El Racó de Solà Raventós #3: La Criança - Podcast Cava

Solà Raventós

El Racó de la Cava - Solà Raventós

El Racó de Solà Raventós #3: La Criança - Podcast Cava

El Racó de la Cava - Solà Raventós

Bé, hola a tots! Benvinguts al racó de Solars Rebentors. Avui aquí tenim el Pere. Hola!

Well, hello everyone! Welcome to the corner of Solar Rebellions. Today we have Pere here. Hello!

Anòleg, propietari, jefe de Solars Rebentors. Una mica de tot. I el meu pare. Com estem? Bé, molt bé.

Analogous, owner, head of Rebentors Solar. A bit of everything. And my father. How are we? Good, very good.

Avui us volíem parlar, no sé si recordeu, de l'últim podcast que deu fer uns 20 mesos que el vam fer.

Today we wanted to talk to you, I don't know if you remember, about the last podcast we made about 20 months ago.

I recordareu que el que vam fer va dir que parlaríem de la criança.

You will remember that what we did said that we would talk about parenting.

Bé, sí, és un fet prou important amb el tipus de cava que fem nosaltres.

Well, yes, it is a rather important fact with the type of cava that we make.

Potser seria la nostra especialitat. Sí, clar. Criança, en aquest cas, quan vam començar no se'n sabia massa cosa.

Maybe it would be our specialty. Yes, of course. Raising, in this case, when we started there wasn't much knowledge about it.

La tendència al sector d'aquella època, a finals del 80, era fer caves joves i una mica el que es movia pel sector era això.

The trend in the sector at that time, in the late 80s, was to make young cavas, and that was essentially what was happening in the industry.

I això ha anat evolucionant, cada cop se'n parla més i poder els caves de més prestigi, de més nivell no, perquè això depèn de cada un, el que més li agradi a tots.

And this has been evolving, it is talked about more and more, and perhaps the more prestigious cavas, the higher level ones, not because that depends on each person, what each one likes the most.

Exacte, a gustos.

Exactly, to each their own.

Amb més guardons, amb més premis i més valorats. No ho podríem dir?

With more awards, with more prizes and more valued. Couldn't we say that?

Bé, sí, clar. Últimament amb tot el que són les noves tecnologies i la informació que hi ha online, cada vegada més la gent busca productes diferenciats

Well, yes, of course. Lately, with everything that has to do with new technologies and the information available online, more and more people are looking for differentiated products.

i un dels punts diferenciats, evidentment, són els caves de llarg envelliment.

And one of the distinguishing points, obviously, is the long-aged cavas.

Per què ens entenguem?

So that we understand each other?

Primer faríem una segona fermentació en ampolla, en el cava, que vol dir que agafem un vi, hi afegiríem llevat i sucre.

First, we would carry out a secondary fermentation in the bottle, in the cava, which means that we take a wine, add yeast and sugar to it.

Aquest llevat es menjaria el sucre, fermentaria, i la gràcia del cava és que el llevat queda atrapat dins.

This yeast would consume the sugar, ferment, and the charm of the cava is that the yeast remains trapped inside.

Llavors el que comença és la criança. Aquest llevat, al quedar dins, a part d'una petita oxidació aquí al tap,

Then what begins is the fermentation. This yeast, remaining inside, apart from a small oxidation here at the cork,

el que aconseguiríem són quatre coses principals. Primer tindríem una baixada de cidesa.

What we would achieve are four main things. First, we would have a decrease in acidity.

Els caves de més criança són menys àcids, les bombolles anirien arrodonint, serien més estables, més petitones, ens estorbarien menys.

The longer-aged sparkling wines are less acidic, the bubbles would become rounder, they would be more stable, smaller, and would get in the way less.

Després, el que també trobem és que aquests alcohols també són en glicerols. Això no només passa en el cava.

Afterwards, what we also find is that these alcohols are also in glycerols. This does not only happen in cava.

El que els terciaris, clar, són més melosos, més rodons, molt més agradables en boca i, evidentment, després a l'estómac també.

The tertiary ones, of course, are sweeter, rounder, much more pleasant in the mouth and, evidently, also in the stomach afterwards.

I per últim, un canvi de perfil. Passaríem de flors i fruites en caves més joves

And finally, a profile change. We would move from flowers and fruits in younger caves.

a reposteria, brioix, fruits secs, mel, altre tipus de fruites, però hi ha un canvi de perfil molt important.

to pastry, brioche, dried fruits, honey, other types of fruits, but there is a very important change in profile.

I tu per què diries que vam triar la llarga criança?

And why would you say we chose the long upbringing?

Bueno, la vam triar perquè, clar, quan vam començar, com t'he dit abans, els caves que es bellugaven pel sector

Well, we chose it because, of course, when we started, as I told you before, the cavas that were moving in the sector.

doncs eren caves molt joves. Jo, inclús allà on havia treballat la mitja d'envelliment, estàvem parlant sobre l'entorn d'un any i mig,

so they were very young caves. I, even where I had worked, the average aging, we were talking about around a year and a half,

aproximadament, i jo el que vaig trobar aquí i que portava aquest celler, ja ho saps, un parell d'anys tancat,

approximately, and what I found here and that this winery had, you know, a couple of years closed,

doncs eren unes quantes o polles no gaires que havien estat doncs molt de temps evolucionant.

So there were a few hens, not many, that had been evolving for a long time.

I tastant, tastant, doncs vaig veure que hi havia notes que els caves que jo coneixia dins d'aquell punt no tenien

While tasting, I saw that there were notes that the sparkling wines I knew did not have within that point.

i que podíem anar desenvolupant el cava més o menys per aquesta línia de caves de més envelliment.

And we could go on developing the cava more or less along this line of longer-aged cavas.

Realment té un sentit, no?, aquests 15 mesos.

It really makes sense, doesn't it, these 15 months?

La gent no se'n fa idea, potser no hi pensem, però qualsevol indústria que compres la matèria prima o que comences a elaborar un producte

People don't realize it, perhaps we don't think about it, but any industry that purchases raw materials or starts to produce a product.

i fins al cap de 15 mesos no comences a treure'l al mercat, i això, avui en dia, serien les reserves, no?

And only after 15 months do you start to put it on the market, and that, nowadays, would be the reservations, right?

Caves joves, entre cometes, si ja anem a grans reserves, 30 mesos. Qui, avui en dia, quina indústria està fent un producte 30 mesos vista?

Young caves, in quotes, if we're talking about large reserves, 30 months. Who, nowadays, which industry is making a product 30 months ahead?

És una borrada, no?

It's nonsense, isn't it?

Evidentment, ja no només per no saber com evolucionarà, sobretot aquella època.

Obviously, not only for not knowing how it will evolve, especially that time.

Que els vins que elaboràvem, els vins base, no tenien mitjans per fer fermentacions controlades al 100%,

The base wines we produced did not have the means to carry out fermentations that were 100% controlled.

llavors començàvem a fer fermentacions controlades amb un tant percent ben petit

then we started to do controlled fermentations with a very small percentage

i el que vam anar va ser experimentant error-èxit o fracàs-èxit o digue'm com vulguis

And what we did was experimenting with error-success or failure-success or call it what you like.

i amb el llarg dels anys hem anat veient que, evidentment, eren els caves que ens agradava fer

And over the years we have seen that, obviously, they were the sparkling wines we enjoyed making.

i que a la gent cada vegada us agradava més, no?

And that more and more people liked you, right?

Per tant, llarga criança, què consideraries llarga criança?

Therefore, long childhood, what would you consider long childhood?

Bueno, llarga criança, per mi, no està escrit, o sigui, no ho saps ben bé perquè tampoc aquí a casa tenim ampolles de molts anys, ja ho saps.

Well, long childhood, for me, it's not written, I mean, you don't really know because we don't have bottles from many years here at home, you know.

Tenim ampolles des de quan vam començar, del tiratge del 87, que ara, l'any passat, vam tastar una, no?, del 89.

We have bottles since we started, from the 87 vintage, that now, last year, we tasted one, right?, from 89.

Del gran, 89.

Of the great, 89.



És una cosa espectacular, lo fresc que era encara, evidentment, n'hi havia oxidat prou perquè, doncs, són molts anys,

It is something spectacular, how fresh it still was, obviously, it had oxidized enough because, well, it has been many years,

aquells taps Corona d'aquella època tampoc eren tan bons com ara, no eren tan hermètics,

those Corona caps from that time weren’t as good as now; they weren’t as airtight.

però sí que això et dóna a entendre que els caves poden tenir un envelliment, doncs, molt llarg, molt llarg.

But this does make you understand that cavas can have a very long aging, indeed, very long.

Aquí, de fet, cada vegada ho experimenten més, no?

Here, in fact, they experience it more and more each time, right?

Sí, sí, sí. Igual cada cop el target de públic que pot apreciar o que està...

Yes, yes, yes. Just like every time, the target audience that can appreciate or that is...

té interès per aquest producte és més petit, però aquests són més enamorats d'aquest producte.

It is interested in this product is smaller, but they are more in love with this product.

Per tant, jo crec que sí que hi ha públic i poder cada cop més gran, no? Creus que hi ha futur en el cava de llarga creació?

Therefore, I believe that there is indeed an audience and an increasingly powerful one, right? Do you think there is a future for long-aged cava?

Totalment, perquè, clar, abans cava, cava era de tot. De fet, quan vam començar no sabíem com dir a la gent que el nostre cava era

Totally, because, of course, before cava, cava was everything. In fact, when we started, we didn't know how to tell people that our cava was

algo diferent, ni millor ni pitjor, però era diferent perquè era cava més evolucionat.

Something different, neither better nor worse, but it was different because it was more evolved cava.

I jo el que vaig pensar en aquell punt és com diem que un cava té tant envelliment quan el de deu cava això no es deia, no?

And what I thought at that point is how we say that a cava has so much aging when the cava of ten doesn't say this, right?

I vaig pensar en la nomenclatura una mica del món del vi, que en el món del vi sí que es feia això, evidentment.

I thought about the nomenclature a bit from the world of wine, where this was indeed done, obviously.

I és quan vaig començar a rumiar, doncs, que partiríem de criances, doncs mínim de dos anys, reserves, grans reserves, inclús reserva especial.

And it is when I began to ponder, then, that we would start from young ones, at least two years old, reserves, large reserves, even special reserve.

En aquella època en diem així, i que el conjunt de tots aquests caves, doncs, se'ns va acudir, o se'n va acudir l'eslògan,

At that time we said it like that, and that the whole set of these cavas, well, the slogan occurred to us, or it occurred to them.

o una mica el nom que ens ha caracteritzat durant tots aquests anys, que és que Solà Robentós, doncs, fèiem el cava de criança, no? Una mica va ser així.

Or a bit the name that has characterized us over all these years, which is that Solà Robentós, well, we made the aged cava, right? It was a bit like that.

I el client també ha anat venint, o sigui, ha anat entenent-nos i poder, no adaptant-se, però provant-ho i veure que també funciona

And the client has also been coming along, meaning they have been understanding us and maybe not adapting, but trying it out and seeing that it also works.

i que cada cop funciona més, que és un cava per tot l'àpat, igual al principi fèiem caves, doncs, poder, doncs, això més cap als dos anys,

and that it works better and better, that it is a cava for the whole meal, just like we used to make cava at the beginning, well, maybe, well, this more towards two years.

i ara avui en dia el 80% del que fem són grans reserves.

And now, nowadays, 80% of what we do are large bookings.

Sí, clar. Un punt mig, per mi o per nosaltres, en quant a evolució òptima del cava, seria a partir del tercer any, no?

Yes, of course. A midpoint, for me or for us, regarding the optimal evolution of cava, would be from the third year, right?

La nota està clara i això ens fa entendre que és així, ja no perquè ho pensem nosaltres,

The note is clear, and this makes us understand that it is so, no longer because we think so.

sinó perquè vosaltres ens ho dieu i ho notem, que és que el cava, doncs, que és el nostre producte estrella, no?, sempre ho diem,

but because you tell us and we notice it, that is, the cava, then, which is our star product, right? we always say it,

que és el cava que més fem, que més agrada a tothom i que tothom el vol, està fet per la gent pensat o pensat per la gent que ve de caves més joves

What is the cava that we make the most, that everyone likes the most and that everyone wants, is made for the people, thought out or designed for the people who come from younger cavas.

i que, per tant, els agrada perquè ha evolucionat més, però amb un punt mig, i a la gent que ve de caves de més envelliment perquè també és un punt mig, no?

And that, therefore, they like it because it has evolved more, but with a middle point, and for people who come from more aged cavas because it’s also a middle point, right?

Llavors, això ens fa entendre que a partir d'aquí és quan la gent el gaudeix molt menys, no?

So, this makes us understand that from here is when people enjoy it much less, right?

És el més polivalent.

He is the most versatile.

Hi haurà que acabar amb tot.

Everything must come to an end.

Uns amics que tenen restaurant, no?, que treballen molt bé el producte, sempre deien que molts cops, a l'acabar el servei,

Some friends who have a restaurant, right? They work very well with the product, always said that many times, at the end of the service,

que potser havien tastat ja, bueno, més coses, molt poder, molt, de les puntes, no?, de coses poder estranyes,

that perhaps they had already tasted, well, more things, a lot of power, a lot, from the tips, right?, of strange powerful things,

i a l'acabar el servei, doncs, volien acabar, poder un punt més mig, i deien, agafa on agafa.

And at the end of the service, they wanted to finish, maybe halfway, and they said, take it wherever you can.

Agafa on agafa.

Take on take.

I, bueno, la frase és xulíssima.

I, well, the sentence is really cool.

Sí, home, perquè, bueno, clar, et fa, et dóna a entendre, i més amb aquesta gent que s'hi dedica i es guanya la vida també, doncs,

Yes, man, because, well, of course, it makes you, it gives you to understand, and more with these people who dedicate themselves to it and make a living from it too, well,

òbviament, cuinant, però venent elaborats, no?, vins i caves, doncs, que vulguin acabar així, doncs, està fantàstic, no?

Obviously, cooking, but selling prepared dishes, right? Wines and cavas, then, those who want to end up like this, well, that's fantastic, isn't it?

Molt bé. I creus que la DOI creu en aquests productes?

Very well. And do you think the DOI believes in these products?

Home, sí, una mica sí, perquè...

Yes, a little bit, because...

Ha trigat, eh?, ha trigat uns quants anys, perquè jo recordo la primera vegada que es va començar a parlar dels segells,

It took a while, didn't it? It took a few years because I remember the first time they started talking about the stamps.

els segells que identifiquen l'envelliment del cava, vam anar a una reunió al Consell Regulador,

the seals that identify the aging of cava, we went to a meeting at the Regulatory Council,

i estàvem proposant posar un segell únic a tots els caves, quan se'ns havia dit, i et parlo de 25 anys enrere,

and we were proposing to put a unique seal on all the cavas, when we had been told, and I am talking about 25 years ago,

que llavors ja volien diferenciar el producte en quant a envelliment.

that then they already wanted to differentiate the product in terms of aging.

Clar, això, per nosaltres, o pels petits que ens dediquem a fer aquest tipus de cava, era una esperança que el mercat ens diferenciés, no?,

Of course, this, for us, or for the small ones like us who are dedicated to making this type of cava, was a hope that the market would differentiate us, right?

ja només, no amb el producte, sinó ja, inclús, amb el distintiu de la DOI o cava.

already only, not with the product, but already, even, with the DOI or cava label.

Però quina va ser la sorpresa, que van dir que en lloc de posar diversos segells, només en posarien un per tots, no?,

But what was the surprise, that they said instead of putting several stamps, they would only put one for all, right?

una mica suposo que coaccionats pels que tenen més volum, i llavors van així, clar, jo crec que ara sí que hi creu,

a little I suppose coerced by those who have more volume, and then they go like this, of course, I think that now they do believe it,

perquè s'està posant les piles, ja fa dies que ho diem, no?, i està diferenciant moltíssim els caves que són més evolucionats,

because he is getting into gear, we've been saying it for days, right? and he is distinguishing the more evolved cavas very well,

de més envelliment, amb els de guarda superior, que són el reserva i gran reserva, i són els que fem nosaltres, no?

of greater aging, with the superior guard ones, which are the reserva and gran reserva, and those are the ones we make, right?

Sí, sí, jo crec que, especialment dels últims dos anys cap aquí, doncs, s'està fent cada cop més bona feina,

Yes, yes, I believe that especially in the last two years, increasingly good work is being done.

forçats o no, a poder, pel mercat en global, no?, la gent que ha apostat per això, i, doncs, el cava, si realment vol ser, doncs,

forced or not, to be able, for the global market, right?, the people who have bet on this, and, well, the cava, if it really wants to be, well,

un competidor del xampany francès, o dels grans espumosos que es fan a nivell nacional, doncs, hem d'anar cap aquí.

a competitor of French champagne, or of the major sparkling wines made nationally, so we need to head in this direction.

Sí, sí, a nivell nacional, a nivell mundial, evidentment, la gent s'espavila, la gent busca aquesta diferenciació,

Yes, yes, on a national level, on a global level, obviously, people are getting organized, people are seeking this differentiation,

i, per tant, si tens darrere un suport, o, d'alguna manera, un organisme que està qualificant i demostrant que aquests productes són diferents,

and therefore, if you have support behind you, or in some way an organization that is qualifying and demonstrating that these products are different,

saps tu que, per poder fer caves de guarda superior, ara ja el reglament és molt estricte, no?,

Do you know that, in order to make superior quality cavas, the regulations are now very strict, right?

inclús, fins i tot, els que són grans reserves, hi ha la tast organolèptica a cegues, analítica química, si no passen no tornen ni al segell,

Even those that are grandes reserves, there is a blind tasting, chemical analysis; if they don't pass, they don't return even to the seal.

i que tots els caves que porten el segell distintiu de grans reserves, perquè han estat qualificats a cegues, doncs, per un comitè de tast del concert regulador.

And that all the cavas that bear the distinctive seal of great reserves, because they have been rated blindly, therefore, by a tasting committee of the regulatory council.

Això està molt bé, jo crec que està molt bé.

This is very good, I think it is very good.

A grans reptes, doncs, gran inversió, no?, i tirar endavant.

With great challenges, therefore, a large investment, right? And move forward.

Parlant de reptes, tu quin diries que és el principal repte de fer un cava de llarga criança?

Speaking of challenges, what would you say is the main challenge of making a long-aged cava?

Bueno, el principal repte, d'alguna manera, és que la gent continuï apreciant-los i vulgueu anar gaudint d'aquest tipus de cava, no?,

Well, the main challenge, in a way, is that people continue to appreciate them and want to enjoy this type of cava, right?

que ens demostri que voleu que sigui així.

that shows us that you want it to be this way.

Perquè si no aniria mal fàcil.

Because otherwise, it wouldn't go easily.

Cada vegada hi ha molta més administració, no?, molta més burocràcia, molts més controls.

There is increasingly more administration, right? A lot more bureaucracy, many more controls.

Saps la feina que ens dóna poder treure aquests productes al mercat?

Do you know the work it takes to be able to get these products to market?

Ens hi passem hores i hores, doncs, amb els organismes que ens controlen, que també està molt bé que sigui,

We spend hours and hours with the organizations that control us, which is also very good that it is.

però clar, com que som tan petitons, doncs, alguna vegada ens ho hem d'anar fent tot, no?

But of course, since we are so little, well, sometimes we have to manage everything ourselves, right?

I jo crec que aquest és el gran repte, que realment el públic apreciï, diferenciï,

And I think this is the great challenge, for the audience to truly appreciate, differentiate,

el que és un producte de més, o més diferenciat, ja no parlo de qualitat, però més diferenciat,

what is a more differentiated product, I'm not talking about quality, but more differentiated,

que la resta del producte que hi ha una mica amb un tant per cent molt important al mercat, no?,

that the rest of the product has a somewhat significant percentage in the market, right?

que és un producte realment més bàsic, més jove, ben diferent.

it is a product that is really more basic, younger, and quite different.

Sí, potser el repte del mercat, no?, portar, doncs, el consumidor que vulgui aquests productes, doncs,

Yes, perhaps the challenge of the market, right?, to bring, well, the consumer who wants these products, well,

òbviament és un important. A nivell tècnic, doncs, l'oxidació, no?, jo sempre explico aquí la visita,

obviously it is an important one. On a technical level, then, oxidation, right? I always explain the visit here,

tu pots envellir qualsevol cosa, no?, la pots deixar 5, 10, 15, 20 anys allà,

you can age anything, right? you can leave it there for 5, 10, 15, 20 years,

i no per això es tornarà bona, no?, doncs, hem d'anar a posar rendiments baixos de varema,

And that won't make it good, right? Well, we need to put low yields on the rod.

no prensar massa, copatges adequats, molta paciència, cura, tant a tota la fase de criança, no?,

don't think too much, proper cuts, a lot of patience, care, throughout the entire aging phase, right?

mantenir unes temperatures baixes, doncs, minimitzar aquesta oxidació que,

maintain low temperatures, thus minimizing this oxidation that,

que al final, doncs, serà l'enemic de poder acabar de llarga criança, no?

So in the end, it will be the enemy of being able to finish long childhood, right?

Sí, bueno, també pensa que, doncs, n'hauràs d'entestar,

Yes, well, also keep in mind that you will have to test it then.

o tu, suposo, i en algun establiment, sobretot, bueno, aquest que comentaves,

or you, I suppose, and in some establishment, especially, well, the one you were mentioning,

aquell propietari o el cuiner ve de França, no?, d'un restaurant que tenien allà muntat,

that owner or the cook comes from France, right?, from a restaurant they had set up there,

i pensa que els xampanys francesos estem parlant d'envelliments mitjons, els de qualitat, eh?,

And think that the French champagnes we are talking about medium-aged ones, the quality ones, okay?

els de llarg envelliment, d'un promís de 10 anys d'envelliment, clar,

the long aging ones, a 10-year aging promise, of course,

aquell xampany, per molta edició que hi posin, etcètera, l'oxidació hi és, sempre hi és,

that champagne, no matter how much editing they do, etcetera, the oxidation is there, it is always there,

el que passa és que aquesta oxidació ha de ser predominant amb el producte final, no?,

What happens is that this oxidation has to be predominant with the final product, right?

però sempre hi ha d'haver una nota d'oxidativa, no?

But there always has to be an oxidative note, right?

Sí, si el producte és de qualitat, d'aquella oxidació la rep diferent.

Yes, if the product is of quality, you receive that oxidation differently.

Correcte. Això de coses bones o dolentes, i blancs i negres, crec que estem fugint d'aquí,

Correct. This idea of good or bad, and black and white, I think we are fleeing from here.

cada cop s'accepten més coses, i una cosa que algú diria, no?, mira, aquest acaba d'estar oxidat, s'ha passat, alguna cosa així,

more things are being accepted each time, and one thing that someone would say, right?, look, this one is just oxidized, it's gone too far, something like that,

és la joia dels ulls d'una altra persona, per tant, estem en un moment fantàstic, jo crec, en aquest tema.

It is the jewel of someone else's eyes, therefore, we are in a fantastic moment, I believe, on this topic.

Jo crec que sí, més la gent que va allà entén una mica més, evidentment això ho notem,

I believe so, but the people who go there understand a little more, obviously we can feel that.

perquè hi fem visites i tastos de moltíssim nivell, amb gent que en sap molt,

because we host visits and tastings of very high quality, with people who know a lot about it,

i un dels temes predominants, que és una mica el color, no?, que és el que et donaria les notes oxidatives,

And one of the predominant themes, which is somewhat the color, right? That is what would give you the oxidative notes.

ja no és tan important com era anys enrere, quan no hi havia aquestes fermentacions controlades,

it is no longer as important as it was years ago, when there were no controlled fermentations,

i que, per tant, eren fermentacions més espontànies, i les oxidacions eren, bueno, terribles, no?

And that, therefore, they were more spontaneous fermentations, and the oxidations were, well, terrible, right?

Per tant, avui en dia, amb fermentacions controlades 100%, i tal com elaborem nosaltres el cap,

Therefore, nowadays, with 100% controlled fermentations, and as we prepare the head,

o el cuinem, o li feriu que el cuinem, que també és un bon o ben motiu, no?, doncs, bueno, surt el cap que surt.

Either we cook it, or you tell him to cook it, which is also a good reason, right? Well, anyway, it is what it is.

Una manera de fer, no?, una manera de treballar. Ara també una pregunta, doncs, que em ve al cap, i com fa la gent,

A way of doing it, right? A way of working. Now also a question, then, that comes to my mind, and how do people do it,

el cap es pot envellir a casa? No, la veritat és que no, perquè el cap evoluciona mentre està en contacte amb les mares,

Can the head grow old at home? No, the truth is that it cannot, because the head evolves while in contact with the mothers.

o evoluciona d'una forma positiva, i un cop nosaltres traiem les mares, que fem el degollament,

or it evolves in a positive way, and once we take out the mothers, we carry out the slaughter,

doncs, aquell cap, si més a més a casa, que normalment no es té en masses condicions òptimes,

well, that head, if moreover at home, which usually is not in very optimal conditions,

doncs, sí que llavors pot patir una oxidació molt ràpida, i no està dolent, ni molt menys, però no està, doncs, en les condicions que nosaltres volem.

Well, yes, then it can suffer very rapid oxidation, and it is not bad, far from it, but it is not, therefore, in the conditions that we want.

El traiem al mercat, per tant, a casa no és massa aconsellable guardar-lo.

We take it to the market, therefore it is not very advisable to keep it at home.

Aquesta evolució es pausa, no?, i llavors ja estem a la merced del tap de suro, no?, que a la que falli aquell tap de suro, doncs, tindrem aquesta oxidació,

This evolution pauses, right?, and then we are at the mercy of the cork, right?, that as soon as that cork fails, well, we will have this oxidation,

però també, com dèiem abans, hi ha gent que busca aquesta oxidació, per tant, tampoc tot està perdut, però no ho recomanem,

but also, as we said before, there are people who seek this oxidation, so not everything is lost, but we do not recommend it,

no és el que hauríeu de buscar, doncs, comprar un cap a don jove i envellir-lo a casa. No, no tindrem aquesta mateixa evolució que notem amb la criança amb les mares.

It is not what you should be looking for, then, to buy a head from a young man and age it at home. No, we will not have the same evolution that we notice with raising with mothers.

No, a més, tu acabes de dir, una cosa és tastar, però els nostres cars no estan pensats tampoc per tastar, estan pensats per tastar, però sí que estan pensats per beure,

No, moreover, you just said, one thing is to taste, but our wines are not designed to taste either, they are meant to be tasted, but they are indeed designed to be drunk.

o sigui, nosaltres el que creiem és que el cava, doncs, l'hem de consumir, l'hem de consumir amb total garantia de que ni que en beguis una certa quantitat,

in other words, what we believe is that cava should be consumed, we should consume it with total assurance that even if you drink a certain amount,

si no es veu rajat, doncs, et trobis bé, no tinguis cromor, no et pugi el cap, etc. Això vol dir, tal com saps, que cava anem amb dosis ínfimes de cava,

If you don't see it sparkling, then, you feel fine, don't have a hangover, don't let it go to your head, etc. This means, as you know, that we are having it with tiny doses of cava.

que això és molt d'agrair, una cosa el que faria és que no patís aquestes oxidacions importants,

that this is very much appreciated, one thing I would do is to prevent these significant oxidations.

però nosaltres creiem que és molt millor que el que ho diu, i que se us posi bé, quantíssima gent ve a casa

but we believe it is much better than what it says, and that you get well, how many people come to your house

i ens diu, és que no em fa gens de mal el vostre cava, que se us posi tan bé. Pues bé, doncs, aquest és un dels motius.

And he tells us, it's that your cava doesn't hurt me at all, that it suits you so well. Well then, this is one of the reasons.

Molt important, molt important. I també això beure, tam witnessed, tots els nostres cava en guiats estai les pels nostres, en pels nostres cans, en escaig, ni el Peu el Peters i el Un enteret...

Very important, very important. And also this drinking, as witnessed, all our cava is guided by our, in our dogs, in something, neither the foot the Peters and the a little one...

També això, beure, també menjant, no? Tots els nostres caves, especialment quan fas

Also this, drinking, also eating, right? All our cavas, especially when you do.

llarga criança, diguem-ne que fas caves més gastronòmics, diguem-ne que allà busques

long childhood, let's say that you create more gastronomic caves, let's say that's what you search for there

aquest maridatge. Trobes que hi ha un maridatge ideal pel cava de llarga criança?

this pairing. Do you think there is an ideal pairing for long-aged cava?

Home, sí, tot el que són rostits, carns, producte més elaborat, doncs és fantàstic

At home, yes, everything that is roasted, meats, more elaborate products, well, it is fantastic.

perquè d'alguna manera el tenir més estructura, doncs busca això, plats molt més

because the more structure you have, it seeks this, much more dishes

elaborats, no? Una mica això.

elaborated, right? A bit like that.

Coses més gracioses, podria dir que més complexes, no? Sempre a vegades, doncs per

Funnier things, I could say more complex, right? Always sometimes, so for

exemple un guisat amb un vi blanc, sí que és un vi blanc jove que no està macerat

for example a stew with a white wine, yes it is a young white wine that is not macerated

i que té poca cosa, no? Que està molt despullat, doncs li faltarà cosa, li faltarà

And it has very little, right? It's very bare, so it will be missing something, it will be missing.

cosa, doncs amb el cava igual com, més criança, més cos, més complexitat i podem

thing, so with the cava just like that, more aging, more body, more complexity and we can

lluitar amb aquests altres plats més contundents.

fight with these other heartier dishes.

Sí, sí, sí. Bueno, de fet, no sé si ens seguiu al canal de YouTube.

Yes, yes, yes. Well, actually, I don't know if you follow us on our YouTube channel.

Que pengem receptes, la majoria de receptes són receptes molt elaborades, que tenen molt

Let's post recipes; most of them are very elaborate recipes that require a lot.

de gust. Per què? Doncs perquè lliguen i cacen perfectament amb els tipus de cava que

Gladly. Why? Because they pair and go perfectly with the types of cava that...

fem nosaltres, no? Sí. Bueno, tothom amb les receptes està... El producte que més ens

Let's do it, shall we? Yes. Well, everyone with the recipes is... The product that suits us the most.

fan per mel i això és si mantenim un restaurant, no? I aquí les visites i tal, quan veuen

They make for honey and this is if we maintain a restaurant, right? And here the visits and such, when they see.

les receptes. Crec que de moment ens centrarem en el cava. Ja tenim molta feina, ja tenim

the recipes. I think for now we will focus on the cava. We already have a lot of work, we already have.

molta feina, sí, sí. Ja és molt, ja és molt.

A lot of work, yes, yes. It's already a lot, it's already a lot.

Exacte. Per acabar, l'última pregunta. Hi ha límit de criança? No, crec que no, precisament

Exactly. To finish, the last question. Is there a limit to childhood? No, I don't think so, precisely.

amb el que t'he comentat abans, de que anem tastant cava que fa molts anys que tenim a

with what I mentioned to you earlier, about us tasting cava that we have had for many years at

baix, amb mares aclarit, això sí en punta, i que desburgem el moment i que tenim realment

Low, with clear mothers, that yes at the tip, and let’s clarify the moment and what we really have.

sorpreses fantàstiques, no? Sí que necessitem, doncs, que vosaltres ens acompanyeu una mica

Fantastic surprises, right? Yes, we do need you to accompany us a little.

amb aquest camí d'esbrinar i d'aprenentatge.

with this path of discovery and learning.

Quan els caves que tinguin més envelliment. Anirem provant coses i us anirem dient cosetes

When the wines have more aging. We will try things and let you know little things.

i entre tots ho farem tot, no? I tant, i tant. Nosaltres cofolls de què ho volgueu fer.

And among all of us, we will do everything, right? Of course, absolutely. We are let’s say crazy about what you want to do.

Bé, fins avui, avui hem parlat d'això, de la criança. És una mica, doncs, volíem centrar-nos

Well, until today, today we talked about this, about parenting. It's a bit, then, we wanted to focus on.

en aquesta especialitat nostra. Al següent podcast esperem que no tardem vint mesos, però

in this specialty of ours. In the next podcast we hope it won't take twenty months, but

tampoc us prometo res. Amb el temps que tindrem, doncs, anirem veient. Fent quan podem. Sí.

I don't promise you anything either. With the time we will have, we will see. Doing when we can. Yes.

Fent quan podem. Fent quan podem. Fent quan podem. Fent quan podem. Fent quan podem. Fent quan podem. Fent quan podem.

Doing when we can. Doing when we can. Doing when we can. Doing when we can. Doing when we can. Doing when we can. Doing when we can.

Vull dir-vos que si voleu seguir rebent informació i tot, doncs, podeu anar a Solaurerreventors.com,

I want to tell you that if you want to continue receiving information and everything, then you can go to Solaurerreventors.com,

també estem a l'Instagram, a YouTube, a Spotify, una mica de tot arreu. Ah, sí, sí.

We are also on Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, a bit of everything everywhere. Ah, yes, yes.

Com més soroll millor i, bueno, pel que ens dieu, us agrada força. Bueno, moltes gràcies

The louder, the better, and well, from what you tell us, you quite like it. Well, thank you very much.

per escoltar-nos, salut i cava. I cava, molt bé.

to listen to us, cheers and cava. And cava, very good.


Thank you.

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