Episodi 5 - Un acord de masoveria urbana a Altafulla

Núria Domingo


Episodi 5 - Un acord de masoveria urbana a Altafulla


Com es pot posar d'acord amb el mercat immobiliari?

How can one come to an agreement with the real estate market?

Sovint pensem que la compra i el lloguer són l'única forma legal

We often think that buying and renting are the only legal forms.

per fer que les persones propietàries i inquilines

to make the property owners and tenants

puguin posar-se d'acord.

can come to an agreement.

Pensem sovint també que el mercat immobiliari

We often think that the real estate market

és just en tant que es regula per l'oferta i la demanda.

It is fair as it is regulated by supply and demand.

Però no és així.

But it is not like that.

Les persones inquilines i també les persones propietàries

The tenant people and also the property owners.

troben sovint moltes limitacions

they often find many limitations

que ni la compra ni el lloguer aconsegueixen mitigar.

that neither buying nor renting manage to alleviate.

La mesoveria urbana és una alternativa d'accés a l'habitatge

Urban middle housing is an alternative to access housing.

que, a diferència de la compra i el lloguer,

that, unlike buying and renting,

sí ofereix solucions a algunes d'aquestes limitacions.

it does offer solutions to some of these limitations.

La mesoveria urbana o lloguer per obres

Urban mesoveria or rental for works

és l'acord que succeeix quan una persona propietària

it is the agreement that occurs when a person is the owner

d'un habitatge que necessita reformes

of a property that needs renovations

l'ofereix a una persona propietària

it offers it to a property owner

o a una persona inquilina

or to a tenant person

per tal que aquesta responsabilitzi del cos de les obres

in order for this to hold the body of the works responsible

a canvi de viure-hi durant un temps.

in exchange for living there for a while.

Avui la Mar ens explicarà com ella i la Nela

Today Mar will explain to us how she and Nela

van arribar a un acord de mesoveria urbana

they reached an agreement on urban tenancy

ajudant-se mútuament per rehabilitar part de la casa de la Nela

mutually helping each other to rehabilitate part of Nela's house

i fer que la Mar tingués un lloc on viure.

and make sure that Mar had a place to live.

Aquí comença el cinquè capítol de

Here begins the fifth chapter of

El món no s'acaba.

The world does not end.

La Nela és la part propietària d'un immoble d'alta fulla

Nela is the owner of a high-value property.

que necessitava reformes per ser habitable

that needed renovations to be livable

i la Mar buscava un lloc on viure.

And Mar was looking for a place to live.

Amb dues van acordar que la Mar

With both they agreed that Mar

realitzaria les obres de reforma

I would carry out the renovation works.

a la propietat de la Nela

to Nela's property

a canvi de poder-hi viure durant un temps.

in exchange for being able to live there for a while.

Moltes gràcies Mar

Thank you very much, Mar.

per ser avui aquí

to be here today

i poder compartir la vostra experiència

and to be able to share your experience

en impulsar el primer acord de mesoveria

in promoting the first agreement of mesoveria

podríem dir, almenys que coneguem,

we could say, at least that we know,

a Alta Fulla.

to High Leaf.

Primer de tot,

First of all,

com us vau conèixer tu i la Nela?

How did you and Nela meet?

Com us vau conèixer tu i la Nela?

How did you and Nela meet?

Ens vam conèixer

We met.

perquè estàvem fent activitats

because we were doing activities

de la CUP

of the CUP

de les CUP

of the CUP

conjuntament, llavors

together, then

ens vam fer amigues

we became friends

i en una conversa de cafè

and in a coffee conversation

em va explicar una il·lusió

he explained an illusion to me

que ella tenia algun dia de poder reformar

that she had some day to reform

les golfes de casa seva

the attic of your house

i que algú de confiança hi visqués.

and that someone trustworthy lived there.

Van passar els anys

The years went by.

i a mi em van trucar

and they called me

qui em llogava a l'espai

who was renting me in space

on estava, a Tarragona, dient que

where I was, in Tarragona, saying that

havia de vendre aquell apartament.

I had to sell that apartment.

Jo no vull comprar espais

I do not want to buy spaces.

i llavors

and then

vaig pensar

I thought

en aquesta il·lusió de Nela

in this illusion of Nela

de reformar un espai

to remodel a space

i algú de confiança

and someone trustworthy

i la vaig trucar

and I called her

i li vaig preguntar

and I asked him/her

com tenia aquella il·lusió

how I had that illusion

si encara havien passat 6 o 7 anys

if 6 or 7 years had still passed

i em va dir que la tenia

and he told me that he had it

i que li feia molta il·lusió fer-ho

and it made him very excited to do it

però que en aquell moment

but at that moment

era molt complicat.

it was very complicated.

Llavors jo li vaig dir

Then I told him/her.

que és més senzill

what is simpler

si ajudem avançant

if we help advancing

el lloguer

the rent

i em va dir que sí

and he/she told me yes

i bé, Nela és

And well, Nela is

entre escriptora

between writer

i dramaturga

and playwright

el tema escenaris

the theme stages

és una de les seves dones

she is one of his women

que té

what it has

i ella es va ocupar

and she took care

de decidir com es faria

to decide how it would be done

dissenyar-ho tot

design it all

buscar la persona

find the person

que ella confiava per reformar-ho tot

that she trusted to fix everything

i així va anar.

And that's how it went.

Llavors entenc que tu o la Nela

Then I understand that you or Nela.

ja coneixíeu el que avui

Did you already know what today is?

s'entén com masoveria urbana

it is understood as urban farming

o vau percebre com senzillament

or you simply perceived

un adelantament del lloguer

a rental advance

perquè la Nela pogués realitzar aquestes obres?

so that Nela could carry out these works?

Sí, no coneixíem masoveria urbana

Yes, we did not know urban tenancy.

coneixíem el que és

we knew what it is



confiar en una persona

to trust a person

coneixíem el que és

we knew what it is

imaginar maneres de viure

imagine ways of living

i de ser i de crear

to be and to create

en què sigui bo

in what it is good

per totes les parts implicades

for all parties involved

i poder entendre

and to be able to understand

com una manera natural

in a natural way

és que em semblava espontània i natural

I thought it was spontaneous and natural.

el fet d'avançar

the act of advancing

uns diners

some money

que després li hauria de donar

that I would have to give him later

no em va semblar que era

it didn't seem to me that it was

alguna cosa molt natural

something very natural

vaig conèixer masoveria urbana

I met urban tenancy.

quan una noia

when a girl

va entrar al cafè

he entered the café

i es deus

and they must

i va deixar

and left

va deixar un futlletó

he left a pamphlet

on deia

it said

masoveria urbana

urban farmhouse

la definició m'encanta

I love the definition.

contacte, la vaig trucar

contact, I called her

i li vaig dir

and I told him/her

que fem coses en comú

that we do things in common

i ens hem conegut

and we have met

i aquí estem

and here we are

una mica perquè ens fem una idea

A little so we can get an idea.

com és l'immoble de la Nela

What is Nela's property like?

i més o menys

more or less

tu hi vius

you live there

explica'ns una miqueta

tell us a little bit

l'immoble és una casa gran

the property is a large house

molt maca, casc antic

very beautiful, old town


of Altafulla

i hi ha una part que també

and there is a part that also

és uns 60 metres quadrats

it is about 60 square meters



que són les golfes

what are the attics

que és el que ara és apartament

what is it that is now an apartment

on vivim

where we live

i la Nela viu a la part

And Nela lives in the part.

planta primera o algo així

first floor or something like that

sí, és una

yes, it is one

dos plantes en realitat, una planta baixa

two floors in reality, a ground floor

i una primera que es comuniquen

and a first that they communicate

així que sou veïnes

so you are neighbors

l'accés és independent

access is independent

molt bé

very well



explica'ns una miqueta més en detall

tell us a little more in detail

aquest procés en el que

this process in which

tant la Nela com tu us poseu d'acord

both Nela and you come to an agreement.

en quines obres realitzareu

in which works will you carry out?

i quina durada proporcional tindrà

And what proportional duration will it have?

el vostre contracte

your contract

el vostre acord

your agreement

en quant a durada

in terms of duration

no hi havia pressa perquè

there was no hurry because

l'espai que habitàvem ja

the space we already inhabited

el temps que ens calgués

the time we needed

el Michel ens va dir

Michel told us

que us convingui

that suits you

fins trobar un espai, per tant no hi havia pressa

until finding a space, so there was no rush

el Michel qui és?

Who is Michel?

qui ens llogava l'espai a Tarragona

who rented us the space in Tarragona

on ja vivíeu

where you already lived

on vivíeu i per tant teníeu

where you lived and therefore you had

un marge de temps entre

a margin of time between

que s'acabaven les obres i es començaven

that the works were finished and began

per poder tenir un lloc

to be able to have a place

on viure

to live

no, no hi havia marge de temps

no, there was no time margin

això ho posa en venda

this is for sale



el temps que us convingui

the time that suits you

va ser rapidíssim

it was extremely quick

de fet

in fact

es va posar

he/she put on

a dedicar-se intensament

to dedicate oneself intensively

a poder-ho tenir el més aviat possible

to be able to have it as soon as possible

va coincidir

it coincided

que va haver-hi

what happened

pandèmia, confinament

pandemic, lockdown

si no haguéssim anat molt

if we hadn't gone much

abans i tot

before anything else

va tardar potser més el temps de poder-hi anar

it took perhaps longer than the time to be able to go there

és a dir, el Michel

that is to say, Michel

el propietari on vivíeu

the owner where you lived

de lloguer, us va donar un temps

For rent, it gave you some time.

de marge, mentre la Nela

of margin, while Nela

anava encarregant-se de les

was taking care of the

obres que es realitzarien

works that would be carried out



va haver el confinament pel mig

there was a lockdown in between

que us va donar encara inclús

that gave you even including

un termini més llarg del que realment

a longer term than what it really is


you needed

llavors, podem dir

then, we can say

més o menys quant de temps van durar les obres?

More or less how long did the works last?



no t'ho podria dir?

Could I not tell you?

Nela t'ho podrà dir

Nela will be able to tell you.

des d'abans del confinament

since before the lockdown

i després del confinament

and after the lockdown

vau entrar a viure a la casa de la Nela

you moved into Nela's house

jo no sé, és que t'ho voldria

I don't know, it's just that I would like you to.

no voldria dir que no fos

I wouldn't want to say that it wasn't.



un cop acabades les obres

once the works are finished

deixeu el pis

leave the apartment

on vivíeu

where you lived

de la propietat del Michel

of Michel's property

i us n'aneu a viure a casa de la Nela

and you are going to live at Nela's house

vius sola? vius amb més gent?

Do you live alone? Do you live with more people?

amb la meva parella

with my partner

molt bé

very well

i algú de vosaltres va realitzar part de les obres?

And did any of you carry out part of the works?



va ser tot responsabilitat de la Nela

It was all the responsibility of Nela.

però les eleccions dels materials tot?

but are the elections of the materials everything?

per cada elecció

for each choice

ens preguntava

he/she was asking us

la resposta sempre era

the answer was always

confiem en tu

we trust you



de vegades colors

sometimes colors

aquest color a aquest altre

this color to this other one

o t'agrada més

or do you like it more

potser li dèiem

maybe we told him/her

potser aquest

maybe this

però endavant això serà casa teva

but go ahead, this will be your home

és casa teva

it's your house

nosaltres marxarem

we will leave

molt bé i així com per acabar

very well and just to finish up

quines dificultats

what difficulties

creus que vau tindre

do you think you had

per arribar a aquest acord

to reach this agreement

i si tinguessis

and if you had

algun consell per a qualsevol persona

any advice for anyone

tant persona propietària o inquilina

both owner or tenant

que volgués iniciar un projecte d'aquest tipus

that wanted to start a project of this type

el consell seria

the advice would be

una tercera part

one third

que tingués la informació

that I had the information

una hora que coneixem

a time we know

que és majoria urbana

what is urban majority

és molt important

it is very important

saber abans

to know beforehand

de posar-te

to put on you

no només dades legals

not just legal data

que és legal

what is legal

que és il·legal

that is illegal

que és recomanable

that is recommended

els tècnics que et poden dir com fer-ho

the technicians that can tell you how to do it

després ja decidiràs tu

then you will decide

però hi ha un tema de plaços

but there is a timing issue

de terminis

of deadlines

i també

and also

per mi em sembla que

for me it seems that

és difícil que de vegades t'entenguis

it's hard that sometimes you understand yourself

per molt que et coneguis

as much as you know yourself

i hi ha persones que tenen fàcil

and there are people who find it easy

ajudar que

help that

dues parts es posin d'acord

the two parties reach an agreement

que entén bé una part

that understands a part well

entén bé l'altra

understand the other well

i pot trobar aquell terme mig

and you can find that halfway term

això pot fer un amic

this can be done by a friend

o pot fer un tècnic

or you can have a technician do it

aquesta part de

this part of

quan estem

when we are

en un punt mort en què no ens posem d'acord

at a deadlock where we cannot agree

que posa una idea

that puts an idea

i l'última part

and the last part

que és per mi amb totes les àrees de la vida

what it means to me in all areas of life

és atrevir-te a

it’s daring to


to imagine

com voldries viure

how would you like to live

ens quedem

we stay

copiant el que hem vist

copying what we have seen

o si ens atrevim a imaginar

or if we dare to imagine

no gosar

not to dare


to comment on it

trencar barreres

break barriers

perquè sembla que allò sigui

because it seems that it is

si allò és molt abstracte es pot fer concret

If that is very abstract, it can be made concrete.

però com tu vols viure

but how do you want to live

com vols evitar

how do you want to avoid

un espai o evitar-te tu

a space or to avoid you

aquesta part d'imaginar

this part of imagining

atrevir-te a viure com realment creus

dare to live as you truly believe

que podries

that you could

perdre la por

lose the fear

i de tota l'experiència

and of all the experience

que heu tingut

what you have had

quines creus que són les tres

What do you think are the three?

si em vols dir més

if you want to tell me more

tres coses que podrien ser

three things that could be

les més importants

the most important ones

durant tot aquest procés

during this entire process

en el nostre cas la confiança

in our case, trust

amb una altra persona

with another person

és més senzill si la coneixes

it's easier if you know her.

però tu pots confiar

but you can trust

perquè decideixes

because you decide

confiar en el ser humà

trust in the human being

i que sabies, sabràs

And what you knew, you will know.

que segurament t'equivocaràs en coses

that you will probably make mistakes in things

però prens aquesta decisió

but you make this decision

de confiar en persones

to trust people

la segona

the second

la tercera és la imaginació

the third is imagination

la més important

the most important

i la segona aquest pot ser trobar

and the second this can be found

aquesta o altra

this one or another

determinats davant les dificultats

determined in the face of difficulties

que hi seran

that will be there

que hi hagi algú tècnic

that there is a technical person

o algú de confiança conegut

or someone trustworthy known

que es pugui fer de mitjancera

that can be done as a mediator

de mediador potser

as a mediator perhaps

confiança mediadora

mediating trust

i imaginar

and imagine

imaginació diria

I would say imagination.

clar és que en la masoveria urbana

of course, in urban tenancy

no és un terme tan tancat

it is not such a closed term

en el que

in which

com en la lloguer o en la compra

like in renting or in buying

hi ha un preu fixat

there is a fixed price

i tu l'acceptes o no l'acceptes

And you accept it or do not accept it?

o hi ha unes condicions establertes

either there are established conditions

potser un

maybe a

un acord que es va elaborant

an agreement that is being developed

a mesura que es van prenent una sèrie de decisions

As a series of decisions are being made.

així és

that's right

molt bé

very well

molt interessant Mar

very interesting Sea

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

el que tu fas sí que és interessant

What you do is indeed interesting.

els casos concrets

the specific cases

hem dit abans

we said before

portes tancades

closed doors

que és important que s'expliquin

that it is important to explain them

perquè la gent els conegui

so that people know them

i perquè la gent entengui

and so that people understand

que la masoveria urbana

that the urban tenancy

malgrat el concepte pugui semblar molt nou

despite the concept may seem very new

al final és un acord

in the end, it's an agreement

totalment natural

totally natural

i molt humà

and very human

molt bé

very good

moltes gràcies

thank you very much



parlant amb la Mar

talking with Mar

he après que seguir la llei

I have learned that following the law

no és l'única forma per fer que les persones

it is not the only way to make people

ens entenguem

we understand each other

l'ésser humà va crear l'estat de dret

the human being created the rule of law

per millorar la convivència dins la societat

to improve coexistence within society

però també pot arribar a ser immoral

but it can also be immoral

canviar-la comporta

changing it involves

un llarg procés burocràtic

a long bureaucratic process

en el que els estats i les dinàmiques mercantilistes

in which the states and mercantilist dynamics

ofereixen resistència

they offer resistance

les persones en canvi

the people instead

podem evolucionar més ràpid

we can evolve faster

i tenim la capacitat innata

and we have the innate ability

d'entendre els matisos d'un acord

to understand the nuances of an agreement

entre dues persones que es necessiten

between two people who need each other

i s'ajuden

and they help each other

la Nela i la Mar ho han fet possible

Nela and Mar have made it possible.

és herejar de fer volar la imaginació

it is an heir to make the imagination soar

donar vida als habitatges buits

give life to empty homes

i donar prioritat

and give priority

a la responsabilitat col·lectiva

to collective responsibility

entre les persones

among people

fins aquí el capítol d'avui

that's all for today's chapter

podeu fer qualsevol comentari

you can make any comment

o explicar-nos si heu viscut

or explain to us if you have lived

alguna experiència semblant

any similar experience

a través d'instagram

through Instagram

o enviant un correu electrònic

or sending an email



el món no s'acaba

the world does not end

fins aleshores seguirem creient

until then we will continue believing

que malgrat la naturalesa de l'ésser humà

that despite the nature of the human being

és en si mateixa la solució i el problema

it is in itself the solution and the problem

els conflictes entre les persones

the conflicts between people

que defensen el dret a la propietat

that defend the right to property

privada per sobre de tot

private above all

i les que defensen el dret

and those who advocate for the right

a l'accés a l'habitatge digne

to access decent housing

només es poden solucionar

they can only be solved

coneixent la realitat de l'altre

knowing the reality of the other

arribarem a temps?

Will we arrive on time?

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