2x05 - Crònica romanesa

La Furla

La Furla

2x05 - Crònica romanesa

La Furla

Hola, bona tarda, bona nit, bon dia a tothom

Hello, good afternoon, good night, good morning to everyone.

i a tothom, la bona gent de la furla

and to everyone, the good people of the furla

i avui us venim a presentar

And today we come to present to you.

un nou programa carregat

a new loaded program

de contingut, podríem dir improvisat

of content, we could say improvised

i qui us el presentarem?

And who will we introduce him to you?

Nosaltres el presentarem l'Arnau Mas

We will introduce Arnau Mas.

el Joan Giner, el Jordi Tomàs

Joan Giner, Jordi Tomàs

amb una veu avui

with a voice today



estranya, podríem dir

strange, we could say

sí, lenta també

yes, slow too

i jo mateix, l'Adrià Garcia

and I myself, Adrià Garcia

Què tal? Com esteu?

How are you? How are you all?

Molt bé, molt bé

Very well, very well.

Més que improvisat

More than improvised

jo penso que seria un programa en cru

I think it would be a raw program.

com el solucion

as the solution

vull dir

I mean

que ara està molt de moda

that is now very fashionable

Sí, sí, sí, tota la raó

Yes, yes, yes, completely right.

De fet, deixeu-me dir

In fact, let me tell you.

a tots els oients i oientes

to all listeners

que aquests tres personatges

that these three characters

van estar aquesta setmana passada

they were this past week

a Romania

to Romania

i avui, si

and today, yes

tens presis d'algun moment

Are you in a hurry at some point?

ens podran explicar alguna anècdota

They can tell us some anecdotes.

del que és la Romania del segle XXI

of what Romania is in the 21st century

que molt desconeixem

that we know very little about

Res, amics

Nothing, friends

no sé qui vol començar

I don't know who wants to start.

Qui té ganes de començar?

Who is eager to start?

Si voleu començo jo

If you want, I can start.

fent un comentari

making a comment

que és

what is it

Adrià Garcia

Adrià Garcia

em va estar saturant l'entrada d'àudio

It was saturating the audio input for me.

amb els teus crits

with your screams

Sí, ha estat una miqueta estrany

Yes, it has been a little strange.

però bueno

but well

Està emocionat

He is excited.

i s'ha ficat a bramar contra el telèfon

and has started to bellow against the phone

De com que tristament treballa

Of how sadly he/she works

és una persona útil per a la societat

he is a useful person for society

Ja, ja, no com la resta

Yeah, yeah, not like the rest.

Treballem un diumenge

We work on a Sunday.

Millor no dir un diumenge

Better not to say on a Sunday.

Però treballar un bricó de pot

But to work a little bit of strength

Millor no dir on treballa

Better not to say where he works.

perquè és igual

because it doesn't matter

Ja ho ha dit ja

He has already said it.

Ja ho ha dit l'Arnau

Arnau has already said it.

Què us volia dir?

What did I want to tell you?

Per cert, recordeu

By the way, remember

el de la setmana passada

last week's

bueno, el de la setmana passada

well, the one from last week

l'última furla que vam gravar

the last fuss we recorded

fa dos mesos i mig

two and a half months ago

en el qual parlàvem

in which we talked

de com acabaria la guerra

of how the war would end

entre Rosi i Dutragui

between Rosi and Dutragui

i vam apostar

and we bet

que segurament

that surely

quan gravéssim el programa d'avui

when we recorded today's program

ja hauria acabat

I would have already finished.

Quatre dies, eh?

Four days, huh?

Doncs no

Well no

Desmereixem alguna colla, eh?

We don't deserve any group, do we?

Quina altra?

Which one else?

Quina altra és o ells?

What other is it or they?

Per frívolos

For frivolous

Jo crec que nosaltres i ells

I think that us and them

Els que no compleixen termini són ells, eh?

Those who do not meet the deadline are them, right?

Ja ves

Here you go.



Ja els hi vam marcar

We already marked them.



O potser també perquè

Or maybe also because

Joan, tu anaves amb el bàndol sempre guanyador

Joan, you always went with the winning side.

però jo crec que potser hauràs de canviar de bàndola

but I think you might have to change sides

perquè el bàndol guanyador em sembla que ha fet un canvi

because the winning side seems to have made a change

Jo seguí sonant amb el

I continued dreaming with him.

Jo seguí sonant amb el bàndol guanyador

I continued dreaming with the winning side.

no hi dic quin

I don't say which one.



Sí, quin sigui

Yes, whatever it may be.

No, però és que a part

No, but it's just that besides

contestant a l'Adrià

contestant to Adrià

que bueno, que guanyarà al final

That's great, that he will win in the end.

que no sé qui guanyarà

I don't know who will win.



Però el descampat ja

But the wasteland already

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Sí, sí, això és com que tu paris amb un descampat

Yes, yes, this is like you stopping in an empty lot.

Perquè no el tenia davant, el descampat

Because I didn't have it in front of me, the vacant lot.

El que hi perdrà serà l'arquitecte de l'Ajuntament

The one who will lose out will be the architect of the City Council.

Ja ho veureu

You'll see.

Que haurà de fer molts plans urbanístics

That will have to make many urban planning plans.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Abans el descampat el teníem

Before we had the vacant lot.

però com a mínim teníem plantades

but at least we had planted


You planted.



Plat i dinosols

Plate and dinosaurs



Bé, amics, doncs, d'això que aneu parlant

Well, friends, about that which you are talking.

Molt bé

Very good

El brico de pot, jo

The pot DIY, me.

Que vagi bé ordenant martells i taladros

Good luck organizing hammers and drills.

I contant clar

And being clear

Si no et parles de la pantalla

If you don't speak to yourself about the screen.

Si passeu a comprar alguna cosa sabeu que teniu descompte

If you go to buy something, know that you have a discount.

amb el codi promocional de la furla 24

with the promotional code of furla 24

No diguis que encara no ho he provat

Don't say that I haven't tried it yet.

Insistem els nostres oients a no demanar aquest codi promocional

Our listeners insist not to request this promotional code.

al brico de pot

to the DIY store

Ja que no tenim res a dir

Since we have nothing to say.

A mi em flipa la gent aquesta, sobretot del cine americà

I really like these people, especially from American cinema.

que va al brico de pot i a les sales d'aquestes de, bueno, a les botigues d'aquestes de grans eines

that goes to the hardware store and to those types of stores, well, the big tool stores

i comença a comprar coses que no s'espera que podrien ser

and starts buying things that are not expected to be.

Vull dir que poden ser molt sospitoses, vale?

I mean they can be very suspicious, okay?

Que no sé si és per atracar un bal o per construir una caja

I don’t know if it’s to rob a ball or to build a box.

No sé si és per atracar un bal o per construir una caja

I don't know if it's to rob a ball or to build a box.

Hi ha com coses que si tu vas a una botiga d'eines i les compres saps que sospitaran, vale?

There are things that if you go to a hardware store and buy them, you know they will suspect, okay?

saps que sospitaran, d'acord?

You know they will suspect, right?

Com què? Pots anomenar?

With what? Can you name it?

Per exemple, si tu compres

For example, if you buy

cinta d'aquella

that tape

aïllant negra,

black insulating

si compres

if you buy



si compres una bossa

if you buy a bag

gran negra

big black

i si compres una sort d'estral

And if you buy a kind of lottery ticket.

o d'eina

or tool

tallant o un martell.

cutting or a hammer.

Que hard.

How hard.

Què faràs de bo amb allò?

What good will you do with that?

Digue'm, què faràs de bo?

Tell me, what good things will you do?

Bueno, pot ser

Well, maybe.

electricista, o sigui, no depèn si la

electrician, that is, it doesn't depend on whether the

floreta és blanca o porti algun anagrama

The flower is white or has some emblem.



És veritat, el brinco de pot podria ser la dutiga

It's true, the jump could be the knot.

oficial dels...

official of...

dels criminals.

of the criminals.

Perquè et donen

Why do they give you

eines també per trencar la seguretat

tools also to break the security



És que al final

It's just that in the end

el maleante gasta molt l'eina pesada.

The thug uses the heavy tool a lot.

O sigui, gasta molt l'eina coercitiva.

That is, the coercive tool is used a lot.

El martell gros,

The large hammer,

les sisalles,

the six wings,

la serra marquera,

the marking saw,

ara imagina't

now imagine

que jo sóc un xaval jove

that I am a young guy

de procedència X

of origin X

i entro al brinco de pot

I go in at the leap of the pot.

i vaig a la secció

I am going to the section.

de matxetes.

of wonder.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Però això existeix al brinco de pot?

But does this exist in the pot jump?

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Tu pots comprar eines tallants, clar.

You can buy cutting tools, of course.

Però un matxete no és una...

But a machete is not a...

Una cosa és un cúter, però un matxete

One thing is a cutter, but a machete.

té una funcció que té un obre, un matxete.

It has a function that has a work, a machete.

Segur que pots comprar una d'estral,

Surely you can buy an axe,

no podràs comprar un matxete, Jordi.

You won't be able to buy a machete, Jordi.

Un bot de porta.

A doorbot.

Un matxete no té una etat, clar.

A machete doesn't have a state, of course.

Però un matxete, no?

But a machete, right?

Això en venen?

Do they sell this?

Jo diria que no.

I would say no.

Jo en volia dir un Tomahawk.

I meant to say a Tomahawk.

Volia dir un Tomahawk.

I meant a Tomahawk.

Quan vas a la secció de jungla, allà...

When you go to the jungle section, there...

Però això és al decathlon, no?

But this is at the decathlon, right?

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

Al decathlon podrien dir que hi ha un matxete.

At the decathlon, they could say there is a machete.

Vale, entro al decathlon,

Okay, I'm going into Decathlon.

a la secció de jungla...

to the jungle section...

Caza i jungla.

Hunting and jungle.

I bueno, potser en parla també que la secció de caza i pesca

And well, perhaps he also speaks about the hunting and fishing section.

del decathlon també és una miqueta el que el Déu de cultiu

from the decathlon is also a little like the God of agriculture

dels Rambos de la Segarra.

of the Rambos of the Segarra.

Hòstia, és veritat.

Damn, it's true.

Té un uniforme aquí.

He has a uniform here.

I del president Zelensky, també, eh?

And President Zelensky too, right?

Perquè si us hi fixeu, el president Zelensky

Because if you pay attention, President Zelensky

només porta les samarretes de la secció caza i pesca

he only wears shirts from the hunting and fishing section

del decathlon.

from Decathlon.

Aquell camo que sembla una foto a un arbust.

That camo that looks like a photo of a shrub.

Però és que realment allà

But the truth is that there.

tot pot radicalitzar amb aquella secció.

Everything can radicalize with that section.

És veritat.

It's true.

Home, clar, no?

Home, of course, right?

Què tenen en comú la gent que compra

What do people who buy have in common?

a la secció de caza i pesca

to the hunting and fishing section

i a la ferreteria?

And at the hardware store?

De la ultradreta militarista.

From the militarist far right.

Al final tots van amb robes

In the end, they all go in clothes.

mig paramilitars, que dius, bueno,

half paramilitaries, you say, well,

que potser et cases un

maybe you get married one



un ànec a l'estany llibert o potser

a duck in the Libbert pond or maybe

t'hi cases un rojo.

You marry a red one.

Un sovi.

A mess.

Però sempre hi ha el que s'ha de

But there is always what needs to be done.

comprar el full uniforme

buy the uniform sheet

i va amb el xaleco taronja.

He is wearing the orange vest.

Però i el xaleco taronja

But what about the orange vest?

amb la foto del camo?

With the photo of the camo?

Això us heu vist?

Have you seen this?

Amb el patro camo

With the camo pattern

amb el xaleco taronja.

with the orange vest.

Això no ho he vist, jo.

I haven't seen that.

És per anar camuflat dintre dels treballadors d'obra.

It's to go disguised among the construction workers.

Bueno, al final és perquè no et disparin

Well, in the end it's so you don't get shot.

i per anar...

and to go...

Clar, clar, però és que això et dic, no?

Of course, of course, but this is what I'm telling you, isn't it?

Que al final, vull dir, que la gent

That in the end, I mean, that people

que va a caçar, al final s'hi fica roba

who goes hunting, in the end puts on clothes

o s'acostuma a ficar roba

or you usually put in clothes

d'aquesta, mig de camo, però clar,

of this, half in camo, but of course,

jo no sé fins a quin punt és bona idea

I don't know how good an idea it is.

anar de camuflatge quan vas a caçar,

going in camouflage when you go hunting,

perquè potser si hi ha algun altre caçador, potser te confonen

because maybe if there is another hunter, they might confuse you

amb un javelín.

with a javelin.

Clar, els javelins, els javelins,

Of course, the javelins, the javelins,

si no els conec, vull dir, poc els importa, no?

If I don't know them, I mean, they don't care much, right?

Que vagis de camo o no vagis de camo.

Whether you go in camo or not go in camo.

A veure, a aquest punt...

Let's see, at this point...

També et dic, jo sense ser caçador,

I also tell you, I without being a hunter,

el concepte aquell dels dibuixos animats

that concept of cartoons

d'un arbustos mou i disparo dintre

from a moving bush I shoot inside

no s'acostuma a fer, saps?

It’s not usually done, you know?

Bueno, bueno.

Well, well.

Cada dia...

Every day...

De pocs dies surten notícies

In a few days, news will come out.

de javelins amb jaqueta

of javelins with a jacket

que els han disparat.

that they have been shot.

Bueno, i aquell senyor de 80 anys

Well, and that 80-year-old man

que es va disparar ell mateix.

that he shot himself.

Això ja és el combo, és ser combo.

This is already the combo, it is to be a combo.

Com és això?

What is this like?

Ni que fos monarca.

Not even if he were a monarch.

Volent o sense voler?

Willingly or unwillingly?

Home, jo espero, desitjo i confio

Man, I hope, wish, and trust.

que sense voler, perquè es va disparar al peu

that unwittingly, because he shot himself in the foot

al mig d'una bàtua de caça.

in the middle of a hunting boat.

Ah, però que no era l'hereu.

Ah, but wasn't he the heir?

Com el rei d'Espanya, exacte.

Like the king of Spain, exactly.

Ah, bueno, però això va sense voler.

Ah, well, but this was unintentional.

Vull dir, vegades...

I mean, sometimes...

No, era el Freulant, aquest.

No, it was the Freulant, this one.

El Freulant.

The Freulant.

Però no es preereu.

But you won't disappear.

Bueno, però el rei d'Espanya també va estar

Well, but the king of Spain was also there.

en un accident de caça

in a hunting accident

amb el seu germà.

with his brother.

Però és que Freulant és el verdadero monarca.

But Freulant is the true monarch.

Vull dir, Freulant és el que ha de

I mean, Freulant is what has to



Porta l'estel.

Bring the star.

Tu creus que és l'únic capacitat

Do you think it is the only ability?

per ficar Espanya en...

to put Spain in...

No, però...

No, but...

Jo de president vull el pequeño Freulant.

As president, I want little Freulant.

Està viu, aquest.

This one is alive.

Què s'ha de fer?

What needs to be done?

Pequeño Nicolás, vols dir, Jordi.

Little Nicholas, you mean, Jordi.

Ah, això, Pequeño Nicolás.

Ah, this, Little Nicolás.

Hòstia, que dur.

Damn, that's tough.

Hòstia, que volia fumar el seu propi partit polític, no?

Damn, he wanted to smoke his own political party, right?

No sé, però cada cop la seva front va creixent, eh?

I don't know, but her forehead keeps getting bigger, right?

Si us hi fixeu.

If you pay attention.

Bueno, però això passa molt.

Well, this happens a lot.

L'alopècia també és una cosa que es gasta molt.

Alopecia is also something that is very common.

Sí, però fa la mateixa cara de...

Yes, but he makes the same face of...

No ho diguis massa fort, Jordi,

Don't say it too loud, Jordi.

que potser algú l'has mirit clave una bona hòstia.

That maybe someone has looked at him and given him a good smack.

Bueno, jo no me l'agasto, l'alopècia.

Well, I'm not going to spend it, the alopecia.

Vull dir, jo porto els cabells llargs

I mean, I have long hair.

perquè sé que hi dic altre dia

because I know I say another day

i això se'n ve a escampar.

and this is going to spread.

Sí, és igual, però no sembla ja la Sargento aquella.

Yes, it's the same, but it doesn't seem like that Sergeant anymore.

Qui és la Sargento?

Who is the Sergeant?

Tio, però és curiós

Dude, but it's curious.

perquè estava buscant fotos del Freulant

because I was looking for photos of the Freulant

i s'ha de dir que la seva figura corporal

and it must be said that her body figure

s'assembla bastant a la d'aquests dos passats reis d'Espanya

It looks quite a bit like that of these two past kings of Spain.

que tenien el nom d'encantats.

that were called enchanted.

A veure, s'assembla bastant al Blas d'Epi i Blas.

Let's see, it resembles Blas from Epi and Blas quite a bit.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Està evolucionant a Tosiner.

It is evolving in Tosiner.

Les fotos estan evolucionant...

The photos are evolving...

No, no, però no tan pel gras,

No, no, but not so much for the fat,

perquè té una forma corporal una miqueta estranya.

because it has a slightly strange body shape.

De pera, com de pera.

Like a pear, as a pear.

T'estàs confonent amb el Nicolás Maltre i tot.

You are confusing yourself with Nicolás Maltre and everything.

És que el meu imaginari són la mateixa figura.

It’s just that my imagination is the same figure.

Sí, sí, però no, no, no.

Yes, yes, but no, no, no.

Jo estic parlant ara mateix del Freulant.

I am talking right now about the Freulant.

Són subjectes diferents.

They are different subjects.

Són persones diferents.

They are different people.

Sí, clar, clar.

Yes, of course, of course.

Com que veu que...

Since you see that...

Però que es note la sang pura,

But let the pure blood show.

aquesta sang que no ha estat barrejada

this blood that has not been mixed

amb la diversitat general.

with the general diversity.

Sí, sí, que no...

Yes, yes, that doesn't...

I que tampoc se renove massa.

And also that it doesn't change too much.

No, no, no, clar, clar.

No, no, no, of course, of course.

No el caldo de cultiu per la perfecció del ser humà.

Not the breeding ground for the perfection of the human being.

Doncs, bueno, no sé si havent fet aquest petit briefing inicial...

Well, I don't know if having done this small initial briefing...

Aquesta introducció de 11 minuts.

This 11-minute introduction.

Exacte, sí.

Exactly, yes.

Si igual voldríem entrar en ruma.

If we wanted to enter into a rum.

I per què no entrem en ruma?

And why don't we enter into a rum?

Per què no entrem en ruma?

Why don't we go to the rum?

Molt bé.

Very well.

Puc introduir jo el viatge?

Can I introduce the trip?

I explicar la idea de viatge i després el que va acabant sent?

And explain the idea of the journey and then what it ends up being?

Vinga, va, com va sorgir aquesta idea?

Come on, how did this idea come about?

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs mireu, estàvem nosaltres tancats al nostre búnquer

Well, look, we were locked in our bunker.

i en aquell moment vam decidir, fent un pensament i una meditació,

and at that moment we decided, after some thought and meditation,

vam decidir anar a visitar un dels països més interessants de la Unió Europea,

we decided to visit one of the most interesting countries in the European Union,

també anomenat Romania.

also known as Romania.

Què té Romania d'interessant, a part del Palau del Poble?

What does Romania have that is interesting, apart from the Palace of the People?

Que ja ho parlarà més endavant en Joan Giner,

That Joan Giner will talk about it later.

que s'ha anat documentant.

that has been documented.

Doncs té interessant una cosa que es diu Transilvània,

Well, there is something interesting called Transylvania,

que a part de ser l'hàbitat dels vampirs,

that apart from being the habitat of vampires,

és un espai, o un espai, una zona geogràfica molt bonica,

it is a space, or a space, a very beautiful geographical area,

però de muntanyes, boscos, castells magnífics i molt ben conservats,

but of mountains, forests, magnificent castles, and very well preserved,

i esglésies fortificades de les quals no podreu comprar mai un bar.

and the fortified churches from which you will never be able to buy a bar.

Perquè malgrat que ho feu, penseu que no us durarà massa les vostres mans.

Because even if you do it, you think your hands won't last too long.



Perquè els vampirs us ho prendran.

Because the vampires will take it from you.

Doncs la nostra idea,

Well, our idea,

el viatge era aterrar a Puigdepoca, capital de la regió de Transilvània,

the journey was to land in Puigdepoca, the capital of the region of Transylvania,

llogar un vehicle, un cotxe,

rent a vehicle, a car,

per anar a fumtar amb aquesta regió magnífica i bonica.

to go to smoke with this magnificent and beautiful region.

Com va acabar el viatge?

How did the trip end?

Doncs el Joan Giner seguirà, procedirà al meu discurs.

So Joan Giner will continue, he will proceed with my speech.



Crec que Cluís no és la capital de Transilvània, corregim.

I believe that Cluj is not the capital of Transylvania, let's correct that.

Ah, no? Bé, és igual.

Ah, no? Well, it doesn't matter.

Però per això tu t'has documentat.

But for that, you have done your research.

Jo simplement dic les coses.

I just say things.

No, en principi crec que és veritat.

No, I initially think it is true.

La capital de Transilvània.

The capital of Transylvania.

Sí, exacte, exacte.

Yes, exactly, exactly.

I em pensava que era Cluís.

I thought it was Cluís.

No, no, no. Cluís és el més important de la zona nord, diria.

No, no, no. Cluís is the most important in the northern area, I would say.

Però capital, capital?

But capital, capital?

Capital de la regió de Transilvània.

Capital of the region of Transylvania.

Mira, mira, jo estic segrejant.

Look, look, I am getting cold.

No? Ah, no.

No? Ah, no.

No és Cluís.

It is not Cluís.

No és Cluís, igual.

It's not Cluís, anyway.

Jo diria que Cluís és més important que Brassol.

I would say that Cluís is more important than Brassol.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

O potser Cluís com a tal no és, potser no és entitat jurídica, no?

Or perhaps Cluís as such is not, perhaps it is not a legal entity, right?

No, no.

No, no.

Sí, no, no, no. Exacte, exacte.

Yes, no, no, no. Exactly, exactly.

Vull dir, Cluís no és, pel que estic veient, eh?

I mean, Cluís is not, from what I'm seeing, right?



Que Cluís no és capital de Transilvània per se,

That Cluj is not the capital of Transylvania per se,

perquè Transilvània per se no és entitat territorial.

because Transylvania in itself is not a territorial entity.

Sí que és una ciutat de província, com un esproc.

Yes, it is a provincial city, like a little town.



Però sí que és la ciutat més gran de la zona de Transilvània.

But it is the largest city in the Transylvania area.



Primer, que Transilvània no es podria dir una zona concreta, sinó un concepte, no?

First, Transylvania cannot be said to be a specific area, but rather a concept, right?

Exacte, Transilvània és una regió històrica, no és una regió administrativa real.

Exactly, Transylvania is a historical region, it is not a real administrative region.

Al final, el que diu Transilvània és a través dels boscos, saps?

In the end, what Transylvania is, is through the woods, you know?

Sí, sí, és veritat. Hi ha diferents regions.

Yes, yes, it's true. There are different regions.

És una regió molt boscosa, amb molt hut, on...

It is a very wooded region, very humid, where...

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

On volem.

We want it.

I què vam veure, què vam veure Transilvània?

And what did we see, what did we see Transylvania?

Bueno, la qüestió és que primer que tot no vam anar a Cluís, perquè, bueno, ens van moure un vol

Well, the issue is that first of all we didn't go to Cluís, because, well, they changed our flight.

i vam tindre que canviar els vols i vam acabar a Bucarest, l'únic lloc on els romanes ens van dir no aneu, d'acord?

And we had to change the flights and ended up in Bucharest, the only place where the Romans told us not to go, okay?

On tots els nostres amics romanes ens van dir...

All our Roman friends told us...

Sí, sí, exacte.

Yes, yes, exactly.


Avoid it.

Eviteu Bucarest o no hem estat mai a Bucarest.

Avoid Bucharest or we have never been to Bucharest.


Avoid it.

No hem estat mai a Bucarest o m'han dit que a Bucarest és molt lleig. Per tant, no hi hem estat.

We have never been to Bucharest, or I have been told that Bucharest is very ugly. Therefore, we have not been there.

Doncs, allà vam anar a parar.

Well, that's where we ended up.

Exacte, en un principi...

Exactly, at first...

¿Podràs afirmar que a Bucarest és lleig?

Can you assert that Bucharest is ugly?

No, encara no ho podem afirmar perquè el primer dia no hi vam entrar.

No, we still can't confirm it because we didn't go in on the first day.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Estem cronològics.

We are chronological.

Gràcies, gràcies.

Thank you, thank you.

Per tant, arribem a Bucarest, arribem a l'aeroport de Bucarest, bueno, un aeroport sin más.

Therefore, we arrive in Bucharest, we arrive at Bucharest airport, well, an airport nothing special.

Vull dir, podria ser el de Lleida o el de Reus i...

I mean, it could be the one from Lleida or the one from Reus and...



I allà agafem el nostre cotxe de lloguer, d'acord?

And there we pick up our rental car, okay?

Que d'un Clio es converteix en un Ford Cougar.

That it turns from a Clio into a Ford Cougar.

Va creixent.

It is growing.

El vam regalar com que el primer dia.

We gave it to him as if it were the first day.

Després aquest cotxe tenia certes sorpreses.

After this car had certain surprises.

Com que, per exemple...

As for example...

Pots explicar, Joan, per què abans...

Can you explain, Joan, why before...

Perquè no és recte, no?

Because it is not straight, is it?

O com que, per exemple, segur que costés el doble que el cotxe.

Or like, for example, it surely cost twice as much as the car.

Ara, també t'ho diuen que jo no em sap gens de greu haver pagat el seguro.

Now, they also tell you that I don't feel sorry at all for having paid the insurance.

A mi tampoc.

Me neither.

Perquè després ens la volien liar.

Because later they wanted to complicate things for us.

Vam dir, eh, furi Inxurenç.

We said, eh, furious Inxurenç.

Bueno, literalment, la guerra va ser aquesta.

Well, literally, the war was this.

Quedeu-vos, que revisarem el cotxe, que veiem que dónes picada,

Stay here, we'll check the car, as we see that you're stalling.

i fins que no endivinem qui ha sigut, no es veu ningú.

And until we guess who it has been, no one can be seen.

I vaig dir, furi Inxurenç, adeu.

I said, furious Inxurenç, goodbye.

Exacte, saps? Els hi vam treure el paperet, eh?

Exactly, you know? We took away their little paper, right?

I bueno, i d'allà vam enfilar cap a Brasov.

And well, from there we headed towards Brasov.

Atravessant boscos.

Crossing forests.

I bueno, molt xulo, la veritat.

And well, very cool, to be honest.

En una primera instància vam dir...

In the first instance, we said...

Hòstia, però no ho veieu tot una mica soviètic?

Damn, don't you think it all feels a bit Soviet?

Vull dir, moltes torres d'alta tensió oxidades...

I mean, many rusty high voltage towers...

Estructures metàl·liques oxidades...

Oxidized metal structures...

Vull dir, ho vèiem tot molt soviètic.

I mean, we saw everything as very Soviet.

Començàvem a veure els primers indicis de capitalisme,

We were starting to see the first signs of capitalism,

vèiem parades de patates l'ais a les voreres de la carretera,

we saw potato stalls by the sidewalks of the road,

vull dir, en forma d'estancs, no?

I mean, in the form of ponds, right?

De patates l'ais.

Of potatoes, the ais.

Però va ser començar entre els boscos i veure realment l'impacte del capitalisme.

But it was starting among the woods and truly seeing the impact of capitalism.



Amb Coca-Cola.

With Coca-Cola.

Els Coca-Colos.

The Coca-Colas.

I allà va néixer, exacte, la figura mística del Coca-Colo.

And there was born, exactly, the mystical figure of Coca-Cola.

Podem explicar que el Coca-Cola és un animal místic que viu als boscos de Transilvània,

We can explain that the Coca-Cola is a mystical animal that lives in the forests of Transylvania,

que ataca tothom que té una Coca-Cola a la mà i l'hi pren.

that attacks anyone who has a Coca-Cola in hand and takes it away.

Exacte, que només s'alimenta a base de begudes ensucrades a base de cola.

Exactly, it only feeds on sugary cola-based drinks.

Que de vegades en certes regions on la lluita corporativa es fa dura pot arribar també a beure Pepsi.

That sometimes in certain regions where corporate struggle is tough, one can also end up drinking Pepsi.

Això és mentida perquè sempre intenta beure zero, que és zero sucres.

This is a lie because he always tries to drink zero, which is zero sugars.

Zero sucres de sucre.

Zero sugar sugar.

Però és veritat que el Coca-Cola és una persona sana, no?

But it's true that Coca-Cola is a healthy person, right?

A 300 o 400 anys ningú en parla.

In 300 or 400 years, no one speaks of it.

Sí, sí. El Coca-Cola o el Coca-Cola.

Yes, yes. The Coca-Cola or the Coca-Cola.

El Coca-Cola veu begudes sucrades.

Coca-Cola sees sugary drinks.

I allà és on realment veiem la verdadera batalla entre el capitalisme, no?

And that is where we really see the true battle between capitalism, right?

On hi ha pobles que estan conquerits per Coca-Cola

There are towns that are conquered by Coca-Cola.

i, com bé ha dit el nostre amic Arnau, hi ha pobles que s'han conquerit per Pepsi.

And, as our friend Arnau has rightly said, there are towns that have been conquered by Pepsi.

Es nota que hi ha una lluita activa.

It is evident that there is an active struggle.

I això ho pots descobrir o per grans cartells,

And you can discover this either through large posters,

que et pots trobar pel poble a l'entrada o a la sortida.

that you can find in the village at the entrance or exit.

O amb dos.

Or with both.

O als bars i als restaurants, més restaurants que bars,

Or to bars and restaurants, more restaurants than bars,

i la seva gastronomia.

and its gastronomy.

O demanes una Coca-Cola i et diuen Coca-Cola no, Pepsi.

Either you order a Coca-Cola and they tell you Coca-Cola no, Pepsi.

O al revés, demanes Pepsi i et diuen Coca-Cola no, Pepsi.

Or the other way around, you ask for Pepsi and they tell you Coca-Cola no, Pepsi.

Perquè aquí va passar a les dues, que demanaves Coca-Cola i et diuen no Pepsi,

Because here at two o'clock, you asked for Coca-Cola and they tell you no, Pepsi.

i després quan demanaves Pepsi et diuen no Coca-Cola.

And then when you asked for Pepsi they tell you no Coca-Cola.

Un dia em van dir Coca-Cola no, o em van dir Coca-Cola no,

One day they told me Coca-Cola no, or they told me Coca-Cola no,

i vaig dir, doncs aigua.

I said, then water.

Ja cansat d'aquest riff i rap.

Already tired of this riff and rap.

De la dualitat.

Of duality.

De la ratllada.

From the grater.

Però bé, s'ha de dir que com més al nord, més estilada és la Pepsi, penso jo.

But well, it must be said that the further north you go, the more stylish Pepsi is, I think.

Jo penso que com més al nord, més rics.

I think that the further north, the richer.

Exacte, jo crec que la figura de la civilització en aquest cas seria Pepsi, no?

Exactly, I think the figure of civilization in this case would be Pepsi, right?



Però la Pepsi que dèieu que és més civilitzada que la Coca-Cola.

But the Pepsi that you said is more civilized than Coca-Cola.

Home, s'ha de dir que Coca-Cola està a tots els països de l'Àfrica.

At home, it must be said that Coca-Cola is in all the countries of Africa.

No estic d'això.

I'm not into that.

On hi ha Pepsi? A Zúrich.

Is there Pepsi? In Zurich.

No, a...

No, to...



A Liechtenstein.

To Liechtenstein.

I a Pepsi.

And a Pepsi.

Déu meu.

My God.

I doncs bueno.

And so, well.



Abans vam passar per Peleix, que està bé on, com s'ho deia, la ciutat.

Before we passed through Peleix, which is good where, as it was said, the city.



Que la confonc amb Sibiu, però no és Sibiu, també.

I confuse it with Sibiu, but it is not Sibiu either.

No, no. Sí, sí, sí.

No, no. Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, és igual, vam anar a veure una residència de la monarquia.

Well, it doesn't matter, we went to see a royal residence.

Una residència de tercera edat.

A nursing home.

Sí, sí, sí. Està ben guapa, el Peleix, no?

Yes, yes, yes. She's really pretty, the Peleix, right?

Però bueno, no s'hi podia entrar, però de un ídol, un bon complex, saps?

But well, you couldn't get in there, but from an idol, a good complex, you know?

I allà vam descobrir el concepte garitero, que el gasten molt aquí, també.

And there we discovered the concept of "garitero," which is used a lot here as well.

El concepte... Ah, bueno, sí, clar, que hi havia garites...

The concept... Ah, well, yes, of course, there were guard towers...

No, que hi havia garites a tot arreu, eh? Això està...

No, there were watchtowers everywhere, right? This is...

A mi m'agrada molt el tema de distribuir garites per tot arreu. Podien estar...

I really like the idea of distributing booths everywhere. They could be...

I totes buides, perquè no hi va haver quasi mai ningú, només una vegada.

And all empty, because there was almost never anyone there, just once.

Bueno, jo he vist militars, jo he vist segurades, sí que he vist coses dintre.

Well, I have seen soldiers, I have seen security guards, yes I have seen things inside.

Sí, sí, però el 100% de garites que vas veure potser només estava un 20%.

Yes, yes, but the 100% of booths you saw might have only been 20%.



Ah, sí, això sí.

Ah, yes, that's true.

Les altres estaven fent el dropshipping, saps? Te la deixaven en un lloc, deien, eh? Ja està.

The others were doing dropshipping, you know? They would leave it in one place, they said, hey? That's it.

I aprofitant que tenien el vidre tintat, per dir, aquí ja està complent la vis... la...

And taking advantage of the tinted glass, to say, here it is already completing the vis... the...


Of course.

Però una cosa.

But one thing.

La funció perspectiva de la garita.

The perspective function of the guardhouse.

Aquí hi ha els de Coca-Cola.

Here are the Coca-Cola ones.

Exacte. Del frigo.

Exactly. From the fridge.



Aquí hi ha els del frigo.

Here are the ones from the fridge.

El típic bar de festa major.

The typical festival bar.

Sí, bueno, realment era, no?, com fabricat de... de fibra de vidre.

Yes, well, it was really, right?, like made of... fiberglass.

Sí, sí, era fibra de vidre, sempre ha estat.

Yes, yes, it was fiberglass, it always has been.

Saps que de lluny, no que de lluny sembla venciment, però la que els hi feia ells toc-toc eren de vidre.

You know that from a distance, it doesn't seem like it is about to expire, but the ones that knocked on their door were made of glass.

De tretzo.

Of thirteen.



No aguantaven un intent de bal.

They couldn't withstand an attempt at a ball.

Exacte. I això ens va portar fins a Brasov, no, Joan?

Exactly. And this took us to Brasov, right, Joan?

Sí, sí, vam arribar fins a Brasov. Brasov, bueno, és una ciutat curiosa, interessant.

Yes, yes, we arrived at Brașov. Brașov, well, it is a curious, interesting city.

Vam passar pel carrer més estret d'Europa.

We went through the narrowest street in Europe.



Crec que igual.

I think the same.

Però crec que no és aquest, sinó que és el Devin Body. Però, bueno, ells estan convençuts que és aquest.

But I think it's not this one, but rather the Devin Body. But, well, they are convinced it is this one.

Doncs, bueno, se'ls dona raó, també per totes les minories que han passat a la mà.

Well, you know, they are given reason, also for all the minorities that have suffered.

Però si podem dir que era el carrer comercial més llarg de l'Espanya, doncs...

But if we can say that it was the longest commercial street in Spain, well...

I al final, bueno, era un pas de bombers, no? Aquell carrer era un pas de bombers per a què?

And in the end, well, it was a fireman's passage, right? That street was a fireman's passage for what?

Atajar, no?, entre edificis.

Cut through, right?, between buildings.

Havíem fet dos carrers en paral·lel i no s'havien parat a pensar que potser la gent volia canviar de carrer abans de caminar 500 metres.

We had made two parallel streets and they hadn't stopped to think that maybe people wanted to change streets before walking 500 meters.

I van fer aquest pas de bombers perquè...

They took this firefighter step because...

Però no era especialment espectacular.

But it wasn't particularly spectacular.

No, no, sí.

No, no, yes.

Estava tot grafitejat.

It was all graffitied.

Ans al contrari.

Rather the opposite.

Però molt malament grafitejat.

But very badly grafittied.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

És a dir, molt mal grafitejat.

That is to say, very poorly graffitied.

Bueno, que l'Ajuntament havia intentat, no?, acotar unes zones de dir, pinteu aquí.

Well, the City Council had tried, right?, to delimit some areas to say, paint here.


Of course.

Ja com que els grafiteros no tenen religió, doncs...

Since graffiti artists have no religion, then...





Clar, què passa? Si l'Ajuntament diu, aquí es pot grafitejar el grafitero que no té pàtria ni pot estar,

Sure, what's happening? If the City Council says, here graffiti can be done by the graffiti artist who has no homeland and cannot be,

vull dir, diu, aquí no em dóna la gana perquè m'estàs obligant i tu ets el sistema i tu m'estàs coercint, no?

I mean, it says, here I don't feel like it because you're forcing me and you are the system and you are coercing me, right?

Llavors, què passa?

So, what happens?

Doncs aquí cau la gent jove que realment no sap grafitejar

Well, here falls the young people who really don't know how to graffiti.

i no té ganes tampoc de grafitejar i diu, és que l'Ajuntament m'està obligant aquí a grafitejar perquè...

and he doesn't feel like graffitiing either and says, it's that the City Council is forcing me to graffiti here because...


Of course.

I sortia lo que sortia.

I would go out whatever came out.

I dius, no és que ningú els anés a buscar al col·le i els portés allà a grafitejar.

And you say, it's not that anyone went to pick them up from school and took them there to graffiti.

No, no.

No, no.

D'alguna manera indirecta, quan te munten un espai públic que saps que l'heu pagat tothom, n'has de fer ús, sigui bo o dolent.

In some indirect way, when a public space is set up that you know everyone has paid for, you have to make use of it, whether for good or for bad.


Of course.

Sí, sí, però...

Yes, yes, but...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ja pensava que així va començar.

I thought that’s how it all started.

No sé què grafiti fal·lo.

I don't know what graffiti I speak.

Com, com grafiti?

How, like graffiti?



Ah, bueno, sí, no, clar, però això és...

Ah, well, yes, no, of course, but this is...

Amb tots els grafitis del món, què te'n deixes de la fal·logràfia?

With all the graffiti in the world, what do you leave out of phallography?

Sí, no?

Yes, right?

Se'n podria fer un estudi, d'això.

One could conduct a study on this.

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

Ja se m'han fet, crec.

I think they have already been done to me.





I amb què s'ha quedat?

And what has it ended up with?



I amb què s'ha quedat? Com ha acabat el tema?

And what has been left? How has the matter ended?

Bueno, els penisos moren, suposo.

Well, the penises die, I guess.

I bé, i d'això, no?, vam anar cap a Bran, no?, a veure el castelló de Dracul.

And well, about that, right?, we went towards Bran, right?, to see Dracula's castle.

Sí, que al final era...

Yes, that in the end it was...

Que a mi em va molar, no?, aquesta explicació que li donaven a la paraula Dracul.

I really liked that, right?, this explanation they gave to the word Dracula.

Perquè Dràcula, realment, Dracul, que es veu que era una paraula que feien anar el...

Because Dracula, really, Dracul, which was apparently a word that they used...

Els homes que es vestien de dona a la nit i naix.

The men who dressed as women at night are born.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Si és Dracul.

Yes, it's Dracula.

Crec que deien, no?, que era una paraula en l'idioma de Balàquia, no?

I think they said, right?, that it was a word in the language of Balakia, right?

La zona que van...

The area they are going to...

Que Dracul volia dir algo com demoni o malvat, no?, una cosa així.

That Dracul wanted to mean something like demon or wicked, right? Something like that.



I llavors, clar, que realment el Dràcula realment se li diguéssim a algú el malvat.

And then, of course, if we really called Dracula someone evil.



I no podria ser com fill de Drac?

And couldn't I be like the son of a dragon?

No, a veure, molaria més, però...

No, let's see, it would be cooler, but...

Però tristament, bueno, tristament, jo crec que molera bastant, no?, el malvat, saps?

But sadly, well, sadly, I think it will suffer quite a bit, right?, the evil one, you know?

És com Cruella de Vil.

It's like Cruella de Vil.



No, és com un nom, no?, com...

No, it's like a name, right?, like...

Però això també passa a Gràcia.

But this also happens in Gràcia.

A Gràcia, els llocs on l'agència catalana que segueix activa la consciència de la gent per dir-li que algú és un malvat, li diuen que és un català.

In Gràcia, the places where the Catalan agency that continues to raise people's awareness to tell them that someone is a villain, are told that they are Catalan.

No, i de fet crec que per aquella zona també ens tenen com l'home del sac.

No, and in fact I think they also see us as the bogeyman in that area.

Vull dir, si els hi han de dir als nens, vés a dormir, que vindran, diuen, vés a dormir, que vindran els catalans.

I mean, if they have to tell the kids, go to sleep, that they will come, they say, go to sleep, that the Catalans will come.

Que vindran els catalans, només que amb Roger de Flor no es juga.

The Catalans will come, but you don’t play with Roger de Flor.

Sí, sí, poca broma.

Yes, yes, no joke.

Poca broma.

No joke.

Però saps que no era català, no?, Roger de Flor.

But you know he wasn't Catalan, right?, Roger de Flor.

D'on era, Roger de Flor?

Where was Roger de Flor from?

Crec que era italià.

I think he was Italian.



Sí, sí, no era nascut a Girona.

Yes, yes, he was not born in Girona.

Ai, pues sí, nascut a Brindisi, Itàlia.

Oh, well yes, born in Brindisi, Italy.

Però que potser en aquella època era nostre, també, jo, eh?

But perhaps in that time it was ours too, right?

Curiós, no?

Curious, isn't it?



Però tenia un nom italià.

But he had an Italian name.

Roger de Flor.

Roger of Florence.

O realment va néixer.

Either he really was born.

Jo penso que hi va néixer.

I think he was born there.

Mira, mira, el nom original de Roger de Flor,

Look, look, the original name of Roger de Flor,

de néixement, és Roger von Blum.

by birth, he is Roger von Blum.

Això és en alemany, no?

This is in German, isn't it?

Sí, no?, més aviat.

Yes, right? Rather.

Roger von Blum.

Roger von Blum.

Roger de Flor.

Roger de Flor.

Sí, no, no, és que és literal, no?

Yes, no, no, it's just that it's literal, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És literalment.

It is literally.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Imperi, Roma, Estàvol.

Empire, Rome, Stavel.

Sí que ho tenim, això, de batejar.

Yes, we do have that, of baptizing.

Quan els noms se compliquen, no?

When names get complicated, don't they?

Bé, dir-li exacte.

Well, tell him exactly.

Ara et diràs Roger de Flor.

Now you will call yourself Roger de Flor.

Roger de Flor, no?, però és que...

Roger de Flor, right?, but it's just that...

És un nom poc estimidador, eh?, Roger de Flor.

It's not a very endearing name, huh?, Roger de Flor.

I quan agarrem el bat, diràs Roger de Flor.

And when we grab the bat, you will say Roger de Flor.

Són potents, eh?, de veritat.

They're powerful, huh?, really.

No, potents són, és a dir, no són cacofònics, però no són de guerrer.

No, they are powerful, that is to say, they are not cacophonous, but they are not warlike.



Va, tornant, doncs, al tema Frank Castle.

So, returning to the topic of Frank Castle.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Va, jo a nivell d'escala d'espuquines, de l'1 al 10, l'1 Legoland i el 10 Disney World, però en hores baixes, jo li donaria una escala d'espuqui...

Come on, on a scale of spookiness from 1 to 10, with 1 being Legoland and 10 being Disney World, but in lower times, I would give it a spookiness rating...

Bueno, perdó, al revés.

Well, sorry, the other way around.

No, no, sí, sí, sí.

No, no, yes, yes, yes.

Què és espuqui?

What is espuqui?

És mal rotllo.

It's bad vibes.

Exacte, de...

Exactly, from...



No, no, gringes és vergonya aliena, eh?, ojo, cuida-ho.

No, no, gringes is secondhand embarrassment, okay?, watch out, be careful with it.

No, no, tant, també.

No, not so much, either.

Però això, no?, que tu vas al castell de Dràcula i dius, ostres, espero que faci por, no?, i realment no fa tanta por el castell de Dràcula, realment.

But this, right?, that you go to Dracula's castle and say, wow, I hope it’s scary, right?, and it really isn’t that scary, Dracula's castle, really.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, la història és que era un palauet de la reina qui hi era per allà en aquells moments.

No, the story is that it was a palace of the queen who was there at that time.

Però realment esperes que et faci por quan vas al castell de Dràcula o t'horroritza que puguin intentar fer-te por?

But do you really expect to be scared when you go to Dracula's castle, or are you horrified that someone might try to scare you?

Que puguin intentar xupar-te.

Let them try to suck you.

Que puguin intentar xupar-te l'assany, no?

They can try to suck you dry, right?

Clar, a mi m'horroritzava la idea de que s'haguessin esforçat per fer-ho...

Of course, the idea that they had put effort into doing it horrified me...

S'ha de dir que l'últim pis...

It must be said that the top floor...

Clar, i aquí hi ha un problema. Allò em va acabar de matar, perquè va ser... tu és el que volia que no passés.

Of course, and here lies a problem. That completely killed me because it was... you are the one who didn't want it to happen.

Jo volia veure un castell conservat, bonic, i ho van convertir en una sort de museu molt cutre.

I wanted to see a preserved, beautiful castle, and they turned it into a sort of very shabby museum.

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

No, però de castell de dins de la bruixa.

No, but from the castle inside the witch.

Clar, clar, saps? És que a part em feia gràcia aquest fet de que hi hagués un cartellet fins i tot que digués

Of course, of course, you know? It's just that on top of that, I found it amusing that there was even a little sign that said

prohibit a menors de 14 anys. Alerta, no? Que anem a veure coses perilloses, exacte.

Prohibited for under 14 years old. Warning, right? We're going to see dangerous things, exactly.

I després te trobes que... per a res.

And then you find that... for nothing.

Te trobes un ninot fet amb una manta d'aquelles grises.

You find a puppet made with one of those grey blankets.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Una manta literal, de les que piquen, de les de albergues.

A literal blanket, the kind that itches, like the ones from hostels.

Exacte, de les de llana, aquella...

Exactly, the wool ones, that one...

Que porta una sort de màscara d'escrím.

It has a kind of fencing mask.

Dels xinos?

About the Chinese?

Bueno, dels xinos o de qui sigui, Jordi, no ens jutgem.

Well, whether it's the Chinese or whoever, Jordi, let's not judge each other.

Perdó, dels asiàtics.

Sorry, of the Asians.

Una mà de goma de color verd.

A green rubber glove.



D'algun altre monstre, entenc.

Of some other monster, I understand.

I portava un fanalet penjant, no? També.

I was carrying a hanging lantern, right? Also.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Sí, algo així, algo així.

Yes, something like that, something like that.

Però s'ha de dir que...

But it must be said that...

Sí, però s'ha de dir que, bueno, que havien reservat la coentó, no?, per l'utilitzar.

Yes, but it must be said that, well, they had reserved the coentó, right?, for using it.



I que l'altre, realment, era, doncs, bueno, un castellet que, fins i tot, a nivell de residències palauenques,

And the other one was really, well, a little castle that, even at the level of palatial residences,

tampoc tenia una aparença especialment opulenta. No sé si és que, igual, havia estat saquejat pel mig

it also did not have a particularly opulent appearance. I don’t know if it was because it had perhaps been plundered in the middle.

o que, simplement, no ho havia sigut mai, però no es veia especialment opulent.

or that, simply, it had never been, but it did not seem especially opulent.

Sí, jo crec que no havia sigut mai, eh?, perquè, al final, si et fixes en el castellet que hem vist,

Yes, I believe it has never happened before, right?, because, in the end, if you look at the little castle we saw,

amb els treballs en fusta i tot això, ja no hi eren, aquí, eh?

With the woodwork and all that, they were no longer here, right?

Els què, perdó, dius?

The what, excuse me, you say?

Els treballs tan recargolats en fusta i aquestes coses, ja no hi eren.

The intricate woodwork and those things were no longer there.

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

Jo també et dic que era una residència medieval i, al final, la residència medieval es centra més en que es pugui defensar

I also tell you that it was a medieval residence and, in the end, the medieval residence focuses more on being defensible.

que sigui algo opulent, saps?

that it be something opulent, you know?

Sí, sí, clar.

Yes, yes, of course.

I no hi ha que...

And there’s no need to...

Sí, sí, sí, clar.

Yes, yes, yes, of course.

Si no, i que, realment, que tampoc hi faltava res, saps?

If not, and really, there was nothing missing either, you know?

No, no, i que, al final, tampoc se veia molt l'ambient de, així com a França tenim versalles i tal,

No, no, and in the end, you couldn't see much of the atmosphere either, like in France we have Versailles and such.

la voluntat de construir aquest tipus d'edificacions, no?

the willingness to build this type of buildings, right?



No, és que tampoc n'hi havia, eh?, que estava llou i tota l'única pedra que hi havia a la zona.

No, it's just that there wasn't any either, you know?, it was muddy and the only stone in the area.

Sí, sí, sí, no, totalment.

Yes, yes, yes, no, totally.

No, no, però en general, eh?, dic que a Romania, saps?, no...

No, no, but in general, you know?, I mean, in Romania, you know?, no...

Sí, l'única... sí, correcte.

Yes, the only... yes, correct.

Sí, sí, els castells eren més recatats.

Yes, yes, the castles were more modest.

O sigui, dintre de la... dintre de que hi havia castells que eren bastant acargolats i que hi havia torres de festa molt xulos,

In other words, within the... within the fact that there were castles that were quite twisted and that there were very cool party towers,

sí que és cert que, en general, a nivell mida, eren més recatats.

It is true that, in general, in terms of size, they were more modest.

Sí, però, bueno, després hi havia la residència que es va acabar en el primer dia, que allò sí que ja...

Yes, but, well, then there was the residence that ended on the first day, which that really...

Sí, però tampoc no era l'engran. O sigui, a nivell volum construir, no eren tan volum xulos.

Yes, but it wasn't the gear either. I mean, in terms of volume build, they weren't that cool in volume.

Bueno, clar, perquè al costat de la Casa del Pobl, tot és petit, saps?

Well, of course, because next to the House of the People, everything is small, you know?

Bueno, ja, però la vesa posterior i no la Casa del Pobl, eh?

Well, yes, but the back view and not the Casa del Pobl, okay?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És el somni megalòman d'un loco.

It is the megalomaniac dream of a madman.

D'un dictador, eh?

From a dictator, huh?

Bueno, d'una persona que el seu únic crim va ser estimar massa el seu...

Well, from a person whose only crime was to love too much his...

El seu penis.

His penis.

La simbologia.

The symbolism.

El seu... la seva pròpia masculinitat.

His... his own masculinity.

Després hi havia... va haver una cosa molt curiosa al Castell de Dràcula i és que, bueno, nosaltres vam seguir el recorregut i de cop hi havia una sala amb una cortina i un senyor.

Later there was... something very curious at Dracula's Castle, and that is, well, we continued the tour and suddenly there was a room with a curtain and a man.

Simpàtic. Bueno, no gaire simpàtic.

Nice. Well, not very nice.

Si voleu passar, heu de pagar una entrada a part.

If you want to pass, you have to pay an entrance fee separately.

Sí, sí. Però per fer una pintada turist trap...

Yes, yes. But to make a tourist trap...

Però turist trap d'allò que dius, buah, és que m'han atracat amb alzada.

But tourist trap of what you say, wow, I've been robbed out in the open.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

És a dir...

That is to say...

I després té cola, no?, de que el Joan coles una fotillo al...

And then he has a tail, right?, that Joan posts a little photo on...

A l'Iron Maiden.

To the Iron Maiden.

Exacte, a l'Iron Maiden. No?

Exactly, like Iron Maiden. Right?

No? Després vam marxar. Però és que, clar, no? És que era com...

No? Later we left. But it's just that, of course, right? It's just that it was like...

Quan a l'entrada et fiquen la cosa més gulosa, que és un Iron Maiden, que pels que no ho sapigueu és com un sarcòfag amb punxes cap dintre...

When at the entrance they put the most gluttonous thing for you, which is an Iron Maiden, which for those who don't know is like a sarcophagus with spikes pointing inside...



Que s'utilitzava per...

What was used for...

Amb el casqueta.

With the cap.

Que s'utilitzava per... per interrogar.

That was used to... to interrogate.

Per tindre converses entretingudes amb la gent.

To have entertaining conversations with people.

Una de les maneres més agradables.

One of the most pleasant ways.

Per jugar algun dia a magar.

To play someday at Magar.

Quan tu veus que aquest catxarro, que a priori deu ser el més àpic que podem tindre, a l'entrada dius...

When you see that this gadget, which at first glance must be the most typical we can have, at the entrance you say...

Clar, això no pot anar millor.

Of course, this couldn't go better.

Això és exacte.

This is exact.

Sí, sí, totalment.

Yes, yes, totally.

Sí, sí, sí, sí. És com el caramelet que et dona el que t'espera en una furgoneta a l'entrada del poble.

Yes, yes, yes, yes. It's like the candy that the one waiting for you in a van at the entrance of the village gives you.


You say...



Però el que ve després no te va a gustar, saps?

But what comes next is not going to please you, you know?

Exacte, exacte, no? Però jo crec que això seria una miqueta la mateixa lògica, no?, que la màscara escrita de dalt, no?

Exactly, exactly, right? But I think this would be a little bit the same logic, wouldn't it?, as the written mask above, right?

Però això també feia por.

But that was also scary.

A veure, no un castell que tampoc té una especial història fosca real, que tampoc té una aparença especialment no amenaçant, tètrica...

Let's see, not a castle that also doesn't have any special dark history, nor does it have a particularly unthreatening, gloomy appearance...

Clar, que de sobte et fiquin el...

Sure, suddenly they put the...

La disfressa.

The costume.

No, bueno, sí, exacte, la disfressa. O un museu de tortura, dius... Bueno, això... Sé que és una miqueta impostat, no?

No, well, yes, exactly, the costume. Or a torture museum, you say... Well, this... I know it's a bit contrived, right?

No, i a part que... O sigui, jo entenc que la tortura és fira al sota, no? O sigui, no sé si és per...

No, and apart from that... I mean, I understand that torture is a fair thing, right? I mean, I don't know if it's because...

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Però clar, això d'agafar el segon pis, unir el balcó, fotre les tortures,

But of course, taking the second floor, uniting the balcony, doing the renovations,

doncs home, potser el doctorat agraeix la tortura amb vistes a la plana, però no ho sé.

Well, maybe the doctorate appreciates the torture with a view of the plain, but I don't know.

Però això del sotano també ho tenim molt mitificat, al final. El sotano ho guardaves al gra, la tortura la feies a...

But this idea of the basement is also greatly mythified in the end. You kept the grain in the basement, the torture was done in...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, però el cony...

Yes, but the cunt...



Al cantó del rei.

At the king's corner.

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

Vix, això de tindre el dormitori, el menjador i la sala de tortures al cantó, doncs no sé jo.

Well, having the bedroom, the dining room, and the torture room next door, I don't know about that.

Almenys organització, no? Almenys per pocs temàtics.

At least organization, right? At least for a few thematic ones.

Però bé, s'ha de guardar per temps, li ha d'agradar, eh?

But well, it has to be saved for later, he must like it, right?

El que sí que és real és que el senyor Bram Stoker, a l'hora d'escriure la seva novel·la, es va basar molt en aquest castell, el castell de Bran.

What is real is that Mr. Bram Stoker, when writing his novel, was heavily inspired by this castle, Bran Castle.

Sí, perquè s'ha dit que era imponent. Tu arribaves i el veies entre mig tallet de...

Yes, because it was said to be impressive. You would arrive and see it in the middle of a little...

Clar, amb molt de bosc i damunt d'un gran rocot. I això, al final, és el que...

Sure, with a lot of forest and on top of a big rock. And that, in the end, is what...

Saps el que donava la imatge aquesta de... Falta, eh? Foscor, boira i un llamp de fondo i tens el castell de Dràcula, saps?

You know what this image gave off... Missing, right? Darkness, mist, and a lightning in the background, and you have Dracula's castle, you know?

Clar, clar, clar. Sí, és veritat que una vegada entraves, doncs, no era especialment amenaçant, però des de fora era imponent.

Of course, of course, of course. Yes, it is true that once you entered, it wasn't particularly threatening, but from the outside it was imposing.

Perquè realment, clar, tampoc tenia una aparença de castell, saps? Havia com de fortalesa.

Because really, of course, it didn't really look like a castle, you know? It had more of a fortress appearance.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És que els castells allà eren diferents dels que potser estem acostumats aquí.

It's just that the castles there were different from those we might be used to here.

Sí, sí. Estava molt fortificat tot, realment.

Yes, yes. Everything was really fortified.

Però, bueno, també era bastant residencial. Vull dir, d'habitacions no en faltaven, eh?

But, well, it was also quite residential. I mean, there was no lack of rooms, right?

Sí, sí, no. I d'estufetes a cada habitació. Això també estava guapo.

Yes, yes, no. And with heaters in each room. That was nice too.

Sí, sí. Vull dir, això ho treballen.

Yes, yes. I mean, they are working on that.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, això, si en què era el que treballàvem més? Això, el concepte de taula i cadira macissa, no? El concepte oxidat, que no el treballàvem bé.

Yes, that, if in what we were working more? That, the concept of solid table and chair, right? The rusted concept that we were not working well.

El concepte sostre de xapa oxidada.

The concept of a rusted metal roof.

El concepte sostre de xapa oxidada el treballàvem bé.

The concept of corrugated iron roof was well developed.

Però no m'agrada més, això. El concepte del castell.

But I don't like that anymore, the concept of the castle.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Del plat.

From the plate.

No sé on vam anar, Jordi.

I don't know where we went, Jordi.

On vam anar, no? No ho sé.

We went, didn't we? I don't know.

Després del castell de Blat.

After the wheat castle.



Vam anar a Tof, una paret a casa d'Indran, que vam menjar delicies.

We went to Tof, a wall at Indran's house, where we ate delights.

És que em va fer gràcia el nom del plat que vam menjar, que era...

It's just that I found the name of the dish we ate amusing, which was...

Delicies de Corder.

Lamb Delicacies.

No, no. El somni del Corder. No, era l'Am's Dream.

No, no. The Lamb's Dream. No, it was Am's Dream.

El somni etern del Corder.

The eternal dream of the Lamb.

Exacte, no? Que era... Ostres.

Exactly, right? That it was... Wow.

Si el somni del Corder és que és el d'un turistes domingueros...

If the dream of the Lamb is that of a Sunday tourist...

És pobra bèstia, no?

It's a poor beast, isn't it?

Però, igual, el Corder ho va somiar i no com a algo agradable.

But still, the Lamb dreamed it and not as something pleasant.



Era un malson.

It was a nightmare.

Doncs, doncs, doncs eso, no? Vam menjar una carn especial bastant bona.

Well, well, well, that's it, right? We ate quite good special meat.

Després vam donar un estagli a tele.

Afterwards we gave a speech on TV.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

El subacadre.

The subcadre.

És que la carn m'he costat bé, la carn romana.

It's just that the meat I cost well, the Roman meat.

Si del que era el Corder, allò, el gust d'ell tan fort... Buf.

If of what was the Lamb, that, his taste so strong... Phew.

Sí, sí. Tenien gustos adobats.

Yes, yes. They had sophisticated tastes.

Després ho vam anar barrejant amb les salses i...

Then we mixed it with the sauces and...

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

I va guanyar, eh?

He won, right?

Exacte, exacte. No que al principi nosaltres vam dir, buah, la taco de carn, a mi m'ha de guanyar.

Exactly, exactly. Not that at first we said, wow, the meat taco, it has to win me over.

És fort, és fort.

It’s strong, it’s strong.

Clar, potser vam descobrir que la gràcia que hi hagués...

Of course, maybe we discovered that it was nice to have...

I això és algo que...

And this is something that...

De fer és un maridatge, no?

It's a pairing, isn't it?



Sí, i això és algo que vam anar aprenent, no? Que els plats de Romania, que les salses, realment...

Yes, and that is something we learned, right? That the dishes from Romania, that the sauces, really...

Que les salses, realment, per molt que te les fiquin a part, ho has d'anar barrejant tot.

That the sauces, really, no matter how much they separate them, you have to mix everything together.

Perquè és que...

Because it is that...

Tot està pensat per combinar-ho.

Everything is designed to be combined.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Sí, o sigui, els gustos de la carn són forts.

Yes, I mean, the flavors of the meat are strong.

Són forts i combinats.

They are strong and combined.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Després ens va tocar, va, passem.

Then it was our turn, alright, let's move on.



Va ser la metàfora del viatge.

It was the metaphor of the journey.

Vam pujar al vehicle i ens vam dirigir a...

We got into the vehicle and headed to...



A Rostov.

To Rostov.

És un portaluco...

It's a little portal...

Que està, doncs, a dalt d'un turó, no?

So it is, then, at the top of a hill, isn't it?

On la gent se refugiava en tempos d'erra per protegir-se.

Where people sought refuge in times of drought to protect themselves.

Estava tancat, però, per obres... per obres de...

It was closed, but due to construction... due to construction of...



De finançament.

Of financing.

De finançament europeus.

From European funding.

Però, bueno, també s'hi va viure, eh? Estava...

But, well, it was also lived there, right? It was...





Dos cosetes, Arnau.

Two little things, Arnau.



I ara faré un parèntesis autotòpic.

And now I will make an autotypic parenthesis.

Mira d'aquí tot el tema de la cancel·lació d'ECO, perquè...

Look into the whole issue of the ECO cancellation, because...

Detalles tota l'estona.

Details all the time.



I tornant al tema...

And returning to the topic...

Una cosa que he destacat molt positivament d'aquesta fortalesa

One thing that I have highlighted very positively about this fortification.

és el fet de les embestides.

It is the act of the charges.

Jo, Jordi Mas, el paleta del trio Calavera que estem aquí,

I, Jordi Mas, the bricklayer of the trio Calavera that we are here,

apreciava que hi havia embestides d'època.

I appreciated that there were period charges.

Vestides d'època, perdó.

Period dresses, sorry.

Sí, sí, sí, això ho van treballar.

Yes, yes, yes, they worked on this.

Vestida de fusta...

Dressed in wood...

Estava molt fort.

It was very strong.

Estava molt a l'equipo.

I was very much in the team.

I pujaria, probablement.

I would probably go up.

Que era molt xulo, personalment, sí.

It was very cool, personally, yes.

Sí, no, exactament.

Yes, no, exactly.

Des de fora, encara que el castell, que la fortalesa, estigui tancat,

From the outside, even if the castle, the fortress, is closed,

cada vegada tu veus i dius, ostres, no?

Every time you see and say, wow, right?

Aquí hi ha artesania.

Here is craftsmanship.



Vull dir que està bastant guapo, en aquest sentit.

I mean, he's quite handsome in that sense.

I els paradistes a tot arreu.

And the market vendors everywhere.

I una cosa molt important que acompanyava la fortalesa.

And a very important thing that accompanied the fortitude.



És veritat, eh?

It's true, isn't it?

En un cantó hi havia la fortalesa de Rastòf i a l'altre hi havia un dinosaure.

In one corner there was the fortress of Rastòf and in the other there was a dinosaur.

A part de mecatrònics, eh?

Besides mechatronics, huh?

Dinosaures de...

Dinosaurs of...

La fortalesa que...

The fortress that...

Perdó, el...

Sorry, the...

El parc de dinosaures que va llençar a Woody Allen.

The dinosaur park that Woody Allen launched.

A Woody Allen.

To Woody Allen.

Hi ha aquests dos comentaris que hi havia sobre el parc de dinosaures.

There are these two comments that were about the dinosaur park.

Exacte, tenia pinta de catastròfic.

Exactly, it looked catastrophic.

Però res, això, que després vam fer un...

But nothing, this, that then we made a...

No un snack, que ens vam menjar un...

Not a snack, because we ate a...

Un postre típic o un snack típic d'allà, com se deia, Joan.

A typical dessert or a typical snack from there, what was it called, Joan?

Es deia...

It was called...



Bueno, sí.

Well, yes.

Com una espècie de kebab, però de pasta.

Like a kind of kebab, but made of pasta.



Però es veu que allò és un plat húngar, d'acord?

But it turns out that it's a Hungarian dish, okay?

I es diu Kurtos Kallax, d'acord?

And his name is Kurtos Kallax, okay?

Kurtos Kallax.

Kurtos Kallax.

Sí, Kurtos Kallax.

Yes, Kurtos Kallax.

I és com un rotllo de...

And it's like a roll of...

De pasta de Donut, perquè realment era bastant ou.

Of donut dough, because it really was quite eggy.

Jo em pensava que seria alguna cosa més seca.

I thought it would be something drier.

Sí, però és que fa...

Yes, but it's just that it has...

És a dir, el fet que no sigui fregit és un mini pudre, en positiu.

That is to say, the fact that it is not fried is a mini plus, in a positive way.

Sí, perquè ho feien com a la brasa, no?

Yes, because they cooked it over the grill, right?

Sí, a la brasa, es deia.

Yes, grilled, it was called.

Una capeta de...

A folder of...

De sucre.

Of sugar.

De cosa sucrada, exacte.

Of sweet thing, exactly.

Sucre cremat i ametlla.

Burnt sugar and almond.

Ametlla era el que tenia.

Almond was what he had.

No, ametlla no, nou, nou, nou. Era nou.

No, almond no, new, new, new. It was new.

No moscada, potser.

Not nutmeg, perhaps.



Sí, sí, estava molt bo.

Yes, yes, it was very good.

I això és imperiós d'Hungària, no? Transilvània, també.

And this is Hungary's imperative, right? Transylvania, too.

No s'ho devia...

He must not have...

Bueno, si s'entén, no ho sé.

Well, if it is understood, I don't know.

Aquí tirem dos apunts històrics.

Here we put down two historical notes.

Exacte, alguna cosa així, no? I...

Exactly, something like that, right? And...

És típic d'Hongria, això sí.

It's typical of Hungary, that's for sure.



I molt bo, positiu.

It's very good, positive.

I en pots trobar per la majoria de països d'Europa de l'est, d'aquest parc, però bueno.

And you can find it in most Eastern European countries, this park, but well.

En altres, això ho havíem vist, això s'ha de dir que ho havíem vist

In others, we had seen this, it must be said that we had seen it.

diversos cops a les fires d'aquí, de per aquí.

several times at the fairs around here.



I jo no m'havia atrevit mai a provar-ho i la veritat és que ara quan me troba aquella paradeta, un caurà.

And I had never dared to try it, and the truth is that now when I find that stall, I will fall for it.

Un caurà, un caurà.

One will fall, one will fall.

Però per compartir o individual?

But for sharing or individual?

És que...

It's just that...



Compartir està molt bé, però almenys ja no m'agrada compartir. Està horrible.

Sharing is very nice, but at least I no longer like sharing. It's horrible.

Molt bé, va, que portem 30 minuts de programa. Següent etapa del viatge.

Very well, come on, we have been 30 minutes into the program. Next stage of the journey.

Següent etapa, ruta d'Iasegüenia, ruta...

Next stage, Iasegüenia route, route...

Ruta cap on, Arnau, que t'hem estallat?

Route up, Arnau, what have we blown up?

Ruta de les Esglésies Fortificades.

Route of the Fortified Churches.

I aquí puc explicar una anècdota? Que això us passarà?

And can I share an anecdote here? That this will happen to you?

Si compreu un mapa de les Esglésies Fortificades, penseu que el perdreu.

If you buy a map of the Fortified Churches, think that you will lose it.

O sigui, no, us el prendrà un vampir, perquè els vampirs intenten això, aconseguir els teus mapes per conquerir-les.

So, no, a vampire will take it from you, because vampires try to do that, to get your maps to conquer them.

És com un joc de categories, doncs és una mica la idea d'aquesta.

It's like a game of categories, so that's a bit the idea of this.

Bueno, el vampir igual te va... el que va fer va ser xupar-te la memòria i que no te'n recordessis que portaves un mapa.

Well, the vampire might suit you... what he did was suck away your memory so you wouldn't remember that you had a map.

O sigui, podeu fer-me aquí un cotxe de lloguer a la mateixa Romania amb un mapa de les Esglésies Fortificades.

So, you can arrange a rental car for me here in Romania with a map of the Fortified Churches.



Oi, que te'ls retaran, eh?

Oh, they're going to mess with you, huh?

Nosaltres ens van dir que ens havien augmentat i que ens donaven algo més.

They told us that they had raised our pay and that they were giving us a little more.



Perquè feu visita turística, eh?

Because you're doing a sightseeing tour, huh?

Ho vendran com una extra.

They will sell it as an extra.

Exacte, t'ho vendran com una extra gratuït.

Exactly, they'll sell it to you as an extra for free.

Tindràs Fort Cuga sense direcció assistida, més mapes de les Esglésies Fortificades.

You will have Fort Cuga without power steering, plus maps of the Fortified Churches.

Exacte. Ei, però estan molt guapes, eh? Les esglésies.

Exactly. Hey, but they are very beautiful, right? The churches.

Molt guapes.

Very beautiful.

De la direcció assistida no tant.

Not so much about assisted steering.

D'allò va ser terrible, eh?

That was terrible, wasn't it?



Sí, sí, anàvem de cantó a cantó, eh? Uns cantaus d'un cotxe.

Yes, yes, we went from side to side, huh? Some dirt from a car.

Era un meneíto. Era per trobar-se al dillà.

It was a little shake. It was to meet in the future.

Tocàvem hores, eh? Tocàvem hores.

We were touching hours, right? We were touching hours.

Cada cop que anàvem a poc a poc ballàvem.

Every time we went slowly, we danced.

Sí, sí, sí. Era una mica un Sant Beira. Era un fort cuga més perillós de Sant Beira.

Yes, yes, yes. He was a bit of a Saint Beira. He was a stronger, more dangerous cuga than Saint Beira.

Gràcies, Sant Beira.

Thank you, Saint Beira.

Doncs això, molt xules esglésies.

Well, that's it, very cool churches.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Molt recomanada la ruta.

Highly recommended route.

Si no es cremés, sí. Si no et dediquis tòcticament a cremar el patrimoni és molt xulo veure.

If it weren't burning, yes. If you don't dedicate yourself to burning the heritage, it's very cool to see.

Exacte, perquè a part doncs estan molt ben conservades totes i que bé, i que realment com el Jordi deia això del mapa,

Exactly, because apart from that they are all very well preserved and that’s great, and that really as Jordi was saying about the map,

que com a patrimoni històric crec que n'hi ha set, però realment tota la regió, vull dir, anirà passant per poblets bastant tradicionals,

As a historical heritage, I believe there are seven, but really the entire region, I mean, will pass through quite traditional villages.

romanesos i bastant ben conservats aquella zona, vull dir.

Roman remains and quite well preserved in that area, I mean.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bastant bé.

Quite well.

Que aquest tram de la ruta la vam improvisar una mica i realment va valdre la pena improvisar-la.

That we improvised this section of the route a bit and it really was worth improvising it.

I lo que vam fer va ser buscar les set iglesies que eren patrimoni material de la humanitat i la veritat és que val la pena visitar-ho.

And what we did was look for the seven churches that were a World Heritage Site, and the truth is that it is worth visiting.

No cal pagar per entre totes perquè...

There is no need to pay for among all because...

Sí, no, perquè al final...

Yes, no, because in the end...

S'ha de pagar per totes.

It must be paid for all.

Sí que és veritat, doncs, que a Romania vam detectar una miqueta això.

It is true, then, that in Romania we detected a little of this.

Que era el territori del capitalisme. Realment era pagat per absolutament tot.

It was the territory of capitalism. It was really paid for absolutely everything.

És a dir, que no era especialment car, però absolutament tot era pagat.

That is to say, it wasn't especially expensive, but absolutely everything was paid for.

Vull dir, com aquí d'Església...

I mean, like here in Church...

Sí, sí. No, que fins a cert punt, doncs, dius, vale, però pot faltar un pas per totes les esglésies, no? Perquè al final dius...

Yes, yes. No, that up to a certain point, then you say, okay, but there can be a step missing for all the churches, right? Because in the end you say...

Sí, sí, no, clar, i que al final, doncs, de vegades tenies aquesta sensació que et cobraven, no?, per veure coses que deies, bueno, tampoc...

Yes, yes, no, of course, and that in the end, sometimes you had this feeling that they were charging you, right?, to see things that you said, well, not really...

Sí, que et cobraven per altres coses.

Yes, they charged you for other things.

Sí, que et cobraven per travessar una porta, com en un altre lloc.

Yes, they charged you to cross a door, like in another place.



Potser t'ofereixen un servei extra.

They might offer you an extra service.

Exacte, no?, o que està cuidat, o que és una església que està especialment habilitada, no?, per...

Exactly, right? Or is it well-maintained, or is it a church that is specifically equipped, right? For...

Com aquí a les catedrals, no?, que fas pagar, però, ostres, veus la catedral, tenen tota la informació, després, com normalment algun passi al museu de...

Like here at the cathedrals, right? You have to pay, but, wow, you see the cathedral, they have all the information, then, as usually someone passes to the museum of...

del patrimoni de la catedral, no?, com que està una miqueta més. Allà no, allà pagaves per veure...

of the cathedral's heritage, right? since it costs a little more. There, no, there you paid to see...

Per entrar, per entrar per la porta, bàsicament.

To enter, to enter through the door, basically.



Sí, que no està museïtzat, vull dir, al final entres, literalment, per travessar una porta.

Yes, it's not museum-like, I mean, in the end you literally enter through a door.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

El concepte de travessar és literal.

The concept of crossing is literal.

Exacte. La recomanació és que trieu una, quina voleu veure, nosaltres vam veure la de Biertan, al final, i això, no?, i les altres, doncs, les veieu per fora, i això, estan molt lluny totes.

Exactly. The recommendation is that you choose one, which one do you want to see, we saw the one in Biertan, in the end, and that’s it, right? And the others, well, you see them from the outside, and that’s it, they are all very far away.

A part, també podreu veure els poblets que estan per dalt de vora.

In addition, you will also be able to see the small villages that are up above.







Però, bueno, que si...

But, well, if...



Si es poden...

If they can...

Si es volen veure totes...

If you want to see them all...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

...especialment cares no eren, eh?, vull dir...

...especially they weren't expensive, right?, I mean...

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

Però res, però res, però...

But nothing, but nothing, but...

Però, bueno...

But, well...

Per, per, per, per economitzar, sobretot a nivell de temps.

But, but, but, but to save, especially in terms of time.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

...a un altre punt, això.

...to another point, this.

No, i que al final, vull dir, vista... sí, bé, sí que són diferents, i segur que si, que si ets un fanàtic de patrimoni, les pots gaudir més, sobretot si tens més informacions en el tema, i una mica d'excel·lència...

No, and in the end, I mean, view... yes, well, they are different, and surely if you are a heritage fanatic, you can enjoy them more, especially if you have more information on the subject and a bit of excellence...

Però són esclèsies.

But they are churches.

...són una mica... vull dir, no, vull dir, no en tenim ni pajotera idea de l'art romanès eclesiàstic, vull dir, al final...

...they are a bit... I mean, no, I mean, we don't have the slightest clue about Romanesque ecclesiastical art, I mean, in the end...

I més si ningú t'ho explica, i més si ningú t'ho explica, tampoc.

And even more if no one explains it to you, and even more if no one explains it to you, either.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, sí. Sí, no, exacte, vull dir, perquè tampoc, vull dir, tampoc no és que es fossin especialment, jo et dic, no hi havia tampoc cartell aplicatiu, ni...

Yes, yes. Yes, no, exactly, I mean, because also, I mean, it wasn't that they were particularly, I'm telling you, there wasn't really an application poster, nor...

No, no, no està emocionada, vull dir.

No, no, she is not excited, I mean.



Jo entenc que al final és això, eh?, que si ho saps també ho guardeixes perquè al final també ho veus tot més, més cru.

I understand that in the end it's this, right?, that if you know it, you also keep it because in the end you see everything more, more raw.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Vull dir...

I mean...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I el tema...

And the topic...

Que, bueno, que per altra banda també, també s'agraia, crec jo, el fet que...

Well, I think it was also appreciated that...



Vull dir, que notaves que era el que hi havia, vull dir, que tampoc t'havien vestit allò perquè fos la gran Disneyland...

I mean, you could tell it was what it was, I mean, they hadn't dressed it up to be the great Disneyland either...

No, no, vull dir, no hi havia...

No, no, I mean, there wasn't...

Exacte, que el que veies era el que hi havia, no?, i...

Exactly, what you saw was what there was, right?, and...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

La carretera, la carretera era bastant curiosa.

The road, the road was quite curious.

Sí, era xula.

Yes, it was cool.

Sí, sí, vull dir, la gent que pugui pensar que les carreteres no estan cuidades o tal, bueno, estan bé, bueno...

Yes, yes, I mean, people who might think that the roads are not taken care of or whatever, well, they are fine, well...

Estan, estan bé, vull dir...

They are, they are fine, I mean...

Per això, un dia següent, que vam passar per la carretera interna...

For that reason, the next day, when we passed along the internal road...

Allà sí que, sí que vam morir.

There we did, indeed, die.

Però, bueno, lo curiós de les carreteres també és que, a vegades, te trobaies no vehicles motoritzats.

But, well, the curious thing about the roads is that sometimes you would come across no motorized vehicles.

I això és algo que...

And this is something that...

És que estaves en un cavall.

It’s just that you were on a horse.

Que en altres, que en altres, pel fet de... d'Espanya i, bueno, del segle XXI, ens impacta, no?

That in others, that in others, due to... Spain and, well, the 21st century, impacts us, right?

Vull dir, jo, la veritat, un, un vehicle traccionat per animal...

I mean, I, truthfully, a, an animal-drawn vehicle...

El bec a la Fira Medieval, en cap més lloc.

The scholarship at the Medieval Fair, nowhere else.

Sí, però, bueno, o sigui, al final, també penso que, vull dir, és un avantatge, per la persona que el té.

Yes, but, well, I mean, in the end, I also think that, I mean, it's an advantage for the person who has it.

Vull dir, tens una carrega, tens la mascota...

I mean, you have a burden, you have the pet...

Tens una eina i tens, tens eina i transport.

You have a tool and you have, you have a tool and transport.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I, al final, i si el tens dintre casa, també calefacció, vull dir.

And, in the end, if you have it inside the house, also heating, I mean.

Y a bueno, un portant, dos geranis.

And well, a holder, two geraniums.

Exacte, no?

Exactly, right?

Llavors, doncs, per anar continuant, vam anar fins a Sibiu, no?

So, then, to keep going, we went to Sibiu, right?

Una ciutat molt, molt alemanitzada.

A very, very Germanized city.

Sí, molt germànica.

Yes, very Germanic.

Potser, potser era la més, la ciutat més arreglada que...

Perhaps, perhaps it was the most, the most well-kept city that...

O sigui, potser...

That is to say, maybe...

Potser més, més, més opulència...

Maybe more, more, more opulence...

Més opulència a nivell construir voreres, eh? Perquè, al final, opulència, en general, tampoc...

More opulence in terms of building sidewalks, huh? Because, in the end, opulence, in general, not really...

No, però, però, a veure, per la part del centre, estava xula. Vull dir, es notava que estava molt arreglada, no?

No, but, but, let's see, the central part was nice. I mean, it was noticeable that it was very well taken care of, right?

Ja tenies, potser, la sensació, ja no tant com a Europa de les, sinó que, fins i tot, era, era com molt europeu, no?

You perhaps already had the feeling, not so much as in Europe, but that it was, it was very European, wasn’t it?

Sí, sí, això sí.

Yes, yes, that is true.



I no notaves tant la diferència de la, la de, de, no sé com dir-ho ara, el potró.

And you didn't notice so much the difference of the, the, of, I don’t know how to say it now, the pot.

Sí, no es deia el potró.

Yes, it was not called the potró.

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

Vull dir, molt, molt, molt apanyat el centre, no? Com altres llocs que dèiem que hi havia com coses més deixades i coses més arreglades, no?

I mean, very, very, very tidy the center, right? Like other places we said that had more neglected things and more organized things, right?

No, no.

No, no.

Estava, estava molt...

I was, I was very...

No hauria sigut capital, capital no sé què europea, no? Allò, vull dir...

It wouldn't have been capital, capital I don't know what European, right? That, I mean...

Sí, el 2008 o 2007, capital europea de la cultura.

Yes, in 2008 or 2007, European Capital of Culture.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però com servera, no? També.

But like server, right? Also.

Sí, home, ja, però vull dir, a nivell de, de que ho, sí, en fem bandera, eh? I, realment, sembla que ho havien, o sigui, ho havien treballat.

Yes, man, sure, but I mean, on a level of, of what, yes, we make a banner of it, right? And, really, it seems that they had, I mean, they had worked on it.

Sí, lo de la, lo de la bandera també era curiós, eh?

Yes, the thing about the flag was also interesting, right?

El què? Lo de la bandera?

The what? The thing about the flag?

Lo de, lo de la quantitat de banderes de, d'Europa que tenien, de la Unió Europea.

The thing about the number of flags of Europe that they had, of the European Union.

Però només allí, eh? Perquè després tampoc no es veia d'altres puestos.

But only there, right? Because after that, it couldn't be seen from other places either.

Sí, sí, però en la carretera en veies.

Yes, yes, but you could see it on the road.



No hi havia...

There was no...

Eren com molt fans d'Europa, saps?

They were like really big fans of Europe, you know?

Bueno, també t'ho dic, eh? Que quan tens bússia tirant pepinos al país del cantó, jo també em feia.

Well, I also tell you, okay? That when you have a problem throwing cucumbers in the neighboring country, I also did.

Sí, sí, igual també, clar, he fet la curiós bandera.

Yes, yes, the same, of course, I have made the curious flag.

Què volia dir? Tenim cinc, tenim deu minutets, eh, Marco?

What did I mean? We have five, we have ten minutes, huh, Marco?

Llavors, doncs, va, molt bé, Joan, gràcies. Vam intentar passar per la Transfagarassa, que, com ja ens havien advertit, allà de Perneu, tot i això...

Then, well, okay, Joan, thank you. We tried to go through the Transfagarasan, which, as we had already been warned, there from Perneu, although...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

La part que vam veure dels cartats, vam arribar fins a... fins a...

The part that we saw of the posters, we reached up to... up to...

Ens van advertir...

They warned us...

No sabia que hi havia allà, no?, el telefèric d'enllà.

I didn't know there was a cable car over there, right?

Uf, de Val... de Val... d'alguna cosa així.

Phew, from Val... from Val... something like that.

Sí, de la caixa de Val...

Yes, from the box of Val...

De Valram, Valron.

From Valram, Valron.

Però, bueno, la qüestió és que també això va ser algo curiós, perquè és com a que a tots els càmeres els preguntàvem a veure si es podia fer la Transfagarassa.

But, well, the point is that this was also something curious, because it's like we asked all the cameras if it was possible to do the Transfagaras.

I al final ens van agafar l'únic que va dir que no ho sabia.

And in the end, they caught the only one who said he didn't know.



I ens van dir que creien que estava tancat, alguns ho van buscar està per internet...

And they told us that they thought it was closed, some searched for it online...

Ah, per internet, eh?

Ah, through the internet, huh?

I un que ens va dir... no ho sé...

And one that told us... I don't know...

Doncs ens van agafar això per...

Well, they took this for...

Però bé...

But well...

Sí, sí, però... però bueno, per tot això va valdre la pena.

Yes, yes, but... but well, for all that it was worth it.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, no?

Yes, yes, right?

Sí, ho he fet, sí.

Yes, I have done it, yes.

A mi em valdria més la pena.

It would be more worthwhile for me.

El viatge que vam fer després, que vam passar per aquell Montestiu rodovols... que vam passar per aquells poblets i tot... la carretera aquella...

The trip we took afterwards, where we passed by that Montestiu rodovols... where we went through those small towns and everything... that road...

Però el que vi de terra, el que vi de terra...

But what wine from the land, what wine from the land...

Però bueno, el món és greu.

But well, the world is serious.

Sobretot aquests fets, de pobles que no estan ni pavimentats ni asfaltats per arribar-hi, que tampoc no són patates.

Above all these facts, of villages that are neither paved nor asphalted to reach them, which are also not potatoes.

Casetes, generalment senzilles, algunes de més clares i això, però si són senzilles...

Cassettes, generally simple, some clearer and that, but if they are simple...

Ara, un BMW és un Mercedes, el camp de patates.

Now, a BMW is a Mercedes, the potato field.

Sí, sí, un BMW és un Mercedes, el camp de patates al cantó. Vull dir, això era una mica l'atòmica.

Yes, yes, a BMW is a Mercedes, the potato field on the side. I mean, that was a bit atomic.

No, no, el camp de patates al cantó no. Un Mercedes és un BMW damunt del camp de patates perquè tot és patates.

No, no, the potato field on the corner no. A Mercedes is a BMW on top of the potato field because everything is potatoes.

Ja, tot és patata, ja, ja.

Yes, everything is potato, ha ha.

Exacte, exacte. Llavors, doncs, flipant, no? Trobar el canal.

Exactly, exactly. So, then, crazy, right? Finding the channel.

Digues, digues, Joan.

Tell me, tell me, Joan.

L'ambient d'aquests monestirs i tal, de com estan de bé, vull dir, que no són molt antics,

The atmosphere of these monasteries and such, how well they are, I mean, that they are not very old,

no ho recorde com un rotllo secte, rotllo pel mar de Troia.

I don't remember it as a cult thing, like the Trojan Sea.

Vull dir, jo quan passava per allà al cantó, hi veia un tio que ens mirava d'aquella manera, pensava, hòstia,

I mean, when I passed by there around the corner, I saw a guy looking at us that way, I thought, wow,

ens estem ficant en monestres.

we are getting into monasteries.

No, no em posava el cap.

No, I wasn't covering my head.

No tenies cap.

You had none.



Que te'n portaven com un mocador cap i em posaves a damunt.

They brought you like a handkerchief and placed me on top.

Això m'he fixat.

I've noticed this.



Bueno, sí, els hàbits de la monja.

Well, yes, the habits of the nun.



Ah, sí, sí, sí, val, val, clar, sí, això sí.

Ah, yes, yes, yes, okay, okay, sure, yes, that's true.

De la monja ortodoxa.

From the Orthodox nun.

Feia una miqueta de por, la veritat, perquè a part hi havia, no sé, era una miqueta estrany,

It was a bit scary, to be honest, because on top of that, I don't know, it was a bit strange,

perquè hi havia les tres monges i després tres tios com molt joves.

because there were three nuns and then three guys who were very young.

Amb calafnicada i fent guàrdia.

With a cold snap and on guard.

Sí, sí, sí, com una miqueta fent guàrdia.

Yes, yes, yes, like a little bit on guard.

Per això, per això semblava...

That's why it seemed...

Com si fos un rotllo estrany, no?

Like a weird roll, right?

Sí, exacte, com un càrtel, no?

Yes, exactly, like a cartel, right?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Les monges de la Maria.

The nuns of Maria.

És a dir, que potser no hi plantaven patates.

That is to say, they perhaps didn't plant potatoes there.

Ens diuen que són ponzelles i...

They tell us they are maidens and...

Però bueno, aquella... vam tindre una ruta curiosa,

But well, that... we had an interesting route,

una ruta, diguem-ne, forestal, curiosa,

a curious, shall we say, forest route,

que creuava uns quants pobles també curiosos.

that crossed a few curious towns as well.

A mi em va fer gràcia que ni els nord-americans

I found it funny that neither the Americans

ni els romanesos tenien clar on s'estaven fotent.

neither did the Romanians have a clear idea of where they were getting into.

Sí, perquè es van preguntar, no?

Yes, because they asked, right?

O sigui, ens va parar una parella d'autòctons

That is to say, a couple of locals stopped us.

amb el seu cotxe pujant muntanya a muntanya,

with his car going up mountain to mountain,

mentre els altres baixaven muntanya avall.

while the others were going down the mountain.

Ens van preguntar en romanes, oi?

They asked us in Roman, didn't they?

Ens van preguntar probablement a veure què tal...

They probably asked us to see how things were going...

Si es podia seguir pel camí.

If one could continue along the path.



Nosaltres els vam dir, bueno, no n'hi ha d'aire, però...

We told them, well, there isn't any air, but...

Ens el tenies una mica això.

You had this a little bit for us.

Sí, sí, nosaltres perquè anàvem amb un SUV, però ells anaven amb un...

Yes, yes, we because we were going with an SUV, but they were going with a...

Amb un Clio.

With a Clio.

Sí, però després trobaves, vull dir, autos més baixos que el nostre,

Yes, but then you found, I mean, cars lower than ours.

vull dir, més baixos que el que portaven i estaven a dalt, saps?

I mean, lower than what they were wearing and they were on top, you know?

Sí, però no...

Yes, but no...

Sí, hi ha algun camió de portafustes d'aquests, de portafostes.

Yes, there are some of these truck-mounted stake beds, of stake beds.

Però aquests camions tenen un extra de DRC.

But these trucks have an extra DRC.

Però bueno...

But well...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I vam arribar a Bucarest, la gran ciutat

We arrived in Bucharest, the great city.

a la qual potser no volíem anar.

to which perhaps we did not want to go.



Clar, realment ho vam assumir una miqueta amb...

Of course, we really took it on a bit with...

Amb mala gana.

With a bad appetite.



Ens va costar acceptar que havíem de passar per Romanes.

It was hard for us to accept that we had to go through Romanes.

Ai, per Romanes.

Oh, for Romans.

Per Bucarest.

To Bucharest.

Que no, perquè és el que dèiem, no?

No, because it's what we were saying, right?

Que la idea era aterrar-nos.

That the idea was to land us.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Si mireu fotos a Google ja es veu, visualment ja hi ha dintre.

If you look at photos on Google, you can already see it; visually, it's already inside.

Sí, però s'ha de dir que no fa justícia al país, eh, a Bucarest.

Yes, but it must be said that it does not do justice to the country, huh, in Bucharest.

Perquè el país és molt bonic i Bucarest just no ho és.

Because the country is very beautiful and Bucharest simply is not.

És decadent.

It is decadent.

La paraula és decadent.

The word is decadent.

És decadent.

It is decadent.

I això va estar bastant en el fet que hi havia com un procés d'anar millorant, no?

And this was quite related to the fact that there was a process of continuous improvement, right?

Però clar, al final aquestes millores no són...

But of course, in the end these improvements are not...

Igual a tot arreu.

Same everywhere.

Iguals a tot arreu.

The same everywhere.

I s'ha de dir, el moment d'aparcar el cotxe, si nosaltres teníem un hotel, que teníem

And it must be said, the moment of parking the car, if we had a hotel, that we had.

pàrquing a dintre.

parking inside.

I aleshores algú va fer la màgoa de dir, aparquem aquí en un racó i anem a preguntar.

And then someone made the mistake of saying, let's park here in a corner and go ask.

Jo cridant des del ceint al darrere.

I’m shouting from the seat at the back.

No, no, no, cap dintre el pàrquing.

No, no, no, not inside the parking.

M'és igual si no és el hotel.

I don't mind if it's not the hotel.

Vosaltres, nosaltres aparquem a dintre.

You all, we park inside.

Sí, igual no sé segur si aquest és el pàrquing o no.

Yes, I'm not sure if this is the parking lot or not.

Si vols, no sé segur si aquest és el pàrquing on hem d'anar.

If you want, I’m not sure if this is the parking lot we should go to.

Nosaltres anem a aparcar a dintre.

We are going to park inside.

Hi ha un tio que el custodi.

There is a guy who guards him.

Vull dir, hi havia gorrilles custodiant el carrer de cantó a cantó.

I mean, there were gorillas guarding the street from corner to corner.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Estava plegat de gorrilles.

It was full of gorillas.

Era algo...

It was something...

Però bueno, s'ha de dir que els gorrilles oficials s'agraeixen.

But well, it must be said that the official security guards are appreciated.

El fet que hi hagi un controlador de pàrquing és molt d'agrair.

The fact that there is a parking attendant is much appreciated.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Perquè és veritat que hi hagués gorrilles de veritat.

Because it is true that there were real gorillas.



Digues, digues.

Say, say.




Are you okay?

No, no, jo estic aquí. T'estàvem preguntant...

No, no, I'm here. We were asking you...

Ah, no, no, res, res. Això, això, això, disculpeu-me.

Ah, no, no, nothing, nothing. This, this, this, excuse me.

Doncs això, que està bé, no? Perquè al final, doncs, t'estalviaven la presència de gorrilles no oficials amenaçants, saps?

Well, that's it, it's good, isn't it? Because in the end, they saved you from the presence of threatening unofficial bouncers, you know?

I que al final te cobraen, doncs, l'eixos del pàrquing.

And in the end, they will charge you for the parking space.

Ara, això, també, tots els pàrquings, absolutament tots, de totes les ciutats, els pobles no, però totes les ciutats, no?

Now, this, too, all the parking lots, absolutely all, from all the cities, not the towns, but all the cities, right?

Inclús dels pobles, eh? Molts.

Even from the villages, right? Many.



Eren de pàrquing, no? De pàrquing.

They were from parking, right? From parking.

Sí, però crec que el pàrquing, el perímetre, ara, després, tot el pàrquing li donava la gana.

Yes, but I think the parking, the perimeter, now, later, the whole parking was tempting him.

Sí, però jo crec que també ens enganya molt el tema de la mida de les ciutats, eh? Perquè una ciutat d'igual de...

Yes, but I think the issue of city size also deceives us a lot, right? Because a city of equal...

Més rancallida, de 200.000 habitants, tu, com que les cases eren més baixetes i totes tan més distribuïdes, semblava més petita, saps?

More rundown, with 200,000 inhabitants, it seemed smaller since the houses were shorter and all so much more spread out, you know?

És a dir, hòstia, és un poble. Igual hi havia 200.000 habitants, per mi.

That is to say, damn, it's a town. There might be 200,000 inhabitants, for me.



I el tema de la mida de les ciutats és més difícil de calibrar.

And the issue of the size of cities is harder to gauge.

Sí, sí, això sí, això sí. El plantejament de...

Yes, yes, that's right, that's right. The approach to...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Pintes. Simplement que en aquest cas, doncs bé, també, de cada prova el...

Brushes. Simply that in this case, well, also, from each test the...

Vam esperar...

We waited...

Ostres, ara, ho tens tota l'estona.

Wow, now you have it all the time.

Que, bueno, que vam compartir l'habitació amb...

Well, we shared the room with...

Ah, amb els gravats.

Ah, with the engravings.

Amb les cookies.

With the cookies.

Amb animalons.

With little animals.

Amb animals.

With animals.

Amb animalets.

With little animals.

Les cookies que mai vam acceptar.

The cookies we never accepted.

Exacte, no? I després, també una cosa que m'interessava bastant, no?, que...

Exactly, right? And then, also one thing that interested me quite a bit, right?, that...

Toni, que...

Toni, that...

Que era la gent, treballadors, que eren absorbits per la seva cadira.

That was the people, workers, who were absorbed by their chair.

Oh, i a més...

Oh, and moreover...

Quan vam arribar a l'hotel, era...

When we arrived at the hotel, it was...

Primer veies el respallet de la cadira, a la part de dalt, i després li miraves cap a baix i apareixia una persona.

First you would see the backrest of the chair, at the top, and then you would look down and a person would appear.

Exacte, que estava allà enxovat, deien les hores...

Exactly, he was there stuffed, they said the hours...

No, i quan vam arribar a l'hotel, que hi havia...

No, and when we arrived at the hotel, there was...

Ah, bueno, o sigui...

Ah, well, I mean...

Al pàrquing, mirant la tele, just al mig del...

In the parking lot, watching TV, right in the middle of...

Home, jo no em fico, eh?

Come on, I'm not getting involved, okay?

Amb el dret a descans de la gent, vull dir...

With the right to rest for the people, I mean...

La tele em sembla...

The TV seems to me...

Però s'ha de dir que en un negoci, no?, que justament a l'entrada hi hagi...

But it must be said that in a business, right?, that right at the entrance there is...

Hi hagi una barricada de...

There is a barricade of...

De gent mirant la tele.

People watching TV.

Exacte, de persones del servei mirant la tele, doncs...

Exactly, people from the service watching TV, then...

Queda una miqueta estrany, no?

It sounds a little strange, doesn't it?

Sí, però això de...

Yes, but this about...

Que n'hi estem acostumats.

That we are used to it.

Això de que hi hagi com gent...

This thing about there being like people...

Si els treballadors peten la xarra de...

If the workers are chatting about...

O sigui, a mi no m'hi ha passat mai, anar a un bar, veure gent assentar a la terrassa,

That is, it has never happened to me to go to a bar, see people sitting on the terrace,

fent un cafè, anar a entrar...

having a coffee, going to enter...

Intentar entrar a dintre, i que em diguin...

Try to get inside, and let them tell me...

No, no, que està tancat.

No, no, it's closed.

Que nosaltres som els treballadors i estem fent el cafè esperant que...

That we are the workers and we are making coffee waiting for...



Així te cobrim d'aquí...

Thus we cover you from here...

D'aquí cinc minuts, saps?

In five minutes, you know?

Que a veure, que no passa res.

That let's see, that nothing happens.

Vull dir, si obres...

I mean, if you open...

Tens l'horari que tens, ja està bé.

You have the schedule that you have, it's fine.

Però clar, això que heu fet aquest, no?

But of course, this that you have done this, right?

Que dius, normalment...

What do you say, normally...

Clar, que estiguis just davant la porta, no?

Of course, you should be right in front of the door, right?

Estar dintre, sí, esperant.

To be inside, yes, waiting.

Exacte, intenta amagar dins, no?

Exactly, try to hide inside, right?

I això.

And that.



Però és com que potser aquestes coses de...

But it's like perhaps these things of...





Potser aquí...

Perhaps here...

Potser per costum, no?

Perhaps out of habit, right?

Jo crec que no és costum.

I believe it is not customary.

I al final també si té costum...

And in the end, also if it has a habit...

Sí, sí, no, no.

Yes, yes, no, no.

No t'afecta res.

It doesn't affect you at all.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Clar que no, clar que no.

Of course not, of course not.

Però, bueno, també...

But, well, also...

Que això ho comentàvem moltes vegades, que nosaltres veiem que el país està acostumat

That we often talked about, that we see the country is accustomed.

a la turisticació.

to the tourist area.



I que potser tenim certs estàndards, no?

And maybe we have certain standards, right?

I tenim certes...

And we have certain...



Però que, clar, que...

But of course, that...

D'altres països amb cultura ben diferent...

From other countries with very different cultures...



Però que, clar, que...

But of course, that...

















I que té la quota mínima que...

And that has the minimum quota that...

De turisme.

From tourism.

Vull dir que...

I mean that...

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

I després també les...

And then also the...

Diga una rock.

Say a rock.

No, això no.

No, not this.

I després també les turist-trap, no?, que hi havia que anar-les als llocs, eh?, sobretot

And then there are also the tourist traps, right? That you had to go to those places, huh? Especially.

això ens va passar només a la cap...

this happened only to the head...

que a l'hora de pagar et deien, bueno, tu m'has donat el percent de propina, és un verbe.

that when it came time to pay they would say, well, you've given me the percentage of the tip, it's a verb.

Sí, però això només passa a la capital. Jo estic llegint després per internet que Bucarest és terrorisme.

Yes, but this only happens in the capital. I am reading online afterwards that Bucharest is terrorism.

I sobretot la zona centre, que al final és una zona bastant alta, és que no està un dia,

And especially the central area, which in the end is quite a high area, it's not just one day.

i al final és la zona que és la Petita París, que en diuen, no?, que tot edifici és així xulets i tal.

And in the end, it's the area that is called Little Paris, right? Where every building is like that, with all the ornaments and so on.

N'hi ha un clàssic, sí.

There is a classic, yes.

Clar, sí.

Of course, yes.

Si ho haguessin fet en un altre cantó, dius, potser és costum del país, però és que només és el passat lliure.

If they had done it in another place, you say, maybe it's the custom of the country, but it's just the free past.

Exacte, i a part que eren restaurants que tampoc no eren el restaurant allò que...

Exactly, and apart from that, they were restaurants that were also not the kind of restaurant that...

Sí, és el millor.

Yes, it's the best.

...la persona...

...the person...

Ja tenim la minuta, canalla?

Are we ready with the bill, kids?

Sí, doncs, bueno, bé, jo crec que...

Yes, well, okay, I think that...

I al final...

And in the end...

Penseu com...

Think like...

Quines són les sensacions que vau tindre del viatge en general?

What were your feelings about the trip in general?

Jo, vaig flipar en lo que era el...

I was blown away by what it was...

Jo, Ursus Black.

I, Ursus Black.

La meva paraula és Ursus Black.

My name is Ursus Black.

En Jordi és l'única persona capaç d'anar a un país que no ha conegut per la seva cervesa...

Jordi is the only person capable of going to a country he has never known for its beer...

I valorar-lo per la seva cervesa.

I value it for its beer.

Exacte, i glorificar-lo per una còpia d'una cervesa per...

Exactly, and glorify him for a copy of a beer for...



Puta cervesa, Belga.

Fucking beer, Belgian.

Ai, perdó, que et defoni per el lote.

Oh, sorry, I am defining you for the bunch.

Me l'haig... que l'han d'arrallar.

I have to... that they have to be removed.

Però bé...

But well...

Però jo és una experiència que recomano a qualsevol persona, perquè segurament quan hi vagi d'aquí uns anys els preus ja seran com els d'aquí.

But I recommend this experience to anyone, because surely when I go in a few years the prices will be like they are here.

No, no, però clar...

No, no, but of course...

Si es preu deu anyets...

If it's the price, it must be a few years...

Però jo crec que d'aquí deu anyets, vist el nivell de la càrrega...

But I think that in about ten years, considering the level of the load...

Jo em sembla que d'aquí deu anys nosaltres estarem convents.

I think that in ten years we will be convents.

Veiem una mica com va el tema.

Let's see a little how the matter is going.

A nivell econòmic.

On an economic level.

Ai, mama mia.

Oh, my goodness.

No sé, jo hi he emetut lo carnet de domador de cavalls.

I don't know, I have issued the horse trainer's license.

He d'anar al carrer tot el poble.

The whole town has to go out into the street.

Doncs bueno, molt bé, no?

Well, good, isn't it?

Doncs ens despedim d'aquesta gent.

So we say goodbye to these people.

Els nostres radioïens.

Our radio listeners.

Els nostres podcastoïens.

Our podcast listeners.

I bueno...

And well...

I al pròxim ja acabarem de parlar de la casa del poble, que és algo que igual li hem dit...

And in the next one, we will finish talking about the village house, which is something we may have mentioned...

Ah, bueno, no, jo crec que podem acabar, Albi.

Ah, well, no, I think we can finish, Albi.



Doncs va, parlem de la casa del poble, Joan.

Well then, let's talk about the village house, Joan.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

I parlarem al pròxim programa amb més profunditat.

We will talk about it in more depth in the next program.



Perquè s'han de dir coses interessants.

Because interesting things have to be said.

Vale, vale. Molt bé, molt bé.

Okay, okay. Very good, very good.

Doncs res, moltes gràcies a tothom, no?

Well, nothing, thank you very much to everyone, right?

I bueno, i els que tinguin pensat viatjar a Romania...

And well, for those who are thinking of traveling to Romania...

Súper recomanat.

Super recommended.

I que al final, tot això que diuen de que la cosa es conduís malament...

And that in the end, all this they say about things going badly...



A part, també vull dir...

Besides, I also want to say...

La gent súper agradable.

The people are super nice.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Vam veure també que la gent tenia com...

We also saw that people had like...

Com de preguntar molt, no?

How to ask a lot, right?



Que de seguida et preguntaven qualsevol cosa...

That they would immediately ask you anything...



No, que els que s'adreçaven a nosaltres en romanès...

No, those who addressed us in Romanian...

Res, tal, i diem...

Nothing, such, and we say...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però el problema és aquell que no sabies...

But the problem is the one you didn't know...

Que havies de calibrar...

What you had to calibrate...

Havies de pensar en quin idioma t'estàvem parlant.

You had to think about which language we were speaking to you.

Perquè al final el romanès s'assembla...

Because in the end Romanian resembles...

I al final és clar...

And in the end, of course...

I tens un moment de curt de circuit...

You have a moment of short circuit...

Que dius...

What are you saying...

Com d'intentar pillar...

How to try to catch...

O sigui, has d'intentar treure una paraula...

That is to say, you have to try to come up with a word...

Amb l'entonació...

With the intonation...



Però no estic entenent...

But I'm not understanding...

Que coi m'estava comentant aquest senyor.

What the hell was this gentleman telling me?

O una senyora.

Or a lady.



Doncs, bueno.

Well, okay.

Fins aquí el temps, no?

Up to here is the weather, right?

Fins aquí.

Until here.



Doncs, ale.

Well, cheers.

Adeu, adeu.

Goodbye, goodbye.

Apa, adeu.

Okay, goodbye.



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