narrating.

Anem a...

Let's go to...

Cada un farà un...

Each one will do a...

Un soldat.

A soldier.

Qui en vols fer, tu?

Who do you want to make it for?

Jo faig...

I do...

A veure...

Let's see...

El nom...

The name...

Faig el que es diu...

I do what is said...

Un soldat.

A soldier.

El nom...

The name...

Oriolus Magnificus.

Magnificent Oriole.



El meu es diu Oriol...

My name is Oriol...



Oriolus Magnificus.

Magnificent Oriole.



El meu es diu Rogèlix Cútrix.

Mine is called Rogèlix Cútrix.



Doncs, anem a començar.

Well, let's get started.

El diàleg entre Oriolius...

The dialogue between Oriolius...

Com és?

How is it?



I Rogèlix Cútrix.

I Rogèlix Cútrix.



Diu així

It says this.

A veure, Rogerius

Let's see, Rogerius.

A veure, Oriolius

Let's see, Oriolius.

De facto

De facto

Per cert, per cert

By the way, by the way.

Vull fer un apunt que això no està en llatí

I want to point out that this is not in Latin.

És traduït

It is translated.

És passat al català

It has passed into Catalan.

Tenim una titulació en llatí els dos

We both have a degree in Latin.

I ho hem pogut traduir

And we have been able to translate it.

Que la gent no s'espanti

Let people not be afraid.

Que no pensi que els romans parlaven en català

Don't think that the Romans spoke Catalan.

Evidentment parlaven en llatí

Obviously, they spoke in Latin.

No sé per què es deien romans

I don't know why they were called Romans.

Quan es podien haver dit llatins

When they could have been called Latins


Els romans deien que parlaven llatí

The Romans said they spoke Latin.

O deien que parlaven romà

Or they said they spoke Romanian.

Hòstia, no ho sé

Damn, I don't know.

Hòstia, molt bona

Wow, very good.


We continue

A veure

Let's see



Si no et saps el nom

If you don't know your name.

Està escrit d'una forma rara

It is written in a strange way.

Li donen el títol de llatí a qualsevol

They give the Latin title to anyone.

Està burrosa aquesta part

This part is blurry.

Com que és un pergamí

Since it is a parchment

Una mica esborrada

A little blurred

A veure, Rogerius

Let's see, Rogerius.

Com era el teu nom?

What was your name?



Que ara pedíem

What we were asking for now.

O de facto

Or de facto

In vitro venia a dir-te

In vitro was meant to tell you.





No acaben moltes gotes per ser postdata

Not many drops end up being a postscript.

Per ser postdata no

To be a postscript, no.

Però a grosso modo ens mullem

But roughly speaking, we are getting wet.

Sí, però tal com plou et mulles viceversa

Yes, but as it rains you get wet vice versa.



Vis campus corpus, fugit

"Live the campus body, flee."

Diu el Vox Populis que si plou et mulles

It says the Vox Populis that if it rains you get wet.

Llavors ens hauríem de tapar

Then we would have to cover ourselves.

Què fem?

What do we do?

Ah, doncs estem a cobert, no?

Ah, so we are sheltered, right?

Però li podríem dir un àlies, no?

But we could give him an alias, right?



Aixo, aixo, aixo

That, that, that.

A cobert, això vol dir a cobert

Covered, this means covered.

Diu, estem a això

He says, we're on it.

Però va dir, a cobert, de què?

But he said, covered, about what?

De què?

Of what?

Estem de fet in situ

We are actually on-site.

De fet estem in vitro

In fact, we are in vitro.

Això és el que deia el Oriolius Magnificus

This is what Oriolius Magnificus used to say.

Perquè les finestres eren de vidre

Because the windows were made of glass.


Per ser, estem a cobert de la pluja

To be, we are sheltered from the rain.

Per tant hauríem de dir-li

Therefore, we should tell him.



Aixoplú, eh?

Shelter, huh?

I direu, hòstia, aquí falta una consona

You'll say, damn, there's a consonant missing here.

Una consona

A consonant

A cobert de la pluja

Covered from the rain



De què és aquesta consona?

What consonant is this?


It says.

I fa

It has been




The Oriolius

Li diu, clar

He tells her, of course.

Perquè la consonant

Because the consonant


Què vol dir?

What does it mean?

Si és aixo a cobert

If that is covered

De pluja

Of rain

Vol dir per no mullar-se

It means not to get wet.

És en llatí

It is in Latin.

Ah, clar, clar

Ah, of course, of course.

Això a cobert de la pluja per no mullar-se

This covers from the rain to avoid getting wet.

Per tant va construir aquí

Therefore, he built here.

De facto

De facto

Va construir Aixoplú

He built Aixoplú.

I en memoràndum

And in a memorandum




The Oriolius

Li diu

He/She tells him/her.

Clar, falta

Sure, missing.



Benvinguts a l'Aixoplú

Welcome to the Aixoplú

A veure, Roger

Let's see, Roger.

Després del document no sonoro, document escrit

After the silent document, written document.

Que després nosaltres l'hem sonoritzat

That later we have soundtracked it.

Sonoritzat, clar, clar, clar

Sounded, clear, clear, clear

Com hem pogut, també t'ho dic

As we could, I'm telling you that too.

Com hem pogut, sí, sí

As best as we could, yes, yes.

Perquè està borrós que de cagues

Because it's blurry that you shit.

Sí, els pergamins aquests...

Yes, these parchments...

Era més perquè en sabíem una mica

It was more because we knew a little bit.

Perquè ens ho hem pogut mirar abans amb calma

Because we have been able to look at it calmly before.

I sabíem més o menys del que era

We knew more or less what it was about.

Però, bé, això ho hem quedat endavant

But, well, we have agreed to move forward with this.

Si no ens hauríem quedat encallats aquí

If we hadn't, we would have gotten stuck here.

Encallats, encallats

Stuck, stuck

Encallats total

Totally stranded

Bueno, què em portes avui, què vols?

Well, what do you bring me today, what do you want?

Que t'ho explico jo primer o m'ho expliques tu primer?

Should I explain it to you first or will you explain it to me first?

No, fot-li tu

No, you do it.

Fot-li jo

Give it to me!



Fot-li jo

Hit him, I will.

Li foto jo mateix

I'll take it myself.

Vinc a parlar-te d'alguna cosa que no es parla suficient

I'm here to talk to you about something that is not talked about enough.

D'alguna cosa que no és?

Of something that it is not?

Que no es parla suficient

That is not spoken enough.



Els lavabos dels bars

The bathrooms of the bars

Ah, pensava que anaves a dir, no sé

Ah, I thought you were going to say, I don't know.

Però no només els lavabos dels bars

But not only the restrooms of the bars.

Les portes dels lavabos dels bars

The bathroom doors of the bars

Però no només les portes dels lavabos dels bars

But not only the doors of the restrooms in bars.

El fet de que les portes dels lavabos dels bars

The fact that the toilet doors of the bars


They are

Un, un, com se li diu?

One, one, what do you call it?



No em surt, no em surt

I can't do it, I can't do it.

Un mural?

A mural?



Un dibuix?

A drawing?



Un deixó en blanc, com es diu?

A blank space, what is it called?

Un canvas?

A canvas?

Un canvas

A canvas

No, un canvas, un que sí

No, a canvas, one that does.

Sí, un canvas

Yes, a canvas.

Un canvas en blanc

A blank canvas

Un canvas

A canvas

Sí, un canvas

Yes, a canvas.

Un canvas

A canvas

Per l'expressió

For the expression

Com li es diu?

What is your name?

Un marc?

A frame?

Una tela?

A fabric?

Sí, una tela en blanc

Yes, a blank canvas.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes.

Un canvas en blanc

A blank canvas

Alguna cosa en blanc

Something in white

Perquè la gent expressi el que vulgui

So that people can express whatever they want.

La ment en blanc

The blank mind

I n'alguis

And in some places

La samarreta del Madrid

The Madrid jersey.

I vinc a portar-te

I come to take you.

He fet un petit recuperatori

I have done a small recovery.

Avui te'n porto tres

Today I'll bring you three.

Però tinc la idea de portar-te'n més

But I have the idea of bringing you more.

I convertir-ho això en un joc

And turn this into a game.

Perquè ho he compartit en un joc

Because I have shared it in a game.

Jo et diré ara mateix

I will tell you right now.

Game master

Game master

Sóc un game master

I am a game master.

Ara mateix sóc un game master

Right now I'm a game master.

Un gay master

A gay master

Sóc ara mateix

I am right now.

Et diré tres frases que m'he trobat jo en portes de lavabos de bars

I will tell you three phrases that I have found on bathroom doors in bars.

I després et donaré tres ubicacions diferents de bars

And then I will give you three different locations of bars.

O sigui, tres noms

That is, three names.

Tres ubicacions diferents

Three different locations

Vale, només ho costa

Okay, it only costs it.

I tu m'hauràs de dir

And you will have to tell me.

Qui és qui

Who is who



La primera

The first



Te pincho el cuello

I stab you in the neck.

La segona

The second

Que la traba resisteix

That the obstacle endures.

La tercera

The third

Aquesta no te perdo, eh

I won't forgive you for this, okay?

Viva la revolución del pueblo real

Long live the revolution of the real people!

No de hippies disfrazados

Not of disguised hippies.

Firmat una antropóloga

Sign an anthropologist





Tenim les tres frases al cap, oi?

We have the three sentences in mind, right?

Les intensitats de les tres

The intensities of the three.

Les tenim, oi?

We have them, right?



Jo et dono tres opcions diferents

I give you three different options.

Bar les Galàxies

Bar the Galaxies

A Marina amb Roselló

To Marina with Roselló



Raval. Biblio o Berraval.

Raval. Biblio or Berraval.

I l'altre?

And the other?

La merengue te pincha el cuello.

The meringue pricks your neck.

El Congost, has dit? Barri del Congrés.

The Congost, you said? Congress neighborhood.

El Congrés. El Congost.

The Congress. The Gorge.

Bar la Mel, al barri del Congrés.

Bar la Mel, in the Congrés neighborhood.

Ah, exacte.

Ah, exactly.



Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good, very good, very good.

Hòstia. Vols que t'expliqui

Damn. Do you want me to explain it to you?

el meu procés deductiu?

my deductive process?

Perquè el teu procés deductiu...

Because your deductive process...

Volia fer-te una pregunta.

I wanted to ask you a question.

Si creus que

If you think that

cada lloc s'associa molt bé

each place is very well associated

amb la seva frase.

with his phrase.

Si crec que cada lloc s'associa molt bé

Yes, I believe that each place is very well associated.

amb la seva frase?

with his sentence?



Puc aprofitar això per explicar-te

I can take this opportunity to explain to you.

el meu procés deductiu?

my deductive process?

Aquí és on volia arribar.

This is where I wanted to get to.

Que la trava resisteix,

That the lock withstands,

a mi és de gràcia, no?

It's funny to me, isn't it?

Que la trava era el...

That the obstacle was the...

Com es diu?

What is it called?


The squatter.

La casa ocupa, aquella de gràcia.

The house occupies, that of grace.

I per proximitat,

And by proximity,

Rosselló amb Marina.

Rosselló with Marina.

I la que s'acosta més, la que s'apropa més a gràcia.

And the one that comes closest, the one that approaches grace the most.

Per tant,


que la trava resisteix és aquest.

that the lock resists is this.

Després el de l'antropòloga,

After the anthropologist,

al Raval hi ha la facultat de...

In Raval, there is the faculty of...

Totes aquestes facultats

All these faculties

de ciències socials.

of social sciences.



Aquesta gent que estudia aquestes coses socials

These people who study these social issues.

estan allà abans al Raval.

they are there before in the Raval.

Firmat un antropòloga.

Sign an anthropologist.

És molt ego, no?

It's very ego, isn't it?

És molt ego, eh?

It's very selfish, isn't it?


Very much.

Aquestes paraules...

These words...

No estava el firmat,

The signature was not there,

però estava la frase i això es posava.

but the phrase was there and that was put.

Un antropòloga.

An anthropologist.

Això és el Raval, sempre.

This is the Raval, always.

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

És que la frase aquesta no te perdo, eh?

It's just that this phrase doesn't lose you, right?

Viva la revolución del pueblo real!

Long live the revolution of the real people!

No de hippie disfrazado!

Not a disguised hippie!

Això ho va dir el Che Guevara.

This was said by Che Guevara.

I se l'ha posat un antropòloga.

An anthropologist has put it on.

Que també estudiava el Raval.

He was also studying the Raval.

I l'altra una mica per descartes.

And the other one a bit by process of elimination.

La de Meren que te pincha el cuello, descarteix.

The one from Meren that pricks your neck, discard.

És que aquesta podria ser una mica...

It's just that this could be a bit...

Tu et pensaves per la Barcelona, no?

You thought you were in Barcelona, didn't you?

És que estava pixant,

I was just peeing,

em vaig girar, vaig mirar la porta.

I turned around, I looked at the door.

Una porta de les que et queda darrere,

A door that remains behind you,

de les que et queda al costat.

of the ones that are next to you.

Per tant, que pots llegir mentre pixes.

Therefore, you can read while you pee.

I vaig dir, hòstia, me la punto.

I said, damn, I'll score it.

És que els lavabos aquests dels bars,

It's just that the restrooms in these bars,

amb allò, els...

with that, the...

Que veus l'espai per sota

What do you see in the space below?

i veus els peus de la gent...

and you see people's feet...

No totes, no totes.

Not all, not all.

Alguns veus per dalt...

Some voices from above...

Saps quin tipus de bar de lavabo...

Do you know what type of bathroom bar...

Aquella porta de conglomerat, eh?

That conglomerate door, huh?

Sí, conglomerat, allò que fas...

Yes, conglomerate, what you do...

Que està humit,

That is wet,

que quan està una miqueta humit,

that when it is a little damp,

saps com s'esquerda

Do you know how it cracks?

i surt del conglomerat aquell potxo cutre.

and out of that cheap conglomerate comes that loser.

Que li pots una patada

That you can give him a kick.

i la porta aquesta es trenca.

and this door is breaking.

I el tio que està cagant a dintre...

And the guy who is taking a shit inside...


It scares you.

És un tema interessant,

It's an interesting topic.

els lavabos aquests.

these toilets.

Jo, seguint aquesta regla de...

I, following this rule of...

Si la meva hipòtesi aquesta

If my hypothesis is this

de si s'associava a cada lloc amb la seva frase quadrada,

if it was associated with each place with its square phrase,

o una mica,

or a little,

he pensat com serien

I have thought about what they would be like.

frases d'embars de diferents jocs de Barna.

phrases from different games in Barcelona.

Per exemple,

For example,

un bar al Raval podria tenir escrit

a bar in the Raval could have written

Paga la coca o te robo guarro.

Pay for the coke or I'll rob you, you dirty.

Per exemple.

For example.

Un bar a Pedralbes

A bar in Pedralbes

podria tenir

could have

Desde mi mansión, riéndome de ti,

From my mansion, laughing at you,

de tu envidia, nas y mi fama.

of your envy, nose, and my fame.



I un bar a Gràcia podria tenir la frase de...

And a bar in Gràcia could have the phrase of...

Sóc més alternatiu que tu.

I'm more alternative than you.

Els compro tots, m'agraden molt.

I buy them all, I like them very much.



Pensa un bar i digue'm una frase.

Think of a bar and tell me a sentence.

Què associaries tu, per exemple, amb

What would you associate, for example, with

el bar de...

the bar of...

El Clot.

The Pit.

Sí, el Clot.

Yes, the Clot.



És que el Clot és bastant...

It's just that Clot is quite...

Estàndard, no?

Standard, right?

És un bar i...

It's a bar and...

Té una mica de tot, el Clot, perquè tens...

It has a bit of everything, the Clot, because you have...

Aquesta part on s'ajunta

This part where it joins

Meridiana amb Maragó.

Meridian with Maragó.

Sí, aquella zona és lletja d'Alcabar.

Yes, that area is the ugly part of Alcabar.

Aquesta zona Meridiana.

This area Meridiana.

Però, en canvi, després tu tens Carrer Rugent.

But, on the other hand, then you have Rugent Street.

És molt maco.

It's very nice.

I tot el parc del Clot, que és preciós, aquella zona.

And the whole Clot park, which is beautiful, that area.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Molt xulo, allò.

Very cool, that.

El mercat del Clot és molt xulo.

The Clot market is very cool.

El mercat del Clot és molt maco.

The Clot market is very nice.

No sé quina frase hi hauria al Clot.

I don't know what phrase would be at Clot.

Clar, és aquesta...

Of course, it's this one...

S'ajunta com...

It is joined like...

Una macarreria

A macaroni dish

i alhora un...

and at the same time a...

Un xicobien, no?

A good guy, right?

El Clot s'ajunta com...

El Clot joins like...

Vols dir?

Do you mean?

Sí, s'ajunta com...

Yes, it joins like...

Un parmacarra i també casetes molt mones.

A parmacarra and also very cute little houses.

Jo, per mi, el Clot té un punt com...

For me, the Clot has a certain...

És molt de barri.

It's very much a neighborhood thing.

És com un Sant Andreu, com un horta.

It's like a Sant Andreu, like a garden.

Sí, més obert.

Yes, more open.

Sí, però és una mica rotllo poble.

Yes, but it's a bit of a hassle in the countryside.

Sí, no és tan petitet.

Yes, it's not that small.

Sí, no tant.

Yes, not so much.

Podria ser com un...

It could be like a...

Alguna frase que fer referència en...

Any phrase that refers to...

De barrio.

From the neighborhood.



Però haurà de ser de barri més xungo,

But it will have to be from a rougher neighborhood,

també com el barri catalanet.

also like the Catalan neighborhood.

Un barri una mica més catalanet, pot ser.

A neighborhood that's a little more Catalan, perhaps.



No sé.

I don't know.

El Ratllum.

The Glimmer.

D'acord, vinc a portar-te dues anècdotes de la meva vida.

Okay, I'm going to share two anecdotes from my life.

Bàsicament, no m'he pogut preparar una secció

Basically, I haven't been able to prepare a section.

i he tirat d'anècdota.

I have relied on anecdote.

He tirat d'anècdota divertida i ja està.

I've told a funny anecdote and that's it.

Una torreta, doncs.

A tower, then.

Bueno, seré breu i en poso dues

Well, I'll be brief and I'll put two.

perquè siguin ràpides i doni una mica de què comentar.

so that they are quick and give something to comment on.

Doncs som-hi. Endavant.

Well, here we go. Let's go.

La primera anècdota remonto...

The first anecdote I recall...

Me aburro!

I'm bored!

A segon de batxillerat...

In the second year of high school...





Sí, sí, a segon de batxillerat

Yes, yes, in the second year of high school.

sí que t'avorries, que el vas repetir.

Yes, you were bored, because you repeated it.

Ai, si de por...

Oh, if only out of fear...

No, jo no m'avorria, em va agradar tant

No, I didn't get bored, I liked it so much.

que vaig decidir tornar-ho a repetir.

that I decided to repeat it again.

Tornem, tornem, tornem.

We return, we return, we return.

D'una altra vegada, d'una altra vegada.

Once again, once again.

Més insults per part del professor sobre el meu futur.

More insults from the teacher about my future.

Més, més, més! Vull més, vull més!

More, more, more! I want more, I want more!

Seguim, seguim!

Let's keep going, let's keep going!

No arribaràs a res a la vida.

You will achieve nothing in life.

No, no faràs res! Toma! Un podcast!

No, you won't do anything! Here! A podcast!

Ha, ha, ha!

Ha, ha, ha!

Vale, doncs, estava en un examen...

Okay, then, I was in an exam...

Segón de batxillerat.

Second year of high school.

Segón de batxillerat. Un examen d'economia.

Second year of high school. An economics exam.

Economia... Uf...

Economy... Phew...

I... Com es deia? E-o-e, es deia.

I... What was it called? E-o-e, it was called.

E-o-e, e-o-e, e-o-e...

E-o-e, e-o-e, e-o-e...

No me'n recordo com es deia en la segona edat.

I don't remember what it was called in the second age.

Allò que feies, el DAFO...

What you were doing, the SWOT...

Sí, sí, sí. Economia...

Yes, yes, yes. Economy...

Flip-flap. Flip-flops.

Flip-flop. Flip-flops.

Sí, allò del...

Yes, that about the...

Chinochano, xaranga, pachanga...

Chinochano, brass band, dance party...

Pink Floyd.

Pink Floyd.

No me'n recordava com calcular el Pink Floyd.

I didn't remember how to calculate the Pink Floyd.

Era sumatori, de fet.

It was summative, in fact.

Era sumatori de drogues,

He was a drug dealer.



Música rara.

Strange music.



Segón de batxillerat.

Second year of high school.

Examen d'e-o-e, economia.

E-o-e exam, economics.





Allò que portava el primer parcial

What the first partial contained

molt bé, i pel segon em vaig relaxar

very well, and for the second one I relaxed

moltíssim, tant que no vaig estudiar.

very much, so much that I didn't study.

I vaig anar a l'examen a pelo.

I went to the exam unprepared.

I vaig començar a dir, hòstia, aquesta

I started to say, damn, this one

mala seta, no sé quantos, i arribo a la

bad mushroom, I don’t know how many, and I arrive at the

segona, tercera pregunta, i la pregunta

second, third question, and the question

et deia, més o menys, així.

I was telling you, more or less, like this.


The Oriol

és gestor econòmic.

he is an economic manager.



et proposaven, et posaven

they proposed to you, they placed you

com una mena de cas, que

like a kind of case, that

l'Oriol, gestor econòmic, havia de

Oriol, the economic manager, had to

resoldre. Si aquesta empresa

resolve. If this company

té tal, no sé quantos, i es troba en aquest

it has such, I don't know how many, and is located in this

de situació, què haurà de fer?

in a situation, what will he/she have to do?

Havies de fer el càlcul, i tota la merda, no?

You had to do the calculation and all that crap, right?

I jo vaig dir, saps què?

And I said, you know what?

D'aquí uns mesos estaré a la universitat.

In a few months, I will be at university.

Cosa seriosa,

Serious thing,

com tots sabem.

as we all know.

I el batxillerat, doncs, ja quedarà

And the baccalaureate, then, will remain.

enrere. Així que, de perdidors

back. So, of losers

al riu. I jo, amb els meus

to the river. And I, with my

dos huevazos, vaig contestar

two big eggs, I replied

no ho sé,

I don't know,

que ho digui l'Oriol, que és gestor econòmic.

let Oriol say it, who is an economic manager.



Has dit això? Sí, m'he apuntat això.

Did you say that? Yes, I noted that down.

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Bueno, aleshores...

Well, then...

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

No em fas molta agressió, molta pena, Roger.

You don't make me feel much aggression, a lot of sadness, Roger.

Vaig escriure això, vaig entregar,

I wrote this, I submitted,

perquè no sabia res més, vaig assumir que

because I didn't know anything else, I assumed that

l'examen estava suspès,

the exam was suspended,

i al cap d'una setmana o dues setmanes

and after a week or two weeks

ve la professora, entre classe

The teacher is coming, between classes.

seriosa de cagar,

serious to shit,

i diu, sembla que tenim un humorista

And he says, it seems we have a comedian.

entre nosaltres, i jo, clar que sí home,

between us, and me, of course, man,

acabaré fent podcast,

I will end up doing a podcast.

i... Total, per acabar sent el de les dades.

I... In the end, being the one with the data.

Exacte, gràcies.

Exactly, thank you.

I va explicar la meva resposta davant

He explained my answer before.

de tota la classe, generant, evidentment,

from the whole class, generating, obviously,

que tothom es partís el cul,

that everyone could break their ass,

i fos un moment mític.

It was a mythical moment.

Llavors és aquell moment on

Then it's that moment when

tu vas sentir-t'orgullós per ser el

You felt proud to be the one.

pallasso de classe i destacar, o vas sentir vergonya?

Class clown and stand out, or did you feel embarrassed?

Sí. No, no, no, no. Jo ho tornaria a fer sempre.

Yes. No, no, no, no. I would do it again always.

Orgull de pallasso. Sempre, sempre, sempre.

Proud of being a clown. Always, always, always.

A més, m'imagino, clar, em va tornar a l'examen

Furthermore, I imagine, of course, it returned me to the exam.

tot tachat, en vermell, encerclat,

everything crossed out, in red, circled,

la meva resposta allà amb aclamacions,

my answer there with cheers,

del plan what the fuck. I escrivia alguna cosa?

From the plan what the fuck. Did I write something?

Vaig posar una careta somrient jo també.

I also put on a smiling face.

No. Sí.

No. Yes.

Que això recordo que li va...

That I remember it went to him...

Roger, que toqui les claus de la generalitat,

Roger, let him touch the keys of the Generalitat,



Recordo que li va molestar molt.

I remember that it bothered him a lot.

Estaria molt guai que hagués escrit algú en plan

It would be really cool if someone had written something like this.

l'Oriol està malalt,

Oriol is sick.

respon tu, fill de puta.

answer yourself, son of a bitch.

Hòstia, que guapo, tio.

Wow, that's cool, man.

No va ser això, però animo

It wasn't that, but I encourage.

la gent a

the people to

anar, prendes els exàmens una mica més a

go, you take the exams a little more to



Jo una de les coses que més me repenteixo

One of the things I regret the most.

dels meus anys estudiantils és no

from my student years is no

anar mai a cap examen borratxo.

never go to any exam with a pen.



És a dir, jo si ara tornés enrere...

That is to say, if I could go back now...

Aniries borratxo als exàmens?

Would you go drunk to the exams?

Ah, no, a un. A un per explicar-ho.

Ah, no, to one. To one to explain it.

Per explicar-ho, allò de dir, mira, veiem l'examen

To explain it, it's like saying, look, let's see the exam.

i no veia ni els números.

and I couldn't even see the numbers.

Jo tinc tu rècdota sobre això.

I have your anecdote about this.

Tens tu rècdota?

Do you have a recipe?

Últim examen primer de batxillerat.

Last exam of first year of high school.

D'anglès, on només ens...

From English, where we only...

Ja havíem fet les setmanes anteriors

We had already done it in the previous weeks.

la part de

the part of

writing i tot això, només teníem

writing and all that, we only had

el listening, crec jo.

the listening, I believe.

Què era el listening?

What was the listening?



Total, que teníem

In total, we had

a l'examen aquest, com a les...

in this exam, as in the...

No sé a quina hora, com...

I don't know at what time, how...

Última hora tard

Last hour late

ja havíem tingut un examen tots a

we had already had an exam all at

primera o segona hora.

first or second hour.

Vam sortir tots

We all went out.

i havíem d'esperar com quatre hores

we had to wait like four hours

o algo així pel següent examen. Tot el que hem dit.

or something like that for the next exam. Everything we have said.

Anàvem a fer un cafè

We were going to have a coffee.

i vam començar a fer cerveses.

and we started brewing beers.

Vam començar a fer cerveses, tal, i no ens vam adonar

We started making beers and did not notice.

de portar quatre o cinc cerveses.

to bring four or five beers.

Que fent primer de batxillerat

What doing in the first year of high school

quatre o cinc cerveses

four or five beers

jo portava

I was wearing

una volada que déu-n'hi-do.

a flight that is quite something.

I jo no era...

And I was not...

T'has posat el tio vivo, no?

You've got the living uncle, right?

Bueno, quatre o cinc o cinc o sis.

Well, four or five or five or six.

I jo no era el que anava pitjor.

And I was not the one who was doing worse.

Hi havia gent que va entrar a la classe

There were people who entered the classroom.

que quan passaven...

that when they were passing...

que havies de separar les taules pels exàmens

that you had to separate the tables for the exams

doncs com donant cops amb el cul

so like hitting with the butt

contra taula i taula.

against table and table.

Havies de posar el bloc de dibuix aquell que era més gran.

You had to use that drawing pad that was bigger.

No ho fèieu vosaltres?

Weren't you doing it?

El bloc de dibuix que feien plàstica

The drawing block that they used for art class.

teníem com un bloc de dibuix que era molt gran

we had a drawing pad that was very big

que era un dinàmetre.

that it was a diameter.

Te'l feien obrir i et creaves com una barrera

They made you open it and you created a barrier for yourself.

perquè era una llibreta molt gran

because it was a very large notebook

per separar perquè no et copiessin.

to separate so they wouldn't copy you.

Ai, perquè em rupessin.

Oh, why they broke me.

Perquè no et copiessin.

So that they wouldn't copy you.

Això no.

Not this.

Però total, jo me'n recordo de

But anyway, I remember about

posar-me a fer el listening

to start doing the listening

i d'haver-lo de fer

and having to do it

amb el cap estirat a la taula

with the head resting on the table

perquè em vaig començar a notar

because I started to notice myself

que anava una mica borratxo

that he was a little drunk

i perquè no es notés tant que anava borratxo

and so it wouldn't be so obvious that I was drunk

i em veiés la profe la cara de...

and the teacher would see my face of...

Vaig dir, doncs,

I said, therefore,

fico el cap a la taula i escolto.

I put my head on the table and listen.

Saps quina nota vas treure en aquell exàmen?

Do you know what grade you got in that exam?

Ostres, segur que vas aprovar...

Wow, you definitely passed...

Un 10! Un 10! Es pot fer un listening borratxo!

A 10! A 10! You can do a drunk listening!

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Després tinc gent que estava fent cerveses

Afterward, I have people who were making beers.

que va suspendre perquè no s'entenava de res.

who failed because he didn't understand anything.

Però també t'he de dir que no s'entenava malament l'anglès en aquests moments.

But I also have to tell you that English was not being understood badly at that time.

En aquests moments?

At this moment?

Sí, ara...

Yes, now...

Understand nothing from you!

Understand nothing from you!

I la pròxima anècdota que tenia

And the next anecdote I had

és un cop que...

it's a time when...

Programa d'anècdotes total.

Total anecdotes program.

Programa d'anècdotes total. Fantàstic.

Total anecdotes program. Fantastic.

Ja tenim títol. Tenim títol.

We already have a title. We have a title.

Per cert, si algú es queixa o té alguna queixa sobre els títols dels programes...

By the way, if someone complains or has any complaints about the titles of the programs...

Els posa l'Oriol. Els posa l'Oriol.

Oriol puts them. Oriol puts them.

A mi no em mireu. Sí, però si algú té alguna queixa

Don't look at me. Yes, but if someone has a complaint.

per l'edició del programa, ho ha dit el Roger.

For the program's edition, Roger said it.

A mi mireu-me.

Look at me.

Bueno, escolteu-me, de fet.

Well, listen to me, actually.

Anava a la feina.

I was going to work.

Era aviat.

It was early.

Ah, ja ha començat l'anècdota. Sí.

Ah, the anecdote has already started. Yes.

Tercera anècdota del programa.

Third anecdote of the program.

Estem dintre de l'anècdota.

We are within the anecdote.

Entrem a la...

Let's enter the...

dimensió anecdotal...

anecdotal dimension...

de Roger.

of Roger.

Sisplau, tanquem els ulls.

Please, close your eyes.

Que tothom...

May everyone...

Que tothom tanqui els ulls

Let everyone close their eyes.

i necessito, Roger, que siguis

and I need you, Roger, to be

descriptiu per saber

descriptive to know

exactament on eres.

exactly where are you.

Tanquem tots els ulls?

Shall we close our eyes?

Sisplau, si esteu conduint, no tanqueu els ulls?

Please, if you are driving, do not close your eyes?

O sí? Llavors, què passa?

Oh yes? Then, what happens?

Bueno, si... Ah! Cuidado!

Well, yes... Ah! Watch out!

Un camió!

A truck!

Agafem aire

Let's take a breath.

pel nas, el traiem per la boca.

through the nose, we take it out through the mouth.

Roger, sisplau.

Roger, please.

He de dir que m'agrada donar

I have to say that I like to give.

una mica això que acabem de fer.

a little of what we just did.

Estava jo...

I was...

O sigui, jo acabava de sortir de l'ascensor.

So, I had just gotten out of the elevator.

Treballava en una setena planta.

I worked on the seventh floor.

Allà, a la Meridiana.

There, at the Meridiana.

I eren les

And they were the

vuit del matí, si arribava.

eight in the morning, if he/she arrived.

Molt aviat. Jo anava

Very soon. I was going.

considerablement dormit.

considerably slept.

Aleshores, jo entrava a la feina, havia d'obrir

So, I was starting work, I had to open.

el mòbil i entrar a la pàgina...

the mobile and enter the page...

Bueno, a una aplicació que teníem a l'empresa

Well, to an application that we had at the company.

per obrir la porta, perquè anava com per

to open the door, because it was going as if to

wifi. Aleshores...

wifi. So...

Si no vas sense bateria, te jodes i no treballes.

If you go without a battery, you’re screwed and can’t work.

Bueno, podies picar, però bueno.

Well, you could take a hit, but okay.

Aleshores, s'obria

Then, it opened.

la porta i et començava a comptar

the door and it started to count you

la jornada laboral. Ok.

the workday. Ok.



Aleshores, a vegades t'havies d'esperar una mica

So sometimes you had to wait a little.

perquè el mòbil, de vegades,

because the mobile phone, sometimes,

tardava una mica a connectar-se a la wifi

it was taking a while to connect to the wifi

de l'oficina, i fins que no es connectava

from the office, and until it connected

t'havies d'esperar uns segons a la porta.

You had to wait a few seconds at the door.

Llavors hi havia un botó que era

Then there was a button that was

abrir puerta, li donaves al mòbil i s'obria la porta.

open the door, you gave it to the mobile and the door opened.



Aleshores, un dia

Then, one day

em paro davant de la porta,

I stop in front of the door,

li dono a obrir la porta i la porta

I give him/her to open the door and the door.

no s'obre. I dic, bueno, m'espero

It doesn't open. I say, well, I'll wait.

que es connecti el mòbil

to connect the mobile phone

a la wifi. M'espero uns segons,

to the wifi. I'll wait a few seconds,

torno d'anar,

I'm back.

no s'obre la porta. I dic, hòstia,

the door doesn't open. And I say, damn,

que raro. Miro la porta,

How strange. I look at the door,

miro el mòbil, tot bé,

I look at my phone, all good,

torno d'anar a obrir la porta,

I'm going to open the door again,

no s'obre. No s'obre. La porta no oberta.

It doesn't open. It doesn't open. The door doesn't open.

La porta no oberta. Jo miro i dic,

The door is not open. I look and say,

però què passa? Començo d'anar a obrir la porta.

But what’s happening? I’m starting to open the door.

Porta, porta, porta, porta, porta. Unes quantes

Door, door, door, door, door. A few.

vegades. I la porta no s'obre. I tu obres

sometimes. And the door doesn't open. And you open

la porta. I jo, clar, flipant de uns segons,

the door. And I, of course, amazed for a few seconds,

recordem que jo anava molt adormit. I de cop,

remember that I was very sleepy. And suddenly,

em giro una mica,

I turn a little.

miro el pis,

I look at the apartment,

i estava la sisena planta.

I was on the sixth floor.

El millor devia ser que s'hauria

The best must have been that it would have.

segur que es va connectar el mòbil al wifi.

Surely he connected the mobile to the wifi.

No, no, no, espera, espera. I la porta, vale, vale, vale.

No, no, no, wait, wait. And the door, okay, okay, okay.

Agafo l'ascensor,

I take the elevator,

pujo una planta.

I go up a floor.

Música d'ascensor, sisplau.

Elevator music, please.



Arribo a la meva planta,

I arrive at my apartment,

obro la porta.

I open the door.

S'obre la porta correctament

The door opens correctly.

i està tothom aplaudint-me.

And everyone is applauding me.

Perquè clar, cada cop que apretava jo el botó d'obrir

Because of course, every time I pressed the open button.

la porta feia un

the door made a

perquè fa el soroll aquell que fan les portes

Why does the noise that doors make happen?

aquestes elèctriques per obrir-se.

these electrics to open up.

I clar, tothom de l'oficina devia escoltar com el

And of course, everyone in the office must have heard him.

com deu vegades

like ten times

i la porta no s'obria i no entrava ningú. I de cop

And the door wouldn't open and no one was coming in. And suddenly

entro jo i dic,

I walk in and say,

eh, no, que estava al pis de dalt.

Eh, no, I was in the upstairs apartment.

Tota l'oficina descullonant-se.

The whole office is disorganized.

Evidentment. Evidentment tothom

Obviously. Obviously everyone.

aplaudint-me, tothom jajaja, jajaja.

everyone is applauding me, hahaha, hahaha.

I clar, tot el dia

And of course, all day long.

va ser la conya del dia. Això va ser com l'examen

It was the joke of the day. It was like the exam.

et vas sentir el collons de fer el pallasso

you felt like a clown

o a qui et va fer vergonya? A qui em va fer una mica

Or who made you feel embarrassed? Someone made me feel a little.

de vergonya, sí.

Out of shame, yes.

Hòstia, tio.

Holy shit, dude.

Doncs, amb això,

Well, with that,

si et sembla bé,

if you don't mind,

tanquem el cinquè programa de la Shoeplug.

We close the fifth program of Shoeplug.



que el programa que ve tindrem públic

that the upcoming program will have an audience

amb el 100% de les entrades

with 100% of the tickets

exaulides. Exaulides completament.

exiled. Completely exiled.

Totes les butaques plenes.

All the seats are taken.

I res,

And nothing,

moltíssimes gràcies per escoltar-nos.

Thank you very much for listening to us.

Seguiu-nos a Instagram a la Shoeplug.

Follow us on Instagram at Shoeplug.

Amb dos ulls. El Twitter.

With two eyes. The Twitter.

El Twitter. Arroba.

Twitter. At symbol.

Arroba la Shoeplug. La Shoeplug, crec.

Tag the Shoeplug. The Shoeplug, I think.

T'ho dic. Bueno, sí.

I'm telling you. Well, yes.

El Twitter, arroba. A veure, que s'espavili

Twitter, handle. Let's see, they better get moving.

una mica. Arroba el Twitter.

A little. Tag the Twitter.

Sí, el Twitter, ho dic. No hi ha gaire pàgines que es diguin

Yes, Twitter, I'm saying it. There aren't many pages that are called that.

la Shoeplug. Si ens seguiu

the Shoeplug. If you follow us

a l'Instagram serà fàcil

On Instagram, it will be easy.

que ens trobeu el Twitter.

that you find us on Twitter.

Es diu Shoeplug Podcast

It is called Shoeplug Podcast.

perquè no hi havia Shoeplug a seques

because there was no Shoeplug alone

i no puc posar L' per tant era Shoeplug Podcast.

and I can't put L' so it was Shoeplug Podcast.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Bon dia. Bona nit. Bon Nadal.

Good morning. Good night. Merry Christmas.

I fins la setmana que ve.

And until next week.

I fins l'altra.

Until next time.

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