El Bacstage dels èxits - Escriurem (Miki Núñez)

Exits Bacstage

El Bacstage del èxits

El Bacstage dels èxits - Escriurem (Miki Núñez)

El Bacstage del èxits

Escriurem va ser la primera cançó en català de Miki Núñez que es va convertir en un èxit a Catalunya.

"We'll write" was the first song in Catalan by Miki Núñez that became a hit in Catalonia.

Una balada en català que posa la pell de gallina, que s'enganxa moltíssim

A ballad in Catalan that gives you goosebumps, that sticks a lot.

i que a més va agafar força el confinament amb l'iniciativa Joan Coronu.

And it also gained strength during the lockdown with the Joan Coronu initiative.

Com es va crear i com es va convertir en un èxit ens ho expliquen els seus protagonistes.

How it was created and how it became a success is explained to us by its protagonists.

Des del backstage de Flashback us expliquem com es va fer Escriurem.

From the backstage of Flashback, we will tell you how Escriurem was made.

El backstage dels èxits.

The backstage of success.


We will write.

Un dia, després d'un concert d'OT a Madrid, jo vaig arribar a l'habitació,

One day, after an OT concert in Madrid, I arrived at the room,

el regidor Juanjo m'havia regalat un nou ukelele,

councilman Juanjo had given me a new ukulele,

perquè jo estava molt pesat amb els ukeleles i volia aprendre a tocar l'ukelele,

because I was very obsessed with ukuleles and wanted to learn to play the ukulele,

i quan vaig arribar a l'habitació, a les cinc de la matinada,

and when I arrived at the room, at five in the morning,

podem dir que no en les millors facultats, capacitats auditives justes,

we can say that not in the best faculties, just auditory abilities,

mentre ploro, perquè estava supertrist, perquè era el primer concert que havíem fet a Madrid

while I cry, because I was super sad, because it was the first concert we had done in Madrid

amb els companys d'OT, i jo volia dedicar-los una cançó.

with my friends from OT, and I wanted to dedicate a song to them.

De fet, escriurem-hi és pels meus companys.

In fact, we will write it for my colleagues.

El primer concert nostre, que va ser a Madrid, el Wifi,

Our first concert, which was in Madrid, the Wifi,

va ser, per una part, era com increïble, alegria,

It was, on one hand, like incredible, joy,

hem omplit això de 15.000 persones,

we have filled this with 15,000 people,

però també hi havia un component d'una mica de tristor,

but there was also a component of a bit of sadness,

perquè quan una cosa comença, ja, el següent és que acabi.

because when something begins, the next thing is for it to end.

I llavors vaig decidir, buscant a internet,

And then I decided, searching on the internet,

els quatre acordes més fàcils per ukelele.

the four easiest chords for ukulele.

Doncs el do, sol, re i mi menor.

So the D major, A, B, and E minor.

Em vaig agafar la gravadora del mòbil i li vaig dir

I grabbed my phone recorder and said to him.

Nil, posa això a l'ordinador.

Nil, put this on the computer.

Li vaig escriure la lletra a la tornada, ell ho va posar,

I wrote the lyrics to the chorus, he put it in.

ell va crear les estrofes, llavors vam quedar un dia

he created the stanzas, then we met one day

i vam començar a escriure, em va dir, vomita-ho tot.

And we started to write, he told me, vomit it all out.

Un nou dia t'ha abraçat, et lleves i no saps

A new day has embraced you, you wake up and don't know.

que enyorarem aquest moment.

we will miss this moment.

Jo, com que ho tenia tan recent i tan a flor de pell,

I, as I had it so fresh and so close to the surface,

vaig començar a recordar les coses que vivíem a dins de la casa,

I began to remember the things we lived inside the house,

a l'acadèmia, moltes matins jo em llevava i pensava

At the academy, many mornings I would wake up and think

ua, tio, no sabem el que trobarem a faltar a aquests moments,

Yeah, man, we don't know what we'll miss at these moments.

és que no m'ho puc arribar a imaginar, saps?

I just can't imagine it, you know?

Vaig començar a recordar totes les coses que vivíem allà.

I started to remember all the things we experienced there.

I de fet la cançó durava gairebé set minuts.

And in fact, the song lasted almost seven minutes.

La casualitat és la que m'ha portat a fer-me més valent.

Chance is what has made me braver.

Un nou dia t'ha abraçat, et lleves i no saps

A new day has embraced you, you wake up and you don't know.

que enyorarem aquest moment.

we will miss this moment.

I la tenien només els meus companys i companyes d'OT.

And only my colleagues from OT had it.

Un dia va arribar a casa de quatre companyes que vivien juntes,

One day he arrived at the home of four friends who lived together,

que eren la Natàlia, l'Amarilia, l'Alba i la Marta,

that were Natàlia, Amarilia, Alba, and Marta,

i bé, a mi ja en aquell moment em va guanyar.

And well, at that moment, he already won me over.

O sigui, ja tothom gairebé plorant.

So, everyone is almost crying.

Jo primer vaig sentir molta il·lusió.

At first, I felt a lot of excitement.

Perquè recordo que em va fer molta il·lusió

Because I remember that it made me very happy.

escoltar-li cantar en català

listen to him/her sing in Catalan

i em va fer il·lusió entendre-la també

And it made me happy to understand it too.

perquè jo vull que parli genial català.

because I want him to speak great Catalan.

L'hi associo molt a ell a la següent etapa de l'acadèmia,

I associate him very much with the next stage of the academy,

a ell escrivint les seves coses a l'acadèmia.

him writing his things at the academy.

Com que em venia la imatge i pensava

As the image came to me, I thought.

que ho ha fet molt bé.

that he/she has done it very well.

Però honestament, em va fer molta il·lusió.

But honestly, it made me very happy.

Sí, la reacció de la Natàlia va ser increïble

Yes, Natalia's reaction was incredible.

perquè vam viure moltes coses allà junts

because we experienced many things there together

i bé, era de les persones que millor em portava.

And well, she was one of the people I got along with the best.

Va ser molt emocionant

It was very emotional.

perquè en cada frase que deia la cançó,

because in every sentence that the song said,

en cada paraula,

in every word,

jo sabia de què estava parlant

I knew what I was talking about.

i em venien al cap aquells records de l'acadèmia.

And those memories of the academy were coming to my mind.

Al Dave li va encantar, al Dave li va encantar.

Dave loved it, Dave loved it.

O sigui, jo recordo, el Dave i la Maria

That is, I remember, Dave and Maria.

eren les dues persones que més demanaven

they were the two people who asked the most

la cançó a l'autodidacta.

the song to the self-taught.

Posàvem Escriurem,

We put Write,

quan tocava posar Escriurem

when it was time to put We will write

i posar-nos tots una mica carinyosos

and let's all be a little affectionate

i una mica tontos, sensiblons.

and a little silly, sensitive.

I m'acordo d'anar amb el cotxe

I remember going by car.

amb el meu nòvio aquí,

with my boyfriend here,

com a una platja,

like at a beach,

perquè a ell també li encantava

because he also loved it

i ens la posàvem, baixàvem les ventanilles,

and we put it on, we would lower the windows,

li enviavàvem vídeos a Miki cantant-la.

we sent her videos of Miki singing it.

Hi havia vídeos cada dos per tres d'ella

There were videos of her every now and then.

cantant la cançó a casa seva, Muerte.

singing the song at his home, Death.

La cantàvem a la gira, a l'autobús,

We sang it on the tour, on the bus,

la cantàvem allà a sac

we sang it there a lot

o la posàvem a la maqueta.

or we put it on the model.

O sigui, jo pensava en plan...

I mean, I was thinking like...

Esto va a ser de verdad, Miki, un bombazo.

This is going to be real, Miki, a blast.

O sea, esta canción es muy fuerte.

In other words, this song is very powerful.

Bueno, y lo ha sido, evidentemente.

Well, it has been, obviously.

Sí, la Maria i jo li vam dir aquesta frase.

Yes, Maria and I told him this sentence.

Esto es un clásico desde que la veía escrita.

This is a classic since I saw it written.

El backstage dels èxits.

The backstage of success.


We will write.

Era un regal, era un regal.

It was a gift, it was a gift.

Però el dia que vam arribar a l'estudi,

But the day we arrived at the studio,

el Roger Rodés la va escoltar,

Roger Rodés heard her.

que era el productor, i va dir

that he was the producer, and he said

això és un tema.

this is a subject.

Sónava en plan, uau.

It sounded like, wow.

Roger Rodés, productor musical d'Escriurem.

Roger Rodés, music producer of Escriurem.

A mi el primer que m'arriba

To me, the first thing that reaches me.

és una sèrie de maquetes,

it is a series of models,

no només d'Escriurem, sinó de tota una selecció

not only from Escriurem, but from a whole selection

primera de temes, que serien els candidats

first of all, what would the candidates be

per anar al disc del Miki.

to go to Miki's disc.

I se n'havia de fer una tria de 10, 12 màxim.

A selection of 10 or 12 at most had to be made.

I el que sí que estava claríssim

And what was definitely very clear

era que Escriurem era un d'ells.

It was that we would write was one of them.

Escriurem és un temazo, segur?

We'll write is a great song, for sure?

Jo no, no, però Escriurem no...

Not me, no, but we will write no...

O sigui, no és pel disc.

So, it's not about the album.

I em diu, i tant que és pel disc.

He tells me, and of course it is for the record.

Pues a l'esplay he dit, és que ja veig com sona el tema,

Well, in the explanation I said, it's just that I can already see how the topic sounds,

ja veig a l'estadi olímpic allà.

I see it at the Olympic stadium there.

Ell tenia clar que volia un disc enèrgic.

He was clear that he wanted an energetic album.

Ramon Montardit,

Ramon Montardit,

exrepresentant artístic de Miki Núñez.

former artistic representative of Miki Núñez.

Ell venia de la venda

He was coming from the sale.

d'un jol gòrio,

of a nice glory,

una juerga...

a spree...

Perquè jo pensava,

Because I thought,

la balada en català la poso

I will put the ballad in Catalan.

l'última, com donant-li poca importància.

the last one, as if giving it little importance.

Mal, mal per mi,

Bad, bad for me,

error. Era una cançó

error. It was a song.

increïble, que tots la veien

incredible, that everyone saw her

amb les maquetes ja, la veien com un

with the models already, they saw it as a

hitazo. La demo l'havia fet

big hit. The demo had been done.

el Nil Moliner, que havien

Nil Moliner, whom they had

composat juntament amb el Miki

composed together with Miki

el tema aquest, i la veritat

this topic, and the truth

és que sonava molt bé. I el primer que penso és que

it's that it sounded really good. And the first thing I think is that

és un tema que

it's a topic that

té una tornada

has a return

molt enganxosa, molt cantable.

very catchy, very singable.


We will write.

que tot no va ser fàcil

that not everything was easy

plasmarem la nostra

we will embody our

vida en un paper

life on a paper

marxarem amb els

we will leave with the

dies regalats

gifted days

i amb el somriure dels que ja...

and with the smile of those who already...

Jo estava amb les llums apagades,

I was with the lights off,

una llumeta petitona. A Medusa Studios

a tiny little light. At Medusa Studios

el Roger Rodés em va dir

Roger Rodés told me.

pren-te el temps que necessitis. El vam pujar

Take the time you need. We took it up.

una miqueta de tempo perquè la demo original

a little bit of time for the original demo

encara era més lenta.

it was even slower.

I ara que tot ha acabat

And now that everything has ended

que no tinc al meu costat

that I don’t have by my side

S'ha de ser molt lenta. Aquí s'ha d'expulsar

You have to be very slow. Here you have to expel.

i s'ha d'accelerar una miqueta.

And it needs to be accelerated a little.

I ara que tot ha acabat

And now that everything has ended.

que no tinc al meu costat

that I don't have by my side

et sento diferent

I feel you differently.

Amb la guitarra la proves una mica

With the guitar, you try it a little.

a veure que li senti bé.

let's see if it suits him well.

I ara que tot ha acabat

And now that everything has ended.

Encara que no ho sembli

Even though it may not seem like it

hi ha una de capes de guitarra.

There is a guitar cap.

Si anava fent guitarres volia encara més

If I was making guitars I wanted even more.

més gran diluqüència. Més, més, més.

greater diluqència. More, more, more.

Els coros van voler

The choirs wanted.

fer participar a tota la seva banda.

to involve all of his band.

I ara que tot ha acabat

And now that it has all ended.

que tot no va ser fàcil

that not everything was easy

Plasmarem la nostra vida

We will embody our life.

en un paper

on a paper

I jo deia

And I said

Plasmarem la nostra vida

We will embody our life.

en un paper

on a paper

Plasmarem. Per què? No ho sé.

We will embody it. Why? I don't know.

En el moment en què l'estic gravant

At the moment I am recording it.

i el Ramon Montardit

and Ramon Montardit

fa eh, eh, eh, para, para, para

makes eh, eh, eh, stop, stop, stop

Dic plasmarem i el Ramon em diu

I say we will shape it and Ramon tells me.

tio, para, para, para.

Dude, stop, stop, stop.

Plasmarem em semblava una

We will capture it seemed to me a

una merda

a shit

enmig de tant

in the midst of so much

preciosisme. Dic Ramon

preciousness. I say Ramon

què passa?

What's happening?


Will we capture it?

Dic sí i em diu no m'agrada.

I say yes and he/she tells me he/she doesn't like it.

I em vaig llançar la pincina. Dic hòstia Miki tio, això de plasmarem

I jumped into the pool. I said, "Holy shit, Miki, this thing of ours will be amazing."

tio, a mi em sembla com fotre xorizo

Dude, it seems to me like messing around.

amb una cançó, saps? És una cançó

with a song, you know? It's a song

antipoètica absolutament.

absolutely anti-poetic.

I llavors el Ramon em va dir, aquí has de posar cantarem.

And then Ramon said to me, here you should put we will sing.

I vaig dir, doncs vaig a provar.

I said, so I'm going to try.

Cantarem la nostra vida en un paper

We will sing our life on a piece of paper.


We will march.

S'ho va prendre molt bé. I

He took it very well. And

crec que al final el Miki és

I think that in the end Miki is

aquest tipus d'artista. Quan més el

this type of artist. The more the

critiques i més el fas créixer

criticisms and more make you grow

des de la crítica i no des del

from the criticism and not from the

copet a l'esquena de, doncs inclús

tap on the back of, so even

et guanyes més el seu respecte.

you earn more of their respect.

En aquesta part dels boos

In this part of the boos

va ser molt bo perquè

it was very good because

he escoltat, ja he fet la mescla final, dic

I have listened, I have already made the final mix, I say.

hòstia, no em puja prou, no

Damn, it doesn't rise enough for me, no.

té l'energia que tenia la demo. I jo pensant

It has the energy that the demo had. And I was thinking.

hòstia, comparant la demo i merda

Damn, comparing the demo and shit.

què és, què és. I de cop vaig veure que en la demo

What is it, what is it. And suddenly I saw that in the demo.

la bateria feia

the drum was making

xxxt, xxxt, amb plats xxxt.

xxxt, xxxt, with plates xxxt.

Era molt millor lo de la demo.

The demo was much better.

Aleshores clar, la bateria ja estava desmuntada,

So of course, the battery was already disassembled,

els micros, s'havia acabat la mescla,

the microphones, the mix was finished,

jo no podia res a fer. I tal qual vaig

I couldn't do anything. Just like that, I go.

agafar la pista de crashos, de plats de la

take the track of crashes, of dishes of the

bateria, de la maqueta, i jo la vaig

drum kit, from the model, and I am going to

afegir tal qual xxxt. Però no passa res.

add as is xxxt. But it's okay.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puc...

And with the smile of those I can no longer...

Aquí s'hi junta tot. És molt difícil, eh,

Everything comes together here. It's very difficult, you know.

mesclar això.

mix this.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi pugui...

And with the smile of those who can no longer be there...

Que tot no va ser fàcil, cantarem la nostra vida en un paper.

That not everything was easy, we will sing our life on a piece of paper.

Marxarem amb els dies regalats,

We will march with the gifted days,

i amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser.

and with the smile of those who can no longer be there.

Escriurem que tot no va ser fàcil...

We will write that it was not all easy...

Em venia molt de gust que el Mikis quedés sol,

I really wanted Mikis to be alone,

que quedés la cançó sol, no? Com al principi.

That the song remains alone, right? Like in the beginning.

Marxarem caminant per les estrelles,

We will walk among the stars,

i amb el somriure que tu sol s'havies fet.

and with the smile that only you had made.

I jo no he superat res del tema.

And I haven't overcome anything about the topic.

a Toté ni ho superaré mai.

I'll never get over it, not even for Toté.

Mai, mai, mai, mai a la vida. Jo mai he estat tan feliç

Never, never, never, never in my life. I have never been so happy.

com vaig ser allà dins. Mai.

how I was in there. Never.

Ni mai he estat tan a gust

Never have I felt so at ease.

amb mi mateix ni amb la gent que m'envoltava.

with myself or with the people around me.

Per això era només pels meus companys i companyes

That's why it was only for my colleagues.

de Toté, saps? Perquè només,

of Toté, you know? Because only,

jo pensava que només aquestes persones ho entendrien

I thought that only these people would understand it.

tot el que estic dient.

everything I am saying.

Però arriba un moment en què

But there comes a moment when

passa una cosa que és el que

something happens that is what

jo he volgut sempre amb la música,

I have always wanted with music,

que és que la gent senti empatia amb les cançons.

What is it that makes people feel empathy with songs?

Qualsevol persona que no sàpiga

Anyone who does not know

a qui està dedicada aquesta cançó

Who is this song dedicated to?

la pot implementar dins

it can be implemented within

de la seva vida, és a dir, sentir-la com seu.

of their life, that is to say, to feel it as their own.

Estoy convencida de que se nota

I am convinced that it shows.

mucho cuando has hecho algo

a lot when you have done something

porque sí y cuando lo has hecho de verdad

because yes and when you have really done it

porque lo sentías y porque era lo que querías

because you felt it and because it was what you wanted

decir, ¿no? Y por eso me gusta

to say, right? And that's why I like it.

tanto la canción y porque es como

both the song and because it is like

muy verdadera. I avui dia el mercat de la

very true. And today the market of the

veritat passa per una crisi

truth goes through a crisis

molt forta. No, no hi ha

very strong. No, there isn't

veritat. Gairebé enlloc.

Truth. Almost nowhere.

I en aquesta cançó trobem veritat

And in this song we find truth.

i llavors això la gent ho sent.

And then people feel it.

Estava amb el Google Maps posat

I had Google Maps on.

i comença, oh, una nova cançó

and it begins, oh, a new song

del disc, què? Mira, parlant de casaments,

About the album, what? Look, speaking of weddings,

jo crec que ara posarem

I think we will now put.

una cançó... I me mare ja m'havia dit

a song... And my mother had already told me

he escoltat, escriurem a la ràdio.

I have heard, we will write to the radio.

Dic, no pot ser. I de sobte

I say, it can't be. And suddenly

comences a escriure.

you start to write.

...la nova de Miki Núñez que es diu Escriurem.

...the new one by Miki Núñez called Escriurem.

I jo...

And me...

Ui, Siri, pots acabar ara?

Oh, Siri, can you finish now?

...el botó de gravar i jo pensant

...the record button and me thinking

buah, tio, és que quina passada.

Wow, dude, it's just incredible.

O sigui, he fet el museu en realitat

So, I have actually done the museum.

que la gent escolti la meva música, tio,

that people listen to my music, dude,

que jo he escoltat la ràdio,

that I have listened to the radio,

i he escoltat cançons d'altra gent

I have listened to songs by other people.

que admiro i he pagat diners per anar als concerts

that I admire and have paid money to go to the concerts

i ara resulta

and now it turns out

que s'han canviat els papers.

that the roles have changed.

És que va passar una cosa molt maca

Something very lovely happened.

amb els meus avis. El meu avi té Alzheimer

with my grandparents. My grandfather has Alzheimer's.

i la meva iaia no té columna vertebral,

and my grandma has no spine,

té una estructura de ferro.

It has an iron structure.

I jo recordo que a ells els encantava ballar,

And I remember that they loved to dance,

de fet, els encanta ballar.

In fact, they love to dance.

I estàvem ensenyant-los

And we were teaching them

les cançons del disc i

the songs from the album and

el meu avi tenia, encara no s'estava medicant,

my grandfather had, he was not yet on medication,

per l'Alzheimer

for Alzheimer's

i estava com molt canviada.

I was very different.

I de sobte,

And suddenly,

vaig posar la cançó i clar, com és un

I played the song and of course, as it is a



es va aixecar,

he/she stood up,

va agafar la meva iaia,

he took my grandmother,

la meva iaia que camina amb

my grandmother who walks with

crosses i agafant-se a tot arreu perquè

crosses and grabbing onto everything because

ja t'he dit que no té columna,

I have already told you that it doesn't have a column.

i es van posar a ballar.

And they started to dance.

Tothom en silenci, sonant

Everyone in silence, sounding

a escriure'm a casa, meva mare plorant al sofà,

to write to me at home, my mother crying on the sofa,

el meu tiet plorant al sofà,

my uncle crying on the sofa,

el meu pare gairebé plorant i jo

my father almost crying and me

plorant el màxim possible que es podia,

crying as hard as possible

o sigui, ja no vaig pixar en tres setmanes

so, I haven't peed in three weeks

i els meus avis ballant a Escriurem.

and my grandparents dancing at Escriurem.

I els encantava ballar, ja tinc

And they loved to dance, I already have.

vídeos de quan ells eren més joves ballant a tope.

videos of when they were younger dancing to the max.

I vaig pensar, mira, si això ha despertat

I thought, look, if this has awakened.

això en el meu avi,

this in my grandfather,

vol dir que vaig bé.

It means that I'm doing well.

Jo recordo que em paraven pel carrer

I remember that they would stop me in the street.

i em deien, hosti, Escriurem, que maca,

and they would say to me, wow, we'll write, how beautiful,

que és per la teva parella, no? I jo deia,

it's for your partner, right? And I was saying,

no. Ah, no,

no. Ah, no,

pel teu avi, no? Que segurament ha mort fa poc.

for your grandfather, right? He probably passed away recently.



Tampoc, tampoc. Ah, i

Neither, neither. Ah, and

per què és? O sigui, de què parla?

Why is it? I mean, what does it talk about?

I jo deia, doncs parla del que tu vulguis.

And I said, so talk about whatever you want.

Fes la teva.

Do your thing.

El backstage dels èxits.

The backstage of successes.


We will write.

Vaig a explicar una mica això, va.

I'm going to explain this a little bit, okay.

És això, que em llevava al seu costat,

It's this, that I woke up beside him/her,

tothom estava com supercalmat.

Everyone was super excited.

Moltes matins jo em llevava i pensava,

Many mornings I would get up and think,

bueno, no sabem el que trobarem a faltar

Well, we don’t know what we will miss.

en aquests moments. És que no m'ho puc arribar a imaginar, saps?

right now. It's just that I can't even begin to imagine it, you know?



Si m'esperes, allà fora et cantaré,

If you wait for me, I will sing to you out there,

és per tota la gent que nominaven

it's for all the people they nominated

i expulsaven de la casa.

and they were expelled from the house.

Escriurem que tot no va ser fàcil,

We will write that everything was not easy,

cantarem la nostra vida en un paper,

we will sing our life on a piece of paper,

perquè som cantants,

because we are singers,

i escritors de les nostres pròpies lletres,

and writers of our own letters,

els dies regalats de l'acadèmia,

the gift days of the academy,

i amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser,

and with the smile of those who can no longer be there,

era de totes aquelles persones que per nosaltres

she was one of all those people who for us

era un drama que marxés algú.

It was a drama for someone to leave.

Era un drama, un drama absolut,

It was a drama, an absolute drama,

que érem 16 i de sobte

that we were 16 and suddenly

un cada setmana marxava.

One left every week.

Caminant per les estrelles

Walking among the stars

és perquè nosaltres,

it is because we,

quan algú marxava de l'acadèmia,

when someone left the academy,

ens posàvem a la terrasseta que hi havia

we would sit on the little terrace that was there

a escoltar a veure si marxaven o no.

to listen to see if they were leaving or not.

Llavors miràvem les estrelles

Then we looked at the stars.

mentre ells marxaven caminant amb la maleta.

while they were leaving walking with the suitcase.

I ho sentíem, però no podíem res,

We felt it, but we could do nothing.

no podíem dir res.

we couldn't say anything.

Ara que no estàs al meu costat, em sento diferent.

Now that you are not by my side, I feel different.

Amago en un calaix les mirades d'amagat.

I hide stolen glances in a drawer.

O sigui, totes aquelles coses...

That is to say, all those things...

Amago en un calaix és una metàfora, no?

"Hiding in a drawer is a metaphor, isn't it?"

Doncs d'això,

Well, about that,

que només nosaltres en teníem

that only we had it

quan ens miràvem.

when we looked at each other.

I les cançons que vam cantar,

And the songs we sang,

doncs és les cançons que allà mateix

so it is the songs that right there

ens cantàvem l'una a l'altra,

we sang to each other,

però jo, me sale bien o no me sale bien?

But for me, does it go well or not?

La tengo que cantar este jueves, no?

I have to sing it this Thursday, right?

I aquesta reflexió de l'estona,

And this reflection of the moment,

marxarem amb els desregalats...

we will go with the ungranted...

Repeteixo més que l'all...

I repeat more than garlic...

Sí, i això és el més dur.

Yes, and that's the hardest part.

És que a més ho sabíem,

It's just that we already knew it,

que anàvem amb el balconet i que anàvem amb la maleta

that we were going with the small balcony and that we were going with the suitcase

i que no ens podíem dir res.

and we couldn't say anything to each other.

Perquè nosaltres sabíem que no podíem...

Because we knew we couldn't...

El dia que més vaig cridar va ser quan va marxar el Joan,

The day I yelled the most was when Joan left.

que me la va bufar tot, però aquí

that it blew me away completely, but here

és com el contrari, no?

It's like the opposite, isn't it?

Ens trobem un altre cop fora i, hòstia,

We meet again outside and, damn,

t'escriuré que sí que...

I'll write to you that yes, that...

Tampoc va ser tan xungo, saps?

It wasn't that bad, you know?

Marxarem recordant tots aquells dies

We will leave remembering all those days.

i amb el somriure que tu sols sabies fer,

and with the smile that only you knew how to make,

no? Vull dir,

No? I mean,

que recordes perfectament cada moment,

that you remember perfectly every moment,

cada mirada, cada somriure

every glance, every smile

d'allà dins.

from inside there.

Cantarem la nostra vida

We will sing our life.

en un paper.

on a paper.

Marxarem amb els dies

We will march with the days.


given away

i amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser.

and with the smile of those who can no longer be there.


We will write.

que tot no va ser fàcil.

that everything was not easy.


We will sing.

la nostra vida en un paper.

our life on a piece of paper.


We will leave.

caminant per les estrelles

walking among the stars

i amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser.

and with the smile of those who can no longer be there.


We will write.

que tot no va ser fàcil.

that not everything was easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida en un paper.

We will sing our life on a paper.

Marxarem amb els dies regalats

We will leave with the gifted days.

i amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser.

and with the smile of those who can no longer be there.


We will write.

que tot no va ser fàcil.

that not everything was easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida en un paper.

We will sing our life on a paper.

Marxarem caminant per les estrelles

We will walk among the stars.

i amb el somriure que tu sols sabies fer.

and with the smile that only you knew how to make.



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