L'Hora dels Fàbrega #75 ft. Gael Caraballo i Zaka Maymouni

Ona Fàbrega i Pau Fàbrega

L'Hora dels Fàbrega

L'Hora dels Fàbrega #75 ft. Gael Caraballo i Zaka Maymouni

L'Hora dels Fàbrega

Bona tarda a tothom a un dels últims programes

Good afternoon everyone to one of the last shows.

de la temporada d'Hora dels Fàbrega.

from the Fàbrega Hour season.

Ja estem a punt de finalitzar

We are about to finish.

tercera o quarta temporada. Literalment

third or fourth season. Literally

crec que és el penúltim programa.

I think it's the second-to-last program.

Sí, perquè el juny ja baixem per Siana

Yes, because in June we are going down through Siana.

d'aquest any.

of this year.

Pau, farem tres pas?

Pau, shall we take three steps?

Any atípic.

Any atypical.

No sé, hi ha negocis

I don't know, there are businesses.

sobre la taula, no?

on the table, right?

De moment, els que també hi haurà negocis

For the moment, there will also be businesses.

sobre la taula són els dos integrants

On the table are the two members.

de l'equip que ve avui.

from the team that is coming today.

On apresenta'ls?

Who are we presenting them to?

Bé, un

Well, one

d'aquests dos integrants

of these two members

no ha vingut mai. S'estrena.

has never come. It's premiering.

Això és molt fort perquè...

This is very strong because...

Virgen Ernesto de la Ràdio.

Virgin Ernesto of the Radio.

Que passi això a altures de quatre temporades

Let this happen at the heights of four seasons.

de l'Hora dels Fàbrega és fort.

Fàbrega's Hour is strong.

L'altre, doncs, no cal que el presenti.

The other one, then, does not need to be introduced.

Òbviament el presentaré perquè

Obviously, I will present it because

s'ha de presentar a les persones.

It must be presented to the people.

Però bé, vull dir que es coneix potser

But well, I mean that it may be known.

millor la ràdio inclús que jo.

better the radio even than me.

Que parli, que parli un dels dos, no?

Let one of the two speak, right?

Jo, la veritat, que no és la primera vegada,

Me, the truth is, that it's not the first time,

la primera va ser també

the first one was also

en aquesta ràdio, però ja...

in this radio, but already...

No, però el nostre programa és la primera vegada.

No, but our program is the first time.

Va ser cantant quan tenia, jo què sé,

I was singing when I was, I don't know,

set anys o així.

seven years or so.

Doncs l'és...

Well, it is...

Roda el tambor, sisplau.

Roll the drum, please.

Ga el carabaio!

Go the carabaio!

Ocupació actual?

Current occupation?



Càrrec, càrrec.

Charge, charge.

CM, fotògraf, dissenyador...

CM, photographer, designer...

Un poco de todo.

A little bit of everything.

Tira currículum d'aniquiladores, podem dir, també.

We can also say, "Curriculum of annihilators."

Ja m'agradaria, ja.

I would like that, yes.



No se sap, no?

It's not known, right?

Jo sé que hi ha converses amb aniquiladores.

I know that there are conversations with annihilators.

M'ho va dir un porter, també, de l'Àlex i Bolañà.

A doorman also told me about Alex and Bolañà.

Un dels quants?

One of the few?

Un dels vuit porters.

One of the eight goalkeepers.

Hi ha més porters que jugadors, i això sempre fa gràcia.

There are more goalkeepers than players, and that always makes it funny.

No, doncs, el fenomeno Adam Maia

No, well, the phenomenon Adam Maia.

em va venir i em va dir

he came to me and told me

que li havien dit d'anar a aniquiladores.

that they had told him to go to annihilators.

És cert, aquesta informació?

Is this information true?


Take it out?

L'altre se'n saca, saca.

The other one takes it out, takes it out.

Jo, que és el quart cop que vinc, no?

Me, it's the fourth time I've come, right?

Sí, pot ser, pot ser.

Yes, maybe, maybe.

Però perquè amb tu, Jocatxons,

But why with you, Jocatxons,

amb tu, Jocatxons especials i aquesta n'és una.

With you, special Jocatxons and this is one of them.

Sí, home, sí, sí.

Yes, man, yes, yes.

Què ha passat, què ha passat?

What has happened, what has happened?

Aquestes últimes setmanes va estar a l'Àlex de Bolañà.

These last few weeks he was at Alex de Bolañà's.

Bé, doncs, que el 4 de maig es va tornar a fer història, el poble.

Well, then, history was made again on May 4th, the town.

Deu anys després, doncs, l'Atlètic Bolañà va tornar a ser...

Ten years later, then, the Atlético Bolañà was once again...

L'última sense va ser 2014.

The last one without was in 2014.

Fa deu anys, just.

Ten years ago, exactly.

Però què va ser, 2003 o 2014?

But what was it, 2003 or 2014?

2003 o 2014.

2003 or 2014.

Just deu anys.

Just ten years.

O sigui, la setmana següent,

So, the following week,

el míster ens va passar una foto d'una alerta al Facebook

The coach sent us a photo of an alert on Facebook.

que feia deu anys havia penjat la foto de...

that ten years ago had hung the photo of...

De l'ascens.

Of the ascent.

Que fort.

How cool.

Érem uns crios, eh?

We were just kids, huh?

Sí, joder, sí, sí.

Yes, damn it, yes, yes.

La nostra dinàmica era anar...

Our dynamic was to go...

Al partit al matí.

To the match in the morning.

A l'estadi, al municipal.

At the stadium, at the municipal.

Bueno, primer al partit amb els elevins.

Well, first to the match with the young players.

Sí, després...

Yes, later...

Elevins segon any, tu primer.

Elevens second year, you first.

Sí, és veritat, és veritat.

Yes, it is true, it is true.

Perquè no eres ni porter, eres jugador.

Because you were neither a goalkeeper, you were a player.

Era de defensa.

It was defense.

Segurament, perdre.

Probably, to lose.

No, tio, vam tenir un bon any.

No, dude, we had a good year.

Sí, sí, jo...

Yes, yes, I...

Teníem Martí Pla al mig.

We had Martí Pla in the middle.

Jo, a època...

I, at the time...

Roger Comer-me-dal.

Roger eats me.

Jo, a època de la Vila, recordo molt bé, rotllo...

I, in the era of the Vila, remember very well, like...

Que va ser quan vas començar a jugar a futbol, eh?

What was it like when you started playing football, huh?

No, va ser quan vaig tornar a jugar a futbol.

No, it was when I started playing football again.

Jo vaig començar aquí, al col·le, com tots,

I started here, at school, like everyone else.

però vaig tenir un any de no voler jugar a futbol,

but I had a year of not wanting to play football,

perquè era molt mal.

because it was very bad.

Et vas fotre a mitja temporada.

You messed up halfway through the season.

Jo me'n recordo.

I remember.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Et vas aparèixer, com jo, amb el 14, crec.

You appeared, like me, with the 14, I think.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

I al cap de sis mesos estava ficat en una porteria

And after six months, I was working as a doorman.

perquè no sabia en clar si hi havia porter o no.

because I was not sure whether there was a doorman or not.

No, és que, en veritat...

No, it's just that, actually...

No hi havia, tio.

There wasn't, dude.

No podies lluitar enlloc de davanter contra l'Arnau Leiva, en veritat.

You couldn't fight anywhere as a forward against Arnau Leiva, to be honest.

Bueno, realment, estem aquí amb dos porters.

Well, actually, we are here with two goalkeepers.

Bueno, dos ex-porters, realment, ara mateix.

Well, two former goalkeepers, really, right now.

Què ex, què ex? Jo d'ex què? Jo encara ho sóc, collons.

What ex, what ex? What do you mean ex? I'm still it, damn it.

Que jo vaig entrenar, tot i estar lesionat...

That I trained, even though I was injured...

Aquesta temporada, quants partits has aconseguit jugar?

This season, how many matches have you managed to play?

33 minuts i mig he jugat.

I have played for 33 and a half minutes.

Bé, saca, bé!

Well, take it out, well!

3 minuts contra els centelles...

3 minutes against the lightning...

M'he repetit aquest número?

Have I repeated this number?

33 i mig.

33 and a half.

Així no fem el...

This way we don't do the...

No agafem el número.

We don't take the number.

3 contra els centelles, quan ja anàvem 9 a 0,

3 against the flashes, when we were already 9 to 0,

i el míster li pelava tot i va dir...

And the coach peeled everything and said...

Si vols entrar, juga, entra.

If you want to enter, play, go in.

I els altres 30 minuts els vaig jugar aquest dijous a Vinyó,

And I played the other 30 minutes this Thursday in Vinyó,

que vam guanyar 0-9.

that we won 0-9.

Hi ha qui golejadors d'aquest partit? No me'n vaig informar.

Are there any goal scorers in this match? I haven't found out.

Blasi ha acabat pitxitxe a Lliga, que era...

Blasi has finished as a top scorer in the League, which was...

A part de...

Apart from...

Si nosaltres l'objectiu principal era pujar,

If our main goal was to climb,

i a mesura que ens anàvem mirant la Lliga i els equips,

and as we continued to look at the League and the teams,

doncs ens anàvem ficant com a objectius, no?

so we were setting ourselves as objectives, weren't we?

I que Blasi acabés pitxitxe, o Blasi Uri,

And that Blasi ended up being a pitxitxe, or Blasi Uri,

que acabessin amb molts gols, era un d'ells,

that they ended with many goals, he was one of them,

i Blasi ho hem aconseguit.

And Blasi, we have achieved it.

I l'altre...

And the other...

L'altre és que és molt bo.

The other is that it is very good.

L'altre era...

The other was...

Hi ha una segona classificació, que és de joc net,

There is a second classification, which is for fair play.

dels equips que menys grocs els treuen, menys vermelles i tot,

of the teams that receive the least yellows, less reds and all,

es va fent com una classificació.

It is becoming somewhat of a classification.

I et donen molta pasta a final de temporada,

They give you a lot of money at the end of the season.

bé, molta pasta no, però et donen uns diners importants.

Well, not a lot of money, but they give you a significant amount.

Això per l'Atlètic Balanyà, que venen de dues setmanes de molt gasto,

This is for the Atlético Balanyà, who come from two weeks of significant expenditure.

anirien molt bé, aquests diners.

These money would be very useful.

I vau guanyar? No.

Did you win? No.

No l'heu guanyat? No l'heu guanyat.

Haven't you won it? You haven't won it.

Qui ha sigut el líder?

Who has been the leader?

Segurament la Vinyó, jo crec.

Probably the Vinyó, I think.

No, el Sant Miquel.

No, Saint Michael.

El Sant Miquel de Balanyà.

Saint Michael of Balanyà.

Que el Sant Miquel, jo, quan els he anat a veure,

That Saint Michael, I, when I have gone to see them,

però és com anar a veure un escorxadó en directe,

but it's like going to see a live skinning,

vull dir, patades i cops de puny de tots els colors, però...

I mean, kicks and punches of all colors, but...

PP, Real Madrid, any 2014.

PP, Real Madrid, any 2014.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

S'obren aquell camp petitó que tenen patades i no sé,

They open that little field that they have kicked and I don't know,

crec que han sigut ells, no ho sé.

I think it was them, I don't know.

No em preguntis per què va haver-hi un dia que em vaig fotre,

Don't ask me why there was a day that I got messed up,

mira, jornada per jornada, les sancions.

Look, match by match, the sanctions.

I, eh, l'Atlètic Balanyà, una jornada només,

I, eh, the Atlètic Balanyà, just one match,

crec que ha tingut una sanció, o dos,

I think he has had a penalty, or two.

i el Sant Miquel també estava en posada.

And Saint Michael was also at the inn.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Llavors, crec que, no sé, hi havia un equip que,

Then, I think that, I don't know, there was a team that,

tot el rato, tot el rato...

all the time, all the time...

El Figueró, també, equips així, carronyeros, saps?

The Figueró, also, teams like this, scavengers, you know?

Figueró, veus que Collsospina, tu...

Figueró, you see that Collsospina, you...

És que el Viladrau crec que era el del camp que sortia.

I think Viladrau was the one from the field that came out.

Sí, sí, perquè, de fet, quan hi vam anar a jugar nosaltres,

Yes, yes, because, in fact, when we went there to play,

aquest any, el Capità, que és Capità, Junta, Entrenador,

this year, the Captain, who is Captain, Board, Coach,

el que cuida el camp, ho fa tot, aquest tio,

whoever takes care of the field does it all, this guy,

es diu Pichoc.

His name is Pichoc.

Quants anys té?

How old are you?

És gran, és gran.

It is big, it is big.

És un tio que és conegut perquè té l'escot tatuat del Viladrau,

He's a guy who is known for having the Viladrau tattooed on his chest.

el gemelo, t'ho juro.

the twin, I swear to you.

Com pot ser, com mosi, com pot ser,

How can it be, how could it be, how can it be,

gent tan friqui, tio?

such freaky people, dude?

Pensa que no us he dit, tatuada, una ampolla d'aigua a Viladrau.

Think that I haven't told you, tattooed, a bottle of water in Viladrau.

No, no, ni mal, no, ni mal.

No, no, not bad, no, not bad.

Té l'escot del Viladrau, allà en el bessó.

It has the neckline of Viladrau, there in the twin.

I, doncs, contra nosaltres...

And so, against us...

Un fessor al bessó.

A cut on the ankle.

Li va venir tota la locura, saps?

He lost all his sanity, you know?

I va entrar al mig del camp a pagar l'àrbit, o jo què sé.

He went into the middle of the field to pay the referee, or I don't know.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Sí, sí, al partit anant 7-0, crec que anàvem,

Yes, yes, at the game going 7-0, I think we were.

i per un penalti que era penalti,

and for a penalty that was a penalty,

hòstia, ens estàs fotent, no sé què, dic tu, aviam,

Wow, you're messing with us, I don't know what, I mean you, let's see,

jo què sé, es va tornar boig, es va tornar boig.

I don’t know, he went crazy, he went crazy.

Li va dir de tot, o sigui, no va perdonar cap.

He told him everything, in other words, he didn't spare any.

No va perdonar-me cap.

He did not forgive me any.

Ara, preguntes cap a tu, Gael,

Now, questions towards you, Gael,

preguntes en quedades de la fotografia.

questions in photography meetings.

Jugador més fotogènic?

Most photogenic player?

Hola, bona pregunta.

Hello, good question.



Jo diria que sí.

I would say yes.

Estatus queda de puta mare.

Status is fucking great.

O sigui, i la persona que facis fotos,

That is to say, the person you take pictures of,

li fas 30, i tot això, boc oberta...

you’re turning 30, and all that, mouth open...



Uri, Uri, Uri.

Uri, Uri, Uri.

Uri, pobre, Uri, pobre, sempre que d'allò,

Uri, poor, Uri, poor, always whenever that,

hòstia, puto Gael, sempre surto amb cares fees,

Holy shit, fucking Gael, I always come out with a grimace.

o no surto d'allò...

or I don't get out of that...

Això ho diuen tots, però per mi, Mateu, sempre...

This is what everyone says, but for me, Mateu, always...

Ah, mateu.

Ah, kill.

Per tu, Mateu, és cara.

For you, Mateu, it is expensive.

Però perquè amb Mateu jo crec que hi ha jugador massa concentrat.

But with Mateu, I think there is a player who is too focused.

Massa concentrat, sí, sí.

Too concentrated, yes, yes.

Amb Blasi és jugador per la foto.

With Blasi, he is a player for the photo.

Per tu, eh?

For you, huh?

És que ja té la cara de Mewing, saps?

It's just that he already has the face of Mewing, you know?

En veritat, amb les fotos m'he donat els porters.

In truth, with the photos I have given myself the goalkeepers.

Com que no estan en moviment, tipus l'Adam,

Since they are not in motion, like Adam,

sempre el veig verbeta cap endavant.

I always see him/her walking ahead.

També alguna dura, eh, de l'Adam.

Also some tough ones, huh, from Adam.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

És de cap al palomitero, aquell tio.

He's from the popcorn vendor, that guy.

Clar, que no és tan bé que des que fas fotos

Of course, it's not so good since you've been taking photos.

els porters...

the goalkeepers...

Els porters busquen més...

The goalkeepers are looking for more...

Jo crec que tothom.

I believe that everyone.

Sí, cada jugador és com...

Yes, each player is like...

Però per bo, eh, perquè es motiven.

But for good, eh, because they are motivated.

Perquè volen fotos guapes.

Because they want pretty photos.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Però hi ha més xupons? Què creieu?

But are there more lollipops? What do you think?

Perquè clar, al final, si tens la bola, cauen més fotos.

Because, of course, in the end, if you have the ball, more photos fall.

No, jo crec que no.

No, I don't think so.

Al principi pot ser, eh, però...

At first, maybe, huh, but...

Al final...

In the end...

Sí, taca, tu creus que el vestuari...

Yes, stain, do you think the wardrobe...

No, jo el que...

No, what I...

Espera, no, deixa'm fer-te un cop.

Wait, no, let me take a shot at you.

Sí, fes-te un cop.

Yes, hit yourself.

Tu creus que es juga amb molta consciència

Do you think that people play with a lot of awareness?

que hi ha una càmera a prop?

Is there a camera nearby?

No, perquè el Gael ja fa molt bé la seva feina

No, because Gael is already doing his job very well.

i passa fotos a tothom i hi ha...

"And I send photos to everyone and there is..."

Jo crec que al principi sí que hi havia aquest...

I think that at the beginning there was indeed this...

Sí, al principi tots, al principi tots.

Yes, at first everyone, at first everyone.

Tranquils, que jo ho faré per tothom, o sigui...

Don't worry, I'll do it for everyone, that is...

Al principi tots, però...

At first everyone, but...

Jo el que no entenc és un tema de Paul Molist

What I don't understand is a topic by Paul Molist.

que juga, o sigui, no juga com

that plays, or rather, doesn't play like

podria jugar, jo què sé,

I could play, I don't know,

en Blasi,

in Blasi,

i té 400 fotos cada partit, aquest tio.

And he has 400 photos of each match, this guy.

No ho entenc, però té fotos sempre.

I don't understand it, but it always has photos.

Però perquè és l'estrella, no?

But because it's the star, right?

És que per algun motiu se li va dir estrella en el seu dia

It's just that for some reason they called him a star back in the day.

i... O no, en broma, que juga...

I... Oh no, just kidding, he's playing...

O sigui, el pobre nano juga poc,

I mean, the poor kid plays little,

i, joder, no sé com...

And, fuck, I don't know how...

El Gael no sé com li trobo 50 fotos

I don't know how to find 50 photos of Gael.

en el que juga, tio.

in what he plays, dude.

Jo, Gael, quan jugava 90 minuts

Me, Gael, when I played 90 minutes.

em passava 6 fotos, 6 fotos em passava.

she sent me 6 photos, she sent me 6 photos.

I dos d'elles era d'esquena, saps?

And two of them were facing away, you know?

Vull dir... Tu tens, Gael,

I mean... You have, Gael,

un jugador que diguis...

a player that you say...

O sigui, que facis conscientment

So, that you do it consciously.

de... Va, en aquest li faré fotos, tal.

From... Come on, I'll take photos of him, you know.

És una mica per...

It's a bit for...

Jo t'anava a preguntar, rotllo, tens algun jugador

I was going to ask you, like, do you have any player?

rotllo de dir... Va, és que m'encanta fer-li fotos

It's just that I love taking pictures of him/her.

perquè... Oh, jo no em referia a això,

because... Oh, I wasn't referring to that,

jo em referia de... Hòstia, potser la setmana passada...

I was referring to... Damn, maybe last week...

ni vaig fer 3 o 4... Va, avui n'hi faré més.

I only did 3 or 4... Come on, today I will do more.

Pot ser, sí, sí que em passa. A vegades penso

It may be, yes, yes, it happens to me. Sometimes I think.

i, hòstia, aquest no l'he fet i intento

I, damn, I haven't done this and I'm trying.

fer-li més. Per exemple, jo veig en Vila, o en Pau,

do more for him. For example, I see Vila, or Pau,

o en Miana, que no juguen tant, doncs intento

or in Miana, where they don't play as much, so I'm trying

fer-los més. Però jo...

make them more. But I...

Jo ho faig per posició. O sigui,

I do it for position. That is,

si veig que al partit, doncs, ataquen molt,

if I see that in the match, they attack a lot,

doncs tiro més enrere, no? Faig defensa,

So I pull back more, right? I play defense,

portés i tal. Però si veig que ataquem

"brought and such. But if I see that we are attacking"

molt, doncs em poso davant.

Very well, then I'll step forward.

Òbviament no em posaré a fer fotos al porter que està quiet

Obviously, I'm not going to take pictures of the goalkeeper who is standing still.

o a la defensa, no? Jo tinc una pregunta.

Or in defense, right? I have a question.

Si fas... Si al principi...

If you do... If at the beginning...

Ara suposo que ja no, però...

Now I suppose not anymore, but...

Feies la de... Va, fotos també pels del banquillo,

You were doing the one... Come on, photos also for those on the bench,

asseguts, tal... No, què va.

Sitting, like... No way.

Aquesta no, no. La típica de l'equip

Not this one, no. The typical one from the team.

rient amb els dits aixecats. Mira,

laughing with your fingers raised. Look,

si hagués volgut, hagués tret cada fotón

If I had wanted, I would have taken out every photon.

aquest any... És que, de fet,

this year... The thing is, in fact,

recordo el dia contra el Tona,

I remember the day against Tona,

tu havies de veure el banquillo.

You should have seen the bench.

Jo vaig anar convocat de jugador.

I was called up as a player.

Montes, que aquest tio no ha jugat en tot l'any,

Montes, this guy hasn't played all year.

va, ha jugat ara com jo al final.

Come on, he has played now like I did in the end.

Arromí, que també d'allò... Vull dir, un banquillo

Arromí, which is also about that... I mean, a bench.

i al banquillo final hi ha nit, dic. Allò ja

And on the final bench, there is night, I say. That already


it is...

Semblava allà... Allò, els últims

It seemed there... That, the last ones.

cinc minuts ja estàvem de celebració, nosaltres.

Five minutes and we were already celebrating, we were.

La gent corretejant amunt i avall, anant a buscar

People running back and forth, going to fetch.

el xampany... Dic, hòstia, dic, aquí

the champagne... I mean, damn, I mean, here

hauria d'estar el Gael fotent fotos, ja.

Gael should be taking photos by now.

El míster mirant subcar

The mister looking at subcar

de... Bueno... D'emguanyat, ja.

Well... This year, already.

Vaig donant indicacions, però bueno, que això ja...

I'm giving directions, but well, that's already...

Ah, el míster rep fotos, també?

Oh, does the mister receive photos too?

Molt poques. Un tio seriós,

Very few. A serious guy,

molt poques. És un tio molt seriós, eh.

Very few. He's a very serious guy, you know.

Entenem que és gran, ja, tampoc ho penjarà, vull dir.

We understand that it's big, yes, it won't hang it either, I mean.

Sí, no, però és modern, aquest tio.

Yes, no, but this guy is modern.

Fica-l'aquí a tocar botons,

Put it here to touch buttons,

és molt modern, aquest tio.

He's very modern, that guy.

És un passota, perquè el que té les coses fetes

He's a slacker because he has things done for him.

passa una mica de tot, i això, hòstia...

a bit of everything happens, and that, damn...

És molt tàctic, eh, jo crec. Va veure...

He's very tactical, huh, I think. He saw...

Veieu un moment del partit en què està controlat i diu

You see a moment of the match when he is in control and says

ja no tinc més indicacions. No, no, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

I have no more instructions. No, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

L'altre dia

The other day

contra la Viño va ser, vull dir,

against the wine it was, I mean,

quan anava el 3-0 d'Oribe. Mira,

when it was 3-0 by Oribe. Look,

jo vaig estar al banquillo

I was on the bench.

la primera part, els primers 15 minuts

the first part, the first 15 minutes

van ser de desastre total,

they were a total disaster,

de pensar, tu, avui, som els típics

To think, you, today, we are the typical ones.

que perdem contra aquesta gent que no

that we lose against these people who do not

fa ni dos passos i seguís.

take two steps and continue.

Vas veure això?

Did you see this?

Jo ho pensava, jo no vaig anar-hi,

I thought so, I didn't go there.

però jo pensava, dic, no diuen res,

but I thought, I say, they don't say anything,

i que ells aniran... Pau, Pau, era un equip

and that they will go... Peace, Peace, it was a team

molt drames i no érem capaços de fer tres passos

a lot of drama and we were not able to take three steps

seguits, i no t'ho dic en broma.

followed, and I'm not joking.

Anavau amb ressaca? No, no, sí, era dijous a la tarda,

Were you hungover? No, no, yes, it was Thursday afternoon,

érem ressaca de treballar i de la gent

we were hungover from working and from the people

haver matinat, però, i d'haver-se

having gotten up early, however, and having been

cardat 35 minuts en cotxe

35 minutes by car

a la tarda, fins a Viño, saps?

In the afternoon, until Viño, you know?

I què em diràs tu? Però...

And what will you tell me? But...

a la que hi ha el partit, ja d'allò,

to the one where the game is, already of that,

ja va passar tot,

it's all done,

es va plantar allà al banquillo

he/she stood there on the bench

i va dir, va...

and he said, he did...

Clar, jo vaig dir,

Of course, I said,

jo li dic Geri, però jo tinc un tracte

I call him Geri, but I have a deal.

especial amb ell. No li dius Palla. No, jo li dic

special with him. You don't call him Palla. No, I call him

Geri. L'altre dia contra la Garriga

Geri. The other day against La Garriga.

li deia, dic, tu, Geri, vas molt

I told him, I say, you, Geri, you go a lot.

relaxant, no? Des que... Em diu, oh,

Relaxing, isn't it? Since... He/She tells me, oh,

jo ja he fet el que havia de fer, jo ja...

I have already done what I had to do, I already...

A mi m'han dit, tu puja a l'equip,

I've been told, you join the team,

i jo ho he fet, i ja està. Li dic, hòstia, però

And I did it, and that's it. I tell him, damn, but

jo què sé, jugues contra la Garriga

I don't know, you play against La Garriga.

i després hi haurà la celebració, hòstia,

and then there will be the celebration, damn,

una mica de professionalitat,

a little bit of professionalism,

no? Li dic, és que ets molt passota.

Right? I tell you, it's just that you are very uninterested.

Oh, com que jo ja ho he fet, no...

Oh, since I've already done it, no...

Em dóna una miqueta de vibes de

It gives me a little bit of vibes of

poder de l'amistat, no?

power of friendship, right?

És molt... Anxeloti, no? Vull dir que

It's very... Ancelotti, isn't it? I mean that

quan aneu per dins, aixeca una mica la cella així,

when you go inside, raise your eyebrow a bit like this,

treu a un canvi...

take out a change...

I enxufa dos insults i li pela,

He connects two insults and peels him.

i el tio li pela. Què li vols dir a un tio que ha guanyat

And the guy is peeling. What do you want to say to a guy who has won?

lligues, on ha anat a guanyar lligues i...

leagues, where he has gone to win leagues and...

Com si res. Tinc un altre... Bueno, no,

Like it's nothing. I have another one... Well, no,

abans volia dir també, si podies haver fet una foto

I also wanted to say before, if you could have taken a photo.

en el banquillo, tipus

in the dock, type

Montes, Taca, Albert Aromí,

Montes, Taca, Albert Aromí,

i després fer... Saps la típica foto

And then do... You know the typical photo.

de la selecció a Brasil

from the selection in Brazil

on hi ha Ronaldinho...

wherever Ronaldinho is...

N'hi ha una, n'hi ha una de l'any passat.

There is one, there is one from last year.

Ronaldo, el fenomeno, en blanc, és com tot

Ronaldo, the phenomenon, in white, is like everything.


the team.

L'equip bo a la banqueta. Sí, sí, sí.

The good team on the bench. Yes, yes, yes.

A dalt, la foto amb Taca,

Above, the photo with Taca,

Montes, Aromí, i a baix,

Mountains, Aromí, and below,

Ronaldinho, Ronald... Bona idea per l'any que ve.

Ronaldinho, Ronald... Good idea for next year.

T'ho he d'adonar, tot m'ha estagat,

I have to admit it to you, everything has amazed me.

el tio. N'hi ha una que l'any passat

The guy. There's one that last year.

es va fer, que vam jugar

it happened, that we played

contra el Ceba allà, que es va fer

against the Ceba there, that was made

el meme. Esclar, tots els bons

the meme. Of course, all the good ones

al banquillo. Blasi, Uri,

on the bench. Blasi, Uri,

el nano aquell que era molt bo, que es deia

the kid who was very nice, who was called

Jara, no sé qui més va estar... Tothom

Jara, I don't know who else was there... Everyone.

al banquillo estava, i clar, es va fer el meme.

on the bench he was, and of course, the meme was made.

Però ho van fer amb el Barça, que el Barça també en té una.

But they did it with Barça, which Barça also has one.

Sí, que hi ha Enri, Eto...

Yes, there is Enri, Eto...

Messi, Iniesta, tots allà.

Messi, Iniesta, everyone there.

Es podria fer aquesta també, eh? Bon èdit.

This one could be done too, right? Good edit.

Però clar, això ho arriba a fer el dia

But of course, this happens during the day.

del contra el Tona. És que ho has vist

against Tona. Have you seen it?

amb polles de Jäger, tequila, fresa

with Jäger, tequila, strawberry

i xampan, vull dir, no...

and champagne, I mean, no...

Jo estava pendent de...

I was paying attention to...

O sigui, anar cap a Barcelona perquè

That is, to go towards Barcelona because

tenia un compromís, el compromís

I had a commitment, the commitment.

concert de Saico, i no vaig poder anar

Saico's concert, and I couldn't go.

al camp. I has de valorar, eh,

in the countryside. And you have to appreciate it, okay,

tio? Has de... Cony, poder

Dude? You have to... Damn, maybe.

guanyar la Lliga abans, vull dir, les entrades les tenies

Win the League first, I mean, you had the tickets.

de fer, eh? Hòstia, aviam, també et dic...

To do, huh? Damn, let's see, I also tell you...

El partit del Riu

The River Game

primer, si l'arribeu a guanyar, es guanya una setmana

First, if you manage to win, you win a week.

abans i jo vinc. Ja, però és que una setmana

Before and I'm coming. Yes, but it's been a week.

abans, quasi la guanyem, quasi la guanyem

before, we almost win it, we almost win it

perquè al minut 85

because at minute 85

jugaven Tona a la Garriga,

they played Tona at La Garriga,

allà a la Garriga, i està guanyant el Tona

over there in Garriga, and Tona is winning

1-0, i amb allò, nosaltres,

1-0, and with that, we,

havent fet el partit, ja havíem guanyat, vull dir,

having not played the match, we had already won, I mean,

amb allò ja ens valia. I amb

that was enough for us. And with

qüestió de dos minuts i mig, l'entrenador

a matter of two and a half minutes, the coach

de portes nostre, que és de la Garriga,

from our doors, which is from La Garriga,

truco, li dic, tu, què? Ell estava allà al camp

trick, I tell him, you, what? He was there in the field.

amb nosaltres, eh?, però ell com que...

with us, huh?, but he, since...

O sigui, tenia algú allà a la Garriga,

That is, I had someone there in La Garriga,

truco i em diu, acaben de remuntar

Trick and he tells me, they have just come back.

2-1. Li dic, hòstia, n'hi ha empatat, eh?,

2-1. I say to him, damn, they have tied it, huh?

dic, acaben de remuntar, dic, ma mare, que els va parir, tio.

I say, they just pulled through, I say, my mother, who gave birth to them, man.

Però, vau dir, bueno, setmana que ve

But, you said, well, next week.

Tona, el veieu assequibles?

Tona, do you find them affordable?

No, jo no, eh?, perquè...

No, not me, huh?, because...

El Tona és molt irregular, eh? És mata-gigantes, eh?

Tona is very irregular, huh? It's a giant-killer, huh?

El Tona, em sembla

Tona, I think.

que a la primera volta va empatar a la Garriga.

that in the first round it drew at La Garriga.

Bueno, jo he vist

Well, I have seen.

resultats, i sí que els de dalt,

results, and yes, those above,

els ha complicat, però després

it has complicated them, but then

perd partits supertons.

loses superton matches.

Però és que també molts, la cosa és

But many, the thing is

que molts van a veure el primer equip,

that many go to see the first team,

que estan a tercera ref,

that are in the third division,

i els van a veure i tal, i després planten

And they go to see them and such, and then they plant them.

10 aigües, saps?, i hi ha d'allò.

10 waters, you know?, and there's that.

Però és un equip

But it is a team.

que m'ha parit, sobretot el seu camp. El seu camp,

that has birthed me, especially its field. Its field,

que no és el de gespa natural, és el de dalt,

it's not the natural grass, it's the one above,

el de herba, allò és una ratonera

the one of grass, that is a mouse trap

de manual. El camp és més petit,

by hand. The field is smaller,

curt, estret, i...

short, narrow, and...

Mira, no toca el nivell

Look, it doesn't reach the level.

d'aigua freda, però és que...

cold water, but it's just that...

A més que bota moltíssim, la bola.

Besides bouncing a lot, the ball.

No sé què collons hi té.

I don't know what the hell he has there.

Quin és l'equip que ha gaudit aquest partit? Ha sigut el més xungo.

Which team has enjoyed this match? It has been the toughest.

Tant tu, Gael, com tu, Zaka, eh?

Both you, Gael, and you, Zaka, right?

Els dos al final...

The two in the end...

Jo et diria que el Tona, eh?, allà.

I would tell you that Tona, huh?, over there.

Sí, perquè es va remuntar a l'últim minut

Yes, because it came back in the last minute.

amb un gol del verd.

with a goal from the green.

Més difícil que el partit del Vicriu primer que va palmar.

More difficult than the first match of the Vicriu that lost.

Única derrota de la lliga?

Only league defeat?

Més xungo el Tona?

Is Tona even tougher?

No, jo no ho sé, eh?

No, I don't know, okay?

Ara hauria de pensar, però jo crec que sí.

Now I should think, but I believe so.

En plan treballat.

In a worked-out plan.

Jo et diria

I would tell you.

de treballar i de treure endavant

of working and moving forward

a l'anada a la Garriga.

on the way to La Garriga.

El típic dia de gener...

The typical day of January...

Sí, sí, 2-0.

Yes, yes, 2-0.

Però el típic...

But the typical...

El típic dissabte a les 7 de la tarda

The typical Saturday at 7 in the afternoon.

a la Garriga, boira, hora, saps?, mala

in the Garriga, fog, hour, you know?, bad

per anar a un partit.

to go to a match.

Fret de collons.

Cold as hell.

No sé, em va recordar el dia del Castellter Sol

I don't know, it reminded me of the day of Castellter Sol.

l'any passat, saps?,

Last year, you know?

de partits que en el calendari

of matches in the calendar

estan encerclats, perquè

they are surrounded, because

si treus els 3 punts, no valen 3,

if you take away the 3 points, they are not worth 3.

valen 6, aquells punts.

They are worth 6, those points.

Ja no són 3 punts més,

It's not just 3 more points anymore,

sinó que t'allunyes dels altres,

but you distance yourself from others,

o sigui...

that is to say...

Li agafes un avantatge, saps?

You take advantage of him, you know?

Se't queden els mateixos punts

You get the same points.

o són 6 més?

or is it 6 more?

Tu, Ona, no sé si te'n recordes,

You, Ona, I don't know if you remember,

però quan va venir en faca l'any passat...

but when faca came last year...

Sí, ara ho estava pensant,

Yes, I was just thinking about it.

que va parlar d'aquest partit de Castellter Sol, eh?

Who talked about this match from Castellter Sol, huh?

Sí, anàveu primers, a la primera volta

Yes, you were in the lead in the first lap.

i vau ser campions d'hivern,

and you were winter champions,

vas venir aquí, vas començar a dir

you came here, you started to say

que anàveu a ser campions d'hivern

that you were going to be winter champions

i què va passar al final.

And what happened in the end?

No sé si ho vam explicar.

I don't know if we explained it.

Sí, perquè vaig venir després de Salou, aquí.

Yes, because I came here after Salou.

Per explicar Salou i tal.

To explain Salou and such.

És que he vingut un parell de vegades,

It's just that I've come a couple of times,

i és la quarta vegada que vinc, eh, amb la broma, ja.

And it's the fourth time I've come, you know, with the joke, really.

Però perquè, o sigui, et volíem...

But why, I mean, we wanted you...

Aquest any vas venir al principi.

This year you came at the beginning.

Vas venir al principi, o...

Did you come at the beginning, or...

L'any passat vaig venir dues vegades.

Last year I came twice.

I aquest any també vas venir a la segona vegada.

And this year you also came for the second time.

O sigui, aquesta temporada és la segona vegada que vinc.

So, this season is the second time I come.

I vam dir, ojo, no vinguis,

And we said, watch out, don't come.

i facis la del gafe...

and you play the jinx...

No, la d'abans de venir avui,

No, the one before coming today.

que va ser el novembre, desembre, que va ser que vaig venir...

what was it in November, December, what was it that I came...

Anàveu primers, també.

You were also in the lead.

Sí, i et vaig dir, no parlem del futbol.

Yes, and I told you, let's not talk about football.

Dic, ja vindré, quan ho tinguem fet, ja torno a venir.

I say, I'll come when we have it done, I'll come back again.

Bueno, ara sí que podem parlar, perquè ja està tot fet.

Well, now we can talk because everything is done.

Et van dir alguna cosa des del vestuari.

They said something to you from the locker room.

No, no, perquè no es va parlar res.

No, no, because nothing was discussed.

Vull dir, no sé si aquest gafe...

I mean, I don't know if this jinx...

No sé si et van dir zaca,

I don't know if they called you zaca,

però amb Mateu, que tingués zaca, sabem que vas a la ràdio...

but with Mateu, that he has a zaca, we know you go to the radio...

No, no, perquè no vam dir res.

No, no, because we didn’t say anything.

La gent se'l va escoltar i no vam dir res.

People listened to him and we said nothing.

Jo t'ho vaig dir, et vaig dir, no direm res,

I told you, I told you, we won't say anything.

perquè es diran que som gafes i no en diem res,

because they'll say we're jinxed and we won't say anything,

i quan estigui fet, torno i ja està.

And when it's done, I'll come back and that's it.

I així ho hem fet.

And so we have done it.

Aquell dia que vaig venir vam parlar més de sortida...

That day I came, we talked more about going out...

Vam parlar més de Barcelona que no pas del futbol.

We talked more about Barcelona than about football.

Hosti, és veritat.

Damn, it's true.

Vam dedicar a parlar com es surt de festa a Barcelona.

We spent time talking about how to go out partying in Barcelona.

S'ha ampliat...

It has been expanded...

El sortir.

The exit.

Aquesta dinàmica...

This dynamic...

Jo només he dedicat un dia.

I have only dedicated one day.

És que tu no sé si era zaca, però...

I don't know if it was zaca, but...

Era a les 10 de la nit.

It was 10 o'clock at night.

Jo tornava de Barcelona de fer unes birres

I was coming back from Barcelona after having some beers.

i de cop em trobo el meu cosí...

and suddenly I find my cousin...

Ah, sí, sí que hi era.

Ah, yes, yes, I was there.

A l'estaci de Sants i em diu...

At Sants station, and he tells me...

No, és que sortim de festa.

No, it's just that we're going out partying.

I dic, ah, molt bé.

I say, ah, very good.

En plan, super ràndom.

Like, super random.

On vau sortir?

Where did you go out?



No feu uf, perquè és un cop que hi anem...

Don't sigh, because it's a blow that we go there...

Conec el DJ de Barrocos i és un home de 60 anys.

I know the DJ of Barrocos and he is a 60-year-old man.

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

I ha après moltes lliçons.

And has learned many lessons.

Jo hi vaig anar a Divicenco.

I went there to Divicenco.

Hi vaig anar de color blanc de dalt a avall.

I went in white from top to bottom.

O sigui, vaig tornar guapo, en cas, vaig tornar.

So, I came back handsome, just in case, I came back.

Dos dies vaig estar allà...

I stayed there for two days...

Tot negre, no?

All black, right?



Tu entres allà i quan entres hi ha a la barra unes escales

You enter there and when you enter there are some stairs at the bar.

i com una petita rampa, així.

And like a small ramp, like this.

Tu, per allà...

You, over there...

Vas caure, no?

You fell, didn't you?

Allà vas una mica esbranzit i fas surf allà.

There you go a bit wild and surf there.

I no, amb broma, t'ho juro.

And no, joking, I swear to you.

L'aigua fa un pam de vessal, allò.

The water is a hand's breadth deep, that.

És molt perillós, allò.

That's very dangerous.

És aquest típic ferro que rellisca molt, saps?

It's that typical metal that slips a lot, you know?

I és molt perillós, allò.

And that is very dangerous.

No sé si parlar de festa més endavant.

I don't know if I should talk about the party later.



Jo crec que primer faria com repàs de temporada.

I think I would first do a review of the season.

Ona, si et sembla bé, i després avancem a festa.

Ona, if that sounds good to you, then we move on to the party.

Sí, sí, i tant.

Yes, yes, of course.

Però, Ona, pregunta també tu.

But, Ona, ask too.

Jo és que estic off.

I am just feeling off.

No, però pregunta alguna cosa.

No, but ask something.

No, realment estic off, que em trobo com el...

No, I really feel off, that I find myself with the...



Bueno, no sé, doncs...

Well, I don't know, then...

No estic en les meves millors condicions físiques.

I'm not in my best physical condition.

Et trobes com quin equip?

Which team do you find yourself with?

Sí, si ho has de comparar amb un equip...

Yes, if you have to compare it to a team...

Ara mateix.

Right now.

Pot ser...

It could be...

No fa falta que sigui de quarta catalana,

It doesn't have to be from the fourth category.

perquè crec que és molt complicat.

because I think it is very complicated.

Ah, com està el Centelles, per cert?

Ah, how is Centelles, by the way?

Es va salvar ahir.

He was saved yesterday.

Es va salvar.

He/She was saved.



Amb el Tona, no?

With Tona, right?

Digue'm els altres veïns, jo diria.

Tell me the other neighbors, I would say.

A mi o els altres veïns, eh?

To me or the other neighbors, huh?

Tu, a mi em va ser molt greu, allò de l'aigua freda.

You, it was very hard for me, that thing about the cold water.

Vaig anar al camp del Tona

I went to the Tona field.

i estava més fotut que molta gent de l'aigua freda, jo, eh?

I was worse off than a lot of people with the cold water, me, huh?

Espera, m'estàs dient...

Wait, are you telling me...

L'aigua freda ha baixat?

Has the cold water gone down?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Hòstia, no sabia això.

Damn, I didn't know that.

Era o Centelles o aigua freda ahir.

It was either Centelles or cold water yesterday.

Jo sabia que el Centelles estava a la corda fluixa, patint.

I knew that Centelles was on a tightrope, suffering.

Ara, ho salven i ho celebren com si qui guanya la Lliga, eh?

Now, they save it and celebrate it as if they won the League, huh?

Home, jo ho faria igual.

At home, I would do the same.

De fet, van perdre i han penjat foto com si haguessin guanyat.

In fact, they lost and have posted a photo as if they had won.

Jo és que ho vaig dir.

I said it.

Dic, és que veuràs tu, perdran, es salveran i faran la foto.

I say, you will see, they will lose, they will be saved and they will take the photo.

I ho han fet, perquè ara ho he mirat.

They have done it, because I have just looked at it.

Dic, hòstia.

I say, damn.

Fa por, la rivalitat, l'any que ve?

Is the rivalry scary for next year?

Fa por?

Does it scare you?

Bé, jo...

Well, I...

Que tinguin poes, jo crec, eh?

They should have poetry, I believe, huh?

Jo què sé.

I don't know.

Venim carregats.

We are loaded.

Nosaltres ens hem inventat un nou lema.

We have come up with a new slogan.

Després ja comprem de la celebració,

After we buy from the celebration,

que hi ha hagut molts càntics,

that there have been many chants,

o sigui, de bon rotllo, eh?

So, in a good mood, right?

Sense tirar merda a ningú,

Without throwing shit at anyone,

excepte algun.

except for some.

Hi ha un càntic que és molt bo,

There is a song that is very good,

que si se comple es pot fer, sí.

that if it is fulfilled it can be done, yes.

Després en parlem.

We'll talk about it later.

Ara, tema cara a l'any que ve.

Now, regarding the issue for next year.

Hi ha renovacions?

Are there renewals?

Neus fitxatges?

New signings?

Bueno, això és...

Well, this is...

Hi ha baixes?

Are there any losses?

Jo solament sé una cosa, que hi ha un fitxatge.

I only know one thing, that there is a signing.

Però no sé ni qui és i...

But I don’t even know who they are and...

És que no sé.

I don't know.

Ah, no, tens raó.

Ah, no, you're right.

Fem l'últim entrenament dimarts,

We will have the last training session on Tuesday.

que ve una persona...

that a person is coming...

Bueno, ve un nano nou a provar.

Well, a new kid comes to try out.

I tu saps qui és?

And do you know who it is?



No sé qui és, sí, dimarts.

I don't know who it is, yes, Tuesday.

No sé qui és, però no sé qui és.

I don't know who it is, but I don't know who it is.

Però vosaltres creieu que teniu...

But do you believe that you have...

Bueno, no sé si Koro torna?

Well, I don't know if Koro is coming back?

En teoria, sí.

In theory, yes.

Però en Koro no està fins un any més a Polònia?

But isn't Koro in Poland for another year?

És que no ho sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

Jo diria que sí, eh?

I would say yes, right?

És que no l'he demanat.

I haven't asked for it.

No l'he demanat.

I haven't asked for it.

Són dos anys.

It's two years.

Són dos anys, sí.

It's two years, yes.

Però no dir-te que porta un any fora

But I won't tell you that he's been away for a year.

i no l'he demanat encara què està fent allà,

and I haven't asked him yet what he is doing there,

la veritat, vull dir, no...

the truth is, I mean, no...

Tu el veus vivint la vida padre?

Do you see him living the good life?

Saps que està viu i dius...

You know that he is alive and you say...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Quan va venir Quim,

When Quim came,

quan va venir Quim, diu,

when Quim came, he says,

tu has d'anar cap allà, eh?

You have to go there, right?

Que el ritme de sortir allà és altíssim.

That the pace of going out there is very high.

De dimecres a diumenge.

From Wednesday to Sunday.

Jo li dic, tu vols què dius?

I tell him, do you want to know what you say?

De dimecres...

On Wednesday...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

De dir, cada dia, cada dia.

To say, every day, every day.

Es comença tot fent birres a la tarda

It all starts with beers in the afternoon.

i acaben on...

and they end up where...

Mai saben on acaben.

They never know where they end up.

Quatre dies a la setmana.

Four days a week.

Ara dit això,

Now that being said,

quin pronòstic teniu de cara a l'any que ve?

What forecast do you have for next year?

Tu, Gael, com ho veus?

You, Gael, how do you see it?

Mitja taula, jo crec, eh?

Half the table, I think, right?

Mitja taula, tercera catalana.

Half table, third Catalan.

Tu, Zaka?

You, Zaka?

Cap amunt.


Mira, diré mitja taula,

Look, I'll say half the table,

però després del que em veuen els meus ulls ahir...

but after what my eyes saw yesterday...



Perquè veus equips marrons...

Because you see brown teams...

Veus equips guarros, no?

You see messy teams, right?

No, no, no, però...

No, no, no, but...

O sigui, després del partit que vaig anar a veure jo ahir a la tarda,

So, after the match I went to see yesterday afternoon,

tot en aigua freda,

everything in cold water,

jo crec que mitja taula es pot fer...

I believe that half a table can be made...

Vull dir, hi ha nivell, hi ha nivell.

I mean, there is a level, there is a level.

O una posició per sobre el descens?

Or a position above the relegation zone?

Jo ho veig molt d'allò.

I see a lot of that.

Perquè és que al final, ahir ho parlàvem al Grada,

Because in the end, we were talking about it at Grada yesterday,

al final, bueno, des del Grada,

in the end, well, from the Stand,

és com qui ho diu des del sofà a la tele,

it's like someone saying it from the sofa to the TV,

tot és molt més, saps?

Everything is much more, you know?

Ho dius i ja està.

You say it and that's it.

Doncs dèiem entre nosaltres,

Well, we were saying among ourselves,

hòstia, és que deixar-t'ho tot a l'últim dia, bro...

Damn, leaving everything for the last day, dude...

És patir moltíssim, eh?

It's suffering a lot, right?

És ser merda, bro.

It’s being shit, bro.

És una...

It is a...

És com qui fa els deures el diumenge.

It's like someone doing homework on a Sunday.

T'imagines fer el TFG com va fer empeny,

Can you imagine doing your final project like he did?

en una setmana, és que...

in a week, it's just that...

Té molt de mèrit si ho trobes, eh?

It's quite an achievement if you find it, right?

Clar, és que clar, i van estar a res, eh?

Of course, it's just that, well, they were almost there, right?

Van estar a res d'aconseguir-ho,

They were very close to achieving it,

perquè clar, anaven cantant els gols de la Garriga

because of course, they were singing the goals of Garriga

contra les Centelles, però...

against the Centelles, but...

Joder, no van tenir...

Damn, they didn't have...

Però creieu que hi ha nivell per guanyar

But do you believe there is a level to win?

aquests equips? Ara l'aigua freda

these teams? Now the cold water

perquè ha baixat, però...

because it has gone down, but...

Sí, jo crec...

Yes, I believe...

És que guanyar, no sé, guanyar jo no sabria dir...

It's just that winning, I don't know, I wouldn't know how to say winning...

Haureu de suar més, no?

You will have to sweat more, won't you?

Jo crec que hi haurà molts empats.

I believe there will be many draws.

I competir. Jo diria més cap a competir.

I compete. I would say more towards competing.

Competir sí que se'ls pot competir.

Yes, they can compete.

Perquè el futbol de quarta és molt

Because fourth division football is very

diferent que amb els de tercera.

different from those in the third.

Quan hem fet amistosos amb equips de tercera,

When we have played friendly matches with third division teams,

el que sí que ens falta, jo crec que és

what we do lack, I believe, is

una mica el ritme de joc,

a little the pace of the game,

volguis o no, és més alt. Al final a quarta

Whether you like it or not, it's taller. In the end, in fourth place.

juguen penxuts i gent que els hi pela

they play dumb and people who are peeling them

i d'allò, però...

and that, but...

I a tercera ja es nota

And in third gear, it is already noticeable.

que hi ha una mica més de nivell, el ritme és una mica...

that there is a bit more level, the pace is a bit...

Això a mesura que vas pujant de divisió, més ritme hi ha.

The higher you go in division, the more rhythm there is.

Però jo crec que això s'agafa,

But I believe that this is taken,

vull dir, s'agafa i ja està.

I mean, you just take it and that's it.

I crec que se'ls pot...

I believe that they can...

Competir se'ls podrà competir, això està.

Competing will be possible, that's for sure.

I després guanyar o no guanyar, ja...

And then to win or not win, well...

I una pregunta d'Ignorant. Ara cap a quina zona jugareu?

And a question from an Ignorant. Now, which area will you be playing in?

O sigui...


Igual aquí.

Same here.

Per exemple, es tocarà Sant Hilari, imagino,

For example, it will be Sant Hilari, I imagine.

un altre cop.


Que està cap allà a Girona.

It's over there in Girona.

Que està cap a baix.

That is facing down.

Sant Quirze, també.

Saint Quirze, too.

Però bueno, per aquí igual.

But well, the same goes here.

Dels vostres jugadors de plantilla,

Of your squad players,

qui creieu que han sigut els més importants

Who do you think have been the most important?

de cara a aquesta... Bé, espera, no.

Facing this... Well, wait, no.

Abans de fer aquesta pregunta.

Before asking this question.

També allò de l'exigència de joc.

Also the issue of the demand for play.

Crec que us haureu de donar un plus

I think you will have to give them a bonus.

perquè és una mica com Barça femení, no?

because it’s a bit like Barça women's team, right?

Aquesta temporada. Heu anat a camps

This season. Have you gone to the fields?

guanyant 9-0, 8-0, 7-0...

winning 9-0, 8-0, 7-0...

Que potser no hi ha tanta exigència.

That perhaps there isn't so much demand.

I l'any que ve, potser,

And next year, perhaps,

si que tan suàveu un partit

Yes, you do seem to enjoy a match.

al mes, els haureu de suar tots, no?

You will have to sweat them all out, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Esteu mentalitzats?

Are you focused?

Sí, i a més que ets l'equip que puges.

Yes, and furthermore, you are the team that is promoted.

Per molts és nou això de pujar, però...

For many, this climbing thing is new, but...

També tenim la sort que molts ja

We are also fortunate that many already...

tenen molts anys d'experiència.

they have many years of experience.

L'Uri, la gent de la seva edat,

Uri, the people of his age,

l'Uri, l'Alberto, l'Abel, en Pau...

Uri, Alberto, Abel, Pau...

Són molts joves, però porten molts anys.

They are many young people, but they have many years of experience.

Ja no... Sí, ja amb

Not anymore... Yes, already with

futbol amateur. Sí, sí, amb equip gran, sí.

amateur football. Yes, yes, with a big team, yes.

Aleshores, no sé, jo...

So, I don't know, I...

Jo crec...

I believe...

Espera, què m'havies dit? És que ara m'ha vingut un...

Wait, what did you say? It's just that something just came to my mind...

Els veïns importants, dèieu.

The important neighbors, you said.

No, bueno, no. Primer deia l'exigència.

No, well, no. First he mentioned the requirement.

Ah, sí, l'exigència. Sí, sí. Jo... No, no.

Ah, yes, the requirement. Yes, yes. I... No, no.

Ja, ja... Tothom ho té ja al cap.

Yes, yes... Everyone already has it in mind.

Més perquè, vulguis o no,

More because, whether you want it or not,

s'ha anat seguint també que han anat fent

it has also been noted that they have been doing

els centelles d'aigua freda durant aquest any

the cold water splashes during this year

i ja vas veient el que...

And you're already seeing what...

I jo crec que també, molt important,

And I think that also, very important,

això de pujar et dona com un plus, no?

Climbing gives you a kind of extra boost, right?

De dir... Estem a tercera, anem a...

To say... We're in third, we're going to...

A mantenir-ho. O sigui, és nou per nosaltres,

To maintain it. That is, it is new to us.

entre cometes. Llavors,

"in quotes. Then,"

per un equip que ja està a tercera

for a team that is already in the third division

i comença la segona temporada a tercera

And the second season begins on the third.

és com, bueno, és el normal.

It's like, well, it's the normal one.

Creieu també que...

Do you also believe that...

En plan la millora en el joc, també, doncs...

In terms of improving the game, well then...

Crec que ha sigut un dels anys que més

I think it has been one of the years that most.

afició ha anat als camps, que més ha seguit...

the hobby has gone to the fields, which has been followed the most...

Sí, però... L'ambient al camp es nota.

Yes, but... You can feel the atmosphere in the countryside.



O sigui, els últims partits, clar,

So, the last matches, of course,

quan ja estava tot quasi guanyat, doncs ha vingut més gent,

when everything was almost won, then more people have come,

òbviament, no? Però jo crec que...

obviously, right? But I think that...

Falta més gent.

More people are needed.

O sigui, venen, però jo crec que falta...

So they come, but I think something is missing...

És que també et dic, és molt complicat, eh?

I'm also telling you, it's very complicated, huh?

Un primer camp de Baleanyà és molt gran i...

A first field of Baleanyà is very large and...

La grada ja en sí, que molta gent,

The stand itself, that many people,

vull dir, als voltants...

I mean, around...

És que la gent es fica sobretot al bar i als voltants.

It's just that people mostly hang out in the bar and the surrounding areas.

I després al grada s'hi fica molt poca gent.

And then very few people sit in the stands.

Però, clar, després te'n vas

But, of course, then you leave.

a altres camps que tenen grades més petites

to other fields that have smaller stands

i, clar, allà amb rei menys...

Yes, of course, there with the king less...

L'aigua freda mateix.

The cold water itself.

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

L'aigua freda, l'aigua freda són...

The cold water, the cold water is...

No, no, tenen pla sempre, eh?

No, no, they always have a plan, you know?

Aigua freda a totes les edats...

Cold water at all ages...

Fin de...

End of...

Cap a pujar al camp.

Let's go up to the field.

Ja està bé, collons, s'ha de fer...

That's enough, damn it, it has to be done...

És el guapo que tenen, eh?

He's the handsome one they have, right?

El camp és petit i és...

The field is small and it is...

Els camps petits mai m'han acabat d'agradar,

I've never really liked small fields.

però, tu, que tenen

but, you, what do they have?

la grada plena a un metre de tu,

the stands full a meter away from you,

mentre corres per allà i allò...

while you run over there and that...

Volguis o no, dins del camp es nota.

Like it or not, it's noticeable on the field.

Sí que després tenen

Yes, they do have afterwards.

tres quarts de camp,

three quarters of the field,

no s'agrada ni gent,

he doesn't like people either,

però la zona aquella es nota com a preta, eh?

But that area feels tight, doesn't it?

Ara m'acaba de venir una pregunta i és

Now a question just came to my mind and it is

sabent que l'aigua freda ha baixat a quarta,

knowing that the cold water has dropped to the fourth,

creieu que vindrà gent

Do you think people will come?

per mantenir-se a tercera?

to stay in third?

El típic que fa els jugadors de primera

The typical thing that first division players do.

quan baixen a segona, que fitxen per equips de primera

when they drop to the second division, they sign with first division teams

per mantenir-se, creieu que vindria algú?

To maintain itself, do you think someone would come?

Jo crec que pot ser algú.

I believe that he/she can be someone.

Jo crec... No ho sé.

I believe... I don't know.

Potser no, perquè també són d'aigua freda...

Maybe not, because they are also cold water...

Sí, i al final són del poble tots

Yes, and in the end they are all from the village.

i al final, mira, han baixat

And in the end, look, they have come down.

i volen tornar-ho a...

and they want to do it again...

Jo no ho sé.

I don’t know.

No ho saps, no ho saps.

You don't know, you don't know.

A mi ningú mai se sap, és això.

To me, nobody ever knows, that's it.

Podríeu preguntar, també, no?

You could ask, too, couldn't you?

Podem rescatar algun

Can we rescue any?

bon, no?

Good, right?

Algú que faci fitxatges hostalets,

Someone who does hotel bookings.

que vagi allà i digui...

go there and say...

Mateu, Mateu...

Mateu, Mateu...

Clar, Mateu pot anar allà i dir...

Of course, Mateu can go there and say...

Ja sabeu, si voleu seguir tercera,

You already know, if you want to stay third,

tenim un club aquí que us obre les portes,

we have a club here that opens its doors to you,

perquè al final, sí, crec que l'hostalets

because in the end, yes, I think the hostels

el que té també són jugadors petits,

what he also has are small players,

Gerai, Pauliana...

Gerai, Pauliana...

Però claus, eh?

But keys, right?

Biel, sí, sí, no dic pas

Biel, yes, yes, I'm not saying no.

que siguin dolents, però

let them be bad, but

al final, a l'entrenament, si tenen jugadors

In the end, at the training, if they have players.

amb més experiència tercera per fotre canya,

with more experience to push hard,

hòstia, jo no crec que...

Wow, I don't think that...

Clar, jo crec que falta experiència, no?

Of course, I think there is a lack of experience, right?

O sigui, jugadors que ja han estat allà.

That is to say, players who have already been there.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No sé, això...

I don't know, this...

No, perquè és que...

No, because...

Jo els veig molt...

I see them a lot...

No veus molt igual, no?

You don't see it very similarly, do you?

Bé, jo els veig, en plan, molt de poble

Well, I see them, like, very much like a village.

i de, mira, doncs, ja ens quedem

And look, well, we'll stay then.

a l'equip del nostre poble i ja està.

to the team of our village and that’s it.

Vull dir, no m'aniré jo ara que he baixat...

I mean, I won't go now that I've come down...

No m'aniré jo ara que he baixat...

I'm not going now that I've come down...

Saps? No ho sé.

You know? I don't know.

Que potser et venen i et diuen, no, marxarem.

Maybe they sell you and tell you, no, we'll leave.

No ho sé, és que no ho sé.

I don't know, it's just that I don't know.

No ho vaig demanar, tampoc.

I didn't ask for it, either.

I tornant a la pregunta que he fet abans,

Returning to the question I asked earlier,

quins són els jugadors que creieu que han sigut

Who are the players that you think have been?

més claus aquesta temporada?

More keys this season?

A part de...

Apart from...

O sigui, crec que Blas i Pichichi...

So, I think that Blas and Pichichi...

Ho fem per posicions?

Shall we do it by positions?

Sí, és el que us volia dir.

Yes, that's what I wanted to tell you.

Per línies...

By lines...

Bueno, és que...

Well, it's that...

És molt complicat...

It's very complicated...

No vull que facis un rànquing de més...

I don't want you to make a ranking of more...

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No vull que diguis, hòstia, aquest ha sigut clau

I don't want you to say, damn, this has been key.

en diferents partits, sense ell,

in different matches, without him,

quan no hi ha sigut, s'ha notat, tal...

when he/she hasn't been there, it has been noticeable, such...

Bueno, jo destacava molt la feina dels dos porters,

Well, I really emphasized the work of both goalkeepers,

perquè al final, un, venia de fer el juvenil mig porter,

because in the end, one had just come from playing as a youth half-goalkeeper,

mig jugador, amb l'Adam,

half player, with Adam,

i amb el tema meu, quan vaig tenir la lesió i tot,

and with my issue, when I had the injury and everything,

va agafar i s'hi va ficar,

he took it and got in.

i que hi ha hagut dies que el tio se l'ha notat a darrere,

and there have been days when you could tell he was behind.

quan un porter se'l nota és perquè ha fet molt bon partit.

When a goalkeeper stands out, it is because they have had a very good match.

I l'altre, en Biel, sent juvenil de segon any,

And the other one, Biel, is a second-year youth,

que s'ha fotut a camps de merda allà,

that has gotten into shit fields over there,

a rebre patades i de tot,

to receive kicks and everything,

i el tio, bueno, no és fàcil, no és gaire fàcil

And the guy, well, it’s not easy, it’s not very easy.

ficar-te un equip que aspira sí o sí a un objectiu clar,

to put you in a team that aims for a clear goal, no matter what,

ficar-te a la porteria tu, i que no la pots quedar,

put yourself in goal, and you can't save it,

i que no d'allò, té molt menys.

And not only that, it has much less.

O sigui, ha sigut un 50-50, no?

So, it has been a 50-50, right?

Ha equilibrat.

He has balanced it.

A veure, no, perquè realment en Mai ha jugat tots els partits.

Let's see, no, because really Mai has played all the matches.

Sí, ha jugat més, però també és una cosa de...

Yes, he has played more, but it's also a matter of...

Aviam, si has de tirar...

Let's see, if you have to throw...

Bueno, ha sigut l'equip menys golejat?

Well, has it been the team with the fewest goals conceded?



Crec que ha sigut la barriba, crec.

I think it has been the bottom, I believe.

Però vull dir, el segon, sí, no?

But I mean, the second one, yes, right?

Sí, el segon, sí.

Yes, the second one, yes.

Al final, tenint porters de 2004, 2006, crec que és en Biel,

In the end, having goalkeepers from 2004, 2006, I think it's Biel.

i ser un dels equips que menys goles fan,

and be one of the teams that score the fewest goals,

crec que té molt de mèrit,

I think it has a lot of merit,

perquè són jugadors que no els hi tocarien ni estar al primer equip.

because they are players who shouldn't even be in the first team.

Exacte, però també hem de dir, no?,

Exactly, but we also have to say, right?

on és la defensa, en si.

where is the defense, in itself.



Sobretot on?

Above all, where?

Sí, jo...

Yes, I...



Mira, tornant a la teva pregunta,

Look, returning to your question,

els jugadors així...

the players like this...

Jo, per mi, Onda es nota molt.

For me, Onda is very noticeable.

Quan un tio ve que ja ha guanyat lligues

When a guy comes who has already won leagues.

i que ja ha jugat a categories altes,

and has already played in higher categories,

que ve i que...

that comes and that...

Es nota quan un és bo, quan agafi i diu...

You can tell when someone is good, when they take it and say...

És com un jugador 11 de la Kings League, no?

It's like an 11 player in the Kings League, right?

Sí, bueno, a mi em dona la sensació de quan vol,

Yes, well, it gives me the feeling of when it wants to.

quan vol és...

whenever you want is...



Sí, sí, però es va notar, per exemple,

Yes, yes, but it was noticeable, for example,

el dia que vam jugar contra el Gurb, allà al seu camp...

the day we played against Gurb, over there at their field...

Gurb va ser partides.

Gurb was divided.

Que és el típic partit que no has de...

What is the typical match that you shouldn't...

Són juvenils i no has de pillar,

They are young and you don't have to catch them.

però jugant molt bé, aquesta gent,

but playing very well, these people,

en un camp així petit, molt ratonera, també.

In such a small field, very mousetrap-like too.

Doncs el vam...

Well, we did...

Es va ficar de punta, no sé, va fer 4 gols,

He got really into it, I don't know, he scored 4 goals.

un en fora de joc que no era,

an offside that wasn't,

però va fer hat-trick al tio, vull dir...

but he did a hat trick to the guy, I mean...

Quan va dir, avui ho faig, avui ho agafo i ho faig.

When he said, today I do it, today I take it and I do it.

També corpulent, vull dir...

Also burly, I mean...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

És un tio que, si el pots lluitar contra centrals,

He's a guy that, if you can fight against centers,

els centrals...

the centrales...

És que no pots jugar contra...

You can't play against...

O sigui, posa el costat de l'Onda i no aguantes.

In other words, put the side of the Wave and don't hold on.

Ja, els entrenos, no sé si...

Yes, the training sessions, I don't know if...

No ho heu viscut, però vull dir...

You haven't lived it, but I mean...

Jo sí, jo he anat a entrenar sempre, eh?

I have, I have always gone to train, okay?

Però com a jugador.

But as a player.

Sí, i els divícres amb els porters...

Yes, and the Wednesdays with the doormen...

Els xocs contra l'Onda, què?

The clashes against the Wave, what?

No, no xoca.

No, it doesn't collide.

Que els entrenos camina.

The training is going well.

Els entrenos ve caminant, els entrenos.

The workouts come walking, the workouts.

Et dic en sèrio, quan ha volgut, ho fa,

I tell you seriously, when he/she wants to, he/she does it.

i quan no, vull dir...

and when not, I mean...

Clar, quan és necessari, jo crec, no?

Sure, when it's necessary, I think, right?

Va en primera marxa, amb dues marxes ficades...

It is in first gear, with two gears engaged...

Però al partit s'hi va amb sisena, no?

But you go to the match in sixth gear, right?

Al partit...

At the party...

Al partit, passa de primera sisena amb zero coma, vull dir...

In the match, he goes from first to sixth with zero point, I mean...

Si veu que el partit no ho necessita,

If you see that the party doesn't need it,

doncs va a la seva línia.

then he goes to his line.

Però sempre va...

But it always goes...

Va a tope.

He/She is going all out.

I el xocar amb nosaltres, vull dir, els entrenos,

And the clash with us, I mean, the training sessions,

al final, jo suposo que deu ser conscient

In the end, I suppose he must be aware.

que si va a xocar, pot fer...

that if it is going to crash, it can do...

Va a fer algú.

It's going to do something.

Alguna vegada amb algú ha xocat

Have you ever bumped into someone?

el típic partit d'entren, alguna cosa així de competir,

the typical warm-up game, something like competing,

però no comparat amb el que fa als partits.

but not compared to what he does in the matches.

Hi ha vist gent volar.

He has seen people fly.

Literalment, hi ha vist gent volar dos metres

Literally, he has seen people fly two meters.

per culpa d'aquest.

because of this.

Doncs, o sigui, línia de defensa, diríeu, Onda...

Well, I mean, defense line, you would say, Onda...

Onda, Gerai, també.

Wave, Gerai, too.

Gerai, que és mig...

Alright, it's half...

L'han ficat de defensa...

They've put him in defense...

Però Gerai és fort, perquè...

But Gerai is strong, because...



Molt baixet, eh?

Very short, huh?

Molt petit, però és que és molt bo tècnicament.

Very small, but it is very good technically.

És una mica pau-cubercí.

It's a bit of a mess.

Sí, sí, joder.

Yes, yes, damn.

Sobreté amb la mateixa cara de meme, puto Gerai.

Shut up with the same meme face, fucking Gerai.

El tio se me'n riu.

The guy is mocking me.

Va rient i ja està.

She went laughing and that's it.

Saps el cubercí que està...

Do you know the cup that is...

Va fer el mateix, el tio.

He did the same, the guy.

Però no és niño trompeta, Gerai.

But he is not a trumpet boy, Gerai.



No, què va.

No, not at all.

És que en cubercí fa molt d'ara ser com parla.

It's just that in Cubercí it hasn't been like this for a long time.

Sí, joder.

Yes, damn it.

Em mato el meme aquell del...

I kill myself the meme of the...

Com es diu?

What is it called?

Aquell nano que...

That kid who...

El niño trompeta.

The trumpet boy.



Quan en va fer tirar una contra

When he/she had one thrown against.

i s'encontra amb un cubercí.

He meets an overworld.

Sí, sí, són clavats, eh?

Yes, yes, they are identical, aren't they?

Ilínia Mitjus, qui creieu que és?

Ilínia Mitjus, who do you think she is?

Bé, defenses també.

Well, defenses too.

Alberto, tots en general.

Alberto, everyone in general.

Alberto ha jugat de lateral.

Alberto has played as a full-back.

Ha jugat de tot aquest tio.

This guy has played everything.

És un gat, és un gat.

It's a cat, it's a cat.

L'Alberto és que...

Alberto is that...

Alberto, i sobretot l'Eloi també,

Alberto, and especially Eloi too,

però està lesionat, no?

but he's injured, right?

L'Eloi sempre ha complès.

Eloi has always kept his promises.

L'Eloi sempre ha...

Eloi has always...

Sí, l'Eloi crec que...

Yes, I think Eloi...

Quan he jugat amb ell,

When I have played with him,

la veritat que era...

the truth was...

Izqui ha repartit molts pals.

Izqui has distributed many sticks.

Izqui és un cabrón perquè...

Izqui is a bastard because...

És petitet, eh?

He's a little one, isn't he?

Poca cosa.

Not much.

Reparteix que dóna gust al cabrón, saps?

Share it, it feels good to the bastard, you know?

O no.

Oh no.

Els dies que el de repartir ho controla,

The days when the one distributing controls it,

ho fa molt bé,

he does it very well,

perquè no se li nota gaire

because it is not very noticeable

i es dedica a allò, saps?

And he/she dedicates himself/herself to that, you know?

No es dedica a passar la pilota

He doesn't focus on passing the ball.

un do de la samarreta al balenyar

a gift of the t-shirt to the screamer

i a repartir.

and to distribute.

O sigui, a repartir.

That is, to divide.

I el cabrón...

And the bastard...

O sigui, dies que es necessita,

That is, days that are needed,

va bé tenir gent com l'Izqui.

It's good to have people like Izqui.

I després, destacar-ho de l'Alberto,

And then, highlight it from Alberto,

que aquest tio...

that this guy...

Com que va venir tard a la pretemporada,

Since he arrived late to the preseason,

no sé per què,

I don't know why,

van ficar de lateral,

they put him on the side,

van dir, el cor no hi és,

they said, the heart is not there,

Alberto, vinga, va.

Alberto, come on, let's go.

I aquest tio que no ha jugat mai de lateral.

And this guy who has never played as a full-back.

Sempre ha estat...

It has always been...

I rendeix.

I surrender.

Sí, sí, aquest li pela.

Yes, yes, this one peels it.

Aquest li va costar un dia i mig

This took him a day and a half.

agafar el ritme d'entendre ser lateral.

to get the hang of understanding being lateral.

De l'Alberto anava a dir...

I was going to say about Alberto...

Clar, això no ho hem parlat mai a cap programa,

Of course, we've never talked about this in any program.

però quan va sortir en Gavi del Barça,

but when Gavi left Barça,

jo veia l'Alberto.

I saw Alberto.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És el típic que fot el cap on sigui,

It's the typical one that sticks its head in wherever.

que estira, que corre...

that stretches, that runs...

I tiras una bomba i la remata, tio.

You throw a bomb and finish it off, dude.

O sigui, va sortir en Gavi,

So, Gavi came out,

i per mi no és...

and for me it is not...

Quan veus l'Alberto i dius,

When you see Alberto and you say,

mira, juga com en Gavi.

Look, play like Gavi.

No, no.

No, no.

Jo veig en Gavi i dic,

I see in Gavi and I say,

juga com l'Alberto.

Play with Alberto.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

És un tio que va menjar-s'ho tot.

He's a guy who ate it all.

Encara me'n recordo.

I still remember it.

L'any passat, en un partit,

Last year, in a match,

allò que quan tira una pilota a les esquenes

that which when you throw a ball behind you

i ha de sortir el porter tot a pastiller

The goalkeeper has to come out all in a rush.

a desmuntar la bola i a enxufar-la lluny,

to dismantle the ball and plug it in far away,

me'l vaig atropellar.

I ran over him.

Però és que li vaig donar amb l'espiniller

But I hit him with the shin guard.

en tota la cara, saps?

In the whole face, you know?

En tot el careto.

In the whole face.

I jo, clar, me'l miro,

And I, of course, I look at it.

el veig al terra plorant,

I see him on the ground crying,

dic, no m'ho puc creure,

I say, I can't believe it,

me'l acabo de carregar.

I just broke it.

Dic, no, no, no.

I say, no, no, no.

Li he d'enxufar una...

I have to plug one in...

Clar, jo a tota velocitat,

Of course, I at full speed,

que no s'ha patit ni res,

that nothing has been suffered or anything,

i al xutar la bola vaig atropellar,

and when I kicked the ball I ran over,

o sigui, el vaig atropellar i el vaig matar.

So, I ran him over and killed him.

Bé, ho has fet bé, ho has fet bé, ho has fet bé.

Well, you did well, you did well, you did well.

El tio, podria tenir un ull inflat,

The guy could have a swollen eye.

la cara tota ratllada,

the whole face scratched,

o ho has fet bé, ho has fet bé,

you have done it well, you have done it well,

ho has fet molt bé, no sé què hi ha d'estar.

You did very well, I don't know what to expect.

Li vaig fotre, sí, sí, sí, no sé.

I gave it to him/her, yes, yes, yes, I don't know.

Línia de mitjons.

Sock line.

Va, Mateu, Mateu, Mateu, Mateu també.

Come on, Mateu, Mateu, Mateu, Mateu too.

Martí ha millorat molt, també.

Martí has also improved a lot.

Sí, Martí, Darwin,

Yes, Martí, Darwin,

que últimament es va incorporar al mig del camp.

who recently joined the midfield.

En Mateu té una cosa que m'agrada molt,

Mateu has something that I really like,

i és que...

and it is that...

Tu el veus, que dius,

You see him, what do you say,

no, és que el Mateu va caminant,

no, it's just that Mateu is walking,

però no li pots robar la pilota.

but you can't steal the ball from him.

És com un Busquets.

It's like a Busquets.

T'ho juro, recordo molt el Sergio Busquets.

I swear to you, I remember Sergio Busquets very well.

El cabró em porta la pilota enganxadíssim al peu.

The goat brings me the ball stuck to my foot.

Sí, sí, i això ve d'un guà,

Yes, yes, and that comes from a guava,

vull dir, i no surt.

I mean, and it doesn't come out.

Sí, sí, no, no, és increïble, és increïble.

Yes, yes, no, no, it’s incredible, it’s incredible.

Ell sempre ho deia,

He always said it,

el notes, va, que li agradava molt el Busquets,

You know, he really liked Busquets a lot.

i dic, no, només fot...

I say, no, it's just a pain...

I cabró, si jugues gairebé com ell, tio...

You're a bastard, if you played almost like him, man...

Jo crec que això, crec que és una de les coses

I think that this, I think is one of the things.

que té més mèrit, que és un tio

that has more merit, that he is a guy

que no corre com l'Alberto, per exemple,

that does not run like Alberto, for example,

perquè soc jo més ràpid que el Mateu

because I am faster than Mateu

i peso dos braços més que ell.

And I weigh two arms more than him.

Però veus que se'n va de tothom.

But you see that he is going away from everyone.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Fent fintes o el que sigui, no li prens, és socialista.

Making excuses or whatever, you don't take it away from him, he's a socialist.

I després, també,

And then, also,

Mateu podria ser el jugador

Mateu could be the player.

que ha rebut més targetes.

who has received more cards.

Hosti, no ho sé.

Damn, I don't know.

Vull dir, perquè si se li en va algú, agafa samarreta...

I mean, because if someone leaves, they take a t-shirt...

L'ha d'agafar samarreta seva, és típica.

He has to take his typical T-shirt.

És típica, sí, clar.

It is typical, yes, of course.

El que més targetes ha tingut és en Pau Miana,

The one with the most cards is Pau Miana.

però també perquè, al principi,

but also because, at the beginning,

quan ets juvenil i no...

when you are youthful and not...

O sigui, hi ha...

That is to say, there is...



Els veteranos ja et van a buscar

The veterans are coming to get you.

i a la mínima ja t'escafes, et treuen groga i ja està.

And at the slightest thing, you get sent off, they give you a yellow card and that's it.

Però, o sigui, el Mateu...

But, I mean, Mateu...

Mateu jo diria que és més per cascar.

Mateu, I would say it's more for cracking.

Pau també és molt de protestar.

Pau also likes to protest a lot.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bé, perquè protesta tothom.

Well, because everyone protests.

Protesta els seus pares i tot, protesta aquest tio.

He protests his parents and everything, this guy protests.

No té filtres. Aquest ja protestar, protesta.

It has no filters. This one already protests, protests.

Pau Mateu té targetes, però, per cascar.

Pau Mateu has cards, but for cracking.

Perquè és un cascador, aquest tio.

Because he's a show-off, that guy.

Xerra molt.

Talks a lot.

Xerra moltíssim, tio, aquest tio.

He talks a lot, man, this guy.

Jo crec que és el típic que, de festa,

I think it's typical that, at a party,

el Lapa, que és a prop d'una xavala,

the Lapa, which is near a girl,

i li comença...

and it begins to...

Ara t'anava a dir això.

I was just about to tell you that.

És un com a oreja de manual, aquest tio.

He's an ear like a textbook, this guy.

Li fa el mateix a l'àrbitre.

It does the same to the referee.

Sí, segur, segur, segur.

Yes, for sure, for sure, for sure.

Jo ja practico amb l'àrbitre, jo crec, eh?

I already practice with the referee, I think, huh?

Sí, després ja a la nit hi ha...

Yes, then at night there is...

Clar, hi ha en Palma, del partit a la nit,

Sure, there is a party in Palma tonight.

i segueix cascant, segueix menjant ulleres,

and keep crashing, keep eating glasses,

orelles i...

ears and...

I Marc Ferrer també és essencial, no?

And Marc Ferrer is also essential, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És el millor xutllunyà que hi ha...

It's the best kick from afar there is...

Sí, això, això.

Yes, that, that.

Marc Ferrer.

Marc Ferrer.

T'he explicat.

I have explained it to you.

Bueno, ojo coro, eh?

Well, watch out choir, huh?

Perquè també...

Because also...

És que coro...

It's just that chorus...

No, és que coro té un missil.

No, it's just that Coro has a missile.

Coro té un puto missil.

Coro has a fucking missile.

Coro és xutar, ja està.

Coro is to kick, that's it.

Però jo com que ficava la mà l'any passat allà,

But since I put my hand there last year,

tu, pica la mà.

you, slap the hand.

Saps allò que quan xutava en el col·le que feies?

Do you know what you did when I kicked in school?

Pica la mà.

Tap the hand.

És l'única mà passada que em piqui la mà.

It is the only past hand that pricks my hand.

Jo d'en coro recordo que quan va en carrera i xuta,

I remember that when he runs and shoots,

et salta.

it jumps at you.

En plan, fa el xut i salta,

Like, he takes the shot and jumps,

i llavors...

and then...

Sí, sí, però per què?

Yes, yes, but why?

Com si fos dinar a Zomaile, eh?

Like having lunch at Zomaile, huh?

Carrega aquell missil, el cabroni,

Load that missile, you bastard.

sense pietat, a desmuntar-ho tot.

without mercy, to dismantle everything.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jo xuto i on vagi.

I shoot wherever I go.

I en canvi en Marc és més d'un globet ben fet,

And on the other hand, Marc is more of a well-made balloon.

una corba ben feta, saps?

a well-made curve, you know?

Va per esquadra i no la veus.

It goes for squad and you don't see it.

M'he dit, ho he intentat 4.000 vegades, aquest tio.

I've told myself, I've tried this 4,000 times, this guy.

Ha marcat Olímpic, no, aquesta temporada?

Has he scored Olympic goals this season?

Hosti, diria que sí.

Damn, I would say yes.

Maia també, Maia Primo.

Maia too, Maia Primo.

Maia Primo és Primo teu, també, o no?

Maia Primo is Primo yours, too, or not?

No, és que és el meu Primo, no el seu.

No, it's just that he's my cousin, not yours.

No, Maia Primo, l'altre.

No, Maia Primo, the other one.

Maia de grup, com diu l'Onda.

Maia of the group, as the Wave says.

Maia jugador.

Maia player.

És Primo del Primo.

He is Primo of Primo.

Primo de Primo, sí.

Cousin of cousin, yes.

Tu, algun dia,

You, one day,

és el meu fill de cosí segon.

He is my second cousin.

És Primo del Primo.

He is Primo of Primo.

Primo de Primo.

Cousin of Cousin.

Tu, fem una cosa, un dia.

You, let's do one thing, one day.

El meu cinquè programa pot ser

My fifth program can be

venir aquí, vinc amb l'edat Maia

come here, I come with the Maia age

i que m'expliqui la seva família, perquè és que...

And let him explain his family to me, because...

Fa falta un arbre genològic.

A family tree is needed.

Què necessites saber, Zaca?

What do you need to know, Zaca?



Què necessites saber?

What do you need to know?

Bueno, vaig estar parlant amb el teu...

Well, I was talking with your...

Amb el meu tiet?

With my uncle?

Bueno, amb el teu tiet no,

Well, not with your uncle,

amb el teu tiet vam celebrar.

with your uncle we celebrated.

Dic, amb la Montserrat.

I say, with Montserrat.

La Montserrat és la...

Montserrat is the...

La meva tieta?

My aunt?

La teva tieta.

Your aunt.



Montserrat, jo li dic Montserrat i...

Montserrat, I call her Montserrat and...

I ella es va quedar.

She stayed.

És que són molts germans, els Maia.

It's just that there are many siblings, the Maia.



Quants són?

How many are there?

Els Maia.

The Maias.

Perquè després hi ha la mare.

Because then there is the mother.

La mare de qui és família, la mare?

Whose family is the mother, the mother?

És la germana de la meva mare.

She is my mother's sister.

Són dues.

It's two o'clock.

I són dues.

And they are two.

Vull dir, no són molts, o sigui, moltes.

I mean, there aren't many, or rather, many.



Hi ha Anna i Montse Vilar.

There are Anna and Montse Vilar.

I Maia són...

I Maia are...

sis germans...

six brothers...


They are...

Veus? És que fa...

You see? It's just that it makes...

Crec que són quatre i una noia.

I think there are four and a girl.

La noia la tinc segura, ara.

I have the girl for sure now.

No sé si són...

I don't know if they are...

Bueno, quatre o cinc germans.

Well, four or five brothers.

Veus? I a partir d'allà comencen a baixar fills i aquí et perds.

You see? And from there, they start to descend children, and that's where you get lost.

I clar, ja comencen ara...

And of course, they are starting now...

No és que...

It's not that...

Ara, clar, han tingut més cosins, saps?

Now, of course, they have had more cousins, you know?

És una mica...

It's a bit...



És una mica Jó de Tronos, saps?

It's a bit like Game of Thrones, you know?

Que diem...

What we say...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Tu, doncs, venim un dia aquí amb una pissarra

So, let's come here one day with a chalkboard.

que m'imprimeixi fotos i que comenci.

that he/she prints me photos and that he/she starts.



Com una investigació, eh?

Like an investigation, huh?

I fletxes.

I shoot arrows.

O sigui, tenen una cosa i és que tots són iguals.

That is, they have one thing in common, and that is that they are all the same.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

O sigui, els Maia...

So, the Maïa...

Els Maia gran...

The great Maia...

Els petits no tant, però els Maia gran...

The little ones not so much, but the big Maia...

Sí, sí, els grans...

Yes, yes, the grown-ups...

No els diferencies.

You don't differentiate them.

Ja podem anar fitxant, no?

We can start clocking in now, right?

Per exemple, com els Pallerès, els dos germans,

For example, like the Pallerès, the two brothers,

saps diferenciar-los?

Can you tell the difference between them?



Amb els Maia és impossible.

With the Maias, it's impossible.

Ostres, clar, que estàs molt cardat, eh?

Wow, of course, you're really messed up, huh?

Tu, jo què sé...

You, I don't know...

Tu, Tom, està així.

You, Tom, are like this.

La primavera.


Això ha sigut la celebració?

Has this been the celebration?

Jo crec que sí, però aviam,

I think so, but let's see,

des del 4 de maig que estic així,

Since May 4th, I have been like this,

i molta gent està igual que jo...

and many people are just like me...

Jo, jo, jo.

Me, me, me.

Que vas venir a celebrar?

What did you come to celebrate?

Va ser Fira de la Cervesa el que ens va matar.

It was the Beer Fair that killed us.

Fira de la Cervesa...

Beer Fair...

Vam anar cap avall.

We went down.



Bueno, jo crec que per part meva, eh?

Well, I think that for my part, huh?

El lúpulo.

The hops.



Jo vaig...

I go...

Tu ja venies.

You already came.

Sí, i és que porto un mes

Yes, and I have been here for a month.

amb un ritme molt alt, però molt alt, eh?

at a very high pace, but very high, you know?

Perquè treballo entre setmanes,

Because I work during the week,

si no serien números ja estratosfèrics,

if not they would already be stratospheric numbers,

però bueno, ja...

but well, yeah...

Ja després, ja...

Well, later, already...

Ens estem distraient, zaca.

We are getting distracted, zaca.



Bé, o no fem això, eh?

Well, let's not do that, okay?

Un dia venim aquí amb l'Adam i...

One day we came here with Adam and...

I que et faci una...

And may it make you a...

A més, amb l'Adam teniu programa,

In addition, with Adam you have a program,

però heu de reservar 4 hores amb l'Adam.

but you have to book 4 hours with Adam.

Rollo, el planteu aquí 4 hores,

Dude, you set it up here for 4 hours,

i el tio és de les persones que més xerra, eh?

And the guy is one of the most talkative people, right?

Aquest Adam.

This Adam.

Jo crec que et fa un directe a Twitch, eh?

I think he's doing a live stream on Twitch, right?

És veritat, sí, sí.

It is true, yes, yes.

Però perquè no se li acaba la bateria.

But why doesn't the battery run out?

T'ho juro, t'ho juro.

I swear to you, I swear to you.

T'ho juro.

I swear it.

Té anècdotes per...

He has anecdotes for...

Bueno, ja no anècdotes,

Well, no more anecdotes,

sinó que et comença a preguntar coses,

but it starts to ask you things,

però te les pregunta i et dius...

but you ask yourself...

O sigui, es fica ell a xerrar,

That is, he starts chatting,

que tu no pots ni respondre.

that you can't even respond.

Què deu ser una comedia familiar amb els Mai, eh?

What must it be like to have a family comedy with the Mais, huh?

Hòstia santa, com siguin igual de cascades tots...

Holy shit, if they're all as clueless...

No, perquè...

No, because...

No, no.

No, no.

Anava a dir que els dinars amb l'Adam sempre marxa ràpid.

I was going to say that lunches with Adam always go quickly.



L'Adam sempre és...

Adam is always...



I me'n vaig.

I'm leaving.

Me'n vaig on?

Where am I going?

Algú relacionat amb el futbol.

Someone related to football.

A xerrar, se'n va a xerrar.

He's going to chat.

O a jugar a la play,

Or to play on the PlayStation,

o a jugar a un partit,

or to play a match,

o a vols de futbol...

or football flights...

És definició de cascada, eh?

It's a definition of a waterfall, right?

Tu, quan es diu que una persona és cascada,

You, when it's said that a person is "cascada,"

l'Adam Maia és una representació molt top, eh?

Adam Maia is a very cool representation, isn’t he?

De ser un cascada,

From being a waterfall,

però és un jefe, aquest tio és un crac.

but he is a boss, this guy is a crack.

Foto, portera, niquilador...

Photo, goalkeeper, annihilator...

Jo, ara, abans que havies parlat d'en David,

I, now, before you had talked about David,

del primo del primo...

from the cousin of the cousin...

Del primo del primo...

From the cousin of the cousin...

Bueno, l'Onda li va dir Maia de Gurb.

Well, the Wave told Maia from Gurb.

Sí, sí, sí, Maia de...

Yes, yes, yes, Maia from...

Calla de dir David, que es diu David...

Shut up saying David, that is called David...

Maia de Gurb.

Maia from Gurb.

Maia d'Ostalet, vull dir, no pot.

Maia d'Ostalet, I mean, cannot.

No, no, Maia de Gurb.

No, no, Maia from Gurb.

Ja n'hi ha un.

There is already one.

Per això no pot ser-ho.

That's why it can't be.

Que anava a dir que per mi David Maia

I was going to say that for me David Maia

és l'infravalorat de la plantilla, eh?

He's the underrated one of the team, huh?

Sí, joder.

Yes, damn it.

Perquè és el que no diu res.

Because it is what does not say anything.

No, no.

No, no.

Perquè en David sempre és molt tímid.

Because David is always very shy.

Però és molt bon nen.

But he is a very good boy.

Però és boníssim.

But it is very good.

En plan, el tio...

Like, the guy...

Molt ràpid i molt tècnic, sí, sí.

Very fast and very technical, yes, yes.

Per vosaltres, infravalorat de la plantilla?

Underrated by the team for you?



Què dius, tanca't, tio.

What are you saying, shut up, dude.

Pa' molis, pa' molis.

For moles, for moles.

No, no sé, en veritat.

No, I don't know, really.

No sé, en veritat.

I don't know, really.

Què digueu?

What do you say?



Què digues?

What are you saying?

Hòstia, aquest no...

Damn, not this one...

Tipo, no rep moltes fotos.

Dude, he doesn't get many photos.

No, no, no...

No, no, no...

És que potser és algú de la defensa, no?

Is it someone from the defense, maybe?

És que, mira, jo saps què ens passa al nostre equip?

It's just that, you see, do you know what happens to our team?

Que no facis xivarri, per exemple.

Don't make a noise, for example.

Em sap que fa molt xivarri.

I'm sorry that it's very noisy.



Tu saps que em sap que està, perquè...

You know that I know that she is, because...

O sigui, treballa en negre, diguem.

So, let's say he works under the table.



Negre no, cabró.

No black, you bastard.

No, home.

No, man.

Em refereixo...

I mean...

No treballa en negre, tio.

Don't work under the table, dude.

Mira, jo et diré una altra cosa.

Look, I'll tell you another thing.

Tres gent d'altres pobles, i te'ls miraves un per un la cara,

Three people from other towns, and you looked at each one of their faces,

i deies, aquest és el bo i aquest és el malo,

and you said, this one is the good one and this one is the bad one,

i veies alçades, veies allò...

and you saw heights, you saw that...

Mires el nostre onze titular,

You look at our starting eleven,

un onze titular aleatori, així mig normal,

a random starting eleven, somewhat normal,

tu, semblem un equip de demencials, eh?

You, we seem like a team of madmen, huh?

Semblem un equip de demancials,

We seem like a team of lunatics,

i jo ho seguiré pensant tota la vida.

And I will keep thinking about it my whole life.

Ens veus, i segurament es salva l'onda.

You see us, and surely the wave is saved.

Clar, veus aquells braços, i aquelles cames, i ja està.

Sure, you see those arms, and those legs, and that's it.

No, però he de dir que hi ha jugadors...

No, but I have to say that there are players...

L'Uri també, eh?

Uri too, huh?

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

Va, l'Uri...

Come on, Uri...

L'Uri sí, perquè el cabró en té molta planta,

Uri yes, because that bastard has a lot of stature,

però mires la resta, mires l'Alberto.

but you look at the rest, you look at Alberto.

L'Alberto, que surt als partits com qui surt, jo què sé,

Alberto, who goes out to the matches like someone goes out, I don’t know,

a caminar, a fer el rock gros.

to walk, to do the big rock.

Sou com l'equip del Raimon, d'Alinazo Maileu.

You are like Raimon's team, from Alinazo Maileu.

T'ho juro.

I swear it.

Cada un està...

Each one is...

I Arai, que és pau coberci, el tio riu, ja està.

I Arai, who is Pau Coberci, the guy is laughing, that's it.

El tio fa que riure.

The guy makes you laugh.

Típic equip de col·legues de Club Espro.

Typical team of colleagues from Club Espro.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

És que ens mires, i jo penso, tu,

It's that you look at us, and I think, you,

el rival ens deu mirar amb cara de com podem anar.

The rival must be looking at us with a face of how can we go.

Primer, tio, amb els caretos que calcem, tio.

First, man, with the faces we have, man.

I mires el banquillo, encara pitjor, tio, el banquillo.

And you look at the bench, even worse, man, the bench.

I mires el nostre...

And you look at our...

Però jo crec que sí que teniu jugadors amb planta,

But I believe you do have players with presence.

tipus Marc Ferrer, Blasi, Darwin...

types like Marc Ferrer, Blasi, Darwin...

Sí, o sigui, sí,

Yes, or rather, yes,

perquè l'altre, un et ve tatuat, saps?

because the other one, one is tattooed, you know?

O sigui, sí, hi ha gent amb planta,

So, yes, there are people with presence,

però és que jo aquesta planta no la veig,

but I can't see this plant,

però perquè també et dic, no ho puc...

but because I also tell you, I can't...

Jo, al final, soc part de l'equip,

I, in the end, am part of the team.

vull dir, no ho puc veure des de fora, saps?

I mean, I can't see it from the outside, you know?

Que ho ve un altre, però...

But someone else is coming...

Quan he estat a fora i els veig, dic, tu,

When I've been outside and I see them, I say, you,

donem una imatge de demencial.

we give a picture of madness.

Vols que el dia,

Do you want the day,

tu te la saps, aquesta, que vam sortir...

You know this one, that we went out...

Quin dia?

What day?

Vam sortir per l'aniversari d'en Mateu a Varna,

We went out for Mateu's birthday in Varna,

i vam anar al pis de l'Abel,

and we went to Abel's apartment,

i es va sortir a Downtown.

And it went out in Downtown.

Sí, l'has fet.

Yes, you did it.

I es va avisar dues setmanes abans que sortia,

And he was warned two weeks before leaving,

i ens van ficar un amistós,

and they put us in a friendly match,

perquè, clar, es va dir que el Nadal no esperava,

because, of course, it was said that Christmas does not wait,

que l'any passat va anar com va anar,

that last year went as it went,

i que no esperava.

and that I did not expect.

I ens van ficar un amistós contra el juvenil Adel Tona,

And we had a friendly match against the youth team Adel Tona.

vam sortir divendres, el diumenge,

we went out on Friday, on Sunday,

a les 11 a Tona.

at 11 in Tona.

A les 11 del matí, a Tona.

At 11 in the morning, in Tona.

Només havien descansat el dissabte, de ressaca.

They had only rested on Saturday, hungover.

No, no.

No, no.

Divendres vam sortir i dissabte a les 11.

On Friday we went out and on Saturday at 11.

A les 7, a les 7, a les 7,

At 7, at 7, at 7,

hi havia gent encara pel mig del...

there were still people in the middle of the...

pel Camp Nou, voltant.

around the Camp Nou.

Amb això ja t'ho dic tot.

With this, I'm telling you everything.

A les 7.

At seven.

I com ho vau fer?

And how did you do it?

I vau guanyar, eh?

You won, huh?

Com ho vau...

How did you...

Vau guanyar?

Did you win?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Vam guanyar, vam guanyar.

We won, we won.

El juvenil Adel Tona, que no ho fan malament,

The youth player Adel Tona, who is doing quite well,

però els vam guanyar.

but we beat them.

O sigui, la definició d'un equip borratxo

So, the definition of a drunken team.

és que és allò.

It's just that it's that.

La gent s'hi veia doble.

People saw double there.

I Adel Tona no anava borratxo?

And didn't Adel Tona go drunk?

Ells van...

They go...

Ahir, ahir, ahir, ahir,

Yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday,

jo me'n vaig trobar un

I came across one.

i rotllo de l'anada.

and the vibe of going.

Hòstia, felicitats, no sé què.

Wow, congratulations, I don't know what else.

Sí, sí, merci.

Yes, yes, thank you.

I tu en jugues.

And you played it.

Ah, jo el juvenil Adel Tona,

Ah, I the youth Adel Tona,

que vam fer l'amistat,

that we made the friendship,

ah, sí, sí, sí, sí.

ah, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Dic, em va dir,

I say, he/she told me,

hòstia, com vau arribar, eh?

Wow, how did you get here, huh?

Li dic, sí, sí.

I say to him, yes, yes.

Em diu, nosaltres també, eh?

He tells me, us too, right?

Nosaltres, dic, collons.

We, I say, damn it.

Dic, comparat amb nosaltres...

I say, compared to us...

Ja, que veníeu de Barcelona.

Yes, you were coming from Barcelona.

Ja, més veníeu de bar, no?

Yes, you were coming from the bar, right?



No vau dormir, no?

You didn't sleep, did you?

Què, no dormir?

What, not sleeping?

La gent que va dormir

The people who slept.

no es va presentar al partit.

he did not show up for the match.

En Mateu no es va presentar al partit.

Mateu did not show up for the match.

Vila, encara l'estan esperant.

Vila, they are still waiting for you.

Bueno, és que a en Mateu

Well, it's just that Mateu...

és que li ha entrat una gota d'alcohol al seu cos.

It's that a drop of alcohol has entered his body.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Després parlarem de la roba.

Then we will talk about the clothes.

I es transforma.

And it transforms.

Doncs, vam...

Well, we...

Tu, és que no,

You, it's just that no,

a les sis i mitja

at half past six

la gent encara estava a Downton.

The people were still at Downton.

La gent encara estava a Downton, allà...

People were still at Downton, there...

L'Eloi encara seguia amb un cubat, a veure.

Eloi was still having a drink, let's see.

Tenint en quatre hores convocats...

Having four hours summoned...

Sí, en quatre...

Yes, in four...

I, clar, es va convocar una hora abans.

I, of course, it was called an hour earlier.

Va, és amistós,

Come on, it's friendly.

tres quarts d'hora abans.

three quarters of an hour before.

Mitja hora abans.

Half an hour earlier.

El Matí va dir,

The Morning said,

bueno, va, mitja hora, ni que sigui.

Okay, fine, half an hour, at least.

Ens canviem i entrem a Escofa.

We change and enter Escofa.

Encara recordo,

I still remember,

hi ha un missatge d'Izqui o de Seidú

There is a message from Izqui or Seidú.

dient, tu, cabrones, que som els dos.

saying, you, bastards, that we are both.

Cap de cinc minuts, cabrones,

In five minutes, you bastards,

d'on estàis, que som els seis.

where are you, that we are six.

I així, així...

And so, so...

I, clar, nosaltres vam arribar...

I, of course, we arrived...

Jo vaig pujar amb Martí Pla, Eloi i Pau.

I went up with Martí Pla, Eloi, and Pau.

I, pujant, el puto Ierai es va adormir.

I, going up, the fucking Ierai fell asleep.

I el vam anar a buscar a casa seu.

And we went to pick him up at his home.

El tio va sortir...

The guy went out...

El tio va sortir amb la maleta de futbol,

The guy went out with the soccer bag.

una bossa de palitos,

a bag of sticks,

un fuet i una aigua.

a sausage and a water.

Un fuet.

A fuet.

I diu...

And he says...

Menos mal que me passais a buscar, no sé què,

Thank goodness you were picking me up, I don’t know what.

que si no, no hi llegava.

that if not, I wouldn't reach it.

Clar, aquest tio va sortir

Of course, this guy went out.

i aquest Ierai té un ritme per sortir i és un.

And this Ierai has a rhythm to go out and it is one.

Aquest Ierai va fort a l'hora de sortir.

This Ierai is strong when it comes to going out.

El Joan, que va anar borratxo.

Joan went drunk.

Tothom va anar a jugar borratxo aquell dia.

Everyone went to play drunk that day.

Ja, tot permissiu, era aquell puto dia.

Yes, everything was permissive, it was that fucking day.

Bueno, jo crec que si deixem de parlar de la Lliga

Well, I think that if we stop talking about the League

i ja que estem a la festa, o no?

And since we are at the party, right?

Parlem de la festa.

Let's talk about the party.

Vols fer-ho cronològicament?

Do you want to do it chronologically?

No, vull...

No, I want...

O vols començar ja per la rua?

Or do you want to start with the parade already?

O si teniu preguntes...

Or if you have questions...

Jo, si teniu preguntes, feu preguntes.

I, if you have questions, ask questions.

Sí, millor que millor.

Yes, better than better.

Surt més fluid, com preguntes.

It comes out smoother, like questions.

El sopar de Nadal, va haver-hi?

Was there a Christmas dinner?

Sí, el Cruze.

Yes, the Cruze.

I tranquil.

I am calm.



Va ser tranquil.

It was calm.

Sí, sí, sempre, sempre.

Yes, yes, always, always.

El Cruze, Cruze molt tranquil.

The Cross, very calm Cross.

Molt trampat, el Cruze.

Very tricky, the Cruze.

Cruze també va ser lloc de celebració, no?

Cruze was also a place of celebration, wasn't it?



Sí, perquè el dia aquell que vam anar a sopar va dir...

Yes, because on that day we went to have dinner, he said...

Ens va dir el Manolo, ens va dir...

Manolo told us, he told us...

Si ganes la Lliga, tenies dos barrils de cervesa.

If you win the League, you get two barrels of beer.

I clar, i...

And of course, and...

I no en foren dos, no?, jo crec.

And there weren't two, right?, I think.

Bé, això no ho sé.

Well, I don't know that.

És que no...

It's just that no...

No, no, no vaig comptabilitzar allò.

No, no, I did not account for that.

No vaig comptabilitzar.

I did not account for it.

És que jo recordo mirar el directe

It's just that I remember watching the live broadcast.

quan vau guanyar, que s'acabava el partit,

when you won, as the match was ending,

i en Galba va començar a gravar.

And in Galba, he began to record.

És que ja hi havia ampolles, eh, al camp.

There were already bottles, you know, in the field.

Et diré més.

I'll tell you more.

O sigui, no us vau esperar...

So, you didn't expect...

Seguro que deia ell, Galba, que hi havia...

Surely he said, Galba, that there was...

No us vau esperar ni entrar dins,

You didn't even wait to go inside,

ni fer xerrada de felicitació.

nor give a congratulatory speech.

Què va?

What's up?

A veure directe.

Let's see live.

És que la nostra definició és aquesta,

It's just that our definition is this,

a veure directe.

let's see live.

És que vam anar a veure,

It's just that we went to see,

és l'únic que vam anar a fer.

It's the only thing we went to do.

Et diré més, abans d'acabar el partit...

I'll tell you more, before the match ends...

Ja teníeu la vista ficada...

You already had your gaze fixed...

No, no.

No, no.

Ja hi havia un aficionat,

There was already a fan,

o part d'un,

or part of one,

que va muntar ja una traca de petards

he set off a firecracker display

darrere la porteria del Tón, el tio.

behind the goal of Tón, the guy.

Arbi, t'avisa-me quan arredallar, Arbi, no sé què.

Arbi, let me know when you finish, Arbi, I don't know what.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

I l'acabava a pitar el 45,

And I finished it just before the 45th minute,

l'acabava a ficar el 45, va engegar allò,

I was just putting in the 45, he started that,

i el partit no havia acabat.

and the match was not over.

Pac, pac, pac, pac.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Tota pastilla, tot de fum,

Every pill, all smoke,

i allà ja...

and there already...

I l'acabava a pitar.

And I finished it off with a whistle.

Jo l'acabava a pitar, el que recordo és...

I had just finished with it, what I remember is...







Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No, però jo el primer que recordo és

No, but the first thing I remember is

de sortir a celebrar,

to go out to celebrate,

i de cop, de tocar,

and suddenly, from touch,

de notar-me dutxat,

to notice me showered,

mullat de dalt a avall.

wet from top to bottom.

I em giro i veig en Roger Montes

I turn around and see Roger Montes.

amb una ampolla de cava així,

with a bottle of cava like this,

em diu, campiones!

it tells me, champions!

I tot dutxat de cava de dalt a avall.

And all washed with champagne from top to bottom.

Dos passes havia donat.

He had taken two steps.

I anava xop.

I was soaked.

MVP de la celebració al camp.

MVP of the celebration on the field.

Al camp?

In the field?

Al camp.

In the field.

Uau, al camp.

Wow, in the countryside.

Al camp et diré l'alè...

In the field, I will tell you the breath...

Maya, presidente.

Maya, president.

No, jo de jugadores et diria tots,

No, I would tell you all the players.

perquè ningú va perdonar res,

because nobody forgave anything,

ningú es va fer el fluix,

nobody played the coward,

i tothom va anar...

and everyone went...

tothom va anar dur.

Everyone went hard.

O sigui,

That is to say,

el moment de celebrar...

the moment to celebrate...

Vam celebrar,

We celebrated,

vam estar allà fora al camp,

we were out there in the field,

vam fer el cercle,

we made the circle,

vam fer tot,

we did everything,

Maya es va enxufar,

Maya plugged in.

el Presi es va enxufar

the Presi got plugged in

en un pinyo mortal.

in a deadly pine tree.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

És que aquell vídeo...

It's just that that video...

Va donar voltes.

He/She was spinning around.

Sí, sí, va sortir allà

Yes, yes, it came out there.

d'allò i va caure.

from that and fell.

Estava boig, eh?

He was crazy, huh?



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I després,

And then,

vam anar,

we went,

anem al vestuari,

let's go to the dressing room,

la gent a la dutxa,

people in the shower,

la vam liar, tal,

we messed it up, such

i de l'anada va aparèixer

and from the departure appeared

en Marc Ferrer

Marc Ferrer

amb un carrito de l'esclat

with a shopping cart of the blast

i l'Izqui amb una nevera,

and Izqui with a fridge,

i allà vam començar ja...

And there we already started...

Dins del vestuari.

Inside the dressing room.

Sí, sí, dins del vestuari.

Yes, yes, inside the locker room.

O sigui, la imatge ja...

So, the image already...

Hi ha una història

There is a story.

que té bazzac amb en Mateu,

that has something to do with Mateu,

hi ha el vestuari buit.

the dressing room is empty.

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.

Morts els dos.

Both dead.

Jo volia parlar d'això.

I wanted to talk about that.

Abans que us he dit

Before I told you.

allò de...

that of...

És que allò era ja dutxats,

It was that they were already showered.

al vestuari fet merda,

the dressing room is a mess,

però fet merda...

but messed up...

Què els va netejar?

What cleaned them?

No ho sé,

I don't know,

però vam anar dilluns a entrenar,

but we went to train on Monday,

dos dies després estava...

two days later I was...

No, però no, no.

No, but no, no.

Que ens ho vam mirar

That we looked at it.

i vam dir, sí, home,

and we said, yes, man,

les parets plenes de rosca negra,

the walls full of black thread,

de tequila fresa,

strawberry tequila,

que allò tu no marxes

that you are not leaving

ni amb broma, saps?

not even as a joke, you know?

Tot tacat,

All stained,

tot escarrós,

all scary,

el van deixar nou.

They left him new.

Jo encara flipo.

I’m still shocked.

Doncs això,

Well, that's it,

el vídeo aquest amb en Mateu...

the video with Mateu...

Us vau dutxar?

Did you take a shower?

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Jo què sé, podeu dir...

I don't know, you can say...

No, joder,

No, fuck.

ens vam dutxar sempre, tio, sempre.

we always showered, dude, always.

Però us vau dutxar beguts?

But did you shower drunk?

Sí, amb les covates a la dutxa.

Yes, with the scythes in the shower.

La gent va veure covates amb sabó.

People saw covers with soap.

Què has dit?

What did you say?

A la dutxa no...

Not in the shower...

O sigui,

That is,

no hi donguis importància.

Don't pay any attention to it.

El que té el vídeo aquest,

The one who has this video,

que el vídeo aquest

that this video

va sortir així improvisat,

it came out like this improvised,

dic, tu, Mateu,

I say, you, Mateu,

faig un vídeo.

I'm making a video.

I en el vídeo es veu

And in the video you can see

que, o sigui,

that is,

jo un 14 de maig del 2014

I, on May 14, 2014

vaig a un nivell al Balenyà.

I am going to a level in Balenyà.

Tu, vaig tirar la data

You, I threw away the date.

i va ser 14,

and it was 14,

o 15 de maig va ser,

on May 15th it was,

quan ho van fer fa un any.

when they did it a year ago.

Jo no ho sabia,

I didn't know that,

vaig un dia per dir, saps?

I went one day to say, you know?

Anava a dir juny.

I was going to say June.

Però em va sortir 14 de maig

But it came out May 14.

i després quan en Gerard

and then when Gerard

va dir allò,

he said that,

dic, sí, home,

I say, yes, man,

per un dia que no clavo

for a day that I don't get it right

el puto dia, eh?

The fucking day, huh?

Dic, hòstia...

I say, damn...

10 anys després, eh?

10 years later, huh?

Creieu que d'aquí 10 anys

Do you think that in 10 years' time

també es tornaran a pujar?

Will they go up again?

Bé, jo crec que d'aquí 10 anys

Well, I think that in 10 years

estarem a tercera ref mínim,

we will be at least in the third division.

no hi ha...

there is no...

Al nou tona.

To the new tone.

Vull dir, vindrà un inversor

I mean, an investor will come.

aquí a ficar pasta?

here to put pasta?

Estaríem molt guai, eh?

We would be really cool, right?

Aviam, sí.

Let's see, yes.

Si Aniquiladores fa la seva feina,

If Aniquiladores does its job,

jo crec que s'havien encosit.

I think they had gotten angry.

Hi ha treball d'Aniquiladores,

There is work for Annihilators,



Eh? No, no.

Huh? No, no.

Podríeu portar...

Could you bring...

Bueno, sí, l'entrenador portés.

Well, yes, the coach carried it.

Ja, però vull dir que

Yes, but I mean that

quan fotin fora algú d'allà,

when they kick someone out of there,

dir-li tu...

tell him you...

No, no.

No, no.

El club que el porta

The club that carries him.

ja ho fa molt bé qui ho porta

It is already done very well by whoever is handling it.

i els que ho porten,

and those who wear it,

els que l'acompanyen

those who accompany him/her

també ho fan molt bé,

they also do very well,

però ara no sé

but now I don't know

què t'anava a dir, collons.

What was I going to tell you, damn it.

Bé, tornant a la celebració.

Well, back to the celebration.

Vostè, vestuari.

You, wardrobe.

Bueno, cercle, vestuari.

Well, circle, dressing room.

De l'anada.

Of the go.

Dir-li jo a l'Uri,

Tell Uri from me,

tu anem a fora un altre cop?

Are we going outside again?

I vam anar al bar.

We went to the bar.

Al bar vam començar

At the bar we started

a agafar ampolles d'aigua petites

to grab small water bottles

d'allà d'una caixa,

from over a box,

a mullar tota la gent.

to soak all the people.

El bar va acabar també guapo.

The bar also ended up looking nice.

M'acabo d'enrecordar

I just remembered.

d'un altre vídeo teu.

of another video of yours.



No va ser celebració,

It was not a celebration,

però és...

but it is...

Mateu amb calçotets al bar.

Mateu in his underwear at the bar.

Hòstia, això...

Damn, this...

Amb nens petits davant.

With small children in front.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Fa falta context.

Context is needed.

Jo el vull veure aquest vídeo.

I want to see this video.

De quan ve és això?

Since when is this?

És que jo tinc un...

It’s just that I have a...

Però no és amb nens petits.

But it is not with small children.

Amb nens petits a mi no em sona.

With small children, it doesn't ring a bell for me.

Bueno, no sé,

Well, I don't know,

però jo recordo pares...

but I remember parents...

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Pares volguent dir...

Parents wanting to say...

Però és que no recordo si hi havia nens.

But I don't remember if there were children.

Jo sé que hi havia pares dient...

I know that there were parents saying...

Mateu, calma't.

Mateu, calm down.

Va ser un sopar

It was a dinner.

que vam fer allà al camp

what we did there in the field

i van ficar música i tal.

They played music and all.

Però era un sopar

But it was a dinner.

que quan les coses no van bé

when things don't go well

s'ha de fer un sopar, tio.

We need to have a dinner, man.

Si les coses van bé

If things go well

es fa un sopar.

A dinner is being made.

I si va malament, també.

And if it goes wrong, so be it.

Per tornar a anar bé.

To go back to being well.

Perquè vam tenir...

Because we had...

És que et s'ha de dir.

It must be said to you.

Hem sigut campions,

We have been champions,

però vam tenir una ratxa així

but we had a streak like this

d'un mes i mig de...

of a month and a half of...

De patir.

To suffer.

De patir,

To suffer,

de tenir 10 punts d'avantatge

of having a 10-point advantage

i de dir...

and to say...



Ningú ho veia clar.

No one could see it clearly.

Vull dir, no sé què passava,

I mean, I don't know what was happening,

però no es veia clar.

but it wasn't clear.

I després, bueno,

And then, well,

ja al final tot torna...

In the end, everything comes back...

O sigui, són batxes i ja està.

I mean, they're just bats, that's it.



Això és de quan vam tenir

This is from when we had.

això, un sopar d'aquests

this, a dinner like this



Va pirar la ulla aquest tio.

That guy lost his mind.

És que no em perdona cap.

It's just that none of them forgives me.

No em perdona cap.

None of them forgive me.

Però Mateu és dels que

But Mateu is one of those who

quatre gotes d'alcohol ja...

four drops of alcohol already...

Ja et fa un espit, eh?

It really pricks you, huh?

Sí, a més que és un catxondo.

Yes, besides, he's a real jokester.

Aquest tio és un catxondo

This guy is a jokester.

perquè a les mares també

because to mothers too

ja li escalfa l'orella

it already warms his ear

i a ell ja li agrada, saps?

And he already likes it, you know?

Tot això.

All of this.

Ja l'animen i ja...

They already encourage him and already...

És un xou, aquest tio.

He's a joke, this guy.

És un xafat, aquest tio.

He's a jerk, this guy.

Que diu que és el xoument de l'equip.

He says he is the team's joker.

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Sí, clar, joder.

Yes, of course, damn it.

Les xerrades que fa

The talks that he/she gives.

són de les bones, les xerrades.

The conversations are good.

Les fa en castellà o en català?

Does she do them in Spanish or in Catalan?

Sí, xerrades.

Yes, you chat.

Castellà sempre.

Always Spanish.

Sempre que les xerrades

Whenever the talks

en castellà amb Mateu...

in Spanish with Mateu...

Són bones, són bones.

They are good, they are good.

I allà és quan saps...

And that's when you know...

Amb la sent català...

With the feeling of being Catalan...

Bueno, chicos, ya sabéis.

Well, guys, you know.

Ha sido un año difícil,

It has been a difficult year,

pero lo hemos logrado.

but we have achieved it.

Us el creieu?

Do you believe it?

Sí, jo sí.

Yes, I do.

Jo sí, eh?

Me yes, huh?

Jo sí.

Me, yes.

Tu sí?

You yes?

Ho diu des del cor, eh?

He says it from the heart, right?

Sí, ho diu des del cor.

Yes, he/she says it from the heart.

Però fent la conya sempre.

But always joking around.

Sí, sempre fent la conya, aquest tio.

Yes, always joking around, this guy.

Amb el toc del col allà en el cos.

With the touch of the cabbage there in the body.

És un pescant.

It's a fish.

El camp es va liar molt

The field got very tangled.

i després vam anar al cruce

And then we went to the intersection.

i es va seguir liant allà al cruce.

And they kept getting tangled there at the crossroads.

Després del cruce

After the crossing

jo ja no vaig veure més contingut.

I didn't see any more content.

Després del cruce...

After the crossing...

S'ha de dir que

It must be said that

quan comences molt,

when you start a lot,

molt d'hora a la tarda a pimplar,

very early in the afternoon to have fun,

si no segueixes el ritme

if you don't keep up the pace

a les dotze i mitja, una,

at half past twelve, one,

te'n vas anar avall...

you went down...

Però també està bé, això, eh?

But that's fine too, right?

Us va passar la de Salou, no?

You had the one in Salou, right?

En el Mateu sí.

In the Mateu yes.

No, ningú...

No, nobody...

No, bueno, alguns van anar a dormir,

No, well, some went to sleep.

però la majoria vam anar cap a l'Era del Sot

but most of us went towards the Era del Sot

a seguir-ho celebrant.

to keep celebrating it.

Qui va portar cotxe?

Who drove the car?



Em va parar la Guàrdia Civil.

The Civil Guard stopped me.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

A la gasolinera d'hostalets, sí, sí.

At the gas station of Hostalets, yes, yes.

I què et van dir?

And what did they tell you?

No, res.

No, nothing.

Em van...

They told me...

Estava allà al cotxe

I was there in the car.

i dic, no sé què fer.

I say, I don't know what to do.

I dic, no sé què he de fer.

I say, I don't know what to do.

I dic, vaig a ficar d'allò i ja està,

I say, I'm going to put that in and that's it.

i que mira, que sí, el que vulgui.

And look, yes, whoever wants to.

I de cop surto al cotxe,

And suddenly I get into the car,

m'ho trobo davant

I find it in front of me.

i de cop jo tot aquí,

and suddenly I here,

dic, no m'ho crec.

I say, I don't believe it.

Dic, no m'ho crec, avui ja...

I say, I don't believe it, today already...

Jo, en molt cas,

I, at most,

el primer que vaig pensar, dic...

The first thing I thought, I say...

Vaig a mandra anar a recuperar punts del carnet,

I'm too lazy to go regain points from my driving license.

anar a recuperar el carnet.

going to retrieve the license.

Perquè dic, és que si com em facin bufar...

Because I say, it's just that if they make me blow...

Sé lo que vais subir, o no, oi?

I know what you're going to post, or not, right?

I jo...

And I...



Saps quan vas molt tocat,

You know when you're very affected,

que et balanceja...

that swings you...

Si intentes d'aquest poc

If you try this little bit.

fas així inconscientment...

you do it unconsciously...

I jo...

And me...



I intentes tenir el discurs molt clar.

And you try to keep the speech very clear.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I està molt d'allò sobre...

And it’s very much about that...

No sé què polles...

I don't know what the hell...

M'anava a tocar l'ull tot el rato

I was going to touch my eye all the time.

i jo així...

and me like this...



Em diu...

He/She tells me...

Ah, molt bé, no sé què...

Ah, very well, I don't know what...

I em va fer una pregunta molt trapa.

He asked me a very tricky question.

Em diu...

He/She tells me...

I estàs contento?

And are you happy?

I tocar...

And play...



I allò que...

And that which...

¿En qué modo?

In what way?

Vas a respondre, frenes

You are going to respond, brakes.

i tornes a respondre.

and you reply again.

Anava a dir-li...

I was going to tell you...

Li anava a dir...

I was going to tell you...

No, dic no...

No, I say no...

I de cop dic...

And suddenly I say...

Si dic sí,

If I say yes,

em dirà molt bé, va,

he will tell me very well, come on,

anem a bufar.

let's go blow.

I si dic no,

And if I say no,

em farà...

it will make me...

Molt bé, mentida, va,

Very well, lie, come on.

vine a bufar.

come and blow.

Era pregunta trampa.

It was a trick question.

Era pregunta molt trampa.

It was a very tricky question.

Va, què li vas dir?

Come on, what did you say to him/her?

Li vaig dir...

I told him/her...



Dic sí.

I say yes.

I em diu...

My name is...

I després no sé què més em va dir,

And then I don't know what else she told me,

em va dir...

he told me...

Ah, molt bé, no sé què...

Ah, very well, I don't know what...

I em va dir...

He told me...

Disfrutat, però con cuidado.

Enjoy it, but with caution.

I va marxar.

He/She left.

No, no em va dir res més.

No, he didn't tell me anything else.

Amb quin àure és el cotxe?

What is the car's aura?

Montes, Abel i Pau Molist.

Montes, Abel and Pau Molist.


Holy shit.

L'Abel t'hauria ficat a les seves, eh?

Abel would have gotten you into his, huh?



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jo portava el cotxe a l'Abel, imagina't.

I was driving the car to Abel, can you imagine?

I clar, he dit, hòstia puta, digui...

And of course, I said, holy shit, tell me...

Clar, cap a on vau anar?

Sure, where did you go?

Cap a Vic.

Towards Vic.


Holy shit.

A més, que vam arribar a Vic,

Moreover, when we arrived in Vic,

últimament no sé què passa a aquesta zona de Vic,

lately I don't know what's happening in this area of Vic,

tots són Mossos d'Esquadra i Poli, coses rares.

They are all Mossos d'Esquadra and police, strange things.

Sí, es comença a dir allà, eh?

Yes, it's starting to be said there, isn't it?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Un control allà i vam aparèixer per allà i mira...

A control there and we showed up over there and look...

Tu, on ets anant?

You, where are you going?

Hi ha algú, però ja no recordo què.

There is someone, but I no longer remember what.

Jo t'anava a demanar MVP a l'Herdoso d'aquell dia.

I was going to ask you for the MVP of that day at Herdoso.

Abel, ja està, no demanis per què, Abel.

Abel, it's done, don't ask why, Abel.

No es pot explicar.

It cannot be explained.

I Eloi.

I Eloi.



Eloi, tens una cançó?

Eloi, do you have a song?

Després de la gravació, després m'ho expliques per què.

After the recording, then you can explain to me why.

Bé, es pot saber.

Well, it can be known.


Holy shit.

Consequències d'una celebració molt futura, eh?

Consequences of a very future celebration, huh?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Ah, sí, ja sé què anava a dir.

Ah, yes, I already know what I was going to say.

Saps que em van parar a Sevilla, a la Guàrdia Civil, també?

Did you know that I was stopped by the Civil Guard in Seville too?

Dos nits seguides.

Two consecutive nights.

Et va parar a la Guàrdia Civil a Sevilla?

Did you get stopped by the Civil Guard in Seville?

Bueno, la primera amb tots...

Well, the first one with everyone...

La primera amb tots...

The first with everyone...

Però que anàveu amb cotxe a la feria?

But did you go to the fair by car?

Amb Uber.

With Uber.

On estàveu dormint?

Where were you sleeping?

El casc antic.

The old town.

El fanfa.

The fanfa.



Casc antic.

Old town.

45 minuts caminant hi havien.

It was a 45-minute walk there.



Els vau fer caminar.

They made them walk.



Els ve.

They come.

Sabeu el meme de les xiques quan hay que volver,

Do you know the meme of the girls when it's time to go back?

hay que pagar un taxi, no sé què,

We need to pay for a taxi, I don’t know what.

i els xavales que surten caminant?

And the guys walking out?

És, xavale, tu dale a un xaval un palo de cadera

It's, dude, just give a guy a hip stick.

i un camino recto.

and a straight path.

Dos nits tornant caminant.

Two nights walking back.


Holy shit.

La primera, la primera.

The first, the first.

Moriré, tio, moriré.

I will die, man, I will die.

Ona, tenim aigua per aquí, eh?

Ona, do we have water around here, huh?

Espera que estigui...

I hope that it is...

Espera que estigui igual, jo també.

I hope it’s the same, me too.

La primera.

The first.

Vam arribar tardíssim a Sevilla,

We arrived very late in Seville,

els tres del matí vam arribar

we arrived at three in the morning.

i vam anar cap a la feria directa.

We went straight to the fair.

Ah, espera, o sigui,

Ah, wait, so,

quin dia vam arribar a Sevilla?

What day did we arrive in Seville?

El primer dia.

The first day.

Quants jugadors de l'Atlètic hi havia?

How many players were there from Atlético?

A la feria?

To the fair?



Maia, Pressi, Montserrat, Judit, la teva cosina.

Maia, Pressi, Montserrat, Judit, your cousin.



Que Judit va a MVP també el dia aquell.

That Judit is going to be MVP that day too.

Abel, no mires així, la Judit és molt trempada.

Abel, don’t look at her like that, Judit is very bold.

És una Maia, què més vols?

She's a Maia, what more do you want?

És que quan és Maia...

It's just that when it's Maia...

Quan un és Maia...

When one is Maia...

És genètic.

It's genetic.

Quan un és Maia, o ets tímid o ets Adam.

When one is Maia, you are either shy or you are Adam.

Vull dir, està més al bàndol de l'Adam.

I mean, he's more on Adam's side.

Vull dir, no és David, és mai, és Adam.

I mean, it's not David, it's Mai, it's Adam.

Aquí hi havia Montes, Abel...

Here there was Montes, Abel...

Espera, pot ser o Maia de Gurb o Maia d'Ustalets.

Wait, it could be either Maia from Gurb or Maia from Ustalets.

O Maia de Gurb o Maia d'Ustalets, exacte.

Either Maia of Gurb or Maia of Ustalets, exactly.

I la Judit és Maia d'Ustalets, no?

And Judit is Maia from Ustalets, isn't she?

Es nota que és d'arrel de...

It is evident that it is rooted in...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Doncs això, Montes, Icaranguito, Pressi...

Well, that, Montes, Icaranguito, Pressi...

A més, no t'ho perds,

Besides, you won't miss it.

aquell dia teníem d'aquests partits del mes encerclat

that day we had one of those circled month matches

que jugàvem contra el Call d'Atenes

that we played against the Call of Athens

i si es guanyava era un pas d'aquests importants.

And if it was won, it was an important step.

A més, el seu camp,

Furthermore, its field,

que és...

what is...

Sempre ho fiquen difícil, aquesta gent.

They always make it difficult, these people.

I me'n recordo d'arribar allà,

I remember arriving there,

arribar tardíssim nosaltres,

arrive very late we,

i veure el Pressi allà a la casseta

and see the Pressi there at the little house

i donant la mà.

and shaking hands.

Lo hemos hecho, chavales.

We did it, guys.

Ya está, lo tenemos, chavales.

That's it, we've got it, guys.

Tot content, el tio.

All happy, the guy.

Clar, ell no havia vist el partit.

Of course, he hadn't seen the match.

El vam estar seguint...

We were following him...

Jo vaig estar seguint per Mas Piguillem,

I was following through Mas Piguillem,

per Guillem Triguero, que em va estar tot el rato...

for Guillem Triguero, who was with me the whole time...

Mas Pigu...

Mas Pigu...

És MVP de l'afició?

Is he the MVP of the fans?

Sí, sí, joder.

Yes, yes, damn it.

Jo ho veig, eh?

I see it, okay?

Ja, ja em vi la rasa.

Yes, I saw the ditch.

Ja, pesquejant i sota bo.

Yes, fishing and under good conditions.

Jo crec, jo crec.

I believe, I believe.

Ja n'insulta molt, joder.

He's already insulting a lot, damn it.

El MVP és Mas Piguillem i pare...

The MVP is Mas Piguillem and father...

L'Engui, l'Engui és perfil baix, però...

Engui, Engui is low-profile, but...

Ojo, eh?

Watch out, okay?

Ens ve a veure als entrenos,

He comes to see us at training.

i amb això els divendres ha vingut a veure'ns als entrenos,

And with that, he has come to see us at training on Fridays.

tot el 0-6.

everything from 0-6.

És Triguero, vull dir.

It's Triguero, I mean.

Sí, és molt cascat, també.

Yes, it is very worn out, too.

I el pare del Geri, que també és molt...

And the father of Geri, who is also very...

Ha vingut a tots els partits, el...

He has come to all the matches, the...

Miquel, Miquel.

Miquel, Miquel.

Miquel, el meu amic Miquel.

Miquel, my friend Miquel.

Ah, el que et deia de Sevilla.

Ah, what I was telling you about Seville.

Això, això.

This, this.

Doncs que jo...

Well, that I...

O sigui, la primera nit vam anar amb Uber així,

So, the first night we went with Uber like this,



vaig tornar,

I returned,

amb moto,

with a motorcycle,

vaig tornar amb moto a les 7.

I returned by motorcycle at 7.

Ah, he vist...

Ah, I have seen...

He vist aquelles fotos, tio, vídeos...

I've seen those photos, dude, videos...

A les 7 i mitja...

At half past seven...

No, és que esperes, que és molt bo.

No, it's just that you wait, it's very good.

Jo us parlo de Sevilla, això, ràpid, i ja està.

I’m talking to you about Seville, this, quickly, and that’s it.

Vaig tornar a les 7 i mitja amb moto,

I returned at half past seven by motorbike.

clar, vaig anar de blanc.

Of course, I went in white.

El primer dia no cal,

The first day is not necessary,

em traje, em mandí,

I dressed, I ordered,

vaig anar amb una camisa i uns pantalons,

I went with a shirt and some pants,

els pantalons que porto,

the pants that I'm wearing,

i vaig anar a esmorzar xurres,

I went to have churros for breakfast.

con chocolate.

with chocolate.

A la calle del infierno.

To Hell's street.

Tu, vaig acabar de xocolata de dalt a avall,

You, I finished with chocolate from top to bottom,

però, no, en broma,

but, no, just joking,

de dalt a avall amb xocolata,

from top to bottom with chocolate,

un problema és per tornar,

a problem is to return,

que si no sabíem si tornar caminant...

that if we didn't know whether to walk back...

Al final, vam arreglar el tema de les motos,

In the end, we sorted out the issue with the motorcycles.

però, clar, dic,

but, of course, I say,

jo m'he de rentar la xocolata aquesta.

I have to wash this chocolate off me.

I no se'm va acudir millor,

And I couldn't think of anything better,

i deia que anar a una xeta,

and I said that going to a xeta,

treure'm la camisa,

take off my shirt,

rentar-me la fonda,

to wash my laundry,

i rentar-me els pantalons a full.

I'm going to wash my pants completely.

La gitana.

The gypsy.

Clar, i jo tot xop,

Of course, and I all soaked,

i agafo la moto, saps?

I'm taking the motorcycle, you know?

Uh, fred vaig passar,

Uh, I went through the cold,

a sobre no teníem apartament,

we did not have an apartment on top,

la primera nit no en teníem,

the first night we didn't have any,

fins al dia següent no hi havia.

Until the next day there was none.

I què vam fer?

And what did we do?

Al cotxe, vam dormir.

In the car, we slept.

O sigui, amb la moto vau anar fins al cotxe?

So, you went to the car on the motorcycle?



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Tu, mort de fred,

You, dying of cold,

però saps quan arribes que dius...

but you know when you arrive you say...

No, no, no...

No, no, no...

I feia calor a Sevilla?

Was it hot in Seville?



o sigui, s'hi pot estar.

that is to say, one can stay there.

Tu hi vas...

You go there...

Bueno, però aquella espetxa es fa calor.

Well, but that spear gets hot.

Sí, bueno,

Yes, well,

es pot anar amb traje normal.

You can go in normal clothes.

Jo el que entenc,

What I understand is,

es vesteixen ja a les 3 de la tarda

They get dressed at 3 in the afternoon.

amb el traje,

with the suit,

aquells vestits moquillades,

those smock dresses,

una calor...

such a heat...

Que si fa calor, pavo.

If it's hot, turkey.

A l'ombra fa calor,

It is warm in the shade,

o sigui, allò no és pas normal.

That is not normal at all.

Bueno, després vaig anar

Well, then I went.

la segona nit amb Uber,

the second night with Uber,

vam tornar caminant,

we walked back,

meme total,

total meme,

fent incestoris,

making incestuous connections,

al matí de...

in the morning of...

fent posto a les 8 del matí

making a post at 8 in the morning

pel mig de Sevilla.

through the middle of Seville.



Sí, i la tercera nit

Yes, and the third night.

vaig anar amb la moto del Telepizza

I went with the Telepizza motorcycle.

i vaig tornar caminant.

I walked back.

Explica-me això.

Explain this to me.

Perquè vam anar a sopar al Telepizza,

Because we went to have dinner at Telepizza,

no sabíem què...

we didn't know what...

no sabíem sopar

we didn't know how to have dinner

i vam anar al Telepizza,

and we went to Telepizza,

nosaltres, top originals.

we, top originals.

Mira que hi ha lloc.

Look, there is space.

Mira que hi ha lloc

Look, there's plenty of space.

a Sevilla per anar al Telepizza,

to Seville to go to Telepizza,

tio, eh?

dude, huh?

Vam anar a un puta Telepizza a sopar

We went to a damn Telepizza for dinner.



i clar, érem 9

And of course, we were 9.

i per agafar Uber

and to take Uber

eren 2,

there were 2,

4 i 4.

4 and 4.

I clar, un...

And of course, a...

un pillava

a thief

perquè els Ubers no et diuen

because Ubers don't tell you

no, no...

no, no...

sobre els controls que hi ha

about the controls that exist

i de tot,

and of everything,

vull dir, no...

I mean, no...

M'han dit...

They told me...

Però saps que hi ha

But you know that there is

furgonetes de 5, oi?

vans of 5, right?

O més?

Or more?

Sí, no, no sé,

Yes, no, I don’t know.

no em demanis per què,

don't ask me why,

però és que no...

but it's just that no...

No entris fins aquí

Do not enter here.

perquè no...

because not...


You have...

Sou justets.

You are just right.

Sí, no...

Yes, no...

A més que les hores dormides

In addition to the hours slept

eren molt justes.

they were very fair.

Tu, tinc una mitja de dormir

You, I have a sleeping bag.

aquells dies

those days

de 3 hores.

of 3 hours.

Però és mentida, allò,

But that's a lie, that.

perquè és que jo recordo

because I remember

hora i mitja per dir

an hour and a half to say

i ja està,

and that's it,

perquè anàvem a fer turisme...

because we were going to do tourism...

Vull dir, jo ho feia complet.

I mean, I did it completely.

Veus això,

Do you see this,

que vam agafar dos Ubers

that we took two Ubers

i un, clar,

and one, of course,

des del Telepizza fins allà

from Telepizza to there

hi havia una hora

there was an hour

caminant una hora i quart.

walking for an hour and a quarter.

I agafa la vela

And take the sail.

i li diu

and he/she says to him/her

el del Telepizza

the one from Telepizza

tu, lo podés llevar?

Can you take it?

Li diu...

He/she tells him/her...

Va entrar un casco de l'anada

A helmet from the outward journey entered.

i em diu

and he tells me

home, jo estar ahí

man, I will be there

no lo podé llevar

I can't take it.

però lo podes fer car.

but you can do it expensive.

Va, va, no sé què.

Come on, come on, I don't know what.



i tinc vídeos allà

I have videos there.

amb el xafat.

with the crushed.

Em anava fent turisme,

I was going sightseeing,

em anava ensenyant coses

she was showing me things

però no escoltava res,

but I heard nothing,


Do you know?

Estava jo per escoltar.

I was about to listen.

Amb el Telepizza

With Telepizza

vaig anar a fer...

I went to do...

Anaves amb condicions, tu?

Were you going with conditions, you?

Jo sempre haig amb condicions.

I always have conditions.

Bé, perquè dic,

Well, because I say,

potser et parlava

maybe I was talking to you

però no l'entenies

but you didn't understand it

perquè anaves tan...

why were you going so...

No, perquè anava a 120

No, because I was going at 120.

pel mig de Sevilla

through the middle of Seville

amb una moto

with a motorcycle

anàvem fent certs...

we were doing certain...

Però hi ha què?

But what is there?

Hi ha dues persones?

Are there two people?

Si hi ha la puta

If there is the whore

que hi ha darrere.

what is behind.

Sí, si la vela

Yes, if the candle

és com portar un...

it's like carrying a...

No ho sé,

I don't know,

és com portar un paper.

it's like carrying a piece of paper.

No se'l nota,

It doesn't show.

si és petitó i prim.

if he is small and thin.

Ojalà t'agacin

I hope you like it.

de set a tu la moto

From you to the bike.

i dir

and say

porta-la i la parques

take her and park her

i ja l'anirem a buscar.

And we will go to fetch him/her.

Tu, no sé per què,

You, I don’t know why,

quan m'han agafat les motos

when they took my motorcycles

li vaig dir

I told him/her.

al fetxo que ara

to the fact that now

li vaig dir a tu

I told you.

mala idea

bad idea

perquè tu no has begut tant

because you haven't drunk that much

i jo porto bevent

And I have been drinking.

des del cotxe

from the car

des de...


al bacet

to the bait

i podria començar a beure

and I could start drinking

que allò són 4 o 5 hores

that it is 4 or 5 hours

amb cotxe, saps?

by car, you know?

O més.

Or more.

Ei, que això és mala idea.

Hey, that's a bad idea.

Tu, tu va, va

You, you go, go.

que hi ha molt rato caminant.

that there is a long time walking.

Bueno, va, va.

Okay, go on.

Hi ha d'allò.

There is of that.

I clar,

And of course,

a la que vaig pujar la moto

to which I rode the motorcycle


I say

avui em fan bufar.

today they make me blow.

Em veuran amb les pintes

They will see me with the mohawks.

xop de dalt a avall

soaked from top to bottom

amb cara de no sé de qui

with a face of I don't know whose

amb accent de no sé de qui

with an accent of I don't know whose

i vorastro.

and vorastro.

És que a part, tu,

It's just that apart from you,

el teu castellà no és

your Spanish is not

ni marroquí ni català.

neither Moroccan nor Catalan.

Tu, és que vam anar

You, it's just that we went

a un lloc a dinar

to a place for lunch

i vam conèixer una xafada

and we met a rumor

una molt cascada, la tia.

a very waterfall, the aunt.


You know?

Aquesta que...

This that...

Però gran, no?

But big, right?

Sí, sí, Sevilla.

Yes, yes, Seville.

I de Sevilla a Sevilla, eh?

And from Seville to Seville, huh?

I la tia

And the aunt

oh, d'on deus ser?

Oh, where must you be from?

No sé què.

I don't know what.

Va, vam estar rient

Come on, we were laughing.

ballant amb ell

dancing with him

al mig d'una terrassa

in the middle of a terrace

no demanis

don't ask

i vosaltres d'on deus ser?

And you, where must you be from?

I clar, va, divino.

And of course, go ahead, divine.

Ens va dir

He told us.

vosaltres sou del nord, eh?

You are from the north, right?

No sé què.

I don't know what.

I agafa la veu

And takes the voice

i em diu

and he/she tells me



El rotllo, que parlés jo.

The roll, that I would talk.

Et diu

It tells you.

hola, hola, què tal?

hello, hello, how are you?

Hola, què tal?

Hello, how are you?

O alguna cosa així.

Or something like that.

I fa

And it does

català, né?

Catalan, right?

Em va pillar

It caught me.

som-hi dient

let's go saying

hola, què tal?

Hello, how are you?

Però clar, perquè

But of course, because

si parla en fetxo

it is spoken in fetxo

parla a la veu

speak aloud

no deteus, eh?

don't stop, okay?

Però, si haguéssiu portat

But, if you had taken

en Mateu, flipa.

Mateu is amazed.

Hòstia, habla.

Damn, speak.

Hola, ¿cómo estáis?

Hello, how are you?

¿Estáis bien?

Are you all right?

Yo no.

Not me.

Todo bien.

All good.

Somos campeones, eh?

We are champions, right?

O bueno.

Oh well.

En Mateu és una mica

In Mateu it is a bit

Eric Ayala, eh?

Eric Ayala, right?

Qui és Eric Ayala?

Who is Eric Ayala?

El pitgero de TikTok.

The TikTok singer.

Qui és aquest tio?

Who is this guy?

Sí, sí, Pau, sí.

Yes, yes, Pau, yes.

El pitgero de Sabadell?

The peacock of Sabadell?

Tu, el...

You, the...



Ara, Pau, Pau.

Now, Peace, Peace.

És el que té un fons

It is what has a background.

de pedra a casa seu?

From stone to your house?

Sí, bueno, que...

Yes, well, that...

No, a casa seu, no,

No, at your house, no.



Que té

What does it have?

el figlio d'Emiliano.

the son of Emiliano.



El tens?

Do you have it?



Posa un àudio

Put an audio.

de l'Eric Ayala.

of Eric Ayala.

Posa un àudio d'aquest tio.

Put on an audio of this guy.

És Mateu Sabala parlant.

It's Mateu Sabala speaking.

L'has trobat?

Have you found it?



Doncs ja veuràs.

Well, you'll see.

Si és que tu surts,

If you go out,

tu escoltes Eric Ayala

you listen to Eric Ayala

i dius, Mateu...

And you say, Matthew...

Lo tenemos.

We have it.

Va a parlar...

He is going to speak...

Perquè ell

Because he

fa així les pitxes

do the tits like this

com molt lento, d'acord?

very slowly, okay?

El tio m'està dient

The guy is telling me.

que se l'estan...

that they are...

Mi hermana...

My sister...



ve el José Elías

Here comes José Elías.

que el tio m'està dient

what the guy is telling me

que se l'estan petant

that they are having a great time

alguna que otra empresa

some company or another

i que ha de venir aquí

and who has to come here

de camiseta negra,

wearing a black t-shirt,

empezar per a baix com tots.

Start from the bottom like everyone else.

Què va a fer avui José?

What is José going to do today?

Qual és l'objectiu?

What is the objective?

José va a arribar

José is going to arrive.

com qualsevol treballador nou

like any new worker

que hi ha aquí

what is here

al figlio d'Emiliano,

to the son of Emiliano,

camiseta negra,

black t-shirt,

i va a prendre des d'abans.

And he/she is going to take it from before.

I potser com és el José...

And maybe how José is...

El Mateu se va a la litoral, eh?

Mateu is going to the coast, right?

Però aquest té dos marxes més

But this one has two more gears.

que el Mateu

that Mateu

habla un poco más así.

speak a little more like that.



quan van amb Peldanyos

when they go with Peldanyos

al seu restaurant,

at his/her restaurant,



¿Cómo le gusta esto al Peldanyos?

How does Peldanyos like this?

Diu, Peldanyos, vale,

He says, Peldanyos, okay,

ponemos un poco de tomate.

we put in a little bit of tomato.

¿Cómo le gusta al Peldanyos?

How does Peldanyos like it?



El té més ritme.

The tea has more rhythm.

Mateu està ficat

Mateu is in trouble.

en 0,5,

in 0.5,

està ficat

he is stuck

perquè parla així

why does he/she/they speak like this

de normal


i amb Mateu.

and with Mateu.

I va dient

And he kept saying.

ja t'ho dic.

I already told you.

Ja t'ho dic.

I'm telling you.

Diu alguna cosa

Say something.

i ja t'ho dic.

And I already told you.



per acabar amb Sevilla...

to finish with Seville...

Ah, sí, doncs

Ah, yes, well then.

em van enxampar allà

they caught me there

mentre esperaven

while they waited

un dels ubers

one of the ubers

va aparèixer


el CNP,

the CNP,

Cuerpo Nacional de Policia

National Police Corps

i va baixar a la finestra

and went down to the window


of course,







Hòstia, clar.

Damn, of course.

No podies beure en la calle.

You couldn't drink in the street.



no sé què...

I don't know what...

Ens va dir

He told us.

sois muy descarau, eh?

you are very cheeky, huh?

No sé què,

I don't know what,

perquè els vam veure

because we saw them

i ho vam amagar tot

and we hid it all

al lloc.

to the place.

No ho vam amagar al lloc,

We didn't hide it in the place,

ho vam tirar enrere, saps?

We turned it back, you know?

Som muy descarau,

We are very cheeky,

no sé què.

I don't know what.

No sé si és d'aquí, no?

I don't know if it's from here, right?

I diu, no, catalanes.

And he says, no, Catalans.

I salta l'Abel per darrere,

And Abel jumps from behind,

l'Abel o...

Abel or...

Crec que va ser l'Abel,

I think it was Abel.

va dir,

he said,

o en fetxo petit,

or in small fact,

que els va dir

what he told them

catalanes però muy españoles

Catalans but very Spanish.

i es van ficar a riure

and they started to laugh

i van dir

and they said

muy bien, así no es gusta

Very well, this is how we like it.

i van marxar

and they left

i els va pelar.

and they peeled them.

És la...

It is the...

Que està per salvar-te

That is yet to save you.



de derecha españoles, eh?

From the right, Spaniards, huh?

No, box.

No, box.

I llavors diuen...

And then they say...

No, política no,

No, not politics.

però van...

but they go...

Va dir

He said

catalanes però muy españoles

Catalans but very Spanish.

i es va ficar...

and he/she got in...

El tio no s'ho esperava, saps?

The guy didn't see it coming, you know?

Va quedar a riure

He ended up laughing.

i va dir, va, com cuida'l.

He said, go ahead, take care of him.

I a mi el dia del telepizza

And for me, the Telepizza day.

em van parar, saps?

They stopped me, you know?

Perquè el del telepizza

Because of the Telepizza one.

em va deixar

he left me

10 minuts caminant

10 minutes walking

i clar,

and of course,

mentre tothom marxava

while everyone was leaving

jo anava, saps?

I was going, you know?

Tothom marxava

Everyone was leaving.

i jo anava.

and I was going.

I em para la guàrdia civil

And the civil guard stops me.

i em diu

and he/she tells me

d'on vas conèixer, saps?

Where did you meet, you know?

I jo anava

And I was going.

amb una ampolla de brugal

with a bottle of Brugal

de dos litres

of two liters

A l'home?

To the man?

Sí, i una coca-cola

Yes, and a Coca-Cola.

i un got.

and a glass.

Perquè una bossa?

Why a bag?

Sí, la bossa se'm va trencar

Yes, my bag broke.

amb la moto

with the motorcycle

va patir aquella bossa.

he suffered that bag.

I anava així mig liat

I was going like this half tangled.

com podia

how could I

i em diu

and he/she tells me

d'on vas conèixer?

Where did you meet?

I dic

I say

oh, tal, no sé què

oh, such, I don't know what

a la feria

to the fair

em diu

he/she tells me

li diu

he tells her

em diu

he/she tells me

això no el pots llevar

you can't take that away

no sé què

I don't know what.

et deixo llevar el vaso

I let you take the glass.

si quieres

if you want

així d'escondir

thus hiding



però el d'esto no

but this one not

perquè el got era de plàstic

because the cup was plastic

i clar

and of course

però la botella no

but the bottle doesn't

i jo

and me

vaig agafar

I took.

ho vaig tirar

I threw it away.


I say

però em pot llenar un últim

but can you fill me one last time

i lo tiro

and I throw it away

em va dir

he told me

ah sí, sí, sí

ah yes, yes, yes

ho vaig omplir

I filled it.

li vaig llenar

I filled him/her.

i em diu

and he/she tells me

ja, ja, no sé què

Yeah, yeah, I don't know what.

ja lo tiro jo

I'll throw it myself.

i ho va tirar

and he/she threw it away

ho va tirar

he threw it away

ho va agafar

he/she took it

ho va tirar

he/she threw it away

Home, clar

Home, of course.

ho va tirar

he threw it away

perquè diu segur que aquest torna enrere

because he says for sure that this one goes back

i m'ho torna a agafar

I take it again.

sí, clar, clar

yes, of course, of course

sí, sí

yes, yes

va, un cul

come on, a butt

un cul

a butt

va, vaig llenar

Come on, I got filled.

però hi anava

but I was going there

jo sí

I do.

millor policia

best police

que la d'aquí

than the one from here

sí, sí

yes, yes

sí, joder

yes, damn

aquí Vic

here Vic

me'l sé encartar

I know how to wrap it up.

una estomacada

a stomachache

és molt fort

it's very strong

és veritat

it's true

són allà molt

they are there a lot

i diu que no hi ha

and says that there isn't

gaires controls

too many controls

del cul a mi

from the ass to me

i tal

and such

no, hi havia control

no, there was control

més oberts, no?

more open, right?


jo quan dic control

I when I say control

hi havia poli

there were cops

pel tema de la feria

for the fair topic

que tothom

that everyone

perquè la gent camina

because people walk

pel mig de la carretera

in the middle of the road


Do you know?

vull dir

I mean

és al mig del carrer

It's in the middle of the street.

i ha d'haver-hi algú

There had to be someone.


Do you know?

i també vam conèixer

and we also met

la segona nit

the second night

heu vist

have you seen

el de C.C. Army

the C.C. Army

que sortia gent

that people were going out

sí, el que tenia

yes, what I had

un hashtag

a hashtag

que era hashtag

what was a hashtag

hòstia, no me'n recordo

Damn, I don't remember.

com era

how it was

no ho heu vist

you haven't seen it

és un vídeo

it's a video

de gent borratxa

of drunken people

que hi ha

what's going on

recopilació de gent

gathering of people



però torta

but cake

però doblegadíssima

but very bent over

que hi ha gent per la feria

there are people at the fair

no, no

no, no

caminant per la feria

walking through the fair

però doblegadíssima

but very bent

perquè el rebujito

because the rebujito

crec que et fa això

I think this does it to you.

et fa anar molt de

it makes you go a lot of

no vas veure el rebujito?

Didn’t you see the rebujito?

no, cal

no, necessary





No treguis el tema

Don't bring up the subject.

No cal treure el tema

There's no need to bring up the subject.

sí, no cal

yes, it is not necessary

no cal

not necessary

sí, sí

yes, yes

vas veure el rebujito

Did you see the rebujito?

sí, però no cal

yes, but it's not necessary

anar més

to go further

bo, doncs

Well, then.

la gent anava de costat

people were walking sideways

doncs vam conèixer un

so we met one

que anava de costat

that was going sideways

i no va amb broma

and it's not a joke

un xafat

a squashed thing

que aquest tio

that this guy



quan vas a la feria?

When are you going to the fair?

13, 14

13, 14

13, 14 d'abril

April 13 and 14



per allà

over there

després per l'enfec

after for the infection

doncs això

so that

que vam conèixer aquest tio

that we met this guy



vaia mita aquest tio

what a jerk this guy is

vaia puto mita

what a fucking joke

de costat

next to

que anava caminant

that was walking

li vam

we gave him/her

va robar una cadira

he stole a chair

d'una casseta

from a small box

vaig dir

I said



la cadira aquesta

this chair


to be able to

ah ja però

oh yes but

me la vull quedar

I want to keep it.

que és mia ja

what is mine already

i el tio la va obrir

and the guy opened it

i li vam dir

and we told him/her

haz como álava

do as álava

del Madrid

from Madrid

la va obrir

she opened it

va començar a fer

started to make

al mig els xurres

in the middle the churros

com xocolata

like chocolate

i va fer

and did it



és tot doblegat el tio

it's all bent, man

és que mira

It's just that look

he trobat

I have found.

com el hashtag

with the hashtag

amb què recopilaven els vídeos

with what they were collecting the videos

que era

what was



si tu buscaves

if you were looking



era tot de gent de la feria

it was all about the people at the fair

o no

or not

al twitter

on Twitter

o al tiktok

or on TikTok



i és que és gent

And it's just that they are people.

no va amb broma

it's not a joke

anava doblegat

was bent over

mira aquesta

look at this





t'ho juro

I swear it to you.

no va amb broma

it's no joke


I was going

és que això

it's just that this

tu és que

you are that

la meva galeria

my gallery




sí joder

yes, damn

a més que jo he tret

besides that I have taken out

el mòbil

the mobile phone

en moments claus

in key moments


you know

això però el tio aquest

this but this guy

ens va dir

he told us

que venia

that was coming

venia amb una polsera

he was wearing a bracelet


of emergencies

que havia estat atès

that had been attended to

que li havien fet

what they had done to him/her

un lavabo

a bathroom


fill in

de segones


de Las Vegas

from Las Vegas

no no

no no



acabava de sortir

had just left

de l'ambulància

of the ambulance

que estava

that was

li havien fet

they had done to him/her

una neteja

a cleaning


of stomach

però imagino

but I imagine

que t'has de cardar

that you have to screw



et fiquin

they put you in

una polsera

a bracelet


of assistance



o alguna cosa

or something

que m'han fet

what they have done to me

un lavabo

a bathroom


of stomach

i ara

and now

vinc aquí

I come here.

a Masalbever

to Masalbever

però bueno

but well





tema Sevilla

Sevilla theme



ja està

that's it



quan ens queda

when does it stay with us



de programa

of program



en quin minut

in which minute

20 minutets

20 minutes

ah ja dona

oh right then

per la rua

for the parade



ara obrim

now we open

tema rua

float theme



Fira de la Cervesa

Beer Fair

jo t'he de dir

I have to tell you.

la veritat

the truth

no vau anar

you did not go

a on


a la Fira de la Cervesa

at the Beer Festival

és que ens vam quedar

it's just that we stayed

aquí a la

here at the


of that

a la pista

on the track

al rocòdrom

to the climbing wall

hem vipit a la rua

we have drunk at the parade



Mateu arribant

Mateu arriving

Jack Rilis no

Jack Rilis no

Mateu arribant

Mateu arriving

sense camisa

without a shirt

sobre el camió

about the truck



que allò patinava

that it was slippery

el del camió és mortal

the truck one is deadly

perquè patinava

because I was skating



i el tio

and the guy

bueno i vau acabar

well, did you finish?

tots amb els peus negres

everyone with black feet

però negres

but black



perquè clar

because of course

anaven volant

they were flying





aquell tio anava frenant

that guy was slowing down

anava aixecant

was lifting

el remolc

the trailer

anava tombant

was falling

els batxes

the bats

no sé què collons feia

I don't know what the hell I was doing.

anava caient de tot

everything was falling down

tot bruts vam acabar

we ended up all dirty

se'n va la fang

the mud goes away

el terra

the ground

sí sí

yes yes



i el tio va agafar

and the guy grabbed

s'hi va pujar sobre

he climbed on it

arribant a la Fira de la Cervesa

arriving at the Beer Fair

i dic

I say

hòstia puta

holy shit

sense camisa

without a shirt

tothom a baix

everyone downstairs

ell era el del camió

he was the one with the truck

braços oberts

open arms

sí sí sí

yes yes yes

hi ha vídeo

there is a video

Jud Bellingham

Jud Bellingham

enxufant-se allà

plugging in there

no sé què collons

I don't know what the hell.



absolut bosca

absolute madness

jo el veia

I saw him.

amb una ampolla

with a bottle

d'absolut bosca

of absolute silence

no aquest és un martí

no this is a martin

que no deixa el bosca

that doesn't leave the mouth

ni com

neither how

va anar amb el bosca així

he went with the bosca like this

el tio

the uncle

i allà que va estar el camió

and there the truck was

el tio

the uncle

amb el d'allò

with that

què bevieu ja

What were you drinking already?

a Roncola no?

To Roncola, right?


jo vaig començar ja abans

I already started before.

el partit

the match

amb limonxelo

with limoncello

jo ja

me already

i dic

I say.

jo no perdo temps

I don't waste time.

dic jo ja

I say so already.

millor moment de la rua

best moment of the parade

això tio

this dude





jo et diria

I would tell you.

el cole

the school



un cop allà el cole

once there at school

era baixar del camió

it was getting off the truck

i anar a la Fira de la Cervesa

I am going to the Beer Fair.

que vau fer

What did you do?

tot el passadís aquell

all that hallway

passant pel mig

passing through the middle

doncs abans d'això

so before that

vam estar com 5 minuts allà parats

We were standing there for about 5 minutes.

que ens van dir

that they told us

tu heu de baixar

you have to go down



i allà que no baixava ningú

and there was no one coming down


do you know?

és que per baixar d'allà

it's that to get down from there

però la rua en general

but the parade in general


a mi em va agradar

I liked it.

a mi em va agradar molt

I liked it a lot.

o sigui

that is to say

ja tinc molt

I already have a lot.

jo ja

I already

vols guanyar una altra lliga

Do you want to win another league?

per tornar a segona

to return to second


tu ara vols una altra rua no?

You want another street now, right?

la gent ja ho deia

people were already saying it

hem de guanyar una altra lliga

we have to win another league

baixareu per tornar a pujar

you will go down to go back up

i fem una altra

And let's do another one.

no no

no no

guanyarem a tercera

We will win in the third division.

i pujarem a segona

we will go up to second

i és que ja sí que baixarem

And yes, we will come down now.

el que mola és veure la gent del poble

What’s cool is seeing the people from the village.



jo què sé

I don’t know.

fa gràcia no veure

it's funny not to see

la gent que surt per les finestres

the people who go out through the windows

i tal

and such

sí sí

yes yes

com sortir gent

how to get out people

en plan a veure-ho

in order to see it

sí sí

yes yes



molta molta

very very

els balcons

the balconies

jo recordo veure alguns balcons

I remember seeing some balconies.

amb molta penya

with a lot of trouble

o rotllo

or roll

no molta penya

not many people



la gent sortint als balcons

people going out onto the balconies


i seguint-nos amb cotxes

and following us with cars

a la poli

to the police

vull dir

I mean

bé bé

good good

molt bé tot

everything is very good

bé bé

good good

i a la rua

and in the parade

o sigui bé

that is well

o sigui

that is to say



tu intentes imaginar

you try to imagine

però no

but no

fins que no hi ets allà

until you're not there



No ho entens

You don't understand it.

o sigui no

so no

o sigui tu imagines d'una manera

so you imagine in a certain way

però és

but it is

completament una altra bogeria

completely another madness

és totalment superior

it is totally superior


i pots liar-la tant com vulguis

and you can mess it up as much as you want



clar i ningú et diu res

of course and no one tells you anything

perquè és com

because it's like

estan de celebració

they are celebrating

l'única condició

the only condition

que ens va ficar el preci

that put us the price



hay que llegar vivos

We need to arrive alive.

vull dir

I mean

i tothom

and everyone

ningú va caure

nobody fell

ara veus el mèrit que té

now you see the merit it has

les rues del Barça

the streets of Barça

sí sí sí

yes yes yes

que els graven i dius

that they record them and say

no van ni borratxos

not even drunk

sí sí sí

yes yes yes

dius quin mèrit

you say what merit

l'altre dia al Madrid

the other day in Madrid

anaven amb gots

they were going with cups



Cibeles a les 12 del matí

Cibeles at 12 in the morning

bueno Enxeloti ballant

good Enxeloti dancing

amb Camavinga

with Camavinga

sí sí

yes yes

brutal eh

brutal, right?



ja és mític això

this is already legendary



jo tinc un

I have one.

jo he vist tiktoks allà

I have seen TikToks there.

a Bellinga amb Vinicius

a Bellinga with Vinicius

amb un got vermell

with a red cup

vermell per no veure

red to not see

què hi ha a l'interior

What's inside?

allà l'aigua no és

there the water is not

era Fernet jo crec

It was Fernet, I think.





què és Fernet?

What is Fernet?

era Fanta tio

It was Fanta, dude.

no el que es veuen els argentins

not what the Argentines see

jo què sé

I don't know.

sí Fernet

yes Fernet

però haurien de dejar-la heavy

but they should make it heavy

després de


a les 12 del migdia

at noon

collons va jo

"damn it, let's go"

equip d'aixafats no?

team of drops, right?

ara entenc moltes coses

Now I understand many things.

d'aquesta gent

of these people

però si a les 12

but if at 12

hem d'anar celebrant

we have to keep celebrating

són els poders per això guanyen

They are the powers, that's why they win.

i per què no s'esperen

And why don't they wait?

a guanyar la Champions

to win the Champions

és un problema màgic

it's a magic problem

això sí que no ho entenc

I really don't understand that.

vull dir

I mean

volen fer 3 rues

they want to have 3 parades

la de la Lliga

the one from the League

la de la Champions

the Champions one

ah doncs així

ah well like this

vist així sí que ho fan bé

Seen this way, they do it well.

vist així

seen this way

vosaltres que us apuntin

you that they sign you up

a la Copa Catalunya

to the Copa Catalunya

aviam si guanyeu

let's see if you win

i feu una altra rua

and make another parade


holy shit

mira jo crec que

look I think that

no ho faríeu?

Wouldn't you do it?

jo crec que si guanyem

I believe that if we win



què més es pot fer que això

what else can be done than this

és que portem dues setmanes

It's just that we've been at it for two weeks.

que què més es pot fer

that what more can be done

de fet l'altre dia

in fact the other day

em paraven a Carpes

they stopped me at Carpes

que era l'opening

what the opening was

i em deien

and they told me



podies fer

could you do

si us heu flipat una mica

if you have freaked out a bit

no celebrant

not celebrating

dic tu cabron

I say you're a bastard.

fes-ho tu

do it yourself

saps això de guanyar la Lliga

do you know about winning the League

a mi a la única em van dir

they only told me

què fas

What are you doing?

celebrant un Quarta Catalana

celebrating a Fourth Catalan

i li dic

and I tell him/her

no te jode

don't mess with you

vull dir

I mean

i què vols que celebre

And what do you want me to celebrate?

el meu poble

my village

no però ja no és el teu poble

no but it is no longer your village

vull dir

I mean

tu has guanyat alguna cosa

you have won something

i no ho celebres

and you don't celebrate it

fes-ho tu

do it yourself

és de més per dir

it's more to say

jo guanyar alguna cosa

I win something.

i no celebrar-ho

and not celebrate it


ja que guanyes

since you win

el sentit és això

the meaning is this

guanyar alguna cosa

to win something

guanyar-te una Lliga

winning you a League

amb el que ha costat

with what it has cost

i tal

and such

i que som uns xofats

and we are a bunch of losers

és el que hi ha

it is what it is

vull dir

I mean

té més mèrit

has more merit

per qui sou

for whom are you

però no pel que ho fas

but not for what you do

per això mateix

for that very reason

l'any passat

last year

el San Hilari la va guanyar

San Hilari won it.

també té molt mèrit

it also has a lot of merit

només per el petit

only for the little one


el San Hilari la guanya

San Hilari wins it.

l'any passat

last year

no va entrar ni una ampolla

not a single bottle came in

d'alcohol a passejar

of alcohol to walk

només el nostre camp

only our field

saps que el nostre camp

do you know that our field

tot està permès

everything is allowed

ja ningú diu per res

nobody says anything anymore



l'any que vam pujar

the year we went up

de categoria infantil

of children's category

no ho vam celebrar

we didn't celebrate it

i vam pujar

and we went up

i no vam pujar

and we didn't go up

i les coses s'han de celebrar

And things must be celebrated.

jo no me'n recordava

I didn't remember it.

que havíem pujat

that we had climbed

la veritat

the truth

si és que ja se m'ha oblidat

if I have already forgotten it

vam pujar i no vam celebrar-ho

we went up and did not celebrate it

jo crec que és una de les coses

I believe it is one of the things.

puges, ho celebres

you rise, you celebrate

no, no

no, no

és que us he flipat

It's that I have freaked you out.

m'han dit

they told me

t'has flipat una mica

you've gone a bit overboard

no sé què

I don't know what.

dic, joder

I say, fuck.

i el que falta encara

and what is still missing

dic, perquè encara

I say, because still

es veu

it shows

ja se l'ou, no?

We already know the egg, right?

sí, en teoria

yes, in theory

s'ha dit que sí

it has been said that yes

bueno, ja és oficial

well, it's official now

ho va dir el

he said it

se l'ou

the egg

ho va dir el presi

the president said it

no sé

I don't know.

en teoria

in theory

de moment de nom té fin de

at the moment his name is fin de

s'han guardat calés, jo crec

They have saved money, I think.

han sobrat

they have been left over

no, no han sobrat

no, there haven't been any leftovers.

s'han guardat

they have been saved

ah, s'han guardat

ah, they have been saved

això tema diners i junta

this topic money and board

jo no controlo res de diners

I don’t control any money.

jo el que controlo

I control it.

és el que et diuen

it's what they tell you

no, no, jo no

no, no, not me

jo encara no

not yet

a l'Ona i a mi ens van dir

Ona and I were told.

que per fer d'espeakers

to be speakers

a la rua

to the parade

que ens convidaven

that invited us

també a la celebració

also to the celebration

bé, no, a la celebració

well, no, to the celebration

és que sí que ens ho van dir

they did tell us so

a la celebració

to the celebration

és a l'ou?

Is it in the egg?




ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Ona, ens ho van dir, oi?

Ona, they told us, right?

no sé, jo no me'n recordo

I don't know, I don't remember.

Ona, ens van dir

Ona, they told us

que per fer d'espeakers

to serve as speakers

ens convidaven, oi?

They were inviting us, right?

ah, sí, sí, sí, sí

ah, yes, yes, yes, yes

ens ho van dir

they told us

podeu fer karaoke

you can do karaoke

tiet, maia

aunt, cousin

ens convides, no?

You invite us, don’t you?

a l'ou

to the egg

Ona, t'ha costat

Ona, it has been hard for you.

no recordo

I don't remember.

però sí, sí

but yes, yes

ara m'ha vingut al cap

now it has come to my mind

que a casa meva

that at my house

m'ho va dir el meu tiet

my uncle told me

o sigui, aneu-vos fent

I mean, take your time.

a la idea de faca

to the idea of a dagger

que vindrem

that we will come

va, vale, sí, sí

Okay, yes, yes.

li vaig dir al Montserrat

I told Montserrat.

també a la teva tieta

also to your aunt

que vingués, eh?

that he/she would come, huh?



sí, sí, que vingui tothom

yes, yes, let everyone come

jo a l'edat maia

me at the Maya age

no el puc estar vigilant

I can't be watching him.

ni un cap de setmana

not even a weekend

a mi se m'ha pagat molts diners

I have been paid a lot of money.

l'edat em va venir

age came to me

l'últim salou?

the last farewell?

no, ell era juvenil

no, he was juvenile



ojo, eh, ara, doncs

watch out, eh, now, then

no, sí, clar, sí

no, yes, of course, yes

aquest tio

this guy

aquest tio, mira

this guy, look

ja amb un dia a Barna

already with a day in Barcelona

en vaig tenir prou

I had enough of it.

i ja

and that's it

m'he anat fent l'idea

I've been getting the idea.

que m'ho he d'endur

that I have to take it with me

un cap de setmana

a weekend

i després de la rua

and after the parade

que vau anar

that you went

a fer la cervesa

to make the beer

us va agradar allò

Did you like that?

o el dia, bueno

or the day, good

jo, sincerament

I, honestly

poca cosa, no?

Not much, right?

poden haver fet

they may have done

alguna cosa més especial

something more special

jo crec

I believe

jo crec que va anar

I think it went.

una mala hora

a bad time

perquè no hi havia ningú

because there was no one there

tocant ni res

touching or nothing

o no sé si vam interrompre

or I don't know if we interrupted

però, au

but, come on

no vam deixar començar

we didn't let it start

vam començar

we started

no vam deixar començar

we didn't let [him/her/them] start

la gent no sabia

the people didn't know

ni que apareixeríeu

nor would you appear

clar, no estava anunciat

Of course, it wasn't announced.

i de cop i volta

and suddenly


they say

apareix el primer equip

the first team appears

i volien

and they wanted

i vosaltres borratxos

and you drunks

vull dir

I mean

la gent no estava receptiva

people were not receptive

jo crec que s'hauria d'haver

I believe it should have been.

preparat una miqueta

get ready a little bit

millor, la veritat

better, the truth

no, jo crec que s'hauria

No, I think it should have.

d'haver avisat

of having warned



no, si ja es va avisar, eh

No, if it was already warned, eh.

les coses no s'avisen, joder

Things don't give warning, damn it.

la gent

the people

la gent que anava

the people who were going

a la fila de cervesa

in the beer line

a consumir

to consume

no sabia que apareixeria

I didn't know that you would appear.

no, havíem de fer com

no, we had to do like

ara en breus apareixerà

it will appear shortly




Do you know?

tipo, aplaudiu, tal

dude, applaud, such

no sé

I don't know.

o bé, haver enviat

or having sent

haver enviat el típic

having sent the typical

paumiano sobre l'escenari

paumiano on stage

eh, que molligau

Hey, you are so silly.


do you know?

alguna cosa així

something like that

vau aparèixer

you appeared

molta gent

lots of people

no va veure ni qui era

didn't even see who it was

o sigui, perquè

that is, because

hi havia tanta gent

there were so many people

a darrere de tot

behind it all

que si tu estaves

that if you were

als costats

on the sides

veies caps

you see heads

però no sabies qui era

but you didn't know who it was

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

llavors com?

then how?

què està passant aquí?

What is happening here?

també s'ha de dir que jo crec

it must also be said that I believe

que hi havia gent que no tenia

that there were people who did not have

ni puta idea del que passava

no fucking idea what was happening

per això

that's why

i que

and that

no, no

no, no

i a sobre que els donaria

and on top of that, what I would give them

igual també

the same as well

bueno, clar, per

well, of course, for



el moment de

the moment of

a mi em va faltar

I was lacking.

que algú pujés a l'escenari

that someone went up on stage

o agafava el micro

or I would grab the microphone

i jo diria

and I would say



no Mateu

no Mateu

qui anava a pujar?

Who was going to get on?

Montes i Sidu

Montes and Sidu

quasi pugen

almost rise

hauríeu d'haver fet

you should have done

speech de capitans

captains' speech

ja, però jo no ho soc

Yes, but I am not.

no, ja, ja

no, already, already

però vull

but I want

en plan, no sé

like, I don't know

saps com quan el Barça

you know how when Barça

sortia al Camp Nou

I was going out to the Camp Nou.



sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

això hauria de fer

this should be done



o veia el fetxo

or saw the fact

que és junt

what is together

ho podria haver fet

I could have done it.



però bueno

but well

després la tornada

after the return

aquí a l'edifici

here in the building

on estem

Where are we?

bon sopar

good dinner


molt bon sopar Ona

very good dinner Ona

molt bon sopar

very good dinner

estava boníssim tot

everything was delicious



la Ona i jo

Ona and I

vam agafar bocata

we got a sandwich

a la fila

in line

de cervesa

of beer

perquè ens pensàvem

because we thought

que seria pica-pica

what would be appetizers

de patates d'oliva

of olive potatoes

i llavors

and then

a la fila de cervesa

in the beer line

ens van donar

they gave us



bocata de pinxo

skewered sandwich

estava molt bo

it was very good

però jo no vaig menjar res

but I didn't eat anything

o sigui

that is to say

em vaig posar les gotes aquí

I put the drops here.

tu, quina sort

you, what luck

porto tres setmanes sortint

I've been going out for three weeks.

sense sopar

without dinner

rotllo picant alguna cosa

spicy roll something



i per exemple

and for example

no ets sopar

you are not dinner

però és que aquí hi havia

but it is that there were here



patates braves

spicy potatoes


cured sausages

què que vaig agafar?

What did I grab?

vaig agafar

I took

dos catxes de truites

two trays of omelettes

així petits

so small

i pa amb tomàquet

and bread with tomato

vaig menjar

I ate.

i ja està

and that's it

la truita estava molt bona

the omelette was very good

la veritat

the truth

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

clar, nosaltres diem

of course, we say

buà, sopem aquí no sé què

Wow, we’re having dinner here I don’t know what.

després diem

then we say

hòstia, anem amb el bocata

Wow, let's go with the sandwich.

anem a la fila

let's go to the queue

queda botifarra

there's some sausage left

no, ja no queda botifarra

no, there is no more sausage left

ja s'han acabat totes

they are all finished now

i jo dic

and I say

però queda algo

but there is something left

i diu

and says

bueno, pernil salat

well, salted ham

i pinxos

and skewers

i dic

I say.

porta pinxos

bring skewers

i vaig anar allà

I went there.

a la fila de cervesa

in the beer line

els vaig dir

I told them.



dic una hora més

I say one more hour.

aquí que em queda encara

here that I still have left

dic que em donin alguna cosa

I say to give me something.

per menjar un bocata

to eat a sandwich

del que sigui

whatever it may be

o no sé què

or I don't know what

que m'han començat a fer la pirula

they've started to trick me

i em van atabalar

and they overwhelmed me

dic vale, no

I say okay, no.

donem un roncola

let's give a roncola

i no m'atabalis més

and don't overwhelm me anymore

i es veu

and it shows

no sé qui m'ho ha dit

I don't know who told me.

que s'havien pensat

that they had thought

al mig del camió

in the middle of the truck

trucar al kebab

call the kebab

de gust

of pleasure

que vingués a

that he/she would come to

no, no

no, no

el vam veure

we saw him

te'n recordes

do you remember

que vam veure'l del kebab

that we saw him from the kebab

quan sortíem

when we went out

de la meva casa

from my house

vam veure'l del kebab

we saw him from the kebab



amb la motxilla

with the backpack



crec que es va dir

I think it was said.

que volien parar a la plaça

they wanted to stop in the square

i que el del kebab

And what about the kebab?

ens tragués algo

he/she would take something from us

per d'allò

for that

que començés a tirar durums

that you started throwing durums

sí, cap amunt

yes, up


you know

i si t'agrada el picant bèstia

and if you like it spicy, beast

hagués sigut molt icònic

it would have been very iconic

imagina tirant 15 durums

imagine throwing 15 durums

damunt d'un camió

on top of a truck

era més de 15

it was more than 15

eren 20

they were 20


you know

sobre aquell poble

about that village

n'hi ha 5 que no pillen

There are 5 that don’t get it.

per tant s'ha de pagar

therefore it must be paid

pel durum

for the durum

l'hauríem fet al mes

we should have done it in the month

això factura

this bills

l'ètic balanyà

the ethical balanyà

i li fem al mes

and we do it to him/her per month

allò ja

that already





pilles combo

combo pills

podem ser

we can be



l'any que ve

next year

seria molt bo

it would be very good

seria molt meme

it would be very meme

bar la

bar the

bar la plaça

bar the square

kebab la plaça

kebab the square

seria molt meme

it would be very meme

ah sí sí

ah yes yes

la plaça

the square

sí sí

yes yes

kebab la plaça

kebab the square

hem de fer contactes

we need to make contacts

amb el del kebab

with the kebab one

i ja

and already



la cosa és que

the thing is that

sopars de club

club dinners

es farien allà

they would be made there

i són molt criminals

and they are very criminal

i a sobre que està bo

and on top that it's good

a mi m'agrada

I like it.

la veritat

the truth

no no

no no

però el local

but the place

fer sopar d'aquí

make dinner from here

per allà

over there

fas fora allà

you do it outside there

la pasteta que hi ha

the little cake that is there

ja està

it's done

el nostre entrenador

our coach


you would bring

em va venir allà

he came to me there

jo tinc molta gana

I am very hungry.

no sé què

I don't know what.

i no em donen

and they don't give me

un bocata

a sandwich

i em diuen

and they call me

és el kebab

it's the kebab

va anar el kebab

he went to the kebab

el tio sol

the sun man

i va tornar

and he/she/it returned

un kebab

a kebab

i va tornar

and he/she/it returned

i després m'arriba

and then it comes to me

és que

it's that

era com tenir un nen petit

it was like having a small child

ja no tens gana

you're not hungry anymore

no ja estic tip

I'm already fed up.

i li dic

and I say to him/her

i ara què et falta

And now, what do you lack?

em diu

he/she tells me

hòstia ara començo a tenir fred

Damn, I'm starting to feel cold now.

anant als del Joanac

going to the Joanac's

demanant suaderes vermelles

asking for red sweaters

perquè tenia fred

because I was cold

un tio que té 30 anys

a guy who is 30 years old

entrenador portés

goalkeeping coach

de niquiladores

of napkin holders

i un fill

and a son

t'ho juro

I swear to you.

anava a dir

I was going to say

després que l'Ona i jo

after Ona and I

féssim el

let's do the





què tal

how are you

jo vull també

I want also.

jo és que estava fet

I was just done.

la veritat

the truth

jo estava fet molt cald

I was very hot.



és que anava malalt

It's just that I was sick.

jo portava tota la setmana

I had been carrying all week.



i dic

I say

jo mira

I look.

si he de morir moro

if I have to die, I die

jo en aquell moment

I at that moment

en aquell moment

at that moment

el que anava més cascat

the one who was in worse condition

per mi

for me

en Mateu

in Matthew



el discurs de l'Onda

the speech of the Wave

però perquè ja és així

but because it is already like this

és així

that's how it is

clar Pau

clear Pau

és que has de pensar que

you have to think that

ell és així

he is like that

però el Mateu

but Mateu

no però vull dir

no but I mean

l'Onda no ha deixat el micro

The wave has not left the microphone.

però perquè

but why

és el que ho he deixat jo

it's what I've left it.



sí sí

yes yes

era totalment es va obrir

it was completely opened

del corassó

of the heart

per això

that's why

però en Mateu

but in Mateu

en Mateu

in Mateu

no no

no no



volguem treure-li el micro al preci

we wanted to take the microphone off the price

al final

in the end

no no

no no

i no sé

I don't know.

em sembla que era el Montes

I think it was Montes.

en plan

in plan

que li deia com

that I was telling her how

Mateu vine

Mateu come here.

Mateu vine ja

Mateu come already



com intentant

as trying

la típica que aranya

the typical that scratches

com per

as for

deixa'm els capets

leave me the heads

en plan

in a way

i el Mateu allà

and Mateu there



en el passadís

in the hallway

a l'hora de recollir el premi

at the time of receiving the award

el que va rebre més

the one who received the most

jo crec que

I believe that

podria ser

could be

jo vaig veure

I saw

Martí Pla

Martí Pla

Martí va ser dels que

Martí was one of those who



va rebre bastant

he/she received quite a bit

jo vaig fer bé

I did well.

perquè estava com allà al mig

because I was like right there in the middle

i segurament van ser

and they probably were

com dos passes ràpides

like two quick steps


you know

i em van donar l'esquena

and they turned their back on me

i el meu jugant

and my playing

que sóc

what I am



i el de Oso

and the one from Oso





ai Uri

oh Uri

Pla va rebre

Pla received.

perquè clar

because of course

després hi ha la gent

after there are people

començava des del talló

it started from the heel

i la gent venia ja corrent

and people were already running in.





perquè si no

because if not

la pallícia era

the palliation was



Izqui també

Izqui too

jo li vaig cardar una forta

I gave him/her a strong one.

no sé

I don't know.

jo vaig cardar tothom molt fort

I screwed everyone very hard.

patades al cul

kick in the ass

sobretot vaig cardar

above all, I ended up screwing up

i la festa després

and the party after


the MBB

bé bé

okay okay



les mars

the mars

les mars es van llevar

the seas rose

totes amb agulletes

all with sore muscles

el diumenge


per a 100%

for 100%

es va tenir ballant

he/she was made to dance

tres hores seguides

three consecutive hours

sense parar

without stopping

fumba aquí

smoke here

les va tenir

he had them

hòstia santa

holy shit

és que

it's that



o sigui

that is to say

la gent anava entrant

people were entering

i sortint i tal

and going out and such

però dins dins

but inside inside

de dir

to say

estem a dins

we are inside


the Abel

jo i en Montes

me and Montes

ni no amb broma

neither yes nor joking

en Montes i jo

in Montes and I

sobre l'escenari

on the stage

aquell que allà

that one over there

que li dèiem la tarima

that we called the platform

i d'allà no sortíem

and we wouldn't come out of there

d'allà no ens baixava ningú

Nobody was coming down from there.

i l'Abel amb les mares

and Abel with the mothers

allà ballant

there dancing

bona música eh

good music, huh

de DJ Romí

by DJ Romí

sí sí

yes yes

DJ Romí

DJ Romí

i DJ Gallardo

and DJ Gallardo



ben parits

well born

no no bé bé

no no good good

vull dir

I mean

aquí a l'Ajuntament

here at the Town Hall

bé després vam anar

well then we went

però és que clar

but the thing is, of course

el que et deia

what I was telling you

jo és que portava tota la setmana malalt

I had been sick all week.

i el dissabte

and on Saturday

allò que

that which

durant la setmana vas dient

during the week you keep saying

tu no arribo

I won't make it.

no arribo

I can't make it.

he d'arribar el dissabte bé

He must arrive on Saturday well.

com sigui

whatever it may be

clar que no vaig arribar bé

of course I didn't arrive well

i dic

I say

no em prendré medicaments

I will not take medication.



pimple igual

pimple equals

i ja està

and that's it

i algun dia o altre

and someday or another

ja em posaré bé

I will be fine.

i aquí estem

And here we are.


was going

no amb broma

not joking

anava amb dos bessons al cap

I had two twins on my mind.

però t'ho juro

but I swear to you

perquè tenia febre

because he/she had a fever

però a més no ho podia

but also I couldn't do it

després me'n vaig anar a Carpes

then I went to Carpes

un fred que vaig passar allà

a cold that I experienced there

ben malalt que estava

badly ill that he was

però bueno

but well

aquí estic

here I am

molt bé

very good

amb la Cami

with Cami

que es pot comprar

what can be bought

DM a l'Atlètic Balanyà

DM to Atlètic Balanyà

per Insta

for Insta

demaneu la talla

ask for the size

el nom

the name

15 pavos

15 bucks

el nom

the name

com el nom

with the name


per aquí és la samarreta

here is the t-shirt

no diries

you wouldn't say

vull una samarreta

I want a t-shirt.

em pensava que deies

I thought you were saying.

posa el meu nom darrere

put my name behind



el nom no

the name no


which ones

ara vull treure merda

Now I want to take out the trash.

persones que s'hagin enxufat

people who have been hooked up

a la samarreta

on the T-shirt

s'hagin enxufat

they have plugged in

a la teva dreta

to your right

hi ha una

there is a



ja perquè si no

yes, because if not

no quadraven els noms

the names didn't match



jo em vaig enxufar

I plugged myself in.

perquè no

why not

no quadraven els noms

the names didn't match

Abel Alaminos

Abel Alaminos

m'han dit que també

I've been told that too.

no bueno

not good

quants partits va jugar Abel

how many matches did Abel play

no té ni fitxa

he doesn't even have a card

no té fitxa

does not have a record



si és capi

if it's a boss



jo volia ficar només

I only wanted to put.

els que tenen fitxa

those who have a record

però ja va començar l'Abel

but Abel already started

mira m'has puesto

look what you have done to me

no sé què

I don't know what.

i bueno

And good?

doncs el posem

so we put it on

i em deia

and it was called me

has de posar Coro

you have to put Coro

i jo

and me

però Coro no ha jugat

but Coro has not played

no té fitxa

it has no card


come on

posem el Coro

let's put the Chorus

clar després ja no quadra

of course then it doesn't add up anymore

i que era Anguita

and who was Anguita

i que no hi ha jugat

and that has not played there

sí però ha jugat

yes but he/she has played

l'únic que es va borrar

the only thing that was erased

igual que l'Arnau Gallardo

just like Arnau Gallardo

també es va

it also goes

bueno l'Arnau Gallardo

well, Arnau Gallardo

va venir mitja temporada

he came halfway through the season

no ni mitja

no or half

tres setmanes i va marxar

three weeks and he left

tres partits

three matches

però bueno

but well

jo què sé

I don't know.

tampoc quadrava

it didn't add up either

i el vas posar

and you put it


i van ficar el Daguel

and they put Daguel in

perquè clar

because of course

i el Javi

and Javi

entrenador de porters

goalkeeper coach

que vam començar

that we started

nosaltres a maquinar

we are to machine

i després ja

and then already

després ja

afterwards already

la que va agafar

the one who took

les riendes fortes

the strong reins

del tema

of the topic

va ser Roser

it was Roser

pare Aymar

Father Aymar



però el tema

but the issue

el portàvem nosaltres

we carried it

i de fet tenim un grup

and in fact we have a group

de guats

of guats



camisetes campenes

bell-shaped shirts

hem de canviar l'any

we have to change the year




sí sí

yes yes

però guapa

but beautiful

ha quedat guapa

It has turned out beautiful.

negra, dourada

black, golden

tots els noms

all the names

i això té com un relleu

and this has like a relief

pot haver-hi nova samarreta

there can be a new t-shirt

l'any que ve o no

next year or not

al principi de moment

at the beginning of the moment

amb la que hi ha

with the one that exists

com que és nova tal

since it is new such

sí, no, no

yes, no, no

jo crec que no

I don't think so.

es manté, no?

It stays, right?

sí, sí

yes, yes

són noves

they are new

la segona equipa és igual

the second team is the same

sí, sí

yes, yes

hi ha moltes samarretes

there are many t-shirts

així gastades

thus worn out

però és que estan molt bé

but they are very good

i són molt maques

and they are very pretty

jo crec que és de les samarretes

I think it's about the t-shirts.





quan vas a veure-les

when are you going to see them

un dia així que el sol pica bé

a day like this when the sun is shining nicely

i es veu

and it shows

rotllo que no hi ha núvol

brother that there is no cloud

i que

and that


do you know?

els colors salten

the colors jump

i es veu molt bé

and it looks really good

crec que és l'any de l'Atlètic

I believe it's Atlético's year.

amb millors samarretes

with better t-shirts

jo crec que

I believe that



algun partit hauríem de jugar

we should play some match

amb unes així vintage

with such vintage ones

bueno vintage

vintage good



com les de la celebració

like those of the celebration



sí, aquelles

yes, those

són mítiques

they are mythical

on vas a trobar

where are you going to find

aquesta samarreta?

this T-shirt?

jo què sé

I don't know.

jo no sé si l'he de tornar o no

I don't know if I have to return it or not.

si l'he de tornar

if I have to return it

agafaré el diari

I will take the newspaper.

que surt una foto

that a photo comes out

el diari que sortim allà

the newspaper that comes out there

el 9-9 del dia

the 9-9 of the day

sí, a la foto amb Garant

yes, in the photo with Garant


agafaré, retallaré allò

I will take, I will cut that.

em marcaré la samarreta

I will mark my t-shirt.

i ja l'hi encascaré

And I'll just stick it to him/her.

i m'ho ficaré a l'habitació

I will put it in the room.


a l'escenari

on stage

vau veure

you saw

que hi havia

that there was

una enganxina

a sticker

que ficava

that would place



l'escut de Balanyà

the coat of arms of Balanyà

doncs aquell escut

so that shield

està a casa meu

he is at my house

el tinc a l'habitació

I have it in the room.

el vaig veure al Virreal

I saw him at the Virreal.

el tinc a l'habitació

I have it in the room.

ha enganxat

has stuck

sí, sí

yes, yes

ha enganxat malament

he has stuck it wrong

però el tinc a l'habitació

but I have it in the room

ha enganxat tort

he has stuck a pie

sí, sí

yes, yes

però si vaig arribar

but I did arrive

a les 8 del matí

at 8 in the morning

i dic

I say.

què faig amb això ara

what do I do with this now

i vas fer

and you did



i allò que es va quedar

and what remained

cada dia que em llevo

every day that I wake up

veig la cosa més maca

I see the most beautiful thing.



hi ha una enganxeta aquí sota

there is a sticker under here



on aquí sota?

What's down here?

bueno, on està això de la roba

well, where is this clothing thing?

davant de la porta

in front of the door

aquesta gran de fusta

this large wooden one

ah sí?

Oh really?

crec que

I believe that

hòstia, no en tinc ni idea

Wow, I have no idea.

no m'he fixat

I haven't noticed.

no, vaig agafar jo

no, I took it.

el que està enganxat allà

what is stuck there

un estava al camió

one was in the truck

i se'l va ficar en vila

and he was put in the village

ens el van ficar al pantaló

they put it in the pants

ens el vam enganxar al pantaló

we caught him on the pants

no demanis

don't ask





a l'arribar a casa

upon arriving home


I say

jo no ho tiraré això

I won't throw this away.




I say


it sticks

cap endavant

head forward

i ara l'intentaré arreglar

And now I will try to fix it.

i au

and that's it

i me'l ficaré guapo a l'habitació

And I'll get myself good-looking in the room.

Martí Pla

Martí Pla

amb el top també

with the top too

va anar a carpes el tio

The uncle went to tents.

amb la samarreta de campions

with the champions' jersey

i va entrar

and he/she entered


i li van dir

and they told him/her

te l'has de tapar

you have to cover it up

amb la suadera

with the hoodie

no sé què

I don't know what.

i el tio anava tan tocat

and the guy was so messed up

anava a aixecar la suadera

I was going to raise the sweatshirt.

i anava fent

I was going along.


let's go

som equip de tercera

we are a third team

no sé què

I don't know what.



i ens vam trobar

and we met

un del Garriga

one from Garriga

i el va veure

and he saw him

i li va començar

and it started for him/her

a l'orella

to the ear



que som campions

that we are champions

no sé què

I don't know what.

amb la bufanda

with the scarf

ficada com un cinturó

stuck like a belt

saps els boxers

do you know the boxers

això és quan guanyen

this is when they win

el cinturó

the belt



amb la bufanda

with the scarf

i el tio ben xafat

and the guy well-built


I say

hòstia puta

holy shit

i el de la Garriga

and the one from La Garriga

no va dir res

he didn't say anything

que va

no way

no se'n van enterar

they didn't notice

Mateu igual

Mateu the same

Mateu anava amb la samarreta de campions

Mateu was wearing the champions' t-shirt.

i aquest ja

and this one already

saps quan un tio no té

you know when a guy doesn’t have

no té

does not have

no té forces

has no strength

no té res

it has nothing

que la gent ja el mou

that people are already moving it


you know


of that

el tio doncs estava

the guy was then

al mig de carpes allà

in the middle of tents there

al mig de la carpa

in the middle of the tent

fent la baldufa

spinning the top



Mateu estàs aquí

Mateu, are you here?

no sé

I don't know.

no sabien el seu nom

they did not know his name









crec que ja per acabar

I think that to finish up already.

ja estem acabant

we are almost done

no ja

not already

sí sí

yes yes

millor festa de la temporada

best party of the season



festa en quin sentit

party in what sense

de celebració de partit

celebration of the match







de sortida


de sortir

to go out


of these

nits que dius

nights that you say

nit de rua

street night

nit de

night of

després d'altona

after Altona

sopar d'equip

team dinner



jo per mi

for me

la meva preferida

my favorite

la del complet

the complete one



perquè és el

because it is the

és molt difícil

it's very difficult

fer que

make that



20 persones baixin

20 people go down.

a Barna

to Barcelona

a un pis

to an apartment



i l'any demà

and the year tomorrow

sí això

yes this

el dia següent

the following day

es llevin al matí

they get up in the morning

a jugar un puto partit

to play a fucking game

a mistot

a mistot - "a little bit"



més que res

more than anything

pel xou

for the show

d'estar allà al pis

to be there in the flat

fins tard

see you later

anar tots junts a Downtown

to go all together to Downtown



perquè ells tenen

because they have

Downtown a 15 minuts

Downtown 15 minutes.

anar tots junts

go all together

estar tots junts allà

to be all together there

ser un equip

be a team

tu de mirar l'hora

you looking at the time

i dir tu

and say you

que en 4 hores

that in 4 hours

hem d'estar

we have to be

hem d'estar al municipal

we must be at the municipal

de Tona

from Tona

saps allà

do you know there?

per d'allò

for that reason

o sigui

that is to say

és el moment

it's the moment

que es fa equip

what is done as a team

i aquest és el que

and this is what

el dia així top

the day like this top

de sortir

to go out



doncs molt bé

well then, very good

crec que estem molt contents

I think we are very happy.

que haguem pujat

that we have climbed

a tercera catalana

to the third Catalan division

tu la gent del poble

you the people of the village

està molt contenta

she is very happy


és un orgull

it is a pride

ahir em va parar

yesterday I was stopped

un senyor gran

an elderly gentleman

que no sé qui és

I don't know who it is.



ja tocava

It was about time.

no sé què

I don't know what.



estem orgullosos

we are proud

no sé què

I don't know what.

molt bé

very good



però no tinc ni idea

but I have no idea

de qui és

whose is it

no en tinc ni idea

I have no idea.



tu digues gràcies

you say thank you



sí sí

yes yes


thank you

i l'any que ve

and next year

és segon

it's second





càntic nou

new song

que va sortir

that came out

on de punta

on the edge

hi ha segunda

there is a second

perquè on de punta

because where at the tip



enxufaria gol

I would plug in a goal.

cada setmana

every week


we would win

cada setmana

every week

on de punta

on the tip

hi ha segunda

there is a second

hagués sigut un amos

it would have been a master

i hagués disputat

I would have disputed

el pitxitxi

the little chick

el ficarem de punta

we'll put it on point

jo crec que sí

I think so.

passa que

it happens that




i tant


si va fer 4 gols

if he scored 4 goals

xungo va fer 4 gols

Xungo scored 4 goals.

aquest tio

this guy

és un animal

it is an animal

aquest tio

this guy

ja t'ho he dit

I've already told you.

que quan vol

that when he/she wants

quan vol

whenever you want

i a sobre de cap

and above the head

o sigui de cap

that is to say, headfirst

és un mestre

he is a teacher


és que és un portent físic

it's that he is a physical powerhouse

és una cosa física

it's a physical thing

tot això

all of this

bueno doncs

well then

merci Zaga

thank you Zaga

merci Gael

thank you Gael

per haver vingut

for having come

a vosaltres

to you



no sé

I don’t know.

fins aquí

up to here

l'hora dels Fabrega

the hour of the Fabregas

del mes de maig

of the month of May



no sé

I don't know.

per quin anem

which one are we going for



però crec

but I believe

a l'abril

in April

no sé si va entrar un

I don’t know if one came in.


crec que sí

I believe so.



si no

if not

amb dos més

with two more



i recordar

and remember

que el mes que ve

that next month

últim programa

last program

de la temporada

of the season

Copa Catalunya

Catalonia Cup

no o què

no or what



el què

the what

si fem alguna cosa

if we do something

ja ens tenim Copa Catalunya

We already have the Copa Catalunya.

ho sabíeu

did you know

ah sí

oh yes

primera ronda

first round

juguem ja al juny

let's play in June already



bueno doncs

well then

doncs la pela bastant

then it's quite a lot



són billetitos

they are little tickets

jo he vist més interès

I have seen more interest.

per anar al cap de setmana

to go for the weekend

que no pas per la Copa Catalunya

that not for the Copa Catalunya

aviam si

let's see if

aviam si també

let's see if also

es pot aconseguir

it can be achieved


to mount

o jo

or me

mira a mi em faria il·lusió

Look, it would make me happy.

passar una ronda

to take a round

la primera ronda

the first round

que és un partit

what is a party



qui guanyi passa

whoever wins moves on

la primera ronda

the first round

i amb això ja

and with this already

ja anava a dir també

I was going to say that too.

de muntar

to set up

el sis poble l'any que ve

the six village next year

un tenderete

a stall

per comentaristes

for commentators




I put

de la meva participació

of my participation

per ser comentarista

to be a commentator

això ho has de parlar

you have to talk about this

amb el Gael

with Gael

ja vam parlar però

we already talked but

té contacte

has contact

amb la Junta

with the Board




he/she will speak

jo també tinc contacte

I also have contact.

direct amb la Junta

direct with the Board

aviam si es pot habilitar

let's see if it can be enabled

dos micros

two microphones

ni que siguin

even if they are

comentar els partits

comment on the matches

i fer allà

and do there



amb Twitch bro

with Twitch bro

eh tu juro

hey you, I swear

que si l'any que ve

that if next year

es pot fer retransmissió

it can be broadcasted





els dissabtes


me'ls adjudico

I'll take them.

el que cal allà

what is needed there

és wifi

it's wifi



doncs ja saps

well, you know

de fet


vam pensar

we thought

munteu això

mount this

i ja està

and that's it

doncs ja

then already

en Gael

in Gael

hi ha moràfils

there are morafils

hem de parlar

we need to talk



doncs això

so that's it

moltes gràcies a tots

thank you very much to everyone

i ens veiem

and we'll see each other

doncs el mes que ve

well, next month



una abraçadeta

a little hug



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